· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 265 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
32. I KNEW SOMETHING WAS ODD ABOUT THISE HEADS. I never used them personally they just seem nasty and off.
#7. Yes, very true. Stopped roleplaying there because of that.
#7. I have no idea why I am doing this but alright, here we go. Hey there, this one is about me… Cool! I woke up this morning to a lot of people showing me this and most of us kind of already know who posted this and the misinformation in it. Normally, I do not even go out of my way to address stuff like this, but I am just going to stretch out a little and rebuttal. No frills, no bells, just right to it. First and foremost, I am non-binary. Just, putting that out there. Second to that this is the biggest ‘whining’ post I have ever seen in my entire 20+ something years of role-play. My characters are [not] me. If this simple aspect is not even able to be separated by you (and you know who you are who wrote this) then everything I have heard about Second Life being filled with ‘repressed and over emotional’ people is true. Third, I have three characters not by request of my own accord but to help the sim out. My Glamour character was to help with the rush of players joining it haphazardly, and my Haiku character was at the request of staff when I actually considered / assumed Baku would be better for it. Four, rules of the sim say ‘everyone’ is allowed multiple characters 1 per month. You can apply for them no sweat. I know other people who have 3 or 2 but that seems to not be a problem when you have a grudge or disappointment staining your fingers and I have yet to app for another out of balance sake. I do not even think you understand the rules of the sim but as they say ‘More you know’. Five. I quite… Read more »
I also want to add one other thing since I thought about this in passing: Only one individual in GLAMOUR ever used the term “Camping 24/7” in regards to that RP event that one of the Admins ran that I attended. That is what outed you. It does not surprise me you of all people wrote this, considering people are already generally sick of your attitude, constant bleeding, outbursts and volatility through RP events. At first I thought it was your [friend] but I see now they commented on this later on. It is kind of sad really that you would lie on me or try to spread all this when you are the one mad about every character relation that does not validate a group you were a part of that died out and you all ran down on an Admin, ST, FL, and another FL just to keep it, only to do nothing with it. Further more. I don’t have 2 Faction lead characters, that’s how I know you’re talking nonsense. One character is a regular member / former Darkstar One is the PR Executive of GLAMOUR which is not a Faction Lead position, and in addition to that, I never even wanted to have any responsibility in power, but I helped the FL because yes, we are dating. If there is sin or crime in that then so be it. It still doesn’t make anything you said true. My last character, the one I had offered to me and requested to make a separate character for works as Haiku’s Faction Lead. It is going to be real weird looking at GLAMOUR chat and knowing exactly who you are or were if you decide to leave and just keeping that peace with me. Really hope you learn how… Read more »
#17: You’ve convinced a grand total of exactly -0- stores (who don’t participate in weekend sales to begin with) to change their minds about the cost of their creations and start selling their products in weekend sales.
Your addiction to buying fast mesh at made in china prices is on you. Don’t drag them into this.
#18. Cain, Cain Cain,,,you sorry-ass peace of shit. So, you’re back in SL being the know-it-all DJ( Can’t mix a drink let alone two tracks), Club manager, builder (buys shit and throws it down, or gets others to make it for free), and master (yes you get no capital M, you wanna be LOL) “I’m Cain, I read books about Gor, make your ass fat for me or fuck off…mine” The only thing that is yours you asshat, is that ridiculous ego.
This sorry excuse for a man behaves like a spoiled boy, acts like he is knowledgeable, pretends he is important and truly believes he is entitled.
A liar, a poacher, no imagination and oh did I mention the ego the size of Manfuckinghatten? Sociopathic & delusional.
#41. Leave Echo alone. Echo didnt ruin any sims. IF ANYTHING Tenacious Puddles AKA Charkaru ruined the majority of the sims Echo went to. Fuck that bitch.
11- at this point, these posts are looking more and more like a strange and sad obsession. Maybe you should reach out to a therapist to talk to about your feelings?
I wonder, do you understand Vs? That’s basically 99.9999% of all the posts here really. 😂
#14 Lmao what does this mean 💀
Is it because of the far apart eyes on the heads?
Do they not understand that there is such things as automated land bots? Two of those names listed are straight up map bots. 🙄 They clearly aren’t as confident as they sound or they wouldn’t be throwing a hissy fit over them.
#49 What a terrible day to have eyes… I guess graphic design is your passion?
Maybe they would be less bitter about events if they had any talent to begin with. Judging by this post… they don’t.
#11 Someone clearly forgot to double-check their post before uploading her secret. Good job Aly!
18. Literal fucking panic attack. He’s the absolute worst. He needs to be IP banned for all the harassment. He will never change.
If his main ever gets banned, he has multiple alts he can jump on, and that’s scary.
Please, club owners, do not listen to anything he says. He will try to take over your establishment, and when he doesn’t get his way, he will try to ruin it. Family or not, he’ll screw you over. He’s petty AF and childish.
It was such a relief when he was gone…
I feel bad for his “family” that are so blind to see that he’s really just a horrible person. Then again, he’s a manipulator..OR has something he’s holding against them. Maybe they’re just all as fucked up as him. Cain, how many sisters and daughters do you have now that you’ve fucked?
3. Its obvious who submitted this. Emberlyn Whittaker AKA Sammy Whittaker AKA Sammy L. Vittori (ember.enchantment). For someone who claims to be above posting on secrets…….you have submitted and commented about CC and other residents a lot. Nick doesn’t have to live his SL how you want him to. Your drama is just as embarrassing as you are. Ever since someone called out your bad hygiene pictures……..you have been on a rampage to secretly crap on everyone. You submit secrets & comment about anyone you don’t like. Nick is lucky he is free from your idiotic drama.
Bless your heart, but no. As I have CLEARLY stated on MULTIPLE occasions, I don’t hide. I don’t post on Virtual secrets, but I will comment on them. Clearly you hate me for some reason, which is a you problem. You literally have no idea what happened between me and Nick. Mostly because you’re just some outsider looking in. And you’re going to stay that way. I know you who are. I know why you’re doing what you’re doing. And it’s not going to work ♥
sᴀᴍᴍʏ ʟ. ᴠɪᴛᴛᴏʀɪ (ember.enchantment) or Emberlyn whatever you call yourself. On week 728 you tried to call Carina out in the comments and that very next week a graphic about her was posted on secrets. I don’t have a good history with Carina but if you are that insecure thats a you problem. Now you and Nick canceled the wedding and he ends up on secrets. Like Honda said you act like you don’t post on secrets but you do. Nobody else cares about Carina or Nick but you.
I feel sad for people that don’t know all the information. Let me correct you.
On week 728: I did call her out. Because I ain’t no bitch. I knew information, so I used it.
Not my problem she has other enemies that took that opportunity to post about her.
I did cancel the wedding. I canceled the entire relationship. But posting a ‘secret’ on here isn’t my style, nor will it ever be. Can’t say the same for my friends who I vented to, but that’s not a me problem.
I do not care about either. They seem to keep popping up. And I know who’s doing it. But guess what…
I could care less. Believe me. Or don’t. Doesn’t matter. You’ll think what you want. Not a me problem 🙂
Just figured I’d come correct you real quick.
K Bai ♥
You “ain’t no bitch” but you tried to call her out on here and not to her virtual face…..like you tell everyone else to do. You do the same thing you act like you’re above doing. You blame your friends for submitting because you got called out. Some friend you are. Don’t bother correcting the truth…… correct your bad hygiene and insecurity issues instead. If you “could care less” you wouldn’t be commenting.
Ooof. That hurt. [Not really]
Things by anonymous people don’t really hurt. :< Sorry.
I didn’t blame anyone. I simply stated that it wasn’t me. And with how specific the post is, it can only be someone that knows what happened. And only my close friends know. Can you math?
And is that all you can come up with? ‘Bad Hygiene’? Smh. Honda, how do you know that I didn’t talk to her? Hmmmmm? Sus sus.
And I very much could care less. But I’m not above having some fun. 😌 Clearly you hate me. And I’m just finding this entertaining as fuck. So who’s the real loser? Can you math that one out?
I’ll give you a hint. It’s not me.
#4 So let’s get a few things straight about this here:
I would also like to state that it’s not cool trying to drag the first person in the photo into this, especially if they’re unaware of the situation going on here. Have a heart and think about what you’re doing before posting, please.
just gonna leave this here
Next time have a brain and actually look into stuff 🤣🤣🤣🤣
#47 . Being famous in SL is like being the most popular kid on the special ed bus. get over yourself 😂
What sort of clout do “SL famous” people truly have? Other than perhaps getting free shit from creators once in a while.
Thinking they’re “famous” in SL usually means they’re the total opposite in RL 💁
Mental challenge folks are no laughing matter using the term special Ed as a joke. Jokes on you for being stupid by trolling
#4- I think you need to learn what copybot means. It’s not just copying someone.
#17- I feel like there’s enough weekend sale events tbh, there’s at least 3 for any theme you can think of. My store isn’t that well known and I’ve been invited to like, 5 of them because there’s just that many. If your fave stores aren’t doing them, that’s an active decision.
#32- Unsurprising, most furries I’ve met are willing to overlook stuff like that even if they don’t personally support it
#35- I feel like the person who made that thing has never seen a real dick in their life. Rock hard nuts and dick looks like it’s coming from the iliacus muscle.
#42- They’re trying to make their muscles look bigger lmao
People have posted here multiple times what copybotting actually means, including myself, and slow types just keep right on misusing the word to mean “stealing anything from SL by any means”. This week, it’s all over that thread about that fugly alien girl and her delusions about being imitated. You can’t “copybot” a shape, a skin, or someone’s colors, but apparently “objects only” is too complicated to remember for the majority of VS posters and commenters- clearly, not the brightest string of bulbs.
Copy botting skins is possible with a cache viewer. And is frowned upon without permission BEFORE you copybot. And she actually has copybot’d skins before. Her fae dragon she’s trying to sell right now? Copy botted skin that she ended up editing and only got the permission and approval of the creator AFTER she did it. Not to mention she also copies/imitates others. Going back to that dragon. The little sunkist water mark she tried slapping on it. https://gyazo.com/53dd34896ac8ec6ba852881ec17c5ab5
Notice anything similar? OH right! https://www.furaffinity.net/view/45956500/ Skitz has been doing it for YEARS. Started on her little fae dragon she got done and then sold, so unable to really get the dates of when that started. (cuz she deleted it all from her FA. )
Anyone remember suda’s dragon panda? Pandragon as she liked to call it and tried to claim it as her own custom species? https://www.furaffinity.net/view/29362714/
Then you have this person, who is actually on SL and if you type in pandragon is the first person to pop up https://www.furaffinity.net/user/darkwalker34/ not so custom is it?
Or how about the time she went at Dilila for using the same nipple rings that are sold by sensations? ( This goes back to week 714 on VS)
And because Dil told this nubbins person
Dil got that.
I know the last few points have been more calling her out on her hypocrisy. She still did copy bot in the past and so has pepper, her main texture artist. Copy botting WITH permission is fine, but copybotting without permission is a big nono.
Jesus fucking christ. Of course, it’s possible to STEAL skins. But IT’S NOT COPYBOTTING. Copybotting is a very specific kind of stealing that only applies to objects. Seriously, just fucking google “copybot Second Life” and all the info will be right there.
To use the simplest possible terms for you morons- all unauthorized copybotting is stealing, but NOT ALL STEALING IS COPYBOTTING.
copybots can do so much more than you think.
They can spoof your location giving you the ability to follow users without having to leave your own linden home.
Animations – .anim and BVH – you can import the UUIDS into your viewer AO and boom stolen.
Mesh – unrigged or Bento, it’s not safe
Sounds – well you can get that from your sound cache by changing the sound to .avi anyway
textures – you can also open legacy items like clothes and tattoos to get the UUIDs
particles – directly rips the scripts
assembly – perfectly rip and reconstruct an item the same way it was given to you
Contents – using the hex and text editor you can modify the data inside an object. What scripts are inside, the owner of the item, the permissions granted, ect.
and before anyone tries to tell me that the cache viewer is illegal let me remind you that the process and source code to open UUIDS is well documented by linden labs itself on bitbucket – https://bitbucket.org/lindenlab/
which is how most viewers like firestorm and black dragon are created. heck most copybots are just reprogrammed versions of firestorm.
It was already stated that whoever said “copybotting” was probably from the vtube community and didn’t know common SL slangs. Sure names aren’t big when it comes to theft, but you might want to look at the bigger picture here.
This is once again suda taking something from someone else, and claiming it as original. Just wait for the next claim.
I think we can all agree the OP didn’t fully understand what word they were choosing to use amongst all the words to pick. I also did some clicking around since Bubs has made it a point of “avoiding toxicity” she thrives from it. The left vtuber has a rather large following on Twitch but only just started their outreach on Twitter is my guess. Bubs is always on the lookout for ways to grow but I’ll be honest I’m disappointed to see her leech from the vtuber community after some of the accusations of the past, especially since she has made it a point to hashtag things as Faeliens and there are rarely posts with special tags beside the usual SL ones. If that’s not what is happening, it’s a relief but I don’t know. Behind the image of good vibes and forgiveness and much love, she has admitted to lurking, block evading, and stalking people who she has fallouts with as well as having a very toxic abuse and harassment habit that you would never notice the pattern of unless you have been very close to her in the past 2 years. All of which our friends and family supports instead of actually supporting her by helping her establish healthier habits and growing up. Seeing a 30 something year old brag about making people uncomfortable by posting directly after people she hates to piss them off in servers. Following people who avoid her or have blocked her to servers/sims/twitch streams, it’s getting old, draining. Peppy is his own can of worms. PepperShark should not ever be allowed to open an SL store or be paid for his custom work. If I had a nickel for every time Bubs asked for a skin and Pepper edited someone else’s… Read more »
Two ridiculous walls of text, but still not a single Google search that would have made them unnecessary. I don’t know why I try to explain things to people who think if they leave themselves logged in on a public computer and someone uses their account, they’ve been “hacked”. I give up. Stupid wins this time; it’s not worth it.
Copy botting is literally a term used for the bot/program used to COPY/STEAL. It’s not just pertaining to JUST MESH. It’s the term used for needing a program/bot to steal someone elses work. It’s not just mesh it’s everything
And that’s the 2022 definition. Educate yourself first before trying to say it’s only pertaining to ONE type of thing. So, please. Be less ignorant.
🙄 Sigh.
That’s why I specifically said to Google it in reference to Second Life, but of course, following instructions is beyond you morons. If you had done that, you would see it was a specific tool, created by one person, that creates copies of prim objects and meshes. But since you’d rather argue with me than stop being a fucking imbecile, you won’t. Congrats on the idiocy 👍
Glad to see people are still holding onto stuff from my past. Yes I did do those things, Long time ago. I realized they were wrong and made amends, and what not. I even made it a goal to do better. Which I am only human, so somethings slip up here and there, but I always strive to do better. If people do not understand that, then it is fine. I am glad you are all getting what ever it is off your chest. If showing off what I did in my past helps you get through your day. Then that is okay. Truthfully, a big handful of people stated for me to just ignore this site. Which they are right I should, but I also feel people who are reading this should hear something from my heart. I never claimed to be a good person, and I have did alot of stupid stuff. Said alot of stupid stuff, and acted out like a toddler. For that I am sorry, I am not gonna come up with excuses for my before or words. Just hope people will let go of the past and grow in the present. You don’t have to like my content, what I do in my pictures or like me. You are more then welcome to block me and say what you like. For I have taken that route myself, blocking those who do not help with my mental health and focus on myself. My IRL needs that of me. So for the Faelien thing, honestly and TRULY honestly. I didn’t know that Vtuber existed. Let alone anyone else using the term Faelien. I am using Faeliens as a species with my community. As we are creating a lil roleplay universe. *not that it really is anyone’s… Read more »
Like honestly, im still fucking pissed at this whole post. Mainly the point of you trying to APOLOGIZE to everyone you hurt. Even though, you’re not sorry. Not in the fucking least! If you were, you’d message every person you’ve hurt and PROPERLY apologize to them. Not just a great big one. Why? Because trying to do a public apology like this…..Means fucking jack shit. Apologizing on a more personal level is what’s going to earn you that forgiveness and that chance to PROVE you’ve changed.
I.E you’re getting the same fucking treatment soko did. Apologize to the people you hurt, PROPERLY, and show you’ve changed. You don’t put in that work, it shows you don’t give two fucks about any of it and prove everything that everyone has said about you, TO THIS DATE and future.
You want it to end? Stop playing victim. You want it to end? Grow the fuck up and take your pride and shove it up your ass and suck it up.
The only one getting blasted is you…again
When I said there was a pattern I wasn’t kidding because here you are again, and again, and again.”
your little pitty post means nothing
Dil did the same thing and got nothing but smack, you should expect the same. that lil nobody’s perfect excuse gets old.
Hot take: Claiming you’ve improved when nobody notices the changes is meaningless
back to the drawing board sista~
In all honesty Second Life shit is really not that deep and y’all are constantly screaming about how everyone is a terrible person blah blah and deserve the worse and the issues are really not even that huge like please honestly re evaluate what you’re putting your energy into here because you’re here constantly. There’s people dying.
Reason why you’re being called out time and time again, is because you constantly act like a FUCKING VICTIM. Fuck your entire note pad which was posted weeks ago shows that! Like, seriously. You’ve damaged SO many people and you don’t have remorse for it because as you like to say. YOU are the victim, not the other people you’ve damaged and brought harm to. You wana say when the others are never really heard. THEY DON’T GET HEARD! You fucking play the game of victim SO fucking well that people get told they’re making shit up. Like, reading back time and time again on here, and the posts I’ve seen from discords and from private conversations. YOU instigate a lot and one of your biggest victims is dilila. Someone who’s come on here a few times to air out their side. Hell, I was there in fursona the day you ended up getting your goonies in there to go after her when she told you that the photo you posted wasn’t going to be getting into the magazine just because kodine liked it. Lets bring up SKNK, where she gave pepper a bit of criticism of looking at hand positioning, and instead terra came in and fucking went at her. How about we go to Sugar cult where you guys ACTIVELY tried to blame her to the creator for why YOUR ASS got banned. How about the fact you went at her over a pair of FUCKING NIPPLE RINGS?! Nipple rings Suda. That YOU don’t own. Let alone over half a million other things. You’ve abused red, you’ve abused azusa, riptide, herme’s, omega. Ya I know about that fucker too. How you constantly got upset with him because he was spending time with other people and not you. How… Read more »
wait why am I getting pulled into this? idfk what the fuck is going on. lol i am like NANI THE FUCK
Yet the latest rumor that you and skitz are friends again
A person that also committed some pretty shitty things including doxxing, but oh they changed now haven’t they?
Theft is theft
exposing someones identity and location…yea that’s pretty unforgivable.
You make this dumb claim that you’ve changed yet the next few weeks someone finds you instantly with something similar to another in the communities you join. It’s not a coincidence.
Sl – you tried to claim people copied you when it was the opposite
OCs – kept running around making claims of theft when people looked similar or they took inspiration from you when just like your so called claim “I’ve never heard of them before”.
vtubers – rude behavior towards others, petty side on twitter that you keep deleting, and to constantly seek out more attention to do a 180 and say “they ruined it for me” just proves that you haven’t improved one bit!
you’re still the same selfish wannabe everyone has claimed you to be blaming everyone else for your self created issues.
if you TRULY want your mental health to improve, stfu and stop seeking popularity over some dumb internet clout.
I mean ya, she’s gone back to retweeting skitz’s stuff and even azu is retweeting suda’s stuff https://gyazo.com/630184ac70168f1c7e4a67c0ae7f7206
Like, you’re supporting people who have not only manipulated and LIED, but you’re supporting someone who quite literally BROKE THE LAW. Past isn’t past when you dox someone darling. It’s a federal offence.
But seems kind of fitting don’t you think? Since you also like to manipulate and lie. You’ve ruined other peoples reputation by twisting things around. I bet your note pad that was posted up, is filled with twisted lies and manipulation. Showing half the screenshots where it makes YOU look good, but doesn’t show the bad things you’ve said huh? That’s why red’s got the receipts up on her profile, which btw. The doxxing from skitz is there too. Then the stuff about dilila, bet you only showed half of the story there. The one that makes you look good right? I’m pretty sure exposed would be able to see what’s also posted in your discord on the sick and twisted shit you say in your private little circles.
I find it incredibly two faced to run around claiming that X and Y were your abusers, only to pull a 180 and get all chummy with one of them again. No actual proof they abused em, and now they’re back together or something.
Just goes to show that they could never be trusted in the first place. But who am I kidding when you do nothing but drag others into your attacks and callouts so much that they have to tell you to stfu!
Lookin at you Azu!
And I find it stupidly dumb to return to a “friend” not only guilty of doxxing someone, but after so much drama from the past. They’re totally not gonna stay quiet when things get rough again I’ll tell ya that.
They ARE the drama squad (Suda, Dil, Skitz, Azuza). And after Skitz claims to own everything to join up with suda…yeaaa there’s gonna be some fireworks comin and they’re gonna be loud af.
Here’s a claim, seen it before so watch it happen.
Suda makes an oc with skitz, they’re friendship breaks, said character is reworked or just removed because it’s drama
yea same with the green yeen they made with blazey xD
Can blazey unexist already? I am so tired of seeing her be relevant ever. Anyone want to do us a favor? Lol
Can blazey unexist already? I’m so tired of seeing her be relevant ever.
Oh, azu’s already commented. She’s the NAME HERE person. No one that I know of, from the list of people i’ve mentioned. Talks like that. Except azu. The only person who would LOL And do something somewhat “kawaii” Is azu. The “innocent” act and trying to play it off. I know the rest of them, they don’t talk like that. Plus, everyone else would know why they’re dragged into this. There’s only a few, that I know are on decent terms with her, but only 1 I know that will ACTUALLY post on here. Azu.
#4 Why am I not surprised? She constantly claims things she makes/does are “original” And yet, here we are. Once again with her doing the same old shit. When ya going to grow up and learn suda? Like seriously. You constantly go after other’s for apparently “copying” you, and yet you’re doing the same fucking thing and calling it ” inspiration”.
And when are the rest of you dumb fucks going to stop falling for her shit? When she stops kissing your ass? Or when she stops being two faced and showing you the face she wants you to see?
bitch STFU!
No u
I guess you’re one of the dumb fucks falling for her shit. Hope you see the truth soon lovey.
Posts pictures so overedited that even Instagram users go blind
“collabs” with others to appear popular and in good standing with people
The moment things go quiet and you look around…you find shit like this. I get being inspired by all kinds of things but the moment you claim it’s your “original idea”, people are gonna call you out from every group.
Best guess is the copybot claim is by someone from the vtube community that probably doesn’t know common SL lingo.
Either way they got called out for taking “inspiration” on SL, and now they’re doing it with Vtubers. Only a matter of time before we see more of this brought to light.
It’s already risky to bring SL into twitch since it’s a banned game, one wrong move and the user gets deleted.
Actually it’s not some vtuber. I am from SL, I also know copybotting isn’t just mesh. https://gyazo.com/7dcea77e3fe26245a83400ed6730868d
But she did copy bot the skin in the past for her “custom” and only got permission for it AFTER the fact when she got called out and it’s not just a claim. She’s already been proven before, terra, suda, pepper.
All I see are two different Twitter accounts that are similar in name but have nothing to do with each other or Second Life, or copybotting at all, is there a reason to this rant at all? Please calm your hate boner for a while and think on that.
Notice how I didn’t bring up the other party? Only thing I’m bringing up is the fact that once again she’s being called out for copying people. Whether this instance is truly copying or not, it’s still bringing up the fact that she’s constantly claimed people are copying her when in fact it’s the other way around.
Did you actually look into it though? No, of course you didn’t….

#26 from week – 714 as sourced above

having the accused come in and instantly comment about how it boosted their ratings (and delete tweets), only to get downvoted so quickly is a big red flag in my book
Suda is NOTORIOUS for taking things from others and claiming it as their own. Don’t believe me, look at the week above because I’m not about to post this again..
They’ve been caught red handed stealing and lying to others only to play the victim again and again. If it’s not SL, it’s the vtuber community now and that’s a toxic cesspool I don’t want to touch.
and don’t get me started at how much money she dumps trying to make these “original” character look legit. full commissions, vtube models…it’s ridiculous.
Theft is theft no matter how small.
#13, 31,38
Looks like the only people still memeing about ROC are the ROC admins themselves. Guess y’all need the publicity bad. Shitting on your own player base publicly for as long as the place has been around cause y’all can’t handle that you’re bunch of self-absorbed clowns
LOL they have shriveled that sim so badly now they promote their ooc boyfriends/girlfriends to roles and admins
The Sim had potential, but Antaria, Haera and a few other ruined it. WTG For spreading your virtual thighs and fucking over your friends!
49– if you’re gonna keep beating this dead horse, you could at least provide some real suggestions on what to do better, otherwise you’re just wasting everyone’s time. The solution of ‘assign bloggers to specific stores’ was met with valid explanation as to why that’s not realistic or feasible or worth the time, when the only goal behind it was to get your little circle of old ugly furry bitches to shut up. it’s always the same few people. That tiny little group made shit so uncomfortable for the rest of us as designers.
Also, don’t flatter yourself. Nobody expects commission work from you. You’re not that special. The point was, if you’re so pressed about your generic furry mods & poorly-made dog/deer/childlike avatars are not getting coverage, maybe consider making trendier shit. If bloggers don’t post your products when they have an obligation to do so, they weren’t going to fucking buy it anyway so you’re not losing any sales.
and finally, YOU AGREE TO PROVIDE A BLOGGER PACK WHEN YOU FILL OUT THE APPLICATION, YOU ABSOLUTE DIPSHIT. The applications explicitly state that you are NOT guaranteed blog coverage. If you don’t like that stipulation, don’t fucking apply. I’m sorry you can’t read any line of text you disagree with, but the rest of the grid is bored with your silly complaints. Only that same little tiny circle of salty furry bitches even cares.
What do you mean? Generic Furry Dog Shit gets blogged all the time. Bloggers are nearly always thotty “babygirl” human avis or uwu-soft slutty dog furry girls.
Fact is, bloggers are tightly knit cliques with the same tastes and narrow interests. If your stuff isn’t getting blogger coverage, that’s good, actually, because it means you’re probably making stuff out of the box that’s ACTUALLY original, instead of plain colored dog Espen mod #583. (Though. That doesn’t mean all out-there stuff is good. Looking at you, extreme fetish content creators.)
OP absolutely had a point, I didn’t know the Guild were like that, if that’s true. I expected better from such an event with status. Saying “ooh we should ask the bloggers what you should be creating” is damn shitty, I expected more of them. Bloggers don’t represent the average SL customer, they don’t really represent customers period because they get their shit for free without effort. They are the people I LEAST trust for advice on what to create. Because; despite bloggers representing the same select stores and uwusoft aesthetic 5000 times, niche stuff actually profits. Look at Bespoke, making all kinds of weird shit. Not anything a “Blogger” would be into. Yet, they must be doing well, ’cause they get into many events and have a huge following!
TL;DR bloggers’ opinion goes directly into the trash YEET.
Funny that you’re so mad about this that you had to post nearly identical comments under two different names.
I don’t post here much. thought my comment got rejected cuz it didn’t show for more than a day.
22 – lol imagine trying to bully someone into being in a relationship with you. eggy aka della chattoway you do know that changin your name doesnt hide you from people you communicated with before right? like did you forget that he has calling cards and transcripts that show your new name? your whole story is completely one sided. first of all “this girl” is obviously you. he didn’t “leave you in the dust” he saw the red flags and like an adult respectfully let you know that he wanted out before it got too serious. you’re the one who needs to be called out on your bullshit. YOU are the one who’s manipulative! you are also a fucking liar and YOU obsess over any guy thats willing to give you two seconds of attention! not to mention youre also impulsive and obsessive as fuck and insanely rude when you don’t get your way. You are all of the things you accuse Akir of being! Stop fuckin harassing him and move the fuck on!
Also sorry if this is a double post somewhere! Couldn’t tell if it had gone through or not
#37 I wanted to expand on this…
As both blogger and store owner, I must say that many times we get rejected only because the numbers on Flickr are not high enough, even if our work is beautiful (which is subjective, of course). This is worse since Flickr changed the algorithm and now all non-paid accounts are getting 1/4 of the views and faves we got before.
BUT… events and sponsors are perfectly entitled to do this! Bloggers are advertisement, and an investment, so it makes perfect sense to me that they won’t want to waste free PR on people who don’t get seen. I salute, love, and respect the sponsors who still have me in spite of my low numbers, but I don’t bitch and moan about the ones who prefer people who can get 300+ faves and 4-digit views regularly.
But wait, you say, but what about blogging managers who only put their friends, you ask, is that fair, you insist… well, no, but it’s their choice, just move on and find someone else, or take pics just because you like it. Nobody pays you to be a blogger, and let’s face it, if you’re a good blogger, you end up buying more stuff for a blog post than the free stuff that you actually get. So if you’re not enjoying this, blogging is not for you.
#1 & #2 sounds like a match made in hea… somewhere within the bowels of SL
#20 sure Cult, let’s get you to bed lol
#24 is that supposed to be an insult? you must think you’re oh so witty lol
#28 bwahahahaaaaahaha what a blast from da past, gotta love hair from 2011
#35 have you even seen dicks IRL? they do tend to poke sideways when they “awaken” inside tight undies, y’know…
#37 if this is how you take rejection, blogging is clearly not for you
#39 we need context, where’s the tea? give us the teeeeea!
#40 not sure if gossip or advertisement… c’mon, spill!
#45 bye Felicia?
#38 Tell me your sim is full of toxic people without telling me your sim is full of toxic people.
#30. Agreed. Except Oiche. The owner is a stalker and batshit crazy.
i never comment but
#7 has no idea what they’re talking about and sound completely butthurt. the admins highly discourage any of the rules they’re talking about asuka breaking, but even if it were true 1. PCs aren’t ‘only allowed 1 character’, but there is a wait time between each character you make, so that’s a lie. 2. being a faction lead isn’t a privilege and a crown on their head as they would think it is, it is hard work pretty much helping the sim operate so people arent sitting in their houses all the time and actually driving an already very plot heavy sim to have events. it’s hours of writing your ass off and getting shit going so others and yourselves can rp and all it does it earn you two more megacredits for character skills, the title, and a big juicy kiss on the forehead for being a doll.
the rest just smells of a person IC taking things to OOC which isn’t a surprise given they are too stupid to even know the rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That is unfortunately what this is. Considering the week this was posted in too, we already know who posted it which makes it even less subtle. It is only their small circle of friends who feel like this, and even crazier is that they are also blaming things on me that the Admins requested, already verified to be untrue, or did themselves. I just hope they can handle their reputation going down the drain for being known now as someone who enjoys playing rape fantasies with no consequences.
34 is funny because she copybotted/stole Maingrid items to sell on Teengrid some 12+ years ago.
Not surprising at all. Vae Darkheart from Petrichor illegitimately and questionably runs her shit.
It is apparent this person has been a piece of shit since the teen grid was a thing and she was on it.
Have creators she’s worked with like Trap ever actually claimed they did all the work? I don’t wanna spread that without verifying.
Trap is an easy one. Look at all the skins closely you can just see it. All the fancy decorative tattoos and patterns on top are Trap. With many of the skins under it is the same old template skin Petrichor has been using almost unchanged for over countless years.
Considering she’s on my friends list and doesn’t ask me to pay 50 bucks a month to keep her there, and also considering that she offered to lower my rent when I said I couldn’t afford it, I’m gonna have to call bullshit. I’m not gonna sit here and pretend I know this woman’s life and what all she’s done with it, but from what I’ve known of her recently, she’s been a kind and understanding person.
#32 gross, and an ugly head. Weird thing is though is when I’m actually in world, in sims that allow furries and humans, its always the human women getting mounted by feral dogs.
Downvote it all you want idiots, but it’s true to anyone with any awareness at all, you yourself are probably ugly thots who fuck dogs in SL, and probably RL too.
after today’s post once again, we reached out and asked about #11. According to everyone that knows this child, it’s true. We are SOooo happy we got a zooby instead of this Maga-Toddler
how sad you are for being so intolerant for people who don’t vote the same way you are..
poster don’t know how Vs works 🕵 it’s supposed to be anonymous. was so easy to identify the poster as her last mother Aly Halsey …so either she’s dumb or it was a frame-job
Frame job, by the one and only AUDRI! I wouldn’t be surprised if she is doing this all to herself for the attention that she has to have. She wants nothing more but to make people pay for not giving her what she wants and that is all the attention. She has destroyed enough families, maybe she should grow up and play an adult cause being a kid isn’t working for her. You can see where the photoshop work was done to make it look like Aly flickr picture blurry or not it don’t smell right, that woman doesn’t have a mean bone in her body.
#24 Bitch do look like a tranny 😂😂😂😂 she’s ugly ASF and probably got a dick. I fucking hate trannies in SL they disgust me 🤮. Chicks with dicks ain’t it. If you want to debate me inworld, it’s jacobythehomie my SL username and my display name is Jacob.
I would say debating with an absolute tool like you is like debating with a dead body. I won’t because the only difference is I’d have a more intellectual conversation with the dead body.
#43 Doesn’t matter how many times you guys call this girl out on her behavior she’s never doing to change. In her head she’s in the right and everyone else is wrong. When you are so far up your own ass that’s what others call a narcissistic personality. It’s all about them. They are the main characters in their story not you.
#11 first off- everyone that knows Audriana knows this is true…. so what’s the big deal? (i’m SURE even her sponsors know this) She has never lied about supporting Trump Second- this poster is an idiot… we can clearly see you follow her, so you were not hard to find with that small amount of followers.. (as you didn’t crop out all of your profile picture this literally took less than 5 minutes to discover your identity – “Aly Darkwood”) #24 it is a man lmfao #42 LOL reminds me of beetlejuice and the shrunken head scene at the end.
#43 Oh no let me fix that for you…you meant to say the right is obsessed with the left, why don’t you all actually tell the real side of the story, Bun had already admitted to trying to mimic Verinne years ago and is now doing it out in the open, and y’all that are defending Bun are the same ones who cry about how others copy their avatars and pics to, lol bunch of hypocritical bitches trying to stay anonymous and stir shit yet again, quit being pussies and actually show who you are, because y’all know Bun is actually the one copying shit, and I’m honestly getting fucking sick of seeing it and nothing being actually said about it, like I know Hye Min is Bun’s friend and she cried about how some girl was copying her pics awhile back, well fuck Bun copies some of Verinne’s pictures to, I actually FOR REAL saw a pic shared and thought it was Verinne but it was actually Bun, y’all need to go touch some grass and grow a pair, the only ones “obsessed” here are you brainwashed cunts who sit on your asses every week plotting, editing, posting, and commenting about Verinne every week, she has hardly even been on or around SL and y’all are still trying to attack and start shit about her… STFU!!
Ya’ll are clowns if you think Meep is doing anything to that Cretin. You are also a clown if you cannot see past the Cretin making these up herself, replying to herself and making all the sob stories up. Real awkward when you realise you’ve been following her narrative. How about you stop enabling it and finally see she needs mental help but that isn’t gonna happen cause lets be honest, you are all on the same boat at the cretin.
I feel like you need to go back to one of her FB posts where she admitted to outright and constantly bullying Bunny because it’s what she “deserves”.
This is the last thing Bunny mentioned about Verinne and it shows a very small amount of things Verinne has done to her over the years. This obviously doesn’t include the most recent things of Verinne warning blogger managers/stores she blogs for about her.
The following link is a public FB post on Bunny’s secondlife account.
I feel like you need to stop enabling Verinne and tell her to get help. It’s not hard to go over her Twitter (unless she deleted the posts) and her FB (if you’re friends with her) to see the constant things she posts about Bunny or the situation itself.
How is that not doing anyone to someone?
Ya’ll are weirdos if you think bunbun is innocent, idk if anyone reads the room but verinne been doing her own thing like gurl. Bun is a mess like she needs to be creative LMFAO
P.S. Quite a few other people have noticed the extreme similarities for awhile now, including a few store owners as well, so I’d say if there is that many who noticed, then it’s pretty fucking obvious and y’all saying it’s ok and defending her just look fucking stupid.
There really is only one store owner who has ever stated anything which was Styxes or the Sulfer family.
If it was that bad, she wouldn’t be blogging for places like Salem and Avec Toi. A variety of stores wouldn’t like her work or support Bunny either if that were the case. Verinne wouldn’t have been removed from a store for failing to meet deadlines and publicly admitting she purposely didn’t do them.
The only people who have “seen” the similarities are the ones who are in Verinne’s extremely close circle and none of you have had the balls to actually talk to Bunny. It’s hilarious. All of you keep demanding anonymous people to get off and go to Verinne but all of you are happy to hide and abuse the shit out of Bunny anonymously and that’s fine.
Lots more people including store owners, have observed the opposite. Verinne obsessing over Bunny. Verinne copying things from Bunny (tulip hair, lynx ears, robots & lace things, list goes on). Verinne warning the people Bunny blogs for about her (the posts went public, sorry but if Verinne says otherwise she is lying). Verinne making posts about Bunny. Verinne bragging about all the shit she has done to Bunny.
All Verinne has done is dug her hole deeper and the more she posts and sub-tweets about Bunny, it just proves who is causing issues. I’d like to add that when the tweet from Styxes came into context, store owners who commented on it didn’t realise it was a targeted tweet and explained that they were referring to people copying themselves, they weren’t supporting Verinne.
So I’m just going to say this now–If you or anyone for that matter, has to run over to Virtual Secrets just to type of a long ass dissertation about how everyone’s “SO ObSeSsEd” and needs to “Go ToUcH GrAsS”, you’re no better than the people that post to this site. I mean for fucksake, you literally typed a whole paragraph, ranting on about somebody copying someone else’s pixel doll. I don’t know chief, might want to practice what you preach and go touch some grass yourself.
Sounds like someone who was commenting last week. Telling people they’re obsessed for calling out Leo on his shit.
LMAO AWWWWW….look must be all the minions commenting, did I hit some nerves? Good!
I mean considering I know the real truth about the situation, and whoever keeps posting about her doesn’t, think it’s safe to say I have no issue calling out you BITCHES!
And yes you are all obsessed cause y’all sit there and go through her pics, and spend time editing all this bullshit, and I’d say I am better since I’m defending someone y’all keep attacking for no reason, while the ones who are no better are actually the little shit starters..I really could give a fuck what y’all think, because you’re just going to keep being Bun’s little boot lickers and sticking up for her, she literally has admitted to copying Verinne before, but for some dumbass reason everyone is ok with it, literally she hasn’t hardly been on SL for the last few weeks, but y’all still do what you do best, sitting on your sorry asses writing a bunch of bullshit behind a screen.
Now…why don’t all you little minions of hers go and lick Bun’s ass some more…
Lmfao I don’t even know who they are but if you can sit here and recall all the times someone has posted about this situation then the only person that is truly obsessed is you. Youre probably the one making the posts because youre pressed over the fact that nobody’s jumping in to white knight for you. Oh you poor thing lol! I have never seen someone go on such a babyrage like this over a goddamn avatar before lol and the best part is that both of you look no different from the many babygirls I pass during weekend shopping events. like wtf do you want people to do? call up LL to tell them that somebody copied your 100% original avatar? get a life please
I don’t know who either of those boring, generic avis are, but the “copy” looks way better than the one who has delusions of others wanting to look like her. Bitch looks like Gollum in a wig. Either that’s you, or you seriously need to get a life, once someone gets the jaws of life down here to extricate your tongue from her asshole.
“hypocritical bitches trying to stay anonymous “. Says the anonymous poster. 😂
Says the one trying to be a “smart” ass that’s anonymous as well 😂
Let me correct you. Bunny never admitted to copying Verinne. She admitted to having copybotted her shape in 2016, bought all the items Verinne had blogged and listed. Verinne was upset because Bunny didn’t stop wearing white hair and fox things and there is legitimate documentation where Bunny has been wearing white hair and fox things prior to 2016. Verinne is obsessed with Bunny. Verinne has already been caught multiple times copying Bunny. Verinne is constantly making sub-tweets around Bunny. Verinne has admitted on Facebook and shown she is stalking Bunny by making tweets about her, commenting about her posts, etc etc. They’re both shit people but the only one moving on is Bunny while Verinne is constantly making posts about her and following what she does. Sorry to say but Verinne isn’t innocent and the most Verinne can claim that Bunny is “copying” her is the fact she wore a bang with a hairstyle. Not only that, Verinne was already caught copying Bunny regarding a previous hairstyle. All you did by this post was prove you’re an idiot because the only people who think Bunny looks like Verinne is Styxes and Verinne. Verinne: https://www.flickr.com/photos/-verinne/52144648402/in/dateposted/ Bunny: https://www.flickr.com/photos/brambleborne/52296373584/in/dateposted/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/brambleborne/52276579407/in/dateposted/ https://www.flickr.com/photos/brambleborne/52268977990/in/dateposted/ Any person with a brain sees they’re not the same person. I also want to say that I love how you forgot that Verinne stalked Bunny enough to get her real life information and give it out to people and let them have access to that while pretending she has done nothing wrong about it. She even posted links to where people were getting back to her about Bunny’s family and the fact they contacted them. Apparently Verinne making nearly daily sub-tweets, posts and comments about Bunny, watching everything she does, warning Bunny’s blogger managers about her, etc etc isn’t stalking.… Read more »
My final say on this is because Verinne is once more playing the victim on her twitter account. She does it well, it’s funny. Verinne is losing her shit trying to claim she can “never” defend herself but it’s actually the other way around. What Verinne doesn’t point out is that Bunny already admitted to her mistakes publicly. She didn’t hide what she said when she said this: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FbBFj5OWYAAvzv8?format=png&name=small What Verinne doesn’t tell people is those comments were made AFTER Verinne sent people to attack her RL. Whether Verinne found the information of Bunny’s RL on Tumblr or not, she still gave it out to people and gave them access to it while also posting her RL FB on her own tumblr to out herself. https://gyazo.com/6c83bf42843b31b161b6d0c7fddb2e66 Bunny threatened Verinne after Verinne sent people to her RL to accuse her Dad of sexually abusing her without proof and admitting she had no proof, that’s on her blog and members of Bunny’s family were attacked thus causing major issues for Bunny RL. Bunny’s RL has been attacked multiple times where people tried to get her fired at her work or outright isolate her from family. Sorry to say it Verinne while I don’t approve of Bunny threatening your RL, it was only done because you avidly attacked hers with pure lies and spite. You might want to tell the whole truth for once, not just your side to try and be a victim after years of you stalking and abusing someone. Verinne, you’re the only one who can defend yourself because you refuse to accept where you were in the wrong. Calrifying the “information”. It was also not Bunny who got the information. It was given to her. Verinne is acting like Bunny went out of her way to get it. She… Read more »
Yeah if someone copy botted my shape I’d be pissed to, but no continue to defend a thief.
Verinne’s shape was copybotted once in 2016. It’s now 2022 going into 2023. It wasn’t even a bento shape. It was before bento existed. That was 6 years ago.
How about you hold Verinne to the same standards you demand people to hold Bunny at? How about you call Verinne out for lying to RL family about sexual abuse and then going “I couldn’t find the proof but it doesn’t matter”. How about you tell Verinne to stop making posts about Bunny? Making comments about things she’s posted? Making fun of Bunny’s posts? Openly admitted she follows the things Bunny does?
You had people trying to get Bunny fired from her RL job on multiple occasions over SECONDLIFE.
The only one who stays out of shit is Bunny.
You can follow her twitter and see she posts things related to her life. Same on her Facebook. She’s not obsessively posting about someone else. What is Bunny doing? Posting about how happy she is RL. Posting about her progress. Posting about living life, loving it and succeeding.
Doesn’t matter what year it was or is, point is it was her personal shape and it was “copybotted”, but again keep defending thieves! 🙂
In fairness, a shape is a shape. Attacking people with some fucked up personal right of amendment, to harass and ruin people in RL over something trivial as shape is abhorrent.
If you felt so strongly about it and copybotting, you make your case to LL and complain how bad the software system is to allow copybotting in the first place. Not that it will get you anywhere !
In truth, most would rather you also go to LL and discuss how woefully inadequate their own rules are, towards turning a blind eye to residents abusing the grid and outside third party servers, to invoke malicious RL harassment towards other residents! All because of SL issues !!
Even Zuckerberg has standards, just saying !!
I feel like this is the most accurate post I’ve read out of all of them. I couldn’t imagine trying to ruin someone’s RL over a shale but watching that fact be disregarded entirely makes it all the more amusing.
I too am surprised people on here are not thinking about what was said, especially the last part!!
People get too caught up in the anger and unimportant indignities rather than facts, figures and what leads up to it.
LL have a lot to live up to as far as that is concerned.
Can’t simply ignore / avert eyes to social problems, that were not as well known 20 years in the past. Society advances, sometimes not for the good either.
Companies have to amend rules and regulations to keep folks right and safe, otherwise you end up with the Wild West and a whole lot of Boot Hill Cemetery!!
But somehow they feel that if its not in the grid, it’s not their concern.
It certainly is their concern if the catalyst was due to SL drama, that got way out of unacceptable limits.
I seen suicide come from online stalking and such like, it sure is not pretty!!
You keep defending someone who stalked someones RL information, contacted their family and lied about them being sexually abused and then said it didn’t matter that she couldn’t find proof of it. Stalking and harassing someone for years. Copying someone for years. All of this over a single shape that wasn’t even bento. Bunny apologised for it. People accepted that and moved on. The only one who hasn’t is Verinne. Are you going to hold Verinne accountable for her actions? Apparently not. It’s why every point you make ends up being laughed at.
Imagine thinking that a secondlife shape in a game is worth attempting to ruins someone RL and relationships with their family.
“You stole my shape so I’ll target your RL family and try to destroy your RL over it!”
I’d rather defend a “thief” over someone like that.
Funny thing is, No evidence of any RL interaction at all, but plenty of proof of Bunny stealing.
Keep being an enabler.
I guess you missed the times where Verinne openly posted logs from people contacting Bunny for her. Even keeping tabs on her RL with people returning information. One of them had been how Bunny’s mother isn’t involved in her RL much and bragging about getting that information. It was on a variety of her FB posts that are now private. She also publicly admitted back on Plurk and bragged that she had Bunny’s RL information in case she wanted to do anything about it. Even Verinne admitted to that.
That’s okay. We know the narrative you’re trying to follow. There is also plenty of evidence of Verinne copybotting as well. An example was shown a while back where she had Bold and Beauty textures uploaded under her own name. That means she had to rip the textures out SL to upload them. I guess copybotting only counts when one person does it.
Adding to that, she used the excuse that Bold and Beauty provides copies to add onto the legacy HUD. They don’t. If that were also the case, the textures would show up under the Bold and Beauty creators name not hers.
If you’re going to hold one person accountable for stealing a single shape of hers in 2016, you should hold her accountable for the things she’s stolen.
You’re the enabler.
Hi Verinne we see you on secondlife every single day. Stop lying.
#11: Oh wtf … but then, they’re probably into Qanon shit and a pedo for playing a child avi. I wouldn’t be surprised.
43. They don’t even look alike beyond having white hair. What gatekeeping bs is this?
Dear linden labs
We accomplished are mission to report recently age playing actives that’s still continues on second life. 15 avatars been banned in past weeks we want to thank everyone for helping report each account been confirmed for braking ToS. This a message to any active account using illegal programs to get back on sl. You will be banned again and again you need to understand once you break rules your permanent banned forever. You can warn as much friends you have. It Will
not change anything for anyone of claim your pg or your new Second.
No one dumb no one is going to protect you once you lose your accounts.
This is calling out all you if you choose to reply that’s your choice. It ok your cult’s groups are nothing but hypocrites you only co exist for entertainment and to be used. Wake up and Snell the coffee this is not a game.
Own up to your problems and stop spreading lies about everyone. Quit complaining and do something about it. If you have proof post it here. If not just stay quiet like the roaches you are.
And calling LL administration a dickheads get you no where. At the end of the day your still banned case closed toby.
Is this Gasper???
Only one out of two people, who use the Patch Linden moniker regular.
Gasper the Scream queen, hothead, vanity-soaked gayboy, who does this on the days he feels unloved, unwanted, not enough dick to play with, untalented… or just a plain fag??
Which if you know how people work in kid circles, “plain fag” is not outrageous enough to be bearable to live as. It’s the itch up the butt on virtual world sociability.
Known to have his eyeballs glued to this site, poking his little dick in here to start issues left, right and centre. He gets a boner off the drama.
It’s always the latter reason with the cretins, they cannot be normal, plain and friendly folks
Always on a power trip and always deceitful A.F !
Do I need to mention the stereotype fake Asian bullshittery, aggressive vanity persona etc ??
I mean Toby is a cunt yes, but at least project your annoyance as your own self!!
P.S. Don’t expect Toby etc to come on here and talk rationally, that won’t ever happen. It’s very clear what his motives were and more abhorrent, is he feels justified in his limited mind to do what he did to others.
At least he was upfront in his bullshit, he was another self-infatuated, power aggressed SL Kid.
It’s the others that followed willingly until he bit them on the ass, that are the bigger problem. The ones not DEALING with their social issues rationally !!
Were you one of those people ?
Seems like it to me, followed, got screwed and now angry at the world.
Do what smart people do and learn from the experience !!
… This reads so unprofessionally that this is a really piss poor attempt to roleplay a Linden. Imagine being so starved for relevancy and power you roleplay so atrociously on a rag website ran by someone they banned for said website years ago.
No Linden would be caught dead commenting here. That would give Virtual Secrets so much attention they don’t want to give this place.
Pretty sure it’s already against the rules on here to post as a linden without being one. And lindens do watch this place, they do get the information they need from here. They just can’t apply it over on SL.
But, pretending to be a linden and being THAT unprofessional is really making patch look like a piece of shit saying that stuff.
It kinda feels like Kesseret has noped out of commenting here and calling out people, which is disappointing cause that was always part of the fun. I’ve seen spam links and links to employment ads here in the comment section.
And I’m aware LL reads this place and bans and acts accordingly. They just would never post here in their professional aliases because that would give VS more relevancy and views, and they’ve wanted this place to die a long time ago. Thus the bans of Kess and the now absent Lourdes.
But imagine needing to roleplay a Linden and not being able to even make a makeshift professional post while you’re at it. The grammar errors and everything else isn’t a professional statement.
Many many moons ago (3.75 yrs ago) I commented about calling people out for using multiple names: https://virtual-secrets.com/virtual-secrets/virtual-secrets-week-585/#comment-41945
In case you don’t want to go to the link I’ll post the comment. In that thread someone asked me to ban someone for using multiple usernames.
“You are thinking too hard about it. Lourdes truly enjoyed catching multiple usernames. I am not as particular about catching the situation as she is. I catch it when I catch it and I am sure many fall through the cracks. C’est la vie.”
I’ve never hidden that I sometimes do not catch this.
I think most know Patch would never say this. My bets is this is Gasper, a kid avvie who kick starts the drama like most of the fake Asians kids do.
(Here is my two finger selfie pose, “pyonghwa bitches” ) sort of type.
He did this inworld often too, playing upon Patch’s name quite openly as a user name.
All this really highlights is the ongoing situation, where some kid community sectors wished to have more LL help in cleaning up the town (as it were).
So far it fell on deaf ears, I don’t know how much more deafness it needs, before LL themselves realise these “issue kids” have as much respect for LL staff as Kim-Yo Jung has for empathy and Hello Kitty underwear.
Why they don’t stay in Shit Nation is beyond me, it can’t be that good if they keep coming back.
You would think if they don’t want to go there, they would behave themselves on SL and not shit on the Lindens (or anyone else for that matter).
But then some are just too fucking dumb to think before an act!
But if the feedback is true, there are more going through the doors of Shit Nation and banned because the Toby Trio have judgemental issues.
Hence the returns back to SL and the Anti-Toby postings!
The same Toby who was bitching all day about Lindens being corrupt, unfair, favouritism etc, is now doing the same ? LOL
So much dysfunction QQ
Patch linden can eat a cock like fag he is.
#36 It’s about time Sora and his merry band of sycophants were called out on their nepotism and bullying behaviour. Just because you are a nice photographer, it does not make you untouchable, who can talk badly of others for no reason.
Also does anyone know what did happen between William and Sora?
Basically Sora is extremely jealous of William and accuses Will of ‘stealing his look’ but that’s far from the truth. William has had a million different looks for one, and for two, Sora just simply wishes he was William and it’s obvious. William is genuinely a good guy irl and isl, Sora is just a bully.
Sora is most definitely a bully and plays victim when called out
The way they treated that blogger that ‘stole’ his shape was absolutely horrendous. His bf and Dee making all those rude posts….as if all THREE of them needed to do that. Needless to say I was shocked that sweet shy Sora posted that. And also why delete your comments and posts..? Oh right because he saw he was starting to look bad. I’ll post screenshots. Cuz I’m still mad about it. Hes made posts before about people bullying then goes and does it himself. But yet people love him because he’s constantly commenting and liking. Art is gorgeous but that personality is ugly af.
Post the screenshots
37.You know blogger managers also look at your social media to see if you’re an asshole or not. Brands generally don’t want gross people associated with them, and you sounds like a self entitled brat, which is probably reflected on your Facebook.
As both blogger and store owner, I must say that many times we get rejected only because the numbers on Flickr are not high enough, even if your work is beautiful or your social media spotless. This is worse since Flickr changed the algorithm and now all non-paid accounts are getting 1/4 of the views and faves we got before.
BUT… events and sponsors are perfectly entitled to do this! Bloggers are advertisement, and an investment, so it makes perfect sense to me that they won’t want to waste free PR on people who don’t get seen. I salute, love, and respect the sponsors who still have me in spite of my low numbers, but I don’t bitch and moan about the ones who prefer people who can get numbers in the 3 digits regularly.
#24 Okay?….Are men not allowed to wear wigs?
#26 “H O A R S”
#30 I can feel the lag spike
#32 Big yikes…
#35 ….Wait so if its hanging out of the side, what the fuck is the bulge from?
#36,37 Oh piss off with your little tantrum. Just because you think your pictures are “AmAzInG” doesn’t mean that every store is obligated to give you asspats and accept your blogger application right away. Maybe Cureless likes/prefers their style. Maybe she knows them personally. Who knows–there could be several reasons! And that’s ok! It’s her store, she can choose whomever she wants to blog for her, for any reason that she sees fit. Same goes for the other stores. Remember that you are one out of MANY bloggers that apply for these positions. You’re going to get REJECTED–and yes, call it rejection because that is, at the end of the day, what it is. It’s a part of what comes with being an artist as well as a blogger. If you can’t handle that then maybe you should quit blogging or stop applying and just run your own blog and show off the brands that personally favor like I did, because I can tell you–it’s certainly not going to stop happening just because you made a post or two on virtual secrets.
#42 …I don’t see the problem. They actually seem pretty proportionate with the rest of their body.
#43 Wow, all this time I just assumed that one of them just started a new account haha!
#36-37 Also, if they don’t have as many followers, it makes perfect sense that designers might prefer someone who gets more views. It is, after all, about the advertisement, not about the artistic value. Well, for most brands at least.
42 could stand to go up on their head a little. Guy heads must run small because they’re always running around with tiny heads haha
#24 men don’t need to be dressing like women, it’s sick and disgusting! The whole chicks with dicks thing in SL is beyond sickening and it needs to stop. It’s an abomination. If you got a problem with me saying that, you can message me inworld, jacobythehomie, my display name is Jacob. Gimme the smoke!
Regarding 42- are you blind, or have you never seen a human being before? Those heads aren’t just a little too small, they are insanely so.
…Uh yes? Of course I’ve seen a human before…I guess what I should’ve said was compared to the many disproportionate head and body sizes I’ve seen in sl over the years, this shit is rather tame. Fucking hell..
Just ignore them. ‘Be Less Ignorant, Please’ tends to be an obnoxious and rude reoccurring individual that comments on nearly every single virtual secrets. The lack of ironic self awareness behind their username keeps them alive.
It’s cute when half-literate people try to be insulting and can’t get it right, even after an edit 😂 “Ironic lack of self-awareness” is what you were going for, genius. Transposing those words turns your attempt at cleverness into gibberish; “ironic self-awareness” isn’t a thing, even for hipsters.
Those avis look ridiculous. The sleeveless shirt guy has shoulders bigger around than his head, on top of the outrageous width. This is not how humans look. Asking whether someone who would say they didn’t look that bad had ever seen a human is a fair question, and if you’re too sensitive to deal with incredulity, this isn’t the place for you.
Thanks for proving my point.
Just admit you think irony is what you do with wrinkled clothing and move on. Correcting someone’s grammar when they’re aiming for a higher grade level than you can read is risible.
#19 and #23
Don’t forget Leo used to sell a furniture with Lion Cub Sora in it while also blame people he cut partnership with for “stealing” their people and blaming the crowd for being brainwashed.
Let’s see…
Club S1&2 – Just the old pounce mesh
The Old Brewery Club – isn’t that like the OLD IFC and IYC? They both had that lil bar room
Sky Lounge Club – looks like ass
Pool Party Club – Yup that’s old IFC
Cyber Club S1&2 – IYC before it died again
I’m pretty sure Blazey and primal will love to know their club mesh is a prefab now
I’m sorry but HOW MUCH??? You want $100 for pounce 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Ain’t nobody gonna buy this janky dramatic ass shit. Leo was known for his laggy ass floor.
This is a big yikes…. Leo tried to sell these things? It’s not only bad pricing, but also like really shady he sells looks from other places.
the cyber one is actually the old build for the neon paw. Which he referb’d for IFC then referb’d again for IYC. Also you’ll also love to know that he ripped other creators items out of their meshes to then slap into his builds. The bee wall? That was someone elses build. Then the stuff in the lounge? The lights in the back were apart of someone elses build. There was a big investigation of it back in IFC and only reason why it was dropped, leo had dirt on roxy and roxy got scared.
The only part of this Whining worth commenting on. The venues all my creations 100% and i have built 62 Venues to date across the Grid in my time in SL so sure people will see similarity’s from various places but its all my work. Some like IFC bar may include lighting bought Full perm prefab on MP witch we forever have receipts for if anyone ever has concerns or needs proof Thus no action taken during last Enquiry. As for Store models on sale 33 All in have sold to date and you don’t have to look far to find them in action since decided to make them prefab 2 months ago. as for people who may have used them IFC Roxy and IYC primal, there all in on it and all take a cut of the sales its a joint effort because we’ve all retired. Don’t take my world for it.. Ask them. But No IFC was never made for Neon paw. that building actually isn’t listed for sale nor was it ever bought by neon paw that’s owned solely by me i just felt it wasn’t worthy of the Store floor it looked far to dated (ask to see it in SL if you wish). There are some venues i still hold back like all the past Furzonas and YIFF venues I Still hold the rights to as they wasn’t originally Commissions Apart from one of Furzonas. But i still respect there Active clubs so don’t list or update any of those. WHY you people make a guessing game of such things instead of just asking Us owners is beyond me.. Stop trying to Couse meaningless Trouble
Doubt anyone wants any of your old work – even the new owners of the clubs.
Why do we not ask? Because lets see, primal has lied and abused, roxy has lied and abused, and oh… You’ve lied and abused. Plus no one wants to interact with someone who’s sold pedophile and zoophile products <3
Ya dug your grave, lay in it.
Whoops. I’m realizing this wasn’t Leo. My bad.
oh no, this is 100% leo. Leopard adored.
So you admit you sold pedophile and zoophile products, basically. Not that you can deny it anyways with people having taken pictures of your name and company name every time.
Also don’t forget, you blamed ex-partnered for every single lost of visitors. Every time you split up from someone? You blame them. Not yourself.
Who’s digging their own grave now?
No idea what Grave that is because i am Thriving lol but i’ll let u and yer chums continue trying to make a career out of this in VS lol Have a Great weeeeeek
Ah right, Roxy I remember them. Got called out hard for copybotting mesh back with vixen. Just more hypocrisy if you ask me. They’ve been up here multiple times if I recall correctly. Like 3+ in one week.
Roxy led an entire group of people to fuel her clubs, couldn’t get the proper numbers and it died every time
makes an afk lounge…in an afk lounge…and places their alts inside
Meanwhile Leo tries to run a club, a wrestling foundation (after kicking out UFW lmao) and a fucking rental service all on the same sim
like no concept of how things work. Imagine of the script lag there…bleh!
Leo mentioned Twice? Based off last week, it’s time to get some popcorn. This is going to be good.
Sora, Kovu, sonic. It’s all in last weeks postings. He actively looked for the feral mesh’s and the underaged mesh’s to then turn into sex furniture and sell for profit. There’s really no way to excuse that or to get around it.
I’ll be honest, I was so focused on the SLPW side, I didn’t even fucking noticed it since Leo and Raven tried running Titan Wrestling Federation to try and get the supposed “Stolen people” from the multiple amount of partnership they lost in the past. But I do remember this being mentioned much earlier before last week too. So it’s nice to see people have not forgotten how disgusting Leo and Raven can be.
Oh no no, It was originally brought up by shiloh on twitter. It’s been brought up every time this disgusting pig comes up on VS. But oh, only when 1 person comments about it, does leo actually show his face and start talking shit. Which was last week! Notice how that person hasn’t commented ONCE this week? And yet…. Where’s leo? Where’s raven? Where’s the haters?!
No ones forgotten, no one WILL forget. No one will MAKE HIM forget.
I’m super grateful you told me this. Because it shouldn’t be forgotten how toxic and how sick they were. Hell, I even heard Raven still supports Leo. And Leo received partnership with Famingo Lagoon at some point, but they probably don’t know of Leo’s history. So…. someone should warn Flamingo Lagoon about him.
Also doesn’t help that Raven keeps hiding in different communities so that she can get approved and feel useful.
Flamingo Lagoon…yea no they’re fully aware of Leos shit
Yumi pepper is the owner of the group. If I recall correctly Yumi was the poster designer and a manager for Pounce…
Oh the owner knew? Wow, that’s some shaddy shit there.
There was another group that he was a DJ at…. I forget the name of it…. But I know a fair bit of the staff dipped out after they saw leo there. Told the manager and the manager didn’t care he was selling pedo and zoo shit. But why would she when she was fucking over half the staff anyways?
Just gonna leave this here

technically, the sora kovu one is younger, since kovu is a cub in that model. So you’re looking at probably 8-10 if you age it down for the cub end. Or go even younger to between 5-10 months of age. If you wana go based off of the lion aspect of the character. Either way, still FUCKED up that it was being sold.
Idgaf. I see kemono I gag. There’s too much jailbait on that mody to say otherwise.
There’s no kemono there. Obsessed?
Either they be blind, or they will defend Leo’s past bullshit. … Or the far fetch version, it’s Raven trying to do damage control.
seems that incredible intelligence lacks proper eyesight

It’s super fucked up, and Leo and Raven expect people to “move on” or “forget” about this because “We were victims once too.” Bitch, that doesn’t change shit how fucked up all this is and Raven be trying to defend this shit. It wasn’t until Raven tried to speak up about it that Leo tried to delete and hide it.
wait, did they claim to be victims of pedophilia or zoophilia? What?
No. Just that these two users are expecting people to just completely drop this mistake and that they were also victims of hate and shit and that “They’ve change”. But really? I don’t see that. Raven keeps spewing gossip non-sense that starts drama and ends it with closing places or getting kicked out and then goes to her “Daddy Leo” to protect her. Like…. Raven and Leo are a joke.
They would even blame partnership they kick out for “losing traffic” or “taking away their people”. They even made their own wrestling fed when they kicked out one of their partners just to “Take back what’s theirs”. It’s really shitty because they played the usual “We were the victims. Not them.” Like really…?
You obsessive of furrys
Who ever uploaded 46 your full of shit
Toby is alive and well
Your obsess with my friends gets Life
Says a lot about you, where you rather come here to inform us that Toby is “well”, when his lifetime achievement was making sure others were less than healthy.
Or is this not an issue for you?
Enjoy my own personal thumbs down!
Fuck Toby and fuck youth nation that pussycat is to scared of facts and doesn’t know how to respond back.
Yeah I got banned from youth nation grid that’s shit sucks anyways.
Oh well, yes !
Down the board of Snakes and Ladders.
Don’t be surprised when your name is called out between the various others EXPLOITING the network.
Each one saving themselves from a fate of banishment such as you got.
They won’t tell you to your face but will behind your back.
Be ready for it, it is expected !
Removed from groups, framed as untrusted.
That is until one goes back to the party line and sucks up, then all is forgiven.
Is this not the way it has always been ?
It sucks, yes !!
They won’t respond as was said by many, do not expect it other than a coy bitch back or two. Certainly nothing to explain themselves.
Instead they will continue to make private forum after forum, as so not to be seen gossiping and bitching like embittered old crones (and embarrassed for it later).
They know it, they just think everyone else is stupid.
Remember… to them denial is as good as not existing and everyone is “crazy”, if you state otherwise!
I hope you find a suitable path to enjoy on your return back to SL (if you so choose to return !)
37 . I left sl in 2018, back when I was at the height of my golden blogger days: I used to have 6k followers and 400+ faves per picture and dear, I remember… I still got a lot of “no’s”…from designers which is hmm a super normal thing to happen when you’re in the business. You have to deal with it eventually and improve your work, thinking out of the box, learning new techniques and ways to stand out. So so need to lick ar*es to succeed, though you have to be friendly, humble and kind with people. If you focus on your work, trust me, everything will come naturally.
You sure brag alot needy bitch
1, OMG no one wants to hear you whine about how much money you don’t have. If money is an issue for you, you are clearly on the wrong platform friend.
20, The part that is super infuriating is that even though this person is known to be stealing from actual creators, events pretend they don’t know and STILL let this trash in the door. The same events that claim you cannot be there without original creations WTF. THEY ARE STEALING and that’s ok? I’m talking to you Access, Kinky, Dollholic, Fameshed and Fameshed X, Kustom 9, Anthem…I am sure there are more. If your goal is to lose traffic at your event, you are well on your way. Allowing “creators” like this you are paying with your reputation and I can guarantee they are not worth it. So now this stealing idiot is trying to copyright what is probably stolen in the first place using a jank ass site trying to force their bullshit on everyone.
35, lolololol I have no words for this. All I know is there will be harsh judgement on my part towards anyone wearing these.
# 36
Let’s not forget how Sora and his bf and Dee bullied a blogger. Thinking that the super talented blogger needed to copy Soras shape. They acted so ugly towards this person and all THREE of them had to make a post about it without handling it like an adult and messaging the person privately. Meanwhile every fan of Soras came rushing to his defense without so much as maybe questioning whether or not it could have been just a similar looking avi. Just because someone has talent and likes all the pics and comments on everything doesn’t mean they can do no wrong.
Have some critical thinking skills guys.
They then delete their posts and comments and certain comments from other people when they realized they were starting to look bad. So now THEY look like the victims. If it was a mistake at least apologize. Sora you have amazing talent but damn, that personality needs some photoshop man. And Dee…be your own person you don’t need validation from anyone. It’s so obvious that you just follow behind those two blindly.
#39 Actually…. colors can be trademarked/copyrighted.
Only under very specific circumstances and a color HUD in SL is not one of them.
22 – Oh wow look at the pot calling the kettle black Della Chattoway (yes we can still see your name. guess you didnt realize that calling cards still allow ppl to find you even after a name change huh? :P) I thought u didnt read vs? 😮 interesting!
youre telling an obviously one sided story! first of all the “this girl” you speak of is actually you. Akir “left you in the dust” because he saw the red flags. everything you say about him is what you should be sayng about yourself. YOU are rude and disrespectful as shit, VERY immature and annoying as fuck. YOU walk around like youre philip lindens gift to all of SL AND YOU jump from guy to guy on a weekly basis under the belief that they all want to fuck YOU. oh & does he know you were flirting with other guys while you two were supposed to be in a “relationship”? oopsies! YOU are a lying, whiny, NARCISSISTIC little attention whore thats crying on vs because someone finally had the balls to RESPECTFULLY put their foot down and hand your ass to you! Its YOU who people should avoid like the plague! And are YOU even 20? i dont even know why youre on here talking about him. havent you already moved on? keep Akirs name out of your slimey little mouth please and thank you!
#22 Isn’t that a dog with a wig?
#38 Well the thing is, is sometimes when you tell the admins they don’t give two rats asses. They say they’ll talk to the person and they don’t because they’re “friends” with the admins of the rp sim and get away with anything. It’s either the admins, staff, or some other form of staff that it makes it hard to want to rp on the sims and they end up loosing rpers because they’re constantly getting bullied and nothing is being done. I’ve seen and experienced it myself.
#31 Supposed NPC King, you probably shouldn’t have told one of the biggest gossips on your sim that you’re the admin behind these pro-roc posts.
The admins are so salty, it’s almost pathetic. 😂