
· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 310 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
1. Azure has a scary amount of alts. She likes to attack others with them or date her own sisters with them. She’s Matthew and what she tried to do to Amari is not cool.
Lol, that’s ALL of them, they’re all playing alts to trick each other.
No Azure you are the one with the hidden alts. You don’t have to drag the rest of your family into it to take the heat off yourself.
Lmao, you wish. I wouldn’t set foot on a so called, rp town. I think the members are mostly all mentally ill and the others haven’t figured that out yet.
No idea if Herbal there is Azure, but Herbal does have this weird obsession with calling everyone alts, and insisting that she’s discriminated against for being straight.
😄 😆
I know who you are though.
No you don’t, twit.
Yes I do, name caller.
Are we going to quit making like Azure is the worst in the family? Lauren Haze is faking her pictures as we speak they are all over google. Azure doesn’t cat fish and means well and leave Odari Gigi and Patty out of all this drama and if Ryder hurts Patty again he uses his last chance he’s the worst.
funny id like to know whos talkin all this bullshit this is ryder and ive never hurt patty ever. funny all you fucks are nothing but keyboard warriors . come talk to me if you got a issue with me
That’s gonna take a grain of salt to accept, even from a former SL ‘DJ’ such as me. You’re simply a hobbyist. An entertainer. That’s what you are when you just slap music down on a playlist and broadcast it over the audio stream.
Leave the term DJ to those who actually are generating their own tunes and actually using a setup to mix music with.
DJ = disc jockey you know plays prerecorded used to be records then cds etc, existed long before LIVE MIXERS thats what you are. So instead of insulting like you are higher above realize are just different categories. People like both. I actually hate live mixers not a huge fan the style music. I prefer DJs play music I can sing to
Lmao you really don’t know shit about music do you?
I’m 1 of those “live mixers” those you hate, although not in SL I’m in the real world not that it matters.
There is a lot of very talented DJs on the grid, live mix and non live mix (entertainers) but let me educate you here without you thinking I’m insulting you or higher above you *rolls eyes*…. Just because we live mix it doesn’t mean we play terrible categories of music! Are you THAT dumb to think live mixers only play a certain genre?? A good mix DJ can play any genre across the board (even ones you can sing along to buddy) the difference is they can mix different genres together without you thinking it sounds like a train wreck, now you as a non mix can do that also I’m sure but you won’t be fading out of 1 genre and into a completely different 1, with different BPM and keys so “blah” whoever you are it seems that you are the one being insulting to the mixers not the other way around.
I hope I’ve educated you a little 😘
again I said style not genre, you so hell bent on being offended that someone may not like your style that you are looking for anything to attack over even imaginary insults
Perfect example of you seeking out insults where I didnt, simply based on a fact that not everyone likes the same thing. btw wasnt me that did the downvote I am just seeing page and commenting when do.
Nobody cares about music you can sing to. The world doesn’t revolve around you, says the one critiquing me for thinking I’m higher above and whatnot. You’re more self-centered than I am because you’re only concerned about YOU when it comes to what music is being played, apparently.
actually the world does revolve around the listeners. If the listeners arent happy you dont make shit and sets are small. And seems you are the one with the ego issue here. Butthurt that people have different tastes? I mean I am not the only one since alot the places with DJS not live mixer are pretty damn busy
And now we all know to avoid your sets because you’re a fuckn douche nozzle over someone simply saying “realize are just different categories. People like both.”
Oh and now you think you’re controlling the narrative by detouring what we’re talking about. You are adorable! Look at you! Making it about the definition of what a DJ is to now talking about listeners and tastes in music when I’ve not brought that up at all. You’re again proving me right about my assessment of you and I didn’t have to do much of a thing!
Dance for me! lol
It takes a huge ego to even give a damn about playing music and expecting even a 100 people to attend your set. You need to set realistic expectations, is that what you think? You go and try playing music on SL and tell me how it goes without whoring yourself around to attract attention.
Such a fool.
Tell me, name me one just one person on SL that plays music for a club that has attracted more than at least 30 people. That isn’t an event. That isn’t celebrating some other cause or what have you. Someone just there, slapping music down over the stream to play. Good luck finding one, because they don’t exist!
first line of defintion “A disc jockey, more commonly abbreviated as DJ”
I mean seriously here? Why so offensive? Whjy claim the very defintion and exiostance of a word that invented before you were even born somehow isnt real?
Dude, you’ve lost this one, just admit it. Now you’re just embarrassing yourself for everyone’s amusement. You’re becoming illogical and you’re grasping at straws to seem like you’re trolling when you can’t even do that right.
Just give it up.
“Leave the term DJ to those who actually are generating their own tunes and actually using a setup to mix music with.”
DJ = disc jockey like it or not, been around way before born
You are a mixer deal with it, no better than the other. Side note you desperate attempt to validate yourself is kinda egoistical and bit pathetic.
toddles !!
You know, I’ll take that petty downvote as admission of guilt.
Bruh, google ‘DJ’ and look in the images. Now tell me, what would you see? Would you see:
A) An uninterested person infront of a computer just slapping down songs they most likely downloaded over piracy or ripped from YouTube?
B) People with actual turntables producing music to broadcast to audiences?
You’re gonna be in for a real surprise if you bother even looking. But I bet your life’s savings that you won’t, lol.
I pulled this from Wikipedia, since you’re going off from a simple google search on the one line definition. Here’s some proper education for you:
““DJ” is used as an all-encompassing term to describe someone who mixes recorded music from any source, including vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, or digital audio files stored on USB stick or laptop. DJs typically perform for a live audience in a nightclub or dance club or a TV, radio broadcast audience, or an online radio audience. DJs also create mixes, remixes and tracks that are recorded for later sale and distribution. In hip hop music, DJs may create beats, using percussion breaks, basslines and other musical content sampled from pre-existing records. In hip hop, rappers and MCs use these beats to rap over. Some DJs adopt the title “DJ” as part of their names (e.g., DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Qbert, DJ Shadow and DJ Yoda). Professional DJs often specialize in a specific genre of music, such as techno, house or hip hop music. DJs typically have extensive knowledge about the music they specialize in. Many DJs are avid music collectors of vintage, rare or obscure tracks and records.”
Now tell me, does that SOUND LIKE what a SL DJ does? Nooooooooope! Live mixers exist, yes. They’re the real DJs. Not some fat person infront of a computer just slapping down downloaded shit onto a DJ program and using Shoutcast to stream over SL.
Carma ugly whore snatcher is always trying to be popular and started that fight. So it was not a random citizen he was fighting with. She has been trying to get his dick for months and Azure is too passive and dumb to realize it. Hey Azure did you know that Carma tried to ‘be there’ for Erick while you two broke up? Did you know she told people that she would treat him better? Why do you think she always wants to be around him even though he acts like he hates her. And yet she still let’s the tramp around them both and fakes liking her. And let’s not forget Taylor and his wimpy ass that has everyone in CC wondering why he would partner someone who cheats on him weekly on an alt and in front of him flirts with many others? And all of CC wants to know if you are really a guy or just another hidden female behind that avatar? He acts a lot like a female to be a real guy with all of his lolz. That’s the real tea of CC there.
Azure can you stop attacking everybody all because your alt Matthew got blasted? You are obsessed with Carma and Erick is your alt too.
Hetero drama is funny… get a life… rofl
13 Again instead of explaining why genus or evo x suck a bunch of haters on both sides just spewing bullshit how about an adult debate? Since the new genus heads are semi released.. which head do you prefer and why? Personally.. I wanted to love the new genus as i was a huge fan.. I have played with the classic since it was rereleased. Personally.. no matter what i throw at it.. skins make up etc.. it didnt go forward cept for the 4k . There are still holes in the ears.. no elf ears which i dont use anyways but adorable and the hud is very glitchy.. and wearing the high def 4k skins even as high as graphics can go.. head textures look almost glittery.. and i have a gaming laptop. For me I will stick with the LEL EVOX for the time being and see if genus ups its game a little more.. YOUR THOUGHTS?
nope the update sucks worse than before, I have heard alot creators say they aren’t about to bother with those damn new kits and way done.
I think it’s hilarious that any silly bitch thinks she’s going to look “better” when her face skin literally can’t possibly match her body skin; that’s too much difference in resolution, color “matching” will be irrelevant. Guaranteed most people don’t even understand what resolutions mean and just get excited when they see “4k” because they think that automatically means good. Every Genus chick is going to have to keep wearing chokers with every outfit just like we did years ago because of the shitty neck seam, since they have ensured it will continue to be a problem- except the cookie cutter edgelord bitches with their blackout neck tattoos… assuming anyone bothers to update one of those for Genus.
Genus is the most out-of-touch company on the grid, I swear. Add shit no one needs even if they’re stupid enough to think they do, and don’t fix any of the scripting and rigging issues in the years it took them to release any updates. Imagine, “4k skins” on their 1k monitors and low graphics settings that won’t even render 4k lmao 💀💀 and don’t even get me started on the ones who’re going to lag themselves out and blame everyone and everything else for it except their own dumbass head that’s the problem- if the skin is 4k, that means every layer on top of it is too, and how many 4k textures do you think it takes to push a 5-10 year old prebuilt Dell potato to its limit? Not many. I got my redelivery days ago, and haven’t even bothered to open the box. They were better than Catwa in their time, but Genus is over and this last gasp won’t change that. Too little; much too fucking late.
#24 Its too bad people haven’t learned from Editorial Clarity’s history. Screwing people over with the LTD debacle, the Orchard Heights clusterfuck, and now SL20. Most people were too smart to agree to get involved with him and SL20 because they know he is a flake and when he gets bored or overcommitts with money he doesn’t actually have, he turns tail and runs, claiming that “real life is too busy”. He does nothing himself but is just great with taking credit for the work of others, just like he did with LTD. He scapegoats other people for his own failures. Surely it will be someone else’s fault that he is not going to pay people for their work for SL20, either, or that this entire thing will be a big fail, too. Editorial Clarity is a narcissist who is obsessed with being SLfamous. Everyone associated with him would be smart to get out now before history repeats itself and he disappears while dragging them through the mud behind him.
sort of have to agree with you, I booked him to decorate and he f d me around for over a month then disappeared only to reappear a couple of months later doing this BS
Stop accusing the wrong people of looking like children avatars in SL. Actual ageplayers hide in plain sight. How these people get away with still being in SL with as many places as they visit is beyond me and yet you all are focused on people whose avatars look like #22.
People like this are not hard to find because they all follow each other to some degree. I don’t know how they’re not banned yet on both Flickr and in SL:
Charlotte Photographie | Flickr
Chloe Syn | Flickr
♥ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴅᴇᴠɪʟ♥ | Flickr
Cathy Vathiany | Flickr
Charlotte Kawaii | Flickr
Morgan McGuire | Flickr
addie kwan | Flickr
These are just a few people, there are more of them. Also, it seems the Rebirth body gets used for super illegal reasons in-game especially when you consider it’s an all-purpose body.
some are, some aren’t just like some are posted here and some aren’t, however ALOT are posted here. When you have the face of a child, I don’t care what type rationalization use.
Most of the profiles you sent got deleted but yes, the real age players roam around “family nudity” sims, or playground and overall PG places. I don’t know why SL people are so invested in babygirls
Super illegal? such as ???? they just shitty looking avis with revolting pictures in flicker they aren’t actual children.
People are already being arrested for this type of thing in places like Australia. Imagine when it crosses borders and other countries consider doing the same. Many countries already have laws in place for simulated acts of child sex abuse and pornography. These people are playing with fire and they better be careful before they end up the same way.
omg thats disgusting, ty for showing us though
what’s the downvotes for I’m asking a question, wth is super illegal??
Creating depictions of child porn, even in pixels, is very illegal in many places.
No, it isn’t. Not here in the U.S. Unless they are photos of REAL CHILDREN being harmed. Because a lot of anime and mangas would be banned here in the U.S.
22: Oh look…….. the person who made this is hanging around in the top club in SL. Sex club or not, whats up your ass? Oh. nevermind.
They stand there waiting for someone to IM them, but no one does cause their avatar is old, crusty and ugly, so they screenshot whoever looks cute and calls them out for stealing the attention
#1. That’s the big family I see their last name everywhere. Who is in the Haze family?
They are all rental alts. And azure controls them all.
Carma ugly whore snatcher is always trying to be popular and started that fight. So it was not a random citizen he was fighting with. She has been trying to get his dick for months and Azure is too passive and dumb to realize it. Hey Azure did you know that Carma tried to ‘be there’ for Erick while you two broke up? Did you know she told people that she would treat him better? Why do you think she always wants to be around him even though he acts like he hates her. And yet she still let’s the tramp around them both and fakes liking her. And let’s not forget Taylor and his wimpy ass that has everyone in CC wondering why he would partner someone who cheats on him weekly on an alt and in front of him flirts with many others? And all of CC wants to know if you are really a guy or just another hidden female behind that avatar? He acts a lot like a female to be a real guy with all of his lolz. That’s the real tea of CC there.
Azure can you stop attacking everybody all because your alt Matthew got blasted? You are obsessed with Carma and Erick is your alt too.
They aren’t all alts.
Yes big family.
Azure means well maybe she is bored.
Odari is the kindest soul I have met on the grid she warms my heart even through her roleplay business she is helping folks.
Gigi has a heart of gold and I look forward to the movie events on Friday nights.
Lauren is friendly but she is faking her “real picture” on discord it is all over google cat fish.
Patty is the best she’s always the best when her dear ones need her she is the sweetest and she’s good to Ryder even when she shouldn’t.
Ryder is terrible and shouldn’t be in the family. What is Patty thinking she’s too good for him.
I’ll agree Patty/Penny is cool, has her issues like everyone else, But ifyou truly get to know her then you’d think otherwise.
Gigi and Patty are cunts. They think they have the right to make up stories about people to influence others and go behind people’s backs to try and control other people’s relationships.
Apparently you’ve only seen the public faces of these people.
Tha f*ck! Tha f*ck you talking about? Gigi is hot as f*ck and always been nice when I have been around her. People love her and simp for her. She can tell me any story she wants if she sits on my face.
Seeing her in public or private I just want to be in or under her.
Fuck off, we know who you are, go away, nobody likes or wants to talk to you, hoe
You weren’t kidding about Lauren Haze(laurennbouvier). 👀 Over 30 google results for her IW picture on several different pages. Catfishin is sad rofl!
While not catfishing, makes me think of the people who blow thousands of lindens on clothes in SL and then not even 5 minutes later say “Could you give me $3000L for rent?” Nope, sorry, I became broke while reading your question.
90% of idiots on SL are cat fishing. Who cares if she is doing that. Also if Amari or whoever is Matt big fucking deal he can do whatever. It’s up to them how they want to play the fucking game. Are alts unheard of??? NO so stfu!
You must be a moron and a liar….90% of people are not catfishing.. just because you are doesn’t mean everyone else is and being ugly doesn’t give you the right to steal from someone else..you just want to feel better about your dishonesty. The comments are making me believe that Amari is not Matthew and one of you dishonest clowns framed him.👀
#24. Name names. Who is not paying photogs? Inquiring minds want to know.
SL is wild. If you look cute then you are a child and if you are agree she is cute or date her then you are a pedo (i feel bad for people in RL who have baby faces or have petite, small chubby bodies that guess you are pedo baiting and your partner is also a pedo). If you want to wear and support reborn or kupra then your avi is promoting obesity and you are 400+ rl( even though you can make reborn/kupra slim thick or even look like legacy body very easily with simple basic skills to shape the body. But also in the real world since alot of you forget bodies in general come in different shape and sizes and if you dont like it you as an adult should maybe fuck off?) If you support maitreya then you are a walking skeleton and ugly and also probably some fat ”bitch”in rl trying to be skinny in cute.(even though you can be skinny and not look like you starve yourself.” Sl is not for the weak of mind and heart due to others NEEDING to let you know of their opinions regardless how stupid or how much of a reach it might be. Maybe SL should throw us all back to the days where we didnt have mesh anything to teach people a lesson.
Hold up Hold up Hold up, I’m trying to understand this. So if you’re avatar looks cute she is a child, if your avatar is made with kupra or reborn then you promote obesity and are a fatty, and if your avatar is made with maitreya you’re ugly and a skeleton – unless you’re cute then you’re an ugly skeleton pedo… but you’re a fattie in RL. I used to feel bad for women in RL because of all the judgement being tossed around about body shaming but good golly miss molly that’s nothing compared to SL. Soo much judgement while at the same time denouncing judgement… kinda funny…. thank god for male SLINK bodies… come at me bro!!! -MH2023 yeah you know who dis is ;P
#1 Amari quit pointing fingers at others we all know that Matthew is you
I need to know more about this Amari chick.
Analysis being booty is better then water and food booty for sell on the next cell next to buck mates.
Wow this sounds like a fun place to visit, does one need to speak like that to join? Because I am not sure if I can muster up those types of Role Playing skills, but if a sexy voice is all you need to be part of the “it” crowd there, I can work with that.
Well this comment was meant for #19, I suppose I need to learn how to comment before commenting 😅
lol welcome to the comments! but are you sure it was 19? 🙂
OMGah how about #14 yes yes I am a noob, there is so much shit to read here LOL
Yes I was commenting to the Scottish thingy about the hoopla about his voice being sexy ect ect.
15 – Two things. First, if Ethan presents himself as a mixer DJ and does that, yeah, he’s lying. Second, if you think you have to mix to be a DJ at all, there are decades’ worth of people who bore that title before you and hip-hop were born who are laughing at you. Including the dead ones.
22 – In after an inevitable “Daddy/bbg is incest” remark to observe that he looks 21 and she isn’t any younger (notice her features are proportional to each other on a heart-shaped face). Daddy as father is not what you see there. As for this public display of ignorance masquerading as kink-shaming, I have some advice for you. If a couple does anything that bugs you at a sex club, mute and derender them both and focus on what you’re doing. Anything else makes you an asshole. PS: Pedophilia/pederasty/hebephilia are not kinks, for the record. They are compulsive fetishes which cause active harm to the fetishizer and their targets. Until you can prove daddy doms are mostly if not entirely half-suppressed pedos, shut up. I am not into it myself, but yucking someone’s yum is just rude.
Daddy Doms are just cucks trying to LARP as what they imagine is a man lol. Probably into CP but unlikely to be offenders bc they can’t get it up unless they’re getting humiliated. It’s like dudes who are into feet, everyone knows they’re betas, don’t need any official study for that.
Lol anyone can be a DJ now days vitural DJ And a midi controller followed by youtube tutorials= easy money
#15 How do they even select these fake DJs?
Shows you how fake SL has become – ask a question about a fake and get a thumbs down. LOL
God help us.
Do you know he’s a fake DJ? Have you ever heard him play? Your post was a statement, not a question. Maybe he’s a really good DJ and the poster is jealous? Probably when you’re getting down votes.
I’m pretty sure your down votes are less about the question and more about your classifying them as “fake DJs”.
For those unaware… DJ stands for “disc jockey” and is defined as literally anyone who plays recorded music for an audience. Period. There is no requirement for it to be anything more. You can have someone who live mixes and then someone who plays tracks with a simple fade between the 2…and they are both called a DJ. If you ever listen to the radio in your car, those people who talk between songs are also called DJs. There are a lot of different ways to be a DJ, all just as valid as the next.
Y’all need to stop trying to gatekeep and maybe do some research or educate yourself on a topic before jumping on the assumption bandwagon.
DJ = disc jockey = playing discs/prerecorded records,tapes, cds songs clips etc , original term and origin
Liver Mixer = not DJ = should be self explanatory, yes they actually have different terms one is not the other
Liver mixer sounds more into the food and butchery industry than music, maybe that’s where the confusion is. /s /j
we should be friends
We probably already are. Everything is all anonymous.
#9. Spot on! Faith is a nasty person.
#13 You don’t realize how long it takes to make a proper texture dev kit do you? Especially one that gives us all the bells and whistles that LeL does. Hell, it’s in Substance Painter. It has UDIM setup, which, good luck getting anyone else to do that. That dev kit was probably in the works months before fucking Genus started their bullshit up, again. For the 5th time. Honestly surprised they actually did anything. Have you seen the ridiculousness yet of the new Genus ‘HD’? Good luck getting anyone to buy/make/do anything for a head that needs ALL the AUX slots to even function after the first wave of curiosity. Anyone hear of the Aesthetic body? No? Yeah that’s because it takes too many textures to want to fuck with and is too expensive to make skins/tattoos/anything for. Using up all the aux slots also guarantees you can’t use your precious vagina or dick that hijacks animations any time you turn around and you haven’t set it up properly. The Slit will be on your face, or your face will be on your vag. Wake up, dumbass. Even the tutorial that shows you how to upsample your work to be ‘4k’ is laughable.People going to be walking around with oversharpened, blurry SLUV faces calling themselves beautiful. It’s going to be hilarious. Creators aren’t going to want to spend 4x the amount to upload necessary textures, and their customers sure as hell aren’t going to want to see prices go up. Stop being mad at the wrong people that Genus has been fucking us over for 5 years with promised bug fixes and innovative stuff. — Forgot to address the other stuff. 1: Yeah, LeL is a little weirdly paranoid with their devkits. Hopefully they change that a bit in… Read more »
Said this well.
Well said!
Lelutka is amazing creator is kind and sweet.
So what if they are picky about dev kits!
They dont want people making shitty content for there heads lol
I am not a fan of Genus Always been laggy, and skins look like shit on there heads.
They had so much time after winning that law suit to update things failed to do so.
Meanwhile Genus was being lazy.
Lelutka dominated the market!
Plus gives out free heads every year!
Everyone copying Lelutka style Hud Catwa Did not Genus lmfao sad
Catwa Did it now Genus hud is in the style of lelutka.
I wonder how many times Lelutka has to change their hud due to copy cats.
they didnt win a law suit, never was one. Only one dmca happened even though claimed 2, they would never provide proof etc of thr 2nd and caught. It was closed by LL 30days after filed due to lack of contact by the claimant magically. Yet stayed closed 4mths. They fucked up in discord showing the closed email and it had the date dmca closed and info
#13 I agree with you. And Lelutka might be a little paranoid with their devkits but it doesn’t come close to how it used to be with head brands in the past. Catwa used to constantly lie about having 3D devkits when creators asked them about it, she gave them to big stores only. It was tough on the Genus’ beginning to get your hands on their kit as well. I understand their fear, but they just had to do what they do today: set a goal for creators to achieve and prove they’re trustworthy (having x produts in your store, having x products for their head using the 2D kit, etc).
LeL actually gives out their devkits pretty easily compared to any other head brand in SL right now. You can actually be just starting up and be able to get their kits. The only “flaw” I can think of is them sometimes taking a long time to answer those who are applying, but I can’t even imagine how hard their workflow might be so that’s pretty understanble still.
#14. I went to listen to a DJ friend of mine at a club and saw these 3 dancing near the stage. Them changing clothes all the time and when things didn’t rezz immediately, I asked my DJ friend: ‘Do you now have your own flock of strippers now?’ We both had a good laugh about it. 😅
they’re pretty silly, they tout themselves as influencers if I remember from reading their profiles one night. they pick a club and claim they’re helping boost traffic and bringing people in. the only influence I felt from them was to leave lol.
#14 Inexplicably, a newcomer with a Scottish accent has managed to lay claim to the title of the owner of Brunel, a restaurant that has been an unequivocal disaster under their care. Ladies, do brace yourselves and indulge in a momentary diversion by perusing his Facebook profile and snapshots (chuckles abound). The trio of ladies trailing behind this individual are a trifecta of vexed and insatiably attention-hungry maniacs, poised to wreak havoc upon anything they come into contact with. Their audacity to pontificate and pass judgment upon revered establishments like Muddy’s and other distinguished venues within Second Life is simply preposterous, given their well-documented penchant for reducing everything they touch to ruins with unparalleled alacrity. If one dares to dissent from their preposterous worldview or fails to share their myopic perspectives, they are summarily relegated to the detritus heap of humanity. A complete lack of reverence for the dedicated proprietors and benefactors who selflessly pour their time and resources into elevating the Second Life experience for all and sundry is unmistakably their hallmark. What motivates this rather tragic trio, one might wonder? A delusional fixation on self-aggrandizement, a ceaseless chorus of “look at me,” “me, me,” and a narcissistic symphony of “it’s all about me,” collectively resonate within their hollow minds, marking them as wretched and unhinged beings in perpetual turmoil. Their reputation, or rather infamy, precedes them, casting a pall of disdain over their very existence. They are universally regarded with a mixture of disdain and evasion, as any sane individual is inclined to avoid their pernicious influence. In their quest for attention, it seems they have indeed triumphed, albeit in a most perverse manner—beckoning forth the torrent of opprobrium and negativity that has befallen them. After all, is not ignominious attention preferable to the void of anonymity, dear… Read more »
When it’s 11:45 and you have an essay due at 12:00.
Please don’t use chat GPT to write your VS comments.
me thinks sumone is jealous they didnt think of it first…. or that chatgpt doesn’t have a ‘dress like strippers’ mode, right Angels?
Serious, that cheap stripper team is really back in sl?? damn, just damn
Someone wants us to know she went to a good college. This is VS Secrets…I stopped reading at ‘pontificate’, sheesh. Looks like NH is trying to come up with some new “news”.
😉 😂
well said
LOL, it was a chapter out of Jane Eyre.
#7 You people are starting to learn about Bass finally after all these years. Bass, Nightwolf, Diak, Jessi Ravnos, Ninja, Bryan Lescher Ravens Ragnarock whatever now and Adair his son not son whatever.
Another week and no Game of Thrones or Fantasy RP secrets?? Give us more! lol
#14 is one of those ladies called MrsBellingham? If so then that women is really a man. I never knew it was a guy until my ex mom told me. Its sickening these mental illness sickos are pretending to be something they are not and not being honest with people they get into a relationship with. I wouldn’t be surprised if IT and Aspen, Rydin and Aria are the other sluts. They are the newest sluts of New Haven now Dahlia and Barbie were banned.
Wait..wtf was Dahlia banned for?
go back to your corner u diaper obsessed freak
Can we stop calling putting fake shadows and playing with levels and overlays on pixels “photography”? Get over yourselves.
And no, someone doesn’t owe you details on their clothes, you’re just a crusty ass boomer.
#24 Didn’t Edi/Danny screw his LTD staff like this too? Run off with renter money from Orchard Heights? Why do people even work and do business with him? Everything he touches, he gets bored with, ruins, burns bridges and runs off to his “real life” then comes back again
9 Who cares?
13 you Genus cultists need to give it up. They’ve been ” coming back” for 4 years now. It’s not gonna happen.
20 non bloggers are under no requirement to answer your stupid questions. Grow up.
you do know that Genus have updated a couple of heads and are open again??? apparently the owner has had a terrible time in her real life, some of which you apparently don’t have
Ok, Gatekeeper.
gatekeeping….their pixels? their personal sense of style/fashion? ok champ lol.
#22 Chick has baby hands!
#14: Oh those three girls, the Trainwreck known as Charlie’s Angels.
At least you guys could get a few laughs out of watching their special brand of cringe until they leave because no one thinks they’re remotely interesting?
OMG, I thought it was too good to be true when that other attention whore Carla left SL for 10 minutes, then came back when no one noticed LOL…… These 3 and their goat fetish, you’d think by now they’d get a Minecraft server or start reviewing vape pens for clicks *coughs*. This is truly pure gold I tell ya, comedy gold! You can’t make this stuff up with this trio of geniuses, it just keeps getting better and better! Looking forward to see who they hate on next!
#14: They probably posted the article themselfs. BAHAHAHAHA!
It’s possible! I’m hoping they come screeching back in here again because they’re the purest form of entertainment once they get wound up. It’s the saddest show on earth, the “Pick Me Girl Circus.” All three performers are clowns.
#15 He’s not a DJ. All that production to hide bad mix skills. BRM and HBM are real DJs. Hope Smokefest learns a lesson and stop using substandard people.
mixers aren’t DJs the are live mixers. If he is playing prerecorded then he is actually a DJ. Disc Jockey.
#1 Anyone catch that Matthew is acting like Amari after getting accused of being Amari’s alt? Azure is framing Amari up to cover up her alts.
Last week it was Matthew as Amari (all week this fool is talking to himself on OOC) as Amari and this week its Matthew as Azure?? Stop deflecting Amari we all know it’s you!Amari wanted to be a cop in CC and never could so now is using Matthew to do it.Matthew all he talks about is food just like (Amari)Mathew logs off at 8 like Amari Amari is obsessed with Lauren check his flickr and is using Matthew to fuck around!Amari hates Erick because Lindsey is obsessed with him!
Mathew is not Amari! Why would Amari be obsessed with Lauren when he has Lindsey? Lauren is faking her picture on discord as we speak… cat fish…Lol! Lindsey has nothing to worry about. Lindsey is not obsessed with Erick they don’t even talk..
Azure is maddie too. So she will claim that Erick is cheating on her with maddie but its just her stirring up some drama. And erick is preston. They love playing these games.🙄
She has changed the identity to Charlotte Beck now. Must be on the run.😏
Last week it was Matthew as Amari (all week he is talking to himself on OOC) as Amari and this week its Matthew as Azure?? Stop deflecting Amari we all know it’s you!
Amari wanted to be a cop in CC and never could so now is using Matthew to do it.
Matthew all he talks about is food just like (Amari)
Mathew logs off at 8 like Amari
Amari is obsessed with Lauren check his flickr and is using Matthew to fuck around!
Amari hates Erick because Lindsey is obsessed with him!
Mathew is not Amari! Why would Amari be obsessed with Lauren when he has Lindsey? Lauren is faking her picture on discord as we speak… cat fish…Lol! Lindsey has nothing to worry about. Lindsey is not obsessed with Erick they don’t even talk..
Lindsey is nothing special she is boring af….
You smell like a Amari. Hows it hanging? Pretty low i see.
Mind your business Amari and worry about your alts.
@11 Let’s talk about D-Block. Sometimes, when people are upset about something, his followers start posting stuff. Then Kory jumps onto Facebook and tries to talk like a wannabe redneck, saying things that even Google Translate can’t make sense of.
Now, the Carbettas, they all look bad and treat each other poorly. They make fun of others and talk trash. When unhappy people come together, it creates a mean and negative bunch of trolls. Kory’s gotten a bit too full of himself, unlike a few years ago when he was actually fun to be around. These days, he’s acting like he’s from the bayou in the Bronx, but it’s not working.
Here’s a heads-up for his followers: Kory doesn’t really care about you. If you’re talking smack about someone, they’re probably doing the same about you. Your online picture matches your unattractive behavior. Maybe it’s time to sign out and work on being a better person. What goes up must come down, and you’ll regret wasting so much time fitting in where you’re not welcome – you’re just a source of gossip for them.
Kory, get off your ego trip. You used to be cool, man. Before you rush to Facebook and start sounding like a clueless dude, take a moment to think. But maybe that’s asking too much. I miss the old you, buddy.
Kory has always been a self obssessed a hole, why is anyone surprised haha
Best comment of the week and you’re right Kory was nothing like he is now back in the day.
It’s a bit offtop, but!
This applies not only to Alex, it concerns most of the community of furry content creators in this damn place. Identical mods, 100500+ identical heads of cats and dogs, zero originality and a huge amount of self-esteem and envy. The death of original content was predicted a couple of years ago. Alex is a toxic liar by the way. By the way, did you notice that the fairy dragon’s head was identical to the content that the anima did, but its new release looks completely different? LOL
#10 #12 #17 #18 Crazy Callie the bane of breedables has nothing to do now that she’s been exposed and banned from Potted. What a vindictive, lying, bitch! I need some more popcorn for this shit!🍿 Your scams are ruined and nobody is gonna believe a single word you have to say ever again bitch. Now go suck a dick and get the fuck out of our virtual world. Also you’re not fooling anybody with your blank profile. We all know you’re over at Mad Hatter’s and trying to suck off the Teats of Teulu for money. Eccentric is a fool for not dumping you and flushing you down the toilet like the massive shit you are. Eccentric, you won’t be in business another year. Claus thinks he’s a scary man but he’s nothin but a cute little bitch. Meow. NOBODY is afraid of any of you dumb cunts any more so go fuck yourselves all of you.
No doubt these were all done by Callie. She can’t go hide on an alt because her mouth will give her away with her man voice and her acting like she is gods gift to everything and knows everything. All of the breedables they feel should revolve around them. They have been scamming people for years. Anyone have this notecard that was sent out about what exactly Crux and Callie did? If so can you please post it on here so we can see it?!?! Callie you are a fucking cunt and nobody likes you. You just stirred a whole lot of trouble for your stupid ass. You got caught red handed! FINALLY! Deal with it you stupid bitch! As far as Eccentric and Claus go they clearly want to learn the hard way. Mad Hatters is full of Crux and Callie supporters. If this notecard gets out dollars to donuts Mad Hatters won’t be there in a month. Eccentric use your brain cut ties with them now before they bring you down!
Do I have to be a crazy lesbian to do breedables?
or atleast bisexual
Yaaaasssss all day long
#5 I am looking specifically at you Milota. 12 days after releasing an item at C88 – it’s still not fixed in redelivery.
#15 – Ok, let’s break this down.
Did a search, his performance with audio mix was posted to YouTube by Smokefest, so it can be listened to again.
If it was taken from a YouTube video, please link the original video because without proof, this comment is baseless.
Ah back to the boring RP drama, facebook-tier spam and spurned lovers.
Anyone got any good dirt on what is going on with YN? suprised it didn’t feature.
The truth is out they fled to other communities they close there social network accounts. Therr friends abandon them and they’resecond life account and discord they try to make a new grid. The matrix discord server was very unseen before.
Message them in world
Wesley UwU
Jason UwU
Jason. Oberueng
Cameron button
True age players
Me too, especially after someone bragged about having proof I was involved with people from YN, yet this week … crickets. Almost like they were full of shit or something
“You don’t get it! We’re supposed to just call people we don’t like pedophiles with no proof and that just silences them! No one actually BELIEVES the people they’re accusing are GUILTY of these things, it’s just a WORD we USE to threaten people!”
*is waiting for the downvotes because “UsInG bAsIc ReAsOnInG iS tOo HaRd Q_Q”*
… Also waiting for one of you to move the goalpost to me being with my partner, as if ya’ll accusing me of all this no longer matters, or as if you never said it.
Despite whatever links you may or may not have, Chester, you have your own history of being a hothead and acting out irrationally among the kids community. You can say the choices of your partner are his alone, but you yourself have acted like a jerk to good people, and you still choose to support someone who has a long history of trolling many of our friends, groups, stores, and hangouts, causing many of them to disappear. So don’t come here thinking you have any honor left to defend. You don’t.
The honor isn’t in any way shown here when people are throwing around accusations like they would garbage it’s more along the lines of “you did this and that and i have proof/people have told me.” That alone in itself proves that anyone can make claims on the internet without even thinking they need to consolidate or backup what it is they are saying. People who are grown adults on the internet. As buster would say.
“You Really Think Someone Would Do That? Just Go On the Internet and Tell Lies?”
And I think that’ exactly what’s happening. Adults that play as children on a 30+ year old video game trying to point the finger without concern that it may. And i mean may just backfire on them to which it is here.
You guys have made yourselves look bad at this point bad enough to not be believable.
“You guys have made yourselves look bad at this point bad enough to not be believable.” – Bored Guy
Look, Chester has already admitted that he’s Colby’s partner, and that he has been for many years, going all the way back to Liam who Colby himself laughed about making disappear along with several others; and that includes some of my friends, and I bet some of your friends, too. He’s the reason we lost Devenar/Frodo and his store, while trying many times to do the same to SpazzyLots, Meshmerized, Bop! and others. And you know what, you who keeps asking for proof ?? ALL those snapshots can be found here on this site, including Colby’s many years of sexual exploits, trolling, false reviews, false reporting, and baiting. Want to see him riding a naked femboi named Drew, or saddled to some kind of sex doll, or being milked by a machine, all while in naked kid form? Or the many other pictures and videos he used to pass around? Want to see him cackle in kid groups about destroying an entire kid region, and constantly mocking and harassing other kid avatars for doing the very same things that he was doing himself? It’s all here already! Quit being lazy, you fool. These are the type of people you and others choose to defend and work alongside? Who ya kidding? You’ve made yourself look bad.
They created the environment, that has put them into the situation they face now.
All the proof has always been here, yet smothered in deniability and disrespect when its placed.
Instead, there is posts of retorts and gaslighting. Trying to make mockery of people that knew better. Then top it off with other sundries of intimidation tactics.
People if they truly change, don’t do this!
All of these you mentioned, if individuals were respectful, apologetic and resentful for all the things they done past or present; would have apologized and done right. By amending and admitting the misdeeds, as compensatory acts of trust.
Instead they are claiming innocence and unawareness, then adding to insult by discrediting the victims THEY CHOSE to create. And to insult more, to create friendships with others as devious as he is, yet pick on people who were easy to attack because it suited an agenda.
Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf syndrome.
Real life disgruntlements aside, what he did was instead of channel anger into the system that made him, he chose to pick on innocent people just doing what he had done or jealousy/envy (or just how he felt miserable that day).
Towards pixel people of all things, with real life personalities and feelings behind the screen. Bullying and the abuse of power.
This made him a parasite & harbinger of revulsion/ loathing in one.
Just a horrible, self- festering concept.
I can’t read anything he has to say, he burned that long ago with others they had banned, mistreated and mocked over the years.
Even towards people that were nice to him/them.
He/they made himself/themselves look bad.
Blame transference don’t wash here!
Hothead he is, you have him right there.
Hopefully VR Secret mods will open up my last post with the “proof” Chester needs.
He has no honor at all.
He has plenty grammar correction skills though, so that’s alright.
I think ?
Eh you still on about it, what you keep crying for?
PROBLEM is YOU, the people you SUPPORT and all this WANDERING off the SUBJECT.
Crickets??,There was NO crickets. People got SICK of your LAME-ASS EXCUSES, that’s about it.
It’s a POINTLESS exercise, even when you place the QUESTIONS and instead of answering DIRECT, go into a whole directory of side-swerves and GASLIGHTING.
Which seems to the SOMETHING you seem to CIRCUMVENT.
You keep BELIVING what you want to BELIVE, you do this CONSTANTLY!!!!!!!!
Also waiting for the alts to come in to start answering for your shit cause “ThIs Is wHat U ExcelL at.
Chester says “You don’t get it! We’re supposed to just call people we don’t like pedophiles with no proof and that just silences them!
Also me – “Eh you done that a lot of times, is why we are at liberty to say it. Proof, you always ask for proof but give little yourself harassing people.
Go jump in a hole, Chester. Possibly the one you crawled out of in the first place ?
That be nice ! “
Hopefully LL will end your time soon, karma is a bitch!!
A few are holding vigils from what is being voiced inworld.
And making alts talking to your self for people to post anything here this site is dead if you live on here looking for tea you must be bored with your life.
I swear you still think I am colby dark, and/or getting me confused with my partner
I usually don’t attack people on their grammar, but what the hell, I’m bored.
“ThIs Is wHat U ExcelL at.”
No idea what “excell” is. I think you mean excel.
“You keep BELIVING what you want to BELIVE, you do this CONSTANTLY!!!!!!!!”
Belive? You mean believe. And “you do this constantly.” Well… Yeah? That’s kinda how believing something works? If you didn’t constantly believe in what you believe in, you wouldn’t believe it, now, would you?
“That be nice !”
That’d* or That would*. You also threw in a quotation mark their for some reason.
“There was NO crickets. People got SICK of your LAME-ASS”
Were*. I have a lame ass? Well, to be fair, I’m sure you find it to be lame. No hyphen needed there. Hyphens indicate the first word is describing the following word.
“Which seems to the SOMETHING you seem to CIRCUMVENT.”
… I don’t know what the fuck is going on in this statement.
Please note, I am in no way saying that your grammar makes your points invalid.
I am, however, saying the bullshit you are spewing makes your points invalid.
While correcting grammar, it is wise to be grammatically correct.
What you said ::
“That be nice !”
That’d* or That would*. You also threw in a quotation mark their for some reason.”
What you should have said ::
You also threw a quotation mark *there* for some reason.
You’re welcome.
Oh so now we poking into grammar Nazi territory, Chester? Oh my oh my, we really have come down to the lowest denominator in comebacks. “Please note, I am in no way saying that your grammar makes your points invalid” No but this is what’s called as “inferring low-level intelligence” to avert a pressing debate. Let’s not go there. However, I am glad you read enough to pick up on one spelling error and some grammatical faux-pas. Sorry, I did not know I was addressing Wordsworth here. But yet again, unsurprised that the crux of the matter was still unanswered and again averted. Maybe it’s deliberate? Maybe this is your way of deflecting points made? Only you know that one. You yourself do not write or spell with ungrammatical lower case and upper case mixed, unless you are being a smart ass. Which I can tell you now, you are not. It is also not in any way, averting the subject at hand. Let us not detract from you, your behavior, your history and how you enable people to do things they should not do! Until we actually get to that part, the rest is tickling pickles for a “ONE UP” So, we not rising to that and we keeping on “the level” I will tell you right now, it is pointless ! So I will address it to you in a simple way 1 -You are enabling a person who has abused people in SL, 2- told lies 3- Made fake reports by entrapping people during sex stings… that your partner took part in. 4- Spun up drama to SL kids (while you yourself sat with the very kids he was preying on!) So Chester, grammar and punctuation aside . What are you doing about him, to make things… Read more »
You can keep waiting, cause I don’t have alts, and I haven’t broken TOS, but if you have proof, like you say you do, of which you have still failed to produce, AFTER THREE WEEKS, report me already, I’m tired of waiting. PLEASE get me banned. I’m begging you. I’ll be waiting.
But don’t forget, I reportedly got someone banned after I shared my “mental health issues” with them, so be careful i don’t get you banned too! OH NO!
If you were to go back, I actually did answer the questions. then I came back and added more. But believe what you want. I guess we’ll find out when you get me banned, right?
By the way, you asking me to prove I’m not guilty? You are the one who claimed to have proof.
You can’t prove a negative, so the burden of proof is on you.
“You did this thing. I have proof.”
“Okay, show me.”
“You’re so stubborn! You should prove it, not me! You’re gaslighting us by asking me to show the thing I said I had. I can’t believe how unreasonable you are.”
Who’s gaslighting again?
Your boyfriend/ partner never showed proof when he was abusing other people. Stringing up various lies and issues on this forum, to stir up his own rhetoric as some mental Band-Aid to solve his other problems.
These issues go two ways, my friend. My mission here is to expose your partner for what he does and your part in enabling it.
That’s the bottom line.
If you have issues with that, I cannot help you.
But people are better informed and aware now, I just come here to make sure that what you do, is passed around to others. So they know better to avoid you like the proverbial plague. And trust me, I will be back to highlight and accurately make sure every move you make, makes kids far safer.
I already stated this to you perfectly legible, if you do not like SL or cannot behave properly within TOS, there are other places to go. If you enjoy being an Anime avatar, stay into your domain.
If I see you skulking in the kid community without addressing the questions and rectifying them in a proper manner, I will keep coming back here to expose it.
Grammar or not 😛
That is my mission, grammar or whatever asides.
Until you do the right thing, by behaving yourself, keeping your rabid pit-bull on a leash and not shit on the territory you enjoy mingling in.
Is that understood?
Good !!
And this will be the last thing I say on the matter.
Rules and expectations, that’s all you have to concern yourself with.
still waiting for that damning evidence you have… that doesn’t exist. please prove me wrong
“Your boyfriend/ partner never showed proof when he was abusing other people.”
because YOU were the one accusing him and saying YOU had proof. as i said, you can’t prove a negative. YOU are the one claiming YOU have evidence, yet YOU have still not shown the evidence YOU claim to have.
anyway, until you provide proof, you literally have nothing to stand on except claims. and guess what, i heard you fuck kids in RL. i have proof too!
have fun wasting your time lol
I thought you were working, yet you come back again to have your last words ?
Oh I have proof, let’s see if its accepted.
I hope so, it’s pretty good tea too !
But Colby’s abusing is well known by many, only person that’s denying that is YOU!!
I fuck kids in RL, REALLY??
First I knew of this.
I hope you have PROOF of that.
And if you do, I hope you know doxxing people to victimize and threaten them as blackmail, has serious jail time plus victim compensation costs.
I be happy to see that, Chester.
And trust me, I will follow that up with the authorities to the fullest extent!
And if I did, how come that’s an issue for you? I thought you would LOVE that!
Put your money where your mouth is !!
I mean I’m not in YN, never have been.
If I was into that , I be signing up for a life long subscription.😑
And you say you are approachable in SL and now threatening RL info on people and actually stating you are withholding it too ? For what, BLACKMAIL??
Yeah, you put your foot right in that one !
But you just send me that info and I will know what to do with it !
I’m an independent contractor, so i make my own hours =D
I’m not in YN either, so dunno why you brought that up
No, I’m just pointing out hypocrisy in an extremely easy to understand fashion, seeing as you didn’t understand the 20 other times I alluded to it. Also, not sure how many times I have to say it, i’m not into kids.
Yes, lets see if your proof is “accepted”
I see no reason it wouldn’t be. No reason you couldn’t have done it this week
actually, theres no reason why you cant post images of the proof you have right now. so do it
Nobody said YOU were !
Nobody ever ventured your name in YN proclivities. You just assumed and mixed it up with enabling.
I just posted the post with proof in, it needs acceptance by the mods here. They do the fair job and is up to them, I do not make the rules here !
Let’s see your “proof”, Chester. I mean I’m all up for measuring up horns here.
I just don’t like your attitude or what your partner gets up to, that’s a fair analysis and a fair opinion.
But you seem to like addressing other people are into kids, when they are not.
And considering the grid your partner was helping to run and what it was feeding etc.
So that’s a bit hypocritical, but you be you !!
Proof is always the way forward!
I never brought anyone’s RL into it, accusation, guess identity or otherwise.
But keep going with that hole!!
I like how you completely ignored the part where i said why not post the proof right now
LOL, now you are really trolling. Not getting into that, it’s insanity!
asking for the proof you claim to have? i think you just said the silent part out loud.
“Proof is always the way forward!”
i agree.
“Put your money where your mouth is !!”
put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is. you’ve had over 2 weeks.
Situational evidence, my boy. Situational evidence. Go read it up.
FYI – Nobody here will be guilty of banning you from anywhere but yourself.
That if it ever happens, it will be down to your terrible attitude, your disrespect for people, your history and your arrogance to not correct continual faults.
Lets not put blame on other people, for the issues you cause for yourself.
There will be no more replies after this for the week, done with your “ping-pong for points” agenda.
People just want standards, that’s all. If that’s above you, you’re a bigger idiot than I took you for.
You are a massive JERK though, that’s very indicative of your grammar Nazi fallback and how you have carried yourself here.
moving the goalpost again. i like it.
“i have evidence of you being creepy!”
show the evidence.
“i have evidence of you hanging out with pedophiles!”
show the evidence.
“well, ok, i have evidence of you getting people banned!”
show the evidence.
“oh, i have proof of you being mean!”
show the evidence, even though being mean isn’t again TOS, yet you claim i’ll get myself banned.
“oh… well… its circumstantial evidence.”
fuck off, lmao.
all you are now saying you have is proof that i was mean to you. oh no,
what a turn of events. who could have seen that coming. oh right, me.
You are making the accusations the burden of proof is on you.
LOL, stop gaslighting, Chester, this is obviously bothering you. So I am going to give you a bit friendly advice.
1- When you are in a hole, stop digging
2- If you have made mistakes in the past (and lets stop vexing), you solve the issues with decency, truth and respect for people.
Then maybe you won’t find yourself here and having to crawl out of situations, instead of claiming you are innocent of pissing on people when you are GUILTY AF!!
You know fine what You did, repair it !!
Then maybe, others will be off your back. Maybe then others be far more receptive to you.
But mark my words, people are on your ass now like glue and out for blood.
And this Toby situation right here, no make no doubts… has loaded the ammunition!!
You did not answer Questions people put to you, go back and read them again!!
And if your answers to those questions make you happy, that’s fine. It’s certainly making holes in your pathetic answers and making you look worse !!
Stop being a fucking smart ass!!
Just do the right thing.
Again, no association with anyone named toby
“you know rthe fine what you did” what?
And yes, I am claiming I am innocent, because I am, and until you can show the proof you allegedly have but refuse to show, I can’t help you
Anyway, just some downtime before work. I’m off now
I obviously cannot help you either, Chester.
May for the grace of God you go.
Good Luck to you, I mean that sincerely!
lol. god doesn’t exist. and if he did, i wouldn’t want to worship such a monster anyway
Enablers are not innocent, Chester
If you sit back while your partner accepted a position in YN as a mod, knowing now what has been going on in there and how the owner conducted himself.
You think that’s innocent?
You may like to think so, but you knew where he was, what he was doing etc. Then you would have done your upmost to detract yourself, yet here you are with the same life, same attitude and same steadfast position.
Where is your moral compass? Now you are fully aware of his part in it, what are you doing to rectify that?
I still see you partnered there, most sensible people would have been appalled and left by now.
So why have you not done that yet either?
Enabler, that is exactly what you are !
But as I said before, these trials often span years. We will see what happens during that time, meantime we are making sure what happened before does not happen again. And unless you buck your ideas up, I will be here exposing you and your partner and his part.
If indeed you are still around to expose. Hopefully not, I prey!
Like you had nothing to do with this drama you keep mentioning. I’m sure you and your “many friends” would .love to add their input here I mean, were all anonymous here right? Nobody has to know who we are and what we do? Why aren’t your buddies here to try and backup your claims? Why weren’t your buddies there to report whatever happened to this week old drama that supposedly happened? I don’t get it.
We talk to the Organ Grinder and not the Monkey.
If that has lost you, Google is your friend !
You expect someone to google for things you claim are true?
Are you actually retarded?
ANYWAY, you all know who I am and how to contact me in SL if you want a direct quote. You can even use a brand new alt so you don’t have to reveal yourself, since you seem too afraid to do so for whatever reason, even though you apparently have proof of what you say.
Oh… But that wouldn’t make for good content, would it? Leaving people on a cliff hangar is far better for that. I still don’t see what you get out of it. If you have proof of me doing something, you haven’t reported me, or you have but your proof was bullshit, so you didn’t accomplish anything there… As I said last week, clout would only be good if people knew who you were, unless you thrive off of anonymous internet points, which is just laughable.
Let us have some proof, Chester asks. You like proof and ask for it, but have little of your own when defaming others. Just to show the folks at home how big a fraud you are. How you make fake claims to rise up people here, knowing fully you are the very types of people you prey on. Proof you say? I will give you proof. Now you will understand when I say we are doing the following!! A- On to you B- Warning SL Kids to stay far away from you. C- Alerting people on here and LL you are drama inducing people, who have preyed on people for YEARS !! https://gyazo.com/c7a87cc09ec1754a97579fd4a0a4ae6a https://gyazo.com/2b7ddc6b89e7e2f549e0d377095c1c21 https://gyazo.com/e4d064c4e70799921ce7d1085d9a97da https://gyazo.com/0de14526fc0d337db266ff300d9a2f4c Now do pay attention to this, because I will let you into some insider secrets. Just so I can show you for the liar you are. Now… lets have some tea. Anon never had an SL OP, I have a contact who is in various anon groups and been in countless “pedo hunter anon groups” when FB was still a thing. So I asked him what was up with that and he told me, OP would never be interested in SL; only the real pedophiles (which again seeing what’s been going on in YN, you would think they would be there in a shot). Q- A grid is a grid and they would be in every grid chasing that up. Oddly no YN? Yeah funny that, very convenient. A- Well you see, Colby / Alex has a well known pick on Patch Linden, the Lindens as a whole and abuses the report system as a power manipulator. Known to entrap kids whilst masquerading as an Anime visage, in which to thinking he will circumvent the report process cause “he don’t look like a kid, right?… Read more »
You took screenshots of people commenting and then took the term “anonymous.are.legion” to associate with a nobody’s FB your evidence is lacking and would prove nothing further then the fact you are once again retarded
Umm.. What? lol this proves nothing? some screen shots about an “anonymous” group? i have no idea what you are talking about, or how this is proof of anything lol
“Known to entrap kids whilst masquerading as an Anime visage, in which to thinking he will circumvent the report process cause “he don’t look like a kid, right?”
Uhh… Entrap kids how? try to have sex with them? then the child avi would be just as guilty for participating in sexual activities in a child avatar (according to TOS). SL doesn’t ban people for have child avatars alone. In fact, SL doesn’t ban unless there is a valid reason and proof of said reason.
i have no proof because i dont defame others, as you claim, but have no proof of
who the hell is jason smith and what does he have to do with me? and again, i don’t know who toby is
i’m going to go now, cause i’m pretty sure i lost several braincells trying to figure out what the fuck you are talking about with this sl op stuff
Nobody is going to talk to you in SL, because of how you conduct yourself here and in there.
And even if people did, knowing what your “mate” is up to, would just lose his head and go off on one… spitting revenge and not properly addressing the shit he does too. Not even a fucking apology to people.
Until there is that, nobody is doing that!!
You are untrustworthy, your partner is a liability to other people.
That is how it is, you know the issues, you know how it is.
Deal with it in a proper manner, maybe then you might look approachable.
Right now, you and your mate, are a danger to every SL kid on the grid. The more people avoid you, the safer and better they will be.
Sort your shit out!!
That’s all!!
TBH, All you’ve been doing is making pointless accusations towards other people in the comments and it honestly has lead you nowhere. You’ve made a billion assumptions based on your “trustworthy friends” I don’t think you even have a leg to stand on TBH. It seems to me you’re just trying to make some show out of someone you don’t like for attention, but that’s OK. I’m sure the person you’re trying to get the attention of will inevitably see you’ve gone off of nothing but here-say. I do hope you get help with whatever is troubling you because this guy you keep mentioning must of really gotten under your skin.
BTW I’m sure you will accuse me of being someone because all you got is to point the finger without evidence you really should consider a career or something. You are terrible at trying to accuse people of heinous things without physical evidence. Also, you never told me why you didn’t call the cops.
For someone who said they don’t care or know anything, you’re back again? What are you, this guy’s loyal little puppy?
Chester panic and do damage control because he was deep in youth nation and part of Toby matrix server he use to share photos and videos of rl boy videos and same boy he going to prison over. I report Toby to authorities but nothing can do when live in different countries. Up to authorities to contact American ones. Wesley Jason vanish because they knew plans of Trixx the moderator and rl roomate. They save theirselves. They have videos of Toby abusing poor boy. Colby everyone know about your record in real life , decade ago being caught with child pornography on computer in your country. You have no one real life because everyone know you are pedophile predator so you take out anger on people online with multiple identity. Submit yourself to mental hospital, you sick fuck.
Chester – ” As i said, i was never part of youth nation, nor do i know who toby is. well, i do now that people are talking about him.”
What no capital “I”?
Fuck me… you are grammar slipping, Chester.
Notice he inserted himself AGAIN on the defence he was never in YN, yet NOTHING about Colby and the accusation you made?
Always said these two were one of the same.
I mean thousands of people pass in SL and yet two glorious fucktards, manage to meet and bloom.
Christ on a stick, I would cry if it was not funny !
P.S – Props on you for reporting that !
“Nothing about Colby …”
Because I’m not defending him. I’m defending myself against baseless claims.
“[art pf Toby matrix server …”
No idea what a matrix server is, are you talking about YN? Because as I said, I was never a part of YN.
What accusation? You mean the one where I SAID I was just pointing out hypocrisy?
Reporting what?
It’s not against TOS to be mean. Sorry if you got butthurt by something I did.
Also, still didn’t explain what that shit about “anonymous” was supposed to be proof of.
I’m done responding now. All you are doing is just coming back with baseless accusations with no proof of anything. The friends I DO have in the kid community are pretty prominent in it and have heard nothing about all this “terrible” stuff I’ve supposedly done. Your “proof” is nothing but a couple of comments from an anonymous group on the same drama site we find ourselves on now. I thought people pretending to be anonymous was cringe, but posting a quote from “anonymous” as proof of something? Holy shit. You’re accusing me of getting people banned when SL only bans if there is a reason. I really wish I had magical powers, but alas, I do not. I never knew Toby until all of you, who seem to know an awful lot about him, explained who he was. I’m bored of listening to drivel from several anonymous people, while everyone else knows who I am. Why are you so afraid to reveal who you are? Especially when I’m the one who is supposedly guilty? Anyway, it was fun for a while, but now you are all just repeating the same shit over and over again with the only proof being “PLEASE BELIEVE ME!”
Good, bye.
Toby fan boy they are. Colby stole my name to attack ppl when I make fun of Toby many time and got my pals banned from sl 🙁 he thought they were me. Dirty rat need to join with Toby!!,!!!!!!!
Why were your pals breaking TOS? SL doesn’t ban unless there is a reason. Or did Colby magically POOF them out of existence again?
Again, no idea who Toby was until all of you mentioned him and explained what he did.
Oh trust me, we know how Colby/ Chester work. They been at this for years, been highlighted many times by many different people. It’s good they are all talking of their experiences now.
That’s the best part.
The habits of creatures like this, always gives them away. They cannot help themselves due to the mental disorders they have, lack of proper medication, denial, internal anger and resentment of some other life issues/ struggles etc.
They slip through the system without actually realizing they have a problem.
That’s why it’s easier to ignore, block and have nothing to do with these types.
The irony is the dumb types, who were also placing themselves at risk in the hands of the trolls like Chester/ Colby and Toby, have little idea they were also watching with scrutiny, backstabbing and using them for sexual reasons.
Sad you lost your people though, that sucks hard.
Again, for the 20th time, no idea who Toby was until you mentioned him and told me who he is/what he did. -.-
“That’s why it’s easier to ignore, block and have nothing to do with these types.”
Yet you’ve been back here every day responding to me.
For the 100th time, I am NOT responding to you.
I am simply telling you where you go wrong, what you have done that people know about and how to go about solving it.
If you are too stubborn to work that out and not take a hint when it’s directed, that’s up to you.
I would do that before it’s too late, but I fear even that’s at a late stage.
You will wish you did listen, not today but one day you will.
I am pretty confident of that !
And the sky is also green
seems wesley and jason are back. they were at the vortex
i mean… no? who’s panicking? as i said, i was never part of youth nation, nor do i know who toby is. well, i do now that people are talking about him. but ok, please report me for something i didn’t do. hope that goes well for you lol
I mean these people make baseless accusations and I’m pointing it out why are you defending them?
He barking just any cult follower does why you think Toby cult follower still salty listen the sicko is not coming out of jail. No matter who is part of his group of pedo. Do your self favor turn your selfs to your bears police station and complain to them. If you no receipts to back up your claims they remain quiet better your self or go on other pedo grids or use any sl account you seems to create. I’m referring to Chester partner and all the friends. Jason and Wesley Brody and Ciel Colby dark. Give it a break no one cares the truth is out so why be denial.
#2 and #3 – 3 is definitely meant to go along with 2. I’d be more active at Ravenfall or in the discord chat if it weren’t for their constant whining and complaining about their life. The discord mute button got it’s use for that server.
Is this the same owner that has called out 3 or 4 times already this month alone , 1 time straight after he made his big announcement, thats leading by example for sure. The problem with D Block is all these rules apply only to non Carbettas and non Dark ass lickers. If you are going to run a club the rules apply to all, but we will see when the purge happens how many Carbettas and Dark minions are removed, cause dont kid yourself they call out just as much as anyone else.
The whole club is a giant clique, unless you are one of them, you are treated like trash. I was there when dark and Jeff done their hardstyle battle, Jeff wiped the floor with dark, yet dark still won via popularity, dark can’t mix, he can’t beat match, bass is always way to high, only reason anyone thinks he’s any good is because they kiss his ass, simple. Never been a fan of d-block honestly, I’d rather go stand at exhale and listen to the radio.
Dark is what he is because of mass ass kissing on his part in the beginning, he was a terrible DJ and although he’s not the worst I’ve heard now he’s also not that great! Him ass kissing club owners has got him the ass kissers he has now it’s certainly not for his skills on the decks. I was also at the battle of Jeff and Dark at D Block and you are correct Jeff 100% wiped the floor of Dark but there was never going to be a fair outcome when Dark is one of them right? I remember being at a battle between Dark and DJ Tech I think it was possibly at Voodoo and I have never heard such a train wreck in my life he wasn’t even live mixing for the most part, thankfully Tech won. However this is how people roll in SL it’s not like it used to be where the clubs were fewer and so were the DJs, they hired the best and the DJs did their best. Nowadays as the song states “everyone wants to be a DJ”! They will be hired for their following NOT for their skills which is very sad. BTW… I am not a SL DJ however I am a DJ in the real world and my opinion is go to DJs that don’t shout the loudest about how good they are, listen to the ones that are DJing under the radar with maybe not so many followers if you want to listen to skill… Overdose, Geemix, Jay Revolution, Hayyz, UnrealDJ, even Dee is good now but was not in the past and many more I could name. I’ve rambled a bit but my point is don’t go and listen to the clout chaser DJs if you… Read more »
Same crap as every SL club pretty much that has a family or clique, if you’re not 1 of “them” or licking the ass of the owner or higher managers or have the reliable staff as friends then they don’t give a flying fuck about you.
Seems to be the same deal with #2 I hear
Uh what 😂 😂 😂
Who tf are the Padlocks never heard of them so you either have the wrong person or you be high af or some shit.
Sit the fuck down bitch!
Show me receipts cos I can tell you 100 I have never heard of no damn padlocks!
Now Kory and his flock of sheep you’re correct but get this right before you come defending people who you’re only of use to while they’re gaining something from you or one of them has hooked up with you…
You want to throw hate at people having an opinion on D Block or whatever then be prepared to take it back, you as a 1 man army here defending people that could care less about anything on here or you 😂
Oh… I said what I said and my comment still stands on you 💁 .. bring the receipts I’ll be waiting lil ass kisser 😉
Here’s the facts little girl, you have been around Kory for how long?
I seen your comments not so long back defending D Block and you stated you were new to the family through dating 1 of them.
You know nothing of the past cos you weren’t even around so quit acting like you know these people, you’re just a passing clout chaser and a short term pass time for your Carbetta boyfriend thinking that you’re one of the cool kids and think these cool kids all love and care about you…. They don’t you moron especially Kory hell he probably doesn’t even know you and here you are mouthing off defending him.
Kory never used to be an egotistical prick that spoke to people like shit, he had a close circle of friends and respected them, he didn’t do what he’s doing now smiling to yall’s faces while at the same time driving a knife in your back and sadly it’s people like you and the rest of his sheep that’s made him that way.
I actually have zero hate for anyone but just cos some people’s opinions differ from yours it doesn’t make us haters.
To answer your question no Kory did not drop me and no I did not get virtually fired 😂
I was a good friend of his before D Block was even thought of and continued to be until he turned into the person he likes to portray to be now (you can be anything online and this is what Kory is doing, it’s not the real him)
I’m glad you admitted you were talking shit about whoever your Padlock friends are though 😋
I’m pretty sure #2 and #3 are about the same person.. and right too!
#2 Or in their whole life for that matter. Typical narcissistic behavior with a victim complex.
Hey #20, if I’m not a blogger being compensated to promote the creators I wear, I’m not obligated to help you copy my avi; maybe come up with your own ideas and stop depending on others to make up for your lack of creativity. I think people who try to copy others’ style are trash too, so welcome to the dumpster.
You really are an absolute delight, so glad I haven’t met and blocked you in sl
I totally agree.. so let me get this straight.. every morning i go through my 190,000+ inventory.. mind you never wearing an “outfit” but mixing and matching mostly vintage clothing from the beginning of mesh… take an hour every morning putting it all together.. and entitled little princesses who dont even take time to make their avatar look decent have the right and are entitled to ask me or get pissy when they ask “what outfit ” am i wearing? and i dont answer? Screw that… im not anybodys personal shopper.. get off your ass and stop wearing fucking OUTFITS.. use your imagination 80 percent in here dress like an ad in an old fat lady catalogue trying to look 18…
Yes! The last person I helped copied my avatar style.
I do not get the negativity on this poster, if anything I think it is ignorance (and lack of reading) on those who voted it down and said negative things. To all of you let me ask you this.
If you are on vacation in RL and take a photo of yourself, family, friends, whatever. When you post it on Social Media do you say: ‘Oh and just to let you know what I am wearing – the jeans are from Levi, the sneakers are White Keds and I found the t-shirt for $2 on clearance at Old Navy.’
No you don’t. Levi, Keds and Old Navy didn’t give you the stuff, you bought it. It was just a fun photo you post.
If the OP is doing creative photos. Even with themselves in it, if they are NOT a blogger, if they did not receive (or was paid) to blog items from any sponsers, then there is no reason for that person to post what they are wearing. Get over it.
BTW I am a blogger (not a good one but I do blog), and I post every single detail on my photo.
You’re part of the reason I don’t even ask anymore and I just inspect someone myself to see what shit is. And to the dumbasses that think changing object name on shit stops us…might as well stop wasting ur time cuz it doesn’t lol And those who ignore comments on pics, we all got enough friends and people to help us find an item. Either way you selfish idiots don’t win. Get over urself and ur dumb attitude and grow up. Ya look stupid.
If copying others’ style is trash, then secondlife is a dumpster. Wear a prim, nobody will copy you then.
So… you don’t credit the designers?
It’s also bizarre that just because somebody likes the same item as you you think they lack creativity.
Until you’re making 100% of everything you feature on your blog, you really can’t say anything.
Someone like that has no business running a blog.
Struck a nerve did we, Trash?
I don’t think #20 was aimed towards you. Not everyone on Flickr is there to promote what they are wearing. Some have flickr sites to show off their creativity and photography skills. Some just want to post 1000000 photos of their SL Babies. Other want to document their lives with their loved ones. I do not think any of those situation requires siting where every item in the photo was bought (although if taking the photo at someone else’s SIM – it is nice to cite that).
But if someone was given an item from a designer to photograph then fails to mention in that photograph where that item came from – then that is just absolutely wrong! The designer should dump them and other designers warned that someone is stealing clothes. Because blogging an outfit without referencing the designer is pretty much stealing the outfit.
I hope your look outweighs your attitude.
What is the point of being a blogger if you collect free shit but, don’t want to credit the creators you wear? Then stop blogging and give others your spot in those blogger groups. That is so selfish.
Reading comprehension isn’t your thing, we get it.
I think the post is talking about non-blogger photographers. Bloggers typically have requirements to direct people to where they bought things.
The part OP is missing is there is no obligation to help people out with these requests and that’s fine. There’s other ways to figure the item out (groups in SL, on Reddit, on Flickr too), but no one owes it to you and to get so hostile about this fact is a shitty take.
Would it be nice if they helped people out? Sure, but this is starting to dangle a toe or two into entitlement territory. Their point about sales is also moot, because the photographer doesn’t have an obligation to keep those stores running. If they’re basing their reasoning on the stores’ needing the ad boost, then what they’re really asking for is for them to be a blogger for free for OP’s convenience.
You make a good point. No, people are not obligated to share where they got something, but to be on such a high pedestal? Hell. I’ll just scan the bitch.
It’s not a bad way to tackle the situation really, scan away! While in generalities, Be Less’ arguments on this situation I agree with, but I don’t necessarily agree with the spirit their arguments stand on (people who get bent out of shape about people wanting to wear/use similar or the same items is kinda sad af and absolutely an exercise in insanity on a platform like SL that operates in a microcosm of real world fashion cycles). I agree most strongly with what Just Me said up above, some people on Flickr just want to share the image as a whole composition and leave it there. If the person is good/popular enough, they might get tired answering the same questions when they just wanted to share their photography, and I think that’s just fine. I’d still like to appreciate their work even if I don’t get all the info I wanted from seeing it. For those who may not know: If we’re lucky enough to be around the photographer, attachments like the (free on the MP I think) “What Is She Wearing” HUD are pretty helpful. You click it, select the avatar by name, then it displays a readout for you of everything they’re wearing along with creator info (unless it’s a texture or applier layer, then you probably have to use other creative ways to figure it out). If it’s an image on a site or Flickr, asking in friend groups helps, or you can try inworld groups if the item is for a specific body or is relative to the group’s focus. In some of the bigger groups, people are typically really eager to help and some might enjoy the challenge of figuring the item out. tl;dr: OP needs to be willing to do more footwork to… Read more »
If you don’t want people to ever look remotely like you, I hope you’re making your own textures or mesh.
I happily share what I use on my Avis. There’s no reason to gatekeep products open for sale.
Agreed. As a creator, I’m annoyed at the thought that anyone who buys things and puts things together thinks they are a creative genuis. It was the work of someone else, you greedy fucks. Pardon, not just work, but time to study programs and more. I spend hundreds of dollars a month on programs, make awesome things, then sell them for less than a few dollars and these conceited fucks think they did the work. This is why many of us stopped making anything for SL.
if you think owning that one item is enough to copy your style? welcome to the dumpster
no surprise you’re a pick me & a gatekeeper, is there any part of your personality that isn’t totally up your own ass vile??
You’re not obligated to help, but you could be less of a conceited person with the assumption that people want to be you if they ask where a skirt, hair, or even skin is from. Body/face shapes increase the very fact that they’ll look different. A hair or sing clothing item isn’t going to have them being your clone, and a lot of the time that is not the intention. It’s helping other people from spending hours trying to find it, helping a creator with sales so they know their time is valued and make more thing for us to be exited to you ..though, your comment about being compensated means you’re more interested in being a snowflake who gets free things for being creative in your spare time with a picture. Basically, don’t be rude, just be a good person in a community, you don’t have to gatekeep pixels.
You think buying things and wearing them is creativity?
They are conceited cunts. Yes, yes they do.
Mostly I agree but I might just want to find a necklace or pair of shoes not the whole effing look. I try hard not to look like every other woman out there but they could simply PM the info if they don’t want everyone knowing. People ask me inworld all the time where I’ve purchased something. I always tell them and pass the LM if I have it.
Don’t bother explaining yourself, they’re scared you’ll copy them even though everyone in SL (almost) has the same thing their neighbor does unless they make their own items.
I remember them at Club 511 last year, utter gross couple that they are, now they always park at Lusthouse showing their incest promoting relationship with that same pathetic couple pose like he’s holding a 3 year old daughter at the fair or park.
Hotwife Hotel is the new church.. if you are clutching your pearls over this I wonder why you even go to an adult sim? Go back to a lesser moderate club and calm your titts
Y’all are fucking insane. First, for thinking you are entitled to an opinion on them and their avatars, but that you think she looked like a child. Touch grass. Why do you even fucking care? That’s what you need to ask yourself.
So is this your opinion?
I guess you are ok with promoting pedophilia in SL…you are just as sick!!! It is against LL TOS to have a child looking avatar in a ADULT SIM!
and you need to ask yourself why are you defendinding them…..guess you enjoy the approval of pedophillia, clown
Does that just not scream pedophile? How is it even allowed at a Adult Sim!?
Just sick!
#2 Isn’t this the owner of Ravenfall?
Yes that’s the owner
The owner is incredibly nice and has never come across to me as someone who wouldn’t listen. Whoever wrote that seems salty.
Don’t date them or be a close friend and you’ll continue that delusion.
People can really shroud their true selves and be two-faced. They can appear kind, heartwarming and wholesome on the outside to paint people this picture of themselves that they’re a person of prestige.
However, behind closed doors and how they treat select people around them, tells a different story. And that’s what we’re seeing in 2 and 3 here. If this person was 100% an all around positive person, then these images wouldn’t be cropped up at all. But here they are, which is telling us something that “hey, maybe this person isn’t all that they’re cracked up to be and have others believe them to be.”
This was a pissy ex employee trying to get back at someone, not all things are rooted in truth, yo.
The truth is just simply hard to accept. You don’t know the story. But, it’s adorable for people to be picking sides because that’s exactly the kind of game they’d love to play.
And it’s funnier when they go around, sharing quotes of things they like to ideally believe in, but in practice, invalidate it just by how they’ve been to the people before.
You’re speaking nothing but the truth! Nyxx is very hypocritical and has a strong victim mentality.
Sure is!
Yes it is.
#10 Finally someone posted her!
Not Op coming so close to realizing that Alex was clearly a member of the team Crow himself mentioned in the photo They used to prove that Crow made it when Crow himself states it was made by more than one person.
Not only is that so ‘close to the original,’ it’s probably the original cat in the image. Alex does not need to steal shit, fuck Plastik/Petrichor was staying alive because of the shit Alex made for them. This has happened before. Silent collaborations falling through and Alex choosing what to do with the files after.
Boo hoo, three eyed cat. If Crow could sell it they would have by now. Proofs right there bud.
Hi alex
SG/Alex does seem like such a lazy creator. I bought their Fairy Dragon head recently, and it was the first head I bought from them in 4 years; since the Kibby. I was surprised when the Fairy Dragon hud had LESS features than an almost 4 year old head. Then comparing it to huds of other brand’s released today, it just doesn’t hold up. He really needs to step it up.
I guess all we can do is wait for Crow to actually take Alex to court over stolen designs. We can guess and speculate all we want to but none of us actually know any of the terms and conditions for the models. I am hopeful that Crow can indeed sue so that names like Sugarcult can stop doing whatever they want to just because they are popular. Crow at the very least should be getting a percentage of the sales because they worked on the models and the models wouldnt exist without their work. I do hope that there is some sort of terms and conditions on whether or not the models can be used without Crow on the team so that a lawsuit can actually go somewhere.
Alex also can’t finish shit. Remember the Xolo?
“The HUD is pretty simple to operate, it’s very minimalistic
because this project was about 75% done when the gacha ban was announced. Since then I’ve done my best to beef up the features and animations; don’t fret, I’ll be supporting this avatar for a while, post release!” That was in 2021. Still waiting on the Xolo to have a real HUD, guessing this’ll be tossed out and left to rot like it was and like Regalia was once the novelty wears off/profits are made. Save your linden, buy from TWI instead if you want a cat.
And? Lots of creators do this. It was also a gacha, gacha avatars historically aren’t as beefy as a full on item. And Regalia isn’t being ignored, its done. it is what its going to be and the community tricks it out often.
What does any of that have to do with this ca being a rip of that cat when it’s the same thing? your point is detractive and changes the entire conversation to something else.
It wasn’t a gacha, it was a full release which Alex promised to finish and did not. Go look at the listing for it – it came out after the gacha ban and cost 900L. The skins at the event for it were extra depending on how fancy they were. The MP listing still promises updates but it’s dead. Regalia is a whole other can of worms that the furries I hang with likely have more info on regarding failed promises, failed beta test promises, and a complete failure in 1st party support.
What does this have to do with the cat? Without someone who can actually animate a feral or who gives a crap about customers, it’s just mesh Anima (and Crow who likely did a lot of that) worked on that Alex will halfass, take full credit for, and then leave to rot after counting up the lindens. Alex isn’t capable of making anything and should be called out.
oh okay, so I can admit when I was wrong. you are right, xolo is a full release item. It also promised other skins as an additional marketplace listing. plus side though the marketplace xolo unlike the event came with five extra skins regardless. What does this have to do with the cat? Without someone who can actually animate a feral or who gives a crap about customers, it’s just mesh Anima (and Crow who likely did a lot of that) worked on that Alex will halfass, take full credit for, and then leave to rot after counting up the lindens. Alex isn’t capable of making anything and should be called out. Okay great so at the bare minimum, you agree that Alex did work on this product with Crow and the other silent members of that team then. Great I’m glad you agree. With that in mind, it does not matter what anyone thinks. If Alex couldn’t upload that or sell it crow or other members of Anima would stop Alex from doing so. This isn’t the call-out you think it is. People have the right to be shit at something and still put it up for sale. I don’t think Alex is shit at it. sure shit isn’t done, but you are warned upfront about the quality of the product on the marketplace, and there is a demo. Sorry, the toy is your favorite and it’s not as done as you’d like it to be or that you can’t personally make the things to get it as done as you like buuuuut. Womp womp. That cat isn’t stolen, and that’s the point of my original post, that cat is one and the same, and you’re talking about something else. Or I might be wrong a second time but… Read more »
The toy is my favorite…..? I main a kid avatar, not an animal. Friends bought the Xolo in good faith at that event (with NO skins btw, they paid extra for the skins) that Alex would keep promises and womp womp, usual SG BS. I’m real sure Alex didn’t sculpt that either.
Okay so point then – is the cat stolen? Partly. Alex will 100% take full credit for it and say they made it alone from scratch. I don’t know how much work each Anima team member did but that is not Alex’s style at all, Alex likely only did a small amount of the sculpting on that. It feels like Alex is desperately trying to scrape things together now that Anima is dead.
when crow broke the anima nda and put wips of anima projects out publicly, he solidified that these projects would be released under anima. these sculps belong to the anima brand and crow undoubtedly still makes a cut off of every product that his sculpts are used for. don’t understand why people are so mad at a brand and going to gun for the person that made them several false promises when it came to anima in the first place.
Except that this cat is not being released under ANIMA, it’s being released by Alex’s store, so who’s to say anyone other than them is going to see profit off it?
alex is the mesh artist of anima bozo
Alex is a prick who rides on the talent of other people to line their own pockets. If Alex left SL tomorrow, nothing of value would be lost.
Here, this is for you 🤡
Alex retops the sculpts that Crow made some times. That’s about it.
People are upset because they are NOT being released under ANIMA and instead, Sugarcult is putting them in their store. Fairy dragon was Crows sculpt. Pinto was crows sculpt. They are under Sugarcult brand, not ANIMA.
I am doubtful that Crow is getting any percentage when they are being released under Sugarcults name.
That’s a good point I didn’t even think about, is Crow even getting paid? Are the other members? If this cat comes out – the other three team members including Crow need to get paid or else it’s stolen work. The Pinto though, that was just Alex making that ugly Pone head longer in the snout because god forbid August outdo him. ANIMA still hasn’t addressed the Reborn update breaking their legs either.
Once again, the same WHITE Karen & Ken bullshit 😂 most of the shit that’s been posted lately are whispers not secrets. We need some Urban SL drama! White SL is sooooo boring!
We dont need sl urban drama we have enough of it on the news…
You do have to realize that we ALL know you come to this site weekly? So what keeps you coming back to the Honkey SL secrets page? Must be all the chalky motherfuckers YOU are so interested in. Now that is just plain fact, and your comment solidifies that fact. Now let’s talk about what YOU can do. Easy, start a SL urban secrets page. Go for it. Put forth the money, time and effort and you can achieve the place you want to see. Not only will you have an alternative site, but you will also have 100% control of it. See how what works? Anything else is just clucking. So hit everyone up when this happens ok? yeah…..
Say you’re racist without saying you’re racist, but it don’t count when it’s directed at WHITE people right?
My first thought was: Say you’re a WHITE Karen hiding behind a screen without saying it.
We’re all behind a screen Einstein just not all of us are racist fucks like you and you’re buddy there or why else be using the word white in uppercase.
Shh. You can’t be racist against white people. Don’t you know how stereotypes work?
My bad! 😂
#1 so azure got her own sister Krystyna pregnant? Gross
Why so much hate on Erick??? He is such a hot mf!!
He’s a total piece of dog shit.
Is this how they keep getting more family members? They Inbreed?
Basically just a few idiots playing all the Haze alts, so tired and played out. Erick has to be the biggest douchebag in CC. Amari and his alt army are no better, it’s a fucking circus if you ask me.
That’s “RP” for you, a bunch of alts, also playing at every other town. They’re a sick group.
Bitch please, get over yourself, you know what, fuck it, let’s just say JADE is the whole fuck town, and that Warren guy, you see where I’m going with this, piss off
Carma plays victim when shit doesn’t go her way but deep down she is trash.
#23 Nara? don’t you mean Diconay?🙄
Seems Matt has a fan meanwhile he is in a certain club everyday with a red head. Guess he hasn’t changed.
You mean She right?
First Matt was from Poland now all of a sidden he is from Greece – Or She, we all know its the greek mother of several kids who makes great pics and avis.
This is not a secret btw, She has admitedded it openly now.
#19 – Awww someone is so jealous! 😂 Can’t have her or Can’t be her?
I mean you’re right it probably is a hater but it’s also true 💁
lol so many spineless little bitches that can’t own their opinions. Gotta hide here and run your mouths.
Why are you even here? Are you the spokesperson for all of the disenfrachised whores of sl? Or maybe its because you like your friends leftovers too (but thats another story for another time). Dont forget Danii – yours is a long and well documented history. People tend to remember how shitty you used to be/still are. Even your so called “friends” dont like you, they literally tolerate you for reasons unknown. Everything about you is a joke. And stop using rl pics of you from 15 years ago that you reupload with a current date. Sad. Pathetic. Fake.
😂Omg are you mad cupcake? Why are you mad? WHO even are you? either you are not using the name you had when you knew me or you are really so unmemorable that I’ve completely forgotten your existence. 😂
Mad at what ? someone trying desperately to cling onto her youth and deceiving people ?. Yes we are all very mad at that 😆
Yet, you are still avoiding the fact that you are using pictures of yourself from all those yrs ago (just changing the dates and reuploading). You remember those size 22 yrs right? I’d pinch your chubby little cheeks if I could cupcake, but obviously I can’t. I mean let’s face it, you ARE unforgettable Danii in the looks department. I mean, one look at your picture, and you rank right in that “HOLY SHIT” category.
Lol this right here.
😂 fastest thumbs down ever…..Hai Hater!!!!