43 is basically every Gor sim that opend since the last eight years.
It makes sense coming back to sl again was awesome it was a good idea to get people banned again.
Thank you Toby for the help getting me back on sl again
Luxe,LA/Compton Mods are the biggest crybaby and cover ups ever Stealing and Metagaming and Crybabys
Can someone explain the Jack Blankes/Jetta Bentham drama to me? First I’ve heard of it
I’ll even step it up a notch since this is at the top and save you the scrolling trouble. https://virtual-secrets.com/virtual-secrets/virtual-secrets-week-732/#comment-82962
No, but you can scroll and read where she addressed it herself like everyone else.
Honestly who cares if a creator has more than one store with different alts. How is that hurting you or anyone. Gessh the need for drama.
13…. Personally hate Av Glam, every single eye no matter what has a damn blue outer ring.
TimTamWolf literally just screams in his echo chamber of a twitter profile with his only support being his dumb as fuck gf. They’ve literally ran off their friends and now still trying to be relevant. News Flash tim you look like you do actually groom. That’s probably why Squid is still with you.
#23 Eugh. Vanity.
pretending to be someone you’re not because you “dislike” them is degusting behavior, terminally online mfers like you need to eat a silver bullet.
Uhm pretty sure squid wouldnt wish suicide or death on anyone
She got all butthurt over someones comment towards her and ex Bestie Pau about eating a bullet before
fuck off m8
Eat a silver bullet is a reference to vampires/monsters you uncultured twat, stop reaching for what’s not there.
Nah cause I fucking know for a fact neither of these two would wish death on anyone or even each other tbh over silly internet drama the only people that keep this shit alive are terminally on the computer virtual secrets people and y’all need to realise this is someone’s daughter(s) you’re talking about not just a source of entertainment and drama.
1.) This is horrendously cruel to beat down on someone that’s supposedly being abused.
2.) This obviously isn’t her you’re replying to.
(squid and Lol) are just fake. Last time Timbre was brought into the spotlight some “random” came in and tried to promote self harm which he quickly used to defend his actions. It’s no longer a coincidence. It’s just a distraction.
Also after it was shown that squid was abused by Tim, she willingly went back and defended his actions.
The same actions like this
Yea he’s full of shit
Where’s TimmyT to defend em. Oh wait that WAS him just like that alt Twitter post 🤣

Lol fuck off. Obsessed. Just leave them alone or else put a name to your shit talking and take it up with Timbre. We get it exposed you hate them, you’re here everytime they’re mentioned. Next.
Also victims don’t “willingly” do anything. You’re a moron.
You’re clearly an idiot.
Exposed calls out hypocrisy. He’s back here because he’s a walking history book when sl drama is spotted and unlike bitches like you he’s got sources instead of hearsay bullshit.
You failed to even check your shit when he linked the last time Tim was up here proving everything he said AGAIN because it just repeated.
He called out soko and yamiko and then defended them when they finally changed ending a drama that lasted for literal YEARS between 3 creators.
He called out Tim for being a manipulative grooming cloutchaser
He called out kira for being an attention seeking piece of shit who tells others to KYS.
He called out Furry Kinks for being a shitty pyramid scheme with no respect to their own staff or the rules.
And he called out suda for all the bulshit she’s started with her lil group.
And all of it was FACTUAL EVIDENCE using their own posts and sourced information.
Unlike YOU he’s worth a read.
Keep getting ratio’d dumbass.
You forgot about skitz for doxing and Raven/Leo for being pedos and zoophiles.
I can defend myself ty, though I’m not expecting to be defended nor do I care. There’s no point trying to convince anyone here because ya can’t change stupid.
To be fair I only call out people when I spot the hypocrisy. If it’s too fresh I usually wait for some more factual proof or the dumbasses to start coming up with excuses. Tim is one of those people that as soon as they get called out he will come up with excuses and try to push the blame on others. He’s done this multiple times and he’s used alternate names before. Watching him comment how he’s “never” posted on VS while TimmyT was trying to defend em…likely story
There’s two possibilities, you can choose either one idgaf
1) they’re telling the truth and this is all heresay
2) they’re lying and proving my point…again
I rest my case
TimmyT, really original timtam
And what about his alt twitter “awfulsecondlife”
no activity since tims little callout, what happened to those posts man, making it REAL FUCKING OBVIOUS
so yea I rest my case, he’s a lying sack of shit and deserves no mercy.
Squid on the other hand appears to be trying to write their wrongs and hopefully improve as a person. While I have my doubts because they continue to defend Tims shitty behavior, I’m still going to hope that they’ll eventually make the right decision. There’s also no confirmation about her refunding commissions nor has anyone actually tried to clear that one up so meh. It is what it is. 🤷♂️
PS: I’m a bish
Yeah being SO involved in other peoples lives and not my own makes you suuuuuch a more interesting person. Yawn.
You’re clearly the moron
Celebrity status…fuck off with that. It’s nothing but ego and clout to them.
they’re a toxic cesspool, don’t try to change my mind. If you go back into a relationship with a person like this, the moment she leaves AGAIN she’s going to get attacked.
This ISN”T wholesome, this is controlling, manipulative, and wrong. Supporting such actions and trying to defend them just proves how shitty of a person you are.
Squid IS a victim, she’s also made some pretty shitty choices not only acting just as toxic, but taking money from others for commissions, taking other friends personalities, and ghosting others after one person claims their bad, it’s a mess.
Squid isn’t good, but Tim is worse. It’s just going to continue until someone with higher status tells them to stfu. if you ACTUALLY gave a damn and read what was going on in those links, you’d see the groomer case, the victims that wanted him to stop, and all the abuse cases.
But nah they’re obsessed when someone is actively spreading lies…like that’s not something to warn others about.
Timbre never leaves people alone, though. JUST TODAY he is still tweeting about Snags’ friends that were as fucking blindsided by the grooming allegations as everyone else is, talking about how horrible they are and how they “tried to bury association”.
Didn’t they do the same thing when their friend was called out for zoophilia? Bury it? Pretend it didn’t exist?
This is all extremely valid criticism of continued shitty behaviors and if he doesn’t like the heat, then he can always leave the kitchen.
No one can force you to do anything in SL. A person who keeps going back for more “abuse” when it’s so fucking easy, and completely safe, to escape is making a choice- that whatever “abuse” they’re suffering is preferable to being lonely. That doesn’t make them a victim.
They met up in RL and Tim basically wanted to do the sex and gave her a UTI. It took another friend to cross the border and get her out of that situation. However she went back days later after they both talked shit toward eachother. It’s hella messed up.
She’s IS a victim, she was rescued by her friends (which she berated) yet continues to walk back in to it by choice. It’s why people don’t pity them anymore.
Nobody is asking for your pity.
I’m not looking for pity here. I’m stating a fact. After ALL that was done to get her out of such a horrible situation, she not only WENT BACK, but , DEFENDED HIM and his shitty actions.
There is NOTHING worth saving anymore. They’ve called wolf so much that it no longer gets a response.
Got attacked on deviantart
Got attacked on Twitter
Got attacked on SL
Ect ect.
If she willingly goes back into a situation like this, there’s nothing for us her EX FRIENDS WHO TRIED TO PROTECT HER can do because she refused it so many fucking times.
Whatever happens to her now is HER FAULT and hers alone. She chose to continue this and she’ll deal with the consequences.
why do you care tho lol
you seem like someone that was force fed vienna sausages as a kid
They are not just involved in SL that’s why I find this whole thing bizarre. Blaming and attacking a young woman who is obviously not in a good place.
She listens to a song with lyrics like this.”Oooh it’s what you do to meeeeee oooh it’s what you do to me!!” That bitch is nothing but problems good riddance.
they live across the ocean from eachother moron

Using someone else’s name on here to try and cause problems is a bit shallow don’t you think.
#55 – This one is absolutely stupid lol they are not the same person. I am close with Tiffy and have heard both of them on voice at the same time.. Amari & Tiffy are 100% different people.
27 – no white mother is showing their white daughter’s little mermaid and saying this is a role model. it has literally been a cautionary tale for hundreds of years. the kids are still wearing FROZEN gear because that’s a good role model for young women.
these people cannot give this much of a shit about a kid’s movie about an imaginary being that lives in the sea. this has to be some weird online distraction or an attention fetish/reactionary kink. i could not imagine spending time crying about how imaginary creatures also need ot be white. deeply unwell society.
All the verified Twitter checkmarks going into meltdown when someone used AI to make her white again was pure comedy gold. For people who claim they don’t care about a mermaid’s color they seem to care a lot about a mermaid’s color after all.
Of course it’s all just a big pile of virtue signalling horseshit.
no not really. it’s reactionaries needing engagement/attention/clicks and picking another useless online argument of the week. and unfortunately, people keep taking the bait. two weeks later, no one will give a shit about this and this movie will break box office records bc these idiots generated enough buzz about it by arguing over it. we’ve done this with elves, spiderman, and a heap of other imaginary non-existent people. it’s a pattern.
a person talking about “white mulan” or the other fool below talking about recasting american history x with a black woman are not people anyone should take seriously. these people are either severely brain damaged, desperate for any type of attention (even negative), or (usually) are just too cowardly to say outright that they do not like black people nor do they think they’re human and deserve anything.
the fact that i keep seeing these idiots pull the same tired whataboutisms from 2007 tumblr out their flat asses tells me that we are doomed as a society. these people would rather wear one another down with these asinine arguments that try to do anything useful.
#18 Why are all of you so worried about people bumping into you? Or you bumping Into others? Do I need to remind you all that this place is fake? We are made of pixels… Who cares if you get bumped. Use a movement lock if you are so damn concerned. We do not need the lag or noise from everyone having bumpers at a damn event just so you feel better about being touched in your pixel bodies.
#31 has to be by Unicorn herself, right? I don’t think anyone else is under the illusion that the BOTS staff has their shit together or will be impartial and fair
Bitch threw a hissy fit when they showed her the door in ROC and they let every other admin or staff member do whatever they want lmao
Are we talking about the same admin that quit the sim? Showed her the door, lol. She basically told them she was done and they tried to steal all of her work. Now sure what reality you’re living in, but your facts seem pretty skewed considering we were all in the discord when she told the player base she was bowing out and then apologized to the players that she could no longer support what the admins were doing. 👍
But sure the admin team ‘showed her the door’ after she offered to help them transition before their massively scripted battle and said nah we got this. But hey way to screw over their own player base.
I love how everyone is jumping on the bandwagon.. go touch grass.
The fuck you on about? They made her change the system and when she dumpstered it out of spite everyone was understandably unhappy about it. There ain’t no way she didn’t know what she was doing Then instead of fixing it, she “quit”
Sim ownership had already giving her a couple of talks before that, because she was nuclear grade retarded dealing with people
After she “quit”, she put a collection of all the memes on here on the website they still used. Completely off the nut. Was terrible as an admin, will be worse as a sim owner, but find out yourself
I’m pretty sure they didn’t want a “scripted” battle at all. They just wanted a vehicle for their incredibly predictable plots centered around the main characters (i.e. admins and friends). Oh look how shocking the king died. Oh look new Targaryens and dragons from out of nowhere.
That person IS a hissy fit. GoT players are really scraping the bottom of the barrel for ‘good’ RP. It’s not good RP, it could be ,but every one of the sims is run by megalomaniac jerks that are only after the story that suits them and their friends. Memories are so short in GoT RP, RoC was both a combination of A Dragon’s Song and Las Almas staff. The staff/friends took all the key roles and played them until they got bored with it and instead of moving aside for others to take those roles and continue on, they sat stagnant in them and let the sim die before they’d ever lose control. Unicorn/Inimical.whimsey/forgotten eleonara/and many more avs she does, did Blood & Ash that closed on a whim because someone wanted to do a different genre and i can attest 100% that Inimical/Forgotten has torn each and every one of the players there to absolute shreds in the most humiliating and rude way possible. 100% and will continue to do so because she believes herself the top of every GoT word spoken and not a soul can compare to them. So kiss her butt or just understand how beneath her you are. Then you have Dragon’s Aflame that has the same shitshow people that did the Of Gods and Men/Dragon’s Lament sim that handed over ALL OOC and IC power to a person that was rude, controlling, unrelenting and treated players like shit (or ignored them) unless they were ERPing with him. While the owner sat back and hid their head in the sand before they finally closed. And if you wanted a key role, just be their friend… you got it. All in all, your RP does not matter with those people. It doesn’t. Unless you’re a… Read more »
That’s a lot of words to basically translate into “I used to be friends with these people and now I get my jollies off slagging them on a gossip rag. Or I think I know what’s going on and really I have no idea, but I want to be salty about shit.” Imagine how much headspace these people have taken up in your life.
“I know for a fact.. ” basically translates to: “I know because I was in that conversation and basically said all those shitty things too or encouraged that behavior. But you can trust me, I’m changed now.. ” Man just stop, if you don’t want to RP at these places then just don’t.
I don’t think any staff in any GoT sim will have their shit together. Let alone prepared for what the GoT roleplay community brings to a sim. Unfortunately, it’s the same revolving door of entitlement and ungratefulness.
#22 – It’s a trending in real life item on social media. 🙄 Triggered much? Creators in SL do this all the time. If you’re so triggered by something like this, then work on the thing causing it in RL. I’ve been in a Religious fueled College shooting and this Pixelated… candy shooting… toy gun doesn’t trigger me.
Good for you?? I agree with the posting. A GUN, no matter what it shoots, does not belong in a SCHOOL THEMED EVENT. And if they are emulating a “trending in real life item” aka school shootings, then shame on them. Guns don’t trigger me. But, the context is inappropriate.
The eyes in 13 look normal to real life, though. Leave your house and look at real faces – not face tuned pics of them.
So who is the next victim if she’s no longer playing house with Rainn ? New guy on the side or did she run back to another one of her ex’s again ? 😂
#56 Customers prefer quality and some creators need to realize that
#6 That’s not true for every other sim. Pretty sure most know that toxic admins will eventually sink a community.
#7 Yup Cara is wonderful and would not tolerate crappy admins. She has good intentions
#11 He should pop over to New Haven
#13 Both sets of eyes look fine to me
#18 Or zoom into your mini map and walk around the other avatars
#24 Is this a new community?
#30 Yup FH is going to need people who are all in to revive that place. They did it all wrong the first time and now their own moderators spend more time in other communities. It can work but it’s going to take work
I don’t think Bougie #16 understands the meaning of the word
#1 Congratulations, you just described 95% of the population in 511 and even in all of SL…
If that’s what people enjoy doing it’s they’re business. Until you pay their account stick to your own concerns. And while you’re at it go fuck yourself, nobody else is going to
2/29/38/52 – take that shit to Oprah…. this ain’t the site for that shit…. 🤐
wrong. this site is ONLY for shit. 😉
Some weak tea this week.
#6- Yeah real subtle advertising, y’all.
#13- Those are completely normal eyes. Real scleras have a slight yellow tint to them, it’s actually abnormal to have blue-tinted scleras. It’s okay to say you just don’t like change, you don’t need to make up a reason to dislike something.
#25- Unless the vendor is making entirely new listings for those items, the redelivery system will still work regardless of if the name changed or not. They haven’t changed the name of the actual product, just shortened some of the info to standardize it and make it easier to read at a glance.
#58- I hate looking at toe shoes so much. SL is a virtual world, at that point just don’t wear shoes at all.
13 Yea agree I like the new eyes looks natural
40 .You know if you want a new CEO you can just fork up $L400k linden’s to buy UFW but by the time you anxiety having estrogen filled assholes get to $L240K or simply $L 50k you guys would either take the money and run or start drama with each other and start focusing on other things maybe even run a new fed only for it to faulter like the many before it. It’ll be rinse repeat until death and even then you guys would act the fool and do it all again.
Wait? You’re looking to quit infecting the UFW with your shit management? SWEET! Quit! We’ll find a hobo off the street, lord knows he can run it better than you can.
Still thinking I’m Dante . Get a load of these people.
Weird I’m not even that guy…
How to tell it’s Dante:
1) Throw a tantrum when someone makes the slightest point
2) Is incredibly misogynistic
3) Throws out shit no one asks about instead of addressing the damn question
Yup, it’s the UFW CEO alright 😊
Not even Dante but nice bet. Wouldn’t even give you a football team to bet on.
Nobody wants to take it over you dumbass. It would be much more satisfying for UFW to completely collapse.
Then go to fwf oh wait …. I’m going to start a drag show at a certain place so you better attend fashionista.
FWF sucks too. SL wrestling sucks. It’s trick incels pulled to try to become popular.
Same with SL rp and photography crap.
What’s wrong with estrogen, Dante? Damn.. you’re a misogynist on top of all that? Not surprised. You and your roster are a joke.
does Dante even post here? Estrogen fucks you up just ask that one guy who took it and wanted to turn back after finding he was actually not gender dysphoric.But I see how I made you guys fall for the trap of thinking I was a CEO. Maybe i can be CEO with how stupid you guys are..
Source: Trust me, bro.
Okay then prove to me that you are normal after switching your hormones and Testosterone’s ya can’t as soon as you do you go off on someone.
Is this English?
You know what these assholes are stupid. I’m done and you can all go drive off a limestone cliff or a reservoir! I am done put a fooooooooooooooooooooooooooork in me i’m done!
Jeez, Naumova. Got a hair trigger on ya. One little joke and you explode on impact.
I kinda like how you exploded on Dante but I proved that I’m not white from threads ago you guys must’ve either had tensions with him or are really new to this?
I never said Dante… yet you somehow know I’m talking about him. Curious 😉
you said the last name dont think i’m stupid slap ass.
#41 . Haha its so true 😂
#46 right poor zade man. I hope scar stops using this kid and putting her own rp before him. Better yet hope she stops putting her own rp/group before the entire sim.
this is why the sim is dying tho
the ones downvoting are the same ones begging for a piece of the pie that’s never gonna happen.
50. Both him and Squid are horrible fucking people. Spent a solid two-ish years shitting on the NSFW aspects of SL and now suddenly they’re pumping out the most embarrassing SL porn in existence. It’s so funny to watch.
Notice how quiet everything is now, too, now that this guy doesn’t have the room to flap his mouth to a wide audience. No more days long fights on Twitter about why being horny on SL is bad, or whatever it is they want to fight about every two seconds. It’s really nice.
Oh the groomed couple is back. Tim is a groomer, squid is the victim that WENT BACK. Don’t @ me.
I find it hilarious that he came at sleepover because it’s just “bumping pixels” while making no contribution to the event itself. And now all they talk about is horny art, pedals, and whatever is currently trending on the Twitter algorithm. Oh and his little ad account that’s shared by both and FILTERED BY TIM ALONE. If it was anyone else the constant tagging would give off stalker vibes.
That’s totally not controlling
“Thanks for coming to MY girls stream” what, are you sharing income, or are you just trying to run her ragged while she tries to sell things to make due while owing others their refunds for dropping commissions
She just wants to be loved by him
Seriously the amount of two-faced bullshit I see from these two STILL is astounding
Talks mad shit because everything is nsfw “typical of furry culture” flips and makes an AD account posting nothing but porn and attack other “puritan” artists
Continues to sell her characters for quick cash without even mentioning the majority of people she scammed for art months ago before she got her starbucks girl personality copied off of an ex friend.
All he talks about is his random gaming moments, pedals, and loud shit regarding current trending bullshit he isn’t even involved with. Nobody is really paying attention because he’s just replying and q/rting most of it. Most if not all interactions are just replies. Heck his SL photos are getting less and less traction. And to top it off, the moment a post gets too heated for his fragile masculinity he’ll just delete it. So much for proper communication.
Find it funny how he talked big about having a close connection with SL creators, yet doesn’t actively advertise or blog for them. Last he blogged for was whisk and that’s dead. 🤣
Keep your popcorn laddies and lassos. This ain’t over yet, it never is with these two.
“Close connection with SL creators”
Yet I don’t know who these two are & don’t care to!
Typical furry BS I think. Love making anthro characters and content, but I despise the community.
Exactly, though I’d consider this as a failed ego flex.
The only time I’ve seen Tim blog something was for whisk, and squid for psicorp due to an event I think. Haven’t seen anything since. He got mad that people weren’t crediting what was used, yet won’t provide credit to his own photos nor did he actually provide any content to share for the event.
dude’s so scatterbrained he can’t even keep his lies straight xD
And when you call him out on something, he goes mental trying to gaslight you and play the victim.
calls out people for “supporting a groomer” when it was people who had no idea what was going on, gets called a groomer himself and all the evidence goes public (including his own “furry secrets”), and he defends himself by attacking others saying how they’re worse than he is.
Here’s a comparison, saying their worse than someone else is still saying they’re shit to begin with. Not like they set the bar high with that one.
It’s not furry bs, this is someone trying to act like you should give a shit about them.
So much ego
Blogging for Psicorp is hardly good credit, Psi and Geld/Soko/Verity are massive drama llamas themselves xD If anything that just makes one look worse. I don’t really trust anyone too close to Psicorp for that reason.
I agree but I /really/ don’t think Squid wants to do any of the things that he has been doing. He posted before he’s practically running their AD account alone as well..
She does have a following because she used to post some good blog pics and I think he somewhat has had control over that and her social. I’ve also seen her try to make up for wrong doings or apologise to people to see the post go down moments later. (I wonder why) If you can’t see anything more than an individual being controlled and afraid in this situation you’re not looking hard enough.
#22: Triggered much? Must be from the USA. lmao
Cause kids never had toy guns growing up.. you can literally buy those on Amazon by the way.
I am the creator, am sorry but we don’t really have school shootings here in japan lmao, and I made it because I have one of these lollipop guns IRL and there supposed to be for fun and cute, but sorry I broke ur small heart their person who posted this Secret lmao
Are you sure there are no school shootings or any gun problem in your REAL country of origin?
Thailand has more than its share of gun crime; gun ownership, and gunshot deaths, are among the highest in Asia. But no-one could remember a mass shooting like this before, every bit as bad as those in the United States.
Just want to put it out there that the creator is Thai, not Japanese. And even if they were Japanese, to boldly declare that there is zero gun problem in Japan is so ignorant and uneducated as fuck.
2020 first mass shooting and not in schools. Just because someone is Thai doesnt mean only can live in Thailand. And not actually there is not some big issue with school shootings in either country. Good ole USA has that all locked down to themself. Pretty much nowhere has that very specific issue like USA does. So pleasee show some recent news of .. school shootings, which was the comment itself “we don’t really have school shootings here in japan”
Pfffttt we all know you are not from Japan stop dragging the country into your delusions
You did well, it IS cute and fun! otsukaresama desu!
You should say khàawp-khun khâ. That is her native language.
The usual “well it’s not happening in my country so I’m going to be ignorant to it” type of response.
EVERY country is guilty of this mentality.
Oh shut up the world doesn’t revolve around the United States of Cringearica and we’re done pretending it does you daft bint. It’s not their fault your country puts the rights of gun holders over the rights of children to breathe or have a safe education.
And no, it never happens anywhere else, No mass stabbings against society or the shooting of former Japanese Prim Minister Shinzu Abe.
Go cry into your tea, the queen is dead!!! Thank fucking God. 😄 😃 😄 😆 😄
Did I say I was British? Like oh noooo the woman benefitting from the remnants of colonialism’s wealth and stolen jewels from Africa has died. So anyway…
It’s not that we put the rights to have guns above children, it’s that most smart people realize the people that break laws don’t follow laws. So even if we did outlaw guns (a really dumb idea) the ones that want to shoot others for no reason will still get them by other means. Our right to have guns is so we can fight our government if needed. When you outlaw guns, you take the ability for people that follow the law to protect themselves against the people that have acquired the gun most likely by breaking the law.
Yeah because your tiny pea shooters are going to stop military grade weapons and technology. Fight the government my ass. The rest of the world has found that by removing semi-automatic and automatic guns from markets they have curtailed violence in their countries. You don’t need 75 rounds to hunt. And you don’t need 75 rounds to protect yourself.
Also, fight the government? You really think the USA will let their citizens win? The top military developers of the world with a military GDP just as expansive as North Korea? Look what happened at Waco. They used flammable gases that are against the Geneva Convention and it caused a fire that killed them. What about the people who tried to fight being evicted off of public lands their cattle fed on? Get a grip.
The rights of children to grow old, Perdue happiness, get an education, and follow their passions should always be above your right to say guns go brrrrrrr.
Guns are illegal for citizens here in Brasil, yet look at all the mass shoot outs every week. You are 100% ignorant and your xenophobia is showing. You really need to take a break from VS. You are all over it this week with your perceived PC blatherings. Yet you refuse to listen to anyone, instead show some lame ass pic of kids all excited over a movie. Let’s not forget your made up story about Spider Man, let me guess, you recorded it. Seriously, turn off you comp and try going outside for once, I’m sure your Kupra- like body could use a good waddle.
And now I’m fat because I don’t agree with you. You guys are so petty it’s funny. Can’t get me to back down so now we need to call me fat and racist. I’m arguing my viewpoint. Agree or disagree, I really don’t care.
Are you really in Brasil?! Do you live under a rock?! Are you just a tourist? News flash! Gun ownership is NOT illegal and the idiots actually made firearm ownership easier despite all the “mass shoot outs every week” and other violence in the country. Hell the folks elected a president that openly supports exterminating the indigenous people, stealing their land and is all for burning down the Amazon. It’s no surprise the level of violence. You haven’t a leg to stand on calling anyone else ignorant.
Eu morro em Vidigal. The guns I see are NOT legal and not even made in our country.
“Our right to have guns is so we can fight our government if needed.”
LMAO, well then … . The gov fucks the average US citizen every fucking day, and I don’t see a civil war right now.
“[…] the ones that want to shoot others for no reason will still get them by other means.”
You’re right, but the US makes it fucking easy for lunatics to get them in the first place. Hence the crazy numbers on school shootings in this country. Heck, parents are buying bulletproof school bags for their children. It’s insane if you think that’s normal.
If you think your gun collection can protect you from our government, you are totally delusional. If our government really wanted you dead in particular, you’d never even see them coming. If they wanted your whole city dead, they could do it from miles away, from the sky… even your “I swear I use them for hunting” semi-autos would be useless, either way.
Apparently not, coming from the dislikes I received.
God bless Cringemerica! lmao
don’t get too cocky there Shinzo Abe
Right? I thought there was nothing wrong with the product as it was just a stupid prop gun but for the creator (or someone who claims to be) to defend themselves with a stupid argument by saying there are no shootings in a country they do not really come from/live in, is just more sad and pathetic than the dumb bitch who posted the secret. Maybe gun crimes are not as bad there as in America but are you aware that Japanese press is notorious for news blackout and covering up true crime statistics to save face? You could have just shut up instead of fishing for weeb self-validation LOL
23 – Crow needs to choose his battles.
For the sake of his his reputation and his team he needs to be more careful about what he posts to social media. Even if he is right, even if he is wrong, once something is said out there, there is little one can do to remove it. This community is anything but forgiving and it doesn’t forget. Best to keep your head down so when something really bad happens (and it will) your outspoken word will carry much more weight.
The spotlight is on you when you’re a prolific creator. Your composure in that light can make or break you.
It’s a (fucked up) balance.
Crow’s twitter seems to be a constant stream of
On repeat for eternity…
I feel like they’re becoming just as dramatic/attention-seeking as most of that group, unfortunately. Like the drama is slowly coming out on their twitter and it’s just not a good look for them.
#57 – Yikesssssss… that’s cringe on both ends…. lol “scripting since 2008”
you’d be surprise what people that have been doing that as a profession on SL for that long can do.
I think what his trying to say is, that they’ll find you on here even if you’re trying to hide.
Alexander tizzy is scum
Hansel’ is cuck
Kofi is a scammer
Korgi is a child molester
Jason is a miserable old men pretend to roleplay as a child avatar on second life and secretly has a thing for childs irl
Wesley is a monkey boy
YouTH Nation grid sucks more scams and shady websites with payments
LL bans any One name Toby have a nice day
Brahms is a pussy
Toby a bitch case close
We need the shitty RP sims to keep the assholes contained, otherwise they come to the good places that don’t get mentioned here and pollute our communities. Wishing ROC, CoLA, and wherever else a long, long life. :3
New player to CoLA, its been a blast from the past on catty narcissist staff and faction leads and grey blends between SL and RL, especially between the women and the spattering of fuckboi cock they chase. And I hardly even partake in it. I just watch it happen and smile and nod while everyone is gossiping back and forth and sharing logs and spinning narratives I get to see in passing because everyone wants to spill secrets all the time. I showed up because a friend told me it was fun and casual and then she ended up telling me she was embarrassed for how bad it got after we started trying to RP together there and how shady and fast and loose even the ‘staff’ seem to be with basic RPer rights like consent… Gonna have to press X to doubt on CoLA, and say that it’s actually been a pretty toxic place to my experience. And the fact that there’s… literally 4 – maybe 5 or more? – screenshots and posts up there literally TAKEN at CoLA kind of immediately proves my point?
As another new player. Yep. All this.
This is hysterical! I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. A lot shifted from ROC to Book of the Stranger. It’s bound to be the same drama.
Yeah all the ROC people rushing to blast other sims and the players at them really is great PR that they are somehow above the drama 🙄
bunch of noobs rp drama again, boring ass week
Apparently there is a mass campaign by the RP dramatists to downvote comments that deride them. It’s cute, like they think downranking has any real effect.
Virtual Secrets – where the votes are easily manipulated and literally don’t matter.
it’s the same people. you can downvote the same comment multiple times lol.
they just wanna bitch n groan about sims that they have no part in tbfh
I don’t see how it’s any more boring than endless residential sim drama, adoption drama or some random fucking somebody else’s man drama.
#44 Ah yes Walton the pedophile groomer once again whining on twitter. Does he ever stop?
Walton was literally apologizing to his consumer base for dropping some bodies from the rigging line. You obviously don’t know what the terms ‘pedo’ and ‘groomer’ mean, but are you telling me you also have no idea what ‘whining’ is?
You must be desperate to attack someone like Walton without doing the bare minimum of providing proof to back you up. Or you’re a bad troll since no one is going to believe this without proof.
Which is it? Lazy or stupid? Because of all of the creators in SL (myself included), Walton is one of the few who stays out of drama and conflict and maintains a respectable level of quality for his store.
Pedo doesn’t mean “any person I dislike or disagree with.” And the Deplorables have completely mutated the definition of the word groomer past the point of usability.
“just facts” we would like to know where IS the facts though? please provide some source of proof before saying something that could potentially ruin a person’s life completely.
Walton has always come across as a kind, eloquent, and well mannered person. I don’t believe this for a second. Where is your proof?
Source about the pedo thing? I’d like to know.
@11 Art is a very professional and kind person. He has a couple of job’s in the town he lives and does them both Professionally and with kindness, he always takes suggestions and uses those he can. YOU CAN’T PLEASE EVERYONE, PLEASE GO THRIVE IN FH SINCE ITS SO GREAT.
I can attest to his kindness. He worked Events when I moved to CC and he made me feel welcome every single time. Me and my family were sad to see him go
The op of #11 is pleased Rofl. They are trying to poach him right here on secrets and warn him that CC isn’t a good place to be and don’t take suggestions
She’s not playing house with Rainn anymore because she’s playing house with her ex Ashe aka Beau Blep/Smol Tater
Hadley does not actually “love” the people she claims she does when she is with them
She leaves who she is with for others who give her attention more but makes excuses why she cant be with them anymore
Then she’s off with someone else
When that doesn’t work out she runs back to whoever her ex’s are that will let her come back
Everyone has been telling ya’ll for years
Here is yet another example
She breaks up with Rainn & is hooking up with her ex already
Staying logged in sleeping with him
She’s disgusting & will never change
Putting her here for this stuff is no shock to those who actually know her
For the kids
She ruins every kid she has & the only reason she kept kids before as long as she did was because her ex Z was the one who made that fambam & kept them all together as a fambam
The minute they weren’t together anymore every one of those kids left to different fambams because of her actions
Look at the patterns
Everything she touches she ruins
It’s rinse & repeat for her
She will never learn
Ashe ??? Ashe the one who pretends to be a girl and fucks people in furry avatars ??? Guy fucks underage looking avatars too. Weirdo is probably into kids. Lmfao after all the things she’s said about him too 😂😂 that’s so nasty but I wouldn’t be surprised if she was into that too ! Hide your kids from both of them !
That’s the one! I’ll do u both even one better, she has him teaching at her new school she’s reopening that’s full of kids…it’s so gross! Of all the ex’s to constantly run back to she goes back to that nasty one but it’s probably because none of the other ones want her and Ashe will fuck anything he can get *pukes*
That’s actually really sick if she hired someone like that to be around kids. That shows you who and what that type of person is about. Anything weird in those ways she should of never hired anyone like that. That’s so gross.
13 – lol @ diseased… go google what eye diseases look like please. both eyes are perfectly healthy and normal looking. not everyone has or wants a bright white sclera.
38 – again with this? don’t apologize if you have nothing to apologize for. otherwise you’re just rolling over and asking to be a doormat.
54 – b-r-e-a-k. also, I’m pretty sure more people DO check them than not. ijs.
57 – I’m not entirely sure it’s a point of pride to have a “psycoboyfriend”. that’d be more of a concern, tbh.
How many submissions actually get denied on VS? Because it’s really feeling like none at all, seeing countless posts on the same thing week after week. #51 is posted every week and I’m pretty sure it’s not changed at all from one week to the next.
#57 Cringe it is the kiss on the mouth that got me
13 Yea agree the eyes don’t look diseased
If you have been following the person that has been posting about Luci, they always misspell a word because she corrected them once and I find it hilarious because no one else has caught on to this.
I definitely have not been even reading most of them because it’s not that interesting lol. if that is in fact correct, misspelling a word intentionally…. that is kind of funny. but I’m still sick of seeing it every week at this point.
lol Bella. You literally admitted that you were MeatBeatmedo and that you’ve been posting about me.
Get a life, lady.
Yeah a lot of these “secrets” aren’t even secrets, they’re more like incoherent rants about people who don’t matter (loads of mis-spellings and wrong word usage included). And every week there’s multiple “secrets” about one person, or one subject that say almost the same thing. Don’t u read the submissions Kesseret? Would be nice if there was some sort of QA on this page.
She’s really noped out over the years. But from the guidelines and changes, she could be burned out. Though I do miss when she’d call out the idiots hiding under different comment names.
Seems like it.
#55 First of all I never hid the fact that I was Castilo Jackman on facebook, It’s even listed with both names. And secondly me and Tiffy has been friends for a few years and its something you know nothing about. Get a life and move on.
Seriously?!?! I can always be seen and heard!! Don’t be scared … come talk to me I will be sure explain everything on voice and pictures because it is clear you can’t read… i mean if you guys really want to see me more I’m sorry I don’t deal with ghetto b…….!!! But if you make sure u dot ur “I’s” and cross “t’s” aka get your F’n Fact straight I would love love to hear this face to face! And clearly You know shit about me (Tiffy) because you would no my track record and stfu! As for Amari he is the realist guy u can meet in this game.. unlike u immature twits who can’t be civil after break ups. Amari is my best friend and I am grateful to have such an amazing person in my corner! Don’t hate because you could not get past your own insecurities and jealousy .. but only the strong can survive us and honey you weak as F!
Still the same damn person. Now that you are single again……… will we be seeing Tiffy Soon?
Seriously u so sure come see for urself!
If you are so sure about that then why don’t you use your real name? Until then you have no clue what you are talking about.
OMG you are a fucking idiot! Clearly says you and tiffy are the same person and she only comes around when you can’t keep a girlfriend.
Actually, it is really sad you run your mouth like you always do, you ASSUME that an ex of yours posted that lame ass pic of yours and put you in secrets when it is or was more likely someone you pissed off like you love to do.
At the end of the day Tiffy, you become a Cunt that yells come talk to me, yet you disown people and trash people and treat people like shit for no reason. You are emotionally and mentally abusive and at the end of the day, you are nothing but a Bully behind a screen that uses people and lies to them because YOU are not happy in your RL.
I had to laugh when I saw your stupid ass in Secrets, you deserve to be here weekly.
How was your Christmas last year? Lmfao
You really are a stupid Bitch thinking I am your EX, LMFAO….. My Christmas was amazing like it is every year because wait for it… I have people in my RL that love me and love to be around me… Oh wait let me remember it was you that was cheating on your husband in RL, promising to be with another man, making empty promises of love to another while you were married in RL.
Yeah, that’s right cupcake you Bully people you care about, sorry that’s the biggest line of shit one has ever heard, you bully people to keep those that feel sorry for you close to you. Once your so-called SL Family starts to get close to others you make sure to ruin everything for them, so that way they are right there for you in your corner boohooing right along with you. Where is that so-called SL family now???? Right they Left SL ‘Eye Roll”
The best part about all of this is you State you are happy in your RL, tell me then why are you still fucking others when you are married in RL? your nothing but a pathetic Cheater, a waste of literal space and well we have all seen how you use people to get what you want, attention, money, material things, and so forth.
Keep telling everyone how happy you are in RL, and those of us that are happy you left will continue to enjoy our lives without your pathetic DRAMA,
Roflmaooooo. Still gonna hide ???!! You gave yourself away … little bitch!
Awwwww poor muffin … did I disown u!? But why won’t anyone come say it to me???!!! I’m a bully because I stick up for people I care about! Apparently u are not one of them! I am very happy in my rl …. So walk it off and rub some dirt on it!
You aint shit you run away from every single problem and start crying like a coward bitch please!!!
Lmaoooo correction I run from useless people!! And if u think any of this is bothering me… If u know me like u think you do… I feed off this shit!! U all wait for me to show up in a post so u can come out and spout your butt hurt feelings… I’m living rent free in your heads!!!!!
I’m not discussing this any further. If you got something else to say feel free to message me. You know where I am and how to find me. Stop hiding like a little bitch.
Pocahontas was a Native American woman, belonging to the Powhatan people, notable for her association with the colonial settlement at Jamestown, Virginia. She lived around the turn of the 16th Century. She was a REAL person.
Hua Mulan is a legendary folk heroine from the Northern and Southern era (4th to 6th century CE) of Chinese history. According to legend, Mulan took her aged father’s place in the conscription for the army by disguising herself as a man. In the story, after prolonged and distinguished military service against nomadic hordes beyond the northern frontier, Mulan is honored by the emperor but declines a position of high office.
The Little Mermaid is a fairy tale about a mythical creature from the sea.
So yes, we should be upset about Blonde Hair/Blue-eyed people playing the part of someone who is a major part of a specific culture. But people need to get over what color the skin is the person playing a half human/half fish creature.
And to the person who created #27 – you are right, you should be able to have this one and many many others. In fact we should live in a world where this shouldn’t even be a thing. BTW want to see heads explode – wouldn’t Ildris Elba make an awesome James Bond!! (the rumor is out there)
Ildris Elba is hot AF and would make a smoking hot and thirst-worthy James Bond. I wanted this so much. Sad they decided against it because of all the haters.
As I posted down below. The Little Mermaid was also written as an allegory for the feelings Hans Christian Andersen had for his engaged, male best friend. The Little Mermaid should be a merman, if you want to get super technical, and since this is a DISNEY adaptation, Ursula, who was based on Divine, should be played by a drag queen, not Melissa McCarthy.
No one likes when their favorite characters are changed for no real reason. All Disney did was try to rehash the same story while virtue signaling, in the cheapest, laziest way possible! I’m not that big of a fan of the original Little Mermaid, but I can definitely understand why people would be upset by changing her, and it’s not because people are necessarily racist. Think of any of your favorite characters from movies, comics, books, etc.. and then imagine someone changed them for no reason, in a reboot. It is lazy to do. The has been a lack of creativity and originality in movies and comics for a long time now. Simply changing the race or gender (or both) of the character does not mean you are a great and creative writer, what it actually means is that you lack vision, lack imagination to create something great that is new and fresh and all your own. I am black, I honestly do not like race-swapping in any form. I’m not racist, I love all races, and have friends from all races (even you whiteys!). You can be non-racist and still want your favorite characters to not be ruined by ridiculous changes. It really is okay, you do not have to follow the crowd to feel accepted. I would feel upset if Luke Cage was race-swapped to a white person or any other race. He is like a black superman, except he was made before they made superman black at all. There are many great black established characters that just need to have their stories told to more people. Not everything disagreement is about race. What should concern everyone is that certain people that think they are the good people and not racist, like to quickly call anyone that disagrees… Read more »
Disney steals ideas from open domain (copyright aged out) media while actively working against contributing to it themselves. Mickey should have entered the public domain many moons ago, but they worked with legislatures to stop it.
Disney took the idea from other sources and changed it up a bit. Gender bent media is actually quite popular to read. Look at BookTok.
But yes tell me how the original Ariel was a unique idea. Alice in Wonderland too. Jungle Book. I’ll wait.
lmfao Disney didnt create little mermaid in the first place. they stole it same way have done most everything. Andf the author stole it from someone else and they took it from myths around the world which yes gasps do include Africa too. Such a shocker right? Oh and tid bit about why all the Disney character were white? Walt was a huge racist.
You do not seem capable of reason. I don’t care about any thing you mentioned in your opening diatribe. I assume you can read and comprehend. What I am saying is that Disney should not recycle their established characters this way. What I am suggesting is that they come up with new stories and characters for PoC, like myelf, that want to characters that were never white or any other race before.. make each character unique, make each character special. There is truly a lack of originality in our society today. “Why make a strong original PoC character that can stand on their own? We can just black-wash a pre-existing character to please the simple-minded and make ourselves look good in the process!”, That is what Disney was thinking! How hard is this to understand? Would you like an icecream cone if I licked it first? Would you like wear someone else’s hand-me-downs? Would that uplift your spirits and make you feel proud, wearing someone else’s clothes? Why do you feel it is okay to give PoC your hand-me-down characters? Disney made Ariel white first. The character is established now as that, after all the years since the movie. Why not use the movie to tell another tale of another Mermaid Princess that just so happens to be a PoC? Why is it not okay for someone to make an original character that is a PoC first, and have that movie be an established hit? I never even said Ariel or Alice were unique ideas, I said they have already been established. Their looks first already defined. Altering them after that, makes them second hand trash. I would rather have the characters FIRST shown to the masses as a PoC, and have it be a smash hit! Than to have… Read more »
All the reactions I’ve seen from black kids online has been nothing but awe and wonder and excitement. I actually tried to post a link to a compilation of black children absolutely ecstatic because she is “Brown like them,” but it’s stuck in moderation queue and needs approval from Kesseret. You’re an adult. The movie is not for you and wasn’t marketed for you, an adult. To a child it is a chance to imagine themselves as magical.
And black Spider-Man, into the Metaverse, was very popular and flew off shelves. I actually had to fight to get a preorder of one of the comics for my kid.
They’re too young to be jaded because they did not get a new Tiana, which I’d very much like new black original content, but a black mermaid being played by someone as beautiful and talented as Halle Bailey? I won’t complain. The wonder on their little faces is enough to tell me this is wanted and a good thing. Let the kids judge for themselves.
I agree that Halle looked great. All I am saying is She could have been another Mermaid, with her own unique and empowering story. I do not like when characters are race/gender swapped because that is just lazy, and usually the big companies just do it as a quick way to say, “see? we are on Your side!”, when they really aren’t or they would have made an amazing new PoC character instead of just rehashing an existing character. Also, if you mean the black spiderman, Miles, he makes more sense, as he is an original character, his name isn’t Peter Parker, he has his own backstory, even his spider outfit looks different than Parker’s. So somehow you are getting confused with what I was saying. Miles is more of an example of what I was wanting from Disney.
What does jaded have to do with anything I said?
As far as who the movie was marketed for, you know kids will like and believe most anything, right? If all you gave them was a fire truck and took them to firefighter movies, guess what they would probably like? If you took them to a movie and they never saw the old one, sure, they’d like the movie. But as their minds develop, eventually they will ask, “Why are all the movies that have cool PoC characters, the ones were the original version they were white first?”
I mean shee-it. The Lion King is both blatantly stolen from Kimba the White Lion and is a retelling of Hamlet. The Lion King 2 is Romeo & Juliet and the Lion King 1 and 1/2 is Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead.
Exactly what I mean. Disney gender swaps and reimagined characters from the public domain but lobbies against being added to it. They’ve zealously guarded their copyright for years, including refusing to let a kid who died from cancer have Spider-Man on his tombstone. They even screwed over the authors from the Star Wars EU while stealing their ideas. They won’t pay them their book royalties. Disney is shit, and I will view them as shit, but… the kids. They’re so excited for this movie. And greedy and jaded adults are trying to ruin it for them.
“racists aren’t popular, they are not mainstream, they are not that many of them around” 🤔 you sound like a Far right Conservative Evangelical Christian Republican 🍊 I suspect you might be yt as well
CoVid has been decimating their aging numbers and their neckbeards and incels can’t appeal to the wider female populace so they aren’t breeding either. At this point I can’t even point and laugh, their idiocracy is pitiful as many of them accept their Hermain Cain awards. Take solace in that.
An intelligent person would not jump to crazy incorrect conclusions like you have. Do words anger you? Does it make you angry when people do not always agree with you on every topic? Why can’t people have diversity of thought? I am sure, if there wasn’t a cult mentality, many others would understand that no two people will EVER think the exact same way. So if it bothers you that you cannot suppress my individual right to my opinion, what does that say about you?
Here’s something for you; if all your friends always agree with you on everything, they are either lying to you or you’ve all been brainwashed to think alike. I guarantee you that no two people will ever normally think exactly alike, not even twins, that is why they have their own personalities.
It’s so funny, as a Latina, Squeeze every week is spouting the most anti-white and anti-USA stuff ever. Squeeze thinks that she is trendy and cutting edge but there is not one original thought coming out of her mouth. Squeeze always victimizes so she can criticize herself and all those around her. Truth is, the hatred she projects does nothing to protect her, she leaves herself so exposed. 😄 😅 😆 😄 😅 😅
Not white but I’m not revealing my nationality for shit here. I use a double VPN as well, so I get to shitpost and say what I want. Don’t even have SL social media. Just can’t give a fuck less. Just an axe to grind with morons from SL.
Why not just admit to the simple fact that you are a racist.
I see mostly us POC bringing up valid points, yet you talk over us without giving any considerations or concessions to some valid points. Not to mention you throwing red-herring arguments about other topics like America to deflect the blame onto something else. The whole “what aboutisms,” are for the low cunning and weak minded. I feel sorry for your kids. as I’m sure you force them to look at that picture (you keep posting), before they brush their teeth every night.
thank you lmao. it is the most aggravating thing bc i wish these people would just say “i am a racist and don’t like/respect/empathise with black people” and be on their way.
it saves all of us from having to engage in any good faith argument with a person who is absolutely beyond critical thinking.
Thank you for pointing out what most of us POC are thinking. I rarely participate here, but thought I needed to show support. I would advise to disengage with Squeeze because this isn’t the first week (and I’m sure not the last), where her racism and xenophobia have come out. I’m sure every week she can’t wait to start up with something. Best to ignore her and move on to what VS is really about.
Lady, Man, whoever, I don’t know you or the other arguer’s from Adam, Eve, or Steve. I can’t verify if you or the other person is a POC, and even then, just because one or two POC pushback on my argument, the people who are POC in my RL and also the ones I interact with online have made my same arguments and I agree with them.
But this is my opinion. On a rag website. I say what I want just like anyone else does here. I didn’t come here to be convinced against my own perceptions and experiences.
And before anyone asks, yes, I want more black stories and original content. I want representation from many underrepresented minorities in history. But The Little Mermaid is entirely fictional and thus not locked to any one skin color. It is a mermaid. They could be black, white, periwinkle, yellow, or any other skin color and it wouldn’t change anything about the story itself and people’s preconceived notions that character’s can’t be updated or changed in appearance. By everyone’s arguments here, Mikey should have stayed as Steamboat Wiley.
Ah. I’m racist because I don’t agree with you or the cynicism about a kids movie.
Sorry to interject, but you toss around the word, Cynicism, a lot. I do not think it means what you think it means.
#34 Ahh. I see SamanthaPrater went around her supposed ban from this site to submit a post about me. How are your legs there from jumping to conclusions based on some rando telling you a bunch of shit that wasn’t even remotely true about me Sam? It’s painfully obvious you wrote this. I’ve been shown and told about your nonstop howling about me with almost that exact wording.
she’s back? Okay welps need do some contacting send her ass back to the looney bin. Ask her if the neighbors still have her apartment bugged and cameras in her lights
Sam is a very scary person. Especially seeing all the shit she’s done
I made the mistake of feeling a miniscule bit of pity and reaching out to her last month, just to genuinely try to be nice. Not even an entire month went by, til I returned to my PC to a shitstorm of messages from her.
Unfortunately she’s a real life Babadook feeding off drama and people’s misery. Just block everything she uses. If she spams you through email, report the accounts to the email service.
Only silver lining is, I saw that she had tried to come back on SL around her ban and apparently the account got orbital nuked by LL.
Yep. I reverse blocked her after she screamed like a looney that she was blocking me for ‘being a liar and a bitch’. I knew her years ago when she was using a different name. We were sorta kinda friends for a little bit over a decade ago. 3 years ago she dragged me into her nonsense, via word vomiting names and screaming about Virtual Secrets, and god only remembers what else.
My original issue with her, going after a friend of mine was resolved, and I just wanted to try to be nice to someone I used to know, but she’s way too far gone now.
LOL she doxxed herself repeatedly on kiwis farms in the week or so before the site was taken down. Hoping to drum up another army but landed put herself on display for ridicule & hypocrisy. Then jumped back to Facebook to cry that she was being picked on over on KF somehow forgetting she started that up again by creating her own thread asking for art critics. She never ceases to amaze me with her antics. & yes, she’s still unrepentant & dangerous.
Mhm! I saw all of that. Sam desperately needs to be placed where she can get real help and be monitored, but she has to want the help, and doesn’t want it or think that she needs it. Unfortunately the mental health system in this country is a disgrace and is failing her among many others who could truly benefit from it.
She has been a few times. Hell even someone in SL managed to get her locked up. Sadly they just keep releasing her.
The law is pretty specific most places, You can’t lock people in a mental institution unless they meet criteria. In my state they must be an IMMEDIATE danger to self or others or unable to provide for food clothing or shelter.
It’s also a very easily manipulated system. I’m not putting everything about this girl on blast here. It’s not my place, and would violate many laws. Besides that, she does a good job of that all by herself. As someone said two comments up, she doxxed herself on Kiwi Farms, then went screaming that people shouldn’t be using information she provided to them herself.
Oh yea. She started a KF thread looking for attention under the guise of wanting constructive criticism. Which shockingly she received a fair bit. But it was the same ploy she uses to get someone-anyone curious as to why she’s asking for it on that site. I don’t think she posses the ability to comprehend how vile that site was, until she saw it shut down. Again, she magically forgets she created a thread, made her own self the center of attention. She hops on her blog & Facebook & talks about how horrible KF was-is & all of her detractors should wisen up & fly straight, lest they too be taken offline like KF.
Girl you posted your freaking MyChart screenshots with your name & birthday visible for anyone to see. & then she cries she got doxxed. But she doxxed herself….
Kiwi Farms are full of bullies & only bad people go there….
But you submitted your own self on the site.
That’s dangerous.
But the attention!!!
Yes, her case is a perfect example of a broken system.
& she is dangerous. Just err on the side of caution & don’t engage
Meanwhile Kiwi Farms got hacked by a professional and they got admin permissions, IP addresses, etc. They are a loud reminder that 1) Don’t make too many anecdotes that can be traced back to you 2) VPN from a reliable vendor 3) unique email address in any place you’re shitposting and hating on. Otherwise you’re just doxxing yourself. It’s been a very amusing thing to watch go down on Telegram.
Not to mention, she signed up using her usual handle of, you guessed it, Samantha Prater, which, even if she hadn’t doxxed herself, has a trail 5 miles long and 8 miles wide right back to her.
Timing couldn’t have been better. It isn’t even functional on Tor. So she had a brief stint in Kiwi Hell before it got trashed by some real pro hacker. Definitely paid. The way they got in was extremely technical.
Yeah I had gone back to try and read into some of the thready rabbit holes out of a morbid curiosity to see if I knew anyone that got blasted on there and couldn’t find it again. Before it went, I did in fact find at least two people, one I knew by just screen name, and an ex of mine. Guess I dodged a bullet there.
Well I guess we’ll see on Sunday if she’s gonna try again.
All I know is I never want to be king or owner of an rp sim. No doubt some of these people suck but not sure why people expect them to be out kissing babies like a cartoon politician.
They are only expected to be decent and fair.
Wow what a shit week, see you dickheads next week I guess, have something interesting to post though.
Sorry there wasn’t any women bashing for your delicate tastes <3
How are you absolute clowns spinning this women bashing narrative? 😂
Because I like to RP it? Surely you have an IQ big enough to separate RP from real life…. right? Honestly, the sad state of the vast majority of women today just makes me ignore them, and not give them the time of day, they’re not worth beating. 🙂
Hey, be proud of them, they stayed out of the minefield that is #27 and the hot topic of this week. They had a woman they could bash and actually didn’t! That’s progress.
#20 Remove everything about that person from your profile,move on,stay happy
Yeah, that’s one of those things that makes me cringe and pity someone, when their profile is full of obsession with someone and that person doesn’t have so much as a mention of them; maybe just their name in a list of “friends” at best. Really makes it clear the obsessed person’s self-worth is in the toilet.
#31. Someone salty. Book of the Stranger and Dragon Aflame both have hard-core rules staff can never be near the Throne.
#43: Damn near most sims
Dragons Aflame had an admin and mod who quit RoC to open Dragons Aflame — these two were making biased decisions to promote themselves/their clique at RoC and abused processes to go after RPers and consolidate their positions. One of these admins was/is a Targaryen both sims so not sure what you are claiming.
Be sure you understand where you’re coming from, ‘Hypocrsy’.
Where’s the proof of the biased decisions? Also at RoC and D.A. neither were anywhere near the throne nor in line of succession. That’s what I’m saying. Same with BotS.
51 Is accurate for RoC but BoS hasnt even been open long enough for there to be problems yet. Which Dragon Flame admin put this one up? Lmao.
Because BoS and Dragon Aflame are sims from people that did the same crap months ago on differently names sims they ran. It’s not new, it’s recycled BS. Again.
Oh please. Shitting on two sims that open for what RoC? Okay.. 👍
Damn. Way to automatically assume bro.
#23 It’s actually humorous because Orange/Crow and his team are known for being horrid towards other creators, talking them down and straight up being abusive to the people around them and almost ALMOST everyone on the ANIMA team has rebranded AND requires anonymity to “protect” them yet they’ll shit all over and tear down other creators. i.e Ebody?
It’s really weird how there’s always someone here, every week, within an hour of these posts going up to talk about ANIMA. Does it not dawn on any of you how incredibly weird it is for you to be holding onto an issue that is almost a month old and RESOLVED with ALL parties involved? I don’t see anyone really even talking about this on Twitter anymore, do you guys just wait weekly to post here because you know you’re being ridiculous/blowing shit way out of proportion and, as a result, can’t put a name behind your words?
You guys get into the same conversation every week about absolutely nothing. These people live rent free in your heads otherwise you wouldn’t climb over yourselves to get a comment in the second every weekly post goes up. If you dislike them this much, then why are you giving them that power?
It’s not just the eBody drama. A lot of us were suspicious before that. As soon as they announced their weird anonymity, refusal to let people talk in the discord, or when people found out who was behind it – it was a red flag.
A lot of us have prior experience with these people long before they were ANIMA. This is why we’re critical. To be blunt, they wouldn’t do this “anonymity” shtick if they didn’t have something to hide…
Critical =/= borderline harassment. When will you people learn that the two are NOT the same thing?
There’s plenty of people that have collaborated together on major furry heads/bodies/miscellaneous projects before. On those projects, the names of all collaborators are not always front-and-center, right there for everyone else to see either… I’m wondering where this same ire is for them. People collab. You think you’re escaping an artist that you don’t like? You probably aren’t.
Second Life is a platform that affords people the ability to protect themselves to a degree, however they see fit, and it’s weird that people on a site who cannot even put their names behind their opinions can’t see that. What would you do if you were not afforded the anonymity that this site offers you?
Gossiping on VS isn’t “borderline harassment.” Harassment would be if we started PMing them personally with vitroil and stalking them. We’re not… We’re just commenting on PUBLIC twitter posts and PUBLIC announcements.
Also yes, we are aware that other people collab. A lot of other collaborations are also not great… It’s ended badly before so we have a right to be wary. We are entitled to our opinions. As you are to yours. ANIMA have the right to operate business as they please, but in turn, we are allowed to think it’s shady AF. That’s the joy of SL having few restrictions!
Tbh I do think it’s because they’re a brand. People just love to yell about shit on this site and we should stop giving it power altogether it’s probably not even personal.
TIL you aren’t allowed to grow up and be interested in different things, none of those people have gone out of their way to hide their identities and if you fully believe everything you typed you probably need to do a little more research before you talk
Except they all still act like children, so who’s done any growing up out of that Anima lot? Rebranding as a collective with it’s own account and having a Discord where NO ONE is allowed to talk… how is that not hiding their identities? They were anonymous until they were not, either by people outing them, or they couldn’t not brag about being a part of it.
So what you’re saying is they’ve all quit their main brands to work on Anima? That is the only way you could accurately say they’ve all “rebranded as a collective”, but they all make content for their main stores still and none of them are hiding that they work on Anima. If you want to be upset for the sake of being upset go ahead, but don’t hide it behind “ugh anima is so sus ugh they’re all hiding who they are” cause you sound dumb as fuck.
I love the dislikes and lack of response because they know you’re right. Embarrassing for the weirdos that let these guys live rent-free in their heads. Guess they WANT to seethe.
I know about the others on Anima but not Orange/Crow, what did he do exactly?
Made a tweet to try and get people to basically boycott eBody by lying/blowing some stuff out of proportion, then later deleting the tweet when people found out it wasn’t true. Some random vague posts to try and rustle drama, and that’s just the recent stuff.
After Legacy, Maitreya and other mesh bodies, why is it so hard for you to accept that eBody’s team was going to make the same decision to excise body modders? Or is this just the hill you want to die on because simping for eBody is trendy atm?
Except they didn’t. They just asked that the mods not match their own rigging and weights too closely, so that the associated dev kits wouldn’t have their information going to people they didn’t approve. Unlike Maitreya and Legacy, they put out a fully mod body. They’re not the same.
So to be clear, you want a partial body mod with gaps in the rig? Because that is what these developers have pushed for, even eBody. Prior to maybe two weeks ago, their rig that they provided creators for their body was inaccurate.
Might just be me but I don’t think that deleting the tweet was such a bad idea. Because he was wrong the tweet only served to spread misinformation at that point.
It’s all blown over and the ebody is hugely successful and has been for a while. Crow doesn’t have a huge twitter following at all so nailing him to the cross over this isss kind of silly.
Though, he should be more a lot more careful about picking a fight like that in the future. That was really foolish on his part.
Okay Ambix.
Omg this again. Can someone PLEASE tell me what’s the deal with Ambix and why Anima defenders reply with this every time they’re criticized on this site? Lol. Did Ambix piss one of the Anima crew off or something? Someone spill the beeeeaaaaanssssss
Ambix leaves SL for roblox constantly and that should answer a lot of the questions you might have
Can you please provide examples of them being “horrid towards other creators” so nothing is left up to hearsay?
The mermaid is a fictional character and can be imagined as any skin color the creators decide to give it. Even in The Little Mermaid cartoons there were black and even Asian mermaids. It’s a fictional character. Rewritten for kids.
The people offended are thirty year old out of touch millennials who are upset kids movies aren’t written for their values or history anymore. Because, news flash, it’s for KIDS.
I don’t think anyone is offended that she is black. what the issue is that why can’t she have her own identify? This is Disney’s slap to the black community saying their story isn’t worth telling unless they replace a role that was once drawn white. I know it is “Loosely” Based on the book. They could have created a whole new story and it would have been still amazing.
Is not a single generation issue, because it goes from generation to generation. It has to be with how you are raised, kids will likely become racists if they are raised by racists. Education on the other hand has a big role to play in order to try to decrease the number of kids affected by this disgusting loop, some do some don’t with some work with others don’t…
What does this have to do with Second Life? Why bring in politics unless it’s related to Second Life itself? Go complain to Disney if you have a problem, no one gives a flying fuck.
Yeah arguing politics on VS is about as bad as youtube or fb comments. I’m here for messy sim drama and cyber slut shaming of people I never heard of.
because the woman saying she wants it to be acceptable to have blonde hair blue eyed Mulan and Pocahontas (or more accurately she wants it to be ok to whitewash actual cultural history because of a *fictional* black mermaid) is an sl creator. I am glad to see this before spending any more money supporting her and her ideas.
I’m responding to #27 but I guess reading comprehension is an under utilized skill set for you unless someone points it out with a hashtag and a big red shiny bullet point.
Just laughing at all your down votes. Try again next week to start some racial bickering. We are all laughing at you. You so woke!!
More salt for my Popcorn. I care not for the up or downvotes. It seems I’ve gotten under people’s skin. Good, good, let the hate flow through you, that’s what VS is for. Unfortunately I don’t have Sheev’s force lightening. Just my wit, some pajamas, and a popcorn bucket.
Racism isn’t really a generational issue, sadly. Sure*, boomers are less clever about it after a lifetime of mostly not having to hide it, but zoomers are often just as gross and ignorant because it’s one of the few ways they feel like they can get to people (of course every age group in between has its fair share of frustrated losers looking for anyone or anything to blame for their shitty lives). No one has any respect for them really, and they deal with feeling powerless and fucked by the current state of the world by being hateful and spreading their misery- from their childhood bedroom in their parents’ house, because they can’t get a job where they make enough money to move out.
I think it’s more the older white/boomers and such getting offended. I am a millennial and I have no issue with a POC for a mermaid… it’s not a REAL historical person it’s make-believe and a fish has no ethnicity other than FISH. But her saying that she wants people to ‘not be offended if they put a white blonde blue-eyed actor to play Mulan or Pocahontas’ is obtuse at best and racist at worst. Haven’t we had enough whitewashing of history?!
And she is the creator of the Erika body so is it that she doesn’t like the idea of a black person being a mermaid, or that she doesn’t like people of color at all? Because that is the kind of question people should be asking before they support her by buying her products.
I keep seeing the argument of ‘what about Pocahontas and Mulan but like…their entire stories are based around the culture and race, while Ariel isn’t even human???
Ariel could’ve been blue and it wouldn’t change the actual story, how she engages with the plot or her backstory at all. But if you altered Pocahontas or Mulan, both who have connections to real place and history, it doesn’t work.
But also damn, 30 year olds/millennials are old? Fuck me…
Ariel has already been Established as a certain color. For them to race-swap her is lazy virtue signaling, and nothing more. Why do you feel black people want black-washed characters over new original characters based of them? Why can WE not have our OWN original black characters? Why can those companies not invest time to make original black characters that are as big of a hit in theaters as their white characters? We don’t want your hand-me-downs! We want our own characters. If Disney was so great, they would have made a whole new character, that was black, and created a whole new story for her. Race-swapping already established characters is not going to win over many fans who loved the way that character was. This only sews division. They could have made a whole new movie, and it could have been wonderfully done, featuring a black main character, and then everyone would be fine with it, even the fans of the old Ariel, because that new movie wouldn’t have changed that character. It’s always better to unite and be creative and original. Black people don’t want to see pre-established characters as somehow now black, we want our own great characters so that when they stand side-by-side with those popular white characters, they will be just as strong, just as wonderful.. they will be seen as Equals.
So these reactions from black kids aren’t real? They’re not happy about this? They’re angry about it? https://www.reddit.com/r/BadChoicesGoodStories/comments/xi5wf7/little_girls_reactions_when_they_see_that_the/
I swear it is very hard to talk to you because you do not seem to read and comprehend what you are reading very well at all. Are you a child, by chance?
I didn’t say anything about reactions from black kids being not real, did I? if you think I did, you didn’t do very well in school, did you?
The reactions of those kids overrules whatever dribble you’ve posted as I’ve long stopped reading the whole thing. We’re never going to agree, and I don’t need to result to petty arguments with you anymore. Black Ariel is here to stay, and the kids and parents they’re marketing to love it. You don’t speak for every black person, and I find your viewpoint cynical. At the end of the day I’m not going to be gaslit or manipulated into your perceptions so you can knock it right off. You’re not goading need into an idiotic OMG I’m smarter than you. Let’s agree to disagree or you can argue with some other person.
Things only a close-minded idiot would say. “I don’t care what you think, I know I am right!”, that’s how you think, because you are too stupid to allow for open conversation. You just want talk about what you want to talk about, even when you’ve misinterpreted what I’ve said. You are the very definition of an idiot.
Also, you do not speak for ANY black person, you are a latina. And there is videos of black girls saying “That’s not Ariel! Ariel is White!”. I know it is very difficult for Millennials to think, after our education system has been dumbed down, but you are very stupid. I pray your children turn out to be smarter than you.
Maybe the little girls who will get to love that movie don’t know shit about your cynical views and will just be thrilled to see a black mermaid princess. Maybe shit isn’t about you, regardless of color. I don’t know why you felt the need to qualify yourself that way as if being black means you speak for all black people. Representation matters, no matter what you think.
What are you even talking about? Do you read and comprehend english properly, or just reply with rage to anyone that disagrees with you, without even reading and understanding what was said?
Forget what you think, just read what I said and see if makes sense.
It is not about people being mad about someone seeing a new character as a PoC, it is about an already established character being black-washed just for some quick virtue signal victory. It is cheap and unimaginative. It is an insult to PoC that Disney could not have made a brand new Disney character that was a PoC, and maybe even a mermaid too, from maybe another kingdom, just as equally strong and powerful as Ariel’s. I never said Disney couldn’t or shouldn’t make a Mermaid that was a PoC. What I said was, I want to see a character that was never any other race BEFORE they made them magically black. I want to see fresh new stories with new wonderful PoC characters. How is that a bad thing to say? Are you slow?
Gen X-ers watching blame for the world’s problems jump from boomers to millennials 👀
Gen X-ers are super old now, AND yes they are to blame.
I love it, being a Gen-Xer myself. In my day, cartoons were, well cartoons…not political statements. Don’t care what color Ariel is tbh. If we’re going to get all hung up on color, mermaids are depicted as being green/purple/blue/dead-skinned and scaly with fangs and have weird eyes. Why is no one crying about that part? -_-
I’m a millennial. Married. Kids. Little Mermaid was made for my generation, and sadly it’s my generation who has their panties in a wad because a black actress gets to inspire a new generation of diverse children that they too can be imagined as magical. I remember a post I saw where a comic book seller pointed out the metaverse spider man series where there is a black protege of Peter Parker. It broke my heart that the kid ran to his mother with the comic book excitedly saying “Look Mom! Spider-Man looks like me! Spider man looks like me!” It shouldn’t take this long to get representation in media.
But, whatever, also news flash: in no time in history were the people who discriminated against immigrants and colored people ever seen as the good guys. History will eventually show them to be antiquated remnants of an unintelligent, uninspired, and hateful but vocal minority of idiots upset because history and media isn’t white washed anymore.
The Little Mermaid is a story from a Danish book, she should be white. If people are going to get pissy about race and who plays what why is it now acceptable to change the race of a character? Would people be pissed if a white person played Tiana? I mean who says she has to be a struggling black chick from a very hard time in American History? The point is you can’t say “white people can’t play x, y, z” then turn around and change the race on a white character. It goes both ways. People need to stop with this bull shit woke crap cause it’s not woke, you’re not progressive you’re regressive.
Because the mermaid herself is Danish, right? She’s totally Danish and lives with Danish customs and never ever resided in a magical palace under the sea and never talked to aquatic animals because she was Danish. I /totally/ see your point. You’re right. Surprised you don’t expect her to be deported because she’s actually a foreigner to land as well. It’s a magical creature masquerading as human for heavens sake. It’s like insisting we have to find a real unicorn because a horse with a horn CGI’d on its head is just not realistic enough to the artiste’s vision.
Bruh, if you want to get super technical about it, the original was written as an allegory about Hans Christian Andersen having feelings for his male, engaged to be married best friend, so should the Little Mermaid really be a Little Merman?
I would buy this in a heartbeat. Can we have RuPaul as the merman?
Too old for the part now. But maybe for Ursula! I’d vote someone young and pretty boy.
Race-swapping iconic characters is not really helping to support inclusivity. It will always cause division. To unify, why not make a NEW amazing movie, with a stunning new black character? What makes you racists think We black people want to be second place to you? Little Mermaid was white. Making her black now, just means you decided black people weren’t worth the time to make a new great character about them, but just paint over the skin color of an existing character just to virtue signal that you aren’t racist, when that is very condescending! We do not want to see a black Superman or Wonderwoman, we want our OWN characters, originally made black, not race-swapped. Make them great, and everyone of all races will love them!
These black children are mad about black Ariel. You can see it on their faces as the realization they’ve gotten a hand me down glowers over their disappointed faces. This movie is made for kids. Let kids make their voices heard. I’ll wait for you to show me proof they hate it. Again, I’ll wait. https://www.reddit.com/r/BadChoicesGoodStories/comments/xi5wf7/little_girls_reactions_when_they_see_that_the/
I imagine I’m still going to be waiting though.
I don’t think you should ever try to argue with anyone, you do not listen and understand very well to ever reply back about what was actually said to you. I don’t want to say you’re stupid, but all signs are pointing to that.
So by your logic, as long as something is made for kids, it doesn’t matter what it is about as long as the kids seem to be happy watching it? Does anyone else see how a pedophile movie maker could take total advantage of Squeeze’s moronic statement?
Disney Movies were made for THE ENTIRE FAMILY!!! That’s what they were all about. So you saying, “they made it for kids”, is not true.
I already told you how children are very impressionable and will like whatever, without necessarily truly understanding anything about it. Yet, you keep talking about “oh children like it!”, no shiiiit, idiot! I just went over that with you on why they like it. We cannot keep going around in this idiot cycle, you have to either admit you are wrong/stupid, or actually argue you point to me about things I’ve actually said.
I am even using simple, common words, and yet you still don’t seem to understand. Maybe you don’t understand English well, I do not know. However, maybe you just don’t want to actually have a real discussion and that’s why you do not really read and understand what someone else is saying, but that is a sign of close-minded stupidity.
Because I stopped reading anything beyond the first paragraph because you’re trying to goad me into a ‘omg I’m smarter than you on virtual secrets’ instead of accepting my viewpoint is cemented in place. Usually I hate this term but: TL;DR.
Again, you just keep proving you are a close-minded idiot. When your viewpoint is cemented in place, no matter what anyone else says, maybe STFU then.
I wasn’t trying to say that before, but when you kept on replying like a retard with idiotic comments that show you do not understand what you read, it kind of paints the picture itself, about you.
Or that your arguments weren’t enough to melt through my ice. Either way, you’re incredibly petty. I’d rather have a person be honest about their views than suck up to someone because of pushback.