· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 343 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#10 Looks like you’re projecting your own issues and problems.
#18 you’re complaining that someone is supporting you? How entitled can you get?
20- Verinne, Buy your stuff like the rest of us customers. Stop bullying content creators into giving you freebies and perks. You’re fucking 33 years old… grow the fuck up. Your princess days stopped when you were 10. You’re a grown-ass woman.. act like one.. Log the fuck off if all you are gonna do is complain. People shouldn’t have to give you shit in SL. And stop bringing Kitooi or her store into your fucking whiny ass rants. She doesn’t bother anyone.. and minds her own business. Leave her the fuck out of your BS. Don’t buy her products if your broke ass can’t afford them. And don’t try and blame it on inflation… you’ve been getting freebies and perks from content creators for YEARS.
As i very much love Cateerina who built the GoT sim and is a good friend and would love to have her anywhere to RP with aswell overall friendship, i already knew that eliteness and cliqueness was gonna happen the second she said her sim is Game of Thrones one and how she is gonna run it. Ive been roleplaying for years in Secondlife and anytime ive dealth with the GoT community its always who was the most important person ever with the houses name and attempting to play a overall general character such as a bodyguard or a merchant yields no antention by anyone because its a big elite royalty party essentially, and overally their focus is either friendship amongst each other or conflict towards the other houses. So it really gives very little space to anyone trying to climb the ladder of their role if not related to them.
Yes Cateerina seems fine but certain other people desperately need to be Powerful and Important ICly and OOCly every time and it gets very old. Being an admin for a sim can be a drag, so people who relish getting to be bossy tend to volunteer and schmooze their way in and that ruins any RP. Got or otherwise. IMHO.
Yeah, the GoT roleplays would be fun if most of the players involved in them didn’t act so batshit crazy.
#20 Or just ask your husband for more spending money. Oh wait, he doesn’t know you’re an online whore… :3
#7 People who put other people on blast on Virtual Secrets are petty as fuck…like how about you grow the fuck up and talk shit out like adults instead of hiding behind the anonymity of some website… If you got issues with my relationship or the people I am with how about you come to me because trying to put my relationship on blast is so childish and petty and only makes you look like a fool…well guess what the only people whose opinions matter about this relationship is the three of us, and whether you want to believe it or not, we are happy, and they truly make me happier than I have been in a very long time. So Lydia (lydia amethyst) you can kindly fuck off and take your childish shenanigans to someone else who cares or better yet worry about your own failing relationship instead of taking digs at me as a way to get to Kali. Guess what no one cares about you, you made your bed now sleep in it and leave my name outta your mouth… K thanks bye.
Bitch, please. I was trying to warn you.
But fine, go ahead and get pixel married
to a couple you were dating for a whole
FIVE DAYS before you got “proposed to”
Bitch, please. I was trying to warn you.
But fine, go ahead and get pixel married
to a couple you were dating for a whole
FIVE DAYS before you got “proposed to”
Imao. Dumbass.
Bitch, please. I was trying to warn you. But fine, go ahead and get pixel married to a couple you were dating for a whole FIVE DAYS before you got “proposed to” lmao.
Yikes, but that’s SL for you… desperate, insecure people moving way too fast because they’re afraid if they don’t, the other person/s will figure out all the things they’re hiding before they’re obligated.
shenanigans is fun to say! Say it with me, SHENANIGANS!
#38 I thought everybody loved Lawrence Pryce??
That’s not Lawrence🤦🏻♀️. That’s Mac Massimo & Morgan Monroe
No, everybody loves the Acclaimed.
I thought everyone loved raymond 🤔
But it is for sure that Everybody Hates Chris, right?
2 & 5: It’s feet week on VS!
8: What’s the issue with the collar?
9: Oooh! Someone got called on their shit, huh?
18: Cisgender people can DEFINATELY be part of the alphabet mafia. Please pay attention to what you’re writing and stop gate keeping.
19: Do you mean, you are NOT the only one?
Why does it seem like all of the drama comes from the RP sims? I would have no idea who all these people are if it wasn’t for VS and they’re ALL from RP sims. It’s like our own telenovela reading through these every week. Thank you for that.
18- straight & cis not straight or cis.
the point is if your using lgbt people to get more sales & do not support the rest of the year your not an ally & shouldn’t be making money off us. everything are just recolours so it should be gifts to celebrate pride month.
so you’re saying ” fuck my allies?” cool.
#18: Look, you can complain about being accepted into the mainstream commercial market, or you can stfu and buy these material enabled, mod, holo-glitter rainbow pasties I made for this month. Or you could do both, which you probably will, because that’s what freedoms all about BB!!!
Happy pride month mofo, see everyone later for the 4th of July when the market gets flooded with American flag thongs! 😜
she been asking people in her close network to come here and dislike comments for her i know because she asked my friend and they didn’t know if they should.
Who has? Cause that could apply to several of the above secrets. And frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if any of them do it
The only red head allowed Harlow Holiday. This was to another comment but I don’t know how it got to main comments.
9 – Sounds like a personal problem to me, sport.
28 – As a DJ, I am with you there. That’s ridiculous.
42 – I don’t support Cult because the owner is a racist dickbag. The fact that boot is a modified version of a template is funnier to me.
#40 – Why do so many avatars (especially male avatars) have baby hands!? It’s almost more often than not.
maybe they’re Trump fans?
I think they do it to make their muscles look bigger (same for the tiny heads) but it still looks really stupid
I tell people to put their hand up to the side of their face irl and notice how their fingertips reach their hairline(or where it would be) with their palm lined up at the jaw, to determine hand size… but most people in SL have their head set too small as well, so that barely helps. Sigh. Apparently, basic human proportions are really difficult to manage.
Verinne, you tell yourself that people are jealous of you. The truth is, we aren’t hun. No self-dignifying individual would ever belittle herself so much to the point of being jealous of the likes of you. You have bullied others and accused others of copying you. You’ve sent your followers to harass those you dislike. As far as we are concerned dear, you’re getting back what you’ve put out.
I heard from more than a few people, that #33 has just proven this secret to be TRUE because she banned them, on suspicion, that they had something to do with posting here. What’s the matter Blissy-boo? Feeling threatened?
Didn’t even witness this case, as I wasn’t at WU / WC for some months. Is anyone able to enlighten me about what happened?
The usual Bliss nonsense. She went behind someone’s back around Christmas and replaced him as DAM president to get a rapey jock frat bro that she can control back in place. Did the same thing to the president of Omega about a month ago, again, to have people that kiss her ass that she has control over in charge of the house so nothing gets more popular than the inside of Tinkerbell’s vagina, and apparently has just been banning people willy-nilly again.
Hmm doubtful, but it wouldn’t surprise me. I told Blissage a week in advance this was getting posted. If she’s banned anyone over this particular post, its because her and Dexy have been swapping meds again.
From what I hear she’s been having Dexy do all the actual bannings just so she can claim innocence.
More specifically, Bliss does the actual banning. But then claims that the ban was issued on credible information passed on by Dexy, and that unless Dexy can be convinced the information is incorrect the ban stands.
Dexy then claims that the final decision is up to Bliss and directs the banee to speak to her. They attempt to play hot-potato so neither is seen as the bad guy.
29- The Harlow special is more than just her playing Amber Heard all the time no one talks about her long list of people she hates & obsesses over. I talk to her frequently & I have a list of all the people she hates, most are people she’s “friends” with to their face. She actually stalks them on social media & share their posts to go on for ages about it. She’s really controlling & will ask her friends to unfriend anyone she hates. If someone she hates likes something you post she goes full Heard. She calls every one a social climber but it’s her thats gets close to people just to further her shitty pixel candle business.
… in your rush to call another person seem crazy, you admit to the world that you made a list of people that another person likes and dislikes. you ‘talk to her frequently’ ? that is what i call obsessed and two-faced. not only do you need to look in the mirror and recognize your own actions, you should stop projecting your own sickness onto others 😘
She messaged me to talk about this site to be frank cus she doesnt want anybody to know she looks. Nobody sends her screenshots looking out for her like she said on Face book, she asks people to look for her & to dislike or like comments that are at her benefit. She isn’t as innocent as she paints herself thats for sure. She was leaving comments here last year so she lies about never coming here. She said last week she never comes here & today she said she had to block this site so she wouldn’t look. 💛
#15. What’s actually pathetic is that the poster is pulling a screenshot of logs from literally over a year ago, but making it look like they’re current because it still shows “Today” in the log. Whatever your deal is with Timbre, fucking block him and move on. Hot damn. This is getting so petty. I’ve seen personal attacks from both sides and it’s not helping anyone. This doesn’t fix anything. You’re just wasting all this energy on hate and anger that could be used elsewhere to do GOOD things for the furry community. For fucks sake can we just move on?
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
What’s ACTUALLY pathetic here is you trying to tell others what to do. Just leave, it ain’t worth the energy.
People are mad because he’s going to block and continue more bullshit later using their names in those attacks. He’s done it already, and he’ll do it again.
Blocks do nothing, reports do nothing, and when you get defaced by this asshole I’m sure you’ll speak up and try to prove em wrong right?
Block em – see they ARE attacking me
Say nothing – see they ARE stalking me
Damned if ya do and damned if ya dont.
Shitty ted talk, let’s decrypt this real quick Ya know shit hit the fan when furry drama is the thumbnail of the week that log was shared by angel on twitter btw https://twitter.com/ACIDHUSKY/status/1532221699290275840 A person claiming to be the pillar of the furry SL community wanting to create more drama by creating a furry virtual secrets, one which he and probably his group would verify drama before posting creating false accusations and lies made to tear down others petty? My man/woman/friend you certainly don’t get what’s being called out here. The literal point of that entire log was that timbre is a walking hypocrite who’s willing to create his own drama, for the sake of drama. He’s willing to lie, cheat, and steal other things to promote his version of drama. and now he’s suspected of having an alt called Awfulsecondlife lets use your statement real quick, if secondlife is so “awful” why are you attacking other creators, just leave. Trash talking others doesn’t help the furry community and it’s a bunch of wasted energy. But he gets a kick out of making fun of others because the proof’s in the tweets. Ya know why those screenshot logs are still given the “today” mark, because people see the red flags and instantly log it before it gets deleted. You can also go into discords developer mode and grab the msg ID and report it, because oops it got deleted which Tim already has a reputation of just that when drama goes the other way for em. There’s hate and anger on Tim because he tried to use the entirety of Snags warning as a way to promote more drama. The victims got tired of him talking for them, and those he accused without any proof started to talk. His ex… Read more »
You’d also never say that to someone who’s a pedophile or a rapist right? That time makes a difference. If that were the case, then why is it that it didn’t make a difference with snags? When it was clearly YEARS since his supposed grooming incidences. Time didn’t make a difference there did it? And as much as I loathe bringing this up, but still relevant. Time didn’t make a difference for kira who told people to kill themselves. Or soko when it came to the old bestiality stuff. Time didn’t make a difference for them. So why should it make a difference for tim? Why should the furry community and tims victims go ” It was so long ago! We should just give him a pass!”
Your answer is we shouldn’t. Because Tim is still attacking his previous victims and making new ones every day. Those logs, no matter how old, is showing he wants to make a site and control what goes in and what goes out. I.E nothing about him, squid, his friends. Just a place where he can attack his current victims and make new ones that aren’t his group of people. THAT is the issue there, not the time frame, the fact this man wanted to make ANOTHER DRAMA SITE and have control of what comes across it.
Don’t forget he’ll use VS to play victim and say others told HIM to overdose, yet it was for squid and everyone on this site literally rebuked their behavior.
Yea making his own vs is a good idea. He can make his own death threats and continue to play victim again…and again…and again…
Come off anon???and say it to their face bro???
this is honestly hilarious watching you decode their whole lives every single week. people are laughing at you
can u link me the program that makes ur discord screenshots update the date and time whenever ur done licking the ballsweat off the chair of a dude that tried to fire back with screenshots from 2019 thanks
Tormenting two people just because they posted a few hot takes online has honestly just proven how horrendous this community is. They haven’t always been right but why is it okay for everyone else to do it? Also I’m utterly disgusted at the fact a young woman’s personal health details were aired out onto twitter for what. Shame on her “friends” for that.
Looks like people are callin ya out to be tim so I’m just gonna be blunt here. Man and people tell me that age gives wisdom, yet you didn’t even have time to read the damn sign on the front of the page! • Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you. https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://twitter.com/timtamwolf* honey, you can’t hide shit. https://www.whois.com/whois/furrysecrets.com – The domain is still taken Every shitty thing you’ve done has been recorded and backed up. A few hot takes? How many “hot takes” did you create when calling out others, how many victims did you create in your little escapades, how many people did you falsely accuse? Oh right you don’t fucking care because their SCUM. The only scum here is you, you run around when drama gets hot because it will boost your damn numbers. And I find it hilarious you tried to quote tweet them for “doing what you asked” only to delete it later. And when people finally tell you to shut the fuck up, you go an attack them using the same fucking triggers you’ve always used abuse pedo predator supporter oh and making claims that you “overheard”, should I add stalking to the list? for someone that’s claims “fuck furry drama” stop involving yourself and creating more ya damn hypocrite! Ya got caught, you tried to deflect and blame others for YOUR ACTIONS, and now that you’ve come here to do the EXACT SAME THING, you’re just proving my point. Lets look at some places you were active on s2 – toxic af, attacked other venues, it closed down due to infighting PhoenixShores – man oh man that was some shit LeRoi – Trying to start a fashion community only to not do anything with it. Big… Read more »
Tormenting? Hello Tim tam. Listen, sweetie. What about tim having tormenting others for years? Having tormented squid herself? Or did you just see those logs and go ” this is fine”. It’s also NOT just a few hot takes. No it’s been several and tim and squid have in past gone and created more drama than what it should have been AND aired out drama that wasn’t aired out. So, again. It’s ok for tim and squid and others to call people out, but the moment that they get called out for their shit, it’s not ok? Tell me you’re a simp for abusers, without telling me you’re a simp for abusers.
It’s not calling someone out to leak their personal information such as health records you stupid ignorant fuck. That’s too far and you know it is.
Hard to take ya seriously when that same party also uses personal information in their attacks.
This is called hypocrisy sweety.
Also it was never official records. Keep gaslighting situations and see how many leave after you cry wolf too manysweet.
So it’s okay for Tim and squid to do it, but not others. That’s so two faced and YOU know it.
Oh but there’s lots of people who have leaked out personal information. But like exposed said. Look at the front page of this place. ” trust no one, if you tell people of your dirty laundry, they will air it out for you” And while ya, personal info is a bit far. At this point, does anyone else give a shit unless it’s people like tim and squid? What about others? There’s already been someone speaking out about how someone was leaking their personal information on here as a means for attack. No one gave a shit about that. What about the other people? Or is it just tim and squid that get that luxury of defense?
I wonder who this is, gaslighting using trigger words and more false accusations?
Sounds familiar 🤔
All we see is squid posting her issues with a concerned set of FRIENDS, a list about signs for abusive relationships, sharing their address (which tim accused them of stalking) and so much more. That’s not health records.
So to quote ya back, check yo shit ya arrogant fuck.
no public medical docs here
And right on cue Timbre tried to counter all of them by saying they were worse. Not only did they not deny the accusations, they made more right back at em.
“Literally over a year ago” The art in his profile pic is from last August lol. It’s cute that you think a person can completely change their behavior in 10 months. He’s sitting on the domain until he can find someone to copy this site’s features for him.
Sylvia didn’t make the cut this week. She is still shit. Stop supporting her shit events.
#16 Never met anyone decent with the last name banana!
#18 All their stuff looks like and is garbage anyway. Don’t buy it! It’s all stuff they couldn’t or wouldn’t sell for any other reason.
#24 I think that’s a popular head issue though. Apparently they don’t know they fucked up and continue to do so?!
#29 Harlow… hahahahahaha
#39 That would be me. Haven’t had a drop yet! He’s hot! Now I need to get a taste of that…
#42 Absolutely not. Total trash copybotter. The entire Kunt cult is trash.
#13- posted by a wig dog, probably 🐕 💇
wig dogs big mad

#4 LOL spill more please. Because the amount of people in any SL
RP who could have been called an aspie.
34: The text of this secret also tells me exactly why these towns don’t have more women.
39: I have definitely never banged this guy.
People in SL have this way of thinking their social circles are the whole-ass world. I know the small-town feel can be real here, but it’s not actually that small.
I’ve never banged the guy either. It’s like someone else’s mistake is everyone else on the grid’s problem. No?
I’ve never even heard of the guy, let alone banged him.
You and me never banged either! Sorry I had to throw in the sarcasm there! Just joking around with you. Not everyone in sl is a whore and pixel pussy chaser.
#18 No, no I don’t think I will
It’s hilarious that he thinks he’s taking a stand here on SL when they entirety of gay pride itself is nothing but a commercialized slogan.
Or even thinking that getting on the intenet to virtue signal even qualifies as taking a stand. “Our struggles” my ass
Was the good stuff left out or was it really only a bunch of boring loser retards sending submissions this week?
I’ve tried sending the same post the past three weeks now but she won’t post it, and it was really good. I don’t know why she keeps ignoring my post submission.
just upload it to imgur and link it in a comment
Advanced strats: Comment text then edit in the img url in to circumvent post approval
Mandala has always been like shopping the old costume jewelry at the thrift store. 5 and dime at best quality
#26 Designers will design for those bodies that make them the money. End of. Violent Seduction already answered this question for you when you begged her to include Perky in a dress you wanted and she said no because that body wasn’t making sales for her anymore. I’m guessing the votes you think you will get in here will make her change her mind. Nope.
Kittie Hexem/@kittiefriedrice sweetie, no one cares about you. We’re just calling out your shitty friend Verinne for being a hypocritical cunt and not taking back what she dishes out. Funny how quickly she made her Twitter private to whine some more and stalk SL secrets while still talking shit about everyone else. It’s cute how the most toxic bitches on SL call everyone else toxic but refuse to look in the mirror.
#42 You should never buy anything from the Kunt family or support anything Kunt. DJ, Cult or anything to do with that family. They are all fake from Shane down just like to penis between her legs. Going back to Shelbz, Anne Lyon, Auggeh not that she was not a fake loser herself, and so much more. Everyone who has joined that family should be blocked muted and derendered immediately and all there business should be boycotted forever.
I think they picked that name for this reason , they are what they are
#28 You know what’s worst than the DJ playing a shitty remix of a request? A shitty listener who doesn’t understand to request something in theme with what is being played or requests a stupid joke song no one really wants to hear only for the DJ to relent and play it so they can get a stupid tip of 50L.
I have no problem with DJs who refuse to take off genre or otherwise bad requests; it just means they have some pride in what they’re doing instead of being a music whore with a broadcasting program.
Indeed. I have a friend who’s a “DJ”. If she keeps to a theme, she’s probably one of the better ones I’ve listened to and knowledgeable of the music/artists/genre. The second she does her “let’s play whatever ppls are talking about in chat” thing, it’s all over the place, it’s terrible and uncohesive. I brought some friends over to listen to her once and they hated it as there wasn’t a flow to the set, just random music being played. And as that can be sometimes fun as the club-goers feel like they’re being “heard”, sometimes the music is just so disparate that it’s like you’ve constantly changed the radio station for 2 hours.
Verinne, maybe listen to the advice of some of your followers and stop looking here? Let me guess, do you enjoy the free attention you get because you get none in real life? You project so much, but you try desperately to pretend it’s not you who is the blatant attention whore. Sweetie, go ahead and make another Twitter post bitching about us. We enjoy seeing you whine about it because it makes for great entertainment.
You’re getting exactly what you deserve and I wish nothing but the worst to happen to you.
You have no problem trash talking about others when it’s convenient for you and you chime in to put your own two cents about everyone else, but the moment someone does it to you, you bitch and moan about it like a child. Grow up.
25 – Ask her about her copybotted animations from Sync’d that she passed around that shows she was the creator. Semina is not the sweet professional you claim her to be. The alts she uses to catfish, the copybotting of dances, the cruel spiteful things she does in retaliation if she doesn’t like something. Must not be the same sweet Semina you truly had the pleasure of getting to know over the years. 💁 Even the kind messages she sends people she doesn’t like at parties when she was hosting “What the fuck are you doing at my set?”.
She’s under the impression she’s SL’s version of Lady Gaga which she is far from it. She really doesn’t sing more than she whisper talks through songs always worried about waking her neighbors. She has really changed from when she first started. Everyone telling her how good she is and kissing her ass. It’s went right to her head. She really isn’t who she pretends to be, or who she has people believing her to be. Even her own management team as talked about releasing her because of the drama that she’s always in the middle of.
Nobody’s forcing you to listen.
Let us who want to enjoy her do so and TP away.
woah she copybots? Your right she isnt as sweet as she pretends.
If it’s on SL secrets it MUST be true lmao
27. You sure don’t have no life because you think people care about your post and why people use alts. Ain’t it obviously to get get away from toxic people crazy but cases stalker types along with business purposes it why people uses alts. Money & power and popularity
1. Hadley fox you can posting about Brea you loser you want a attention so badly. Why you deleted your Facebook and made a new account like you do most the time. Here’s a advice log off sl get off the web and act your age. Like come on you weirdo your 40 and you act like child and being autistic doesn’t means shit. My friends had autism they don’t act like a troll trying to impress whoever dumb enough to be your friend. If your that’s Smart enough to reply or anyone of your friends here’s care to comment. If you dare you dislike comment with downvotes it don’t mean anything. You will not accomplish anything with your stupidity and you have been reported already along with your buddy friends.
Do I gotta say anything?
Seriously after all the big talk and worthless bulshit he turned out to be an abuser and a downright fraud. Seriously a furry secrets…cmon.
How many people called em out? And how many has he apologized for falsely accusing? Nobody because he’s still attacking Belle and others using the “they wanna be popular” card. Sing a different tune already will ya. Your own gf went and deactivated her account. We all know who’s in the wrong now Timbre.
Damn you had me excited, i thought the dumb bitch actually deactivated. :/
She did deactivate it. She brought it back about a day later. And of course tim uses her mental health as a shield to hide behind 🙄
Of course he wants to make a furry secrets, that way he can control what goes up about him.
As far as Belle goes? She does only care about her popularity. She jumped on the hate bandwagon real quick, to beg for followers and to beg people to re-follow her lol. She’s pathetic.
Yea….no, one post thread doesn’t mean they care about popularity only. Lets look at some facts Tim has been on this site for literally 3 weeks. Belle and Pancake have only begun speaking AFTER the callout showing Timbre is a true abuser. He abused them, he’s abused others, and he’s abused his GF. Just look at all the tweets calling out tim for his sick attitude towards her, the UTI, having to call help and get a ride home, all red flags. Yet still this dumbass decides the best way to show he’s improved from that time is to go out and berate the people that called em out, make more accusations (which have no legitimate proof), and try to slander them AGAIN which got him in this mess in the first place… the perfect role model 🤦♂️ Belle and pancake much like everyone else are victims to their dumb decisions. Just look at the tweets that explain their situations, look at Zack ffs he even told me to STFU xD Oh and his latest tweet calling out DD, what’s their relation to all this…oh right catscratch. See how this is all bullshit now? There’s no low this dumbass isn’t willing to dive to try and look like a victim, he hasn’t apologized for any of the damage he’s caused and he will never do it. He’ll just create more chaos and blame it on everyone else. The reason they claim it’s for popularity is because of the follower thing, but lets run this back for a second. Tim and squid, multiple people have done what they did. They’ve caused an upset on twitter making big claims to ruin another persons relationship. People unfollow, block, ect. They don’t care about the follows, they want to reach out and talk to… Read more »
Goddamn you must be a huge fucking simp, to write all of that. Too much for me to care to read.
Well it’s not like we were dealing with anyone intelligent here if you can’t even bother to read one of exposed posts.
If you’re gonna talk shit, you need to give a shit.
Actually, she didn’t. The shit was going on for like a good 2 weeks before she finally hopped on. So you saying she hopped on it real quick, is false. Beg for followers? How is she begging? She’s giving an olive branch to those that dropped her and took tim/squids side after they went after her.
Actually, she did. Things were heating up for about a day before she hopped on it real quick to ask people to refollow her. She even posted her thread in discord servers lmao.
Tim has been up on here for the third week in a row. THIRD WEEK. This shit has been going on since may. If you wana date it back to where tim went at Dilila which was may 21st. https://gyazo.com/76af06e3df470e5c9608be9fd10ddc48 when did Belle hop on the train with her post?
https://gyazo.com/dbf03a7e229c8195a056fcbe60d6063b June fucking second. THE SECOND DAY of this month. Almost 3 weeks AFTER the fact that tim was originally put up. And don’t make me bring up all the other instances of tim just shit talking on his twitter. Or how he was literally witch hunting people who didn’t speak up about snags or say something about that.
Don’t claim she did when the logged PROOF shows otherwise. And yes, she did post it up in discord servers, but I can tell you right now So far the only ones that had an issue with it, is the ones owned by daphvir. Who I might add, was a complete and total fucking dick. No proper warning given, and attacked her verbally instead of saying ” Don’t post that there please. ” Just attacked her out right.
Don’t forget Zack, ffs he told me to shut up xD
Unfortunately they are right though. Belle is the one that attacked them over Squid saying she didn’t like the animal genitalia in 2020. Then she was the one that said in DMs to Timbre that she didn’t believe looking at CP and feral animal porn made you a child predator or a zoophile. I was also in the TGS discord where she constantly shared zoo stuff so I don’t know what that makes her?
I’ll believe that once you show us your fairy god parents. No receipts no weight.
If that’s the case why did those two constantly combat the tgs ban using catscratch. Why are they attacking a “known porn studio”?
For a group that denies ever calling her a pedo they sure do mention it a lot.
No they’re not. Who keeps bringing up the kemono and pedo shit, oh right Tim https://web.archive.org/web/20210405231729/https://twitter.com/TimTamWolf/status/1335988117497581568 Still up there but you can never be to careful with this cespool Tim has always attacked others using logs to try and claim he’s the victim when it was his reckless behavior that caused the situation in the first place. Seriously you can’t make this up https://web.archive.org/web/20220517184618/https://twitter.com/novelfox/status/1526635175148457984 For reference it started with Chaiyote bravely confronting her history with Snags. Which lead to multiple other people sharing similar stories of abuse or attempted abuse Anyone else notice how he’s making a callout and immediately posting the drama like a fucking shield. Yea that’s called hiding behind your victims, and they’ve grown tired of it. The EXACT SAME THING is happening to him now, and y’all wanna just throw it under the rug??? So lets get one thing straight here. Belle has been accused of being a pedo, a zoophile, and accused of ageplay. Yet nobody has come clean about such a situation nor has LindenLabs actually gotten involved. No ban, no truth. Seriously it’s in the word people BANNED = bad thing happened 🤦♀️ NEWSFLASH: Another persons opinion is ALWAYS going to piss someone else off. Don’t matter the context, ANYONE can easily manipulate what you said to make it look bad. Tim and co are weaponizing their drama to create cancel culture and hide their faults. Tim just like snags is guilty of sexual harassment and abusive behavior. He’s been guilty FOR YEARS, and not once has he openly apologized to ANY of his victims. ALL he does is claim his relationship with his girl who constantly deactivates her account, and within the span of a few days defends his shitty behavior (yea something totally happened honey don’t try to deny it) is… Read more »
Don’t forget he will block you if you call him out and block you so you can’t report the call outs he does. I.E targeted harassments that you can’t report because he’s blocked you.
unfortunately, YOU are wrong, because that is a different matter then what we were talking about. We all already know about the distaste belle had when it came to that, we’ve seen the logs and everything. It’s not new. How ever, belle didn’t continue to make posts and attack and such afterwards, she’s been quiet in her own world of photography. I’ve been watching her twitter and group chat. After that first bit, haven’t seen anything else of tim until a few days ago. =/
The conversation was regarding this recent posting from belle, which this person is wrong on. READ before you try to comment on shit.
5 every time i see those vendors with those veined calves and clawed hooves, i scream. why are the foot dudes like this?!