3. Nothing to see here. Accidental 3.
#30 Thats against TOS. You can offer a refund for reviews but you can’t state that they need to have X amount of stars or be good or bad.
If you’re pg and want join are grid link in the description.
#42 OMG! The internet vigilante police should get right on this conspiracy! Someone put their initials on their artwork!?!?!? Heresy!!!!!!
#7 Yes Ashley Maire Jonesmith (auntashleyrocks) is always with someone NEW she never stays with anyone for very long. She also likes to try to steal money from people in Second life she is good at that. She is a user. She also likes to try to take your men away in real as well at least try to so watch out ladies if your Married in real she is a backstabber. She don’t care about no one but herself. Ashely, you need to get a life on your own and leave the married men alone and also get off Second life!!!
#5 – We have evolved into a world where you have the ability to prove the paternity of your pixel baby. Second Life needs a Second Life.
#16 – You block child avatars in SL because they are gross? I block idiots because they are stupid. What’s your SL name?
#23 – I like Glams top. Mar needs to wear Glams top.
#28 – I don’t tell my RL friends about SL either. 😉
Spot on for 16!
#18: Hi Frost. I understand you are upset, and I’m sorry you feel that way… but you cannot refer to yourself as a tenant and myself as a landlord when I purchased the sim from a third party with no agreement to keep you guys on sim, and you never paid me, not once. I let you all stay out of the goodness of my heart initially, and you all stayed a little over a month before I decided that I was taking the sim- But my favorite part is where you screenshot the announcement, but not where I explained WHY I decided to take my sim back. You know, the part where you and several others were repeatedly creating drama and rumors behind closed doors, despite me allowing all of you to stay at that time. Ps your closed doors are drafty and they talk a lot. Much like this post was brought to my attention as well. I placed the boxes in all of your homes in addition to the discord chat because not all of you were in the discord, not all of you were in the land group, and, God forbid, I didn’t want everyone’s gachas to find a home in the void. But long story short, your clique caused everyone on sim to be removed except a very small handful- the handful that chose to come hang out, help out, be friendly instead of squat. Don’t forget also the part where we repeatedly begged you to move your shop into the city so you could make money off your content- for free. I wanted to like yall, but it’s this middle school drama bs that is exactly why I kicked everyone out after a month of living on sim rent free, with over 1k prims… Read more »
I knew nothing about this post at all, but even my friends and I were of the impression just from the post itself that you went above and beyond in notifying people and reminding them. and even in RL, landlords and property managers can come inside if needed with notice. so OP is just salty and needs to go touch grass. lol.
16) can’t believe you look at a shapeless toddleedoo and instantly start wondering about their sex life. like weird flex but ok.
#13 This totally unhinged post tells more about you and the content of your own mind than it does about anyone who plays a child in SL. Go touch grass, as kids these days are saying.
#26 It has nothing to do with greed, you entitled Karen, it’s just that some creators don’t want botched versions of their items walking around just because someone didn’t know how to properly resize, retint, or whatever mod you think you can do with their items. Other creators are cool with that and even teach you how to do it. Others will send you a mod version if you ask NICELY. Why TF are you so mad? Just don’t buy where you don’t get what you want and move on, go touch grass together with #15 up there.
#27 If your idea of fun is to annoy the crap out of people around you, I guess there are other places you can do that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#30 I heard about review and get a prize, but never requiring it to be 5 stars. Pathetic indeed.
#41 I’m more than happy to show my groups and let others see the things I enjoy in SL. You do you, boo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#49 Jut to clarify, you don’t just have the homestead, you have to actually pay for it, but you’re allowed to own it without owning a full sim first.
This is not Oprah.
No no no, it was Maury Povich who always did the “You ARE the father” stuff. God, get your trashy American daytime talk shows straight.
No speculation about #42? I wouldn’t know. I wear bright, cartoony tattoos with big graphic designs, so I’m not the target audience for most tattoo makers. But I’d love to know who’s secretly signing their patrons and what ‘effects’ the wearers are suffering subsequently.
No one has mentioned ONI and the infiltration on every club in second life………….
46: So Amiville is a ‘starter’ roleplayer sim and if you ask around the average age is usually on the older side. It’s not a para sim, and to be honest it’s not an immersion sim. Never has been. You get lucky now and then and find a roleplayer that’s experienced. Otherwise you run into that, people chatting instead of roleplaying. 10 ish years ago it was better. Better roleplay, more storylines going on.
my first experience in Amiville was I came to to the town to see what kind of RP was going on. It ended up being a woman shooting someone and then they just ran around shouting at eachother, with the deputy chasing them around. The lady who shot the person “escaped” by just running to the “stagecoach” and leaving the sim. Like it’s just full of old people who can barely type let alone write anything. I’ve tried to give them multiple tries, but they don’t even work on their avis. Every couple of hours the owner spams notifications trying to shill his garbage stuff. It wouldn’t be so bad, if the stuff he makes is like 2006 era clothing.
Amiville is a joke that if you don’t do what the owner wants you too you get banned, half the population of men were banned for not dating her or refusing her or breaking up with her and then she complains theres no men.
#22 girl is a train wreck rofl 😂 soundin like she sat on a old crusty no-tell motel vibratin bed while she singin rofl 😂
#45 Oh Lord, I be moaning krause everytime i find a hookup that also has a 2 inch destroyer like him that barely pounds me but the lack of /me really gets going so that helps OHHH
49: You have to own a full 20k LI region before owning a homestead without Premium Plus. Which a full 20k LI region is 229 USD or 249 USD for 30k LI, without Premium Plus. So if you want a homestead, you’d have to pay 229 USD first, on a monthly basis, after the initial set-up period of 300+ USD. Just sayin but… I rather take the 139 USD with the Premium Plus benefit.
Just cheaper overall, even if the homestead is only 5k LI of a full region; but that is a resource thing for LL. Which, you could upgrade it eventually to 20 or 30k LI region, should you be able to afford the $229-249 monthly bill.
Could always just rent one for like 7k L$
Unless you want it positioned in a certain place, or want owner rights instead of just estate manager rights.
Storm so glad my gut didn’t lie to me and you taught me to listen to it more.
I now see why you and your BFF are so close cause you are alike me many ways
#49- I’ve actually seen a lot of people excited about being able to actually own their own homestead instead of renting, because they get to choose the sim name and where it gets put on the map. You could place your region next to a friend’s region if you wanted to, I know a few people who’ve done that. If it’s not worth it to you that’s fine, but what’re you doing spending that much every month if an extra $24 is “throwing away money you don’t have?”
You also do not need to worry about the possibility the lessor will suddenly disappear and you lose your entire build when they stop paying the fees to Linden Labs.
Happens quite a lot!
It sounds horrific who would find that type of RP fun! just no accounting for some, there idea of fun… what! I wouldn’t want to go that is for sure.
uh – then don’t?
#48 How do you know they never get those questions?
#38 as if actual meaning and a different font would make Edgelord McGee trying to make their face look like a school desk any less cringe
4 and 5
werent you just the fuck buddy? the friend with benefits? the one who didnt prevent the pregnancy? you made your bed, now lie in it. how long ago did he dump you? get over it. there had to be a reason he didnt want a relationship with you or any of the other women who claim they were exclusive.
none of you know me or anything about me, so let me clarify. for one thing, i am not a dumb cunt nor am i blond. i know how pregnancy works in SL, since i use a hud myself. a hud that provides me with birth control, if i so choose to use it. storm and i are not pixel pounding. i said no and he did not push the issue. knowing what i know about him and lily, why would i ever put myself in the position to be hurt like these other women. i know he isnt into relationships. these women, knowing that he is not over lily took their chances and lost. when a guy says he does not want a relationship, it should be assumed that hes going to pixel pound all over the grid. no matter what he says about being exclusive. seems like im not the dumb one here. before i get into any type of relationship with any guy, i have to get over my own demons first. i am probably just as damaged as he is. he makes no secret about his feelings for her. i would never leave myself open for the kind of hurt i have already experienced. someone said something about him having 6 different partners in 2 months. unless their name is in that little partner box on his profile and his on theirs, they are not partners. i know lots of guys that have partner marathons. seems like every other day, there is a new partner in the partner box. ive not seen anyone in storms partner box. you all should just move on. this is an every day occurrence in SL, why should anyone be surprised. infidelity runs rampant. SL pregnancies also occur every day. big… Read more »
I can’t believe people in SL think this is more normal than having a kid avatar….
i see nothing wrong with kid avatars. not my cup of tea but its their SL and they should be able to be who or whatever they want. kid avatars are no different then furries, etc. people should be able to choose the way they express themselves any way they wish.
Don’t be a dumb cunt; that’s not how pregnancy works in SL and you know it. Both people have to be fully aware and make it happen. He had to be wearing the right stuff and choose to impregnate and she had to be wearing the right stuff and either accept it or set it up to where she can’t stop it, by choice. You may be one of that low rent fuckboi’s flavors of the month but you are definitely not alone and you will end up getting the same treatment if you ignore all the evidence he’s a dishonest shit- and you will deserve it, unlike some of his other sad, hapless “victims”.
What’s really funny about this to me is these desperate bitches fighting over a guy whose IMs I wouldn’t even answer 😂 😂 generic edgy biker pixels, yuck. Please ladies, get some goddamn self-esteem.
They claim the exclusive part cause he spins that line to them , just how blonde are you or you enjoying his dick to much to see the facts?
Ma’am / Sir this is secondlife
If you believe anything you just posted you are delusional and still buying into his bullshit.
#5 Faking a pretend pregnancy? Shut down the internets, I heard it all now!
#28 – that is the best sl secret ever! and oh so true!! hahahaha
#10 Looks Like I need to come out of retirement.
Bruh I’m in Grand Fed and we’ve never heard of this group.
#31 It is fascinating to watch this story unfolds. Adam has always been so skillful in creating his own mess. Just ask the long line of unhappy and unsatisfied women he left on his tracks. To be continued on next week’s episode of the tales of a knob.
He is indeed a pro
A catfish who lives like the fox with several Doors out
she is addicted to him and very unintelligent, perfect match
On some parts I totally get where #16 is coming from even though it’s coming from a judgemenal and negative place. Yes there are ENDLESS weirdos, mentally ill and predators on SL and that of course means it’s in our community as well, that’s just a sad and gross fact. But I play as a kid avatar just because it’s fun, it’s cute to dress up my avi like if you were playing The Sims. I love my family that I have here inside and outside of SL we are great friends and I am so grateful for them when the people in my rl just aren’t the best.
Of course you’re allowed your opinion but we’re not all gross. And if you see a kid avatar in appropriate clothing and think PEDO maybe you also need some mental help. We’re just having fun and escaping a little.
I can also understand where the misconception lies, but I personally have found solace in a SL family when I had them. I never was a baby avatar but I was a teen and I had “parents” that were about my RL parents age. They were there for me for advice and times where I needed a shoulder to cry on. Families in SL can be great, but I’ve stopped with the whole family thing and went the Zooby route because A) it’s like having another mini avatar B) Its also like a little virtual thingy to take care of and C) Eventually people log off and either never come back or don’t log in for a while.
But I and my friends have even certainly been called “pedos” or given the side eye for having a Zooby animesh baby. I think people are just ignorant and are quick to be nasty when they’re not sure what to think.
Nobody means those with Zoobys when they call people pedophiles with their rp children. Zooby babies are objects, not people (badly) pretending to be small children. You can’t ageplay with an object.
You would be surprised. A friend of mine had their ex friend call us weirdos and pedos for having Zoobies. Chat logs and all. People throw around the word Pedo when it comes to any interaction with any child thing whatsoever.
#11 Last I heard about this nimrod is that he was walking a fine line in getting banned. This just made up my decision about coming back, ever. I legitimately cannot think of a single person I loathe more than this person. This is the same person that while their first character was a Veela they used and abused that special character title to the point where it was downright and should have been a bannable offense. Making out with a shit ton of people as an UNDERAGE CHILD and then asking to “take it to a different sim”, as well as getting naked (or if not damn near close to it) in the shower area and walking around in a silk robe in the common room or walking around in silk robe / some “sexy” get up down and around the Great Hall, mind you playing a 15-17 year old.
Last I was told is that this knob head had moved on, but knowing he’s back and working there / has a prominent role at MM, nope. No thank you. I nor my friends will not be returning.
This person is severely fucked in the head. And, if you are said person that is reading this. We still have your picture of your hairy ass “husband” in the bathtub because you thought it’d be cute to send that to our group messages. Remember that? I wish I didn’t.
I can’t think of a bigger candidate than Lukka that needs to get their Ethernet cord cut in half and their SL account deleted.
Mischief Managed is a joke, and this further proves it. If you’re ever thinking of joining back or joining new, save your time and just don’t.
Hear hear. You did leave out a very key part of the claim though. Making out, is just the tip of the iceberg.
There’s ageplay going on, I assure you, between the “older” student characters. There has been for years. And it’s only a matter of time til these low-key pedos get what’s coming to them, starting with Lukka.
I honest to god hope so. I played from I 4th year all the way up until 7th and the older I got the more people wanted to “snog” and be in relationships and whatever. I didn’t make out or do any of that stuff but it’s cute to RP a crush as a teen and leave it at that. But people like him take it far beyond and it’s fucking gross. Lukka likes to try and break / test the strength of IC, OOC, and irl couples, like he will go out of his way and make it a challenge and that was my biggest gripe about him amongst many other things. My irl partner and I as well as my friend and her boyfriend (who they were dating LDR at the time) were playing together and once he found out about my partner and I he would try to come in between us and turn up the dial on the uncomfortable flirting, or lie about conversations we had with him as if weren’t in the same room as one another, and the same goes with my friends boyfriend and her. He’d make a statement that it was “fair game” if our characters weren’t together. But we’re all playing children, so why would we want to do that? We tried warding him off by being in a relationship with our characters and leaving it at that, but he took it as more of an aggressive challenge and would absolutely not stop, and I felt like it ignited the unwanted attention even more. If we didn’t RP back or react in a certain way to his advances he would get all bitchy and claim that his Veela status should be making our characters do certain things, basically telling us how… Read more »
#8: They actually have a choice of what or how much to include in their blog packs. I’m willing to bet that the content creators who are including fatpacks probably don’t get blogged much, if at all.
Bloggers blog for clout, not for quantity.
Fatpack or no fatpack, they’re going to cover the most popular brands in order to stay relevant. Always have, always will.
Dam, was hoping there would be a double ton of posts this week considering last week. But I guess boomers don’t know that they need to resubmit.
#49 Did you conveniently forget about the other benefits of being Premium Plus? If it doesn’t work for you then don’t buy it. It DOES work for many. You idiots are always complaining about something.
Try checking how many people are basic vs premium vs PLOOS when you walk into a region.
It doesn’t work for many. Hardly anybody has got it. This is a desperate attempt to make PLOOS seem worth it when all it proves is that homesteads could have been rented out on their own all along.
Try again, without the defend-the-lab-at-all-costs mentality this time. They make money hand over fist with every single region sale.
I think their commentary was specifically aimed at just the homestead purchase change. Because for non-creative/businessy people in SL, the Plus membership is in fact not really worth it. That may change when they launch the larger land size homes. But right now.. meh.
I don’t really see the problem tbh. Almost all the benefits of premium plus seem to mainly be for creative/business people, of course it’s more worth it for them to use it vs an average user. Regular premium is still an option, if you don’t benefit from paying the extra $18 for plus then don’t get it, simple as that. Not everything has to cater to you specifically.
OP’s point is the homesteads, not the actual premium plus option. for years, if you wanted to buy a homestead region from LL directly then you need to buy a full region and THEN you can add-on the homestead. a couple weeks ago they made it so you can just have premium plus in order to buy homestead, skipping the need for owning a full region. it’ been a long time complaint that there isnt an affordable option for owning a sim for people who just dont need an entire full region, and homesteads would have been ideal except for the rule of it being an “add-on”. now we finally get a little closer to what we’ve all asked for and they put it behind premium plus, still not making sense to do it since you can rent them cheaper.
That was my thought exactly!! If you can rent them cheaper, it is not a “deal”. Don’t get me wrong, I am excited that they finally offered this, but was disappointed that they put it behind premium plus membership. It should be offered to all premium members, just like land.
Renting? Everybody that ever rented in SL knows what crazy crapsticks of landlords there are on the grid, and it gets worse when you rent big, meaning Regions. I’d rather pay a little more and deal with LL directly and name my own region, than dealing with another narcissistic landlord, that can evict me any time without reimbursement.
well not everyone has several hundred dollars to go through LL, but sure that would be ideal. I’ve been in SL since 2007 and sure there are some crappy landlords out there, but there are also good ones and they’re really not that hard to find if you know what to look for.
Since when does Salem lick vagina ?
Does her husband know ?
Also let’s be real, Reign never keeps anyone just as their friend so no one should be surprised at this
When she chose Reign over her own family and friends this makes perfect sense. She enjoys those sloppy seconds I’m sure and cheated on her husband for some washed up vagina that half of second life has had 🤮
30-Against TOS. Thanks for sharing!
They made the channel private allowing only their favs into it. Supposedly ran it by LL and it was approved with “modifications” that only favs can see AND new “rules” that you can’t share content from the server. Someone struck a nerve. Arrogant MF this one is.
if you actually read the tos youd know this isn’t against it. this is how large creators such as tetra have hundreds of reviews on single products. it’s called an incentive and as long as everybody is refunded, it’s 100% allowed
rewarding buyers for reviews unless both positive and negative reviews are rewarded.
Very last line on the page.
Tetra makes incredibly high quality clothing. They’re a whole other league from the creator in question.
how does one report marketplace violations? …..asking for a friend >__>
Supposedly they’re not in violation now because LL approved it. General public can’t see the modifications needed for that supposed mod though. LMAO!
you wanted someone to play by the rules and they did? you sound a bit obsessed
Can’t be sure since now it’s all hidden. It’s pathetic, sneaky and shady. You’re probably one of the special folks who partakes in this nonsense.
Submit a ticket or contact LL via email / phone. You need sufficient evidence for them to do anything about it though
The photo used made me wheeze. Oof
Anyways on that note all those bodies have their own pros and cons. They can either look absolutely gorgeous or just hot garbage.
#39 Legacy and reborn needa switch XD.
Nope, the narrow shoulders/heavier bottom is exactly how the worst Reborn users wear theirs, and the relatively equal top and bottom proportions definitely fit Legacy better. It’s Belleza and Kupra that are switched.
Guess people just dont know how to shape XD
Some people don’t. Others look really great in Reborn, but I’ve definitely seen some disasters. They’re usually topped by a childish, sad, “Daddy beats me” face and barely dressed in a totally predictable and boring way.
thats always been a thing though specially with Legacy. People dont know how to make a baby face without looking 6. Someday the trend will die ;-;.
It’s long past due for the death of that trend. Not only is it disgusting, it’s goddamn boring. I wonder if they derender all other female avis or something and have no idea what clones they are. That, or they just wander around in the delusion that the clones are copying them when the truth is they all have zero creativity.
#27 – MUDDY’S. They have tons of bots there. Bridget Hammill is about traffic. I’ve heard their djs say they make way more money at other places. It’s because many muddys djs bring their own alts to their sets and there are random bots there all the time. They may have 15 actual people there but show 40. It’s quiet in chat because most are just bots. The owner is a bi-sexual who is in love with Wendy. She condones certain things but condemns in other areas. There are clubs with actual traffic and good music. Muddy’s puts on a front but the reality isn’t what it appears.
Muddy’s is a joke. That place needs to be taken out of its misery. I don’t know anybody who goes there unironically. You can’t even have a civil conversation without a staff member hopping in your box about how you’re breaking some obscure rule. Last time I went (with a group of friends that were club hopping because we were bored) I got in trouble because at the time I was wearing a promise ring that I didn’t even know was RLV. So.. they really get all up in there on your avatar.
I don’t know how they make money to keep afloat. There’s obvious bots and the music sucks because they hire people that play horrible music or just use the place to practice djing.
Let Muddy’s die. Pull the plug for the love of god.
I’ve had issues with hostesses cramping cameras up my legs, or down my top to find some infraction. I now use nipple and vagina skin covers there and wear whatever and haven’t been asked to change. I am mindful. Muddys isn’t all bots. I know many people there who are quite real. Been going since it opened. I think there is jealousy at play here because Bridget has been successful where others have not. It trends daily on Firestorms splash page. No club is perfect but Bridget has tried to creat a safe place for everyone. Calling out anyone’s sexuality, true or not is crude.
This reminds me of when they yelled at my friend and threatened to eject her for having just maybe less than a centimeter of buttcrack that only stuck out while she bent over to dance. .5 seconds of a frame of a pixel buttcrack.
Fuck you, anyone else who brings politics into SL
Awww Americans….No pOliTics but when they start to argue in SL the first things that fly are words like woke libs and redneck reps …you guys don’t even realize how ridiculous you are.
Its fine to want to be ignorant, you’ll get the wall when the revolution comes.
LOL revolution. You can’t even decide your gender.
I agree. As a friend has in her profile, “I will not debate about politics or religion in SL.”. I’ve seen her block people cause they feel the need to test those waters with her.
I’ll block people simply for having political references in their profiles.
Ohhh poor snowflake. It’s so painful.
you sound intelligent ….. not
You sound like a moron Grow up
Wow you sound intelligent …… not
Oh how edgy. LOL dipshit
Oh you are a real funny basement dweller LOL Must be a mark zuckerberg fan. LOOK MOMMY I am a real badass on VS I called someone a snowflake
laughing at you, the whole world is LAUGHING AT YOU
your reading comprehension is a little off.
Actually its not, I like your nick-name so I used it as a meme aganst the person that was attacking you. cheers
24) I feel sad for the ladies who worked and been working for this Trans Meela Vanderbuilt. She just used you all to pay her bills. She confessed on a skype call how she feels bad sometimes about her real identity and about using ladies on sl. She thinks she some billionaire but in reality she struggling to pay her rent. Anyone can tell looking at this she a Trans, its pretty evident right – https://gyazo.com/2dd778041970624c7453c3afd390bf16
So what if she is trans? She isn’t but that’s beside the point. Also, why do people always feel the need to compare clearly black women to trans women. I see what you’re doing there. No shade to either, but you OP are a lot worse than Meela with those comments.
It sucks that she’s a shitty person and thinks she’s a huge celebrity on secondlife of all places but I don’t really care about her being trans, as if that even matters to begin with. I don’t know how that even correlates. Sure, call her out for being shitty to her fans and doing cash grabs etc, but I can certainly say being trans is not indicative of being a shitty person, nor can you or anyone else say “hiding it” falls into that either.
“You can tell.” I certainly can’t and haven’t been able to “tell” so by all means, how can you “tell” if a person is trans? You can’t. You just threw your entire comment and the point you were trying to make right down the drain by being transphobic. Congrats.
meanwhile the “you can tell crowd” is built like a late model buick, smell like old earring backs, and constantly upset that the dolls (minding their own business) look better than them.
these people have brain worms. easily could have made the point without transphobic but they have to tie some type of identity tag (bc they’re “this”, they’re bad) to justify their petty and extremely stupid interpersonal beefs.
Lmao thats exactly it. They had a really good point and I was on board with them until the trans part came up. Terfs just can’t hide being terfs.
Congrats on admitting that you haven’t seen many (if any) women without a full face of makeup. People just look like that sometimes, it’s not an indicator of whether someone’s trans or not.
meela got a a big shlong
Who cares if she does or not? I don’t sit around thinking about whether someone has a penis or a vagina, let alone what it specifically looks like. You got a crush on her or something? You like thinking about ladies with big meat?
. . .and the weird racism that goes hand in hand with the weird transphobia.
Tell me you’re an American without telling me you’re an American lol
Is this some shrivelled, bitter UK horseshit?
There was no need to be transphobic.
this comment is transphobic, if she is trans then she is trans, that has nothing to do with how she runs her business
with the wigs from WISH
oh shit
I had no idea she was trans? and wow that’s awful some of these people on sl think they’re famous because they are YouTubers talking abt sl also are her eyes naturally blue or are those contacts?
Oh yet again more people hating on people that have child avatars. Now what is the problem, someone having a child avatar for whatever reason or someone that sees a child avatar and automatically thinks of something sexual??
Not sexual. I wouldn’t even have a problem with them, as long as grown ass adults wouldn’t insist on effin Baby-Talk with strangers they meet, those people also seem to have no clue about real kids. Be a kid but don’t force your stupid RP on everyone you meet. I even had Baby-Talk IMs regarding my store items, can.you.please.not?! Like in RL, business only for adults.
Someone like that does not seem sexual to many people in SL they just are like a walking talking flashing warning sign that screams “ISSUES” so people just avoid them. Try not babytalking to people not involved in your RP bubble and I bet many people are much more open and nicer and less weirded out by you.
I don’t. The kids I hang with don’t. Baby talk is for toddlers, we’re all playing kids between 7 and 10. We don’t do that. I also drop all RP if I need to talk to a store owner or anyone else about an issue/product/etc and I’m absolutely fine with people not wanting to be part of my kid rp. Just don’t be a dick about it, my feelings won’t be hurt if someone says they’d rather not.
People keep saying “well I wouldn’t have an issue with them IF ______” but there are plenty of kids who don’t do the thing being complained about. Heck, I even have an adult avatar account for people not comfy with kid avvies or places that would rather not have a kid avvie there.
Cause people are idiots and can’t differentiate.
#11 MM is a fucking shitshow at this point lmaooo. the roleplayers there are all acting up liike stupid kids and its less about the good roleplay and more about whos trying to act like an idiot to make the other idiots laugh. the staff is a joke, and theyre about as good as writers as a trust fund white kid tryin to write his autobiography at 25. besides, the only reason saff jade and perse are there is for the self gratification they get from 20 year olds gawking at their admins status like it makes them shit gold. i really hope anya comes back and punts them back into the obscurity they came from
There was a point in time before MM became too insanely clique-y and the RP was fantastic. There was proper RP etiquette and people understood the difference between playing a character and being someone different outside of their character. Sure there were maybe a handful of shitheads but if you steered clear of them you had a great and fun experience. Unfortunately I wholeheartedly believe after Autumn passed away it had a terrible negative effect on the community and the staff alike. The clique behavior got to be too much. She was the glue that dabbled in everyone’s social groups and brought everyone together and made sure not only that she fulfilled her job duties, but that others were on point with there’s as well. (For instance my character and many others would get clocked for “being out of dress code” over the smallest thing. I believe a part of my hip or stomach was showing because I hadn’t had it alpha’d out properly and it only showed in on particular sitting position. Or, I and many other girls who were in their older teenage years would get reprimanded or ‘put on warning’ for wearing ‘heavy makeup’ that was literally just a bit of eyeliner, some mascara and a light touch of blush.) But literally and I shit you not – all of the ALOS in their little clique wore whatever they want, and often it would be way beyond “hints” or “small touches” of things that had happened to myself and others like I said above. They did not care about following their own rules, in fact, their own strict rules simply didn’t / doesn’t apply to them. The only thing they actually put 100% into is their big shopping event, where they make their money. Which I can… Read more »
The last time I was at MM the cliques were worse than ever, if you weren’t in with the ‘cool kids’ you got ignored. Or bullied. They were allowing roleplayers to come up with games and events designed to humiliate anyone they didn’t like. 100% agree with you about the dress code thing too. My character often got hit for things that nobody else was getting nailed for.
I’m so sorry this was your experience as well. When it was good, it was good. There were tons of people that weren’t clique-y and although if your characters didn’t get along they were nice and would talk and hang out with you OOC. I still talk and hang out with a handful of people that I met at MM when it was good. The ones who still try and participate in MM said pretty much what you have. It’s sad. It used to be such an awesome place.
It really did used to be good, that’s why I kept giving it chances. I met some absolutely wonderful people there. I just can’t anymore. It stopped being fun.
I hope someday someone will come along and either make a new type of MM that’s good, if not better. Or maybe restore MM to what it was. It won’t happen any time soon but I have a small bit of hope for what it was.
Ooh. What is his username inworld? I miss seeing unsolicited dick pics, and watching some guy do a personalized jack-off video to my voice. Seriously. I am a bored overweight sex-starved housewife with no life and that is why I play SecondLife!
34) That’s not what the picture was about, but yes. Out with the racist users! Our with people who fake being a certain kind of race just to talk for other people! Inu-Suki, AKA “Saige” is such a terrible person and STILL rehired after her complaining and racist bullshit!
Well there’s a secret that I can’t tell out of fear of someone knowing.
Best keep it to yourself. Before they suddenly claim it’s all lies and slander. 😂
those are two different people my guy
Same people.
Those are two different people but go off
They are the same person. You’re mother just given birth to the wrong thing apparently. Because you’re dumber than a sack of potatoes if you can’t see the same red flags.
I’ve got a pretty deep-set hatred for Saige, between her actively getting inbetween my friendships and ruining them with falsehoods and lies, and then expecting me to forgive her because “They manipulated me into it, I was just so in-love” has just left me sour, and while I play nice, I don’t think I can forgive and forget, especially with the rest of the drama piled atop this.
Oh don’t worry. Saige has done this to every place she touches too. And she’s been rehired by one specific community over 5 times with the name change and everything. If you remember Sylvania, she’s back at it. Like always.
So Inu Suki and Paradox/Saige are entirely different people but are both as equally bad as each other it’s a wonder they don’t stay friends.
Same people my guy. All those names is just one person.
4 and 5
shame on whoever posted this. she knew she was nothing but a piece of ass. a friend with benefits. when he ended it and moved on, she didnt accept it very well. there may have been a few others, but he was never exclusive with any of them. he is not a liar and a cheat. women be tripping. when you arent exclusive, men and women, do whatever they want, with whomever they want. she took the chance, she played and didnt take precautions. thats on her. he would have stood by her and taken care of what he created but did not want a relationship with her. shes been sucking on lemons ever since. smearing his name is not going to change his mind. grow the fuck up.
“..he would have stood by her and taken care of what he created…”
Take care of what? Buying the zooby??? Lool
Besides the fact the dude is probably a serial lovebomber who has a fetish for planting his seed in vaws, he’d have had to knowingly click accept for his aeros juice to create a fake fetus.
This is some crazy days of our SLives shit.
A “few others”? Try 6 confirmed partners during a two month time frame and he not only insisted on being exclusive with them all, but wanted them all pregnant because he has a breeding fetish. If you knew him as well as you claimed in your other previous response, you’d know that about him.
Additionally, the woman shown in 4 & 5 is not the one that posted the secret, if you would actually bother to read AND comprehend it. Shame on you for trying to smear her when it was obviously posted by yet another woman who was manipulated and lied to by that waste of oxygen.
Let’s add “I’m going to marry you and put a baby in you” to the mix. This is his pick up line btw. I never fell for it but obviously many others did. Can we just talk about his over pierced and over tattooed face, basic skin that 70% of other men on sl have? Knowing that I didn’t post this secret and that so many have come forth, I feel like we need to all meet in a gym and have the question asked “If you’ve ever been personally victimized by Storm raise your hand.” I only post because this is such a common trend in sl and it’s ridiculous.
#47 and all the secrets about Storm.
I really question the intelligence of these women. Are you all that stupid and desperate that you would fund some loser’s SL and give him loans just to have a “man” in a virtual world? In what fucking universe would you even want to be with a guy who can’t even fund his own SL??
Honestly you women chase around absolute losers, and then get upset when you realize they are well ..absolute losers.
Maybe next time have some standards and look for a partner who is stable, has a career (or at least a job) or something going for them before you jump in all over them and fighting each other over them.
hint: If he is always on SL and available 24/7 he is a fucking loser with no job and despite what he tells you he lives with his parents. How else would he pay rent, bills, internet and what not, without a job? and if he is rich and comes from money why the fuck would he be wasting his time chasing you on second life? THINK.
How do you all fall for these guys so easily? They aren’t even trying, at least make them pretend to be a Nigerian prince or something.
PS To the person who made the secret asking if he is the father of some sl kids ….you are beyond saving. Just turn off the PC.
Man I kinda really wanna see someone actually make someone roleplay as a Nigerian prince now.

#5: Oh no the pretend paternity of a roleplay pregnancy is… scandalous?
#18: In RL this is why tenants’ rights laws exist. Landlords inherently have interests that are opposed to their tenants. I don’t know why a landlord being a shithead is news to you.
#20: Contraption and other makers absolutely have these. I’ve also seen cybernetic arms that have alpha huds so that they can be worn with sleeves. Contraption isn’t exactly an obscure store. Look around for half a second and you will probably find what you want. That goes for almost ANYTHING in SL.
#38: Thank you so much I’ve been saying this for ages. I would also appreciate if people would stop selling face tattoos that are like, one Google-translated Japanese word under the eye. Who wants that look?
Man, after last week I thought people would come up with some better shit than this. *eyeroll so hard*
Don’t forget the scandal of people daring to buy pre-made meshes
Your body sucks! You fucked my pixel boyfriend! Creators suck because they don’t rig for some obscure body no one else uses! This RP sim is * gasp* full of drama! Everyone is a pedo!
Did I miss anything?
You forgot “all bloggers are disgusting leeches”
This is why this wrestling fed is bad! Furry DRAMAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
The behind the scenes drama is the most canon compliant part of Second Life wrestling roleplay, TBQH.
Don’t forget he is my baby daddy drama mommas!
#4 and 5 you do know that an SL pregnancy isn’t real right?
cant keep quiet any longer. when i met storm, one of the first things he did was tell me about the alts. big deal, almost everyone has them and is quiet about them. he was honest about that. he also told me that he was not interested in relationships. he told me about the other women. he told me about his friends with benefits. if a woman gets involved with him, knowing these things, its her fault for wanting more than he is willing or able to give. women should never assume that they are exclusively dating someone when he tells them otherwise. as far as the pregnancy, she knew there was a chance she could get pregnant. did she take precautions against it, obviously not, but to try to trap a man into a relationship because of the pregnancy is stupid. it doesnt work in RL and surely doesnt work in SL. she tried to force him into something he didnt want. she really needs to get over herself and so does everyone else who insists on dragging him through the mud. and the sad thing is, we are supposed to be grown ups. everyone is acting like butt hurt children. grow up already.
if anyone knows storm, they know how he cares about his SL children. he has not shirked his responsibility towards them. he would have taken care of these children as well, had she not wanted more and then preceded to bad mouth him across the grid, when she didnt get what she wanted. temper tantrum of the century.
If any of that is actually true, the only logical reason he would have been more “honest” with you is because he had no interest in locking you down. The obvious explanation is that you fall into a much less valuable category than the women he tries to fool and convince to be with only him; he doesn’t care what you do, because he doesn’t care to “possess” you.
Congrats on being disposable 👍
The only children he admits to or claims are with Lily. Maybe you should talk to some of the women and ask for chat logs. See with your own eyes.
oh hunny when you try the friends with benefits , he gets all processive and you are told that deal with off and its with him only .
Been on the on the other end of this had him being “honest” about alts . But sit back and start check listing off what his done to others and yourself
from what i’m gathering it’s not even about the fake pregnancy. He’s a player. Has admitted to multiple avi’s. Thankfully I saw his bullshit coming from a mile away and ran before he even had the chance. Too many people hide behind the computer and mess with other people’s hearts to boost their ego. Glad someone called him out.
*gasps* Holy crap! You don’t say!
Anddddd Storm the badass chimes in….LMAOOOO
if you think im so pretend baby daddy you are dead wrong, I have a vagina
Storm has a vagina too
So does Storm
#6- Americans (myself included) do live in a bubble in general. That’s why we are facing a lot of issues that other parts of the world have solved. Really no reason to qualify with “some” as it really is a perception the world shares of us as a whole.
Actually we don’t. Speak for yourself and yourself only!
Come back to me when mass shootings, disease spread by addicts reusing dirty needles, lack of access to healthcare, food deprivation & abject poverty is address humanely like many of our European counterparts.
How bout this hot take: Everywhere you go, there’s problems. It’s ignorant and arrogant to say one country is better than the other because they have X & Y but turn around and they have a different slew of issues.
That’s not living in a fucking bubble idiot. That’s not giving a shit because many Americans only think of themselves! Very different.
A couple question, which creator is this? I could not find that name in SL. Secondly, some of us are fluent in several languages (along with the several variations of English). What I don’t understand is why some creators are so xenophobic?
As for the rest of the world believing this? Not true! I have lived in two other countries, one in Europe the other in Latin America and you just don’t hear this level of divisiveness.
Maybe not buy into this weak narrative so quickly. Meanwhile, I would encourage anyone not to buy anything from xenophobes or racists, no matter how good the product is. In the end, money is the ultimate universal language that every country understands!