Virtual-Secrets, Week 658.
#12 THAT stupid big pile of shit……..crazy asf!
18) Moon Milk has been eating each other for awhile now and it’s pathetic. They claim sisterhood till it is inconvenient. The back biting is real, they went from a barn at the top with potential to a second rated fuck spot filled with sour cunts and neutered cucks.
#18 Lol yeah they pretty much have always been like that. Don’t worry sunshine, you’re in good company. They tend to be greedy and just flat out mean. You aren’t missing out.
#30 Feel like they don’t know the meaning of a simp… If you are having sex with someone else’s gf that is on SL and you are fucking her on SL that also makes you a simp. Starting to remember why I quit SL nothing but trashy people are left on this platform. I’ll apologies to anyone that is chill and stays away from the drama and bs, but everywhere I’ve been has some sort of BS going on.
23) It’s their event. They have their quality standards and wish to keep long standing customers (creators). Trying to shame them into letting in new creators is not in their interest and you will be ignored. That’s just good business on their part. There are many events for new creators. Now the other events might not be as popular as the big ones but everyone starts at the bottom and only the best survive. They determine who can enter and who can’t.
While I didn’t write the original post, I would like to point out that new designers is not the same as bad quality designers. Such correlations are implied in your statement. I know plenty of new designers that make quality items that would be a great fit for this tired event. Take this round for instance. How many of the similar item do you see? I bought 1 thing when I used to find many good things here. Typically(doesn’t mean always), new designers try hard when they are let into events as opposed to the old ones that slap anything together because their spots are “safe”.
Hahaha Why dont sharing your skills with the community? We want a streaming of Sands Leavitt. I will start to think all it is BS
Hahahahaha Sands… You’re stupid racist!!! What happend Sands? Are you a Character Artist? Its BS! Right? Why are you affraid show us? Are you a legit creator? Are you hired to someone for rigging to Maitreya in your old released? Then if you’re artist with a salary with 6k, you can sharing your knowleged without problem in live.. Then … We are waiting your Facebook streaming (We want hear you… very soon… Dont take too long, I’ll start to thinks that you lie with your “expertise” and “skills”… ALL its BS) make something like your Azuchi Clothing Collabs from scracth. We are expecting quality, If you are throwing shit all time about others creator.. then you’re streaming will be like Master… Or not Guys?. Dont forget the product works perfectly with texturize and rigs, show all process with two or more bodies, not maitreya only… Bye.
#9 I would like to point out that the word REGION has been used two (now three times on here). The word sim has been used WAY more than that. We call it sims, get over it.
#1 I don’t know her personally, but I do get caught up reading her posts on FB and she does come across very negative, suggesting her time is more valuable than anyone else’s. If it’s true what people suggest that she is a very negative person, perhaps she should just relax and enjoy SL. I can vouch that the clique she does run with is full of women, who are insecure, anxiety ridden and also come across as negative and chase the C L O U T . Maybe a good time to just take a break and reevaluate if that clique and the business are enhancing your life. If not just step away, get your new apt set up, enjoy your new job and make your RL your priority. Your sense of belonging should not compromise your worth- we are worth much more than that, Good luck Aria #teamempowerment
#3 – Ya know, everyone always instantly trashes the club owners for things, but never sees what the club owner has to go through, mainly because they never owned one. I ran a club for a little while, and I can not tell you how big of a pain in the ass it was. Lets start with the DJs: Most of the DJs in this game think their shit don’t stink. They have an ego the size of Chicago, and when you say something to them about something they are doing wrong, they throw a tantrum in the middle of your chat groups and rage quit. Djs don’t give 2 shits about you, or your club. They will cancel on you at the last second, without hesitation, and leaving you and your staff to scramble to find a fill in Dj, sometimes with less than 10 minutes before their shift was to start. Oh and then you have those DJs who just don’t even bother to show up, and don’t respond to your messages or calls to check in. When you do manage to find a decent DJ that shows up for their shift, it’s even harder to get them to take a permanent spot in your lineup. Try filling a 7 day schedule with DJs who think they are the best Dj to ever grace SL, and think they should be given a guaranteed amount in tips for every set they do, or that they will only DJ in the most well known clubs in the game. News Flash to all the Djs out there who think their shit don’t stink….There is ALWAYS someone out there that can replace your ass, and as some of ya found out, your ass was kicked to the curb…SEE YA! Now what about… Read more »
And this is why you only ran a club for a “little while” your attitude stinks who would want to work for you? You’re one of those club owners that think you’re above everyone because you’re a “club owner”. It’s a virtual club get tf over yourself.
St. Leavitt… we are expecting a streaming from facebook of your work from scracth. We want see you sculpting, modeling, rigging… As a “Character Artist” with a salary of 6k… What is the problem? Why are you affraid for show your expertise? Dont take to long 🙂
I’m not a rigger though. Character Artists don’t rig. A Rigger …rigs ….lol.
What would you like me to make? and what would be a good time for you so you can watch?
When the topic is to expose the brands that start using third-party products as frauds, by selling the idea to the SL community that these are their original creations, then, sh*t hits the fan here! How is it possible, nowadays, people still confusing concepts like buying mesh items on 3D model platforms, with creating a mesh item from scratch? And then in their creative genius’ defense to say that there are “some” changes that original model doesn’t have (such as the use of brushes) or that they just bought the appropriate licenses of use and that is why they can sell as their own creations? They can sell them, yes, but not as personal creations. Misappropriating intellectual propriety of others is a crime! It is quite dishonest, you know? And trying to get away with it too! I see people pointing fingers at Sanders, calling him a witch hunter, delusional, megalomaniac and even calling him mediocre in his work… (Btw… thumbs up on your Ragnar ava Sanders, awesome) but I don’t see people pointing fingers at those that are cheating the SL community, posing as talented creators using the work of others for it, in events and social media.. Is this something honest to be done and defended around?! Spill it out Sanders, tell us the rest of the list, pls! There are quite some successful shops around, that use full perm mesh and they have profit, they just don’t claim that mesh is their own creation, because they follow TOS! Event owners now… yes to event owners of all the trendy super unique events around SL that boast they have the best brands and creators there… you are the worse on business managing atm… if you really want to give your costumers the best, as advertised, start making room… Read more »
#4 I am confused, if you were in a toxic relationship with someone and you finally got out why continue to talk to that person. I never understand this, like I have a kind of friend who was in a mentally abusive relationship with someone and she finally got away from him but she continues to talk to him and every time she does she gets depressed because he still mentally abuses her, I’ve told her several times she needs to let him go and fully delete him because she’s never going to be happy until she does, she never listens and continues to talk to him. Like I get it some people in an abusive relationship can’t bring themselves to leave it but if you’re away from that situation then why keep putting yourself back there?
Just going to say this here, if you all are ok with CandyDoll downloading meshes and selling them on SL, then you all need to fuck off with canceling Cheeky Pea. Because she also slightly altered the models before uploading them to SL.
So …what’s the difference?
I couldn’t agree more, and I love Cheeky Pea not matter what.
#10 I have given up on CC and the events this week was the last straw. There arent fun events ever and when there are events its just for kids and teens well how about you make it a teen/toddler sim because I dont know what I’m paying the high rent for? I might as well live in a LL community at least they have better events than a expensive shit hole of a sim. We will see if these teens/kids avis will rent your high priced homes or hurdle up in the orphanage for free
It is disappointing how they cater events to a group that doesn’t pay to live there. Unfair for the paying residents
How dare anyone want to have quality of life improvements done on a product? We are so privileged to be able to buy any product from Alias Aura’s store. We are so lucky that the wise and amazing Alias saw fit to release any of their great artistic works publicly.
Love that Alias is finally getting attention for pissing and shitting on any person that dare say SugarCult’s releases aren’t the peak of artistic design, animation and texturing.
just say you’re too broke to spend $3 on a mesh head, move on, and maybe consider getting a job at your local fast food joint to help you pay for the money sink game you insist on getting upset about
i only spend money on heads that look good, which isn’t happening with sugarcult’s little mutants and ripped mesh
also step out of that server and pluck your head out of alias’s asshole long enough to wipe that shit off your face.
#20 Have you been looking for a job where you will be treated like garbage? One where you will work your ass off but not be promoted because your not a part of the family or the officers best bud? Look no more the Cedar Creek Fire Department is the place for you. Here you will experience nepotism and favoritism at its finest. Are you related to the family of the officers? Or perhaps your best friends with the officers? You will be promoted to an officer position after putting out 4 fires….yes that is correct! Even if you don’t know what your doing! But other firefighters/paramedics who we officers dont care about will be stuck at their current position forever no matter how hard they work! Don’t waste time…Apply today! http://www.cedercreekfiredeptnepotism/
#7 Xanax is trash. She takes thirsty to a whole new level. This bitch is SO desperate for any attention that she will sleep with her “friends” men. She has zero morals. Desperate old hag. She’s truly pathetic. Sad, such a sad, miserable clown.
people who sleep with or even pine after their friends’ SOs are so gross and ugly
#25 both look like absolute shit anyway
#22 yooooooooooo whose that lets be friends
I’m only up to #7. You sad twats really got to get a life outside of SL. I get people like to RP families, marriage that’s fine RP is fun. You are taking it waaaaaaaaay too personal and serious. You can’t seriously be in love with a person you’ve never met before, who you mostly have contact with if not all contact with as a character in a shitting game lmao. Seriously, you are too obsessed with SL when it gets to this level that you’re so spiteful and speak about how you was “cheated on” and “he fucked that bitch”. Go out and get you a REAL LIFE relationship if that’s truly what you desire. SL is not RL, it’s a RP experience.
R O L E P L A Y – N O T R E A L I T Y – P L A Y I N G A C H A R A C T E R
Sure, some people make a real relationship out of these RP ones online and meet in RL. (Please do this with caution I am not recommending it either) Don’t expect it to get that far, and don’t treat it as a RL commitment before you both actually agree for it to be and have met. You can not be in a relationship with someone you have not met in RL. It’s RP nothing more.
If that comforts you against the pain of realizing nobody wants to fuck you more than once, it’s still a weird flex but OK.
wtf is your flex?! I dont “fuck” anything in SL. I never said anything in the slightest close to that.
I don’t think you have any idea what rp is; if you’re not in character, you’re not role playing when you bullshit people. You’re just lying. They’re not the same thing. One is a consensual storytelling mechanism everyone understands isn’t real and the other is just being a fake piece of shit.
Nobody when they post like a bitter psychopath understands it’s not real lmao, thats my point.
Your comment assumes all relationships in SL are “rp” just because they’re in SL. I’m telling you that’s not the case.
Roleplay is only one aspect of SL, and if you go around non-rp sims making friends and/or more outside the context of a rp story, those people are right to assume you mean to actually be their friend, or whatever else you voluntarily say you’re going to be, because they were never informed they were part of a “story” you’re writing. Unless you’re in a designated roleplay area or clearly inform people when you speak to them that you’re in character- I’d say, putting it front and center in your profile is enough to cover any obligation you might have for people who approach you- when you lie to them, it’s not roleplay. It’s just plain old dishonesty.
Therefore, plenty of people do get betrayed or “cheated on”, based on the fact that someone made a promise of their own free will, and then broke it. I’ll never understand why people have a problem with those posts- sometimes they’re informative, sometimes they’re decent tea, and lacking that they give the people who come here to feel superior to the posters nice easy targets. The site would probably die without them, because most people are going to buy whatever they like in SL regardless of what kind of thief or shithead the creator is shown to be; no one really cares about creator drama except other creators.
31 – How is that stealing? She bought a base and changed it making it her own, that is what bases are for Karen. It’d be a different story if she bought it and sold as is. You people just see stuff and run with it without doing the homework.
This week was boring yet again.
He is a liar 🙂
what have I lied about?
That’s literally not how it works, but I think it’s cute that you think that.
George Michael have you even looked at the terms on the page or read the artstation terms linked on it lol?
“Stock Assets
For personal use and one commercial project (up to 2,000 sales or 20,000 views).”
Standard Commercial Licence
” If you have purchased a Standard Commercial licence then you may exercise your rights under that licence:
for personal use on an unlimited number of personal projects that are not used or distributed in any commercial manner; and
respect to one commercial Work, with up to a maximum of, as applicable, 2,000 sales of the Work or 20,000 monthly views of the Work.”
What they’re doing is 100% legal.
I mean it’s in black in white, not to insult you are anyone i’ll just point it out.
“” If you have purchased a Standard Commercial licence then you may exercise your rights under that licence:”
“for personal use on an unlimited number of personal projects that are not used or distributed in any commercial manner”
“that are not used or distributed in any commercial manner” usually means don’t resale the model in any form, and your allowed to use it for things like films or ‘personal’ projects that don’t really center around re-distribution of the distributed assets. On a side note a lot of Sites such as Cgtrader, Turbosquid, Artstation sometimes will even to go as to state not to upload models to certain platforms, Such as Secondlife, Since secondlife’s TOS conflicts with theirs upon uploading the model to it. No one in their right mind is going to sell anyone a model for commerical purposes @ 10 dollars.
Thanks for your clarification Tyr.
I already posted a link to the full terms and highlighted the parts, nice try pasting only a small section of the terms and leaving out the important. Kess will approve it when she gets around to it.
I read it. Their EULA has a hole in it. They don’t outline a definition of sharing properly . Their extended and commercial license also doesn’t clarify the distribution restriction. In fact the EULA is a hot mess as they don’t properly separate the license terms. It doesn’t matter what they intend it only matters what they wrote. You may want to contact them to give theam heads up and they will probably put a SL exclusion so their words match their intent. .
You didn’t read the whole terms, I posted a link but it’s not been approved yet. Go to the website and read the whole thing, not just the section this person posted here.
I was fired up so I just emailed ArtStation with the issue in their EULA and that they may wish to put in an exclusion for virtual worlds plus sent them the screenshot of CandyDolls work plus a screenshot of her Facebook post. I also sent them links to the sites listed above and their EULA exclusions for things like SL, so they know it’s a valid exclusion and the risk of not having their works properly defined and what their artists lose in income as result.
If nothing else if they will change that EULA so there will be zero argument on using anything form there as a base going forward, it will be prohibited and that EULA would stand up in court. Shut off her supply.
I encourage everybody if they find another model from candydoll from there you report her to art station and also give them the online DMCA from the SL website for them to use.
Regardless how you feel about me, I really respect you for doing the right thing. Now I wish I knew who you were, because we need more people to stand up against the nonsense that has been going on.
Also the use of a base mesh as indicated in their TOS it must be part of a project or a model. I wrote a little post explaining what a base mesh is and how it is used on my FB page, I’m sure you can find it with an easy search :p
For more details look up my post, but the super short version is, if people can tell which base mesh you used, that means you haven’t done anything to it, or have made enough of a change to it for it to be considered a new and unique piece of art work. Only way you are able to sell an item where you used a base mesh in, is if you created a new and unique piece of art work from it. Otherwise it falls under the redistribution of the art work in their EULA. They clearly stated that is against the rules.
Also if Rebeca is saying she purchased a commercial license, that still doesn’t change the above condition, BUT she is also full of shit because when I looked that person only offers a standard license.
I am a nobody I didn’t even know who you were until you posted the anti SL thing so doubt my voice makes any difference. The first posts got me all thinking what a load of Quatsch! but i will say just because I don’t like somebodies way doesn’t mean I won’t read the words and see if there are truth in it.
I kind of decided I like you now. LOL.
No one’s voice alone makes a difference, but together it would. That’s how change happens. I honestly don’t understand how some people can so easily turn a blind eye to someone who steals or does things like this. I would not be able to remain friends with someone that does, let alone work with them.
Anyway ….message me on FB some time!
Thanks I found it myself and yes that was half the story up in that post by that person. This post is partly comedy but I want to show it to how people read EULA and then have to figure it out. Careful reading gets you to the right point but I don’t think this Candydoll is careful I think she read it and even if she does publish her commercial license for us to see (I don’t think she will have one). I stand by their EULA is a hot mess still though reading it all, they need to go and fix their structure, Anyway there are pockets in here that do stop SL use but I think they would struggle in court to impose it. They need to do a rewrite on their sharing and works definitions imho and have clearer separation on commercial bits. They do say the commercial license bit is separate but it’s still rough. Issues and excuse my my first language is German and I am in US so this is Quebec law so may differ. In addition to any other restrictions in this Agreement, you will not: publish, sell, license, offer or make available for sale or licensing, or otherwise distribute the Product except as part of a Work or through a form of sharing that is authorized in this Agreement; or publish, distribute or make available the Product through any online clearinghouse platform. OK fine, that’s clear but they have confused their lower down requirements as sharing would not allow for selling but this confuses the two requirements as it states there is an exception but they don’t then define it properly. FURTHER SPECIFIC TERMSIn addition to the restrictions set out above, the following terms and conditions apply to the following forms… Read more »
Why dont you post the whole terms, I highlighted the parts, read.

You can only use them in a project, you are not allowed to redistribute it on another platform, it’s literally written in the terms.
Oakley and her multiple shadows are always bitching about one thing or another and then claim they did not want to start drama and it was other people that took it out of context. We know what they are like, they live on drama.
If you hire someone for their services, if it is a portrait or landscaping, any service, you respect their space to work and you do not look over their shoulder constantly, you do not swap things out and make the process longer and harder on the landscaper, learn teamwork and come together with the others and decide on theme, houses, space, POOLS and then take your portfolio of ideas to the landscaper and be specific about what you want and don’t want. If you are unable to do that then decorate your own sim, There is enough of you to do it.
Aria is just as bad with her own mean girls’ club. And yes her decorating is shit and edited to make it look decent and that is on Oakley and the rest for going off of pictures instead of viewing her work first hand.
These kinds of people are what makes Second Life garbage nowadays… Second Life has too many cliques and if you’re popular it is a constant drama war, if you’re a nobody then you’re invisible, where are the days where we went on to have fun and make friends…
Being popular in SL…I. Cant.
#24 So this discussion has escalated into an unfortunate ugly, rather meaningless battle of egos. I respect the work of all the parties in question, I wanted to share a few thoughts: 1 – Outsourcing is Okay. It’s smart business. Most RL companies outsource / offshore. Not every worker, ghost-writer etc. behind the scenes is given credit. They get paid for their work. That is not exploitation. 2 – Stealing is wrong. Buying, modifying and selling something, if done legally, is Not wrong. Saying that outsourcers are any less deserving of an SL income than ‘artists’ who choose to do it themselves is elitism. Elitism will hurt everyone, including the SL economy. 3 – Not everyone needs to be an ‘artist’ to run a business. There are reasons why some don’t make the products themselves, in SL and RL, and it’s often not a question of talent but business acumen. 4 – As a customer, if I like the item, I will buy it regardless…as long as I know it was not stolen or unfairly obtained. I do not need a disclaimer saying “Here’s my new release. I did not make it. I hired meshers in countryX.” 5 – If a brand owner says “Here’s the new product by MY brand X” they are entitled to do so, as long they acquired it legally and fairly. If you suspect they didn’t… 6 – …Linden Lab has a clear ToS. If you think someone is using unfair practices, raise it to LL and follow the process. Ganging up on someone publicly on based on an opinion is bullying. Said person will possibly lose their only source of livelihood as a result of an opinion. 7 – Not everyone is as fortunate as you, have a little empathy. Others may be far… Read more »
There is no respect in someone who takes credit for another artist’s work. You can keep trying to defend it, and it will never stick. If you didn’t draw a painting, you -CANNOT SAY IT’S YOUR PAINT JOB EVEN IF YOU ARE THE PERSON SELLING IT.-
You can keep trying to make that a thing, but it will never be ok and will forever be unethical.
Given your strong sense of justice, surely you believe in the law and regulations as well. So my point still stands. Take the issue up to LL or take legal action. It’s Not okay to thrash people in public using your clout to hurt their reputation. That’s defamation. That is injustice.
Their reputation? For what, being shafty people who lie about their creations? Do you know how stupid that sounds? It’s about the reputation of the people who actually DO 100% of the work. You don’t think about them do you? They see these lying ass “creators” scamming people by saying they do 100% of the process when they don’t. Defamation is saying something that is completely false. Nothing false is being said here. You can’t do 20% of the work and have the balls to say you did 100% of it. Sorry but it’s about time that content creators who do 100% of the work have someone in their corner to defend their time and commitment to SL creations. Don’t like it, go pound rocks.
You are really reaching now aren’t you? fine let’s play. Well since you are such a law abiding citizen you cannot infringe on my right to free speech. That’s for one, I am legally allowed to express my opinion and call out wrong doing I see happen. It’s my legal right.
Secondly, since you are all about the laws and regulations, why don’t you go to read the TOS of artstation products, no re-selling of items are allowed. They can only be used in projects that will be packaged and sold as a closed source content, such as a publish video game, a film, tv show, etc. You are by law and regulations not allowed to buy a mesh, with or without modification and sell it on another platform. You are however allowed to buy the mesh and use it in a game (given you got the extended license) you are developing and you sell the game. Not the individual item, the game as a package and the game must be closed source. Meaning the customer purchasing cannot be purchasing the mesh you downloaded, they have to be purchasing a whole game and that mesh can be a part of that game.
So how about you actually learn the regulations, read TOS and then come here and flap your gums (or your fingers) and word vomit all over the place trying hard to justify unethical and unlawful actions.
Whoa, calm your tatas. I agree with you, but my point still stands. If they’re violating the TOS, raise it to LL or take legal action. Or do you think running your own little kangaroo court on SL Secrets is a more ‘ethical and lawful’ way of doing things?
“Those who do nothing while witnessing injustice and wrong-doing do worse than those who commit acts of injustice.” -Martin Luther King Jr.
Staying silent and turning a blind eye to injustice and wrong doing is worse. I have the right to my opinion and I have the courage and integrity to do it without being anonymous, I stand by my words because I have nothing to hide, and I know I’m right. I’m not the one that is doing anything wrong so I have no problems putting my name to my comments.
How many of the monkeys in this comments section have attached their names to the nonsense they have spewed here?
That alone shows who is in the right and who is trying to muddy the waters to get away with fraud.
you need to go to a BLM march and expend that energy. Geez
>Well since you are such a law abiding citizen you cannot infringe on my right to free speech. That’s for one, I am legally allowed to express my opinion and call out wrong doing I see happen. It’s my legal right.
EXCEPT when it infringes on the right of others and nor does it exclude you from the consequences of your actions. You have no right to spread libel or defame someone and if it ends up causing damages to them, they can take you to court.
You need to understand what defamation means, you dumb uneducated people seem to not even know the meaning of terms and phrases you are using.
It is not classified as defamation when it’s true and based on facts. It’s not defamation when you say harvey weinstein sexually assaulted women. If someone is lying and taking credit for work that is not theirs, it’s not defamation of character to say that they are doing that.
Just as how “reinventing the wheel” doesn’t mean you can steal someone else’s work because they have already done the work so why should you. LOL
It amazes me how some of you manage to even put on a pair of pants in the morning and walk safely out of your bed.
Wait aren’t you dead?
are you saying that what you are 100% factual with an accusation and presumed guilt? Get out of here. Unless you can prove that they are lying and taking credit, and you have the files and work profiles to prove it, and can prove that they didn’t get the same thing through a different process, then your claim doesn’t hold. Then it’s considered libel, idiot.
Sit the fuck down. Don’t talk like you know anything. It’s innocent until proven guilty in this country.
Fucking moron
No you’re the fucking moron. The reason why you get that title is because he DOES know about this subject. The man has a fucking earned education in this subject. This is what he does as a career. When you go into a doctor and they tell you something you might not want to hear, do you just tell them “Don’t talk like you know anything”. You would not do that cause their education is greater than yours and when it comes to being knowledgeable on a medical subject, they are the people who would tell you the truth. Same concept. You are telling someone who is far more educated on this subject, that they don’t know what they are talking about. Ok where is your education to validate your point? Cause the way I see it, he’s offering what the truth is and is also offering people to watch him stream his process and explain everything. So why the fuck aren’t any of you taking him up on that offer? Your mouth is writing a check your ass can’t cash.
Nobody is taking away your right to your opinion. Literally nobody told you to turn a blind eye to injustice. But the law exists for a reason. If you can prove they did something wrong, take it up with LL or take legal action.
I spread awareness in the community. I’m sure someone else can take up the mantle to take the cases to LL.
You could always be that person!
Why don’t you do it, moron? Why push it off to someone else?
The only thing you seem to be spreading is comment herpes.
I’m not the one caught stealing and lying. You all seem so triggered that someone is finally calling you out on your BS and you can’t bully them into silence like you are used to doing whenever someone spoke up in the past.
Maybe don’t steal, don’t take credit for work that is not your own, and no one would call you out. Take a page from MadPea and conduct your business properly.
Also I appear to have hit a nerve when I called out Sands for saying 90% of creators were insert x and y.
@kesseret if you moderated me fine your site your rules, but if not I would appreciate the posts being undeleted as they specifically showed what he was saying and the hypocrisy in his approach.
Yes let’s do that – let’s be like MadPea. Sands knows SO much lol let’s take his advice.
Hint – >
So now perhaps it’s ok if they steal as long as they are his friends right?
Response to MadPea comment.
Whelp ….there goes giving a brand the benefit of the doubt because they have at least been honest about not doing the art themselves …I was wrong. Now do you see where my 90% of creators are like this comment comes from? It’s an estimate that every week gets proven right.
I had not seen that, you are right, that’s content theft as well.
Careeeelessss Whispers…..
(insert saxophone solo here)
ok fair dues on that. But not the 90pct Dude come on you shat all over SL people.
name names do it, but don’t stereotype it hurts the community. Bad Apples cal them out by name but don’t lump everybody together.
90% of statistics are made up on the spot.
Honestly, 90% comment was a estimate, but you have no idea how hard it is to find a brand that actually makes their own work and isn’t shady. You’d be surprised how few brands actually do make their own content. It may not be 90% but it is much much larger of a number than most people think it is.
I WISH it was the case of a few bad apples. For example before cheeky pea got caught, how many people were defending her, sucking up to her, fan girling her? Logical people kept saying “it’s not possible for a single person to work that fast”.
Candydoll got caught right now, but this is just the time they got caught, how many times do you think they have done that and no one has stumbled across it yet?
I thought MadPea was clean, I was proven wrong.
People thought Noble Creations made clean content for RPers, their stuff was all ripped.
The list goes on and on and on and on and some brands I can’t name or my comment will get flagged but you know who they are lol
There ARE clean honest hard working artists on SL, i know a lot of them. They are the few though, make no mistake about it.
My dude, No shade here. I don’t steal either.
Are you able to name the clean, hardworking artists on SL, so that we can purchase from them?
That’s fine when you list them go fill ya boots. But not everybody. I don’t buy from people who download 3d models so having a list helps us customers. But I don’t really care if a corporate brand on SL like a certain. Fruit has a team of 20 people as in the professional world like IT for example when you work for a company anything you create they own the IP to. The CEO of my company is the public face. What I will say he uses we not I. I am guessing your distain also comes when creators say I and should be saying “we” if their team was behind it.
When you work for a brand you assign IP and that means credit too: that may not be how you do it in games as you have all the credits like movies but as you already said SL creating isn’t in thst realm so it seems fair they took a technology model not an art one.
Who is we? I don’t own a business. You’re just boring to read that’s all.
No one has put a gun to your head and forcing you to read my posts, scroll over if they bore you.
That is true I just skim what you write here since it is all a crazy mess. I figured you would want someone to let you know about how low your entertainment value is. Consider it social justice.
Thank you for your feedback! I’ll try to dumb down my content so you understand it a little better in the future.
Now go back to supporting thieves and liars!
I will continue to spend frivolously on the internet for games such as secondlife, eso, games for my switch and those cute little surprise bags you can buy on YouTube and maybe get some precious stones out of it. Do you have an active patreon? I’ll buy you a cup of coffee.
Let me guess, in your 20’s still live with parents, no quest for anything that would be considered schooling or a career goal. No lease bills, no mortgage, no insurance bills, no real adult responsibilities whatsoever. It’s so easy to spot you people. My indication was the surprise bags with precious stones.
I didn’t know this was a contest on who is in debt more in real life. Do you need my social security number and my mother’s maiden name to see who is winning in adulting?
You know and a lot of other readers know, I’m only on this site to comment and to stir the pot. This site is nothing but a parody of it self and I’m just here for the responses to my outlandish comments. Lighten up.
How is ESO? I have always wanted to try it.
It’s pretty fun when you get to end game pvp and to leaderboards for raiding come join me in game @ickyspot.
How work have you not done today being on a SL website arguing with multiple people, your hourly rate will suffer Sands!
Something I didn’t perhaps make clear I am calling him our for how he was derogatory to people who create content for SL it was ridiculous and egotistical. I don’t like him, he’s approach is causing harm not good. He really pisses me off as his personality is shit.
I do agree with his Candy Doll or whoever they are called posts the actual “theft” parts are spot on. Epiphany better kick her to the curb if they don’t that’s telling.
Just like the fashion brands like the hair place mentioned Doux and H&G crowd like Nutmeg using other people’s work. If you are bored Sands go and inspect their work you literally will fall over. That’s more productive keep showing the examples, and this bevy of friends you think you have on Discord should speak up (never see them do that).
Don’t worry about my work it was all done and dusted today. Now that you are finally talking reasonably, let’s have this conversation. My comment was in defence of them attacking me all last week with comments such as being a failure, or being jealous of these brands. While it may have been tasteless and mean, it is true. What is considered “art” on SL is a very below beginner level quality. That is not me talking shit, that is just a fact, take the best quality brand you can think of and go compare it to work of artists posted on Artstation or other art platforms. Now there is absolutely no SHAME in working on SL. I have worked on projects where I didn’t post any of the work on my personal portfolio because it was eh, I didn’t like it. Because the game resource restrictions, the engine we had to work on had limitations that didn’t allow me to create my best work, but so what? it’s work. SL is the same way, it has its limitations and if you make a living there you have to work within those limitations. Nothing wrong with that. However there are realities, for example say you own a dollar store. It’s great! it’s your business, you make a living running it, and some dollar stores bring in profits in the millions per year. However that does not make the owner of the dollar store clothes a fashion designer, or an artist. Nor does it make the quality of those items from the dollar store greater than a high end fashion brand. Is it shameful? no! It’s a business, and SL is basically the dollar store of art field. You can hate this comment all you want, but just go compare the… Read more »
28 & 29 we know who you are should be a shame of yourself spreading fake news about people. Before you have your pitch forks out why not explain it to in your own words you cunt. You keep spreading gossip about it going to lead you into trouble we know your friends are telling what’s on here . you can’t hate but you are a drama whore face it you have no proof quit with your bs and give it a break no one cares about this site or the comment section.
Y’all need Grandma’s down home cooking, some time with the diety of your choice, and a friggin’ snuggle or two. That is all.
TL’DR version of the past 2 weeks:
Me: Stop taking credit for art work that is not yours.
Them: You are just jealous of us all the successful people on SecondLife.
Me: K that’s great, but stop saying you made something when you didn’t.
Them: You are a toxic bully
Me: Sure, but stop saying you meshed it when you didn’t.
Them: You are racist, sexist, you also don’t like obama
Me: Alright, but don’t say you made it if you didn’t.
Them: Your art sucks, you failed at SL
Me: sure but stop saying you made it when you didn’t.
Them: You are just a sad psychotic person
Me: Ok but stop taking credit for art work that is not yours.
Them: You go to school and get educated lol you just learn from other people
Me: Yes I’m educated and well learned, but stop saying you meshed it when you didn’t.
Them: Hahahah you are a joke, you are miserable
Me: Right, but that’s still not your work.
Them: We make 240k a year on SL!
Me: That’s great but you still didn’t mesh that yourself.
To be continued next week …..
newsflash, lying about outsourcing isnt illegal. stealing art is actually illegal. still waiting for that dappa callout since u posted about 3 johnny ones all those “wip secrets” but none about real thieves who break tos and copyright. its like complaining about a chipped nail when u have cancer, cant take u seriously when u type 20 essays about one liar and 0 on someone who ACTUALLY BREAK THE LAW and is in every big event. do u care about justice or not lol? its hard to believe when ur priorities are so wrong….
uhhh I have called out many brands who have stolen content, maybe i should make a subscriber group for this so you all don’t miss it. I don’t have the time to go through what people release on SL, people send me the information because I’m the only one who has the guts to call it out publicly. If you see someone doing it, send me the screenshots and i’ll have a look, i will always call them out if I see wrong doing. To me it doesn’t matter how popular they think they are in a virtual sex platform.
If you have any doubts about how unethical it is, you can read up on the subject here
It is theft, and it is extremely unethical. How on earth you are claiming it’s ok for someone to say an art piece is their work and take credit for it when they did not do it is beyond me. How can you even defend this with a straight face? No wonder none of you attach your names to these outrageous statements, because you all know how wrong you really are.
Me: seriously, no one cares move on.
You: I can’t help but beat a dead horse for weeks on end.
Them: seriously, no one cares move on.
Well the rage and throwing anything and everything at me in order to muddy to waters to cover up their acts says otherwise. That’s not “no one cares”. I mean even Obama was brought up by them LOL
I mean, the only thing you’re trying to do is cancel them. Why? If you say you’re as successful as you are in RL, then you don’t need to be on SLSecrets and trolling SL, trying to cancel what you call low quality creators. Instead, you would be engrossed in your own RL projects just like Maylee is.
Now THAT is one creative lady. I love you Maylee!!! <3333 I love everything that you do, but i sure wish you could rig for legacy too!!! <333333
Anyways, you on the other hand, are on the comments section of secrets, trolling the shit out of it, trying to get the likes of candydoll cancelled. It’s not going to work. And you seem to have a shit ton of time on your hands to do so.
Leave reading the law to people who actually know how to do it, instead of you doing a hackneyed job at it. You’re terrible at it.
I will say, i did like your work but it was too avant garde for me. Not my style, but i did appreciate your artistry when you did create in SL.
I am not going to tag certain posts because I cannot be bothered.
1) Every roleplay Sim or region or group or whatever has cliques in it. You will never find a place without them because they work in roleplay, just like they do in real life. It happens and it is something you have to work with. Your biggest goal is for these cliques and groups do not extend beyond suck the cock of admins and maintain a healthy acceptance rate. A good roleplay will include other people, even if they belong to a group or faction.
2) Using something as an inspiration is not stealing. Just because someone copied a design from Pinterest does not mean it is stolen and they should credit the person. No one owns a makeup style. No one owns hairstyles. Next you will complain that a house floorplan is similar to one found on the internet.
Just fucking stop. Stealing, yes, blast them, using something as an inspiration? Fuck off, Karen.
#3 – People hates it when they see you on top and cant do anything to bring you down. Fired Hosts be like “i didnt get any tips for working for hours at exhale”. Oh come on! If you didnt get a tip from hosting, you need to ask yourself why are you even hosting when you are that bad?! lol DJing and Hosting takes skills, get that!
You get tons of tips because you’re probably one of those hosts who are the greedy ones taking all the good shifts with DJS who bring crowds in lets that fact straight or you are shown favoritism by an upper because you personally kiss ass which we all see happen aswell. It doesn’t take a skill to be a host lool if you can make anyone talk and keep a convo going in the crowd you’re already considered better than the mods I see spamming gestures only which again are the ones taking up all the shifts with good job but you’re telling me they are the best ?? please come back and re post when you’ve sat through some of these shifts yourselves. Why don’t crawl out of whoever’s ass your kissing and stop feeling entitled
You’re clearly one of those that feels entitled or special. Yes Djing takes skill, hosting to a certain extent but anyone that can interact with people can host so to act like you’re some top shot host is laughable and obviously you were one of the hosts that was up her ass or the upper managers ass and got to host for the Djs that actually bring their own people and have followers that tip otherwise you would be stood up there making jack shit. A host will never make anything unless they have a good Dj so sit tf down. I have very close friends that are amazingly good at hosting and make bank other places and could stand on stage for 4hrs at exhale or voodoo for that matter and make 100L.
That’s because Exhale fills their club with bots that stand around all day long. If you look closer when you land, there is usually only just a handful of people actually there in the club dancing for the djs and hosts. The only time you see people there is if BRM is doing an event. Outside of that, the place is trash.
19.what’s with the hate for GELD? they haven’t had a pissy reaction in any chats i’m in, is this just an asspull?
I’m guessing you’re new here so I’m gonna sum this up as quickly and easily as i can My friend you probably haven’t seen it because you aren’t a threat. Question anything and you’ll see how quickly that will change They know about this site and have used to start fights before: Look here week 652 – #30 – link to comments week 653 – #34 – Link to page they’ve used those posts alone claiming muregon was the one that posted it on an anonymous site with no evidence to back up the claim literally trying to cancel culture another artist MORE THAN ONCE. And it’s not just muregon they’ve attacked, scroll down the twitter and you’ll find others with some pretty insane claims. All the evidence is cropped showing only one side isn’t that a little suspicious ? Okay back on subject because I’ve wasted enough time on this… Geld/Soko or whatever you want to call them has also added their own posts trying to defame muregon in the posts below. week 654 – #23 “firewithfire.jpg” and 31“literalfuckingnature.jpg” I find those to funny because it shows private logs from another showing they can’t be trusted with anything, but to use nature as a reference when Geld has attacked others for using feathers on their characters, white faces, even a split design, just look in the comments you’ll find others agreeing with this statement. Now I don’t think they are a bad person, but from the outside looking in this isn’t good behavior and I’m sure you don’t see it because she’s playing the “good girl” act so she can keep this charade going. Also since you claim you don’t see it I’m gonna give one more proof, One such user was banned from their market and… Read more »
Jesus christ that twitter is horrifying, I didn’t bother looking at it before. Thanks for the gold mine
Geld attacks anyone who disagrees with her. It’s pitiful really.
She also won’t accept simple misunderstandings as just misunderstandings. In her mind, if you don’t agree with her, you’re out to get her.
#3 – Tbh it makes you look like a small pathetic person posting this crap. If you have so much small dick/rancid vagina energy over your own insecurities because of her success that you have to post shit here, I recommend you leave SL and get some RL therapy asap. Really, it’s not healthy, attractive or cute to carry that kind of anger and hate around and use it to attack other people over a game. I can only imagine you’re a) some broke-ass butt hurt ex; b) envious club owner with suck traffic; c) ex-club owner who tried to compete with her traffic but you sucked running your club so you had to close; d) someone’s butt-troll who climbs out when conjured to do someone else’s trolling; e) a dj/host who can’t get work/lost work at Exhale because, well you suck at your craft; f) or a butt-hurt female who caught her man trying to get with Yosicle. Whatever category you fall into, you seriously have psychological problems to be harassing and attacking someone over a game. Get over yourself and your small dick/rancid vagina energy. Grow the fuck up.
I am dead @? “dick/rancid vagina energy”
There’s a lot of that kind of butt-hurt low self-esteem energy going around in SL ?
31 – Awww looking that, the most racist resident of SL, St. Leavitt, making cry another creator, what happend you said about __ secrets… They paid sucessful money for get your mounth closed… BS detected! Well about Rebeca.. IDK if she is a liar bc We dont ask about her creations.. Like “how do you make that?” Or “where do you bought that brush?”… blah blah.. Now if I ask her about it, she pretend that is %100 her work, of course, She is a liar. But how that not happend, She is innocent for now. She isnt thieves, less when She paid for that. STOP LIE!! Yes! Bicth of St. Leavitt. The post dont proved that she said is her work to %100, only said about her works by hours for make the doll, sound fk logic… She worked hours using an brush or sculpting the paid source with extend commercial that she bought, BECAUSE that is the reason that doll is selling in Artstation, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel, you dont need to create something from scratch, if exists tools or source can help you… Or you dont use any software for make your creations? Texture? Tools? Brushes? Alphas? Of course, if the creator leave you, then not. Totally legal… Learn to read. Now, but It’s true! When a fk creator try to liar in our faces, this shit really sucks… I think it’s a big mistake prentend that They doing the work at %100 or that brush is made by their… when you ask about it… The reality… They bought a brush… Then is BS, of course, dont expected credit if They used a commercial source -nothing illegal for that they paid- bc They thinks that you want make the same.. IDK.. Maybe you know… Read more »
Oh look another asshole who desperation is so bad, they are now just randomly calling people racist. Good move on bringing up something that literally has nothing to do with the conversation. Let me take a guess, your white right?
Also I stream my work plenty, feel free to join my discord server and watch me work.
I didn’t make the post dumbass. I just saw it here like everyone else did and no she took the mesh from art station and pushed the eyes down wards and called it a day. She is another Johnny Perez and the like. Another liar, thief and unethical sl “designer” in the cesspool that you are so desperately trying to defend.
You guys seem to think I sit here all day going through SL stuff, I really really don’t. Other designers find them and message me about them or I see them on secrets here and I take a look to see when the accusation is justified and when it’s not.
PS she said she happened to be recording herself, and the video is not up yet, so I was right once again, there was no video and she has been trying to recreate one to post LOL.
13 – Agreed with smh on his/her post. Halo makes girls hate working at the club and lul, did not know about coochie uwu (jaz) was on his dick – but now seein her profile with all things angels. Must have closed down the club and trying to get on his dick so she co-owns angels? wow, smart tactic haha. Cummie got her ass dumped and Vicky BB has a new guy each week, but HALO UR A MESS, stop offering free shit to ppl so u can trap them
You just salty they don’t want to fck with you probably mate. And I’ve seen MONEY get dropped on these girls so someone must like them
#25. What event is that? I want it!
It was at Warehouse Sale a while ago, probably in the mainstore now.
Exhale is a joke, full of bots, I worked there with no dj and mod afk, the club was on radio and there was still 41 on sim and 98% afk never move same clothes and just stand there.
Exhale is full of bots, so much favouritism.
I know myself and others who have djed or hosted for 2 and even 4 hours and made nothing.
All yo cares about is her next fuck.
I quit hosting but I hang out at witch house, voodoo and dimension.
You DJd or hosted for 4 hours and made nothing?Nothing at all?
Wow. You must like really really suck as a DJ/host?
Maybe if you actually worked instead of worrying about who is fucking who you would have made
Maybe if all the greedy mod cunts wouldn’t be allowed to take all the spots with the good djs and all the freaking spots for special events people would have a chance to make fucking money control your freaking mods or pay them more period! Are we really going to pretend terasa Elle shatafi and all those other bitches aren’t taking up more than half that schedule are we going to pretend there’s one cunt host taking up 6 HOURS of hosting for the good djs fick off exhale run your shit better
The only reason why a host or dj and host would have 0 tips after working hours is because they have zero following. The more friends you have and can tp into your sets tips you make. It’s not rocket science.
So you think people should be depending on their “friends” to give them money? Did you really just say that? LOL goddamn. I would not wanna be friends with someone who added me just so they can tp me and hope I tip them.
I didn’t say I think friends should just “give” hosts/dj’s money. It’s called tips for working. Look at any successful dj/host. They have friends/followers they tp into their sets who tip them for the work they do. The more friends/followers they bring in the more tips are likely made, it’s a numbers game. That’s not to say I don’t tip people I don’t know or aren’t friends with. If they’re doing a good job, I tip. People complaining about not making any money working in “any” club, need to evaluate why instead of always blaming the owner or assuming everyone in the club must be a bot. There’s this amazing app called discord where people talk, drink together and get shit faced while parking their avi at clubs. Plus, I’ve seen a dead sets followed by dj/hosts that bring in their people and make bank. That takes work, building a following and friendships that supports friends. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tp’d all these clubs competing for traffic and have been completely ignored by the host. I tend not to stick around long to figure out if the host or dj is any good and take my money with me. I agree I wouldn’t want to be friends with someone who added me to constantly mass tp me to every set they do. That shit is annoying.
No your friends support you the same way we support or friends in the scene. Also, if you are good at it people will come out for the awesome party vibes you give even if they don’t know you. They join your group or know your set schedule.
More winners criticizing the SL club industry that literally have NO idea how it works?
I have worked in almost every position you can in a music-only club (meaning no sex workers) in SL, actually, including management- I just don’t work in SL anymore, because it’s not worth the headache when I don’t need the money. I interpreted what you said exactly the way you said it, so you can dimwit laugh at it all day, but you’re still the one who said you have to depend on your list of people you TP for tips. If that was how it’s supposed to work, a DJ should throw their stream up anywhere and make money without having to give anyone a cut; the whole point of dealing with a club and its management/rules is the club is supposed to have its own following, a reputation for having good music and atmosphere. If the DJ is entirely responsible for their own crowd, they’re doing the club a favor by playing there, not the other way around. I certainly hope any club owner who feels that way is paying their DJs per shift and leaving 100% of tips to the only people who actually do work.
Hence the reason I find it laughable when either a DJ or Host you have never met before, are handing out friend requests like whores on crack. Like I want your mass tp’s, every second of the goddamn day. I log in for my own SL, not yours.
Whoever is defending Exhale has never actually worked there or has sat at the club enough to realize that is ALL BOTS NOT REAL PEOPLE out of let’s say 60 people there you’re going to have maybe 10 or less who are actually real people behind accounts it has survived being the longest club on SL because they figured out how to cheat the system and pretty much put bots to work without crashing constantly. I do have to ask I wonder how they are able to maintain those bots there all day and night they must be hella rich to keep that computer running everyday all day and not have it crash and burn Now speaking about the whole favoritism part that is very true as someone who used to work there all you see is the mods taking all the good shifts and even Elle herself like wait you’re telling me that the mods and managers are taking all the good shifts being greedy cunts instead of giving the shifts over to the hosts who need to work I mean I guess they must not be paying them at all or enough that they have to fight over shifts You’ll never see them grabbing the left over poor shitty shifts no the other hosts can bust their ass working to make 0 nothing and that’s exactly what happens even during their big events surprise surprise who do you see? The same hosts over and over the same mods they don’t have the decency to post a line up and be fair having hosts and djs pick their event spot Why are you so greedy exhale? Management team? Mod team? Give up some spots bruh let other people work them they really need to take the criticism and evaluate… Read more »
If you really worked at Exhale. You should know that they have what they call permanent schedule. As they keep everything ORGANIZED unlike ALL OTHER CLUBS. I personally worked at tons of clubs, EXHALE is the ONLY VERY WELL ORGANIZED club among all! I asked how Elle got be a Mod and a manager at the same time. Guess what?! She started there as a host 2 yrs ago, who was doing more than 20 covers a week plus she had 5 perms. Became a Mod and a manager for her hard work. So the shifts you see her doing over and over is what we called PERMANENT SET which she got even before she became a manager. Elle gave up one of her sets so I can host on the set I want. One of host there said this as well. Most Mods and Managers of Exhale has been working their asses off there with or without tips as hosts or djs, before they get promoted. HARD WORK PAYS OFF! If you bitter-kicked-host or dj, would be patient and hard working enough like the management of exhale, you will probably get to where they are now someday! But you seemed to be the one greedy for TIPS. Yosicle dont talk much but based on the mods and managers she has now, she picked them perfectly! I was a host there and dont get tips all the time. I quit due to my rl sched. I enjoyed hosting its whats important. No one is obliged to tip you. It is not anybodys responsibility to tip you. They have good Djs. But lets be real, SL is a SOCIAL platform, if your DJ is not famous or part of the famous family, and had no followers, its rare that you will… Read more »
your points are stupidly invalid lol so try again? no one is saying elle or any of the mods don’t deserve their position. No one is saying that favoritism comes from the mods they pick idiot… no one is saying if you’re not hard working you deserve good spots. They are mods for a reason i congratulate that. If you look at other clubs… once someone is a mod their job is to take as many shifts as they can from the mod schedule. Not the host schedule not the dj schedule. They are allowed to fill in and step up when the host no shows and no one takes the spot by :45 lock and load. thats a proper club run and thats how a mods job is suppose to be. You clearly havent taken the time to look at the actually perm schedule to see that all of exhales mods have taken up basically all the schedule and not just that they took the spots they knew would make them money and tips like Jorgie… Severus… and others. This is beyond greedy and selfish because they have hosts who arent even getting spots because not only do the mods take them all but the mods are so disgusting that they put themselves as a BU PERM HOST so NO ONE ELSE CAN TAKE THOSE SPOTS. So before you talk shit and irrelevant BS get your facts straight and do your research. The other big issue is that when exhale has events they dont post a line up how a club is suppose to telling everyone hey yall we have this many spots open for the lineup who wants one… nope they put those same mods all the time in the same spots. just because they are good mods… Read more »
With the events too, if they would have a line up, by the looks of it, with that ATITTUDE, Im 100% sure you wouldnt be chosen by the management to be part of it! QUIT CRYING, get a life be happy! You need lots of hugs for having a so bitter life. You dont really get everything you want specially when you DONT HAVE the ability and skills! So be contented where you belong, in dead clubs!
Have you been a Mod at exhale? Have you been part of the management? Have you even asked any of the mods how they do things there? I wasnt a mod there nor part of the management. But i have asked the mods how to get good spots, how to be a better host, and all other stuff you are USELESSLY RANTING about! Oh they dont just have a perm schedule for staff, they also have perm sched for mods. If you really worked there, you should have noticed it!! You are sooo BITTER to death that you only focused on getting a spot for DJs with following but you couldnt?! Perm backup works the same way as the perm on the set! Mods got those set even before they become a mod. Oh and one more thing, DJs request the host they want to host for them to be a backup on their sets. If the DJ wants you to host for them they would request the management for you to be the perm backup. Then the management would say you gotta request it yourself. Then you go request it. So maybe.. NO DJ wants you to host for them because you, pardon at my word, SUCK at being a host!! I wonder why you are so bitter to hell with the management of there, before you ASSUME how they do things.. maybe you should ask first to get the RIGHT FACTS!!!
Again another entitled self observed dumb ass who has no idea what their talking about… no shit there’s a mod schedule lol every club has one thanks for pointing out the obvious captain dumb ass. Secondly you’re easily manipulated if you really believe the bullshit words that are coming out of your mouth to accept any answer. Thirdly every DJ who has a personal host already brings them around it’s not someone they would pick personally from a management team and no personal host would actually have time to mod/manage because they’d be to busy at X amount of clubs being the personal host they are to that said DJ. With all that being said once you become a mod at any other properly ran club you would be asked to only keep one or two perms because you should only be filling a mod schedule with as a many shifts as you want as you are a mod now! It doesn’t matter that you had those spots before you are still supposed to be asked to free up space period because you’re considered a last minute resort as a host just in case no one steps up. Also one of the host was dumb enough to expose themselves because they said that they are on a discord group with one or two of the managers/mods and they get to have first dibs on spots that open or free up (ops) was I not supposed to know or remember that. Goes back to my corner because according to Karen here it’s based on being a good host. Keep telling yourself that ? I’ll end it with saying again you aren’t a good host if you only spam gestures which is what a lot of the mods who take up these… Read more »
Jade is actually worse than Yosicle at least Yosicle is a cunt openly and doesn’t proclaim to love and be best friends with anyone that benefits her or exhale where as Jade will stick her nose so far up everyone’s ass to their face and talk the biggest smack behind their backs and yes you’re right there was numerous screenshots to prove that was the case. She’s nothing but a manipulating narcissist that leads people to believe she is this poor sorry soul that deals with so much rl and sl with work, kids with problems, getting no sleep for 72hrs etc when in reality she is a benefit sponging lazy cunt with NO rl job that has her managers (yes there was proof of that also) help her pay her sim rent because she pours out that she’ll have to close voodoo, she’s actually played a very clever game up until recently when her ex family outed all her lies and back stabbing. So yes Yo is everything you’re all saying and more but Jade is next level shit on your shoe. I feel sorry for that poor dude that’s married her he clearly has no clue what he’s dealing with and he’s actually a really good guy. Kenzie is another one that stands by that woman through everything and the shit she’s spoke about her is disgusting even complaining about her doing nothing when she just got married and had a day off or telling people her djing is terrible and that she clears the club, considering she’s the only one that really sticks around for any given time she should be forever in this womans debt. Oh and Dee I know you’re reading this too maybe ask Jade why she keeps you at voodoo if you can… Read more »
Can you expose jade because none of us have seen these screenshots of her flying around and she’s still going around talking shit about the souls and Kunt they keep telling people to stay away from those families just an FYI she has not learned her lesson
Yo please please expose jade some of us want to see the screenshots please!
Lol @ Dee. Or at least the Dee I know, and her toxic af husband. Or is it her. It’s hard to tell. They’re both so far up each other’s ass you can never really tell who is who from the hot mess that is their relationship. Either way, they’ll still try to convince you they’re the hottest shit since sliced bread, and the best DJ’s ever to be produced in any club. But they’re all ‘family’ right? Wherever they go it’s because someone in their family owns it or knows who owns it and so on and so on and so on. It’s all just a cesspit.
Got an issue with me? come say it to me directly, if not, sit down ? . Oh yeah, how’s chris going?
And here’s how dumb you really are you idiot if youre gonna hide behind names make sure you check before you double post ? 
Alright Chelsea, calm down, hows Chris going?
Sorry to burst your bubble Dee but I was over all that bullshit months ago, didnt even know this was here until I was told. We havent been near the club or played into any of the shit storm thats been going on since we left but keep on blaming me if it makes you sleep better. Chris is just fine thank you for your concern ? I also dont hide behind a fake name to say my piece like you obviously need to!!
Well im glad he is fine ? , why would i use my own name if i was going to hide? shame the other person posting shit about me cant come to me.
The other person is not me so kindly keep my name out of all this drama. Im pretty sure theres more than a handful you could of blamed but you chose me? Im flattered.
Oh you couldn’t be further from the truth lol this isn’t Chelsea but it is someone both Jade and Dee (I’m sure you’re one of them) were very close too but wouldn’t think I’d speak up ? Chelsea seems to get blamed for everything with you 2 even when I was still there poor girl ran that club for Jade and got nothing but shit spoke on her. I’m sure both her and Chris are doing far better without that toxic circle of people at voodoo.
Hows chris going with hope and cami? oops, sorry, wasn’t meant to say anything about that.Oh, you didn’t know ?
You really are a drama llama, build a bridge and get over it, Im sure those girls will love that youve thrown them into something that doesnt even concern them as you did me. Take a walk outside or something instead of obsessing on a site getting into everyones business just to try and stir up shit with people that couldnt give a flying fuck about your opinion. The amount of comments you make tells me you dont have a lot else to do in life. If you paid any attention you would know Chris hasnt played sl in a long while lol youre pathetic I feel sorry for you. Take your drama and shit stirring somewhere else and grow up.
lmao dee your dumb as fuck literally how am i going with them when i havent been on sl for over a month your literally dumb you and that whole clan of dipshits there is reason noone likes voodoo or yall cause yall are toxic full of drama reason i dont get on sl cause just drama but hey whatever yall love that kinda thing perfect place for you
Dee? now hes something else the rumours about him are true as well
Oh? and what’s that? Care to come and ask me directly? or would you like to air it all out here, where only a few people in sl actually read this? Feel free to IM me, im on normally between the hours of 6pm slt to early AM hours slt, i’ll be waiting ?
Does anyone here really care? yeah probably not.
Well Voodoo is just as bad and the owner Jade is a CUNT as well. lol
That’s a WHOLE other weeks secret about that fake cunt ? ?
Next week?
I totally agree on that CUNT statement! 😀
i like it there
Exhale isn’t that bad. I don’t mind parking there seeing everyone’s outfits while I’m afking a lot.
seeing everyone’s outfits while I’m afking a lot. LMAO that makes no sense.
At least they actually welcome you and make you feel at home there, not just ignore you and pretend you don’t exist ☝ ?
That’s the staff, not the owner ?
how could you hang out with dimension when it has been closed like a month ago LOL you hang out in dead clubs as I can see
#31 LOL! did you guys see how Rebeca is claiming she “happened” to be recording her meshing it? Who the hell randomly records themselves making something and then happen to be exactly the time they will get called out? Coincidence much?
If you had it recorded then why isn’t it posted already? I can just picture her frantically trying to record a video making that doll so she can post it as “proof”. Don’t you worry Rebeca, I will watch your video and call out any BS you try to pull with it.
You guys need to just believe me when I say 90% of these “designers” are thieves and scumbags.
i don’t see any problems with people using prefabs, are they saying their work is 100% original and lying?
Taking someone else’s mesh and pushing the eyes around a bit is not using a “prefab”.
Doux is another one. He is hiring meshers after he got caught for copybotting a few years ago. He releases 6 hairs a month. That is never ever possible if you do your own mesh from scratch!
Lmao why is that a bad thing? You can hire people to make for you. A lot of stores do it. It is done IRL, too. Outsourcing.
Sure outsource to your heart’s content, just don’t credit for work that is not yours. I don’t know Doux s I don’t know if he does or not. Have a team of 100 meshers, just stop saying you made it when you didn’t.
I haven’t looked at their stuff, but always the first red flag is when they release way more than humanely possible for a single person to do.
dude some people can release more than 6 items and month! cause they treat it as their rl job! like why you have to be like this?
Even if you treat it as your real job, its simple not possible to do!
fill your boots with these guys their stuff crashes me on a regular basis.
13 – Halo has always been a attention seeking whore, playing the victim all the time, sending out nudes and offering free cam so men wont tip the other girls, and ofc Brent allows it, she is his new flavor of the week, in the last month he has gone from Vicky BB who he loves SO MUCH to Cummie, to Jaz from Vibe who is now back on Brent’s dick and now to halo but always keep Coochie aka Jaz on the side. It is no wonder he allows the shit he does, he is more focused on fucking his young girls then he is on anything else, living with his parents, claiming he needs to take care of his mom and yet always messing with these young ass girls from his club, Halo and Brent are perfect for each other they are both useless. He has girls who work really hard but chooses to ignore them for the simple fact they refuse to fuck him smh.
Mcscuse me but Jaz is my wife and a boss ass bitch. If anyone is “on the side”, it’s Brent, cause she’s got that bomb ass pussy.
You will always be my main bb!
I left his D? My god how stupid must i have been! Brents D is AMAZING! Ooof the things it does…Thank you for the clout doe! CAW ♥
Halo is literally clearing stages while she gets to scream over people while they are tipped for lovense. If that’s not professional then what is? It’s obnoxious and rude and uncomfortable ? I think this has been brought up many times but it’s troubling because her Hoeness and thirst drives people away.
Aria how does it feel that you have been now finally exposed? For you’re failing landscape business you should be ashamed of you’re work that’s highly photoshopped heavy scraping these clients in with the fakery! You have the audacity to even copy other creations that has been done, and to feel the need to talk about people behind their backs. I hope you finally realise landscaping isn’t you’re forte, oh another thing lower you’re ego. You loser.
Good comeback
Thanks Harlow
#25 what kind of dumbass suggestion is that? Like that ever happens in secondlife, why dont you go ahead and list all the stores that have not credited where they got the ideas, or and im just guessing here, you were just searching for a reason to complain about Rotten.
#6 – lol I find this funnier than I should.But honestly, given what Alias Aura is generally like, it’s clear that she needs mental help and is not getting it. She is 30+ something with kids who identifies as a “non-transitioning non-dysphoric trans man” and will say shit like “Oh I like my body as it is, having breasts and a vagina and looking femme doesn’t mean I’m not a real man! I’ve always been a man!”
The Sugarcult discord is full of likeminded enablers who do the same, or similar. You literally cannot spend a day in that server without someone preaching about their “identity”. It’s an echo chamber of social justice warrior beliefs, and some very toxic ones too. Instead of getting help that the people in there clearly need, they see eachother doing the same thing and think that therefore they are “right”, even if it’s super damaging.
I think it’s super disturbing that someone above the age of 18 believes in that stuff, ESPECIALLY people with kids! Please, please please let it be just an internet identity for clout and not something that these people demand their children play along with.
TL;DR it’s really no surprise these people don’t take criticism. Alias and her associates get offended at the drop of the hat when anyone doesn’t follow their distorted view of reality. They’re either all seriously damaged and need proper help for it, or they’re narcissistic and are doing it on purpose to manipulate others.
and here she goes sending the link to all her asslickers for her socjus support team
It always makes me feel better when I see so many typos and just plain stupidity posted on this site. It validates all my assumptions I have about the quality of people posting here and how pathetic they are. I’ve seen more education and intelligence from the gutter of Youtube comments than I ever have seen here.
And you edited your comment an hour ago, was it some typos?
Pretty sure that’s called proofreading.
Proofreading is done before posting, not after.
#13 Who is the jealous bitch working at Angels typing this lmfao? If the client that is tipping a girl is iming another it is no ones business but his! When will escorts realize NO client is exclusively yours.
LUL u one of them ppl getting free nudes huh
I am a girl? Lmao. Jealousy is really showing itself here.
perhaps you’re feeling guilty about doing the same. Lmao. 😉
Do you realize how delusional you sound? Miss me with that bullshit darling.
#28 & 29
Don’t forget his love for lurking in Flickr groups with actual real children.
Clothing inspiration, my ass!
You need to leave my brother alone you cunt or else.
Jason 0624. Contact me if you dear
Now this is the kind of comment we live for. Please tell us more about the different levels of e-violence you are going to inflict upon us.
Dear? Why, aren’t you a sweetheart! No one is bothering your brother. You should be mad at the people who posted the secret, we are just here commenting on it.
Dear LMAO i think he was trying to say dare.
Hes been doing this for years and has been called out for it as well, yet he keeps getting away with it? and his ” Mother ” Starshine can’t see past it, but then again i guess she did partner her ” son ” at one stage ?
That is because she has sex with both him and Wesley.
Doesn’t surprise me at the least, i mean she partnered caspian to try and make prince jealous, that was his name wasn’t it? i was only on their RP sim for a while until they done a frozen and let it go.
There also a pedo video on there flickr account gross of this small avatar.
#34 – SPILL THE TEA GIRL. Whoever you are you’re not alone! Girl #14 out of 473.
Actually same ironically
#13… whoever posted this is an idiot, lol. Tristan Crow does not have any money nor will he ever, any money he gets is from scamming women on sl with his MANY MANY MANY Alts. So please go on and tell us again how this person is just hanging around with a broke ass mofo because of his non existent bank roll, lol.
Truth ????
#24 I guess Johnny Perez and his cult didn’t learn their lesson last week when it comes to falsely accusing someone of anonymous posting. Morathi person wasn’t me. Just as how the secret from 2 weeks ago wasn’t me either. You are so stupid that you basically created this whole drama about yourself all on your own, then shot yourself in the foot and ended up outing yourself in the process. Though it’s quite funny how you all have spent the past week attacking me for speaking up, yet never addressing what I spoke up about. SL scrubs taking credit for art work that is not theirs and pretending to be an artist when they are not. I guess you just crave the attention you get by pretending to be an artist eh? You also need to stop throwing the “you are jealous of me, you are just a hater” card here. What am I jealous of? your good looks? The awesome quality of meshes your brand puts out? Honestly it’s getting silly so at the risk of sounding like an asshole I’m gonna come out and say it. How the fuck do you even compare the crap you make for a 2003 platform like secondlife to the work I do and have posted? In what universe are they even on the same level for me to be “jealous” of you? Since a few people made comments about my personal life last week here, i’ll address it. Do you wanna know why I stopped working on SL? Because I have climbed up in my career and my salary is in 6 figures before bonuses and other compensations. I no longer need the extra money. Comments such as “You are just jealous of successful SL brands like Mangula and Entice”. What… Read more »
There is some truth to this but also I feel like this is your opinion only. SL (When done correctly) can be done to a standard that allows creators to remain relevant in the industry. Running your own business/holding yourself accountable for deadlines/ designing items from scratch & creating your own content throughout the whole pipeline has only been beneficial for me while picking up freelance work for other games (Mainstream games – contracted out). In fact some of the last several projects I worked on were far more high fidelity than is comfortably reasonable in SL. Some were far lower. Obviously having to prove that you are able to work at a quality and efficiency standard for other engines is key but that is not hard to learn and maintain along with the industry outside of SL if you push yourself remain current. It is shortsighted to assume you’re the only one with best 3D practices. That’s info the majority of people pick up from Youtube of all places and is not unique to you. What you are right about is the majority of people choosing to disregard that base knowledge and jump straight into chasing profit. It is also shortsighted to assume that creators are not earning as much as you. Earning 6 figures in SL isn’t an achievement anymore and more people do than you would think. Unfortunately the majority of them do not have the base knowledge to make them relevant in the industry, although the knowledge transfers somewhat so it would be less about starting from scratch and more about plugging certain information into the gaps to compensate what was lost working for such a terrible engine. SL is not the McDonalds of the 3D art field. It’s Etsy. 5% is great, unique and creative… Read more »
Yet you are so involved in the “McDonalds” “2003 pixel sex platform” doing…what? Enjoying the buns?
I rarely ever log on SL, but that wasn’t the point. The point of the post went woosh! over your head, and I’m not really surprised that it did.
If is true that you rarely ever log on SL then why are you stirring so much shit here dude? Nobody cares. Go enjoy your RL success and stop being an attention-whore in a game you do not care about.
Because I have a strong sense of justice, the injustice I see happen every day here is cruel to artist, the real artists. I use my experience and situation to bring it to light. I see it as my charity/humanitarian work.
What you are jealous of is the MacDonald brands who earn 240K a year in SL in their “cheap ass” states while yo, oh talented one, oh so much hard work, oh so high brow, oh such special, earn about 80K if you are lucky.
Your brain cannot cope that the great unwashes of SL creators out earn you and out perform you and likely learned what they do watching Youtube and figuring it out. I don’t create I buy stuff in SL so what does that make me? You can be a dick and call out everybody who uses SL, but your personality is so shit we get to log off at the end of the day. You get to live with you.
Your industry sucks for income and oh those pity artists you speak of yeah right. I read your Facebook posts last week. You are a sexist, egotistical “champion” who for a platform he doesn’t cares about spends A LOT OF TIME being bitter and bullying people.
You care.
You are bitter and a toxic personality..
You didn’t make it with your “slut” wear in SL. Nobody wanted your ugly assed designs.
Now go back to your low paying RL job, and leave us SL folk alone. We will enjoy our Macdonalds you condensing ass and I’ll be laughing as I bite into that juicy burger of thinking of you steaming over SL people in the corner.
I guess you don’t know what a 6 figure salary is.
Hahah. I guess you didn’t have a better retort. Keep them coming you are destroying yourself with your emo outbursts.
90pct of SL creators you said. Your turn, prove it Sands LMAO. You just keep making numbers up.
Enjoy your low paid industry job. Perhaps you can invest all that high end income LoL in your pixel girlfriend.
This is the funniest stuff I have seen in this site in years. This dude is never going to live it down. The internet never forgets ?
Well, lets see here. Successful SL business owners computer breaks, he has to make a emo post and say he has to close down his store because he can’t afford a pc. Successful SL creator Candydoll had to move back to PR, because she makes so much money on sl right? Such success.
Meanwhile me and my “low pay industry job” can afford my dream car, buy a 12k PC, live a comfortable life in a major city with high cost of living.
Amazing! I take my low paid industry job over your “successful” SL business any day of the week.
You obviously live in Guatemala.
Nice try nope. Next comment you will probably mention you have a nice leather jacket that cost 20 billion dollars and personally financed Canada Covid recovery. This is so so funny.
Anyway back to your claim in your own writing above mr oh so talented in a crap industry:
90pct of creators …….. still waiting……… back up your words… I mean that is a huge number. Or just made up again by Sands… let’s see ?. Keep throwing shade to try and misdirect..
Come up name them or shut the door on your way out and don’t let it hit your ass as you have made yourself the laughing stock of the internet in the last month.
Oh and for the record I don’t make my income in SL but I buy a shit ton of stuff and you shat all over creators of SL. ALL OF THEM. So consider me the pro SL voice and I will keep calling you on your shit and championing the SL underdogs. I feel so…. passionate about the artists you feel are just working in the MacDonalds of the art world.
I feel like this will be a fun hobby.
So basically, you are not a 3d artist and just ben talking out of your ass this entire time. Thought as much! <3
Oh Sands lol even that one was scrapping the barrel. Omg I mean gosh you are just like those who you accuse. Why won’t you show us the proof of the 90pct of creators you mentioned. I demand a live stream!! I mean if you are ethical and not lying right you would back your words the fuck up eith what I demand right. ?
Your fans I means those of us who see the little ego monster you are, waiting with baited breath for this (very long list) of the 90pct of SL creators you just totally talked smack over and the 100pct of creators you went all MacDonalds over.
If not live stream with you reading (over 10000 names) I called it folks. Sands lies ????
You honestly sound like an idiot. People are talking about how dumb you sound on discord right now actually. Taking bets on who you are too lol!
You honestly sound like somebody who is refusing to back up his claims with the list of this 90pct of creators.
Wait this sounds so familiar. ?
Sands lied.
Sands won’t provide the list and proof
Sands tries to deflect.
Yep adding you to the discredited dumbass list of people who once thought they could be something in SL and failed miserably.
Discord LOL. Oh my you little meanie girl. Sweety we are laughing at you not with you ?
I don’t understand why everyone is attacking Sands when every week we see post about someone copying this or that. #s 16,25,31, and 35 are all post outing designers for taking credit for work they don’t do. I don’t get it. Oh and I have been around posting long before this drama started, so no reason to say I am this person’s alt. I don’t even know him.
Also just to add Johnny, yeah I’m jealous of your success! So much success that when your PC broke you couldn’t even afford to get yourself another one and made a emo post about how you had to close down your brand until people funded one for you. So much success! I’m jealous!
I respect you, Sands. And find quite entertaining when you rightfully call out these individuals. But as an SL artist I have to say I’m quite disappointed in the relation you just made between SL and Mc Donald’s. You realise what category you have put all of us and your sl artist friends at? Insensitive in my opinion when you have so many great, talented and skilful friends, some of which do create slutty apparel to earn an income.
Well I’m disappointed that so many of you come to me privately but have no problems watching me take the heat for you all.
When I constantly get told “you couldn’t make it on sl, you are just bitter and jealous” ..jealous of who? someone who drops a straight line and thinks that’s what a fold looks like?
When you all are too afraid to speak up for your own sakes, that is the REAL disappointment. If you all stood together and pressured event owners to kick out brands like Mangula, Candydoll, Entice, Noble Creations etc etc etc YOUR lives would be better.
Also I have no problems with someone who chooses to make their income on sl, I was talking about my personal aspirations in life. I like to be proud of the work I do, not have my work only be a means to an end. Not everyone thinks that way, but you also can’t sit here and claim SL is anything above the lowest level of platform for 3d artists. It’s made up of hobbiests or people who hire meshers and claim they made it themselves. There is a tiny portion of sl who are artists who do their own work and their craft shows.
@Sands/George, For some time now I’ve been watching this from a sideline perspective, and honestly I cant really tell you how incredibly disappointing it is for me to watch something that claims/has a skillset in a particular area and decides to bash others for it. You’re not batman, your just some dumbass wasting his time judging what is and is not art while not evolving past their own skillsets that were taught to them via the CGMA programs it shows that, you appear to be at a place in your life that prevents you from further succeeding, which honestly you won’t be remembered like Michael Pavolich or Grant warrick if you continue down the road of this depressing path.. Success means nothing if you’re unhappy, and that much is clear sands, you are beyond fucking unhappy to a physchopathic degree. Also a lot more people are more informed about the ‘shitty’ copycat creators, or eBay artists then you might be giving others credit for.
Also your not convincing anyone of anything that you’ve “Moved on to great and better things” When your still knee deep in the bullshit, the only difference is you’ve just admitted to Pointlessly wasting your time at McDonalds while staring at the employees and trying to convince yourself your happy because you have X figure salary in your life, There’s a difference between someone who’s paid to be a McDonalds, and the person who sits there laughing at them; who’s more pathetic?
The greater disappointed is the time waisted and the potential lost
I’m not judging what is and is not “art”. I’m calling out those that take credit for the work that is not theirs.
Secondly how have I been wasting my time? Have you not seen my work and the evolution of it? the progress I have made over the years and continue to make?
I’m allowed to defend myself with reality against accusations that I’m jealous of so and so brand that’s why I call out their BS.
I’m perfectly happy and thrilled about the fact not only I continue to progress my craft every day but I don’t live in fear to a point I can’t speak my mind on things. It’s a fantastic feeling to be free to be able to express your thoughts openly and freely and stand by them. Specially when time and time again I get proved right.
You are the miserable one stuck on a platform from 2003, too afraid to even post your thoughts openly on the said platform. Don’t you worry your pretty head about my happiness, I’m living a great life.
The only thing you’ve continued is how to copy the techniques of what your instructors taught you at those academies, the only craft you have is imitation if at best. Generally artists over time come up with there own style, but if you genuinely look at your art vs your instructors there’s no real signature to be found aside from a poor imitation which unfortunately is ‘just’ good for development work in the field. With that being said I don’t think your a person who’s incapable of actually having an incredible artwork, but unfortunately your mindset or whatever depression has overcome you has prevented you from developing not only as a human being but as an artist. The main reason why I don’t openly post freely on these forms is because I’m not using this as a source to insult people because it would be similar to what your doing (Throwing stones in glass houses). It’s meant to be a wealth of information not mockery or bicker. You claim to out bullshit brands, but at the same time you just waste your time because your literally shouting into an endless void that means absolutely nothing. Also really weird assumption that you think I’m stuck in second life, Let alone your assumption on ‘how out of date it is’ Considering some of the main differences is usually between shaders and lighting engines that are admittedly slowly and depressingly being updated. However there are other platforms that people freelance on not just second life. Meanwhile you pretend your a better artist because your items look better in X platform that has X lighting engine, which in reality is you disabled PBR you probably wouldn’t understand where to put pre-baked lighting if your life depended on it (Which i know doesn’t really matter… Read more »
It’s actually kind of sad because you have no idea how little you know based on what you are saying. You don’t know what you don’t know I guess.
I worked on Diablo for over a year hand painting textures blizzard style, but yeah i have no idea how to place lighting on a texture for second life …..This is just insanity. If you truly think SL is even remotely relevant, go ahead and apply to jobs using your sl work as your portfolio and see how many interviews you land.
My work isn’t good because it looks better on another platform, rendering is only one segment of 3d work. There is sculpting, anatomy, simulation, grooming, modeling. I have worked on so many AAA titles and still am working on them, and yes i continue to learn, evolve and expand my knowledge while getting acknowledgment for my work by being hired by some of the top studios across the world. Though please continue to lecture me and my work with no credentials.
If you have even bothered looking at my personal work, you’d see just how baseless your words are, you basically just word vomited all over the place in an attempt to make your “lighting on textures on SL” feel relevant or at all important.
Congratulations you just mentioned over half the shit I just mentioned in the last paragraph only further confirming my thesis.
Yes I have looked at your personal work it’s the whole point of me pointing this out, Its why I know you took CGMA courses; because they look like literal fucking copies. (In terms of rendering, look and style, not actually the models)
which is also why it looks so uncanny. and yes you’ve worked for diablo 4 for over a year which to my knowledge uses PBR which to my knowledge used very little if none at all to determine where light hits on an object and how it hits, Or a completely different map, maybe I’m just fucking insane? Getting back to the original point.
“but yeah i have no idea how to place lighting on a texture for second life” Mobile games, World of Warcraft, any painterly style game you are unable to work on because of this. Get the sand out of your vagina and start learning your ‘craft’
I worked on Diablo Immortals, not 4, mobile. Also blizzard is not a standard pbr, they have their own shaders. Though please continue to tell someone who worked on their projects how they work.
Also go ahead, my personal work is on my flickr. Go ahead and tell us which one of my works looks carbon copy of CGMA lol. Either back up the nonsense you post or stop talking. Because you are just making yourself look like an idiot.
FYI I have a strongly feeling I know who you are, and if I’m right lord have mercy because you are the last person on SL who should be talking about “art”. You have been doing it on SL over 10 years and still don’t understand what a fold actually looks like.
Sands all that you have proven is that you know how to be a good employee of a company that quite frankly and most deservingly get shit on for treating its employees like hot garbage, I don’t think you can even comprehend the idea of having a successful business on second life. Also it’s not a matter of whether if you wanted to or not, it’s a matter of simply cant. Which isn’t really an attack on your person but an explanation as to why you have this physcopathic rage towards rippers and copy artists, Their and easy excuse for a failure you attempted. Also there’s a reason why I’m not posting your shit up, There’s something called Privacy laws, and Doxing, if you want do it yourself.
Also it’s highly likely your wrong since I’m not apart of the ‘scene’ crowd, and it’s unlikely we’ll ever meet for even become friends, or co-artists, because quite frankly in your current state your a disgusting as a person that really needs some self reflection. IT’s very likely a week or even hours we’ll just forget that each other existed, I’ll continue to be slightly entertained and slightly become confused by some weird bizarre thing you say, and probably move on with my life. Really I’m using this as an excuse to procrastinate on a project I’m working on if were being honest.
But yeah you enjoy telling people how much you enjoy working for EA or Blizzard, working a 8-9 job saying your doing what you love, while simultaneously attempting to bully other people online and trying to convince them your happy because That’s what happy people do on social media. ‘insert sarcasm’
Hey dumbass, i said go to my sl flickr and post my work. There is no “doxing” if the work is posted in public domain. Prove the nonsense you spew here or just stop talking.
Why post all the garbage? You made claims my work is carbon copy of CGMA classes, I said show us an example, which one of my work and which one of the CGMA courses? Instead we got a wall of irrelevant text. I know exactly who you are, because there is only one person on SL that always tries to pretend to be “in the know” in the rl art community by constantly trying to name drop youtube and twitch artists. Calling fake “designers” out is not bullying them, it’s holding them accountable for taking credit for art work that is not theirs. You do realize that there are lots of other jobs which make significantly more than a SL business owner makes. Who cares? Why would an actual artist have any interest in running a business? Art is a craft and people who do it, do it for the passion and if they can make a living doing so even better. No one ever said “i wanna become an artist so i can get rich.” Have I been wrong about anyone I have called out yet? Nope. Not a single one. So why are you upset? Because your entire existence is SL and outside of SL you have nothing. So you are trying to convince yourself by trying to convince everyone around you that SL matters and that it carries some sort of significance. SL is a place where you can run a business and make a living. Your ex-SL business partner is a real artist, that’s why you see her personal art work. Because SL is not a place where a real artist can get any form of pleasure from doing their craft, and if you think it is, it only goes to show that you have no… Read more »
He’s finally speechless.
It’s much easier to grandstand about people who outsource than it is to focus on leading the community or even spending equal effort on holding actual art thieves accountable.
Even in his witch hunt against outsourcers, he fails to call out the worst offenders (such as the Korean brands, which there are zero mentions of). And finally, for all his hate of outsourcers, his current career “progress” involves a company who is notorious for outsourcing a majority of their artwork to low-cost Chinese contractors.
I admire you for laying it all out, but there’s absolutely no point in taking him seriously. He’s a low-class, uninspired has-been with a persecution complex who gaslights and shows all the traits of rampant narcissistic personality disorder.
No one is against those who outsource. We are against people who outsource but take credit for the art work. If you didn’t make it, say you didn’t make it.
Thieves are an entirely different story, what Candydoll did is legit theft. I have called those people out too, such as Entice, Candydoll, Noble Creations etc.
Not sure, but it seems like you lack the ability to read and comprehend what’s written in front of you.
Meanwhile I have no problems stating who I am, while you are hiding behind anonymity trying to talk up a out dated platform like SL. What you are saying is so wrong and irrelevant that just goes to show how out of touch you are with the topic you are discussing it. Check out my chinese warrior armor, it has never been made in 3D before, it’s a replica of an armor set from Nirvana in Fire. Which means not even a single pre-purchased alpha was used intis creation. It all had to be made custom, using various techniques. Many techniques used in that set are things I had to come up with myself using my education. My elf armor, based off warhammer sisters unit. Gave my own twist to it, completely different set of techniques and methods. My human bust, offline rendering, using a pre-render workflow which differs from PBR real time rendering. All maps and textures made had to be using a different painting method. These are just my personal work, 2 years ago the character I made, including its helmet was on a huge banner at E3 being showcased to the world. Yes I take pride in that. You have no idea what you are talking about, an anonymous person talking about “secondlife” art and trying to think it takes skill to bake lighting into a texture LOL. Did you know I worked on Diablo and hand painted textures blizzard style for a year? but yeah i have no idea how to put lighting on a texture LOL.I’m sitting here getting lectured by an anonymous SLer. Just sit down. If you didn’t want me to speak the harsh reality, maybe you should have had the courage to call out the BS last week when people were saying… Read more »
I have made a lot of friends over the years and stick around and help out people when they want help, socialize with friends. I’m not the one that brought up measure of success, I was responding to claims that I have not been successful.
You work to make a living, however you can. I worked on SL when I needed to, and may some day down the line need to work in it again. You never know what life will throw at you, but if you are going to sit here and insult me for having moved to things greater than SL then I will respond. (moved on as far as career goes)
Also I’m disappointed that so many of you have no problems sitting quietly while I take heat for speaking YOUR truth for you, and have no problems hiding behind me while I try to bring to light the unethical practices that impacting you, not me, but YOU. Though you get “disappointed” when I defend myself with the harsh reality?
Have fun burning the midnight oil while you get your stuff ready for epiphany and sell it next to Candydoll who has been working ALL day on downloading meshes from art station and adjusting them and selling them next to your vendor.
Dude lol you need to stop posting. This is comedy gold. You are melting down.
and finally because I found this hysterical.
“ it’s a replica of an armor set from Nirvana in Fire.”
So you aren’t an artist you just are making 3D replicators of things which already existed in history. You are no different to somebody taking a Pinterest pic.
LMAO. Pot meet Kettle.
I’m no where near being angry, you mistaken the fact I have an opinion with being angry.
Yes I make fan art during my spare time, you do realize that I’m not a concept artist right? that’s a different profession entirely. I do my own designs sometimes, but my job is bringing a concept art to life in 3d format. Thanks for proving you have no idea what you are talking about and have no real knowledge or experience about the field you are talking about.
Two, I have never called out someone who looks up a pinterest picture and makes something. I have called out people who send a pinterest pic to their mesher and then claim they meshed the item. Just how stupid can you possibly get? You don’t even seem to understand the difference between the two.
Third, it’s called fan art, I don’t sell those pieces. They are strictly for my art portfolio. Many artists on Artstation create their favourite characters/environments from their favourite games, movies, books, tv series, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. That’s what artists do, and if you were an artist you would understand.
It’s amazing how you two are grasping at straws trying to dig yourselves out of the stupidity you have dug yourself in, but honestly, stop digging. You are way out of your league here.
3d artists are not politicians; it’s not my job, or your job to ‘call out’ rippers and thieves, What I do is I make shit i want to, without looking at the next vendor in second life to see what there doing. I could give 2 shits less what X person is doing to copy X item for X event, because ultimately it doesn’t influence whether people buy my shit or not. What influences it is if I make something unique and aesthetically pleasing enough, or if people just want to support art. I know that there are ‘fakes’ or even people BREAKING the TOS and nothing gets done about it. People making direct copies of outfits of video games only to sell them online. but again it’s not my job to shame them, or my desire to. Because ultimately at the end of the day the only people those people are hurting are themselves. Ultimately i’ve stuck it to science, “everything comes from somewhere” We don’t invent shit, were made to put things together really really well that appears new. Also sands that’s great you’ve moved on to something that appears to make you happy or not, it’s your life not mine, but fundamental issue is you generally shit bashing anyone who touches second life and acting like your second coming of Christ when it comes to 3d generated assets. If you want to make a change go apply to work for LL and start enforcing their TOS.
It’s great that you don’t care, but just because you don’t care doesn’t mean no one else cares. If you don’t care move on, why are you bothered by me calling out the fakes and the thieves? What’s it to you? Go live in your fantasy bubble you have created in SL and imagine the world however you want it to be.
I’m still waiting for you to prove your claim, which CGMA courses my stuff looks like a carbon copy of? and for someone who is taking such a “high moral ground” please share with us some of your work so we see where you are coming from.
Mean Girls, know what you want or expect to decorate your own sim, then see how difficult it can be without bossy asses hovering over her every step of the way and changing litle bit of progress she makes…
It takes less than five minutes to derez and rez something. Another ten minutes to adjust the landscaping. How was she even “nearly finished with the sim” when Harlow and her crew of sycophants are literally telling everyone the sim was only halfway done to explain why it looked like shit? Get it together.
hmm, I wonder what 22 is about.
I would prefer people paid me to hang around.
Lmfao, same
Shit, same here.
#1 – This bitch “clique” is hounding this poor girl down like their shit don’t stink. They are posting secrets and you KNOW they are lurking here to shut down everybody who speaks in favour of the landscaper. I’m calling it: they’ll post “pls don’t tell me this drama has reached Virtual Secrets, we do not support that slander website, that wasn’t us, uwu”. Girls, stop bullying other girls to make yourselves feel better. Leave it out of social media, all you do is seek attention. You suck! xoxo
Plus can you bully a bully? I mean.
Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but I am not a part of any bitch clique. Just an old BFF of Aria that knew her before she became “landscaper extraordinare” she was an asshole then…..I can almost guarantee she is an asshole now. It makes sense that she would find a clique o bitches to hang with. They tend to find each other and project their insecurities on each other while also trashing each other when one isn’t around. Where there is smoke there be fire. The only difference between then and now is she has a bigger ego and more douche canoe friends.
Love that narrative, you’re really trying to sell it too! Make sure you keep mentioning how you’re NOT part of the cunt club, that will convince everybody even more! xoxo
She is actually supposed to work for one of my friends on a project right now and ghosted them after setting everything up and accepting a pack full of goodies. The day when it was supposed to go down a week ago nothing from Aria, to this day total silence. While I don’t know her personally, it certainly seems to be ringing true that she is at the very least flaky AF. You can’t be more straight forward than making a date and time for something to go down and then they don’t show up. And completely go silent. After a working contract was signed and you don’t do your part of the job you are pretty much not someone anyone should be doing business with.
I literally am an old friend of this chick and decided to agree with what was said. I don’t even know all these douche canoes she chills with now. I am just happy people are finally saying something because this whole “ this poor girl “ narrative y’all are trying to spin just ain’t it. If you want smoke tho I got plenty of it if you are feeling froggy <3
“WeKnow” The issue is I don’t think you know anything. Cute try though.
This is Oakley, yes? Hi girl, not a fan at all. Hate your work xoxo
Shut up, Ameya. Don’t you have some asses to kiss on facebook? Wipe the drizzle of shit you have dripping on your mouth from being so far up Aria’s ass.
Wait is that the Ameya who told people she couldn’t deal with their depression because she didn’t know a lot about it, then proceeded to claim she had depression, then later proceeded to claim that she broke out of it and that depression is just “all about growth”??
Is she really on vs tryna talk about cliques and bitches and peoples whose “shit don’t stink”? Omg someone tell me this isn’t real life y’all got me shook asf
No, you mean the other Ameya — the famewhore who pretends to be into simp Nick to get close to Harlow and Aria and then talk shit about them to anyone who will listen.
Girl you sound 16. You don’t want to be spreading peoples mental health on VS. Dont be that girl….be better not bitter boo.
your right best not to spread ppls mental health on vs but ppl like ameya is the problem when they fake mental health issue
it makes ppl think the rest of us with real mental health issue are faking it, bcuz of ppl like her
plus its all over her flickr u can see for urself, its public info
No, you mean the other Ameya — the famewhore who pretends to be into simp Nick to get close to Harlow and Aria and then talk shit about them to anyone who will listen.