· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 419 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#2, 5, 16
Aww, thank you for noticing. It really warms my heart.
Can you even IMAGINE that in a role playing game that someone might wright a CHARACTER that doesn’t agree with you? God forbid. 🤣
#6 Some people do get butthurt, plus you get to vent and we all get the free entertainment
#10 Boomers are over 60. If you mean people in their 40’s, you’re talking about Gen X and older Millennials. Yes, seriously. Let them do whatever they please with their free time, why dontcha
#11 Thank you for the positivity in a space everyone else comes to bitch, moan, and rant
#12 I got easy solutions for you: look away, TP out, ignore, or log off
#15 LOL overreaction much?
#24 Since when doing some good gives you a pass to be a shit person?
#35 Who hurt you? LOL
#36 Who’s paying for the plane tickets and hotels?
#20 I CANT STAND AZURE, she is very fake and full of herself, also she talks about her close friends behind their back
4. this is the ark chat log and ark did nothing wrong so blanked the names it was from the meeting and fz went ahead and hired the same person and had her play in immortal Hokay. So some shit went down that took Tantari out of our midst. I won’t go into great details, just know that there are some things we have a pretty hard line against and a line was crossed. I won’t play favorites when it comes to some things. But yeah, Tan was my friend and a manager here for a long, long time. Longer than maybe some of y’all have been on SL. It’s shocking when things come to light. But we’re a resilient club. I’m glad you all are sticking with The Ark. This goes back to Tantari bc it seems my @ got lost in a sea of plus signs. If you can’t go into specifics can you at least clarify iwhat we should do if we come into contact with Tan until further notice? Your wording makes it sound like it’s not a good idea to be around them right now You are your own people. You aren’t sworn to fealty to me, lol. If they are still your friend, you do you. If you don’t want to talk to them, then don’t. I don’t care. Basically the long story short is during their last DJ set here, they jokingly posted a comic that featured a naked furry fox child that got non-conned by muscle dudes into getting dressed as a “funny” reverse-lewd to counter Xia’s porn-for-tips. The file was hosted on their personal web-server. When I peeped the directory there was a lot of really uncomfy underage content and when called out by people in chat, they just mocked people… Read more »
Definitely would love some date/time stamps or at least some extra info to dig into this more. Was this a staff chat log? Public? I feel like this didn’t get passed out as much as it should have if it’s real. Even as an occasional patron at Ark I never knew about this, so I dont think it’s right that FZ people should magically know. Plus, Tantari has been with them for literally years, and its never, ever been mentioned here and I find that weird. So can you validate this?
#31 Well apparently the snowbunny hunt didn’t go too well so I get taking the reparations rp route to get them 😀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e5v93wu3go&t=1463s
#31 Well apparently the snowbunny hunt didn’t go too well so I get taking the reparations rp route to get them 😀 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e5v93wu3go&t=1463s
#20 You have to be braindead to not realise that Azure has many ALTS. She posted in the comments last week talking crap about those folks. The callout in #20 has her trying to change how she types it is amusing.
Come join our family, we do parties with nice doggies and horsies and naked bois tiny ones because we love them cute and tiny. We do fake charity parties for cancer and keep the money because you all fools pay us hahaha and we threat you if you go against us and destroy your life in rl too because we can! Be a starr and feel the love in the air (smells like dog pee because we love that too). If we copybot you is for charity reasons and we gonna sell your shape and take fake photos of you looking exactly the same and threat you to pay us. we are family, i got all my sister with me. STARR ♥
31. 99% of “black men” in SL are just white and Jewish dudes LARPing as brothaz.
Jewish people? Really? Can we not be antisemitic, I know it’s on the rise and the “cool thing” to hate us again, but there’s really no need for this.
For the record I find 31 abhorrent, but to throw Jewish people into the mix as a part of the blame is absolutely ignorant and counter productive. So let’s not just go around and “blame the jews.”
It’s white dudes wishing to be black dudes and making their SL a walking talking stereotype.
Oh god shut the fuck up you whining little bitch. Saying there are Jewish men going digital blackface in SL isn’t “antisemitic,” it’s a fact.
That’s not what I said you bumbling retard,
No you absolute dickhead, but blaming shit that they haven’t done on jewish people is antisemitic You shut the fuck up you privileged cunt.
So you’re not even trying anymore, with this run on sentence nonsense, right? I personally have no idea how many of the fake black dudes in SL are Jewish, because I think people who race play as stereotypes are disgusting and I don’t talk to them. It’s not something I’ve ever even thought about, let alone have anything to say about it.
Yea ok, ” Nevermind that I’ve come across multiple instances, in person, of Jews piloting black avatars. That accent always gives it away on voice. You just want something to be outraged about. It’s not like I called you an oven dodger.
And please how exactly can you tell that those people are Jewish without them stating that they’re Jewish. Please be oh so kind as to tell me how you know.
and Arabs/Indians too they are the worst culprits next to white dudes, always hard emphasis on the ownership or enslavement of blonde white girls
Send bobs and vagene picz plz.
Lol please. You can’t be a slave in sl if you don’t consent to it. Women have choices. Some just choose to follow foolish lifestyles or are desperate to call someone “daddy”
Truth, it is more like Indentured Servitude lol. JK JK
2. Being salty still won’t make you a woman
8. Chicks will call themselves survivors for basically every inconvenience ever
29. Tmw spinsters and wine aunts realize that another 40 years with just cats and wine is a fkn long time
35. Based
Your bigoted opinion will not change anyone’s gender to whatever you think it should be.
Being a transphobic piece of shit won’t make you popular.
“anything I don’t like is transphobic REEEE”
I don’t have a real opinion so I am going to misrepresent yours REEEEEE Bitch.
#2,5, & 16. Get a grip. As if the people at Mischief Managed have any control whatsoever over what idiotic thing JK Rowling says or does. That place has been around for YEARS before she started being a garbage human. You might remember that not very long ago, the Potter genre was pretty much universally loved.
I’m pretty sure the poster doesn’t actually believe the people at MM are JK supporters. You’re being trolled, darling, into defending people that are kind of shitty for a slew of reasons, opinions on JK notwithstanding.
How are they shitty? Beyond “They said no to me or didn’t do as I wanted.” Cause quite frankly, that’s usually why sim owners get labelled shitty on roleplay sims. I’ll never understand the concept of shitting on people who provide a place for players to go and roleplay regardless of the sim. They don’t force people to stay, they don’t ask anything of you beyond that you follow the rules of the sim, so what? What’s the deal?
You’re right, that is usually why owners get flack. But they aren’t owners.
And they also don’t follow their own rules.
Eh. The admin team/staff at Mischief Managed are awful roleplayers that don’t understand basic roleplay and storytelling beyond their generic self-inserts. The owner is perfectly fine – an amazing person. It’s not about them telling people no, it’s the fact they’ll tell anyone no if you’re not in their friend circle.
Beyond that, it’s not ‘new person’ friendly as they claim. You can’t join these big arcs as they’re only for themselves. You’ve got to be the side character. Everything is so heavily scripted, it may as well be a fanfiction – speaking of, the character from My Immortal, Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way, is better than any character found on MM that’s played by the admin/RPD teams.
Salty butthurt roleplayers are the best.
Not to mention a whole crowd of people are openly trans, non-binary, or part of the LGBTQ including a majority of the staff who roleplay there. They’ve taken steps to combat JK’s stance and go against it and let people roleplay who they want without prejudice. They can’t stop people buying the game or discussing it and who would have thought people that run a Harry Potter sim would be thrilled at a game based on the sim they’ve ran for over twelve years? Say what you want about how the sim is managed or whatever but bigoted? Massive reach and frankly, dumb as fuck.
It sounds like someone didn’t like something and decided to attack the sim using the newest trend of vitriol because it’s an easy target given the climate surrounding the genre. I’d say they’re being disingenuous themselves just to attempt to get a rise.
#24 – Hey Stupid people – JK doesn’t own the game or the rights to it! Warner Brothers does! So your money is safe!
Wake up people! Think before you people
She actually gets royalties, actually. That said, play the game if it makes you happy, nobody is stopping you.
Alright, let’s think on it, shall we? Even if she doesn’t make royalties (which she does, and a lot of people argue it’s a pittance but that’s a measurement against her already massive amounts of wealth), there is still the indirect financial gain in garnering interest in her franchise. Not to mention the immeasurable value of maintaining her platform and influence which yes, falls under promotion of all things Harry Potter related.
Still looking at you, Mischief Managed.
That deduction, is an undeniable fact. Down or upvote me all you want, defend JK or slander her, makes no difference. She does seek to benefit from people buying this game. That doesn’t have to be nickel-and-dimed.
I personally couldn’t really care a lot about the Potterverse. Was hardly interested in what looked to be a safe amalgamation of open world Assassin’s Creed & the Witcher.
But lol this collective screeching on the internet drove me towards pre-ordering the deluxe version anyway just to spite people like you. Played it since a week ago and I’m close to 100% on it.
The real kicker is people like you complain about how trans people are harassed, doxed etc, and yet find no issue with setting up a website for the sole purpose of witch hunting and bullying streamers who play HL on Twitch.
Hypocrisy is what made me quit the Baptist church, and this same level of vehement hypocrisy soured me on any sympathy I may have had in the past for trans screechers. I have numerous trans friends and relatives, and I treat them with the same common decency as any typical person but I’m done with the overt virtue signaling and the commissariat of orthodoxy.
The funniest part of all of this is that 99.9% of the world doesn’t give two shits about any of this. The game is selling gangbusters on steam with an overwhelmingly positive response… and a few sad pathetic people are on here dragging a sorry little group of roleplayers because you are also sad and sorry. XD XD XD
JK absolutely owns the rights. She was very smart in not signing away all her power over HP when big studios came knocking. She still gets royalties from it.
But she has no material impact on the game itself, that’s very true. She didn’t write it. She didn’t make it.
So really people can play it or not play it. That’s up to them.
Bingo the fact people are cancelling people over shows how stupid we have become over the internet. Lack of this knowledge show’s that people never liked each to begin with so they needed to have a crutch to make such excuse. Sometimes when it comes to Harry Potter and censorship it was first Christians, Muslims, satanic panic types. Now it’s the LGBT despite JK not creating the game and only getting less from it. I wouldn’t be surprised if behind the screen it’s a bunch of anti Harry Potter religious maniacs trying to look like furry transexuals or generally non binarys trying to make the community look bad. If that’s the case it’s working. I can go back to the time 4chan was fighting Tumblr when in reality it was 4chan convincing Tumblr to start a war with 4chan.
Warner Brother buys the rights to use the names and characters and produces the game.
Meaning – JK Rowling, retains all rights to her intellectual property, while Warner Brothers Entertainment owns the production rights to the Harry Potter films. She earns some royalties from the movies, but games are a different branch from production rights.
She gets royalties based on the fact she has copy right over the name harry potter in the sense of the fantasy story she’s created. HOW EVER. The royalties from this game are so minuscule, it’s not getting her millions of dollars like universal or movies are getting her.
#13, #37, #43 CARA is kind and friendly. New Haven, Maine is by far the best I’ve come across. Cara put her all into NH and it is thriving because she actually cares about her community. There is so much to do and so many people to meet. It’s not crawling with alts and when an alt is used – it’s for roleplay reasons and not for hateful reasons like some other communities. Everyone is friendly in NH including the owners. These posts are obviously from ONE angry person attacking a really good owner. Cara has hired friendly people and she works hard. I never thought I would leave Cedar Creek even though I was unhappy but I finally did 4 months ago. I went to NH and never looked back. Cedar Creek is crooked and supports morally vile people like Lucy Drake. Cara on the other hand appreciates good employees and rewards hard work. She won’t tolerate bullies. Brian is great too. He’s kind and a fun guy. OP you can talk to Cara about your problem because she’s nice to talk to. I finally found a community that supports all my hard work.
New haven is an adult community and very anti child avatar. Its clear in the rules and with how they are treated when they do not fall into the very small SL box kids get put into for RP.. Smile, happy, no mental problems and stay at home with your parents.
If you act out this is what will happen. No specifics meaning that they can decide what is out of control and perma ban you as a child.
If you are a minor and your criminal RP is out of control, you will be sentenced and remanded to an out of town facility until you are of age to return.
I could write a book on everything that has happened in my time at New haven and how the place isnt run but im still there. So not risking getting banned at the moment.
Hi Tilly. First of all, every time you’re doing something, it’s either at an inopportune time or with the intention of causing trouble. What 8 or 9 year old child do you know doing the crimes that you’re doing? It’s far-fetched and nonsensical at best. Stop acting like you’re discriminated against. There’s a reason so many people in New Haven won’t roleplay with you, and they’re not the common denominator. You are. The only child role-players I’ve seen banned had it happen to them for a valid reason. So grow up, or roleplay like an actual child, shut up, and stop acting like a victim, you attention seeking brat.
ok small window of acting like a kid and not a delinquent 24/7 because who wants to deal with kids throwing fire bombs at buildings or committing felonies with no punishment. how abt acting like an actual kid and mgmt wouldn’t have to make rules like that. I bet they only add rules when some kid decides to be out of control and the majority start to complain that its not realistic. If you want to be a delinquent ok go steal candy or spray paint walls or act out instead of adult shit that most adults wouldn’t do. Sound like they are making you be responsible for your actions and you don’t like it. Geow the fuck up and be an actual kid instead of a kid that wants to do adult shit so you can get away with it
i bet rory posted it
Naw these were put up by the whineasses who just got themselves banned for being absolute Twat Pockets.
Cedar Creek is so weird. I went there when I was new. A guy was driving around on his bike saying hi to me. I say hi back and we start having a friendly chat. He tp me to a house with other people. Things turned sour. These girls started accusing me of being someone’s alt which made him turn on me by influence. They started ganging up on me saying nasty things. I asked a simple question on where to find an item , they reply “mp later z” before ejecting me and he unfriends me. Bunch of bullies.
Good game Azure. You are making up a story about folks being influenced by “bullies” Many have alts but you use them to be rude and deceitful and you got called out for it.
Wow, but I’m not surprised. They never would speak to me when I was there and I heard from a friend that they thought I was an alt. I guess it’s because they’re all playing several characters and therefore assume that everyone else does too. They won’t speak to anyone outside of their clique so they of course assume that every stranger there is an alt, out to get them back for the horrible things they’ve done to others.
They’re Rei’s lackies, doing her will to keep outsiders, out. She once told me how CC is for her and her “family” and everyone else can rot, and that she didn’t care what anyone thought of her.
You making up lies takes away from those calling out real issues in Cedar Creek.
Baby boomers were born between 1946 and 1964, in case you weren’t aware. Be a bit more aware of the incorrectness you just throw around.
See, if you actually read books, you would have the vocabulary to avoid repeating yourself so awkwardly. I’m afraid you’re too far behind to catch up to me without some accredited education.
well your education doesn’t seem to be that accredited since you’re here playing the philosopher of the bees.. but i get it, low class depressed ugly fat woman having nothing better to do than illude her self that people on sl secrets might believe she’s something. Btw the trash bin is on the right, go to your place and find peace.
Lol aww, nothing stings more than the attempted insults of the illiterate. It’s cute when you try to use words you don’t understand though, because even while you’re trying to be rude, you can’t hide the fact that my comments make you feel insecure about how stupid you are.
i’m not trying to be rude, you are. the fact you get joy of the idea hurting others show what a great person you are, full of qualities. At the end, the best punishment is your own existence. Hasta luego darling ♥
Still correct, though. People in their 40’s are Gen Xers and older Millennials, and actual Boomers are over 60 years old by now.
Duh? A dozen other people commented that before this fuckin weirdo who has been using my posting name for the last couple of weeks. Thanks anyway for repeating the obvious and already covered, though.
I think by minions, they’re inferring that she put her boyfriend in charge of the FD and all of her friends (or people who buddy up to her) as moderators. Said moderators are also overstepping and telling department heads how to run their departments and fielding complaints instead of sending people back to those dept heads to fix their issues.
The RP in NH SUCKS ASS! Emphasis is given to people who cause issue after issue and the good RPers are run out of town because of it.
It should also be pointed out that NH’s policy on rentals used to be that if you left, you’d get a refund on time left. If that’s changed, it stands to reason that the OP is right. Keeping money on a rental wouldn’t fly in RL and the only reason people get away with it I SL is because everyone uses an assumed name.
Why are you bringing Thomas into this. Has he done anything to you? Does he have anything to do with this. No, No. FYI Brian handles all the Fire Department aspects of the sim, Youd know if you would ask….
Why are you even bringing him into this? All Thomas has done was make a dead department active again and empower people to RP… Stop bringing him into your stupid drama. And an FYI if you actually knew anything and payed attention Brian handles the Fire Department side of New Haven. Get your facts right and stop assuming shit about a situation you have no clue about.
#31 *middle aged white men going through virtual identity crisis and cosplaying what they think black men should be bingo*
a lot of old white hags too, but tbf, most of those wear the idiotic looking kawaii babygirl faces.
I love watching you racist people who think you are above it all. What is even more strange is seeing people in their 20’s online all day when they could be out actually doing something. But oh yeah, this is an old white person problem. GTFO BBQ Becky!
Sounds like someone’s mad that the men their age give more attention to the 20 year olds. I bet you’re one of those woman who show teeth when a man gives another woman attention. Squandered your youth now hating everyone for enjoying theirs. The insecurity and jealousy is tragic. It’s not 1963. Not all 20 year olds have the same white picket fence dream. Some want to just stay in and game with their husbando or waifu.
I’m not female, now that was funny. Stay in your own lane you obviously have no idea what you’re talking about. 😂 😁 😄 😅 😁 😅
Ugh another person being salty against youngins. Get a grip gilmore. The 20 year olds are fun. They can stay and do whatever they want. I hope no one takes Karen’s bitterness personally.
#10 Seriously. Know a guy who was heartbroken over having to dump his gf. She would log on every Friday night to spend time with her online date instead of him. If you have a partner real life willing to give you attention and spend time with you, is it really worth losing that over a couple hours for a fantasy who’s glint you can’t even see in their eye when they’re plopping a drink into your inventory at the local virtual pub they hangout at every day. They probably haven’t showered in a week, sitting in unwashed underpants, dishes piling up, scratching their balls while they RP emote with you and 5 other girls on the sly. Copying and pasting the same lines to all of you but “You’re the one”. Their breath might stank like expired marmite on stale crackers while your real partner has minty fresh breath, showers twice a day and takes the trash out without being reminded.
From the tiny piece of context you’re giving us here, it just sounds like the dude who broke up with his gf is just super insecure. If it’s only Friday night she’s spending with that other person, what’s the issue? Are girls in relationships not allowed to have hobbies and friends outside of their partner anymore? When you can differentiate between RL and SL it’s all fine.
or, like most people that *I* know (myself included)… you can make real friendships and even meet your significant other. stop perpetuating the notion that everyone who spends any amount of time online, in games, virtual worlds, etc are some sloven degenerate neglectful sadsacks. there definitely are some like that, but not as many as you would assume. lets not forget.. you’re here too.
#39 – THIS, THIS, THIS! Also… and yes it’s because I’m cheap. I don’t want to be paying $L1 for a demo either!
You know what’s even worse? When they charge you 1L or even 10L for a demo, and it’s a timed 5-minute one! Want another copy? Pay for it again! For a freaking DEMO!
Those creators deserve to fail. Sorry not sorry.
27# Instead that why not tell us the Alt accounts you use to go to nude beaches hooking up with child Avatars. Or you going to flat denie that you have no clue what people speaking of why Esle you got banned. Ageplaying is a sin you sick fucker it good that linden Labs are getting rid of most of these child Avatars. No wonder your community is falling under pedophiles group’s you socialize with.
Dear Truth seeker, a friend of mine told me about the picture posted here and your comment. Please let me react to this. I know who you are. You are only person who knows why I got banned and so you don’t need to hide your real identity here. Instead that bad language here and banning people based on false AR reports, you should focus on problems you are aware of. You mentioned nude beaches hooking up with kid avatars – why do you tolerate this kind of public places? You should close them and ban their owners. You should alter TOS so the rules are more precise, especially for child avatars. If you think that child avatar wearing swimsuit while he/she is on the beach or using swimming pool violates the TOS (you clearly ban for it), it should be stated in TOS. Last, but not least, you should improve communication with residents. The copy-paste template message you send as reply to an appeal is a proof how poor is your support and care for your customers. People have no chance to defend themselves against false accusation. I’ve put hundreds into SL in the 7 years I’ve been there and it’s now all gone. Just because some petty person decided my SL was worth a little giggle 🙁
wow ur so well informed about the situation, I bet u go to such beaches and take the kids to ur stinky bed! The ban hammer should hit ur fucking head too.
19 A lot of bigotry and homophobia from the ppl making this post. Hiding cowards behind kboard n monitors 👎🏿
#42 you nailed it with this one. Danny Lee is desperate to stay relevant. Everything he touches turns to shit, but people keep drinking his kool-aid and feeding his need for attention, so he’s not going anywhere.
24 – A good chunk of her “charitable” contributions go to groups who want trans people dead, either metaphorically or actually. Your secret also says “I willingly eat the shit rich people produce because they’re better than I am based on their bank accounts alone.” So you’re OK with JKR being a transphobe, racist, and anti-Semite so long as she could buy your puny life with one royalty check. Self-ownage is a hell of a drug, isn’t it?
Rowling said nothing wrong. Men can’t have babies, no matter how hard they wish.
Oh look here you are being a transphobic piece of shit again. Gonna cry like a little bitch again for getting called out or are you going to go back to Shebulls and keep sucking her dick like a good beta cuck?
Just so you are informed and why you have so many thumbs down is you are showing how ignorate you are. JKR doesn’t own the rites to the game and no money from the game is going into her pockets or the groups she funds, The games and rights are owned by Warner Brothers.
So sit your ass down! and Let people play the damn game!
No, they are getting so many thumbs down because of the transphobes who are coming to downvote comments like this one and upvoting anything transphobic, like all the other comments below that are basically saying how right the TERF is. Also, JKR does get royalties from the game, even though it’s not really that much if you consider her fortune.
Buy and play the game if it makes you happy, it’s up to you. Buy it out of spite just because you hate trans people, that is also your right.
TRANS WOMEN ARE WOMEN. Downvote all your want, it does not change that.
Except they aren’t. And saying so devalues actual women.
Metaphorically dead. What are you even saying? Please sit down before you hurt yourself.
Nobody wants trans people dead. They just want to be protected from selfish trans agendas that hurt and harm others; especially women. JKR is standing up for a increasingly marginalised community – women. She is not a transphobe, racist or anything else these fascists are trying to paint her as because they want to silence and cancel her.
amen! no one even cares if you’re a trans whatever. go fucking live your lives. just don’t encroach on spaces that aren’t yours.
Somehow, I get the distinct feeling nuance is completely lost on you…
MM has its issues but it’s run by good folks who do not have a transphobic, homophobic bone in their bodies. They actively ban anyone who has those views and support trans players and characters.
JKR ruined her creation with her disgusting views and I understand how it’s hard to enjoy it now. I feel a lot of conflict over liking the series and avoid buying official merch so I don’t give her money. But don’t paint fan groups as being evil because they like the world. Look at MuggleNet and their active opposition of her views while still being a fan community. Stop hating the fans.
Let this be a lesson. To the mob you can never be “woke enough”. The moment you push back in any way or disagree they will retaliate by whatever means are at their disposal and lable you evil as their black and white morality does not permit anything else.
Or you just had a meltdown because you’re a bitch that can’t cope with reality.
“They actively ban anyone who has those view and support trans players and characters.”
So, suppressing differing opinions on the assumption that they are hate speech, over a very convoluted issue is somehow okay? And creating a fictional character that supports this agenda is somehow deserving of a pat on the back?
Go look up virtue signaling and get back to us.
It’s a virtual roleplay on Second Life you dickhead, not a forum to discuss what isn’t and is classed as hate speech. You disagree with trans? Sure, don’t bring it up in a setting with people trying to roleplay a fucking sixteen year old magical high student. It’s not about supressing, it’s about people being comfortable enough from eejits to roleplay in peace.
Jesus the mental gymnastics of some people really proves SL is full of fucking morons.
Emerson, the creator of Mugglenet sided with JKR. While he’s not involved with the site much anymore, he tarnished the MN reputation by being a violent transphobic piece of garbage. If you want to actually give a good example, Melissa Anelli of TheLeakyCauldron/LeakyCon has been outspoken against JKR with every fiber of their being while still maintaining the fandom space as safe for fans.
No one hates trans people more than they hate themselves. 46% end up killing transgenders.
Perhaps the “fans” should stop hating other fans because they want to play a game?
#31 is hilarious because it’s all white people at QOS and those type of groups and sims.
10: First of all, lol, boomers arent 40+ theyre like… 60 something+. Second of all, this sounds like it was written by a 19 year old girl, whos mad old ladies be gettin that pixel dick and her avatar that has a googoo baby face and skinned knees isnt getting any. No respectable 20 year old isnt living a life of no responsibilities. Life advice from someone who is still getting pasketti made by mama is outstanding. Also, *Walmart.
12: Whats cringe? Is your baby dick feelin insecure?
16: sit down about legacy and go make some actual changes in ther world instead of attacking a game because its an easy virtue signal.
18: thats a shadow for under the nail…? Like… are you walking around with no fingernails on? Based on the profile of the thumb you’re not so whats the issue? This isnt a nail applier?
24: Nah, its the cool thing to do right now to sit and yell about NOT doing something (playing a game) because its MUCH more effort to get up and have to be ACTIVE about your support of the trans community.
26: lol all the kpop groups are just white girls.
29: I think you mean “The dangerous rise of SL is mostly women avatars because half the men are also playing women”. Thats how?
31: Also played by white people.
36: So… a minds eye theatre larp.
39: Okay, I love this.
40: The way I thought this was an image made for a secret…but now… I see its an actual item…and I hate it. Ima buy it.
You’re kind of justifying it by making the first thing you focus on, all about “old ladies” getting pixel dick and putting down an entire age group/gender? Then mocking appearances and living circumstances. Facepalm…
26 do you know the meaning of that?
Yes, do you?
#38 For the first time ever, someone posted almost my same thoughts from a very recent brush with someone, and I am so tickled. I saw her going on and on about her bot nonsense in some group chat, read her profile because I had a feeling it would be funny, and I was correct.
You are so extremely boring, find a new hobby
I wasn’t trying to entertain you, dimwit, I was directing you to the profile of the person that post was about for some laughs. It’s absolutely insane; she actually thinks like 90% of SL are bots. Again, it’s really not my fault you people can’t understand what you read.
43, 37, 13. Please look at #6 and go fuck yourself, Cara is one of if not he best managers out there, She listens to everyone and takes everyone’s feelings and all of the FACTS into consideration before making a decision. If that were Cedar Creek you would’ve been ignored and told to get lost. She has listened to EVERYONES suggestions and built New Haven to cater to us not to herself. Get bent you Lousy, Disrespectful butthurt ugly bitches.
You must really be one of Cara’s minions to not see how she didn’t care about racism or pedophiles. Maybe you are the person that supports it.
poor wittle nate and barbie get all butthurt because another person don’t let her play victim. woe is me you drama causing twats. the only thing I support is the truth and if you want to spread lies then you better be sure you have no skeletons in youre closet isn’t that right nate dog fucker. Yah thats going around to that where you get your discord handle from and barbie with those fake implants your running around with no wonder you so uptight trying to detract from the truth that you were trying to breastfeed poppy but we all know the truth you as much of a fake freak and you point the finger but the proof is there and u are mad poppy didn’t feel comfortable with you. Barbie a drama whore every where she go and you nate del mar got sucked into it and now everyone all laughing at you because you got cucked and whipped.
According to data, majority of SL’s active demographic is 40+
#10 The truth of this will hurt and anger many
I see the victim cosplayers are back at it again.
#29 reads as pretty terminally online.
Second life is overwhelmingly full of female avatars –don’t know or care about the statistics of how many are actually female irl, doesnt matter if they present in dating boards as F LF M.
But the real life dating pools are very different, and every anti-woke dating service is filled with public complaints about the lack of women.
45- what are bots collecting that you don’t want known? 🤔
What happened Angels, why did you get banned??
you had a shop there; you were talking on the ads.
everyone was sucking up to you for your stupid costume changes.
why so nasty now huh? didn’t you get your own way?
And no I am not a friend of Bridget, I am not even a member but i know other things about you angels and your friend Caz
Dear Lord, someone wronged ‘the angels’ yet again! Anyone see a pattern here yet??? Can you imagine the energy spent by those 3 attention hounds trolling the net for anyone who ever slighted or wronged them? Maybe if they were the least bit nice to those around them or just shut the hell up and played their own SL, things would be so much easier for them. Looking forward to next month’s Secret’s… Who’s next?? LOL
Hi fellow monkey 🙂 lol I didnt realize there was a pattern but there we go folks.
#1 and 10 (OP) …Thank you for taking the time out of your hot-and-happening lifestyle to teach us valuable life lessons here on virtual secrets.
Did you leave your hot RL date waiting on the red carpet while you gave us your enlightening Ted Talk?
#10: Boomers are not 40+
40 + is Gen X ya dope.. and Gen X has their shit together.. like making sure before we push judgment on anyone we research what we are about to lay down and make sure it applies.
Here it is for the dipstick in the back
1928-1945 The Silent Generation – The WW1 and WW2 generation
1976-1967 The Baby Boomers (why are they called the baby boomers, because the silent/golden generation came back from fighting a war for your freedom of speech to prove how stupid you are and had a BOOM of babies)
1965-1980 Generation X: The generation that drank from the hose and played with rusty matchbox cars and know what hard work is
1981-1996 The Millennials : The Generation who are now becoming more conservative because they are finally paying taxes and understand how important it is to vote. Also the Generation that has never NOT seen technology and is the most disrespectful to older generations
Also.. don’t throw shade on any generation because you had a bad experience with a person who doesn’t have their crap together in RL
You know nothing, Jon Snow.
Why so bitter, entitled and judgemental ? Seems like you’re focusing more on the age factor than the actual lessons which shows a lack of critical thinking and openness to other thoughts or opinions. How closed minded and presumptious can you be? Sheesh. Why the criticism against younger people while only putting the older on a pedestal? There are 18 year olds fighting for countries right now just like people did in WWI. Greta advocating for climate change solutions. Teenager entrepreneurs earning billions and giving to charity. 1st generation American youth working 3 jobs to support and get their parents out of poverty. I’d honestly ask them for business advice before burning my bridges just because they’re young. There are disrespectful dipshits in all age groups and maturity in all age groups. Are you going to tell your grandchildren they are the most disrespectful generation and then complain when they choose not to visit your negativity because you only want to see the world through a dark hole while stroking your narcissistic ego ? Nice work on building their self esteem. Remember your kids and grandkids choose your old age home. Generalizing says alot more about you and your stuck on repeat mindset than entire generations. Grow up.
1 Lol, you really think that no one under the age of 18 has ever joined Second Life? Maybe you should go out and touch some grass?
10 “Baby boomer” is a term used to describe a person who was born between 1946 and 1964. There you go genius, a quick google search for you. Know your generations, also, 30 years ago was 1993, not 1963. As for screen time, most office jobs or work from home jobs require you to work with a computer, it’s amazing how far technology has come right?
14 I’ve heard some pretty bad things about this sly person, apparently she lives up to the name.
39 I hate when they don’t give you a demo, or even charge you L$1, yes i know its only $L1, but demos should be free right?
40 Uh, ok, if this is your thing then cool?
41 OMFG, EVERYONE now has this Waifu name, seriously no one cares if you are a Waifu or not, actually i have hardly seen Husbando.
46 You know that the real Tinder has the same options right? does that mean Tinder is full of pedos as well? What do you class as a pedo?
#46 – What about the child avatars on Thundr that are definitely there already? Looking for WHAT exactly? Thats not okay…
Never seen a child avatar on there, what side of Thundr are YOU on?
Charging for demos inworld is pretty gross, but thankfully I don’t see it very often. At least on the MP, you know you’re not going to get your 1L back and can make an informed choice. I ran across it for the third time in recent memory today actually, and all I can think when I see that shit is that creator must truly be desperate for every L they can scrape up, because their store is not doing well.
Isn’t it a breach of your job’s contract and an unethical practice to be doing other things at work and on your work PC, besides your job? Don’t think your employer would be happy to know you’re playing games whilst on the job.
You’re not supposed to deep throat the boot; it won’t actually get you any further than licking.
#39 In one particularly notorious store’s group chat, people asked why there were no demos, and the mod literally said this —- “because it’s extra work” ” <creator> could double the price and offer demos…because you want something for free…. so someone has to pay”.
I kid you not. Yet they’re possibly the highest earning creator in that category.
I know that the Full perm creator Meli Imako doesn’t do demos. I asked once why, I was told that it would cost extra. I don’t understand why extra? Why not just throw some non moddable versions of the items in a box and call it a day and post as demos? It would solve so many of their problems. I’ve had to get refunds on so many of their items because the fit/rigging was terrible. I no longer purchase from them tho as there are so many newer creators with much better rigging, less complexity (ugh at MI items being so stupidly complex) and much newer body rigs as well.
Bingo. Lol. That’s exactly who I was talking about. 😂 They are still the highest earning full perm store, and one of the highest across categories. Clearly tons of people are buying their poorly-rigged, outdated mesh without demos, and I doubt many people ask for refunds.
You don’t like the club or the staff or anyone at Furzona.
Jesus H. Fucking Christ on a Fucking stick go outfucking side and touch some grass. Breathe some fresh air. Go to McDonald’s and get some fucking icecream for all we fucking care. Nobody and I mean NO BODY gives a atom of a fuck about your opinon on Furzona. No body Not a fucking soul.
Go get a fucking club and stop ranting. Bitching. Moaning. Pissing. about a club no body gives a 8th of a ounce of a fuck about if you like it or not.
WE FUCKING GET IT YOU DON’T LIKE THEM. Message fucking recieved. Please get bent now. NObody NOBODY FUCKING CARES.
just going to drop these here and head out because I don’t want to be bothered
didn’t that old manager from ark start working with Furzona that got fired from ark for cp? forgot her name she was the dj manager at ark and got fired for sending cp in a chat calling those that got made a ‘prude’ Furzona welcomes her with open arms and since she has been around the club and played in their events like immortals
here is Aziza using loli’s and making light of it. Don’t worry its censored. How are they gonna defend this?
You DO realize that picture is a meme right?
More fabricated shit
People forget how much metadata is left on those sharing sites, nice discord ya got there 👍
I see so you are ok with it, good to know that stance you are taking while defending FZ.
Literally every time I have proved your stupid shit false, you go out and say “must be nice supporting X and Y” like that’s an issue here. Literally FOR MONTHS, YOU have gone out to try and ruin somebodies life using fabrication after fabrication using the same signals again and again.
First it was zoophile, now it’s pedo, and now you just lump them together like you weren’t caught the FIRST time and you have to VPN just to make it look like you’re winning this conversation. There’s nothing factual about anything you say.
If you got logs, why not show us more than a shitty crop. Oh right because you most likely A) fabricated it all on your own private little server or B) You don’t want to expose the server involved because they’ll know exactly who you really are.
And I can tell you right now it’s B, because I have the message UID and i can see who left the server recently. Good luck hiding 👉
well you outed yourself that you’re one of the managers or security at fz if you can see who left or not so it proves that fz staff is camping out on here
tell me you don’t pay attention on VS, without telling me you don’t pay attention on VS.
Then prove it. Out me, call out my username. You can’t moron.
There’s a difference between reading metadata and full admin rights. I can see whatever the server can show if I have the rights and addresses, but I can’t modify the information.
if it weren’t for the dumb link, I wouldn’t be seeing any of this shit.
I guessing you’ve never used linux so what’s the point in explaining

You guys are so smart, also good morning 🙂

i can confirm this is from Rice and Jelly’s private server and they keep saying people are using a vpn to defend themselves because they can’t handle the fact that MULTIPLE PEOPLE don’t care for them or FZ and want to be in denial and are most likely the ones making the many accounts to defend against things that have been proven they know it’s true at fz and that’s why they have no way themself to prove that it’s not true other than to accuse people of using a vpn or faking things then show us we are wrong?
And where is such an accusation, the only one who’s done that is me, butter, and cosmo. You’re getting awfully pathetic here. If you’re in the server (with about 150 people mind you), you’re making it very obvious who you are (if you haven’t left already because I can see that) especially if the conversation was just as recent as the next leak.
accusation flies out on VS, 118392383992758281 leaves the server at precisely…12:32 AM my time this monday, and in comes more posts from it. you’re only narrowing the search. This is called investigation honey. I don’t need no fancy server to see this. Do with it what you will, I already know mods are gonna know what this is.
Literally all you’re doing is being a stuck up child because you don’t like someone while corpse and karen have resorted to lies and slander to try and ruin someone they don’t like. It’s the same with you and furzona and for you to claim “multiple people” why do you all keep losing these conversations?
It’s petty high school drama. it’s dumb, it’s stupid, and you really need to read the room here. Karen and corps show up and MAGICALLY the votes overturn to theirs (yet slowly turn back?), yea that’s rigging. Most users already know you can VPN to rig the votes and try to hide behind different names. People do less just so they can view their netflix shows because their country doesn’t have it in the listing.
Now until Kesseret calls us out because you already know I’m no saint, than I guess it’s just hot air and you’re free to believe me or just watch and see the show for yourself.
and you feel so strongly about the vpn and know soooooo much about them that you must be the one using them cuz not everyone uses them or knows a lot so it is ironic you want to just jump to that you’re done it shows you are from the managers at fz either Rice or someone along the lines as in a past post you jumped to defend rice so much ironically and talk about how great she is when we know she is one of the worst two faced managers next to Jelly who is a wannabe mini rice
this just shows that you are Rice or Jelly or Aziza cuz you all are in that server and Rice and Jelly own it so you are outing that Jelly and or Rice are those mentioned people. You said Exposed Butter and Cosmo which means all three of you are from fz or related to that server which is run by Jelly and Rice from fz the GM and MC Manager that applied to me the second GM manger while lain is working as back up GM
Wow it took two posts to complete that little rant
Nice, guess we must live rent free in your head then. Keep acting like the paranoid child you are and see how far that gets you.
Rice has done nothing wrong in this regardless of what you think, the same can be said for Jelly. By your logic the only one YOU are would be is sola thanks to the logs provided above since they’re the only ones that sola is after at the time of those posts.
So yea keep the assumptions, it’s nice and cozy in here. And to quote butter below “One plan backfires, another comes to replace it”. keep trying~
From what I’ve heard about Rice and people who are heavily against her, it traces back to Karma, or Cirseii I think when she was working with FZ and got fired for the issues surrounding the Felicia situation. When she left, she made some posts on Twitter about it, but hearing things through the grapevine, she blamed Rice for targeting her as she was fired, but I havent heard anything about it since, but I’ve also not asked about what others had been hearing, it was pretty clear when it was all said and done. Considering the timeline with the Felicia situation, that makes a LOT of sense when stuff like this all started to come up, as well as the screenshots that we’re shared targeting Rice and FZ in general. If you really think about it, it makes perfect sense when, and why this started. Let’s look at how Solas feelings go based on those screenshots, if she really does dislike working under Rice, she’s entitled to that thought, like anyone does about their boss, she doesn’t have to like Rice but at least it looks civil between the two from what I’m reading. And the rest just look like normal discussion between leadership, sometimes thats butting heads, but what I’m reading looks completely normal. Any of you that have this magical wonderland impression that teams that don’t have light internal abrasions before have never seen what leadership with open communication looks like, this is it. I’m also not seeing any situations where Sola tries to speak up and is ever shut down, or bullied, or ridiculed for voicing her concerns, so while some of those look real, I seriously question a lot of what’s going on, especially with no context before or after. And also the fact that… Read more »
again how is this bad?
You clearly don’t understand how memes work
Is it a meme or is it fabricated make up your mind. Can’t even call out using that meme is disgusting when it uses lolis. Gigabytes is next they have just as much skeletons as FZ I found out about when I worked there. Till next week honey.
Fabricated – invent or concoct (something), typically with deceitful intent. Meme – an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations. YOU took a MEME and FABRICATED a story with the intention of ruining someone’s reputation. However this MEME can easily be reverse image searched like I’ve shown above proving that it has nothing to do with your bullshit and the original purpose of its creation was to joke about branding (coke vs pepsi). Just because it has a loli in it doesn’t automatically make it pedophilia. Inkbunny – There’s nothing tying the account to aziza aside from name alone. This is seriously like buying twitter blue or fucking discord nitro and making a specific server profile just to make it appear as them. It’s twisted, it’s disgusting, and it’s just plain wrong. Meme – Again I never said the meme was fabricated, I said YOUR story was. And to give you a little more context I can also say you’re quite lacking context because the image in that little screen was used correctly calling out 👶 the tags for enjoying their “BBQ water”. So much for keeping that server private because I already told you there’s plenty of metadata left on that webmshare. Accusations – In the beginning…karen tries to callout aziza for zoophilia, NOW all of a sudden it’s pedo claims and you all show up with this sudden evidence. YOU are the ONLY ones coming out with this sudden revelation and the moment others call out your fabrication you both have gone into denial using the same defense “I’ll call out people”, “this is what you defend?”. You’re little posse is using the same virtual signaling just so you can tear one… Read more »
A loli is a loli, and a sexualized one at that. There’s no point in dancing around that subject in particular. She could have easily done as follows;
A.) Found a similar Dr. Pepper meme depicting a character of legal age.
B.) Made her own version without an underage character depicted.
But of course we can glaze over this, right guys? Sexualizing loli’s is fine, right?
In order for something to be sexual, you have to think about it sexually, it’s called a dirty mind friend. Out of context the picture is of a character is having a tantrum because they don’t like the soda. What the hell were you thinking? Of course it’s bad!
Is the image censored: yes we can all image what’s behind the soda. Did aziza draw that character in such a position: No the source was kindly linked in the reddit comments (gag). Is such energy wasted on this year old post: ABSOLUTELY! Especially when the sourced image was even older.
As I stated below, the context of the photo was the focus on the meme, NOT the damn loli. Taking the meme into context the post was calling out someone for their taste in soda. It had nothing to do with pedophilia.
I don’t think you’ve been on reddit or twitter, this shit happens all the time for very much similar reasons. post pops up, people get “offended”, in comes the drama.
and if you’re gonna pull a “you’re on THEIR side” card, you’re just as bad as them.
You’re dancing around it again. You know very well what is behind the picture and a “dirty mind” certainly doesn’t change the picture’s true nature. Anyone with two active brain cells would agree with the fact that the picture, minus the edit was from a pornographic source. The context of said picture is exactly how it looks and sounds. Just face the facts that you’re wrong about that one at least and get off your high horse.
As for the two recent allegations, there are far too many missing pieces to take any sides.
Exposed just picks and chooses who to bully and harass every week. They got their ass dragged and ratio’d in some comments a few weeks ago. Big mad. No point arguing with someone like this, it’s rules for thee but not for others with this person.
What exactly am I dancing around? I know very well the context behind the image because I researched it. That doesn’t mean anyone else has or will do the same. So to try to shame them for something. By that logic you’re also dancing around the subject.
any image, and I mean ANY image can be taken from the internet regardless of context or origin and turned into something different.
Can probably guess, it’s a bunch of people who didn’t get a free mod from her because they used to be friends with her and now trying to ruin her with the potential of dick-hopping, train-riders.
The one thing people need to understand, yes, we take allegations of zoophilia and pedophilia seriously, we also don’t just throw it around and call everyone that without proof. And proof that cannot be denied or broken down like how your guys evidence has been.
Have proprer fucking evidence that you can slap down right then and there that can’t be fucking broken down so easily.
I mean look at all the gold medal mental gymnists coming to defend Aziza. She is a pedo and a zoo, cope and seethe harder simps.
“Random” commenter comes in and claims cp again despite providing little to no evidence. They can’t even get a name out and you think we’re playing mental gymnastics. Stop with the alt aliases it’s embarrassing you think your VPN posse will be believed.
I can copy/paste the who ark meeting about her and the cp allegation when I get home? Ark knows what I’m talking about.
produce evidence that didn’t take you 2 months to get which already was proven to be fabricated.
Actually… To go with the whole post of like ” Game doesn’t make any of the decisions” He actually at one point did….There’s a reason why he doesn’t make them anymore…. It’s because he was making shitty choices and some of those choices were more personal than they were actually rule breaking. I.E removing people for personal feelings instead of breaking any actual rules.
But you’re right, at this point, no one fucking cares because furzona hasn’t been doing all that well, the most traffic I see is during their big concert events or when someones doing a release party.
I honestly think that there’s a lot of shit hidden under the rug or in the closet, that some staff are trying to get out to people and are being shut down. Though, some are going to great lengths to fabricate certain things. I.E the shit with aziza….2 months to come up with proof instead of having it right there on hand…. Have the receipts ready to go before trying to talk shit.
I know some people are disliking this, just because it’s me commenting and not because they wana hear what I have to say. But, I used to work at furzona as a host. I got fired for things I said outside of the club, which was just personal drama shit.I was having an issue with suda at the time and I was calling her ass out because I was getting sick of being bullied at that time and no one helping me out. So I snapped and called her ass out on both twitter and VS. Now here’s the thing, no where in the rules of Furzona, did it say that issues outside of furzona would get you fired. So long as the shit didn’t come into the club or discord, you were fine. So why was I fired? https://gyazo.com/3b619fbbe7be94f38e5aee95d2bd8064 Just for proof it was based on twitter alone. His idea, was to fire me and have me change in the span of a short time period so i can get my job back. Expecting NOTHING bad from me….. Well you readers already know that’s not going to fucking happen. I’ve just learned when and when not to stick my nose into shit. How ever, it came down to a VS comment I did that made it so I wasn’t allowed back as staff. https://gyazo.com/95c41316638e5840359284760149a292 See his first line? Furzona was a formality…. He’s hurt more as a friend…. That doesn’t sound anything like a business move or a firing because I broke rules. Which I didn’t break the rules of Furzona. The rules never stated that Outside drama would get you fired from furzona (Unless of course it was out right harming furzona ) How ever, it didn’t harm furzona in the slightest. Later come to find out that… Read more »
Def gonna say that’s pretty fucked to use the friend card like that and he definitely payed for it considering game isn’t even the face of FZ anymore. However seeing the decision made I can at least attest that it wasn’t the only club at the time that did this, and this decision was much more tolerable than the other club drama I saw at the time. Pounce literally fired people on a whim for “drama” but considering the group involved you wouldn’t have a chance to even get a seat in there and I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t want one anyway. There’s numerous stories about how the staff there were mistreated not to mention how people were just banned on a whim, I’m sure you were one of them. IYC had an issue where basically they would side with the popular ones despite the popular ones harassing guests and other staff (staff literally got fired over this because fancy pants was purposely triggering them), oh and blazey and primal are fucking morons so I can’t really defend anything they have and NOT say they were just doing it for clout. Gigabytes going after patrons because they “killed the club, thanks dumbass” and the owner having to save face by apologizing directly to them. There were a BUNCH of issues regarding how clubs handled drama. I’d be blunt and say everyone is trying different methods before eventually settling on something that works. And I HATE how every time I review a case like this the excuse is always something similar to “you gotta break a few eggs to make an omlette” when they can’t come up with a proper answer. Yes it’s shitty, yea you were basically a stepping stone, however at the same time they still tried to take… Read more »
Someone else with not the correct information and not fact checking there shit lmao
The funny thing is. I was going to have a job at pounce. I held out 24 hours to kind of sit on if i want to work there, given that leo asked if I was going to be drama for/with suda, sounded a bit odd.
Well, come to find out that Leo had made suda a manager of pounce. (didn’t last too long) And I of course said, fuck that. Seemed a bit two faced to ask if there was going to be drama and give one of those people a position of power. I wasn’t going to deal with that. I spoke up about it and it got back to leo and he banned me XD. I wasn’t even on pounce property when I spoke about it either.
And I whole heartedly appreciate them letting me work there. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not speaking up because I hate the place. I appreciate what experiences I got from it. But, I just am sick of being told to shut up about what’s happened to me and not being allowed to share it. Because apparently that’s me causing/starting drama.
Part of why i’m so loud when I speak on things like this…. I’ve been told to stay quiet for so long.
But you are right. The current team has been working hard to evolve FZ from what it was. They have a lot of pieces to pick up and fit back together and I’m happy to see the change being made. Maybe, once the change is solidified i’ll go back, but I’m not holding my breath on it. Pounce and FZ have left a sour taste in my mouth for clubs and i’m super apprehensive of joining clubs as staff…
FZ itself didn’t, one of the experiences from someone in power did. And they were promptly punished for it.
There is a point where a venue does need to get involved in drama, especially if the staff are being too rowdy. In the past they’ve yet to really do anything dramatic so getting involved like this was incredibly out of character. I don’t know the context nor do I wish to get into it considering everything involved.
Best guess is your callout got the attention of staff only because someone was crying about it and using your connection to FZ as a weapon. Standard pity me your staff is “harassing me” bs.
Looking at the felica situation, that all was in their server to begin with and that forced their hand, if yours was outside of FZ borders (discord, groups, ect) than yea game overstepped his boundaries hands down.
they let Felicia stay around the club cuz they know she tips them well and just want her Ls let’s be real no one wanted her there when the spirit doxxing went down as they wanted shin out of the picture and looked for any way to let her go and had been working on getting ekko out of the club and picking her out cuz they don’t like her
But doesn’t Ekko still work there? She still has a staff tag in the discord, I’m staring at it. I doubt anyone would have stuck around this long if she was being picked on. Yet another reach from you. From a patron perspective, Shin would wear or rez giant particle exploders and storm shit that took up half the club, it’s why I stopped going to their shows after a while because it kept happening and it was annoying. The club has rules against that, and assuming she got in trouble for it over and over, I’m willing to bet Shin got tired of it.
Your arms ever get tired of reaching? This is why people don’t believe you, ever.
He did. Because it was on twitter and on VS. Already showed the screenshots above to show it was out of FZ borders.
Like you said though. I was a stepping stone and it sucks that I had to be that stepping stone for change. But, I’d rather it be me than anyone else.
S2 has people paying for it because every now and then the owner cries that they are broke and going to be kicked out so people dump money into it to keep it going. It doesn’t sit right with me, especially since they seem to do a lot of charity events.
If you want the Truth S2 used the wrestling community to pay for their club to stay alive. Screwing over the very people that made that club possible. If it wasn’t for FWF and UFW or valiant they would have been just a Pink skyed town for people to take photos of. Looking at the place back then it was cute and pretty. Now hearing from the fact that no wrestlers ,club enthusiasts and many other people don’t want to deal with the liar and gaslighter who panics and snaps at everyone for various reasons you know who I’m talking about. That club has given that person more money than you could ever imagine. She’s broke because she’s working minimum wage and making cute outfits while pimping the LGBT. Thank God one of the wrestlers in VWE and probably CEO of Valiant came to their senses and left her ass in smoke.
When I looked back at S2 now I can’t help but vomit like looking at a girl getting splashed in peptobismol.
Oh them…yea I know the loud one that got fired/rehired. They did it again shortly after and complained about the boot xD
IYC was trash don’t get me wrong, that “friend” is no longer my friend if that helps explain their behavior. Yea they bragged about getting that job back and just as quickly they got removed again for the same damn reason.
Hate to day it but that rehire didn’t last long, they deserved it.
I didn’t hear about that part. But obviously they deserved getting fired for the second time XD
My issue is that I never got the rehire. I was pretty much told. ” You’re fired, don’t get in trouble, then you can get rehired when ever I say you can get rehired. ” I.E He knew i was going to fuck up one way or another and I have to sit to his standard of ” Stay out of trouble”
Wasn’t going to happen and I think pretty much everyone reading this can agree to that.
Yeah, that was a poor move on their part, or at least how Game handled it. On the other hand, I see you involved with a lot of drama throughout. Do you think they saw that as more if a risk and decided not to leave themselves open to it by bringing you back? I’m not trying to pick at you, it’s a general question based on what I see on the internet.
The thing is. They’ve fired quite a few people for things that was outside of the club. This is AFTER I was fired. And those people got rehired. So why was I the only one who didn’t get that?
Like the girl I mentioned who went and started shit at IYC. That was after I was fired.
I would think would be based on if anything a staff member did outside of FZ, made it back to FZ?
Like I know they booted one staff member for griefing other people at a sandbox with guns, he was known for being at the club, and got kicked as a result. So I’d assume that was them being told about it with proof, and reacting. Either way that doesn’t look good on Game, but as you said, it kind of explains why he has Todd handle that now, even if hes not on SL a lot. I get that people make mistakes, and that was kind of a bummer to see how that went down, but I guess the responsibility change was a better choice than doing nothing? I guess?
I don’t go there much since an ex works there and it wasn’t a happy ending, so. But I still like it there when I do decide to wander outside my sky box.
The thing is, rules specifically say/said, unless they do something in FZ. FZ won’t do anything about it. And I know game was REALLY hell bent on making sure people broke the rules before he would ban them. One person was being harassed pretty badly and because it hadn’t exactly happened in FZ, he wasn’t doing much about it, just waiting his time till they did break the rules and he even re-wrote the rules to try and make it so those people would fuck up.
And that is part of why Todd and the other GM’s are taking care of FZ while game just pays the bills on the place. Because there’s been a lot of choices that game has made that have been pretty bad for FZ.
Like if i had to compare it. (This is a comparison! I’m not legit calling him that sleeze bag.) It was getting to the point that FZ. Or should I say game, was turning into pounce/leo. He didn’t get all the way, but he was making decisions that put him closer to that point. And this is based on BEHAVIOUR ALONE. So don’t you people try and twist it.
I think that alone should answer your question. He lost his coveted title and now the rest of the staff are forced to pick up the pieces so they can ensure a problem like that never happening again. At least that’s how I’m predicting how it went.
Like I said you were a stepping stone. And a big one if it meant moving an owner’s privileges xD
And, while I don’t expect to ever get one. I’ve still yet to get an apology from game for this.
And yes, it sounds completely entitled.
But it’s the fact I was fired wrongly. I didn’t break rules, I didn’t bring the drama to the club. I was fired for personal reasons and was fired because I didn’t listen to a friend. Not a boss…. A friend.
So, ya. That’s my side of game, my experience of someone who let popularity get to his head and slowly crashed and was saved from burning.
you got banned for that but read up a bit to see what you were replaced with when they can post stuff like that in discord. Hypocrites.
Speaking of that discord, which discord was it? That’s not her discord name, so its obviously a server that you’re in. Did the mods take it down? Or are they logical, and not using it for gaslight material because they know its a meme and not expressing interest in CP? Was there context before/after that image? I can guarantee there’s more than what you’re willing to say, but it doesn’t fit your narrative and probably hurts your friends or other people you want to protect. But that’s also quite hypocritical, isn’t it?
One plan backfires, another comes to replace it.
straight from the metadata
🐩 — 01/27/2022 11:12 PM
@ 👶
👶 — 01/27/2022 11:16 PM (replying)I love me some bbq water
🐩 — 01/27/2022 11:17 PM https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/931331635260043295.webp
Clearly they don’t like Dr pepper
My guy. Aziza has been working there since FZ was re-opened. What i find funny is if she’s been this pedo/zoo….Why you only jumping on her now?
Why’s it the grasping at straws and waiting months on end to get the evidence? You do know, that if aziza does decide to do so, she has a PRETTY GOOD defamation case on her hands and if she gets everyone’s identity, which tbh…not that fucking hard when you’re all a bunch of smooth brains when it comes to this…She could charge all of your asses.
You don’t have any actual evidence except for what’s been fabricated.
So no, I wasn’t REPLACED with aziza, since i was never a manager. I was only a host and I was never replaced.
Oof, sent them to McDonalds for icecream. Cold blooded, you KNOW that machine always broken.
Don’t even bother. It’s just a copy paste from the 3 replies that weren’t directly approved from last week.
The only ones spouting this bullshit will continue as long as the group exists. The claims are half-assed, they’re full of holes, and when they’re proven wrong they resort to silence and more loud accusations.
Doesn’t matter how loud you get when It’s on VS alone and not Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. THAT should alone prove how much credibility these tantrums have, absolutely none.
First it was Zack for apparently leading the cancel culture drama against Anima, geld, who even knows how many anymore, then it was lain for being a creep on a dated flist that they themselves corrected. Now it’s aziza being a pedo even though the original claim was being a zoo but who cares when you’re loud right? Gotta get that trigger warning and saddle up with my squad of ignorant haters to join the bandwagon because I can only use a free VPN so much before kesseret finds out I’m the only one in the conversation.
Don’t forget Aki, as worse as Zack with his baby fit tantrums wouldn’t surprise me he is the one that got all this started in the first place. Very cut throat even with the name change… Didn’t help us bruh! Change it again! Trying to take the spot light off FZ with bogus bs and lies about other clubs he knows nothing about…
Again with Zack as “drama”. Receipts or it didn’t happen honey~
Waiting for HA! to come in here again cuz this shit is wild
What tantrums?
i’m not sure about the pedo allegations but i can confirm the zoo stuff. you can believe me or not but she actually was involved with a guy before who was heavily into feral on human/feral on anthro stuff. whether or not she was doing it just to appease him or if she was actually into it is beyond my knowledge but what i will say is that it was something i really didn’t want to walk in on.
if you’re going to confirm something yet provide little to no proof, you’re just as bad as the accusations. If you’re THAT scared to get called out maybe just don’t say anything at all?
This is literally just a waste of a paragraph, there’s already too many alts in this conversation and you look just like another.
obviously you care enough to comment
#14. I believe the proper use of that word is YOU’RE! LOL… If you are gonna be a hater at least know the difference between Your and You’re and how it’s used!
#17 & 30 – DJ’s Ryan and Henry. Bridgett Hamill protects Ryan. He has always had first pick in sets. Henry is Bridget’s priest. He will attack whoever Bridget tells him too. He puts his opinion and nose in other people’s business. Thing is Bridget Hamill loves to gossip. She will share all the information she knows about people. As long as she is safe she doesn’t care. If she really “cared” she would think about that. She is the type that sleeps better when she twists the knife into people. She is a disturbed person who takes pleasure in hurting people then claiming she is doing it for God. Muddy’s is very fake. If you watch their traffic, when any other club gets more traffic than them, you will see the numbers at Muddy’s mysteriously and magically go up just a few minutes after. You just have to be watching. I too have heard the things she has done to people even in RL. It’s so wrong. Most of the dj’s and hosts who work for her live on an alt because they are doing the very things she condemns. They have just been really good at hiding it. Mia is one of them.
29 – probably has more to do with the natural male to female ratio on what’s essentially Advanced Online Barbies®, but that’s just a theory
That and half the men are ALSO playing Advanced Online Barbies®
Absolutely love that photo of MM! Some people in this amazing VIRTUAL WORLD of Second Life do such good photography. Sucks some dumbfuck chose to ruin it with their stupidly large font of a word they obviously don’t understand!
You’re right, Anya Ohmai does amazing work! It’s almost symbolic how the image has been sullied with such a word, seeing as she’s the owner of MM and has left fucktards to ruin her vision.
Honestly, it’d be great if you could tell me how I’ve sullied it. I always thought I tried my best. 😅
Calling mid 30s and 40yo people boomers, tells me everything about this person I need to know XD
Please, please go Google it.
I love witty snapbacks and insults but damn please educate yourself …you make an ass out of yourself lol
…Google generation not even having 20 seconds to double check …but I am sure their answer to my post would be calling me a boomer because that’s all they got for people that disagree or point out mistakes x3
Tell us you’re a frumpy old woman in real life wihtout telling us you’re a frumpy old woman!
Thank you! Us boomers have already raised our children, paid for our home and have enough income to waste in SL.
Lol the boomers getting defensive because the shoe fits. Waste is an interesting word. Boomers who have money to waste are out living a comfortable life in real life not through a game.
50+ here and anything that hot can go back to the hell was born from. I have a cat and she could careless if anyone existed long as food bowl full. However, I do have a ton of games and been gaming since green screen and DOS. Not sure why anyone assumes or believes we should all be in what moomoos, in the kitchen and babysitting grandkids all day? I do have grandkids and guess what they want to do when visit? Gameeee with me!!!
Honestly, most grandkids are on their tablets or iphones anyway, even when you do take them out and about, people need to get with the times. I was born in the 80’s so at the end of the boomer generation and at the start of the ” technology era ” i suppose you can call it, i’ve had my kids, they are grown adults (almost) but have jobs of their own, moved out of home and still come to see me ever weekend. I work but i still come on to sl to escape the real life, i prefer that than meeting people irl because people suck! at the end of the day i can just log out and chill watching a movie or something, maybe chuck on a game. So to the one out there having a crack at ” boomers “, maybe get of virtual secrets and second life and oh i don’t know, go out and live your life? and stop trying to drag others down with you?
I’d take the privilege of a yappy dog life over a sedentary back ache fueled life anyday. Actually getting to smell the air and taste the food at the places I travel to. Feeling a real hug instead of a phantom one.. Having a cushy retirement and life for meaningful things because i didnt give into instant gratification. Half of SL impulse buys. Gaming is not a substitute for real life and once the friend list that you focused more on than the real ones around you drops, you realize how lonely it is
We can do both actually. What I find funny is people 40 and under living their lives in SL. Before I was married and had my kids, I was out in the real world, meeting real people and OMG, having real sex. Not that I do the SL sex thing but it’s still fun to spend some time and let’s be real, a relatively small amount of money, dressing my Barbie and meeting people.
My husband and I still travel, meeting up with friends, spend time with family. We’ve both been here since 2009 and generally do things together. Live music, building, shopping
SL shouldn’t replace your RL which does seem to be what happens to people here of all ages.
No, they’re just annoyed that you don’t understand what a Boomer is which is truly a boomer move. Use Google and learn the difference between Boomer, Gen X, Y, Z, and so on. It’s not that hard, kiddo.
Boomers are 59 onwards. Gen X is 40 onwards. Gen Y are early 40s. Other than that some solid advice for both the old and young. Have seen too many people go into debt and neglect their kids as well as themselves to impress people online.
Reminds me of Mark Knapp (48) and Elizabeth Pester (33) who prioritized sl and their sl job as djs over their 2 year old. In rl they had no job or car. The 2 year old eventually starved to death.
A Brisbane mother obsessed with Second Life that her twins starved to death in a bedroom down the hall from where she played the game. The babies were left alone in a filthy cot while she lived out her dream life, far removed from the slowly disintegrating one she had. While her children starved their mother created a new identity, a new home, and even a new partner. In real life she was overweight and a mother of six kids. In her “new life” her avatar was beautiful, slim and most pointedly, child free. She sat for hours, entrenched in a virtual life, ignoring the children, the home, and the deaths occurring around her.
The South Korean 41-year-old man and 25-year-old woman, who met through a chat website, reportedly left their baby unattended for up to twelve hours at a time. They went to Internet cafes, and dropped by occasionally to feed their daughter a bottle. One night after a 12-hour gaming-session the couple came home to find their daughter dead.
It’s a concerning pattern. Moderation is important for all ages. Many are in denial. Too far gone in their alter egos for a reality check.
Wow. I just googled that. I think I saw something like that in some crime series but I thought it was just made up. That is plain horrible.
The youngest age for a babyboomer is 59. Not sure why anyone would be called a boomer in their 30’s and 40’s. Sounds like the person doesn’t know how to Google to look that up – much like a boomer.
It’s ironic that you mentioned 30s when they only mentioned the age group 40+. It’s seems you misplaced your glasses before reading – much like our beloved boomers
#1 Why do you jump to such conclusions as those? People can pretend to be any age they wish, it’s not taking anything from you. I have no issue in speaking to anyone of any age, it’s a pity you draw such stupid lines in life. So when you’re 50, you’ll never speak to a 20 year old, and yet you’re calling others fucked in the head? Everyone goes outside. Not your problem who doesn’t. Also, accounts can be sold to appear as an older account.
Look at the plank in your own eye, sheesh.
#10 Just as bad as #1 so they might as well be together. Why the ageism? Why the judgement? Why not go celebrate your own awesome and perfect life and get off SL and this site? Every hateful thing you said shows you have an extremist view on life, since you’re way off on most of these thoughts as being something bad when you have no clue what people are living with and for how long, for someone like you who has probably had few problems in life, to judge so harshly.
You sound like a crotchety old man and as much fun as a canker sore. You’d probably be much happier in life if you just concentrated on yourself and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing.
Sometimes I wonder if these “secrets” are real or why they’re here.
And yeah, Avatars under 15 years are always younger, riiight. I think OP of #1 and #10 (same person?) is just bitter about someone or something. I mean #10 tells clearly that this person is mentally not grown enough or very hurt. I hope nobody takes that to their heart. I like my “boomer” friends. And also most of the real boomers I met on SL were pretty cool.
“And yeah, Avatars under 15 years are always younger, riiight.”
I said no such thing, learn to reeead. My ex was over 50 when he first made an account in SL, so this whole judgement on SL to RL age thing is stupid. I have no idea why anyone even cares. Many people refuse to share any RL info so, RL age is really not anyone’s business. We decide how close we get to people.
We really don’t know what people are going through. Some could be disabled or don’t have the ability to live a normal life therefore they’re given outlets in sl that they wouldn’t have rl. However, If you’re living your life online from the time you’re 15-30. That’s a problem and a cry for help. You’ll be out of touch with reality by then and lose out on important opportunities for cognitive, financial and emotional development. Life is to be lived. Also, pretty sure selling accounts is against TOS.
You say on one hand, some ppl on SL could be disabled or not have the ability to live a “normal” life, and in the next sentence, if you’re 15-30 and have lived online, it’s a problem. What if the person’s been disabled or not able to live “normally” since they were a young age? What then? Are they losers and problematic and in need of help? Moron.
Ok ignorant angry human, there there. Call a different number, I’m not your enemy. You clearly read to respond and rant instead of understanding. I’m obviously referring to perfectly abled 15-30 year olds with the world as their oyster. FYI, there are still opportunities for the young but disabled in the real world. SL isn’t the only door for that. Its called Youth with Disabilities Programs – they’re not doomed to be losers. Educate yourself before responding next time.
“However, If you’re living your life online from the time you’re 15-30.”
Are you talking about 15 to 30 years old? Or for 15 years total? Either way, just because someone has an account for 15 years, doesn’t mean that’s all they do in life! Why on earth would you assume that? There are many reasons actually people keep an account and none are your business. Seriously, you have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve had friends for many years here and we never decided, gee, we should leave SL before the youngsters believe we sit around doing nothing else day. You’re a moron. I know CEO’s with old accounts who are probably more successful than you are and certainly don’t go around assuming made up nonsense to judge about people. What a pity that you hate the generations above you because that’s all your pathetic rant means to me. Lol at your bs on “cognitive skills”…doc.
“I’m obviously referring to perfectly abled 15-30 year olds with the world as their oyster.”
Ahhh, the truth comes out, you’re jealous of those who don’t have to work. What the fuck is it to you how people entertain themselves? I once knew a woman who had a pic of herself in her RL tab, laying on her yacht. So what? Good for her, is the normal thought, not one of jealousy.
and that is what SL was originally designed for, so that everyone can be equal in Sl, a social platform that allows people with disabilities to be the same as everyone else
4. fz shares inner workings with non-employees and neglected to make a public statement and camps on VS with rando accounts trying to defend the club when it had been proven zak the mc manager lives and breathes the drama
23. view last week for more screenshots fz allows zoos and pedos to keep working for them no surprise with all the heat ufw was in and now fz has been under fire for months
Furzona – Wake your inner Priest/Beast!
Okay prove it. Ffs at least TRY to spell their name right if you’re going to accuse someone, and learn how a company works.
No public statement means you’re fucking stupid. What happened to fz is the same as ufw and shit?
All bark and nothing to show.
and lain out here hating on fan art of the club I can write a whole blog on everything I know about fz and the staff if you really want with screenshots from rice, lain, game, todd, zak, julian, aziza, haru, sola, and even the previous owners of the club along with most previous and current staff and close knit patrons if you want me to air it all
no talk and all show when Sola knows what she did and they know what Julian did enough said you just mad cuz you know it is true no proof needed when they know what’s going on and they don’t know who knows what now you know Julian used alts to harass Sola and that so why he is hiatus
if it is not true why do you engage to defend and call bs when I know they know it’s true
No you can’t. The floor has been open for weeks now and you haven’t done it yet. Ya know why, because it’s all big talk.
It took karen 2 months for someone to pull a fake account for aziza
Exposed already asked the same thing when Ha! Tried to accuse Zack of all his so called drama even showing all the false accusations he’s been given. And what happened in the rebuttal, silence and next week’s post adding to the fake bullshit.
There’s nothing showing that furzona has done anything shady aside from certain staff who were also called out on here such as felica and just so…they were promptly removed.
If you’re gonna claim you can “write a whole blog” yet provide little to nothing except big words, yet fail do to the ONE fucking thing you’re oh so proud of proclaiming “I have the tea”…you’re full of shit.
Did the person who posted that proof go back in time to 2021 to make it? COPE AND SEETHE.
you literally lost and have to use a VPN to rig the votes and argue in this conversation. I think the best reply to this would be…don’t care , didn’t ask , cry about it , who asked , stay mad , get real , L , bleed , mald seethe cope harder , incorrect , hoes mad , pound sand , basic skill issue , typo , ratio , ur dad left , you fell off , no u , the audacity , triggered , repelled , ur a minor , k. , any askers , get a life , ok and? , cringe , copium , go outside , touch grass , kick rocks , quote tweet , think again , not based , not funny didn’t laugh , social credits -999, 999, 999, 999 , get good , reported , ad hominem , ok boomer , small pp , ur allergic to sunlight , GG! , get rekt , trolled , your loss , muted , banned , kicked , permaban , useless , i slept with ur mom , yo momma , yo momma so fat , redpilled , no bitches allowed , i said it better , tiktok fan , get a life , unsubscribed , plundered , go tell reddit , donowalled , simp , get sticked bug LOL , talk nonsense , trump supporter , your’re a full time discord mod , you’re* , grammar issue , nerd , get clapped , kys , lorem ipsum dolor sit amet , go outside , bleach , lol , gay , retard , autistic , reported , ask deez , ez clap , straight cash , idgaf , ratio again , stay mad , read FAQ , youre lost , you “re” , stay pressed… Read more »
Your “cope and seethe” line makes you sound like a deranged, and rabid lunatic that’s backed into a corner because everyone has caught you using multiple accounts and forging proof lol. Get some help sweetie, your vendetta is showing.
You must understand by now that through the sketchy “proof” you’ve made, the multiple usernames on here that you use to spam-attack people on here, and your questionable accusations that took 2 MONTHS for someone to conveniently finally get screenshots of, isn’t passing with anyone who’s paying attention. The instant you mention InkBunny after being “too lazy” to go get it, someone suddenly has an IB SS? And within that time, Azizas a pedo, not a zoo? You’ve been calling her a zoo for months and suddenly she’s changed gears?
Your story is so hairy and twisted, that nobody here with a functioning pulse is buying your shit. You’ve been planning this for ages, and conveniently came out of the woodwork during the Felicia situation after letting that account you made/had made stew for as long as possible you saw the opportunity, and took it.
If this stuff turns out to be true? Then sure, fuck FZ and the idiots that run it. But I will always question sketchy behavior when I see it, especially when we’re talking about stuff that would land someone in jail if it WAS true.
Everyone has figured out that you’re Karen/SusButt/TouchGrass/Hmmm/ and many others. Everyone here gets it, you’re mat at Furzona for whatever reason and want to see them burn, and will do literally anything to get heat their way. The methods of a true sociopath.
14. Sly will never change, everything that spews from that disgusting mouth is a lie. Sly needs to take responsibility for his own actions and doings before blaming everyone else. First it was phil then kory now jade who’s next? Ever think that your feelings, anxiety, dark thoughts and failures is you? Sly you need to take a hard long look at yourself.
The funny thing is before running back to Jade he did try running back to Kory.
What’s even funnier is his little flock of sheep that believe his BS, Sweet J being one that I never thought would be brain washed by someone like Sly but he has her fooled it seems going by his FB garbage as for Purge he has an equal rep for being drama all over the SL club scene and banned from several so if people can’t see these people as being the center of all drama then they are no better. Sly and Purge are always throwing out accusations about people gender slurring when in reality these 2 pieces of scum could be any sex they’re still bullies, those 2 are heterophobics plain and simple and gas light to make them look like victims… people are seeing them now for what they really are now.
I don’t get how people don’t see him for who he is
Well, that idiot Biscuit seems to think he is pure and holy. She took his name back and has some gospel written crap in her profile about him and that we are all wrong about Sly.
Lol heard she was working back at voodoo after all the shit talking they did about Jade and the managers Jade must be dumb af having her back either that or dgaf about the shit spoke on her team, biscuit has and always will be 100% with sly she’s the biggest sheep of them all he has her fucked in the head completely
Well her father is a gm at voodoo but I have never seen Jade acknowledge her in anything. Jade should have not allowed her back and should have kept sly and his sheep banned
Well, you can’t fix stupid.
Thank you! Someone else who mentions Slys bs talk about Kory! He has a long list of people he has stalked, lied about, fucked over and hurt. Yet he is the victim.
The psycho ex’s that post Virtual Secrets about their former S.O. is pretty telling. It doesn’t make them look bad, it makes you look bad and validates why they left your crazy ass in the first place.
Nah, I personally want to know who to rule out of my dating pool. Keep posting. My black book is taking good notes.
You’re basing your dating pool off of who is posted about on Virtual Secrets? sounds like you’re the red flag, not them
Sounds like I still don’t care. Imma waving piping red hot flag the exposed VS scumbags out of my dating pool.
Russ one of the biggest fags of SL fucking with other trash fags like him all of them cheating and all partnered. Trash to trash and fag to fag
You’re a disgusting blood bag and I’m sorry the SL is open to people like you.
Someone had to say it.
I am sorry that you’ve been born, fags like you and Russ shouldn’t exist. You are all the same. Cock rules you. Now go cheat like a pathetic fag, go hurt your “beloved” one. Ya droll for that salty taste and can’t hide it. LMFAO
#25 This isn’t news. I am however glad someone is calling her out finally for these desperate attempts to make her sim seem full and lively.
Both yumipepper and her husband have so many alts each just for their sim traffic alone.. It’s just sad. 😕
Judging by the picture #25 they are people for that old fishing game thats still around “where you could fish for lindens” but i dont see any actual sufficient proof that the place is a parking lot for bots as is. if you can show such proofs as in Screenshots then ill hang myself from the closest tree.
Really goes to show how much people frabrate, lie and turn they’re own truths on to others with out really knowing anything. Lmao
never heard of this place so it must not be anything special
It’s really nothing special as of right now. At one point it WAS lively but then she drove away the few people that made the place worth visiting.
You can make a sim look beautiful but what’s the point in staying if there’s nothing else to go back to? It just becomes another glorified parking lot for bots. People are what make a sim fun, you would think that’s common sense for any club owner.
whenever i went to that sim i never felt welcome. maybe the first time i actually went there she was nice but any other time she was cold towards me. my guess is because i am female /shrug.
That actually makes sense. You see, since her entire club is based around Lovense Sex Toys it’s only natural for her to cater more to the male gaze. However, I can confirm from a mutual friend that if yumipepper feels threatened by another woman she will most definitely start showing her teeth. Lol
i thought so. its sad because i was willing to help where i could because of how many lovense clubs there are now and that means competition. but she takes the help given to her for granted and made me feel like i needed to “stay in my lane” if that makes any sense.
basically she needs to be the star in the spotlight at all times and if she isnt there is a problem and she will take it out on whoever.
the lagoon was never about giving people a place to be or a nice hang out spot it was about inflating her ego because leo made her feel bad about herself once.