Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 691.
the fuck is up with all the ‘secrets’ of tris counts? they don’t do that much lag; it’s ALL about script usage and what settings your graphics are at. I keep telling people avatar complexity issues are the least of your worries and just worry about your damn script count.
3- Why the HECK would you give someone you never met face to face 209K L?! WHY THO?!
#12 : that sounds like a “you” problem, lol Never had a single issue with my Evo X heads, especially with fitting.
Same here, I never had a problem with EVOX.
#45 – I actually do not consider shops that always have sales. It means they do not believe in their actual prizes, or, worse, they do consider their clients idiots (that buy full price knowing that everything will be on one sale one day or another)
20. OMG yes, this is the exact reason why my partner never bought this shirt !
22. That’d be amazing, for females too !!!
45. No one is obligated to do a discount at any point, their store, their work, their product, their time, the choice you do have as customer is to buy or not buy regardless of creator’s decision.
#23 all of that is completely wrong LOL Legacy sitting at 9k complimentary… they just never get that to be fix, shit Reborn isn’t that high not even close at 4k… Wtf are you smoking?
#8 – Honestly, could you be more idiot!c posing like that? How old are you??!! #9 – i don’t know what petty chu said, but in SL is easy to pass as a “fat shaming” person since half of the femenine avatars are actually fat by design and desire!! Venus of Willendorf, get out of SL already!! my eyes cringe everytime I see one!! #10 – Do people have the patience to read people with that sut!d font??? and look at the manes font!!?? STOP with the idiot!c fonts!! #11 – you should see what Addams sells… well, thank you either way for all those free credits tho.. but I wouldn’t waste my money there.. There are more stores with sh!tty textures.. #12 – Is because you rush to buy sh!tty stuff because it is new.. Remember Lady Malibu?? I like my system head, thank you. No mesh fkng head can reproduce its features but with good mesh. If you know of a brand tell me. But you wont. #13 – system heads aren’t cheap, it is you that likes to buy shiny things (not that I have alts that do have mesh heads, but only one I bought a head. It was pretty and original but it has many many flaws that the merchant wouldn’t fix. So I made a pledge that NEVER waste any money on fkng mesh heads that waste my money, have half sliders inoperative, looks like everyone else and needs a specific skin to use it. #14 – I bet the merchant will charge you with the clean clothes, even tho it cost nothing to do it. #15 – I don’t know what are you referring to, but, even tho it is really comfortable to watch a 15 minute video instead of a 2 hs… Read more »
sigh… can’t ppl want to be innocent and live out a positive childhood virtually? There’s a lot of good reasons ppl rp as kids. You’ll find some weirdos anywhere, but don’t generalize an entire group. Sounds very 19th century thinking. “Shame on you.” and no, not the owner. I just really appreciate finding ppl that put in a good effort on making original mesh, poses and animations that work right for several avatars and good rigging on clothing items. Since the kid community is smaller than adult community you don’t always get ppl that put in as much effort into it cuz there’s a smaller pool to shop from.
#56 – Shame on you for trying to hold Miwa accountable. That is not how it works. Have realistic expectations. She is one of the Cancel Culture Queens and must not be held responsible for her own actions. She is valid and gets to point the finger at anyone who happens to attract her attention while gaining feelings of recognition and self importance.
Ohh shit! Lay it on them fam!
It’s too bad she doesn’t even have the intelligence, kindness or talent to become as popular as her friends. A girl can dream.
58 – had a person in my life once upon a time who would talk my business for literally no reason. people who do that find themselves with no real friends and only surrounded by people looking for random tea spills for the fun of it. recognize the flags. kick them out of your own social circle.
That awkward moment when someone has a shitty life and needs to post on Virtual Secrets so they can get some attention and feel better about themselves. In reality you’re just a pathetic little person playing a video game and isn’t a big enough adult to leave shit alone and not make up some stupid ass stories.
Instead of taking the time to post here on Virtual Secrets maybe you should take some time for self reflection and unfuck your own life and stop going after other people who dont even give an ounce of a fuck about you or the rock you crawled out from under.
So remove your head from your own ass and stop fucking with Angel Aeon.
Why? She’s fucked enough people on the grid both figuratively and literally that it’s time someone does her in the same way.
#2 You’re all going to look so stupid for hounding these poor people when they get back together.
The whole thing doesn’t even make sense. Something so awful happened but they still casually reply to each other’s posts and retweet each other? Looks weird, to be honest.
They’re still in love. Duh.
#36 and other tris secrets
Most video cards can handle the polygon count of those static meshes well. What does the topology look like? For example very long triangles even low count can cause problems.
Read up on topology. Lag can be caused by many factors. Dynamic light, eep, point light, having shadows enabled or not, how many different materials in your scene, all skeleton mesh, animations, moving objects and collusion. To say it short: the amount of draw calls.
It seems you have some beef with those stores?
Why not start your own store with low poly mesh? All this bitching is gonna make you sick 😉
Hello Unity Pro, I’m the Emperor of Japan, nice to meet you!
You can clearly see if an object is causing lag or not.
Your comment sounds like is made by a 10 year old. Grow up.
#1 Are you really bitching about a separate TV accessory? Get a grip..
#6 Well, neither. I was minding my business and he so happened to come in my space.
#12 EvoX was a mistake to you, lol. Go back to Evo Classic then? Simple. Then again what do I know. I like to just slap on a cute hairbase and go about my day, mesh hair is irritating.
#13 Uh, good for you I guess?
#23 I wear eBODY Reborn, interesting.
#25 This is weird, why do you care about what she’s wearing and how often?
#27 Love love love LeLUTKA.
#45 Creators are not obligated to make sales, but I do love them and wish they’d do more outside of Black Friday. 😂Definitely would attract more potential customers.
Get off the virtual game and quit bitching about stores not holding black friday sales. Go experience rl. Each year either people complain someone didn’t do a sale or complain how virtual stores ran them to take rl cash that could be spent on loved ones in rl. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If a store doesn’t want to run a sale. That’s their prerogative. Don’t bully people into sales with their stores. You have too much freedom on your hand to have to pressure stores to sell you virtual items at low cost. Jeezes.
#57 I don’t know who you’re talking about, and I’ll be the first to criticize an av that looks like the shoulders are too narrow to support a ribcage with functioning lungs let alone them tiddies, but I walk the realism walk. Studies of faces show that “beauty” is, literally, “average,” like, the more faces you average together, the more pretty a person you get.
Why be that when I could be anything?
The hottest person I’ve ever seen in SL has a straight-up crooked mouth. My avatar is covered in flaws: bad skin, wrinkles, eyebags that aren’t “cute,” cellulite, moles from head to toe. I worship at the altar of Izzie’s, because imperfection is way more interesting to me.
#10. Wow someone seems butt hurt. I go to this sim all the time and they are all very good people. You know what they do? Kick people who act like trash and are toxic… you mad bc they protect their family, friends, and sim? then your the problem babe. They constantly have games and safe spaces, and informative meetings… they really care about everyone that goes there. If you have an issue maybe you should bring it to the sim and hash it out like an adult.. or are you Banned? oh guess we all know why your crying on SL secrets then.
I don’t get the point. Most guys wear only 1 outfit and nobody says a thing about it. If she likes that outfit then let her wear whatever the fuck she wants.
I’m very sorry you never managed to make a living as an independent artist in SL. And I am sure it hurts seeing other artists do well while you had to get a job working for others, my heart goes out to you. I hope one day you can leave your bitterness behind and that you can stop shitting on SL creators. Cause it is embarrassing for you.Take care.
How exactly have I shit on SL creators?
10- well someone peed in your cheerios. As someone who visits that sim and has spoke to those people and lives in the sim…I’d say your wrong. Everyone who goes there knows summer is an alt. She is used for their bank stuff. And other than that no alts go there everyone pretty much voices at that sim sooooooo…. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess your either an ex of the paisley chick or theirs or ex friend. Also you saying they do anything for quick cash is dumb they help out everyone like family. I’ve watched them take their own linden and give it to others just so a group could all go out and do weekend sales and no one feel left out. I hope people actually do go to their sim and meet them that way whatever cry baby posted this can be proved wrong.
its very obvious who this person is… theres only one person who got kicked out of the MC for being toxic, and then rejected for trying to crawl back, who knows pasiley and jessie and matt to call them out personally…. and know what the sim looks like to be able to make nasty comments bc they just joined the group. lola you stupid twat…. how desprate can you be?
Well as the one being bashed. I could care less. Let people meet us and make their own opinions. It’s just free advertising for the sim anyways lol my inbox is open if you wanna come hash it out with me. Could be Lola. Could be AriannaAddams. Either way thank you for advertising my sim on vs I appreciate you for it.
#36 and all the other secrets about optimization. I didn’t wanna share my thoughts last week, but it seems like this topic is gonna go on and I want to clear up few a misconceptions first before I share my thoughts. More triangle doesn’t mean better looking mesh at all, in fact the opposite. Most of the time the higher count is a mess of a topology that is making the item look sloppy and messy and worse. Opposite to more triangles doesn’t equal better quality, more textures DOES increase the quality no matter how you slice it. That is also where a lot of the lag and performance hits come from. Excessive use of textures. There are no ways around this because LL hasn’t added in the tools and systems required to optimize textures while keeping quality up. Optimization is not just about making lowpoly mesh, it has to be a collective effort from the DEV team and it requires far far far more than just lowpoly mesh. Ok with those out of the way, I’m gonna share my thoughts on this topic. Optimization of a product is always the responsibility of the developer/publisher not the user. No one should expect users to optimize a platform. You all need to stop calling SL users stupid or brainless etc because they don’t know the difference between a well optimized mesh and a terrible messy one. It’s not their job to know. That’s like a programmer calling you stupid for not knowing C++ or medical professional calling you stupid for not knowing proper medical terms. Just stop it. Users log in to enjoy a product and it’s not their responsibility to be the technical artists of the platform. If something is allowed/available then they will use it and enjoy it. Remember… Read more »
Okay, now that I read your opinion. That is actually my own. Creators have pressures and it’s not just to quick dime people. It is a competitive road. And they aren’t experts in what they do. Maybe after 10 years they are, but they are not. And the fact that people are comparing this to Triple AAA games is ridiculous. My whole opinion is that we are attacking creators and thereby also attacking users for something they cannot control. Especially when it comes to the home and landscape area; where there is limited items to begin with. For all the times I’ve asked for alternatives to Dust Bunny and similar creators my response was skin and body content which is fine, because the bulk of creating in SL is for bodies. Not everyone owns land, the demand is not there. Now I may not work in mesh but I do work for Technology (actual CRM systems and Financial Technology). So I know what is happening behind Linden Labs or I at least have some experience enough to give an educated guess. Here goes: Changing us from a CPU Heavy Engine to Graphics Card Heavy.I would say this is impossible, or if not it is so heavy and cost intensive that it is unattainable. This is the type of project most corporations do not do, and kick down the road. If it actually gets done they break the project into bits and cut the software into smaller fragments. Can we actually do that wish SL? Less intensive, but more than likely just as $$$, the ability to add front end building and texturing potential for mesh (what you want or similar). The upfront cost is incredibly expensive unless there is a way of breaking this into smaller components. (Agile), and giving… Read more »
I’m no expert on the finance or programming/engineering side of things. What I can add to your assessment though is that there is a huge shortage of technical artists and 3d programmers industry wide. Even massive studios with billions of dollars behind them are struggling to fill those roles. It is indeed a very costly endeavor that i cannot imagine SL’s income can finance.
When LL sale and take over took place. I told everyone that the type of investment group that had purchased LL was the type that buys a dying business on the cheap and keeps it on life line with the goal to make their money back in 3-4 years and get profits for another 2-3 years and for however long after that it may last. Old MMOs are sold like that all the time. It was a sign that LL had realized SL has gone as far as it can go and they can no longer invest in it and see a return for their investment. Yet I was flamed by you-know-who. Anyone with a little bit of experience in the tech industry could look at that transaction and tell you what it was really about. Yet our local resident expert who think of themselves as “entrepreneur” because they sold slut wear they don’t even make themselves on secondlife, lecturing us all and reassuring everyone on LL’s behalf, telling us all that the investment group was gonna pour money into SL!
lol ….
I think part of what pissed me off about the commenting in SL Secrets is that I work on this 60 hours a day at work. Fight with C-Suites to get systems upgraded that are basically in 1980 technology when they do not want to spend the millions because all they see is the debit to their P&L and the lack of ROI on it. From Oracle Financials, Hadoop. Salesforce, Crunchtime (lord that system is like dealing with a 1970s bum, and I often see the blame in my workworld on the associates and the employees rather than the systems themselves that do not facillitate their workflow plans. Which usually ends up in childish behavior. It almost feels like the end user is being blamed for buying mesh; and is being advised that they should do their homework. When they are the consumer, they should not have to do that. That homework should been framed by LL so that the creator would have an easier workflow through SL since this game wasn’t created for development engineers. That I personally believe some of this is caused by consumers and our massive need to go to 23213213 events is another topic. But SL will not change it. If they had been bought by a private equity firm that helps games I would have thought so. This one works with banks and I am sure that they are looking at Tilia as the true product. And part of the reason why they removed gacha was to make it marketable to the next buyer. The same as Destinations. I may be incorrect, but didn’t Destinations used to have adult content? Now I no longer see it. That to me feels like eventually they will try to touch the Adult category in SL. They are… Read more »
Lol commenting on SLsecrets v c suite. You sure got those priorities and perspective handled LOL.
You sure do love make inconsistent comments as well. And by the way, you seem to not know much either. At least I am pointing out the consumer’s point of view. AKA the end user. You on the other hand just love to claim you know better when even GM had to correct you with your stupid comment.
Sure sure you are making total sense LOL, if you can tear yourself away from your board meetings with that C-Suite. You go for it girl!
I am a consumer, my point is just as valid as yours. My viewpoint remains pay the extra money to your team of unpaid overworked mashers in Russia (Nutmeg) to retopo and create a mid, low and very low LOD version. Go crazy throw the extra 10 bucks in to do it.
I just don’t need a long drawn out paragraph pretending to know about technology and C-Suites lol to pretend I am Johnny Big Balls Consumer who manages CEOs so OF COURSE I am all expert in Second Life content creation LOL.
Also don’t try and hide behind what George Michael said to pretend you have alliances you do not. Yawn. Wake me up before you go go.
Call me stupid all you want, perhaps add another 20 paragraphs on how your c-suite experience lends to your credibility posting on a gossip website. LMAO.
Both of us have the same credibility. Your obsession is in blaming the middle man. None of these creators, are actually corporations behind the scenes. All of these, even if they pay something to someone else are a couple of folks maybe five trying to get some form of finances. Especially if they live in third world country and need to make some form of living. Go against the group that had the financial means but didn’t do the right thing. LL. Countless people fear getting into mesh just because of how SL Gossip site assholes, come and rip them to shreds. Yes, the very same you lot claim have high IQ while they tear down others and apply toxic culture to get what they want. And I didn’t mean I am a C-Suite, but anyone Senior and above does have to go to meetings with their VPs and their CFO, CIO, CCO, especially if they hold dual positions. And are well grounded leaders. We consistently have to fight with Upper management (in diplomatic ways) to get department budgets let alone projects that are actually important. (Usually because they want a pet project like gift cards over something like fixing a darn batch closing process). One is more prestigious and looks outwardly like it will earn millions in revenue. Even though they haven’t done the full analysis to see how many chargements and fraud will come in that will counter that. Or gift card fees. In other words, the blame usually lies in management of corporations that request for tightened budgets so they can get their wallets padded. Especially now that LL is owned by an this type of investment firm that is incredibly financially driven. You are asking creators to spend weeks on items that they would normally pull… Read more »
That’s exactly what I said when the take over was taking place. I was like if LL was being sold to a tech company, you could be optimistic that the said company has seen potential and had the finances and infrastructure to build and upgrade SL. They sold it to an investment group that also owns AC repair company and airplane maintenance …..it’s not like Adobe buying Substance Painter or Epic buying quixel or Activision buying Blizzard ….what did they think would happen? You’d think someone who claims to have a business degree and an entrepreneur would be able to figure that out. I don’t have a business degree nor am I an entrepreneur. but just equipped with a little bit of common sense I put two and two together when I looked up the investment firm buying LL ….
The variable you’re expecting might be different in this case, because the firm that purchased LL are actually personal close friends of the founder, Philip Rosedale for nearly 14 years and not just a bunch of randoms.
source: https://nwn.blogs.com/nwn/2020/07/linden-lab-second-life-acquired.html
There also seems seem to be some genuine interest in improving Second Life, considering they hired a new VP of engineering who seems promising, with game dev and microsoft development background as a senior –
source: https://modemworld.me/2021/09/18/mojo-linden-the-labs-new-engineering-vp-discusses-sl-at-tpvd-meeting/
My point is, the future is uncertain, but it may not be as negative as you think. I do have some hope, especially after they finally hired someone right for the job for once. Their last VP of Engineering only ever did communications for businesses in the 90s, so this is a big step. It’s good to see that Linden Labs is still being passed between friends and family, and not handed over to people who have no emotional attachment.
Except the investment firm is a group not owned by an individual. A friendship with one of the board members would only go as far as facilitating the deal easier. Hiring a single VP engineer without subsequent hiring of a team of programmers, engineers, technical artists and 3d artists doesn’t really do much. What is this one person going to do? Add to it the fact the investment firm doesn’t have a tech sector infrastructure to support LL. For example if LL was bought by Epic or Embracer Group, those corporates/investment groups have many development studios in the field and could allocate and support LL with both staffing and production needs. This investment group owns airplane maintenance and AC repair companies ….what are they gonna do? It’s very obvious their target was Tilia.
Which is why we haven’t seen a surge of hiring in LL since the take over, we haven’t seen any major projects in development, we haven’t seen any major changes. 2021 is almost over, it has been long enough since the take over that if there was any positive hope we would have seen/heard about some kind of development.
“What is this one person going to do?“ Idk, maybe have influence over the boomers at Linden Labs whose resumes sit on 90s era communication and business companies? lmao! This may not be a big deal to you, but it is a big deal for Linden Labs, because they used to pride on not employing game devs for SL and have been in the dark or delayed important features their platform and users desperately need. Within two months of the new VP being on board, we’re finally seeing modern improvements, like two-factor authentication, or the thought-to-be-dead-and-cancelled 360 viewer within two months of him being around. They’ve also been fixing a lot of broken shit lately too, so maybe we might see Second Life finally run on multiple threads, because past influences in the company are old people who think everyone still uses a brick that’s old enough to go to college. Since 2019, LL hired graphic engineers and programmers, but a lot of their work is most likely trying to sort out the 18 year old mess left behind and making sure it doesn’t break existing things on the grid. I don’t think we’ll see too much happen right away. And let’s be real: If LL was bought by Epic, they’d toss Second Life out, because fixing it without damaging its user generated economy is way too much trouble, not to mention the amount of work trying to maintain it and its wild communities is an insane amount of work, with a lot of risks involved. Which brings up my point: There’s been a lot of changes and fixes on the back end. There are active monthly user meetings to try and find a nice balance point that won’t damage what’s already on the grid because LL already knows ARC… Read more »
“BMW is hiring a large number of their drivers to build their 2023 models!”
someone with logic and common sense: But …are they qualified? are they engineers? Do they have any experience in building cars? Is it gonna be safe?
“They are well versed in driving BMW cars”
I honestly can’t with this…lmao …I really hope you meant for your post to be comedy.
“Hired large team of users” ….legendary. I think that about summed up your logic and level of intelligence in debating this topic.
“I think that about summed up your logic and level of intelligence in debating this topic.”
You didn’t even read my point, did you? My point was to note that your statement about how Lindens are doing nothing is wrong. I gave you dates, I gave you descriptions of what they’re up to, I noted the massive update activity and back-end fixing that happened right after they hired their new VP of engineering since Sept 2021. I also just told you that the new people they hired, such as their VP of engineering and graphics engineer are qualified if you actually did some research and looked at their resumes.
To shorten it in one sentence:
They’ve been fixing a lot of back-end shit, brought forward new features one by one that everyone’s been asking for since the Oct 2020 server uplift, and are trying to set Second Life, an 18 year old platform that’s a tangled mess, for more improvements
As for your opinion, I wasn’t disagreeing with you, but I was informing a flaw in your knowledge, because I know you have not been active in SL and are pulling assumptions about how they’re doing nothing in 2021.
The fact that you didn’t read but still get defensive by attempting to insult someone’s intelligence like a child is comedic.
I’m leaving this here. Go get a juice or something.
It sounds like you didn’t read what I said. I said nothing substantial has been done. Adding MFA is a given, I mean that shouldn’t even count, everything on the planet has MFA now days. I took issue with your logic behind hiring large number of users who are “well versed in modeling for sl” That’s just a fancy way of saying “they hired a bunch of people without any actual experience or education in the field to help fix SL”. I was invited by the previous TD to go to a few of their meetings a few years ago. Do you know how those meetings go because of all these “users well versed in modeling for SL” ? Here is a quick run down: We were talking about adding proper lighting so we could eventually move to physically based rendering and that we needed materials to be on without the ability to be turned off so we can actually starting using normal maps and spec/gloss reliably in our creations without needing to bake lighting. Then generic SL user well versed in modeling for SL interrupted saying “but not everyone wants shine on her their stuff, i dont like shine on my stuff i dont like materials i wanna keep it off” I said materials isn’t there to make shine …they allow use of normal maps …and every object in the real world has specular/gloss/roughness values ….I was interrupted by random SL creator number 2 ” i make my stuff with both materials and non materials and my customers LOVE IT!!!” I said that’s great Jane but like that has nothing to do with the topic, also can we …. interrupted by another random sl “designer” “all you have to do is set up your cycles in blender bake to… Read more »
You’re just an idiot. There has been a lot of back-end changes that affect the user-experience, especially on a network-side. Significant changes that you feel and see if you actually are versed in networking, development, LSL code, etc.
Not everything needs about just simply content creation when it comes to updates. Things are in constant development.
The people you listed in your comment aren’t the targeted audience for “people well-versed in SL modelling”, since those meetings that you were ‘personally invited to’ are actually open meetings that ANY SL resident can attend, and most of the ones who pay attention to those meetings have been, historically, simply residents who generally hang in outdated areas and have outdated shops. There are many people dropping out of the AAA industry at the moment due to the lack of money flow coming in, and moving directly to SL or online freelance commissions because it is far better money.
You should actually get on that train, Mr. I’ve-been-without-a-job-for-7-months.
Freelance is probably best for you because you have an absolutely abhorrent attitude, and you likely are the only person who’d want to work with you.
Read the thread back again. All of your shit had been answered. You just have had your head too far up your own ass to really understand what had been said to you.
I find it hilarious that you call me an idiot. I wasn’t “invited” to an open meeting, it was a meeting among creators, we were also part of the super early sansar meetings as well which was a similar shit show. If you really think LL doing “back end updates” is actually something worth while, I’m not sure what to tell you. LL has let SL fall behind so much that they knew it was beyond their means to fix it, that’s why they sold it off to an investment group that knows nothing about the tech sector nor has any infrastructure to support it. Hiring large number of SL users versed in modeling for SL is a fancy way of saying “we are too cheap to hire actual professionals and are paying pennies to people without the proper education or experience to make it look like we are doing something. You can call me an idiot all you want, but i have far more credentials to be talking about this than you do. Aside from that, results speak for themselves, the take over happened a couple of years ago and all LL has to show for it is MFA and a new UI for search browser. Until all those “back end updates” translate into anything meaningful they are just fluff fed to unaware users such as yourself to make it look like they are doing something. I’m sure it makes perfect sense to believe all the good is coming soon because LL hired a bunch of underqualified, self taught users without any credentials to fix it. There are few really good artists on SL and they laughed and turned down the offer for how little the pay was, the only ones who took it were the ones that were… Read more »
A meeting amongst creators. The monthly Linden Labs meeting that I have very often been to? Yeah, no. That’s open invite, you pretentious little twat. LL Being bought up by an Investment company and hiring from within the game is actually a step up from what used to be. There is a lot of things you quite frankly do not get, because you absolutely are not qualified in networking or coding, so the stuff that LL has been fixing is entirely back-end. I won’t comment on LL’s payment method on how they treat the Moles. Many denied to be a Mole due to the fact LL cannot supplement the amount of money the community pays these people from just being private sellers. However the people who are actually hired in to fix things, at the moment, are entirely on the development side of things. Things you won’t see. Things to make SL last longer, and flow much better. As for your statement, you assume designers are ‘underqualified, self taught users without any credentials”. Just because they don’t want to bootlick to companies who absolutely will pay them pennies on the dime for their art that they no longer will control, does not mean these people are all self-taught or don’t have credentials. Quite a few designers actually have gone to school for this, and have been in that industry you so eagerly simp for. The only difference between them and you, is they don’t have a stupid misplaced ego that likely got them released from their last job and forced them into being a ” Freelance Character Artist” since June. There are good changes happening. You’re just too much of a disconnected idiot to even pay attention because, regardless of your talent in 3D modelling and texturing, you have zero… Read more »
Wish in one hand, shit in another. Guess which one fills up first. You need to stop shitting in your hand.
What do you expect from the guy who owned Azuchi, known for it’s fucking ridiculous VRAM? Kinda makes sense that he deflects blame from creators when he was a known part of the problem. Can’t have the masses realizing that, can we? It’s no wonder he hasn’t been anything more than a “freelancer” for 7 months after getting run out for attacking female creators (all of this info publicly available since he doxes himself constantly like a dumbass). When was the last time he even made anything or logged into SL as a creator? But sure, let’s take his “expert” opinion on current events for SL.
Lmao, the fuck out of here with his nonsense.
Why don’t you take a screenshot of the vram of my stuff and compare it side by side to other clothing brands on SL? Oh wait I forgot you lot only speak nonsense anonymously without any evidence or facts or knowledge.
That’s why you stay anonymous so the stupidity of your posts doesn’t follow you around.
Keep driving that go-kart while convincing yourself you are driving a Ferrari.
You must be really fucking rattled you sad, pathetic little man. Look at how many times you had to post to protect your fragile ego. I’m not going to post willy nilly because you’re sitting there crying at your desk and posting obsessively. I hope one location will suffice. Sands, all this information is available through a few quick Google searches of your name, and your store and by talking to, well, let’s be honest, anyone who’s been in the mainstream creator community since at least 2015. You really don’t think you’ve harassed any female creators? Think really hard about it. I’ll give you a good place to start: remember Tenacio? Remember how it was on your real life Facebook account (which was connected to your job at the time)? Even up until the time you stopped adding creations to SL, your store was well known for being on the list of lag creating stores. So where is the lie? Your store name is a joke in the bigger creator circles for that reason. The truth hurts, but it doesn’t make it less true. People are GLAD you stopped uploading laggy crap into SL. Probably your best contribution to the grid. What have you said that was so wrong? Well if you had higher than grade school reading comprehension (as others have pointed out), the problem is you talking circles around creators being responsible for what is very much realistically within their control; and instead looking for a scapegoat in LL. You sitting here blubbering about what LL could do to control people isn’t helpful in this situation when you’re so willing to give up and go “well LL isn’t stopping me from creating laggy products, so it’s not MY fault that I just do it.” At some point you… Read more »
Wow you really are dense, look at the time stamps, sometimes certain responses get flagged for moderation and Kess will get to them when she has time, so a bunch of posts appear at the same time. Though with how basic concept of just about anything is lost on you, I’m not surprised. You really don’t think you’ve harassed any female creators? Think really hard about it. I’ll give you a good place to start: remember Tenacio? Remember how it was on your real life Facebook account (which was connected to your job at the time)? Who is Tenacio? I have never had a rl FB account linked to my job. You have got me mistaken with someone else or just flat out making up lies. Even up until the time you stopped adding creations to SL, your store was well known for being on the list of lag creating stores. So where is the lie? Your store name is a joke in the bigger creator circles for that reason. The truth hurts, but it doesn’t make it less true. People are GLAD you stopped uploading laggy crap into SL. Probably your best contribution to the grid. Go ahead and put my stuff side by side and take a screenshot of its Vram, Tris count and anything else and compare it side by side with these so called “big” clothing brands. You are just making up lies, with no evidence. As far as “big name creators circle” thinking im a joke. I’m sorry, but the reality of it is, the fact any creator on sl thinks they are a big name is a joke within itself. My work is levels beyond SL, it’s not even in the same league if you want honesty. The only joke is the fact a… Read more »
Do you want reality and ego? here is a hard fact. I left SL a long time ago because I simply do not need the income from it anymore… If you left SL, who are you even bothering on commenting on a website that is focused around SL dram- Oh right. Jobless. No wait, sorry. “Freelance”. 🙂 My work is levels beyond SL, it’s not even in the same league if you want honesty. So, I do know you have talent, but you’ve been gone from the grid for years, by your own claim, so you are not understanding of the fact that you are absolutely wrong on your ‘go-kart’ analogy. There are quite a few creators and brands within SL that are of top tier quality, even surpassing many AAA standards in quality, working around the limitations SL has placed to make fantastic products. A few of these designers don’t pay attention to VRAM and LODs, and I personally do acknowledge that. However, there is still a good portion that do, and you have absolutely not surpassed them in any space of the word. Contrary of how they are improving the back-end of the grid, it is still a system that is nearly two decades old and has it’s issues that they need to work on. SL, for one, has a massive limitation when it comes to how mesh/textures are done, as you are well aware, so designers have to get creative in how they balance it out. However, I absolutely believe that the people who make SL a living, or at least a very profitable side-job, are not beneath you. In fact, I believe these people are better than you. Not only in their skill (some of which are self-taught, but actually the majority have gotten… Read more »
Nice try but look at how many posts you needed to put up that equate to you saying nothing except raging like a child over the idea that people have the audacity to call you on your shit. You left SL behind? Good don’t come back to SL, don’t come here, in fact just go far away because you’re: A) lying about Tenacio and your Facebook. The whole thing was public. B) absolutely wrong about a lot of your claims. Claims people here have already disputed but you ignore. Stores in SL are able to create and sell high quality, low impact product without needing regulation from LL, it’s up to us to encourage it. I’m not going to re-explain what has already been explained to you this week. Please go back and read. And most of all C) a laughing stock. Come to think of it, if you’re so above and done with SL, why are you here? Why is your unoptimized garbage still for sale in the marketplace? Take it down and run off to that fairytale life you’ve been crying into your keyboard about all week and hoping everyone will buy. Or, I tell you what Sands, since I don’t believe anyone should hand you money for your garbage and you have access to it all, take the screenshots yourself. You don’t even need comparisons, just show the raw numbers. Because if your claims are true, and if myself and so many people on SL and posting about it on SL-related websites are wrong, then demonstrate. Obviously you have nothing better to do than sit on a drama and gossip site for a “cesspool” you “left behind”. Commenting on it all like you’re some great creative input when you’re just some guy who added to the problem… Read more »
Who is Tenacio? What was public? You seem to keep word vomiting here without providing any proof or saying anything substantial. You either have me mistaken by someone else or your boomer brain has gone senile.
As far as texel density goes, who has explained it? No one and yet again after I explained the issue to you for the 3rd time, you still haven’t provided any factual information as to how and why I’m wrong. Again word vomiting here without saying anything of substance. Even though I explained clearly you still don’t seem to understand what texel density is. Lol and you get offended when I laugh at the fact LL has hired a large number of users who are well versed in modeling for SL. You idiots don’t even know your left hand from your right hand. Future looks bright!
Now on to why I stick around this cesspool? Because my presence is a constant reminder of how much of a delusional losers you lot are. That’s why you all get so triggered by what I say. Because due to my experience, knowledge, skill, what I say carries weight, that’s why it triggers you lot so much and I get pleasure from that fact alone.
Hit the road and go drive around your go-kart with your “big name designer” friends clown. Come back here when you actually have evidence and proof or have any factual information instead of word vomiting here.
When/where have I attacked female creators? point it out please.
If you are so confident in accuracy of what you are claiming, why don’t you share with us who you are? Why speak anonymously?
Oh damn, everyone drag out the Virtual Secrets bingo cards, we have a qualifying post here. Lol
If you are going to make up stories, at least provide evidence. If you had anything of value to say you wouldn’t say it hiding behind an anonymous name. The reason you only are brave enough to speak anonymously is because you are making false statements and accusations. What have I said that is so awful? That LL should hire professionals instead of self taught users? How is that an attack on anything? It’s the most logical thing to do. What have I said? That the investment group that purchased SL is not the type that would advance SL? I mean even if you disagree with me on that, how is that such an awful thing to say? What have I said that is so awful to you? Saying LL should be hold accountable for users excessive use of textures due to them not adding in tools to allow proper texture optimization? I mean that makes me an awful person right? That makes me egotistical? I don’t say LL should hire me, that would be egotistical. I say LL should hire people with proper education and credentials. I say I have more experience and credentials in 3d art than bloggers and SLers. How is that an awful thing to say? If someone else has the same or higher credentials by all means step forward and correct me or debate with me. You are all hurt because my existence in the community threatens the fantasy bubble some of you have created for yourselves, the reality that my presence brings threatens to burst the fantasy bubble. That’s why you attack me, if you actually look at what I have said. I haven’t said anything that is an attack on anyone. I have been around since 2006 and over the years I have… Read more »
I was part of the Sansar meetings really early on, and their TD one time asked me to go to one of the creators meetings with him. So yes he invited me to go to one. Not sure why you seem so upset about that. LL Being bought up by an Investment company and hiring from within the game is actually a step up from what used to be. How is that good? Hiring users who frankly don’t have the experience or knowledge is just a PR move on LL’s part to make themselves look good. How is hiring users instead of professionals is a step up? It’s a step down. There is a lot of things you quite frankly do not get, because you absolutely are not qualified in networking or coding, so the stuff that LL has been fixing is entirely back-end. and have you seen me argue about networking or coding side of things? I have not, not even once. Networking front should not have any impact on the 3d side of things. That’s like saying “we are busy fixing payroll so we can’t get to fixing networking issues.” Completely irrelevant. The fact you even made that statement goes to show how little you really understand about how anything works, even at the most basic level. That’s what happens when you spend your entire life growing up on SL and bubbling yourself inside a fantasy cartoon world. However the people who are actually hired in to fix things, at the moment, are entirely on the development side of things. Things you won’t see. Things to make SL last longer, and flow much better. Who are these people? What are their credentials? Resumes, experience, education? This all “secret people are working secret back end stuff no one can… Read more »
re LL
every month there are creator meetings and it’s brought up, and the lindens just shake their head and say “we know”. no action taken, nothing. people offer solutions, offer to volunteer help, training, a youtube channel (others offered to do tutorials and translate to multiple languages) was suggested a few times, etc, nothing. just shrugs and avoiding answers.
i don’t think they care either. they can’t clean up this game enough for a quick sale and it makes enough money for them to get paid. so we’re stuck in lag hell because no one cares because it makes money.
we don’t even have a mobile or tablet version of SL after years of people asking, whereas roblox (which honestly is sl for kids) has that. roblox, zepeto, and i think IMVU has their own studio program to keep assets usable. i feel LL would have to implement something like that to get a good handle on making assets consistent and usable but i don’t think that’ll happen tbh
i genuinely think LL wants it to die and hope that we kill it off for them at this point.
I think the new investment company wants it to die. The other just wanted to survive. They see Tilia as the true product.
ABSOLUTELY. venture capital companies more or less swoop in, get rid of what’s too much work, and keep what’s profitable. gut it, and fire everyone in the process. we’ve seen it happen to so many companies in my country and it’s a way of life in the US as well.
That is the opposite of how the company that invested in LL has handled their business in the last 80 years. Maybe you should, I don’t know, research them instead of assuming?
Actually their business centered around financial ones. Just because the pattern with financial ones is fo rthem to survive it doesn’t mean they want the same with SL.
Remember LL has two products: SL itself and LL. What these vultures tend to do is invest in the area that makes them more money. Quickly. Yes, it may seem that the business is healthy and it continues on. For instance Bain Capital owned and they may still own Dunkin Donuts. Has it faltered? That doesn’t mean all of their other assets have survived till now.
They always tend to work by streamlining practices and cutting what to them is the fat. The issue is that some of these do business in a way that hamper the companies and completely dissolve them. Their overall history does not play well for this investment firm in particular.
By the way, how many other games do they have under the belt?
Assuming that best case scenario this one will not do that. It will still push for what is more profitable………………………………………………………………………………………….. on the short run. Because that is the big problem with companies. They do things on the short. Even if they may actually gain more revenue on the long run. They don’t care. American toxic impatient practices are causing both the end of companies and let’s face it, end of the country and with it many of the other ones as well.
Yeah LL ignores a lot of requests, simply because it would require additional staffing to implement those features. They don’t want to spend the money, maybe because they feel the financial investment wouldn’t pay off based SL’s population or trending/projected income. I don’t work in finance so no idea. Though that does bring us back to the original topic, if LL doesn’t implement changes to improve optimization and stability, how can we hold users accountable for it? I 100% understand it, it’s very annoying when you see a mesh on SL that has so much unnecessary verts, adding to the mess. Sometimes I look at something and go “but why? this is just ridiculous”. Reality is though, as long as the platform allows someone to upload a high poly mesh, allows 12 1k textures on a single piece of mesh, someone will do it and everyone else has to follow because that one person will set the quality expectation. Geometry, you can retopo, and do proper topology and not have it affect the overall quality of your mesh by keeping your topology and poly count reasonable. However there is no way to compete with someone who uses 20 textures on a pair of shoes, if you are using 1. In modern engines there are lots of shader parameters to help with this. For example micro fabric detail comes from a small 64×64 normal map that gets tiled across the model and slotted in a “detail normal map” slot. Which we don’t have on SL. LL would need to spend the time, money, man power to create and update their shaders, then cap these slots to only use a 64×64 texture for the detailed slot for example. Otherwise someone will use a 1k cotton map in the detail slot. With the… Read more »
i get what you’re saying but some things: if LL doesn’t implement changes to improve optimization and stability, how can we hold users accountable for it? we can’t unfortunately. but like, at one point, high upload costs was supposed to be a deterrent but if you’re making tons of money or are an older user, you don’t get hit. this problem that’s being discussed is specifically a “big brand” (ie we’ve seen them at big events) problem. smaller shops don’t do this. With the flood of stolen meshes designers have to compete with, with all the unethical 3rd party mesher hiring practices, for a designer to compete in SL’s market and make a living they need to produce crap fast. Those people have driven the prices down and flood the market so much, some of them are doing 6-7 releases a month. It’s insane. The way the market is people have to make shit fast, and make lots of it if they wanna pay their rent. So yes they really don’t have the time to sit there and optimize their meshes when the person next to them is downloading meshes from a russian site and just shoving it on sl. that’s true and i understand the grind however: regarding flooding this game with cg trader/turbosquid/russian model sites, you can’t avoid that but people shop at these brands bc their mesh is uniquely and stylistically their own. dust bunny doesn’t have to worry about missing out on a sale because they went to ??? brand. i buy name brand bc i want name brand. not bobo brand. these creators (esp the 3 we’re discussing) do give a shit about presentation and aesthetics but it’s literally just functionality is where most fuck it up. if i’m going to spend hours on a… Read more »
You make some really good points. Let’s put aside the time constraints and market demands for a second. Your solution of these brands spending more money/time retopologizing and creating better topology would solve the excessive vert usage issue. However majority of the lag and performance issues are tied to texture overuse. Specially in static objects where verts aren’t carrying weight information and stuff.
How could someone really compete with texel density of someone else who is using 12 textures? What would your suggestion be? How would you optimize that on SL without losing significant quality or end using a lot of repeated details across a model?
one thing that would greatly help texture overuse for small deco is just…people learning to bake multiple textures in one map vs several. it’s a small thing but i’ve tested items i’ve made with multiple maps vs baking stuff into 1 or 2 and you definitely see the loading difference. i personally don’t think small deco items need to fully utilize an entire 1024×1024 map because rarely are we zooming into seeing a tiny sprinkle or some seed on top of a surface lol.
people used to do this at one point but again, money/lack of time/deadlines makes people cut corners.
and i know blender and 3ds have plugins for this too.
i’ve only seen a few brands (off top of my head, fapple and random matter) do this whereas a lot just…don’t. and i know it’s “easier” for them to assign the texture to the face one by one but like, the time alone to just…asign multiple textures over and over to an item vs just baking it all into one map? i get clothing having multiple textures bc of huds but for a lot of brands, clothing creators utilize this method a lot more than deco creators. i don’t know why.
the ever efficient side of me is like, 10L upload (1 texture for an item) vs 50L(5 textures on an item) and i save time uploading? i’ll take it lol!
That doesn’t address the texel density issue. Texel density is basically the amount of pixels dedicated to physical surface of an object. The reason they don’t do that is not because they don’t know how, it’s because packing all their stuff in one texture significantly reduces the texel density, thus less pixels used for details per model. In simple terms the textures will look blurry or not enough pixels to define sharp high quality looking details. That is why you see a pair of jeans broken up into 12 textures. Breaking up your model across multiple textures is the equivalency of when someone breaks a 550k rigged sweater into multiple pieces to get around the 67k tris upload limit. They break up their textures to get around the 1k resolution texture limit. If Nutmeg packed all their textures into one UV, all those nice detailed wood grain that people like on their stuff would look blurry and not as appealing. It’s not responsible to put each little detail on it’s own 1k resolution map, but if Nutmeg stopped doing that, another designer will come around and do it, and their stuff will look nicer (obviously more pixels per cm of a surface) and people will say “omg that looks so good!” and go buy their stuff. That is why I say you guys need to be angry with LL not individual creators. Problem with getting around the texture limit by using multiple textures for a single object is that with topology, you don’t need to go high to maintain quality. There will be literally no difference visually between a sweater that has 550k tris vs one that is topologized properly at 8k tris. No quality loss. However with textures it’s a different story, there will be a massive difference in… Read more »
Is that you Sands? aka Prince Malekith
No, it’s King now. I got promoted.
Yeah I knew that was your arrogent, self absorbed, holier than everyone else ass.
and yet……you are the one that feels the need to hide behind an anonymous name. Who is more likely to be the ass? The person who stands by their words and doesn’t hide? or someone who hides behind an anonymous name to name call?
Funny coming from “George Michael”
You do realize some people in rl have that name. They do share it with George Michael which was actually the professional name for: Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou. << Fun fact: George Michael was not named George Michael from birth. Other than that, there probably is someone in sl with that name too.
Naming myself George Michael is literally the give away, how else would you have known it’s me?
Oh j remember your posts before. You tend to make sense.
Common sense however talks out of her well you know what.
I don’t have a clue about SL being sold but my point still stands. If Nutmeg ans her team of cheap labor can release 3 shit products a week flooding events she can spend the extra 10 dollars per contractor per model to sort the model out. You can tell they try to hide it by the way they link shit and use rezzers.
I gave a pass to solo creators but these guys importing shit mesh don’t get one sorry.
I concur
You really have it in for me don’t you…. lol. It’s so deep that you have to think about me when replying to GM even when he and I are agreeing in a topic.
At any point I may just start to troll you. The fact that I pointed out the issue is larger than three stores and you still have your ass itching to go after three rather than focus on the bigger picture is quite comical.
What, did you try to work for any of them and get rejected? It’s getting to that level. And I’m still looking for that comment for proof of your allegation. I can sense being a lawyer or paralegal and providing proof is not your forte. When you accuse someone, there’s such a thing as a gyazo to provide proof of your argument. If not you are just eating shit.
I don’t work in SL and lawyer LOL no thanks.
I live on my army pension and social security hey ho! Nice try though to again diffuse the subject and make it NOT about those brands. Hey look everybody over there, I have seen your distractions and call you on them, which is why you keep having to come at me. Clearly somebody is blustering (and it ain’t me).
Again you are a really obvious being obvious poster. Sorry you can’t handle the heat darling. Perhaps go and get some of those C-Suite good old boys to give you some training on how to post on websites LOL.
You just are an asshole, but then again sorry to say a lot of service members join the service because they are just that. Assholes. I assume you also come here to bitch every week about SL users that never come here.
You are the one that absolutely loves to trash talk everyone irregardless to all of their point of view. You blame a creator, rather than Linden labs for setting the situation. You blame your neighbor, irregardless to you not knowing anything about them. I mean come on.
I could care less about a bunch of people that usually come here week and and week out saying snarky comments to one another, and backstabbing friends in Sl because it makes them feel good to be dicks. That doesn’t mean they are higher IQ. It just means they are assholes.
And lol, nope no training needed. You need to sit down like the grown adult you claim to be and accept that not everyone agrees with you. Instead of going on and on attacking and then claiming someone made a previous comment without providing proof. And by the way you don’t have to be lawyer, that is actually what someone that has factual proof does. In any conversation.
Remember the motto? live and Let live? Do onto others as you want them to do to you? You didn’t learn jack shit about that. People come to SL to unwind, and then we got wannabe dictators wanting people to follow what you claim. Enough, we already have a lot of shit going on in rl to now have people like you trying to direct the shots in SL. If you have a problem, direct it to the actual Lindens. That is their job, the SL platform.
Wow you really are rattled by me.
Service members are assholes?
Disabled people are whores?
My my where were you parents when you were growing up.
Ps it is Linden Lab you can’t even get their name right miss fake CEO.
Oh ps service member kept you safe while you slept in your bed making up fantasies about working with c suites. If that makes me an asshole you might as well gone and burn the flag too you disgrace of a human being.
Anyone who has to brag about doing their service or whatever, is a piss poor serviceman or woman. Just sayin’.
I have never bragged about it, how strange for you on that name to post one time on this site LOL – did you use a VPN Common Sense LOL obvious poster being obvious AGAIN.
UYu better believe if some idiot calls Service Members assholes they will get a response from me. Choke on that as we say on Reddit.
#32. Why in the hell would anyone spend a year of their life pretending to be friends with people they don’t like?
two faced, false people.
“el muerto se asusta del degollado”
Plenty of people do! Especially at EoC.
The reason for it, is because they are narcissist’s.
The reason the person who posted the VS hung around people they did like for a year was because they are a narcissist? Then what are they complaining about? If it’s the people they don’t like but pretend to for a year are the narcissists, then again, what are they complaining about? No one makes you hang out with toxic people, right? I just do not understand why anyone would do that.
#7 You Cedar Creek residents are whole damn special breed of species. If people are being “poached” this easily week to week from your town, they are choosing to leave on their own because… DRUM ROLL… they don’t like it there in the first place! Is there even shit going on there now or did you finally recover from that rough Spring you had that cost you most of your residents and staff, who by the way, once again CHOSE to leave on their own to equally shitty Woodland and Fox Hollow.
7 – I also don’t understand the announcements every time someone makes a poaching attempt. It happens all the time and not many leave now. I think all the RP communities get their fair share of poachers. Cedar Creek was once an easy target for poachers when a new owner took over. Some were unhappy with the change. Since then…. many of those who left decided to come back. A few just come back with bad intentions but that should be handled with management and not announced on here every time it happens. The spring was hard but turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Cedar Creek has bounced back nicely and has been pleasant and consistently active for months. A lot of negativity went out the door in the spring and I am so thankful for that. There’s only one person that is missed and that’s Pinewood’s old principal. She was incredible. Other than that…. I hope it remains on this good path.
Woodland is going to become lost to a clique much like cc already has. Alex, Angel and their family all in management or in charge of something. Talk about the worst family to have in a position of authority. The track record is terrible and there reputation is soiled. Blaze doesn’t really look at what’s going on and make some changes then people will continue to leave and Woodland will die especially when they start ganging up on people and turning against them. I wonder how many people have already left because of them
Thankfully CC doesn’t have that problem anymore. The atmosphere is so much better. I’m sorry you Woodland citizens are having this problem now. Band together and go to the owner and voice your concerns. Good luck with everything I hope it is better soon
CC sucks now. Never more then a dozen people there at any given time. Events suck now and never done at a time people from the UK can attend… And the old principal had everyone fooled. She was a con artist and manipulator. She fooled a lot of people.
CC is better now. I love it there. It’s almost impossible to get a house in CC now. Management must be doing something right. I loved Ari and she was no con artist. She was the best thing to happen to Pinewood. I have roleplayed as a preteen for a long time in CC and Pinewood was the best with her as principal. A lot of us Pinewood students miss her but we are trying to make the best of what we have now. I like the events now to. I always have so much fun. Rei told UK citizens to join events to do times because the United States people have lives outside of SL to. UK people have complained about it for years but they don’t apply for the job. There is always more than a dozen people on the CC map unless it’s early and that’s when most sims aren’t crowded with people. You are here making things up
#58 If this is in reference to #2 at all then yeesh…
23 you know nothing about body’s newer body are way better no lag. You got problems you are the problem update your computer.
we make badly made mesh so you have to change blah blaj ñeñeñeñejw+pAJSD+PAJMPJQWNFF
#2 I feel terrible for Dejaflu, the whole situation is so fucked up. Obivously, no one knows what happens behind closed doors, but regardless, flying someone across the ocean after being in a long distance relationship for 2 years, then BREAKING UP WITH THEM within days of their meeting, causing one person to be dealing with the situation in an unfamiliar country, all on their own, during a GLOBAL PANDEMIC, limiting international travel, is incredibly fucked. I can’t imagine going through that kind of pain in such a situation.
Its a shame. I’m actually really disappointed#2 was even submitted at all.
She never wanted the breakup to be blown up by the public eye, and all of you claim to feel bad for her…
Yet, here we are, on virtual secrets continuing to feed the drama mongers.
Get the fuck off of this website, leave their relationship where it bekongs. In private. If any of you cared, you would quit bringing attention to it.. especially here! This is literally the worst thing anyone could have done.
You are all feeding into it.
I want to add while I stand by what I just said, the actual post (#2) uses such gross and objectifying language. She’s not a prize to be won lol
I haven’t actually heard Squids side of this at all because there’s nothing on Twitter except grief and stress and I’m actually a friend of Timbre, and I am in his personal server where everyone got an extremely vague read of what happened and I’ve had to step back and question if this is the full story.
I’m really thinking some really awful things may have went down for her to be acting and feeling the way she is and I cannot imagine how much this could mess someone up.
For someone that broke up with her and the next day was talking fine and normal after abandoning someone he adored… he is playing a really strange card and it’s made me personally want to back off as a friend of his for years now.
Either way, those two were great together and I’m really sad that this has happened, I hope they work it out or something. Life is too short.
Then talk to him or her about it and get the details.
23) If this was so important to you, why didn’t you put them in order?
They’re in alphabetical order?
If it’s talking about complexity, who gives a shit about alphabetical order?
Ironically (or not) the designer last in both lists is also lowest in complexity. What’s your point?
#52 I think I know who wrote this. I’m “KC” and you’re right about those items!
#25 this secret is pathetic, so what if she wears the same outfit the whole year around, how does that affect you huh?
Maybe she likes it a lot, maybe she doesn’t want to change, maybe she doesn’t really care as much, who freaking cares! Get a life!
or, you can keep waiting for someone to take mercy on you and pay your group fee
Eww no, she needs to change clothes. And also, can someone pay for her group fee so she can stop parking on the landing spot and actually get in the spa?
Yeah someone pay her group fee so she can join the 1.2k idling club.
i wanna know where those pants are from ;p
What is it with people make 20 images for the SAME secret for 1 week and they repeat that same secret for weeks! Just STOP! We get it, you are frustrated but so are we with you wasting our time reading the same damn secret over and over again.
I have no freaking clue who Tiny Alpha is but you know what, YOU, the person making these gazillion secrets, needs a head check for your obsession with making that many secrets.
STOP repeating the same secrets please! No one needs that!
23) lmao! let’s just go back to system avs then? The lag is connected to the crappy sl universe.
there are a lot of info about complexity. just read all about it and stop wasting people’s time spoon feeding you the info
Most low FPS issues are actually caused by rigged mesh animation (of avatars) and managing Level of Detail (LOD) across a large number of objects.
The more weighted vertexes in a rigged mesh being calculated for animation, the more computing power required to update a scene. So complaining about the number of triangles is pretty spot on when it comes to rigged mesh and unfortunately this is being done on the CPU very inefficiently.
Also, the more objects in the scene with various levels of detail, the more checks to make sure the right level is being used as the camera or objects move (and also to a lesser degree the occlusion culling of those not needed to be rendered). These are typically an issue of lesser importance but can really add up in complicated builds with lots of objects.
The average game engine these days does both on the video card which have hundreds or thousands of cores to run the simple update processes across the mesh and objects.
7 – I’m actually dying laughing right now. I personally know Minerva, she’s actually male, Scottish, and lives 30 minutes from me. I can assure you all that he is not Angel Aeon. He is more interested in spending money on his avi to make it over than sniffing around anyone. He is also most assuredly gay.
if is a he is a male, it is not a “she”
50…are you fucking kidding me? cartoon boobs have you in an uproar? REALLY?
mesh + body morphing for a photo are disgusting to see (at least for females)
most people in sl are female. we don’t like it.
and no, we can’t unsee or look other way.
Oh! And I’m not a boomer or anything you want to invent about me to fill your imagination.
Most def a boomer..lmao
on SL of all places LMFAO
50- why would children or random people be …stumbling across Seraphim?
If you have that much issue with a bit o’ tittum or pusspuss, I’d suggest going to find some more festive trim clipart? Seems to calm you.
should people have to hide the pc when they are watching stuff about SL or when playing sl because 80% of the time female avatars are mostly naked??
it is a hookers place filled with female players, for god sake!
54. Going to point out a few things wrong with this or what I’ve observed over the last few years. As the post is friends only I can’t go and see the post. 1. Verinne was proven to be stalking Avery’s favourites when Avery liked something from 2018 and Verinne liked it after. If you look at their current favourites. They legit just follow the same people and the posts they like are literally ones being posted recently. 2. Verinne has admitted to keep track of Avery and claiming it to be ‘detective’ work. She keeps track of her friends, where she goes, what’s on her profile, who she is dating, etc… 3. If you looked between fatalsyntax (Verinne’s male alt) and The Bunny. You’ll observe Verinne copied The Bunny because of the dates when the pictures were uploaded. Also, Verinne’s F-List was updated a few months ago, shortly after Avery updated her profile. I’ve seen .exe stuff on Avery’s profile for years in various ways. 4. I’ve never once heard Avery not take accountability in the last few years. She doesn’t hide the fact she stole Verinne’s shape and threatened her RL. What Verinne avoids to tell people is that she did this after Verinne released Avery’s RL information and had people attack her Family. I see that as tit for tat. This doesn’t include people over the years having stalked where Avery worked to try and get her fired. 5. You have lots of people coming forward who were friends with Avery or going to be, who were messaged by Verinne to ‘become friends’ then coincidently start telling them about her and Avery’s drama in hopes they’ll remove Avery, in most cases they do. 6. There are also a large amount of logs of Verinne openly attacking Avery’s… Read more »
Person who runs this blog. I get it if you don’t post this because of the gyazos I’ve added. I’m going to defend Avery. If you call me her then I don’t really care at this point. I wanted to hear both sides so I heard both sides. Posts I’ll be showing are the more “innocent” things Verinne has done because I’m not sure if it’s in my right to actually show the severe ones. Verinne is an obsessed psychopath who gave people a platform and a terrible lie to attack Avery’s family WHICH caused Avery to threaten her RL because Verinne was the reason hers was attack. Do I think it was right for Avery to threaten her RL? Holy fuck no. Verinne has openly doxed herself. She posted her RL FB on her own tumblr. You can google her and eventually find a variety of SL secrets where Verinne has posted under her own name, example being 407, where she talks about her RL job, the type of building she lives in, where she lives, etc… When Avery moved RL and Verinne found out, she wanted to find out where the fuck she moved to. This wasn’t public knowledge because she kept it to her “close” friends. That’s not creepy. Avery is no better. Look at Avery’s track record. It’s fucking shit. She’s done stupid shit, fucked up shit, and all of the above but the difference I see between her and Verinne is that Avery isn’t the one constantly posting about this pathetic shit. Avery isn’t making a post every single fucking week about Verinne. Avery isn’t commenting about Verinne’s flickr posts like Verinne is. Look at this shit. https://gyazo.com/0afecffdf0f1d6a8ac221d71ed08eda0 For someone who claims to avoid Avery and not look at their stuff you seem to keep… Read more »
Adding this. This is one of the main receipts of Verinne having admitted to actually having Avery’s real life information and threatening to use it.
Verinne gave people this information publicly at one point in which people used it to attack Avery’s real life. So yes, Verinne doxed Avery first.

The name of the other user was removed to protect their identity considering Verinne’s stalking and abusive nature.
All I see in that screen shot is Verinne admitting that she actually didn’t share it and had it in case Avery went through with what ever.
“Doxing is the act of publicly revealing previously private personal information about an individual or organization.”
Yet, people had gotten Avery’s information from Verinne to contact her family. This had been admitted by one of the people who had contacted her family and later regretted it. It had been done through Verinne’s blog and tumblr, which has since been edited.
She gave people access to it since people hadn’t known about Avery’s real life before hand.
Avery’s threat happened after her real life had been attacked by people using a lie Verinne made (that Avery was sexually assaulted by her Dad), which she admits she had no proof of. When you read through Verinne’s screenshots between Avery and whoever that is, you can see Avery’s family had already been contacted by then which is what escalated the threat.
Verinne also has told people that she never got Avery’s real life information.
Just like Verinne states she has never done anything wrong to Avery, yet you can find screenshots and gyazo gifs of her publicly attacking Avery, messaging her friends and abusing them, Facebook posts where Verinne is making fun of her Flickr, etc..
I ended up speaking to Avery about stuff to find out her side because of the amount of posts Verinne was making (almost weekly) and it’s kinda amazing to see how much Verinne has done to her over the years while preaching innocence.
Both nuts and troubled. Both keep this up.
Hey if your so upset about lag and your computer not supporting sl right then Log off or Rez a white box and sit in it with the sl default avi as your avi..sl has come a long way and we finally getting items in sl that looks good my computer can take it and I’m paying money for a land and items that I like and enjoy and I’m not going to care about the Karen next door wining about how her 5 year cheap laptop can’t take things,sorry but that’s your problem..
*you are
…or LL could make better rules about complexity… or merchants should sell better objects… or you can shut your imbecil and ignorant mouth up.
LL making better rules to police complexity is the only solution imo. Though try explaining that to a bunch of baboons here. Thankfully it seems like most people here understand it, the baboons are a select few.
No one wants SL to look ugly. That doesn’t mean people can’t optimize their mesh. People talk about these things as being at odds when they just…. aren’t.
#1 – Clearly has ZERO sense of humor. smh
#12 – LeLutka heads are naturally small and have been for a long time. Every person I’ve seen wearing a LeLutka head has managed to shape it just fine. Perhaps you’re not taking much time with it. No bento head is perfect nor 100% easy to shape. Be patient and you’ll find your look. As for hair, wear the small or extra small. It may still have gaps but older hairs were made before LeLutka heads were.
#30 – They’re a top designer? In what world? HAHAHAHAHAHA
#43 – Some creators don’t use vending systems in order to use that option. Get your facts straight.
#45 – Creators aren’t required to have sales, giveaways, or group gifts. You can ask but be realistic. Not all creators follow the same plan or belief structure.
#AllTheTrisSecrets&Lag – lag is also something to do with your computer’s capabilities. Maybe time for an upgrade too?
When you have a computer that is functionally equivalent, per core, to a 3900 or 3950x but with mountains of extra cache, paired with an unlocked, overclocked 6900xt and a cooling system that could keep a fucking nuclear reactor stable, and you still have to drop shit down a bunch…
Nah, I don’t think the problem is my potato. c:
I just want to give a round of applause to the “cooling system that could keep a fucking nuclear reactor stable” line. That was hilarious! ♥ – Your friendly IT girl 😂
#19 just curious as to what they’ve done
I have heard this person, threatend to kill people, and recorded somone without their knowledge on discord. ive also heard she likes to manipulate people by telling them she will kill herself. or when she does not get what she wants that she will pull the TransPhobia card/Victem card.
Guess Naria is getting today all the secrets she didn’t get in the last 5 months together… Some of you are obsessed. Don’t you watch other SL channels on Youtube? 😂
#31 Another Pathetic soul trying to go between two peoples relationship with no proof yet again.
Maybe spend less time Making a VS post and gather proof for your so called “Murder & blah blah blah” exposure.
all you look like is another Thirsty girl or guy after Murders D&ck. Just saying.
stop trying to come between a relationship if you can’t see Jade won’t ever leave Murder, and You will never have Murder in a romance aspect, Then that’s pathetic Truthfully.
If Murder ever plays a song for you I hope it’s #Obsessed by Mariah Carey because that’s all this post looks like.
They will never break up, so strong together.
I only wish I could find what they have.
Lmfao bruh!! She talk so much shit about Kay!!! Now walking around acting all bestie bestie she said the most horrible shit about you Kay! Cyn is the fakest cunt how are people not seeing this shit
How about they talk more about Cynder than murder? Is no one going to post what a pathetic attention ass kissing whore she is? Lmao she sucks up so hard and fast to any club owner to gain favors. How pathetic can you be to call yourself Adrienne’s bitch. Get a life dumb bitch goodluck thinking kissing ass will get you far.
Oh, it’s true and she will go after Lupin faster than fast and be all over his cock. When it goes bad, she will bad mouth him and make herself look like the victim and he lured her in like an innocent girl. Or, she will blame the Adrie for fucking up their future together or some shit.
I hate Cynder, she is so much drama, Knowing Cynder she would have done this herself just for the attention and to try break them up.
Not to say he is guilty by any means as I do not know him.
However, I do know Cynder unfortunately. Her rap sheet is well known and she is nothing but a wanna be babygirl who will call anyone Daddy in less than 5 minutes and offer you RL in 10. I have known a few men who have had that misfortune. Also know she was with Johnny Cage, and Panda dipshit Mr. Sugar Daddy himself wanna be Daddy. She strove to be a Moretti and she is no longer one now. She befriends people of people she was with and talks mad shit about them so that she ruins those friendships or possible relationships. I am more than positive Cynder went after him.
Bottom line is this, it is far too easy to cheat in SL. Everyone should know this. It is far too easy to hide it. It is far too easy to make an alt to do it on. It is far too easy to lie about it and not get caught. So, unless Someone has the proof that its him or She comes forward with the proof he is not going to admit it.
The saddest part to me is that people keep falling for her shit seriously on SL are blind or stupid to not be able to look through all that fakeness how insane this place is where faketards get all these friends and real people hardly get spoken to SL is literal trash
That is because Cynder has serious issues. She is seriously fucked up and she knows how to kiss ass, suck up, lick twat and suck some serious cock to get in. You know some people are I don’t care what others say I go by how people treat me. Then they find out for themselves. I get it. Adrie is going to find out just like everyone else the hard way. It’s sad I feel bad personally. Cynder does know how to be fake very well, and she manipulates everything and slants it to be the victim and never takes responsibility for her own actions.
90% of the age of any head is the skin, buy a skin that looks like a 12 year old every head will look like you are 12, buy a skin that looks older and you are going to look older.
As for the hair issue you are having, strange my partner and all the other EvoX wearing individuals in SL, that I know, don’t seem to have that problem, I suggest you learn how to shape the forehead. Of course if all you can do is buy kawaii asian cutie shape clone 3000 then you aren’t going to learn how to adequately shape your own. I assume that’s what you do because everyone playing with a head for longer than 10 minutes can probably find out how to fix their issues and shape them right.
Just checked my partner and her bff wear Avalon, no hair problems, a friend of ours wears Ceylon, no hair issues, three of our friends wear Briannon, strangely enough no hair issues and a few wear the two new heads, also no issues. On the male side we all wear one of the new EvoX male heads, no hair issues. I am going ahead and decide the problem is you 😉
I Have just about all of the Lelutka Evo X heads – Erin, Fluer, Lilly, Avalon, Briannon, Ceylon, and Halle… and Only issue I ever have is with Non-Rigged Hair, but take a few minutes to re-size it, and then there won’t be an issue… :/ Takes time to look perfect…
wow, I feel sad for you…
And lets not forget I have Alan, Skyler, and Eon – Not a single issue, after taking a moment to resize….
Have Gaia, Avalon, River and Lilly…. Guess what… NO HAIR ISSUES EITHER… Weird…
38# 39 so true I agree
40- Elizabitch, the only thing you did here was prove you made those posters about kricket last week. This was a stupid poster to make. You’re a GROWN woman who bullies anyone that doesn’t do things your way or you throw a tantrum cause you didn’t get stuff. Grow up and start acting your age, not your shoe size.
#3 You gave someone L$209000 (approx $807 – $836 usd) and you are wondering why they vanished??? You have only yourself to blame for that.
#23 That is just client lag which is in your power to correct by buying the proper hardware. If you spend about $3000+ on a modern gaming computer you will not have those client lag problems. People dress their avatars the way they want to. If you are either too poor or unwilling to spend the $$$ needed to solve that issue I have no sympathy for you personally. People who either have or make content for high end machines are not going to come down to your level. If you want a platform optimized for 8 year old $500 laptops from Walmart play League of Legends or any 2D game. Does this make me sound like an elitist bitch? Absolutely it does! Now get out of my way peasant! 🙂
#30 Stop whining about your under powered computer.
Who the hell would shell out $3k just to play second life of all things? I can play any modern game I want with no issues with my current computer, including VR games, but if I go into a crowded place in SL I either have to set to friends only or jellydoll everyone. I’d love to be able to see all the beautiful avatars people put together, which would be possible if people who make things for SL knew what they were doing. Other game engines have working LODs and usually cap out at 1 mil tris for a single character, SL is an engine from 2002 that’s been patchworked to add new features and a single avatar can be upwards of 1.5 mil tris depending on what brands you wear.
You sound like an out of touch asshole who has no life outside of SL, not an elitist.
What I’m stating is that if people want better performance they know what they have to do. Whining and complaining all the time as to what “others” have to do makes them sound like a 8 year old that did not get their lollipop. Yes, you are absolutely right. 20 fps in anything other than SL is horrid but were talking about SL specifically not AAA gaming, CAD, scientific work, where a 100% gain could only be 10 fps. The part about the elitist bitch is just some Andy Kaufmanesque humour to stir the pot. And it worked!
It’s their computer not the body’s
Im running 80-120FPS lol wear all mesh, everyone rendored, complexity slider at max and graphics stay between high ultra …HUGE issue is the USER end cos dumbfucks think gaming is still DOS prompt level
I see a lot of downvotes, but here’s some info for you downvoters: the average SL user doesn’t even need to spend $3000+ on a gaming rig. I probably have spent less than $1200 for my rig. I have Intel i5 6600k at 3.50 ghz, 16 gb of ram, and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti. The graphics card was probably the most expensive piece when I bought it a few years ago, but it’s not ridiculously priced now. It handles SL quite easily even on ultra unless I’m in a crowded region (yay for “show friends only”). Unless someone is flatass broke, they can afford to put some more RAM and a better video card in.
Those people running potatoes are the ones thinking a laptop with onboard Intel graphics should be enough, and that Linden Labs should cater to them. Word: IT’S NOT AND THEY WON’T. Second Life is unique. I could run WoW on my old laptop with onboard graphics, but it just won’t happen with SL. Don’t buy el cheapo Walmart Black Friday laptops.
Go buy some RAM and a better video card (doesn’t have to be an RTX 3060) and you’ll be set.
I wonder how many potato users are still using the LL viewer? I use Firestorm most of the time, but I use Black Dragon if I want pretty pics. If my rig can run Black Dragon at under $1500, anyone can.
I can run the stock and firestorm viewers on an 1165g7 handheld machine with 16GB quite well, if I drop it to medium, and if I’m not sat on the middle of an awful Madlands region with horrendously overdone avatars. The problem is that this doesn’t change much even if you’re running a stupid-level PCMR rig or a workstation machine that costs as much as a car. SL can run well, and even look quite pretty, in tightly-run and optimized regions, with curated assets and avatars worn by people who know at least a little bit about what they’re doing, and give a damn enough to not drag everyone else’s experience down because “fuck you buy a better potato”. You don’t need to be some pro-level game dev to understand the concept of “less is more”, and for the ones who are willing to learn, it’s not really that hard to teach basic concepts such as using alphamask in favour of alphablend where possible (and using as little of either as you feasibly can). Or, using some of the tools that LL have provided more recently to drop the amount of layers you’re having to onion together. What seems to be lacking, or at least not as actively promoted by the Lab that I’ve seen, is newbie or general-advice type places that actually teach some of these concepts, rather than blindly pointing you at $_popular_body_creator because “well everyone should buy a body if they’re more than a couple of weeks old”, or that’s what everyone else uses, or that’s what one of their sponsors makes. Of course you’ll get people who think that a 15 year old Intel GMA chipset will work well. You’ll never be able to teach everyone. Just like you’ll always get the fashionista gatekeepers who act… Read more »
There really isn’t and the learning curve has only slightly improved over all this time for new users as far as LL-provided assistance. That said, I can’t agree with everyone saying that creators need to wake the fuck up more than I do now. Everyone in the comments this week trying to pin the blame on LL need to see the situation for what it is. It doesn’t matter who bought LL, or what they should have done with SL. We KNOW LL hasn’t done right by the platform and there’s a chance they may not ever; but knowing that, why are we, as informed users, not encouraging our peers and the shopping public as a whole to build for the platform we HAVE and not for what we wish it was? It’s been wild watching people write off poor craftsmanship of every level (incompetence, laziness, greed) with blame shifting and shit excuses that aren’t even applicable in the grand scope of the argument (“lol buy a new potato”). People should be upset that creators are needlessly making the platform harder to use… Especially if they feel the type of things they buy are only available in these detrimental formats. If the platform is not improved by LL and we as a userbase keep dragging it down as well, how can we expect SL to retain new people in order to keep it going? All this came about because people started getting vocal about what a growing number of those who are familiar with building have been complaining about for a while. We should expect better from eachother and in turn, creators should be open to change. You’d be surprised at the number of creators who take open posted invitations to “learn mesh and texture optimization” as declarations of war… Read more »
I made several responses in detail explaining to you what parts of mesh can be optimized on SL and what parts cannot due to lack of modern tools and support. Not our fault you are too stupid to comprehend what you read.
LOL all the creators who can’t create proper mesh posting the only defence they can think of get a BETTA computer.
Yeah a lot of us have really top end rigs.
Your mesh is still shit when you use 100,000 Tris for a bloody cupcake.
What is your next excuse, wait turn up the LODS to further fuck things up in the advanced menu,
Jesus H Christ people, learn to MAKE BASIC MESH PROPERLY. It’s not our fault your customers that you are too dumb to figure it out!
Nice try, cupcake, but I’m not a creator of any kind. I can barely torture a prim.
Additionally SL is not “unique” it’s a Game Engine that lets you upload custom mesh assets, same rules apply to it as other game engines.
Shit mesh will drag performance down.
No one said they need a super system to run SL right, but the fact is the engine is so outdated and CPU bound you hit a performance bottleneck no matter what your system is the problem and a problem created by creators.
The fact you run friends only, just emphasizes how crap body mesh and clothing is for poly count.
If things were meshed properly you wouldn’t need friends only, to get acceptable FPS 🙂
You just lost your own argument, “SL RUNS GREAT IF I DON’T RENDER ANYONE”
Stop sticking your head in the sand.
Apparently you don’t know how the rendering engine in Second Life works and how CPU constrained it is, you can have a 5930x with a 6900xt and still have FPS problems because CREATORS are making things that the engine can’t handle.
The get the better system excuse is not an excuse.
SL will still lag balls with all the over polyied mesh no matter your system, benchmarks like ashes of singularity cap out at about 12 million polys a frame and that’s a BENCHMARK.
Trying to tell me 12 people fully clothed in legacy bodies is NORMAL for a ENGINE.
Also the SL engine is very SINGLE THREAD cpu bound, you can put 2 3090’s in SLI and still hit a framerate cap due to CPU bottleneck, they only added multithread for IMAGE DECOMPRESSION/DECODING not for the 3D rendering.
Go school about this subject then come back and think about what you said.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but expecting SL to run like WOW or some other big MMO is kind of people’s downfall?
SL is server based where (they get the bulk) with MMOs are largely client based (we get the bulk). And while I agree that a lot of lag has to do with bad mesh and 1024×1024 images, I think that it also has a good bit to do with the nature of SL as a game engine itself.
This! I don’t see anything wrong with creators optimizing their meshes, and how can anyone think that’s a bad thing. SL does need an engine upgrade badly, we all know this, but I also think we all know that’s not happening anytime soon. As for mo mo butter cup, I have a 5950x and a 3090, and I still lag, and sorry 20 FPS on that hardware is just a crime.
I have a 5900x and a RTX-3080 and I do not have lag problems even in a crowded shopping event on the first day with 50 avatars running around. FPS will go down to about 20 in ultra or 30 in high ultra (6/7) depending on how many triangles there are to push. I understand fully how cpu bound and single threaded SL is. I make my own viewers from code. It looks like I flipped your switch and made you a bit angry which is exactly what I was trying to do. 🙂
Actually it will lag immensely or crash (if in linux it will hang the system needing a hard reboot) if I’m trying to do an 8k photo in Ultra with LOD and shadow quality at 4 but that has nothing to do with regular play. I’m just running out of graphics mem.
baby u spent a lot of money to do fuck all in SL lmao.
Do you think you’re like, cool or something for admitting that even you, with your $3k+ computer, can barely even run this almost 20 year old game at max settings? Do you think that proves your point of “just get a better computer?”
#3 – No – the person who stole the money is to blame.
#23 – Oh sweetie – trash is trash – no matter how elitist you want to pretend you are.
#30 – Does it make you feel better about yourself to shit on people who can’t afford a new rig every 2 years? You are pathetic.
And I am not looking down on people who can’t afford a new computer every 2 years. I am down on people who chronically complain that everyone who does have a better machine must come down to their level. That is the pathetic part. Here is an analogy. Joe wants to play baseball for the Cincinnati Reds. Joe just doesn’t have the skill to play at that level. It’s not his fault as only very few can. However Joe is angry, jealous and demands that everyone who plays baseball must therefore play at his level.
SL is user generated content. There is no “People’s Central Committee” to enforce a standard. It is never going to happen. So unfortunately there is going to be a system of the have and have nots. There is an overwhelming majority of SL residents who know their machine is poo but the don’t blame the platform (SL). They know the platform has its limitations. They blame themselves and they will work towards improving that in future. I feel tremendously for those people. However the people who demand everything should be equal by hatchet, axe and saw I have no sympathy for.
Haha! That’s the best reply yet! 🙂
About the person making a shit ton of post about TRIS and VRAM and all that jazz.. I think that we got it? Some fresh air is needed.
You hate Dust Bunny, Mug and idk how many stores, but guess what? They don’t fucking care. It’s been several years, and they do know. And never moved a single finger.
Complain to Linden Lab all you’d like for allowing this shit in the first place and make place for something new instead? At least, something that we don’t know about.. Yet.
Weak Sauce.
I ask for more posts like that so people start paying attention to this issue
12) It’s up to the user to demo the item before purchasing a product. Just because you have no imagination on creating an adult shape doesn’t mean everyone else isn’t able too. Also there are plenty of bento bom heads across the grid from different stores if you don’t like the current meta.
#27: The amount of delusion evident here is insane. Lelutka didn’t have a sale to be generous, it’s so they can make money off the people who were holding out the rest of the year. Do you think Walmart has a Black Friday sale because they care about their customers and it’s their way of being kind? It’s all marketing and earnings strategy. You can enjoy a sale, but stop treating them like they did something morally recognizable and charitable.
#45: No one owes you a sale. Maybe a sale isn’t realistic for a store if their prices aren’t too high. Maybe they can’t afford to compromise their income because it’s accounted for. Who cares what the reason is? What you’re proposing is annoying and rude if you’re expecting multiple people to do this.
#54: Oh look, it’s Avery and Verinne. Again. Two of the worst people in SL. I would bet money this was posted by Avery and that’s she’s waiting for the smallest shred of anyone agreeing with her about Verinne to make herself feel better because thats how she seeks validation. But the reality is, they’re both absolutely awful. In fact nearly everyone here has said they don’t care for Verinne either but the posts keep coming to tell us what we already know almost like someone who can’t move on. Brace yourselves for the wave of sock puppet accounts to comment and defend Avery.
To the numerous posts discussing lag and shitty building practices: You’re doing some good work there, just also recognize there’s a portion of the audience on here that doesn’t/can’t understand and/or doesn’t care as long as it’s pretty. Don’t let that deter you though. Maybe someone will learn something they didn’t previously know and become a wiser buyer because of it.
Regarding 54 this is a friends only post and no one has heard a peep from Avery about whatever was posted in this. I don’t think it was Avery this time.
Even if it’s not her this time, it will be her in the times following.
Avery’s already posted on one sock puppet to defend herself, posting nearly the same shit the sock puppets posted last time, so I really doubt it wasn’t her. “Avery is taking accountability” is something she likes to tell people whenever she’s in “why is everything happening to me??/I deserve all the consequences of my perviously shit decisions to stop now” mode.
And even if it wasn’t her (playing devil’s advocate here), they still need to kindly shut the fuck up because no one wants to hear anything more about either of these toxic human garbage bags.
#7 I would not be suprised if that was Angel sniffing around trying to get people over to Woodland where she is now general manager, and Alex is an administrator. He used Kat to get a position in Woodland and now that he is an administrator he does not need her.She was just a stepping stone.
Woodland is about to become lost to a clique. Alex, Angel and their family are all in management or in charge of something talk about the worst family to have in a position of authority and a conflict of interest. Their track record is terrible and there reputation is just as bad in so many other sims. If Blaze doesn’t clue in people will not stick around and Woodland will die especially when that clan starts ganging up on people and turning against them. it happens everywhere they go.