#28 Ok. Who are you again?
#5 Uhm, Ok. Let’s see you do better. 👌 #8 TLDR gibberish 🤣 #9 Use some decent punctuation FFS 😒 #13 Whiny little bitch. Nobody except your whiny little POS fans care what you have to say or think. Go make some more eyes and stick to that FFS! ☣️ #16 It’s a sad reality that they don’t care who blogs for them. It’s up to us to stop putting money their pockets. The truth is that very few merchants know anything about business. #19 So true! Copybotter! #21 Huh? #23 LMFAO. Why didn’t you just ask Kiria about it you self-centered asshole. She’s literally one of the nicest designers on this platform. #25 Take it to FS support. 99% of the time it’s user error when updating. Y’all can’t read or follow instructions and think your way is better. That’s what you get! #26 I’ll assume you’re not a “creator” and if you are get some balls and tell your bloggers directly. #27 No mod is stupid I’ll give you that, but so are you for thinking you have the right to copy bot someone’s intellectual property. I can’t imagine being so “desperate”. LMAO! #31 Agree! I’m sure they have some very well thought out reason though. This is their answer to everything. #32 LMAO nobody gives a fuck! #33 Bully & stalker piece of trash. Anyone who still supports this lunatic is just as bad. ⚠️ #34 I’ve never needed a neck fix. Again usually user error. The “great” skin stores just throw them out for y’all so you stop whining. Most don’t give a shit about your fucking neck line. #35 LMAO! #40 Families in SL are nothing but BS. They will all turn on each other at any moment and for the most petty things. #42… Read more »
#38 Boohoo squid and tim are butthurt cause people still understand what peices of dramatic shit they are. No one cares if your relationship is good (it’s not and we all know it. Tim “can fuck any bitch he wants” if he breaks up with you again)
It’s even sadder that tims only supporter is his ‘gf’. Just quit sl and twitter. This is probably why Pau understood the assignment and dipped.
So many people in Cedar Creek appear to dislike Lucy, why not all get together in the town Discord and raise hell together about the unfair treatment?
The sad thing is that people have reported her. It goes ignored. It gets brushed under the rug. She plays victim and lies and sometimes the person reporting gets pushed away by being treated unfairly after. One guy who reported her for poaching from his sim coincidentally was wrongfully called a pedo on here. She allegedly submitted it out of spite.
#4 aren’t groups only lit up like that if you’re looking at you’re own profile? 😂😂😂🤔🤔
No, it can look like that if you have a group activated that the other person is in; there would be a wrench button next to their display name and a “Copy URI” button next to that box if it was a person looking at their own profile.
11 – What’s sad as fuck is twofold: First, they still do this. Second, male subs do the same thing to dominants regardless of gender. Fem-types are known to push too hard too soon also, but it’s heavily skewed toward masc-type kinksters as a bad habit in common.
35 – Braviss. That was marvelous parody.
47 – The people talking of outfits are overdoing it. Just highlight the ones you want to remove as a batch in the appropriate Outfit folder, right-click them, and choose Remove. They’ll still be highlighted after you add the demo and remain in the same wear order, so right-clicking and choosing Add should work perfectly. If you don’t know how to highlight a list of items in an Outfit folder (and I think I may be patronizing you a tad in the name of being extra-careful), you single-click the first one of them, scroll down to where you can see the last one, and use shift-click on that. If you don’t want some of the items in between to come off, you use control-click on those to deselect them. I like the layers-only folder, though. Same basic purpose and selecting issues are eliminated.
#6 Besides the obvious like this RP I hate that Lucy is so desperate for attention that she takes the spotlight from her events coordinators when they talk about their events . She tries hard to divert all attention to herself and her event. Some manager she is
I find it funny that she took away the community center to open yet another restaurant.
#47 There is a simpler way. Outfit folders. If you are using Firestorm, go to the appearance window, select “outfits” and save what you’re wearing…create a new outfit, remove the makeup, and all those layers, and save… there’s your shopping outfit… then when you are out demo shopping, you don’t have to shift through 50+ layers (which isn’t possible to do btw…don’t even think you can have 50+ layers on your avatar, but whatever). There’s your simpler way. You have to be smarter than the program.
BOM layers max out at 64. This includes alphas.
#58. If she knew what was good for her she definitely wouldn’t be with Mikey
Run girl. Run before he ruins you like all the other girls
Naaah she thinks she speshul, the rest of girls weren’t.
You’re just a couple of jealous cunts spreading false rumours.
#47 Or you can make a outfit of your 50 layers SAVE IT and add or remove it with a couple of clicks…
#48 Or buy socks that have an HUD to hide parts of the foot? Or BOM under your item?
Someone gimme a run down on the Timbrewolf/TimTamWolf Drama
Wild. God bless though
What a fucking Dramallama
I humbly offer you the knowledge of the scroll wheel

There’s much more circulating on this guy and Salireths. He compares bestiality as the same as homosexuality. The last image is very ironic.
Why are you in a discord sever with him? Are you some kind of dogfucker too? You’re disgusting.
So if someone shares a discord with felix, even if it’s a group EVERYONE joins, like a store group. AUTOMATICALLY, they’re a zoophile and are just as bad as him? Even though no one has any idea who he is.
You mean that discord where multiple people are talking about “zoophile rights”? Yeah, incredibly obvious zoophile discord. Let me guess though, he’s only there to troll them or spy on them right? 😄
Or possibly they have a cracked discord and were able to get the information for proof? Like some people do just to call people out on their shittiness. And ya, no there’s actually people who do that. But hey, I’m pretty sure I called this shit out in another posting sometime ago, think it was with leo actually. Where someone was asking why we don’t go find the feral sims and rat people out.
well case and point. This reason, why try to call people out for being a zoo, show proof and then get the ” Oh how do you know it’s a zoo place? You went there?! Oh you must be a dog fucker too!” It’s a double edged sword that we gotta fucking deal with. We would love NOTHING more than to track down the zoo’s and pedo’s of SL, but sadly, we’re stuck with this shit. That and LL not doing their job efficiently. So, pick and choose, you want them outted? or do you want to keep calling the ones, calling them out zoophiles? Can’t have both sweetie.
So you’re moving the goalposts now? First it was just a store discord, now he’s a secret undercover agent cracking a zoophile discord? LMAO 😂
No, it’s much more likely he’s a dogfucker too that has a personal grievance with some other dogfucker, can’t find much else to call him out about, so he’s pretending he’s against it.
It’s really not that hard, come on now.
Actually you made that a goal poast. I asked if people just share a discord with him, and used a store group as an example. YOU took it as i was saying they were in one. Completely different things love. My point in my last post still stands. What you’ve said/done is exactly why we don’t go witch hunting these people or these sims. Because we’ll be accused of being one of them.
Wow, this is fucking disgusting.
Don’t let this die out; spread the word. This guy shouldn’t be allowed to get away with this.
He’s like “I understand age of consent” when he thinks it’s ok to rape creatures who can never, ever consent at any age 🙄
Just gonna throw this out here after I came here on a whim.
I left Second Life 8 months ago and my life is better for it. Can highly recommend. 10/10
SL is ok in very small doses.. it’s easy to be sucked in and think that fake narcissistic friends are better for you than your rl. I literally have 4 people I keep in contact with on there and in RL .. they know who they are!
Totally Agree! SL is unhealthy not only to one’s physical health, from sitting so long, but also for one’s emotional and mental health. Good for you! I too chose that path and am better for it.
Healthy balance!
I mean, if you all want to try and hack me, go for it, Good luck to you.
It confirmed Eythn is Lucy alt account
You welcome
Another confirmed Alt, is Angelia Farslider, and Melodica or whatever. But the names changed and i dont remember off the top of my head.
I wouldn’t be surprised if this Jenny commenter is Lucy attempting to make other things said about her here seem untrue by commenting ridiculous claims. That’s not your alt and we know that. What IS true is that you, Lucy, planned that roleplay in number 6 and you, Lucy, were reported with proof for poaching and harassment in Riverside Falls as well as bullying residents in CC.
16 – this obsession is just getting sad. the only person that cares is you.
57 can confirm MinaTheCat is defiantly a predator as he tried to groom me when i was underage, he also sent me nudes and tried to get me to do so too
nice, replying on your own post lmao go get a life, and sorry you’ve been rejected lmao
#55 Stop making her relevant. You’re only feeding her need for attention.
The but but!! It’s common knowledge that she’ll never become a social media or virtual world celebrity, so…. Only VS Famous status awaits her. She is deserving of this spotlight.
Gross, not only is he a zoophile, he’s also quite possibly the cringiest person on SL. Can you believe that? The cringiest person on a game played only by unloved, 50 year old dried up house wives, mentally ill people that think they’re the opposite gender, and other assorted spergs. Cringier than the average dumpster fire that comments on virtual secrets, myself not included. Said dumpster fires know who they are.
But.. I’m still going to use firestorm, its the best viewer out there.
Hey mr. dogfucker how are you.
You must be terribly retarded to come to that conclusion, I’m so sorry for the burden you place on your parents and loved ones.
You clearly have plenty of experience with being a burden, so that is the sympathy of a professional. Sadly, instead of merely your family, you are a burden on society by being a backward-thinking, self-important troglodyte.
Oh it’s another mental patient that believes they’re the wrong gender. I don’t typically take advice from raving, brain deficient lunatics, so I’m going to go ahead and disregard your entire post, and hope someone has you committed.
Declan McGregor/Ellania Starlight it is easy for you to throw baseless accusations on not one but two communities you’ve been shamed out of in an effort to save face, but why not tell the truth? Once may have been a coincidence but twice or more is a pattern and YOU are the problem.
You move into a place and find your new love of the week. You take her on vacations and fancy dinners and then when she isn’t up your ass or obeying your twisted Dominant rules, you trash talk her behind her back and verbally abuse her, have sex with other girls in DMs and play the most convoluted victim game ever.
You are not only a cheater and a fraud but you are a thief and a manipulator downright liar. You’re only pissed because someone called you out on your man-drama when you disappeared as Declan and came back as Ellania. Why? Because you continue to trash your own reputation every where you go. Someone found out and called you on it, so what? Own your crap, apologize and move on.
You cannot even face your own truth; rather, you send your so-called sister to fight your battles while you dip out. So cut the nonsense and start acting like a decent human being or the real truth behind your dirty laundry will come out, logs and all.
Truth 😂
Nice attempt to deflect and distract Lucy. What is that saying? “One who is without sin, cast the first stone”. Start another rumor about other people to try to distract them from the craziness that is your SL.
To Marcus/Declan and his alts:
I have never seen someone play a victim soooo much before and try to get everyone on their side. It’s like the boy who cried wolf.
The reality of it is I want your dirty laundry to come out, from me, from everyone. You would constantly play the victim with every situation, even if I was having a bad day, your day was 100% worse every single time. I always gave you the benefit of the doubt just to try to be nice but then youd do this whole thing were youd tell me your done with SL, you couldn’t even stay away from SL for an hour. You told me you were leaving and literally came back in less than 45 minutes because you did want to leave your “so called friend” who then you told me tried to sleep with you, which im sure isnt even true. NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO FUCK YOU. Did you tell Brittni you were trying to sleep with me? or Did Harlowe really drive you crazy and “steal” money from you and stalk you? you’re the dumbass the spent money on people in the game to begin with. If you’re trying to convince people to forget what you did. You clearly pissed someone else off.
The only reason you stop “being my friend” is because i didnt want to do your pathetic sub/dom RP which wasnt even fun to begin with. You made it so boring and frankly a little creepy.
No one gives a shit that you have alts until you made it obvious. Honestly, I only kept you around to watch drama happen in your so called “life” cause my friends and I would laugh about how stupid you sounded.
Nice try Declan but Lucy kissed your ass when you were in CC as Marcus and all those alts. That is….. until you were exposed by IP by the residents. You’re both crappy people but don’t try to distract from your own deceit. You moved to New Haven and did the same crap there. The commenter Hard Truth is obviously from New Haven and exposing you for all the deceitful shit you did while there. Sad to say that this won’t stop you. You’ll come back as another alt.
LOL I do not know Declan or the other person mentioned above, but it seems he lives rent free in a lot of people’s minds. I actually left SL months ago and venture here to VS for entertainment from time to time. ‘exposed by IP by residents”. Hmm, seems that proves whoever posted the original post that started all of this. So happy I no longer partake of the toxicity that is SL and the roleplay communities. Best of luck to you all. Your quite entertaining, but rather sad.
34…If using Evox which is largest amount people, you dont need neck fixes, you need to learn wear them in proper order. The head skin has built in neck fix already there. If wearing some broken trash like genus nobody cares just get free a tintable off MP.
26 – The principle of being a blogger is to promote the products of their sponsors.
So yes, bloggers have to be creative on their avatars but if there is too much information on the photo (overworked decors and a lot of editings) we don’t see enough of the product and the blogger manager must reject the post and therefore ask the bloggers to make another post.
The best way for a blogger to be accepted by many brands and to ensure their post to be approved is to make these kind of pictures. It’s not being narcissistic, it’s sad but it’s just how things works and the brands owners are those who made these rules.
44- Declan Mcgregor/Ellania Starlight it is easy for you to type and throw accusations on not one, but two communities youve been shamed out of. once may have been a coincidence but twice or more is a pattern and YOU are the problem. You move into a place find your new love of the week. Take her on vacations and dinners and then when she isn’t up your assyou trash talk her behind her back, verbally abuse her and have sex with other girls in DMs and play the most convoluted victim game ever. You are not only a cheater and a fraud, but you are a thief and a downright liar. You are only pissed because someone called you out on your man-drama when you left sl for the tenth time as Declan and came back as Ellania Starlight. Why? because you continue to trash your own reputation. You cannot even face your own truth but rather you send your so-called sister to fight your battles while you dip out. So cut the nonsense or the real truth behind your dirty laundry will come out, logs and all.
#44 They use google Forms for those things, Google Forms doesn’t give you the IP address of the person who filled in the form. Easily debunked nonsense
last i checked… ANYTHING i do in the web… tracks my IP…………..
That may be but the person who created the blog form doesn’t see your IP address. Google does. There’s a difference.
Look up the term “doxxing”: search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent. Your IP address, if it falls into the wrong hands, can give a very bad person everything he or she needs to do some very bad things. Do you trust that the people in SL are not capable of this. I am not!
Apex does not show them your IP either
Individual citizens do not interact with Apex, they fill in a google form to apply or renew.
Apex doesn’t allow Town Owners to see a IP Address
9) I’ll honestly disagree. I feel SL back then was always like that. Problem is, when we first join, it always feels clean and people will hide the nasty side until they can’t hide it no more and realize it’s been happening for a while. Same when joining a new community. You feel it clean and next thing you know, a person from outside has a random complaint, or an old red flag comes out, or even their own community causing a backstab.
11) No matter how many times it appears, I’ll agree with this
39) Could be an edited message or forged or whatever. But I have my doubts that’s what he sent. It’s just too perfect of a coincidence. Especially since it says it was posted Yesterday. For all I know, this could be someone taking his picture, posting it on an empty group, and changing to the man’s username. That seems to be enough to forge a message. Wouldn’t be the first time it happened either.
Yes to your first point. You can join what appears to be a really wholesome community and it turns out not to be. Always happens. Secondly, second day in SL I was propositioned for sex when I didn’t know where the hell I was or why anyone would ask me for that.
I’ll have to say, I didn’t know about the hooker places. That’s new to me.
44. Lucy needs to call Dr.Now and get her life together.
Oh no, they can get your IP address? i mean, its no good to them unless they try and DDOS you, but most Routers now days have DDOS protection.
Here’s mine, let me know what you can find out 🙃
#15- So you took that picture from the future? Unless you’re going off your own local time in which case… Most of SL operates off very different times than you do.
#23- That’s just an issue with how they did the color shifting to make the different tones, I seriously doubt it was a conscious decision.
#32- So I take it you’re only just now learning about the penitatas “forced age regression punishment” fetish shit, huh? There was a sudden surge of them on SL a while back but there only seems to be a few remnants left, hopefully it was because LL kicked them to the curb.
#47- Save an outfit with your 50+ BOM layers. Open the outfits tab in the appearance window. Right-click on the outfit -> remove from outfit. When you want it back on, right click -> add to current outfit. If you want an outfit with JUST the layers and nothing else, you can find the outfit in the outfits folder of your inventory and delete everything you don’t want, stuff like the eyes, skin, etc. The things in the outfit folder are just links to the real items, so you don’t have to worry about messing anything up. It saves the order you had them in and everything, and it applies on top of what you’re wearing that’s not in the outfit. There’s your easy solution!
from the future? not a chance pal. You don’t go from being not even in the top 20 of clubs and go right to the number 1 spot in one day. Tonight they went from 64 right down to 27 in 5 mins, explain that one smartass.
Oh no, they have my IP address, what ever shall I do?
doxxing: search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the internet, typically with malicious intent:
11 Things Someone Can Do With Your IP Address (& How to Prevent Them) (top10vpn.com)
Here, let me make it easy for you, here is my IP address., have fun people.
#57 The majority of the anime community are adult males pretending to be little girls and fucking dogs and open lolicons (pedophiles) in private. they’re fucking cringe
ip address are public information, jesus christ SL users are a paranoid bunch.
#6 This is when I knew she is a bigger idiot than people said
#44 Don’t know how true this one is but Lucy is as crooked as they come. Don’t put the others on the list in the same category as her. Unlike Lucy they know how to be good managers
Still amazing that no one has exposed the fact that Ramesh Singh was IP Banned by Linden Labs for being caught fucking a kid in Cedar Creek.
I still see him on my friend list, if he was IP ban from LL, won’t the account be deleted? Not sure how this works, and how do you know he was IP ban?
They stay in your friends list as far as I know and you can still find the accounts with calling cards. You are unable to find them in search etc.
It might take a bit for the servers to register that. Calling cards for accounts that are yeeted are still able to be opened.
Wait, he was? that’s just gross, hope the local authorities were called. I’ve seen him around a few times on different sims and always had bad vibes about him.
If you have any proof of this then post it yourself, I’d love to know what happened.
He was dumb enough to tell Lucy and she went on a rampage and told JUST about anyone who would listen. Also, he’s so obsessed with SL and yet he hasn’t been online in weeks. The Lindens FINALLY got him.
Spoiler for #32: It’s a child spanking sim. BDSM for kids under the premise that they’re actually adult criminals. I’m sort of surprised it’s taken this long for Rejuve shit to end up on VS. It’s a dumpster fire mixed with a weird-ass rabbit hole.
#10 Did Matt Toxic find SL Secrets? Incel is his fav word!
go look at #16’s profile
Classic Ageplayer profile…. No photos of themselves… (so people can’t tell they are a child) and the only photos on her profile is OTHER little girls… super creepy and OBVIOUS. Whoever Audriana is, That girl needs Professional Help (probably a man IRL getting his rocks off touching little girl AV’s)
Have you considered seeing a professional about your obsession?
#8 There is no harm in having options, plus SL provides an amazing tool called BLOCK, if you are not happy with what someone says all you have to do is block and all goes away. You cannot control what others think or say but you can control how it affects you.
#31 Female and male twins are rarely identical twins, it is something like 0.001% chances lol, nor siblings have the exact same skin tone. Each person is an individual and there is no such thing as perfect, so please, let’s leave Hitler ideas dead and in the past where they belong!
I was honestly expecting some drama about Belleza new bodies this week, but i guess everyone is still trying the bodies out and desperately looking for stuff to whine about it! 😂 I loved the bodies and no i do not think they are too expensive and now there is no real excuse to keep using the broken and unsuported old Maitreya!
I bought the Curvy version and I do really like it, it’s just very unfortunate that they are taking so long to release dev kits. I don’t MIND the 5.5k price tag, it isn’t that much more than Legacy and at least I know there will be mod versions available. However 5.5k for a body that can’t get clothing support yet? Totally not worth it right now.
I don’t know about that, but there are plenty of stores creating for it already, so they might have released a kit otherwise those stores wouldn’t be making clothes. Perhaps is just for a selected few in order to test to then release a kit without bugs?
I think so, because a bunch of creators are waiting. Perhaps it’s just the ones they chose to be involved in that launch event; seems likely.
If the intention is to improve their work i think is worth the waiting.
I don’t think there’s anything special about them except the built in V, which is a dubious advantage anyway because who wants that complexity bump and script weight when not in use? Also they claim a mod version of the body is coming but I guarantee it’ll only be the “PG” option, because no way Session is giving anyone a mod V. They definitely look a lot better than Maitreya though, so I’m with you there. Nearly anything that convinces people to leave that busted mess behind is fine by me.
It should’ve been modify on launch.
Personally, it doesn’t interest me. Another no mod, curvy female body, even more expensive than Legacy, and has a built in bento vag so you can’t use tails or anything… no thanks. If it gains more support and becomes modify? I’ll consider it. But for now, meh.
Why are you so bothered about whether or not people choose to use Maitreya? Why are you so invested in the choices other people make? I guarantee that Maitreya users were meshed up waaaaaay before the likes of you! You only bothered about it when free mesh bodies and heads became available. WE SEE YOU.
You’re a dumb fucking cunt. My first mesh body was Venus, which was out at the same time as original Lara but cost 3x as much(4k Ls), because it was worth it. When Freya and Isis dropped, I switched to Freya, and now I use Legacy. I don’t even wear freebie clothes, let alone freebie bodies, you salty ass basic bitch. Oh, and I own 4 Evo X heads that weren’t freebies as well. Take your linebacker shoulders and weird pointy ass the fuck on.
Triggered!! LOL! You are so pathetic. Go seek counseling.
For me the V is not even a plus so i do not mind a PG version at all, I just like how the bodies look and how flexible they are, that’s a real plus to those who like to play with their shape. The hud works well and is easy to manage which is another big plus. And yes i hope people can finally move on from Maitreya!
43) Looks like the owner of Uber feels threatened.
Instead of making a vague post about your competition having shitty designers, why don’t you look at their roster and lineup. Oh wait – you probably already saw that all the top designers are there and couldn’t come up with an actual insult, or tea. You just came to SL secrets looking for some sort of validation because your fragile ego is hurt. Literally no one would make a post like this unless they were the event owner of Uber themselves.
Sloppy business practices all across the board.
#8 While I agree that SL mesh avs are a good move, I doooooon’t really believe this will do anything to fix folk fighting about bodies.
#47 A drag and drop option would be wonderful. Buuut in the mean-time, I do have an option for you: Save an outfit, name it something like “Layers” or w/e you think is best. Go into your inventory and delete everything from that outfit that isn’t your BOM layers. Then you can right click the outfit/folder to ‘remove outfit’ and ‘apply outfit’ as needed. This should work, right?
Yeah, the SL body will never replace third party. Like I said when this came up after the announcement, LL will be building for best performance, and what we like in SL is beauty and realism with frame rate be damned. There’s zero chance the default mesh body will ever be as detailed and realistic as the user created ones.
#49 has not seen that many avatars on the grid, have they…
39 wow I guess that’s what happened to rocky. Sad to see such words being used by Dante. I guess two faceness is showing sadly. Poor rocky man.
I don’t know… could be forged/photoshopped. But if this is true, I kind of feel bad for him. I even heard somewhere back in one of UFW’s sponsored areas that the only reason Taco Bell Language situation bothers him was because it has happened in the past IRL. But I wonder what they mean by that.
It may be photoshopped, but I fully believe him doing something like this. Dante’s prone to violent, racist outbursts. It wouldn’t be the first time he used slurs or offensive language either. He’s used this type of language against pretty much everyone and has gotten into hot water over it multiple times.
When the whole “Taco Bell” incident with Trixie happened a year ago, that split the whole fed and caused the biggest drama in SLPW history, he stood by Trixie and even laughed along with the joke. It wasn’t until HALF the fed left, all sponsors pulled out/were dropped, all other feds started a boycott of the shows, and funding dried up that Dante finally took action… he then proceeded to immediately rehire Trixie shortly after.
I totally believe Dante said this. It’s well within his character.
That’s… Not really what happened at all. There is a lot if missing information here. A lot that is hidden really…
Nah I don’t feel bad for Rocky at all. He’s a sniveling coward anyway. I’m just glad left to be with his BF Ignitus back in the coffee server instead of being a spineless rat.
As for Dante like I said last week, he is many things and Racist pops to mind alot.
And for those that don’t know, this was when he tried to defend one of his commentators for making that racial remark towards one of his wrestlers live at a show.
I’d say they both deserve their exposure and losses.
Hi Kito.
Leave people alone or else get your own shit spilled. Thanks!
– Friend
Hey Friend!
Just popping on here to clarify that I’m not the individual behind DanishDelights. I tend to stay away from this site as absolutely much as possible and focus on myself. I appreciate you looking out for me though~!
Not particularly sure which “friend” you are but, if you have some form of conflict with me or need to get in contact; you’re welcome to reach out via more traditional means rather than hiding behind an anonymous gossip site. I’d be happy to do my best to come to an amicable solution as much as possible and within reason. Otherwise take care and please, be more mindful of basisly pointing fingers at folks who are not involved with this matter.
Awkward that you’d pull Kito into this considering he has nothing to do with any of it. Sounds like you’re just looking for a reason to drag him into something. Cat boy lives rent free in your mind, I see!
leave that poor midget kito alone he did nothing wrong.
I don’t know, fam. Hard to believe words from someone who throws claims like the wind.I mean you accused the same user you are replying to be more than one person and now you’re acting like best buds. One little slip up, and your word becomes invalid.
Also, you haven’t proven this is just to hide your own mistakes.
I’m fully convinced there’s multiple people using the username “An American” now. I ignore all their posts now.
How much longer until we can finally get rid of the cancer that is Dante?
He’s the last remnants of the dark ages of UFW and the last thing that needs to go. Get rid of him and we’ll finally have cut off all the rot.
I think you meant that for 39, not 38looks like they fixed it 👍
Xia Xevious is not the only special snowflake in Bully-sseria. The secret could apply to almost everyone in the Bellisseria Citizens group. I have been living quietly in Belli since the first batch of Trads were released and I knew one day she and her ilk (pronounced ICK) will get posted here. Everyone who tries to monopolize the Bullysseria Citizens group chat, attends Far’s Friday Party, Belli Blues Club, or is a member of their so-called elite inner circle, is a vile two-faced (maybe 72-faced, for those among them who hoard GoH alts) condescending Mean Girl whose only talent in life is to gossip and roast others especially newcomers and non-US residents in RL and non-native English speakers while they clutch their fake pearls from their high horses. They often call themselves “the cream of the crop” of secondlife when they are in reality pestilence, the chaff from the wheat!
But then again what do you expect from a neighborhood with a mayor who is known to be a disgusting pedophile creep protected by LL? Their mascot Slenderman is run by a gross unhinged middle aged man (Evangeline Ling) who believes it is acceptable to appropriate and degrade transwomen by playing an abrasive self-centered know-it-all “shemale pornstar” in secondlife.
Get premium or premium+ only if you like those cookie cutter Linden Homes so much, I know I do especially with the new waterfront regions, but for your safety and emotional wellbeing, STAY AWAY FROM BELLISSERIA CITIZENS.
#41: at least drop the link if you’re gonna bring it up so people can join. https://www.avicrowd.com
The 2 men who run this website are the biggest blowhards in SL. AviCrowd has been a flop since it’s origination. They come and go in various cliques, most recently abandoning the Alpha family and P Town (don’t blame them). Cursed and Valor are trying to be SL land barons – should just stick to that. Save yourself time and trouble. Avoid the website, and them.
38: We all tried to warn ya when it was fresh, but nooooo we’re just “harassing” a “cute” couple, WELL HOW DOES THAT LOOK NOW DUMBASSES.

Typical. Anyone trying to support them is just dumber than a box of rocks or a manipulative asshole themselves. Thank you for continuing to call this idiots lies again and again. He needs to be stopped.
Who is this couple? I keep seeing posts about them EVERY WEEK, like did they kill someone or something?
Timbre basically took attention from a grooming warning to start another hate filled crusade for clout. It was quickly proven that he himself was a groomer and things got pretty ugly. That was probably the loudest incident but not the first.
the fact it continues to this day with him attacking others proves it
And for those that still need to understand, grooming isn’t just for minors, it’s for anyone of any age. It’s pretty much getting someone to do the behaviour you find most favorable/ preparing/training someone for a particular act/purpose.
It’s a manipulation tactic and Tim is 100% a groomer in this definition.
Yo can I have details about this? Sounds like he is quite a problem to the community and I want to avoid him.
Heya! Lemme get it back real quick… I made a mega post about this last week
Week 715: #28 and 29

Week 716: #24 and 50

(Supposed victim venting the situation)
Week 717: #14 and 15

Comments: This is where TimmyT gets exposed as timtamwolf himself trying to deflect again and again.
Week 732: #50

Comments: Squid makes a twitter post claiming someone is using their name to start drama. While the claim cannot be verified tim comes in and says they’ve never posted on VS which got quickly debunked by myself and other users. There was also a user that kept trying to defend them (cerb) and they got ratio’d
And now Week 733: #26

Comments: This also has my original mega post
Hope this helps
i found out the who the original creator was that tim approached when they were underaged, is there anyway to contact you, even with a burner email or something? the one they both bullied out of the community that i mentioned a while back.
1) Can we get some more context regarding this?
2) I can def send a burner email but that would easily get spammed. Not to mention most burner emails don’t last long not to mention if my post gets approved by the VS Gods. Well it’s worth a shot. renna71@xsychelped.com
If the information can be sourced back to you or the involved party I can totally understand wanting to remain incog. However the fact they’ve already gone and tried to turn the blame to others should be able to protect you from harassment from twitter and other mediums should they try.
Lost access to the account, Probably better to post it here or next week considering you’re already getting others trying to stop ya.
Also this is really funny considering Dilila name dropped you at Chonk Box. Why are you constantly trying to find issues in others when you’re a known shitty person?
I’m kind of curious the context? Like, more details?
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Nobody is trying to stop them, people want to see actual proof.
I don’t see why this needs to be forwarded. Just let it out here?
I don’t think the stuff is true and if it is I’d like to see the proof. Making up false stories that someone approached a minor is a bit too far given the actual abuse cases in this community.
Please think about what you’re doing.
Tries to say nobody cares and got ratio’d hard
Claims that Awful secondlife wasn’t an alt, people prove that wrong
And now you just confirmed that there’s some truth behind the incident and it’s validity.
Just like OP said, if this is another one of Tims alts, you’re makin it real fucking obvious!
You’re an idiot and you jump to conclusions way too fast.
Not what I’m saying at all. Furries are busted constantly over this stuff but it’d be shitty to make false claims because you don’t like someone no?
Also I’m not him, I’m a friend of theirs and I don’t believe he has approached a minor in any way. I know them well.
I jump to conclusions huh. Well let’s check the facts real quick YOU made a claim that a certain twitter wasn’t an alt. That fact got quickly proven by the community https://twitter.com/AwfulSecondlife/ Account created: January 1st tweet created: Jan 14 1st pinned tweet was also made on the 14th of Jan pretty much a burner account until June 2nd https://twitter.com/AwfulSecondlife/status/1532378384625455104 No more activity, nothing to say, it’s an alt. Not only did they try to use it to once again deflect their attacks and accusations on others, but they created an account solely for the purpose of causing more drama and attacking content creators. Oh yea furries get bent over shit like this all the time, all the more proof we shouldn’t trust a piece of shit like this considering ALL he does is use trauma after trauma to grab more attention. Plus if you took a moment to read what I posted above, I also asked for some proof behind the claim “Can we get some more context regarding this?” I mean this IS the same guy that took a warning for others regarding a groomer to start a witch hunt and attack others that told HIM to shut up or refuse to rise up for HIS cause. the SAME guy that constantly goes around attacking others for his views claiming bestiality and pedophilia the SAME guy that gave his own girlfriend a UTI, broke up with them, manipulated them, ect. Sorry but the “i’m friends with them” card doesn’t really work here. if you’re gonna defend them, you’re just as bad as them. YOU came onto this forum claiming that and I quote “No one cares” and were quickly downvoted. That’s because Timbre has caused quite an uproar in the community. I don’t need to say much because… Read more »
Holy shit. I better stay away from him then. Thank you for the information.
“Awful Second Life” doesn’t have any hot takes or drama on that account it’s funny items on the marketplace btw.
Ya done spouting lies?
Mega post from last week everything was sourced.
No one cares
Clearly they do, otherwise you wouldn’t constantly be getting ratio’d friendo 🤣
Get over yourself, the only reason you get attention is because you’re an obsessed weirdo that reports “on everyone”. Not like Dilila touted in Chonk about who you actually were. Watch yourself. Bye
Like why was I even brought up in the first place? Am I just a scape goat to use when shits getting too hot on someone else? So I gotta be brought in as the punching bag for people? Cuz while the sentiment is nice that you all think of me, like period. It’s kind of getting a bit tiring needing to take the punches from/for everyone else. And frankly, if it keeps happening I’m going to have to start charging for my services.
So I already know what you’re doing. You seen me over at chonk box once or twice or saw me hanging out with someone you like. You clearly don’t like me and think dropping my name is going to bring in the horde and deflect off of Tim, like people tried to do when it came to leo.
Not only that, but if I really did know who exposed is do you really think 1) I’m going to tell people I know who they are? or 2) Do you really think people would BELIEVE me if I said who they are? Like people already don’t like me and think im scum of the earth, unless im bringing receipts and shit to prove what im saying is true, do you really think people are going to believe me?
I call out hypocrisy when I see it friendo. And if dil actually busted me, than please kindly remind me who I am because I’d like to know. Of course you won’t say shit because you’re just pulling one out your ass.
For someone that claims to know drama, you should know that Dilila isn’t the best source considering their background especially if you’ve been on here long. Sounds to me like you’re trying to deflect…again
Of course you could also ask the 38 other users that downvoted you, but I guess I’m just some weirdo huh.
Never seen someone ride so hard for a 40 year old that doesn’t even know how to brush his teeth before. Enjoy.
a 40yo that harasses others and makes false accusations
Gives their SO a UTI and practically forces themselves upon them
Breaks up with his GF and talks mad shit about them on twitter AND VS
Goes around accusing others of being the problem to their relationship
Attacks others for “supporting bad values”
But I’M the weirdo here for speaking up. Now that sounds a little familiar don’t it? 🤔
Hi. I wasn’t even going to come to this website and my friends have been trying to protect me from seeing a lot of the stuff discussed here because it seems that some things I just don’t want to relive keep being brought up again and again. But I feel I have a duty to tell my truth here, and I hope that’s okay. Timbre, My partner didn’t force himself upon me. Everything in our relationship was consensual I don’t know what you mean by that and a lot of the other things that you do seem to know about me are from really emotional scattered vents I had shared with people I trusted and loved when I was in a bad place, which got made public in an argument between them and Timbre, and I don’t really want to be apart of that anymore. Yes I got a UTI. It’s fairly normal when you have sex with someone new. I also didn’t really eat or drink much water the entire day after because I was devastated and stressed so I had fallen ill. And I’m embarrassed about the fact that people I trusted spread it like wildfire. This situation stills hurts me as a whole being brought up again and again I’m disappointed with the way things fell apart as a whole between myself and everyone and if there was a way I could make this all go away I would. The whole thing just hurts and I feel like I’m genuinely betraying myself and my own personal growth right now by replying on this website and seeing that I’m being brought up again and I know you don’t care about how I feel and that’s fine, whoever you are. But I personally don’t want to be getting dragged… Read more »
He didn’t force themselves upon her. Y’all just making shit up. Horrendous.
Omg you’re an idiot.
First you deny being an alt yet come at people for supposedly making shit up. Yet you WONT DENY ANYTHING ELSE?
So you’ll go off on being forced upon (which totally happened btw) but grooming, manipulation, lies, and slander are totally fine…okay…walked right into that one.
Tell me you’re a two faced moron without telling me you’re a two faced moron.
You already got caught lying about dil knowing exposed’s identity and tried to wave that like a threat. You’re probably the only downvoter here compared to the almost -40 on your little ” no one cares ” ( clearly you care enough to comment) xD
Edit: it’s past 40 now lmao
Ffs man take a hint!
So threats like this is normal in a healthy relationship right? I’ve already sourced this shit before. Telling your SO no only to be manipulated is forced upon. don’t @ me
And considering they had to get help to get out of a shitty situation like this…double yikes
Clearly they do
#12. Good lord. Sit down & take a breath. Now- google “bucket hat with tag”. Woooow- see all those pictures of hats with tags in the real world? Ya think the real world designers copied off whomever you are white knighting? 99/100 times SL designers are taking inspiration from the real world, especially trends. There’s one retailer “dolls kills” that is borrowed from a lot. So don’t forget to breathe and take a turn with google before working yourself up into a rage over absolutely nothing.
49 This may be one of them, but the most vile, ugly, disgusting person on the grid is that bitch Essy Luv at Aim. Amazing Impressions Modeling. Yeah, amazing how horrible a person’s soul can be
#42: This is entirely anecdotal; but I have never seen anyone wearing those ZAF catmen avatars who wasn’t a zoophile and/or just plain fucking creepy. I dunno what it is about ZAF products, but they attract weirdos like moths to a flame.
There’s been a lot of stuff circulating on this guy and Salireths. These posts are from the TGOR discord. He straight up compares homosexuality to bestiality.

0x00FF00 is 100% correct, animals can’t consent, and people who rape animals are just as bad as child molesters.
Hmm this isn’t new
This guy has been up in SL chats because of the same SLMC tactics of doxing which I find pretty shitty to even mention considering how bad it is there. Don’t see LL taking action against that now do ya?
(FurNation group chat)

I’ll be blunt: Fuck zoos, fuck pedos, fuck all of that shit! But once you start trying to gain attention by doing things illegally, that’s pretty messed up. I don’t support zaks and probably never will but a lot of users use firestorm so there’s no way around it. I do think the attention to this is pretty dumb considering a similar situation came when people tried to expose Black Dragons creator as a pedo/creep and nobody really cared. It’s probably the same group that keeps doxing em every other day.
The same thing is still going on with other sites, reddit has tons of mods like this, discord has staff like this, they have controversial servers full of grooming, doxing, pedos and just creep cults but yea they don’t do a thing about it.
if the claims are true, it’s something a majority of the community won’t like or support. But if it’s false, this is a BIG allegation and I’m sure they’ve had to go to the police or something to secure their location due to a situation like this.
lets be honest, it’s not like furries are the most stable figures in the community 🤷♂️
Coming at someone, doxing their information, plastering a whole bunch of shit, AND THREATENING THEIR VERY LIFE is NOT the way to solve this.
Yeah doxxing is never okay.
But like. If Chaser has zoophilia all over his SL & F-list, that’s self-admission. Doesn’t mean that doxxing him is right (and it definitely doesn’t solve anything) but saying a zoo is a zoo is not a bad thing. These things need to be said. I’m tired of the furry community excusing pedos & zoos, I see it all the time.
Considering this IS the internet, anything can be used to create a false identity. If a group truly wants this man dead (which obviously they do), than they’d probably make false accounts to prove their point (this is standard SLMC bullshit and why I stopped participating in them). We’ve already got tons of people getting accounts hacked, fake youtubers, ect. This is why I try to source information from confirmed locations such as their personal twitters because you’ll never know. And it’s too easy to do things like this: https://files.catbox.moe/5ul7bg.mp4 For those curious YES THIS WORKS ON DISCORD Sadly looking around They haven’t tried to fight this point either so yea safe to say they’re probably a zoo. I do believe that there is a limit to what the community accepts and what the public accepts. We have groups that can make full imagery and literature talking about these kind of things professionally, video games and movies for example. A couple users mentioned how fiction is fiction and to keep it that way. Honestly I see that as the best argument. As long as your strange fictions don’t go beyond fiction it shouldn’t really be that big of a deal. There’s plenty of spicy literature that portrays some pretty shitty things, fanfictions, and of course art. Another way of looking at it is like this: Are their kinks/fetishes strange or disgusting, yes. Do they hurt firestorm of LL in any way, no not really. The only ones getting mad are those that are loud (including myself, I’ll explain in a minute) I’ve outed multiple people for some pretty shady and shitty things on this damn grid. Doxing, sexual harassment, abuse, manipulation, and of course pedo/zoo shit. If someone is actively going to say they support it, I don’t need to… Read more »
Also for those wondering. Because i’ve been messaged a few times already. I already gave permission and allowed for the use of my image for the example given. Don’t worry guys, nothing sketch going on XD
I’ve spent enough time around furries to know that this type of “fiction” rarely stays fiction. These people will go as far as people allow them to; and the “It’s just fiction!” is usually nothing but an excuse to cover their tracks when people start to complain.
I’ve watched people who claimed to be “only into the fantasy” go on to talk about how they find real animal anatomy hot, or how they wished animals were sentient and/or bestiality was legal. Same goes for ageplay. Kinks don’t exist in a vacuum; fantasies are fantasies for a reason, if someone is into something then they would absolutely go through with it if all sense of risk or punishment was removed.
Also zoos/pedos absolutely do hurt other people on SL even if it’s “just fantasy”. They often don’t respect boundaries and plaster their gross shit everywhere they go. They can seriously make people uncomfortable and don’t even think twice about doing so.
“They often don’t respect boundaries and plaster their gross shit everywhere they go.” The same can be said of the BDSM community. I’ve come to see them as voyeurs and exhibitionists. I don’t care about their fetish, I don’t care what they do, freedom of choice & all that, but I don’t wish to see it plastered all over.
The moment it goes beyond fiction their moral compass is flung to who knows where. Keeping it to yourself is one thing, projecting it on others, ignoring their boundaries, harassing others, and sometimes just being public about it is when people start to cross that proverbial bridge and you can NEVER go back.
I won’t deny it, honestly nobody can. We all have a dark side that we don’t want anyone to see. There are healthy ways to handle it. If punishment was removed, the same could be said to hate and moral views because everything is free game and that would cause more chaos than anything. So yea they DO hurt people, I’m not going to argue that. But those same people have also thrown their sense of right with the wind and don’t really care if the other involved gets hurt or not. I’m not going to sit here and try to defend their behavior, it’s pretty shit to begin with.
Prevention is best which is why I’m thankful for the internet because it’s one of the best ways to be informed about most things. It’s just sad to see a lot more selective bullshit when there’s not enough “proof” to really start a riot. it’s just like angrily screaming at a brick wall
If you have proof of such shitty things, go to the proper authorities, NOT TWITTER.
Also, I really, really wish SL would put their foot down on bestiality like they do with pedophilia.
It’s illegal in most civilized places, just like pedophilia is. Why do they ban ageplay, but not zoophilia?
‘I really wish SL would put their foot down on beastiality like they do pedophelia’ which sadly is not much at all, they really do jack shit even with image reports.
Yep. But it’s least banned enough that most sane places respect that rule. Bestiality runs more rampant.
That being said, I’ve been trying to report some known ageplayers for a year or two now. Even with DIRECT EVIDENCE through chat logs, LL haven’t done shit, and they tend to have defenders. Ugh.
# 36 Like we didn’t see that coming. Just like we won’t see it coming when Alla (Goat) Becomes Queen. Again, called it all along. Its a circle jerk of admin backpatting and the dubious cocksucking of admins to certain “friends” of theirs to keep them around.