· kesseret ·
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Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
38 I had an ex who lied and gaslit me. Lied to me about migraines so she can get on her alt to fuck around. Even lied about getting into a car accident and I only found out she had a heart attack when she DIED and one of her friends showed me her RL FB. She of course also lied about her dog dying, and conveniently got an identical dog from her “friend” a month later. Spoiler Alert: the dog never died, it was the same dog.
There are so many liars on SL playing mind games with people, it’s disgusting
No 21 comment
Hi Sassy, Jennifer here. I think what you did is disgusting and completely in the gutter. But then when I look at the group and how they behave, and how they treat people, is it any small wonder? Jennifer M.
I see this place never changes, a bunch of likely guilt ridden pedos projecting their guilt on to others on SL for having young looking avatars. These fuckwits screaming “you look like a kid” to an avatar with a young face but with child bearing wide hips, a fat ass and small to medium breasts. Just shut the fuck up already you Trump humping Pizzagate QAnon fucking perverts. If you see a kid avatar being objected to sexual acts yes do report it but stop giving people shit for having young faced avatars you complete bunch of fucking looney bins.
#16 – A rumour made out of jealousy, from a person who got rejected.
Congratulations you just made it to completely delusion.
Instead of getting into drama & investigate so much energy trying to put a successful person in a bad light, why don’t you focus on yourself ?
No one wants you, no one gives a damn about your butthurted personality, respect that monogam people exist.
Happy 2024.
#16 – A rumour made out of jealousy, from a person who got rejected.
Congratulations you just made it to completely delusion.
Instead of getting into drama & investigate so much energy trying to put a successful person in a bad light, why don’t you focus on yourself ?
No one wants you, no one gives a damn about your butthurted personality, respect that monogam people exist.
Happy 2024.
#16 – A rumour made out of jealousy, from a person who got rejected.
Congratulations you just made it to completely delusion.
Instead of getting into drama & investigate so much energy trying to put a successful person in a bad light, why don’t you focus on yourself ?
No one wants you, no one gives a damn about your butthurted personality, respect that monogam people exist.
Happy 2024.
#34 can we please start a Gofundme and PAY ROTH so we never have to hear leggslamore again? ANY radio station is better than the shit she plays… and what worse is that she thinks she is really a great dj… please make it stop…
i think its hillarious that she thinks we all want to hear about her fucking leggs songs by ZZtop as her beginning songs and throughout her dj set. Please leggs..no one cares about your legs. somewhere some idiot told you in second life (probably 10 years ago), that you had good legs and decided to run with it. When the reality is your DJ’n is as outdated as your fucking avatar…and how you fucking look is as pathetic as your “new dance” playlists….
#16 – A rumour made out of jealousy, from a person who got rejected.
Congratulations you just made it to completely delusion.
Instead of getting into drama & investigate so much energy trying to put a successful person in a bad light, why don’t you focus on yourself ?
No one wants you, no one gives a damn about your butthurted personality, respect that monogam people exist.
Happy 2024.
22. Have no clue why these people are in the fam community being legit age players and laci admitted it as well she’s into age play too bad you forgot to delete those messages lol
There are more age players around. Hina Ichibara as example and LL needs ages to take action.
Wow brought my kids and family around them.. that’s disgusting, they’re both disgusting
26-27: this bitch runs her mouth about all of her friends, she’s 2 faced as fuck, hypocritical. fat shames when shes obese irl herself, is supposedly married irl but sucks major dick online. changes aesthetics for every guy she “dates”. btw alistar, she shit talked you and farah too. LOL. treats her friends like shit and acts like she’s hot shit when at the end of the day she’s a nobody. cringe,
FACTS. She has talked so much on EVERYONE. She’s ran her mouth about Baron and the Fiends, she ran her mouth about Farah, Alistair, Faith, Putrid, Cait, Abhishek, Vix and Dove drama, her own ‘best friend’ and Cyan, Cal and all the other Sandersons. The Kunts. Basically if you know her. It’s only a matter of time before Hana Moon talks shit about you. She acts all cute and shit to gets things she wants then she moves on and or through friend groups. Maybe if people would start going to the people she starts smack talking asking questions..she would have been exposed A LONG time ago.
I could care less about the style change or what’s she’s doing right now but to the people defending her, she’s a shit person with a shit personality. She goes through men like underwear. She’s treated every man she’s ever been with like shit! Lets not forget a while back she got caught talking about people being over a certain weight gross and ugly. In a lovense club! Filled with bigger girls possibly! If anyone knows what she looks like well..you know. So add fatphobia to the list of things~! Mwuah
It’s funny that you came here to slut shame someone to call them out for being fatphobic.
Shhhhhit. How many people coming forward about her is WILD. Honestly gonna need a therapy group session.
#5 owner a racist white dude lol
#14/#39-Everyone who is trying to back up your friend, Vail, on the post is seriously backing up the wrong horse. If you just go to youtube and search “Remembering Boyd Doghouse” for the date 293 views Apr 29, 2023 #secondlife293 views Apr 29, 2023 #secondlife, you will hear Vail’s voice trolling under the Aubreyxx account. You’re welcome.
she has a hand in boyd’s bs, her being blackmailed is why she would go out of her way to bully others so boyd would not release any of the stuff he has on her. think about it the people that killed themselves over boyd’s bs aubrey was right there in the thick of it she had a hand in a lot of it why do you think LL has tried to ban that vile community.
#16 – spread rumour by a person who is jealous of a couple & can’t get her life together.
Investigate the time you do on Drama better for your kid.
Sitting 24/7 infront of a screen and being envy about successful, happy people in life won’t help you moving in to better things, Rian Marjeta.
Guys, be careful, if she is rejected she will stir shit up.
Get a life, get a hobby.
Happy 2024.
How many times did you make this stupid fucking comment? You get that people are gonna know they’re all you when you say the same thing every time, no matter how many posting names you use- no one looks more obsessed with this situation than you.
#15 – That club is for old dudes who like to have a lullaby before going to bed.
16 – Created by Rian Marjeta. A Karen without real life raging about a couple who rejected her.
Get a life, get a hobby and leave people alone who are successful in life.
I wish you would spend that much of attention you investigate in drama more to your kid.
No one wants you, get over it, you can’t be a homewrecker.
#12 & 25 The problem is I do not think Onyx is even aware about how rude Gryphon is. No Gryphon is not the same person as Onyx. Gryphon has no business being a MOD of any group. The whole Maitreya brand is suffering because of 1 person.
didn’t see that as rude myself, never really seen her actually be rude either. alot crybabies don’t get their way is all I see. Girl had no buisness posting that BS in the group to begin with. She needed corrected.
Just because you havent seen Gryphon being rude doesnt mean it doesnt happen at all.

Here are just a couple of examples of Gryphon being rude, saying things that are uncalled for, not knowing what she’s talking about or not understanding what people are talking about… All resulting in some rather hostile/’better than you’ attitude’.
There are ways to talk to other humans beings without treating them like shit or ‘correcting’ them in an unkind manner. You dont ‘correct’ people like that, especially when people are looking for support or answers to questions. Saying stuff like ‘no body cares about your problems’ or that their customers/creators are brain-dead is really not a nice way to talk about or to people.
I’m sure others have more examples they could find and share for us all to enjoy. I had a bit more from my DM’s with her, but I think its best to keep those private, especially since people tend to lose their shit about DM’s being shared.
Gryphon is nasty, rude, condescending and thinks they are the hottest shit since microwave meals. No one and nothing is as good as her or the things she likes. Everything and everyone else is inferior and she has no qualms with making that clear.
I guess I don’t see the rude? If that’s what you see as rude then you might be way to sensitive …. or something.
I got censor happy on one of the screenies. Oops.
is also Gryphon.
@ 34. About damn time too.
If it wasnt for the bot traffic, Hot Wife would be dead.
Leggs especially kills the mood with her lack of musical knowledge and bitchiness.
Shes just a jukebox, thats her job and she does a poor job at it.
Way to make guests feel unwelcomed.
Always leave the club when shes on the stream
Hotwife is legit. I agree. And there are no bots there. At least the male DJs there have talent unlike those two idiots who just press play on their spotify playlist. My group of friends and I leave everytime those two play. And to think Roth thinks leggs deserves to play on a weekend night? no thanks. We will go to Tryst or ANYWHERE ELSE when she plays. One DJ doesnt talk, because she is a guy in RL and the other thinks we need to play trivia during her whole time instead of concentrating on actually being a DJ.
sounds like jelly-ho-nut to me. Hotwife is legit.
42 – And yall think it’s luci posting because..? As someone who is a friend of her’s yall really love to assume and think she takes time out to post such bullshit in a crap site 😂 she admits that she has issues and everything that went down was a 50/50 thing so..AARON and Imogen can kindly SHUT THE FUCK UP 😂 Aaron to busy fucking wolf’s now ex Jules and imogen is moving on to her 5-6-7th husband or whatever
Funny that people are talking about Luci when the likes of AARON, JULES AND IMOGEN are so fucked up and go out of their way to hurt and fuck people over. Yet still have balls to try and act like they are good people.
AARON & JULES both had great people they were partnered with yet instead ending it if it wasn’t working, they lie and starting fucking each other, for how long before coming clean and ending it with partners??? You both should be fucken ashamed of yourselves.
IMOGEN has gone after how many guys in the past that are in relationships to try and break them up for her own gain…. yet has the balls to come on everytime some call her out on her bullshit and treat everything like its a joke.
All 3 of you are the type of people that need to be banned from Secondlife, or at the very least grow the fuck up, people arent your play things.
For my own gain? hahaha what they hell did I gain? Please tell me more because this is funny shit!
Okay? And Luci tried to fuck Bella from FMDs husband right in front of Aarron. Still cruised and begged for Cason back. Is married in rl. She has fucked over and ruined multiple friendships. She fucked her so called friends exes. Told people they couldn’t be friends with her exes then stayed friends with her friends exes. Likes to play pedo games with her partners acting like a little child.
I have no cared about Aarron, Jules or Imogen but just because they aren’t good people doesn’t mean Luci is. Luci treated Aarron like complete trash, caused fights with him every time she got drunk. She wants to go fuck other guys but Aarron shouldn’t fuck other girls? How about the multiple times Luci herself tried to pawn Aarron off to other girls? Tried to get people in their relationship because she didn’t want to deal with him.
Sit the fuck down and get off her pussy. She would never defend you so maybe don’t defend her?
Love when people jump with no facts. Correction, I’m not friends with Luci, so sit the fuck down and pull your underwear from out of your ass. I just found it interesting that people are throwing shade on someone to try and take the heat off fuckers like the 3 I mentioned. So if anyone is friends with anyone, its you with one of them.
I don’t agree with anyone cheating on their partners. If your not happy, fucken leave, don’t lie and fuck around on them. It doesn’t matter how a person was treated, they stayed in a relationship and chose to not end it and fuck around instead. That makes them a shit person too. Which is what Aaron and Jules both did. They could of, at any time ended their relationship for whatever reason, they didn’t, they decided to fuck around instead and lie.
I also don’t agree with any person man or woman going after anyone in a relationship. Now to be clear, since it’s clear got your fucken underwear in a twist last time, you cant “steal” someone who doesn’t want to be ‘stolen” that still doesn’t make it right to actively pursue someone you know in a relationship, and Imogen has done that a number of times. Its fucked up.
Every Think that maybe Luci is the issue? maybe?
Who did I steal? ohhh boy, /me Grabs the popcorn ….. There are things about me that I didn’t know about myself and I am dying to know more!!!!! Deets!
Sweetie you’re the only one here lacking comprehension skills. You commented to the original posted who was making fun of the same people you were as if they were defending them.
I actually in no way defended them but I definitely won’t defend Luci either. She is a trash human being same as the rest. So I will call out her shit same as you are throwing dirt on others who she also fucked over. You know Aarron was in a rl relationship and sl relationship and Luci cheated with him and then got him to leave her in rl. Promised Aarron to meet him in rl with no plans to ever be more to Aarron.
I know Aarron is a piece of shit, I’m sure Jules and whoever else have had their shit moments too. Just don’t pretend Luci is an innocent victim in this bullshit because she isn’t.
Um, I am on my 10th but working on my 11th… you need to update your files lol
Hahaha you expect people to count? Do they even know how?
You thinking Luci doesn’t post lol she even posts herself. No one is a friend of Luci’s you are a collected person to make her feel important. She doesn’t have real friends, she is superficial to the max. She makes people feel special because she messages them to come out with her but she does that so she looks popular not because she cares about any of those people.
It will be just a matter of time when her new batch of “Girls” will figure this out.
To people that are friends with Luci and defending her, We were there once and you should back away. Luci is just using you to make her seem she is poplar on social media, but she is cancer!!!!
It’s just a ticking time bomb until her new crew of “girls” catch on.
And to all those defending Luci, thinking you’re in some exclusive club, take a step back. We’ve been there, done that, and you need to wake up. Luci’s just using you to boost her social media image, but she’s toxic, man – a real cancer!
Imogen, now is it not true you were partnered to Zander. You could not offer him RL, so he had a thing for someone else in SL so you both went to her and propositioned her to the point that he could have her in RL but not SL and you would only have him in SL? You would stay partnered to him. You had all sorts of sex, you could only voice on your way home from work on FB or whatever, and you could only voice fuck once a week when your RL husband was gone for 2ish hours ya?
No sooner as you broke up with Zander you already were partnered to the current dude your with now, ironic….like you had him waiting in the wings yea?
So the one that Zander is partnered to now, Arlene. Is that the one you helped proposition to be his RL but when you broke up he snatched her up. It ‘s just all funny.
Isn’t Zander the one who fell so in love with you he QUIT SL? I mean Jesus Christ your not that good.
How long until you move onto the next victim?
Your not any better…..
Imogen is not a perfect person but gaslighting her to take the heat off what a trash person Luci is just looks dumb. Luci has done a lot of really awful things. Gaslighting someone else to protect her just shows you’re cut from the same cloth.
Just a little advice: it’s crucial not to blindly trust everything you hear from others. People often have their own motives and might try to influence you to dislike someone just because they do. When forming opinions about someone, especially if it’s based on out-of-context screenshots, it’s essential to consider the full picture.
I want you to know that I’m not a bad person, and I’ve never intentionally hurt anyone just for the sake of hurting them. Yes, I’ve had a past, but I’ve moved on from it. I took the initiative to reach out to those I might have hurt, had personal conversations with them, and we’ve managed to rebuild our friendships. Nowadays, we talk daily and support each other wholeheartedly.
If you’re curious about my side of the story, why not be brave and shoot me a message? There’s really nothing to lose, and you might discover that I’m not the villain others might be portraying me as. It’s always good to listen to both sides before making any judgments.
I have prepared a notcard in SL with proof what what you are saying is wrong, If you would like to know the truth… Message me in SL and I will be happy to help you understand.
Okay but that is a lie, you have intentionally hurt people and we have all seen you do it right here on this very page. Don’t play innocent but your sex life with zander has nothing to do with Luci being a good person. They’re gaslighting to protect her and you answering to defend yourself is just feeding into it.
You may not be a villain but you not an innocent either. You can give as hard as anyone else and you’ve done it to people who really didn’t deserve it. I know someone you smeared and hurt really bad while they were already severely struggling and you had zero reason to do so other than to hurt someone just to hurt them.
I have no clue who this person is, I only had issues with Luci, Everyone else I am cool with.
Let me know who it is so I can make it good.
Imogen, look back on things you’ve posted, think about the things you’ve done and said. You definitely didn’t make cool with this person. Again we all make mistakes and have our own issues and then gaslighting you isn’t cool but even if you apologize and make cool with people it would never take away what you did.
well the thing is, I never when out of my way to hurt someone, They either attacked me first and I defended myself. I never hurts someone just to hurt someone. Plus a lot of people have me mixed up with another person from Australia, that was a headache, getting hate messages from people I never even heard of, and found out they were talking about this chick from Australia. None of my post are directed to anyone on my Facebook, they are all positive or Defending myself from others.
I’m not talking on Facebook, I’m talking on here. I’m just saying, you have hurt people who didn’t do anything wrong to you. You may not see what you did as wrong but it happened. No one is perfect and I’m not throwing shade, I defending you multiple times throughout this page this week. I’m just saying you aren’t innocent either.
your relationships are no one’s business but your own. So unless you or you want me ex posting should be kept that way because I doubt either of you were trying to bring it here. You have the right to a safe happy sl same as everyone else. Not all relationships work.
It’s the stuff that happens outside of that. I don’t know you but I do know the person you hurt, I know what they went through because of your actions on multiple occasions some of which were really hard times for them and they got attacked for no reason by you. There’s no mix up on who did what, there is however the fact that who knows what you are going through during those times that got you so out of control. Same can be said for Luci. The fact is no one here is perfect. Just in regard to Luci the fake version of her that’s defended on here is just that fake. She doesn’t take any accountability for anything.
Well, just to set things straight, I have only posted about Luci and that was about a year ago, I been posted many times since for weeks on end…
I never posted about any one else. so I am confused of who I went after for no reason, I am open for conversation if you care to talk about it outside of VS.
Man, this chick’s all about stirring the pot on social media, throwing out personal stuff just to get a rise. Ever wonder why none of her so-called friends are sticking around? They’ve all hit the block button, my dude. She plays the friend card, but behind the scenes, she’s building a dossier on everyone. Folder full of screenshots and logs, man. It’s like she’s more interested in gathering intel than actually being a friend. Total info-obsessed, not the kind of person you want in your circle.
30 – stop crying on fb about shit 😒 it’s annoying we get it you do OF..want a cookie or?
I’m sure her Kid will be super happy when someone finds it and shows her kids his mommy on OF…..
Something to be proud of.
Yes, I get people have a right to earn money and all the other arguments.
Just not sure if I were a single mom is something I would risk my child finding out or someone showing him/her.
scammed too. Beware.
36.) Shudderz
#2 discussing politics on SL will not change anything, same as keep abusing Russians on the internet .
You’re an idiot. Discussions on any topic anywhere can and do make a difference. That’s just how it works. Critical thinking. It’s how most of us evolve and better ourselves over time. Just because you choose to be ignorant and live in some alternate reality doesn’t mean everyone else does even in SL. As for abuse of russians on the internet, let’s see… Abuse of Russians on the Internet vs Mass Murder of Innocent Civilians in Ukraine. Pull your head out of your ass!
#3. A pick me girl is defined as someone who asserts that she is unlike (and sometimes better than) most other women, in order to gain attention, approval, or validation from men.
How is posting a picture of an avatar pick me behavior? There are better examples of those oh so quirky girls that are just ‘one of the guys’, who talk about how they smoke weed all the time, aren’t thirsty like these other girls, and are ‘playin Fortnite with the boys!’
Better yet, give us an example of her doing that. Show us her putting down other women for the sake of male attention? If you’re that jealous of her avi (which has been consistently top notch) I’m sure she’d give you pointers without being a dick. Not everyone is SL is a gatekeeper for that shit.
And the personal attack for her RL appearance? Sounds like projection.
TLDR: Go touch grass, ask her for help with your janky avi altready.
I am so relieved that finally people are waking up to what this woman is really like. I met her when she was still going around as Mercinia. She stabbed me in the back to ingratiate herself to the sim owners only to turn around to play the victim. She is an evil snake in the grass and she is the reason I left GoT. I only came here after hearing about the rejoicing that this bitch has finally been exposed. I wish her nothing but unhappiness, misery and pain until the day the devil comes to claim her.
Your definition of pick-me is 100% description of Plumpy Bunny. Pointers? Don’t make me laugh.
No one here is projecting to cope except you, Plumpy. Stop sending your white knights to simp for you here. ‘My Avi Looks Better Than Yours’ anyway you delusional pick-me, your help is not necessary.
7… no.. not really.. I feel the same about women who act like that.. so many ugly avatars, dirty bitches.. men are also simply pigs… My aunties are normal and awesome ladies… not all women act like this..
FR. It’s mind-boggling how many people on here are acting dumb to the fact that the image they put out there of themselves, ie the way they dress, influence other people’s perception of them.
42. Although no idea if she posted those specific posts I do know she has posted herself and others many times. She loves the attention and whoever posted this post gave her exactly what she wanted. Luci saying she had no drama just means she had no one to fight with.
She used to emasculate Aaron when he wasn’t around and when he was. She is pedo bait with how she dresses and acts like a 12 year old. She cheated on her exes, slept with her friends boyfriends, keeps guys on the line by asking them not to date anyone because she’ll be so jealous but doesn’t want to be with them, she destroyed many friendships, talks crap about everyone behind everyone else’s back. She even makes fun of her best friend who has Autism calling her names.
Also saying “Hi I’m an alcoholic and I had a good night the first time drinking in however long, so it must not be me that’s the issue.” Is not her saying she isn’t the issue. It’s an alcoholic saying it to justify drinking again.
ho’s watching her kids when she’s hitting the bottle? It’s a legit question. I mean, if she’s spending more time with the booze than with her own kids, someone’s gotta step up and make sure those little ones are looked after. It’s not a good look when priorities are all messed up like that. Someone’s gotta keep it real and think about the well-being of those kids.
The older kids, her and her rl both sit in different rooms digitally fucking other people. Neither care about their kids.
Her drinking problem is a real fucked up situation because she doesn’t see how bad it is. She thinks it’s normal to be like that.
#2 So f*cking WHAT?
17 & 37 – These incestuous gay families in SL are all freaks. The STARRs, The ROWLEYs, The Alphas – to name a few – one sees them everywhere. Only they think they are famous. All of them are nothing but self-important drama queens with egos larger than life. But actually, they all pitiful lonely AND OLD dirty-minded men (AND WOMEN – WHO ACT AS GAY MEN IN SL). Disgusting. All of them! And what is more disturbing, they constantly at the throats of people who are NOT in a family, and when that fails, they go for each other! FREAKS!
The Starrs are mostly a good group of people. Fynn is accepting of everyone and would do anything to help someone that needs it.
The Alphas? Oh, you mean the group of aesthetic and kario body users who don’t know how to make a body shape to save their goddamn life and look like the most disfigured monstrosities that walk SL? Pretty much the look you’d expect from a group of people who allow underage/child looking avatars at their club I guess huh, Dan. DRAMA, PEDOPHELIA, RAGE!!!!!
The Alphas? Oh, you mean the group of aesthetic and kario body users who don’t know how to make a body shape to save their goddamn life and look like the most disfigured monstrosities that walk SL? Pretty much the look you’d expect from a group of people who allow underage/child looking avatars at their club I guess huh, Dan. DRAMA, PEDOPHELIA, RAGE!!!!!!
The Alphas? Oh, you mean the group of aesthetic and kario body users who don’t know how to make a body shape to save their goddamn life and look like the most disfigured monstrosities that walk SL? Pretty much the look you’d expect from a group of people who allow underage/child looking avatars at their club I guess huh, Dan. DRAMA, PEDOPHELIA, RAGE!!!!!!
The Rowley’s and the Alpha’s are all nice people. They don’t swan about thinking they are famous, that is something from your stupid little narrow vision. I don’t know much about the Starrs to be fair.
if you think the Rowleys and Alphas are sweet and innocent maybe you should ask around. To be fair though, every single person on sl has pissed someone off. Why are we supposed to give a fuck? Mind ya business and form your own opinions…fucking sheeple.
Fake gossip you have invested in there you utter moron!!
Awww sweetie, I’ve watched it first hand….so ya gossip theory busted.
Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon, Angie <3
Feel free to drop the Rowleys a message in-world to make your feelings clear rather than being a little bitch on here and doing it anonymously like a cunt.
Talking to RIFF-RAFF not really my scene.
Owen (theknightofhedges) You’ll never find out who we are. We are closer than you think :).
Keep petting your fat cow.
I swear, y’all need to quit acting so stupid. Creators buy meshes…..many creators end up with items that may look alike. It happens! Riggers make meshes and sell them. It’s not uncommon. FFS
#24 – Jay. It’s not the cheating on his wife or ignoring his kids for the last 15 odd years. It’s not the girls who’ve manipulated him into thinking they’re going to Australia. It’s not the jealous men who outed him to his rl wife multiple times. It’s not that he used to kind of be a somebody around sl and now is the annecdote to most girls story times “omg did he try and get animals involved?!” It’s the random hostile anger and inability to accept he isn’t wanted. Your bitcoin will never pay out – go back to rl and drive to your next location.
Is this the same mofo who used to go by Jay Han?
LOL that douche…..
Who wants to be a “somebody around SL”
More to the point…Who has the time to “be somebody around SL.”
Random hostile anger and inability to take no for an answer is so true. Don’t forget the blackmail attempts and stalking that he has also indulged in. Jay has some severe emotional regulation issues and ladies should be warned to stay far, far away.
I’m getting sick and tired of these Edgelord “genZ” and some Millennials men ( ages 19-40) or shall I say, BOYS. Complaining about female avatars and the people behind them. Second life NEVER EVER will be dating apps. I don’t give a FUCK about those “success” stories of relationships that go on in the virtual simulator. I don’t give a fuck. SECOND LIFE was never meant to be a dating app! All yall fucking incel fat ass pizza-face man-boob bitches do is complain about who’s behind female avatars. THAT’S ALL YOU YALL DO! bITCH and MOAN ALL FUCKING DAY IN THE VS COMMENTS AND IN SECOND LIFE about who’s behind female avatars. MOTHER FUCKER GET YOUR FAT ASS OFF THE PC AND GO TO A PUBLIC PLACE FILLED WITH PEOPLE AND FIND LOVE THERE! Or take your ass to V-Chat with the teenie-boopers. A lot of you dudes in Second Life are extremely evasive in these women’s personal business. GO TO FUCKING THERAPY!
SL is whatever someone wants it to be. You don’t get to say what is is for another. Get off your fucking high horse and go sit down. Also get some help for your ridiculous anger issues. It’s usually the women assuming which avatar is which sex behind the screen.
I think you meant invasive, not evasive. Freudian slip? But I do agree that everyone, male and female and anything else, needs to stop worrying so much about who’s behind the avatar. If you’re looking for RL relationships, SL is the worst place to find them.if you find it there, awesome! Congratulations, you beat the odds. But the vast majority of SL relationships are over quicker than Hollywood celebrity hookups.
Therapy? The one who is screaming like a madman right now? Really? For me, in my city.. there is no place to go for gays, the ones who I’ve actually met are all toxic, and its very lonely here.. I happen to found someone amazing here, in this virtual space, which is apparently filled with toxic people like you, but at least I can easily block you people, so no problem. :)…. work on your anger management dude… lol
You seem upset.. touch grass, it really helps :3
You are so obviously hiding behind a female avatar, so obvious it hurts!
32 – Finally someone speaking up about her. The tubby was out of line but the begging is on point. She probably took a screenshot of this and cried a river on facebook and all the problematic people on there defending her. I had to unfollow her because she strictly said she wouldn’t use facebook to post her “only fans” content and yet, she coincides it with begging people. And yes, you are “BEGGING” because if you weren’t you’d just post and be done with it but you always come up with a sob story that you can’t afford this and that while your husband splurges you with insignificant things. If you do get enough money from it, you should take a course on money management, cause honey, you really need it.
This is her memo, always a petty person and self-centered.Racist, and more.
Who the fuck cares ? People can do what they want ! Stop body shaming cuck .
Stop sticking up for the fat cunt. She needs to stop begging and actually do something with her life. It’s people like you who normalize it is whats wrong with everything. You’re probably a smelly fat fuck as well so it makes sense.
Do something with her life like coming to a gossip site to sling insults so that you don’t have to take any personal responsibility for your actions?
You REAL MAD. Want to see a cunt? Look in the mirror. You want something wrong? Everything that your little keyboard warrior self is typing is wrong. You are miserable and disgusting- go choke bodyshaming dumbfuck.
calm down fatty.
Out of all that, you chose to say “stop body shaming.” LOL you’re a real special crayon aren’t you?
The problem is that she and her husband are serial con-artists who have stolen thousands of dollars. Don’t enable them.
Hit a nerve? You clearly didn’t read the statement I provided. I said “the tubby was out of line”- meaning the tubby comment.
“Who the fuck cares?” – Your followers clearly. Some of your content was alright before you started incorporating your NSFW to your main account. You are fine doing whatever you want but note that not all in facebook want to see a rl nsfw, especially when your fb is for second life. It should mostly stay within SL.
#2 …and yet here you are.
I see him around all the time.
What exactly has he done other than commit the crime of being middle aged and having kids?
Like, calm down.
Know thy audience.
2 – Tired: Cards on Virtual Secrets claiming short adults are pedo bait. Also Tired: Using a pedophile on a card to highlight a virtue-signaling piece of nonsense. This is Virtual Secrets, not the editorial pages for the New York Times.
9 – 11 – Yes, thank you, perfect.
12 – Is the fact you have a man infodumping to a woman about a woman’s body and alleged issues with customer support for it supposed to be ironic? Also, all caps is evil for two paragraphs’ worth of babbling.
31 – Guess what. Women dominate other women. Dommes get fucked by submissive men. Policing their tool usage is the proof of your real issue, dear submitter. They rejected you for being an entitled fake sub who tops from below, didn’t they?
Hana is a mess fr. People don’t know half the truth how she fucks through her friend circle – taken or not, doesn’t matter. No conscience this girl. I think she fits with Alistair a lot, let her be Delulu. I want to see her hurt and see how her rl bf maybe one day sees what she’s up to. If you need a good ride, hit up Pretty Morbid.
“Good ride” is a matter of opinion. An easy one, for sure. I imagine it’s hard to be good at pixels smashing when your RL partner and housemates know nothing about what you do online.
It’s not that good of a ride. IJS. If you’re bored, very slightly. But I mean…You’d have more fun beating it with your non-dominant hand.
#3. She’s adorable in real life. I’ve seen her image. She’s a cute plumpy bunny, for reals. She’s adorable and kind and spends tons of time and L on making avatars that are realistic looking (as much as one can in SL anyway). People still making comments like this about individuals they know nothing about make me wonder EXACTLY how jealous you are of her.
She ugly, fat and dumpy in real life. I have seen her real life pictures too that she shares freely. She is not kind, she is a two-faced snake who will stab you in the back whenever it suits her. No one is jealous of her. Nobody is jealous of a person who is hideous both inside and out. Stop trying to cope.
She uses the same droopy eyed, long skinny necked and body shape that 10 other females on the GoT sims use. Its basically a poor mans version knock off of Catherina’s shape. With insomnia layers. No offense but her shape is only realistic if you’re a tall skinny model with 0 body fat who never gets any sleep.
With that said Plumpy/Mercinia has never been anything to be jealous of. She chases male sim owners for the clout (see; Elden (not DD, but his sim from years ago) & Kae), she throws females she’s not bffs with under the bus to get male’s attention, she only cares about pretending to befriend women OOC if it’ll get her somewhere IC, goes after taken men. She is the epitome of “pick me”.
You are obviously friends with her, congrats that’s nice; however some of us have seen this other side of her for years and know to steer clear.
To be fair—————————
She does make a damn good avi.
Haters gonna hate.
#36 Oh yeah, Talos used to be a friend of mine, just like the whole Starr family. Talos is pretty much the most sensitive, thin-skinned bitch I know. Unreliable and so moody that she’d leave people high and dry just because she broke a damn fingernail. And the number of times she shamelessly hits on people is just ridiculous.
#17 is absolutely true… Fynn has a tip jar that works in a way that if people deposit more than the minimum, money disappears from it. I mean, just do the math on what’s being paid out. That greedy bitch is bleeding everyone dry!
#36 Oh yeah, Talos used to be a friend of mine, just like the whole Starr family. Talos is pretty much the most sensitive, thin-skinned bitch I know. Unreliable and so moody that she’d leave people high and dry just because she broke a damn fingernail. And the number of times she shamelessly hits on people is just ridiculous.
#17 is absolutely true… Fynn has a tip jar that works in a way that if people deposit more than the minimum, money disappears from it. I mean, just do the math on what’s being paid out. That greedy bitch is bleeding everyone dry!
#36 Oh yeah, Talos used to be a friend of mine, just like the whole Starr family. Talos is pretty much the most sensitive, thin-skinned bitch I know. Unreliable and so moody that she’d leave people high and dry just because she broke a damn fingernail. And the number of times she shamelessly hits on people is just ridiculous.
#17 is absolutely true… Fynn has a tip jar that works in a way that if people deposit more than the minimum, money disappears from it. I mean, just do the math on what’s being paid out. That greedy bitch is bleeding everyone dry!
#36 Oh yeah, Talos used to be a friend of mine, just like the whole Starr family. Talos is pretty much the most sensitive, thin-skinned bitch I know. Unreliable and so moody that she’d leave people high and dry just because she broke a damn fingernail. And the number of times she shamelessly hits on people is just ridiculous.
#17 is absolutely true… Fynn has a tip jar that works in a way that if people deposit more than the minimum, money disappears from it. I mean, just do the math on what’s being paid out. That greedy bitch is bleeding everyone dry!
Sounds like someone’s mouth is bigger than their IQ.
Glad to hear they caught on to you and kicked your ass to the curb. You’re nthing but trash!
Yea…no one is getting money taken from them. As One of the Co-owners of Anarchy @ Space_bar, every DJ/Host is informed beforehand and knows that 10% goes to the house.
This goes to keeping the sim going as well as paying mod staff. This started when Anarchy merged with Space_bar. This is an Anarchy thing and has been an Anarchy thing since 8 months after we opened which has been… about 3.9 years now. People just trying to use peoples names without knowing the full information to drag them through the mud.
We don’t hide behind anonymity I always invite any of my staff to bring problems to us directly without any issue. But we feel this isn’t anyone on staff and someone who has never been on staff. Probably someone jealous over pixels and bonds being created and thinking a few words will break that up.
Thanks for the free shoutout. Anarchy @ Space_Bar is always hiring. Open Genre Club. – Lupin & Adrie
Dear Sami,
It’s time for you to delete your avatar and go when this gets posted in the fuck spot group chat:
[2024/01/06 18:26] BᴇʟʟᴀTʀɪx Lᴇᴛʜᴀʟ™ (bellalethal.alpha): Sami ..
[2024/01/06 18:27] BᴇʟʟᴀTʀɪx Lᴇᴛʜᴀʟ™ (bellalethal.alpha): why are you even in my group after your comment about the gesture you posted at Maui ?
I mean seriously, people don’t really like you. The good girl act is fake, just like DT’s hair.
I never heard of this chick before but saw her at an event I was the other day and remembered her name from here and omg… the person that posted that was not kidding.. this chick is beyond annoying and constantly needs attention with her chatter… like wow.. can I make it all about me..
#2 Are you obtuse?
Here…take a look at the name of this blog site. “VIRTUAL-SECRETS.COM”
VIR-TU-AL. This shit show is ZONED SPECIFICALLY for all of our bullshit issues INSIDE of a fabricated digital world. We come here to fling poo at VIRTUAL drama, no matter how asinine!
🤦 Why the ever loving fuck– would you want to drag REAL WORLD politics in here? God damn…
9 thru 11 is basically just Schizoposting at this point. Someone needs to check on OP, they are probably hiding in a closet full of flickr ads and red string.
#38 chrissie is a nasty crazy bitch so it wouldnt surprise me for her to make something up like this for attention since everything she does is fake
I mean she stands around at events waiting for guys to buy her things. She gave me a sob story about how she’d just broken up with her boyfriend and she wasn’t feeling pretty so I’d buy her something at the event. Which is funny considering she did the same thing to a friend of mine a few weeks later, same sob story with the added flair that her sugar daddy hadn’t paid her yet either. 🤔 wish I’d known this before buying her anything.
To be fair, you were really stupid for buying her anything regardless of the sob story. Mentioning she had a “sugar daddy” that she expected to pay her proves she’s just another typical beggar taking advantage of lonely incels in SL and pretending it’s some kind of legit sex work or even worse, a real “relationship”.
You should take this experience to heart and never be fooled again no matter who is doing the whining and begging, even if they have pretended to be your friend for any length of time- there’s not a single one of them that deserves your sympathy, let alone your money. Real friends don’t expect their friends to buy them things. Real gifts are given because the giver wanted to give, of their own volition, not because the recipient manipulated them with guilt.
Wow. How many people has she hurt if this is everyone’s reaction to that post? Is she really that bad?
Yes and any one who still gives her the time of day or is friends with her either hasn’t been screwed over yet or does the same shit 🤷
Probably not even true lol probably saw another person post similar and get attention for it, and since she’s only ever able to copy it tracks. Didn’t want to miss out on those flikr simps though to help keep the ego happy
Ohh so it wasn’t just us she did that too. Started a whole fight over one of us stealing her picture idea then went and cried to someone about how we were bullying her. And her picture idea was just copying the ad for a new pose that got released.
#27. Yes, Alistair is gross. Yes he uses multiple alts to get himself close to women with perceived clout. Yes he lies as much as he breathes but get the fuck out of here with your false flag paedo bullshit. There are actual children being hurt by actual padeos and you’re here making accusations you can’t back up with pictures of a fully developed adult woman from flickr. You’re just as digusting as he is.
Funny thing. He’s disappeared again. Sooooo. Actions and words. Or whatever the Americans say.
Yeah, she just changed up styles to more kawaii.. which is interesting but not paedo. She’s allowed to change styles. I just hope she doesn’t get her heart hurt. I hope it all works out well. Gotta at least accept she knew what she was getting into.
Oh she knows. He’s lied to her before, fed her all kinds of bullshit but she’s happily forgiven him for some reason. Maybe he’s promised one account this time? But he’s active on alts right now so lol.
She’s happily forgiven him because she lives in a fantasy world. Hes charismatic and says all the things right out of a romance book. And when someone does nothing but live online. Jazzz fingers. But from the looks of it. She’s not exactly innocent either.
Pleaaaaase state all his alts. The world needs to know.
They’ve been posted here before.
That is the face of a child. So yikes.
It’s not though :/
#4 Jesus said: “He/her that is without drama among you, let him/her first cast a stone at her”
John says just be kind to all 🙂
#26-27 Poster time to get over already nobody cares
I’m pretty sure it’s multiple people. Dude has fucked over and hurt a lot of people.
Right? the dude comes back and suddenly shit hits the fan…but looking at these other comments…the chick isn’t so innocent either. Kind of insane how a few people are defending it while the majority people are confirming that both of them are absolute terrible excuses for human beings.