Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 705.
#39 the princess is speaking..and no one cares!! STF up you piece of human trash
Glad I’m not the only one who feels that way about #1
Gods they’re going to have an empty sim soon
6) but all the white supremacist raceplay kink sims are fine, yeah?
So when you see someone protesting Ukraine war, is your response “but WW2 was fine, yeah?”?
37) i really thought you were gonna have an ounce of sense for a moment
Kinda confused on the whole Kira situation… its been 2 years since the whole “KYS” situation. Plus the victim forgave the person and became an family member. Why are people still trying to cause problems for something thats been dealt with. Especially its not about YOU in specifics?
agreed hun
That’s not the focus at all
Kira attacked two people being Chloe and Nebula and pretty much the TGS community
When they claimed that all the proof was favoritism, others came out and shared their experiences with Kira. Dated or not she tried to say those were fake, but also gave the “it’s against tos”
But if the logs are fake, how is it against TOS, and how does it being two years ago fix anything?
If it was faked, they could easily ignore the posts and simply leave it alone, that would’ve been the mature way to handle it but they started throwing excuse after excuse.
Two years ago means they actually did what was claimed, it’s pretty fucked up to try and cover that up.
now they’re playing victim to the entire situation using “it’s been two years” as a way to avoid the blame. Regardless of time saying “kys” in ANY situation is going to hit back pretty hard, especially when 23 and my own comments show that Kira was caught breaking the rules on twitter
now to make a thing real quick, you and a bunch of others are giving more details to this story that weren’t noted such as becoming a family member, discord messages, ect
is this another fake name? Lmao
except they never tried to cover it up in fact they admitted to it multiple times in her own server even and have said they were forgiven for it which is also admitting they did it? also woopty doo a furry doesnt get along with two other furries who cares? also Kira noted several times that she was forgiven for it and that the person talks to them every day? its starting to sound like you dont have nearly all the facts of what happened and are just saying what you think is right?
There we go with more details, thanks for making it more obvious that they’re covering it up 👏
What makes you care bout it? Favoritism claim or not, why pursue such drama that doesn’t apply you?
Because, Kira clearly is never going to LEARN if she’s not held accountable. While 1 person out of HOW MANY has forgiven her. What about Zack and Ryan? What about Chloe and nebula? Just because she’s been forgiven by ONE person, doesn’t mean everyone else whom she’s gone after and attack has forgiven her…. What about the ENTIRE COMMUNITY of 7th heaven that trixie owned? Or the club owners she’s gotten herself banned from. This is MORE than just the Kys attacks. She doesn’t have any sort of respect or common decency and when called out plays the victim card. WHICH I know you ( as a friend or possibly just kira herself. ) Are falling for and also allowing to happen. IF her friends actually want kira to grow, they will make her own up to EVERYTHING. Not just ONE thing from 2 years ago. And I’m only calling this person out because they were a HUGE thing on here for a time. Soko…. Soko had a LOT of people calling her out on her shit, CONSTANTLY watching everything she did and if she did something that clearly wasn’t in the direction that she clearly stated she wanted to go, THEY CALLED HER ASS OUT. And honestly, look where she is now…. She’s actually showed she’s working on changing and fucking good on her. Proud of you. But I don’t think that without people actually getting on her ass, she would have made the movement to change. So, maybe a good bit of ” GET YOUR FUCKING SHIT TOGETHER KIRA!!” Will make her smarten the fuck up. But, you can only lead a stubborn ass to water for so long before it eventually dies. So, either she makes the choice to ACTUALLY change and SHOW that, or she will… Read more »
So hey i wanna mention this since u seem to be still going on me trixie noisette bovine and multiple others from 7th heaven are friends and they even visit my club occasionally also im only banned from furzona and tgs thats literally it. you sit here saying im not holding myself accountable yes i am i know i did shit wrong in the past and theres things i could have done better and like ive said multiple times i regret some of the decisions i made i apologized to chloe for the mistake i made a while back and she declined my apology in fact the night before all of this exploded she was asked by someone else in nearby voice if shed be willing to talk to me and settle things and she got mad at the person this will be the last time i comment on this because frankly im sick of it yes i made mistakes and im sorry i did but thats what people do they make mistakes i made up with almost everyone from 7th besides like 3-4 people i told chloe sorry and even now im still sorry i wasnt trying to stalk people u can say im covering my ass but im serious i was not aware of the rule of no camming at tgs until after drake msged me warning me about it and im sorry if it seemed like it was otherwise im sorry i hate to say this but no me making some mistakes isnt gonna erase me from the furry community or convince me to stop trying i have friends who follow me and spend time with me on sl i have my lovely models that i have to help and take photos of so in the end… Read more »
#33 OMG! Another week with this dumb bitch. Someone trying to call her out obviously. We are all tired of your stupid ass gesturing everywhere you go. You are not lit in any way. You are not the goat of anything. Stop being fucking annoying and go away already.
She can barely spell, and seriously writes like someone who dropped out before middle school. That profile is a train wreck. It’s amazing how stupid people can swaddle themselves in ego and run around clueless about how others really see them.
25. Someone got banned from Maui. Either that, or your avi was too ugly to be accepted. LOL
Everyone at Maui looks like outdated and noob. 🤣🤣🤣
I don’t think “too ugly to be accepted” exists at Maui, and I really wish it did. I’m not the only one who would hang out there more if there were actual standards being kept. There are a lot of truly hideous avatars at Maui- but then, some of the interviewers are also unfuckable, so what else could be expected? Just having mesh doesn’t make someone’s avatar look good, and that seems to be the only criteria anyone bothers with. Ugly also seems to get promoted a lot at Maui, because they’re always there; probably can’t get attention anywhere else. Really too bad, because the place is a good idea, just really poorly executed because I guess having traffic matters more than having the exclusive membership people expect.
# 4, 5, 34, 37 need their own discord server where they can obsess over baby girl, baby face shit all day along with all the others who spin this broken record weekly. We like real tea and juicy gossip here or atleast I do. 😂
right??? like why are you so obsessed with underage dynamics… sus tbh…
They are just like those age players who get other age players banned and post them in secrets. Mentally unstable crazy people!
6 – Because unlike you, some people understand the concept of false equivalency. I’ll break it down further just in case my words are too big for you there. Black supremacy only exists as a kink and fringe-of-the-fringe political movement. White supremacy exists as everything from the Proud Boys to neo-Nazis to redlining families of color out of the real estate market.
29 – Yeah, no, using “daddy” as a nickname for your top is not ageplay. There is a strong subculture in the gay leather scene where the doms are called “leather daddies,” but you do not see their subs wearing bib overall shorts and talking like a child. (Cishet kinksters make me want to choke a Karen some days.)
37 – Facing what you did must have been horrible sometimes. I only started seriously getting the “this is how you get jail time” attention when I was 16. And you’re damn right about the child face/adult body situation.
You do know there are blacks and Hispanics in Proud Boys, right? Their national leader is Hispanic, in fact.
There were Blacks for Trump, too. Does that mean Trump isn’t racist? Some people join groups because they agree with part of the message but gloss over what they don’t like. Why do you think there are so many religious people in the world who conveniently overlook the parts of the Bible where shit happens that’s morally indefensible?
No one mentioned Trump. Apparently he is living in your head rend free.
But since you mentioned him, let me ask you this? If he’s so racist, how did he get awards from Jesse Jackson for his work with inner city kids? Or the Ellis Isle award for helping immigrants, while standing next to Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali? Because both of these things happened.
1 – you know you can share the same physical space with a nonwhite person and still be a racist sack of shit, right? lmao
2 – “hispanics”. you meant latino and latino is an ethnicity. i know race, nationality, citizenship, and ethnicity, keep fucking you up but please know that one can be a white latino, a black latino, an asian latino, and an indigenous person who is also latino. look at the latinos in south america with long german names. or japanese peruvians? wonder how that happened? i can tell you lol.
3 – proudboys being open opportunity doens’t mean they’re not a hate group? most of those nonwhite idiots joining think they’re the exception. same thing goes for women who turn on other women. etc etc. you lot like to eat but not be eaten but your time will always come lol.
Yo so i saw the comment on 21-22-23 and i gotta say ive seen all the photos and whats going on and it does seem like Kira is the one being bullied not the other way around i mean your posting about her here over something stupid from a long time ago sooo i agree with rorschach yall need to get over your petty bs and move on (and yes ive seen all the screenshots youve posted that she did but that was a long time ago and frankly doesnt matter)
So i cant respond to your reply directly (wrong) because its not been approved but im sorry u can sit here and try all you want and say u have all these posts but so does Kira and shes shown where multiple of the people involved have admitted they lied or that they said they already forgave her for this stuff in fact one of them whos screenshot got shared by zach or ryan the one who she said KYS to apologized to kira for these issues because zack/ryan were not suppose to share the screenshots anywhere because it had already been dealt with between kira and the person. Whats petty bs is you and others sitting here on a website talking about someone with an issue you werent even originally involved in and slandering them on twitter its like your digging for drama that is why you guys are the bullies. also kira deleted the posts so what? she didnt want drama being on her feed for everybody to see and worry about? (u can be mad about what she did in the past but theres no reason for u to get every single person u see involved this isnt highschool.)
So you’re telling me you saw screens of them goin like “aww bb I forgive u <3”
Yea sure post em and prove us wrong, oh wait you can fake discord screenshots, accounts, everything. Pretty easy when you can make a server profile and boom I’m kira now. yea this isn’t the first time around the digital world sister, you’re just using every trick to try and get out of it.
How about instead of screenshots, have the people say something instead? Oh right cuz you don’t have that account honey. Keep trying to find a way out, we’ll be here when your jenga tower falls
the person is in Kira’s Discord server and they have been in calls in the server too at the same time as Kira during parties and game nights and in the club itself voice channel???? there’s oodles and oodles of proof of this if u did literally any actual fact checking you’d know this??? now do yourself a favor and just stop complaining
The only time you can’t reply to posts due to approval, is when you hit “post comment” meaning you just sent that, and tried to reply to your own post
Congratulations, you just played yourself
Who is this Kira your talking about?
its just a furry thats being bullied on twitter for something they did two years ago and for not liking certain other furries as always just furry drama on sl lol
Kira isn’t being bullied, she IS the bully
sounds about right tbh
Bitch Kira IS the bully, don’t try to weasel out of it, oh right this IS kira afterall. Classic kira moment right there 🤣
Come’s over and say they’re innocent, yet the many claims that they cleared it are nowhere to be found and BASELESS
No proof, no alibi. “Oh they cleared it up on a server, I know they wouldn’t do that” BULLSHIT! Logs or it didn’t happen, oh right those can be faked xD
Also keep using “u” and proclaim this as highschool drama. Girl go back to hischool and REEDUCATE YO DUMB ASS
How many times are you trying to prove yourself, you got caught above using the same name as “wrong” down below, you tried to play good cop AND bad cop, AND FAILED. You’re once again proving everyone who the real bully is by coming back and throwing more elements into a case with NO FUCKING PROOF
Sit down and look at what you did, think about it, next time you might notice the pattern
Okay so… this is pretty dumb tbh. Why try correct me? I never said she was innocent, and we all acknowledged that what she did a couple years ago today was bad. Down right to the dirt bad, but it’s been settled, why talk about it today? It doesn’t involve you personally. Nor do you have to be entitled.
That’s not for you friendo, that reply is for fenfen<3
>-> seriously u dont know anything about 30 people saw this msg from the person and the person you guys are saying “wouldnt do that” literally is talking about reporting you guys because you are sharing his logs when he told ryan not to
threatening LL action when LL will get involved for the death threats, you are indeed a certified idiot
No dates, no names, all the bullshit
unhide the name! Otherwise it could be anyone saying it and not the actual person. This screenshot holds no merit in this argument.
Tries to threaten administrative action when the threats made to the individual also require administrative action
come back when u get something factual plz and stop making up random comments and statements im tired of my friends commenting on yalls bs and dealing with it the literal person involved in the past drama is pissed yall are even doing this and making the decisions for him and has apologized to me multiple times because when he sent the screenshots to ryan he was promised they would never be used in public or sent to people.
So lets put this straight. Ryan only shared shit AFTER YOU had started shit and also was ATTACKING HIM while speaking to his TWIN FUCKING BROTHER. Are you that fucking retarded?! Not just that, but recently, by that I mean earlier this month….Pretty sure it was either march 3rd or 4th, unsure. But I know RYAN had to drop things down in his own defense because YOU made claims he was stalking and harrassing you AND telling the owners of clubs to ban you. THAT is a HUGE thing to accuse someone of. More so the manager of a club! WHO BTW, if ALL the higher ups didn’t make the decision to ban you, WOULD HAVE BEEN YOUR BOSS. Since well he’s a MC manager. Just like his brother. But he got there a few weeks before you just to get you banned? He’s been a manager since shortly after it re-opened darling. Not to mention, his brother shortly after he quit? Or got fired? I forget, from pounce because of how shitty they were. Either way, you weren’t banned because of ryan telling the team, you got banned because of you starting shit BEHIND the scenes while the decision to hire you was being made…. You shot yourself in the foot Kira. You go around blaming other people for YOUR fuck up’s. You go around attacking people and then expect to not get consequences for it. Your consequences for your actions, is getting banned from places, for losing friends and getting fucking drug through the mud on the internet. So, you need to understand, it’s not just the ” go kill yourself” Line that people are ripping you out for. It’s also you attacking well known people and blaming everything on them, when in fact… It’s YOUR actions, YOUR… Read more »
You’re making no sense here
First the link is dead and nobody has spoken up about this. Keep preaching to the choir honey it’s funny~
Oh and the screenshot above, yea keep hiding the fact it’s a fake xD
Dead link idiot. Next time stick to fen fen. Your other kink is just censored bullshit.
And you’re telling me she’s innocent after deleting the entire feed?
How can they fight back if they don’t stand their ground, hiding is for liars and Sir/Madam, Kira is fucking lying.
Literally everyone proved it in their posts. It was to prove an accusation that Kira made wrong. How is that Petty BS?
Sure things in the past can be left in the past, but things like saying “KYS” and literally threatening others can have very real consequences. There’s plenty of stories where one word is all it takes.
The bully is Kira honey. They got caught, played victim again and again, and it’s just going to keep happening until they can clean up their shitty behavior.
Like said, she said she’s not innocent, she also confessed, but as things are, you guys are just paparazzi’s and making drama. It’s been settled already, no need to go more than it has to be already.
Plus, with “Behavior”, quoting after you, “…it’s just going to keep happening until they can clean up their shitty behavior.”
Does that mean you’ll keep doing your actions to Kira?
Dude wrong is the alt! They played bad guy to their own argument.
post a comment wait for approval. They just exposed themselves.
Kira<3, fenfen<3, wrong, how many alts do ya need?
Is this like your first time here, because that’s what this site is, welcome to the club
#42 Funny that I had the urge to see if SL is still the same shit show .. and then this post.
I have known i guy named Shiro, but i guys there are a few in SL….but if you are that Shiro from my past. I hope you stay safe and find your way into the Real World Happiness. I have.
But since its SL and not to sound sour .. but i guess it is that Shiro but this post is for another Lady … lol.
Greetings from Germany
Wow, boring week.
Don’t care.
Oh okay so lets just assume everyone is underage and leave it at that, don’t you dare do anything explicit with anyone unless they send you over their birth certificate, their drivers license or some other form of photo ID! Shut the fuck up you freaks lmao.
Don’t care.
#21 – 23 Hoo boi do I got some shit to say about this bitch. I was surprised to see nothing last week but I guess VS was just catching up with all the drama. Haven’t really seen much on the furry side which is pretty rare. I’ve been watching the tweets and I’ll give my piece on the subject because there’s a lil more that wasn’t said or mentioned. From what I understand, a popular character that goes by the name of Chloe decided to give a vent on their twitter. This is pretty normal considering twitter can have pretty much anything as long as it doesn’t break the rules. What I didn’t understand was the context behind it because holy shit the roller coaster afterward. https://twitter.com/moommymilky/status/1498615487680372736 Needless to say they weren’t taking it well. And now we can easily verify who their attacker was considering they just openly called Chloe out. Shortly after that post it looks like another person that goes by Nebula decided to confront the issue and that went south. Kira again started attacking them and claiming the group was corrupt. HOW??? From the two exchanges I’ve seen, you’ve done nothing but be an ass to people in the community so of course you’re getting kicked out. So after trying to claim Chloe was to blame, it’s nebula now. Well Nebula wasn’t having that so they confronted Kira and posted logs of their conversation for transparency. Good on ya girl! 👍 https://twitter.com/SlNebula/status/1499193793987239937 What did catch my eye was her comment using her studio account (block evasion …) to try and explain herself, she also said that she would be deleting the entire conversation which is just what she did, but we’ll get to that in a moment. “you threw a tissy fit and blocked me… Read more »
So adding to that sleepover, Nitska openly called Zack because he’s involved with Linden Labs on those new community page projects. I’m going to guess he was thanking Nistka for involving sleepover. With that in mind, He’s literally working with SL to create new content and represent the furry community. In other words, he’s practically being watched 24/7 by lindens so if he’s really the bad guy in all of this…LL gonna notice xD.
https://www.picarto.tv/YFS/videos/631548 (Big stream, 18+ obviously)
Timestamp is 5:22:10
And for those who don’t want to view the entire stream, yes I watched this to the end.
There were tweets mentioning a project he had but it was nothing specific except for like 18k words for a webpage seeming overkill. He also talks about his photo projects and gives a few cheeky sneak peaks (hehe cheeky)
He’s like most of the good people he interacts with, they don’t shove clout like crazy and simply wish to make things. It’s earned my approval and I hope he continues to do more video projects. It’s quite rare to see someone do content OTHER THAN PORN and the camera work he does is quite amazing.
hi there so a couple of things
(im thankful for the people on both twitter sl and this website commenting and saying theyve had enough plz be safe ok?)
Wow, you really are an idiot
Nobody said you got banned from Twitter dumbfuck. You broke the rules and got in trouble. Thanks for the confirmation.
Proof or it didn’t happen. Do we need to ask everyone in that hentai mafia page and find out you lied again. Typical. Oh right you got those avatar trackers too…yikes 😬
Nitska – nitska OWNS the sleepover event…
We already got ryan and zacks side
You didn’t delete it to move on, you went to hide. Because if you moved on you wouldn’t have accused em of stalking and just ignored the whole scenario and stayed quiet.
You got loud and caused attention, people put you back in your place and you chose to have a tantrum. Your axolotl might look pretty, but your ugly attitude is what we all see.
Talking for those you’ve harassed is complete bullshit. That’s abuse honey. Let em out of the cage. They’ll never come back.
You tweeted it proclaiming it was fake. That’s denial girl
“Lmao when someone shares fake drama”
And for TGS this applies to ALL Sims. When you enter their Sim, you are subject to THEIR rules. Try following them instead of ignoring them because even LL mentions that.
LL is just the host for content, not the owners dumbass
jesus u go on and on and on nobody actually cares about this drama other then like a group of 10. On top of that people have seen the photo kira has where some of the people involved admitted they were lying in IMs not naming any names cuz im not you , Zach isnt even the one who got hurt so stop trying to baby him by saying hes such a strong individual kira hurt someone else and now that person is there friend and they are even in kiras server and admitted to the whole issue being already dealt with and forgiven.In fact the person is part of her SL family to this day! get your facts straight and if u really wanna move on then shutup about it for once. Hypocrite your the real bully by keeping it going (ps deleting the comments on twitter isnt a bad thing it prevents other people from seeing and get mixed into the bs but here you sit commenting about it on a public website including usernames and profiles in your info like a child) #therealabuserisyou!!
Zack had posted because his RL brother was being attacked. It says it right on his sl profile that he’s Ryan’s twin brother moron.
First Ryan gets attacked in hentai mafia trying to support Zack for the villain video (you got that backwards cosmo)
Than Zack gets harassed at club Ren by kira and tries to play it off and snuggle em. Considering he’s been featured by SL multiple times I’m sure she was trying to cozy up to them and ask or photos, but he doesn’t do commissions.
Look at snags
Bjorn and Belle
And they all have a pretty big following behind them. Fucking clout leach
1) All the supposed evidence of kira prooving innocence is In their discord. There they can fake pretty much anything and get away with it.
2) kira got caught using multiple names posting to fight this and even play their own bad cop (fenfen<3 , kira<3, wrong,) not a good look for somebody trying to claim they're innocent
3) kira and everyone trying to defend them are using the drama from two years ago as their main focus. But kira called it fake…uh oh!
So guess it wasn't fake :3
Yea no I'm with cosmo on this. Kira is the abuser
#trendsetter #stfukaren #educatethisbitch ps deleting the comments on twitter isnt a bad thing it prevents other people from seeing and get mixed into the bs but here you sit commenting about it on a public website including usernames and profiles in your info like a child oof might wanna get some grammar lessons before trying to shove all that into a sentence. A few commas and less u’s could help you sound more intelligent. Hahahahah no. Hiding a tweet means there’s something bigger going on because if Kira was innocent, they’d have nothing to fear. Instead they blocked out all the tweets related to the topic. There’s no mix up, she turned tail and ran off like a little bitch to try and find another way to play the victim like so many fucking times. Also like others have stated, you and so many others are only focusing on one point about Zack, the KYS post. Here’s the shit you idiots don’t understand Zack himself made a public post stating his issue with Kira was the fact they defaced his brother. Kira came back saying the screenshots were “half assed”, and since that didn’t work he brought heavier proof showing their abuse to others. Time don’t matter, that did happen. It don’t matter if they made up or fucking broke up. IT HAPPENED! And from his experiences that’s two people if not 3 that he knew who were being abused by Kira. Another fun fact is you people all saying they’ve “patched things” but none of them have actually come out to clear the story. Nope it’s just Kira and a bunch of nobodies on an anonymous webpage being hatful. Damn must be Virtual Secrets you sit commenting about it on a public website including usernames and profiles in your… Read more »
#39 All the SL trash was commenting. They’re all a bunch of hypocrites. They don’t like it when customers tell them how much of a fuck up they are and yet they have no problem trashing other designers. Pathetic!
#19 Raissa your a POS! And thats coming from a Black Woman! All you do is sit on SecondLife and Facebook and claim your so white. But then racist shit comes out your sorry ass dick sucking mouth and suddenly your Puerto Rican and hate white people. But your avi is white? Stick to what you know best and thats being a racist piece of shit! You were ANTI BLM 3 months ago now your Anti Whites? Confused little girl. Sit your ass down and find a new hobby besides running your worthless racist ass mouth!
#14 SYNDICATE is the best! I should know. I love to show up there with an empty wallet and expect the staff’s full attention babbling on in my lady voice, they love it!
Or Iago that bird off Aladdin 💁 haha
hahaha def Iago…..
Lady voice? i wouldnt go as far as saying you sound like a lady .. a bit camp sure .. but lady naaah 😅 😅 female Alt maybe?
Well you are a douche bag so no shocker there……
Lmao of course they love you you’re a guy they view you as a potential cash opportunity. As fergie once said “if you ain’t got no money take your broke ass home”.
You are a nasty piece of work aren’t you. Most European countries have fashists of some sort or neo nazis or whatever you want to call them. Russia while not really European has them too. Plentiful. Should we invade and destroy entire countries for what a few select people are doing? What about the US? I vividly remember people with swastikas and nazi flags gathering in the Orlando area harassing people on the street last month.
I think it is well know that the Azarov battalion needs to be punished and removed for their imagery and views but invading a whole country and destroying it’s infrastructure, killing children by shelling hospitals and hunting civilians, yeah, that’s not it. Support the civillians of both countries as they are both suffering right now. Russia and the Ukraine.
I think the issue is, they have embraced the Nazi regiment into their own army. They have embraced it, and accepted it. Do you see Nazi symbols and flags in other militaries? If you did, it would be concerning, no?
Setting aside the whole issue of Naziism in Europe or more specifically Ukraine, they have an issue with corruption and child trafficking there, do they not? Did Russia not go in and liberate a bunch of trafficked kids not too long ago, from Ukraine?
Does Ukraine not have Biden, Pelosi and Kerry’s son placed into board member positions on powerful power companies in Ukraine for no reason? You don’t remember the scandal, do you?
I wonder, if when China invades Taiwan, will there be all these people with “support Taiwan” profile pictures? Will other countries be sanctioning China? Will people leave their country to fight for Taiwan? Will media, and government, and celebrities, they will all stand up for the injustice in Taiwan yes?
We both know they won’t, and why? Ask yourself that question, heavily. Why Ukraine? Why are the corrupt ones, so interested in Ukraine?
Does this mean common people should suffer? Of course not, I don’t think that for anybody in any country, war is horrible.
i also think corporate corruption in politics, child trafficking, and nazis are horrible.
You really drank the Kool-Aid, huh? Seriously just won’t give up on the Hunter Biden laptop thing, and what about Hillary’s emails?!!! Just stop, these stories were red herrings from the word Go, which is why nobody ever found evidence to do anything about them. You’re putting the horse before the cart in assuming that anyone interested in affairs in Ukraine mut have some other motive, be it money or because they’re white. Sure it’s possible there was corruption or bribery or whatever, but no matter what happened, not one of those things justifies what Putin is doing. If they have Nazis, if they’re corrupt, if they’re racist, none of that should be Putin’s affair. And yes, people will stand up for justice in Taiwan, just like the world was outraged at China’s behavior toward Hong Kong when they were fighting for independence. Learn to rely on news sources other than OAN, Fox News, and Breitbart.
Corruption is not a reason to start a war, a country should be able to clean up their own messes, or not. It is not on anyone to go in and police them. I very much stand by that for all countries and all wars.
Besides having lived in Russia for years and years before I left I can tell you this is a situation where the kettle is calling the pot black. Trafficking is wild in Russia, corruption? Oh dear god do not get me started on that the only way to get shit done there is to pay someone or you will be waiting for years to get any help.
Neo Nazi’s in the military… yeah… exists there too.
And besides if their war is so just, why do they ban non state run news agencies and make it illegal to speak of the war in a light they do not like. Nevermind banning the access to several apps?
And if you are insinuating racism makes people care so much about the Ukraine… There were massive protests for years when the US went into the middle east and Taiwan might just get more help than the Ukraine too as many American corporations in the tech industry have massive interests in that country.
I am however still laughing at the idea that Russia is not corrupt. It might just be one of the most corrupt places I have ever lived in and I’ve lived in 8 countries…. Should we invade them for that?
Good thing European countries are finally arming themselves and taking the Russian threat seriously, they’ll need it in the coming years. Sadly all hope is lost for my home country as they have turned into a total puppet state for Russia.
Enlighten us with your fake sober story go on. Complete your sentence Chester let’s feel sorry for you to what’ pain you experienced in life but everyone on websites doesn’t care. Why not go on your 4chan or your kiddo land shota websites your friend use to run posting illegal content online.
I think most (if not all) know about Chester and his history with Alexander Weebo. Chester confuses me, sometimes he will have something reasonable to say. Then I look at the loser he is with and the whole respect plummets.
Chester really should not be creating issues, considering the mess his partner puts himself repeatedly.
No reasonable and balanced person would support anything like Alexander or claim it as a partner. Let’s not go into the amount of kids that Alexander was fucking behind his back.
Chester can’t be that good on a poseball, otherwise his partner would not be looking for tail in other places.
How degrading must that be ?
Another troublemaker that was allowed far too much rope and allowed to survive in the cesspit.
#20 funny how you cut off the discription text on that Flickr pic of Julala’s that explained it, also…why target one person who wasn’t even part of the group if you feel so strongly about it…I mean…it almost looks like you were just taking a driveby opportunity to throw shit at Julala……..so…..using an ethnic minority as a moral smoke screen for what was just really your own personal agenda….what does that say about YOU….
Maybe you like to think you’re just “keeping it real” huh? Nah…that’s just manipulative self-serving BS right there. You’re as fake as your faked moral high ground. Be ashamed.
I don’t really think the extended description makes it much better. Playing into racial stereotypes at the behest of RPers (who are more than likely playing a race that is not their own, especially judging from the fact they’re broadly using a slur that most Roma people don’t claim) still isn’t cool. Saying “we’re not REALLY like this, don’t worry” rings pretty hollow when you’re still pushing racist beliefs.
For anyone else who was curious, this is the rest of the description:
“I should point out that this is not meant in any way disparaging of any group of people. We were visited by a wonderful group of nomads who call themselves gypsies. It was their wish to do this shoot and is meant only in fun. We welcome gypsies and travellers to our lands. And we absolutely gave them the apples…..but they’re not keeping our scribe.”
it’s nothing to do with Roma…..the group use the term as defined in the Dictionary “a nomadic or free-spirited person”. It is only people like you and the person that posted the original post that made it about Roma…. it’s a bit like someone saying “I’m throwing this pink dress out” and someone coming along and complaining that it’s a nasty slur against the singer “Pink”. Words sometimes have multiple meanings…the OP just decided to make it about something they could pretend to be outraged about so they could have a dig about someone they are jealous of. Playground bullshit.
When the original definition of a word is a slur and the vast majority of the people who use it and are targeted by it know it’s a slur, what an American dictionary says is worse than useless. Also, arguing from the dictionary means you already lost the argument. Insensitive, petty bullshit.
Having been there and talked to the people. They do not pretend to know Korean. Who ever posted that is super sour about something. Probably a ex kid who wants to start drama. They are actually very sweet and kind people. They just like kpop and wanted a sim geared towards Korean culture. Also the person who made the poster native language is Spanish just to clear that up. Most likely it is someone who wants to tear this sim down because they got banned for being drama or lying
Number 29 & 7.
As a family friend of the Vitale’s, let me clear a few things up for you all because this whole situation is fucked. The post shown in #29 is not the exact words of Rose, it is a screenshot of an article she searched to prove her point (which you can find on this page: https://www.intomore.com/culture/age-play-as-a-consensual-way-to-explore-sexual-dynamics/) as a sense of logic against the previous posts made about her here on Virtual Secrets. She specifically posted it because she did not want to have to use her own words to explain the difference between age-play (which she does not participate in), ddlg, and her aesthetic (which is pastel colors, blush, stuffed animals, etc.) The most important detail of this story is that someone has been harassing her for the past 6 months with death threats and slut-shame, and now more recently since she has not given it any energy or attention, now they’re coming for her family which has nothing to do with the situation. To call someone a podophile out of random is a dangerous game and overall disgusting so obviously you can tell this “poster” is reaching desperately for something in order to be demeaning and destructive. This is the most unproblematic family I have EVER seen on SL in years and the fact that they are needlessly being attacked because someone does not agree with the aesthetic of a woman is OVERBOARD and PATHETIC. Get a life.
The threats chiiile- People really be talking that reckless shit behind a screen lmfaoooo you know they really aren’t about it 😩 if you’re mad boo just say that cause it is giving pathetic rat.. if you can’t say it in person don’t say it at all ✋🏿
how sad u gotta be to try some shit like this.. who hurt bro 😂 wish somebody would.. just leave ppl alone an gone about ur business cause karma is a mf fr
just because you like bright colors and stuffed animals doesn’t mean you’re perverted. people are so miserable, best bet is to ignore them cause they definitely want attention. kudos to them for being strong and good luck
Number 29 & 7
As a family friend of the Vitale’s, let me clear a few things up for you all because this whole situation is fucked. The post shown in #29 is not the exact words of Rose, it is a screenshot of an article she searched to prove her point (which you can find on this page: https://www.intomore.com/culture/age-play-as-a-consensual-way-to-explore-sexual-dynamics/) as a sense of logic against the previous posts made about her here on Virtual Secrets. She specifically posted it because she did not want to have to use her own words to explain the difference between age-play (which she does not participate in), ddlg, and her aesthetic (which is pastel colors, blush, stuffed animals, etc.) The most important detail of this story is that someone has been harassing her for the past 6 months with death threats and slut-shame, and now more recently since she has not given it any energy or attention, now they’re coming for her family which has nothing to do with the situation. To call someone a podophile out of random is a dangerous game and overall disgusting so obviously you can tell this “poster” is reaching desperately for something in order to be demeaning and destructive. This is the most unproblematic family I have EVER seen on SL in years and the fact that they are needlessly being attacked because someone does not agree with the aesthetic of a woman is OVERBOARD and PATHETIC. Get a life.
dude ive know the person from 21-22-23 for more then a year and whoever posted that your so full of crap your just looking to keep your drama going.Stop being a bully and move on with your life.
lmao this you?
Keep playing the victim card, see how long that lasts

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Fake kira account?
Regardless knowing them for over a year means you should’ve seen this coming. it’s not the first and probably not going to be the last so see how that friendship is once you get on her bad side.
It’s called playing the victim honey
Nobody is bullying her, Kira attacked others and they showed their proof. If you’re going to dismiss is all as fake, remember that Kira your “friend” deleted her posts. She’s guilty and #23 kinda proves that statement since like TGS…YA BROKE THE RULES
that’s not me lol and now your targeting people from TGS in your bs and sharing there twitter info just cuz they support Kira. Keep proving your the bad guy by all means also no I’ve seen the entire drama posted online and i stand by it was a long time ago so just get over it also u keep mentioning she deleted her posts? woopty shit she didn’t want her subs to see the drama every day what’s your point? and to say she is playing the victim when your the one throwing a fit over old drama and posting it everywhere like you were hurt by it? if anyone’s playing the victim its you???????
Kira stfu
First off you accuse the comments of posting the original memes
Everything is ANONYMOUS, nobody knows who posted it and it will NEVER be revealed!
So you can keep your lil accusations to yourself. You’re revealing to much information and confirming every accusation given. Targeting TGS what a joke.
Keep giving us more reasons to talk and make sure you don’t reply on fenfen<3 this time xD
Oh they’re targeting people from TGS, nah Kira did that but oops deleted the post 🤣
Has nothing to do with subs honey, she guilty as shit and tried to hide.
But I guess you can say “oh go kill yourself” and everything is good two years later huh, well I though that was fake?
thanks for confirming the story, take a moment and realize you’re just digging a bigger hole the more you talk.
Oh noes, people obsessed with Asian culture and using translators to act like they know Korean? Run for your lives, the whole grid is going to fall down!
Having been there and talked to the people. They do not pretend to know Korean. Who ever posted that is super sour about something. Probably a ex kid who wants to start drama. They are actually very sweet and kind people. They just like kpop and wanted a sim geared towards Korean culture. Also the person who made the poster native language is Spanish just to clear that up.
Yeah, the only thing cringe about that post is the person who made it up. And all of it is completely made up.
And to let everyone know , Savannah is NOT banned from Fox Hollow , is NOT the person she used to be
o ok good to know they stopped hunting and flirting with little girl avis.
Hey guys… I just recovered from that stroke from a few weeks ago and I- …
Oh that’s the excuse for memory loss?
I wondered because the same poster was shouting about taking out Arbordale last week. How did he miss that one?
What between the speedo parties and the hidden cocks on display on most Friday nights, you would have thought something would have stuck?
Most have heard about Kyle and her work, we don’t hear about her being complained about by those friends; of whom were double-crossed by her. Strange !!
Obviously have more important (and deluded) agendas to cry about !
See what I mean about groups creating cesspits?
What’s with all the Breathe Spa crap? I’ve been there plenty of times and actually looked at people’s avatars and none look child-like to me.
Someone clearly hasn’t been there, and instead is just posting shit to stir the pot.
It’s beginning to look like someone got banned from there, and is just screaming “pedo” to try and get LL to close it.
I’ve been there a lot, and have reported one pre-pubescent avatar to a mod who did nothing about it other than agree that the avatar in question looked underage. I don’t think it’s as rampant as these posts suggest but it definitely happens. Maybe the lack of action is the issue.
I was there recently and someone what has been warned about her underage looking avatar was, in fact, banned. So yes the managers are doing something about it. They just can’t be there 24/7 to monitor everything everyone does. Even the best run ship in the navy has rats. Just notify them of something and they’ll investigate. But there is a difference between looking young and looking underage.
This happens at 511 too, no fucks given by anyone, smh
Funny you should mention 511, so far it’s a decent place, the only issue I have is that some (not all obviously), of their dancers begging for tips and overly greeting people then these long, insincere emotes once they do get tipped. There was one night when this dancer, Legs wouldn’t shut up, basically the traffic went from 68 to 37 people in less than an hour. People aren’t into being bombarded for money in what is supposed to be a “chill,” club.
I did the right thing and IMed the owner of 511. Totally ignored me haha. No mods on except for dancers. Dancers pretending like they have authority. One IMs the girl in question and says to me.. well she said she’s 18+. Well fucking duh.
27. I like David but New Brunswick is BORING. It is vanilla for an adult sim and it has a laundry list of rules. There’s never more than 3 people on the map and those people spend most of their time in Cedar Creek.
I have to say this. Congratulations CODY you played yourself. Cody is not only a BULLY but he is not to be trusted. David poaching him from Cedar Creek is one of the best things to happen. Cody and Lucy bullied people at the court and other departments like internet idiots that are coping after getting bullied in the real world. They will lie and kiss asses to look like the victims. Though only brainless imbeciles fall for the act. Thank you David for taking even 1 of the problems out of Cedar.
They should poach Lucy next.
Yup rofl they should poach that imbecile next
New Brunswick is never going to do well because they have lying and backstabbing people like Cody as managers. As soon as I found out Cody was out of CC, I was happy to return. I love CC but he and his friends turned it into a mean girl clique town.
I seen Cody in CC last week 🤣
David chose the wrong people. Cody ruined the Department of Justice in CC with bullying with the help of Courtney & Lucy. They’re between the ages of 30-50 & spent their time bullying out of jealousy like teenagers. Cody is a liar & a dick. Courtney lives in Cody’s shadow & has no personality. Lucy is a manager she should have stopped it from happening but she joined in & went on to ruin Pinewood with bullying. She’s a huge cow in her 1st life with no life outside of her 2nd life so I’m not surprised that she was jealous
I don’t know why he gave away his successful community and invited the most toxic of people from it to work in the new place. Hell, I went to the strip club and it was just a backdrop. He should have made the place for all ages of characters at this point and set certain areas as adults only like Crack Den does.
Things probably would pick up a bit. Some people are probably swapping back over to Cedar because of boredom and others probably to spend time with their RP families.
14. The owner is a mess. Not surprised she is getting called out AGAIN
#1 But But but…. I’m the most important thing in SL!!!!
This comment was a joke! Y’all don’t have a sense of humor. 😛
So funny I forgot to laugh
#10 Arrogant ass thinks his shit don’t stink. 💩
Idk who you are but something is wrong with you. Holy shit.
15) Short answer: No
15) Long Answer: The EvoX UV map is too unique to be backlogging content from past releases. Morphing something I’ve already created for EvoX into default UV’s degrades all the detailed work I did to hand paint something for EvoX. It’s like painting a large mural, and then someone asking you to squish it down to fit it inside their apartment.
There is a reason you are seeing many stores stop support for Genus and Catwa and its because the default UV has too much space dedicated to parts of the heads that no one cares about, while the EvoX UV has given us much more freedom and space to create detailed content. Simply – you loose quality when trying to pack the same amount of pixels into a smaller space. I would need to go in and manually repaint some of the detail I did when making it for EvoX. And at the end of the day – there just aren’t enough people buying NON-EvoX item to support that extra workload. I implore you to open a makeup or applier store and try doing both. You will choose one or the other eventually.
#10 He’s arrogant trash anyway. He’s not the only one by the way. So many trashy designers do this and even to other designers. Seems to be the cool thing these days. It’s time we stop supporting this behavior. I would love to see them all close shop and disappear.
This is disgusting behaviour. Shame.
#1 “Literally”
Learn to pronounce
If she hasn’t changed in the past two years, Savannah probably got banned for harassing people. She used to ask us for lindens all the time and would annoyingly rp dial 911 over and over and over in CC to report random crap.
First off that information is wrong. She isn’t banned from fox hollow. Second that girl and her family built a entire university in a day! The person who posted this is probably a hatefully little child who got kicked from the family for being a jealous little shit.
You’re awefully defensive, fuckstick… especially when this is a random site that only a small minority of people on SL actually know about.
Not a child. Don’t know who the “family” is. I only know Savannah. Maybe she was only temporarily banned but I know she was banned at the end of December. Who cares about the university being built in a day and who even brags about these sort of things? You sound like you are the little child RL.
First off attacking someone when you don’t know the fact makes you seem like a drama whore. Which you probably are honestly. Not my problem probably miserable in both lives anyway. I probably have more going for me then you do lmfao. Attacking someone who doesn’t speech English and family who likes Korean things is wrong. If you want your avie to look Asian and cute does that mean your attacking all of them? Project BTS, Project BP, Project EXO and many more. Store creators too hmmm seems like you and loser of that poser wanna be enemy number 1. Also has for Savanah I doubt your stupid ass doesn’t even know her. So why not do us all a favor and shut your fucking mouth. Go back to your pathetic SL and RL.
Let me guess, you spend so much time logged into SL that being a little Korean girl has become your whole identity. You do annoying ass KPOP group dances with your friends in stores, and daydream of what BTS singer you will never marry. That is what I got from the shiiiiiiiiiiiiit ton that you are projecting and being overly defensive about. Stop embarrassing yourself and whoever this Savannah bitch friend of yours is. Kermit didn’t mention any of the shit you are in here whining about.
You have quite the imagination! I only mentioned Savannah. I didn’t attack anyone who doesn’t speak English or anyone who likes Korean things. I said nothing about Asian or cute avatars. I do see you lack the most basic of reading comprehension though. Maybe you should direct all that useless rambling to the actual person who created the secret, dumbass. Oh and welcome to Virtual Secrets : ) !
Hi! I made #37, I think some of you guys are getting the wrong point. I don’t care about people who’s avatars just generally look young while still being clearly adults, I know some people just look young and wanna reflect that in SL! I made the secret about babygirls/littles specifically, girls who pretend to be children or act super child-like on top of looking young. My point was more “is there any meaningful distinction between someone who makes their avatar look really young while roleplaying as an adult who’s roleplaying as a child, vs someone who’s just outright roleplaying as a child.” I ran out of space though and I didn’t wanna make the text super tiny or submit two secrets.
#6- Bet you the people running that are white people RPing as black people.
#20- Man that’s fucked up. I think some people forget that the Roma are real and not a funny little fantasy race you can toss in for some spice.
#24- This has been something people have been doing for years now, along with prerendered images done in programs other than SL. It’s garbage, and I feel like it’s false advertisement/misrepresentation that shouldn’t be tolerated, but here we are anyway. I try not to support any brand who pulls that shit.
#24 agreed, If you can’t be bothered to take a pic in-world to show what it actually looks like on some particular mesh body, fuck it. Not even gonna demo!
#28. There’s also no reason to reply with “I don’t use what you’re asking about” in the thread. IMO they’re just biting back to someone being rude in the first place.
#37. To use your same logic, I’m 30 next year and I STILL get asked what highschool I go to. Does that make my partner a pedo?? Fucking of course not. Now I don’t think the argument you’r making was that black and white. But at the end of the day, none of this is. It’s internet avatars made by people who exist in a world where your hips can be 5x the size of your head and nobody seems to remember what a human being looks like. So really, I don’t care. If people are saying their ocs are 18+, I’m going to believe them. Way less energy than the witchhunting everyone wants to do, here.
No one gives shit about what you look like in RL.
37 Referenced their own appearance.
I’m referencing my own to show the flaw in anecdotal statements like that.
Calm down, this isn’t a big deal.
#4-5 Kupra owner typing detected.
Newsflash, there are more people who are disturbed by the teen trend in SL!
I wouldn’t be caught dead in a kupra body and I think those pedo bait bitches are disgusting.
#27 David is a cool dude and all but damn, this place is boring. I gave it a chance but the most people I seen there over a two week period was 3-4 people. It does seem like a nice place for people who want a slow paced community minus families and teens. Bull and Cody are there too if you missed them. Too clean for me.
#25 lol .. are all the women still 7ft tall beanpoles with basketball tits and a lovely shade of natural tanned orange?
Maui’s finest, check out their munted Flickr pages if you want a laugh, their so called ‘standards’ are so fucking warped.
Haha, those pages are comparable to “People of Walmart” for sure… Uglys of Maui.
The only standard they have is that you have to be a loser to get fucked there.
I just remember open day and one of the managers, Renni, walked in wearing a white bikini, sheer robe and LONG WHITE OPERA GLOVES. That place is a non hot mess lol
There is a reason Rennie is a manager there.. she is such a hideous old witch, the only reason she probably stays there is because she would never get a fuck outside of Maui ROFL
18# no one cares Who the f*** is this bitch there not even irrelevant bye bitch.
I’m really proud of virtual secrets being relevant enough for russian trolls to have to sow their propaganda here too (#43)
13# beev fallen two weeks in a row. I almost messaged him after the sanctions started to check he was ok etc. Having seen last weeks post about his flickr post I’m glad I didn’t. Guess he gets a bye as he makes nice stuff. I’m sure plenty of our friends have bad views.
43# I’m supremely confident plenty of Ukranians hold nasty views, but right now we’re all rooting for them. Not least as we all HATE Russians!
Hate the government, dont hate the Russians. Majority of Russians are not okay with this war. A lot of Russian soldiers are defecting because they also do not want to do this. Ukranians aren’t hating Russians, they are are hating the war caused by the Russian government and have no choice but try to defend themselves.
You need to know the differences in the situations going on. Pay more attention.
I certainly don’t hate Russians, 4 of my best friends are from Russia. It’s not the people.
We all don’t hate Russians, the fuck are you on? GFY.
#43. Man the Kremlin trolls are really getting desperate to push justification for Russia’s aggression and killing of civilians into SL Virtual Secrets.
#15 I wear Catwa head and a LAQ head for my alt, it’s getting harder and harder to find things for those heads because all anyone wants to do is EVOX. Like skin fair, pfft should’ve been called EVOX fair since EVERYTHING is for that head. It’s not fair to us who use something other than EVOX.
#36 I know the owner of so silly she use to be my sl sister but she was not welcomed anymore because she never connected with the family. She blamed me for it but it was her own fault, she’s not a good person and her stuff is so outdated and very boring. I’ve never liked any of her things.
Yes its getting harder because no one uses it, the work behind making compatible stuff for them doesn’t really translate in earnings because the user base of these heads are very small now
No, not exactly.
While LeL has a stranglehold on the market, I know plenty of people who don’t use LeL heads or Catwa heads for that matter since neither is what look they’re going for. All of SL isn’t adult humans going for ultra realistic EvoX aesthetic or the clone thing (side tracking but.. for all the unbound unique rigging LeL heads have, 90% of users look the exact same – you know “the LeL look” if you’ve even spent a day in the LeL discord and checked out the blogger pictures – pouty lipped girls, jugheaded men – the heads are capable of so so much more but.. that’s off topic). LeL has no child avatar heads. No fantasy creature heads. No cartoony head besides Gaia, no male version. The only softer male head is the one meant to be non-binary. Assuming all of SL is the adult normie human market is.. well… silly.
Are you also suggesting everyone should just give up and let LeL be the entire mesh head market with no other choices? I don’t like that. No creator should be the only one and force everyone into buying from them.
And no BOM creators should be forced to waste their time making overlays that will sell a fraction of their Evo X work. That goes both ways.
It does but to say “Only EvoX matters” is giving the entire mesh head market to LeL. Do we really want a monopoly with no other choices? LeL does NOT want other heads using their UV map and threw a fit when someone tried.
Do we want LeL as the only viable choice in SL? That’s exactly like saying that Maitreya should be the only female mesh body since almost everyone rigs for it.
Maitreya has a monopoly on the market considering how much there is for it and how much ‘exclusive’ items there are for it still. Hardly anyone has complained much about it. Actually I’ve had people angry with me when I point it out!
Rebirth (the brand that used their EvoX mapping) did it without Lelutka’s authorization and has given the authorization/permission to Advanced AK head makers to USE their EvoX mapping.
But doing something for both, unless you are using Substance Painter or a 3D painting program that can easily adjust it, it is really difficult to convert. Even in the 3D painting program, it can be difficult because of the differences in the mapping and having to correct some things.
EvoX and Lelutka heads being used more than anything is likely because they are ACTUALLY doing things and updating products. Genus is going the “Belleza route” pretty much as I have not seen a update in at least two years and Catwa is just… greedy and people have taken notice from what I have seen.
You’re absolutely full of shit; they literally gave the map to AK and now AK sells Evo X compatible heads. You’ve been talking bullshit since the beginning of all this, insisting Lel was trying to lock other people out and force change even when every Evo X head has the option of regular SLUV mode- and all of their updates have been free, even for people who got free heads. No one is going to hold anything back to coddle people who refuse to progress. You need to stop lying, or speaking on subjects you obviously know nothing about at least.
I’m absolutely not because at the time I wrote that, I wasn’t aware they finally relented and let other brands use their UV. Before this skin fair, they were much only wanted LeL to have that UV and were not even offering it to any other heads – legal or not. LeL has said a lot of things they’d like people to forget about and now that it’s Discord only, they can neatly delete statements they no longer stand behind. Good job on falling for that, I still remember when a CSR said BoM was garbage and LeL would not be including it in Origins updates. LeL has locked people out. “They have the option of SLUV!” but almost everything is made for Evo X only. People besides me are telling you that. The entire grid isn’t normie adult humans. The humanoid avs I know who don’t use LeL are – kids, fantasy creatures (new mercreature head just came out I see people using), cartoon characters, and male avatars who want a softer face/not super masc facial features. If I need to “progress”, tell LeL to make a EvoX kid head since you seem to be in the know. We all know how people react when kid avatars use anything meant for an adult. Is LeL gonna make these kinds of heads or lend their UV to people who do? They’d be wise to. I still think it’s a very bad idea to let one creator dominate the Grid but I suppose SL wants to find out why that’s an issue. As for Genus… well they’re in Ukraine from what I understand (don’t shoot the messenger, they were on a list of Ukraine creators) so even if they hadn’t bailed SL, they’d be no updates for a while. Belleza went… Read more »
the heads suck and most polls show evoX a giant user % over anyone even combined.
To me the heads don’t suck it’s about what shapes you use, and lately I’ve been seeing people have issues with their EVOX heads.
Please elaborate the issues, lelu are the easiest heads to use so if you having issues id suggest its the user s not the heads themselves
What issues even? LeL is so fast to fix any issues that pop up ontop of giving free updates. I really don’t know what issues you have “seen”.
The thing about the shape tho is that the LeL heads have their unbound sliders so any shape i make is probably going to be more customized and with the right head i can emulate pretty much whatever i want within reason (give me a big hook nose or chubby head please) that is seen in other inbounds heads.
LeL has been innovative with better UVs, sliders and their model for updating things like animations, bom/animesh ears or evo for no cost to existing customers and it has paid off. Frequent new products, good customer support and free fully supported heads just added to that even more. Wear whatever you want but there’s a reason the market is headed the direction of LeL…
Dumb people who can’t follow instructions are always going to have problems with things. The more people use something, the more dumb people not following instructions there are going to be, so the more likely you are to hear about their nonsense. Simple logic.
I wish SL would just ban child and teen avatars. Shit is beyond gross and just promotes metal instability.
There’s people fucking dogs and horses inworld, places specifically for rape fantasies, scat, snuff murders, and more BUT kid and teen avatars just existing is the breaking point for you? LOL.
But of course to the likes of Bombom here, you got to have some degree of morality. I mean why blink an eye, when some grandma is out raping a horse on a cheap Moderate land parcel because she could not bother to get her ass to Zindra. But lord prevail a kid is sitting watching TV on a parcel 6 sims away from the act. I mean… Okay ! 😄
I’m out riding my bike right now on PG land. Clearly this is the biggest threat to SL morality as we know it.
Just depravity at its finest ! 😂
Lmfao 🤣
I’m a teen avi, not like other people but for the most part I roleplay at a sim that’s has people being 11-17 year olds. We’re not gross, I also do it for my sl mom because I’m the oldest but I majorly am an adult. Does that make me sick and gross? I mostly do a teen avie because I didn’t have a good teenage years, body image, being bullied and attempting suicide. Was not good. That’s why I’m a teenager, and most child avies do it because they want to feel what it’s like to be a kid again and feel nurtured and loved. Some also do it because they had a bad childhood full of neglect and abuse. Does that make them gross?
I am pretty sure no one has a problem with that you do. What many people do have a problem with is grown women who make teen avatars and go to adult places for sex. IF you are into that, at least do it at your own home so no one has to watch that ^%%$^
That’s exactly the point, and all these people piling on with their “BUT NOT ME” are obviously not who we’re talking about. If they’re not taking their underage looking avi to sex clubs and sims, they’re not at all the topic.
Yeah was replying to and referring to the individual who said that ALL kid and teen avatars should be banned from Secondlife.
Finally someone who knows the truth! Makes me sick seeing all the support for a country that’s #2 in sex trafficking and proudly support Neo-Nazi movement. If Putin wanted to take power he would. He’s there for so much more. That country is so corrupt. Now do I support the innocent Ukrainian’s Hell yes! But do I support all the fuck Russia crap NO! Why attack Russian civilians that play SL because their government? Fuck war!
I have never seen Ukraine show up in the top of any human trafficking reports.
But you know which country always shows up in the top 20 of nearly every report since 2003? Russia.
You got actual proof of what you’re saying, or are you just spouting shit?
Cause anyone on the internet can say anything, but can’t can’t provide proof to back what they said.
If you can’t provide proof, then GFY.
The Russian mantra.
Where’s your proof of Ukraine being “#2 in sex trafficking” or anything else you and your Russian friend are claiming? In your own words boo.. “If you can’t provide proof then GFY”.
Just because I don’t agree with you, doesn’t make me a russian troll / russian bot / whatever insult you choose.
Come up with an actual argument without the name calling, or GFY.
You’re a fucking idiot. If you knew anything about the armed forces, you would know they don’t wear metallic items on their Kevlar. Ducking idiot. Stay and die in Russia, moron.
The only idiot here is you.
How does Ukraine have a Jewish president if it’s so full of neo-nazis?
So his solution is to ruthlessly kill civilians and destroy their infrastructure? It may be corrupt but China and Russia are the undisputed champs of corruption and Authoritarianism. The only reason Ukraine hasn’t dealt with the Neo-Nazi problem is because they actually know how to fight, clearly.