(50) I suppose I’ll have to refute this because someone obviously doesn’t know the entire story here. I’m not doing to do an AITA, because I admit I am. I cheated on my partner and have admitted to this several times even during conversations with that person; however if I say what was the catalyst to all of this, I get talked down at and told I’m not taking responsibility for what I did. Let’s give some much needed context to this story. Several months before anything had occurred, one of my then gf/partner’s best friends/exes were messaging them with messages that would frequently upset them to the point of them leaving our private time, to go deal with them. Messages that included them attempting to get my partner to leave me and go back with them. I had finally had enough and told them that they needed to drop them, because they were getting in the way of our relationship and for the sake of it, this back and forth needed to end. Instead of agreeing like any normal partner would; I get told point black that they will not be getting rid of this person, and that I’m just imagining things and shouldn’t worry. I wanted them gone, but gave in to their compromise of them exclusively talking to them for only one of the RP games we’re into on SecondLife. In hindsight, I should have just ended the relationship there, because talk about an enormous red flag but instead nothing was resolved and I had this nagging… THING at the back of my mind. We (She) ended up a part of this kind of family thing, and took a liking to this person in their group, let’s call her K. They ended up becoming “sisters” and then… Read more »
31 I got a RL backstabbing sister and have had two in SL…. I’m done with sisters 😛
40 I wonder if the same person makes all the memes about that Game of Thrones sim.
46 OMG! No truer words have ever been spoken! You can’t find anything in your groups or inventory!
53 Yep! Back to the backstabbing sisters
There’s nothing incorrect in 32 or 48.
As for 22, people can be whatever they want to be in SL, and are under no obligation to tell you anything about their real lives.
I agree people are under no obligation to tell anything about their real lives but what isn’t okay is people lying about it with intent to deceive for their own personal gain. If they don’t want to disclose their RL that’s understandable but make that clear and don’t purposely deceive that’s when the head fucking starts and avatar ends imo.
So to be a pedo is also ok? You just said it, sicko!
You must be one of the deceiving people… ever heard about there is a REAL person behind the avatar? Did you know people with no empathy are psychos?
People play SL for very different reasons and it’s their decision whether they want to disclose who they really are but again they should be honest about it. I have met very close friends on SL who are now a part of my RL but not everyone wants to go down that path and if they’re clear about that it’s fine with me that way I won’t disclose anything about mine with them but in all honesty the ones getting fucked over are just as much to blame… it’s 2022 so before getting serious with anyone in that way and if someone won’t talk with you on voice and flick their cam on to say hi that’s a huge red flag from the get and you should not engage in any personal way with those people.
I cannot even understand people who engage in SL-only relationships then get butthurt and heartbroken when they get cheated/dumped/ghosted/catfished. Like bitch what did you expect? You were pining for a serious and genuine connection but all you could really offer was your pixels and emotes. Get a fucking grip! People misunderstand the saying that there is a real person with real feelings behind the avatar. That may be true to a certain degree but if you are not willing to show the REAL YOU underneath that virtual persona then you were never in a REAL RELATIONSHIP to begin with. Take it for what it is: roleplay and make-believe!
51- I don’t think it would be too hard for events to have a blogger manager that talks to the bloggers, maybe even have them fill out a form that says which stuff they’d prefer to blog (like body wise, make-up, parts, etc), or a section of “stores I don’t wish to blog for” and just…don’t ask why. Don’t let drama be a part of it, just simply understand they don’t want to and move on. Then from there, start assigning things, or try giving them options until they’re all blogging the same shit or only picking a few stores. Then give the blogger(s) who aren’t branching out assignments, not even specific stores but “you gotta pick x many to blog from.” Make them earn those freebies, I’m sure a lot of those designers throw in fatpacks hoping a decent amount will get blogged and it must suck when no one’s blogging their stuff at all.
Honestly, I think it’s just better to have bloggers be optional for designers, and for designers to seek out their own personal bloggers in their own time. I mean, I have to pay a fee to join the event, why should I -have- to give out my fatpacks (or whatever) for free when I’m not guaranteed, or don’t need, a “blogger?”
If I was to get one, I’d like to select someone reliable, myself. Someone I get along with, someone who shares my tastes (so their photos are in line with the aesthetic of my store, & they actually enjoy my stuff – no point in it if we both dislike it, right?) and someone who can be trusted to put effort in instead of just snatching up all the “blogpack” freebies and doing nothing with them. I already give out free stuff to people I’ve known for a long time to help me take ad pics. So I already have them, why do I need to give out freebies to strangers as well as that? I don’t get it.
As funny as it’s been to watch bloggers rage in these comment sections, I don’t entirely hate the concept – it’s literally just the mandatory blogpacks some events have that bothers me, and said events also ~coincidentally~ have very cliquey bloggers who all focus on a certain aesthetic.
Events have blogger packages and bloggers to advertise the event. Even if your item isn’t blogged many times, its advantages to the designers in the event simply because people look around, and end up buying your items. Please stop whining about having to provide blog packages. If you item isn’t blogged send a message to the event manager or bloggers, and ask them why, or even if they can blog your item. Grow up and advocate for yourself!
#22 What they hell did SClub do to you? They have 3 different packages for you to choose. In the fatpack they usually offer several accessories + styles and fatpack of the hair.
#45 I have used the points several times to get stuff, so check with the creator, because it does work! It might just be at an event points don’t work (although I have used them at events too)
In theory this is a good idea but it’s SL & drama is a part of everything. No one in SL is capable of being so professional.
#13. I think it’s funny how they try so hard to include “human” content in their event to try and draw more than furries to it, when they should just focus on being a furry-only event and maybe give those spots to people who aren’t gonna put out shit products. I also can’t really blast people for not being “on theme” because the fuck is the theme this round? You also have all the people up Anima’s ass making stuff soley for their heads so of course half of it is going to look the same. I don’t think there’s much, if any, communication between staff or stores either cause y’all be picking the same animal/species, or the same store gets blogged a 100x and nobody else
WAHOOO NOTHING ABOUT WOODCREST FOR ONCE! Time to celebrate, but then again, there’s always next week…
#24 yeah we are going to ignore it! Her hair rocks and the assessories that come with the fatpack are amazing. I buy all her hair! I love it! If you don’t like it don’t buy it. Simple.
You should concentrate on fixing your grammar.
you, your, you’re.
learn to fucking use them correctly.
#32 nobody cares about male bodies and body mods, other than women.
#47 Amen. My Black Book with stores gets thicker every day.
Look at spellcheck Karen here. You realize not everyone has English as their first language, right? They may not be as fluent in English but many countries educate in multiple languages. How much you want to bet they speak more than one while your entitled American ass is like sP3Ak 3ngl1sh.
For real, they literally said “your” in the sentence right above saying “you’re” using them both exactly in the same way… And that was the least problematic grammar of the whole post
Tattoo drama: Ya’ll won’t be laughing and saying “who cares”, when SL changes hands and whoever it’s passed to CRACKS down on the ToS, and actually shuts down all those tattoo stores who’ve stolen anything. There’s gonna be like 3 stores left who draw their own shit!
SL doesn’t do shit about it because they EARN from the theft; it’s corrupt but they’re taking the “If we ignore it, it’s not happening”, approach, which is BS.
STOP supporting these stores who are blatantly profiting from other’s hard work – how would you feel if someone stole anything of yours and started earning money from it? Pretty sure you’d be pissed…
#11- if this about Harlow as in Harlow Heslop\Holiday, everybody knows she messes with her ex & then tells lies on him. She tells everybody he stalks her but he doesn’t, she’s just lying. She started up with Dusty\Harvey because he was good at FMD. All the FMD drama went down & she needed someone to bank roll the sim for the Burrow so she started up with Dusty\Harvey & his crew with money. She bullied enough people because of her own insecurities & karma is catching up.
22 – Stop it right there. Don’t push that bullshit. No one has an issue with people deciding their gender. What people do have an issue with is LYING OR DECEIVING people when you are a female in RL acting as a male in SL and having sex with other females, or creating a gay male avatar and engaging other unsuspecting gay male avatars – or being a gay male creating a female avatar to have sex with straight men. You are missing the point. Last week’s post on females acting as gay males to engage gay boys for sex must have hit a nerve. The people involved with this are so self-important – look no further and you will find them to be “male fashion models”, “fanboys” and Mr. SL Pageant contestants. Insulting the real femboys and men participating in contests. If you are trans, admit it as some gay guys have preferences just like straight people. Gay boys aren’t animals that will have sex with everybody or anything. Start respecting honesty and truth sicko!
It’s a cartoon world made up of people living fantasies. Not Tinder. Get real. Anyone who believes anything anyone ever says about their RL in SL is naive at best. If that was the case I could have married billionaires, noted actors, and wealthy athletes. I know better and just let them have their little fantasy fun. You should as well. Or perhaps go outside and actually meet real people if it triggers you.
You are right. So no 22 wants us all to be what we want because it’s SL and there are no real people behind the avatars. Lying, deceiving and dishonesty just got prime position and FUCK US real people who want to build real friendships with other real people in SL. So in SL is ok to lie and that is why good people have left and are leaving.
No one is under any obligation to reveal anything about their real lives. Buyer beware.
If that’s how you feel, stay in character and be up front about it. Don’t form personal relationships with people, don’t tell them you have real feelings for them. Because if you do that based on lies, you’re a piece of shit, regardless of “obligation”.
I think it’s a question of expectations and boundaries. I’ve seen some people with female avatars that state in their profiles that they are, in fact, men playing as a woman. But that’s rare. I don’t think most people in SL are looking for a RL connection, though. But I could be wrong.
I get there’s a lot of furry hate. And I get why. There’s quite a few unsavory fucks who like to ruin it for everyone.
There ARE legitimate furry sims who expressly ban anything underage and anything zoo.. you just have to find them in the sea of crazy. Just like there’s plenty of sims for humanoid avs to hang out and do whatever they like, but you have to avoid the shitty human sims, too.
That LL lets people create child avs, knowing what they are used for, SHOULD be the issue. The world is a complete shitshow of people, so why would you ENABLE that behavior on your platform by letting places that FUNCTION around pedo and zoo activity exist.
Oh right. Money.
23 don’t E-date SL fuckboys, problem solved.
47 It’s advertisement. Annoying advertisement but that’s why you have the option to ignore it.
If you only had “original design” tattoos on SL, you’d probably have a choice of about 10 tattoos total LMAO
If SL got rid of all the tattoo-theft, there would actually be a legit market for real tattoo art. Instead you get these lazy clowns.
Expect better, stop paying for shit that isn’t worth the price you pay, and call out the ones who blatantly steal from other artists.
Then people would whine about tattoos suddenly costing 10 times as much as they used to.
People complain about the price of everything already, who cares; people need to grow up and realize if you can’t afford something you just can’t have it and it’s not really a freakin tragedy.
Hell, I wouldn’t care if they download their own clip art and paste it into a SL UV map, wear it all they want. Just don’t sell it.
#44 #48 #52 These are all related. Money is not limited, the only reason it is limited on secondlife is because secondlife has a limited number of people who log in every day. The population of people who log in now are aging and have problems relating to the younger generation of genz and zoomers, so they drive them away from their communities and ignore them when they join secondlife to create. In turn, like with everything else, that generation of zoomers leave with their audience. For example, the owner of Waretta who is also transphobic is in every event, and is best friends with many creators who support her and defend her behavior because, many of them think the same way. If you cannot see that gatekeeping your events, communities, blogged clothes, geriatric hair and your weird roleplay sims hurt you in the end, then you deserve the limited income you earn on secondlife and you deserve to remain salty bitchy boomers. Secondlife is full of boomers and older millennials. They are the ones who cause all the drama and are the most ignorant, uneducated, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic and fatphobic generation, just like in real life. They ruin countries with their egos and ruin both real life and virtual economies because of their greed. They are the generation that normalized bullying, and taught their children the same. That is why many of them bully each other, bully new commers and bully genz or zoomers that joins their toxic communities. Don’t cry about limited money now, these are the consequences of your actions. Think of how you treat your children in real life. If your 21 year old offspring hates you or thinks you are annoying in real life, then imagine how the 21 year olds online think… Read more »
All I heard from you is “waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa everybody homophobic/transphobic/xenophobic waaaa waaaa waaaa, everybody racist not inclusive waaaa waaaa waaaa” like STFU already.
This post is chock full of stupid.
Rather bunk argument not based on any facts or any real correlation other than showing you are an ageist (amongst other things). Maybe consider the fact that some creators are greedy AF. When I go to events and see tops for 1k then matching panties for an extra 1k, you are going to tell me this is a boomer or millennial issue? Btw, it’s not that I can’t afford this, just don’t think that price is worth it. I just move on to the next booth and don’t complain. There is always something better for a better price.
Hilariously, my club is doing great and I support a TYPE of discrimination… I have pride flags all over the sim, and make it blatant of our acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community. The only discrimination that happens is against underage avs, people playing as children, and ferals. If some bigoted trumper decides to show up on the sim and gets offended… good.. We don’t want your money, your time, or your presence.
lol up your meds your club is NOT doing that well
*passes you a bowl* seems like you need this more than me XD Meanwhile I’m gonna keeep partying and having fun with the community I gladly protect from transphobes and bigots <3
There are a lot of zoomies who don’t think twaw either, but we’re too scared to say anything about it. Tbh I prefer boomer bitches who dgaf and speak their mind over men who try and turn us against each other.
omg good. you should be scared. the more scared you are the less decent members of society have to hear that bile.
I hope one day all people who don’t accept trans people are so hated and despised you functionally disappear
As for me, I will never accept transpeople because they’re defective things, they’re not people at all. Trannies, and all members of the rainbow 🌈 community deserve a stay at a concentration camp.
Jacob (jacobythehomie)
Yeah nice try hiding your transphobia behind acronyms so people don’t catch it, fuck off.
Ooh no, anything but “transphobia!” I’m so scared.
That’s sarcasm. That word stopped having an effect on us a long time ago.
Based take. I don’t care how old someone is, cringe is found in all generations.
-Joe Biden
I completely agree with you! I do not own a business in SL but I run multiple business in RL and I see this happening too. Thing is you can’t walk away from RL but you can surely walk away from SL. There is nothing more ugly than discrimination, it doesn’t matter what is about IS JUST WRONG. After all we are all people no matter how we look like we are made of the same material lol and what we do privately it is our business and not anyone else’s. So honestly i have a hard time understanding why people keeps on talking about one’s sexual choices i mean… SERIOUSLY our sexual preferences, appearance or age does not define what we are, OUR ACTS DO! 🙄
The only acceptable form of discrimination is discrimination against discrimination XD
11 – Dear hater, isnt it time to leave Harlow the fuck alone?
The girl has literally disapeared from all social media and whoever is posting this shit is still harrasing her?? If she had a lover, you think he would be stupid enough to post this on SL secrets?
Virtual-secrets should take some responsibility in this too. Youre literally shoving a girl to depression. Have fun with that Karma.
she been secretly with her ex that she says is abusive for years.
maybe she is depressed b/c her own Amber like abuse is catching up to her. No one remembers the two girls she bullied so bad they were publicly suicidal?
#22, #42 PREACH!
#24 Do you get the product? Yes? Then not a scam.
#46 Just when you thought you’d seen the most ridiculous complaints, there’s this person complaining about the use of ✭ʂρεςίαɭ✿ςɧαɾαςτεɾʂ☆ lol
#51 Sure, it’s not nice that an event forces all creators to provide bloggers packs and then nobody blogs your item, it sucks even more when you bring it up with the organizing team and they ignore you, but that’s not on the bloggers. That is, again, a problem with the event organization. Criticize the event’s organizers and criticize the event’s blogger manager all you want, that still doesn’t mean that bloggers are, as the OP from a couple weeks ago stated, leeches who just want free shit for nothing but a shitty snapshot.
#52 Loving how “millennial does not mean young anymore” yet the youngest millennials are still in their mid-20’s. I know what you mean, boomers and even some gen Xers still say “millennials” meaning teenagers, but it was still funny to read how mid 20’s to late 30’s is “not young anymore”.
as a millennial in early 30s i would just like to say i’m young thank you very much and i absolutely find it hilarious someone thinks that’s “old”. i started in sl in my early 20s. i’m not a teenager anymore, but i am young. also i dont cause drama, i have the most peaceful sl ever. the most drama i find is caused by baby boomers, i used to be friends with some and let me tell you, their jealousy is what causes drama. we should stop being agist towards them, they do it enough themselves. just let people and their age be. we will all be “old” some day, doesn’t matter what “old” means to you.
The reason why people agree with 46 is because SL search engines are absolute trash to begin with, inworld and MP, and when you use characters that literally can’t be read by it, it just makes it that much harder to find you and your location/products.
Special Characters? Fucking thing can’t even handle white spaces in strings
#15 A fucking demerit system for roleplayers is sure to boost morale. Goats gonna goat.
Right? They are slowly tanking that sim and it’s going to be hilarious to watch it burn
#however many of these came up-
Don’t use SL for dating… go find yourself some real people, or be prepared to be disappointed. Not only is everyone literally an av that doesn’t look like their real life selves, but you will never get a genuine feel of a person from behind a screen. No this doesn’t mean drive across the country to meet that sexy pixelated man you love oh so dearly, no this doesn’t mean online play and relationships can’t be fun and even healthy at some points… but be realistic, here.. Second life is rife with mental instability and people dealing with trauma, and predators who take advantage of that. Don’t be stupid. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but good gods, all the posts about “oh so and so cheated and I’m oh so sad”.. No shit, really? You expected “slutbag6969 resident” to be.. what.. husband material? XD
SLUTBAG6969 Resident is the funniest fucking insult I’ve ever hearrddddhahahahahahah!!
I think people buying into delusions has nothing to do with the other person but all with them. If they convince themselves their partner is the perfect catch that means in return that they have to be perfect, how else would they be able to attract someone who is perfect (note how every single relationship happens to be the perfect one, what are the odds). It’s people flirting with themselves, doesn’t matter who the other person is, they’re just a tool. The butthurt doesn’t occur because they actually thought someone was husband material, the butthurt occurs because now their mechanism of self adulation doesn’t work until they find a new tool.
Oh totally, if you think you found “the perfect person”… on SL … yea, no.. you’re pretty delusional XD People are on sl to begin with because they’re socially awkward people irl. Sorry not sorry, I’m socially awkward, too. What blows my mind is that people see sl as more than what it is. It’s a glorified chatroom. A game. I guess I’m tired of hearing the same sob story over and over again.
Them: “Oh I met this guy and I thought he was soooo sweet, I looove hiiim”
Me: “Ok you met them two days ago and you’ve already fucked haven’t you”
Them: “tee-hee but he’s DifFeReNt”
Me: “You REALLY need to stop confusing lust with love, my dude”
Them: “Whiiiee can’t you just be happy I found my SOULMATE”
Me: “…”
#6: Rapid fire: Glad pounce is dead. If half of everything about FK is true, then par for coure, lmao. Furzona: Yeah confused why its here. Got a mod at a release party though so that wasn’t bad.
#13: I was going to write out why I didn’t like Abnormality but everyone has already said it pretty much. I’ll just say I’m tired of the theme being ignored by most creators that attend *Cough* Nordic Event*Cough*. Also “Human and Furry” yeah right, fucking fur fags.
I just hate furries I think, at least on SL. Biggest lot of drama whores.
Sincerely, a fur fag.
When Fk first surfaced a lot of people basically ran into confusion because one allowed sex and the other didn’t. There were rumors that Fk was just the lewd FZ which led the managers to investigate.
FZ and FK owners were on the FK sim, something happened because the FZ staff were dropping like flies. Turns out Foxy the owner of FK jumped in their discord to look for a lawyer to sue them, and that’s when all the copyright bullshit started. Since then it’s been drama after drama. Age players allowed but others getting banned, taking assets in collabs, not crediting artists, ect
FK has been on this site multiple times… lemme dig through this archive real quick
First one I spotted

I’d get the weeks but you’d sooner find them on google images.
There’s also a few cases on twitter showing the bad experience and management mostly on the owner Foxy.
Cherry Hooves AKA Merlot was FK’s main artist until some recent spats with foxy, she called them out for shitty behavior and Foxy had twitter remove their tweets for “harassment” which is total bull. They were responsible for a lot of the club art, advertisements, even a few product textures. No credit was given.
And since pounce was mentioned…avoid chill

The “Nordic” event was like, oh hey, here’s 1 viking inspired shoe… exclusively for furry feet. Now you will view our 50 dog mods irrelevant to Nordic themes.
Same shit this round. I dunno how people don’t get tired of making the same basic bitch dog skins 500 times.
Have you, by any chance, had the displeasure of running into “Ragnar the Fox”?
If not, then, well… you are not missing anything. He’s the most notorious “nordic” furry (just RPing, pretty sure he’s American lol)
#2,3,4,5. Artists work hard to create and then some idiot steals it and takes claim. It’s wrong and thank you for calling it out.
#8. This is vague. Ask yourself if the insecurity of rejection is why you’re submitting this post? I’ve learned the hard way that too many people misread signals and can’t handle rejection in Second Life so they try to find reasons and people to blame.
#14. Wouldn’t this just be a waste of effort in the end?
#8 I’m actually pretty sure I know who this is about because of the “bad guy” and his “best friend” bit. And it is SO amusing to me. Wish they would have named them outright though, but oh well. 😆
#22 Today on “Things that didn’t happen”
What a feminist hero, complaining about imaginary things that happen in SL.
17: Jade left sl and has been gone since she closed voodoo to have a baby
You sure about that? Or maybe she’s running around on 1 of her many alts 🤔 Thought about that? 🙂
Yeah I am sure, she has posted photos of her and her baby and alts? She has been in hospital for 3 weeks and I’m on her Snapchat I’ve seen multiple photos and videos so absolutely I am sure 🙂 maybe you shouldn’t act like you know her because you obviously don’t know her as well as you think
#13 Shut the fuck up stupid retarded bitch, go to any of the other 100 non-furry events on at any given time if you don’t like it.
Me when I TP into the midst of Abnormality (full of bimbo Kupra pregnant dogs in wigs) to buy the 5 items that fit non-furry avatars, simply because I am a menace to society & oppressor of all furries
I’m guessing that #13 is you then? You make this moronic post every time Abnormality rolls around, its okay for furries to have an event too you whiny little bitch.
Nah it’s not me. If it was me I’d use way more colorful images and descriptions.
Besides, Abnormality just being a furry event pretending not to be a furry event is ooooold news. It’s been that way since forever.
I’m more interested in new developments, like the Anima tea :p
30 if you’re talking about being close to team wild fire. no it’s just the drama crowd realizing their losing so they have to work with all the other feds.
I don’t know. I mean Lyra has also broken the community up more times than I can count myself. I mean she did ban 80% of the community at some point and played favorites. And this isn’t the first time either as Lyra has literally only given stuff for free so that people think they are your friend. Lyra will never be your friend. She promised people that the gacha redeemable will never go away only to suddenly tell to everyone’s face “Oh I’m sorry. This redeemable ground is gone for good. How about you turn your old stuff into points or spend more money for us?” Yeah, she gave a solution for 24 hours at some point. But it sucks a lot of these moves are gone forever until updated because you either have to be Lyra’s boot licking pet to get something or hope to dear god you’re good friends with one of her other boot licking dogs. Last I remember, when I asked Lyra if she could make an exception, she said that she gave a time. Anyone who didn’t do it, fuck off. But when someone who is not staff went to her “Oh sure. Anything for the community.” Bitch you denied 80% of your community access, you hypocrite. So no. We haven’t lost anything. They lost a lot. And they have to work hard to earn trust. Because they know they fucked up. Also, THEY are the ones that left Phoenix Shores die. There was rumors never answered by people that ownership of Phoenix Shores was given to Miwa and people reached out to Miwa to help her keep Phoenix Shores alive. But because Miwa saw no profit in that, she never got back in touch with them. So Phoenix Shores died for nothing. “Oh… Read more »
Miwa doesn’t know what she’s doing I’ll let her be forgiven for she didn’t do much besides lead people to absolute hell and making people make bad decisions like most hot chicks in life. The worse of them are those who ruined the lives and reputation of fellow wrestlers and boss other places around like they own it. You can guess who of the few I’m talking about. One owns SS the others are varied.
Celeste, Alyx, Pau, Charlie definitely ruined a lot of that. Pau being the absolute rabid nazi that she is pushing multiple people in the fed to suicidal thoughts and Celeste and co just letting it happen I guess
Hi Rocky, lol
That tracks. Miwa only chases what she can benefit from. Attention and clout is her crack and the moment she doesn’t get it she leaves. Lyra? He definitely has this aura about him that screams ego but the attention he got with VWE is why Miwa sucked up to him so quickly and now apparently uses him for mesh and whatever else she can convince him to do. PS died and should have been left alone after that. Miwa keeps trying to cling to the attention and relevancy by using the build from the neotropic club on the sim she (surprise surprise) “shares” with Lyra (another case of using someone)
It’s weird seeing people talk about PS dying when they have literally no idea why it did. Miwa was the only reason PS made enough money to both pay rent and have a little on the side for sim assets, paying non-tip dependent staff, reducing the % we took as a cut, not to mention a full-time job’s worth of hours spent helping me each week. All her. PS died because I and the other owners failed to remove toxic people from staff, no role excluded, and let Twitter drama dictate how we did things because we had no idea how to handle the surge of negativity from accounts with 10k+ followers getting upset over literally everything I made the call to kill PS, there was nothing positive left. Miwa made sure that was what I wanted to do because she wanted to keep it alive in that it meant a lot to a number of people, and it did. But at that point, one large group of friends were divided into many circles of people who had beef with each other. I made a lot of the builds including Neo which I gave to Miwa and said it’d be nice to see it exist again in their new sim. Miwa was the reason a lot of what worked at PS did and sure her approach was more aggressive than mine, but without her we would have been paying $300 a month for a much more boring sim and probably $800 in assets. A couple of places still mimic PS in some ways, so she must have had some good ideas I know this site is a garbage fire of misinformation and weird agendas, it doesn’t bother me personally, everyone hates everyone for sport I get it. I just thought… Read more »
Plus with Alyx gone there is nothing left of PS besides its legacy. Who knows if he’ll come back.
I rather if PS comes back, but leave behind Alyx.
You AND the other owners were the problem don’t even get me started. Did Pau not harass multiple people to have suicidal thoughts and y’all condoned it? Attacked someone verbally and harassed them during an event in front of everyone and once again YALL CONDONED IT.
You took multiple things to Twitter. Y’all pushed Beefy out of the staff when you proceeded to harass Vanity over her wrongdoings. Miwa stole money from multiple individuals and still hasn’t paid them back. Y’all didn’t pay your staff for shit, every time I went people were making around 100 lindens per event you had.
Also Phoenix Shores was a complete rip off of Palmwood so why lie about that.
Damn, I didn’t even know all this. I only knew the Miwa situation where she took money from people. Whoever you are, you deserve a medal. Because damn, all these red flags. Just come to show you they were never really good people running the place or allowing really garbage people into the community only to end up destroyed.
As said earlier, “You are the company you keep.” and “You are what you eat.”
Why can’t you own up to your own faults? Let me blame literally everyone else!!
A couple of places still mimic PS, Pffft. More like you guys mimiced someone else.
Nah it’s just SL and people searching shit on market place or looking at google to fit a style. I know I seen what people are getting in their sims from market place.
People like you are genuinely so fucking annoying.
#16 90% of the toddler community seem a tad crazy so…not surprised.
That LL lets a toddler/child community happen is.. pretty fucked up to begin with. They are 100% aware of them all being pedos, and don’t care.
a Few of them are into that too….
Who? Me? Giggles…
12 and 20. Lol Rylie is the fakest bitch in SL. It’s about time someone put her on here. Look up Narcissist in the dictionary and you will see a photo of this bitch.
it’s interesting to see that I am not the only person fooled by her nicety!
Girl shut the fuck up. We all know you and your noob looking ass friends posted this shit. You chicken headed ass hoes need to worry about updating your avatars and let people live their lives, you bitter bitches.
From my experience, Rylie has been nothing but kind and positive and SL needs more of that and less of YOU.
Take a page out of her book and remove the dildo from your ass, you basic bitches.
lmaoo… I wouldn’t post Rylie on here.. she was nice to me.. I am not bitter about our falling out.. Nor would I drag her on VS, but think whatever you want.
I will eat a bowl of water with a fork before I give two f’s about your anonymous opinion of me and or my friends.
I just think it’s funny how…In one sentence you talk about letting people live their lives, then you critique other’s avi’s.. Hypocritical much?
p.s. my avi is updated honey.. but sorry not everyone borrows begs and steals for money from others so they can get the newest tits, hair and ass..
Bitch I don’t beg for shit on this platform. And by the looks of all those profile pictures online, you look a hot ass mess.
What I do know is that you’re lame as hell for submitting posts to this website about someone who doesn’t deserve it. Too bad the only people who care are you and your pathetic ass friends. Next time, give us some thing good and not these poorly constructed submissions.
Kindly fuck off.
how about you fuck off?! did I say “YOU” beg for anything, or is that you being self conscious? lmao!! Super easy to talk shit anonymously right? You see me out here plain as day with my name on my post. I ain’t hiding shit nor do I have to cower behind an anonymous platform..
makes so much sense.. Let me post an anonymous post then put my name on the site. If I have something to say about someone I will straight out come and say it. Just because your stale raggedy ass is to afraid to come forward and gotta hide behind a screen to act tough.
you talk tough and talk a lot of shit for someone being anonymous! 😘 😘 😘
Lol come on here talking all big, hiding behind anon posts. :’D
31 – I know this chick. We did naughty stuff and then she never talked to me again. Rude.
That means you’re really bad at it, in case you didn’t know 👍
Help our sisters in need of common sense
Coconut30 Resident
FunkyGirl Neox
grassmoon Resident
Harlow Heslop
mara Charisma
Valium Lavender
the karma coming for harlow is amazing
You forgot Chobii Resident.
#48 Blowback is to be expected here as SL always been the kind of place to attract many deeply miserable, very unfortunate looking, brain cell challenged cunts who SJW crowd mostly consists of. Props to you though. Nice to see a sane person once in a while.
#1 This looks cute. I think I’ll buy it. (Sarcasm. But seriously, MOST tattoos on sl are stolen. No one cares in the long run.)
#11 I doubt you are anyones secret side dish. It’s far more likely you are posting nonsense to create drama.
#14 actually a good idea.
#19 they’ll always be caught but virtual secrets is the most pussy way to go about talking about it.
#30 everyone has different experiences with people. If you make character judgements based off who someone is friends with, I’d argue the issue lies with you, not that person or their friend.
#36 it’s true though. If you feel so pressed about someone that you have to make something up you’re likely jealous.
#53 same as above but on a different note: sometimes it’s just fun to fight people you don’t like. It does take an extreme level of boredom though.
I care that they’re stealing art from legitimate artists. Don’t say no one cares about this market.
#30 How about you learn some actual history? Example: The people in Valiant where composed of people from Sylvania Square and UFW who were formally FWF before the split. And when Sylvania and Valiant had a complaint WITH THEIR OWN PARTNERSHIP, instead of taking it professionally in private before even making it public, they didn’t just make the event awkward, they made people feel bad, start doubting themselves, and feeling suicidal. Hell, the LATINO COMMUNITY felt bad. The people they wanted to defend. The people they literally used as a meatshield to push their propaganda. The complainer WHO LIED about being Latina. Think on that for a minute. How about House of Panes never dealing with their decoration problems with their partners after saying “We’re a neutral ground area and belong to no fed so we aren’t biased.” yet all their decoration focuses only AND SOLELY ONLY the people involving Valiant. “But X wrestler is in this fed too.” Tell me. What character that isn’t involved in Valiant isn’t promoted there? The only people promoted in there, are people involved in Valiant at least once. Not once have I see a person who has never been related to Valiant in one decoration and it shows. I don’t feel welcomed. It’s very biased on Valiant.You want to know their excuse? “We don’t have money.” Bitch, you’re a partner. Haggle a deal. Or see if they would be happy to be promoted in there with or without partnership. The “I don’t have money excuse” is dumb. What about Alyx literally having planned to talk to management when he was UFW’s favorite little boy and to end up convincing UFW management to “kick out” members because they will never be on par with the show’s “standards” to bring a crowd? Like that’s suspicious… Read more »
also for the money part. they dont have enough because they keep spending it on birdies ass.
there’s a lot to say about this post. maybe could start a discussion about something.
Many people even new comers were feeling scammed and turned down after Team wildfire shut their doors over one person. While breaking the rules on Fed bashing. Many of which never gotten the good moves Birdy has made like the dodge pack or the Pheonix splash not even old school punches. practical things wrestlers usually use and the g-force and ref huds. so people had to switch to prime and trainees had a problem switching until months later. What Birdy almost did was kill SL wrestling but luckily theres moves at careers and MJ and others left TW to create even more moves. everything else is something to have a discussion on.
The reality of it all. Bless you for bringing light into all this.
People have protected these groups for too long and ignored what they have honestly done. Now people who can’t have access to the cheaper options have to deal with the expensive 12.5K linden or who knows if more because said move hasn’t been redone or isn’t planned to be redone or whatever.
The community won’t forget such a mistake and the owner just tries to hide it instead of admitting their flaw.
Not just this, but TW also has accepted and keeps a serial con-artist who has taken hundreds if not thousands of real world dollars from people in SL. The communities in 30 know this has happened but they still will associate with these people and then complain when getting called out on it.
Oh you probably talking about Miwa. Which is ironic because she never really was interested in furries. She just wanted money! 😀 Can you believe such a thing?
Too long, didn’t read.
That sounds like a you problem. And as they say “Ignorance is bliss”.
“you are the company you keep” is a quote that rings true and i stand by that
Sure- if the company being kept is the most absolutely disgusting person ever. like yeah I’d probably judge and avoid anyone friends with hitler.
But in most cases (especially on secondlife) it’s just a matter of blind, unfair bias centered entirely around childish drama.
“I think this person is a narcissist (even though they probably aren’t) and I will judge anyone who is friends with them!”
Talk about silly.
Sounds like you’re pretty invested in playing with dolls. You get wrestling isn’t real, right? You have a massive diatribe about all these other people… but you couldn’t be the problem at aaallll XD
No one normal gives a shit about virtual wrestling roleplay.
#16 – Audri is one of the sweetest and kindest girls I have met on SL, these constant attacks on her are pathetic and petty. The only thing you have proved from these ‘secrets’ is that you’re a nasty cow who enjoys bulling and harassing others.
It’s time to reflect on what an awful person you are and re-evaluate why you feel the need to be such an insufferable cunt.
No, you aren’t. You did the same to me and you are the reason I will never roleplay with child avatars again. You spent so much time convincing me you were a victim I actually believed it.
Sounds like something Audri would say 🤔
Funny how your sentence structure is Exactly like Audri.
-pathetic and petty- (audri loves to rhyme her insults)
-nasty cow- (a favored insult of audri’s)
-insufferable cunt- (her go-to insult when bad mouthing in IM)
Hello Audri
1/2/3/4/5- * Rolling my eyes “too loud” * Who cares…
*slamming my fingers down on my keyboard as I type sitting at a backwards outstretched angle, breathing out of “one nostril” due to seasonal allergies (don’t worry I take Claritin ™️)* cool
#42 This is the best reminder I have heard in a while “Its a game”
Boring…Miss the real tea from way back. How many posts are needed in one week about the same thing?
#13 The hate of a successful furry event is unreal. Now when there aren’t any furry events left everyone will cry “I wish we had an event for us”, because toxic people like you ruin things for the rest.
We don’t want the event ran by a toxic clique
Oh don’t worry, furries will do that themselves. In fact, that’s usually what happens to furry sims.
Because this website isn’t proof most of the drama is dumbfucks fresh from instagram.
Butthurt tailhole detected 😩
Dunno what this has to do with instagram, but I don’t use it. (or anything Facebook-adjacent, fuck ’em.)
This is the third time this week you tried to deflect by going full retard like that 😆 Is that how you talked when you were in your furry phase? Cringe bro, no one actually talks like that except when they’re trying to act like stereotypes for irony.
Irony seems to be lost on you.
You agree with me here!! And you are correct!
21 – there is no such thing as an automixer idiot!
Y-yes there is…
yes, your ass is an automixer “expert” – its crap – it doesnt exist – get it out of your mind and get a life other than sick SL!
There isn’t. This is why you lot in SL are so fucked up. You hear something or something about something then suddenly you are experts. There is something called AutoDJ Radio-Stations use to play one tune after the other. So get an education and…. why do you even care? Getting off on trashing a DJ? Sick MF
<VDJ has entered the chat>
There are SL DJ’s who can stream via ITunes… not kidding either.
I bet. If they can get Itunes to connect lol, it’s a library, not a player. No. The worst DJs ripped off Youtube coz it’s free and sounds like crap just like their sets! You cannot stream from Itunes.
When I ran a club, I literally had to sit an applicant down and tell them point blank streaming from ITunes and not being able to voice certain adverts and shoutouts for the club was not acceptable.
Then they ran me through the ITunes process and I couldn’t believe they were actually doing it.
Well, at least he bought the music and not stolen it off Youtube which is illegal! And which “DJs in SL do all the time! I would like to see this process you talk of, but in reality, I think you are bullshitting.
iTunes allows you to put on third party music. A lot of it was still stolen.
do you know what VDJ is? really? do you?
Sounds like you live an extremely sheltered SecondLife. Did you discover VS just recently? Men get as much hate for those reasons, and NO they also do not get away with it. Ask permabanned users what gender they are in real life. Drop this woke feminist bullshit already!
So much this!!
It’s not like they’ve been banned for being other gender or race, right?
permabanned users for what?
LOL 👀 looks like u finally pissed off the wrong AV Audri
#42 Best thing I’ve heard “ITS A GAME”
Fk – buy my totally legit merch (sushi bootleg lookin ass) blame others for their fuckups, no apology for those they trampled on and stolen from, your lil poor me story on your profile is hilarious, oh right BUY MY TOTALLY LEGIT MERCH AND SELL YOUR SOUL TO WORK FOR ME SO I CAN SUE YOU FOR YOUR SONAS OWNERSHIP RIGHTS WITH MY TOTALLY LEGIT CONTRACTS
It’s just a hobby guys calm down
Gigabytes – staff gaslight patrons so bad that the owner has to apoligize for their shitty behavior
Sylvania Square – is dead until June where they magically do a fundraiser and nothing else
Chill – that’s pounce 2.0 from what I hear…avoid that shit like the plague.
Anything else?
Lmao they removed that pick but their quotes are a good laugh
how about the DMCA badge on the website, anyone can get that

TLDR that little pity picks was basically “look I’m just one girl trying to run a club”…yea a club that leeches off others, steals concepts and designs, identifies as the lewd version of, and how much copyright drama do we need to mention here?
uncredited artists, taking creators assets for monetary gain because they slapped a logo on it (look at that copyright guys, any assets made for FK regardless of artists TOS automatically makes it theirs), it’s a literal mess, and not the good kind that they try to advertise so much.
Oh and yea Chill is just pounce 2.0, did a lil digging on that one

“Your Pawsome”
Not only are furry clubs always the shittiest, most unimaginitive places in terms of themes & location name, apparently they don’t even check their most basic grammar.
For a busy SL designer you sure do have a lot of time to sit on this site, furiously refresh, and respond to every single comment here regarding furry SL… 😣
I just got done with a couple events and I’m taking a break before the next one, can’t a girl have some me time?! Smh, let me enjoy thiiiiings.
Hi, popping in on this one. It is chill 2.0 got perma banned from it, never stepped foot on sim till the day I found out. Not to mention, because leo didn’t have control of chill before when it was on another sim, now that it’s on his, he’s got pretty much all of it. Plus, leo, the person who was called out for pretty much being a pedo and zoophile… Ya, that’s where chill is. On his sim. And yes leo, selling/distributing products of under aged characters and of bestiality items…. It puts you on that registry. I won’t shut my mouth on that one. Refuse to. Honestly, that might explain why im perma banned again. Called his ass out for that gross shit.
The irony Dillia. You got first band for age play from IYC because i was disgusted at you and yer family edging on that girl on the pole with child’s voice getting your rocks off and i didn’t want that crap in my places. you can hate and try Pin pedo shit on me ALL you like. but Your ban is Infinity in anything new added to SL and new sims owned your NAME goes on it by default. HWOWER in regards to pounce i Choose to freely close because i HATE this new generation of people. i wont defend it and agree with all of you.. other than i didn’t close because i was after popularity i got that shit 16 yrs ago. i closed because i didn’t Want anything to do with this disgusting new generation.. poeple like yourself DIllia. I seriously Doubt FZ posted this weeks to as it calls them out. because everybody knows 7 times they have closed and reopened and existing with 4k traffic or less is a meaningless Achievement. As for places just minding there own business trying to have some fun like Chill. it clearly shows just crap, jealously, hatred from Outside band lifeless cry babies like yourself Dillia or competition having a good ol mope because there all incapable of working together for the community’s sake anymore. Clearly your efforts and winging about me for being band all these years have got you Nowhere in life. and I’m only one of 20 venues that have you band. Oh Oh oh and you will Porlly be pissd to know how Happy i am these days 😂 😂 😂
For someone calling Leo out for being gross, last time I checked. Isn’t beast forest a beastialtiy sim? https://gyazo.com/d9108b70721ce655810465d91b4db3b0
Yes, there’s several bestiality sims that no one seems to complain about. They are mainly human sims and many don’t allow furries. Dilila and these others are like bible thumpers, they cherry pick situations that suit their current drama needs.
Can’t complain if we’re not actively looking for them? The moment we look for them, there’ll be people, like you. Asking” And why do you know it’s a feral sim?” It’s a double edged sword, and people, like myself. Are opting to NOT touch that with a 10 foot pole. But, go ahead, call it cherry picking.
It’s actually not XD there’s no feral fuck locations on it. Yea, ferals show up, but they’re gone pretty quick when no one picks them up or they realize that there’s no sex furniture for them. Not to mention, yes, im on the staff list. But it’s so I can rez pose stands for my photography. That way i’m not getting bumped around by the randoms who decide to be dick heads. I’ve taken a few of my photo’s there. But I have no ability to ban someone or even really enforce rules on the sim.
I think the irony rests on you Leo. For someone to accuse Dil of being a pedo when she’s not only a mother, but a mother with a child who’s a victim to pedophilia from their ex husband is rich.
Since you so happily threw the accusation I decided to ask them myself and hoo boi you are a lying sac of shit!
legal documentation: I asked permission to show this

Also I find it hilarious that you make these accusations when you yourself have engaged in sexual acts with them. But than again you fuck anything, even staff. Another one of many club issues you had xD
Good work trying to ruin someone when your reputation is in the shitter already. Just pull the lever and sink already geez.
Hold on for a second here. Down below Dilila said she isn’t a pedophile, but above in that snippet of instant message she and leo fucked. SO if she knew Leo was a pedophile why fuck him or was this before or after?
This was BEFORE I knew about the pedo shit. This was back before IFC made it’s come back.
I honestly didn’t know about the pedo or zoophile shit until after IYC. Which is where I actually started to actively talk shit about that. More so his avi’s of a pawpatrol pup he ran around on at IFC, Pounce IYC and so on and so forth.
>paw patrol pup avatar
I hate furries I hate furries I hate furries
Hang on a moment.. are you trying to claim the person in that report is ME? of her podophile hubby? because the world knows I’m British not American for a start but i will correct that with administration if you believe that’s me
Claims someone is a pedo, turns out they have VALID proof of being a mother who’s daughter is a victim of pedophilia When the pedo card fails – pull out the zoo card because THAT WORKS WHEN YOU ACTIVELY SOLD ZOOSHIT Only reason it got taken down was because people started posting again and raven came to defend your lumpy ass. Next time ya better point those finger guns at the mirror because If you’re SO convinced that dil was a pedo, why the fuck did ya bang her or even interact with her? aaand now the “i’m X and Y, this shit don’t apply to me” card Bruh you serious, race/ethnicity has nothing to do with this. In fact it’s an insult to even compare you to people who can properly function outside of a virtual game. We already know you’re British, your microphone speaks volumes. You can’t even speak or even spell properly let alone keep up with all the bullshit lies, slander, and accusations you’ve been spitting for literal years! The moment Dilila gets mentioned or someone posts about your lil clubs you go batshit trying to defend your lil e-peen and blame others claiming you have tons of success You lost every club you had, or ran away when it got dramatic, you don’t even take charge as the owner and let Raven run the place to the ground. How’s that working for ya? Shes’ banned from chill, but not from all your vivid and pounce shit after causing so much problems for you, your staff, ect And speaking of drama…if Suda and Dilila are bad news, letting either of them on staff was already a bad call. But you not only let them in, you fucking pulled the pettiest card in the book by placing… Read more »
No you daft fucking half wit. We’re shutting you down for you trying to claim im a pedo of some degree. Why would I age play or be with any form of fucking pedophilia when my daughter is a fucking victim of it? When I’ve clearly put her father in prison for the assault on my daughter. Like, are you THAT fucking retarded? We all know you’re a british man who can barely speak legible english. THE REST OF US. Aren’t that dumb. But if there is someone who’s as dumb as you are, they can read this comment <3
The Day We can rid of pedo’s like LEO and DEER will be the day that all pedophillia will end.
not an Actitation there was plenty of whiteness in IYC on the night
well that is Shocking..”doesn’t care after 3 yrs of witch hunt from dillia since banning her” and i did almost Fuck her to before the ban ya.. whats that bit proving XD.. BUTTT its Shocking because that WASNT an actitation and there is aloft o whiteness in IYC that night
Now, if I let my daughter see her father after all of that…. KNOWING what he did to her. THEN you may call me a pedo. How ever… Don’t EVER fucking call me one after this. I do not stand for pedophilia, it’s why I will continue to call your ass out on it leo.You created and distributed furniture of under aged characters for money gain. Rot in a fucking ditch.
Didn’t you tell like a whole community of people. That you were raped by the guy. That is how you got pregnant in the first place? So you already knew he was a predator and you still let her be around him. -_- just saying is all, from what I have seen by your witch hunt bandwagon tweets and constant “hate train” on people. You are probably someone who majority of communities should avoid.
If you don’t know CANADIAN LAW, yes he assaulted ME, but he didn’t have charges for going against kids. So they pretty much forced me to make her see him under the pretense of supervised access. I.E The courts/law/government would have taken her FROM MY CUSTODY, if I refused and gave him full custody. He had supervised access by HIS family, who then didn’t supervise him. It wasn’t until the police did more digging and such on him from other reports, that he finally was caught and my daughter was one of the ones found on his phone. So this guy could (and has) Assaulted multiple ADULT women, and by canadian law, can still be around kids. Because none of them were against a child. CPS would take my kid from ME and give them to him. I would have rather risked him having supervised visits, over him getting full custody where he would have been able to more proprely groom her. It sounds horrible when it’s written out, but I would have rather of protected her in this manner of the supervised access, rather than fight in a manner that would have her removed from my custody and been pretty much fully handed over to a pedophile who would have been able to groom her in FAR worse than the one to two attempts he had. How ever, I also never forced her to go on days she didn’t want to go. If she didn’t want to go see him, i made sure to call him and have her verbally say it, whether to me or to him and he couldn’t then force her to go. I hate my justice system because it wasn’t there for me, and at the start, wasn’t there for my daughter. It’s part of… Read more »
Its sadly more common for Victims of Abuse to to engage in such acts in there adulthood through traumatic experience’s so it makes sense
Explains a lot about you then huh?
The fuck off with your Witch hunt against me for Banning you for it 3 yrs bk and deal with it and move on.. as for all the other places your band from for god knows what reasons mostly fact your VILE personality and attitude. EVERYTIME you attack me I’m going to call you out.
Honey, I could give two shits anymore if I am banned. It just shows YOU haven’t gotten over the shit in the past and YOU continue to hold on if you purposely pre-emptively ban me. You and raven, sorry. RAVEN tried to gaslight me into saying everything that went on was ME doing it all and you guys had no hand period in it, at all. I.E I took all blame while you guys got off scot free. I may have been a vile person in the day, but what’s it say about you when you’re a hypocrite trying to call me a pedo because of me defending someone with a voice they were born with. While you sold actual pedo furniture. Go ahead, call me out, the issue you’ll have, is you have nothing on me. Because everyone already knows, everyone already has tried to call me out and you wana know where it goes? No-where. I wear my shit on my sleeve Leo. And while I have been a shit person in past, and sometimes even still. I’m only a shit person now, to calling out hypocritical, egotistical self-centered fuck wits like YOU. I defend my friends and I defend those I feel deserve to be defended, at the expense of myself. I have enough self worth to be up front when I have done wrong. And trust me, I know i’ve done a lot wrong. But, Unlike you. I’ve never promoted sex with kids, or ferals. I’ve never once said ” it’s not against TOS” Or tried to deny it in some manner. So go ahead, call me out, but remember…. I’m only going to call you out every time you decide to deny your shit, or try to poke a sleeping bear. So make sure your… Read more »
All of that is one MASSSIVE lie. you know it but your like one of these Quannon folk. and all you’ve ever had against me was Me banning you for own Bullshit and attacking a product in one of our stores. sure some toys were beastly but its not TOS and the others were animie and game characters sure i can understand why some see those in bad taste. They was an older product and even i discontinued them now. BUt you and yer family just turned them in to something Extreme and Vile and call me something as Vile as podophile. Unlike Yourself…who is all about direct incidents with real people that got you band. and i only poop up when i hear you doing all this rubbish again It is you who really dose need to stop now.
Actually it’s not. Raven even wanted me to put a public apology on my profile for everyone to see, just so i could get unbanned so I could go hang out with my friends that were working at pounce at the time. I did that, I jumped through the hoops despite the fact it wasn’t all my fault. I left it up for a few days before I removed it. You can ask old staff, or even raven herself. If need be i’ll ask LL for the logs for our conversation just to prove that. But, whether it’s against TOS or not, you still looked up those products, you still had the idea of selling under aged characters and selling feral fuck toys for profit gain. And it’s not just me, and family…. Everyone says family, I have close friends that I care for. Does that mean everyone I care for is my family? And look at yourself Leo, saying I’m a pedo/ageplayer because I defended an ADULT that you were discriminating against….. Doesn’t that make you just as bad? Or is it because it’s you that it’s ok? Right? And poop up? This is why people can’t really take you seriously. A person who acts holier than thou and yet can’t fucking type proper English. Pop, not poop, banned not band. I’m not in a fucking rock band ok. Now then, for someone who really doesn’t give a shit about this ” New generation” You clearly care a lot about what I gotta say. Me, who’s nothing more than an insignificant little bitch, someone who’s just a small blip on a radar. And yet, on the people who hate me, you included, i’m the whole fucking radar. If you wana play the big game leo, im up for it,… Read more »
But you got band form 3 of our places for so many different reasons its hard to tell what one was what
IFC because I told you that I was still getting note cards and people coming to me, despite not being staff anymore and you threw a fit. IYC because I defended someone for you discriminating against them just based on their voice and pounce because I wasn’t going to take your two faced bullshit. You allowed me a job, and before giving it asked if i was going to be an issue for suda. I had her blocked and de-rendered at the time and I made a rather good decision to NOT accept the job right away, because the next day I found out she was a fucking MANAGER. You have two people in fucking drama and you give one of them a managers position. THEN when I went over to furzona back when it first came back around, someone told you I vented about that little two faced bullshit and you banned me, even though I wasn’t on sim, or breaking rules since again, wasn’t on sim venting about it, wasn’t in the discord doing it. I was on another sim in another club. So THAT’S why I was banned from your places. You didn’t like the fact I didn’t kiss your ass at IFC and you guys PURPOSELY looked for a reason to ban me at IYC and then tried to make up a lie about me talking to one of the DJ’s at IYC even though I never spoke to any of the staff there outside of YOU, Kitty, and shiloh. Raven on the odd hand, but i tried to avoid speaking to her. Hell, you even unbanned me and everyone else after you got back from your vacay at pounce. If I was THAT bad, you’d have kept me banned, but decided to give people another… Read more »
Oh THAT’S what that was, say that on an old shit talk server and had no context other than lmao

I mean, if you look at her Flist, and under the characters she has. Majority of them have the same likes. Plus not only is she using stolen art for them, but here…
Ya, that’s what that was. I had asked raven to be unbanned so I can go hang out with some of my friends who were ( at the time) Staff of pounce. She tried to gaslight me and made me jump through her hoops to get unbanned, one of those hoops was taking full blame for all the drama between her, leo and I. When I didn’t start all of that shit between us. But, I sucked up my own pride and did it. I was pretty much told that I wasn’t going to get unbanned. Pretty much, just wanted someone to take blame for all the shit they were starting and I was dumb enough to do it for them. For the sake of seeing friends at their work. =/
Why do pedo furries always try to pull the uno reverse card, as if that tactic makes any sense?
Pounce owner: *makes bestiality & cub products*
Been a while since I’ve been on here, yes it’s pretty hilarious that he still wants to claim it’s not against TOS
it’s vile and disgusting, accusations got proven wrong and he still wants to die on that hill
minute I saw this avatar I left, and he has the nerve to call dilila a pedo after all of this…what’s next the “I aged them up” card
Get real

No, you banned me because I told one of your staff members not to fucking entrap me in shit XD It wasn’t for ageplay and I don’t have a family. As for sakura, you told her not to speak in the place because her voice was too high pitched and did sound like a child, even though she was verified to be an adult. And New generation? Sweetie, im not part of the new gen of people, maybe on SL, but RL wise, im a millennial. Not only that, jealous for being banned from a place you’re in? Honey, im not jealous. Honestly I avoid places you’re in for a good fucking reason. I don’t associate with pedo’s As for your comment lower down. Admin where? Only place i’ve been an admin at is Lemme smash, the place where YOU asked me to fuck you at. Which btw, I’m pretty sure there’s still a photo of that lurking around somewhere. Oh I do have it. https://gyazo.com/d642175af0bbbd027f6c185626c089be https://gyazo.com/1fda09b4f486a9fd40b5f0b793557b9a Also for a bit of you know, EXTRA spice. That much against me and ya still stuck your virtual dick in me. As for everything else, I couldn’t understand over half of it because of your inability to speak legible fucking English, which is fucking rich considering you’re from the UK. I don’t ageplay, I don’t do zoophilia, how ever, im also not the one who was SELLING products that were legitimately THAT. Sonic, knuckles, tails, sora, they’re all underaged CANON characters. You sold them. You were selling literal ferals you could fuck. Major difference between you and I. You purposely LOOKED For these items, turned them into sex items and sold them. So if im a pedo/ageplayer because I defended my friend from YOU, because you told her she’s not allowed to… Read more »
Wants nothing to do with this new generation – makes a new club…riiiiight
Using traffic in an argument when your raffles are the only thing that boosted your club to the top…mhm keep going
claiming to be popular 16 years ago like that’s a fucking achievement…ew
That was when they pocketed 17K of the money after everything had gone to shit with that raffle. People still talk about that night to this day. This is what happen to that money.
i founded the IYC and yiff bk in the day 14 sims wide Fantastic generation to work with. good times that is were my achievement lays. the big donations on raffles were contributed by many but i agree i could have controlled them better because that’s all people were coming around for with pounce but at the same time i nevver gave a shit about what other smaller clubs were moaning about when it came to my places. because that’s just winging about the competition n how much money it was getting etc. as i said wont defend pounce now days its closed.. nothing left to defend XD i hated it 😛 and regretted coming out of retirement to do it for people
These two words don’t go together. IYC was a trashfire, I’ve known/visited it since like, 2011. It was my go-to for trolling the fuck out of creeps and pedos back in the day, before I got a better hobby.
“Chill! Were you can find your DJ away for the entire set. Knowing the Owner is asleep unable to end the raffle an staff no where to be found on Saturday night”.
Ah it’s you again…
So yea the only thing we can agree on is it’s not FZ making these. The only drama FZ really has is FK trying to copy them and it ain’t FZ constantly getting in trouble.
There’s plenty of other clubs doing music festivals and I don’t see FZ going after them because that’s like their shtick. Meanwhile these other clubs trying to take big names for themselves eventually run into big drama and die off.
Pounce – we’re number one
Fk – you belong here, now lemme fuck ya ( yikes )
Sylvania Square – “Welcoming” lgbtq+ community 🤣
Furzona….yea they just exist kinda like the post says.
It’s interesting how you claim your club closed because you were tired of the generation, yet pounce was notorious for so much shit. Drama, rigged raffles, infighting ect.
And to claim you were “popular” 16 years ago, geez ego much.
Pretty sure that was Sakura on the pole. They disappeared just as fast as they surfaced. Don’t know the deets but they were crazy to begin with.
Deflects callouts with pedo card…yikes
yes that was her name on the pole forgot the name myself. Dilla even tries to say I’m in to Zoophilia while she being admin of a Horse sex beastly place.. unless shes band from there now to lol. Hell her humongous ass inflates with the amount of Shit she caries around. even the Poor horse has to pay a $5 uber fare to get from the left cheek to the right cheek now,
Which horse sex beastly place am I an admin of? Cuz i’ve only been an admin to lemme smash. Unless you mean IFC which was….your club….Soooo.
Why not tell everyone the truth for once why you closed down? It’s was “DEER” you’re best friend you continue to forgive over an over again for no good or logical reason. So it must be for attention, popularity, boredom, greed an to manipulate an hurt others. You wouldn’t know the true meaning of community if you were a good person as you try to pass off to everyone. Also the notecard got sent around like wild fire so have fun with it you cheap low life prick. Notecard written by Leo The one an Only! “HERE IS YOUR TALK: TAKE YOUR TIME TO READ ALL OF IT. Im to busy as you know and it just pisses me off with your so called Lets talk in the morning every time u fuck me off. So I’ve done this one off note In hope you have a clear Prospective on how you treat your “friend” and nothing new will be said on the matter. Last year yours and Phanas insulting got to the point i was Depressed and had enough i closed down the club in such result and now live a life of lies n slander by people i cared for since doing so because Cunts are to busy protecting there own selfish asses. Since we started talking again and trying to “rebuild that trust” you tend to forget the likes of your own Actions are always floating at the back of my mind. such actions like these Public statements against Your “Friend” https://gyazo.com/72dd6bf19874abeb99126af2825bfe51 https://gyazo.com/1745dd1b41f79d938a17b9914e9844e0 https://gyazo.com/765ba49eff4a17cf98122c333d9d3017 Its very easy to keep telling the victim to put it behind them and u don’t want to argue.. after all it wasn’t You suffering for it. OF RECENT. as usual me being such a forgivable person has helped you a bit getting set… Read more »
Dilila is a fucking weirdo. She sticks her nose so far into peoples business and then cries and throws tantrums when she gets told to shut the fuck up. Didn’t know about the pedo shit though, interesting. Banning her from our sim too.
This is more than extremely true about Dilila. This is why she is banned from places. She’s banned from purchasing at our store along plenty of her family member.
Sakura was taken advantage of when she was faking a little girl voice and pretending to cry when people were upset in our hangout/mall. She admitted it was all fake and that they turned on her if she tried to be her normal self after a while.
Dilila hangs out with the worst people, they go around trying to infiltrate shops, hangouts and clubs. Her drama is well known and everyone is sick of it.
As for Leo’s store, they constantly bitch about it for their own attention. His store has had these items since 2013 I believe it was and it’s only been recent that they use it as a prop in their drama.
She has told us before we banned her from our shop that she was being stalked by Leo. This was before I knew who he was, I never knew who he was until late 2019. She’s a horrendously awful personality that no one likes except the others who are equally as bad.
This apology stuff I’ve heard before too, she has never changed. She only says she does, she can’t stop being who she truly is, a useless trash piece.
As for Leo, conversations with her is like speaking to a dried up rotting fish on a riverbank in the hot sun. Useless and dead. She will never change. She will continue to rot in her little circles of other dead fish.
I’m trying to figure out if you’re saying I turned on sakura for her trying to be her normal self, or if other’s did, because I have literal logs with sakura and I where i’m encouraging her to be herself and stand up for herself as well. Unless you have logs of what she said to you? Cuz I feel like we’ve experienced two different sakura’s. So unless I got played.
Honestly the other shit, partially true, I mean, I’ve openly admitted to being a fucking shit stain in past. How ever, now, I don’t entirely care if im a goody-two-shoes nice girl? It’s based on the ” treat me how you wish to be treated” And also if you’re a shitty person i’ll stop following you/supporting you. It’s on my twitter, and if you find me to be a shitty person, then don’t follow/support me? I have tried to make amends with people I have wronged in the past, at least those that I feel deserve it. But, you can’t make amends with everyone.
You also can’t make amends then go back to your garbage behavior, which you always did thus why you are banned in so many places.
As for Sakura, when she wouldn’t do the kiddie voice that creeped out everyone all the time, she stated you all turned on her and treated her like second hand meat.
This was in mid-2020 when she spoke to a whole group of us in a hangout location. You were quite cruel to her when she decided she no longer wanted to be that way. The kiddie voice, the crying when people said she needed to stop, when people were bothered by her behavior as a kiddie voice in an adult sim or club.
You all decided she was no longer of use to you.
Raven never made amends. She continues to blame others for her mistakes. Her Twitter and picks are nothing but cringe.
What would she need to make amends for? What is in her picks that’s cringe or twitter? If you dislike her, why do you follow her twitter to begin with? Nothing else to do? Maybe you need a career.
Well kind of cringe to put me in her profile
https://gyazo.com/e47492bdfdc3b4e9d731030efeb00a5e. But, riiiiiighhhhtttt, that’s not drama or obsession, or cringe cuz it’s raven.
Now I remember, everythings my fault, all of it. Even if im not the one starting the shit, i’m the one automatically at fault, and automatically blamed.
How about all the people she labeled as “drama”, continuing to support a pedo and zoopholile?
You’ll talk smack about dil not hanging with sakura, but you’ll fully accept that Leo literally threw her out because of their voice. How two-faced 🤣
Fact: If sakura was never on Leos sim to begin with, dil would’ve have never interacted with them in the first place or tried to defend them.
I actually got messaged by people about what was going on with sakura. you’re right, if sakura was never there that day, I wouldn’t have needed to defend her. But she was staff at IFC, which I was helping her with.
But, people told me what happened, I wasn’t already there. I’m pretty sure sakura actually messaged me HERSELF about it. So =/
So, what you’re telling me is, that it was all on voice, you have no logs of it and the logs I have show a completely different story. https://gyazo.com/a9f7ea078b4f52fec86b004e258d3ba2
But if people must know, I dropped her due to a drama wave which included nyx and aisu, her aunt and mother at the time. So that’s why I dropped her, I wasn’t getting involved with that, considering aisu and nyx were trying to start shit with me too at the time. So I didn’t drop her cuz she wanted to be normal, I dropped her cuz I didn’t wana be apart of that family drama bullshit.
Now if I recall correctly she had a bf named Tem. When she got too emotional Tem mentioned something about a split personality.
I’m gonna be honest I hear that and immediately think of Kiras excuse, no ty that’s a red flag in my book.
Yes, she’s mentioned she has a split personality quite a few times, but it only ever fronted when she was upset. Never just randomly or anything. Which honestly, at the time made a LOT of people question whether or not it was true. I don’t know a lot of the condition, so I can’t say 100% yes or no.
We gonna try and throw the blame using time now?
2013, and in 2022 it FINALLY got removed….yea that’s quite a problem is you ask me.
Aww bannign them from “our” store. I can think of a couple couples like that
I’ve already called you out to be Raven, and honey you have 0 respect and continue to prove it. So stfu already
But since we’re throwing shit I believe it was Shiloh starting this fad on the bird app once it hit VS…again.
Not the first time Leo’s been up here, not the last. Same as Roxy, same as Rain, and same for you.
Keep trying to turn guilt and deflect on others.
Dilila ALWAYS has her nose in peoples business and brings up shit from years and years ago. You are correct she does throw tantrums and wonders why people don’t want to be bothered with her ass. It might be her disgusting personality, tacky hideous avatars, buttering up to designers, and wondering why she is banned or no one likes her. Dilila are you still on your tantrum about having to pay for flickr or are you “piggy” backing off other people still?
._. never paid for flickr pro, never wanted it, no ones bought it for me. And being informed of things and sticking nose into it are completely different honey. <3 Getting told and forcing my way in are different. Not my fault people still tell me shit. 💁
And just because my avi’s aren’t your taste, doesn’t mean others don’t like them. <3 Besides, sweetie, honey, i don’t make my shit for others enjoyment, if I like em, that’s all that’s needed ^_^
Please stop calling me “sweetie” and “honey” that already tells me how fake you are and I’m not a child. Of course we know your broke ass can’t pay for flickr pro, but that didn’t stop you from constantly complaining about it. No one tells you shit at all.
Dilila, no one can stand you. Your so called friends don’t tell you that your avatars are ugly, because you can’t take criticism. You bring up drama from years ago to anyone that is willing to hear it just to stir the pot when everyone moved on. You cause drama every where you go. You’re a terrible human. The scum of the earth. Take a hard look in the mirror and question is it me? Knowing you, you’ll say nope everyone is delusional. We’re not delusional if we all say the same thing.
You’re telling me i’m a horrible human when i’ve never denied being such? Person who thinks I don’t already know as such, I’ve never stated i’m gods gift to people, i’ve never acted like it. If you wana sit here telling me im the scum of the earth and a horrible person, I’ll fucking AGREE WITH YOU. Because if anyone knows me, i’ve never said i’m a good person. I’ve treated people like shit, I’ve got too much of a fucking shit train to say I AM a good person, even before SL.
If I ever was saying I was a good person and it was the opposite, exposed would have exposed me.
Also, it’s not because i’m broke, it’s because i’d be looking at a higher charge of payment because i’m CANADIAN! Exchange rates darling. I’d have a bunch more things if everyone didn’t want to be in USD, or British pounds.
Now im going to leave this as my last comment on this thread. Cuz frankly, all you guys can come up with is ” You’re a shit person and you’re nothing but drama. ” Tell me something I don’t already know about myself. The only one who won that prize is ” respect your customers” So, Unless someone brings something NEW that I don’t already know. Then You guys have this. I’m a shit person, never claimed to be anything but that. But I’ll also leave with this. Treat me how you wish to be treated, if it’s like shit, that’s on you. I’ll also support and follow those whom I wish, so long as their intentions are good. The same goes to everyone else, you’re not forced to follow me or support me. <3
Do you think you’re some sort of celebrity. The legitimate only reason people know of you is because you leech and spread gossip about people more well known than you. Diving into peoples personal business like it’s yours to spread.
Log off and take care of your kid.
Someone mentioned a while back how she states people are stalking her and having other people report back where she was or some situation like this.
She’s not mentally stable. She creates all this, tells others she’s being abused when in reality it’s from her to others.
Girl you LEGIT run and DM people and get information from them to run to this website to post about people. You should not be surprised when people spread your own
So you’re telling me it’s Just dil? You people just have an obsession The whole point of this post was calling out clubs and their shitty drama. Yet the moment Dilila decides to confirm my claim about chill being pounce 2.0…in comes Leo and Raven (in denial) trying to defend their lil egos Leo pulls the no u card with pedophilia and gets hit back because Dil is recovering from a pedo case with their poor excuse of a husband. And after that they throw the zoophile excuse when THEIR FUCKING STORE SOLD FERAL PRODUCTS So in comes you, the 3rd parties, trying to throw slander because someone is louder than the others. What’s the difference between all of you, ah right SHE’S NOT HIDING BEHIND FAKE ALIASES Plus she’s not the only girl I know that has a bunch of weight Azuza – continues to pull petty shit, includes others in their drama attacks regardless of wanting to be involved, and actively digs for drama just to get people banned or removed from whatever they work at. How many times have they ended up on here? 🤔 Lookin real wide at that soko case because the logs contacting soko just for dirt on dil was hilarious. Claims dil was their abuser, yet weren’t all 3 of these girls friends at one point (Dil, suda, Azu) Don’t think I need to say petty bishes are petty bishes Suda – Do I even need to bring her up again? How many times were they proven to have stolen a character, claim it’s original, only to swap to the next dish and get more attention like it’s free advertisement (how many times has she deleted posts, callouts, ect?) And how many fucking times has she ended up using her lil goon squad… Read more »
So we’re all suppose to take advice from someone else that hides behind an alias as well and tells us to move on? Please. I don’t even know who Raven and Leo are. I just came to prove a point. Whenever furry issues are brought up guess who is here! Fuck Suda and her character idea stealing ass self. Haven’t an idea who Blazey is. As for Zudrial, this is pot calling the kettle black. So we can ALL forgive Dilila, Suda and Azusa because they all “apologized” “moved on” “sought help” “talked it out”. Yet, Zudrial is the only one out of all these bitches that has made improvements.
So fuck you two cunts and do us all a favor crawl into a deep dark hole with no light and fucking decay. Take that as some advice.
Honestly, zudrial hasn’t shown much improvement. She’s doing the same thing that suda and azu are doing. Showing you a face that you’ll like her for, while in the background of it all, she’s starting shit. The only difference between me and every other drama whore, is the fact that I’m not hiding anything. I tried that before, it got me in more shit than I am now.
I’m also not asking for peoples forgiveness. Or really asking anyone for anything, maybe to hear me out for once. But, have I actually asked anyone for anything?
Whenever anyone hears you out all that comes out of your mouth are lies, slander, and betrayal.
Lmao why was Zudrial of all people brought up? Didn’t she die off in obscurity? Idk about the copybotting but I have heard that she links multiple objects together to save slots. I mean I do the same, guess that makes me a copybotter too?
If you need all the information. The old DSD limited edition skin which only came in a select amount of colors. https://gyazo.com/d890482e0e03a58a723675fd6243c10d https://gyazo.com/a587d68737dad8cc7620965ec3f07e2f The skin was made well over 6 years ago. The dragons themselves were released 9 years ago. How old is skitz’s account? https://gyazo.com/c1fc3d2a130b3066555802b01b055f38 Under 7. So how does she have a limited edition skin that’s not being resold and her account is 3 years under when they released the avatar. Then there’s the copybotting of skins to add her own little water mark to it like she owns it. She’s done it several times. https://gyazo.com/30486400b6d887f7ab139d23519f4fd2 Skins from rainworks, was ripped, slapped her little label on and edited it for the tsundere head. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/RL-OMEGA-FEMALE-CROCOGATOR-WHITE/14751666 https://gyazo.com/b9fc4871280889000d8fd63e1d587b71 This crocodile she had before, which is also ripped without the creators permission. She did ask the creator for a custom color, but the creator didn’t have the time so she went and ripped it anyways. https://gyazo.com/d626d3d3bfab5f54cd724d5abe6ed58c. Most of this can actually be found on red’s account on SL. Lets not forget the fact that Skitz also DOXXED this person. Not just breaking the rules in SL, but out right broke LAW. Several times actually. https://gyazo.com/04e5a7bb6bdde34f664056b8b622e9bd Not only in this post, sharing the face of red, but in another point, had made a live journal about her, and gave out her RL information. This is her RL name, her facebook information, the whole 9 yards. And why? Because apparently for 8 years this woman didn’t know red was a woman. 8 years and you couldn’t figure that out skitz? Lets not forget the fact she kept going around about her little fae dragon https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47380605/ to several groups in SL and discord, claiming it was copybotted. But wait… The skin uses the same texture as her crocodile that she ripped from the creator she… Read more »
Your obsession with Zudrial is tiresome. All old news from years ago. Can’t think of anything new so continues to bring up old news. A broken record. All the same shit everyone keeps spewing, but nothing new comes up. 😴
Lmao I guess since we’re all supposedly be here to get behind Leo and Raven. Still don’t know who they are, but like typical. Bring up old ass news from years ago and won’t let it die. Typical typical.
The obsession seems to be you here, you write chapters in conversations that people stop wanting to likely read 30% of the way in. Ranting like someone that has no hobbies, go outside and breathe air.
Yet the moment leo or raven is mentioned here you are. I rest my case.
Not even helping with the convo, you’re just deflecting on others instead of bringing anything valuable.
Take your own advice and stfu damn.
It seems like you guys like to crawl out when I call out leo, what about furry kinks when I called them out? Or when I called out suda for the shit she did to me? Where were you guys then? But because it’s leo, that’s when you come crawling out trying to say this shit. And so it’s ok for you to post long winded posts to try and call me out, but when someone else does it in defense of me or even just someone else, it’s an obsession…. Kind of double standard there don’t ya think?
You also seem to pop up on the weeks I am not traveling for work, my time off I read around for amusement. This is when you seem to always be here, creating more drama of yourself
You failed to read who I was replying to and wanted to just make the comment about obsession about you. Normal for you.
Yet you also chose to reply regardless…okay than
Nobody was talking about you. You just came here to talk smack about Dilila…again
Actually, azu was friends with suda, suda fucked her over then azu and I were friends. I actually defended her a few times on this site. But then because Azu started spreading rumors around about me, behind my back and started to try and turn friends against me. She got the boot. Not just by me, but by the friends she was telling lies to. And now? She’s back to being friends with suda. Can look at their twitter posts where they’re commenting on each others posts. <3
Funny how that happened after I dropped suda, again. Seems to be a reoccuring pattern honestly. Where i’m friends with people, we split, they go BACK to the people they came to me from, and then drop each other because the same shit happens.
That’s not even accounting for the fact that azu came back to me wanting me to defend her when she had those transphobic accusations against her. After I supposedly had abused her.
Ya, I call people out, but with my own personal shit, there’s A LOT people don’t actually know because I haven’t shared it all. Shit with azu, shit with skitz, and hell, some with suda. Not because it’s damning me, but because I don’t think I need to share all of it.
You forgot that skitz will dox your ass, don’t forget about their little relationship issues xD
Oh right, that too
🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Tell me you believe everything on the internet without facts, without telling me you believe everything on the internet without facts.
riiiight you’d believe someone off this site with just one sentence
Lemme show ya somethin

Yea no he’s full of shit.
You and how many others? That dumbass came on here trying to say they were dolls and thought that would solve everything 🤣
Bruh you made zoophile products and ripped mesh from other games (ratchet and clank, sonic, fortnite, kung fu panda, anime girls who are probably not of age, ect)
But I guess he wanted to die on the “fuck doll” hill
LMAO you do realize some of us make intentionally ugly and distorted alts to fool around and take a piss at people who take SL waaaaaayyyyyy too seriously? Who told you we were aiming for beauty? We are walking parodies. We are not trying to be attractive or fuck with you, in fact, we want to elicit shock and disgust! I am a blogger with a huge following in the so-called “conventionally beautiful” (LOL WHUT) crowd but also have an alt who is a slutty morbidly obese version of a Korean celebrity that I hop on to infuriate the uwu koreaboos on SL who slut/fat shame and fashion police about appropriation and all that BS when they themselves are probably unhealthy and tackily dressed in RL. My virtual life has never been so fun and satisfying!
Troll? If you put THAT much effort into an avatar just for the lulz, the only person you’re trolling is yourself. Nobody spends $40+ on a head, body and mods just to troll, primarily because they know they risk getting banned. There’s a reason why the avatars of trolls and griefers look like they equipped the entire Freebie Galaxy sim.
But hey, go off I guess.
Nobody spends $40+ on a head, body and mods just to troll, primarily because they know they risk getting banned.
>> Sorry to butt in but some of us can actually afford that. Not everyone who is on Secondlife is a broke NEET like you.
I paid a bit of money for my troll alt to have some funny huds you can’t get anymore. You have no idea how much fun it is to not give a damn and dress up something as cringe as possible and watch everyone in a club slowly move away. Bonus points if you have crosshairs on.
That was the fun part of an alt back when I played.
Literally everyone who thinks like OP:

Writing a thesis explaining how you troll and that your life is so fun because of it just bc someone took the alleged bait is not how trolling works, thus I conclude you’re just mad asf and coping.
Stop being the fun police SL ain’t that deep and anything I spend online helps my credit score when I pay it off at the end of the month. Little bit of healthy capitalism for all the work I do in RL.
“you’re just mad asf and coping.”
So please write a longer thesis to educate us trolls on the right way to troll. Your expert conclusion shows you are just as mad asf and coping LOL
WoW HoW DaRe YoU NoT LiVe Up To My StAnDaRdS (good gods typing in sarcastic is tedious) XD
17 this won’t stop lol
People are too stupid to use a Square.
#53- Wait, 26-30 isn’t young anymore? Since when, and in what world?
Maybe some of the people who use millenial are actually talking about millenials, regardless of your arbitrary determination that they are no longer young. What a weird thing to get hung up on 😆
If 30 was young 30 yr old women wouldn’t need makeup to imitate looking young ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yes because that’s 100% why every 30 year old woman wears makeup. Congrats champ, you figured it out.
WTF?! if you think 30 years old women are old you must be really young, in this case don’t worry, you’ll reach 30 in a blink of an eye ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ or maybe you are too old and just jealous of younger women? who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ let’s add a third option, you never leave your small room and have no idea how a 30 years old women really looks like, you just pretend to know because you live on social media 24h, yeah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#16 i saw that kid at AO, checked her panel and was directed to her adoption website (that’s a red flag) it was so cringy! she was trying too hard. so we asked around in the kid community (my wife thought she was cute) about her and all we heard back was how many families she had destroyed. we heard about all the blogger kids she had bullied. The only semi-positive thing i heard was that because we are a lesbian couple, she would accept us more than a male/female couple.
I don’t know if that last bit is as endearing as you’re making it sound. She won’t cause as much drama / mess with your life as much just because you two are a lesbian couple? That’s still really messed up. People like whomever this kid is, is the reason I’ve stopped adopting all together. I’ve been alright with the animesh Zooby so far. There’s too much drama stirring and sus people in the kid AV community, let alone the family rp community.
we decided to go the Zooby path too
Sounds like you would get more out of being a parent to a Zooby than that girl!!!
#14 I’d rather have realistic underarm hair before an Adam’s apple
#22 unless you’re a white guy pretending to be a black man, you have no basis for assuming they get no hate. And they literally are joked about constantly. But you CAN be anything you want in SL, you just aren’t free from criticism. That’s true in any world you live in, except maybe one you make in your own mind. Sucks, but it’s the way people are. Just learn to ignore it
#25 Stop slut shaming
#32 Yes!!
#42 Yes!!
#48 Point 2 is true, Jesus was a Middle Eastern Jew… the rest is crap
I may have seen some underarm hair a few times inworld but realistic pubes… They always look crisp and burnt.
Depends on who the creator is, some people can draw / make hair well and some people make it look crispy in a bad way lol. Underarm hair would be difficult to make as an add on, even as a feature of skin just because of where it’s at on the avatar.
Same goes with the Adam’s apple, it would be a difficult mod to make, and even then I can imagine if it was made as well as it could be, there would be some issues. Thankfully there are a few good places that sell BOM appliers or skin add ons for an Adam’s apple shadowing that gives the illusion of one.
Who knows though, maybe in a few years down the line these things could be revolutionary.
#1-5 I’m glad people are holding “tattoo” stores accountable for stealing artwork, it’s about time. We need to start doing this for every tattoo store that blatantly steals like this. I’d also like to press that we should also be shaming stores that use designs that are fully ripped from places and slapped onto shirts / tops or other articles of clothing. Regardless, progress is progress, and it’s time to start calling out these “tattoo” stores that just grab a picture from Pinterest, turn jr into line art, grayscale it, and sell the “tattoo” at different opacities for 300L a pop.
#21 & 39 – your just making River more popular…. i had never been to one of his sets. BUT after you posted last week (and the ensuing comment shit storm) i went to a set…. GREAT fucking DJ. THEN i went to the (alleged) posters club… it was crap, crap, crap….
He is probably the only real DJ in SL and knows what he is doing. No auto shit can do what he does. Now we know the reason why the sl crazies trash him. Losers!
#16 is 100% accurate