· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 481 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#32 you really are some jealous people to keep trying to target Sara. What’s wrong ? You jealous because you’re perma banned and can’t get into her sim or because you can’t keep your lame ass sim opened? Sara never asks her friends for money and when they donate she tries to give it back. There has always been a sign about ten percent gratuities and to tip the person directly if they don’t want to pay it. Sorry you’re too dumb to realize you can tip directly. And as far as I know, the gratuity has ended and people get 100% now because the 10% doesn’t even begin to cover expenses.
quiet hoe you deserve this
Once again. Not Sara. Reading comprehension is not your strong point, is it ? This is all pretty simple. These posts come down to pure jealousy. Have nothing bad to say about someone you’re jealous of? Then make shit up and post it like a coward on here. If you had any guts you would talk to her instead of continually posting lies like a jealous psychopath.
shut up sara
This isn’t Sara you absolute cum drizzle.
Don’t be a dick. This isn’t cool.
Which secret you’re talking about? 🤔
1\\ Oh Vincent

Those who frequent Pande have probably heard of Leon, the publicly transphobic man who claims all transgender males are confused lesbians.
Vincent must have had a really good dosage from him.
Strange, Vincent, didn’t you say you despise this man for calling your intelligence into question?
Despite this, you spread your legs for him?
I’m sure he’s charming.
#8. Smells like low self esteem..Bad enough Lucy is the laughingstock after the dreadful things she’s done. She’s a wannabe and try hard too..and She’s jealous and insanely obsessed with other girls.
#32 are you really surprised Sara Tingle the fat pig is doing this? from what jaypac says she has stalked people irl and called their jobs LL needs to do the right thing and ban her for fraud and harassment.
You cannot trsut Jp lmfao. This guy scammed people and stole from his IRL grandma a few times.
oh i know, but the recording i heard of him exposing her for what she is, does not paint him in a better light. they both know what they are doing and its sick. one takes advantage of kind hearted good people & the other targets the elderly & vulnerable when they go door 2 door to scam. Besides that jaypac is well known to be someone that reports people for giving him the same shit he gives everyone else, He can dish it but can’t take it.
Where is said recording ? Share with the class.
jaypac and his cringe stream https://imgur.com/a/qNnLp5h
You are dumber than I thought if you believe anything jaypac says. You are a loser to repeat anything he says is true.
shut up sara.
Once again, not Sara. Lolol. How about if you have a problem with Sara you stop posting on Secrets like absolute cowards and message her ? Nah. That would require guts, wouldn’t it ?
Ugly Tay Tay (JaiLyn1986 Resident)
Ugly Ahava (Ahava Blackheart) Real owner of jaypacs sim
DixieKippers (lula Fetuccio)
Ugly Kam (babi UwU)
King Of The North (jaypac Taggart)
the sim is named the valley it should be named scam land
Dear Op #44
I agree with you
344L for the top, 344L for the bottoms.
I swear they think money grows on trees.
I just wait until 50L weekends. Even Hunts events are getting worse. Can’t even hunt for free items anymore.
Dear Op #31
Obviously, all of social media, the metaverses, and the internet itself are sewage.
You just have to choose which one has the least amount of shit to hang out at.
My guess is you think Second Life is far worse than the rest of the internet.
Dear Op # 45 –
As a fellow FAT ASS unemployed retired rockstar who’s a cocaine addict. Do you really think I give a damn who’s fat as fuck behind their computer? Worry about your own got damn weight and why your ass is posting that on the internet and not working. And don’t even say ” I work online”. That’s a shitty excuse to say ” I’m a DnD GM on Discord” failed resume. Only FAT people call other people fat. And we all know you got sweat between your fat ass crack with anticipation to type that shit out and post it. Fuck you and everything you love! – Fake rage quits- ( Yes, I’m trying to be goofy and it’s probably not funny)
Dear OP #1
Some advice? A lot of men and women on second life don’t take long-distance relationships seriously. They will likely emotionally, mentally, and even physically cheat because they think you won’t catch them. Thank god you did some sleuthing and had some people to tell you what’s up. And to be honest not a lot of residents in Second Life are honest about what they want. Especially when establishing a serious long-distance relationship. Sadly most of the manipulators are in the roleplaying community. They all claim to be “poly” and in open relationships, only to find out they’re lying. When they really just want to fuck around while you stay loyal to them and them only. Which is emotionally abusive especially if you did not agree to it. The best thing is to have standards, boundaries, and expectations when dealing with people like that. They will try and manipulate you and say phrases like “It’s just a game.” or “Why are you so serious? ” and “It’s not like we are going to meet up right away”. Even if it’s over the internet and you two have established something serious. It’s cheating ( emotionally) on their part if you did not agree with any of what they were doing. Remember say FIRMLY in what you want in a relationship.. whether it’s long distances or not. And if they continue to hurt you. Throw them to the hounds of hell!
It’s not some “fantasy” in Second Life when people’s mental health and wellbeing are at stake.
Vincent single-handedly harmed a large number of people; this isn’t about cheating or SL drama; it’s about his selfish behaviour, which went unchallenged for years.
Please do not reduce any struggle to mere “rp drama”
honestly, the community it supposedly takes place in is a moot point. Cause we all can see there’s just as much manipulation and toxicity happening outside of the rp community, but people keep claiming the rp’ers are the worst LOL
It’s certainly true that more people claim to be poly but aren’t. What vincent is, that many of us have discovered, is someone that likes to play around openly, wants what he’s said over and over as a ‘nesting partner’ but heaven forbid vincents new partner also date others, communicate openly and he went into that relationship knowing his new partners were NOT mono but also expected open communication and discussions before playing around. (like he literally went into all of these relationships knowing his partners were poly or non mono in some fashion and they each communicated this as well as who they were interested in or already seeing).
The problem always boils down to communication (and vincents severe insecurity). It’s always fuckin communication, people are so socially inept and incapable of meeting their partners half way, that’s why we get all these emotionally defunct people flocking to SL and going through ‘partners’ like underwear xD
relationships are work already, add to that a seeming anonymity to the front and you get atrocious behavior.
At the end of the day though, I fuckin pity tf outta vincent cause he’s wallowing in his own filth and misery at this point. He’s his own problem. He’s just trying to make it everyone else’s problem.
Wow I sure am glad I rightfully avoided a lot of these “Popular” SL furries like Sylas/Kisaka, Shady, and some others along with their clique. Their behavior on and off SL is just disgusting and gross.
# 31: If all the good people in Second life actually left, then the place REALLY WOULD turn into a complete mental sewer with no hope.
Why would anyone want the last pockets of good places and good people to vanish completely so the platform can be overrun by the worst of us?
If good people kept leaving and abandoning things just because bad people make trouble then we will be running for the rest of our lives!
I say if you can be safe, smart and happy in Second Life, then stay. And make your corner of the grid a welcoming place for others like yourself!
PS: People do take refreshing showers and keep their homes tidy, all while spending hours in SL easily. Don’t be so negative!
That stuff is all projection anyway; the people who talk that shit about “everyone in SL” being fat/lazy/unclean are sitting there stewing in the stink of their own unwashed asses and assuming everyone is just like them while they type it up.
#40 … kinda like RL, right? except with hotter bodies?
Why only blame the man? FUNKYGIRL NEOX is far from a saint! This desperate housewife fucked online with 80% of SL’s loser forever. She is the perfect example of the internet slut! Having cybersex with fuckers while her IRL husband was fighting cancer. Sure her daughter has something to be proud of and a wonderful role model to follow.
Why only blame the man? FUNKYGIRL NEOX is far from a saint! This desperate housewife fucked online with 80% of SL’s loser forever. She is the perfect example of the internet slut! Having cybersex with fuckers while her IRL husband was fighting cancer. Sure her daughter has something to be proud of and a wonderful role model to follow.
What’s going on in timber falls anyone got any info?
Hi anyone posting as Sylas Or Kiska after this comment isn’t me.
You guys are sad if you feed into someone impersonating anyone else and I hope it never happens to you.
I don’t care if you agree or disagree with what I’ve done.
I don’t use this site and I’m not going to use this website so be weary of anyone posting under someone’s name. Especially when they’re clearly saying shit that is “daming”
You can check my twitter to see if you want more proof that I’m the actual person not someone pretending.
This is gonna be my last comment on this website so yes any future comments from anyone named Kiska or Sylas or any variation will NOT be the actual me.
Get out. We don’t want you here
You know how many times you tried to “clean up” your actions. You run and hide act like you didn’t do anything wrong. You mock people on your Twitter.
Is that why you changed your name in sl and hidden your oc away. So people don’t call you out on your bullshit.
Why did your hide your other stuff like your f-list.
Your a god damn cowered.
You are gross! So you want people who are zoos to be able to defend themselves? You want zoo people to justify their fetish? You are absolutely disgusting!
One I don’t give a fuck
We don’t want people Iike them in the Fandom
I see it all.the time oh it wasn’t me someone acting like me is bullshit.
No one was acting like them
They clearly knew what was going on and
Didn’t give a shit.
yes the alt that kept posting “hi I don’t care that I’m a zoo and a pedo and I love thinking about fucking dogs” was very clearly acting like them… you are dense as fuck.
You know how easy it is on this website to just change your name to what someone else is using and pretend to be them?
If you don’t want them in your precious fandom – what’s the hold up? Why aren’t you championing new people to lead your little fandom by better examples? The reason why zoophiles are more open than ever is because they know full well, that you won’t do anything about them. They know you’ll be too busy prepping for yet another fur con somewhere, paying $200+ for commissions that you’re waiting for, getting your little reference sheet or getting your fursuit made. Yeah that’s why. This is the kind of shit that makes me not be associated with the furry fandom. I still classify as a fur, but I’m not daring myself to claim that I am apart of a limp-dick fandom that does fuck all about it’s own problems. Just like I’m pro-LGBTQ and everything but not a proud member of a fractured community too busy fighting over stupid pronouns. The more I see this kind of behavior continue on, the more I’m convinced you guys have gotten comfortable in your little sideline chairs. One moment you’re like “uh damn, so tired of these zoophiles hijacking our fandom!” to the next moment where one of you dumbasses will be like “now now…we’re an inclusive fandom and as long as it isn’t hurting anybody then what’s the big deal!?” Make up your damn mind. Which is it? Do you want a better fandom or do you like the idea of sitting in your steaming pile of shit? Sounds to me, you love the smell of that shit, don’t you? You enable these people with these weak ass attempts “unh, just get out of here!” like that’ll show them. Does it take too much effort to gather a group and show them the door? I do know furries tend to be lazy.… Read more »
I like how you guys are like “we don’t want you here” but you can’t stop talking about them. Infyrin is borderline obsessed at this point and brings them up even if they aren’t the one being posted about. For someone you guys find reprehensible and a “degenerate” you sure can’t seem to stop shoving your noses firmly up their asshole every time they do anything
Has it ever occurred to anyone on this website that it’s actually really really easy to disengage with content you don’t really jive with or is posting daily about sexual kinks you allegedly don’t like (for hours at a time on some days) for a month straight now just that much fun?
For the record I am a furry that doesn’t like feral stuff at all. I don’t engage with it, so it doesn’t show up on any of my feeds. How is it that you guys always seem to know what the latest feral art is, or what someone’s alts are or whatever? It’s just weird. Why actively seek out and hyper focus on something you think is reprehensible for even a few hours, let alone a month? Make it make sense.
Oh boy another of Sylas defenders or sylas herself playing name hopping coming to downvote and brigade with a shallow sense of rationality. If only this was reddit where downvoting decreases chances to post. lol
Says thee the hypocrite who preaches about obsessiveness who ironically charges in to comment about the matter. Are you like on dial up or something? Dense perhaps?
I dont go out seeking this shit on purpose but you wont believe that anyways because you are committed to your shitty narrative anyways. Why should you care. The more you seek the wonders of this obvious mystery the more you seem to come out as the enabler.
You guys are sad if you feed into someone impersonating anyone else and I hope it never happens to you.
You are the last person to be saying what is sad. What’s really sad, is we see again something that involves you. After all of the fluff a couple weeks ago where you hilariously tried clearing your name and got combative at the same time with those criticizing you after someone torpedoed your credentials in the comments.
I don’t care if you agree or disagree with what I’ve done.
Yeah you do. It’s why you keep coming back for more.
I don’t use this site and I’m not going to use this website so be weary of anyone posting under someone’s name. Especially when they’re clearly saying shit that is “daming”
Yes you will. You came a ringin’ once you felt ‘enough was enough’ to clear your worthless name, offering private messages and explanations. You will come a knockin’ again the more shit about you comes alight, it’s for everyone’s entertainment now. We’re not laughing with you, we’re laughing at you.
You can check my twitter to see if you want more proof that I’m the actual person not someone pretending.
What’s also more proof is this name hopping you’re doing. You’ve proven that multiple times.
This is gonna be my last comment on this website so yes any future comments from anyone named Kiska or Sylas or any variation will NOT be the actual me.
See ya soon or next Sunday!
This retard above has selective reading.
Infyrin sounds like this other retard I use to know on second life who would have to pay people for their attention. King foehammer or something. I know he uses this website a lot
You know if you ever want your pathetic insults to mean something, you need to stop slapping yourself in the face first. Then again, no insult from you ever affects me anyways so at the end of the day, you’re slapping yourself for the hell of it.
How much of a dumbfuck do you look like, when you try making a point about how people use this site. Yet, you’re one of those names I’ve also seen a lot of the time on almost every article on VS.
So damn weak.
the retard above has spent hours huffing the asshole of someone they keep saying is a public hazard but REFUSES to post an actual callout on a platform where people might actually see it because they’re fucking ferals on secondlife, too
While I don’t have any want to talk on the subjects involving the people in question because I don’t even want to think about it.. It is VERY VERY surprising to me how easily people on here believe that people dont impersonate other people on here. Some time’s it is the actual person I’m sure… But most of the time it isn’t.
Just a few weeks ago people were convinced that someone named ‘Admin’ was actually the admin.
Everyone on here is pretty fucking stupid.
I could have made my name Obama and everyone would have thought I was actually Obama himself. Just because someone types a name in the User box does not mean they are actually that person. People who are this easily tricked make me lose faith in humanity.
I’d like to reiterate that I want nothing to do with the subject at hand. I don’t even want to think about it. So the name thing is going to be the only thing I’m going to comment on. It happens a lot on here to many different people.
Why do you care so much? It’s just a website. Move on. Go outside to live your life. No one fucking cares.
You apparently care enough to reply this long after it was posted 🙂 It sounds like you also need to go touch some grass.
Leave and go get therapy
You seem to really enjoy this website
“ihatethiswebsite” trolls it for comments to reply to
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
I missed this little ‘gem’ of yours here.
You take any and every chance to advertise your twitter. Which now makes me think that a part of you is doing this on purpose. Here’s how I figure; You come on here under any name you desire, maybe to stir something up. You pretend you’re Sylas because you know that’s a heat magnet because of the content submitted here. Then you hop onto Kiska to try righting whatever wrong Sylas has done to give everyone this impression that you’re trying to be righteous.
Not long before taking another chance to advertise your little Twitter for even more attention whoring. I’m pretty certain this is true of you given by the information Anon provided where you thought you were oh so clever with the names and accounts that all weaved a web of consistent contradictions.
And you act like we can’t just, you know, go back to previous articles to search and cross-reference the things of you to piece it all together. You’re not as smart as you think you are.
You’re the one who needs a serious hobby here. Because, this is your life now. This is what you think is worth your time. This is what you believe is far better than working a productive job or having a fulfilling career. Being talked about and showcased online because of your little shock value of fetish and creating a drama theater around it which is standard with typical furries of your kind.
Why don’t you get a productive hobby?
Didn’t you tell this person you want to see them get raped like a couple weeks ago?
Why do you keep asking that when you could just go look? You’ve done it at least twice now. For your lazy ass info, no it wasn’t that person, at least not under this posting name.
It literally was that person under the same posting name.
Im sorry the person you seem to share the most opinions with is an asshole
Might be time to reflect on yourself
I pointed out how weird the first 2 weeks of his VS comments disappeared when he got outted. This was his response idk if you’ve seen it.
Now the Sylas comments from this weeks was removed?, that’s overall very fishy.
You have to be the most chronically online loser I’ve ever met.
Same thing could be said the same to you.
lol you care too much about your reputation on a website you shouldn’t care about. The fact you spammed this insane comment literally shows that you have no life and you actually think you’re some celebrity on the internet. At the end of every day, no one actually cares about who you are. You’re just a stupid disgusting zoo anon who breathes the same air we do. It’s laughable how important you think you are in this world. You’re just another person. No one freaking cares! You’re nothing but a ridiculous, selfish, narcissist with no life outside of the internet. Go live your life offline in the real world neckbeard lol.
“Go live your life offline in the real world neckbeard.”
“No one actually cares about who you are”
Yeah the last 6 weeks would prove otherwise.
1- I won’t pretend that remaining anon doesn’t have some benefits to screaming into the void. But when it comes to vincent, I’m begging more people to confront him to his face. Because I swear to god he needs to log all the way the fuck off. He’s done so much fucking harm and it’s obvious more than his most recent victims are continuing to deal with residual shock and trauma from his interaction.
Problem is a lot of people have confronted him. A LOT. He will sometimes apologize in the moment & say he’s wrong or that he didn’t mean something or that you just didn’t understand him! Then bitch about you and how unfair you were to someone else.
He has been confronted countless times. I would guess a huge number of people posting here have confronted him about things. That’s why it’s so frustrating.
Even things like the weird racism he hides behind his Arabic friends and how they think he’s great because of what he’s doing (and talks infront of 1 of them and drag them into talking about it too). I’ve seen plenty of people bring up how stupid his bloodborne lore is or how his characters don’t make sense.
For most things he gets really upset and drag other people into it. It’s not worth it. Best solution would be him logging off and touching grass.
Ironic being that it’s been 3 weeks of posting about him on this niche as fuck gossip forum for a niche of a niche of the internet. Those here (myself included) are chronically online. The best solution for all parties involved would be stepping back and reassessing what is best to move forward with the trauma. Is sinking time into posting about him on here beneficial? I don’t think it helps with the hurt associated with him to continue flaming the fire about him; if in your opinion that he’s not worthwhile. Don’t beat a dead horse.
The time taken to vent things off everyone’s chest vs the years spent across the board that he’s been hurting people is hardly equivalent. Loads of time is spent dealing with the daily grind, adulting and other hobbies. But getting through one’s feelings is pretty damn valid a response comparative to one that practically lives online.
I can’t speak for everyone that’s commented, but I know quite a few of them that have been involved that are on a fraction of the time our buddy vince is
I’m intimately aware of those that have already confronted him. But I know a mass number that don’t hold him accountable or call it out when something happens.
Even moreso I’ve run into people that openly admitted to being too drained prior to or during their knowing vincent to do anything about it yet they continue to humor him while he shows his ass.
I can tell a few folks I know commenting here based on their writing habits that haven’t confronted him and this isn’t me trying to shame anyone. But if more people find the courage to push back against the behavior. The less welcome he’ll feel in places he tries to take hold and uproot.
He’s a runner, not a fighter.
You know what? Let’s fucking do this. Hi, I’m dealing with a *very* unfortunate side effect of associating with him AND one of his exes (who, in fact, actually IS just as garbage as he is, so he can tell the truth when he really puts his mind to it). But luckily for you, that side effect has brought us here. In fact, I’ll be more than happy to answer any questions about him. I don’t owe him shit anymore. I don’t have to keep his secrets. I don’t need to associate with him any longer. I’ll take the ‘L’ and put myself on the spot. Will it get me in trouble with some people? Absolutely. Are they gonna come for my head? Guaranteed. But I’m done. I can’t take this anymore. I’ve had enough of being silent and trying to be the bigger person while he went around spreading lies about me and my friends. I usually don’t put much stock in gossip websites, but seeing all of this shit about his online behavior? It fucking checks and go figure he hid some of the more egregious behavior and lied directly to both my face AND his therapist, MULTIPLE TIMES. To think I had openly praised him about how far he had come when he’s actually gone running in the other direction. I’m his RL ex-roommate that he’s demonized from the very instant I started moving in his spaces. I was groomed and trained by a pair of narcissistic sociopaths in my early 20’s and spent literal years in deprogramming therapy for it (he knew this). Hound and his ex (who, unfortunately through a series of bad life choices on my own part, is also *my* ex) unraveled almost all of it within nearly six months of me living… Read more »
Kurai Xue?
Kurai Xeu?
where the hell does he get all that dough to flex on his PC build? or cop that garbage
man, this dude won’t shut up about being broke and not having enough cash to feed himself or his cats
If you want to heal then go heal. Don’t pin it as some noble quest of ‘breaking your silence’ like you’re a celebrity doing a press release. Go process the trauma. Disconnect from platforms that can cause triggers by him. Don’t trigger yourself by going into threads regarding him. You’ve said what you need to say and you see that he’s getting hate from others anyway, you don’t need a AMA. Especially if it delves into RL problems. By getting yourself entangled further, you will not move forward in processing the trauma.
Nah, see, this shit has gotten to the point it has because people kept their fucking mouths shut in either some misguided attempts at keeping the peace or trying to be considerate of his feelings because he’s sooooo traumatized. I should have nipped this in the bud almost six goddamn years ago when I allowed him on my land and he brought a friend with him that had absolutely no problem dropping the ‘n’ word in front of me, a black person and complete stranger, on MY LAND THAT I OWED, and then proceeded to throw a hissy fit because I said he dropped that word real comfortably in front of me.
Vincent then proceeded to get upset because all he wanted was his friends to get along and he couldn’t figure out why they weren’t and it was SOOO upsetting for him, his friend wasn’t racist, he was just repeating what was said.
But fuck me, yeah? The actual goddamned person whose life has been affected by the word. But, no, *Vincent’s* feelings were hurt because I banned his friend. He didn’t say shit to apologize for his friend’s behavior and didn’t see anything wrong with it.
So, no, this is how I process this shit. Alongside a professional, me making sure that people understand the depth and extent of the shit this man stirs both on the internet AND IN REAL FUCKING LIFE, BECAUSE BOTH HIM AND HIS EX ARE TRYING TO MOVE OTHER SL PEOPLE IN OR MOVE OUT WITH THEM IN REAL LIFE AND I DONT WANT THEM TO MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I DID.
So, anyway.
Ask me anything.
Venting shit is just as much a part of the process as moving on with other things in life
I don’t recall phoning the internet police, and hate? Such a powerful term.
Many of the victims have every right to despise this individual.
Don’t come into this scenario and start dictating how individuals should deal with the trauma created by others.
If you don’t know Vincent, I strongly advise you to get off your high horse.
If you do, I’m not shocked because you’ve been sucking on his clit for far too long.
Let the healing start, and if they come for your head, I will gladly serve mine too.
According to what I’ve heard, he was confronted and exposed by a number of his close buddies, and in order to minimise the damage he did some damage control, he basically copied and pasted the same apology to all of his victims.
Has he changed?
Certainly not!
He’s still playing victim!
His online presence is a shambles.
His reallife condition is just as bad.
He now behaves like a broken down man while being fucked on the side, steam rolling others STILL with his trauma dumping, and spending thousands of cash that he should be using to repay those who helped him!
I wouldn’t be shocked if he blamed his bad behaviour on his fabricated autism or mental illness.
He’s been called out by people who AREN’T his ‘close buddies’ either but we all got the same copy-pasted bullshit and a victim-playing ‘apology’ and he thinks everything’s fine again.
It’s not. And it won’t be. You know how they say if you lie down with dogs you’ll wake up with fleas? A lot of people are finding out why they were warned off him.
The guy has been called out by way more people than most know. A LOT of people have told him off for a LOT of things and it doesn’t change much.
Irony is that the people who are most upset at him now previously defended him heavily when he was called out. I understand being sucked into stuff or dating him and not seeing things clearly. I don’t blame them at all: I understand hindsight. But it’s exhausting to call some asshole who you already don’t want to even see out. And then be expected to do it again and again with no result.
I want him gone from the rp communities I’m in. His stupid bloodborne shit ruins things. His cultural fetishizing is disgusting. But I’ve said things about this before to his face & at this point, don’t have the energy to do more than just block him.
As an aside I do understand not wanting to associate with him anymore. Trust. I definitely understand. I suppose my statement is more for those that feed into his bs or humor him that maybe end up seeing all this.
What additionally sucks is I love bloodborne, adore the game. It’s my fave soulsborn game. Eventually I’m sure I’ll be able to be enthusiastic about it again. But right now it just frustrates me cause it only ever reminds me of him.
And now he’s trying to suck up to anyone & everyone.
The fake positivity & nonstop spam posting from someone terminally online (so you can’t get away from it) is shitty. It reads as fake and desperate to do damage control. Quit ruining rp communities Vincent!!!!
We both know which server he’s been publishing on.
He’s spamming each channel like crazy and has this odd typing style that makes him sound like a fragile infant.
He’s doing it to appear and look like a soft bean, but you and I both know he’s far from it with his act of trying to win everyone over.
Additionally, I wouldn’t be surprised if the present sim died because he chased everyone away, even VC.
I’m sure he rushes to Pande’s server to vent about the current sim.
It’s not fooling anyone. And the more he does the fake complimenting the more it drives people away.
He talks shit about every sim he’s on. He vents about how he can’t find roleplay when it’s his own fault & he ignores any characters who he doesn’t think will fuck (dom) him or play into his bloodborne powertrip fantasy.
too right
If he cant play Supreme Hunter But Totally Not The Primary Power In The Group he doesn’t want it. Which frankly makes him a SHIT ‘team lead’ and I’ve never been happier to see a rebuilt sim over the ruins of his shit. I’m glad I saw the light before officially being official.
If it’s not Hound it’ll die because of Van…. who seems to have already dipped out for the most part to fuck around and sim-stalk some more. Or just their shitty admin team.
And its not that people haven’t forewarned staff before they showed up either. It’s largely the sim’s fault for not having either a pre-ban list or moderators that take people seriously. Their admin is a joke. if they don’t like you, they don’t care if you don’t continue your stories there or not.
The sim was full to bursting at opening night and the first few weeks. So many of us left because of those two it’s almost criminal. Not to mention their ‘faction leads’ fucking up the rules of each faction constantly making you second guess your choices because “they’re all supposed to suck lol just pick one”
Siyas and sir thinkalot: The ‘its only fantasy’ clause goes out the window when taking things into RL is mentioned. Playing out thoughts and fantasy with likeminded individuals more often than not leads to normalisation and escalation. Theres so many warning signs that this is an unstable abusive person, sylas being into ageplay., even catfishing as a female. I used to love being a furry on sl but it really is a festering hideout for sexual abusers, under the facade of it being ‘Only fantasy bro’
“even catfishing as a female” your mask keeps slipping and you keep reminding people that you’re the same transphobic freak that comes back every week to comment about them
That was me who kept bringing up that Sylas / Kiska is a male catfishing for views and all. Not being transphobic I’m literally pointing out someone who like person said below NEVER ONCE SAID HE WAS TRANS. The same can be said about Paige, I had no idea Paige was Poonani until I had stumbled across a artwork on FA with their FA’s linked. You have to have a FA to even know this.
Don’t even reach with “Oh their being transphobic!”, I sincerely hope whatever gender you like they lie and fuck you out of money because that’s what men do when they play off a female persona and don’t say anything about them being a guy, or a trans. This happens on VR chat a lot.
Damn it’s almost like you don’t owe strangers on the internet this kind of information about your personal selves if you don’t want to offer it. Happens out of the furry community too. People are allowed to portray characters online. This has been a thing in the furry community, let alone SL, forever. If I may be perfectly honest, if you have such a massive issue with people portraying themselves as a character or someone that they’re not then I am genuinely confused as to why you’re on Second Life at all.
Sorry you nutted to a character that belongs to a dude, I guess. Massive blow to your ego, evidently.
You honestly didn’t read what I said, there is a difference in wanting to portray yourself as a character but also then there’s pretending to be a female overall for sex / items etc etc. You’re right this has been on going for years and years but it doesn’t make it right to literally trap someone.
Sorry to tell you but I haven’t nutted to any of these peoples sona’s I’m not lonely lmao.
Source or proof? usually, you have to back up your claims that they pretended to be a female to get items from people. Also, someone’s gender identity is nobody’s business tbh and on top of that its a journey and a struggle for certain people to identify publicly as trans. you don’t know their past living situation or current one.
Oh, hello huh. The secondlife white Knight for zoos and pedos. Keep up the good fight..
Sylas played as a girl with no mention of being trans for the longest time. Trans people are cool. Lying pedophile zoos ain’t. Pick your battles dude
pedophile zoo is a big big claim that could land you with a subpoena and some papers if you aren’t careful
No it can’t, when you’re talking about a SL avatar, you fucking idiot. All the people who threaten real life law enforcement for things that people say about their avatars (with zero mention of so much as their real name) are in the very worst tier of those who need to get some sun on their pasty, internet-addicted faces. They can’t tell the difference between their real and second lives anymore, and have fully deluded themselves into believing they are their avatars.
Wait so I’m admittedly super lost so lets backtrack. Your statement was that they’re a pedophile/zoophile, definitively. That is how you define them. When faced with the fact that these are heavy and defamatory words to sling that could lead to subpoenas/a cease and desist/a potential defamation suit which people do for a LOT less than being called a pedophile, you renege on your point entirely and fall back on the fact that none of this is real and it’s just secondlife? Are you a fucking moron? ‘They cant tell the difference between real life and secondlife, but what they do on secondlife makes them a zoophile in real life, but wait! I cant face consequences for saying that because it’s only secondlife :)’ make it make sense or go fuck yourself.
I don’t know how to say this any more clearly- no one has said anything about them using real life information. A person’s avatar name is not protected from slander or libel in any way. People can say anything they want about your SL avatar and not run into any legal repercussions whatsoever because they are not real people, and the law only protects real people. The difference here, you absolute brain dead imbecile, is the letter of the law, that doesn’t protect avatars.
That doesn’t change the fact that the things that get them off in SL are absolutely affecting the way they think in rl. The avatar that rapes animals in SL is controlled by a real human with a sick fucking mind. If you can’t understand this, I’m sorry about your shit education, terrible genes resulting in incurable stupidity, or both.
You are missing the point you absolute and complete fucking moron. A DEFAMATORY STATEMENT does NOT involve an avatar. It is a DEFAMATORY STATEMENT made on the PERSON you are talking about. What happens on SecondLife has nothing to do with that. You keep falling back onto the fact that you’re talking about what someone does IN SECONDLIFE as a reason that the statement that they are a “Pedophile/Zoophile” would not be legally defamatory and that is incorrect. The statement is made on the person and is legally defamatory in nature. You aren’t even responding to what I said here you’re just talking yourself into the ground.
The “Animal” that is being “raped” in SecondLife is a REAL LIFE HUMAN piloting an avatar. There is no rape happening and there is no animal involved. If you can look at a Hellhund avatar that is on average 5-6x the size of the anthro avatar that has horns, demonic tails and claws etc. and equate that to someone raping a german shepherd in real life you clearly have some interesting dissonance going on. All this to say that YES. It is defamatory to refer to someone as a pedophile and or zoophile if they are not a pedophile and or zoophile.
Really? What is this person’s name who has been defamed? Where do they live? As far as I can tell, we haven’t even been able to pin down their actual gender, let alone any real life identifying information.
For the record, I never said the person’s avatar wasn’t being “defamed”. That is not only a legal term, and can refer to anything embarrassing in any situation. I said there was no legal recourse for someone “defaming” your SL avatar, without using any real life information or “doxxing” you in the process. You seem to be really confused about this concept, that the defamation must be connected to someone’s real life identity to involve real life law enforcement, but we’ve already established you’re slow.
It’s hilarious that you managed to trigger yourself with your own stupidity. Read the law yourself, dumbass. I’m not being paid to educate you like the special ed teachers who had to deal with you in public school.
If animated anything was ‘proof’ there would be a lot more people in prison for felonies. This kind of behavior in SL or whatever image hosting site being equated to a literal felony is like saying two grown adults indulging in puppy play is also a felony.
It aint. It’s an adult human in a dog mask and a BD dildo.
Yeah and provide everything that you claim that’s false with proof.
Not only that you’d have to know who the person posting behind the scene making defamatory posts and where they live too!
Don’t think anything would be damaged not even Sylas/Kiska reputation, I mean went down to 15.4K and now is sudden back up to 15.7k maybe more now by the time this is up. This is like in less than a 24 Hour time span lol.
Dog fuckers make sure they follow one another when one is comfortable posting about it in public so Sylas/Kiska will always have them.
Since we’re on the subject of our precious and adored Vincent, let’s go over the following red flags he displayed throughout the years:
* Not respecting boundaries
* Shit talking about other sims
* VC behavior
* incidences of blending
* The hyper fixation of having a poss
I remember one blending and vc event where I would join Pande calls muted simply to listen in on gossip and the jerkoff circle.
I could feel Vincent’s raging boner through my computer screen when it came to the grate judge and everyone who came near him in world (that grate judge wasn’t shit) and how he wanted and debated that he’s could be the perfect mortal fiction leader, yikes.
He kissed the mods ass in calls so hard that they agreed to let him build an entire ass cathedral for his hunters in the mortal village.
And when these people had playful debate, he would shout against the angels faction members, “WELL YOU ANGELS KICKED ME OUT OF THE OUTPOST AND ITS TIME FOR PAYBACK” fiercely, people fell silent, and crickets could be heard.
When the grate judge joined the call, Vincent kissed his ass so hard that the grate judge no longer joined Pande vc. I was shocked that the grate judge invited him on his secret server but not Vincent, and in that server Vincent was the butt of every joke.
Outside of Pande calls, he won’t stop talking about these bloodborne great ones, thinking he’s being charming by building up the suspense till his voice cracks and yells ‘grate ones’ on every single day, it got to the point the vc is empty and you’d only see Vincent and Van there having an ass kissing session with each other.
That sim has strict rules against trademarked characters and yet they let Vincent and his hunters in there, meh ass kissing works.
-trauma dumping
-cultural fetishism
-blatant lying and cheating while claiming his past partners were cheating
-suspected financial grifting
#11 I don’t understand why anyone still plays there, most sim staff members each have 101 alts, terrible metagame and monopolize all the IC high positions.
notice how nobody agrees with you? funny isn’t it….
#5. You all misunderstand who win who won. Everyone has chance if you act smart and naughty at web cam ofc voice and play with yourself use fav toys. ALL idiot will loves you looooool
I lost a brain cell trying to read this.
18. Fuck Dilila.
Still the same person through all the years. Gross, preaching bullshit she never follows and still acting the same. Oh, lets not forget her standing behind pedophiles like psicorps (because free things!) and other known pedophiles, and even fucking ferals herself.
It goes like this with everything she does.
Dilila get in designers boxes and talks shit about someone she doesn’t like or a topic they had on twitter or bluesky to become friends. Then asks them to be a “blogger” or “get items for free”.
Newest drama she is into having her enemies stalk her accounts, like your accounts are public anyone can see them.
Then she protects pedophilles and zoo’s. I honestly do not see how Psicorp is no better than his ex, but free products and dicking downs.
How does she think anyone wants her pig sona it puzzles me. I understand that we all love our “sonas” and “avatars” to each their own, but I have a right to say that’s a disgusting piece of avatar, sona I’ve seen.
Hence why most humans don’t eat pigs, because they’re filthy animals. They eat, shit and sleep in their own feces. So of course she won’t stray far from picking up others garbage.
I definitely don’t eat pig. It’s a bad meat. They don’t have sweat glands so it poorly kept ones (which is most farms, if not all) the meat gets tainted and gross.
It’s almost as if the toxicity fits c:
Almost no animals have sweat glands. Unless you’re eating horse, monkey and hippo meat then reheat you’re eating doesn’t have sweat glands. Or humans I guess. Chickens, Cows, Lambs, etc those don’t sweat.
I don’t know who this person is but pigs get a weirdly bad rep for extremely intelligent and emotional animals. Don’t know or care what the sona looks like i’m not even a furry idfc but leave pigs out of it T-T
Broooooooooooo EXAAAAAAAAAAACTLY!!! Like do people NOT care about that? I legit would fucking choke a friend out if I found out they fucked animals. And straight up delete a pedo. Like christ, people who are friends with her: PLEASE HAVE STANDARDS!
But they’re probably “lowkey” pedos and zoos themselves
Nope they do not care, they go after other people all the time but never her when shes truly problematic. This woman has kids by the way KIDS and surrounds herself with these people. Its terrifying.
The worst people are allowed to breed. smh
8. Lucy told people about her alt because she wanted it to get out. She wants to force Cade to go public with her. I don’t know why Cade scraped the bottom of the dumpster for a girlfriend perhaps he can’t get anyone better…I don’t know.
sexualizing animals even as “fantasy” still makes you AND Koachellla zoophiles. wake the fuck up, you guys are sick fucks no matter how many ways you try to defend this shit. Seek therapy.
people that sexually abuse actual animals is what makes people zoo’s
what folks wanna do in their personal fictional world is their own taboo to indulge. I stay tf away from it. I’m no thought police nor therapist, so they can take that up with them.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
“I have thought of taking it to rl”…. nah that’s all I needed to hear.
you’re clearly more worried about the risk of getting caught rather than the fact that it’s actual animal abuse… that you would be taking advantage of a living thing that can NOT consent…???
the anger towards you and anyone like you is well deserved.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
one hell of a fucked up thing to confess to and clearly your morals revolve around whether you end up behind closed bars or not. genuinely hope someone comes along and knocks your teeth in. god knows you fucking deserve it.
Yo, I shot a bunch of people on CoD today. Does that mean I like killing people?
Did you jerk off while you were doing it because it made you horny? Bust with a headshot in your scope? Because if yes, then you probably would really like to kill people.
If not, maybe you’re just really bad at making analogies.
you fucking suck, automod
number 30. is laughable because linden labs was sold to a money grabbing company 2 years ago how are people not aware of this? than last year Mark zuckerberg got his foot in the door now the full transition to Metaverse is fully underway .. soo stop yah bitching about linden labs seeming like a greedy company lmao
Stop trying to hide it lmao
You don’t get those nasty zoo thoughts and desires from absolutely nowhere. Somewhere in your mind, you justify it by saying “it’s not real”. But the thoughts themselves, and then acting them out even in a “not real” scenario, come from your own head. YOU think those thoughts and have those desires, not your avatar, which as you said, isn’t real.
No normal human being has thoughts like that, you’re sick and should seek help, period!
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
You literally admitted you would take it to rl, because you want to.
Get some fucking help already.
sick nasty fuck
Bruh this person isn’t me
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Exactly this. People acting like the things they pretend- and masturbate to- have no effect on their very real minds and the way they think are absolutely delusional. The more they normalize sick shit by “pretending”, the less shocking the real thing seems, until… ugh.
Yes, we can hope it never goes that far. But frankly, you put it best- no normal human being has thoughts like that, and they definitely do need help. The ones who claim to be getting help, like last week, need to act like they understand their impulses are repulsive and shameful and stop bragging about them on social media.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Oh yeah, “EXACTLY” this. Everything you pretend on SL is a full 1:1 reflection of what you do in RL right? If you fuck animals on SL, you’re a zoo. If you RP Sexual Assault in SL, you’re a predator. If you use body scars and slashes on your Avatar, you cut yourself IRL. Right? Isn’t that your logic? It’s not “Normal” to get off a certain way if it turns somebody else off? If that were the case, nobody would do anal, or piss on somebody. We’d be grabbing a phonebook and calling every single person in the world a monster. Why is it only furries who attack furries for stuff? And why is it only “popular” ones? Where are all the posts and outrage of all the humans who do it? Popular or not? It’s real “pick me” attitude to only go after “popular” people of one fandom like you’re actually doing anything productive with your time or efforts. And to hold onto photos from MONTHS ago, archiving and waiting for your chance to pounce? What kind of psychotic thinking is that? “I’ll get my time to be a hero, just gotta BELIEEEEVE!” If you truly believed what you say, you’d say something about EVERY person who did it. If you’ve got all this time and effort put into one, you surely don’t have anything else going on and can easily accommodate. But this “attack a big one anonymously because yeah me!” is pathetic. Smells like jealousy. Or you really just don’t have anything you can be proud of and this is your one and only chance to be somebody. If you want to make a difference, throw your stones at the top, not kick gravel at the bottom. “No Normal human being has thoughts like that” lmfao… Read more »
1- you made a bunch of shit up that no one is saying because you can’t come at the real point directly without looking like a zoophile apologist, but no one’s falling for it and 2- never have and never will be a furry, just someone who is repulsed by people who get off on the idea of raping animals, whether they happen to be furries or not.
I have nothing whatsoever to do with any of these communities in any life. I have never heard of any of these furries, “popular” or not, before they get posted here. It sounds like the only person concerned about their “popularity” is you, and frankly caring about that is the most fucked up take on the situation I can even imagine next to the people who are actually masturbating about raping animals.
People who aren’t furries have been called out for it here before; this has just been their few weeks, I guess. Some nasty bitch will be back posting pictures of herself fucking a horse or something to feed her humiliation fetish soon enough, and she’ll get the same response the furries are getting, just like she did last time.
On what basis are you two actually speaking? What actual foundation of morale do you two have to stand on a pedestal of holier-than-thou to say what is right and wrong in a virtual space, on the internet? Because to be able to pass such judgment on individuals. Surely you two are the most pious bitches on this planet, for I must hear the angelic choir praise your names for your holy lives. I don’t personally like it, I think it’s disgusting, and a disgrace not only to themselves but also to everything. But am I going to lay in my bed crying my eyes out because some random furry decided to go on all fours for virtual dogs? Nah. If it was real life, the consequences of their acts would be severe. Let the law or the community that exists IRL take care of that the way it is done if they decide to go diddle animals in the real world. And perhaps you two would claim “If it’s illegal IRL it should be illegal on the internet!” Bullshit, 90% of people on the internet are coping with their lives by doing things that do not conform to the norm of society. Just look at everything in SL. From the looks to how people act. If we go by your basis, then we truly are Sodom and Gomorrah and need that world-ending asteroid wiping us out faster than ever before. But I am really interested in hearing what fundamental moral pedestal you two decide to stand on, gives you two the right to be a parody of the Iranian Morale Police to sit and say what is wrong and what is right on a virtual game. If you don’t like it, God provided you with a neck so that… Read more »
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
I don’t stand on a moral pedestal, because perfection isn’t something I seek (or could ever possibly obtain, just like every other human on the planet). I can still make judgements about others, like every other human on the planet does, though.
One thing I don’t do, is fantasize about fucking animals, or acting those fantasies out in any way (real or cartoon). You passed the same judgement we did in saying that you find it disgusting. None of us is perfect. Yet we’re clearly able to discern that such things are beyond disgusting, and most definitely a mental health issue.
I don’t clutch my pearls about illegal things being on the internet, I’m far from pious. Some things are beyond reprehensible, though.
I think anyone who thinks fucking animals, real or cartoon is a good (fun, exciting, erotic) idea, needs to address those issues and get help. If rl professionals agree that it’s a serious mental health issue, I’m inclined to agree with them.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Not only do you need therapy, you need to be locked up in a insane asylum
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
People who play video games with guns don’t go around shooting people up, or wanting to.
You admitted if you got the chance, you’d fuck animals. That is beyond wrong on every possible level. That’s not even in the realm of some fantasy, that’s straight up fucked up.
What you are is beyond reprehensible,
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Just because it’s online and it’s a game doesn’t make it okay at all and you are so ignorant for that.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Stop it seek some help
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Can you stop posting the same thing, over and over it’s a little annoying
Nah, not pious or even anything like innocent. However, I don’t have fantasies about raping creatures who are incapable of consenting either, so I have that going for me. From your seething wall of text, the idea that those people are fucked up seems to have struck a nerve, and why would that bother you if you weren’t one of them?
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
really weird to roleplay as someone to frame them, this is not the real Kiska and doesn’t type like the real Kiska, find a better hobby
I didn’t respond to any comments from anyone posting under that name. I’m referring to anyone and everyone who thinks animal rape is a fun thing to roleplay. However, the ridiculous amount of self-defending spam they’re leaving now doesn’t make them look any less disturbed, that’s for damn sure.
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Don’t believe everything you read on the internet, but believe everything you’re saying in 20+ of the exact same comments, and be sure to go elsewhere on the internet to believe that too? This is also after you’ve already been exposed for the sick and twisted things you’ve done and said, and admitted to them.
Whether or not that Sylas person is impersonating you, you’re still fucked up in the head and need some serious help. You still have those thoughts, those desires and still engaged in activities to act them out. To the extreme this person claims? Who knows, probably not, but that doesn’t make your flavor of fucked up any better. You still need serious help and won’t be winning any points by admitting that now. You absolutely SHOULD be cancelled, at least in sl, and everyone who thinks just like you. It’s beyond sick and people with that type of mindset don’t belong anywhere near the internet, much less sl, where they can act out their desires (like you did). Maybe you ought to go find a less harmful and reprehensible hobby yourself, while seeking that treatment you clearly need.
consent requires a clear “yes” or “no”
Yes, that’s part of why zoophiles are disgusting. Thanks for the backup, I guess?
Bruh I’ve never used two ~~ in a row ever. I’m glad that whoever your are pretending to be me has a fucking room temp IQ
Hi the person posting as Sylas isn’t me made a tweet about it. It’s very obvious they’re trying to pretend to be me to say shit that can later be used to get me canceled it’s honestly really sad and I hope this person gets a productive hobby
you can check my twitter and see :]
don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
Funny when all the Past VS comments you’ve made are gone from the “Sylas” name JEEZ WHAT A COINCIDENCE!!!!
Also yeah if someone is clearly wanting to pretend to be me they’re going to use my name lmfao this site doesn’t prevent people from using others names.
Strange you asked me to remove the comments under the name Sylas, but then when I couldn’t find them you said you deleted them yourself.
I’m still trying to figure out how you had the ability to delete them yourself if you did not make the comments.
But what do I know?
Aaaand busted!
I really miss when you used to bust everyone using multiple posting names, but I can’t blame you for losing interest either.
No? I’ve always used Kiska. Go and look?
No, No that’s a lie nice try tho. The first 2 weeks of you being outted you commented under the name strictly Sylas before coming back commenting under Kiska, now they ALL have suddenly disappeared. How does 2 weeks worth of comments from you disappear? Can’t be a system issue because mine and everyone else’s would have gaps. Yours is TOTALLY gone.
I could be wrong but I don’t think you can delete comments once posted?
Yes I used Sylas AT FIRST then I went by KISKA also why the fuck would I make a bunch of comments under Sylas (going against what I’ve said the past two weeks) and now be like under KISKA “this person pretending to be me” and still under Sylas say the same weird shit.
God damn you’re hopeless if you really feed into the shit they’re saying and think it’s me. Also check my twitter! If Sylas is the real person they should be do this
7 & 9 These posts are so getting fucking old. Bitches need to fucking stop posting stupid shit so they can “defend” the same people they fucking talk shit about. Making posts to make yourself look good just fucking shows how pathetic you really are. You aren’t fucking relevant, you never fucking were and no one will ever actually care about your ugly ass. Stop being fake ass bitched and posting so you can pretend to be Caras friend. You the same bitches commenting on her posts, messaging her asking how she fucking is doing, then going off and talking about her behind her back. Yes anyone with half a brain knows who’s been sucking on Caras tit just to go get info to talk shit. Caras just smart and doesn’t block you because she probably wants to watch you hang yourself.
Take your own advice and do the grid a favor. STFU. At this point all you’re doing is whining. Hiding behind a fake name to talk shit and try to hurt someone- you’re the drama starter. You assume you know everything without offering any actual proof. Sweetheart, the only clout you have comes with the hot air out your ass. Endless posts saying the same BS is about as believable as you saying you’re a decent person. Get over yourself, seriously and maybe you’ll live to enjoy life.
Aww poor baby is triggered! Are you worried you will be caught doing wrong? So you need to blame someone else to not feel sad about how fucking pathetic you are for being so obsessed ? To be absolufuckinglutly clear dumbo Cara can’t be the drama starter if you the stupid one making posts. If you constantly up her ass and she fucking realizes you never fucking cared before but suddenly want to be her fucking best friend. You being a stupid fuck and cause drama to feel important just makes you the fucking pathetic loser you are. I also didn’t say she knew for sure I said anyone with half a brain knows who the fake losers are. Keep putting your dirty nasty tissues to your nose and fucking cry some more into your cum filled tissue. Jealousy is sad you need to get a fucking job and a new life. Hope you fall in a ditch walking down the street hoebag.
Not triggered, writes two messages and can’t understand that you were called dumbo not Cara. Also my grammar is correct not sure what you think you’re correcting but maybe you need to go back to school. I didn’t use ( , ) my bad, sorry common sense is lost on you. Here I didn’t swear once so you don’t tantrum all over swears and feeling personally attacked on a post calling out “fake friends” of Caras. I love when people say they were proven right even though nothing was proven other than you feeling personally attacked.
Toby Edlund back. All the clown ass motherfuckers who follow and believe him are about to be bunk buddies behind bars.
Felix haven’t you not learn to stay out of the internet you pedophile. Good way to rat on your friends haha interesting your bond drop down 100k I wonder why.
All are rats and Toby is the biggest one. Jason and Tanner are passing the cp video around. Colbydark is still working behind the scenes with the Toby the kid toucher. Lock them all up!
#6 – I don’t know who the person is in #6. I don’t know who wrote that secret. I’m not even sure what the issue is there and quite frankly, I don’t care!
But I am stealing that quote! Best thing I’ve ever read on Virtual Secrets.
And for those of you who do not want to scroll up this is the quote:
“Somewhere out there, there is a tree whose single purpose on earth is to replace the oxygen you waste. Go find it and apologize!”
44 – Selling per-body fat packs is a win-win for creators and users. For a little more effort on the creator’s side, customers don’t have to delete all the versions they won’t use. The seller also gets clear data on which bodies their customers prefer. Being able to find out that certain bodies aren’t popular with their base can help them streamline their workflow. In the end, it’s a win-win situation. And good designers being good to their customers and making more money by doing so is how the market is supposed to work. But complaining about a sensible move that benefits both ends in the exchange is how some people get off, I guess.
The creators could just use an unpacker that gives users a choice of which body’s clothing to receive. The unpacker could send analytics back to what was unpacked too, if it really is an attempt to get statistics on user consumption. An item’s customization HUD could also be sending analytics back to what is being worn as well.
Selling on a per-body basis is just the latest cash grab gimmick.
You also most times get a full fatpack for the price of one or two garments so its better for ppl, god
I didn’t even think about the win for designers knowing what sells. Great call out!
#44 – Just call Palette out by name. That’s the only greedy creator i been seein lately. saw her item at satan inc was 3500 or somethin for a megapack….or like 1500 for a SINGLE color of the entire fit. THAT is greedy – creators who sell by body size and include the fp texture hud…those are not greedy creators and i tend to buy from those stores more often than the by color stores now
then you got stores selling by body size for a 300L fatpack texture hud like Wraith does. That store usually has quite a few mods avail too and ive never seen the mod bundle cost more than $600. then they always give the option to buy a mini pack of fabric type…..like latex or cloth for 600 and you get all the sizes. …and then only 1200 for the fp with all the sizes and textures. So not all stores selling by body is bein greedy – you just gotta know where to shop
Palette tho….fuck her and her prices. Those are outrageous
Talking about Latex Store, I would suggest Violent Seduction. Theirs products are mod (even tho, it isn’t written anywhere). You can change the tint, but also other options. Never really saw people talking about it, or not knowing about that détail 🙂
Violent Seduction is one of the greedy ones….you buy by color and size…then you have to upgrade with an additional hud to get latex.
i made the mistake of buying one of her dresses recently…..over 350 for reborn in black no other color just black. just for reborn……then another 500 for the latex hud.
violent seduction isn’t greedy. i saw a comment saying she splits by body so she can sell entire multi piece outfits together like a whole dress and lingerie set together. I think its value and i also can use my old huds when i change or buy a new body without having to buy a whole fatpackagain. why youre tilted?
I’ve done outfits by body only at Ecru Couture and Ersch. Both of those sold their single body FP for around $500 (no sales).
But I also like the mini texture packs that are done by designers. Two that come to mind are Vanilla Bae and Neve. Some of us just want options with our color and picking a smaller pack of a few colors is a nice savings for us. And it makes us remember those designers names so we visit them again and again!
31. The truth of the matter is any one who is actually worth a damn doesn’t last long on SL. While I’ve been lucky enough to meet one or two nice people, those people don’t go on sl any more lmao.
The emotional maturity just isn’t there for 98% of sl and it’s just not worth sifting through all those gross people.
No one on there actually gives a crap if it isn’t benefitting them.
If you were ever thinking to yourself “I should quit sl” this is your sign 😂
9.Cara will always be coping with something because she’s mastered the art of playing victim. She’s everyones victim and always so quick to cry to all of her weird friends about how much she was wronged, but you never see her take any accountability for the shitty actions she takes against others, or pain and ABUSE that she inflicts. It’s all about her her her. I hope Brian understands with the time she was gone that he can manage by himself and that she is nothing but a drama starting master manipulator. All of her ass kissing friends will run to defend her but deep down Cara knows that she wouldn’t have any of these people if she wasn’t the owner/manager whatever the fuck she is to new haven.
I for one hope she never fucking comes back.
Personally, I’ve never had any problems with Cara. She was quick to repond with land and house things, she was in chat semi-regularly in Discord chatting away.
Troll troll trollllll
Lala la la laaaa
Sorry your mommy doesn’t love you anymore la la la la laaaaa
Go back to your bridge freak
you obviously do not know dick about Cara or what the sleazy Thomas put her through and you are no better posting here instead of addressing your real problems. she’s not running her mouth about her personal life bc she’s a decent human being but he’s naturally flapping his gums to anyone who will listen about how he was supposedly abused. Whoa is me. stop defending a cheating stalker and look at who the real master manipulator is. Thomas didn’t get his way and he flipped and now he’s regretting how good he had it.. She has more friends than you as evidenced by how many people Thomas tried to poach to his new community that told him to fuck off. Whatever your imagined slight, your hate is misplaced and I hope for her sake you are nowhere near NH when she does return
She’s not the first or the last person to meet some kind of scumbag through SL, but if he was so bad, and apparently everyone told her so, doesn’t this make this kind of her fault? She’s according to you not stupid, and so successful and oh so almighty, so how did someone so ”good” end up with a ”scumbag”? Also, you have clearly never heard Thomas’s side of the story and you know what they say about two sides and stories, right? Everyone can sit here and judge but no one that hasn’t heard them BOTH out should be sitting here calling anyone sleazy. Cara was not some innocent victim so yall need to stop acting like she was. Boo boo, poor cara, blah blah
Have you tried not giving a damn and finding a hobby? Comments like these don’t make anyone look bad, it just makes you look sad.
Keep deflecting. Again what were you banned for? Thats exactly the way it sounds. You got banned for something and now have a hardon for her, hiding behind your faux name with baseless accusations because you don’t have the balls to say who you are. Its like playing telephone with you people. By the time the drama makes it here its usually wrong and twisted. Who’s playing victim now?
Or maybe you are one of the many girls Thomas cheated with. Feel free to show actual proof outside of your opinions besides some random imagined slight where you were probably the one in the wrong in the first place. People don’t get banned randomly, so what did you do? Not get your way? Did mom take your binky? She didn’t ban someone fast enough for you? Grow up. Provide proof or STFU already. We’re tired of hearing about your strange crush on Cara
Amen to the Karma! Toxic people. Toxic community. Karma is simply lovely!
You have so much hate in your heart for someone who might have wronged you (I don’t know) that you spew your poison anonymously.
If she never comes back will you be happy? Or will this feeling of victory fade and you will have to find something else to channel your pain and angers into? I grieve for you.
And no one grieves for you, Cara. Go back to your countless bitter posts on Facebook like the loser you are.
Calling someone a loser while simultaneously obsessing over someone else’s life like a budget store paparazzi is pretty funny.
Stalking her social media. Yea your a fan. You sound so jealous because she runs a successful community and doesn’t put up with bs which is probably where your hate stems from. Only time I seen her post here was under her own name which is more than can be said for people trash talking through their own bitterness. Stop reaching where you have no space
Says the loser posting on here. GO back to X
1. I feel like the Vince shit is beating a dead horse. Yeah, I know, ALL virtual secrets posts are typically beating a dead horse. But! We get it! FIVE secrets about the guy! It’s just one trashy guy. What’s your point in bringing up the fuckup of relationship drama every week?
What is it with you role players not knowing how to block people? You spend all day playing pretend, so pretend your weird bloodborne ex isn’t there or something. You people all go through exes so fast anyway, that I expect the same person to be posting about a different one in two, to three weeks. Four TOPS!
naw see this isn’t just ‘rpers’ nonsense. This is a man that has been confronted several times about how he treats people. How toxic his interactions became with people he claimed to care about. He’s definitely used rp to fuck around because with him, his rp IS his whole identity and life.
He has a long line of people that have unfriended and blocked him, and yet he CONTINUES to run his mouth and drag more people into his bullshit. You or anyone else want to potentially run into him and learn the hard way too? be our guest
get off your high horse HAH
Nahhhh I get all that, some only after reading the other commentary here. Sure! But when I made this comment it was semi regarding the fact that NONE! Of the secrets really have covered this! This week’s is about online dating drama and the others have been “I’m so glad you’re gone! Don’t come here!”
I don’t think that’s really helpful! And from my point of view, it was getting boring. Like all the other role player secrets that come here! If you have tea to spill, spill your tea then. But all the vague posts weren’t hitting it for me. That’s all! Maybe if anyone had made a secret about the weird racist stuff mentioned further down, I wouldn’t have said anything! That’s the kind of call out that can ACTUALLY help! Maybe one of you should do that.
I’m removed from this! Sewing my gripe seeds on the gripe forum. Like the rest of us!
well all I can say is from a bit of sleuthing, it hasn’t been the same people submitting these posts about him, but plenty of people that were involved are having the submissions brought to all of our attention. Otherwise most of us don’t frequent the site. Instead of additionally adding a multitude of submissions, a comment thread about covers everything for the most part.
Ultimately though, best to just give him a wide berth if you come across him.
Yeah, thouuuuuusand percent, noted! At least he seems like a pretty stand out guy, so easily identifiable, and, easily wide berth… able!
With the list of places you gave me in the other post, even IF we set the toxic nonsense aside, this guy really seems tiresome. At best.
I’ll incredibly commend you all for forcing a space to keep writing, around these people.
Even if reading about this guy is a waste of my time, I’m glad I made this comment. The conspiracy theories attached to it have supplied enough entertainment that role player drama on virtual secrets usually drowns out.
By the way I know it’s three secrets now. I had misread something else. But that’s okay! Maybe we’ll get to five, NEXT week.
If I get to be random people, can someone else accuse me of being John Oliver? Hey thanks!
Okay, Van
You, specifically, have given me two different names, already. You’re very good at this!
*three secrets
Yeah, this sounds like Vincent, over-inflating your ego and sense of worth and importance by exaggerating statistics, lol. It looks like we’re going to get to five secrets eventually, though, so, you know, good on ya, ya drongo.
Ohhhhh sorry I was going off another comment in here bitching about his racism saying five
Oh, no, I just scrolled down. Five exes! Not secrets.
Welllllllllll hardly belabors the point, doesn’t it! That’s alright!
Oh hello Vincent.
Interesting choice when it comes to your username.
“Tired all the time”
Need I to go further?
You could say the same thing about the same furry drama that comes up every week or the same creator drama.
Oh Vincent, you clearly haven’t learned your lesson or try to hide that this is clearly you, “Role players” aren’t NPC’s nor their feelings that you keep gaslighting and furthermore cheating is not some fantasy.
We will keep calling you out everyday of the week so you won’t take in more victims, that you clearly cost them such mental stress over your childish behavior and you will never take any sort of consequences for.
That’s why we’re here, will keep going, until you’re completely gone from ever coming back to any rp sim.
Make sure to wash your ass.
And nice try.
Five lol where there’s been like two broski
edit: I looked. Counting this week, it’s three.
Nah, I misread someone else! It’s not like I’ve been counting! (Clearly!)
Shut up, Van, he’s still going to fuck your racist ass regardless so you don’t need to suck on his clit as much as you already do
That is, without a doubt, Van.
Because Vincent is too much of a sissy to stand up for himself, he sends his fan base to deal with the damage.
Van, please instruct Vincent not to send the same apologies to everyone. Ya know, like totally not like a, copy and paste? cause that’s totally uncool dude, like yikes!
#40 This is absolutely not true. People who post stuff like this are usually the toxic ones. Zero social skills, insecure, emotionally unstable, and blame everyone else for their problems.
Unfortunately, they also have the loudest voices and give SL a bad name.
If everyone is rude and toxic to you, it’s time to look in the mirror. You seek out people similar to yourself.
EXAMPLE; Why do you think it’s wrong if people simply ask where you got something from?
I’ve had plenty of long-lasting friendships in SL. Most people are really not waiting to stab anyone in the back. We’re just out here enjoying our SL, but we can smell drama from a mile away and we stay away from it.
You’re calling out the person who posted that.. But look at your comment my dude. Ranting over a simple thing. And then you go ahead and call other’s instable?.. Oh well.
Also, you perfectly fit theirs post but also what most people in the comment are talking about. Major red flag that you had “long lasting” friendship on SL.. nothing to brag about even.
“We can smell drama for a mile away”. Bursted laughing. Good one.
If you guys wanted to trully not deal with it, you wouldn’t be on SL after so long. But oh well.
Are you high? What are you on about?
“If you guys wanted to trully not deal with it, you wouldn’t be on SL after so long”… Huh? If I don’t want to deal with drama, why would I leave SL?? I simply stay away from people who cause it. That’s what adults do. Leaving SL is the OP’s dramatic style..lmao!
On the other hand, the OP says they hate SL, but here they are making posts on SL Secrets fishing for sympathy. xD Oh the irony!
What major red flag? Being able to maintain friendships is a red flag to you? Who’s bragging? Am I toxic for contradicting the OP’s blanket statements? Am I “troll” maybe? Does this count as “bullying” too?
Do you also get upset if people ask where you got something from?
Nah. You’re just trying so damn hard to come at me with the most stupidest shit ever.
You grabbed the first oportunity you had, to simply bash them, when you could totally give them advices on how to be a better person, since from reading your comment it seems that everybody should follow your way of thinking and acting.
Theirs post might be questionable, but your agressive comment as well. And, if anything, it does show how nasty you can be. Or maybe, you should be friends with that person, and change theirs mind and perceptions about people on SL since you, and your friends, are wonderful people 🙂
Lol. Alrighty then. If my post was “agressive” and nasty, perhaps the OP came on Virtual Secrets expecting love and affection? …after making wild accusations about the entire SL community?
What a brilliant idea! Maybe I should make friends with them.🙂 But.they would think I’m out to “stab them in the back” and maybe start crying if I ask where they got their shoes from.
They’d be better off with a fellow snowflake like yourself. You can throw a pity party together before bitching about each other on VS the next week.
#2 More how you look expecting gf treatment while you’re just dating/fucking.
#17 Probably one of the best post ever made on here, thank you for that 🙂 (it was cute tho) #31 & #40 Long read ahead and sorry for that lol. I’m the person who did the “furry 101” post that was posted two times in a row (sorry lol). While my post was about furries hangout, it does apply to humans & everywhere on SL as a whole. SL is the best place for misfits, but sadly not the best kind. Such like X-Spaces full of people discovering what the VOIP services are and do talk all day long about re-shapping the world. There is good people out there (even tho I do not consider myself one of the good one sadly, cuz I’ve done my pile of shit too), and you can find them but it is pretty hard. Or they do not stay long on SL. Cuz that’s the thing with SL, it does give you the impression of “fullness” in your life, by not being alone, but sadly.. that is not the case. Most people you’ll interract with, are people who do have theirs own trauma, problems, and shit to deal with and sadly all this mixed up isn’t ideal for “sane” conversation or even relationships. I am not saying at any moment that it isn’t possible. Or cannot even found love on that game. It is possible. But I’ve noticed that most couple that are made out of SL, or people who are friends together for a long time, do share the most fucked up stuff. I could give some example, but that it isn’t needed, pretty sure you already know what I’m talking about. The best thing I’ve done was partially quitting SL. I do log from times to times, but I’m not expecting… Read more »
41 Lol sounds like Sas and Iozi.
#44 Sellers can sell what they want. You call them greedy? Are you making the cloths, furniture, animations and more no! So why are you bitching. Remember you see the final result. You not the one sitting up for hours and days to get it just the way you want it. The creators are not getting paid to make the items we want. They dont get paid to do that but shell out allot to do it for us. They pay for ever upload they do into the game. So next time you bitch sit back and remember this. Appreciated the time they put into and money to give you what you want. Also some stores have had people ask to do it by body or a few body’s together they find it easier for shopping and spending. So it there business not yours on how they do there store. If you dont like it why do you still shop there. Get to making your own things then.
#32 I’m wheezing ✋😂
#30: Second Life has never been about profit. I’m surprised how many people fail to stop and ask themselves how the place has persisted for two decades, and laughed off the notion that one day the lights will inevitably turn off and everything they’ve invested in up and disappears.
You can take great comfort in the fact that Second Life is very comfortably doing what it’s meant to do. You are a case study for the WEF’s efficacy in self-contained environments. Someday you’re staying in the pod, eating the bugs while the neurons they’re tickling through your haptic cap make it taste like creme brulee.
You’ll live like kings and queens. You see it already in action.
You’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy.
#2 Fact! I laugh every time I see a a profile from a woman devoted to a guy and her whole Flickr page filled with pics and he has 0 mention of her. Can you say desperate?
#16 – Sylas, oh no. Oh no, indeed. You’ve made it 2 VS articles clean but here you are again. The crack was just too addicting, wasn’t it?
But we knew you’re full of shit.
Nearly every week we get pictures of zoophillia, beastiality, whatever. Maybe I’ve missed it, but this person who posts these pictures seems very obsessed at taking pictures of it and advertising it, making a nice little collection. What’s the point? More things worse than this happen on SL. Get on with it. you are obsessed by this. No one actually cares. Get out of your hole, explore SL, you’ll find worse.
#30 = To content creators: Tough luck. Inflation is making everything more expensive and fees do arise, because companies do see their service fees increase as well and they also see customers spending less. Therefore, revenue which supports LL in entirety does need something to live on.
You know, money doesn’t grow on trees nor do Lindens volunteer for you lot. Though the entitlement you all seem to have not hat subject is not surprising.
Maybe spend time to learn to make mesh more effectively, use that time to finesse your skill. Rather than make the same shit shit for the last three years. Which is also playing into why slrs aren’t buying. Yah know, if you make another white sofa or another rumper shit will eventually stop selling.
#31 = Been to facebook? Been to Twitter? Been to any social media site? Humanity is a cesspool.
#9 Go look at Cara’s facebook, its filled with bitter posts. So clearly shes gone from New Haven, not on a leave of absence, like her dick riders were claiming.
why don’t your ask her? You look like a hating fool with your assumptions. Go back to sucking Thomas off and see where that gets you
You’re dumb if you think just because someone doesn’t like Cara, they automatically like Thomas. Cara, Thomas, Brian, and Astrid all are shitty ass people so its nice to see the truth come out about all of them. And no, no one likes Thomas’s ugly feet pics he posted in NH discord.
Sounds like Cara, Thomas, Brian, and Astrid are all living rent free in your head.
you are clearly what’s wrong when places get a bad reputation. Fake and conniving and only in it for the drama. If you hate the place so much why are you there? And don’t say you aren’t bc your garbage reeks of backstabbing but again that is why you are here instead of coming at it with proof of actual problems. Stop making shit up, you know what they say about those who ASSume
44 – truly hate that patterns are hidden in fatpacks. i don’t know why creators don’t do mini packs with a couple colours and a pattern at a reduced price (like miss chelsea) because people have been consistently balking at these fatpack prices for a while. makes sense to move more smaller sets instead. fatpacks for most clothing never made sense to me unless it’s a basic (pair of jeans, tshirt, underwear, etc).
going to add to this one and say i wish some stores would stop charging full price for items that have been updated for newer bodies. (ie spoiled). you’re just making people re-purchase stuff they already own. it should be a redelivery as it’s an update to an older item.
i get that it’s a courtesy bc wE’rE sO eNtITLeD but it’s easier to just not update old stock and make new items with the new bodies moving forward like other creators have done. i would think a creator would want to get rid of older stock/make room for newer stuff but those rollerskates and ice skates are on weekend sale like too often to make me think there is no newer stock.
Wow, complaining because a designer takes time out of their schedule to revisit older outfits and update with new bodies.
You are sO eNtITLeD!
Lol every single Spoiled update has been released as weekend sale first, and if you ever previously bought it you can also redeliver it to get the new bodies for free. If you bought anything from there twice, it’s because you’re stupid and can’t read where it clearly says that on every update post. Despite it being entirely your fault, I bet she would still refund you any double purchases if you ask, because she’s a nice person.
Finally, if you look at the creator’s profile, it also very clearly says she’s going to be focused on updating old releases for the rest of the year and she’ll be back to releasing new things next year. My posting name has rarely been more accurate than with this whole pile of 100% dumbass.
at your big big age, you need to realize that me (or anyone here) writing the mildest of criticism about a creator you know (bc you seem to know them all and always come in here HOT when someone has the tiniest bit of criticism) doesn’t mean that i think she’s evil or the devil. i don’t check profiles bc mostly pop on during the weekend.
if she updates the item AFTER the sale, fine. great. i’ll check later for the update and get a redelivery. if not, well, that sucks and i’ll move on to the next store.
You still seriously didn’t even read what I said and still don’t understand how the updates work; that’s kind of amazing lol
I don’t know her at all beyond one or 2 pleasant customer service interactions, but literally everything you said about the store was stupid and wrong. When things that are stupid and wrong are stated as facts, that annoys me.
Some people are just content to wander around being entirely ignorant and complaining about things they could easily find out if they made the tiniest bit of effort. I guess you’re one of those.
i did read what you said. but i wasn’t being clear and specific with what i was complaining about. what sparked all of that was the bowsette bookbag that’s available for a weekend sale NOW has been updated for new sizes however you cannot update the fatpack purchase through caspervend redelivery. you have to buy it again.
i’m guessing the old listing from caspervend being deleted? which is why you get an error when you try to redeliver the item and then that’s why i can’t receive a redelivery. and that’s where the “you need to rebuy old stuff again to get the update” gripe comes from.
maybe she didn’t realize that’s what happens when you delete a listing? this literally could be a caspervend glitch. but i’m not talking out of my ass here because it’s a lot of items that i’ve bought previously and i’m unable to update because the og listing was removed from caspervend. you get a huge ERROR message when you do try to redeliver. caspervend is looking for that line and can’t deliver a line that’s been deleted.
it would have been easier to just leave the original listing in tact and update it, then send out an automatic redelivery like most creators who have updated their sizes have done.
i am not checking profiles like you do. like most customers who aren’t ON sl constantly, we just do redelivery through caspervend.
Call me silly, but have you thought of sending a nice note to the designer about this issue? You’d be surprised at what an ounce of niceness can accomplish!
I once accidently bought the wrong body shape for an outfit. It was my fault, I thought I was clicking on the right one then got distracted when I paid. When I got the outfit I was ticked at myself for buying it. But then I also found out the HUD wasn’t working in the purchase.
I sent a nice note to the designer letting her know about the issue. I mentioned I bought the petite and not the regular but said that was my fault (I could use the bottoms without issues which is what I really wanted). She fixed the HUD and resent the fixed outfit for the body type I wanted.
Kindness goes a long long way in SL especially which it comes to buying stuff in game.
i’m assuming when you update an old item through caspervend like every other creator does, you shouldn’t have to have a back and forth like this but i’ll send another notecard!
You’d think someone who loves the taste of their own shoes so much would be a little more understanding about human beings making mistakes. Yes, in a perfect world, every single thing would always be set up exactly right and no one would ever forget anything. However, shit talking a generous creator because you are too lazy to seek assistance for a small and understandable oversight is the only real mistake here. You chose one store to call out specifically for something they have literally never done, entirely based on you not knowing what you’re talking about, and then continued to argue even after the information you lacked was spoon fed to you. How lucky for you that you don’t seem to have the mental capacity to be embarrassed, otherwise you would have shut up a long time ago.
Thank for covering that; I thought everyone knew that you just contact a creator however they specify- usually notecard- when there’s a redelivery error, and they take care of it. It never even occurred to me to just buy something again rather than do that. I’m fairly certain one of the times I had to contact the Spoiled creator, that’s exactly why- something I bought a really long time ago didn’t show up for update redelivery, and she was super sweet, apologized for the error and sent the update as well as updating her redelivery info. But then you’d have to actually look at the creator’s profile to see that contact information, which I guess is far too much work for someone who will type paragraphs defending themselves for not doing it? Can’t make this shit up lol
Like literally all their defenses come down to “I don’t know those things!” and that’s the definition of ignorance; learning to shut the fuck up when you don’t know things is a part of growing up they haven’t reached yet I guess
Yeah you are entitled. Do you realize how long it takes to rig an item? So that work should be unpaid? gtfo. You are the problem.
i do know how long it takes (it is a lot easier if you know what you’re doing) but i also don’t like nickel and diming people who already paid for an item. i personally don’t think it’s fair to charge someone full price for the same item every time they add a body. if you bought outfit xyz, i’ll update that outfit for whatever size you need. i want that person to know as long as they own something of mine, i’ll update it.
if i don’t want to update it anymore, i’ll say that and it stays that way. i get that it’s a choice but imagine seeing something you paid 1500L for and having to pay another 1500L to get one size? that’s ridiculous.
i genuinely like being honest with people who give me money and i get many of you on SL don’t do that but that’s just me!
If that bothers you, you need to be criticizing stores like Addams and Blueberry, not Spoiled who offers literally all of their updates for free. They are the ones who are updating and charging again for the exact same items in new sizes/recolors, and Addams even makes sure the original fatpack HUDs don’t work on the new sizes as well. They have all kinds of excuses about “new textures” but the truth is, they just want your money again. There’s no reason to disable the old textures in order to add new ones, and as long as people keep bending over for the fucking(and being too dumb to know which stores to even complain about, but hopefully you’re a rare case) they’ll keep getting away with it.
i did say in my original post that i wish some stores. stores. plural. more than one. i wrote a specific example with spoiled above because that is what sparked my reply. spoiled is not the only one that does it but that’s the most recent one i can think of. i do not shop at blueberry or addams and i don’t follow these stores as heavily as you seem to so good to know i guess?
ugh, apparently blueberry is still on the protected list
#31, #40, etc.
for the thousands of people in SL, there are very, very few people who truly cross over into RL friendships, much less relationships. you can’t expect anything more than the moment you’re sharing with someone. the minute you expect more is the minute you’re set to be hurt. you can’t trust anyone. especially if it’s someone you trust the most. you are worth more than allowing anyone to make you feel insignificant. especially in a place like SL.
#28…I wondered why I was banned from every gift server they have. Banned because a friend gave me a gift card they didn’t want. Noted…and customer (ie someone who did actually spend real lindens at your store as well) lost.
25 If you don’t like it there, leave. It’s easy,
31 Again, leave. Or surround yourself with better people. Remember, YOU choose with whom you associate.
44 OK Karen. Shut the fuck up. People can sell their shit however they want.
You sound like a really nice person! NOT!
#44. Honestly, no. I agree with it due to the fact patterns being sold behind fatpacks is cringe.
Have to give you a reason to buy the fatpacks. Fatpacks are usually a discounted price to save money instead of buying each one individually. Thing to keep in mind is, depending on the type of creator, they could be paying to upload mesh, upload multiple textures, and pay rent to keep the store open. If they aren’t a high traffic store, the fatpacks help ease their paying rent and making back their money for the mesh/texture uploads.
I used to be a creator, but my traffic was low that I finally had to close because I wasn’t selling enough to keep my rent paid. I even went from $1500 fatpacks to selling every texture separate, charging $30L, but some months I never made a single sell.
Wait.. You had to close because you couldnt keep your rent paid?
Do people not realize the Marketplace is where most sales are + you dont have to pay rent? You also dont really have to maintain it either. It will sell passively over time which means there’s no reason to “close down”.