· kesseret ·
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Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#35. HOLY SHIT. I didn’t realize Kess was gonna let Sam post here.
Y’all sams drama has been going on for more than 10 years.
Sam is a pedophile, a ddoser, a pathological liar, and out right fucking insane and abusive. Samantha Prater. Hoooooly fuck.. that’s a laundry list. She goes on… And on… And on… there’s this group with the Dibney Crew on discord that has logs… And lots of her bullshit and they continue to allow Sam to go on rants.. god are they ALWAYS long ass rants. If you find Samantha and go down her rabbit hole she will spam you until you inevitably block her.
They allow her? How are they doing that exactly? Are they next to her in RL and can shut off her computer when they want? I’ve seen Samanthaprater go off the deep end in the LL forum and online in groups. It’s never pretty, it’s a whole train wreck and no one has control on her goofy ass when she goes off, including herself. She loses control of herself, so once more, how the hell are they “allowing” her to go on rants? Inquiring minds and all that.
Remember that time Kaiden was barely 15 years old and claiming to have been catfished since they were 10 years old.
@24. I left fb a long time ago but I remember Kaiden well back then. He said often that he was the nephew of Sharon Osborne and showed photos of this young man with them, claiming it was him, he posted some in status’s too.
He said he had autism and was in his late teens. Seem really child like in talking to him but the photos of ‘him’ were no way a pre teen or a young teen. He lied a few times to me, seemed to forget cause i’m sure he was confused by the amount he was telling but it’s one that I always remember cause he was so pushy with this Osborne thing. If he is this young though-which I doubt, then he’s broken a lot of SL TOS cause he was underage for a lot he was doing back then.
ok defend your autist then, but i bet you and him both still do that pedo ageplay shit
Can we not use the word “autist” as a pejorative, tho? I don’t know any of these people, but that’s out of pocket.
i’d like to touch some ass >__>
#27 – someone explain this one… for I am the dumb, I think, bcs I don’t get it lol. friends and need to know.
what is this hostility? damn lol. All i did was ask someone to explain the post bcs i don’t get it. what’s the backstory? I made a TYPO, obviously, and meant to say “friends and I need to know”, as in the old saying ‘inquiring minds want to know’. We know of a “Mr G” but we don’t know if it’s the same one we’re thinking of.
But if you’re just gonna gatekeep your stupid post, then fine – fuck off lol.
Friends and need to know? What friends? LOL WHAT FRIENDS LMAO now I know why you don’t get it LMAO go back to god and ask for the thing inside the head LMAO what a shit try here – failed Mister G
Use your eyes. MR G is a disgusting controlling guy. Loves little girl look and do I need to say more???
Hi Joy… we know it was u posting #27
u need to let him go. jealousy always bites u bad and makes u do the crazy things! he’s with reve. u’ve already used the ban-ban. can’t u move on?
Literally no one cares about these loser bum bitches lol they’re basement dwellers that cause drama that’s why they got kicked from TF and their whole family / friend group are actually turning on them just drama lol hopefully the twins see it too and drop them bc Darlene is only keeping them as a cash set up free Ls ig bc she will pick Blairs ugly ass over them any day.
Poor little tinybatty getting caught for copybotting a creators shape so she runs her mouth about people who don’t do anything wrong. Have you had that grippy sock vacation yet? Because you need one. You can change your name in world but you can never run from the fact that you’re a copybotter. I wonder how your new family would feel if they found out you spend your days bullying innocent people online instead of finding a job like a grown woman. Or can you not do that? Is your “autism” too much for you to be a functional member of society.
Grow up because karma will hit you hard if you continue the way you are going in life.
Stalker much ?? Why are you stalking her iw the drama with her is over yall still got shit going on dxddy.morbid and waifu.morbid or whatever tf yalls shit is at least she moved on and is enjoying her irl yall are just ugly and that’s why everyone is dropping you two and you guys are bullying her while claiming to not be bullies like what??
Crazy you’re assuming I’m her get a life chronically online mf she left sl and has a life unlike ur asses getting posted on vs every week bc your terrible ppl have fun with ur shitty sl bc ur irl is so fucked up
They were just on here for copybotting weren’t they? Not surprised about Darlene keeping around a cash cow, maybe she found a partner in crime, Axton does the same thing 🤣 woe is me, sad girl/boy act until some one throws some pitty cash their way.
It is so weird like fyi Darlene is married irl and is simping after ppl that don’t want her lol lying to her partner about it too it’s sad blair i just a nasty hateful bitch with no life and lives in a fucked up house and she goes around ripping ppls outfits / sims they’re literally just gross
Wtf? I guess that makes sense with what I hear about her and dudes these people really are gross. I wonder what it’s like with half of sl knowing you’re a cancerous growth on life? 🤷♂️
20. Your public smear campaign against her in this site over the last few months didn’t work so now you resort to this? How sick in the head are you that you continue stalking her looking for any little thing to try and get your proof that she’s a bad person. And this was the best you could do? If you were trying to prove a point you did, you’re obsessed. Get help.
This is a sad repeat of the last time, didn’t someone try to drag her into other drama too? I remember seeing a comment trying to drag her into something a few months ago and she apparently blasted them on twitter with proof that she’d been being stalked and the person trying to drag her had been actively stalking her for a few months at that point.
Tip to the poster, if your first attempt to drag someone resulted in you being called jealous and your retaliation was to, in comments, call the person you are stalking jealous..you need help and you should move on.
Checked her twitter and she’s locked it, so I can’t pull screenshots but they were there.
Comments on VS are still there though. Someone got put on here for some picture nonsense, posting lewds in pg servers and she blamed this person for that too.
#36, #37 Bodies are nothing sexual, bodies are just bodies. If you see skimpy clothing and immediately get a hard on, that tells more about you than the person in the clothing. On SL I like dressing skimpily at times too, not for male attention, not for sexual comments, but because I just feel like it. Women do not dress for men.
All of the this….
17. It is funny how many men can easily lie to women on SL. It’s more pathetic when the chick that’s with the guy that lies and cheats is still with him. It’s like she is desperate to be with someone even when he is a douchebag. It is what it is I guess. I don’t know him but I know of him. He just got out of a relationship and then the next day is with someone new. It’s quit funny really because it comes to show you how fake a SL relationship really is. Maybe this guy just needs to stay away from relationships and focus on actually being a true honest human being and not some player that goes around hurting women. He messages tons of women on FB,me included and a couple of my friends. We compare notes mostly to see if he says the same things. Which he does. He loves to heart naked and half naked women even though he is with someone. It’s sickening really.
27# it’s Mr G(igass)? You can be what you want in SL. Mr G choose to put his inner character on his face 👍🏻 he is a manipulative sadness seeking pedo. Nothing more to say.
I can tell myself. Therefor he got his specialty alts. Seeking of father daughter games.
Kaiden ain’t 21 by any stretch of the imagination I’d say late 20’s into 30’s if anything, if he was 21 then jesus I’ve had him on my friends list since he was 16 which ewwww. I’m now 38 that’s wrong on so many levels, why people lie about their age is beyond me. Also don’t believe he’s morracon or whatever either, especially since he told me he was British the boy clearly lies out his ass lol.
Since his SL birthday is from 2014, he’d have had to join when he was a preteen. That’s disturbing.
He was born in Morroco and raised in England. I really don’t understand why this is so difficult for people to understand. It is literally all on his Facebook. This isn’t unclear or difficult information to find. I would definitely suggest you be more selective with who you flirt with in SL and confirm their age with more certainty. Kids act like kids and there are a lot of them on SL.
I couldn’t give a shit where he says he’s from, I don’t believe a word that leaves his mouth and I never said I flirted with him, I can’t even remember why he added me possibly back when I was working as a stripper in SL, I’ve added a lot of people over the years so fuck knows, also I shouldn’t have go check someone’s age and I’m sure I’d have asked him and he’d have given me a bullshit answer, fuck knows I can’t remember but I am sure as shit he’d not have told me he was underage because I would have told him to get of SL and he would never have stayed on my list either.
Plus what about the people he was with before you while he was underage he could have put them in some serious trouble. Kaiden clearly doesn’t realise actions have concenquenses clearly.
It’s weird that both you and Kaiden can’t spell his alleged country of origin correctly every time… Even on his own Facebook. It’s Morocco and Moroccan, NOT “Morroco” or “Morrocan”. Also, why was he previously born in the UK and now as of recent not? Lies upon lies. For someone who overshares a lot about his “real life” I’ll believe who they say they are when they post more photos of themself instead of every few years changing ethnicities and catfishing using easy to google photos.
Please, go find somewhere else to be. No one cares about what you have to say. The man is clearly in question over some shit and you’re here defending him, not him though that does speak volumes to his character, but no, we get your greedy, controlling ass. To assume because they were on this persons list means they were flirting is fucking vile and right up your disturbed road of a mindset. What about his exs though? They fucking around with him while he is underage? Cause wow, gross and were is his accountability for all this? Oh right, he’s got mental issues so he’s in the clear? No that’s not how that works. Now that we have cleared up Kaiden was running around as underage cougar bait (supposedly. Cause if you’re underage and on someone’s list, clearly its sexual only according to you). How about you put your big girl pants on and work out how to make all this go away like you usually do because no one wants to hear your fucking mouth run anymore.
And before you tell me this child can’t vocalize his own defense, bitch, we have all seen his short storis on his FB. clearly the boy can defend himself.
People are supposed to be at least 16 when joining SL and those under 18 are restricted to G rated sims. How do you suggest anyone confirm RL age? I sure as hell am not showing anyone my RL ID. No one should!
If you want to keep believing he’s just turning 21, go ahead. Maybe you should be the one confirming his age.
#13 Know when to keep your mouth shut. You blowing his cover will only lead to him getting better at masking his bs in the future. Be smart, play dumb.
bummer week
got that right. was hoping more juice out of NH or even the new Albion Falls community
NH has been pretty tame lately, the trash has slowly all been taken out.
# 28. For people engaged in Second Life who appreciate family role-playing or capturing photographs for this purpose, I am seeking clarity on why this is viewed negatively. Could someone enlighten me if I’m overlooking a critical aspect? To me, this seems akin to taking a conventional photograph with a child with a mom or dad. ???
Nobody in this thread understands the point of the post; no one was sexualizing the HUD or thinking there was anything wrong with people holding kid avis. They are saying that the much more popular creator of OMY is copying some pre-existing product by a similar name that no one has ever heard of, because apparently no one but them ever used the term “snugglebug” before. I guess my great-grandma must be involved in that unknown store, from the grave.
Next thing you know they will be accusing Truth, Doux, Foxy, Stealthic, and Rama of copying each other because they make simillar hairstyles. I would be very surprised if this isn’t the same person that accused Shelina and Wolf of being paedos last time this HUD was posted.
the OMY Shelina? a pedo? whaaat?
She was accused of being a paedo for making a hud so that parents could hold their kids. It was a ridiculous claim.
Some people have sex on the brain and can’t look at anything without thinking about sexualizing it or how someone else must be sexualizing it. Others think anyone who has a child avatar must be severely mentally ill and a pedophile because SL is an adult game so that means it’s a sex game. There are also “bad actors”, family roleplayers who are nothing but drama and into some dubious things.
Certain groups of people use sl for pixel sex and falsely assume everyone does. There are loads of reasons to be in sl Sex isn’t the main part of most people’s SL but the people coming here to “dish” it seems to be what they are here for.
There’s people who can only think about SL as a place for virtual sex. Then they see a child avatar and their mind turns it into “ewww why you are pretending to be a child in a sex game?!” They simply cannot imagine that others could be roleplaying stuff that is not sex-related.
If Kayden is really only about to turn 21 and I’ve heard that his partner is like in her late 40/50/s isn’t that a crime in the United States??? Id be happy to know he’s really over 35 be cause that she age cap is really troubling! this woman might be pedo!
if someone is over 18 then they’re an adult you fucking retard
Pardon me, fuck face but I’m pretty sure you can lick their ass with out calling people retards you fucking bottom feeder.
They both are lying about age and kaiden was fucking around with older females and possibly men when he was under the age of 18. Given Pandoras “kid will be kids” bullshit she don’t care he did this or see any issues with the danger he put others in or how it would make them feel. So kindly go back to your rock.
hey i know this is unrelated but i really need your help with something right now
He is about to turn 21. I’m his partner and I’m definitely not in my late 40s or 50s. It wouldn’t be a crime because anyone over 18 is a legal adult, but it isn’t the case anyway. I’m happy to clear that up though.
Are you going to lie about your age too now? we know.
so fucking clear it up!
In other news, I heard Rei is really channeling her inner Stalin and has turned Cedar Creek into a G rated community.
meanwhile theres still no new sim like she said was coming months ago right before the Huntington Vallery redo. She also has said the whole town was being redone. Map still looks the same to me.
Someone sent me an argument after she got rid of the orphanage and spoke to her residents like they were just peasants. Maybe that is one of the sims she is redoing?
While I am honored to see one about me lol, I think this was a bit much and maybe you missed my point.
If you watched the whole video, I did thank those same creators for giving the gifts even if I was sad about them. Skins are expensive and it was generous. However, most of the creators who didn’t go beyond a pale skin tome, create darker skin tones already. So it’s not like it was some hard task, they have tons in their store. I have them in my inventory. So it wasn’t that they had to suddenly learn to do dark skintones on a deadline, they just chose not to do any for darker people. That sucks, it makes me feel left out so I said what I said. <3
I don’t wear revealing clothing like that and perverts still say gross things. Don’t victim shame, perverts are perverts. No man or woman should send sexual messages to another person without that person verbally inviting it.
39: the real outrage here is that shape. What the fuck is with this reborn thing where they put the shoulders to 0 and the hips to 60+? it looks ridiculous, flat chest or not. Also “arm length” people, “arm length”.
45. These people on here again? Stg it’s bimonthly lmao
They are the kind of people who have to tell you theyre “so not about drama” so you know they are neck deep in the stuff. Weren’t her or her kids on here a month or so over copybotting, too? Sheeeeesh
Kaiden Tray – The king of no original ideas. Tsk Tsk! This guy has stolen more sim ideas from other landscapers than I can count on my 10 little meaty fingers. Then cries and moans about others being toxic simply because they are also landscapers. Absolutely pathetic little excuse of a “landscaper” Go touch grass little boi and stop stealing so many sim designs from actual talented landscapers.
I second this. He opens his specific rental communities to intentionally copy and compete with others, then claim he’s original. And his groupies kiss his ass over it.
Once again.. inaccurate but I guess we are just throwing whatever out here and see if it sticks? I don’t know. There are two communities… first one was Wandering, NY. I don’t know of any other cityscape communities out there. New York was chosen because that is where I live when I’m in the States and I wouldn’t shut up about it. The only other one I know off the top of my head is Pippa’s Chicago, and they are not the same at all. Feel free to mention which ones were copied. The other is a Blake Sea community. I literally don’t know of any others. Please list specifics and not just general accusations, thanks!
I find it funny because I know a resident of NY sim who claimed to her whole circle of friends it was her idea and she pushed you two to put together the NY sim for her. It’s really so funny the people who try to take credit for other peoples work.
I will say whether 21 or 35 doesn’t matter, lots of people their avi is a different age than they are. Also lots of under age people end up on online platforms. It’s common and I have reported a few over the years.
Don’t let these toxic posts get you guys down. At the end of the day the communities and landscape work done is amazing and anything beyond that is no one’s business.
I have absolutely nothing against anybody playing in SL, even if they are underage as long as they are honest about it. If he is just turning 21 he certainly has not been honest about it. He’s been in relationships over the years and I highly doubt they have been innocent and some will have been while he was underage which could have put the person he was with in a whole heap of trouble.
That’s the actual worrying part, he and Pandora don’t seem to understand the shit they are pedalling about this. If he is 21 and this is a BIG IF then he has a lot to answer for, he could have put a lot of people in a hell of a lot of trouble.
Also being autistic, schizophrenic and whatever other disabilities he says he has does not excuse any of the behaviour he’s shown over the years.
I totally agree it’s not okay if he was underage and dating older women.
But also agree his disabilities have nothing to do with his behaviour not an excuse and not to be brought up based off anything. You can’t know what he might be suffering from mentally so saying he is or isn’t is just not needed. It isn’t an excuse and shouldn’t even be relevant to the conversation.
I initially made a different post but now I understand you are one of the landscapers he is referencing in the initial FB post that is toxic from another post on this thread. Nevermind… Of course you feel that way lol. Thank you for proving his post though.
It’s actually very comical that you try to say that just because I, or someone else, hates him is because they simply MUST be a landscaper and are jealous, ah yes tale as old as time, it just has to be because they are so super jealous. Because no one in this virtual world could dislike him at all unless they are a jelous landscaper. Please for the love of God.. get a grip on some reality, or seek some professional help that both of you are in desperate need of. You are literally on every single comment trying to defend him, yet making it worse instead. Non of these coments prove a single thing on his post except to say that he, and YOU are actually the toxic ones and are afraid of a little competition, or afraid of being caught stealing yet another landscaper’s ideas. I think the numbers on here speak for themselves on the incredible amount of dislike this guy has racked up over the years. Please, honey, get over yourself and get out of these forums. Literally no one here cares about anything you and your pathetic little Catfish of a “husband” have to say. If anything its just pure entertainment at this point and maybe just a smidge of pity that you are so obviously desperate to cling onto any little fake SL fame.
“Honey”, The amount of hate you (and others) express is disturbing to decent folks. You of course are also full of bitter envy no matter how you try to spin it.
ok, and there y ou go again yes it just has to be “envy” and nothing else,(and yes I have to assume its one of you two under a different name because wow that is eerily simular to the way Pandora has been spouting her nonsense crazy bullshit. You two need to come down to earth. Just saying.. Sweetheart. There is nothing decent about about being a trashbag of a human who steals original ideas, lies and catfishes, then goes on FB to cry about people being toxic when displaying the same exact behavior. I said it before,and I will say it again. Seek professional help.
#30 – With “friends” like this, who needs enemies?
So, that’s me. I never once said that graphic design is my passion. It’s an easy website to build to just put things in place. And yes, I fucked up the XX and XY (you transphobe?). I never claimed to be some super smart person.. I was also rushing through a lot of things and by the time I caught it, I said “Fuck it, I’ll fix it later.” And never got around to it.
You know, would have been nicer to just come to me and say ‘Hey, you did this wrong.’ And I would have fixed it immediately. I probably would have even said “OMFG, I’m so dumb, ty for finding that for me, I appreciate it.” But you know, make fun of me instead.
But it’s cool. I know that a lot of people have to do the small things to make fun of others in order to feel better about themselves. Never mind that the people that do these things are volunteers, or that they might be doing a lot of things at the same time. Or dealing with getting hit by tornadoes and not having power or internet for a week. But yeah, let’s just make fun of people.
People: Join this site with out realizing that the site is for drama.
Me: 😐 you do realize this is a drama site right?
You mean like you came here looking for drama, which is the reason you posted that stupid secret. You know this is a drama site, so you want to stir the pot, despite the fact that you have been banned from SL for having an inappropriate account.
20 – How the actual fuck are you going to be salty about a rescue puppy. Get a life
36/37 – You are not entitled to a positive response when you impose your attention on a woman, especially if you’ve had no previous contact with her otherwise. It’s entirely possible she’s looking for attention. Just not from you. That looks like a shop. Stop bothering women while they’re shopping
Sorry, but if you are constantly walking around looking like a street whore and even less clothing you will be seen as a whore. How can you get upset for being seen as what you put out there and portray self in the first place.
Nah, you’re right. I don’t understand why so many people are defending it and even admitting to doing it themselves. Yes, you’re dressing like whores if your tits, ass, and vag are all hanging out for the world to see.
I’d also love to see you all defend a guy if he was walking around with his junk hanging out. Would he be within his right or would he just be a pervert and a creep? It applies both ways.
Those tits, asses, and labia(the vagina is the inner canal, if it’s “hanging out” that’s a whole other very not sexy thing) are all the same few people’s artwork- minimum dozens and possibly thousands of other people are wearing the exact same ones. You’re not hiding anything by wearing panties; everyone knows exactly what any parts you might have look like. It’s pretty fucking dumb to compare them to anyone’s unique real life genitals and the connotation of those being on display in a real public place.
Nice attempt at a straw man though; when you have to invent things no one said to bolster your “point”, that means you don’t have one. For the record I don’t care at all if guy wants to hang his P out, as long as it isn’t constantly hard, because that just looks ridiculous- and as long as the venue is appropriate, which is exactly the same way I feel about women who wear skimpy clothes. Keep that shit out of G regions, anywhere it is against the owner’s rules, and away from areas where there are kid avis, and you’re all good.
You’re crazy, girl.
PS_ what if I told you no one is “walking around looking like a street whore”, cause there is no street, and no tits and no vagina, because its allll pixels*jazz hands*
I bet you ask what a woman was wearing when you hear she got raped.
Looking isn’t rape. You are leaping to justify it. There is none. If you are walking around your tits, ass and crotch for all to see guess what they are going to see and comment. You were seeking the attention and got it. Don’t be pissy now with false pride.
You can look all you want. It is when you intrude upon that person that you become a creep.
Could you point out to me where I said looking is rape? I’m commenting on your insistence that wardrobe justifies harassment. If I am walking around with my tits, ass and crotch out for all to see it’s because I feel like it and the fact that you are incapable of looking at a woman as anything more than a sexual object says a whole lot more about you than it does about me.
I am a female. I simply understand cause and effect, action and consequence. You absolutely did jump to put rape in there as a comparison. Not one. Nor is a message harassment. Continued sure but are you just too stupid to hit block then oh wait if block then can’t get the attention right?
Actually yes, a single message can easily be harassment, depending on what it says and how the recipient feels about it. What’s most important about this comment though is that you have clarified you’re not a bitter man who can’t get the attention of these women you’re calling whores- you’re a bitter bitch who wishes she could get the attention that men give them. How very pitiful. How many hours a day do you spend standing around hookup spots seething that no one IMs you because you dress like you’re allergic to fun? You’ve already admitted you’re too poor to do anything else.
It’s just blatant bitterness- they admit in another comment that they are too broke to do anything but sit on their computer. Probably they are one of those guys with super out of date avatars that constantly hits on girls in gross ways based on how they’re dressed and then seethes when they ignore or reject him.
you judge someone based on their appearance and make negative comments when none are needed or asked for. you see nothing wrong with that? please show a photo of your full avatar so we can do the same.
You are not entitled to bother people in public places, just minding their business and trying to shop. Period.
Either you are some weirdo religious freak, a broke guy with no game, or a jealous bitch getting mad because nobody talks to you when you dress like you have a stick permanently lodged up your ass. The pictures in those posts are so bizarre too, like neither of those avatars looks up to date; I’m pretty sure 36 doesn’t even have a mesh head. If you’re salty over those freebie mall refugees, you must just melt down in the presence of avatars that actually look good.
Also, good job being the “she deserved it because of how she was dressed” guy; maybe if you ever slither out from under your rock you’ll discover how truly repulsive that makes you.
nothing in these posts conveys that THOSE women were the ones to complain of getting attention/sexualized. in my view of these posts, those are random people who OP had zero contact with and just grabbed snapshots to use as his (assumptive, I know, but likely correct) misleading examples. also, there are any number of reasons for a woman to dress the way she does. it’s possibly a kink aspect of her relationship. maybe she likes to look at herself. maybe she does want some sort of attention, just not from OP who clearly doesn’t have a healthy point of view of women. maybe that avatar was out at a store trying on a new outfit or checking out something. NONE OF THAT GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO CALL HER A WHORE. the only time it’s acceptable to call someone a slut/whore/etc is when they ask you to. this goes for women AND men, and everyone in between or outside of. period. stop being a disgusting judgemental human being and just other people live their lives how they see fit. especially when their life has zero to do with you and effects in no way. if you don’t want to see it, derender or show only friends.
#16 – she completely skimmed over the skin stores that *DID* use a POC in their ads. This video was sensationally biased, as it was more diverse that it was last year. Daisy needs to work on her production to create more well rounded videos instead of rants.
I’m pretty sure I included the ones that did create skins for everyone and even thanked the ones that didn’t. Though it’s possible I missed some, there were a lot of gifts. Sorry if I did. 🙂
#4- 10000000% Truth- That girl is so fucking annoying. Someone take away her admin rights too.
For anyone who may want to know, her old legacy name was Sami Huntsman before she changed it to Sami Puddles. If it brings any memories to any one else.
Both were last names of failed love interests of hers, I believe.
Agree! Sometimes she opens 2 groups saying the same thing. Like, okay you want attention we get it now shut up T.T
Yup, saw her open up Breathe group saying she’s enjoying the nice new hotel and she’s relaxing at the pool/beach, few seconds later she’s in Maui group saying she’s bored at the place where she is. I had to laugh lol
The sad thing is, she plays innocent now like she was a whore/slut whatever in the past. Now she just says things in these chats and local like she is paid for it, but she doesn’t actually do anything, and she is a good girl. Like her profile tab pick anyone believes?
I agreeeeee!! She makes my skin crawl.
Samantha Prator no one cares about your shitty art or proof videos, no one wants to deal with you at all. You are nothing but drama who screams when you don’t get your own way. Everyone who has had the misfortune of meeting you has receipts of your awful behaviour, clearly you haven’t changed at all. Your post shouldn’t be here you’re permanently banned from secondlife.
Funny how my roleplay is getting attention when half of Secondlifes is actually not their roleplays are dead; I am also gaining support on Deviantart. My Roleplay is actually being successful because I ‘ve taken what I’ve learned from Secondlife; and improved. I have better friends who treat me nicer and they do know about this drama. I’ve been on medication for my mental issues and I’ve had mental health care support; I feel bad for you Lemon because you are stuck in the past instead of realizing I’ve not touched Secondlife in years; the ONLY reason I posted here is because I was made into a liar when its the other way around. I ask you; how would YOU feel if you were insulted and treated like a baby at an Adult age? it’d drive you mad too. I have MORE proof to give to Kess that I am actually innocent and why this drama took place is not my fault. You people STILL talk about me like I matter; maybe it’s time to let me go. If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be responding. Clearly; you do care. Virtual Secrets has a few other “Relic members.” of Secondlife posting not just me. Kess is also banned Permanently from Secondlife or did you not know this? I research my websites before posting. https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2018/09/sl-secrets-linden-lab-second-life-blog.htm Kess is running a rumor mill site ; they got banned eventually, Lourdes did as well. You clearly do care; or you wouldn’t be responding to me. I understand that your probably angry you didn’t get BOTH sides of the story; even Youtubers are learning this matters as we speak. I mean Kess no harm by mentioning the previous bans; everyone on VS in the past that I’ve spoken to knows about their bannings and yet… Read more »
You say to let you go but you are the one that came here and posted that stupid secret. You are the one that is looking for attention and drama by doing that. Then you claim you have this amazing rp but is it the one server that you have been trying to get up and running since around 2015 but you keep freaking out in it and people leave? If anyone has mentioned you, it’s purely to tell others not to act like you, since you are literally the perfect example on how not to act. I have never heard anything positive about you, it’s all negative and yet, you come on here acting like you are actually someone. Go check your ego and entitlement at the door because you sure don’t deserve either of those.
Are you talking about the friends who live in your head? Or the ones who administer your meds when you’re on holiday in a care facility?
go away samantha…get help…
are there cameras in your lights again? do I need to call your mommy and the pysch ward again have them take you away? I got you locked up before already. Nobody cares about your RP, nobody cares about you. We all want you to go away and crawl into whatever crazy brained world you want to live in. Nobody needs 2 sides, we all know you are batshit nuts.
Samantha. Bloody hell. Stop.
11 Your mom’s face is looking like a freebie hall.
Who are you to talk?
You’re pedo bait, make yourself look and act like a 12 year old, you sleep with your friends partners, and cheat on your partners. You’re an awful human being who fakes being besties with everyone while caring about no one but yourself. Your only true friend Dani, you make fun of to your other friends and call her stupid. Girl you need a reality check and mirror.
Oh wait! Sorry were you just trying to get back on VS because no one cares about you anymore?
Have you stopped lately to look at your avie? #Iamjustsaying #canyougetmoredrunk
she is always ugly, always will be inside and out
Probably why Aaron dropped her ass so fast?
Did he dump her fast? Or did she ruin his whole life, get a sober man to drink again, fucked guys behind his back, tried to fuck men in front of him, tried to sell him off to other girls and so much more.
I always felt bad for Aaron, he lost a rl woman who loved him for a cruel married woman who said she loved him while making fun of him behind his back. I hope for his sake that he leaves her in the past like Carson did.
She is garbage, but Facebook seems to love her. She gets plenty of attention over there. Just goes to show the toxicity on that platform. Now, Aaron is a grown man. Whatever he chose to allow or put up with is his problem. Men really need to think with their brains and not their dicks!
I think just like for women it can be hard at times. When a narcissistic partner gets their hands on you. Luci is a master at her crafts.
39 – A whole new level of “WTF” going on there, waist up is clearly pre-teen, waist down is the thighs of a 40 year old. What? Did they think that would negate the sick aspect of the pic?
thats a femboi you dolt
Tell me you can’t tell the difference in a boy and a girl without telling my you can’t tell the difference in a boy and a girl.
Yeah, I know Crew claims it’s their femboy, but starts to lose credibility when you look at their account and it appears they have more adult female avis on facebook than the alleged femboy or male avi.
because femboi do veer towards mainly feminine hence “fem” boi. Jesus your stupid is showing
Because everyone in SL uses the same avatar all the time? Find a less narrow set of glasses to view the world though.
Looking at her proflie, you are completely right, she’s introvert that creates family instead of making friends. She has her 4ft chesty main “sister”, her alt brother kye, her alt furry pet enjoying lounging on the beach, and now her alt femboi family member.
#11.) Maybe it’s me, but Addams, Blueberry and Bumblebee kinda remind me of the Alexandra, Karu Karu, & Larry Jeans of the pre-mesh era. Three stores that pretty much sell the same type clothes, with the similar HUDs and Ads.
If you aren’t sure what Alexandra, Karu Karu Karu, & Larry Jeans look like, just go to the marketplace and women’s apparrel. Even 10 years after Mesh overtook system clothes, those 3 stores still pay to have their clothes run in the premium add spots. I think the main stores have closed down though.
I’d give odds that Addams and Bumblebee are owned by the same people. There are too many similarities.
OK, wow. I actually know two of the people named in secrets this week. It’s a record for me. Just lucky, I guess?
And this is me not directly reacting to either of them. One of them was basically complete and entirely accurate. The other is a “I do not know a damn thing about that drama.”
36 37 – Where did you check in from, 1974?
39 – Preteen girls do not have hips like that in consensual reality, but go team you.
Not a preteen LOL
#2 Calm the fuck down Dky Acer, no one is looking for you and no one cares!
lol i was looking at comments to see if that was indeed him… wasnt he supposed to be dead? wtf
#25 “Free Sims” Yet was charging $4L/prim for homes with less than 1000 prim on them. pfft.
I thought I was in BackDrop City since his NY sim is full of shell buildings with nothing to do.
I love how this comment is posted after the sim just did a massive 4 hour Christmas event with live music and how there is always stuff posted there. People just make up shit on this shit and try to pass it for real. Sad and mad about being broke.
Money grab that steals ideas from others. If you think he’s original, think again. The people in his places are also the same clique of fake people that are in Bridgeton and Briarwood. Boring and shallow.
I knew it would be a money grab the second they posted about building a sim. It’s just a place for their snoby fake friends and product creators of poor quality to go and stroke each other’s egos.
Lol What? We literally do not make money off our community sims. It all goes to our events (live singers, Halloween sim, etc.). I should know, I put real life money into them (which is completely fine, it is my choice). Our business partners are literally there rent free and weeks worth of rentals are given out at a time? Money grab? Good lord the inaccuracy. And what product creators? Where do you guys get this info?
i CAN’T wait until another rich ATTRACTIVE milf comes by and steals him from you pandroa. all the birthday parties in the world and all the sim money available will NEVER make him faithful to you. i personally know 4 women that have been fucking him on alts. haha
Sooo that’s really why he cheated on Vail to be with you! Our group didn’t believe her at first but now I get it! You’re a piggy bank for him. Once the money stops so will his affection for you haha. Do you pay for concerts too?? You must because he only started going to them since being with you. I don’t even feel bad about fucking him last month anymore. A sugar momma 😘
#20 – Buddy, if you think like this enough to post a secret, you need help. Sure, sometimes people are hiding things, but why’re you thinking “shut up and stop pretending” when someone’s talking about taking care of their foster dog or whatever other halfway decent thing they’re doing?
The poster comes across as a jealous, bitter cunt.
Poster of that secret just made themselves the biggest cunt of 2023. There was an update. The foster dog didn’t make it.
Please do not send money to people begging for donations in SL. Over the years I have repeatedly observed people begging, sometimes pictures of their avatar with a new body and other things were posted the next day. One person posted pictures of their new tattoos after claiming they couldn’t buy food for their child. In many western countries there are offers of help and social assistance, 99% of these calls for donations are lies.
If you can afford to sit in front of the computer 24/7 to complain about your life, things can’t be that bad.
Well I have 8cents to my name. I can’t afford to do much else than sit in front of the computer.
24) whats the tea on Kaiden Tray?
He’s been caught catfishing several times over the years. This time mentioned – he was using pics and claiming to be Ozzy Osbourne’s nephew, that was years ago when he now claims he was only 12 years old at that time. What? He’s an age-fish that has been in SL 10+ years but has been “just turning 21” for years. Actually hung out with him and his friends inworld back then when they’d roam in packs around decorated sims to steal ideas for landscaping/builds. There is no way in hell he was a 12 year old. He was catfishing as an “official Osbourne” in his twenties and flirting with grown women who believed him at the time. He also at one point said he was gay, and that “conflicting feeling” made him feel like he had to lie/catfish. But that was quickly brushed under the rug/retracted. He has created alts and partnered himself in the past. He also landscapes under an ex-partnered alt in case he needs a fall back or an alt to hide on when he says he’s tied up in RL. Pandora claims to know everything, and that he’s never lied, but she wasn’t around back then. It wasn’t made into a big deal because it became so laughable when he got caught so many times. He’d have a mini-disappearance and reappear shiny and new. Out of sight, out of mind. Every time he gets caught lying/catfishing, he will write up a novel on Facebook about how he suffers from autism/schizophrenia/whatever disorder fits and victimizes himself and blames his “condition” for his lies. He uses legitimate conditions as a crutch for the continuous lies and how this doesn’t infuriate more people is insane. This has happened several times over the years, not just the most recent bully post. Each time someone points out something peculiar in his… Read more »
I remember talking to Kaiden when he was “gay” I forgot about that lie.
He most definitely said he was gay, and there was a public post about it even. This was just after getting caught catfishing again, not the Ozzy nephew time, another time actually with some white males photos who was in the military. I honestly tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, until he literally said he was gay and that’s why he felt like he had to lie….multiple times. He was young and felt conflicted about sharing who he really was. His words. Then when he was caught catfishing again, the next struggle post went on to detail how he was autistic and schizophrenic, with no mention of being gay anymore. All that was erased and suddenly it was a medical condition no longer a struggle with realizing he was gay at such a young age. I was completely done with ever believing a thing this man ever said. He was not a popular landscaper back then and didn’t have this large of a following so not as many people were privy to see all that, but he definitely came up with excuse after excuse. Pretending to be gay to gain sympathy from the SL community which is notorious for being sympathetic to those struggling to find themselves was when I was done and never felt the need to feel any sympathy towards this liar ever again. People are gross, and Pandora going on and on about what she thinks is truth is entertaining at best. I’m honestly unsure if she really is a good person who is buying his lies, is a pathological liar herself, or is Kaiden, himself. That honestly wouldn’t surprise me. But that’s just speculation – everything else is truth and there are those who remember, and those with receipts. So just stop with… Read more »
To respond to this for accuracy: 1. Kaiden DEFINITELY doesn’t have a holier than though attitude. Like most people who suffer from schizophrenia or autism, he struggles to connect with people, self esteem issues, etc. I do too.. most people do to be honest. It isn’t uncommon. From helping him in SL, spending time with him irl, I can honestly tell you 100% he doesn’t have that mentality. If you read his posts on facebook, it is clear that he doubts himself and is humble often. 2. I can assure you, Kaiden has never claimed he is gay. Not that there is anything wrong with it or that we don’t agree with it, it just isn’t who he is as a person. 3. My information about him and clarity comes from knowledge of him irl, his computer which is right next to me, his emails, accounts, etc. When I’m telling you something is, even if I wasn’t there, it is clear that when you are with someone irl and know their family closely, obviously information is made clear from the past, present and future. 4. I didn’t say in these posts that Kaiden has never lied about things or is a saint. What I said was that he was a kid and acted like a kid. At the moment, everything is something under scrutiny. You probably knew him when he was literally 11 or 12 and people grow up. If you don’t think it is wrong to scrutinize the actions of a child in these photos who has suffered with mental health issues, then I don’t know what to tell you. In the same breath you will tell me that he is a stuck up asshole AND that he struggles to connect socially with autism. The standard is unreasonable.
I have thankfully managed to keep my distance from both of your crazy asses so I have no clue who you are, and I was going to stay out of this topic, but you are just too tempting.
I’m just gonna point out that the earliest men can be properly diagnosed with schizophrenia is late teens/early 20s, which means that if he’s been using that as an excuse for 10+ years since “he was 12”, that’s just another factual detail that makes all your walls of defensive text stupid and pointless because you obviously don’t know shit. Either you’re being fooled too, or you’re some predatory cougar who doesn’t care how tainted the meat is as long as it is young.
I guess his family must be too relieved to have someone else to take responsibility for that mess to question your motives. You deny being in your “40s or 50s”, but something tells me either you’re lying or they’re not that far off. How much older than him are you? 10 years? 15 or more? You’re blasting his business all over this site but have been awfully mum about your own. You’re quick to mention the legal definition of adult, just like the average male creeper who tries to date half his age. I guess it’s better to have to play mommy to your boyfriend than be alone because grown men who don’t need supervision aren’t interested, huh?
On one hand she claims that he’s too mentally fucked up to function without her while also claiming that they signed a marriage license. I’m pretty sure that would be illegal without power of attorney or someone signing for him. Or it’s a crock of shit. They’ve been together ONE year. Two years ago he was with Vail. Unless he really did cheat. They’re drowning in their own fucking lies. The woman is sick and aching for some young meat and he is obviously sucking out as much money as he can to fund his SL and rl . Either way they are both finished. God. I hope this woman doesn’t have kids. I’ve reported her to LL
If there’s one part of her story that sounds consistent, it does make sense that the same worthless parents who would give an autistic kid completely unsupervised internet access from the age of 10 on would be more than happy to pass off care of him to a sexual predator under the guise of marriage.
Kaiden is a high functioning autistic. Cut him some slack.
High functioning autism is not a excuse for any of his behaviour. This one especially, the fact is if he is 21 again which I very highly doubt that’s a whole freaking shitstorm he could have created for anyone he potentially dated in the past.
High-functioning autism isn’t an official medical diagnosis. It’s often used to refer to autistic people who read, write, speak, and manage life skills without much assistance. Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that’s characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication.
Just so we are clear on where your comment comes from. Sure it plays a part in his trashy mannerisms but not all of them. Autism doesn’t give you the right to be a trash bag.
Where I agree with you whole heartedly, it seems that there has been little evidence to show “trash bag behavior”. In the initial post, something that was done over 5 years ago at this point was referenced, which was a silly lie (to be Ozzy Osborne’s nephew) and since then it is all speculation how people do not like “Kaiden’s attitude”. Other than that it is Kaiden’s age (21) and him being born in Morroco (which he was). I’m not really understanding the crappy behavior.
They behave the way they choose to not because of an alleged developmental disability. It’s sickening how people use autism or ADHD to try to excuse disgusting behavior. “Oh, I am a pathological liar because autism.” That’s not how that works.
I’m still waiting for the proof of the pathological liar part. From what I can tell, it has literally been one lie from 5 years ago. People keep referencing this but the multiple lies remain unstated. In fact, most of this thread has been hate and personal insults towards me.
You need some serious professional help. Please, get some. Immediately!
You’re only admitting to the lie you are because you know there is probably screenshot evidence of it and it can’t be denied. What you’re doing is referred to as offering “trickle truth”, something liars and narcissists do when they are caught, admitting to only what you absolutely must while continuing to deny the rest in hopes no one can offer undeniable proof. Unfortunately for you, it appears from these threads that too many people have spoken directly to him and been personally lied to, so you just aren’t going to be able to throw off the scent by admitting the one.
How could it be 5 years ago if he’s 21 now and he told the lie you’ll admit to when he was 12, by the way? I guess basic math is as hard for you as basic honesty.
A Lot.
Aside from being attached to a jealous, manipulative, two faced, big, mouthed bitch, what else? Cause We all know Pandora is a fucking nut job. Kaden on the other hand I think is being manipulated by her.
You spelled Kaiden’s name wrong <3
You’re a fucking psycho <3
Have we met? You seem to think you know a lot about me. Have we ever had a conversation?
Yes, quite a few. No one needs to know a lot about you to know who you think you are. Exabit A is right here. You’re sarcastic one liners and taking peoples negative feelings as compliments show that you’re not comfortable being put on blast. It’s all good though. The people who actually know Kaiden, know you’re the real reason for all his pit falls, not his mental capacity.
she’ll never believe that he’s not lying about his age cuz she needs him to be young. i remember when she got exposed under sienna’s page because she took a post about pedofiles personally. shes probably one of those lonely 70 year old bitties lusting after kids on the game. I’m contacting LL today to report her.
Lol Please do. I know my own age and so do they. I have no idea why I would “need him to be young”, that sounds really weird. I don’t believe he is lying about his age because I’ve seen his birth certificate and filled out a marriage license, but ok lol
stop lying lol. you haven’t even met him. he told us.
People can blast me all they want. This initial blast was about Kaiden, and it was incorrectly saying that he lied about things, which he hasn’t. That is what caused me to comment at all. Your hatred is coming through pretty clearly… obviously I wasn’t with him with the nephew Ozzy Osborne thing. What are the pitfalls? Saying his real age and that is Morrocan? Ok, then I suppose. My sarcastic one liners aren’t disingenuous. The post is filled with hate and inaccuracy. What can I possibly say? You think I’m an awful person? Alright, think that. You are clearly going to think that no matter what I say, and you can. If you think that I’m not used to being put on blast or that it bothers me, it is pretty clear you didn’t learn much about me as a person from our conversations for sure. I honestly think if you have that much of a problem with me, we should talk it out and resolve the issues. I’d hear whatever you’d have to say. I welcome anyone too. If not, let’s not pretend that is bias is unavoidable, yeah?
you cant be manipulated by a pathological liar, they seem like a perfect fit
Thank you! We are really happy together <3
How come he cant speak for himself and it has to be you in the comments?
No one pays attention to our facebooks, do they? The majority of what Kaiden posts or says is written by me. He has trouble communicating (with his autism). The post that people are criticizing was written by me, it wasn’t even his exact words (though I just provide it to him and he changes it if he wants to). That is why in our landscaping team I communicate with clients. It is something that I do with my real life job and I handle well. We, as a couple, use our strengths together and help with each other’s weaknesses. He handles certain things for me too that are his strengths. Stress and things like this give him episodes. I’ve asked him not to look at it, so he isn’t even seeing what is posted. Honestly, it is just a bunch of trivial hate and inaccuracy. It would only affect him in a negative way and it isn’t worth it. Anyone who would want to do that to him is a horrible person. If anyone wants to, they can message him in world and ask him about things point blank. However, no one would do that, because people love to hide behind the ability to be anon.
Worst customer service and shit landscaping. What a team these two fakes make.
You could not be more wrong. You of course know that, but you just can’t help yourself because you are full of bitter envy. It must really be difficult to know you are nothing. I imagine not even your family likes you.
More hate when another landscaper? I love how these posts prove what I wrote and Kaiden approved correct.
There really isn’t. If you just ask the dude or talk to him, he or his real life fiancé is pretty blunt with everything. It is just people saying weird shit without any proof or referencing an SL secret from forever ago. Pretty sad honestly, most boring SL secret ever.
“without any proof”
What rock are you living under? For one thing, Kaiden has publicly stated on Facebook that they were catfishing as Sharon / Ozzy’s nephew and posting dozens of photos. Secondly, you can go to their page and see when their account was created (October 5, 2013) and their SecondLife account was created (August 23, 2014). They were 10 and 11 years old when they started? Impossible, considering the teen grid closed in 2011. Would that have made Kaiden a literal child in previous relationships in those years? There is no way they were just months past the age of 15 years old when creating their Peaky Blinders sim at the beginning of 2018 either……
Every time there is a RL photo on their SL profile or Facebook page it’s always a completely different person…It isn’t hard to reverse image search photos.
No one is living under a rock. 2. No one said the nephew thing didn’t happen, I said previously he was a child. I admitted it happened. 3. It isn’t impossible, I know multiple people, not just Kaiden, who have participated at the age of 11/12 in SL. 4. yes, he was very young when the Peaky Blinders sim existed. 5. I have only known Kaiden to have one facebok and I’ve never seen a photo posted that doesn’t look like him. There are plenty of details about Kaiden’s personal life I’m obviously not going to get into, but yes.. those things are very true and I have all the real life information to know they are very real. Saying something is impossible or isn’t the case when it is in fact the case doesn’t it so. Now that being said, if you don’t want to believe me, it’s fine. You don’t have to. I am literally saying something is the way that it is and you don’t have to believe me either. However, I have no reason to lie.
Actually, way more people than you think think this wash out is pretty pathetic. Ask the trail of unhappy customers he leaves behind and they will tell you all.
There is no trail you envious piece of shit.
Please take your name as a sign to seek treatment. If you need to support Pandora and Kaiden, feel free to but do so in a manner that speaks like you’re being productive and not a prime example of the filth they keep in their trash pile. Thank you.
In the past 2 years, I’ve been a part of all the “unhappy customers”. There have been about 3, maybe? If even? If anyone does a little research, it is obvious there are way more happy customers, and their reviews are everywhere. In fact, most of these post responses are personal attack comments and have nothing to do with landscaping at all.
Well he is not a he at all. Idiots… anyone who believes anything Kaiden says is a special kind of stupid. Cam up or shut up but that will never happen.
What? lmao.
If there wasn’t a clear difference in the way that you two speak I’d almost think you were another Kaden alt. Pandora have you really met Kaden tho? You aren’t the first partner to claim that they’re sitting right next to him. Last time he was on Slsecrets and got mass exposed as he does (every year) he was single with in days. Because he leaves them once they’ve served their purpose. I was his friend for years and watched older women come in and out when he’d turn them away after using them for sex and money. I don’t fucking like you and you know this but you need to get some help and stop preying on him for his age. Young dick is everywhere.
The thing is, for all the “oh no you’re bad” at everyone outside that clique (yes, Maven and Catriech, please, complain about cliques. You’re in one. Arguably, one of the worst ones)… We all knew the sim wouldn’t last. Everyone who wasn’t sucking off the admins and their friends knew that it was only a matter of months before the sim would close. We all thought Catriech would turn her attention to her store, Maven would go off on another business trip, and Aegon would get bored after everyone who might prove interesting RP to play against got shoved off and out of the sim due to his need to be the smartest, most cleverest boy. Thank you for the Christmas present of ten pages of the most self-centered, egotistical, masturbatory ramblings ever in GoT RP: “Shifting Blame and Avoiding Responsibility: It’s important for adults to take responsibility for their actions rather than shifting blame onto others. Owning up to one’s behaviour is key to maintaining a trustworthy, cooperative community environment. Accountability is essential in fostering a positive and thriving roleplay experience for everyone. We are all adults, shit happens, own it and grow.” How about you read your own letter? You’re both adults. One of you has children. If you don’t want the reputation of being hypocritical flakes, don’t act like hypocritical flakes. But don’t worry, you’ll eventually try again, and you won’t make any changes to how you do things, and you’ll be welcoming the same players you’re bitching about now, and others will give you another chance, because there won’t be anything better at the time. However, if you’re going to learn at least one thing: maybe next time you plan to subject your female playerbase to a surprise sexual assault event, don’t be surprised when players… Read more »
What are the details regarding that?
The big climax to their first storyline involved shepherding characters – the majority of them female – to the central cavern in the middle of the camp they had used for court for people who didn’t want to be involved in the combat.
But a twist! Everyone inside was now a hostage! And proceeded to have their fearsome NPC bandits strip and beat the women inside the cavern. Special people (the friends of the admins and their inner circle) got to be stripped naked and whipped. Everyone who wasn’t important enough to singled out for storyteller-administered nudity and violence were instructed to write out how far they wanted their assault to go.
Apparently, Baegel, their blind, deaf, elder-abusing rental admin (she likes to complain in general chats about how her mom fell and shit herself and she couldn’t RP until she cleaned that up) claimed that she decided the twist of sexually assaulting the players’ characters. And decided it was great to joke about how “I feel so accomplished that I got all the women on sim naked at once, teehee.”
So, I suppose that they technically didn’t force anyone’s characters to be raped, so that’s me being harsh. Still shitty they couldn’t be bothered to throw up some kind of content warning, and Maven gets to complain about how no-one wants to be spontaneous in their RP anymore.
Oh, but it’s Game of Thrones! Anyone can be sexually assaulted! It’s a harsh world! It isn’t realistic that there wouldn’t be sexual assault! (But it’s also not very realistic that your entire Royal Court couldn’t be bothered to actually defend their position after being trapped for two months.)
Did we attend the same event or are we fabricating our own version? I didn’t witness any rape and I remember the event being described as optional, with specific statistics on the risk of death and explicit mention of being held captive and tortured. You conveniently forgot that there was a content warning in your takedown post. What were you anticipating?
“So, I suppose that they technically didn’t force anyone’s characters to be raped, so that’s me being harsh.”
Reading comprehension much? You’re either one of the people in their clique, or one of there desperate pick-me-up lackeys trying to score bonus points with people who only keep you around to prop themselves up, tossing you a few crumbs of attention to feel valued.
Yet, you are discussing SA and playing the role of a professional victim, lying about the aspect that every participant in that event was given prior warning about its nature and still willingly decided to participate. Can you see the absurdity of your statements, or do facts simply hold no weight for you? Rather than considering this, you have immediately resorted to launching personal attacks against me.
People were not in fact warned about SA potential, if that’s what you are claiming. Though Maven predictably nuked the discord and any receipts. And yes stripping people down, assaulting and threatening them in suggestive ways is in fact SA, though not technically r*pe. You seem to be intentionally picking and choosing how and where you respond in order to slant your own narrative and bias. I will agree people were surely free to ftb or not be involved at all and it is a dark, adult genre. But it is disingenuous to imply they had reason to expect that variety of danger, when every other event up until then had merely involved random death by dice roll.
There was a warning about torture and death, which is why the event was optional. The warning I am referring to occurred in-world at the start of the battle. This merely indicates that you did not even participate in the event, yet you now hold such firm opinions about it. Once again, SA was not imposed upon anyone. As TLDR mentioned, the moderators allowed the players to choose the extent to which they feel comfortable and gave them control over their own torture or assault, unless they were purposefully causing trouble. Am I the one selectively choosing or are you distorting the events to discredit others?
Torture and death does not have to equal SA, which again, is what you’re conflating. It’s an important distinction that a mature adult with some grasp of the nuances of consent should be willing to acknowledge
Did you, or did you not know before you decided to attend the event that your character had the opportunity to be sexually assaulted?
Yes or no.
Not death. Sexual assault. Did they, or did they not tell people prior to the event’s start that they were going to put your characters in a position to be sexually assault?
Welcome to got, we turn into nasty bitches when we don’t agree. Blue skies is a lackey now because they added the truth. Can’t they just be a person in the discord ffs
Blue skies is right the event had a warning and a chance of death announcement.
The admins also sent out an apology message too. It was the first big event and the ST made mistakes. 🤷♂️
Just stop
Their apology message was “we didn’t have enough storytellers to run the event smoothly! We know it wasn’t realistic, but Martin’s not realistic either.”
I’ve clearly stated that players are well aware about the chances of death. That’s something all GoT sims have.
Did they, or did they not post a warning about participating in a SA event at the start of the event, or in the event notice? Anywhere on the discord?
No. They didn’t event want to say the battle was going to happen at their little archery lesson because “element of surprise!’
Or were players involved in the cavern scene told “just write out what you’re comfortable with”?
Come on, prove me wrong. Post the announcement where they told players running to the cavern would involve being taken hostage and sexually assaulted. Link to the apology and “Pain Points” post.
I’d love to be proven wrong.
This was a plot supported by smaller events over the course of the sim open. Each one had announcements and chance of death / torture. You acknowledge that. The three types of torture are: mental, physical, sexual.
Do I agree with no explicit mention of sexual assault? No. But it is also hard to think medieval times when we live in 2023. Manning a 40+ people event isn’t easy so some of your comments are unfair and you know yourself, malicious. The minute it got too much that was your queue to log out, some did, others read the notice and didn’t go.
You’re grouping IC with OOC with a bias view. Nautia was beaten IC because of ICC. We all seen the discord announcement in looking for RP. She gets the letter from the king and shows it to everyone in the camp laughing. Then she does her own announcement IC recognising the women in the cave. Before all of that she demands recognition from the hand who wasn’t aware IC but she assumed him to be. There was no consideration for real life or time zones for anyone to catch up. The men were thanked first because that’s what he knew. Keeping it IC there was also another event where all the women were given actual made necklaces and an apology.
So that’s two ooc announcements, two IC recognitions. You want the receipts posted, I have them all but what good would it do. Look at the state of the thread, the community think we’re idiots and rightly so, we can’t even write together anymore it’s all become an ooc shit on each other fest. Even Tina Fey can’t help at this point.
The hand was not aware of what? That women in the cave had a bad time? That’s what we’re going with?
Since you are the one who made the accusation, you should be the one to provide proof that they did not announce it. To provide context, the announcement was made to everyone present on the sim floor at the beginning of the battle. This is how the staff determined the participants in the battles and those who would be captured in the cave. Did you even attend this event on which you have formed so many opinions?
My client is correct, your honor. Unless plaintiff can produce a time machine and take our gentlemen of the jury back to the day of the so called occurrence to unequivocally verify a lack of warning that sexual assault was likely to occur, we must assume he is lying.
Good lord this was a wild ride. I’m not like #TeamBaegel or anything, but I don’t think it’s fair to say she’s an elder abuser. She is the soul caregiver to a very disabled elderly mother and she’s handicap herself. Let her have SL as an escape from reality. Her RL is a bitch enough.
She isn’t blind. She’s legally blind. Which is the same as many people who require glasses. She’s so blind, she does nail design for a living or something.
And I wouldn’t bring it up if she didn’t advertise her lack of regard for her mother across multiple general chats.
Additionally, if “enjoying SL” meaning surprise sexual assault events for RPers, then laughing about in general chat …
Then she needs to find a other escape.
…this was wild.
they just sat there for months? Until the corset rippers came?
Oh, they had a drinking contest event where Maven’s character’s body was found stabbed to death (He was the Lord Paramount of Dorne, but never showed up on sim until he was made a moderator). There was a tea party? There were two scouting missions: one which noblewomen who had never seen a day of action in their lives participated and then died along with other characters… And a second scouting mission that was all NPCs, and results didn’t come back for over a week until the literal day before the “climactic battle” – but yeah, nothing was done, despite a few players trying to RP organizing defenses, they were ignored and harassed. One of those people ended up just taking a break until they were slated to arrive to Sunspear/the entire plot was over because players got mad OOC for infringing on their efforts (to the point Aegon immediately rescinded those orders with a Margaret Thatcher gif) and another got their tongue cut out for, among other things, trying to get a survey of available fighting men (it was claimed he was trying to start a civil war). All the while, the player base was being told that they couldn’t get messages out for aid(until they could, it’s unclear), and the Hand of the King was told they were not allowed to use the three+ dragons that they had with them in the camp. Until a storyteller was allowed to use a dragon in a scouting mission. So, TLDR, yes, they sat around in a desert camp for two months RL until the admins decided to act out their final battle, which involved the surprise twist of sexually assaulting the women present at the event. And then Maven here has the gall to complain about players lacking initiative. About… Read more »
Hi Jetis/Willas .
Your alt has been outed. We weren’t amused with you constantly trying to throw a wrench in our plots on this sim anymore than the last 5. Why don’t you open your own sim and see if you could do better
-please just go to Gor from now on
Wait, isn’t the point of rp to have other people throw a wrench into plots? Isn’t that what’s supposed to make rp interesting? Talk about sims being admin playgrounds.
The letter was largely correct, but the problem is that they’re complicit too. Makes me glad I passed on ATB. Didn’t learn anything from RoC, obviously.
If it makes you rage for someone to “throw a wrench in our plots” by reacting as anything but a grateful NPC, then perhaps you haven’t really set up the sim for actual roleplay and should save us all the time and frustration by saying that at the outset.
Not when your definition of throwing a wrench in stories entails insulting other characters through excessive thought posting and publicly calling out every single plot that doesn’t involve your character on Discord whenever you deem it “unrealistic” according to your peculiar puritan standards. This is the same person who spent hours complaining out of character that a sept tent does not exist in world, claiming it to be unrealistic and threatening OOCly to issue in-character consequences to others for it. There is a reason why even those who disagree with the document released by Maven cannot tolerate this person and are mass downvoting her.
Which GoT sim doesn’t have a Sept?
I do think it’s odd you have nine plus tents full of chairs and couldn’t be bothered to set up a chapel given the prominence of religion in GoT.
And so, given the visual medium of SL, my character used the nature as his Sept to pray.
Sounds like I found my own solution.
You indeed found your own solution after publicly throwing a fit about it. Thank you for validating my point.
Somehow I managed to avoid writing a ten page open letter to the broader community about it.
Define derailing plots: Cause: Bandits attack the King IC action: Tries to get people together to organize a defense rather than waiting for the Hand of the King /regional leader to do it Cause: One LP killing another LP in a duel, with sister of murdered LP still wanting to marry murderer IC Action: Harbors intense hatred for the man who murdered his Lord Paramount and in backstory, character considered to be close as family Cause: Two months of being trapped in a camp with no public action on defense IC Action: Sends petition to Hand of King with recommendations for action Tries yet again to organize some group defense including sending an IC request to every banner house on sim Cause: This all happens in Dorne, a place where a Reach Bannerman whose family has a history of city being attacked by Dornish, where, according to ATB’s timeline, one generation ish away from war where Dornish were the enemy, where character has his king, family and friends trapped IC Action: Thinks the Dornish suck, does not hide this fact. Cause: King beats woman he considers sister into a coma IC Action: Begs liege lord to keep him busy for fear of committing regicide due to previously displayed bad temper, RPs out guarding her unconscious body until character recovers, arranged meeting with Hand of the King to address the escape of man involved in that beating In character consequences of all this: Tongue gets cut out. Does not retire character, but plays out the disability. Whoever I may or may not be, how exactly did any of that derail plots? Do you not want players to show initiative? Do you not want players to respond and react to your sim plot? Do you not want players to include others rather… Read more »
Jetis / Willas, We are a few different people here and around 20 upvoting what we are saying all saying and agreeing with the same thing. This sounds very harsh and I hope it doesn’t cause you a strain on your mental health, but rather that you take these criticisms to change your behaviors going forward. I for one am very glad this has been aired so openly. I believe the reason that your out was so easily outed is because your behavior is so recognizable despite playing a different gender and being on a different account. Also, this isn’t the first time someone has pointed out your perhaps unhealthy obsession with being Dornish. I understand having an affinity for something and liking what you do, but your passion for Game of Thrones is akin to the flashing bright LED ‘X’ Elon Musk put on top of the former Twitter building in San Francisco. It received hundreds of complaints for being a disturbance of the peace and keeping people from sleeping at night. O_O I truly don’t believe you ever intend to do harm, but the hard truth is that you do and have for the years that I have roleplayed around you. Sorry to everyone involved that this all is happening around the holidays. It’s already a stressful enough time for most of us without having our place of escapism yanked out from underneath us. Baegel, no one should have said that about you and your mom. They truely are ignorant and you deserve an apology for that. For everyone called out in these posts I think it may be a good time to just reflect on your actions and conduct and remember that we are all human. Humans make mistakes and SHOULD learn from them. It’s time for… Read more »
OOC Action: Consistently dumps thought posts on other players, insulting their characters without providing substantial content or purpose or anything to respond to.
Cause: Large ego coupled with lack of self-awareness.
OOC Action: Creates multiple threads targeting various players on a public forum, feigning confusion when questioned about the purpose.
Cause: Displaying signs of a hateful personality disorder.
OOC Action: Exploits gray areas or tries to take advantage of rules’ loopholes, inattentive to the intent behind the rules.
Cause: Demonstrating acute Karen syndrome.
Sure seems like the perfect RPer to me.
In all seriousness, specific RPers really needs to take into account all the times they’ve been called out for bad behavior into account and change their actions. It’s the same offenders at every sim I can remember. Regardless of what someone’s formal diagnosis is regarding how they behave inappropriately, it’s not really an excuse if you can’t learn to cope with your symptoms after repeatedly having the same effect. train yourself to question whether or not to make the decisions you make before you do them. There’s some seriously disturbed people in the GOT community that seem to have absolutely no recourse for how to interact IC and OOCly as a reasonable person and lord knows Jetis/Willas isn’t the only one with problems that needs a behavior check. Maven is such a creative guy, but doesn’t think about other peoples attachment to their characters or how things will make them feel OOCly. He entirely focuses on exactly how his character would behave. I get this is the goal for most purists, but when someone has been playing their character for a year and a half, most would like some kind of warning before he publicly does something that completely kills a story line people may have been working on for months. It comes across very selfish. Jetis doesn’t follow any social cues and makes up her own bulldozer RP whether on her normal account or her alt. Pewop and Kae just screw around and leave a trail of women in their wake who seek male validation and attention. They both give me the ick of toxic masculinity. Idk if there’s a cure for this 😂💀 Panda gets too tiffy about things not going exactly how he plans and gets caught up in writing novellas instead of improving with other writers,… Read more »
I agree with you. It is not only them. We all have a part to play in all of this, except for the people in this comment section. Their records are spotless, and the earth is flat.
Bring your receipts. Share the emotes where I thought-posted without advertising those thoughts through words, body language, or any physical signifier of my character’s interiority. Which rule’s loopholes did I take advantage of? What gray areas did I exploit? What intent behind which rules? You mean when Maven closed the Player Issues ticket where I mentioned that someone posting an interior monologue without actually announcing anything to players was an abuse of #rp-announcements and in violation of the guidelines posted? I asked in general chat for clarification on where that would go, since an admin made that announcement, and it was recommended I open a story ticket. I did. And I was asked about my intent there, and I quite clearly stated that there was nothing my character would know about that player’s late night visit to to their father’s grave. Was there something I was missing? Or is it “rules for thee, but not for me and my friends”? Threads I created: “RE: Pain Points” “Regional channels in discord” “Where are the armies for the climactic battle?” Threads I engaged in: “Silvers vs bronzes?” But of course, blame the player, not the inconsistent plot or unfinished systems. Because if ATB hadn’t closed, I’d still be there working on a betrothal, my own storylines, RPing with family for my character’s sister’s belated birthday, and was working with several players about a small event that would involve teaching self defense to a few of my character’s female friends caught in your atrocious SA event. All while communicating non-verbally. What did you do to contribute? How long did *you* camp in your skybox to RP with your your friends, on only your friends? How many people did you approach for RP without knowing them? Or giving the benefit of a doubt on… Read more »
All the threads you mentioned that you created appeared to feign confusion with the intention of targeting others or accusing something of being false. Often, these threads were unrelated to you and would have had no negative impact if you had chosen to ignore them. You became aggressive in almost all of these threads, and it was evident that your only purpose was to create drama. This behavior was noticed by everyone and known by all. You are not as subtle as you believe. Additionally, I am uncertain why you bring up the idea of “rules for thee, but not for me and my friends” when you consistently posted in that channel with matters that only concerned your own character and did not affect others. Practice what you preach. I don’t know who closed what. All I know is what I saw, which is that you repeatedly became angry and aggressive over insignificant issues in public, to the point where people often questioned why the admins didn’t ban you. Most of your actions in the sim seemed to involve attacking other players because your concept of proper rp differed from theirs. Despite your consistent criticism of others, your own story was limited and disconnected due to your attitude and disregard for rp etiquette. You make many assumptions, and there is a great deal of negativity. Me is always right, everyone else is wrong. I don’t need to present evidence because you are the one making accusations here. What I am stating is widely known and supported by the majority of the player base. We have all seen it. If you want to investigate further, you should begin by speaking to the dornish players. Based on my experiences, they were often on the receiving end of your negative posts. Maybe you… Read more »
The truth is nobody wants you in this community. Nobody likes you. The few people who decide to give you a chance after all these years of disappointment end up feeling let down themselves. You are responsible for that. Just look around and you’ll realize it. The sad part is that all you need to do to fix this is to reflect on your actions and restrain yourself. But go ahead and continue to express your opinions loudly. I’m sure we’ll see you back here next week, repeating the same behavior towards someone else, and it will never be your fault. Seriously, ask them. I should not have to do all the challenging work on your behalf. You don’t need to inform me of their responses. Do it for your own benefitMaybe you should ask Baegel. I suspect you won’t because you have spent the last few months obsessively targeting her every chance you get. Is it because she had the opportunity to play a Martell while you did not? Jetis, We are a few different people here and around 20 upvoting what we are saying all saying and agreeing with the same thing. This sounds very harsh and I hope it doesn’t cause you a strain on your mental health, but rather that you take these criticisms to change your behaviors going forward. I for one am very glad this has been aired so openly. I believe the reason that your out was so easily outed is because your behavior is so recognizable despite playing a different gender and being on a different account. Also, this isn’t the first time someone has pointed out your perhaps unhealthy obsession with being Dornish. I understand having an affinity for something and liking what you do, but your passion for Game of… Read more »
People have been throwing the words toxic and abusive around a lot. I must say that claiming concern for someone’s mental health while contributing to a very public take down of them with the sort of extreme phrases that are often found in a narcissist handbook such as “no one likes you” and “no one wants you here.” is in fact extremely toxic and abusive. The TL;DR poster has a mixture of up or down votes on their various comments, and on some of the comments there are more up than down. Maybe you don’t like or want them here. Maybe your friends don’t either. But how about owning that instead of needing to demean them with the demonstrably false claim that no one does. It’s mean spirited and cruel and why most people don’t speak up or in some cases are seen to fawn over the enforcers in the more toxic cliques. You can disagree or dislike someone without needing to demean them to that extent. At the moment, for instance, Maybe He was a Dragon Man (who posted what I think was one of the first shots fired in this trainwreck of a comment section) has 40 downvotes to 24 up. I would not take this to mean “no one likes her” and I would be a right asshole if I were to say that. I think all it does show is that many more people disagree or have issues with what she said than have the emotional energy or desire to engage more publicly. I agree that calling Baegel an elder abuser is so unnecessary and crosses the line, but I would like to see the same people speaking out on that also speak out about the other places here where people are insulting people… Read more »
We all saw what she said in general chat. I suggest you turn your gaze inward before you take it upon yourself to make such broad assumptions about any player.
The reason I was not banned is because nothing I did was a bannable offense. Aside from pointing out the obvious, I still enjoyed the RP I found. I only wish that it could have been because of the sim, rather than despite it.
No-one can ignore the spirit of spite with which this sim started, and it is little surprise that it ended in the same manner. If you do not want someone at your sim, no one is telling you that you have to allow them to play there. You know my username, and should we have opportunity to be at a sim again, you take steps to ban me if you feel I have seriously done a harm.
No-one is forcing anyone to engage with me. It is a function I have exercised myself in SL.
As for using the #RP announcements channel, I used it for announcements that were public statements, or something that could be public knowledge. You know, something that could be used as an RP hook – part of the rules for the channel? If you really think I posted announcements that were all about my character’s interior thoughts, rather than statements meant for public use…Well. That’s that.
Instant thumb down for trashing a person’s real life family. Tells me the sort of person you are.
Season one Sansa is literally nearly raped by four men and the King did nothing.
Cersei is walked naked through the streets and her son King did nothing.
Daenaerys is raped and assaulted, whores are raped.
Cersei hires a mercenary to kill the women when Stannis attacks because they would get raped.
Why are you shocked??
JFC is THAT what the angry ramblings were about afterwards? And how the women received no compensation for their time/effort? No fucking wonder!
Rest in Piss ATB.
This is why I avoided that event after I heard what the hell they were doing in that cave. Some of us have trauma.
First of all get the fuck out of here with your disrespect of SA victims. I find your post shockingly offensive that you compare a fantasy made up world to a serious issue in reality.
You CHOSE to rp at a genre that includes violence against women. It’s not REAL this is a rp sim you’re talking about. You can log out of Secondlife any time.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Stay at GoT sims I don’t want you coming to clubs. If anyone looks at you wrong you’ll collapse.
Game of twats
Excuse me? You do realize that Gor exists if you want to role play out your violent rape kink, rather than subjecting other people to it? Name any other GoT sim where they did a sim-wide sexual assault event for their female characters. Are you the person that okayed this? Is that why you’re so mad? Are you offended, just like Maven and Catriech, that people didn’t love your great idea? Every GoT sim posts a reasonable-right-to-life policy as a disclaimer that there is violence, and if your character acts a certain way, they may be punished for it: death, sent home, exiled, etc. It is true that there is danger in GoT, but as we’re all consenting adults who in theory shoukd have the basic minimum of respect for eachother, are you saying that it’s okay to spring an admin-sanctioned event where players are told that if they don’t want to engage in the actual violence, they can go to X… And then without their consent “surprise” them with their characters being sexually assaulted? You think that’s respectful to SA survivors? This is SL. There are sims were you can do that. They say exactly what they are. Cap and Release, or make it clear that there will be dark sexual themes as part of their mission statement or themes. People don’t come to GoT sims to experience being sexually assaulted. Just because it exists in the book doesn’t give you free reign to disrespect your fellow players. If I go to club, I go to a club with clear expectations as defined by their rules and policies. ATB did not disclose they were intending to use sexual assault as a sim event. Try again with your outrage. And if you are Baegel with your “peanitgallery” – go take… Read more »
Who said anything about violent rape?? The comment was about sexual assault how the fuck can you be sexual assaulted in a game.
All you had to do was close and leave. Reads like you all stayed are are now complaining.
Sexual assault is a serious fucking issue. This is reality for many men and women. YES I am offended?? Obviously?? What person wouldn’t be?? You are suggesting that SA is the same for a roleplay sim.
No I am not Baegel, your comment makes no sense. I go to clubs and shop and I come to VS for the real tea.
I reported the post already. It is disgusting and if the sim owners threatened everyone with sim bans or type they are no better.
You do realize you are telling me that I am in the wrong for…finding the trivial use of sexual assault offensive? Did you have any empathy for anyone other than yourself in thinking that this would be okay to spring unannounced on other people? It’s not that hard. It’s the bare minimum of courtesy when dealing with other people if you’re going to do something like that.
Nobody but you is saying that.
There is nothing trivial about sexual assault I have tried to make that clear. I have already reported the comment, which shows I have a lot of empathy because like myself I don’t want people to get reminded when they read that and offended that reality is now the same as a game we control by choice.
You did not read my comment.
“It is disgusting and if the sim owners threatened everyone with sim bans or type they are no better.”
I don’t roleplay so I don’t know what you mean by spring unannounced. If you mean that sim owners made you all do SA things to each other then I would report them to LL now.
There was an event.
There was a plan to surprise players who did not want to be involved in the fighting with something dramatic.
That dramatic thing was to be taken as hostages.
The storytelling team decided that taking people hostage would involve stripping those people.
In order to be “respectful” the storytellers told people they could write how sexually assaulted they could be, because they supposedly wanted to acknowledge everyone’s comfort level. Certain players were singled out to be stripped completely nude by the storytellers, but it is unclear how much those players knew this was going to happen.
There was no warning that participating in the event would result in being involved in this surprise “twist.”
Game of Thrones RP Sims have a standard policy that make it clear that participating in certain events come with the risk of death, the “Reasonable Right to Life.” It is not the same for sexual assault. Some people, myself included, thought that this was an extremely shitty thing to do.
The admin of this sim, who closed the sim due to people being unhappy about this situation, among other things, wrote a ten page letter where they complained about how no-one spontaneity any more in RP. People aren’t happy with him, and this is a part of why.
Does that clarify the OP for you?
Yes that makes more sense to me thank you
I would report to LL
#22 as one half owner of the original Voodoo, i have been keeping an eye on the place over the years. Have watched what it became until it was closed. Voodoo could have been great if it wasnt for the…issues that presented its self. If the want, the need for it to be around again is there. And, for it to be ran with out the drama nor the, clique that appeared, i have everything still to make it happen.
#7 It’s ironic that someone posting anonymous slander about someone is demanding emotional and social maturity.
#28.The only thing that is wrong here is a creator getting dragged for making something wholesome.
#36/37 You seem like the kind of dude that hears about a woman getting raped and asks what she had on when she was raped.
#39 Tell me you don’t know the difference in boys and girls without telling me you don’t know the difference in boys and girls.
28 Except Snugglebug has already existed for more than 7 years, it’s a tiny tweak in name to sidestep the thievery.
So giving something a simillar name constitutes theft? Or making a simillar product? You can’t be this daft which tells me you are someone that just doesn’t like the creator and you’re probably the person that accused them of being a paedo for making the HUD last time this was posted.
Voodoo closed because the Owner had to attend to things in RL, Will it come back who knows, messaging the Owner of Voodoo won’t make it come back when the Owner is in RL in the first place.
Ayo I’ma need some context on 21 please.
I love seeing Pedo/Zoo Furries called tf out.
My comment didn’t go through before but @NyanFriend on Twitter/X has all the information on their profile. You can see their story there.
The fact they didn’t provide proof to begin with should probably give you the context clues they’re full of shit….y’all never use your brains lmfao
All I know about 21 is that Guro and their partner, Nero (Max Gloom now) like to Copybot and have been at it for a long ass time. Guro and Nero were banned from almost all sims for it in the past when they were first found out but they apparently haven’t learned their lessons on their new accounts and are still at it.
The full story is on NyanFriend’s profile on Twitter. @NyanFriend
34.Hards time come but rock bottom gotta rise up. It’s adult responsibility to take care your self and your situation. SL you can’t hold people accountable for the responsible does work that way. even in the first world. You gotta put big girl pants on sign up for those benefits in real in your state country has them. I know hard times come but up to you change your situation. But you will need to show proof to the agencies you sign up for that at pretty much all most homeless. You can get food benefits , cash benefits , even temporary social security Til you get on your feet. Never beg , Never Chase , Never Force does last long respect last longer. Only share very little of your life take some time work on self get life together. You can only rely on your self use the brain not the parts. Best of luck.
This woman and her husband aren’t struggling. They have been scamming people for years. You can say they’re on hard times, but their husband who she lives with had a livestream with plenty of fancy memorabilia in the background. Pretty sure they’re fine.
I literally lost brain cells reading this…
24 & 25
Anyone who believes anything Kaiden Tray says at this point is a special kind of stupid.
24/25 I love the fact that Kaiden and I keep to ourselves so much that the only two things people can talk about regarding us are the truth and the hardships people gave to him when he was like.. 12 (is that an exaggeration? I don’t think so). I really appreciate the fact that people are cool about bulling a young teenager. And you’re hating on someone because they are Morrocan? Icing on the cake. Really exceptional guys and gals lol. Ya’ll made our week <3 I like how it made the point of Kaiden's FB post in the best possible way too. Extra thanks for that.
Sorry but there is absolutely no bloody way Kaiden is just turning 21 now, he’s been around way to long and said way to many lies for anyone to ever believe that and if he is now 21 then quite frankly that’s even worse because he would have lied to people he was with in the past and said he was older than he actually is, quite frankly he flirted with me for a few weeks years ago and I was in my early 30’s which would have put him in his teens which is just wrong on so many levels. It’s actually freaking sick if you think about it.
Once a liar always a liar.
According to their SecondLife Spotlight on April 10, 2023, they claimed they joined (at the time) “eight years and seven months” ago and that “I was brought to Second Life by the recommendation of my real-life friend who told me about all the artistic and unlimited possibilities within the game.“. If they are turning 21 in a few days, would that have made them 11 years 8 months old when they created their SecondLife account in 2014?
Like I said, I think he was 12 when the former stuff about Ozzy Osborne went down. He was REALLY young. I’m his real life partner. I’m telling you, he is 21. I know multiple people who have been in SL since they were 11 or 12. It really isn’t that uncommon. People have been on this online outlet a long time.
So what you’re saying is your partner’s parents were neglectful and useless, allowing a 10-12 year old autistic kid completely private internet access throughout his entire teen years? And we’re supposed to accept this is more likely than someone just lying? lol ok
“12” 🤡
its called being held accountable for being a pathological liar, nobody forced Kaiden to say these things, he just does it and expects people to be as delulu as him and yourself
Nobody cares honestly. That’s right: 12. I don’t know how many years ago it was, but he is literally turning 21 on December 20th, so it made him really young at the time. The initial facebook post that he made was about people bullying him and being toxic over jealousy and petty issues, which is what this post is doing as well. This post makes the same point perfectly. People are responding to these posts with negativity, and baseless accusations. Honestly, it wouldn’t matter if he was 35, but he’s not. It is petty and brings up something from years ago that wasn’t even that scandalous then. He isn’t a pathological liar and one lie wouldn’t make him one. But, no one has to believe anything he or I say. Everyone can believe whatever they want. If you think we are delusional and call someone a pathological liar for one thing they said when they were 12, that’s fine, go ahead. All I’m saying is that it’s ridiculous, and enjoy your opinions <3
Why doesn’t it bother you, all the people who he put in danger of a life long child molester label? If he was carrying on in a sexual way with anyone in SL when he was underage- and obviously he was- while lying and pretending to be an adult, that is a whole host of heinous lies that you’re just trying to sweep under the rug. “One lie” is the most stupid thing you keep repeating out of all your asinine posts. Pretending not to be underage for literally years is literally years of CONSTANT LYING.
What is a 12 year old doing on SL?
I joined in 2019 and these lies were still happening on Kaiden’s facebook then. When he was literally “17”. “Nobody cares honestly” except the people he’s deceived and probably the identity theft of the person’s photos he was stealing. “Honestly, it wouldn’t matter if he was 35” would be equally as bad. We surely do believe you are delulu.
Once again, people have claimed identity theft. That is just a claim. All types of things are being said on this thread and none of them are true. Some people are saying he isn’t a he, others are saying completely other things.. What photos are these? Where are they? How are people knowing he isn’t him when they can’t even identify his real age correctly? Real life documents must be delusional too.
Kaiden themself claimed they were a catfish as Ozzy and Sharon’s nephew, as well as the multiple other photos he’s stolen and used… is that not stealing someone’s identity? Please clarify how this is “just a claim.” He approached me when he was gay and using a military person’s photo saying he was scared to get in trouble. Where you there during that time and going to tell me that’s not true either as well as the other things people have experienced with him? Now he’s using claiming to be 20 about to turn 21…
Look at his post from March 20, 2018. Claiming he was catfished for nearly 5 years and had to issue his ID to the police. He would’ve just turned 15 years old… So he was 10 years old when he started being catfished???????
….please find a hobby/occupation/volunteer opportunity, book club- something, anything, because you have way too much time in your possibly pedo hands.
…this is wild.
TBH Kaiden uses his own mental health issues as an excuse to be a shit bag of a human, while you on the sidelines treat people worse than dirt on the bottom of their shoes. You clearly have no grasp of reality on just how many people hate the both of you. Anyways! TOODLES!
Not everyone is going to like us, and not everyone has to. Of course we have no idea how many people hate us, people are too busy acting fake to our faces and coming on here anon to blast us. We wish people were real and open about how they feel to both of us instead of coming on a gossip site, saying lies and making fake claims. One of the people on this thread said she was on Kaiden’s friend list but thinks he is a liar while talking trash on this thread anon. If people were mature and real about things, they would talk to us directly, but they won’t. It would require too much character. People are too fake for that realness.
#34 she is ALWAYS asking for money….
That’s why she is blocked on my account.
4 – You can truthfully say this about pretty much any adult location and she can’t even confine it to local, she always has to be in the group chats as well begging for attention and trying to turn every conversation into something about her being a slut; constant cringe TMI shit. The entire grid would be better off if she would shut the fuck up.
35 – I’m surprised this got posted considering that person has been banned from this site for a long time, for her own good, because she is absolutely nuts and can’t stop giving out her rl information. If she’s been unbanned or found a way around it, we might get some very entertaining comment threads for Xmas.
For anyone who may want to know, her old legacy name was Sami Huntsman before she changed it to Sami Puddles. If it brings any memories to any one else.
I looked at Sami’s profile today, for the first time in I don’t know how long. The girl has a pick apologizing for what other people have done to HER.
“*1. EMPTY
This will remain blank – – no one wil ever prove to me that they should fill this spot. All the broken promises, lies, distrust, hateful words and abuse; has led me to this point. I can only apologize for what others have done to me and hope you understand. ”
This tells me all I need to know about why she will never again grace my friends list.
I also remember a member of Maui staff saying she looks like a gnome.
She would benefit from following a garden gnome’s actions. Standing there like a statue and not saying a word.
As someone who has no idea who either of these people are, I’m lost. Are Samantha Prater and Sami Puddles the same person?
Only on a mental level. They are different physical beings; one seeks attention anywhere and everywhere they can get it no matter how insane it looks(Prater) and while the other has settled on desperately aggressive sluttiness and venue owner ass-licking as her preferred method for attention seeking. I will give her credit for choosing the right enormous ass to lick though; there’s almost no one in SL who is more susceptible to low value simping than Bella.
Kinda weird that they now share the same initials.
Sami changes her last name for failed love interests apparently.
One a side note Bella Lethal put this out in Fuck Spot Today. Poor Sami must not be doing a good job.
Aww, her bloated ego was so bruised from the failure of FMD that she opened yet another place for people to ignore. Her whining and barely veiled threats to close the place aren’t going to be any more effective than they were for FMD though- especially not if she keeps letting Sami ruin the vibe. People who go places to fuck in public aren’t trying to have inane small talk in local- especially not desperate attention whoring from some bitch who never logs out. She’s out there making cocks droop and juices dry up and Bella wonders why the only thing that gathers at the Fuck Spot is pixel dust.
The problem I hate with anything Bella is that her family opens conferences from the group as I am sure most of us do is to turn of group chats in sl. So now I have made it in my preferences to turn of conference chats from anyone who is not a friend on my list.
It is quite annoying that those dumb bitches send conf chats. I hate the fools who call Bella a friend and think she is a good person. I was talking to someone recently and at Tryst and we got along really well up until she mentioned Bella was a great friend and good soul. That is where it ended.
I briefly had a prospective friend who was also friends with her… it didn’t take long to see why they get along, and I had to move along myself. These weird, sad, middle-aged women living out their high school mean girls fantasies are way more drama than they’re worth to deal with, and they’re really not fooling anyone with the boss bitch facade when they have public breakdowns every couple of months because they let some SL fuckboi make a fool out of them again. Seriously, all you need is a decent looking male avi and some generic flattery and they’ll pant at your feet like needy dogs- only way less cute.
“no one wil ever prove to me that they should fill this spot.”
Anyone in their right mind will steer clear of that spot.
Anyone who keeps an empty pick for their next ex is waving the biggest and reddest of flags for being desperate and clingy at the very least. I can’t remember the last time I looked at her profile, but that fits precisely with everything I’ve seen before.
Oh my goodness, fuck yes regarding #4. I made the mistake of befriending her when one of her plethora of exes ditched her. Now, I totally see why she was ditched. Everything she posts is extremely cringe TMI stuff. She has tainted nearly every adult sim I’ve been to, was even kicked out of the one I met her at, but one of the admins decided to let her back in for some unknown reason (someone who must’ve been easily swayed by a sub-par lay). She refuses to take ownership of her problems and blames them (and her untreated mental illness(es)) on others. Plus, she has a kid she actively ignores to whore around on SL! Biggest attention whore I’ve ever met, even going so far as to threaten me if I didn’t speak to her with regularity (per her definition). Fuck you, Sami. “Puddles of the Magical Pussy,” my ass. I’ve had so much better. And fellas, so can you. Don’t give into her “woe is me” attitude. All her problems (and, I fucking mean ALL) are her own doing. Oh, and copying portions of other people’s profiles or Maui tags and making them your own makes you a fake, unoriginal piece of garbage, Sami. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. For the sake of all humankind.
Think that is bad, you should see all the RL nudes she posts on Maui’s discord. Girl has some real issues. And.. apparently quite a few people think so, just watch one of them go off on her in a conference call, of course, Bella defended Sami’s behavior. Drama Drama Drama– Better then watching Soap Operas sometimes– (never watched those, but..yeah)
At this rate, who hasn’t seen the nudes? The Maui Discord ought to just change it to her own personal channel at this rate. Now, I am not going to shame anyone who shares their body in ways they prefer, but the sheer amount she has posted made me seriously question her mental stability. I mean, I had already questioned it considerably given my previous interactions with her.
Someone sent me a Facebook post of hers that alluded to “my haters don’t know me” which seems to be in response to the threads here. Blah-blah-fucking blah. Thing is, I haven’t seen anything in this thread that is contrary to my experience with her. And, we’re all here gathering and gasping “OMG you too?!” with regard to her. You’d think after so many times, she’d take a step back and say, “Maybe it’s me? Maybe I need to read a book?” Hindsight and self-reflection are wondrous gifts; which she clearly lacks.
Remember folks, everything wrong with her is our fault. She takes no accountability.
I haven’t seen them. I am not a member at Maui. Maui is stupid and lame imo.
It also bodes the question, is Sami catfishing? I’m not saying I could not possibly be her, but how many single moms truly give out nudes like that? Put themselves in this position? We all know it’s not overly hard to have someone with a bit of know how to royally take advantage of a young woman…who is being this stupid?
You aren’t missing much. Maui has turned into Cai’s Clubhouse of Cock with Bandor on behind the scenes peddling furniture in need of desperate work. But, that’s a topic for another day.
Considering how much of herself she’s put out there, I can’t say for certain if Sami is catfishing or not. But, one should be wary, in any case. There’s plenty of people out there now who’ve probably seen more of her in 5 minutes than they have of any other woman out in real life.
So was in my box that used to be her no one knows the real her now lol
She says she acts this was at fuck spot to get people to talk. This is what she does and is good at it and no one knows the real her now lol
She acts that way everywhere she goes, no matter what she does. If she pops into a sim, says her usual salutation (or splays her legs in full-view), and no one comes a callin’, she rage-quits worse than a 12 year-old who got sniped while camping in Modern Warfare 2.
About Sami, all of this. I made the mistake of being friends with her. Her exes were fortunate for getting away from her, as were the people she dropkicked for having actual lives outside of her. I was one of those friends as well.
There are a number of problems wrong with Fuck Spot. Sami is just the loudest and least hidden.
…a number of problems indeed, starting with the name.
So, the thing is, is, The Fuck Spot will end up being another place that up and closes before it’s time, because Bella doesn’t care about who or what is running it. She is allowing Sami to be the way she is, placating her, and stroking her little ego, by allowing that type of behavior. They have a HUGE following, lots of people in the group, but, rarely anyone there, because, 1. No one want’s to do voice. (do you want to try and talk over people or.. maybe you don’t want to talk at all) They say mute it, but then you are left out of the entire conversation. 2. No one is ever there. Plain and simple.
I can safely say that Sami is one of two reasons I won’t go there. She already pollutes other places I go, but people tend not to give her enough credence to hold her slutty attention.
Unfortunately a whole lot of unstable people use SL to act out in ways they can’t get away with in real life, and others are too tolerant when someone has a sob story, thinking they’re being kind when they are really being enablers. No one flatters like a guy who likes it easy, either… I’m sure whoever used that magic pussy line with her also uses it with every single other woman he’s ever gotten naked, in hopes he’ll be able to get in easy next time too.
It’s really sad to hear that she’s got a kid in rl with all the time she spends in SL- sad for the kid, who is going to have major behavior problems from being ignored. Even if you keep a kid fed and clean, there is so much more effort that’s required to actually be a good parent and you can’t put that effort in when you spend every waking moment obsessed with pixel dick.
* I’m sure whoever used that magic pussy line with her also uses it with every single other woman he’s ever gotten naked, in hopes he’ll be able to get in easy next time too.*
That is what she calls herself–
That’s even more pathetic than quoting compliments from someone else because you’re dumb enough to think they only said it to you. I was giving her more credit than she deserves, apparently.
It’s her title on her Maui titler.
It is Definitely NOT magic. She can’t keep a man to save her life.
Any man worth half their salt can sense the crazy a mile away and make a one-eighty. Nothing “magical” about it.
So glad my interaction with Sami was short lived. She sent me the first day a mix cloud recording of her getting of as a babygirl to a “daddy” asking to cum etc etc….
She left me this psychotic long message when I left town for one day for work and I did not tell her, it was last minute unplanned, how I abandoned her and I was such a horrible person blah blah….I left her in emotional distress and needy how could I.
If I only had access to that old PC I do would copy and paste that convo….
Those who do collabs with her…if you want a whore that’s your girl….
I’m glad I never did.
she is truly a mental nutcase, people like that need to find some professional help instead of spending every minute of the day in sl… if anyone knows this nutter irl can you please send cps to do a welfare check on her kids, they cannot be healthy with a mother like that..
Unless they are being homeschooled, god forbid. You would think the teachers would pickup on signs?
Maybe she does not have full custody?
Maybe she has a multiple personality disorder?
Ok I am guessing and giving benefit of doubt here.
She claims to have Borderline Personality Disorder, which she’s used as a crutch to explain away her shitty behavior. I have friends who suffer that ailment and they do not behave remotely as she does. She’s giving them and any others who suffer from it a bad name. Someone earlier in this threat mentioned her and red flags. She’s got so many it’d look like the display outside of the United Nations HQ. Someone ought to do a welfare check on her kid. I had heard her speak ill of her child more than once. Made me feel so sorry for the child. Poor kid’s gonna grow up with worse psychological issues and think her mommy’s online behavior is acceptable.
If you ever want to see the biggest ego stroke ever for her, join her personal Discord server and look around for five minutes. I was part of it way back when, but she kicked me because I wasn’t giving the slutty “babygirl” the attention she wanted. Which was strange because while she was seeking attention from me (and others), she was dating someone else. That place was full of even more psychotic ramblings fueled by a group of yes-people.
She has this on her 2nd lif:
Don’t judge a person by the words of their haters.
The version of me you created
in your mind
is not my responsibility.
ALSO FYI: I beta tested your BF/GF.
There is no hate, Sami this is the reality you created for yourself.
It’s not in our minds. You brought this on yourself. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
The cringe on that one is physically painful; why do people think being easy in second life is a thing to brag about? Congrats bitch, you’ve been the fluffer for every main event in SL? How low does your self-worth have to dip in order to take pride in being discarded for something better by literally everyone? Because that’s exactly what that would mean, if it were true. It’s beyond pathetic… I think the word for that is wretched, in the old time sense.
She stole the “beta test” bullshit from Cai Trevellion’s Maui tag. The version she claims is in our minds is the true version of herself. If we’re talking programming, she never developed beyond “pre-alpha” stage.
You got that recording, too? She must send it to everyone.
…how we wish you could share it.
If wishes were horses…
Trust me. It ain’t worth writing home about.
Sami, Coming from a bloodlines alt and being one of your lame 2-day fucks. It is about time someone put you on Secrets. You should take it as advice, and get some serious help end get off second life. You need professional help. You are not that good of a fuck. You are pathetic and you beg and throw your pixel cunt and voice sex for attention when you should be attending to yourself and your real needs. Your “Woe is Me” attitude and let’s send out my Begging Daddy to let me cum from sound cloud track you gave me on day one is pathetic. How many guys have that? Seriously? You are needy and fake af. You need serious help and should seek it. You blame people for your own issues instead of taking responsibility for your own actions. You should worry about being a mom instead of a 2-bit whore and free slut on sl. At least the ones who work at halcyon and devotion get paid for it. You just give it away and if you’re not given what you feel is appropriate attention you call then horrible Daddy’s. You don’t even know what a real Daddy or a Dominant is. You are not even a submissive or a Babygirl. Just a little girl with issues that should be addressed. Get help and get off the internet. [20:52] Sami Puddles: (busy response): You can usually find me at Fuck Spot. If Looking for the hottest place to be in SL? Looking for a place to fuck? Come to the Fuck Spot, leave the drama at the door! DC: ox_sami_xo LM: Arousing Desire (183,33,1201) Sent that to her from an old bloodline’s alt from YEARS and YEARS ago lol. [20:55] Sami Puddles: since i dont know you… Read more »
“someone I was once in the past.”
You haven’t changed an iota, Sami. Fuck off.
“I am a good babygirl to a very special man.”
That poor, foolish man…
#35 Samantha Prater, aren’t you supposed to be banned from this site?
and a perma ban from SL, who let her out of the straight jacket this time
At least she is consistent. I hear she is banned from different sites, platforms and, last I heard, KiwiFarms too. Now that takes some real talent.
She got unbanned and immediately went back to posting on her thread like an unhinged banshee.
Yup, I caught the tail end of that shit show over there. I guess she has been checking, ever since they gave her a 2 month time out, on when it would expire. Looking back, it appears that a few minutes after the time out expired, she was right back to barking at them like a rabid dog.