Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 693.
#22 – 24
From what I gather this bitch keeps attacking people and asking around they seemed to have targeted two residents being Trixie and someone named Ryan. There was a whole commotion about it going public during a sleepover (photo/video event)
Sleepover keeps moving from venue to venue but they decided to bring up drama about one such person called Trixie in one of those public discords. Shortly after that got removed they seemed to run away but still visit the event. I saw them staffed in club Ren and that doesn’t seem to be a thing anymore so it’s safe to say there was a falling out 🤔
Regardless I’ve seen more bs from this bitch and to call the accusations as “fake” is quite the claim. Sl has the logs so they won’t escape if proven to be true. Telling someone to kill themselves is no joke Sl or RL
How.. Everyone knows unrigged hair moves like if you glued a plank to your head.
Stop getting bitter over someone not liking your bad idea.
We all get bad ideas, but most of us think twice and do research before posting them anywhere.
better luck next time.
The face determines. I don’t care what anyone says, i totally agree.
having a female adult body with big tits and ass, does not make you an adult.
and sorry to say, but the blushy wet eyes, pucker lipped cry baby, “i get spanked by my dad” look, is not cute and it never was.
16 – Oh, sweetie, snarking at people who shape-shame by attempting to return the favor is so damn old.
21 – I agree that men deserve more variety. I also know you’re bitching about the best visibility menswear has ever had in Second Life. You all deserve better. You as an individual are also clearly a fashion noob if not an SL one. Stop shopping at only “normal” men’s stores. Think separates. Think accessorizing. Think buying from people who make fantasy, steampunk, Japanese, sci-fi attire. Hell, I can see you don’t even realize Gabriel exists.
34 – Artistic expression, processing her experiences with self-harm, and/or advocacy/awareness work. That’s how. Her blog, her content.
39 – C&C did release with less support than Reborn. That worried me for the sake of her sales. I don’t find the body hard to shape, but I will say it has a major flaw in the crotch. If a reasonable hip width setting makes the outer labia look like they slope downward in a perfect right angle from the slit to the top of the thighs, it’s broken out the door. Also, letting people use standard skins on the Chai body is useless when the feet don’t support that UV. Makes its existence rather meaningless. I think Siddean’s got a vanity project there instead of a real contender.
43 – I saw that and cringed. Whatever happened to monthly sale boxes? The cost wasn’t much different. This is a traffic grab when traffic doesn’t count the same anymore. And yes, as with the sale boxes, they will kick people out of the group every month. I preferred the boxes that used a subscriber-based system for reasons.
You’d better put your money where your mouth is next week, then. Don’t just be another Coming Soon™ person who talks big and never follows through.
Correction: 5 secrets now submitted…
Secrets mean nothing for getting them off the grid. Tell. The. LINDENS.
Already submitted 2 secrets, I don’t play…
This should be interesting. Virtual secrets has no credibility. This website only showcases hearsay, lies, rumors and false accusations. The only time I will believe any bull crap I see on this website is if law enforcement is involved or linden labs takes action. Before that time, every thing said here are just tall tales made up by mentally unstable weak minded losers who are just jealous and losing at life. Failures who want to drag others down with them. Virtual secrets has 0 credibility.
Might want to focus on submitting abuse reports. Secrets are for muck raking. They don’t actually clean any shit up. If you mean business, AR it.
#1 – I’m sure you fucked up. NEXT!
#2 – He wasn’t lying when he said he was tired seeing as people say he’s a tub of lard in RL. He’s probably tired.. a lot. Can’t be easy living that 600-lb life.
#9 – Trash. It’s funny though you act like you’re teaching anything, only thing you’re teaching us is your taste is shit. lawl
#10 – That’s already been done, look up Piggu. None of you RL fatties want a reminder of your RL selves in SL. Surprise, surprise, it didn’t take off.
#11 – I can see right through you, trying to keep Genus relevant. lawl
#16 – Midget pornstar trend? lawl
#19 – *shudders*
#36 – What’s even worse with the -fishing are the display names. So extra. lawl
#40 – Usually, these baby head adult body avis are beyond disgusting in RL. It’s like a cry for help. I’m guessing they got physical and psychological issues none of us can even begin to understand, leave them be lawl
#44 – Want a cookie? lawl
Piggu was presented as a rude joke. That’s not trying to do it right. And if you think bearish men are fat slobs, you have no goddamn clue.
Did you bother reading #10? Regardless of whether Piggu was intended to be a joke or not is irrelevant. Does the fat shoe fit? Cuz you sound triggered. lawl
#38 No reason to thank her, she only did it because it’s dead due to her greed. If she kept the group fee reasonable it would still be thriving
18 & 19 I’m not one to really voice an opinion on things on this platform and really just stop in from time to time in a bored moment I may have sometimes, but after reading some of the things I am seeing on things about the Moretti crew and Dee, I really feel my silence should end now. I am not part of the Moretti or Trisk famtily or any family on SL for that matter but I do know many of them and know for a fact that both families have some pretty nice folks in them. With any family, you can not judge them as a whole because of the choices that certain members of the family make. It’s unfair. The Trisk family do a lot for the SL community and from where I stand and watch, they have done so for years. You can say what you want and again I’m not expert on either family but even the Morettis have many talented and good people amongst them. Dee being one of them. I don’t really know Energy that well and frankily could care less about who he does or doesn’t do, but I’ve known Deebop for years. Going back to the days where she hosted at Beachwood and Papas. She is good people. As for the catfish thing, I’ve read certain people’s comments on that and it is total stupidity. I’ve personally been in a few video calls with her back when she use to manage dj’s and skype was the thing everyone used and know for a fact the catfish accusation is false. I’m not going to get into a heated argument with anyone over this but I do feel that all of you throwing out your 2 cents on that lady need to… Read more »
#41 I guess you never heard this loser talk on voice because if you did, you would know he can’t even prowl a deaf chicken. A woman must be pretty desperate to be interested in Manny Kenin. No personality, looks like shit and he is old as fuck. LMFAO
You must be a lonely, sad, scorned POS to spend all day trying to hurt people. We know who you are LULZ
#6 #12 imogen’s on LOA running off to a pedofile/bdsm sim anyway. alice probably told her to take a break from being around bullet and the growing tension between her and the mods. imogen isn’t a likeable person at ALL. I’ve heard of the conversations that mayze has with alice behind her back and the other managers are already thinking of ways to get her unstable head out of there. if the university keeeeeeps on failing they will do away with it and then imogen’s job will be gone she contributes nothing but instability and pushes people away. when bullet debuts his new gf and his new family she is gonna throw a whole fit! stay off sim imogen! no one on manager or moderator wants you there anymore ESPECIALLY not the citizens
#18, #19. Really? Just because one person makes bad choices does not mean the rest of the family is guilty of anything. People change for the worse all the time. But it is never the families fault. People make their own single choices. The Trisks don’t hold everyone’s hands and guide them every where they go and what they do. But sure enough as most families, more than likely they will talked to.
Cynder … Cynder you pathetic slut the fact you had to post this was pathetic lol Lupin Adrie watch out you’re next or better yet why don’t you all three sum eachother because all of you are horrible pathetic attention whores I’ll say one thing Cynder what goes around comes around and I’ll sit back and watch for you to destroy yourself and let me karma handle you for the way you tried to destroy dee nothing goes unpunished in this world
It wasnt Cynder, in face it was me Athenatessie Resident. AKA Magnolia Dash. I have nothing to hide and wanted the truth out there for all to see.
You’re probably one of Cynders alts saying that bye
The fact she gave you that to post is just as bad and shows what kind of person she is.
Sorry but, the “families” do stick together in treating someone like shit to support each other, to drive someone out. That wouldn’t be so if they were making their own choices. They’re all carbon copies of each other.
You are right it doesn’t make everyone in the families bad. A lot of the Trisks are amazing individuals. However Dee and Energy are terrible two-faced sluts. They both cheat on each other and they deserve each other. They lose everyone that joins the family in time because they treat everyone like fucking garbage.
The entire family gets involved when something outside effects their clique. It’s a known fact. I applaud your loyalty but how often does this man need a ‘talking’ to before the next one comes along? And the next. And the next. Every time he dips his wick he runs back to Momma and it’s like nothing ever happened. How about once and for all he gets kicked to the curb and stops embarrassing everyone around him. Take her with him. Cos the both of them are the gossip of the grid and EVERYONE is well aware of their name, who they are, and what they stand for. They’re all over this site more often than they’re not and it’s not anyone else sullying the precious family name. So let that be your big ‘family talk’ and stop baring the storm of their ridiculous, toxic relationship and make it stop.
How about some of the others…..
Madam Mel
Jorge Moretti
Just to name a few…. Mel was nuts, Jorge and how he did his ex and the cheating and then some, Cynder…well enough said there… If you watch Dee and Energy they don’t even act like a couple. Those two don’t care about others in the family unless they are a DJ. Where is Saucy, Ariel is gone, I don’t see Gia or Jynxi, Saucy, so many others are gone because they figured it out. Moretti’s are not family.
Cynder practically broke wind trying to get her fat ass into that family. Glued herself to Energy for weeks gossiping about Dee behind her back but to her face calling her ‘sister’. Cynder’s not quiet when she thinks she knows better than everyone else and will always side with whoever can benefit her the most.
Agreed, she does that with every family, She, has been what has so many names and partners I can’t keep track. Amulet, Cage, Moretti she has had several other partners since.
Adrie you are next I know she probably won’t listen and I get that but it’s coming honey. Lupin bro, you two are the next set of victims. When it is all over, she will run to the next family proclaim innocence and say it was all YOUR fault.
Lol you couldn’t be more right! How many is it now? 10? And yes! It’s ALWAYS everyone else’s fault and she’s just the innocent victim. Every. Time.
Lol .are you kidding. Cynder fits right in with them. They are no better than the ones you mention
Well, then she finally found a good home. A drama filled one.
Or Rydin and “sister” Mayze…or are they one in the same? They certainly act the same in sticking together to screw someone over for no reason. “Manager” Mayze’s celebrity “jobs” are only for her friends, favors and people she can use to kiss her ass. It’s hilarious how the town continually advertises for the phony jobs daily that are NOT available. She’ll lie for 2 weeks how she ‘still’ hasn’t had a chance to review the applications she receives, and laughs at you while taking the pay for her own job. She’ll go on as long as she can without hiring anyone but then says she’s soooo busy. When she finally does, it will be the alt of herself or a friend, obviously to keep the power. Of course the owner doesn’t care, so he must like her being his guard dog to keep out any non-clique members.
Rydin, who looks like RuPaul, is an idea copycat who uses other people and then dismisses them as if they’ve done something wrong to justify what she does.
Just another clique town where newcomers aren’t welcome.
7 – I don’t know anything about these people but a month is plenty of time to get over a bad relationship, especially if the partner was a piece of shit or a boring turd, so if you’re that upset then do better next time.
Thank you! He didn’t move on, we’re two best friends that partnered eachother to keep the weirdos in public at bay. But clearly his ex and their ‘bffl’ think it’s not okay cuz even after this was made by “someone” they went ghost mode. Yeah he was manipulated and used. Started out with lovebombing too so we all can get an idea of the kind of person the ex is. But because of this Frankie is thinking about leaving SL or going on a hiatus cuz of the drama. 🙁
#9 Sooo your argument doesn’t change the fact that the ponytail would still clip into your back whenever you move, and judging by your shit taste, you probably have one of those AOs where you move around a ton. Not even gonna go into how those two hair colors don’t even match to begin with. Stay ugly with bad taste hon.
#’s 9, 11, 20, 26, 29, 31, 37, 39, 43 It’s tiring reading the posts that expect makers to cater to your every whiny desire. #9- Stop with the hair! If you can’t find a nice hair in SL, maybe your standards are too high. Besides, a fucking pony tail is not a hairstyle. Every day RL, I hate having to throw my hair up like that for work, why on earth you love it like this is a mystery. Why are you spending so much effort to complain about a fucking pony tail? Learn to love what’s available, learn to MESH or shut up! No one owes you eyebrows, more metal colors, or sizing huds. Stop buying shit without a demo. No one owes you a sale, not for Christmas or any other time. If you owned a store in SL or RL, you would know that offering a sale is sometimes a suicidal business move because then NO ONE will pay full price ever again, knowing that you’ll eventually have a fucking sale. Stop being a beggar. Guess what? SL is a hobby and like ALL hobbies, it costs money. Yeah. Do you think it’s cheap to…build a model of some collector set, go golfing, take a martial art, etc? NO! It’s an unnecessary, elective thing in life and it costs money. There is no free lunch. If you want to play, you have to pay, tough shit. Learn to appreciate it when you actually get something for nothing because that is called a PROMOTION for ‘them’, not an entitlement to you. If you don’t like their offer, then DON’T BUY IT, simple! Dear God at #29- Those are the very best houses in all of SL. How dare you ask for a sale…on any house, let alone… Read more »
LMAO @ the ponytail
I agree with all of this. I have no idea why some of these losers think they are entitled to hand outs of anything else. All I can think of is that these are a bunch of spoiled millennials that have never actually made any effort to make or get anything. Just shut up with he complaining, no one cares!
OMG 100 with alll of your comment! couldn’t have said it better myself
love Onsu, only thing i can think of is please pretty please make some of your skyboxs actual houses as well cause they are so fantastic
You’re just figuring this out? LOL.
And who fucking cares? In SL, you can be whatever you want to be. That’s kinda what it’s for. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like it, or I don’t like it, or everybody doesn’t like it. People can be what they want.
#18/!9 HAHAHA Dee Moretti so fucking pathetic. Cannot get anyone else to fall for her catfishing ways so she stays with the nasty ass Energy. They are perfect for eachother. Who would want either one of those messes LOL. Suck a force to be reckoned with LOLOL
How old is she, actually? Not the first time I’ve heard her being called a cat fish. It’s time they both got booted. When is this family gonna stop the embarrassing insanity cos no one else in that clique get talked about as much as they do lol
#18/!9 HAHAHA Dee Moretti so fucking pathetic. Cannot get anyone else to fall for her catfishing ways so she stays with the nasty ass Energy. She must be super fucking old and ugly as fuck or something because damn the catfishing continues on for years HAHAHA. They are perfect for eachother. Who would want either one of those messes LOL. Suck a force to be reckoned with LOLOL #desperatebitch #uglyasfuckinRL
Now I know you have no idea what you’re talking about. Dee is anything but ugly in RL. She’s an extremely nice looking woman. I’ve talked to her on more than one occasion on cam and I have to call bullshit on that hashtag. #tessiewrongaf
#18/!9 HAHAHA Dee Moretti so fucking pathetic. Cannot get anyone else to fall for her catfishing ways so she stays with the nasty ass Energy. She must be super fucking old and ugly as fuck or something because damn the catfishing continues on for years HAHAHA. They are perfect for eachother. Who would want either one of those messes LOL. Such a force to be reckoned with LOLOL #desperatebitch #uglyasfuckinRL
She is the first to point fingers at everyone else and play the victim… this bitch will be your friend and stab you in the front, lie to you and claim she stabbing you in the back bc she thinks youre that stupid to believe her.. she is a terrible excuse for a human being, Narcissistic catfish who hates on and bans anyone who calls her out on her bullshit.. This whole post is probably just her trying to get attention bc her club isn’t relevant anymore and Energy is dumb enough to go along with it.. these two are toxic, their club is trash, they bank roll everything and if youre not “elite live mix” they dont want you… but I’m gonna just say this.. neither of these two fucking people are decent live mixers.. the look down on anyone who isn’t a live mix.. and they think they’re at the top of the food chain.. when they are just the top of the joke list.
Dee don’t even live mix she uses Energys mixes or she pulls them off youtube that came from one of the Trisks real live mixers. As for the 808 using only live mix djs that’s also bullcrap I know at least 4 djs that were hired there that do not live mix so these clowns can’t even tell if someone’s live mixing or not they just want to act like their club only hires elite live mixers when in reality it’s been a dead ass club with only them and their latest victims they’re brainwashing that’s ever in it.
This is the most ridiculous comment of them all. I bet if you put Dee up against Energy in a battle she’d win hands down. And as for the club, being a seasoned rl DJ myself, I for one can attest to the fact that they do feature some of the best dj’s on sl. If you dispute that then you are shooting down a lot of great DJ’s on Second Life.
I said their club is not only live mix dj’s which they claim it is and if youre the seasoned rl dj you claim to be then you would know that you clown pull your head out her ass you don’t know whats been up there before you 😂 😂
You should probably check on that as they have one day a week they allow live and non live mix DJ’s do set, and I’m up no one’s ass. I’m just correcting a bunch of of untrue accusations and information I have been reading written by what appears to me a bunch of bitter, jealous people who don’t even bother to check their facts before posting them.
exactlyyyyy they ride whoever they think is gunna bring them people and when they are done using them they toss them aside and move on to the next.. But they “help so many live mixers grow” such bullshit i know a few people who became better live mixers from other people around the grid.. not them.. they just said anything and everything they could to keep them around until the people got wise and left.. its a joke.. they are trying to stay relevant bc they shit is a dead horse riding Panda Monday to get their crowd, but if BRM takes that Panda Monday and moves it somewhere else aint nobody gunna go that club.. if it wasn’t for them tryin to use BRM for clout.. they woulda shut down long ago..
Panda Monday isn’t even all that. Panda wanna be Trisk is just a wanna be Trisk imo.
#9 but unrigged ponytail is gonna look terrible when you’re moving around, it’s gonna stab you in the back and go through your chest
#30 Isn’t pretending to be and exploring something you’re not the whole point of Second Life?
#30.. Why are you gatekeeping? SL has people who run around like dogs or aliens.. Who cares if its a white person behind a black avie? Hell most black women i know play as white girls.. Should we bitch about that as well?
I always run into the opposite. Most white women I know are using black and asian avatars. I’ve noticed most black and asian people that I know are actually on the black and asian avatars. Black and asian avatars are very popular on SL. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with white peoples using these avatars as long as they aren’t using negative stereotypes and mocking cultures.
This sadens me. I’m a white male who’s got a huge thing for black women and its sad they go as white girls. I don’t know why and respect their choice but I wish SL had more black women showing themselves off in a black woman’s avi.
there are lots but not at QOS lol
That’s not the norm, in my opinion. SL has a very high black woman population and most are using black avatars.
Those flexi haired, t-rex armed, oily baby hippos you see waddling around with their self-bouncing giant asses most likely came from IMVU. Ratchet at its finest.
Does that include the grossly huge ass and t rex arms they tend to favour??
Not to mention that butt clapping, thigh wriggling AO they like to use. That thing goes on for days even long after they’ve logged off
There are plenty of “white” avis that do that too; it’s definitely not racial. That is one thing I can 100% agree is ugly as fuck and I can’t even begin to fathom what makes those avis think constantly jiggling like jell-o is sexy, even when standing still. Can you imagine how gross that would feel? Skin bags of fat with zero muscle tone under them? It’s literally repulsive.
A lot of women of all race favor that particular shape,
they do and they look like T rexes
aww im getting thumbs down, we all know you are T rexes now don’t we, and yes you look revolting, but thats up to you if you want to give the rest of sl a good laugh and well stand next to you 11 foot giant with huge shoulders and a pea head is even better. so easy to shape realistically, look at real pictures of fat humans and make a shape cause they dont look anything like that
#21 If guys bought more clothes (all guys, not just the select few who want to look good) there would be more options available. Guys are more likely to buy homes, cars, sex beds and other related objects instead of clothes. Creators need a ROI for what they make or its just a waste of their time. The notion of “If you build it they will come” is just not realistic in SL men’s fashion. You can always learn how to make clothing in SL. It’s a huge investment in terms of time but you never know, you can make what you like and even make some L$ at the same time if you are good enough.
#31 That is very annoying but that’s business in SL.
#34 How is it not ok for someone to express themselves and their feelings artistically?
#43 Uber loves to nickle and dime period. They excel at that!
#3 is called Fluffnuffers in sl she is soooo toxic, makes herself the victim all the time cause woe her. said her ex raped her when he didn’t! dated a taken guy while being hypocritical about others having sl relationships when they have rl’s. ontop cant makes shit but has 2 stores now rebranded and selling the same stuff with tiny tweaks!! on the childhood front, she claims to be a little but then has her own “version” of BDSM terms so it’s not little how everyone else thinks and she kink shames everyone else about it. it never surprises me to keep seing her here, expressly as she used to look each Sunday for gossip but as soon as was listed here “DoEsN’T sUpPoRt ThIs BoGuS sItE”
Ah yes, sounds like alot of people in EoC.
She will reap what she has sown.
#45.I mean… isn’t flickr a fuck fest of other peoples inspirations anyways? the.bunny would know all about that am I right… considering bunnies name irl is abel so she decided to comment on the photo with her name:https://gyazo.com/f0410e47eb03b8f3feb6e79ddb9239b2.
Yabi also mention Freya in her photo description, you just removed that part? lol k.
Are you guys serious.
An image….
Literally from the 1600s…..
Literally something we’re supposed to learn in school….
That has you tilted? Google “Ophelia Shakespeare” and realize that none of these posts are actually original. This image has be recreated to death by every 2 bit model in a swimming pool.
Finally someone who actually has a brain in sl 😂 most flickr images are taken from some inspiration especially pinterest or as this person said history.
Shady ass sl, unoriginal bitches and 0 sense of brains.
For starters. I don’t need to hide behind other names to defend myself if I do come on this website. Please stop accusing random people of being me. Now, to clear this up. My name isn’t Abel. I can assume you’ve gotten this mixed up with my previous name for my current account, Abril Fride. I know this is Yabi because you messaged my friend saying the exact same thing. You’re also the only person who believes my name is Abel. You also sent this same gyazo to said friend. All I have is the copy-paste from discord. https://gyazo.com/978e02912a586795197e623c08efc9a9 I am not Abel but I have requested them to come forward with who they are so I don’t get called them and neither does Milla. If they do its up to them, I can’t force people to do anything, but I don’t enjoy being blamed for something because I had defended myself privately to Yabi. Now, why did I make the post that is now deleted due to someone reporting it? It wasn’t to sit there and be sad that she copied me. I had in the post that me making this was hypocritical because of my past with Verinne. I was trying to explain that I had at one point asked Yabi to stop copying me because people were asking me if she was my alt. It was uncomfortable. I don’t need another random person to be added to my list of alts. Believe me. I think people are getting pissed they have to get on voice or cam to prove they’re not me. I didn’t much care at first until I was shown that she had been going around as Bunny.Exe and had bits of my profile on hers, and looked like a version of me. I didn’t… Read more »
Considering I had to message you on an alt and you left this rubbish instead of being adult like you don’t want to but blame me for reaching out after one comment on my flickr I made about you thats publicly? yet you publicly posted a whole ass flickr post with a massive paragraph, GROW UP ABRIL. That is all I have to say to that, yes i fucked up but you dont even let me explain myself because its easier for you to make up some bullshit and then block me. HERE ARE THE LOGS:
The gyazo the.bunny is talking about is my comment under my own profile, apparently comments under your own flickr post is public shaming yet a massive photo post and a paragraph under it isnt ” you dont get to play the victim ” right…. so what did u do, the exact same thing tit for tat… but you clearly don’t want to talk like an adult and blamed me for that because I mentioned a situation from the past, get real.
Yes this message is harsh because I’m stick to death of the situation due to the childishness of it all, the person involved doesn’t want to talk yet acts like I’ve held her at gun point and not apologised.
Whoever commented under any of these posts weren’t me nor was it at the start of this one… I have 0 interest in commenting until now, I was contacted by the Abel person of the comment explaining things to me and I messaged back. I take full responsibility but I apologised to you in IMs, yes I mentioned the Purrine situation due to it being weird for you to message me about the same thing you had done to someone else… as you say the flickr post was insane and yes I reported and flagged it like others did due to the nature of how incredibly salty it was, you blocked me after me apologising ages before this virtual secret week but decided to slash me over flickr instead of unblocking me after I messaged Milla about it… because I couldnt contact you. Im sure you can see why I thought it was you Abel sounds like Abril. Im unsure of why you didnt message me personally about it? Im sorry for what has happened but this whole situation has blown up crazy when IMs wouldve been the best situation to handle it with. Im open to talk to whoever about this whole mess. You want me to admit I tried to be someone else or was trying to be someone im not then sure, I was. I adore Freya and her work… the photos are down and I’m not going to deny the fact when there is clear evidence. Abril I would appreciate it if we could clear this up outside virtual secrets so we can be on a neutral ground.
Why are you trying to play the victim and trying to play the adult? All of this could have been avoided if you;
A) Posted that you were inspired by Freya to begin with
B) Not accuse them of being someone they weren’t and went to them on your alt to begin with like you did later.
C) Stop outright copying people and trying to claim it as yours.
You don’t get to play the adult card after suffering your consequences.
Well first, if anyone knew anything… they would know the.bunny is not “Abel” and was sometimes referred to as Abril. And she has never hidden her real name. Which is Cheyenne.
Second, that screenshot… only proves that you can comment and talk shit, then erase it. If you are so certain that it is her, why not leave it up there??
Third, being inspired is one thing. We all take inspiration from others. And that is a great thing. But there is a difference between being “inspired” and just downright trying to “copy” the exact thing. And to justify copying her by bringing up her past drama… pussy move. Especially after you did the same thing to HER. You copied multiple pictures of hers. Same outfit and scene just shot at a different angle. Hell, you practically named your pictures the same. Even now, the slashes you use was copied from her because you never did that before. You also copied her profile then tried to tweak yours like you didn’t. You copied her look and were seen in exhale with it.
And even copied her name. Were you not bunny.exe? Like… how dare you bring up her past when you are doing the same damn thing she was accused of. Two wrongs NEVER make a right.
Fourth, Yabi only mentioned Freya… AFTER she was called out on it. It wasn’t always there so let’s not pretend it was.
omgood lord ,, what on earth is that lmao
Be Greatful that someone is inspired by you.
The amount of people that copied the mona lisa or banksys work, do you think theyre this mad.
The amount of people that do covers of already made music.
The amount of people that have copied people on social media all the time, just because you’re on second life doesn’t make you untouchable, dont be so entitled.
Getting mad over a virtual game to the point you take it publicly shows how insanely obsessed you are with attention and making yourself look better, considering your reputation is trashed dont trash someone else for your same mistake.
That look is incredibly generic nowadays; you can find dozens of boring ass “edgy” bitches at Exhale who look basically just like that, every day. Big fucking yawn. It’s ridiculous to try to give any one of them credit for being “copied”.
with tits out.. and thongs. lol
You seem mad for someone that isnt ‘the.bunny’ maybe a friend/accomplice or maybe you are bunny. ‘how dare you bring up her past when you are doing the same damn thing she was accused of.’ ………. so why is she that bothered, to keep screenshots of everything like her past drama with purrine, to keep logs, to make a massive flickr post, SHE DID THE SAME THING TO PURRINE SO WHY ARE YOU BOTHERED SOMEONE IS DOING IT TO YOU, that doesn’t make any sense? it screams psycho… I recall looking at the.bunny’s flickr that she doesn’t blog any outfits at all. ‘ Hell, you practically named your pictures the same.’ – Naming photos are a hate crime now, everyone run we cant use the same words or have the same name…. ahhh tell that to everyone with a name change thats the same last name. 🙄 Plus the photos aren’t even the same scene, the.bunny does her own and im sure the nurse photo Yabi took was in backdrop city the one with the bloody bathtub that everyone else uses and the others too? who knows but bashing someone for something that you/your friend has done isnt a good look. ( only saying you if your the.bunny )
Chances are that acc- is either The.Bunny’s or Milla Fae’s seeing as they’re close friends and out of the three people this “Abel” acc- is following Milla is one of them with her pic being the first fav. Milla and Yabi used to be friends. That connection can’t be ignored. They’re stupid.
It’s going to be funny when people learn the account is owned by a guy who regularly gets on voice.
Its a bit of a weird that this ‘Abel’ account seems to sound like Abril but spelt differently… two wrongs dont make a right but the.bunny doing a massive flickr post and bashing like she didnt do the same thing to someone else, years ago or not… Abril is just being petty because someone has finally done it to her. 🤔 You can’t be mad about that, karma is a bitch.
Actually, the bunny pointed out in her post it was hypocritical of her and if you read the logs the main reason she didn’t like it is because she didn’t want people to think Yabi was her alt.
She also was pointing out why Yabi blamed her for Abel. She wasn’t going oh no you copied me boohoo. She was pointing out that Yabi copied a popular blogger from years ago and is blaming the bunny for people calling her out because she went to Yabi privately to tell her to stop.
Might want to get your facts right.
The whole post was hypocritical… I’m sure if she had just unblocked Yabi and asked her why she thought it was her… the situation would be resolved but no WE JUST WANT TO BE AN ATTENTION SEEKING WHORE. I’m sure Yabi was replying to the Abel person assuming its Abril…. In the IM’s which you aren’t meant to share (Second Life Policy: Sharing personal information about your fellow Residents without their consent — including gender, religion, age, marital status, race, sexual preference, alternate account names, and real-world location beyond what is provided by them in their Resident profile — is not allowed. Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants’ consent are all prohibited, I may add this also includes out of second life.) Its well before this popular blogger stuff. You might want to get your facts right before telling someone else to.
Okay, so why would Abril have to unblock someone to ask them when Yabi could have just not blamed her for it and could have gone to her? Yabi went to her on her alt after everything. Why are you expecting someone to go out of their way and unblock someone to be like “hey, why did you publicly try to cause me shit?” Sorry, if Yabi hadn’t blamed Abril. None of this would have happened.
Don’t be an entire hypocrite in this post and everyone shares logs. No one at LL cares if you do otherwise everyone would be banned from SL.
To be honest, your a friend of Abril’s so of course your going to stick up for her…. but make sense at least? why would Abril have to unblock someone to ask why they said something about her……….. because thats the grown up thing to do instead of making a massive flickr post about it like even the.bunny said it was wrong for attacking Yabi, I’m sure Yabi only messaged her on an alt due to the blocking and trying to calm the situation down. I think everyone is too invested in a stupid situation like this smh 😂 😁
Also: “hey, why did you publicly try to cause me shit?” – maybe it went more like, hey why didnt you talk to me instead of doing the tit for tat thing again. Go home yall just childish af at this point looool, bitches be rollin’ in their own drama.
Why would she want to talk to someone who outright tried to publicly blame her when Yabi could have done the same?
You keep seeming to want Abril to be the bigger person instead of Yabi accepting the consequences of her actions. Especially with Yabi going out of her way to message Abril’s friends accusing her of being Abel and demanding her to unblock her in the same sentences.
I feel like you’re trying to blame Abril for something that Yabi could have done especially when Abril already went to her privately once before.
Whether I’m friends with Abril or not is out of the picture. I call her on her shit. Did I approve of her doing the post? No. Do I understand why she did it? Yes.
Maybe you should take your issues to Yabi who started this mess. Common sense there.
You clearly didnt read Yabis comment… smh, she owned up to everything. Shes not playing victim she’s admitting what shes done is completely wrong and shes apologised to the.bunny the reason she asked to be unblock was to apologise for the calling out under her post of Abril but Abril decided to be stubborn and childish as always, You should be the one to take your issues to Yabi since you keep blaming her for “not admitting” when she did 😂 you say outright publicly blame her when the comment wasnt even up for 1 hr nor a massive post on facebook or flickr unlike Abrils was… Abril had nothing to do with it so lets ignore Abril since she’s irrelevant anyways to the whole situation, Yabi has apologised and admitted that she did copy: You want me to admit I tried to be someone else or was trying to be someone im not then sure, I was. I adore Freya and her work… the photos are down and I’m not going to deny the fact when there is clear evidence. (Thats what Yabi said) you saw it clearly pointing out a shit ton of questions but why not take her apology and just accept it because your not satisfied and you never will be, thats clear🥴
My dude, the bunny had a screen name of Abril, not Abel. Her irl name is also not abel, or even close to it in the alphabet. Weird obsession my guy.
Avery’s RL name isn’t Abel.
Yabi EDITED her post when she was called out on SLS to include Freya.
she added freya as inspo a few hours after the secrets got published, it wasnt there previously
Theres still a difference between inspo and copy. You can be inspired without copying the whole outfit, pose and scenery. She literally invested all those L$ to take all the credit for being sooo creative lmao.
Its kinda disrepectful to people who actually come up with ideas.
Yeah, she mentions “inspo:freya” just when she was called out on here 🙂
Cause deleting the pictures would be a big nono when being so desperate for attention.
This seems odd. Who would comment with a flickr account that uses their real name if people knew it. That would be the dumbest shit ever. That account could be anyone pretending to be her that knows her real name.
Yes it could be but… when you only have 3 followers on that account and your best friend is one of those accounts you follow seems a little sus 👀
“Abel” is not her rl-name. Its the name of one of her origin, well-known personas.
It was Abril. Not Abel. That is her current account since she changed the name of it.
The Bunny’s IRL name isn’t Abel. Her public information was released years ago and it isn’t Abel.
#15 Hopefully that’s just directed at men because women in just shoes and/or socks can be rather damn sexy.
It 100% was directed towards male AVs
#2 Based, guess I gotta support them even more
#18/19 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA So that’s what happens when one isn’t repulsed by the overall dumpster fire gym bro thing he’s got going? Gross. He’s still letting the ole Catfish pay his bills while he tries to yank it for anything with a discord acct I see. They’re a force alright…like a giant cloud of protein powder and aspercream.
I’m almost sorry for the sad bitches who think they’re going to be the one to pry him from her cold dead fingers.
Nah…not really 😂
I can not, for the life of me, imagine why anyone would want to. hahahahaha
#10 There are belly add-on for male avas, you just gotta look. Search “Belleza Jake Dilf Belly” on the MP.
#36 why do people always look so much in to things on sl, i just don’t get it. Play your sl how you want to play it as long as you don’t harm anyone its all fun and game. People forget what the meaning is of the game , to have fun to create a life you dream of. How do you know who is really any colour or any race? you peek in to there window in rl? you have them on cam?. I would worry about your own shit when they pay your bills.
“..a life you dream of..” haha Sorry but I like being myself and not pretending to be a stereotypical black person. You people are weird.
let me explain my self better then as you are stupid enough to focus in the colour of peoples pixels. if a person wants to play a dragon ,unicorn, elf, rl female having a male avatar. who are you or anyone else to tell them no. if a person who is of mixed race in RL and wants to play as a white or person of colour in sl, who the hell are you to tell them no you can’t . who gave you the right to judge a person when you sit with your butt on a chair( or where the hell ever) behind a screen. you are being weird to judge people you don’t know in RL and focus on pixels on a screen.
I didn’t mention anything about a dragon, unicorn, or elf. lmao I mean people black-fishing for fetishes and asian-fishing, because ‘IT’S THEIR DREAM’. That is literally what QOS is. I mean if you are a cuck for black cock, just say that. lmao
Go stick to being yourself somewhere else out of SL ….Why bother coming to SL where everything is FAKE ???
yeah…. you’re dumb.
But you aren’t yourself, you are a person that has pixels as a character. Which is great if that’s what you want to do is make an avatar that represents you. But MOST of SL doesnt even look like who they are in RL and so what? If you were using a different race avatar to mock that race, sure I can see the problem but they aren’t. I’m multiple races, which one am I supposed to be?
Furries (which majority have human avatars and spend a lot of time in both communities) are they mocking animals? Are they not allowed to be that? They are humans in real life but representing a cat, or a dog, or a meeroo or what about them android looking avatars? The bugs, the aliens, are they also not allowed to be that because they are not that in real life? What about mermaids and elves too? Dinosaurs, etc. Get over it
It’s Second Life.. leave it alone. No one is hurting anyone, it’s fantasy, its to get away from the real world for the most part where people can do as they please as long as they aren’t using it in some awful way to hurt or mock others. It’s not people being racist. I know black women who have white blonde avatars and are great people, I also know white guys who have black female avatars. Their avatars are beautiful and they are wonderful people. A lot of males are in female avs, I think it’s been said that the majority of female avatars ARE males RL and not transgender. It’s nothing bad.
It’s always been that.
“they aren’t using it in some awful way to hurt or mock others. It’s not people being racist…” But, the thing is, folks are expressing their dislike because it actually is hurtful to see someone who is not your race, dressing up and pulling out all the stereotypical stops and then deflecting and not being accountable when it is brought to their attention. Ohh, you are role playing another black guy who didn’t finish high school and has a trap house? Groundbreaking. And it’s not just race, it could be disability, etc., etc. It ends up being a mockery because it is innately artificial. It isn’t out of honour or respect, it’s out of a love of novelty. Humans aren’t novelty items, nor are their experiences 🙂 Also, you go on to insinuate folks who are racist are bad people… not necessarily true! A lot of people hold up these kinds of values and such out of ignorance or just not being educated. Using the word ‘gatekeeping’ incorrectly stands out quite a bit throughout these comments, for example 🙂
Anyway, humans live in SL and they bring their human feelings with them. Perhaps an air of curiosity and being open to discussion would be more considerate than just automatically deflecting and bucking what one understands to be accountability 🙂 One just may learn a thing or two!
#5 The desperation of married women on SL is embarrassing and pathetic.
Posh doesn’t discriminate. She has males and females in her past. And her crew. More of the same. They all have that “cling” gene! Brandi does the same shit! And Morgan. Well she’s just a skank.
Crazy only knows how to be crazy
Bahahaha. True, especially that one and her entire crew. They’ve lived in the game long enough to create it as their reality. God help them if they ever have to date in real life. They’ll learn real quick how crazy they actually are.
#21 we don’t have much, that’s not going too change unless more male clothing and male hair creators start making stuff. It’s no easy task to mesh and make stuff for SL.
#38 She is a troll on all her avatars 😂
Now why would teqi (or anyone else for that matter) make this troll moderator of her group???
Trolling is the nice way to put it. She’s an insecure trash bully banned in multiple sims. Supposedly on her last leg with LL if they hear more complaints.
She is the typical case of masking deep insecurities. By insulting or upsetting as many others she can so others will look at them instead. While trying desperately to come off as a troll with the boring kindergarten tier ‘You mad?’ and ‘Triggered’ replies once called out for being a trashy bitch.
Don’t forget instantly paging her “King” if someone snaps back; said King a sweaty shirt glued to his hairy back, chode stroking mama’s basement dweller, as she heaves her ancient fat ass about, covered in shitty tattoos of her own making,
I think the more you complain to Teqi about TruffleButterBall, the more she’ll push back and keep the cunt. On the other hand, blocking is a great feature, and certainly more interesting than anything that comes out of that twats mouth. Also, does her man really know who “his whore,” is sleeping with when he turns off the lights? 😅 😂 😉
Maybe Teqi -wants- to lose all clientele and credibility on the grid?
Maybe she too, wants to tap dat ancient walrus ass that has oceans of “truffle butter” oozing out, a cocktail[get it get it], of every dick in SL.
yeah, i totally came tons of that hoe, she is into weird stuff
“im his whore” lol this bicht is everyone whore lol
A self proclaimed troll. Everyone else just sees her as an annoying bitch.
She’s pure trash.
# 45: Nice try Yabi, no one will every be as good as Freya. That yabi girl isn’t the first and won’t be the last trying, but no one will achieve it.
Uber has been trash for years, why is anyone surprised by this? Amber is as greedy as they come. Allowing her friends to participate in Uber using illegal mesh downloads is where it started; instead of allowing in quality designers.
Sorry Truth, but you made a huge mistake letting this transition over to Amber.
I’ve been in comments a few times when a post about Uber appears, and I’ve made various comments relating to Amber, not being rude but just warning people.
She played favorites when she was Truth CSR, anyone that kissed up enough got a free pass to act however they wanted in group chat even if it was rude/disruptive. And then I was the one that started spilling tea in comments (I was and am not the one submitting stuff) about Amber and Ellen’s attitudes and playing favoritism and my tea in comments got the in-world group chat muted.
And sometime later after the group chat had been muted I noticed Amber and Ellen both were no longer working at Truth, but by that time Amber had already taken over Uber from Truth himself.
I’ve known Amber was trash for a long time, but she put up a fake friendly front to everyone and they bought into it. I am just happy people are now seeing her for how she truly is.
You reap what you sow, Amber.
#39 Will sink in a history with Signature Alice
The irony… I see designers and template makers (not many) who rig for Alice but don’t touch either SLink body despite how few people wear Alice. But the false rumors about SLink continue. No, they aren’t hugely popular, but FFS. Five percent is more than one percent.
#18/19 BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA So that’s what happens when one isn’t repulsed by the overall dumpster fire gym bro thing he’s got going? Gross. He’s still letting the ole Catfish pay his bills while he tries to yank it for anything with discord account I see. They’re a force alright….like a giant cloud of protein powder and aspercream. 😂
#18 & 19
This isn’t news. That clown sticks his dick into anything that has a pulse. Interesting to note tho. These messages are from way back in May. What’s the matter, sweetheart? He promised to leave her for you and you finally realized he was just using you to feed his own ego, and now this is your way of getting back at him? He won’t care and neither will she. They’re as toxic as each other. He’s probably already replaced you and doesn’t even remember your name.
2) Ahh, if only you knew what a joke Q-Pain is, you would just laugh at his “opinions”, because he only says that stuff to rile people up anyway. In real life, he weighs about 300 pounds, and is a sweaty, bald, ugly loser who lives with his parents because he has eaten his way into a bad heart and an inability to work. Yes, I have personally seen him, because we were friendly for a while (and nothing more- not that he didn’t try, and no he was not single at the time). The girl he was dating last I saw has been to see him in rl, and could actually be with him in rl, but prefers to keep it in SL because apparently he has absolutely repulsive personal hygiene… many people can confirm her saying this, people she conveniently no longer talks to since splitting up with his constantly cheating ass and then taking him back because she likes the clout of dating a popular DJ in SL, and his extremely misleading pixels. She can also confirm that he talks a lot of game like he’s constantly horny, but actually can barely get it up because of his health issues. From what I hear dating him is great if you want a gaming buddy with endless free time, but a total waste of time if you expect erp. Any adult pictures they take or show of flirting they put on in local are just that- a front, to make people think their sex life is great. On top of that, all his “mixes” are stolen from YouTube, but at least he will admit that if you ask. People just assume he’s mixing when all he does is queue pre-recorded tracks slightly better than most, and he’ll let… Read more »
P.s. ladies don’t send him provocative images of yourself. Ur waisting ur time. There’s two reasons you won’t ever get anything back cept his ball sack. 1. Bcuz he plays this game so much that he knows somewhere he’ll piss someone off and probably get his dick mockingly passed around. 2. Becuz he doesn’t REALLY have one to send to you anyways ::shrug:: so he plays it off like he’s teasing… but really…. There really ain’t anything else. That’s it bb 😉
Can confirm, his giant ass ain’t got no room to be making comments at women, jokes or not. He’s genuinely not a good person, lies about everything, only in ANYTHING for himself. And how he talks to the few creators he thinks he’s such good friends with is cringe as fuck. Always Askin for shit. Don’t bring this guy around, ur friends, ur family… He ain’t worth NONE of the bullshit that’s gunna happen eventually if you do. …fake ass cryin n shit after break ups… grow up. And yeah every woman he ever been with knows or finds out eventually he’s a cheater and he’s full of SO much shit, but hell still deny deny deny. Oh and after u break up with him…he’ll be watching ur profile, things you post in places he follows you, etc. waiting. And the minute you change anything or remove him( you’re the bad guy. Cuz he thinks you don’t know how full of shit he was the whole time y’all were together and that he couldn’t give two shits if ya are or not lol “90min naps” my ass…that’s code for “hand on sec imma gunna go get with my side pussy”. Q u really needs to stop lyin, everyone knows better, u just look really fucking stupid.
lol, on top of the fact he is always talking about womens butts, using vulgar slang for them like hes obsessed with them.. not to mention the fact he kisses and tells when you no longer put up with his flirting which is cringe to start with…
He is a fat guy! And a fucking pussy that has a hugh mouth. Pre mix loool, if you call it mixing using sam okay!
I swear if all the stupid ass thirsty hoes at his sets could see him in rl, they would literally be sick 😂 😂 his girl said he smelled something like month old unwashed socks, during the time they were broken up. Still she finances his ability to be online, actually bought him a gaming computer, because they’re both so invested in the fake personas they’ve built in SL. I mean obviously, she’s also no prize; I’ve seen pics of them together and ironically she’s exactly the kind of chunky he was making fun of in the OP. If she didn’t buy him things, he would probably not be with her- and he’s undoubtedly still trying to “cheat” with that limp dick, because he can’t get enough attention to make him forget what he really is from one woman.
I can’t much speak for Q outside of the shit I’ve heard from people but I can speak on Leah’s psychotic pathetic drunk ass. And how she’ll lead a guy on and then play victim like he’s “stalking her” or “obsessed” when in reality she gets off on stringing guys around. I can vouch for the always “sick” and disappearing for weeks on end; can’t be online if the husbands around huh Leah? I found her real facebook years ago and confronted her about it, of course she denied it then conveniently I was blocked from it. LOL. She’ll play the blame game and turn shit around on you, to make you feel like you’re the crazy one when in reality she’s a basket case that has a serve mental disorder, narcissism is real in that one. All I can say fellas is steer clear of that, you don’t want nor need that type of crazy in your life.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I love Secrets this week!
LOL You know nothing Jon Snow
Not only do I know plenty, lots of other people do too. In fact if I dug in my old photo archive, I could post a fat, sweaty, bald rl pic of him right here, but that’s against the site rules and wouldn’t be approved. Feel free to ask any of the families that have booted his ass over the last few years, or any of the friends Leah ditched after she made a fool of herself 👍 should be a nice archive of all his many name changes on his my.secondlife page.
Ya I can vouch for this he is indeed a fat bald older dude rl but him and Leah are well suited both lying pieces of trash, she didn’t pay for his gaming computer her husbands money did just like the other 2 guys previous to Q got along with all the friends she’s bought over the years. Let them lead their sad existence online it’s all either of them are good for!
Sounds like someone is a little butt hurt or big butt hurt – whichever the case may be. As for the noob DJ who posted this, hey “if the shoe fits, wear it.” No one was shaming your skank ass. Be proud of who and what you are or change. Simple as that.
As for Q’s djing skills, there’s a lot more to djing in SL then turning knobs and playing music. It’s called having a personality and actually making people laugh, which he does without issue. Bring an extra pair of depends next time you go to one of his sets or engage him in a fucking conversation on discord.
You sound like you suck his dick on the side….must be a side ho xD
I never took anything away from him as a DJ, except that he does not live mix and is happy to let people think he does. Hopefully he’s not lying about that now, as I detached myself from that whole toxic group years ago, but at least like I said at the time, he didn’t lie about it when directly asked.
He can be funny and entertaining; how the hell do you think I ever ended up talking to him in the first place? But there are plenty of funny, entertaining people in SL who are actually decent human beings, not loser opportunists who use anyone they can to make up for their rl shortcomings, and use hypocrisy to get their laughs. That’s not even getting into the actual racism and sexism I saw him “joke” about back then too. He’s a shitty person. Leah is pathetic for going back; as far as what she’s actually like as a person, I don’t really know, all of his female friends were cold or outright hostile to me during my short time being around, which is pretty par for the course really when you surround yourself with insecure bitches. Good riddance, is all I have to say about the whole clique.
I mean…she did say she was friendly with him for a while so I’m kiiinda guessing she may know him a lot more than what you’re giving her credit for. Also, Be Less would be the least person in here ever to be inclined to be butt hurt over anything, let alone this dude. Just my two cents worth!
Let the dude alone lmfao!!!! Poor Q-pain acts like he is such a gangster yet he is a piece of lying shit that bullshit arround is in every girls box. Personality while he djs???????? Lmao to make jokes about big tits or what? Leah is just the same lying piece of shit know her for years she is lying to every fucking person and thibks she can buy friends and love with money boo boo you better watch your circle. Q-pain deserves this spot here on sls!
Wondered when all her lies would come back and bite her in the ass. All the victim playing and “poor me” narcissistic behaviour has finally caught up with her. Claims she don’t talk about no one when all she ever does is shit talk. The woman claims to be constantly “sick” (sick in the head more like)… nah dude her husbands home and she can’t get online how many of you idiots out there fall for her bullshit just so she’ll throw Linden at you? 😂 Karma’s a bitch I guess it finally caught up with the crazy cunt! I dated her years ago she’s a fucking nutjob.
It’s funny; I went and peeked at her profile after all this info, as up to this point I figured she was just lonely and pathetic and not so much a shitty person herself, since I have some close friends who used to call her friend as well. I could not help but laugh because she has this pick that says something like “can’t be me”… as if anyone would want to be her, a person who constantly gets made a fool of in every better looking girl’s IMs and has to pay people to be her friends or date her LOL
Also, you’d think with all that money, she could do something better with her avi. Why has she always been so misshapen? Probably her “friends” also like that she makes them look better by comparison, and never offered any help.
Lazy and pathetic is what she is. Logs online and acts all “gansta” like she’s some thug from the hood in her 20s when in reality she’s a washed out bored housewife in her 50s. 😂
#17 CC sucks now. Like I been saying nobody ever there. This meme proves my point from last week… Mic drop!
Oh Pa leewze is blaze, shut up blaze, keep those CC racist out of CC, WOODLAND sucks and it’s ugly
Nope not Blaze and yeah Woodland sucks too. 🤣
You’re probably one of the usual rejects. CC is thriving right now. I don’t regret moving back. The person who made the graphic probably didn’t get hired at the hospital and can’t contain their salt.
Nope I live in CC been there a couple years so STFU you don’t know shit. Anyone can go there and see for themselves. Haha they will see what a moron you are too. 😂
Why do you live in a place that you don’t like? Haha. 🙂
Haha I knew someone would mention that…. It’s where my family live. But we’re about to leave soon.
Thats good, Hopefully its a better place without you, Just dont slither your way over to FH because we dont want you either.
Hahahaha. Been there done that. That place is nothing but a pit of rejects. No thank you!
#30 & #36: It’s Second Life. Everyone on here isn’t pretending to be something they’re not. 🙄 Same race but better face. Same size; better shape. Older. Younger. Different hair and eye colors. Is anyone really a horse or cat in RL? Y’all need to stop worrying about who people are behind the avatar unless you’re looking for a RL partner in which case I’d suggest a RL dating app.
Shhh, don’t tell people the secret, I want to have them believe I’m actually a bunch of little birds behind a keyboard
#10 I agree! This would be cool.
#11 There are plenty of eyebrows that are to your liking for lelutka. Take a longer look around or try flickr or events to discover more creators that make brows you like. Even googling “eyebrows lelutka evox/lelutka evo” would yield results.
#25 LOL
#27 There’s a difference between criticism and an unfair review. People leave bad reviews complaining about the product not being for x body in order to bully the creator into making it for said body. I’ve also seen stupid reviews where people don’t understand the product, or they just don’t read the instructions and complain about it.
Comments: #17: If this is a roleplay sim, ask the founders of the sim if they want to change how the management of the hospital works. In other words, create an AM Manager and a PM Manager. This way you don’t create a complete war on the sim, but rather suggest that there are two teams that operate in said hospital…. by the way this is how RL hospitals are managed. They don’t just have one manager that works 8-5, they have shifts for the floor management. And then they have the executive staff members. Never attack, give valid positive points to the suggestion. And if you are denied, you are denied. It could actually be an idea that’s accepted and liked and you can become said manager or someone else can but you’ll have more folks interacting with you. #36: The place you can be anything. Except, other residents want to now put rules onto what you should be. Don’t be a male if you are an rl female. Don’t be a female if you are an rl male. Don’t be a minority if you are a majority. I mean, race is a construct of RL. The fact we keep trying to gatekeep in sl is ridiculous. If someone is not generalizing about a race, and is not exaggerating behaviors. What gives? What’s next? Don’t befriend anyone from another race, keep to your own race in SL? Xenophobia but reversed? #39: Doesn’t surprise me. #43: SL took gacha away. Now the event creators are going to be greedy fucks for the hunt. At 1k people may have been more willing to pay. At 2500 you rather buy several fatpacks of items you know are very well made. Watch how the first few hunts items will be great, then they… Read more »
34. To quote the amazing woman who posted the original picture on Flickr:
Although the majority of reported bullying happens in school, 19.2% happens online, whether that be through social media, apps, or social platforms in general. The most common types of Cyberbullying are offensive name-calling, spreading false rumors, receiving explicit images they didn’t ask for, constant asking of who they are, what they’re doing, and who they’re with, physical threats, and having explicit images shared without their consent. I chose to talk about this because not only have I had to deal with some of the things listed personally, but I have seen this happen time and time again here in Second Life. Sometimes people forget that we are all humans on the other side of the computer screen. Though the words and actions are not physical they can cause physical pain. A hit is a hit, even if you can’t see it. You never know what someone is going through or what they are struggling with. I hope that when you read this is makes you think twice about how you may speak or act towards someone or it makes you think twice about whose company you may choose to keep. For those that know too well what I am talking about, you are not alone. You are not less of a person because of the way these people make you feel. Keep your head up and don’t hesitate in reaching out for help. You are loved. You are enough. ♥
#9. Dear Person with Bad Taste,
That looks like shit – not just because the colors don’t match, but that pony is mashed into the bun and the positioning sucks.
an fact every time move its going to go through back etc and look like shit.
Lmao chArmed legit stole the whole font from that tv show do you think they have Hal’s the effort in running a club I doubt it lol
So pathetic you can’t come up with something original. Don’t use a logo like THAT if you have nothing to do with IT. LOL!
Ah ccha cha thank you for the caring and warm congratulations winks
43 I automatically hate anyone who does this, have some self control people.
lol Madpea now too
Remember when the Seasons Hunt was up and they had good items for zero lindens?
And Madpea. Lol that company is a money making machine. All they care about is money, money, money.
#11 This store has tons. All shapes and sizes and colors. HD and BOM layers. It’s out there if you just look.
Second Life Marketplace – Eyebrows, EvoX AVALON: JuliaAir.SoftArch.12.TONES
hate simple bloom isn’t a damn brow in there not bushy or just normal natural. not everyone has ferrets on their face
I have a feeling this person draws their eyebrows on in super thin lines in RL; did the news that is not cute not make it to where you live yet? Because I could have sworn that was common knowledge for decades now and I live in the suburbs.
I do so 🙃 And they’re names are Betty and Frank. Thanks. LOL!
I use some of their eyebrows. But I bought them in the sl world store after demoing them. A friend of mine showed me the store and I don’t hate it.
I love them. I use them in Classic and EvoX.
All those eyebrows have the natural look OP is talking about. I think OP wants shaped instagram girl looking eyebrows
Customer support on that store is shit.
What was needed from the store? Sometimes the customers are the problem, because they already come in with a particular attitude.
#39. were surprised to see Siddean reelasing new bodies instead of updating old ones, cause she knows Slink cannot be that popular anymore. Did demo on cinn%chai and din not saw a difference between them:)
I demo’d these bods as I held out with my HG body until nothing was made for it for weekend events anymore (at least nothing “original”) – huge Slink fan since they made sculpt feet. The weird animated feet were…well…weird…not sure if it was my AO or what but they were weirdly bent in the arch area.
Slink bodies have the best complexity and their huds are simple and everything works…too bad the HG boobs were so bad. Hair never fit over them either (even the + sizes).
Too bad these C&C bodies aren’t that good. I was hoping Siddean would update the older bods before putting out a new one (change the shape of the HG boobs for one). Do still wear the male bod, though wish she’d make their feet resizeable. Odd to see a tall dude with the smallest feet ever.
The difference is in the UV mapping. One is the normal SLUV and the other is her own UV mapping meaning it probably won’t work with any other skins unless made with her mapping. Like EvoX only with a body.
To me it looks more like Signature Alice than anything else, including the old Slink bodies, but there’s a reason why that boxy hip mess never gained any significant following and most likely “Cinnamon & Chai” will follow the same path, animated feet or no- especially if those animated feet don’t fit standard Slink size shoes. I instantly hated the body shape enough to forget to check that particular detail before I deleted the demo.
Boxy hips on SLink? You really didn’t do that right. But I wanted a balanced look like on my system avi when I shopped around and Original fit me the best. We’re not all into big hips.
The dislike of the hips on Slink and Cinnamon & Chai surprises me a lot. To me, they’re the only bodies that can do a realistic hip line rather than an overly rounded. Wouldn’t wear anything else if it was possible.
The outer curve on Legacy hips is actually quite realistic, depending on how you manage your width, body fat, and saddlebag sliders, but the way they did that horseshoe curve on the inner curve- probably to help support the Lara deformers because that body’s thigh gap is atrocious- is pretty much my only gripe with the shape of that mesh. The problem with building a boxy shape into the mesh is that you can only expand or contract that shape with our sliders, so if you want to say, be extra curvy, you end up with this impossible hip point, and a more pronounced “box” the larger you go. It’s probably fine on slim/athletic shapes, but given how popular being extra curvy is in SL, obviously this approach is going to have limited appeal. Gotta know your customer base!
I agree that Legacy is better than Maitreya in that regard, though I haven’t managed to get a shape that looks like the line past the hipbone is fairly straight, with the curve starting more at the thigh. I wouldn’t consider my shapes slim by SL standards (certainly, I recall looking blocky as heck next to the standard avatar before extra curvy became the in thing), but yeah, I tend to stay fairly realistic. It will be interesting to see if there’s another shift in what’s popular in some years.