Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 671.
I was out of town and just got back in and at a laptop to do Secrets.

Nice try.
one of Secondlife life Issue, when someone hates you, but yet still contact you to pull information from you to use it against you, rumors in sl go a long way especially from someone that hates you but still try’s to contact you, what should that person do, remove them from your friend’s list block them until the world ends, the person name is Sagia the drama Queen keep an eye out for that person
#2) Genus are still my most beautiful faces in SL, but mainly for photos. You’re 100% correct on “busted ass animations, shit HUD, and fucked up neck seam”. I’m not mad a LeLutka for “staying current”, tho. I would NOT call their UV maps current at all. Bye-bye all BOM options, bye-bye compatibility, it’s Evo X or nothing now (in fact see #4 and imagine creators pulling their hairs with even more work now) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#18) I swear some people actively search for reasons to complain…
#19) If the concept of fatpack exclusive colors is new to you, you are, indeed, a dumb fuck. If you don’t like someone’s business, just don’t buy from them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
#27) Waaaaaaaaaaaah I stole from a creator because I don’t want to pay and don’t give a shit about someone else’s work woe is me
#40) I know <3
#50) So… don’t buy it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You say this but creators actually PREFER to work with the EvoX UV… Get with the program beloved.. Stop tryna stay in the past with compatability, evolve and accept change (if you got the money for it ofc).
Creators love the Evo X UV, it allows them to create HD makeup in BOM, gives them more room to work when painting; that’s why there’s so much stuff made for it already. Yes, it kinda sucks to lose all your old BOM stuff, but it’s kinda like all the crying when we went to mesh body sizes from standard sized mesh- sometimes progress isn’t cheap. People who can’t afford it are going to cry the loudest, but you’d think they wouldn’t care if they really thought the stuff they have is just as good. The reason they’re salty is because they know it isn’t. Some creators are updating old purchases, but most of them won’t. But it’s still worth it, once you see it.
Also, if you think making a personal use modification of something you purchased is “stealing”, you’re a moron- and probably have a generic clone avi if you’ve never even considered a unique mod. This is not limited to furries.
#27 Hi! I’ve recently learned of this site a few days ago through a little poking around. I was browsing it out of boredom, but I was shocked when I came across something that needs a bit of clarification! (normally I would keep quiet, but I am heavily lacking in sleep tn, and I feel as if I should step in before anything gets messier) I will remain anonymous, but if you must know, the ‘texture stealer’ (who we will call, X) in question did not make this post! They are not that type of person. That is assholic behavior, and taking it too far. Whoever made this post was simply poking fun at Aether. X doesn’t like being a part of drama. And if it comes to it, they just stop talking and ignore/block! Aether has every right to be upset. She is a human being and her feelings are valid. With that being said, I can say that X did not intentionally set out to hurt or disrespect anyone. They were just messing around and having fun trying to create something cute for themselves. If X rightfully knew what they were doing was so wrong, they would not have posted any of the screenshots to FA for everyone to see! They have been a modder for a very long time, since back when it was common place and encouraged to heavily edit existing avatars! It may be moreso frowned upon now, but still, this person didn’t think they were being ‘bad’. X didn’t try to elude paying for the complex mod they asked Aether about! The mod that was created, was a much simpler design, and as stated before, just for fun while messing around. However, X had grown to adore their mod, and DID put a lot… Read more »
Whoever downvoted the person who openly admitted they were Autistic after a comment they made…
Fuck you. Your reaction says more about you than it says about them. Fucking low life’s. End of. Crawl back to your pit and do the rest of us a favour and disappear.
Well said!
Look up “Second Life How to make Skin tutorial” on YouTube and watch how many videos come up consisting of people ripping skin from png’s. All it is is people snatching png’s of models off of Google images, cutting the and mirroring them over a mesh head UV template in photoshop, then using puppet warp and the bare minimum amount brushwork to make it look “less” .png-ish. If half of these people actually made their own skins by hand, there would be a lot less skins for sale on the mp.
Crybaby and Nugget are fucking psycho JEALOUS STALKERS. They have repeatedly doxxed and attacked me and a group of my friends. They have people griefing my sim, some asshole named Grinch who is simping for Crybaby. They gang up on people and DOXX them then post their private info in SL and on VS. Its disgusting. They have called my phone multiple times harassing me and my husband. They threatened to call my husbands job and try and get him fired. They really need to find a hobby and stop being psycho jealous bitches when they get exposed for their bullshit. Take a look at Chickentendie profile her partner has a RL pic of a friend of mine as his profile pic with DEAD NI**ER across the top of it. All of this has been reported repeatedly to LL and authorities. This is what these sad women do when they get butt hurt over something. Chickens partner has called me and my husband multiple times leaving threatening voicemails that he warned me and I should have listened. These two are a cancer in SL that need to be removed. They have attacked and harassed so many people at this point that it amazes me they are still even on the grid. I have never in my 15 years on SL ran into such disgusting, vile, petty ass bitches. The lengths they will go to just to say they won is fucking ludacris. Nugget is so bored in her shitty life that she literally gets off on this shit. I don’t think she has left her house since 2001.Bitch has 4 kids and just had a baby but would rather be fighting people in a virtual world. LMAO seriously you two need to just shut the fuck up already. I haven’t… Read more »
I’m just wondering, how did they get to your real life information? Is there any way people can protect themselves from this? as it seems they have multiple alts and never know who we bump into inworld. It’s a very sad situation you are in. But keep your head high and do document all the shit they are doing to you. If you have the resources you should go speak to an attorney.
Is Nugget that festering c@nt Kammie (not sure I spelled that correctly) 😅😂🙃
Nah Nugget is Chickentendie… and if you are talking about Cammy? That would be ME. So who the fuck are you and what exactly did I do to you to call me a festering cunt huh? I’ll wait. SO make it good. I’m sure you are just one of Crybaby’s minions that simp for her. LOL You all need to stop you look fucking stupid as hell. Imagine creating an army of alts in SL and a bunch of fake ass names on VS to stalk and talk shit to people HAHAHA, seriously log the fuck off and get a life. Obviously you don’t know me since you can’t even spell my name right. So try again Jackass.
SO Kammie Bossy is you? Clarify, otherwise you are just someone who gets triggered easily at any name that slightly resembles yours. Paranoid much? 😃😃😅😝😜😅
You missed the point, she thought you were talking about her because she saw “festering cunt.” Apparently she doesn’t go by any other name it seems.
No dumbass I thought they were talking about me because my name is Cammy… Don’t you have anything better to do then insert your nose into other peoples business? Guess not. Sad.
Kammie Bossy? Nah thats not me. Maybe if you read the rest of the convo, you would see why I said what I said. 🙂
35 is false info’, that’s why no one comments on it.
Since I don’t need to make 3-4 accounts to respond to an obvious bait. I’ll add here some legitimate advice. Since you’ll flap your gums a little more thinking this site even remotely hides who you are. If what they did to you was actually that bad why not contact LL? Considering FoC was representing SL I bet, if your shit talking amounts to so much legitimate agony for you that for a month and a half (yeah we all here know you’re obsessively spanking them) they’ll do something, IF you’re legit. you just keep spamming toxicity and clear, actual hate like any one man army against a ‘toxic sim’ (which btw, almost noones heard of in the community you claim, hates them) and IF FoC doesn’t actually exist anymore; why do we still have to hear about it? This isn’t news, it’s not SL drama, it’s not even your dirty laundry. This, is actual psychotic behaviour :’D and I just wanna poke it.
meh I heard of them in passing, but not enough to care about. I seen it here a few times, but eh people like to bitch about anything. Most have said their peace on it few weeks back. It just like fox hollow or Cedar Creek. Just rubbish and will be eventually forgotten.
I smell either someone who staff there or a kiss ass. Like everyone knows FoC was one of the worst sims. Major cliche issues, Major bullying staff, I heard they attacked a girl for asking question on a story there. I heard they let their chosen few break rules and everyone else was a fuck you. Those chosen ended up making staff. So yeah, you can say false all you want, but the whole fantasy community knows it was shit and rather it stay closed.
bahahahhah no everyone last week already trash that place. Its just not worth another week of shit talking when all you can say is delusional owner and their bully admin team. I think the whole rebranding I hear about is the biggest joke ever. Like rebranding won’t fix shitty staff.
oh yes such a lie, so much so that, they had to rebrand after being open only 3 months. That’s just shady as hell there. But sure this one is a lie, I mean despite everyone in sl telling others not to bother with it. Whatever helps you sleep at night, you are probably one of the toxic fucks from there.
You’re way too easy to agitate. I’m neither, just the troll you know.
well this is a site full of mostly trolls. Just trolling each other.
OP of #7 & #31 and the other posts I could get approved for this site. Its great to see you all tearing each others throats and throwing names around. I won’t be mentioned for now and you can all focus on the REAL problems in furry world. I did as much digging as I could to back and support that these were facts. (had some personal experience with them too)
Sad to see one was taken down, excited to see each group ripping into all the bitches and fucks that pretend to be high and mighty on SL. Much love! 😂😘
This is not azusa. I haven’t been on here and was only brought to my attention by a friend. This isn’t me and I’m contacting to file charges. I don’t care to post on here or be here if im on here my name has to do with tea. So please leave me out of this. I want no part and i did contact the owner of this site to get the information of this person. Really sad people have to pretend to be me to get attention. But I assure you all not me. When do I say “Group ripping all the bitches and fucks that pretend to be high and mighty. Ew. I haven’t made any posts or been on here. I’ve been getting new land, helping out ner clubs, and doing my own thing so just cause it says “Hecate” doesn’t mean me. It’s a goddess after all and is popular to google the shit. I don’t care to slam anyone or deal with bullshit anymore. My Twitter is new as i wanted a fresh start and I wanted away from the bs. So person impersonating me. Nice. You saw I had peace in my life and I was staying away from the trouble you decide to try and pretend to be me cause you cannot quit and leave me alone as I been away from this damn sight and game for almost a month now. I’m done with it. I will not be posting on here any more comments, posts or anything (like i ever did) And honestly leave me the fuck alone. I’m done. I do not care to post anyone up on here, i do not care to see people i dislike or have the effort and time to post someone on this fucking… Read more »
Yea, so how’s therapy and that break working out for ya? Ya know after screwing over people who bend over backwards for you only to get fed up with your bullshit and publicly call you out on multiple platforms you just magically hop to a new account and have a clean slate and are going to therapy overnight, wouldn’t you know it; new fucking drama about people you’ve had bad blood with in the past magically has new shit spewed about them on here that same week you make that an announcement you’d be off the internet for a while to get help. Interesting. For someone going to therapy I would really think you wouldn’t come back to a place like this, but of course you can’t help yourself, after all always gotta come back and see your handy work of all the people you’ve spread lies about and tear them down just cause you ruined your own reputation in almost every community you join. Just gotta make everyone else miserable just cause you’re a fucking miserable little child. Hey remember those times you lied on here months ago about not going out of your sl home despite being at angels? Oh let’s not forget the lying about not being in a relationship for two years despite your most recent incidents. Ya know “who wants a cheater” from a relationship you had how many months ago now that would constantly bitch about how abusive he was. Jesus fucking Christ man. If you REALLY want to leave shit in the past how about don’t come on here and participate, ever thought of that, Azusa? You can keep making new alts and new names but people are still going to know who you are and how terrible of a fucking person you’ve… Read more »
I mean, I am not tearing at anyone’s throat about anything? At the end of the day it didn’t effect me at all. Just found it sad that I haven’t spoken to you in like 2 years, and you are still behaving like this? I feel really sad for you Azusa, you had so many chances and to grow and improves yourself. Much like the rest of us, but you still choosing this petty road.
I was only tossed up here, along with a few others who were randomly brought up. Because you or someone else can’t get over themselves, or their just trying to get the heat off them.
I really do wish you the best, and I hope you learn something from this.
I don’t know if this is actually Azusa, or someone faking being Azusa. Or Azusa faking to be Azusa to try to pretend some crazy thing.
The fact of the matter, this didn’t really effect me. I found it humorous, along with my community. It’s just water off a ducks back.
Have a good week.
good job azusa outting yourself right here. maybe practice what you preach on your twitter babe.
‘facts’ with no proof but aiight
go to therapy, azusa. you’re ill in the head
I was about to say, This sounds awfully a lot like Azu. The name Hecate, the fact ” i won’t be mentioned for now and you can all focus on the REAL problems” There’s also the fact of. Look at some of her posts on her new twitter. The fact also that it’s mentioned they had personal experience with them. ( Also, idk what was posted at #31, but it just says nice try for me) Either way, it’s got azusa written all over this. PLUS! there’s plenty of other posts on here that has her written all over them too. Like last weeks #2, she has been spitting that shit around for weeks before that went up. Wonder how her mistress will feel knowing she’s on here getting into drama and stirring pots she shouldn’t….
Well she tweets about ‘treat SL like the game it is’. Like okay, then. Practice what the fuck you preach!! Not to mention it’s obvious if she’s claiming to be behind #31’s post she’s also the one after Celeste because her dumb ass gave her antics away with her file names. It’s pathetic and frankly it’s very sad that she is so hellbent on playing the victim due to her own behaviors and is now trying to bring down the community that ostracised her due to her toxic antics. She is acting purely out of spite because she is no longer welcome anywhere. She has burned bridges on her own accord. She has brought minors to 18+ escort venues on SL so she has -no- right to pull this shit and point fingers at -anyone- calling them a pedo.
Azu, literally, please go to fucking therapy. You claim you’re abused at home and shit is so bad.. Look at how you behave!!! You’re becoming everything you fucking hate. You’re literally an abuser! Go the fuck away. You lost everything. Accept that you did this to yourself. The community is tired of your instigation and honestly, it’s way more peaceful when you stay in your lane and leave people alone.
I can’t see #31’s post.https://gyazo.com/b73652f78a76d52a7172c01dc9efeef7 So unsure what was said. Either way. She brought a minor to an 18+ venue? What!? which venue and how old was the person? Also, She claims everyone abuses her, everyone else is the abuser but she never realizes how SHE abuses people. How the fact that some people will let her just spout shit, so they don’t have to deal with the aftermath of her getting upset they didn’t let her get her own way.
Then when THEY finally snap on her after getting sick of it for so long, she plays the victim. Tries to tell everyone that that person abused her and makes up a bunch of sob stories.
The post of 31 was her trying to accuse someone of pedophila when they weren’t a pedophile.
Ironic considering the fact she groomed a minor for a sexual relationship with her.
Apparently the minor she brought to adult places was around 16-17
She apparently dated them at 18, but it could be considered grooming as she was speaking to them as minors and bringing them to sexually explicit places as to basically prep them.
And she also could be lying to cover her own ass knowing her history of being a compulsive liar.
I think she may possibly be still dating that person to this day.
Keep in mind Azusa is like in her 20’s now and doing this.
Not surprising, I’ve heard from several guys that she begs for dick pics. She’s creepy af.
Hell yes. Get it get it!
Ew are you all adults here because every one of you sounds like middle school kids. “She did this, he did that, hate them! Omg! Cry, whine, throw a fit. I didn’t get my way” ..Gross
Yet you’re here reading it lol. Oops
46 ehub is the sewer of secondlife. And Jen is it’s pedo Queen. Everything from her voice to her big ass is gross. She has to cyber age players cause she’s a desperate fat ho.
i’ve been crashing that shithole for the last month at least the real people woke up and left that sim
Oh no, someone is cheating on their BF/GF. How does this effect you? Winge winge, bitch bitch, this head sucks, this head glitches, this head does this, this head does that….if you can make a better one, then go for it? 98% of people bitching about them, use them. RP towns fighting? LETS GO TO WAR! Yeah calm down buddy. Some people like being abused, apparently its a real thing? Hairline, makes you look like a Cave Women? guess you have never seen real people hairlines? Oh here goes the Pedo clames again, this will never get old, still no one showing actual proof. Second life DJ’s… DJ, disc jockey – noun – a person who introduces and plays recorded popular music, especially on radio or at a club. Weird right? L$1700 entry fee? wtf do you get with that? fully set up house i would hope I agree with the fat pack only colors, and whats with places like psyco pils charging L$250 PER ITEM! , i mean 250 for a full outfit sure, but PER ITEM? Don’t wear that hair! its only for African Americans! *insert sarcastic laugh here* Who is Devon Reggiane? Did they not sleep with you? is that why you are calling them hoes? Every head looks Asian, except the catwa queen, and i do mean EVERY head 34 has a good point, just move on? Nude beach, is that like that other one, where they kick you off for ” Looking young” ? Aww, we are loved, something nice on here for once ♥ You’re bitching about something being 50L, seriously? I can give you the 50L if you’re that hard up? Yeah, 5400 for a fatpack is, how can i put this……BULLSHIT CRAZY! i mean, really? who the fuck is going to pay… Read more »
I would rather wear genus and be pretty then lelutka and look like a troll with big ears
Keep waiting for that ‘big update’ to come LOL . Keep kissing their lazy asses, you do it good , by insulting other brands that guess what ; actually update their stuff and do no ghost their people . lmfao , Fuck off now ,you dumb person.
The ears work on a slider, you absolute retard. They can be Will Smith tiny or Dumbo big. Is that the best you can do with your crossed eyes and inability to so much as blink without glitching unless you buy a third party face AO? lol
Ok unseasoned troll with them big foreheads and dented eyes….go straight to hell with them egg shaped heads
Everything on every head, works on a slider, if your head is fat or your ears are tweeked out.. thats on you. Use sliders
More things that are completely controlled by sliders; are you really this stupid? If you don’t know how to make shapes, you could just admit it or at least shut the fuck up. What the hell does “dented eyes” even mean lmao, like that makes no sense, but it’s ok. Low value men can be really flattering to ugly shit when you’re easy; gives you all ego you don’t really deserve.
This person must not know how to change shapes, this is funny
So.. You’d rather wear genus and be pretty then lelutka and be a troll with big ears? Or did you mean you’d rather wear genus and be pretty THAN lelutka and look like a troll with big ears? Because otherwise you’re just wearing genus and wearing lelutka after. If it’s the latter, enjoy those crooked and cock eyed eyes or not able to use animations and having to buy third party things to fix the product and never getting updates.
U big mad cause lelutka can never come for genus …like I said all lelutka girls are ugly and cockeyed and don’t get me started on the side of the head…it’s no animation that important that will have me looking like aliens vs predator
“lelutka can never come for genus” yeah ok, that’s why no one makes genus outdated garbage anymore and everyone makes lelutka now, just keep lying to yourself…those updates are coming any day now..
Mkay. Lelutka did come and gone for Genus. You’re a little slow on the uptake but it’s okay. Check out the Lelutka page and see all the updates to the heads that have been rolling out. What is it, like 9 so far? And Genus people and products sitting there like “Why can’t we get love?”
All the female Evo heads are updated to Evo X now- that’s 14 different, up to the minute options, and the male heads are rolling out as we speak. 3 Evo X releases, and the Evo line is not far behind for men. Lelutka is absolutely murdering the competition in the mesh head market.
Ah, well then I stand corrected on the number of Evo heads out that are supported, updated and maintained by Lelutka compared to Genus.
You look like outdated static garbage, and I bet your profile view is busted as fuck because people this stupid only look at their face straight on and think they look good LOL
I paid all that extra shit to make my Genus head work like the rest of the marks, but I’m not cheap, lazy, or delusional enough to stick with it when progress is leaving me behind. It’s OK though, you’ve probably got tits and ass like jiggly ass helium balloons and they distract from your cross-eyed, blank stare.
Girl bye you could never. Hating from outside of the club. Lelutka CAN come for Genus and already DID. You delusional or what? Facts or facts. Creators are even putting creating products for Genus on hold because the situation is sketchy. You mad Genus pushed to the side now in the sl market, go cry😂😂 Bitchh if you dont know how to shape a Lelutka head then say that, because Lelutka heads are 10x better. Stop hating and give credit where credit is due. BOTH heads look good, Genus just has the shit end of the stick with all them bugs.
49, the amount of times this place is plugged it feels more like an advertisement, they should stop already
i love tht my dox is sitting here once again and i said nothing 😀 but too pussy to face me. lets play
#46. E-Hub is the trash bin of Second Life. The people who hang out there are social outcasts IRL. They have no lives and no social interactions with other human beings so they all gather at that sim and abuse and belittle each other or stroke their unusually large egos. Jen has no RL and her SL is everything to her. She pretends to be a RL social worker in order to make herself feel superior to her hub sheeple and then age-plays sexual RP with every male who hangs out at her sim. Shame on you Jen/VanillaIcedCoffee. Since I know your reading these comments, hear this. You need to close down your sim, leave SL for a while. Focus on your RL health and your RL relationships (if you have any left). You are dangerously overweight, your mental health is in serious decline, your middle-aged and single. Clearly, this is not where you wanted to be in life at your age. So, go out and get healthy and leave this game behind. You had your little moment of popularity but that has come and gone. It’s time to move on Hunny. Go live life before you die of a heart attack, with your face down in a box of take-away food, in a diaper at your computer desk.
46. RIP Ehub and it’s trash. Buncha disgusting perverts and chubby baby talking wannabe bbgs now. Oh snd Jen who’s pants size is only less than her englated false ego.
EVERYONE needs to go and watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzItvKs36uM
Jen/VanillaIcedCoffee talking about her ageplay with CutieBanana. ANYONE still hanging out at E-Hub is an ageplayer or pedo sympathizer. #CANCELEHUB #JENTHEPEDO
I finally got the time to listen to it, one big pile of YIKES there.
Hoping LL steps in soon and rids SL of this trash pedo enabler.
Go watch the hour long video too! The bitch flat out says that as long as age play is “consensual” between two adults, it’s okay. I’ve never met her (thank fucking Christ) and wouldn’t dream of it but hearing some of the vile shit she said on that discord call was gut churning. She needs serious help and whoever this creep is she has a hard-on for, he needs to be thrown in jail.
WTF, who is that guy on the tape? they both sound SICK AF.
that was the pedophile she was dating called spaghettidog
The owner of ehub and and some dude she was cyber age playing with. When he wouldn’t partner her she starting telling everyone bout his kinks as if she wasn’t part of it.. UNTIL she got caught in this recording
I don’t know what the hell this is about but how weird is it to record convos with friends and even lie to them about it (when she said don’t record MY RECORDED CONVO lol)
Makes me cringe to the bone. Hope I will never meet “friends” like this.
Agreed… that’s the social scum she allows there. Along with verified underage children irl, accused pedofiles and stalker, legit doxers, and banned residents of the game. How linden lab hasn’t shut down the sim and banned her on so many tos issues is shocking. It’s all over YouTube. Search ehub, vanilla iced coffee, Boyd, etc. it’s sickening
nothing wrong with doxxing people that deserve it you should try it sometime its ok to dox pedophiles
#25 If you don’t like them, then why are they on your friends list? Not saying they are any good as I don’t know them, but you have to be a right royal cunt to stab your own friends in the back like that.
yeah they really need to stop back stabbing people
Very helpful! It’s like saying “rape is bad”!
Instead of throwing the words abuse and cheating around all the time people should start doing their homework. Alot of people on SL have mental issues that’s nothing new, maybe not even something to blame them for. Rather than that educate yourself on love bombing and common red flags of abusive behaviour.
Someone who gets intense very quick and/or promises you love and good times forever after a few days/weeks of talking might not come from a healthy place and will very likely do this with anyone available. That’s the point where you need to take care of yourself instead of blindly jumping in to cry foul afterwards!
Be more careful and patient with who you “fall in love” with then there is no need for endless revenge memes on VS.
Have a good one!
Yes. Exactly. Real feelings don’t need to push for commitment from the word go; they can wait, build, and grow naturally without rushing. Deep-seated insecurity is where the desperate rush to commit comes from. Nearly everyone moves too fucking fast in SL and then they get all butthurt and confused when someone they knew for 2 weeks breaks their heart, like yeah you didn’t know that person at all, even if you spent every waking moment of that 2 weeks together. You were in a bubble, and it wasn’t anything like the reality of a long term relationship. Hell, your “love” could have been dual logged doing the exact same thing with another person at literally the same time.
You need to see how they deal with less than ideal situations and not getting what they want, make sure they have a fucking LIFE outside of wanting to be with you, hobbies other than trying to get pixel laid- because it’s absolutely vital that a person be able to entertain themselves without you. Otherwise, what they’ll be doing when you’re not around is seeking the next person to take your spot, complaining about you to them, hoping their next “someone” will fill that bottomless pit of need that no one could possibly fill alone.
That doesn’t mean liars, manipulators, and cheaters get a pass just because their victims believed too fast. It just means, like maybe make a bit of an effort to protect yourself? Being single doesn’t have to be lonely, and if it’s unbearable for you, you might need as much mental help as the people who keep taking advantage of your trust.
I wish Genus could actually have a WIN!
Not happening lol, it’s time for the GENUS Project team to pack it up at this point.
They won their DMCA case? There’s a win.
Lol right, OP said this as if something is preventing them from winning.. Blame the Genus team
I got a dislike for that comment 😂
I mean.. dislike it all you what whomever didn’t like what I had to say, but it’s the truth lol. They won their case, made this big post about coming back and updates were going to happen soon. Here we are.. about a year later since the DMCA was resolved and still no updates. Suck it up buttercups.
I got a dislike for that comment 😂
I mean.. dislike it all you what whomever didn’t like what I had to say, but it’s the truth lol. They won their case, made this big post about coming back and updates were going to happen soon. Here we are.. about a year later since the DMCA was resolved and still no updates. Suck it up buttercups.
At this point if I was on the Genus team I would quit, too much shady and suspect shit done by the creator herself. Come on Genus team, if you read this you know its time to pack up, no need to keep defending her when you probably know she ain’t living up to her promises and at this point is probably not coming back.
Please name one “shady and suspect” thing you can prove the Genus team has done. You realize being accused of something doesn’t mean shit right, especially if you beat the accusation? Being slow to update isn’t “shady and suspect”, it’s just lazy and disappointing.
Ok, shady.
The 1st DMCA. She received it, was notified to take products down, then after months she showed the notification from LL telling her because there was no further notice in 10 days, the DMCA is void. Why did it took months ? https://www.lindenlab.com/legal/intellectual-property-infringement-notification-policy
The 2nd DMCA explanation that’s shady AF. Read it on discord. She hired 5 lawyers + 1, she was ignored, but this time for some shady reason Linden didn’t act as before (10 days no notice, DMCA closed). Then somehow she solved it, she doesn’t tell us how.
The lack of communication.
The constant excuses. Now they say she has a baby. Before was DMCA. Covid. School. Could it be that Genus SIM and Discord are open only because it still makes enough money to pay the sim rent and some profit, while telling everyone including her CSR’s lies, just to milk it a bit more time ?
Yeah, I guess you don’t really know what those words mean lol
It’s cool, not everyone is literate.
@Be Less Ignorant
Okay brainwashed Genus bootlicker, seems like you can’t stop defending them even when Genus has done shady and suspect shit (I am not talking about the DMCA shit), and even everyone else is seeing Genus for what they are and are going to other head brands.
If you paid any attention to anything, you’d know I already moved on from Genus- but not because I think their dev team is “shady”, just because they moved too slow and got left behind. (ETA: The exact same reason I moved on from Belleza- lack of updates- and I don’t think that creator is “shady” either. He just doesn’t prioritize his SL business enough to properly take care of his customers.)
I think it’s stupid as fuck to assume that just because a total stranger didn’t give you total transparency about their personal life to excuse why they’re being slow pushing updates, that there’s something dishonest going on, lacking literally any evidence of that. Have fun with your baseless assumptions and retarded ass conspiracy theories 👍
@Be Less Ignorant
Can’t even defend yourself correctly so you just call shit “baseless assumptions” and “conspiracy theories”… bruh those insults are so overused now that it just makes you look weak.
Also, you yourself could try and be… a little less ignorant.
I get that language is hard for you, but that’s exactly what you have when your only excuse for thinking someone is being “shady and suspect” is “THEY AREN’T TELLING US EVERYTHING EVERY STEP OF THE WAY”. Please familiarize yourself with what constitutes evidence, and what is just assumption. You’ll find that you have absolutely nothing that qualifies as evidence. The only truly ignorant person in this thread is you, due to your lack of comprehension regarding what is probably the only language you speak. That’s kinda sad. If English is not your first language, it’s slightly less sad, but even more stupid you chose this semantic hill to die on.
I heard she’s doing drugs with the money. CRACK that is
Not true, she is too fat! Crack makes you skinny
Must be true if you heard about it, i mean, it is on the internet after all.
Pause what happen with genus I actually like them. o.o
There is way too much going on with Genus…
Broken promises (no updates as repeatedly promised)
Issues with the animations (especially the eyes/blinking)
Repeatedly DMCA’ed (once is ok cause of the salty fools on SL, more than once and a brand starts looking sus)
And if people are to believed, the Genus staff gets mad when you complain about legit issues/problems with the heads.
And also according to people, the Genus creator has gone radio silent completely with no word on the actual progress of updating her heads. At this point the creator has to come out and say something, its not fair to the people who bought/buy her heads and the Genus staff needs to stop playing defense for a creator who is willfully absent from their brand.
The DMCA was filed twice by the same person because they failed to appear to defend it the first time. It’s only “sus” if you don’t know what you’re talking about. They failed hard on getting things updated on a reasonable timeline, but there’s no reason to believe they stole anything.
But they can post a in development male head asking for designer support, give it to designers right before skin fair and then drop out of skin fair at the last minute because “it wasn’t ready”. Time frame for this btw was between Sept (posted the designer support on facebook) and March (Skin Fair). Join their discord and read the #updates channel to see the outrage. They can do this.. without fixing their current broken products. And then basically disappear off the grid and a lot of people are pissed off. There’s been a lot of faith lost in the brand. I mean fuck, when TMP did this shit (lack of updates, shitty customer support, sus behavior, and radio silence) it was dropped like a ton of bricks real quick.
crybaby weird af.
Yep, she seems super obsessive and comes off as one of those people who needs mental help with the way she is posting and acting on here..
Hey nugget I heard you were in a high risk pregnancy since February cuz you had a cyst on ya placenta???
So why were you on sl stressing yourself out more over more pixel cock??? And trying to be a internet bully???
Congrats on the new kid you had a month ago. Will you be fake leaving sl again?
And Crybaby stop using philly and find a man possibly someone that doesn’t divorce u this time.
Focus more on those teeth too.
Don’t blame kitty for actually being cute.
These bitches are no one to be afraid of. Just laugh.
I am not any of these women lmao, all three sound like immature little bitches that cant be bothered to put their big girl pants on and move along. Just shows that they are just as bad as the other two, and shows they enjoy this bullshit drama as much as the other two.
If you know any three of these women and are reading this, its time to pack up because none of them are worth it to risk your own health, happiness, and so on. Cut them out of your lives and be done with whatever bullshit they do, because to me who is just hearing about this shit through VS it seriously seems like these three bitches aren’t worth it.
Edit: Also the guys (Philly, etc) in the middle of this drama aren’t worth it either it seems like. The dudes play their own part in this shit and obviously can’t grow a pair big enough to tell the three bitches to grow up and get a life where they aren’t acting like immature bitches and clean their acts up.
Point blank, any other men would tell them to grow up and dump and block their ass simply because the three of them invite drama and most wouldn’t put up with this shit.
Read biiiiiiitch !
You guys remember the last time there was major drama about her and a “friend” was all over the comments swearing she had left SL and was happy and unbothered taking care of rl?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Man ,stop kissing their asses . If their team cares about the customers , they should be the ones talking and explaining shit , not you . Stop trying to defend this lazy ass project . Shame on them .
Man thats hilarious.
How tf she quit SL when she’s still running around gambling at sims and harassing people @ Exhale?
Thats so fucking sad. She even brags that she’s teaching her daughter to dox people on video games as well.
There is sooo much tea man it’s sad.
I think the saddest piece of tea is when she got upset with her ex for dating a black woman. And then she says “wow what a waste of white genes. How would your mom feel if you had mud babies with a N-word.”
Like… bruh. She is the nastiest person I have ever met on SL.
(Update.) They finally came up and could only talk about dox stuff. Red lining on the mics. Sadly they were banned but.. another ass whoopin deserved.
@Velvet Puthy
I’ve never personally been to Exhale lmao, I am not into that music plus I have seen Exhale drama end up here on VS multiple times.
These women sound so immature and pathetic, glad they got banned if they are only going to stir up drama because ain’t nobody got time for that.
#36 those EC owners are crazy. I seen them claim to want everyone involved in rp, but ignore players that don’t bow to them and worship them. The fact that their staff is pretty much gone says alot and the sim never has a player base. However they want to waste money keeping it open that’s on them.
If that’s Empire of Crowns, yes I can agree. And if you don’t worship their staff they find a way to ban you and kick you out of their cult.
no its Ebonrune Chronicles, but I know that EoC owners are fucking crazy with their staff. Had a friend kicked out before he even started, cause one staff didn’t like them from another sim. Didn’t break a rule at all, was told not welcome in EoC…so yeah. Plus ALOT of toxic players went to EoC.
8.Lmbo. You obviously don’t know them like I do. Artie is a BAD ASS who lines up hot side-chicks for her man! Someone is salty
Crybaby Uwu, you are so dumb, you exposed yourself when you posted #24. No one claims Ida Brooklyn is Kitty’s alt but you do and it’s not her alt. So, we all know you posted it. Lie to people all you want telling them that you didn’t post it, we are not buying it. You are a spineless dumb bitch who hide behind your trash friends and you can only try to abuse people behind fake names on secrets loser. It’s a cringe you lie so comfortably. You are a cold-blooded liar, you need psychological help. You are OBSESSIVE and CRAZY as fuck and you been obsessing over Kitty for a long time. Stop being a dumb psycho or you will get roasted here for a long time.
That’s because she’s the type of Yellow bellied bitch to throw bricks and hide her hand. Shes weak. Mad over a game.
I wish Crybaby would stop sending her dumb friends to post for her… And actually post so we can roast her. -sighs-
In-world she ran crying because she couldnt handle the drama she caused.
So wait wait wait… Crybaby is upset with Kitty because she was talking to Philly @ Exhale?
Girl what? Why do you care who talks to Philly when you talked so bad about him. You told everyone he was broke, you said his place was dirty, you said he has hole in his socks, and some other shit I cant say.
But you disrespected that man accusing him of cheating when you cheated and we all witnessed it.
Then you’re still causing drama on SL? After the shit you and Nugget has been through?
This is hilarious.
Stalking a female online all because your ex was entertaining her.
If you was so “bad” why do you have to convince other females boyfriends to fuck with you?
Bad bitches dont have to stalk and harass others to get what they want.
and you get jealous when a female stands next to him? Yeah youre not a bad bitch thats an insecure bitch lol.
FINISH HER! Lmao I’m living right now.
I bet if all of nuggets victims had her info she would stfu
yet she never went to see philly and got her cheeks clapped by sum rando from sl she met up with irl in las vegas n bragged about it.
yea bitch i tried to be mature about it but ima tell everyone everythingsince yall wana keep posting my dox lmao
No hun, you can’t be mature with these cunts. Nugget is crazy. But Crybaby, she is worse, she is the definition of a Sociopath who uses everybody around her. But she is not smart enough to mastermind shit. She is dumb. She started shit and fucked up badly. We are playing your game bitches. Does it feel good?
Damn I wish everyone would’ve been there they both were SCREAMING on their mics.
Nugget sounded like she was going to cry. (plays the world’s smallest violin.)
And I dont feel bad one bit.
They dont like the taste of their own medicine at all.
It was funny tho they were both screaming on mic like “You will never be wives!” (crybaby is divorced and nugget is in an unhappy marriage). “I will call CPS on your one child!”
“Wheres your kids?!?”
“Oh really?!”
“Pull up to Italy!” (as if Italy is down the street lol)
“I will shoot you!”
“You have nothing!”
And I was just sitting there with like my calm voice… Did not have to raise it at all. Laughing and singing baby shark (because them teeth are jacked).
It was a fucking circus.
@Velvet Puthy
LMAO… these bitches really sound pathetic and obviously they need help, but first their computers need to be taken away.
Such an irony Crybaby UwU (former MeshedUpp / Crybaby Alpha) slut shames girls on SL and attempts to makes fun of them, when she is a true cum-dump in RL. Yikes!
Not even that, it comes in 3 different parts, and each part all cost the same.
Shoe: 250
Socks: 250
Leg Band: 250
Then you have to buy fatpack of each item. THEN Fullpack to have it all of 5k+….
Honestly was one of the BIGGEST Ripp off’s of all TIME!
Honestly pretty typical for Vincue
#18: TRUTH! I don’t know how people successfully keep FB accounts for their SL avatars because I can’t. I don’t want my real life info to be connected to my SL avatar because it’s very easy to violate someone’s privacy. I also don’t want to spam my non-SL friends with bullshit FB ads. Stores who do this, I have a message for you. Fuck off! Put up a board in your store to click. Do it through Flickr. Just stop with the FB BS.
Some people can do it. I have an SL FB account that has NO RL people on it so it is 100% separate. I’ve had no issues. I’ve found so many great deals in SL with my SL FB account. It’s not everyone’s cup of tea, I get it but telling stores to “fuck off”……really?
Sorry your missing out. Not the stores fault. There are more people on SL FB than Flickr. Not everyone has a Flickr or even an account.
If you read what #18 actually said, SL FBs are routinely deleted for not being real people. You are only one report away from that acc being struck down, considering FB disables accounts for frivolous things anyways. If you have the time and energy to make an entire FB for a SL avatar, then you can redirect that energy to Flickr, a platform where that is actually allowed and abundant.
1:yikes 😊
42. I use a lelutka head and catwa mesh eyes because I like the way the eye moves.. it’s not really that hard. also there’s a such thing as an eyefix that keeps your eyes still. soo, keep using the eyes as the excuse to not like something when there’s plenty of fixes.
There’s also a built in eye fix in the lelutka hud in the animation tab. Just click the center of the L and/or R and it turns on just the eyes. Ta-da, frozen in place eyes.
Pedos pedos everywhere /yawn where’s the proof?
Catwa is overpriced garbage with very little creator support, Genus are scammers. So what are you left with LAQ? Barely any creator support. Logo? Barely any creator support. AK? Barely any creator support (getting better now they can use LeL Evo skins). Ga’eg? Barely any creator support. Genesis? Do they still make heads? Then we have LeLutka, one of the 3 OG mesh head makers (Catwa, Logo, LeLutka *seeing as TSG and TMP no longer make heads*) who gets loads of support, has great shapes, working animations, updates their stuff. There’s a clear winner here, be it by monopoly or not. They’ve earned their throne.
As a consumer, you don’t have to upgrade or purchase anything. You’re not being held at gunpoint, stop whinging about your own choices ya dafty.
People on child avis, are grown ass adults. (creepy ones at that) So I don’t get the child endangerment.
Most SL DJs aren’t really DJs, they’re human bots that press play. There’s no mixing, beat matching, track recreation.
Syn’s regions are fucking gorgeous. You don’t want to pay to be there, don’t. Again, no one is forcing you to.
It’s easier to do a FB giveaway due to all the random comment selectors available for it, vs Flickr.
Dreads aren’t for “black people only” look at the history of them https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dreadlocks
Slut-shaming in SL.. you know they’re not actually fucking ye? Do you think this is RL?
Again, people whinging about prices, you are not forced to pay for it. Stop trying to determine a creator’s worth by your stinginess. Go ahead and keep spending £30 on takeaway and not understand how a creator who works a month on something might ask for something comparable.
“Stop trying to determine a creator’s worth by your stinginess.”
yes forever to that
The child endangerment comment is because the accounts accessing the virtual camp -are- children in RL. Per their explaination on the SL forum:
“It is a 6 region camp that was beautifully built up by LL. It is all done through a program which disables children/teenagers from exiting those regions thus accessing anything above not age appropriate. All of our counselors are fully background checked for criminal/child abuse and have passed before being hired. Children are age verified with their parent on Zoom with the director as well!”
It sounds like this is a business venture set up through LL with special limitations for access. Still, I probably wouldn’t put any kid of mine into it. SL isn’t something I’d want on their radar at all if avoidable since the rest of SL is not safe.
agreed. i would never have a kid hang out in SL (even supervised). it’s way too hyper-sexual and full of genuine freaks (if we’re going by the weekly content on this site alone). even if the kid is supervised, eventually, they’re definitely going to do a horrifying google, tumblr or flickr search and that’s not a conversation parents really want to have with a 14 year old kid.
i would simply make my kid play an actual game and one that’s made for their age group like the genshin impact, fortnite, or roblox. SL (to me at least) is a glorified shopping simulator/chat program and i don’t see any point in trying to market it to kids.
if LL wanted to make a kid-friendly game, just create a teen offshoot and rebrand it as something else. like third life or something. i dunno.
At this point, they should just reboot teen grid.
But this time, have fully background checked volunteers policing it instead of the lindens.
I was there on teen grid before I turned 18 and went to the “main grid”, if they bother to reboot it they need to implement their anti-copybot shit onto the teen grid, because I remember people copybotting stuff from the main grid onto the teen grid.
Their other fuck up is when LL allowed the Lindens to basically abandon it to the wasteland and it was left up to the older teens on the grid to police shit and report copybot / adult content and it was only months after I turned 18 that the teen grid was shut down because of lack of LL actually policing their own teen grid.
Children between the ages of 13-17 are already allowed access to SL. They are restricted to General areas. It’s been that way since they closed the teen grid. There is also a section in the ToS concerning children under 13.
As a parent, it’s my responsibility to monitor my child’s online activity which I did when my son was young. If he were enrolled in this camp, he would be accessing it on my terms. Ya know, parenting.
I would love to see the parent that trusts that their teenage child will stick to General rated areas when they’re not actively watching. The last time I saw a parent try this, the kid got bored because “mom is always there” and they couldn’t go anywhere “fun”.
As for the camp itself, there’s nothing wrong with it other than it either giving the kids a game they can’t keep playing after camp (if they’re under 13), or now presenting the above stated issue if they want to continue using SL even on a non-camp account.
Oh ok. That’s actually really interesting, and potentially inovative. I don’t think I’d have an issue with my weeun on SL if, and only if it was a locked 6 regions, only people that sign up specifically for that are allowed, and I was allowed to meet these “councillors” via Zoom, and go over the curriculum etc with them on a regular check in basis. For young teens, LL can really spark some tech and creative avenues. Also having a different login-viewer not shared with regular SL would be good. That way the bairns have no access, and SLers have no access.
That’s well and fine for this instance, but then what about when camp is over? When the kids want to “play the game some more”? No chance if they’re under 13. And if they are, what’s left is SL proper and SL proper (even with their rules about teenagers using the platform) is too risky short of only letting your kids on when you can sit with them and only letting them into sims you approve of.
It sounds like unnecessary risk and/or showing kids something they can’t keep using which is kinda shit for the kid.
What happens when RL camp is over and the kid wants to stay living in the woods and riding horses? They have to wait till next year or till they turn 13. It’s not supposed to be a fulltime outlet for them as much as it’s supposed to be a summer activity, from everything that I’ve heard and read about it.
We know it’s not supposed to be a full-time outlet of course, we can rationalize as adults. But tell some of the younger users they suddenly can’t play anymore because “reasons” and you’re gearing up for disappointment in some.
It’s just not an argument or a situation that seems like it’s worth it for them to use SL for a couple months exclusively. There’s other stuff to do in the summer, especially if one is being an active participant in that kid’s time like they would need to with this anyway. Most things are open again now (free and not free), even if you need a mask in some situations. And if the excuse is “well parents need to work”, then the kid isn’t being monitored and this is all moot anyway.
Och Mun! you will have confused them with Bairns, translation, children, kids, ankle biters,
#3- Mr. Dunglike hits on anything that moves, everyone knows this by now. He tried to sleep with with this friend of mine, when that didn’t work he got the other moderators at Breathe to coerce her. Backfired, the dude was fired. Fun factoid, he kept pressuring this woman to f00k him, and they did, anyhoo, it was really another dude (not saying anything is wrong with this, but dung didn’t know). Glad they got rid of him, everyone can finally take a long awaited “breath.”😅😅😂😅😅
I remember i banged this dude when i was using an female avi, lolololol
he even let me stick my finger is his butt loooooooool
Nothing wrong with godlike wanting to ride the hershey highway, just don’t ban people because they aren’t going down the same road as you. Easy-peasy!
This is old news, fartlike bans the women that won’t sleep with him and then turns around and fucks the owner of the club. That is how he gets away with it every time. If you think the owner of Spa is going to listen to you, I’m afraid you are shoveling shit against the tide. Sorry. There are other clubs that won’t tolerate that.
Geeez, i was thinking of joining, but this type of stuff gives me the creeps, forget about it now, i will go back to Lusthouse instead
#4 Thats not as easy as it seems. Entirely different templates.
3—- Mr. Dunglike hits on anything that moves, everyone knows this by now. He tried to sexxXX with with this friend of mine, when that didn’t work he got the other moderators at Breathe to coerce her. Backfired, the dude was fired. Fun factoid, he kept pressuring this “woman,” to f00k him at Breathe, and they did, anyhoo, turns out it was really another dude. Glad they got rid of him, everyone can finally take a long awaited “breath.” 😅😆😃😂😅😆
#16 Always sketchy when sim owners share their drama logs to prove themselves ”wronged”, but then it’s full of talking shit about players before sim opens. A good telling that there will be repeats of this type of behavior. If they talk about them, who else do they hate? Surprised that We <3 RP admin is involved in this.
16- Legends of Druma? Sounds like a failed attempt at making Waterdeep DnD sims fetch.
12- So True HD Heads are terrible.. better off sticking to the old bento heads.
20 – I am completely unbothered because those aren’t Afrocentric dreads, they look more eurocentric. Those dreads are for people with Type 2A to 3A hair. If I want Afrocentric dreads I go to Camo and Unorthodox because they cater to a more Afrocentric culture. Type 4C hair doesn’t look like Doux dreads on Afrocentric people with type 4c hair.
Just type in google search for Hair type Charts. You’ll understand. For example
Dreads on white womens hair with 2A hair
Dread on black womens with 4c hair
Dreads on Mixed Race women’s hair 3A hair
If non black people wanna wear that hair, no one can really stop you and you’re free to do so, but let’s not spread false info and flawed logic just because you wanna mentally justify being non black and wearing them. Thanks!
ALL BLACK PEOPLE DONT HAVE 4C HAIR! ALL MIXED PEOPLE DONT HAVE 3A HAIR! If you’re ACTUALLY into hair typing THEN YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS or did you do a quick search for terms and slap them on here just to put people’s hair types under ONE category? If a black person has 3A hair… based on your logic… if they get dreads… it will be eurocentric regardless of them being black. What sense does that make? You honestly don’t know what you’re talking about and anyone who understands black hair (me, for example) will call you out on your bullshit. You can plug for those brands without spreading false information. Thanks
Said beautifully. That person sounded slow af lmaoooo. Flawed ass logic, if you can even call it that. The fact that this person tried to talk so eloquently (and incorrectly) about hair types while simultaneously telling us to ‘google it’… sounds like they’re the ones in need of research concerning locs, considering that they don’t have the logic to understand that different races of people can have different hair types, and, as you said specifically, not all black people have type 4C hair. This person was just loud AND wrong. Embarrassing.
Don’t even break your back trying to get these people to understand because the fact of the matter is that the primary demographic of this comment section is won’t care to and will ignore the all the facts you just presented, only to further spew their ignorance. You’re making TOO much sense for them.
funny you should mention unorthodox, beautiful hair , but my god, why so expensive
Because no one else is doing what they’re doing, frankly, they just have no competition so they can charge outrageously. However, some of that hair has absolutely insane complexity numbers, so you should reeeeally demo carefully before you buy.
Expensive but worth it if you are looking for a more Afrocentric look. There are other stores that cater to Afrocentric hair. But Doux isn’t really one of them. They cater to women with loose curls 2A to 3A hair. Not saying black women can’t have loose curls.. because Ethiopians are black. However, for most black women who have 4c hair.. Camo has always been the spot for afrocentric hair
VS is a perfect reflection of what is wrong with SL. Mentally unstable people do mentally unstable things and rant about each other. Keep the toxic wheel spinning that feeds you. People lie to you, abuse your trust, abuse your genuine feelings? Move on. People who do that carry a big burden on their own and “revenge” isn’t even needed.
Use that negative energy as an engine to do good things for yourself, others or to just grow. Exposing people here does NOTHING. Toxic creator bashing could be turned into constructive discussion and exchange.
Instead you are all here bashing each other spinning the toxic wheel. Accomplishing nothing. Going no where.
Sorry about your unrealistically rosy outlook, but people who victimize others aren’t always victims themselves. Sometimes they’re just shitty people, who need to be exposed for their actions. People who aren’t actually doing anything wrong don’t have much to worry about, because the people who know them know better. Only the guilty are worried. I’m sure it gets expensive, meshing out alts.
I’m sure there are some things that need to be exposed but since nobody is fact checking anything in here the expositions are more often than not just salty rants, answered with more salty counter rants in the comments.
says the person here, making a comment bashing everyone for bashing people. Like no one said you had to be here reading it. So why don’t you take your own advice. Kay bye Felicia
#39 there’s no point in unsubscribing,their going to add you back and add you to wip event and 2nd chances event..I’ve never even been to any of their events but yet they have me subscribed and I muted the owners but for some reason every like 3 weeks they some how get off my mute list and start spamming me again..it’s fucking retarded
yeah that is crazy
Fucking hell, shut up with the mesh head/body superiority shit, please. Who cares? Why does it matter?! If you want to wear Genus, wear Genus. If someone wants to to wear Lelutka, then good for them, wear Lelutka! Who gives a flying fuck if someone wants to wear Kupra, Legacy, Maitreya, slink, hell or Sking?! Its one thing to give an opinion, but I swear, some of y’all act like someone held a gun to your head and tried to force you to wear something. If you’re happy with your avatar, leave it at that and let others be happy with theirs.
Well said!
I want to use this as my profile pic
20- Jus say you’re a culture vulture and go.
Those aren’t Afrocentric dreads. They look more eurocentric. If you have type 4c hair which a lot of Africans and African Americans have. You would know those aren’t Afrocentric. Now if you see them wearing Camo or unorthodox dreads and they know they do not have type 4c hair then you can call them out. For example
Dreads on white womens hair
Dreads on black womens with 4c hair
Dreads on Mixed Race women’s hair
You commented this on another thread and it still sounds just as stupid lmfao. Different races of people can have different hair types. A black person with type 2 hair wouldn’t qualify as being ‘Eurocentric’ just because of their hair type. Not all black people have 4c hair. The logic in your comment frankly does not exist. Cute attempt though.
Us Afrocentric people don’t call them dreads. They’re Locs. Nothing else you said after that matters.
Of course, it wouldn’t matter to you.. because you’re ignorant and don’t know anything about hair type. dreads/locs.. the same thing.. the only difference is the hair types that have them.
honestly, why you calling anyone out? you don’t OWN hair styles. No matter what your race is. Like jesus fuck. IT’S HAIR! People should be able to wear their own fucking hair in what ever style they want. So long as they’re not trying to then be racist about it saying ” Hahah, look guys, i’m black!” Like, this is why I find most peoples shit fucking dumb! People try to put claims on things that they fucking shouldn’t/can’t put claims on.
Did I say that? Read again illiterate asshole.
Bro shut up
15 – First, I raise my glass to you for the attention you paid in creating that card. It looks like a still shot from the movie with no seams. Second, as a SL DJ, I laughed. I don’t DJ at clubs anymore, and that effect is part of why. DJing for themed sims is a far different space. I would not trade it for anything.
#26 Kind of reminds me of that situation with that Oli London guy.. The one who came out as “transracial” or some shit. I don’t get how someone can try so hard to be Asian while being white it honestly makes no sense why you would want to because in your mind you know 100% for sure it’s going to annoy a lot of people.. I mean it’s different when it’s on the internet because you’re not getting surgery and shit but still..
#26 Those asians in sl are not real asians, i feel shamefull that these Obsessed people are so obsessed with asians, so now the REAL asians stay at there home to be fear for being obessed by these weebs called Second Life residents
If you’re all so worried about avatar’s ‘appropriating’ Asian style and fashion then take off your overly exaggerated European eyes on your Anime/Hentai/Cartoon characters you love so much and use your own and be done with your own hypocrisy if we’re actually going to be THAT ridiculous about a fashion statement in a game.
There are alot of people posing as another race until you get to know them and find out they are the total opposite of their avatar’s race appearance. You got
White people posing at black
Black posing as a white
White and black people posing as south Asians
White and black people posing as east asians
Posing..lol. Um just be yourself?
This is silly, in SL you should be able to be whatever you want, whenever you want… People aren’t creating their avatars to offend anyone, they are being creative with their inworld identities. Whether it’s white, black, asian, a mix, a cat, an elephant, a mythical creature… whatever tf you want.
Are you actually dense? Kimmy is asian. What are you trying to say?
Kimmy is an asian not living in asia “fighting” for the “representation” of asian users that are not even users of SL. She’s just ridiculous.
Lol so you haveee you live in Asia for your opinions to be validated. Gotcha! I don’t know how yall has that mentality. Pathetic.
#50 Shut the fuck up you’re only complaining because your talentless ass can’t make shit. She can put as whatever price she wants it took hours,weeks to make this she even made it for several bodies even kupra and you’re stupid ass wants to complain. You want something like this? Fucking make it yourself.
Bet. Go ahead and buy them then and don’t you dare say a peep when you stumble across the dozens of other cheaper versions on the marketplace.
lmao, bitch, trust me, i can make shit like that hoe. yeah, it takes effort, it takes time rigging for each body, but unless you braindead mfer think that selling that shit for over 5k is ok (which btw youll get a fucking mesh head for it which requires quite a bit more work and expertise), you should be the one outta here.
Then go ahead and prove me wrong. Make those shoes for less, including all bodies in the same time period it took her. And oh please you think 5k is a lot? Most women in second life spend so much more on clothes and hair they only wear once.
They can make the price as high as they want but They’re not doing themselves any favors for all of that hard work they put in. Theyre begging to not make any sales off of the fat pack at least. It would be one thing if these were the only type of style on the grid but you can find similar at a much cheaper price with a quick marketplace search.
And the reason why people are more likely to spend 5k on a head is Because Mesh heads are worth that much because they have multiple functions and can be used for years. Same with bodies. A fatpack of shoes that consist of one style and multiple colors is not. That’s what the OP and many others are trying to point out.
I mean yeah they can set whatever price they want, however that price is insane, those are fucking shoes, not only that,but you can get the same style in a fatpack for WAAAAAAAAY cheaper. Like the one said, no one is gonna pay mesh head prices for fucking shoes. Like seriously.
And yet women spend much more at events lol
yes but they get more stuff. This here is just over that and just not worth it.
Bitch you’re delusional. Nobody is paying mesh head price for a PAIR OF SHOES
Not delusional just thinking about this logically. Sorry you’re butthurt about what I said.
You’re an idiot. And the replies to you as well as the dislikes you’re getting prove it.. You say women spend much more at events but that’s because we’re buying items from many different creators. Literally reread what you’re typing. You make zero sense.. Clearly you’re a man, why are you even including yourself in this topic? Who are you to say how much women spend in SL and on what lmao
I fail to see how this is a logical way of thinking. You clearly don’t know how things work when it comes to creating. I hand draw my own tattoos and eye textures which takes a shitload of time and effort yet I know not to sell them in a fat pack for 5k unless I just really want to not make a single sale. Think of it this way, Would you rather have 5k from one purchase or over 5k from multiple purchases?
Thank you. It’s really a simple concept.
3- LMAAOOOO this thristy fuck is doing it again? omg lolol 👌😂typical
44- he is a cool guy, wtf? soem peeps like to start sheit for no reason nuch of coward bicheees
#48 is a hardcore crazy. She will cry racism and persecution whenever she does not get what she wants.
You can’t delete comments, but if you’re feeling humiliated you can get your friends to come and flag them until they get removed by the auto-moderator. That’s what usually happens here.
Yeah, I remember seeing that thread here but now I cant find it.
I suppose the truth hurt then? It’s disappointing Aether didn’t answer my questions but the comment above does clear up what I was confused over. After reading that, the person involved did nothing wrong but become the victim of a certain “cult”.
Person X, if you’re out there, I’m sorry they ripped into you over personal work you made for yourself and never intended to distribute.
XD says the one who also shit talks on here about everything under the sun. I mean that makes you as much a bully as everyone else on here. I love people who try to talk high and mighty on here, but dish just as much shade to others.