· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 391 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
7: I know this person personally. I don’t know if maybe its beause I know them I can tell what they meant. But as someone with bigger then D cup boobs in real life. I knew they weren’t calling actual D cup boobs unnatural. Their mothers avi is even a larger figured girl. They were saying the bubble boob plastic look the old Lola mod had was unnatural and that she wasn’t confident that people wouldn’t abuse the tool the same way they abused Lola. They merely expressed a concern since Reborn and Rebirth don’t have the best reputation about if the mod was compatible with the kid avi because its gross. she already doesn’t like that company’s kid avi because it is to curvy for younger kids and its gross. Your calling her a pedophile for being grossed out by the idea of pedophilic behavior? Thats kinda counter productive? Also she doesn’t and never has used Avi(L) they use Tweenster. Also Your all gross for even looking at her in that light calling them a pedophile kinda makes you guys look suspicous? cause why are you so offended about a person sayin 8 year olds shouldn’t have boobs which is the whole point of the post they made. THAT KIDS SHOULD NOT HAVE BIG BOOBS. Gross as age players need to leave them alone.
You have not known her too long and damn, good fucking luck and shit, you sound as crazy. I have known of her a long time and have been in the same class as her 2020-2021. This is not the first time she has went fucking psycho and deleted every post on her Facebook to escape drama. She is always the victim.
Point 1. She used to wear SMB then changed to AVIL. She complained about that shit all the time saying that people needed to make more clothes for it. How it’s the perfect body. How Tweenster will never compare. She deleted those posts too probably.
On to point 2, are you this damn daft? Reborn is a popular body for ADULTS ONLY. No one is using that shit for a kid avatar. It would be impossible. No one is even making body add-ons for Rebirth. Stop trying to combine the two to support your delusions.
Point 3. People are offended because she said anything above a C cup is unnatural. No one has said anything about pedophilic behavior. Can you read? If you want to go there, we can talk about the age play rumors surrounding her and another unnamed adult.
Point 4. As I take another look at what you’ve written. Lily, stay off of Virtual Secrets and stop pretending to be a defensive friend.
Point 5. No one was talking about this anymore but you have always loved attention though, vampire girl.
40. No Jozef!
Jordy Zipdash is a wee little fanny and drunk but I miss our fun times on dream nation when he used to make me cum so good.
Maybe in your dreams, weird ass.
Mmmmmm you are angry… we can smell the desperation and comeback. Shame for you most of us were on DN and many people did not partake in those grids, including him. Waki looked for people personally to have them vouched, he was never there. You are a fuckfest though, I mean haha… most everyone including myself have been listening to the panic of people. Bitching because the little bubble of lies and treachery is always ongoing, swearing blind its everyone else at fault. Fucking lies!!
The voice of reason would be to cut your losses, admit what cunts you were and things will work out for all.
More you push, that’s your game! Seems you are stubborn to admit that. Cunts!!
All you are doing is leading these others to push closer to them and they are, because all the honest things being said here by myself and other people worked out and experienced for themselves. Once they work out they all shared a common issue, only a matter of time for it to click.
I am glad its growing, I am happy people are seeing the reality for themselves..
The only person creating these issues far bigger is yourself, whoever you are.
It’s over, people have worked out who were the assholes, by the looks including you.
Kids know, the Lindens know, the folks here know especially from this really crass comeback.
Go to your hump grid, stay in your hump grid.
SL is not for you, let people who are be happy there, support the grid as they do. Everyone will be happy over time!
#6- “Aesthetic” and “aes” are used as slang shorthand for aesthetically pleasing or saying something is your style. Language evolves, my friend.
7.I know it is not normal having natural big boobs and perky. Perky and big= silicone.
8.Yes it does!
16.Are you talking about the cringy SL parenthood thing? like a man or woman play like they are parents to a “baby” that is played by an adult IRL?
19.Agree. I will never understand that crazy adiction over bodies in SL. Really.
21.This gender thing IRL and in SL is appaling to me (yes, rain down those thumbs down, I don’t care, PC people)
26.Families. Cringe again. All adults playing like they are 6 years old.
27 & 40.No!
31.Looks unconfortable. and who’s that monster at the right?
33.Why events boycot Scandalize?
37.I don’t like flare jeans.. I used to have one of those in the 90s tho..
Exactly man I am so done with people attacking lilly. They said boobs like the Lola mode were unnatural anyone whos been on grid more then 5 years would agree their very surgical style. That plus their concern was that company doesn’t have the best reputation and she was scared the mode might work on the smaller body. which she already doesn’t like because it can’t go down to less then 10 years old because its way to curvy. The whole point of her post is that it would be gross for a 8 year old to have boobs..
so its kinda suspicious of people to be mad at her for saying kids who haven’t had puberty to have boobs >.> If i meant these people on the grid id report them for age play its creepy to be mad about a child looking like a child
Oop! Congrats on admitting you have no problem making false ageplay reports, hunny.
Looking for support from the likes of people like Isabella was already low but you just dug yourself deeper.
do not forget report your family too for report of ageplay, moondust
we know mama blair get her kids from golden sun beach
The Scandalize “creator” blatantly rips off other, real creators for literally everything she does, sells low quality copies of other people’s work and claims items from places like TurboSquid are her original mesh, and only compounds the lying, disrespectful bitchiness when she is confronted about her bullshit, trying to turn things around and accusing others to deflect. It’s frankly amazing that she’s even still being allowed to operate a store in SL; just a matter of time.
I have a feeling you’ve got some of her trashy freebies in your carefully numbered inventory 🙄 she’s awfully generous with the things she steals, and you’re a bottom feeder. Is knowing she’s a shitty person that no one respects going to stop you from going back for more? I doubt it.
#6 “A lot of you saying” you mean… “a lot of you ARE saying”?
#18 I wonder if he will fuck me in the same room shes sleeping in 🙂 shhh don’t wake her up!
Ngl He is actually quite sexy mhmmppp
You two are both pathetic.
I feel like half the comments this week are people complaining about “moral panic” and everybody being too fast to call out pedophilia – and the other half of the comments are from the actual child avatar community who are in-fighting and making it clear that their communities are full of ageplay and sexualized content.
fun times…
you have to be a little touched in the head to have play as a toddler or baby…
8- I mean it looks a little creepy and kinda uncanny but why is that the first thing that comes to mind?
10– no need to check his picks. The look says everything.
19— Then don’t buy it and go on about your day. What even is comfort in SL? It’s all virtual.
25– I don’t get it.
40— Eh, make ‘em yourself. It’s not hard at all.
Toby is delusional as fuck anyone who agrees to his terms is stupid. You can’t harm anyone fuck all your friends and any stupid wanted be spreading rumors about people without no proof. You fools can’t trick anyone I’m believe you’re lies like you can fool stupid old folks but not anyone who as smart to see thru your bullshit ways. Unblock my friends you got something to say directly say it here or Esle to a person face. But nope you jealous bitches can’t handle us other then bitch and moan on your discord server fuck off already. I’m not mad I have all rights to speak my mind any one can speak on their own. Instead of being a wimp like your minions you send to people get information. Let see if you have any balls oh wait your onlyfans account don’t mean shit. Have fun being disgusting pedophile like your friend welsey and whoever else in your grid. Kioko this is a message to you no gives to fucks about you. You go by Brody now pathetic you still haven’t learn stay fuck off sl. You use to sell speedos as kid avatar and pretending to be gay or maybe you gay your self. Your not asexual quit with the fake act you bitch. And who in the fuck is ender and chester Hansel Jason trixxie sebi you bitches need to stay off are grid.
My name is DJMarv approve this message
Why are you talking about show us the proof.
Bruh, what timeline are you living in? Toby has been talking mad shit on voice about Hansel, Sebi, and a few others after they left YN months ago.
There goes the point made . Toby has been bad mouthing, two-facing and laughing at the expense of these names and others for about close to 18 months. It surprises me that these kids accept the constant exploitation and mistreatment and come back for more.
Are these individuals so bereft of friends and self esteem, that they cannot go and find new and better friends?
So just go back to the same POS that’s been slating them through their whole friendship behind earshot?
Constantly and now publicly too.
They should have learned by the toxicity of Toby’s servers, that if he could what he does to others, then its a good bet he will do it to them without regret.
Some of us worked this out far earlier and go explore the wide range of social options.
I have no complaints!!
They should too, I am sure they would be very surprised!
I don’t know how they didn’t see it coming. Both Toby and Colten’s plan was in plain sight, moving to the top by family hopping. Cocaine. Chen. Fauna, this is where the invasion of Arbordale started because Fireeyes only thinks with his cock. It didn’t take much for Colten to move in on Hansel and become his boyfriend. Next they targeted Edlunds to work their way into Sota and take that over. Zeico and that Sebi dude should have seen that coming. Toby only had to show a little attention to gain favor from Wesley because he just requires three basics as a little chimp: diaper changes, a bottle, and a banana when he’s cranky.
You are so astute and very switched on. Yes, they knew where to go and if the grapevine is true, a few names beside coming out over time. They were all targets ! Like you, I also do not understand how they never saw this coming and why they went back to Toby for more of the same. Yet harbour so much bitterness for others that did far less! I also do not understand why the hate they have for these two boys, it makes no sense after all what Toby and the rest have done to themselves, the community and their own friends as individuals almost personally. We know there has been in-fighting for years and I hate coming back here to state the obvious but what I do not get is this. What is the link between these two boys and why are they scapegoats? Why when Toby and his gang caused more problems, issues and harmful actions to affect Hansel, Sebi and so many other kids and not even one snub. What have these two kids done personally to them, to get the hatred that frankly is not 1% of what Toby and Jason is rightfully due and done far worse to many. What is the underlying issue that they refuse to discuss ? P.S . I can state with clarity and on good grounding, that Zeico has some proof of details on who was bullying one of their little friends and impersonating to cause intent to damage reputation. That proved without doubt these two boys were telling the truth, about who was behind blackmailing other SL kids and vindicated that kid. This alone shows the attitude of these boys compared to the group of Hansel’s very predominant bogarting of which whom I am very sure, led… Read more »
It not true because they’re still in the server and grid you can’t fooling one show proof before speaking.
Haha . I have heard of this Onlyfans, some of us are waiting to get a glimpse of it and if the rumours of content are to be believed, then it speaks for itself.
Give us the link address, I’ll be sure to be his best paypig, if he does my request which involves him, a pulled hand grenade and quart of lube !!
37 – Kim K reduced her body by 20 pounds in an unhealthy and rapid fashion because she just had to risk destroying Marilyn Monroe’s “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” gown by wearing it for photo ops at the Met Gala. That ain’t surgery, sis. It’s 50 pounds of bullshit in a 5-pound potato sack.
I agree that’s messed up
compared to marilyn she is extremely ugly.
And in the end, Kim did ruin the dress. The museum released photos of the damage to the dress. 🙁
Ripley’s Believe it or Not! Owns the dress and loaned it to Kim. They say the dress was worn just for the walk up the steps and was not damaged in any way by Kim. Still think it’s kinda stupid to loan out something as delicate and irreplaceable as the Birthday Dress, but whatever. Money and fame can get you anything.
11. Halfway through my attempt of reading this had a seizure 😱
Me & u both sister
#19 the author, you’re just fucking stupid as fuck lol
What’s your problem, it’s a lingerie, moreover we can put in opaque mode. Another person who dresses with garbage bag irl
what happened? it is your creation that you felt the need to insult? or you have a lot of this nasty fashion in your closet?
#19 is HOT AF in my opinion. Comfort in SL lol
Also, comfort or lack thereof has never been an issue in pixel fashions. Anyone with suspension of disbelief issues can buy something else. I do that if I can’t wrap my head around wearing something because it looks impossible RL. I don’t do a postcard whining about it, though.
There is a real problem in SL with moral politics and biased policing. None of that has anything to do with transphobia. Calling out femboy avatars, who look like effeminate shotas is no different than people who make their female avatars with short bodies and babyfaces. On this very website, people have been called out for being age players or pedo-enablers because they look like lolis, but the moment the attention is brought on femboys then comments cry transphobia and other strawman nonsense. No one in SL knows how to be consistent because the truth is a lot of what gets said either on here or in-world is usually hearsay. I’ve seen several femboy avis look incredibly young and never get kicked off sims. I have seen female avatars who look no different get kicked off sims or told to change their avatars. There’s definitely a double standard in place, but none of that is inherently transphobic.
Also had no idea femboy avatars or futas had anything to do with the trans community considering a great number of bio women play as them, but go off.
people calling “phobic” something to others are ridiculous.
I got no issue with ageplay. having moronic panic over an avatar that was created by you to do whatever the hell you wanted with it, has a moral value behind it? that’s kind of retarded in a video game based fantasy. people are overly horny in that game, so if a child like avatar wants to blow me sure i’ll try it. everything in sl is a new experience. the internet has become so stale .
Sure if you feel that way and stand behind it, and in your words “no issue”, come and slither from behind the name “Mr Dumbfuck” 🙂
The names right at least. You ARE a dumbshit and MORE you fucking sick pedo.
Shut up, Stankfish the sequel; you’re a sick fucking pedophile and I hope you get caught under whatever child pornography laws there are in your area. People like you should be under constant supervision, preferably locked away from society.
Yeah, locked away in a box in a hole.
#21 Oh it’s another pedo secret. How original. Sounds like you’re describing a futa rather than a femboy
36 is just a fucking joke. “it’s ok to be skinny” as if literally everyone doesn’t already know that.
Literal fucking incels.
Found another fatty
Found a male that can’t even get underfed bitches.
Found another incel.
I give it no time at all. Let’s dole out the facts on her new fam.
I also heart thru the grapvine that Rainn was dating like 4 other people when he first got with hadley and convinced all of them they were the only ones. sounds familiar since that’s the game he always plays for the attention.
i never believe a woman or a man who is in sl talking about how their poly and their spouse knows.
the spouse never fucking knows.
yall out here cheating. its nasty. you’re nasty. you deserve each other.
Hadley is def poly in RL, I know she was fucking a girl right in front of her husband. That girl fucks up everything and everybody she crosses paths with. She got no morals and will fuck anything that shows her a little bit of interest. Chronic cheater, mind fucker, and just one huge mess. She destroys anything good in her life and leaves a trail of destroy in her path. It’s a short time before she destroys this to. Smart to stay clear of her, unless you love drama, games, and her fucking your loved ones. Nothing off limits to her.
Well someone had to say it lmfao she doesn’t even know what she’s getting herself into and the sad truth is people put stuff up here to warn others for reasons….. not all of it is fake yet they choose to not believe it and fast forward a few months forward and what is said here, happens (:
I guess watch as the ticking time bombs ticks down until it explodes (:
#7 wish someone told me DDs are fake .. as soon as I hit puberty I was called Dolly Parton. All those years of baggy sweaters and humiliation as a teen could have been avoided!
Bet you have never felt a tit in your life. And your man boobs don’t count.
#9 nobody give a fuck about this demented psychotic slut. Let it gooooooo
#21 Just when I think the queerphobes are actually starting to feel like the judged minority in 2022, shit like this always comes up. News flash straights…… we don’t want to fuck you either.
You know, there is a clinical word for you: gender dysphoria. But not for the ones that assume their correct gender. So you all end up name shaming, bullying and insulting.
You want to be a dolphin? great! I’ll call you Flipper or whatever.. but leave children out of your problems.
Ok groomer
This has fuck all to do with being a “queerphobe” you special snowflake. I’ve seen several femboy avis look young as fuck in sl and no one bats an eyelash because then there will be snowflakes like you whining about transphobia while at the same time being a hypocritical cunt.
How to say “I’m an insecure straight boy” in way too many words
How to say “You’re right” in way too many words.
#9 Bitch is demented so of course she’d pretend. She was probably trying to make someone else who didn’t want her, jealous 🤣
Astra is fucking weird! When u turn her down or remove her from ur life she sends u money and gifts to try and buy ur friendship back… if she has ur real life address or anyway access to ur real life she’ll keep sending u things there too
Those mentioned last week she used to do the same to them even though she talks shit about them behind their backs… she should seek some therapy if she hasn’t already if u fuck on ur friends but continue to try and buy them back… thats the only way anyone would care to be her friend. Use her… that simple because let’s be honest no one would want to be caught dead with someone who fucks over every friend they have behind their back and still continues to do so
Girl from last weekend should of stayed away since she caught the most of it and she’ll see she was right the other times just like anyone else who has and has dropped her again recently….isn’t that right astra? Down some more friends… I wonder why
She should of stuck to sending fake pictures of the guy cause she’s ugly in real life and doesn’t even look of age but guess Zach is into fucking girls who look like they’re 12 🤢
kaz used to prey on noobs at the entry point years ago. I voiced with him. Unless there was a voice scrambler, it was a dude. He always wanted to cam when I met him. So unlikely a girl back then but was absolutely crazy and always suspected he had a ton of alts, even as a noob not knowing shit about second life. Possible he sold his account tho or astra is a female alt of his.
It’s laughable you are commenting on this every week. I don’t know her but you seem obsessed. There is nothing wrong with someone posting photos with their malts it’s quite normal. I would just move on with your life and let people be in peace.
It’s not normal to partner them and pretend they are another person. That’s what sad, lonely crazies do because the only thing they care about is the public perception of what their life is; it’s pathetic.
You’re just as demented as her..this is first time I’ve ever commented on this hoe here or ever even on this site… I saw her name and laughed because I remember seeing the picture of her trying to play it off like it wasn’t her just like she tried to do on Astra and lied to everyone
She knows everything she did on Kaz and thought going to another avi takes away from all the fucked up things she did to everyone before she left..no one said anything about it being wrong to post with your malt but that’s not what she was doing in that sense..people put her here because they know it bugs her and that’s their fun..not my problem
people seem to have this idea that as long as the avatar in question has a dick and throw on the title femboy or futa then they can’t be called out for ageplay or being ageplayers. this has nothing to do with transphobia but calling out everyone for the same shit. you can’t condemn some people and then not others when it suits you
What’s the whole paranoid idealism with with ageplay. just because you don’t agree doesn’t mean others can’t. basically kink shaming. i really don’t get how a child like avatar not a child .child like freaks people out. if it’s available to fuck why not harvey weinstein it as virtual morals, values and principles don’t exist only hmm this could be fun alright. most can’t rp with shit when i suck dick as a child like avatar sometimes. height differences are kind of sexy.
If any kind of sex with a child turns you on, you are a pedophile. Period, end of, no qualifications. You’re literally quoting yourself as Stankfish now; just couldn’t stay away, huh?
That’s the whole point of the woke identity politics tho, getting away with degeneracy because you can call anyone who calls you out an istophobe.
#7 Then don’t look? Its not your body, so don’t worry about it. Its literally SL, where you can do whatever you want to your avatar. Don’t like it, then derender them?
#19 whats uncomfortable about it? Once again, its SL. Most of you folks need to stop trying to make this game realistic, its a game…
it is like a child’s response: don’t look. Stupid AF. Don’t like what you read? Don’t read!
That’s not a child’s response, that’s common sense. Literally, if you don’t like the way someone looks, then don’t look at them AGAIN otherwise, shut the fuck up. Don’t like what you’re reading, stop reading it. Don’t like a food, don’t eat it again. Common. Fucking. Sense.
#7 Mine were always E cup since early teens, now J coz I gained weight. Very natural, if you must know.
#19 Simple solution: do not buy it!
#21 You either don’t get genders and trans people in SL or you just hate the whole thing
#37 If you don’t already know, you can be whatever fucking shape you want in SL, you don’t have to please anyone else. Flat chest skinny, huge ass bimbo, average size M Maitreya, whatever you like, just enjoy and do you.
#3 I Knewwwwww it Its totally velour
#31 her shoulders are as wide as her hips, that’s normal. what’s not cute is lookin like a fuckin bobblehead, gurl grow up
Also, in this post she was she was making/updating the top, she uses an odd shape for testing.
Yes, shoulder joints should be at least as far apart as hip joints, but shoulders that are actually normal slope down into that width; they don’t shoot out at a 90 degree angle to do it at neck level. It’s just one of the many fucked things about Maitreya body. At least people have made some deformers that can bring them down a bit; they’re still shapeless tubes, but it mitigates the linebacker effect.
#21 just say you hate trans people oml
No one can hate them as much as they hate themselves tho
#7 Someone better tell that to my bra.
#38, About time this was called out, because they are over priced for what they are, and like the person posted they falsely ban people without proof of any wrong doing. lately this is all im hearing about is people being banned and NOT told what they have been banned for!, YET Vaientine claims this is a RL Business if this was the case then you should be more customer focused instead of throwing bans at people that have supported your business and spend thousands, and YES if people do the right research then there is the same quality templates out there for 3x less the cost people are being charged at UNDERGROUND. i used to be a big supporter of Vaientine & Shake but i have since seen the light and started to spend else where.
as for shake he completely IGNORES all Notecards & Im’s sent to him. and for customer service Vaientine needs to think long and hard about how to speak to customers instead of all the bitchiness because you ask her a simple question,…. rant over, long time supporter gone. sorry Vaientine & Shake but enough is enough.
#21 – Y’all love to compare cute with pedo so much, right? First y’all roll all over women for liking to look cute and adorable and compare them to lolis and pedos or pedo bait and now you’re coming for the femboys. If you dislike the aesthetic that’s fine, but don’t badmouth those who love to wear feminine-seen outfits. PS: Trans men can be femboys, too. I’m one of them. Y’all should stop sexualizing and seeing us as children. It’s much more concerning to know y’all view us as literal children in a sexual way than us dressing the way we want.
Actually the real term for avatar is slave. so intentionally we’re all slaves of this universe. to make a character or avatar that resembles something as the real thing is kind of concerning as sexual attraction ends at real connotations of the actual said sexual act. if it’s concluded to be of inanimate objects and control by it’s creator, why am i being put on blame as being the molestee or molester . what’s the whole purpose of the virtual world if people can’t do what they want as long as it doesn’t include actual real images of actual people. so if they do upload that. that’s stupid on them and they should get deleted. people have fantasies and virtual fantasies arn’t realities as i do not want to do that in real life. i’ve never known morals existed inside, as everyone was doing it, and i was like fuck it why not. i wasn’t thinking on my context of my avatar. it’s just like in hollywood that looks kind of fun so alright. i know that every sperm is sacred, and every sperm is good . if you waste them god becomes irate. so if people do in fact spank it and wank it to virtual automobiles or a fetishization with smaller avatars. that happen to be oddly gay. i never new why the kid community mostly compiled of gay men, and boy lovers and anything related to boys, but since we’re in a small shit nit over narccistic community. rule 1 never trust the butt sluts, as they’ll always betray you for cock and power. Rule 2 the butt sluts are fashional but kind of fun if they don’t attack your bum. they hate outsiders, and if they have a unique personality like serverus people riot and hide.… Read more »
please go touch some grass.
I did, and it felt really really soft, and somewhat painful on your feet and can cut you. maybe i should smoke some. keep reality out of sl. virtual morals do not exist or social values. anyone who enters the virtual world knows what they want and vice versa. kink shaming is inappropriate and mean. maybe it’s time you left the internet. i’m here to turn my brain off, try something new such as sexual ageplay, punching people in their bumholes, trolling, fucking with people with what they don’t know about. i’m going to try every virtual hobby and sexual in that game. if you don’t like it press X or fuck off. my business not the worlds.
Sure, until you find out that even depictions of child rape are illegal in your area, and suddenly you’re wearing that sex offender label you always deserved for everyone to see, and you’re everyone’s favorite victim in prison because pedophiles are the lowest of the low even among criminals.
What…. crack are you smoking.
Lexapro, cannabis, shrooms and naps. keep reality out of second life.
No wonder you’re so f’ed up. You’re not just keep reality out of SL, you’re keeping it away from you. In general. Take the shrooms out and maybe you could actually understand that you’re a sick motherfucker.
#10 So your avatar looks like shit, someone told you and now you’re mad. Got it
20: why did it close?
Curious to know this too.. 🤔
I just found out that apparently Jade is pregnant in real and is having serious complications, apparently it’s pretty bad.
So she left sl and closed
Yeah I asked one of the managers
Don’t feel too badly; people lie about things like that all the time in SL. It might be true, but it could also be total bullshit fabricated to garner sympathy.
If it was bullshit where is she? Where is the club? I know she posted photos in voodoo discord because I seen them when I worked there, I don’t think it’s bullshit
It’s not difficult to get a scan photo you can pull them up on the internet and add your own name and date of birth and honestly nothing would surprise me with Jade don’t forget this woman showed fake doctors letters saying she had terminal cancer a year or so ago so don’t be fooled just because she posted photos. As for where has she gone… she probably ran into more drama and took the shits because her best friend and DJ manager is now dating Dura her ex 💁
Jade = Drama.She lives for it and she needs it to keep herself busy. I liked the Managers but she was very rude to us Staff hence why I left Voodoo a couple of Months ago .
I think your just sore or jelly of her lol
Was photo of HER with HER face,
How does a photo of “HER” with “HER” face prove anything? But yea I’m real jealous of someone desperate enough to fake having terminal cancer, you got me! 🙄
Sounds like it, she left so why keep going? Who cares why she left? Voodoo closed that was the question asked so why keep going with your bs? I’m not a fan of Jade but grow up
You really lack brain cells huh? Read up oh wise one no-one asked why she left YOU were the one that elaborated further as to why it closed you could of just said it closed due to RL so before pointing fingers and accusing take a look at the person that started the conversation about Jade… Idiot!
#7 – I bet that person is not even a real girl in RL hence have no idea that D cups are natural. There is a difference between natural boobs and non natural boobs, maybe educate yourself and stop playing a child in SL if you’re a RL dude. That’s sick.
#26 – Not even surprising anymore. Hadley have a history of collecting people as ‘family’. She’s a toxic person and I guess the people she hangs out with are blinded by her. Also, we all know you cheated on your RL husband when he was deployed somewhere. Remember Aries? Yea. What a lying cunt.
she collects more than anything and if it doesn’t go her way she drops ppl but they all eventually see the real her even if it takes a year or more
also u mean the husband she runs around telling everyone she’s divorcing ? He don’t want her neways ☕️
I had a peek. Just a rambling dude. They don’t even realize the problem was them commenting that D cups and above are unnatural. Whole feed is them critiquing body shapes and heights though. Pretty unrealistic standards and hope they don’t have kids RL to pass on their body image issues to.

And she is right, little kids should not have curves as in what some of these kid bodies that were mentioned do. Nobody is having a beef on them, all they want for these creators is to do the job right!
If they wish to create for kids, do so. Not cover all bases, that’s impossible !!
The creators knew that they were targeting along side the clothing range.
I saw the Pirate outfit Rebirth just released and it was more Jackie Onassis than Jack Sparrow.
It was created to look like a high street fashion of pirates (with very apparent female designs) not anything unisex or kid like !
Give these kids a body that looks good and correct for their anatomical age range.
Teen bodies for pre-teen children does just not cut it and at 3500 ls, they should have a body that correctly caters for them especially when its being advertised as such!
If money is the object I and a few others I am sure, would be open to hiring the Rebirth mesher or any mesher with a resume, the extra time to develop something more suitable for kids. Money where the mouth is!
Cannot say fairer than that, but cannot say the body is acceptable for all when its clearly not.
21. You definitely don’t know what a femboy is, please inform yourself before saying that kind of bullshit.
25) I can almost picture the obnoxious Disney Adult that made this one
Fuck MC trash period. While I am sure some are nice, I have yet to meet a group who aren’t arrogant shits with a fricken’ god complex.
#21 – please leave me alone i am just a trans boy trying to be cute, i’m not pedo bait, the fuck
So you chop off your tits to look like a dude that then tries hard to look like a girl. Makes perfect sense.
thats homophobic to be honest.
You never saw a feminine man in your life before, did you? Touch some grass.
Don’t know what decades you lived thru, but the 90s were not all skinny flat ass chicks. Baby Got Back!
they meant white people 90s.
And the skinny trend was called “heroin chic.” Do we really want to bring that back?
(No, no we don’t.)
Just say you’re a fatty and get over it. The diabetes and high blood pressure you’re experiencing isn’t the fault of skinny people, pig.
Better heroin chics than landwahles
Sounds like OP struggling to get any good women on his dick
you couldn’t get either to touch you, so pick a less humiliating place to seethe over it, thanks. have you tried r/incel?
Go back to posting your ageplay femboy avatar special snowflake
yes we do
You can downvote my comment, but there’s nothing wrong with being skinny or having a thin avatar. Not every person wants to be curvy or thicker and that’s perfectly fine. Body shaming works both ways, not just for fat people.
Being thin and “heroin chic” are not the same thing. You can be healthy and thin; no one who qualified for “heroic chic” was healthy(eg. Kate Moss), and being drastically underweight is actually more immediately deadly than being overweight. So, concern trolls who pretend to care about health as an excuse to be hateful to overweight people should be just as dismayed by “heroin chic”.
Kate Moss looked perfectly fine as did many other models during that time. As I said body shaming works both ways and it isn’t only pertaining to obese or overweight people. It’s hurtful to be called too skinny the same as I’m sure it’s hurtful for fat people when they’re called fat or tubby.
I get the feeling that many people on SL who are upset about the whole fat thing are fat IRL and SL is just their safe space to play out being fat and being accepted for it, unlike IRL. Just an observation
Kate Moss was a literal junkie who nearly killed herself several times with drugs, you moron 😂 😂 she did not look fine; she looked nearly dead most of the time. The majority of runway models have been severely underweight and suffered for it in the past, but because shallow people prefer to look at skinny, they ignore the risks those women take to be living clothes hangers and just attack what offends their eyes, regardless of facts.
She wasn’t even that skinny though lol you’re just fat
You’re fat, you’ll always be fat and you have diabetes fatty fat fat fat
*pat pat*
I know it eats you up inside that ANY woman, at ANY size, can get laid easier than you. Fat women are out there in happy relationships and getting married every day while you’re always alone, because you have literally nothing to offer and those fat women do. Being obsessed over it isn’t going to do you any favors, though. Try improving yourself instead, and eventually you might get to be a beta provider for a women with a couple of kids. Isn’t it fun to realize that’s the best you can ever hope for?
Wait I thought fat people were oppressed and bullied? So basically it’s Schroedinger’s body positivity, they’re both oppressed and living their best lives at the same time, you never know which one it will turn out to be until the argument started and they can pick the one that serves best to win it.
Also any fat chic already knows her guy is a beta provider if he can’t do better and will settle for her. Ever seen a couple with a fat chic where she doesn’t blantantly disrespect her man constantly? She knows he’s a spineless cuck with zero other options.
The fact you assume I’m male is laughable lmfao. You’re probably some obese, middle-aged femcel who lives alone and eats her feelings out while angry typing on Virtual Secrets every Sunday. You do though, you’re in the comments section every week and everyday here on VS. Find happiness before death does, fatty
11. Go back, read your submission out loud. Wait 10 minutes. Do it again. Now revise & edit it to make your word jumble comprehensible, it’s a basic speech writing practice. I mean I understood you were angry about virtual boobs & a pixelated beach party. But it was not coherent.
I was going to post and say “what?” Lol I read it three times try to put in place periods and I still didn’t get it.. little man and mamas milk.. so confused lol
Fuck MC trash period. I am sure there are members out there who are good people, but I have yet to meet any who aren’t arrogant cunts with a god complex.
36 idk Tammy should watch out. thanks to a friend that happened to be friends with her 1st avi…..and didn’t realize it until she gave herself away with a key piece of information (my friend had a new avi as well) the VP Wynn is just the same…..if not worse and from what I’ve heard, a terrible person IRL as well….Watch out for her too….apparently she’s been through a families for f***king the wrong people and now Tammy is her mother.
1. Fake relationship who cares. 2. Oh look more Fake people welcome to SL. 3. Boter? is that even a word. 4. Okay? roleplay is what you make it why you need a manager to dictate you. 5. Oh yeah another roleplay post…. 6. Okay grammer Police calm down. 7. Natural, Un-Natraul who cares its tits. 8. I still dunno why people do baby / kid stuff on SL. 9. Oh my god someone self loved them selfs and dated them selfs… who.. CARES. 10. Another he said/she said situation, No true proof. 11. Yeah not spending my time reading that. 12. The Birds whisper.. are you the bird? F@#king birds. 13. Okay? we back to grade school pathetic. 14. Does V/S look like a charity site?. 15. Cool someone changed their name, pretty sure they still have the same FL tho. 16. Okay why you bringing up dad , and man stuff. this is SL not RL. kthanks. 17. Thats a Boomer word Degenerate. 18. Awe cute they have an open sexual marriage… no one cares its pixels. 19. Okay then dont buy it? no ones forcing you too. 20. Another person who dislikes jade but loved to work in her club. contradictions much? 21. Clearly you need to go figure out the LGBTQ Rainbow because it’s like saying every Drag Queen is just another Milf. 22. Somthing I dont understand nor care for. Virtual secrets letting boring stuff in cool. 23. Yay, a shit disturber. thats it ? alright then moving on… 24. Another RP Post no one cares about. 25. Alright this one was good ngl. **hats off** to you poster. 26. Thoughts on it? dont care live your best life, homewrecker status and all. 27. Why not learn to do it your self and then do… Read more »
4: i dont think you’ve been paying attention jacob didn’t “back away from managing” he got fired for stealing money from alice and fox hollow
Uh huh sure.
#38 about time these people was shamed for their actions. innocent people have been wrongly banned without any proof, i have seen this happen to so many people, and lets face it Vaientine’s customer service needs reteaching considering SHE ‘claims’ UNDERGROUND is a RL business and then you have Shake COMPLETELY IGNORES your IM’S & NOTECARDS!, well its not good banning all these people, without giving them a reason first, and lastly anyone who knows how to use marketplace will know there is cheaper templates out there you just gotta do a little bit of searching!, also what happened to the weekly raffle for paying group members, they basicially pay L$250 to join the group for a not updated often group gift.
i have been a long time customer of UNDERGROUND, but sadly these past few months and what i have witnessed, puts me on edge about spending my money there, but L$250 to join a group is not worth it. really sorry Vaientine & shake but im out!
20: what?
it’s laughable seeing the people get mad over calling out their femboy avatars because people in secondlife pick and choose what is acceptable and what isn’t depending on who they like and don’t like. sorry but your femboy avatar is pedobait and we call out them the same way we do babygirl avatars. see you on the threads!
Tell us more story Toby and your friends if you can’t come speak the truths then being narassitic cunt who has a thing for shots.
Shotaworld forums why was you banned from the website Toby ROFL.
And all friend’s coming back on sl to trick people. It makes no differencea trying to go corrupt the next community. You will always remain to be a bum and thats leeches off people who had money. Blackmail doxxing manipulating and being a pyscopathic liar user. Good riddance no one needs your kid on sl stay on unpopular grid.
Game over for you give up you bum.
he will be back
#2 – Dylan, it’s obvious you are upset you were asked to step down from your position due to drama. But you were not banned, nor were you asked to leave the community. That was your choice. You were asked to step down because you were driving people away by your incessant badgering of residents because you were going through a nasty, messy break-up to the point that even your friends were tired of hearing about it. New Haven has a zero drama policy and that’s what you ended up being. The fact that you feel the need to post on a gossip site is further proof that the decision to remove you was a good one.
Furthermore, you and he broke up. Just because he talks to others does not make them backstabbers or him in the wrong. Once you are no longer with someone, he is no longer your property. Please, get some help and own up to your mistakes. No wonder he broke up with you. If you would like to continue the petty drama and spin lies, then by all means we’ll meet you head on. I’ve got plenty of screenshots to sweeten this tea, southern style.
Dita/Vex/Salem/SadGirl and what ever you’re going to change your name to next. We all know you leave a trail of men behind and try to label them crazy or horrible, even though anyone who knows you, knows you’re the crazy horrible one. You use mental illness as a reason to treat everyone like trash or to get pity from. Many people have given you so many things with their own money and you crap on them the moment they don’t agree with you or want to put up with your games any more. All the guys you have been with the last year have been good guys. It’s about time people called you on you’re crap. How many communities are you going to try to bring down before all your dirty laundry gets aired out? How many more men are you going to try to win back with fake suicide threats and claiming to need closure? How many more relatives are you going to claim died one after the other so you get the attention you need so badly? It’s no wonder why people walk away from you. It’s a never ending road map of lies and cons.
Take yourself back to your rock.
Katrya, shut the fuck up. Everyone in New Haven knows that you wanted to fuck Saige before Natalie got a chance to. Writing something like this isn’t going to make him look your way and trying to fuck Michael O’leary isn’t going to make Natalie jealous or make Saige pay attention to you. Instead of speaking down on someone like this remember where you came from. All the psychological issues and shit you battled in Woodland every time a guy left you and called you community pussy. New Haven is becoming another drama pot and people are leaving in droves because of your little clique of bitches. Post what you want but I have enough screenshots to make this shit hot. Midwest style. New Haven doesn’t want another enemy so back the fuck off before some shit gets poured that you don’t want spilling. Bryan definitely dodged a bullet with your ass. And that other old man did too. If Michael O’leary knows any better he will run for the hills before your stretched out vag gets a hold of him too.
Cool so you have nothing better to rebuttal her with? She called you out and your response is this? Yeah, I’m don’t know any of you but they made a WISE choice.
4. you clearly haven’t been paying attention Jacob didn’t get out of managing he was fired for stealing money from fox hollow
Notice how it failed right after they kicked him out, he was holding that shit together
You know DD boobs are a real thing IRL right?
Also side note on that: people say “ teen “ Avis with boobs are just being pedos right? Well that’s my takeaway from all of this. But fun fact, some teens or hit puberty before they hit 18, my ex’s daughter was getting pretty big by time she was 14, if she did her makeup she would pass for a 23yo. All I’m saying is don’t judge what you don’t know.
I was in 7th grade (12) When my boobs kicked in. Seemed like overnight I went from flat to c cups. It happens.
You have pretty good memory of your ex’s 14yo old’s milkers. TFW you accidently out yourself as a predator while trying to defend predators
I grew to 75DD when I was 14 years old, stretch marks on them and all because they went from 0 to that size in a year or less. Some thought I was in my mid-20’s, I just wanted to make them go away. You need help, dude
DDs on a fat chic are like abs on a skinny dude, they don’t count. fuck off
You need some educating. Maybe you are the one with the pedo fantasy for even saying that? Who even calls them milkers? Also, Perhaps have ago at the other commenters while you’re at it 😉
Say the one who named himself after a pedo movie character. You can’t make that shit up
Caster Troy is a fictional charecter from Face Off, know you’re movies 😉
Know you’re and your. Also yes that’s what I said, identifying yourself with a fictional pedo doesn’t make it any better. I also love how you weirdos always start using emojis whenever you get caught with your hands in the cookie jar in a desperate attempt to look smug
To be fair he did grab on a very young girl’s ass and look pretty euphoric about it in that movie, which I’m pretty sure is what salty’s (mostly) dumb ass is talking about. Also, *your.
Tha is for the grammar correction, funny how phones do that.
Chiming in to support you. From about 10–14 my boobs grew a cup size a year until they leveled out at a 36D, where they remain to this day. What, was I a pedo about my own body, that I couldn’t control?
Yeah I too was a B tending to C cup by the time I was 12. My sisters all passed that age with a training bra, I went directly to an adult bra, do not pass Go, do not collect $200!
I know what you’re saying. I am definitely heavy chested like the other women in my family and I had noticeably bigger boobs than the others at school by the time I hit 12. That person seems extremely judgmental to say larger breasts aren’t natural and I think they got rebirth and reborn mixed up. 😛