#58 is sadly true, I danced for Monarchy for about 3yrs off & on. I have no hate for the club, or even her but it does seem like it’s more about that shopping life on Youtube vs anything about the club. I was going to come back after a RL break but now they want even returning staff to bend over backwards and do cartwheels through hoops just to dance or escort again. And that’s when you apply to the training, and get to do it in a month I was like naw, I’m good.
#1#15 #19 #35 it is boring now. And I bet is the same person, week after week. Get over it, yes, you, get over it. #3 #12 Please people, I’m sick and tired reading stuff that has no dots, no commas.. I CAN’T UNDERSTAND. I won’t be reading ignorant english 2 or 3 times until “I get” what is being said. #4 You are pathetic. #6 TLDR #7 Is time to stop and demand LL to make a good starter avatar. But they wont because they don’t care about angry “creators” so they can’t get money from them, got it? wink wink. They also don’t care about complexity about many other objets (like Mangula, who has over the top complexity, like one 200k complexity dress) #8 hahahahahah good one. I don’t mix with people for that kind of crazy interactions. Not even “sex” #9 That avatar is definitely a child’s avie. I know because it is from Coco Design. It is called “Coco Kid Doll”. It is a free avatar (Or was) That’s pedo. #12 “demisexual”? more like sexual dismorphia. #16 80% of SL “creators” do that and I bet outside in RL also. #17 I really like this trending. This should be adressed but like I said, LL don’t, then we will, one way or the other. #18 ? #20 you are also a coward because you don’t tell who it is you are talking about. #21 first thing yes, second thing no. SL is not going to change any time soon. #23 I find the photo on top of it to be disturbing, not the adult diaper. #24 BECAUSE THEY WANT YOUR MONEY!!! #28 Novata is sh1t. Don’t like her. Her avies even look condescending. But if this brand stole lelutka uv maps there is a report to… Read more »
y u no post our comments? it’s been 2 days lol
#49 The reason so many people are coming forwards is because he’s hit on most of SL. So everyone has a story about him. He is disgustingly cringy. That whole group is. All the girls acting like children and he is loving it. Shame on him and shame on them. He claims he spends 18 hours a day with his SL girlfriend. Has he admitted now that he doesn’t have a wife and also that he’s pretty young himself? I really hope his sponsors do something about him. Imagine having that pedo affiliated with your brand.
#8 More surprised that people are still surprised when it happens to them lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsBn4Pj5les
This is regarding the horrible joke at #55. You are either A: a child who just stumbled across the oldest joke online or B: literally just one of those people who keep telling the same joke over and over. Thank you that is all!
#11. Creators, could you also stop putting those giant rings around the demos and/or making them timed? Makes it really hard to view your product.
#39. I used to visit the Pixel Bean and Burrows from time to time. Given the following she’s had and continues to have, she’s clearly NOT a failure. You sound bitter and real jealous.
#42. Whoever keeps posting these ridiculous conspiracy theories about SL week after week, you need to take your medication.
#58, it’s all true, I’ve been working at the M for nearly 2 years and it’s become a living shithole, the manager Reyna is rude to most of the girls, and management can barely keep us updated on things and can never get back to us within a reasonable time, Meela sets up parties for us girls but it’s only her subscribers who comes and they never tip us, the 20 percent cut is insane, especially for playmates, and we pay 200 a week for adboards on top of that, The Monarchy is turning to ass and isn’t the escort’s dream like how it used to be, + there’s a groupchat that Lucie and Meela are in names “playmates” with 9 people, but we don’t have a playmates chat / I was never invited nor the other playmates were invited, and we only use a dancers groupchat, so I’m assuming it’s a shit talking groupchat for the managers and the other playmates who are super close to the managers.
#49: Short answer is that I’m not surprised about Vara/Senpai/whatever he chooses to rebrand himself as. The man thought he knew how to do things. Thought he was a Daddy. Thought he was a Dominant. He’s not. Boy has issues longer than what he has between his legs, no matter how short it is. So we’ll add ageplay and attempting to hide his women to the list of it.
He cycles through the urges to get his dick wet, then he’ll make some sort of excuse why he has to purge his chain. Instead of saying that he is just bored with them, he invents an excuse and gaslights them.
#58: 1) Protip OP: Use a different font
2) Meela, you lazy bitch. I’m close friends with one of your former dancers and managers. You really don’t know how to manage a club, do you?
this is funny cuz second life is full of retarted that love spending all there money on looking like a peace of shit thats why im on opengrid where everything is free and if you work as a dj or host you get paid in real money not some 60% to you bs
22.Well Tasa isn’t that kind of nice person either 😉 Get over it
If this “Tasa” is the one who used to be “SD Serenity”, fuck knows what her name is now “Trufflebutter Float” or w/e, it’s actually hilarious how many popular spots she is banned from. Take a look at the ban lists in the groups for places with heavy traffic; you’ll probably find her 😂 😂 it’s nice to see when places don’t tolerate pointlessly cunty behavior. Imagine being old enough to have an adult child in the military like she advertises, and still acting like a bitchy teenage girl.
But she’s just being hONeSt and OuTsPoKeN. Funny thing is… when someone told her that her kid should go die, she felt terrible, upset, appalled that someone would say that (aka played victim)…yet acts the way she does and maintains this group of enablers who tell her she’s nice when really they want to be part of the toxic childish bullying. The whole group is pathetic.
Awwww … was I mean to you … poor baby lolol
So i had no idea this pathetic website existed until someone said i made it on here. Some limp noodle seemed to be triggered by facts that they had to post a screenshot of my SL forums profile picture. Number 34 in this list i think it is.
Apparently i’m a transphobe according to them. I’m actually not, because i’m not “afraid” of a man pretending to be a woman. You may want to “believe” gender is assigned and made up by humans, but biology is a real thing. Male and female body structures is a real thing. You may want to deny that but that doesn’t make it not real. – I stand by that text under my avatar picture and i find it absolutely hilarious you weak losers posted that here on your pathetic little echochamber. LOL.
#34 Transformers – X Y in disguise
He always had that weird vibe and made comments so out of context about other girls when I knew him. I also had to isolate myself from my male friends beacuse he got jealous whenever I was around them, but he kept a bunch of secret babygirls around, i have seen a few with really small avis with babyfaces, i cant say they were infact ageplayers but just one look of their avatars and you’d think they were children, one of which was cocaine — just check out the avatars of this girl.
#49 Senpai Bunny is known for preying on girls far younger than him and being a beg for sex in general. He doesn’t just fuck child avs, he gets a real kick out of dating multiple girls at once, crying when they are done with his shit and getting all depressy and putting his discord statuses as whiny pathetic crap to beg for attention.
Thinks he’s hot shit for blogging, name drops constantly, you cant talk to him for more than a minute without him a) begging for a compliment or b) telling you he’s a blogger or c) working on a photo.
bro it’s SL and you think you’re some kind of online celeb cause you name drop creators like anyone gives a fuck
let’s be real you’re insecure as fuck and feel the need to talk to multiple girls, usually by begging them to be in pics with you to feel some sort of validation
meh dumb ageplay secrets. most are at youth nation and other open grid and away from secondlife. *shrugs*
Open grid’ are just a former way of type of escape because theres restrictions there’s. Why you think people who are into shota and Loli content and ageplay goes there. it there way to hide from being caught because they feel untouchable brag about what they do. WHATS MOST WANT IS sex online with small virtual characters base off 3D base. Even these discords & any network places where cp is being pass around on open grids and any location places. Soon or later there’ going get caught. Pedo servers. Join the pedo server if you dare
You would think so, if they stayed in those grids and locked the door never to return.
Pity they don’t have the common sense to do that !
Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.
yea they waste money getting banned again and again
i heard Soko now there too and she was cause of most the boy bans, dumbasses
Meatheads love the penis. They will forgive each other for raping their dignity yet condemn others for finger pointing the obvious.
It has always been like that !
Ha… My conversations with him gave me a sneaking suspicion this was true, but I have no concrete proof since I have distanced myself from him. He is very pushy and overly sexual and basically forces himself on others, I was one of those people.. even when i did make it clear i was uncomfortable he just kept going. Even though he denies the claims, I believe it is true based on the way he acts. It is difficult to imagine how he could have friends defending him or sponsors, he’s vile.
I encourage anyone with evidence to report him to LL, get him off the grid.
Can’t stop thinking about this and how justification of atrocities keeps being treated as the fault of the innocent simply because of a government policy years before they were even born. Saying you reap what you sow in response to a war crime involving child death might be the most degusting take I’ve seen in awhile.
Another thing I honestly think people keep forgetting is that a lot of the other atrocities going on aren’t getting as much social coverage. They certainly didn’t 20 years ago when things like twitter didn’t exist. Concern across the world comes from 24 hour news coverage of these things that we don’t always get with other incidents. And there’s certainly something to say about other things not getting the same level of coverage as this war, but that wouldn’t diminish someone’s concern over things like child death or threats of nuclear action.
I don’t see USA citizens commenting the atrocities made by their goverment in other countries..
It’s not about coverage, it’s about the fact the same people who – just 2 years ago- locked their borders to other human beings who were war refugees, who begged for their help, expect the rest of the world to come to their aid in their time of need.
many war refugees aren’t really, but if you believe mass media, you are a fool.
The individual doesn’t control big policies in their government. People are fearful and dying. Condemning them for posting news on social media about the murder of fleeing children who had nothing to do with border policies is pathetic.
The comment on coverage and world awareness did not have anything to do with that, but latch onto it if you want.
These individuals also didn’t give a shit about the Syrian individuals who needed their help. Bottom line is, Ukranians didn’t help the Syrian refugees and locked their borders to them, fuck them, why should the rest of the world help them now?
Because that’s not how human rights, dignity, or compassion work. Because a better world can only be built when we decide to be better people, and help others regardless of whether or not we think they “deserve” it.
When it comes to white people we suddenly care about how human rights, dignity and compassion works? Where was the human rights, dignity and compassion when Syrians needed help?
Also were you asleep for the last 10 years? The entire western world opened the gates for Syrian refugees, and lots of innocent European people got raped and murdered in their own, once safe nations for it. “Know your history” that’s got to be ironic right?
So, you’re just all the different kinds of bigot.
Seek help.
You seem to react angrily when I point out instances of women being physically and violently abused. I think I understand, you can never come close to the real thing, so you have a burning hatred for it.
I’m an actual cis woman, lackwit. You’re just a sad, pathetic basement troll.
No, you’re really not. No amount of HRT is going to mask your broad shoulders, manly jaw and voice.
No one cares that the rubbish tip that is Syria burned a little harder a few years ago. It’s been that way for thousands of years. Ukraine is actually a functioning country full of functioning people.
i met a bastard that fucking around with his penis. He fucked most of my sl friends, sis, even strangers. im wondering how to put that scoundrel back of his mom’s asshole or else sl will be his second perv place after his ruined rl=((
Ok so first? Carnage is not her RL BLOOD RELTED SON he was her son as rp for a while but they have known each other for years before that. Don’t sit up here commenting and acting like NONE of y’all done something fucking shady. Don’t throw stones in glass houses ladies and gentlemen.. She looks nothing like Cynder, no more than anyone else does. Y’all like to use people and throe them aside like they meant nothing when you have used up all you could. I been watching from the sidelines. I’ve known both Vic and Cynder for years and neither are bad people, THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS when Johnny gets involved or any other Narcissistic abuser. They both were brainwashed and manipulated by this lowlife of a human. They are both stronger now and better people without that guy in their life. if y’all took the time to grow up, stop filling in the holes in your story with bullshit you make up to fit you’re own narrative. When y’all are perfect then you can talk. Nobody, not even Cynder or Vic, is perfect and has fucked up, but it takes two to tango.. it takes two people to fuck up a friendship, relationship, etc.. Just my two cents
Ah yes, the infamous xcatrin. The girl who fakes seizures for attention. Fakes medical issues for attention. Tries to snake her way into other people’s relationships. Lies constantly about everything she can to make herself seem cooler. She’s broke irl so she convinces her friends or dudes to pay for her tier at shitty clubs she makes.
Shes crazy. Run if you see her.
Every friendship or relationship she has ends the same way everytime.
#34 But there’s nothing wrong with what she said. If you think it’s okay for men to compete against women, and literally smash their skulls open in combative sports like what has happened, you are severely fucked in the head. But hey we all knew that otherwise you wouldn’t have the mental illness known as gender dysphoria.
we live in a “woke” era, where stupid people cancel other people’s ideas and belief and everything that other said that find it insulting are “phobic”.
What you said is true: it is not right a man compiting in a women’s sport. And no matter what other’s said, and the stupid thumbs down. That doesn’t change what’s wrong.
Men and women have different bodies, and no matter how many pills you swallow, how much you mutilate yourself and how do you put clothes and makeup. You will have the body that you were born on.
Deal with body dysmorphia in therapy.
*gender dysphoria
Dinosaurs are cool, transphobia is not.
Weight classes are a thing in certain sports, that might be an idea for other sports. But nah, then it’s going to be too complicated for fuckbrains to wrap their head around, they only know “man sport good” and “woman sport bad, but still want to spread my transphobia despite not being interested in it”
Weight classes do not fit into every sport, it can’t be an idea for every other sport. How is that going to work in Swimming? Use that HRT addled, worthless brain in your skull before you speak. And even if it was, put a heavy weight female fighter against a heavyweight male and see what happens. The way you scumbags want to prey on women under the guise of political correctness is sickening, the amount of times FTM monsters have sexually assaulted little girls in public toilets is nauseating, but that’s what I expect from people who make their sexual fetish their identity. People are starting to wake up and smell the sickening stench of your kind.
If a person wants to molest little children, they would just go in and do it. If you’re so keen on keeping up with that argument, I want to see statistics.
There is no physical barrier holding you off from entering a gendered bathroom as well as no forcefield. You don’t need to identify as the gender on a silly doorsign to enter. And what with women who wear pants, they now can’t enter through the forcefield of a bathroom door because it clearly depicts a faceless individual wearing a skirt?
And yes, I agree, FtM people have nothing to do in a women’s bathroom, because they’re men. Guess you played yourself there.
“BuT sOmEbOdY tHiNk Of ThE cHiLdReN” is a common phrase used by fascist fearmongerers, as it’s an easy way to stir up people who can’t think or research for themselves. The current anti-LGBT war going on in the US, just as an example, is just a bunch of hateful bigots trying to get absolute control over everybody, even shitting on their own constitutions they preach all the time. And the fact that people outside of the US understand the amendments better than American politicians themselves is a very sad sign.
The only thing people are sick of with the LGBT people are the fact everyone is being forced to change how they talk and think for .01% of the US. No one gave a shit before. No one cares now till some BS snowflake cry baby comes along crying that “someone didn’t ask for their pronouns” or “someone doesn’t like my personal life choices” News flash! Not everyone will agree with another’s personal life choices that’s called THE REAL WORLD. Get over yourself stop forcing everyone to bend down to you and act like you’re some hero because you thought one day “hey I wanna be a ____”. If the LGBT community would just shut the hell up along with their “allies” then maybe, they wouldn’t get so much backlash. The only ones causing issues are the ones forcing everyone to think how they do, talk how they do and act how they do. THAT is called Fascist, and if you don’t they attack you and THAT is Fearmongering. I guess the ones doing all the finger pointing and calling names ARE the ones trying to make the world into their ideal world. Hmmm I wonder who that sounds like?
Agreed, for some reason people think it’s fine to let a MAN whos been “transitioning” for just a few years suddenly compete in WOMENS sports. Those WOMEN have worked pretty much their entire lives to get where they are now. Trained every day sacrificed time, money, social lives, and so on to be the best they can. All to have a MAN come in and destroy all their hard work. It’s not about being hateful it’s about fairness. There’s not one time a FtM has ever beaten a man at their own sport. But there’s MtF doing it all over and it should be accepted? There should just be 3 classes, Men’s, Womens, and Other. If you want to cry about it, please first pick up a biology book and learn men and women are built different so it will never be fair.
Even after 15 years, the changes in a man’s body who takes HRT is negligible, they are still way more powerful than biological females. No amount of drugs or surgery will ever make a man anything close to a woman. Some doctors just love to prey on confused and vulnerable young people to get rich off them, and in the end they just turn them into abominations full of regret.
Here’s a recent study from the British Journal of Sports Medicine about how you’re wrong lol.
If you’re too lazy to read, here’s the results of the study:
“Participants were 26.2 years old (SD 5.5). Prior to gender affirming hormones, transwomen performed 31% more push-ups and 15% more sit-ups in 1 min and ran 1.5 miles 21% faster than their female counterparts. After 2 years of taking feminising hormones, the push-up and sit-up differences disappeared but transwomen were still 12% faster. Prior to gender affirming hormones, transmen performed 43% fewer push-ups and ran 1.5 miles 15% slower than their male counterparts. After 1 year of taking masculinising hormones, there was no longer a difference in push-ups or run times, and the number of sit-ups performed in 1 min by transmen exceeded the average performance of their male counterparts.”
Hormone transition doesn’t make people into superhumans. Transgender women go on testosterone blockers alongside estrogen, and get blood tests done regularly to make sure their hormone levels stay within the average healthy ranges of a cisgender woman. Transgender men on testosterone get blood tests regularly to make sure they’re in the healthy ranges for a cisgender man. This applies to non-athletes as well.
EVERYONE produces some level of estrogen and testosterone in their bodies, it’s not just “men testosterone, women estrogen.” Some cisgender women naturally produce higher testosterone and a “masculine” body shape. Should they not be allowed to compete in sports because they’re too “manly?” If so, why?
It took me a minute on google to find that nah fam that talking point of FTM people haven’t beat cis men isn’t even right.
Is the proprietor of this site just going to let this blatant bigotry sit on this page?
people like you makes this world a worse place. Stop with the cancel culture.
it’s not bigotry, its honesty. No one said anything hateful. But I guess anything that you don’t agree with is hate right?
it’s what gets them traffic, i guess
Bigotry towards whom? The individual that believes that it isn’t appropriate to have biological men competing in womens sports, or the individuals that do believe its entirely appropriate for biological men to enter into womens spaces? Personally, I think it’s rather bigoted of people to call someone a “transphobe” simply for expressing their very legitimate concerns about biological men entering into and dominating the world of female sports.
Then again, I’m sure I’d be called a name for having an opinion like that; its not allowed or appropriate. Why? Because biological men that wish to be women, say so.
Men could be pigs, overly sexual, maybe say I should be in the kitchen or to be quiet because I am a woman.. maybe they’re vulgar, make crude jokes, maybe they’re not so sensitive about emotions, maybe they can succeed in some areas I cannot…. but I don’t think they’d ever told me I can’t call myself a mother. I don’t think they’d ever come into my changing room, my bathrooms, and told me if I say a word about it, I’m a ___phobe. I don’t think men had ever demanded language be changed around me, to describe me, about me…. until some decided to put on a dress, and become the biggest mysogynists I had ever met in my life.
So yes, bigotry. I believe there’s a lot of it…you just can’t see how much of it, is heaped upon women.
#58 what did you expect?
She’s another wannabe celebrity, so ofc getting recognized as anything special in sl went to her head.
I used to follow and watch her all the time, but she’s everywhere now. GTA, twitch, youtube, and its boring content.
You’re also not the only one, or the first one to say these things.
I as late as last week got a paragraph sent to me in sl, about Reyna who never does her work in the club, only online to scold her employees, otherwise she plays gta and has fun with miss Tittay.
To be honest meela couldn’t be more fake. And it’s getting quite sad and disgusting.
On top of that, her club won an award – I don’t know how, cuz that place is empty every time I go there. Crickets…
Bayside, crickets…
More and more lots available for rent in her “community”
So maybe wannabe queen bee should, shut down her gta stuff and get back to her business.
I work at the M, Reyna is one of the managers, so is Arlenis Blom, they don’t work, but Lucie Amelia does, she’s the only manager who works / dances.
#17 What is up with the polygon counts?
Are you actually informed about what’s good and bad polygon numbers? Or another dumbas not knowing anything about how 3d models work.
I guess we can count you among the dumbas
+500 thou poly for a bag is beyond ridiculous — amateur hour.
Hey how informed are you though..? Since you wanna bring it up.
#23 It’s a diaper, not a vibrator aimed at child avi’s
#54 — Once a slut always a slut, pity she cries poor me so much that the wolves even turn against her. How many illness’s are you faking this time? Or is all that C*M your swallowing constantly curing you?
It’s the faking seizures for me, especially when the attention isn’t on her
#34- Hmm. See trans people shouldn’t be allowed in regular sports. My reasoning for this opinion is:
1: female to males take testosterone. Testosterone when not naturally produced enough by the body to make you a male is called a steroid. Illigal in sports.
2: Male to females don’t lose strength and all the other things men have over females in that area when they are taking estrogen.
To make the playing field, as it where, fair for everyone, creat a new section in the sports world. Place trans people in the right positions by weight strength so on like in wrestling. Idk but above is my point.
None of this is accurate or congruent with the conclusions of actual medical governing bodies or sports administration groups.
Were you sleeping in biology class? Because you sound like you either were sleeping or too busy doing your nails to learn anything.
Your 7th grade life sciences understanding of the topic isn’t up to the task.
Uh I’ve taken college courses in Bio, so unlike you I’m quite educated, and did not spend my time in school sleeping or doing my nails.
“College courses in bio” are so below the level of education actually needed to understand cutting-edge research in biology. Come back when you have an MD or a PhD—when you have the requisite training and learning and experience. In the meantime, the people out there who have that have concluded that your position is entirely wrong.
Oh so the basic understanding that we all learned that men have more muscle mass, bigger skeletons, and so on is some how not a thing if they start taking some trug to make them grow tits? This some how suddenly make it so they no longer have more muscle mass and larger skeletons? What happens? Does it suddenly change their skeletal shape? Remove their muscles? Growing tits suddenly and having surgery does NOT suddenly turn you into what a biological female has. It never will, the ONLY people wanting trans people to compete against women are people WHOVE NEVER PLAIED SPORTS. Maybe pulling you’re head out of your ass and trying to use that smooth brain in your skull and look at athletes who ARE MtF and see that they too agree MtF have no place in WOMANS sports.
agree, and, they should have a gender dysphoria olympics, like the paralympics. Dysphorialimpic.
#23- kink shaming needs to stop. Educate yourself before you reply. Though I understand it’s not for everyone (self included) this has been in real life shows like my strange addiction and so many others.
and it’s been really occult for some reason, because it is cringe and embarrasing.
#40 but why weren’t the screenshots of how vile vic truly is posted lol what a dumb post for everything this whore bully incest asshole has done to many. Let’s stop defending trash please. Incest Queen more like it jumping from dick to dick can’t find anyone else to date her so she jumps on her own son’s dick and that’s acceptable to your fam fam? yucks
As someone who used to work for meela that club is the worst.the monarchy is terrible and it’s been the same years and years later. They still don’t have traffic and Don’t drive anything that club needs to go. Meela is a scheezball and all she cares about is how much money she makes and not about anyone.
I am more surprised that people still can’t see that and they are still renting from her and dropping money in her account for her lame escort club. Its always empty tho. Those people are just plain dumb.
#53 Extension fees have no real purpose. It is only to satisfy the greediness of the event owner for more lindens. Think of it from the designers side please. We choose your event to showcase our work and sometimes we are facing technichal issues with our meshes and rigging. Having to pay for the extension fee, won’t surely make me come any faster, rather solve any issue with a magical way. There should be communication among the set up mamangers and the designers part and they should let the designers have extra time when having difficulties with their creations. The designers should be above the event’s image. If a designer needs some more hours to finish his item, having to pay extra lindens to set up, would have the opposite result in fact. Maybe he will even decide that he can’t afford to pay the extra fee and won’t participate at all. How does this make the event look any better? So as I said “extension fees ” has no real purpose, rather than to fill the pockets of the owners with more lindens.
if you can’t finish on time, you shouldn’t be on the event.
Hosting an event isn’t a charity. It’s obviously about making money. And if you don’t like that, you always have the option to simply do store releases and not bother with events. If you don’t see events as worth your time enough to prioritize completing something on time, the solution is just to not participate in them.
The fees are not only about the events image. From a designer/creator perspective, when someone takes up the space in an event — getting the place instead of another creator — and then doesn’t complete the product, that’s pretty unfair to other designers. Someone else could’ve used that space and made money from the event.
Your example of technical issues obviously happens, but some people are also just not very good at time management. Others (a lot of people…) participate in many events at once and often it’s too much and some get prioritized over others.
Communication with event staff is obviously ideal, but when taking on dozens of designers you’ve never spoken with before more than in passing, the amount of work you’re now expecting can be a lot, especially if you’re expecting the management to reach out and instigate checking with every single creator about their current state working on something.
3k isn’t a lot. If it’s too much and you’re constantly having to pay the fee, maybe reconsider taking ono events or don’t take on so many events at once.
#49 yikes, I hope that’s not true
its true
Does it seem true? All I read was an angry girl who clearly was attached to him throw out a wild and damning accusation without any proof. They didn’t even have the courage to name themselves so what credibility is there? At least it’s a new name though, the last 3 weeks have been really boring and I’m including this one.
It seems very true, especially with so many girls stepping forward in the comments. I’m curious… Why are you still here if you’re so bored? Perhaps find a new hobby? You seem a little bitter.
The thing is, he’s just a gross guy and everyone has seen it. He says he is putting on a “public show” and people “don’t know the real him” but that is the real him. My guy is one of the worst men i have met on SL and tbh this doesn’t come as a shock to me. the girls on his flickr all look young and childlike. You only have to have one conversation with him to realize that he is just foul. He has wormed his way up on flickr and with designers.
#46 I wish you and your children never know what war is. I would like you to know a little history and also tell what to do to people who cannot leave the house, who are very scared? Do you know exactly how to behave in times of war, experience? Or maybe you hope that all the houses will still be destroyed and those who survived now are more likely to die? why anonymous?
#46 Bro fuck your whataboutism. We’re more sympathetic to Ukraine because they share the same values as most of us. What, is that so difficult to understand for you, fucking dunce?
Bro fuck your racism.
I am a racist for being black and supporting ukraine.
if supporting Ukraine is racist then I as a black man is the biggest white or black nationalist and I support the killing of anyone who isn’t supporting Ukraine that includes you too white muslims of Russia in the caucasus region.
#17 Everytime I see posts about triangles it makes me giggle, some of the stuff I have on my home sim is pretty high in triangles. Guess what? I don’t lag, freeze or rubber band around these items. What is your issue with it? Do you run on a potato?
you are pretty ignorant. that makes me facepalm.
Imagine having better things to do than spend thousands on a high end gaming rig just to interact with pixels on a VR platform at a rate exceeding single-digit frames per second.
And I say this as someone with a $10k baller workstation build that runs almost everything at stupid speed, and would snap most people’s pathetic PC builds like a twig. You shouldn’t need a rig like mine to enjoy SL, but shitty million-polygon bracelets and skyboxes done up with literally gigabytes of materials blowing the shit out of VRAM limits end up making it so.
Oh well, there’s things that can be done at least. Shadows off, water opaque, derender and jelly the hell out of pathological polygon addicts and stay away from regions that are built less as realtime 3D scenes and more as Blender tech demos unless you’re just there for static photoshoot stuff. Remember you don’t have to run on ultra graphics.
You’re ruining the grid you selfish potato personality
that baby looks like putin lol @26
#58 that club looks like shit. a total pigsty, she should hire a decorator to actually make the place look good and re-invest them dirty lindens.
Same with her avi lol
#51 – I honestly feel this should qualify on the lines of gachas and gambling. We do not know what we are paying for. Why should this be excluded to be any different loopholes around the rules, especially for that price?
The question was addressed in LL’s blog post on the gacha ban as follows,
Q: How are subscription boxes affected?
A: Subscription boxes are not affected as long as all subscribers are getting the same content box. Different items being sent to different subscribers on a chance basis is not allowed.
It does seem a bit unfair but part of the burden is on customers who are buying it. At least with Backbone there was a list of guaranteed items so you kind of know what you’re paying for?
everyone gets the exact same thing. it’s no different than things like Lootcrate, Ipsy, Barkbox etc. it’s a mystery box. they are very different than a gacha.
Actually international laws outlawing buying things sight unseen are the very reason gacha went away and the reason why the replacements are how they are. By the same rules, these “mystery eggs” are equally illegal!
The law is for gambling on what you may or may not get. The replacement to gacha is meipon, and you see exactly what you’re getting and what’s coming up to get so you have free-will to buy what’s in front of the line in order to get to something else – which is not a gamble in even the loosest definition of the word. Mystery boxes that are the same items for all and have zero “chance” to get something different or greater in value, is simply not a gacha and I would argue shouldn’t be considered gambling since there is zero “chance” or probability involved. You can really stretch the argument and say you’re “gambling” on whether or not you’ll like the contents but again, that would be one hell of a stretch and honestly I think more of a tongue-in-cheek use of the word. Bottom line here is that if the mystery box were deemed illegal then LL would not allow them, especially since the gacha ban is still such a fresh wound around the grid and surely such massively popular creators are not flying under the radar with these offers. And not for nothing, but you DO have the option to just not buy it until the contents are revealed 😉
#10 what does that mean?
#49 If it’s true, that’s horrible. If it’s not, you’re a pos for lying about something so serious.
what people will say to hurt others is astounding, pics or it didn’t happen, there’s literally so many other actual pedo’s in SL to be worried about
I swear to the almighty goat god if I hear one more SL delusional person use the words “Pedophilia” or “Bestiality” incorrectly again I’m gonna loose my shit…
How DARE you people lower the seriousness of those two very real horrible acts by throwing around accusations that have NOTHING TO DO WITH EITHER OF THOSE THINGS.
In case your delusional brains forgot, SL is NOT REAL.
And whoever thought it was a good idea to post #42, you are THE WORST of them. How dare you think that something that happens in reality that is horrible for any family member to go through is grounds for your personal delusions. The fact you felt ok to share your disgusting thoughts sincerely makes me want to find Anon to hun you down in particular.
So next time, you feel the need to share how disgusting you are but attacking people you find disgusting, I suggest you STFU.
if it is nor real go and rape a child avatar, that is totally made out of pixels and tell me if you want to do it or not.
from acting on the fantasy on the mind, and consuming this sh1t in SL, I bet these pedos disgusting peoplehave real life pictures and videos, and from that, I bet they will eventurally cross the line one way or the other because they would want the real deal.
and the last part of your comment: i get that YOU yourself are one of these pedophiles consuming this disgusting stuff. You should be ashamed.
“SL is NOT REAL” first of all, yeah it totally is; you don’t seem to know what “real” means. It exists; thousands of people log in every day. Secondly, regardless of whether it’s an adult behind the child avatar, getting off on the “fantasy” of raping a child is still a “real” thing, the arousal is real and it’s a vile thing, a thing that no one with any basic human decency would tolerate. All sex with animals or children is rape; they cannot consent under any circumstances. If that gets you off, you need to be locked up and supervised. “iT’s JuSt PiXeLs” is not an acceptable excuse and never will be.
I wish I could see the people who disliked this. That’s really fucking disturbing.
If it makes you feel better they’re probably not pedophiles; there are people here who just automatically downvote anything I say because the mere sight of my username makes them salty 😂
Ignorant people get offended when they are call out.
#33 The singular best secret posted here in years. Total brilliance!
#40 Let me say this, you are exactly like Cynder. You are undercover hated by almost everyone in SL and those that don’t hate you, just haven’t learned the REAL You – YET!!! Speaking of REAL YOU, there is NONE. You are a pathetic lazy disgusting SUBHUMAN garbage can of a person. You hide behind “mental health issues” you have made up in your head to AVOID real life. You spend every waking hour in SL because you are too miserable and useless in RL. You play like you are someone’s bestfriend, only to fuck them over in the long run and attempt to ruin their real lives. You are a shitty DJ (fake live mixer) and an even shittier person. You manipulate and use people to benefit your selfish motives. You will never amount to anything in RL so keep banging it out in SL!
Finally the truth is being spoken!! This hoe has gotten away so much shit it was about time people started finally telling the truth and fucking airing her dirty laundry since she desperately tries to do it to others
40. Ok lets be honest cynder cut the shit with you and what ever “friends” you have if any. Ive heard shit youve talked on supposed family Ive seen you try to creep your way in to a relationship that wanted nothing to do with you. Countless times you cried cause you didnt get a invite somewhere and not to mention the trip you plan to take to see your “wife” who all but said she didnt want you out there an seriously DOESNT WANT YOU she has a husband and rather sleep with him. Oh and who sends their child on a plane to someone they meet on sl like seriously. So on that note no I dont think vic is a wanna be cynder talking about she ruining lives let me just check all those recipets shared yup they all show YOU RUINED your own shit hunny now kindly crawl skamper what ever you wanna do back to your RL get off discord voice and cam put some clothes on and take care of your family.
Oh, hi Vic. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up EVERYONE knows you wrote this whole rant about Cynder… goddess only knows who else you talk trash about… btw.. Vic is a shit dj and a dick hopper… bitch even tried to fuck my man like he wanted garbage. Sorry Vic… you are trash… keep your legs closed and your face shut for once and stop trying to copy everyone else’s styles. Haven’t you found one of your own yet ? fucking cow.
Did I just read all of that right? Jesus Christ!
#58 Amen, I left a few months ago. Meela is only interested in promoting her YT and Twitch cos that’s what gets her the monies. The Monarchy is dead in the water. No ads inworld, they don’t appear on “Escort” search. Her fans need to see the “real” her, it’s very different to how she appears on her socials. Meela step up, treat your “family” like you treat your groupies.
Stop making Lucille and Siennajade relevant. Lucille is an attention seeking test that looks like a fucking mop in rl and her avi is just as ugly. Siennajade is a bipolar cunt who wishes death to people who don’t play her games. She literally lost her children and only had visitation for years because she is that horrible of a person. What mother loses their kids?????? Think about it it says a lot.
stop talking about what you don’t know about! I never had my kids taken away from me. And to spread false lies is slander! come through.. let’s talk to my lawyer!
When someone feels the need to go into someone’s real life things on SL Secrets, that’s when you can tell that person is an absolute trash human.
obviously I’m doing okay here if all you can come up with is insulting my physical appearance and saying I post too much.
But I look like a mop irl? Pretty sure you can do better than that. My physical appearance has been thoroughly dissected by people on the internet over the years… But looking like a mop is definitely a new one.
But thanks for calling my rl pic and avi ugly
I may be ugly, but from your posts, your personality is obviously shit. I’d rather be a good human than be a super model – irl or inworld.
When someone feels the need to go into someone’s real life things on SL Secrets, that’s when you can tell that person is an absolute trash human.
But I look like a mop irl? Pretty sure you can do better than that. My physical appearance has been thoroughly dissected by people on the internet over the years… But looking like a mop is definitely a new one. 😂
But thanks for calling my rl pic and avi ugly 💓 obviously I’m doing okay here if all you can come up with is insulting my physical appearance and saying I post too much. 🤷♀️
I may be ugly, but from your posts, your personality is obviously shit. I’d rather be a good human than be a super model – irl or inworld.
lost my kids? you really have no clue what you are talking about! I never lost my kids!
the rest.. I mean you obviously know what you are talking about with the first point so keep talking like you know me! lol
Lord Lucile stop making VS about yourself. We all know that its all you wanted since the day you started, just to be in VS. You really are more pathetic than I ever thought.
I’m actually super pumped to be on VS haha – keep them coming. Still planning the party here soon on my beach… Maybe I’ll send you an invite if you let me know who you are? :’D
I’m happy with who I am, maybe you should figure out how to be happy with who you are, too.
Try working on building up your self-esteem so you don’t feel the need to put down others?
Much love,
P.S. Sub to my Only Fans.
I have no problem with self esteem. I’m also not suffering with delusional of grandeur. You like it because you like drama. You’re an attention whore who doesn’t care what the attention is as long as it’s attention. I haven’t torn you down in the least. I just think it’s pathetic that you keep posting yourself here. You intentionally stir the pot around you to sit and watch the drama. All the while your kids screaming and neglected can be heard in the background. Who’s taking care of them while you play pretend with Cason ? Get your priorities straight.
delusions of grandeur* lol
Lucille is a muppet. People get a kick out of her because of how lame she is. No one’s going to delete her. She’s like a television series. The kind that keeps going and going and going. Like when will the suspense and drama end? Maybe when her mouth does? We know that won’t happen. Her thirst for attention is hilarious. Those who encourage her are also the ones being bloody fake behind her back. Stay tuned for season 101!
I do like attention, have never once denied that. And you say that like it’s a bad thing and then feed into it? lol That makes sense.
I hadn’t posted myself here at all (I say hadn’t because I did post something in response to this week’s for next week)… Literally the only thing I had posted on here at all was about Cason’s birthday in Feb up until this week (which was also a post for a friend, not anything malicious).
And a lot of the people I talk to on SL have kids screaming or dogs barking in the background while they’re on voice. I’m with my kiddos all day and login after dinner around 7pm my time to relax a little with friends. I’m happy you’re concerned about their safety, but they’re usually in the room with me or in the room connected to mine (which is why you can hear them on voice, obviously) – so I assure you they are perfectly safe and happy.
I’ll add what I posted on Facebook, since it also pertains to you (if you’re a different person from the comment above a bit):
“When someone feels the need to go into someone’s real life things on SL Secrets, that’s when you can tell that person is an absolute trash human.”
<3 Luci
#5 Sending money to an alt makes for easier accounting especially if your main is in SL for more than just business. That way your debit’s and credit’s are very clear. Also your alt can then send a “salary” to your main for SL fun that is “blurry” to the taxman when they withdraw funds from SL. I’m not defending or attacking the person in question just giving an example as to why they would do that.
#43 Most people park and cam shop now to avoid being lagged out moving around a busy event sim. Collabor 88 and others have a second levels also. It’s very common and saves physical space.
#44 Mazeltough baby!!!
#53 Late fee’s for events are a needed evil to make sure designers honor their commitment to the event they pledged to deliver product for. If your event is only 50% complete due to designers being late people will stop going to them. The first three days of an event is critical. Of course life’s struggles can and do complicate things but deadlines are there for a reason and there is nothing wrong in giving a creator a kick in the tush to have things ready on time.
#5 Her alt collected the money yes. Then prior to her taking it all it got sent to yet another alt first…
I agree with what you said about late fee’s the amount of booths with the late fees box underneath them at Kustom9 was intense. If all those designers didn’t set up for the event on time then that would be a completely dead event, it would ruin the events reputation going forward as well. Keep in mind events are a business too, the hosts make money providing a location and advertising for designers to showcase products, everyone benefits. The fee/cost of a booth at an event is NOTHING compared to the revenue the designer is going to make by being there. Sure things happen and things get difficult and you might be running late but that’s on the designer to manage their work load and event quota every month.
You are beyond idiotic. I really hope no one takes money laundering courses from you, lol. Wondering if you are Trump’s accountant. Only that would make sense.
If in the USA and you are cashing out (not just converting to USD in Tilia) more that $600 per calendar year a 1099 will be sent to you. As far as for in world transactions there is not that much guidance from the IRS unless a transaction of virtual currency of with a value on that trading day of more than $600 (approx L$150,000) a 1099-MISC will need to be filed. You could also argue that it is money being transferred to a different account at the same bank (i.e. savings to checking). There are lots of thought experiments and arguments over how virtual currency and transactions should be taxed. These however are thought experiments only. The IRS did give some clarification in Notice 2014-21 that states that virtual currency that has an equivalent value in “real” currency will be treated as property and not as currency. But, as a general rule the realization of when virtual currency becomes taxable is when funds leave Tilia and enter your personal USD accounts with Paypal and/or Skrill. There is a great paper written by Eric Roscoe in the Pitt Law website called “Taxing Virtual Worlds: Can the IRS Pawn You?” that tires to cover this and the two competing ideas of taxation between Camp and Lederman. It’s a well explained short read of about 34 pages if you are interested. So, from my post above, the transfer of virtual currency less that L$150,000 per transaction is not subject to automatically needing a 1099 to be filed with that transaction. I’m sure someday if Meta becomes an economic powerhouse there will codified law on virtual currency and virtual property.
As someone who’s pulled a fair bit of money out of SL over the years: this.
And I also have a money alt, whose job it is to hold on to the money until I cash out. Both accounts are clearly owned by me, there’s no mystery about it, so it really is just like sending money from one account to another.
Egg Just opened too
and I’m SOOOO Disapointed
its Ugly, and its BROKEN AS FUCK
The dress’s corner, follows my arm when it moves
the Purse is so damn ugly
Dress looks like a kids dress, could totally LOOK better
The shoes are so damn fucking weird, Like wtf????
The stockings stop mid CALF, its hiddious!
Seriously should be SUED
Oh yes, a law suit, lol. “Your honor, the $5 surprise egg contained a dress that followed my avatar arms when I moved.” If I were the judge I would reply, “Let me understand, you purchased a surprise egg in some virtual world for a few dollars and expected a Chanel dress fresh from the runway that somehow transformed you from the trailer park trash you are?”
A. Get a life.
B. Don’t buy surprise packs.
Firstly the Sued part was Obviously a Joke – Obviously You don’t know what those are.
And for an Opinion, I am Allowed to Have, Which I am ALSO Stating Facts about the broken items they have sent, Also the Total Hype they have given it, it was absolutely Trash. And for You to tell me to get a Life, Obviously You need one too! Since your replying, lol
I was just stating my opinion, also backing it up with the plain facts of it being BROKEN. lol Shoo
Jesus Christ, the teachers at the elementary school you (rarely) attended treated you like a mushroom: they kept you in the dark and covered you in shit.
Not that I think it’s appropriate in this case, but you do know class action lawsuits are a thing, right? Lawsuits put together by large groups of people who have a small claim that wouldn’t be worth pursuing as an individual?
Best solution in the future is to just not support brands doing surprise things like this, there’s too much room for exploitation. Most of these brands don’t have quality standards and will Gladly fuck over customers if it means getting a few extra bucks.
Your 100% Correct, and I won’t be supporting in any of these Mystery things from this place atleast, Probably a good idea to stay away from them all together. xD it was a very cheaply item – priced too high
LOL! Yes, lawyers nationwide will be RUNNING to represent a class action suit involving a $5 surprise egg in a virtual world that might total a settlement of $8K. Wow, the idiots are surprisingly strong here. Omg, I am so excited to share this with colleagues tomorrow. This is classic.
You made 8k from your scammy surprise egg, wow. Guess customers will know in the future not to shop with you
the Advent Calendar was shit too!!
The shape is custom, and the skin is from either notfound or sessions
Or you could find ya own style.
Bella Vortex
Bella Vortex – SL and FB