Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 597.
A lot of triggered fatties here in the comment section
Why do people keep spelling SLink Physique Original “Legacy” this week? Asking for a friend who knows wall-eyed nipples are ridiculous at any size. ?
More seriously, anyone who thinks somebody’s RL appearance matters to their tastes in SL is cheerfully invited to drink battery acid. Call out the white people playing out “young black buck” cuckolding or gangsta stereotypes and I’ll help. But I guaran-fucking-tee nobody making “fatty” jokes on this site is going to win any beauty contests in RL, either.
#3 – I think the problem is, from looking at the pic and looking over the comments, you have 2 types of people and neither of you are truly right or wrong. There are those that look at the face which is infantile, that is without a doubt. Then there are those that are looking at the body which, I don’t remember my fellow middle schoolers rocking double-Ds unless they had the stomach to go with it. But I guess saying that both camps are equally right and wrong is probably going to piss everyone off.
#14 – You’re a hooked on phonics drop out, aren’t you? If only your brain was as big as, “bother” your balls, mate.
Putting that face on the sexualized body was actually the whole problem, so really all you’re saying is the infantile face group is correct. No one ever argued it was a child’s figure.
You should read into your own name. All I said was some people looked at the face, some people looked at the body. One group gave weight to the face, the other to the body. Be less ignorant, please.
I don’t know if it’s your reading comprehension or your desperate need for everyone to like you, but since the mix of the face and the body was the issue, when you acknowledged the face was infantile, you agreed. That’s just the facts. No amount of backtracking or rewording changes that.
#7 – oh but let’s not forget, pleaser did it first.
Please stop acting like designers own concepts. 9/10 they saw inspo for it in the real world.
Sidenote: also tired of seeing people bash creators for using pictures for inspiration or bringing something they saw irl into SL… one of the biggest tricks in the art game is using references.
lmao@tricks in the art game.. its using INSPIRATION.. not references.. in SL a reference is EXACT COPY.
inspiration is taking a piece of something and making it your own.. Thats what SL’ers lack.
12. Come On. Fuck Off Kittoi. Your skins are ripped as well. You already rebranded to get rid of your past as copybotter. XD LOL You re….
@It’se me-Mario – You do know that she owned sugar pill, soapberry? She also made skin on The Sims , imvu as well. That’s HER work. She didn’t rip anything. If anything some jealous talentless mfers(short for mother fuckers) on SecondLife ripped her stuff.
The bigger question is what’s Mario’s problem with you Soapbutt? I think the skin is pretty. And !pretty lookslikeevery other copybotter mp.
Where are my skins ripped from?
I wasn’t aware that my skins were ripped after I spent hours painting them. But thanks for letting me know.
I rebranded Sugar Pill to Soapberry because I found out there was a real life makeup company named Sugar Pill, that I was actually not aware of. To avoid any possible legal issues in the future, I rebranded.
I have been making skins since I was a developer on IMVU at 13 years old. Not new to the ballgame.
#3 Most of you start aging as soon as you graduate from high school then look like you are 60 by the time you hit the mid 20s so of course anyone with a cute face is going to look like a child to you and a lot of you are projecting your own perverted thoughts about kids anyway with these same old tired posts about people with cute faces because that is what you want to see. Get some help.
Said as you shove a fleshlight into a reborn baby doll and stuff it into a cum stained bikini.
lmfao@Yikes xD i wonder how many of these wretched thots have reborns too.. creepy fucking things
lol 8 of them wheel around reborns with their friends with real kids.. i watch you weirdos on TLC xD
You are honestly nasty as fuck for even coming up with that scenario and whoever liked the comment too but it is probably the type of thing you get off to.
#3 I dont see a child here, if you see you are the sick. Man i love how people see a child because she have a cute head, this is so sick, is like if dont have slut makeup and big body “OMG IS A CHILD”, holly fuck. LEARN: In RL exists peoples with different strokes, yeah, have ones seem more young but they have 18! Yeah, SHOCK! In RL have girls with tiny butt and tits, OH NO!!
Searioulys, you have to leave the house more and see people not everyone is the same with big breasts and huge asses and this is normal!
Thank you lord someone with a brain. That is NOT a child avatar in the slightest. Yes she has a youthful face, but clearly you can see adult breasts and body proportions. And yeah, adults with small breasts and bodies exist in RL. God forbid a woman in SL not look like every big breasted, thick assed bimbo with a default Catya head.
There alot of hate on this page…when a Avi comes around with a unique look that docent look like 2008 Amazonian giants or like the default shape you get with the mesh heads were they don’t put much effort into editing it people will criticize…her face is cute looking to me more animeish I don’t see any childness and it’s silly how you can’t have cute faces in sl now..people post it and have witch hunts on cute faces saying pedo crap now…its silly clearly in this photo of hers has nothing to do with child stuff.she just has a cute face big deall.
unique?? it looks like every other thirsty old hag with a babby faced avi… desperate af.. loll just remember when you fuck him.. hes not thinking about you or anyone even close to ur age.. nasty ass heffer
wow you really need to get off the internet and a life lolol
dude you can justify virtual kiddy sexualizing all you want, her face has baby proportions. sure its cute, but yeah – babyface, literally.
if you can find a picture of just one person who looks anything like that IRL, i will be shocked and suck your dick with apologies but I know you wouldnt be able to, at least not one who isn’t using facetune or editing the shit out of their pictures. no human adult has the face of 0-2 year old. thanks
cof cof, she have +19 ***No links, but look up youtubelorena on insta.*** (added by editor)
Meh whatever. Some have baby faces ,some don’t yet she clearly has breasts. You don’t see Japan complaining about this . It’s not a kid,it’s kind of cute I’d touch it. Labels of avatars.
We all know you’re a fucking pedophile already. No need to keep reminding us.
I am with Be Less, Me, and LMAO. This isn’t cute it’s a child’s face on a grown woman’s body. Its sick. And go ahead and argue that it’s a fantasy world, but ffs if that’s your kink, get off SL and go seek help.
And it is not docent its doesn’t. Learn to spell check!
wanting to make a body like mine IRL and liking cute things makes me a pedophile? ok boomer
“Dude”this is a virtual world a game not real life.shes cartoonish anime looking.docent look like she’s going for human look since she’s has elf ears lol maybe some people need go seapreate second life from rl.and worry about more important things then a Avi with a cute face,since her picture clearly screams adult.
Why do you think infantile faces are “cute” in a pornographic setting? Are you just defending your gross fucking kink now too?
Actually, adults with those facial proportions don’t exist, and that’s kind of the whole point. Her face is not “cute”; it’s infantile. That enormous forehead with all her features shoved into the lower half of her face is the way infants and toddlers look. No matter how young an adult’s face may look, they will never have those proportions.
@BeLess they’re never going to agree because those kid faces are the only way they can get a man in SL.. no normal man hangs out all day on the computer.. just weirdos and pedos.. even regular gamers play actual games not sit in a virtual world dressing up their barbie. Old nasty men with bozo hair.. all long and floppy around the head and bald on the top and front..armpit stained dirty t-shirts..with fucking wtf are those pants weight lifters use.. like them hammer pants with the american flag on them in a size 6XXXXXXX… old school converse because they can’t get them gout infested feet in actual shoes or sneakers..so fat they can’t even jerk off because their arms don’t reach past their belly buttons.. so they finger that and pull out all the lint and sniff it pretending thats what pussy smells like. lmaoo i just made myself sick.. n i cant stop laughing.. but seriously.. anyone who needs a ‘cute’ face = kid face in SL is the female version of the man i just described… you know what a cute face is to me.. gigi hadid.. i love her.. and she looks like a WOMAN.. not 1 of the olsen twins when they were toddlers.
scummy hoes will forever and ever explain whats cute.. go shave ya beards you old fatties who have to use a toddleedoo face to catch a net predator because no man in the real world wants ya. xD
i just smoked the best blunt ever =D
This is an image I did not want rolling around in my head -me-. But I applaud you for your descriptive, and well imagined picture you worded there. Now I am going to go puke.
WTF, who in 2020 dress to a man? you are in the decade honey? because dont appear LOL
Reading what you wrote made me lose brain cells..
Actually, her proportions are right where they should be. Measure your eyes from the bottom from your chin, then from the top of your head, it should be approximately the same, especially if you are a female. Nothing about this avatar looks child like. To me, she appears early 20s, possibly.
#6. & #14. Oooo… what did they do now? I’m surprised there aren’t more comments about these from all of the Big Daddy’s weenusses.
#8. You really are a stupid asshole. None of that is legible.
#31. I know these people and it sounds like the people who submitted this are just attacking them, because they’re salty trash. Let it go.
#36 Im fb friends with her. I have watched this whole thing for a while so i do know a good deal about it. She does work in RL. She isnt logged into SL all that often. Her landlord always knew she had a puppy, so that wasnt some sort if secret. The puppy wasnt making a mess, its just young and doesnt handle being alone for long. Her landlord kept calling her or texting her at work saying the puppy keeps crying loudly and its disturbing her. Understandable. It got to the point she was being asked to move. Again she works but isnt making enough to pay for moving. That requires a deposit and those get expensive. She started taking him to work leaving him in the car with food,water,blanket,toys etc. She goes to check on him during breaks,but this isnt a situation she can keep up.
Her avatar may not be to your liking. You may think her kinks are weird but shes a nice person. So dont make assumptions about her.Dont trash a person when you dont know the details at all.
shes not logged in much.. for all u know she has 50000 alts.. stop acting like you know someone just because ur FB friends with them.. it was a poor choice.. she should hope nothing happens with the dog that she can ‘t afford.. its not being mean its a possibly reality.. her moving is due to her stupidity.. and whoever helps is a retard.. hopefully they can afford to help.. imagine how many people who really have nothing being nice enough to help an idiot?? usually its those kind of people who would give everything they have for others..
i dunno how people can take anything from others for something so dumb.. i could see if there was a fire or something.. but pay to help her move..someone u know nothing about other than you see her cartoon character sometimes.
ya’ll crazy af
Based on the information you’ve provided: that is absolutely horrible to leave a puppy in a car for hours every day. That’s not loving or caring for an animal, that’s about her own selfishness and emotional needs when she’s really not fit or in a position to care for it. The babysucker on her avatar is a good indicator of a loopy lass anyway. Who gets asked to leave after only 4 days of living in a new place? I agree with Abfab, that is poor decision making. Puppies are easier to rehome than older dogs – she should save the puppy by giving it a good home, and save herself by visiting a good mental health therapist.
It’s not about her being a nice person, which she probably is. It’s about her making a poor, controllable decision to keep the puppy. Just by what you wrote “her landlord kept calling/texting her” that shows that the problem with the puppy was getting out of hand. Then you state “It go to the point she was being asked to move” that shows that she was given time to do something (get ride of the dog) and she did not. Your friend did nothing to help the problem. That is a poor life decision. Also sorry but anyone who leaved a dog in a car while they are working, should not have any animals. That is beyond stupid. The reason why people have a problem with the GoFund Me is because those fundraising campaigns are for people who desperately need the money due to unforeseen tragedy. Fires, Cancers, Accidents….etc. Not for someone who made a really bad decision. The puppy could have been rehomed and she would have been able to keep her housing. Life is about making hard decisions and sometimes we have to make the sacrifice to make the situation work. It’s called responsibility and I am sorry but it seems like your friend does not understand the concept of that.
Can tell you don’t have pets
I actually do have pets. One of my dogs we spent in excess of 35K during his lifetime with vet bills If anything I would be considered a stupid pet owner. Most normal people would never put forth that kind of cash on a dog, but we did. That is the level of love my dog deserved. Now if our puppy-poo’s vet bills ever jeopardized our housing situation, we would have had the dog put down. We would have never lost our house to keep the dog, cause that would be stupid.
Erm, boasting about paying off vet bills does not make one a good pet owner. Am sure all are aware of costs and risks same as you would with any living being and since you are responsible for one – you put whomever first and keeping a dog anywhere in isolation in a small place is not a good idea. It is even more odd as it sounds like landlord was there and your friend could have simply asked them to check on her pet or walk them. My husband and his family have fairly hard to take care of and quirky dogs (ironically, also needing medical treatment right now) and they are wary to leave them alone for longer periods of times even with one person present, in a house with a garden. Not all dogs would be same because duh but others would demand something else and you have to take account of that. I do not live with any because … I would not be able to provide proper care in my place at all. If I ended with a pet by accident and somehow the bills overwhelmed me … the answer would not be to put them down (assuming they are not suffering) but give them a better home and care.
I call BS on that.
You are talking out of your ass and your logic sounds stupid. Yes, people do mistakes. Sometimes it gets them sick, other times it gets them kicked out of the house. She is on GoFund Me. You don’t like it, don’t contribute.
A lot of people on high horse on a place where our past time is talking crap other people
No actually your logic sounds stupid. “Some people get sick” yeah some do. It would be awesome if their illness could be cured by rehoming their animal. But they don’t ask to be sick, it just happens. I also have every damn invoice I paid out on that dog. So if you want to see receipts, I got them.
#1 – Maybe they are in an open poly thing, and change your stupid font color! #2 – Well is he wants to act like like and asshat let him, like like what do you wanna do about it? Like like ban him for being an asshat? I’d just walk away, why you wanna be anywhere near the idiot? #3 – Stop telling people what to do, funny that you say pre-teen when she looks past 25, this is the kinda comment you make when are you so old and wrinkled you are trying to push your frame of reference as “I’m not that old, so everyone else looks too young.” #4 – Who ever this is… details. #5 – He does look like a drama queen. #6 – Lol, that was funny. #7 – Not the same mesh, so they both copied from a RL design, they’re both shitty just because one stole it first doesn’t give them any rights. #8 – Fuck your font. #9 – Lol, but how’s your neck joint and that support? Never forget the Deluxe. #10 – Good men are worth their weight in gold in this viper pit. #11 – Good lesson. #12 – And we came here so ask for help for us to go gang up? We’re here for the shit talk! #13 – Stop being so fucking sensitive. #14 – Who are these people and what did they do? They look so generic you can’t even tell who the motherfuckers are! #15 – Aww… get outta here. #16 – Yes… you told us already… #17 – Oh you just came to the right place for this. #18 – Hang him! #19 – Lol, you gonna love people that PAY to stand in a sex club and get their knickers in… Read more »
#14. Chuckles and Lumi of Big Daddy’s. Also related to #6.
So out of all of these PLEASE you only comment on those two? People are right you are obsessed with that place and them.
I was answering a question. It was not a comment, fuckface.
Wonders how you would know #6 is them seems odd ?
Guess you missed answering #4 then LOL so sensitive aren’t you??? 😀 😉 😛 :hmm: 😆
#26 Good lord is this guy a stuck up asshole! Not only does he do all that was mentioned here but anything you say after he say’s “Enjoy the sim bans now cunt” he reply’s with “and the cunt begs for attention”. I remember this idiot when he was a newbie (I was on another avi) and all he wanted back then was to look at female av’s bent over. This guy is the ultimate in low class! lol
#27 Welcome to secrets again ya Australian piece of shit. Anyone else pretty positive who this is?
Know a couple of Australian guy’s, one stands out more than the other. Whomever posted #27. Can you just spill? Show those receipts! Please and thank you 😎
“Australian” brings a name or two to mind… but no… who? ?
PLEASE! your post makes no sense. Does, no = know ? if so please revise so we can all understand what your trying to say ?
If YOU’RE going to criticize someone, be sure YOU’RE correct in YOUR criticism. See post #11
@Viking. Small fopar thank you for your correction.
PLEASE! your post makes no sense. Does, no = know ? if so please revise so we can all understand what you’re trying to say ? and while we are at it what has Australia to do with anything. Still makes little sense. Thank you and God bless.
Indigestion? – 1. To clarify for you: I was replying in the negative to the question presented by Just LOL, which is , “Anyone else pretty positive who this is?” My response was, “‘Australian’ brings a name or two to mind… but no… who? ?” I’m not sure why this perfectly articulated English would not make sense to you, unless English is not your native language. So to cleverly answer your questions: no, you silly goose… no does no = know; although both words are homonyms, they have completely different meanings and I know how to properly read, write and speak English. Do you see the difference between “no” and “know?” To explain what Australia has to do with anything: the first part of Just LOL’s post is, “#27 Welcome to secrets again ya Australian piece of shit.” The first part of my reply is in reference to this. 2. While you’re incorrectly criticizing my sentence composition, I will do a real favor for you by correcting your attempt at a correction, because it is still written very poorly. There is no need to thank me for this short repeat of second and third grade sentence composition, I am happy to refresh your memory. The basic rules are: do not begin a sentence with the conjection “and;” additionally, sentences must begin with a capital letter, and commas indicate a break where you should pause to take a breath. Please see the edits that I’ve made below for your reference, you dumbfuck. 🙂 Correction: PLEASE! Your post makes no sense. Does no = know ? If so, please revise so we can all understand what you’re trying to say. ? While we are at it, what does Australia have to do with anything? Your post still makes little sense. Thank you,… Read more »
#11 – I know this is a straight-up copy from a meme, but it has the same issues. The constant swearing makes you look less intelligent than a few spelling and grammar issues. The second you get into an e-argument, if you swear, you are done.
#24 – Anyone who self-diagnoses is to be ignored. There is more to these conditions than just written answers. It contains verbal, actions, patterns, and everything else. You cannot claim Asperger’s because a test that is wrong said so. Same with a sociopath test. Jesus.
7. I think the ones by Renegade look better, like real stripper shoes, especially the clear ones where you can see the dollar bills stuffed in them. If I was in SL as a stripper, hooker or just RPing as a tacky hoe those would be my go-to shoes.
8. Who can read this? Pick better fonts and colors.
9. I don’t care how good Legacy looks, I’m not giving 5000 L$ to a company that screwed over their customers on the last body they made. Back in the TMP days I also hated everything about the shopping “experience” with “store credit hud” in their ugly ass store, which soured me on buying anything from them ever again.
36. If I was your landlady and your puppy was pissing and shitting all over the place you best believe I’d kick your ass out. I feel bad for the dog, tho, it deserves a more responsible owner.
lmao hi5@rp’n a tacky hoe
25 – That girl is a fucking joke. I used to go there, and considering I paid to be apart of the group to actually go there, you’d think you wouldnt have someone jumping in your IMs claiming you look too young even though shes the only one thats said anything about it. Her avatar is nasty, yet she judges everyone else.
the most disgusting trash in the whole second life: teqi falta
#8 How the hell is anyone easily read that shit?
Its pixels, not a real dick
No real sex happens
Dancing with a bro/chick doesn’t mean they are fucking anyway. Insecure prudes always take things like that to a new level. * rezzes in a rez zone near a guy * “Bitch you are standing too close to my man, you need to back the fuck off” geez people get so up tight with bs like this. Dancing in a club on a HUD means nothing. Grow Up!
Why can’t people see it’s not about “sex”, it’s about lying? No matter what you call something, if you promise not to do it with anyone other than a partner and then you do, you’re a liar. It’s really not that complicated, and it’s really easy to just like, not make promises you don’t want to keep.
I totally agree with you. This is not about sex however, The female avi is simply dancing with a male avi who is a female in real life so technically she’s just dancing with another woman, panic over no harm done. Leo’s a bit of a flirt but that’s her personality, she likes to be a male in the game and what? It shouldn’t matter whether Leo is a man in the game, she is female in the real world so stop with the slut-shaming! jeeeeeeeez!
I have no idea who any of those people are, and my comment was a general statement; this is a weekly topic. Besides, saying people shouldn’t be liars is not slut shaming. Don’t throw your buzzwords around unwarranted lest they lose any kind of meaning.
Nobody said you were slut-shaming the post about her and Leo is what I was referring to. So shove that buzzword up your jacksie as you lower yourself from your high horse love. I actually agreed with your statement, I then went on to refer to the post. As I am a very nice person I will hand you this stool, so you don’t fall off that high horse and risk injury. Have a nice day sweet cheeks 🙂
because lying as a cartoon character seems more normal..had it been real face id understand =p ♥
Blah Blah Blah…
See you next week!
#32 I win money from these all the time. It’s not worth it long time unless you like the clubs you’re staying at. It did pay my rent for my first month or so on SL, so it’s still a valid item..
#14: To write in such a childish way, cannot be but a fan of Mr. Trump. Same eloquence and same property of language
No one cares about your political stuff in here. Bringing that kinda nonsense to compare really makes you not any better
How ignorant of you to try and try to bring politics into an sl secrets site, you fucking buffoon.
People come here to laugh at other peoples stupidity, not talk rl politics.
You do realize the “secret” itself mentions Trump, right, defending against his impeachment? Like did you not even read it at all? For fuck’s sake it’s like half the SL secrets crew had brain tumors for breakfast since the weekend.
#11: Love you mate!
#8 You can’t possibly have thought any of that was legible, can you?
#11 Praise you! I’ve been thinking that since the first day I came across this site (and for years before on Facebook). If they can’t be bothered to spellcheck, I won’t be bothered to read it.
#23 Please stop slut-shaming. You don’t know her situation. Her man might encourage her to be with others. And let’s not talk about how you were in the same sim as her to take that picture or watch her “cheat” in the first place. But of course, your morals are irreproachable, I’m sure
#32 Sploders are still a thing? Who knew!
For #23, her man is the biggest piece of shit manwhore in sl, so can’t say he doesn’t deserve it. More funny that he’s like the same age as her daughter. Robbin the cradle a bit.
That whore!!! omg, what a slut she is that damn hussy how could she be out dancing with a female friend! OMG!!!! looool and how dare her man aka “biggest piece of shit manwhore in sl” date, anyone, before they were together I mean who does he think he is going around on sl looking for a partner?????? lol you are all a bunch of hypocrites like for real, oh and hey at least I have the balls to write shit on here using my ACTUAL sl name ….you all need to go get a life or find Jesus one or the other maybe even both! lol
#23 Funny thing is, her *man* isn’t even a man and Leo is just as much a cheater as she is so they work perfectly together if she does cheat. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if ”he” was the one cheating and not her
If her man encourages her to be with others, she has nothing to worry about from the post; they can just laugh at all the stupid people who think monogamy is the only way. Only people worried about getting caught at something would object to that kind of post, and that’s why I think those are the best ones; lets really get some secrets out here in the light, instead of bitching about things that aren’t secrets at all. Lets ruin the shit “game” of people who think it’s cool to lie to and manipulate others.
Ah, I didn’t notice that she had replied to this post. Yes, indeed, sounds like she has something to hide. Or not. I don’t really care but hey, I guess you’re right that the whole reason for this site is to expose the liars and cheats, or at least that’s why some people bother to look at the site.
Fair enough
lmfao@#36.. help raise money to help some bitch move???? do any of you scum work?????? She has money to make an avi and buy hoe fits but she can’t move because of a NEW puppy thats not yet adjusted???? SELL THE DOG PENDEJA. LOL omgee im so glad im not like a lot of you.. (no i dont mean everyone.. i do know there are many people who aren’t like that) but there are SOOOO many people who are.. disgusting, useless, broke, scummy, dirty, probably doesn’t shower, trainwrecks who want everything done for them.. WHILE they buy new puppies? lol how about the food for the dog? who feeds it? how about vet bils if they happen?? Are Sl’ers supposed to take the bill on the too??? i loathe people like that.. omg to the millionth fucking power.
12 people have had go fund mes for the very same reason xD
easy to throw around money when most of you steal it off the government anyways. lol
She would not have been able to afford vet billl’s if they came up. The dog would suffer due to bad choices. Sounds like she is just selfish to her own needs instead of her wellbeing.
i bet the landlord didnt even want pets and she got caught or something.. because of course a new dog wouldnt be adjusted to a new place… i could see asking your own rl friends.. but to have a fundraiser/gofundme begging the people of SL.. it seems fishy..
bills*.. and probably a bunch more typos.. i wrote it completely annoyed. xD sry
i havent even started yet and i just wanted to say whoever wrote number 8.. you are going to be nothing your whole life.. im sure your parents wish they gave you up for adoption. you fuck up.
looks like my 2 haters have arrived.. im glad i stopped by to give u losers a reason to press a button.. otherwise you’d just be here lurking because ya lame. xD
#8 ffs grey drop shadow is better than white. No one has time to decipher that crap.
#1 as much as I hate homewreckers there should be a sub category of VS called “BUSTED” for people like this. Worst part is they aren’t even good at being deceitful.
31. lol shes the one that has been telling everyone that her boyfriend lex said hes massively fat , lives in his grandma’s basement, sells comics or something on ebay or some crap and is a rl virgin. And that he had a sugar daddy in sl and was the bottom in that relationship until he gave it all up for her ? lol that girl is all sorts of crazy. it seems like every time i talk to her she is bitching about her ex kids that she ditched. she is literally obsessed with people that she has blocked and deleted . lol someone help her!
#1, That’s kinda hot. Better lighting next time please thanks.
#3. The child head thing is gross, but what’s the deal with the fat roll? Like, how does it make sense to have a fat roll when the belly is set to zero? Fucking dumbshits.
#7. These shoes are stupid. Both pairs. Only dumbshits copy stupid shoes, and only fuckfaces make them to begin with.
#8. How? How do you blur your *sigh* … whatever … add another dumbshit to the pile.
#11. Indeed.
#19. I’ve stared at this too long trying to figure out if I care or not but can only conclude that everyone is a dumbshit here.
#28. And gross tattoos. You forgot the gross tattoos.
#29. Does she have a dick? This totally feels like a dick reveal. Like, she’s goes to get out of the car and has to spread her legs, because that’s how balance works, but she didn’t wear panties, and THUNK, there’s the giant cock swinging around as she stands up, and we all saw it before she could tug her dress back down, and we all came together.
#32. I’ve … won … real … money .. from … those … justsayin. If you suspect a bot there’s noting preventing you from setting the sploder to group and banning the suspected bots from your group. You get their traffic but they can’t join the sploder. Just be careful, some of those “bots” really are real people. There isn’t a whole lot of social interactions amoungst the sploder zombies, it’s mostly semi-afk dumbshits that aren’t watching chat boxes.
#33. I mean, it’s not false, but why care?
#36. Babysucker. Lordy.
@ 23 yeah it really looks like they are doing the dirty! But of course, friends can’t dance with other friends now. Pffft! You flipping fool, what next, they breathe the same oxygen and your gonna say they were swapping saliva… WOW, how pathetic you really are! I’m guessing by your text in that, yep you’re shallow as hell. Grow the Hell up! dancing with each other does not count as cheating. if his wang was out and she was riding it then yeah no argument no contest. Seriously though get a life and read a book. I’d suggest starting off with a kindergarten book as it seems that is all your brain can comprehend!
#23 pmsl female behind avi friends only like seriously I have more morals than that to go with someone who is partnered so next time get ur fucking facts straight before posting shit about me u should know me better than that as u clearly are a friend of mine who posted this bs as my name is in green.
Is it only me or did anyone else find this secret very ironically amusing?
And not every girl in SL is a “fatty” and even if they are, why are you dragging their RL weight to make a really irrelevant point about some virtual body in a virtual world?
Who’s needing the reality check here, huh?
And btw just cause some girl is reaching a higher number on the scales then you, doesn’t make her opinion or her in general less valid.
And let’s just assume you are skinny, your secret proved that skinny and beautiful is not the same!
And before you go and try to insult me, saying I would be just a jealous fat girl myself.
Nope I’m a rather disgusted by your attitude slim guy.
Even recently I had the pleasure of hearing about some fat domenican girl (who never shows her picture because of that reason but I got to see it since a friend screenshot it) call a friend of mine ugly and old, and she felt safe in doing it because he had no idea what she looked like. Too bad for her I know what she looks like so we shared a laugh looking at her pic and went on with our lives.
i got $20 she had a mustache
Nah it’s because those same fat girls have the nerve to call others ugly and fat while hoping no one knows what they look like behind their computer screen.
I don’t know about this whole maitreya v. Legacy thing on fb but fat, ugly girls being hypocrites feeling safe in anonymity is something that’s always been going on in sl
So calling others ugly and fat (two things btw that don’t need to go together) is only the right for skinny mean girls that obviously have so much of an important RL that they take the time to answer twice to my comment AND as it seems regularly harass other girls online. What a nice human being you must be ? thank you for proving my point that I wanted to make with my first comment.
God you’re stupid. Miss the point of my post by a mile will you? Or is it because you’re so fat you couldn’t see the point beyond your triple chin?
No, NO ONE should project and be hypocrites of any form. Where did I say skinny bitches have the right to? Fat girls in sl have been caught being hypocritical and calling others fat etc when they’re the size of a whale more often than not.
Reality check here for you. Stop projecting, stop victimizing just stop all around and get on the Pendleton.
@haha they act like being fat is some kind of fucking disability.. the only disability it is is the disablilty to fucking get up and go outside.
I’ve seen pics of a bunch of Sl’ers all wearing their whorenesses..and in the rl pics it looks like they havent cleaned their kitchens in a year.. kids everywhere..
people say fat in SL.. because lets be real.. most skinny people are more active.. Sl’ers be laying in a virtual beach.. and skinny bitches just go to one. facts are facts
sometimes bitches need to be put in their places.. a lot of chics run around like they’re the cats meow.. and they aint shit but old busted out of shape (see i didnt use fat)boomers who have to roll in flour to find the wet spot. i mean it is what it is.. there are ugly pretty people too but they aren’t finding fake love in a game.. they’re in the real world dealing with real struggles.. not who’s mesh cock they’re gunna suck for the next great fatpack. .. while befriending some girl just to get closer to her man.. who’s probably really a girl. xD
p.s. SL fatties aren’t regular pretty thick chics.. those are girls with pride that love themselves like Lizzo.. these SL chub monkeys are more like that chic who was with Mohamed from 90 day fiance.. Danielle was her name (google her.. its pretty fucking accurate) .. Lazy looking messes running around naked in a game whist gasping for breath in SL. There is a huge difference
Never again calling it a pacifier. BABYSUCKER it is. XD I’m dead.
Also, yes Teqi is a huge bitch. Anyone that *to her* looks under 18 is ejected and banned. This includes, but not limited to: avi height (she will base it on height alone, too), avi facial features, clothing (cute and pink? You’re definitely a child avi), poses, word choice…
Teqi is really a guy think she is god.
That’s stupid and bitchy, but it is her place and she really doesn’t have to give any reason to ban anyone, ever. She could just be like, fuck you, get off my sim; that’s how property works.
Well I was being stalked in SL at some point and an unknown alt of the stalker’s requested me permission for something looking like the usual “hug and kiss”. I was distrustful enough at that point not to click but I did some research, and it came out from some SL forum threads that in case I would possibly have given permission for a sex hud, and that permission, being linked to a prim owned by the stalker, was impossible to delete if not by the owner himself.
It was explained that some kind of permissions were made that way by the Lindens to allow the “immersion experience” which was to be introduced at the time, and that they were reluctant to make anything about it since that would prevent the new feature to work.
Well now the “immersion experience” have been introduced and there’s an easy way to deny permission to it. But I am not confident enough that I can deny permission to the old scam the same way as I would to an Immersion experience, so I keep being careful with hugs and kisses.
I mean, that would be a way somebody would be able to “force” you to a sexual act in SL. Though of course you still would be able to logoff and avoid the “sexual act”, as virtual as it would be, to happen, but that would make your SL quite stressful anyway.
I’m referring to it just in general, not speaking about Teqi for sure, who wouldn’t care less about all that. Teqi helped me a lot at the time incidentally, by keeping away from her club any of the guy’s alts.
Yes, agreeing to allow someone else to animate your avatar is a “risk” in a way, but you still have to click the “yes” before they get that permission. For anyone worried about accepting a hug turning into more, their permissions will be broken if you relog of course but you can also go under Avatar > Avatar Health > Stop Avatar Animations and Revoke Permissions to end any animations you don’t want.
No Be Less, that’s not what I mean. If what I read on the SL forum is valid, and to me it looks like it is, once you gave permission to that kind of sex-everywhere HUD then it’s not going to be broken by relog, nor by any other action you would possibly come up with. The only way to revoke permission would be of it to be kindly revoked by the HUD owner, which is not very likely to happen when they are your stalker.
As a consequence, the stalker can start sexualising you by their sex-everywhere HUD whenever, and wherever, they like, given they’re on the same sim as you. They don’t need to ask permission again since the one permission you gave in the first place will be forever valid.
This is what I call “force” you into sex – not deceiving you every single time with a false permission request, but doing that just once, and then being free to channel sex animations on you whenever they like.
Teqi will force others to have sex with him because he thinks he god but scared people away with their shitty attitude. She /he still wears tmp says its great body theirs nothing better right just as the lag at the place they own its shit. Yes they are ugly inside and out they not happy in real so blame others.
How can an avatar in a game “force” anyone to have sex? This really perplexes me and it’s not the first time I have seen this reference in this forum. If anyone can answer this for me please I’d be truly grateful! Because from where I’m standing it just can’t happen. Ever. Anywhere. With anyone.
It can’t and it’s obvious that Cara person has a bug up her ass about Teqi; she would probably say that threatening to ban them if they don’t fuck her is the “force”. Funny thing is I’ve known men she wanted to fuck who weren’t interested and none of them ever said she threatened their club membership, soooo… sounds like a bunch of weird, salty, old lady bullshit to me. Either it’s fake news or her friends are pussy little bitches lol
But she asks designers and Owners use go to her place to fuck to her They left got tired of her ass. Use to be a good hang out not everyone was about sex teqi just wishes she was a women.
i agree @BeLess.. i find it more fucking comical that people complain how the place sucks but cry they can’t get in.. like which is it?
Its so 2011 but you never been their or went since 2016 teqi has no request for anyone unless you kiss his kiss ugly ass yes he really a man he won’t voice. Stay away its not worth to even to go to just for her/him to fuck with you til your even more hurt. He insecure in real truth.
# 8 lol. It’s dj angel love (darkangelx07x resident) she isn’t the brightest. Has no proof of allegations. Doxes.and oh….. Got caught cheating. This was only posted 6 days ago and I haven’t even spoken to her. She wrote me a letter blaming everything on everyone else involved and takes the role of victim. I blasted her for posting a supposed rl pic of her when all she did was photos hop a not well known athletes picture. And claimed it was her. When I put it next to a rl pic and shared it she got pissed. She takes collaborated ideas and claims they are her own. Gives permission to use what she said she would assist with then get mad when it gets applause. Even when she is credited. Lies manipulates and cheats. Takes zero responsibility. And gets furious when outsmarted.
ofc it is her..here is proof.. https://gyazo.com/587e3e235caa6b490e959c209a2c2c5b
no matter what name in sl he has had she always calls him donnie. Obv. its not his name right now on sl ..stupid girl next time pic better file names.
You must have sent that one in cause NO one but the creator of this can know what’s written on there cause it’s effin indecipherable.
The block button isnt written in that dumb font, cleverdick.
Number 8- got him blocked, butthurt ex much?
2# – Name please?
8- when people cant even use a legible font…
Shakes my head. Idiot.
#30.. Yeh her shit is crap
Dear #17,
If something as small as his friend can get away if you being together, then he doesn’t love you and he’s playing games. Go watch midsommer on amazon prime. You’re the blonde chick in the movie.
^ That is a good advice and oddly good film to recommend xD . Wanted to say same as if you are not able to be honest and speak to your partner about whatever bothers you with the friend – it is not worth it. Could be that you OP, just assume you cannot but the conversation would go well. If it does – well, good friend would just adjust as we cannot like everyone in life but if our friends are happy, whelp, then we just have to trust their choices.
#25 what the fuck is going on with her face ? is that a system head ? surely no one can make a mesh head look that fucked up 😮
Looks like 2 of them are with her mesh derendered or unrezzed, and the bottom one with hair is how she looks normally. Yes, her face really looks like that. I guess she has a droopy eye or something rl and wants to replicate it in SL? That’s the story I’ve heard anyway. It’s ugly but there’s something moderately cool about daring to be ugly in the world of beautiful people.
That’s her face, she looks like a bulldog chewing a wasp.
#8 you can’t even see what it says.
#12 she also stole the name from the hair store !pretty and that’s exactly how she spells the store name.
As for all the maitreya things, GET OVER IT! It was just an update and people (I’ve seen on plurk) are getting butt hurt because it’s not another mesh body by Maitreya. For so long people complained about not having a Maitreya mesh body update and now that there is one people are complaining that there isn’t ANOTHER mesh body by maitreya. Geez no one is happy these days.
The hair store is called pr!tty actually; I have some of their stuff, they did curly better than average before alpha became the standard. The skins are definitely stolen though, and seriously what kind of stupid bitch puts their ripped and stolen skins on the MP to sell? It’s like this week’s SL version of Dumb Criminals.
Similar name but this is NOT a the Pr!tty store. She’s not a thief. This is a whole different “store” …
You should read what I was responding to. She said the thief stole their store name from a hair store, and I pointed out the hair store was spelled differently. Stop being so eager to correct people; it’s a bad look.
Actually, the hair store is !Pritty. She spells it with an I.
#3 Sounds like someone is jealous that the girl has talent. #8 I can’t read a fucking thing you put next time use front that’s not retarded but I can say that I’ve dated this dude and he’s toxic as fuck.
Crini you mad cause you got caught cheated and your relationship ended when your spot got blown up suck it up and stop cheating and being toxic yourself.
Mad? Nah. I was talking way before that happened. Glad you still hold that butthurt close. :,)
#33 *fatties, *whose
I’d rather be fat than an illiterate adult if I had to choose an affliction, but I get that morons need something to look down on others about so they don’t have to work on themselves
The grammar secret isn’t mine though; I couldn’t be arsed to that much effort for people who are proud to be ignorant because they think it’s cool.
We need more of these screenshots of cheaters secrets with the names and stuff on them. That’s the good stuff. People mocking others for being in SL while they’re also there is just about the most boring, pointless shit imaginable. “Everyone is ________ in SL except me! I’m the only normal/thin/attractive person on the whole grid and that’s what makes me feel good about myself” ? ugh, grow up.
Caiti called it regarding the bashing of the mesh bodies. Legacy may look nice but after the shit show the creators pulled with TMP and the way they screwed their previous customers, you cannot pay me enough to even go near it.
#8 I didn’t bother reading that cluster since it’s not even slightly readable. Use better fonts and stop using red!
#11 Thank you! Can you say that louder for those in the back who never want to pay attention!
#17 If he trusts his friend over you, it’s time to dump them both and find better for yourself.
#32 Seeing this one did surprise me. Is that still available on the grid? After all the shit that went down with Voodoo and the Greenzone crew, I figured he had been closed down. If you don’t know what I mean, go google Voodoo + Greenzone. They had a huge fight going on for a bit, with him trying to blacklist the members of the group. The owner/creator didn’t like the fact that Greenzone had noticed some hinky shit going on with the sploders and they were warning people to be cautious about using it.
legacy is also partially stolen from a retired daz model. the creator talks about it on steam all the time and loves to play business similators. that’s their life.
Regarding 17- yeah, you can’t spoil anything good with the truth. If the truth is going to destroy something, it should, and as soon as possible. That thing is nothing but a figment anyway if it can’t stand up to the truth.
#36 – Did she ever think about getting rid of the damn dog? it would have solved ALL of the problems she was having. GoFund Me’s are great for people who actually need help desperately.
More like she needs therapy.
#13 Not surprising but look at what you searched so not much better rofl, look in the mirror before trying to throw tea, and dont be a racist prick.
#12 That is what happens when you dont take the advice of making you stuff no mod. You brought that on yourself. Maybe learn a lesson finally and pull your head out of your ass people will steal your shit because you practically give them it full perm.
By the way leaving appiers as mod is just as stupid, little work to get the uuid and make your own applier..
completely legal and not a viewer, it just opens the cache folder of textures you ALREADY have downloaded to your computer from everything you ever see in SL.
BoM/System Layer?
XML output right in the viewer both in Official and Firestorm , more than likely in all of them. Exports a .txt file of every last UUID wearing with a corresponding # to layer it is located on the body
That doesn’t work anymore; go on and try it if you don’t believe me, but “Export to XML” in the developer tools now just shows strings of zeros next to all the texture numbers, no matter what system layers you add. Not sure when they “fixed” that, but I took a look at it just a couple of weeks ago and you get no info that way anymore.
@ Meh, Pocketsand, Cara, JustWanna: You guys are so right. I’m yelling. Also now that I know you can export.xml like you can with shapes but with BOM, it seems even scarier. Once I found out shapes could be taken without other viewers by wearing it and exporting it, I stopped selling shapes and started putting the finished shapes in with my demos, which ended up being even less work for me! I didn’t have to make a shape demo or anything anymore. I’m fine with people modding my skins if they’re buying them and not redistributing them… But it’s kinda impossible to do that without knowing your work isn’t being given out for free or for profit. Meanwhile there’s no use in trying to tell people not to mod your textures, because they can do it with or without your consent. I agree that no mod items get copybotted the worst, I’ve seen that happen with furniture, homes, heads, and rigged mesh clothes. I have met designers that believe if they make everything no mod then magically nobody can just take it and the rigging with it. Nothing on SL is truly safe. Really. Knowing this, it seems so crazy that I’m so supportive of people modding my work for their personal use, they’ll blame me and say I deserved getting my work resold on marketplace for 100L.. But I will ALWAYS stand by people who correctly use their modding on my skins and clothes if they bought them already and aren’t redistributing them. I’m an artist and I work hard on what I make and I really have a deep loving passion for making textures and digital painting on and off of SL. Maybe OP is right, maybe I do deserve my work being given out/resold by some… Read more »
I don’t think you deserve someone being a shitty person. I wish more creators understood the SL market as you do. Customers enjoy being able to make the things they bought more personal to them. To me, seeing them do amazing things with the things that I have for sale is really the most enjoyable part of the business experience.
I think you should continue as you have as long as it remains sustainable. In the long run, customers appreciate you being understanding and are more quickly endeared to you for it. Just like you said, there is no sure way for you to stop the few malicious people out there from taking what textures they want, it’s just a headache waiting to happen. Report them when you can and focus on the people who appreciate your work.
Let me get this straight.
The texture and UUID are unobtainable by casual user means. No matter if someone “encrypts” their texture or makes it”no mod”, it’s still easily accessible with 3rd party software. Please try to do your research.
By the way, “No Mod” stuff is just as easy for them to rip as “Yes Mod”. With other viewers, it just doesn’t matter. I even hear they can rip mesh +rigging these days. My dear friend had his mesh and rigging stolen by someone using such a viewer.
My textures are already uploaded as “No Mod” as it is. The scripts in my appliers are also “No Mod” – this means the script itself cannot be read when opened.
The Gaia appliers are all NO copy NO mod YES transfer, because why? It’s a gacha. Is that fullperm? I personally don’t think so.
I’d love for you to personally show me where I’ve gone wrong with my appliers and why you believe they are full perm by regular means. Really.
exactly why people aren’t bothering with bom layers lol
People are bothered by bom I was testing way before people are complaining to designers to make bom but don’t relise the work goes in to fixing it.
I can steal any applier UUID I want regardless of the permissions on the HUD. The HUD has nothing to do with it, actually. I don’t, because I have no interest in theft, but it’s very easy. Stop victim blaming when the only person responsible for stealing something is the thief. You sound like a rape apologist talking about how many drinks a victim had, or what they were wearing.
LOL Butthurt much? And yeah the uuid from an omega applier which she uses is encrypted so that just proves you use darkstorm lol, so what you stealing… Pot calling the kettle black here, and sorry facts offend you.
Butthurt because you’re retarded and don’t know how permissions work? Nah, and I’ve never heard of “darkstorm”; you obviously don’t know all the naughty tools out there. Tell yourself whatever you have to though, I get that it’s hard to look so stupid in public forums. You might want to figure out what “pot calling the kettle black” actually means and stop letting meaningless word vomit dribble from your fingertips.
I have to know what Darkstorm is because it comes up when you’re trying to safeguard your store. BeLess is absolutely correct. You can access textures and their UUIDs without a special SL viewer. All you need is to be able to see the texture normally in world and you can get it. Making something no mod does nothing to stop this.
In fact, making products no mod encourages copybotting since these types of customers can’t change their product for their own purposes. The only things that need no mod status are appliers (because at least make them work for it), HUDs/gift cards/controllers that wouldn’t have any need to be changed for any reason, and scripts themselves.
Finally someone gets it.
A lot of texture ripping is done for perfectly legitimate reasons, if someone buys the product and grabs the texture to modify for personal use without redistributing I see no harm in that, and you end up with something you truly love.
A good example of this is layering body add-ons like tattoos, wrinkles, freckles, makeup and so on, before BoM this was impossible, it was a matter of “pick one” which sucked.
I remember one time I asked a creator if I could have the texture of a building, so I could modify it in a way I wanted but I got this long ass reply explaining why I couldn’t get it…
What was I gonna do with a fucking texture alone? Having the building was where the money was, a texture alone was nothing and acting like it was a valuable thing that could be resold if I was given it full perm was just idiot talk.
Just slapping it out there to see the world burn I see.
#18 is true, i used to play as a child in the hardwood family, and marco wanted to fool around with me all the time when ben and donny was away, which is why i left the family, they are all sick and twisted! … keep your child avatars away from this creep!
Facts are Facts I know this much is True Child Avatars are not allowed in the Club or on The Sim. so get your Facts Straight!!!!
I agree about Marco. He dated my dad many years ago and I also was a kid avatar. Him and his rl partner Keith were both into kids and when confronted he denied it. I agree he breaks families up. He broke up the Monday’s family and lied about Steffi. We blocked him soon as he left the family but to be honest, Not surprised he made it onto SL Secrets about this crap. Shocked that it didn’t happen sooner.
Of course his friends would come on here to defend him. Anyone who defends a pedo is one themselves.
who’s Skylar? but yes i have enough evidence of age play, in which has been passed on to LL, this whole group are sick and twisted, and as for not allowing child avatars in the clubs or sim, is total trash, but hey wait till next week when all will be revealed, and each of you will be named and shamed, because it dont matter on the age as long as u can fool around when you think no one is watching!
Marco – is just a creep and child avatars need to keep out of his way, he is dangerous, and makes you feel guilty until he gets what he wants when no one else is around, then denys any Sexual activity took place.
Ben & Donny – Both know whats been going on, but dont have the balls to do anything about it, and now this has all come out, they are shitting themselves, BEN is not so innocent in the photos i have.
Donny – just acts dumb, and dont want to accept what goes on around him.
oh i have loads to tell, but that will wait for a few more weeks yet!
Meh, ageplay is ok, overrated yet ok. Skyler is a submissive,who likes fake sl kids with pubes. That was funny.he would bitch about how people never want to hang out. We’re all submissive adults sometimes. Rp is rp. People need to chill. Suck a dick or something,don’t be a moralist in sl. That defeats the purpose of sl. Plus if i was rping a kid I wouldn’t blow Marco,he’d probably forget about it. 🙂
Just want to make one thing clear the only reason this person is making these comments is because he was told he would not be a Hardwood based on his actions. The so called photo you talking about where u say Marc is behind you well please show me in the photo where u are wearing a Child Avatar cause you are claiming you played a child? I just want to make this clear we are not a FAMILY, we are a Brotherhood there is a difference.
I have photo evidence.. Even of Ben fooling around with a child avatars claiming to be afk with Marco standing behind him… So what this space for next week!!
Why not report to sl that against tos for sure.
oh hi skylar, its a lot coming from you when everybody knows you’ve had numerous accounts banned from sl for age play isn’t it, because you got rejected for the hardwood name this is your response? how petty boy, as for your evidence how about you be a man and send it to ben, Donny and marco in their IM’s rather than hiding behind a screen……Keyboard Warrior much!
ooh 3 names to give LL.. xD nice.. have fun fuckers xD
#18. I’m not surprised. He’s fucked up in the head. A smart thing you left him. He’s a creep and needs to be removed from the game. I recommend staying away from them all. A bunch of drama people and nobodies.
Pedo alert for sure
erm….who even are you? y’all can hide behind sl secrets and post lies but don’t have the guts to jump in an IM box and call these people out? where’s the proof of this guy being a pedo? wheres your proof of the Hardwood family having child avatars? guess you didn’t do your digging well enough because there has NEVER been child avatars involved with that family
@martini sippin… you sound soo fucking stupid.. “have the guts to jump in an IM box” lmaooo yeah everyones afraid to type to a fuckin ped.. just to be a prick im gunna hit up LL and have em watch those accounts that were named, xD
I got way more guts.. xD fuck yo im box
#8. Really? Can anyone decipher that crap? Makes my eyes bleed. Why use screenshots of the profile? It gives zero context that simply typing out the screen name can’t provide…..
How the hell are we supposed to read most of these this week ?
If you are going to trash people make it BOLD, so we can at least read the bitchiness.