Virtual-Secrets, week 622.
8. Can’t argue there. I get second hand embarrassment whenever I see this on a profile
19. People forget this is a site to roast anything SL and get mad in the comments. Probably the workers there. This is my old stomping grounds and I love reading about how it’s going there now. I thought this sim was dead by now but keep it coming
29. I hear some people use child avatars for bad things. Any truth to that secret?
28 – THANK YOU. Also, dressing a pentacle in knotwork does not make it Celtic, so would people PLEASE stop that shit and do Celtic knotwork that doesn’t involve Middle Eastern symbols that represented the five wounds of Jesus for centuries. FFS, people, not all Pagans are fluffybunny Wicca wannabes with a Book of Shadows and a spice rack.
34 – I know it wasn’t your motivation, but you triggered the racists rather nicely here. Good show. Even got two digital blackface-wearing motherfuckers thinking they’re cute and shit. So many tells on those, you’d think they were Richard Spencer’s face in a boxing ring.
38 – I swear, nobody notices GA.EG until they realize they’re looking at a face they never see elsewhere. But nope, only Catwa, Lelutka, and Genus exist. All else are phantoms.
As someone that’s been to Maui and used to swing there. Most them girls are crazy and fall in love cause they had sex one time. That’s why a few people I know don’t swing there anymore.
#22 Something funny about a cuck saying someone elses isn’t making his girl happy. noone respects a cuck!
Piggu skin-change scripts listen on channel 81 (June) and 82 (Jon). Why the different channels and different commands is anybody’s guess.
They have no owner-check. Literally anybody can walk into a region, hit a button and make every Piggu’s skin texture go crazy. One line of code could prevent this, and it’s not even a hard line of code:
if (llGetOwnerKey(id) == llGetOwner())
actually do the thing
If you don’t put this or similar into everything you create, you are allowing everybody to have access to it. Let that one sink in.
The creator was informed of this, and did not respond. This is responsible disclosure. The following script, worn on a HUD object while transporting around or into a region with Piggu avatars should demonstrate the flaw:
changed(integer change)
Enjoy. And don’t wear a Piggu until the creator fixes the problem. I mean, unless you’re a bit of a clown and find the idea of your skin texture randomly changing to be funny rather than annoying.
#1 They still do these? #2 Looks like a generic, everyday build to me. What, were they not supposed to build that there or something? #3 I guess I can get behind the second one and chaulk it up to a victim of the Downs, but the first one looks like a cross between a gremlin and a bulldog. It’s a little too extra for my taste. But at any rate, they aren’t horrible, just…not great either. #4 God, swinging is just gross. When did it become popular to want to fuck another person other than your lover? If you want to be a whore, break up with your current and go find the dick with no strings attached. #5 Finally, someone getting called out by the original artist for the shitty ass morphing. #6 We got it the first time. #7 Arrogant much? I bet this basic bitch thinks her Candy Kitten skank wear makes her the hottest thing on earth. Bitch please. #8 Yes, I’ve been thinking the same thing each time I see someone have, “verified,” in their profile. Honestly, no one fucking cares. #9 Uber has sucked for the last year or two. I have not bought a single thing from that event since 2018. None of it looks good and the layout is stupid as shit. #10 I want to give a very unenthusiastic Yaaaay, another basic generic white bitch that thinks blond hair and skank wear is the hot thing. #11 Who cares… #12 You know, every week we get one or two posts like this and my thoughts are always the same. Who the fuck even cares? You’re that thirsty for gossip you’ll sink to high school level fuckery just to make your meaningless existence feel important. News flash, moron! It’s not. Get… Read more »
oh hon, you got whooshed hard by #2
Greetings my friend it’s me?

this was actually funny … have a good day
#29 Got that gripe off your chest? Good, no one is forcing you to be around SL kids so if you find them creepy you can always stick to your multiple variants of sex sims instead.
18) What in the heck are you talking about????
1.) You sound old and bitter, who the hell still says “Bye Felicia” anymore?
18.) What’s turbo meshing?
#1 – Cat fight? And all the whore puns. #2 – Those building skills… #3 – While I don’t personally like these, I can appreciate the intent, they are well crafted and at the end of the day that is what matters, if it’s not your style all good, it isn’t mine either, but they are not poorly made. #4 – This is the place they have to interview you so you get in right? You know it’s quite amazing how in an RLV sim the guys ask for permission while on a nude beach they sit without asking. Also all these “couple” groups and clubs are filled with nothing but single guys trying to get some, the mismatch is real. #5 – Haha, nice! Only a matter of time, that should teach you NOT TO FUCKING MORPH EVERYTHING. #6 – Yeah we got it… #7 – That’s against ToS by the way. #8 – Can’t argue with that. #9 – You can always stop going to events and waiting for the stuff to make into the main stores, but nooo you HAVE to grab all that shit the day it comes out further perpetuating the cycle of events events events. #10 – If you had left the name out, this could be about a few thousand avatars really, I can’t even tell the bitches apart. #11 – I’m nodding off with this one… #12 – Boring as fuck… #13 – What ever the fuck this is… #14 – Hint hint, the guy in their partner box is their alt just so they don’t come across as lonely. #15 – Oh SL roleplay, everyone is always looking for it but no one is ever up for anything. #16 – Families named Numbers and Cocaine… fuck you guys are shit, also,… Read more »
“People of color” is not a disparaging phrase. At worst, it’s too broad as formulated, which is why more spaces use BIPOC (Black, indigenous, and people of color). But you’re telling them from what is clearly a white perspective how their reality is, so you’re just projecting your racism onto the secret writer. Typical.
Disagree with you on #19 but the rest, you’re right as fuck.
19. CC has gotten comfortable being mediocre.
HA! MCSO will NEVER patrol. They will stay hidden in the Public Safety Building and only come out when they get a 911 call for a roleplay that they set up themselves. They’re the manager’s favorite so they will always be THE MOST disorganized and lazy department without many consequences.
FD has sketchy hiring practices. They’re supposed to be a team but side with those in their family and it’s laughable how they work the most but get none of the glory from the managers.
The events coordinator team has ONE and I mean just ONE coordinator that’s good at her job. She’s a good realtor too. The others have SUCKED big time.
To Post #38: I believe the poster is a bit invidious of individuals that have the funds and the talent to make mesh heads look different. I would have agreed with that sentiment when mesh heads first came out, and Catwa was the mainstream where everyone had the Catya face and no one could modify it due to how it was constructed (I hope I still remember it right). Of course, that was pre-bento and even then some people knew how to modify the skin and makeup enough for the heads to look slightly different. In addition, no one put a gun to anyone’s heads in sl and forced them to acquire mesh heads from Catwa. There were plenty of other stores such as Lelutka, Genesis, AK, and LAQ with their own heads which looked well done and different. Eventually they ameliorated the heads and developed bento ones which allowed end users the ability to actually play with the shape. While out of the box, all heads from creators tend to have the signature structure elements that the creator stylizes, it does not mean that the finished product will look remotely similar to the out of the box head. In fact, that responsibility lies on each end user. So no, the mesh heads do not look like duck faces and are not similar. The issue is people that are lazy and do not want to play with shapes and customize the face. A sheer example is how a friend and I both have the same Lelutka Lake head. Yet, both of us look completely different. She opted for smaller nose, I went for a thin but larger nose. My eyebrow shape is different to hers, my cheek structure is different, and I went and minimized the lips as much as… Read more »
I went with the default shape in my Catya box but altered it enough so it looks different than the rest. Personally, I’m happy with it. I’ve only seen one other avi that looks maybe a little similar but they use different make up and hairstyles so we still look very different.
lol! yeah you look sooo different…i bet if i stood you in a line with other catya clones, your “differences” would not be so apparent
They really do a decent job of fooling themselves, don’t they? Just like the Lona clones, and now the Genus Babyface W001 clones. It’s all good though; people who lack creativity really give off that NPC vibe (because the default Catwa Daniels and Lelutka Guys are no better), and they do their job of being a backdrop for the rest of us very well.
I accept the NPC vibe from men. Since most are not necessarily creative. They have the ability to be, but due to their own sociological upbringing refuse to do things that may make them look feminine. They also tend to be lazier. Thus, they buy items and just put them on. While women which in theory are more detail oriented are the ones to tweak things to infinity. And even though SL isn’t in theory supposed to tie back to your rl, your sl customs do kick into gear here. However, some women are just as bad or worse. Get a darn head, make a copy of the shape. If you like a specific actress that you’ve wanted to look like or find aesthetically pretty: put her picture in the side of the monitor or load it into SL. Open it. Compare that picture to the base line of the mesh you like. Whichever is already closest is the one you should get. Forget about the store, with BOM you have much more flexibility. Tweak the head size to align to your body. Tweak the head shape to align as close to the face. Tweak the cheek bones and jaw line to remind one of the face. Tweak the eyes to have the same shape, and directional position. Try to make the eyes slightly smaller than the porcelain doll look that is so prevalent in SL. Unless of course you like it. Tweak the nose to align to the actress nose or if you want to look like yourself to yours. Tweak the lips. And this should be where you play the most. Default faces tend to be quite lippy. This is where you probably have to reduce the width and size dramatically. Go and have fun. You don’t even… Read more »
I personally had meant Catwa’s original mesh head prebento. Catya now that I think about it was their first bento (maybe?).
I think it might have been? I had the Gwen head before the Catya and to be honest, it’s still a good head. Just obsolete.
Pretty much this. Only Cockwa have the same face profile on all of her heads, with signature “cock sucking lips” on all of them. Lelutka, AK, LAQ have beautifully done heads but the problem is that many sheep flock to Cockwa over and over, which doesn’t make any sense since here heads are both aesthetically (ok subjective) and technically inferior to all of the named above.
Lol! I didn’t want to call Catwa out for having suggestive baby faces. But in all honestly most do out of the box. And most women/men don’t know how to modify them enough to remove some of that aesthetic elements.
hard to do when the mesh distorts and becomes square as soon as you move the sliders
However, for the sake of your argument. If you have any of the newer mesh heads from Lelutka and other creators they are much better rigged and allow for much more flexibility. To me that’s an excuse and cop out.
Not all of them do. Lelutka’s heads can be made to have large Roman-style noses, and to have smaller lips. Even the Lake head which in theory has exagerated lips can have smaller ones. I have both Lelutka Nova and Lake. Both contort enough to do so.
And I did have a Catwa head that did. The issue isn’t to go all the way to the right or left of a slider it is to combine different elements and move ALL of them enough to the right or left in order to actually change the appearance of the head. The same as a I have a friend with the Catwa Daniel head, and he looks completely different to it.
28- First off , stop asking creators to make things for you. When you can do it your damn self. Blender is completely free and easy to use if you take the time to learn. I’m so sick of people asking creators to make stuff knowing damn well some of these creators won’t. And will create whatever is in the mainstream trend. What ever happen to the 2007 where people were making their own stuff and didn’t rely on creators to do it for them?
38- Of course mesh heads all look the same. But if you’re buying the same shape that so-and-so bought at the same MP. Yall will look the same. Try being creative and make your own fucking shapes.
34- Well that’s really bigot of you to say. So basically you’re saying black creators have no chance of joining events like kustom9, equal01, Access ,etc? That their only chance event is cake-day? But they should still “give” these other events a chance? Girl, Bye.
#28. Boy are you a salty b***h when you don’t like people suggesting things to creators. News flash most creators in SL aren’t even making mainstream things. They keep regurgitating the same. And eventually if they don’t change and update their symbols, clothes from hooker wear to other, and their furniture from all white glam to other styles people will stop buying and guess what.. you aint getting any money from that.
You like to talk like that, well I’ll use that same language. Creators in 2007 weren’t ripping content from third party mesh sites or making miniskirts for everything because they were to lazy to rig for knee-length. And in actuality sculpties were much simpler. The fact that you keep thinking mesh is super simple when a lot of these very same designers mesh wrong and create over complexity in the game is pathetic.
#28: From a store’s standpoint, this isn’t that bad of an ask and isn’t just saying “make me this”. It’s trying to bring some awareness to the point that there’s other symbolism for magical items. I’ll even do the OP one better and say that I’ve been able to point out exactly what brush set a lot of creators pull their “magical symbols” from. One of the sets has been used in SL creations since 2014ish. It’s cute, but getting tired.
Encouraging creators to bring some more variety isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and honestly, a lot of creators don’t even know any better. They just buy the textures or brushes and slap them on their goods and call it a day. I’ve even seen some mis-label what the symbols are because they don’t know any better. They won’t know that their customers would appreciate more variety in situations like this unless they say so, and that’s exactly what OP is trying to do.
This is the kind of feedback that I really appreciate from my customers when it happens; it’s not rude but it does show where improvement could be made.
To the OP, I hope you contact the creators that sell the products with symbols you’d like to see improved or updated. I don’t think everyone reads VS, and it’s good feedback.
why tf would Madi care about Vanilla unicorn.
Madi had the best club on the grid.
I worked at vu and tabey collects everyone she doesnt care who it is as long as she has more girls then afterhours. plus it is true she will pay for whatever you need just so you will stay..
maybe some of that money should go to her kids she neglects
tabey is a dumb broad.
Madi had the best club on the grid? Lol
I guess that’s why it’s closed now. Dawww *pats your obedient head* ;p
The top tier clubs always sit at the top while the bottom tier clubs just fight amongst each other over bullshit and close/reopen/close/reopen while the sheep flock to the next failed venture.
I am honored to be posted with Cherish Demonge, his looks are always unique. So imagine being upset cos’ someones cartoon makes your dick soft or that nobody favorites your photos. ?
Good job kustom9 removing the stolen content in dots booth. Equal10, what’s your excuse? SL residents and candydoll have selective fucking memory. Rebeca Dembo has been in so much drama for copying other stores. she used to buy competitors items and copy / remake them verbatim. i’m not siding with scandalize but i can’t believe rebeca has the nerve to be so arrogant about something she has done time and time again in the past. It got so bad that the deetalez owner had to call her out. so please stfu
When she (Candydoll) did that?
The sheep go from club to club claiming such loyalty to each one, everytime, then are so shocked when their fearless leaders have to close again or when drama as always happens and they are forced to join a new herd.
The sheep are so predictable.. keep working so hard for your new owners little sheep, they deserve it ?
It’s almost like investing your time and money in people with years of evidence that they cannot run businesses is unwise… but the herd says you must join, so you will go along like a good sheep and spend hours, bring your clients to share, etc. You’re so obedient, aren’t you? ???
idk understand these like, cuck and swinger sims but i ain’t gonna judge that
what i am gonna judge is wtf all of the people there tend to be… not mesh. like i’m gonna have to agree with the sentiment that maybe… it’s… you…? like maybe if the problem is always around you, it might be you
like i got some shit, i figured “hey maybe the problem is me”, i do some self reflecting, try and figure out how i can be a better person. like just maybe… try… not… being so basic…?????? i just… like a suggestion???
like i see ya’ll out there, i know what you look like, animal print duck nipple clothes and freebie or default chicken-legged shapes, with the same ao on every one of ya, doin ratchet poses like bending over and rubbing your legs in the street because that’s definitely what peoples stand like in IRL. like ladies come on you can do better, i know you can do better. just work on your freakin’ avatar and you will get laid, it is not hard
Anyone that has multiple failed escort clubs to their name is a loser. It’s not that hard. If you’ve failed at running multiple clubs the problem is YOU! But you keep trying boo, I love it when my club has more and more applicants that talk shit about you
Every other week a new flavor of the month club pops up and then after a few months disappears. Rinse and repeat. Welcome Labyrinth to the trashbag pile. You have a lot of company
Exactly, it’s the same with role play sims. The problem isn’t the sim.. it’s the owners and admins.
#1 Well, when you give people just a touch of power, something to “be in charge of”, even if it’s just a shitty virtual business where very little actual money is made, power is power. The clubs tend to hire the best money makers to be Managers and that is really a conflict of interest. There is one club on the grid currently who has a manager there on an alt who has been fired from multiple clubs over the years for demanding that the clients hire only her and then she will smile in your face and pretend to be your best friend, scandalous, after she leaves one club, she alts up and joins another. Then you have the Managers who are kissing the Owner’s ass 24/7, meanwhile they are secretly planning to start another club, scandalous. Instead of getting angry, just go do your own thing, you will make way more money and have a lot more fun not being dragged in to the never-ending crazed ho drama that goes on in the clubs.
Yup, name em, let’s get this shit lit LIT
Give a name of who this manager is.. let’s have some real tea and stir up something fun ☕️
If you’ve ever heard Paris’s voice he sounds like a lispyr version of daffyd thomas from Little Britain. The guys a nutcase and he’s mentally unstable… Not only that but he seems to like wearing his pants down showing his bulge around child avatars… I do have an image of him doing as such but in spite of him being very unstable i may not post it.. Just know this guy is not as he seems and he is a scammer and a user who will use every single method to rob people of their lindens. Edenvale is dead because this guy care more about money and cheating people.
Lmao, you should.
30. & 31. I have been watching SCANDALIZE attack several creators for months, she makes unfair competition, ruins event dates, her departure from Uber was a sigh for committed customers. Now it makes use of textures that characterize the candydoll brand. The fact that the texture is not stolen does not make SCANDALIZE an honest store, Scandalize does not respect its colleagues, much less its customers. You buy a new release of it on the 1st of the month for 2k and on the 15th you have the same item for 0L that does not make you generous, that makes you a scammer.
She is so desperely to “win” over others… people in SL is so cheap that doesnt care about designers who trully work their asses off and just will go with the one that sells cheaper.
They all likely just use the same company to get their clothing, same with addams and Whimsy and Adorsy and so many other stores. They all have the exact same style, DAZ3D models and timelines for shit. It’s probably one massive company that sells to these brands. They can claim they make their own meth by hand as a company or solo artist, but it’s a lie. People have come forward over the years claiming they worked for X Y Z company or with tidbits here and there about the mesh. It’s very clearly they all have the same methods, and practice, even if they were original (and not bought from a CG company who exclusively sells for SL stores) they are copying one another. Not to mention literally nothing is original.
Scandalize is crap. Her friends bash people that ask questions or imply that she cheated someone. There’s an FB post where someone went to a 1 hour sale and was there the entire time and it was never set out for sale. Someone pretty much called her a liar. Isn’t the first time she’s done that though. I’ve seen people ask in the store about “flash sales” that never happened.
#34. First of POC is the most racist term you could use because it keeps just continues to seperated everyone by the color of their skin. Why don’t you just come out and say black people instead of POC.
Second race doesn’t have anything to do with them not getting a chance at these events you know what does have something to do with it? Who you know. You know the right people and the invites start coming. It doesn’t matter what your skin color is or what you even do. So stop this racist bullshit and blaming race as the reason good designers who just so happen to be black don’t get invited to events when really that ain’t got shit to do with it. Take yo woke ass on home.
Found the digital blackface user. Go suck off Ben Shapiro again.
38.says the person who can’t afford a mesh head. lol
#4 Orrrrrr the husband smelled you were nothing but a thirst trap and curved you before you were ever on the wife’s radar.
#4 Or maybe, just maybe, the couples can tell you’re only into the male half when you ask to “join”, and they’re not interested in a cringe filled session of you trying to outdo the female half and mostly ignoring her presence, instead of a fun all-inclusive threesome. Your attitude screams “I wanna cause drama between couples”, and that’s not what swinging is about. Try hitting up the female half of the couple some time if you really want threesomes; make her feel wanted and included, instead of being thirsty in her man’s box.
Frankly if you’re not smart enough to figure that out, that’s probably also part of why people don’t want to play with you.
Or.. Just hear me out. Maybe just maybe, the couple enjoys MFM more than FMF. Perhaps, in order to be interested in adding a female over a male.. the female needs to be able to turn both of them on. Mentally as well as physically. If you want to play. There needs to be a connection. Not everyone plays grab a ho.
K, but that’s basically what I said minus the MFM part. Of course, they could not be into FMF. The post was saying the women wouldn’t allow FMF because they were insecure, and I was addressing that accusation and that only, not reaching for an excuse to chime in by pointing out the obvious.
You are an idiot, these couples have enough drama as is because of these women that join swinger sims when they are needy, insecure bitches that only swing when it’s convenient for them!
You are the idiot, because you’re completely agreeing with everything I said and you didn’t take the time to read my comment well enough to comprehend it. Calm down.
Also wanted to add. That the woman in the relationship is the head bitch in charge. The participant is the pussy and thus she should stay in her lane. Enjoy her fun and don’t fuck up the couple’s relationship, period.
Yup. The reason that whiny poster is not getting invited to join couples is because she’s either uninteresting/unattractive, or disrespectful. Either way, her own dumbass fault.
Totally felt the whine in their post. Saying a wife doesn’t want to share her husband like it’s a bad thing. Walking through the door doesn’t give every thirty whore the right to smear her snail trail all over another woman’s man.
It goes both ways. The scenarios I have witnessed on account of friends ranting in my IMs about their drama.
1.The couple where only the man wants to swing but his girlfriend doesn’t. Which is really the couple’s fault for not working it out. And the man is ignoring the fact his woman isn’t interested in that. The fault really falls on the man who’s only thinking with one head.
2. The home wrecking whore. The kind of girl that seeks out couples who are in a turmoil and thrives from that disorder between the couples. So she acts interested in both of them. But takes the man side because that is whom she was interested in the first place.Breaks up the couple and goes off with the man. But the man is stupid and think she’s gonna wanna swing like his ex. But turns out she’s nothing like the ex and wants to be exclusive. Now he done fucked up a good thing.
And that concludes when Swinging goes wrong.
whahaha lots of insecure, needy “wives” are responding to this post, apparently someone hit a soft spot!
and yes, the whole swinging this is a complete joke, just enjoy your relationship and stop trying to fuck everything that moves, plenty of other places to go than be a sad bunch of losers looking for some action at a cheap place like Maui
Hardly, dumbass; I don’t do SL marriage. I do, however, do threesomes- and I know how to get into a MFF if I want to. Like I said, it’s not through the guy’s IM box. Salty, lonely bitches can take my advice, or stay salty, lonely bitches who keep throwing up red flags and deluding themselves that the reason no couples want them is because they’re “too hot” LOL
Tabey is a joke and so is her club full of girls running around talking with lisps…. she has no original thoughts her minions run around to clubs spying and stealing ideas I hope she uwu”s her way out of sl
god i hope so. i heard one of her managers was fired. step one, i guess.
Someone should write about the Second Life Wrestling community and the guy that pretends to have multiple issues, playing a woman, who has role-played in torture/murder porn prison sims.
You think that’s the only problem in the SL Wrestling community? Kess could dedicate a week’s full of submissions and that wouldn’t even scratch the surface of what’s wrong with that gaggle of drama whores.
Side note: Fuck Henry Parker. He’s an arrogant shithead.
#27 maybe it’s true, if you go to payment room in equal10 doux doesn’t have a payment box, I heard he refuses to pay event fees because he thinks he is so popular that events need him and also obligate event owners to put him as sponsors
#14, it’s just bait. I mean, it’s bait for the wrong kind of guy, if you ask me, but so many of those boys don’t want anything they can’t take from someone else. If you aren’t already firmly attached, there must be something wrong with you, etc. All kinda girls put that in their profile when it’s the farthest thing from the truth.
Edenvale back at it again… such a ” family ” friendly place that. The owner has a pic up of him rubbing someone elses cock, i mean, you’re gay, we get it but seriously putting that on your profile when you own a ” family ” friendly sim… yeah ok.
dude no one’s gonna listen to an all lives matter person, just chill on that
like your argument reads okay, with out the context provided by the other commenters spilling tea on your ass, ofc, but
like come on karen you know you set yourself up for this one
Oh really no-one listens to an all lives matter person? Lets get real here right? the only politically correct thing for you stupid fat ass women here in sl secrets to get behind is BLM. Everyone is bout tired with this – sorry
Oh, you haven’t seen his pics? im sure if you went to a family friendly sim and seen him and his bf rubbing cocks together you would nope out of there as well.
You’re one to talk. Your idea of “family friendly” is what got you banned from there.
Oh you’re a funny one., guess you got suckered in by him to ?
usually people that are owners of some bdsm club/auction(auctions are basicaly escort services now) end up being power hungry. take SDSA, the owner is horribly power hungry, tries to dominate everone. this aint new, i worked there a bit ago.
#37 – I’m actually interested in more info on this drama. I’ve never used the June avatar, but I saw several bloggers make some cute looks for her and some shops doing some cute clothes. It seemed like a nice, realistic woman of size look. It’s very sad if one of the few options for people outside the SL beauty standard is trash under the surface.
The issue with it isn’t with the June avatar itself, which does seem to have a very positive community surrounding it, but the creator. The whole Piggu brand started off with the Jonathan avatar, which was created as and still partially is one big neckbeard joke, about how gross and weird they are for being fat, slobby, creepy nerds I guess. Then the June avatar came along, and the creator quickly realized that they had an untapped market on their hands though- there’s pretty much no fat bodies available for women that aren’t for weight gain fetishists. They then pivoted the marketing to be about empowerment and self love (at least for June, Jonathan is still a neckbeard joke but marginally less crass and in-your-face about it. At least he doesn’t have a bowl cut now.) They’ve also released a fat child avatar, Jamie, which outright has “body positive” on the ad images.
Overall their path is pretty easy to plot through their avatar releases, especially if you look at older versions of their products posted on their now-abandoned twitter account piggusl. Jonathan was around for roughly a whole year before June and was overhauled shortly after her release, which to me shows where their biases lay.
Quick side note, I have no clue what OP of the secret is going on about with the creator being a man, I just know about the history of the brand.
I know someone with the June avi, it’s really cute and there are a few creators who make June items (the gown she was wearing was amazing and sparkly). And yes, too bad it was made as a bully thing (if that tea is indeed true).
The tea on this one is not true.
Do you know what started the false tea then? I know people who use June because they want to be plus sized.
My now ex friend Ziva Zwanger did the secret.
Sorry but you will have to point your finger elsewhere. I did not make this secret nor post it. If you are claiming to be an ex friend of mine then you are likely the brand owner or Eiren (Colorful Conundrum), since you want to call out names. Because they are the only two people involved in this drama that I have cut ties with as being ‘friends’ of mine.
Do I know about the drama, yes. Am I involved in it, no. I politely asked Vicki/Plaxy to stop talking to me and dumping me in the middle of the drama when I had nothing to do with it. And now my name has been dumped in here without proof.
If you want to call people out and name names, then have proof or at least don’t hide behind an anon name.
I only do clothing for Jonathon and Jamie.
Then your understanding of the term ‘friend’ must be a little skewed as I don’t know anyone, or is/was friends with anyone who ‘only do clothing for Jonathan and Jamie’. Sorry *shrugs*
Thank you for the extra tea. ☕️
This is incorrect, please don’t credit other people for a secret I made. It may be upsetting to find out the truth, but look at the history of Piggu. It started with a fat male body whose only outfits to wear were all memes and generalizations about fat men. A fat Sailor Moon cosplay. A fat geek. A “basement dweller.” Nothing but disrespectful jokes. The body being mod made it sell though because people would go and turn the base body into furry avatars or make their own custom clothing for it and ignore the disrespectful shit that Vicki would put out. Piggu isn’t Vicki’s first store. He has a shoe store that tanked in 2015 called Sno Boa and has in the past claimed he was a mesher for Blueberry. He claims he only presents as a woman online because it makes him more money, implying women make better sales. This is one of many misogynistic things he’s said in the past even allowing someone in his discord to openly be lewd with the community of women who use June. The community makes the avatar a beautiful, positive thing, not him. He’s hardly a part of it. Over the years he’s conned other people into being the face of the community for him so he doesn’t have to deal with it and he avidly is against growing the brand because he likely doesn’t want people to find out the truth of everything. Well, now it’s out. If you want to try to refute what I have shared because you support him or the brand, then so be it. Also, if nothing is wrong, why did some of the main creators for the bodies disappear from the group, or are closing their stores? I was a Piggu user because I… Read more »
Why can’t people change their paths, even if their first avatar was made as a joke? Can’t people expand or is that just not something you can comprehend?
People love the victim role.
Piggu = Japanese for pig
Their logo = A literal pig
bOdY pOsItIvItY
Jon had nothing but disgusting fat neckbeard clothing and 4chan meme costumes of copyright characters.
Brand owner is a man pretending to be a woman to make money.
Brand owner got butthurt and pulled out of THEIR OWN EVENT because the event manager said they couldn’t sell their SAILOR MOON costume at the event because it breaks SL TOS.
Pigman throws babyman tantrum and plays victim cards banning everyone from group and discord other than customers and destroys 90% of the relationships with the designers making clothes for his body.
Also, Ziva has more class than that secret, shed sign and seal it with a kiss right to your face if she had something to say.
Vicki didn’t create the event. Vicki pulled out after the managers of the event were treating another person like shit. Vicki didn’t want anything to do with you guys after that. Keep twisting shit around and cosigning though, you beta cuck.
Lmao. Found ‘Vicki’ or should we call you Vic because yer smuggling some rank ass nasty incel nuts in that fake fem body you’re running.
Vicki gunna talk in the third now because Vicki got told Vicki couldn’t sell Vickis TOS breaking ip stealing bullshit sailor moon costume at the event that was meant to help bring it more prestige and users. How retarded does a business person have to be to shit all over the community that was working hard to build it up? Im going to enjoy next week. *sips tea* some of us know what actually happened, were there, and have full receipts.
You really are a great servant to your queen Z. ?
Just because I know what happened and I’m not one of you salty cunts doesn’t make me Vicki. You were bitches to other creators and Vicki pulled out. Simple as that.
Your receipts are Vicki educating on how copyright works and that’s it. Lol
30- LOL i didn’t realize she was the one who owned Milk!!!! Rip vanilla unicorn
LOL edenvale again.
If you think that THATS Madi, you don’t know her at all. Get a grip you salty ass hoes. If only you knew WHY lab closed lmfao.
#9 KEKW, Amber has always hid behind a mask, even when she was Truth CSR. I distinctly remember going into the comments one week and saying how the Truth chat was closed and lots of people got curious about it because of me. And, what do you know some time later Amber and Ellen both either got fired by Truth or left, I don’t know. Truth made a horrible mistake by handing off Uber to Amber, and now Uber is only a small shadow of what it once was, because of her.
#31 Also KEKW, Blueberry herself checked out the outfit that Scandalize made, after someone accused Scandalize copybotting a skirt from Blueberry in said outfit, and even pointed people to support Scandalize. Blueberry is a class act, Scandalize is a class act… whoever is posting this bs about Scandalize supposedly copybotting others every week is not a class act and needs to check themselves.
That’s totally true (about uber) the quality of the event has gone to 0 so many store selling shit tbh. And about Scandalize and Blueberry, she (Gizem) change her mind when Scandalize released something almost identical to a Vinyl Release. So I don’t think she is a fan of Scandalize anymore and more now that this girl is using her textures too, not only CandyDoll.
#8 -age verification used to be a thing back in the ancient SL days (pre 2010) where you’d need to send LL a copy of your drivers licence or passport if you’d been locked out of your account if someone reported you for being underage. Not sure if they still do it, but that’s where the “age verified” thing originally came from
Sadly it’s no longer a thing. They actually removed it when they opened the gates to plebs and just practically everyone and their mother (circa 2006/7 I think?- teen grid et al). It’s what brought SL’s quality down. No more credit card info needed, no more verification. And now you have just anyone on the grid. The worst kinds, the non creative kinds, the ones with shit computers that complain that they lag like mad, when they’re using their Dells and HP’s from 1999.
Or maybe that’s just “creators” who make awful stuff and tell people to debug-settings their way into being able to see it properly.
Yes, there’s people who run SL viewers on potatoes, but when the Madlands is filled with billion-vertice chocolate bars and 1024px textures as far as the eye can see, well, your problem isn’t potatoes. SL can look good, even if it is an old engine, but you need to code and/or design your way around an engine from 2003.
Staying away from the Madlands or dropping draw distance to “three feet past the end of your nose” when you’re there helps, too. Render friends only, ruthless use of derender/blacklist, all that fun stuff.
I think they shut it down around early 2010. I had my account locked after I was falsely reported for being underage end of 2009. It should still be a thing, but I also get that it was used maliciously just to get people banned temporarily for personal reasons rather than the user being under age.
Secret #12- Domie Hex & Hassan Esquire have been messing around on the low still even after their breakup. She’s only “messing” around with Wells Phargo until her ex stops being wishy washy at least that was what was told to me by a mutual friend, and that makes her nothing but a trashy selfish cunt. idk why my homie wells can’t see he’s being used as a rebound and i heard that rumor too that they broke up because of domie’s hygiene. clean your fish taco you fat bitch.
In a world where people play out some of the sickest fantasies and sexual deviancy known to humankind, it’s amazing that the worst thing you can be is a non-sexual kid avatar just looking to relive your childhood for a short while or escape the over sexualized society we live in.
Totally cool if people hate kid avatars, I’ve softened on that, you’re allowed to hate kid avs and think they’re creepy looking (I’m no fan of TDs myself) but man… imagine thinking someone just playing hopscotch or going to school or spending the day at SL Disney Land is on the same level as being psychotic and delusional. Your bar of who is mentally unstable must be set pretty low. Roleplayers in general must be raving lunatics to you, eh?
Also.. why is the cut off age 10? Pretending to be 11+ is okay? Why are only pre-teen and teen kid avatars “okay”? And what do you think of people who pretend to be animals, murderers, Gorean slave masters, breeding slaves, and furries?
Don’t mind the kid avis…some are cuter then others…it’s the RP/talking like children that’s cringey as hell. We ALL know you kids are 50+.
I’m not 50+ but I also don’t do baby talk. My kid av is too old to talk like a 1 year old and I’ve always hated it when kid avs who say they’re 6 or 7 talk like Elmer Fudd or suck on pacis so at least I can agree there.
So you assume to know peoples rl age? I bet you are in one of those stupid fucked up family’s that think they rule SL, where in in actual fact no one could give a shit about you, just like most of the shit that is posted here, 95% of SL don’t know nor care about this page ?.
Lmao, families? In SL? No thanks, creepier then kid avis and furries rolled into one. Worse even then MC’s, and that’s saying a lot. LMAO. Fucking lame.
So if you’re saying that 95% of SL doesn’t care about this page, why are YOU here caring so much? One of those ugly fat kid avis who talk like an illiterate 2 year old sucking on a pacifier eh? Get triggered more grandma ?
#28 I get your point, but your delivery is really stupid.
The sheep go from club to club claiming such loyalty to each one, everytime, then are so shocked when their fearless leaders have to close again or when drama as always happens and they are forced to join a new herd.
The sheep are so predictable.. keep working so hard for your new owners little sheep, they deserve it ?
It’s almost like investing your time and money in people with years of evidence that they cannot run businesses is unwise… but the herd says you must join, so you will go along like a good sheep and spend hours, bring your clients to share, etc. You’re so obedient, aren’t you? ???
#16 Now that is some good tea served. ☕️
Fuck you guys for supporting that crap. #16 is what you get when you allow the likes of Spazzy and Tizzy to come to your party and pee in your pool. Best to keep your mouths shut when they come around. Twisted “tails” indeed. That so-called “Numbers kid” has been passed from family to family for years, his 2-week stint with the Numbers being the shortest of all. But nope, you’re still gonna call him a Numbers kid and implicate the rest. So it’s the same old boring loop from you: “Numbers, rumors from LL, ageplay ageplay ageplay.” The crazy thing is that people still keep you around, the very ones you call “faggot” and “pedo” behind their backs. Good for you for finding some bend-over-bitches who like getting mind-fucked by trolls like you. They can snort and snicker and “whisper” about this post, too. But you know what? All you know-it-all gossips don’t know shit. If you only knew who was really behind your many alts getting blocked and banned from SL, and who was truly behind you getting the boot from Edenvale. Y’all wanna talk shit about Jordy when he’s the only one bold enough to take a stand? You want to make him the target while your friends are getting baited and banned? You want to dismiss the clear warning signs while your “sexualized” [Tizzy’s word, not mine] clothing stores and kid regions are being threatened? You dare call that “community” to protect the very ones who are tearing you apart? Fuck you all.
Why are you crying to me? I don’t know a Jordy, A Tizzy, or a Spazzy. I think both you and that MrBTFO freak have the wrong guy.
Lmfao…and its all true.
I agree. This was the tea I was looking for. Cheers!
#31 Evani made those pants that are see through a bit ago. See through with nice panties and a little higher waisted. Kinda glad I don’t shop at scandalize, then again so many brands that are exactly the same as Scandalize that popped up in events.
who ever did #29 really hate kids in general!
10 – you sound like racist. who cares about the person being white?
I highly agree. There was no reason what so ever to bring up the color of the person @ all
What a race obsessed week, never saw a place more focussed on skin color then in SL. And i do not mean it in a positive way “oh so woke” nah, who cares what color you are in sl OR rl.
#18 Google doesn’t even know what turbo mesh is, so how can we avoid it?
Maybe they meant ‘meshes from turbosquid website’?
Why can’t people use these websites? Is it because they’re not paying for the objects? I see posts like this just about every other week and haven’t figured out why it matters.