#50 – SL is toxic? It’s almost like SL mirrors RL, guess they need to get out of SL more often to realize the world is sadly toxic and only getting worse. At least some Sim owners and club owners step up, I was a black avi at the naked sim and someone IMed me calling me ape and telling me I should go back to the zoo. I told the sim owner and they banned them.
lol ya all need to spend time irl instead of complaining about sl. goes to show how ya all are hermits and care too much about digital pixels. please live your real lives as much as you can. it’s not good for your mental health to waste your energy fighting with someone you’ll never meet in person.
to anyone who might reply to this with negative feedback, you literally prove my point lmao!!!! and any replies to this won’t change my mind ever. for anyone who’s might give me a thumbs down you also prove my point as well. ya all argue, slander, defame too much on here in the posts and in comments. at the end of the day sl is a game. the ones who actually get mentally damaged from it, please take a break and seek professional help. the same goes for anyone who gets angry on here. I’m glad I’m not a regular here. some of the complaints here are funny though. peace *mic drop*
Some of you need real help
Is it ageplay or is it just 5’0″ -5-6″ adult women that are short so people are out here calling them kids because they’re a realistic height? Or is it because they look like twitter e-girls that look like they have onlyfans accounts,
or are you finding actual child avatars, advertised as child/prepubescent teens, and why haven’t you reported them for being children on an adult sim getting some?
If they’re a rebirth on an adult sim, a toodledoo, tweenster, something like that, shouldn’t you be reporting that if you’re seeing them getting it instead of being here making memes?
Is that height “realistic” because it matches rl norms, or because it matches the SL environment? Because women who are 5′-5’6″ in real life don’t have most furniture coming up to their shoulder level and they can generally see over a bar counter. What would be “realistic” is looking like you fit into your environment as an adult, not a stupidly slavish devotion to slider numbers that don’t actually mean anything. SL has never been built on rl scale, and despite shrinking some since the old days it probably never will be because of how the camera works outside of mouselook, therefore using rl height standards in SL is actually not realistic at all.
Why Toby why did you do it
Dream bullies’ people who supported his store and talks about people on Instagram. dream is a colorist loser! he talks mess about darker skin black women and lighter skin black women. He compares black women to animals.
Dream also has alt accounts pretending to be other creators or his rl family & friends came on the game working in his circle making him MORE money. Dream is from Atlanta Georgia. He stays with a family member; I think his grandma if I can remember. Dream does not work a job, he collects SSI checks because he is mentally ill and had multiple personality disorder and suffer from an identity crisis. Dream is a monster, I been watching Dream since I started sl a few years ago, DREAM is EVIL along with everybody who stands for him, not only does he have his greedy hands in everything ! Examples, PEACH, AND BBL BODY *COUGHS* I wish people will stop working with him, he is so full of himself sitting up here saying he is the “First Black Creator” Of second life which you know is not true at all. This is all I can tell you guys about Dream because it’s too much to tell you guys about dream, please report dream account please and thank you, he keeps making new accounts and hiding like a roach, he doesn’t deserve money for how bad he treats people. AKA btw i’m in Dreams family as a SPY and watching him very closely.
~ From the black woman dream has broken and destroyed. </3
Dream is weird claiming to have so much money even recorded a convo with his mom saying that he indeed is above all of us and is the first black sl male creator lmfao girl bye showing his tiny ass closet with (extremely fake) designer clothes lmfao okay if you have all that why are you on sl?? Go run your multi dollar irl business you claim to have LMFAOOO
If Dream has multiple personality disorder, how do we know this isn’t just one of Dream’s personalities attacking Dream?
Ma’am, with all due respect, find something better to do with your life than wasting it on someone you hate so much. You “spying” on him in his “family” ain’t doing shit to him, but it’s clearly hurting you.
Dream is pushing his mid-30s with no job, no home, and mental disorders. He lives off SL and that’s fucking sad. As they say, hurt people hurt people. Pray for him to get help! GN
who the fuck is dream?
19) Sounds like that one boring SL store I saw with a friend. Cheapest body until you realize 2 things. One is you need to buy something else or it won’t look like the picture. And two, it becomes the most expensive body made by a horrible furry creator.
50) So true, bestie. Nothing is ever as it seems either. If it looks wholesome, you never know what is hidden behind curtains until you join it and realize so much happened behind the scene.
#39 couldn’t agree more. Aren’t all Beusy hairs unrigged as well? Even the long ones that REALLY shouldn’t be? Complete shit house of a store lmao
This is where I started to feel like SL is more and more of a continuous loop of DLC. I’ve finally broken myself out of the cycle of having to care too much about these deals. It’s been in what feels like, some 2 or 3 weekends now where I have not even looked into SeraphimSL for deals and anywhere else.
I’ve noticed a lot of repeats and it helps when you’re not around shopaholic ‘friends’ who’s primary focus of subject is to talk about deals and getting shit they most likely are going to forget that they got until the next round.
It’s just not fun to do in the long haul and it eats at your finances faster than you think. All the fuss for what, the millionth lipstick pack? a makeup with maybe a tint darker than the last one you can barely distinguish? maybe a garbage novelty item that somehow takes up more prims than it should by looking at it?
Like, even renting a cheap skybox is better worthwhile than chasing ‘deals’.
you sound like a person that never shuts the
fuckup even if people do not talk to you.the kind of person that post worthless blabber on discord and facebook that no one gives afuckabout because all you do is complain, Jaegeralus.You sound like someone who truly has never been punched in the mouth when they say the stupid shit you’ve said. Worthless waste of a human being you dare think yourself as. Who the hell censors themselves online, too? Were you raised by a family who kept you in a bubble? Did your daddy priest fondle you in your little tighty whities when you were young as a reward for not swearing? Faggot.
Couldn’t have said it better myself, Jaegeralus!
Someone seriously needs a productive life if you’re going to go out of your way and stalk others.
And yes I know you’ve gone extensively to dig up another name. Don’t even argue “well duh internet makes it available” no, I assume all and any stalking towards me is for personal vendetta so I automatically loathe you. Congrats, you piece of shit.
Don’t even pretend to try and tell me that you won’t do shit as well as it is applicable to any other shitstain that bothers doing the shit you’ve done. Any asshole that dares try communicating to me on other platforms will automatically be blocked and issues may escalate just as automatically. Anyone who dares give those around me problems will be targeted and campaigned against.
You’ve been warned.
38 – Using “autistic” as a replacement slur for “ret@rded” has to be one of the strongest proofs ever that bigotry is what happens when ignorance meets low self-esteem. It’s the ableist equivalent of calling a Black person a sp!c when they aren’t Afro-Latino. But hey. If you like looking as if you need a remedial course in reality, do you, sugar cube.
50 – If that’s all you see, that’s your problem for keeping that kind of company. Maybe you like it. No kink-shaming. Just saying.
52 – Do you know what you can do? Wear body stockings, leotards, or other BOM pieces under the tiny costumes. Mix designers’ conventional pieces in appropriate colors. In short, try wearing something more original than what gets sold “off the rack” on MP. Also, stop shopping at the stores that cater to the “briefer is better” crowd. They exist. Really, they do.
#35 He is a pos apparently heard he sleeps with his sister. lives with his son irl and is a slob in his 50’s
#10. While I really hate the use of AI photos for any vendor, who the hell doesn’t demo first to see what it really looks like?
To some people’s credit, not everything on the marketplace of SL is available as a demo. It’s only from vendors who bother and know how to put some of their products up as demos.
Most times it’s going to be about “wasting money and find out” kind of ways.
#15 Still has the same practices as on his former avatar who owned the Sabotage brand(until HE and HIS brand got kicked from the grid for shady practices)
Event owners and other brands should speak out against him. #EndDreem
Just a reminder to y’all:
# is someone Complaining about their choice of Pedophilia Content?!
IM talking about #4 btw. Who ever this is, prolly out here bashing furry sims, suggesting they want a choice of Pedo content when in fact No sim iv been to in the furry space well ever allow that shit.
“No sim iv been to in the furry space well ever allow that shit.”
Are you sure of what you’re saying, or do you just decide to turn a blind eye to it like everyone else?
I could easily name a few. Besides, they don’t even hide it. One of the sims I have in mind, which has the most traffic, is at the top of the first page when we search for the term furry.
One of the sim’s moderators had complained on twitter that he’d had problems on certain hangouts or clubs because of the size of his avatar, when in fact it was because of his youthful appearance.
A few days ago, they took a Halloween photo in which they don’t hide their strange fetishes at all, and where some avatars look very, even too young.
And now you’ll probably say I’m making it up, like many others before you, but I find it suspicious when they organize a Halloween game of Fright, where ONLY the youngest avatars were fucked non-stop, almost as if loosing was better than winning (you had to hide to win) 🙂
It’s 4chan, they’ve been submitting their trollish secrets here for a few months now
They’ve always been submitting secrets or trolling the comments section for years now
#4- Maybe I’m missing something, can someone explain this to me? Cause it looks to me like the OP is complaining there’s not enough child porn of boys on SL.
#4 Furry sims are the worst for this. And I’m still baffled how so many people do close theirs eyes on this. For a very long time, I too, closed my eyes, specially when it comes down to some “friends”, but now is pretty obvious that something is very wrong and I cannot not say anything about it. Cuz that’s just gross. There is a furry sim, that is ruled by people having very young looking avatars. Almost all the mutuals and resident there, do have very young avatars and some weird fetishes. From diapers, to age-play, to piss, to scat.. And while at first, I can give it the benefit of you the doubt, there is so many things that are so wrong and obvious. It is funny to me, cuz it’s been several times that some people on that sim complained about being rejected on other furry sims, because of non only the height of theirs avi, but also because of the way they do look. Even going as far, as ranting on twitter about it, but how the fuck can you be doubtfull when looking at the stuff they’ve liked on twitter is full of shotacon stuff? For example, I do remember seeing one of the admins of the sim, being fucked in a church altar, by his boyfriend. The only things is, they do have a sort of very small cat avatar, and the animations were so clunky that it looked ridiculous and made me laugh out loud. It so obvious that they are into age-play and weird shit, cuz they all go with the name “Littlepaws”, using reborn body with exagerated curvy body. And trust me, there is nothing wrong with being cute/adorable and all that jazz. But there is way to not look like… Read more »
Honestly it’s weird, because EVERY anime-esque sim i’ve been too. NOTHING BUT, this sort of shit. I see maybe one or two loli’s/shota’s on a furry sim and they’re promptly changing because they were asked to change.
Anime sim? It’s almost encouraged and I hate it.
#9 No one said anybody was trying to make their AI look like them or their avis. It’s just a trend that everyone is in right now. If it’s bothering you that bad maybe you need to log off fb and go outside and touch some grass. Imagine telling people what to do on their own fb page lol
36. What even happened? Are they sharing skins?
I find it hilarious people can just blow off whatever bs they feel like on here with zero proof…..
Where’s your proof that this didn’t happen lol
From what i’ve understood.. they’ve been already exposed several times about copying/stealing ideas from other creators, as long as doing copybot. And now they’re sharing a skin, that was custom made.
Didn’t farozz (apologizes for the misspell) create the skin for knives?are they still friends? Bc it seems knives is dropping everyone
Oh wow wtf I thought they were all very orginal 🙁 I didn’t know they were doing all that
I think its because Knives bought skins, so Bwee points out that Knives illegaly shares the skins that shouldnt be shared. I hope Bwee also reported them to LL.
Isn’t bwee their friend though?
53 – I pegged kav and he cried like a little girl
Janire coba? Se estaba tardando mucho en hablar de toda la caquita y hate que tiro, no me creo nada de esta psico.
31- Most people who join their Flicker group have free accounts. They are going to lose about 90% of their members. They’re idiots.
50- that’s pretty much all metaverses and online social media. There are going to be toxic ass people. complaining about it isn’t going to change second life. It’s been that way for a while now.
It’s the same on Vchat as it would be Imvu and anywhere else. Best to MUTE them and surround yourself with some wholesome people.
#31 – People who promote/sell anything on Flickr need to subscribe to PRO or get their accounted deleted by Flickr. It’s the policy. The group is just enforcing Flickr’s policy, I don’t see the problem. When you get your account deleted for skirting the rules, don’t cry about it. I’ve seen many designers try to say that Flickr is “EVIL” because they won’t pay $40 year to run their SL business. If your SL business can’t afford that cost, then you don’t have a business, it’s a hobby, then you don’t need to be on Flickr, so why do you care?
JANIRE COBA while you continue lying, slandering, harassing other designers or event owners because you are simply bored I WILL MAKE SO MANY PUBLICATIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU DO THAT BELIEVE ME, IT WILL HURT YOU, you are ridiculous, a psychopath hater without restraints, you don’t care about defaming with a truth or with a lie, right? All the events that support SHIT LIKE YOU should be embarrassed to have a person like you at their event, AND THAT’S FOR YOU SILVIA DIVAIO, you’re another toxic piece of shit.
Hugs ♥
You called yourself “Nuve” so people think you’re the skin creator? You’re delusional lmao
Pupito is a psycho and that’s why Lakua left him 5 years ago and i’ll never stop saying it.
And those tattoos from Archivefaction were nazi.
And I am proud of myself, so BRING IT ON ♥
Calling a person a “psychopath” is something very serious, I don’t really know what is happening. I have read a little and it seems to me that they are talking about someone and slandering. You have to have an empty and dry soul to be cruel to someone in that way or some kind of obsession. It would be good for you to reflect Janire, today the world is too hurt to act that way, but apparently you love drama, not only for this situation, but for several that I have learned about these days according to your past. peace.
And I see that all the comments they make to you resemble that Pupito guy, I (at least) am not pupito, I am a simple SL user.
broc lee
I thought it was confirmed years ago that Pupito and Lukua are the same person.
This psychopath is the same one who insulted Scandalize hahahahaha….. Do you think you do it better? WAKE UP TRASH, you are a sack of shit that spews hate, a shame.
its not really doing much for your argument to shame them for insulting a “creator” that’s been on here countless times for being boring, repetitive, copying other stores that are also alleged to be the same people, and is just another assembly line of full perm boredom. everyone insults them lol. also, you seem to maybe have a touch of anger issues and you might want to just step back so you can re-evaluate why you’re letting someone on the internet effect your life and emotions so much that you’re yelling and cussing at them via text. just a thought 🙂
Honestly dear, you have no fucking idea, do you work in second life? Well, when a bag of shit comes and slanders you out of boredom and you are left without income, tell me, we have very thin skin with some and too thick with others, this thing has been doing this for years, it’s time to take out the trash.
And now you’re going to tell me that you’re a creator, right? Well, tell us what your store is so that everyone knows that you also support the haters ♥
lol I’m not anyone special tbh. just a decade-long user of SL with a pair of eyes and a relatively sturdy grasp of logic and reason. I don’t make assumptions, I just read the room. one person can’t bring down a creator unless there is damning evidence to support it. and even then, there will always be people who turn a blind eye. how many people still enjoy listening to r kelly or all the confirmable convicted felons who’ve become multi-platinum rappers selling out stadium shows after charges of assault, battery, murder, robbery, gang activities… you name it. people will do what they want to with their money. is it fair to pick and choose who gets a pass and who doesnt? not at all. but sadly that is the nature of society in its current state. I hope it will be different 100 years from now but sadly that’s not likely.
Don’t you feel disgusted? Doing so much harm for free is taking its toll on you, aren’t you ashamed to defame a creator for weeks and then apologize because it was a lie? Aren’t you ashamed to try to cancel Equal10 for the same lie you told about IONIC? You are pathetic and increasingly hated, keep it up my friend ♥
Lol calm down Pupito, take your meds ♥
From here I call on the IMAGINARY HACKER who stole her FB account, return it to her because the poor thing is suffering hahaha….
Are you going to tell some psycho truth? ♥
Geez get a life already! You look pathetic…
She has poison inside.
#43 Bandor has lost his mind! Someone tell him that he needs to get someone else to look at his texture choices and to lower his prices. But paying $100 USD for a 10% discount club? Come on now.. that’s ridiculous.
Lol seriously, the man is delusional; he guilts people too by talking about how the store pays for the resort and blah blah blah. But does buying that lifetime membership for all releases free include some kind of board position in the ownership of the resort? It should. He wants other people to pay for his kingdom but only him to rule.
FYI your friend was clingy and he could not handle it, did he go about it the wrong way absolutely however it happened and it’s in the past. Get over yourself
#44 That makes me laugh something good. 🤣 I remember the last time I owned mainland with the husband and found a random couple using our bed and them threatening me that they knew the landowner and would have me banned off the plot if I didn’t leave. Gotta love the shenanigans of mainland.
I am kinda wondering if toxic knows who venom is seeing behind her back
Spill the tea if you’re in the know… Or are you just trying to cause more unnecessary drama for them?
Oh I know lolz
I don’t know either of them personally but judging by your comments now and in previous weeks you’re either a huge fan, jealous or just enjoy stirring up shit for your own sad little entertainment moment otherwise you would drop the name seeing as it’s all anonymous 🙂
coming from somebody who knows everyone’s in and outs and lives in secrets? Look in the mirror
Lol what?!……
Let me get this right darlin…
Who came on here making accusations that Venom was cheating? Hmm that would be you, just like every other week you’re up in someone’s business on here yet you have the nerve to say I live on here! xD xD
You seem lonely hon I feel sorry for you D:
I’ve been wondering who this toxic person because when I search her name on SL it’s not showing nothing
Toxic boo
Yeah that name isn’t found in the search when I search for her
Are comments manually approved? IDK why mine didn’t show up, its been over an hour…
SL is toxic eh… I seem to be doing just fine and happy with my love… not sure where you morons are hanging out.. its all up to you, idiots… 🙂
I’ll always find it hilarious that people say stupid shit like this. People who’re truly happy and content, don’t feel the need to swipe so vaguely at others. They know when and how to shut up and just enjoy life in general, online or offline.
Sounds to me you’ve still got some insecurity issues if you truly felt that you had to come here and say what you’ve said. Still got growing up to do for you, chump.
What was the point and purpose of you essentially calling everyone (for your lack of specificity) “morons” and “idiots”? if you’re so happy and satisfied, then why are you finding it necessary to name-call to people you don’t know and has nothing to do with you? Why not provide some insight as to how you found yourself so happily in love on SL? Any time I hear/see someone complaining, I am all too happy to let them know my experience and how I came to be so happy with the folks I’ve met. Maybe it’s people like you who contribute to the toxicity that OP has been experiencing.
A lot of people (especially ones who submit to VS) seem to seek out stupid toxic drama, not sure why. A lot of them seem to also ensure whatever stupid toxic drama is happening in SL also leaks out onto other platforms, for some reason.
#50. Check out Bonifacio or any Safe Hub if you want to be greeted with casual racism
#46 What’s your point? Whining about a rejection? Did ever cross your mind that maybe the problem is you? Usually people that feel the need to downgrade others to get noticed trully disbelieve in themselves… Be a grown up and suck it up, after all rejection is part of life!
#10 Yall would seriously rather skin creators continue to steal real peoples faces than generate it with AI?? Cuz you know damn well they aren’t drawing faces from scratch. aint no way them rhianna clones were drawn. BYE!
Those AI skins coming out right now are flawless and gorgeous. if you think the skin creators care, watch them laugh all the way to the bank.
(The only thing I can understand being upset about is if the AD only is generated and the end product looks nothing like it… other than that, this method of AI is approved by me)
The skin isn’t being made using AI you dingus, they just doctor their ad using AI to make it look better.
Skin/hair brands have been doing it for years on SL, it’s annoying. There’s plenty of easy to use apps that take a shitty looking 3D avatar face and make it look much more human, they’re using them.
21. Wow I wonder who keeps posting about this toxic boo. 🤔 I can’t seem to even search up that name when I am on Second Life
#38 Using autistic as an intentional slur says a whole lot more about you than the person you are too spineless to name in your clear attempt at rationalizing what was probably your own shitty and thoughtless behavior.
Say it louder for the people in the back.
18- if i remember correctly this shop is ran by who used to own Furry Kinks. she would treat her male employees like bootycalls and if they didnt sleep with her they’d be banned and slandered in the club
There was more to it than just that. Racism (literally throwing R#tard, N bombs, ect), there was two faced lying allowing age play yet banning others, once they got into the creator side of SL they made people sign a fake contract that made them own everything provided including the character on the body pillows (stealing character rights), their discord required a legit ID to be accepted (at the time it was illegal to request such info), oh and they were also caught stealing furzonas club design.
If you wanted to try and fight back, they’d throw bullshit lawsuits. it was a huge mess. They never learned, they just changed “FK” from a club, to a creator store full time
Same shitty foxfire.”alpha”
#53 Seen that happen a lot, he loves it up the bum
#50: I’ve been visiting SL on and off since 2008. Although I have met toxic people in this game, I never thought of this game as toxic. Mainly because I discovered quite quickly in SL how to block and derender people.
I wish more people would try ‘Block’ with the toxic people they meet in this game (derender means I won’t even see their blocked grey shadow on a sim). Toxic people can only have power over us if we let them. (BTW same in Real Life too!)
I wish “BLOCK” had a few added features (like tags) to let others know why the jerk was blocked.
That’s a fucking terrible idea- that means anyone could put any kind of tag on you regardless of what you’ve actually done- or not. If you need a tag to remember why you blocked someone, use their notes tab.
While I agree with this, the problem is you block them they still come at you, here, fb, discord, they go to your friends, spouses and they try to turn people against you instead of just moving on or they send whole massive families after you.
Don’t mix SL with anything else… just treat platforms as independent of each other, there’s nothing to be gained from doing so unless you’re running a business or something.
There should be no link between your accounts on various platforms.
This is why I’m so against mixing Second life with real life. Shit like that happens. But I got cursed out for saying that. This is why I say if you own a store in Second Life. Have at least two accounts. One for your SL and the other for your personal life and don’t mix the two.
14 is the funniest secret i’ve seen in a while
I want to open a church just to see if he shows up!
Should have been put out of its misery years ago.
#49 Someone must be real butthurt to be draggin this dude for 2 weeks in a row now, its hilarious and on point but at the same time get over it he really isn’t worth it
He must have fucked somebodies bitch. Now they need to talk behind his back instead of actually confronting him to his face. I showed Toka this just now. he had a good fucking laugh at it!
last I heard this dude is rolling with pedos so I don’t think he has much to laugh about
Hate someone? Just associate them with Pedos without proof. that will get people mad at them.
Multiple people have shown screenshots of him talking to pedos and even trying to convince someone to do ageplay. That was all the proof I needed and enough proof for the managers at a club he worked at to fire him. But of course, he’s not gonna be open about being an age player because he knows it’ll catch him drama so seeing posts calling him out is long overdue.
Burden of proof lies on you, so please post them here or simply shut up and quit lyin’.
Caught in a lie.
he guy has never worked at any clubs other then FK and even then. the club disappeared for money reason Everyone lost that job! Look I always thought the guy was a sleeze. Always fucking around. His art is shit too. told him to quit while he’s ahead. But he was never fired. But to make up shit about him being a pedo? Guess when you reaaaally hate someone and dont have actual proof. Just call them a pedo right? make sure it sticks.
As some thats not fan of the dude I kind of agree. I said my peace and moved on. Just block him. I don’t like his art as well but damn. Also all/most furrys fuck round anyway.
#18: Can we get some receipts on their stolen products, or why they are horrible?
If you want to know all the drama, look for exposed in 727
Fk is formerly known as furry kinks, the store was used to hide after a buttload of drama from the owner.
#39 Beusy… the ads look good but you go to try it and see crazy dark-ages prim stuff. No excuse for that, certainly not for the price they’re asking given the quality of the product. Either get with the times or sell it at a very steep discount vs modern products. Wasabi does most of these sorts of styles better anyway and are reasonably priced.
Hair market is way too competitive to not keep up to date as a creator.
I wanted their hair that was on sale a few weeks ago, tried it on, and nah, my complexity shot up into the atmosphere. Not even for 60L brah, not even lol.
Thanks for the input. I’ll keep that in mind as I try to improve for future releases.
Tried one of the latest releases. I totally agreed. It looked amazing on the add … then I added it … never ever detached an item that fast and deleted… wouldn’t even pay 60L on weekend Sale for it
#37 – SL regular prices got so out of control that so many sales are necessary to bring prices down to realistic levels for digital goods. I know there’s a lot, it’s because they sell fuck all at regular pricing.
#52 – You don’t. Halloween events are full of people dressed non-sluttily and sometimes in very creative costumes, you just don’t have the imagination if you think you need to be a slutty witch like every other slutty witch.
#52 why not go as a clown?
#52 Exactly.
52. Amen!
26 iS that horse d*** @ that waste land event for paedos?
53 … Kav … that dude is stuck in the closet …
53 – How is it that I never had the chance to watch? It would be delightful to witness Kav and Vitt sharing a moment of joviality.
#17 Is that the reason why Omega Psi Phi got taken out of Woodcrest and replaced with that corny stoner group MEH? 🤔
Yeah, OPP wasn’t about sex, they actually RPed and did things oriented around their house description, talking about games and nerdy things like star wars, doctor who, dungeons and dragons, etc. I was part of it and was about to do my final task, the full sim event. Was going to be game themed, then out of nowhere bliss shut us down claiming we weren’t active enough or getting enough new members.
Bliss is such a butt hurt dictator, had a friend show me the exchange. My friend was OPP as well, but didn’t’ like any of the other houses. Bliss IMed them and my friend RPed that they were crying, looking at the campus and saying good-bye. Bliss got mad saying they were mocking Bliss and kicked and banned them. Then later IMed saying it was a misunderstanding and they could come back. lol
Hi Jack!!!
Who? Was he a leader before Neba? While I was in OPP we went through three different leaders, but they were all women. Neba interviewed me, the one that replaced her only put her friends in head house roles which caused issues and she was forced to leave. Her replacement was Amora.
It got taken down because no one liked Jack.
Jesus fucking Christ. Why do you fucking Woodcrest morons still go on about Jack? She hasn’t been in Woodcrest for over 2 year? Just fucking move on and I hope all you assholes have the year you deserve.
Jack is very well known for destroying OPP.
Her and dipshit Max sit on their asses all day trying to fuck everyone in their inner circle. Creating drama for anyone who didn’t think they were royalty. Saying OPP wasn’t about sex what you mean is it wasn’t getting fucked by other houses. Believe me they all fucked each other.
They cause drama and play victim, try to bully people like they did to Bliss but because Bliss stood up for herself they attack Bliss until this day.
Jack you cry here now under the name How bout No? But how about a no to you? Why do you use multiple accounts on Virtual Secrets and always try to throw Bliss under the bus? How about get a real job, lose some weight and stop being a whore? Sounds like a better plan.
Jack was a she? I have no clue who they are on about lol I thought it was some male leader before Neba.
10. BOTH of these THREE…. lol
.7 There’s a saying, “As a dog returns to its own vomit, so a fool returns to his own folly.”
Sadly, GoT and ASOIAF RP in general has a tendency to go this route.
I think it’s hilarious. We’ve all seen people leave sims and start their own out of spite over and over again, but I almost want to respect the sheer commitment to “FU RoC” in that they literally took the lore and transposed it to some random time period that makes no sense so the very group of players who were constantly catered to at RoC could maintain their characters. So rarely does laziness, spite, and pettiness come together for such a triumvirate of drama. If only they had taken their build and used that too, it would have been *chef’s kiss* (But wait. If people get annoyed enough, maybe they’ll abandon their build and drop the RoC “Sunspire” down, if they haven’t already.)
And then, for all their complaining about being in Summerhall, they’re still in camps! With no sim completion date on the horizon, as they cram their oh so dramatic starvation narrative down players’ throats. Because all the people who come to GoT to play pretty lady/princess/knight want to RP about rationing and being stuck in a desert wasteland.
Thank you, ATB, for providing this experience. You couldn’t (and didn’t) write it any better.
When everything you write is absolute bollocks but you like playing the victim so much you start believing it.
ATB is doing well.
The players are RPing, there’s plenty of things going on, and they’re enjoying admins who actually spend time working on their sim, something none of us ever had at ROC.
And you’re over here complaining and calling those players out, the same players who spent MONTHS at ROC waiting patiently for ANYTHING to happen, and for the admins to FINALLY take some ownership of the issues on their sim and do ANYTHING to contribute the player base, because they didn’t fall for the blatant gaslighting and stay another few months?
Enjoy ROC.
Oh wow, would you look at that? It’s Lee, apparently needing some validation. They haven’t stolen your precious lore. The build CATREICH made, that you didn’t pay a dime for. And if your sorry excuse for a sim wasn’t on the verge of collapse, guess what? Catreich’s build would still be standing. But of course, it’s much easier to blame her for wanting her own intellectual property back from a bunch of freeloaders who couldn’t care less, right? Let’s not forget the riveting tale of the “starvation narrative” that nobody even forced upon anyone. Players voluntarily decided to ration their supplies, because that’s the sensible thing to do. But hey, where’s that evidence from the Story Team proving any scarcity? Oh wait, it doesn’t exist. Surprise, surprise. So, tell me, is there absolutely anything that ATB could have done to satisfy you? Or are you so brainwashed that you genuinely believe you’re the only ones entitled to run a GOT sim? By the way, have you heard from ROC lately? No, of course not. Thanks to your astounding rewriting skills, us mere mortals have been deprived of the lore for over a month now. Don’t even bother checking your chat, it’s as barren as a desert. Roleplay? Oh, that’s a luxury that only occurs when the two remaining players decide to bother. But hey, at least you can sell the idea of a fair race for the crown. Oh wait, surprise again! You conveniently asked your buddy, Blackfish, to swoop in and snatch the throne. And all those poor idiots out there still think they have a shot. How utterly predictable. Wow, you’re truly living the dream, huh? Making bank off those totally legit and definitely not scammy 2000 LINDEN rentals is just so impressive. I mean, who wouldn’t jump… Read more »
You think I’m Lee? That’s cute. The build that Catriech volunteered to build. And then didn’t. It’s common knowledge that she disappeared for a good while, which, hey, when you aren’t paying someone, you have little ground to complain. But let’s be real that when people complain about being at the whim of a builder who isn’t present, it’s fair game to say, “She isn’t around and we can’t get a hold of her.” And where is the build end date? The sim was started so hastily because people got big mad when they didn’t get their way at RoC, there wasn’t even a build started DESPITE claims otherwise. So you’ve got people in more camps, when again, the biggest complaint from the last sim was at the time of the exodus, “We’re in Summerhall so long, where is the build?!” Oh, I’m sorry, did dead ravens, bandit attacks, making people who leave the camp roll for their safety – are these not enforcing a narrative on your players where people believe they have to now start talking about rationing and living in a constant state of fear as the body count keeps up? Except when people complain, and you conveniently have Aegon put out a “No! The *admins* say we’re not rationing at all!” You want to talk about Lee’s schizo lore, but your sim wants to be edgy, but doesn’t want to chase out people who don’t want to RP scarcity. Exactly what did you think would happen if you tell your players they’re trapped in one location due to some mysterious enemy that happens to just have total control over the surrounding region? Aren’t you all about ICA = ICC – or does that not apply to the situations artificially created to distract the players because again,… Read more »
ROC admins out here wildin in memes fr 🤡 OGs just now clocking it…bout time. Maybe next time listen instead of chilling in toxicity central 🙄
Keep it 100. ATB didnt snatch the lore. They straight up dumped Lee’s shizo lore and grabbed the RP from last year so chars can transition without all that BS. Yall quick to throw shade at players, but everyone is straight vibing at ATB while ROC was a whole snoozefest for months. Could it be cause those ROC admins were slacking? And on the rare times they weren’t, they just pulling sus moves to boost their own chars? hmm🤔🐸☕️
How ROC still a thing tho? Doing all kinds of shady, trying to squeeze their last 2 people with that 2k linden rental scam. Slipping into old players IM with that yo we got dragons come thru nonsense? Bruh. Where you been when I was grinding every day in RP getting sidelined by you and GODMODDED by your admin? But now yall ghost town and your acting all saintly? Then theres rhaenor… only buzz in ROC is sis stunting with a dragon she aint even earned. Had a look at the place yday, 1 lonely soul alert on a freakin saturday… Unicorn. Got me dead 🤣
On the real just shut it down. Game over. Bounce and do you. olayers been done with your sly ways voting with their feet every chance they get.
Yes to all of this!!
The same people who have been stanning RoC and attacking anyone who made another sim for all this time finally themselves defected and took the lore and characters with them and this is the best tea VS has on it?
I wouldn’t say it is tea. It’s not news that Lee and Antaria ran ROC into the shitter with their false promises, lies and metagaming. They broke their own rules. The sim was clinging on by the few good admins who gave a crap.
Now the community gave them the finger and they’re all shocked and sad about it.
The tea is that none of this particular group believed or cared how much the admins lied or meta-cucked other players until it finally affected them.
I mean, in fairness, there hasn’t been any good GoT tea on VS in a while now.
50.You are very right about it all but the thing with SL is find your group of people and stick to them. Don’t let people in and certainly don’t let them affect you it is really not a game for mentally unstable people and they are so many on SL and obviously on SLSecret lol If you do let them get to you, then you feel like you do!