Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 692.
Hah. The entire thread on how Sands is dumb got yeeted.
You are more than welcome to start it again, and look like an idiot again.
It was very interesting when you disappeared suddenly when you were point blank asked about what your credentials were.
Perfect timing there.
20. Jaded would take Daryn back in a split second. She’s so blinded by his manipulative and underhanded ways. He’s a liar and a cheat
61. Cheap ass.
The problem with many of the comments here is that many of you are stressed out about people you can just ignore or unfriend. The problem with many people on secondlife is that they like watching drama when they have the choice to watch and focus on peace. If someone bothers you, and you don’t like seeing them on your timelines, block, remove and move on with your secondlife. Fill your life with things that make you happy and stop keeping the name of people you don’t alike alive by always talking about them. That’s why when you complain about someone I never take it seriously because the same person you are complaining about is the only one you are watching and always typing here about. You fill your life with these people and some of them are just living their lives and having fun and you are in virtual secrets so miserable.
“Did you know that the first Matrix was designed to be a perfect human world? Where none suffered, where everyone would be happy. It was a disaster. No one would accept the program.”
#7 100% true they think they are too good to say hi to anyone lol
They say Hi to me all the time, Maybe you’re just pointless.
#15 It is fake traffic lol they won’t admit it no one else will shit talk but it’s not actually shit talk its fake bots fake traffic what a shame
I felt the veloure personally I got a brand new head and shape I loved but the first skin I found and liked was a face to go with a veloure ….. Honestly use the skinnery who at least has good details or the brand Deetalz or just make your own body. I don’t want to look like a barbie just to have your cute face skins and makeups for my evox head
Truth. I would like to know if you’re a granny with no teeth and zero hygiene!!!
I have to imagine that people like
#21 and #53 are people who got assmad and upset over being banned from a place or being bullied most of their life on the game so they only come up with accusations as opposed to proof. Proof doesn’t matter to these guys lol it’s all about “he did this trust me bro I know he’s a pedo”. If you’re going to have morbid fantasies of someone being an age player at least have the decency to back up your claims.
Jesus lol
#42 really is creepy lol, I’m always seeing him creep on various girls on Facebook, I can’t imagine how it would be on SL. He’s as bad as Cody was, sometimes even worse on these poor girls’ posts. 😂 😳
You’re only here to comment on Jay and Daisy. You seem salty. Did he skip over your posts on Facebook? If he bothers you block him.
Should ask his ex Barbz he wouldn’t even fuck her. More interested in playing video games and working on his female shit for his avie and bitching about lack of male stuff in SL (which is legit) His homegirl Trixie was trying to suck his cock but doubt that went anywhere or Barbz warned her off one of the two. Dude is legit creepy AF tho.
I love how my name gets brought up. Aser get over yourself.
Aser you should know better than bringing myself into this one without asking for permission. For one, I didn’t say we NEVER fucked!
In all honesty, Aser you’re more creepy than Jay is… All he does is say RAWR. Where as you’re a creepy player!
Never talk about me again 🙂
Honey, I don’t know who you are but if you have a cunt like I do then I am assuming Aser is a male. I have a Vagina just like you do and Jay is creepy AF with the shit he said in my box. Try harder before you cast stone little one. I assure you my cunt is bigger than yours if you want to air it out. Go back in your box where you came from.
Well, let me introduce myself… I’m one of the ladies you spoke of in the comments above. Barbz.
Here’s one thing to think on, are we all not creepy now?!
#60 i’m curious why conejo is here LOL ? seems super random and is extremely hilarious given that everyone there keeps to themselves. are people just mad about anime avatars and people having good harmless fun ? (the answer is yes probably)
conejo harbors a lot of shitty people, like Nero Bunny, Guro Bunny, skeletony, for a start. there are a good deal of people associated with conejo that have callouts or are manipulative, shitty people.
#19 lmfao
#20. Does anyone know Jaded Mutha Fucking Bitch’s SL name? I have to look her up inworld. I wanna look her up in world and check out her profile!!! She’s a crazy old woman!
#52 NO .. If the libs want cultural appropriation then learn it yourselves … Saint Nicholas was not black he was “Greek”. ALSO would be super dope if everyone stopped making a k-pop mockery out of my Korean culture as well 😀 Now you all can go fuck yourselves in the land of make believe cause tbh I’m only posting to see if people get triggered cause honestly fuck culture the libs ruined that ages ago 😥
he was around eastern European, but I must to agree, he wasn’t black and it is cultural appropriation, just like toxic cola did and everyone reproduce dressing him in red and white.
fuck off with the liberal/conservative bullshit, this is a secondlife gossip site. get politics’ dick out of your mouth..
politics are everywhere, you fo.
#47 – Hence the reason I do not do sales 😎
At what point will linden labs stop someone after the 50millionth name change?? Damn karen! Which toejam did you have to suck to get the money for this name change? That’s what I want to know? Who in their right mind is paying constantly for this shit back to back like, shitttt. Idk maybe , just maybe try not to rage at a strip club next time and yell out “Kill yourselves!” and maybe then.. you won’t have to keep BUYING name changes? Just a helpful suggestion ya’know?
I wonder if these people realize that it doesn’t really “hide” you or whatever. You might get a way with it for a bit, but someone is gonna look up your key, or from a calling card since you keep those forever. Even AFTER you lose people on your list. Avatar keys are still a thing. LOL! I have known a couple of people that have changed their name more than once and it’s more like, “Oh I want to be called this” type of thing. I’ve got 113 people on my active list but 165 calling cards. wtf. Deleted friends/deleted me.
-28 I was friends with this person before, and they are drama, known for causing havoc. The fact that she he told people to die is very crazy.
#6 I find it really insane that this girl flew to be with someone she loved. Got dropped within days of being there for whatever insane reason and some of you are saying that “well he’s a bad dude so it’s her fault for not seeing the red flags”
how is that her fault? He obviously made enough promises for someone to fly that distance not realising she’d be abandoned in a foreign country afterwards, love is a promise.
no one just gets on planes to meet strangers without knowing anything he obviously lied to her about who he was or what his goals were and that fucking sucks
Tbf her friends did warn her. Considering he went out with her when she freshly turned 18 (tho seems safer to say she was actually 16 or 17 regardless his intentions were deviant) I think he knew she was body checking as well so he knew she was emotionally vulnerable.
Not to mention she herself chatted to minors quite a few times.
typical furry shit tho. Gotta meet with ur LDR partners before you even consider moving in.
You’ve got the wrong person completely.
Squid is in her 20s (23) and they were only dating for two years.
The age difference between them was a lot but not illegal. No minors involved.
Courtney stop trying to cover timbres ass.
are you 12?
Clearly Second Life is impacting the real life of some of you.
Turn the computer off and walk away. None of this is serious. None of this matters. Go for a walk.
They are consumed, it’s sad
i’ve returned from a walk. i was sightseeing.
You must be new here
SL is all they got, that’s why they are clinging desperately to the the hope that the new investment company that LL foisted SL on is fixing SL! Like they are still waiting for their boyfriends coming back home from getting milk….4 years ago.
They really have to convince themselves this is all real, otherwise they would need to face the reality of RL.
forget about it… it would be more likely if a new company take whats good in sl and make a great and new and modern metaverse, and that’s not going to happen either. are we seeing the prolonged dead of sl? I don’t know, maybe.
#35 Yes she wanted look like victim but she is only cry baby and toxic bullying Queen. The Chu girl never offended her she only said someone using her name on other website. But Daisy although treat her like shit. I never will support her business anymore. Too toxic person.
Petty Chu left a comment to call Daisy fat on her YouTube channel. Daisy took the comment and put it on Facebook and took pictures of petty Chu’s avatar. Petty Chu likes to be petty, and almost always in drama against others for shock value. Now drama is on her head again for something she said. Surprise surprise.
Okay? Two wrongs don’t make a right, and honestly I’m sick of seeing people defend Daisy when she’s somehow ALWAYS involved in drama, but isn’t ever the perpetrator to you people lmao. It’s always a defense or an excuse for this toxic ass person.
Are you sick or salty? Seems Sick and salty. You realize you do not have to watch these people? You can block them or unfriend them. They are not the only people on secondlife Facebook. Find someone else to follow around Facebook if these people are bothering you.
two extreme person fighting eachother
#52 Santas of color— Star Sugar is selling a pack of Santa blow ups that includes 3 skin tones. Absolutely love Star Sugar. They make the cutest stuff at affordable prices. Check them out!!
#20 – Jaded I have never met you but from your responses it seems you are a psychotic woman with some deep rooted anger issues. Like this web site says if the content triggers you seek help. People need to stop blaming your ex when clearly it’s you with the psychotic moments. Seek help and may God bless you
My guess is it’s the same person who posted the secret posting as Jaded MFCB in response. Crazy ass people here.
She posts these rants in her profile Don’t try to pretend it isn’t her. They’re word for word. Mental health is a serious issue. I wish her the best of luck
#20. It’s Jaded responding, she had it in her profile also. I know her well.
I added fuel to many fires bitch!! if a post is about me damn straight ima be saying something! you will never shut me up!!!! idgaf how special you people think you are!! You all on here posting shit about people you have no clue about! Stop playin the card!!! you lost!
“MUTHA FUCKING CLASSY BITCH”: Tell us you’re ratchet without telling us you’re ratchet.
#4 & #5: LOL.
#10: Coming from myself as a black person, that butler is fuckin’ white. Yikes, you sound dumb.
#12: Just slap on the hud and go, jesus.
#27: Uh..
#31 So make a SL Facebook account.
#47 Stop being cheap, be glad there’s a sale in the first place and pull that entitled stick out of your ass.
#50 The Velour Ipanema skins are cute, stop shitting on creators just because you don’t prefer the skin. There’s plenty other people that do. Slap on a realistic body overlay and stop crying.
#52 I’d love that.
25 – date a starter pack noob then and you better not look like a model as well <.<
47 – then dont shop there your secret wasn’t needed
53- just because these guys arent 20 foot giants dont make them teens they look far from it. get a grip. if teens look like 40 yr men in the face thats a serious problem.
He treated her horribly from what I’ve heard from whispers of others. (I know gossip is bad but I tried reaching out to Squid and got ignored).
Couldn’t imagine being a 40 year old man and destroying a 20 something year old woman’s self worth like that and then already hopping into new “furry girls” DMs whilst this girl seems broken up every single day.
Just fucking horrible.
You’re not the hot shit you think you are Timbre, nobody will tolerate you once it all comes to surface.
he dated her when she was 17 tho. and she seems to be just as creepy as him.
Once again, no.
They dated when she was in her TWENTIES.
Courtney stop sockpuppeting. Your old tumblr has your IRL age lol. Timbre is a PoS and most folks kno it and even his own pals.
if he already moved on then to who?
who is he talking to?
everyone always talks about these two but nobody ever has proof of anything
mad they called you a zoophile?
#20 Obviously Jaded craves attention so whoever is putting her here is feeding into her insecurities. She changed her screen name to SL Famous, ~smdh. No respect for her anymore since she maried Daryn Clayton who is a manipulator and plays on multiple alts. Family or not it’s a match made in heaven
oh and one more thanggggg sweetie!! If ya stupid asses never posted about me..y’all haters that is all you are!! No one pays attention to y’all so ya try and bring other people down to your pos levels!!!! So you brought it all on yourself! You opinions of me i don’t mind…i don’t mind and YOU CERTAINLY DONT MATTER!
Oh and honeeeyyyy get back on ya alts i know exactly who ya are!!!! dab!!!
Oh honey i got no insecurities….im feeding fuel into the fire and yall stupid enough to respond to it!!!
You DEFINITELY DO NOT sound classy, bitch though? yes, most definitely. You sound like every person that’s been on the Jerry Springer show.
Ummm, seems to me Hun these are responses from you….
You are the one making a fool out of yourself
how come iv never herd of any of this people ever! in 7 years in SL iv never run into any of the people being posted here like ever
I’ve been in almost 17 and I haven’t heard of any of them either lol. Actually none of the people being listed as cheaters or liars or drama queens. Maybe we just run in a better class of people then these lowlifes.
No, not really. Never liked him and it seems he’s shown his true colors. If someone breaks up with you days after having you fly to a different country to see him, why would you even want to get back together? She doesn’t deserve that.
Breaking up with someone when you realize they’re not “it” now makes you tha bad guy? That’s a hot take. If you don’t want to get dumped after making the adult decision to fly somewhere, you should probably look for a potential partner nearby.
To be in a relationship with someone for two years and then dump them merely days after they fly over to a different country to see you? Yeah, that does make him the “bad guy” here.
So 2 years is your point of no return where no matter what you’re not allowed to break up anymore? Man you people really need to regain your grasp on reality.
Oh also
“it” enough to fuck tho? men never fail to impress me with how cruel they are
the victim complex here is just wounded dog behaviour on his behalf.
You really think us not minding to blow your back out equals us wanting you marry you? lmao
This is a disgusting comment. Tell me it’s small without telling me that it’s small.
I have a lot of stories about the guy. Trust us – he has not done this for the first time, and I could bet my full account that it won’t be the last. Squid deserves better, and I trust that she will.
if he was such a shitty person and all these things happened why did nobody warn her? just wondering.
I wouldn’t 100% know because I’m not that close to them – I am just close with a source that has a source that knows her a little bit more and could piece together the entire situation via context and gossip.
I’ve also heard about several Timbre stories, enough to realize the guy is stuck in this cycle of relationships.
My speculation is that maybe someone did warned her – but she chose to ignore it out of infatuation and love.
“He’s different with me – he has changed” is a very common phrase for a reason. Not the best of the reasons, mind you.
Of course, I’m not saying you should never ever trust and love a person with a spotty past – but you sure as fuck need to be able to see the red flags if they start to wave.
Also, it doesn’t mean that Timbre is a BAD person per se – it just means that he (and Squid for that matter) should really, really, REALLY reflect on what is a relationship and what they’re looking on it.
Again, I only wish the best for everyone.
Candy Cane Kush is the biggest walking piece of trailer trash on the whole grid. She is a relationship ruining monster, she sounds like Marge Simpson trying to be sexy and she cannot sing for peanuts. A horrible wife and mother who promised her husband she would not be a whore on SL but that lasted all about 5 minuten.
Stay clear of this walking singing STD everyone.
Candy is literally the nicest person on sl…you just sound dumb…stfu
someone is jelly much Your talking about someone that aint even on the page get a life weirdo
#53 – Atakapa isn’t really a gay sex sim… and that’s what every “twink” at that place looks like. They’re not pedophiles… they’re just sad 50 year old white guys who wish they were 19 year old asian guys.
that’s sad if it were true…
#39 There are people who have no arms and paint with their feet, or who have no legs and climb mt everest, you want to tell me someone is unable to manually input numerical values on some av sliders? lol
The person with 2 jobs probably couldn’t care less what some unemployed tard on SL thinks of their avi anyway.
Mediocre virtue signal, 4/10
The gecko guy is cute, not gonna lie

#26 – I was with you.. until you yourself made it political. No one wants to talk about covid but when I see it come up, it’s usually because the person bringing it up has covid, has a family member/friend/co-worker fighting covid, had a covid scare, or just lost someone to covid. I’m not going to tell them to “shut up”, they may need someone to talk to.
Anyone who wants to debate sides is gonna do it whether you like it or not and your own post is baiting that discussion.
41- get a life.
You could respond this to literally every post on VS.
Ok so know the context behind all that before you bring your little wholier than thou crap, this person started on Daisy calling her all sorts of names, all Daisy did was call her shit back, maybe didn’t do it in the best way but she’s allowed to freaking stick up for herself when she’s getting bullied by a stick figure like that. Plus nothing Daisy said is false the girl does look all kinds of anorexic it’s not a good look at all!
Ummmm do you know Anime at all, that’s supposed to be a adult Chibi-Usa and a human Pegasus from Sailor Moon, it’s been floating around for years, Daisy didn’t come up with it. It’s from bloody Deviant Art
This is who it’s supposed to be of –
Pegasus/Helios –
Ok, Daisy. The fact being that you’re constantly involved in drama, constantly being hateful to others, all while playing the victim….it’s not a good look, baby. I don’t know how anybody still supports you…it’s made me lose all hope for the secondlife community. You constantly post about how others are pedo supporters, body shame other’s avatars, and you even doxxed a friend of your ex’s, divulging that she had a baby IRL when that wasn’t your information to give out on a public post (the post has since been deleted but she showed it to me and a few others, as it was absolutely appalling), but sure, go off about how you’re the victim, once again. I’m thoroughly convinced you’re just a narcissist and I will die on this hill. You cannot change my mind. I steer far away from you and anything involved with you, and it seems that’s for a good and valid reason.
Nope, that is not Black Lady in the picture. It’s obciously Chibi Usa. Though it does look to me like she’s older in the picture than she is in the show as Chibi Usa.
Yeah it is Chibi Usa because Chibi Usa is Black Lady, she was turned into Black Lady after being corrupted by the evil guy from the Sailor Moon R season. That image being used is from Fanart I believe from years ago but it’s the exact same person.
Chibi is actually 900 years old but stuck in a child like form. That image is from the new sailor moon eternal movie on Netflix. It’s where the unicorn turned into a human boy form (not adult) and kissed her to show her she was loved. Not everything is about age play and pedo’s.
Which image are you talking about the one linked above cause yeah I took that from a more recent image but the one in the actual list. I think that’s more fan art or looks more fan art too me. People have been doing fan art of Chibi Usa and Helios (the unicorn) for years.
35# but I did read her status I noticed that only Daisy was hateful and toxic. Maybe you didn’t see the right status. Because she was bullying the Chu alot.
I also read the status posts that Daisy put up as well including shots of the mean awful comments that Petty Chu put about Daisy, she was bullying Daisy so Daisy retaliated back simple as that.
god thank you for explaining this, literally what i came to say. she isn’t chibi, she’s https://sailormoon.fandom.com/wiki/Black_Lady_(anime). she’s an adult. AN ADULT.
Exactly it’s been going around for years as fan art, people have been putting Helios and a grown up Chibi Usa together for as long as I remember.
Heck they do the exact same with Sesshomaru and Rin lol.
#6 – other people’s relationships ending is not your business. It’s their business.
yes and who TF cares anyways?? and who knows those jane and joe does??
who comments on a secret just to say they dont know what people are talking about
grandma are you off your meds again
Holy shit, I never thought he was cringy enough to make a secret like that. I’m kinda happy I was wrong. I mean, I guess that’s what happens when you’re an unemployed boob with endless free time on your hands, so I should have seen it coming. The guy just can’t stop exposing more and more of his asshole though.
I think I’ve figured out why he’s so salty. The idea that people might be making more money and being more successful than he is while on a platform like SL without jumping through all the arbitrary hoops he set for himself for his “career” probably stings. It’s so hard to see other people succeeding while he spins his wheels. It’d explain why the only references to success and luxury he can think of when he’s being “clever” is “derp, go-kart vs Ferrari”.
And he’s still crying about anonymity. On a site where you’re supposed to post anonymously. He’s probably not grasping it because his two brain cells are busy coming up with delusions to keep his ego inflated while remembering he needs to breathe.
And let’s add “ableist” to the “misogynist” label he’s known for; using ‘retarded’ as an insult in 2021. There’s not a single likeable side to this self-aborbed chud.
I am so ready to laugh at this guy for another week. Apologies to all the other secrets, he’ll probably fill the comments this week, but at least it’ll be entertaining. One day he might get it through his head he’s not really well-liked here and go do something not related to the “cesspool” he didn’t succeed on.
im surprised that FH is still standing since they’ve had so many changes in management. where did they even find this bitch anyway? A group of us came over from hawthrone looking forward to going to vandermore and were met by this weird bitch who was just completely rude to anyone! we had lived in fh before but never saw her! we tooo wanted to start a greek organization but then we couldn’t because she was being nasty to us about our secret society too! alice made her a fucking gm because they’re the fucking same. she doesn’t care about anything or anyone else. why is she even here???? taissa had the right idea when she jumped ship
Damn yo!!
week after WEAK u tryn to mess with the Always@ rep, but ur game is WEAK.
soggy noggin, yo!
So i’m callin GAME OVR milkman, cream on da carpet!!
Lemme break it DOWN, while i get DWON.
Always@ means, always@
Always@ da ready
Always@ da Lusty
Always down to clap trap
Always down to hit dat
Always @ don stan around alot
Always@ aint no betty boop bot!
Bots cant do the mic drop, but an Always@ can and n Always@ WILL
~mic drop~
n im OUT!!!
You really make me feel like I need to give you spelling lessons
mic drop moron
I can’t pick my favorite part but that “PIECE” is lookin’ mighty fine. XD
#26. The only reason someone would post this is to start a “heated” argument involving politics. You are part of the problem KAREN!
#37 🤣😂🤣
#31 This place was still in operation?
#51 Damn, all the ageplay rumors surrounding Cedar died since whoever hates pimple faced kid disappeared and now here comes another one.
5. Have you ever heard of linking objects?
21. a) that literally doesn’t look like her b) making shitty jokes like this just tells me that you care more about your moral superiority than you do about actual child victims. You don’t get to use an actual murder to stroke your soapbox obsession.
#20. I wonder if this is the same Jade I have heard so much about. She seems to get around a lot and her Flickr is spooky. #notalent.
BUS DRIVER…more like….WINDOW LICKER!! you sitting in your moms basement behind your pc…feeling all high n mighty are ya!!! put ya big boy pants on and be a MAN!!! pos!
says the fucking dummie hiding behind sl secrets be a MAN and come to ma face…y’all have such sad lives if coming on sl secrets to think you can tear people down is a mutha fuckin joke! yo MOMMA must be so proud of you! you pieces of shit, low life’s !!!
She gets around fo sho. Family only.
Aww Regal you just mad.. you didn’t get the chance!!! lmfao! loser! you know shit about me! how may hoes you have in sl??? I’ve been married twice in 7 years in sl… 2 relationships in 7 years both marriages! If that makes me a hoe then ima hoe bitch!
I didn’t get the chance cause me and you ain’t related. Lmao. Let me marry one of your sisters and you’ll be interested.
and if being in 2 sl relationships in 7 years which is the whole time ive been in sl is getting around then you need ya head check you fuckin idiot!!!
You MUTHA FUCKERS think you can TEAR me down… y’all a FUCKIN JOKE! I am a CLASSY BITCH and don’t you EVER FUCKING FORGET IT!
Jesus Christ take a breath!
#20. Probably same Jaded. I knew a girl that dated Daryn / dellard02’s alt. I told her run lmfao.
you DON’T KNOW ME!! y’all are pitiful posting shit about people you don’t know! your RL must really suck! if you have nothing better to do then come on here and TRY and bring people down…funny thing most of yall on here posting shit about others is exactly what you are!!! trifflin pos
I knew Jaded when my friends went to Merge. Jaded was always friendly and likeable. Alot of respect for her was lost when she married Daryn Clayton. He transformed her into somebody she’s not, he plays and controls women on his numerous alts. Ladies beware!!!!!
She’s losing it. Sad.
20. Jaded, who says we don’t know you? Lmfao. Merge, Ring a bell?!?!??!
#26. I am sorry but if you are a liberal and can’t be bothered to get vaxxed. Please step off and go to the GOP side. ITs where all the tards belong who want nothing but to keep the pandemic going on. I chuckle at you for saying my body is my choice when in fact. You have no issues taking Tylenol or other otc drugs that even to this day scientists don’t know how the human body will react throughout your life. Stay stupid. Wear a mask. You have had no problem taking vaccines in the past but now that the retardos have politicized the pandemic. Now you feel empowered to stand up? Well PLEASE don’t use the ER when you get sick. I am sure you can ride it out at home with some ivermectin. The ER will use tons of drugs that go against your body my choice bullshit to try to save you all the while you are taking up a bed for someone who needs it.
#31. Ever heard of an SL only Facebook? You do realize thousands of players use these on daily basis right?
“bothered to get vaxxed”
oh that’s not a bother, that’s a death sentence… and you even wrote the same stup!d copy/paste sentence that compares vaccines/drugs with this toxic fluid that has graphene dioxide.
Too stupid
Or just GOP
The bus driver, more like the window licker. Stay stupid. lawl
Woodland is pathetic, all of CC rejects, and we all know CHRIS WINCHESTER calls all the shots, if it looks like a chick don’t
Mean it’s a dude, ahem, fat ass CHRIS
wow, you really think Chris Winchester is anywhere near woodland? let alone runs it? now i know you are just delusional. give up the sad obsession, cause you are seriously wrong.
Woodland is a decent place, has a lot of wrinkles but has potential.
18. Probably because she is lol, that whole place is filled with shitty people and by whole place I mean the whole management team, that’s one toxic environment you never wanna get involved in, just run while you can!
That explains why she completely ignored a message recently.
#20. Jaded likes to keep it in the family ~ she nasty 🤮
Treyton you just mad nobody wanna suck ya D#$K! poor Treyton coming on SL secrets when you the nasty one!!!! lmfao i love entertain n’ y’all pos! makes my day that you all are thinking of me!!! Im in ya heads!!! lmfao totally!
lmfao You are wasting your time princess. Keep dreaming the dream one day you will wake up and be rich too.
Giggles, let’s keep going sunshine I got time to kill tonight. I do have to work in the morning though. What about you, You have anything important to do in the morning? I do have a Commute through Florida Traffic to deal with to get to work.
lmao yall know thats not even how he spells his name right..
she deserved so much better, she got put up on secrets by her “caring” friends.
I agree, Her ” caring friends” Have not only BLASTED it all over twitter, but now also put it up on virtual secrets. KNOWING it would blow up and more people would have an anonymous platform to shit talk Tim. And frankly. I FUCKING HATE IT. Leave them both alone. It was no ones damn business but theirs.
I’ve had the chance to talk to Tim, and his main concern has been squid trying to heal from this. BUT NO ONE IS FUCKING LETTING HER.
And for the assholes who are blaming Tim, it was their first meeting in person…. Certain things happen when you meet in the real world, it fucking happens. You don’t know what happened behind closed doors and going based off of gossip and ” I have a source that knows a source, that knows a sources third cousins dog who’s close to her dog that got the information.” Doesn’t fucking mean much.
Give squid her damn space and let her heal, stop bringing this fucking shit up and stop blaming Tim for it all.
If her friends fucking cared AT ALL, they’d shut the fuck up and let the dust settle before trying to pick things out with everything up in the air. What’s more important, trying to point fingers and blame? Or making sure your friends mental health and physical health is taken care of? If I see people trying to reply to this with blaming Tim, instead of worrying about the other parties mental health…. It shows where peoples fucking priorities are.
Tim cares so much about her healing that he has not left her alone since the breakup?? suss that out yourself hes a 40 year old man and she is literally 23/4
you’re clearly not a friend of theirs either considering you’re here blasting whatever “juicy information” you got onto virtual secrets. do you want good guy points? timbre literally asked people on twt to stop mentioning him or showing him what’s going on.
if you knew anything or were remotely close to them you’d know that they’re actively talking and trying to work it out so it seems and im glad to see that they’re very good together, idk what went down but i really don’t think it’s over for them.
this girl bitches about everything and everyone.
look up the origins of Santa, he is not dark ffs . leave Santa alone
WHO FUCKING CARES? Let people have their *insert race here* Santa. Are we that anal that we can’t let people have a *gasp* SANTA in their private living room? Damn Debra.
It’s not as if the current image of Santa Claus is anywhere near representative of what Saint Nicholas actually looked like. He’s a fictional character based on the actions of a real person, not the appearance of him (beyond wearing red and having white hair + beard.) Historical iconography represent Saint Nicholas most commonly with light to dark olive skin, with a few white AND black outliers, and researchers broadly agree that he would’ve had a skin tone in the olive range. He also wasn’t depicted as a fat man either, nor was he described as particularly “jolly” despite his gift-giving habits, those are more recent change artists have made to the image of Santa Claus.
Santa Claus is a character that reflects the values of whoever is telling his story, with a goal of making him sound appealing to the children the story is being told to. You’ve only seen and heard of a white Santa Claus because you most likely don’t interact with people of other races very often. Despite being white I grew up in an area that was predominantly black, and almost all of the families I knew had decorations, drawings, and stories depicting him as black, plus an addition to the story saying that Santa Claus is magical and looks different to everyone who sees him. If you’re so appalled by the idea of a long tradition of Santa Claus being changed to fit differing ideals, don’t engage with stories about him at all then, because the idea you have in your head is “wrong” too.
The original Saint Nicholas was Greek and born in an area now belonging to Turkey. He could’ve been anything from blond to olive-skinned dark. Suck on it.
Dont be daft. Its one thing to say what historical figure inspired the fictional character and another to say that fictional character could be black. He ist. He is white and lives in the North Pole. Suck on it. If you dont like having a white Xmas figure go and fucking invent your own black person giving out presents. So tired of people wanting to change white characters to Black. Do you see us trying to make Black Panther, or Storm from the Xmen into white people? NO. So fucking leave our white fictional characters alone.
Lol wow Karen be triggered af