· kesseret ·
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Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
The comments are never approved the likes and dislikes are glitch
It’s such a shame, too. Her hair styles are always so cute and her style hud has a ton of options. If only all those options worked how they were supposed to. Her hud always glitches out the hair.
I always try the demos hoping she fixed her issues, but to no avail.
One of her hairs from a month ago, has a strand on the left side that doesn’t even connect to anything. Wtf?
Verinne sends herself Tellonym anons to keep reminding everyone that she reads VS religiously.
Finally dear Richard got the attention he deserved! I want more Richard drama please. He may have been the father of my prim baby. But he disappeared… How dare you, Richard! I loved you desperately I even filled up my picks dedicated to you even though I was partnered to a different man on all my other accounts!
Regarding everything relating to Furry Kinks,
It’s literally called “Furry Kinks“, why are we surprised it’s anything but a steaming hot pile of garbage?
#23 Goat doesn’t own RoC Goat plays Aella Waters. If you have ever had her whore alt on your friend list then check your calling cards. Prudence changed her name to Alla Hoax who plays Aella. We can spend the 30 dollars to change our names but calling cards live forever! Aella is the secret Targaryen who I’m betting will end up the queen at some point. Oh and she handles the applications too! Way to skirt around admins not holding power positions! Hahahaha, good luck to that train wreck
They will crash and burn pretty fast. I know people Lucy has worked with. All she does is whine bitch and complain about everything while she’s trash talking everyone around her, If they don’t give her what she wants. She’s just a needy person looking for love on SL, while still living at home. Hit that off button get a life and a job. But yes I have seen how she is myself, unfriended her ass pretty fast when she started the IMs almost as soon as I logged in. Oh and if you have these headaches as much as you say…GO SEE A DOCTOR!
#19 Lmao how long is the biggest loser family going to keep going on the grid, a good majority know Mrs. Kunt on down is pure fail along with anything they do. No one in their right mind should trust anyone in that family everything they do is with pre-tense, a motive and for self serving purposes. Kunt you fake a man failure, on down should do yourselves a favor and delete your avatars.
And i think people like you are lame just because you got rejected you start hating. Ade you butthurt because you couldnt get him?
If you watch everything he does you sound like a fan maybe ask for a fan shirt
LOL don’t have to watch, her actions (and it is a her) are so atrocious screencaps and more get around of what happens. I experienced my own and others I had a enough. I don’t go to anything cunt or buy anything Kult.
Still a fan
And Kunt is still a catfish on every level 💁
You must be licking her twat then defending it so bad. GJ.
I dont need to lick someone to tell you your looking like a fan girl or a bitch that got butthurt
This is stupid you don’t know everyone in that family…in fact you sound like some bitch that is mad shit didn’t go your way so now you run to sl secrets talking shit because you are angry. Log your ass off and get a life and move on.
LMFAO if you only knew 1/4 of what I know of what that the top of that family has done, the ones who don’t know or who “don’t care” wtf ever should be ashamed of themselves at that fucktwats behavior. I got offered and invite I told them to fuck off because I knew better. Get over yourself who cares. It’s people like them and her family who cover for her that make SL a shitty place.
fully agreed, I unfortunately know a few of them and their name is well deserved
Lol they are a bunch of whiny ass pussies, they should change their name to pussy instead of cunts
They will talk shit on each other and then when said persons are not there they will talk shit about them, and the most fake part of it all is that the ones they talk so much shit on, are then all in a group faking being kind and friendly to them, lol, The Fakest people ever 100% and deep down they fucking know this.
14- Yup, same toxic terror furries. They just don’t get it. They aren’t THE SHIT.. they ARE shit. Now some of them are migrating to Origin Of Sin. Saw one of the drama queenies there.
31- not surprised. Most of them are weebs. Most Japanese people aren’t even on second life anymore. And if they are.. they are mostly in Japanese-speaking sims.
#23 Goat doesn’t own RoC. She’s not the combat admin either. Goat plays Aella Waters. If you have ever had her whore alt on your friend list then check your calling cards. Prudence changed her name to Alla Hoax who plays Aella. We can spend the 30 dollars to change our names but calling cards live forever! Aella is the secret Targaryen who I’m guessing will end up the queen at some point. Oh and she handles the applications too! Way to skirt around admins not holding power positions! Hahahaha, good luck to that shitshow.
#3 If you care this much about having your dumbass name plastered all over someone’s profile, to the point where if they don’t want to, you doubt them, you’re not that into them.
The people I know who have several picks dedicated to their partner are the ones I more often see cheating. That won’t stop them, they can just use an alt, lol.
It’s a huge red flag to me if someone demands their partner dedicate several picks to them.
i mean if he has you partnered then it doesnt matter if he has you in the profile but if he didnt an it was blank then i would worry xD
Then you’re an insecure idiot.
Oooor maybe just someone who’s been through enough SL bullshit to know that if someone isn’t public about their intentions with you, it’s nearly always because they’re trying to run the same game with multiple people simultaneously or at the very least, keep their options open… which is fine, if the rules are the same for both people, but not even close to fine if they’re expecting to lock you down.
Identified the root problem: Agreeing to being exclusive with one of them hoes. Rookie mistake. Don’t be that guy.
#43 He’s super fun & nice!
#43 – You were either rejected by him or is jealous of him to be offended by that joke post on his fb. 😂 I’m gonna vote you as pathetic for buying into that. 😊
I like how I don’t even roleplay but I somehow know all the tea about a trash game of thrones sim lmfaoooo
CC admins roasting their players because i hit a slapper on my (very adult) husband at an ic/ooc event and y’all freaked out because there was littles playing in the area. Classy. Good to know who to avoid, thanks CC staff. 🙂
You were a creep on your own rp sim and continue on other sims too. Yikes…
Please dear God don’t tell me you’re one of those toxic people that think twinks/femboys/transmen/non-masculine males = underage males OP. Maitreya flatchest, V-tech? Of course I use those for my avatars, because I’m Queer AF and I enjoy bending and exploring my gender and body appearances. Apologies that I don’t fit your form of masculinity. We’re going to have a whole other issue if that’s what this is, and I’m going to pray someone educates you.
If you think expressing your sexuality is creepy, you’re going to have a very rude awakening for yourself OP.
My adult roleplay sim, that disallows under 18 avatars and characters? Sure OP. You done hiding yet?
Surely you can come up with a better insult than “creep”?
If I am one…. go ahead, tell them all what you think you know. I’ve invited you several times to clap back at me with something real here where you don’t even have to show your name like the coward you are.
Guess only one of us has things to hide 🙂 Is it difficult, knowing everyone will hate you if you tell us your name?
That sim is full of people who just love to cyber bully each other anonymously because they don’t have enough courage to just say what they think non-anon. You don’t need to be there anyway, your sim was an absolute delight and free from all those adults playing child avatars and wanting to act like children, both figuratively and literally, anyway. Weird that they want to blast you about child avatars but you didn’t even allow them around your own sim?
You know those things can have the text turned private or off entirely, right? Everyone around you would appreciate it because the local spam is annoying as fuck, and things like that wouldn’t happen. Literally no one cares who you’re clicking, or who’s clicking you; I guarantee it.
Cute that a community calls you a pedophile for a mouse click mistake. Yeah, I don’t need to be apart of a group of people with that level of immaturity or irresponsibility. There was no spam happening. Enjoy you’re dramatics, I don’t need to be apart of a roleplay community that despises each other. No wonder you’re all on virtual secrets hating on each other every week. It’s sad. Goodbye family residential community of bullies 🙂
I’m not calling you a pedophile. I’m not part of the community, thank fuck, I just like to make sure people know they should really turn the annoying, attention whore local chat greentext off on their clicky parts, whether it’s spankers, pullers, collars, or genitals. It’s all annoying, and NO one wants to see it.
Did they really call you a pedo for that or did they just ask you to not do it? You should post a screencap of the text. You said they roasted you. Now it’s time to roast them with some actual evidence, if you have it.
They IM’d my partner and asked him to remove his slapper, which he did. Didn’t think that it’d blow up into anything. I don’t talk to anyone on that sim so. How about OP posts evidence instead of just citing claims against me? 🙂 I told them i was going to leave the police department cause i’m not going to play around with this kind of energy and they had the balls to send me an exit survey. Those players call everyone a pedo, it’s their favorite default argument. OP, how about you actually have enough balls to say something to my face, for one. And you actually post evidence and not just lazy irresponsible claims. It’s embarrassing that communities like that still exist on the internet. Yeah…… my sim we didn’t resort to VS, that’s why we weren’t blasted on this site for cowards. We just talked to each other.
I see. I missed that. My apologies.
You’re being downvoted by OP, that seems mature lol. Hey OP! I’m online all day today, or if you want to message me here because you’re too much of a coward to talk to me directly and show who you are, I’m watching for you <3 I would love nothing more than for you to post all of your evidence of me that you claim is true. I’m the new person on the block, so surely you have nothing to lose by stepping out from behind your curtain if I’m such an awful person and your claims are so true! I’m sure everyone would applaud you even
Asheson from what I’m reading here you aren’t a pedophile. You accidentally clicked and that happens to the best of us. On the other hand they freaked out because family communities are always a target for pedophilia rumors and if littles were around that would be inappropriate but I see how you feel after being bashed on VS for a mistake. I had to leave Cedar Creek because of a manager too. Lucy Sheppard-Drake [[[I think she’s just Lucy Drake now ]]]made it her job to bash me and bully me with Cody Rockwell. I wasn’t apart of their clique and they made working the court circuit a crappy experience. She did the same thing to school staff. I had to get out of there. I hate bullies. I hear now Lucy had something to do with her exhusband John retiring from CC. I’m not surprised if that’s true. She likely wants his title and now that she’s chased anyone away who witnessed how she’s a cowardly sneaky jealous and hateful person, she can con new residents in front of their faces while bashing them on VS and behind their backs. I don’t think David or Rei understood how better CC would be without a snake like Lucy as a manager. There are a lot of nice people in Cedar Creek but they will eventually leave too. It took me years but I’m happy I finally did leave. Asheson there are other family communities that you can check out like Port Dominion, Grimlocke,Woodland and some others I’m forgetting. They all have their problems but it doesn’t hurt to try them out
We already know who are you no needs to be anonymous anyways.
JASON Trixxie ciel ender Hansel Luke numbers Ace monkey boy Wesley Tanner Kioko AJ everyone who apart the community. All of you are the true hypocrites making different accounts and accusing people because your toxicity exists within your shitty cult groups. Cade
I agree to whoever are these people you sure are obsessive with everyone why not leave people alone and move on with your life. You don’t have nothing better Esle to do then being weirdo immature twat.
#18.. As I type this there are Currently: Online In-World: 38,952 SL Time: 9:02 PM… I’m pretty sure this could about damn near all of them. So YALL know who you are.
Stay blessed. 🙂
The secret out toby you play your self good job. Monkey boy welsey sucks and all sluts who goes to to parties on grids and second life have no life
Another hateful comment and another person being so lonely trying to seek attention poor child.
Really #9. I don’t understand how the fuck someone like Sam could ever make it on this stupid ass site. Derp? Well if we take this as her music is funny as fuck, fair enough. Sam don’t you even think on it. You are an amazing person and keep doing what you are doing with your music. It’s amazing. I can speak for A LOT of people, I can’t wait to see your next show!
#3 Somehow you’ve managed to try too hard without appearing to try at all. I mean, that’s it? That’s what you got?
#1 Is this person new? Who have they pissed off?
He’s a weirdo from some rp sim he ran, where he let his admin sexually harass anyone. That eventually lead to the sim closing bc no one wanted to stay around and be shit on by a sexually aggressive admin that could get away with anything bc he was friends with the owner.
None of that is true. If you’re this Lucy person, you need to grow up.
The sim closed because I was injured in a skydiving accident and was recovering from my fourth surgery on the affected limb.
Why am I “wierd” OP? Because I’m Queer? That’s a fun bit of homophobia to unpack.
Share your logs or share your name. No one likes a coward and no one likes people who call people pedophiles to stroke their own sense of self-worth.
Of course OP posts no evidence. I’m encouraging them to share some, if they want to label me as a pedo (strange i guess, seeing as i’ve never even allowed underage avatars on my sims).
I guess Cyber bullying as an anon is another career you can pursue in Cedar Creek
Hey, I’m Ash. Yep… I’m brand new. I went to CC to roleplay with my husband, Jared Emerson, who ran the hospital there for a long time and was really excited to take me back there when we closed down Riverside Falls. The community isn’t something I’m used to but I went because I knew he was having a good time. I was just approved to RP as a sheriff a few days ago. I know absolutely no one on sim and the only people I’ve rp’d with is my partner, his friend Eden, and the person who did my sheriff interview. I spoke to the Police Chief OOC. I previously asked their manager, Jade, to stop trying to poach Jared from my sim repeatedly while he was a mentor on my sim, Riverside Falls because she had done so on several occasions. That’s about the only person that I seemingly pissed off on that sim.
So….. yep. If you want to be hated on, called lazy but irresponsible insults, and feel not welcome at all, be sure to go to Cedar Creek and attend a new resident’s event, where you will be roleplaying around 70% adults playing littles and get to hear about everyone’s OOC drama about who is cheating on who and who is fucking who.
Real class act, that community.
Jade is not a manager and she would not attempt to poach anyone. She doesn’t know this Jared Emerson. You might be confusing her with someone else. The managers are. Lucy, Katrina, Alexia, KJ, Furby. Which manager attempted the poaching?
Sorry, you’re right i’m getting my names mixed up, Jade was really nice to me and has apparently been doxxed herself and called poor and called out. We had a nice conversation today. I’ll edit the original message, Lucy is the manager that repeatedly IM’d my partner to try to get him to return to the hospital, claiming she has no idea he was a mentor on my sim, despite us being partnered and him having this on his profile, on my website, in our discord, etc. HOPEFULLY this wasn’t Lucy and the staff doesn’t behave like this, but who knows. It’s the only person that I knew on CC besides my partner and his close friend.
Either way, a community that resorts to anon cyber bullying. Not cute. I have absolutely no issue posting my name here because I have absolutely nothing to hide, unlike OP. I hope all of you on CC are watching this, because one of you is probably next on their list of “haze the new guy”
It makes sense now. Lucy hates being told she’s wrong. She’ll attempt to tarnish your reputation and act like she’s a fucking victim. Lucy has a long reputation for attempting to take down people. New and old alike. She almost ran off the DOJ and PWPS population. I was a student there and it has never been the same and has lost its realism. She’s ran off all the good event’s staff and now we are just stuck with Kai who is unpleasant. Everyone in CC is not like Lucy but she’s like a fucking fly that won’t go away so we live with it and attempt to avoid her and try to warn others to watch their back for reasons like this. Now she’s also a poacher. I can’t say with certainty that she’s the OP but it makes sense. It makes so much sense. No one else would jump to conclusions over a slapper. Slappers have gone off before. You didn’t have a run in with anyone else signs point to fucking Lucy strikes again.
It’s good to know I’m not the only one that sees it. She acted completely innocent about it despite having repeatedly admitted to knowing that he was roleplaying and staff somewhere else. All in all, I handled it like it should have been, I IM’d her and asked her to cease, when she played innocent I told her that now she knows and to cease. And yeah, I can’t say anything for certain, but I mean, whoever you are, you know i’m brand new and know no one there. Jared resigned from the hospital and i left the sheriffs, we’re looking for other places to roleplay now. I’m a big part of the Pride and Blogger communities in SL and i don’t need this kind of irresponsible stuff being reflected onto anyone that i work for. I assumed no one would freak out over a slapper but I was scratching my head on why pedophelia was the insult of choice. Unless there’s someone else on sim that i REALLY have no clue who they are and just got assed seeing my name on the radar, who knows. I had a discussion with one or two people that informed me that this isn’t even abnormal for sim, and someone hating you on sim has gotten several people accused of pedophelia in the past. Honestly… I have to say it’s very sad. Especially for a place that claims to be “family friendly”, that that’s even language that’s thrown around. Ultimately, OPs choices do one thing, they just make the actual issue out to be a joke, and they devalue when anyone actually wants to speak up when REAL problems are going on involving age-play, because OP apparently has a habit of crying wolf. Lucy (lucyinthesky3), if you’re OP, then come tell me… Read more »
You sound like a cool person. Not all of us are like Lucy unfortunately she will never admit to it and she will lie just like she lied to you before and acted innocent. Wish you the very best.
Yeah, i wish you the best too. Any staff that it was discussed with brushed it off with “well haters gonna hate, you should commit more time here just to show them you don’t care”. We were told that there’s nothing they can do and VS isn’t their problem. I should clarify… my partner was told this, i’ve yet to hear a word from the moderators on it. But honestly, when I informed the owner about Lucy forever ago, never heard back from them, so I’m not shocked.
Glad we’re brushing off a serious issue.
When you’re players are using VS to hate on other players, it’s absolutely your sim’s problem.
I do care that people are treated that way. Moderators and other staff should be actively condemning this sort of thing, actively trying to get to the bottom of these issues, and taking responsibility for it and assuring the community they will continue to combat it, not throwing their hands up and chalking it up to dramatics and “the 1%” and going “oh man that’s so sad just don’t worry about the haters”. But I guess they don’t want to draw any more attention toward the problematic attitudes that are allowed to persist in their community.
While this continues to be the response to this type of thing. This community will continue to see this toxic behavior persist until everyone else finally gets tired.
Bitch, be on Oprah.
Nice to meet you too OP
#24 Best part about this is that she assumes whatever messages are about her which means she most likely doing whatever they are. Not only that. The fact you’re actively going out of your way to look at people’s messages really shows that you’re actively stalking them. Stop. Get some help.
#38: Thank you. You covered more than 50% of this week’s posts in just one meme.
Where do women find these creeps anyway? I kind of want to find some of these d00ds just to fuck with their heads.
Oh, and a message to my many “fans” here in VSLand, I bought Reborn for an alt. After much tinkering I’ve made her look reasonably proportional. Her butt is still a little too big even with deformers, and her fingers are still too skinny, but it’s not a bad body so far. I wanted to play with a new body, and this seems to be the newest/most realistic one to use for experimentation since designers are creating for it. Now someone tell me who is making nails for this body, please!
p.s. Only one store in Shop & Hop (that I’m aware of) offered a Legacy only gift. 99.9% of the clothing stores with items for sale included Maitreya, so predictions of that brand’s demise are grossly overdone.
Edit: Grammar.
I bought my lovely Reborn nails from Blaxium. There are a lot who make for Reborn actually, but they tend to offer more for the Kupra crowd, so nasty nasty long nails with shitty textures. The ones I got from Blaxium were on sale for 150L on the MP, not sure if they’re still on sale, but I love their shape and their length.
My biggest gripe with Legacy is that they somehow managed to kill the nail applier market by not ever releasing dev kits for theirs, so even though Reborn and other bodies could just use appliers on their perfectly nice included nails, somehow all anyone can find 90% of the time is unnecessary attachment nails. It’s not like we have unlimited attachment points.
#5 Busy Guy ,,,,, or should i say guys? Probably only thing missing on the profiles is a wife beater tshirt.
I knew two of those guys. didnt know they were all the same person.
doesnt surprise me at all.
You need at least 7 so you could have a different shirt for each woman. 👚
#36 %, App says, You can not work there if you manage another club. Management do not get paid for being management. More work, no pay, less stage time.
I stopped going to sanctuary of rock a very long time ago they treat everyone terrible and only a hand full of DJs play good music but I have always wondered Why that club is 95% women now I know why
I have been going to Sanctuary for a very long time. I watch how the SOR management rip’s thru all men who enter that club. When I noticed a certain DJ was no longer there or even in the group I asked. What you DID! that was total BS, You waited till he was offline and fired him thru a NOTE CARD and an offline Message then kicked him from every Group. It was done that way because you know you are wrong for doing it. Sanctuary of Rock is extremely Sexist to MEN! that is Why every man that tries to help or even gets a chance in management is fired or demoted in a matter of weeks I have worked at SOR I have Been in management and I have watched these women, especially THE OWNER’s rip any man apart if they do not do it the way they want if any MAN starts showing better abilities than any woman in management they are fired. SANCTUARY OF ROCK you say your app states you can not work there if you are a manager at another club? YOU! just bald-faced lied to everyone who reads this Because I know for a fact you have managers and owners at other clubs working for you right at this very moment but as stated they are females who get to stay.
I have checked this new club out, I am surprised how it is already doing!! Great Job. Every DJ and Host should leave Sanctuary of Rock and go to Club Khaos and get away from those Thirsty Lying sexist woman
This isn’t exactly a true statement, do you not have team members that work there that manage or own other clubs? Asking for a friend.
31. Whoever posted this is not Japanese themselves lol I sharted over the “us Japanese” bit pfffttt you are a bigger WEEB and FUCKTARD for saying that pleeeaaassseee do you actually believe what people claim to be or write in their profiles on SL or the Internet? Most people present themselves under a race, gender, appearance, etc. that is different from their 1st lives, BIG fucking deal! You were so triggered by this because you saw something in them that you yourself are guilty of! Based on your writing style, you must be the infamous weaboo copybot “blogger” from Thailand who also claims to be Japanese, “speaks it natively” (LOL), had a store selling copybotted items called NIHONGO (wtf) later renamed HELLO JAPAN (LMFAO) and is banned from many sims owned by RL Asians. As if it was not cringe enough that you catfish as a Japanese 地雷系 tiktoker in your 1st life tab. YOU are the one who give actual Japanese AND Asians a “lookdown.” Gurrrllllll seek professional help!
Anyone who fully believes that people in SL are representing their actual heritage, race, ethnicity, nationality, language or culture is wildly naïve. You may as well believe all the man really do have toned six pack abs, all the women have perfect non-saggy breasts, and all the children really are played by actual toddlers. Why are people so obsessed about calling out others for not being “genuine” in a virtual environment?
What they hate in others is what needs to be healed within themselves first and foremost. They are triggered by their flaws reflected back at them. Their lives are so sad they take SL way too fucking seriously. Which is why it is usually the weebs/yellow-fever fetishists that gatekeep and bully other weebs/yellow-fever fetishists when the real Japanese/Korean/Chinese/etc. do not care at all and do not even know they or a site such as this exists. Weebs are not limited to white people, many mentally ill self-hating black and South Asians like the person who posted the secret also do yellow-face.
you wrote all this to complain about a completely different person when you could have just submitted a secret about them. why?
and ps, it wasnt me who posted this picture though, but i think i know who did
Aha! Then why did you react if it was not you? And why get all defensive in the comments? LMAO
only sim i got banned from is taiko sim because I argued with him,
my shop called Hello japan is no copybotted shit
look here yourself https://sketchfab.com/HelloJapanSL all by me
and why are you so angry lol so mad you got exposed?? and next time don’t fuck someone’s partner
and you really searched for a girl that looks like me?? LOL
You also got banned from Fintopia after you tried to get the Owner to ban me with your stupid reasoning :3. Pan sure is better without you. *brings out the popcorn* just funny to see you argue to a person that isnt even me LMAO. Anyways ill leave you to it and keep u blocked.
Why are you angry that they fucked someone’s partner? Why put the blame on the third party? For all you know that partner is just an alt just like you partnered yours, right?
you can use yandex to translate the image, basically she said no that’s not her and asked to report you!. stop catfishing girl. why would you put the links to the real girls instagram? did you think no one would message her?
lol, my name is not jiraike, my name is Yuna dumbass but hey keep trying to pretend to be Japanese, next time don’t use Google to translate the question I ask you
i hate white people, such minorities of this world,
Oh no! Anyway, my laundry will be done by tomorrow, right?
Yumi Pancake a.k.a. shizu-ka (the name alone is so cringe and weebly no actual self-respecting Japanese would call themselves that)

I wonder what the real Japanese have to say about you shoplifting and copybotting stuff from them hmmm…
Lmfao 地雷系 (jirai-kei) is a subculture in Japan you THAI dumbass. The tiktoker you are impersonating is a follower of that style. But you are “real Japanese” right? You should know lmfao oh and please your name is not Yuna, did you not say your name was “Yumi like You&Me an employee at SEGA” rofl taikou is not the only sim you are banned in, you and your alts are also banned in KOTA (de facto Korean infohub in SL) as well as mainland estates owned by Asians (I know because I help manage some mainland rentals and your name appears in ban lists quite often). Some Japanese even posted you in a thread about fraudsters on SL (yes there IS a Japanese equivalent of SL Virtual Secrets somewhere on the web but you should know because you are “real Japanese” right?) they were laughing at your language and desperate attempts to be perceived as Japanese. Is it because being Thai is not seen as “cool” as being Korean or Japanese that you hypocritically bully other weebs who outweebed you? Self-hate much or just a lonely fat rusty pot calling the kettle black? Pathetic
P.S. I guessed who you are correctly but you failed to guess who I am lmfao I am not the girl you posted and I am not white, I am THAI just like you (yes WE ARE THAI get a grip already) and I have known you for a looonnnggg loooonnnggg time, thank you for exposing yourself Yumi Pancake / Pan Pancake. You may start therapy from this day onward.
If white people are minorities how come they cucked your country of its military?
Oh, I think you are referring to Japan? She is NOT from there. She is from Thailand.
I like how you are not racist at all. *sarcasm off*
Spira is re-opening too, I give it 6 months before it dies as the same group causes issues.
Spira was a shitshow with 30+ different staff members that all had differing interpretations of their rules, no way it’ll survive more than a few months.
There has already been rampant toxicity & the mods refusing to do mod things (like boot out the repeat offenders, for instance) and disagreeing with eachother on rulings, and the sim is supposedly not opening until August. It’s already doomed. I’ll eat my hat if it survives, but I seriously doubt it will.
*Puts up a post about cyber bullying*
*Doesn’t realise VS is a cyber bullying page* 🤡
Isn’t that the truth hahaha
This is the most sensible comment on this page.
#15 Saw this coming.
Didn’t we all?
ooh! #12. she has a preferred type of favorite AKA, if the av looks like a jailbait little girl she probably wants to put a leash on it.
Not like a backpack leash you put on a child at Disney world, but like a leash saying she has rights to sexually abuseyour jailbait teenagerav).trash trash trash
Oh her super special ‘club’ is shutting down?
*pretends to be shocked, shocked I say*
Oh man… that sucks
Oh no… Feather got 8 friends to come downvote.

Go on, let’s talk about how you collar newbies because they don’t know enough about D/s to run screaming from you and they all end up looking like jailbait.
You were poaching submissive female newbies like bobbing for apples.
Cool story bruh. Even here, nobody cares you got rejected. Take your little bitch attitude back to minecraft so you can feel intellecutally superior. Oh that pic looked dope AF, too bad trash like you prefer to spoil a good thing rather than realize its in you that has gone rotten.
31: I have known this person for quite a while now.. I have also asked her once to translate a simple clip that was in Japanese. It was a really short clip and the person repeated like three words in Japanese and that’s it. She refused to answer the question all together and changed the subject when I asked what they were saying. I brushed it off but I still cant shake it, I still vividly remember this. Is she really Japanese and just doesn’t speak the language then? Or is she really just pretending? Ugh, it’s really sad. I also noticed she kinda starts copying her friend’s avatars and starts looking like them all of a sudden.. it freaks me out..
Shes a very nice person though. Maybe this is all just a coincidence..?
lol all of secondlife is make-believe and showmanship, if you are the type who believes that people are who they say they are on the internet then you have bigger, more serious problems other than verifying or doxxing people’s real life identity online
#40 This has been going on forever in the Petrichor Discord. I’m no longer in the Discord, haven’t been for weeks. I used to blog for Vae myself, but I saw the grass on the otherseide and it was sooooo much greener. Vae will Kiss Emeline’s ass for ALL her work and ignore her other bloggers. Sonya will then follow up praising Emeline and her photoshopped work. Lets face it, if you have to photoshop your blog work, it cna’t be that good to begin with. SL RAW is the way to go. With that said. Sonya as a Blogger Manager is completely shit. She does not contact the bloggers to make them aware of anything they’re doing wrong. She will remove them because she wants too. If you contact her, she will ignore you for as long as possible, then make it extremely clear that you are bothering her and she doesn’t have time to deal with you. If you really look through your blogotex, Sonya has no clue what-so-ever about what she is doing as a blogger manager. There’s no feedback from her unless it is negative. she only knows negative. That goes with Vae and her staff and patrons. They don’t actually give a crap about you, as long as they’re making money and other out of you and your hard work, that’s what counts. How can you have a blogger manager who has never done a blog in her life. Get out of there while you still can. Vae is a bad person to blog for, she’s horrible, snotty and bitchy. sonya is the same. Get yourself a better sponsor, there’s many out there, don’t let the Petrichor/Plastik name drag you down in your blogging career. There is better for you! Best thing I did was… Read more »
Emeline Laks does not care how horrible the person is behind the product she pushes or where it was stolen from. She just wants to get free product.
Blogging for Petrichor, which is owned by a known thief, is not a good look. The owner of Petrichor, Vae Darkheart, does not give a shit about anyone unless it feeds her narcissism and bank account. There are many posts here on Virtual-Secrets going far into the past and even linked in the comments to many examples of why she is as bad as many say she is.
Vae is,
✓ Known to steal artist’s intellectual property, plagiarize, and copy other brands.
✓ Known to trash talk well respected members of the community and other brands.
✓ Known to have sad fictitious stories about real life to garner sympathy attention, fund her bank account, and use as a weapon.
✓ Known to steal from many of those she hires to make mesh objects. Cutting off the promised share of the income after she gets what she wants out of them.
✓ An all-around bad person.
Emeline even has what appears to be some other sponsors which Petrichor’s owner trash talks very regularly in her Discord.
Anyone promoting someone like that is of questionable character if doing it knowingly.