Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 580.
**To the person who posted the secret that I didn’t post, please do not take offense. I do feel your emotions and it was a lovely secret. I have saved it, for when I feel ready.**
Thanks to generous donations I was able to pay for all the comment add-ons available to the commenting system I use. I have tried, and turned off, the online/offline notifier. I’m not sure I like that, but you all could request that to be turned back on.
There’s lots of options available including flagging (LORD help us all).
The user-mention also seems useless since I don’t require registration. For those of you who routinely use the same name I might offer up registration of that name, but I don’t know how I can enforce that it be solely used for you and I’d like to mark you all somehow as a registered user but I’m working on figuring that out. If you all even want that.
That’s all, I got caught up in the middle of something while writing this comment so it will be disjointed.
😈 😥
:envy: 😀 🙂
#13 is hilarious. It’s even more funny how her clubs are going up in flames, because she uses them as a personal playground instead of a business. Everyone on here is giving her too much credit. She’s just a sad woman who can’t stand her own husband, can’t stand her kids, can’t stand her life….so she comes online and creates things that make her look like she has power. Creates cliques of her friends so that she’s never alone. Blackmails the guys she likes into liking her, telling her she’s sexy – to the point of sexual harassment- even though her poor husband does her bidding constantly to try and fix things. I feel very sorry for the employees who choose to stay, even her management. You’re nothing to her, and you are disposable. If y’all only knew. This bitch has more secrets than Snape. There are so many clubs you can work at that make you feel better about yourself. Hope you all find your way.
hi kess i tried uploading a secret but it gave me an error ” Error: No file uploaded”
do i need to reupload the secret or did it actually go thru even though it said Error? something going on with the website?
I fixed the problem, thank you for letting me know. Retry the upload, should work.
#34 …. idk~ there’s a certain person (EAL) that has a thousand and one haha haha
#17 Jerry…..Jerry…..Jerry……
#4 and #51: Y’all effing sick.
#3, #15 and #31: Y’all also effing sick.
#18: Isn’t that called “branding”?
#23: Could/would/maybe? And so what? *shrug*
@34 she is actually the sweetest girl I know who can get along with (apparently “almost”) everybody, so I’m surprised to see her on this website. It sounds to me that someone is obviously jealous because they won’t and can never be the sweet, kind, loving person that rou is, who is loved by many. I think the poster is the lonely one if you ask me.
You didn’t complain when I was fucking you like a whore and came all over you!
I added more groups specially for you!
you can fuck off now you worthless bitch
PS : Avoid this lil bitch >>>lovelessdoll.claven<<<
you didn
t fuck her. you pressed some buttons and probably did some dirty talking.
t compare to the disgusting animal raping fact.also this doesn
you are a sick bastard and you are completely lost in a virtual world.
remember that SL is a small place and it was about time that somebody called you out. there`s so many disgusting and insane things about you. you should be the last one to point your dirty fingers at others.
you can fuck off now you worthless loser.
She is psychotic, a liar and a drama whore(one of the rare occasions I’ve seen someone mentioned here that I actually know), but if you’re into raping animals you’re a way bigger piece of shit than she is- and yes, all sex with animals is rape. They can’t consent, you sick fuck.
You really think I’m raping animals? LOOOOOOOOOL the group means nothing mate, I didn’t rape nothing, my conscience is clean.
I added more filthy groups for that stalker to cry about, this is sl, the group means fucking nothing the point here is that bitch has nothing better to do other then obviously stalking others and act like a whore bitch
Not here to prove yourself yet you feel the need to defend yourself. XD YOU’RE the biggest whore of them all, and you cry more than anyone else.
@25 do you even speak English lmfaoo wtf
#28- Graham hires the girls. I’m pretty sure from what they’ve said, when ‘he’ does, it’s Meela on him testing out the girl he hired to see if she can actually emote/rp. But yeah so many bots.
#30. LOL another ex that thought she was the love of his life by any chance? A friend of mine dated this loser over a year ago and honestly if you dumb bishes fall for the shit he spews time and time again it’s your own damn fault, he spews the same lines to every chick he’s with all you got to do is look at his flickr check the quotes on his past pics and you’ll see a pattern form :p he’ll want to partner you asap tell you he’s NEVER felt this way about any else and write the same bs love story in his picks about every single one of you. The dude got issues that’run far deeper then normal thats a given and he’s got playing the victim down to a fine art. Girl you dodged a bullet anyone that can be “in love” that often and jumps straight to the next hole to wet his dick within days of breaking up with you isn’t worth your time or effort so just sit back and watch the shit show evolve with the next gullable bish cus we all know be it a few days/weeks/months it’ll be the same thing happening with the next one :p
He is already with someone new, Also I was made aware that he cheated on his most recent ex wife. Clearly if he sliding his meat into the next hole so soon after breaking up with someone he married on SL then well that shows he does not truly care about a person. It may just be SL but you represent who you are as a person via your actions so when someone jumps from one relationship to the next you got to sit back and think how emotionally detached this person truly is and how your just a piece of pixel ass to get his pixel dick wet, because clearly he is no doubt not getting any real action in his real life so he uses SL to pleasure himself, Because why watch porn all the time? When there are plenty of thirsty easy bitches willing to spread their pixel legs for any type of pixel dick that shows some interest? Glad I stayed away from this cheat and pussy hopper. If there was such thing as SL STIs I am sure he would have them all.
Not sure what he is I just know how he treated my frand a long time ago and the girls following her that dated him and the same bs was just on repeat, His RL is something else he got a son he never bothers with much and IDK how much is true but apparently he lied about being thrown in jail for beating on his best frand RL cus his frands baby died of cancer and the frand had attacked the dead baby momma it was all lies cus he was meeting a chick IRL. Either way he’s a waste of oxygen and like you say gets in game to hunt pussy. Zero clue about his new piece but I’m damn sure she’ll be “standing by him” cus ofc he has the poor bish brainwashed like the rest. He’s good with words I guess??? And there will always be someone new that hasn’t heard about his past that will fall for his repeated love story toward them. Most laughable qoute I see him say to them all is “I’m with the same girl SL as RL” REALLY Lath define RL HAHA!! New chick… RUN!! LMAO.
Usually I do not care what is happening on this site, but now is a different story because the “dumb bitch” as you call it without knowing me from nowhere is myself, I was stupid indeed for fall for his bullshits, I was dumb indeed for believing I found the one, I have been on sl over 11 years and I have never allowed anyone in my real life as I allowed him, I actually went to see him in real as well, not even a week after I returned he was with someone new already while I was in hospital very ill, I end up staying over 1 week while he was enjoying his new “love”. I am not here to tell my story life I am here to actually agree that he is a liar, a fake, he is good with words makes you feel special and unique, my mistake was not to trust my gut feeling when I should have just dump him, I had a warning from his ex but u know how it is, if an ex tells us shit about the guy we dating we usually ignore it because we think it is just jealousy. In the end he will continue to do what he does best.. Not a week before he was saying he “loves ” this new girl he was saying he “loves” me… I am picking up all the pieces and I know I will be ok ,because I am a strong independent woman,and the more I fall down the stronger I get up and for me this is nothing at all, he is nothing to me and the best we do for nothing is to ignore and be happy. He does not know what love is, I kind of feel… Read more »
Is your name perhaps “I Do Give A Fuck”? How in the hell do you write this big of a story on someones bullshit when you claim to not give a fuck? I get it, everyone goes trough tough times and falls on their face multiple times before finding true “real” love. The only thing i cannot seem to understand is, why put it online and blow it up this big? If you are honestly very ill i don’t understand how you can sit there and blame someone by telling people how much of a asshole he is while looking for empathy from other people for your illness. Maybe concentrate on yourself and get better before putting yourself in the middle of any online drama. Honestly, what’s more important right now?
First of all I am not here to get empathy from anyone for the fact I was in hospital ill, I am simply explaining how low he is for the fact he knew I was ill and still stood down low, second of all if you read my statement I did said the only reason I am here is because I am trying to help the next victim to think twice before she falls for whatever he says, third why you think I was the one who put it online? I only found out because of friends of mine who told me about this, I do not need to explain myself to you in any form, you do not know what I have been thru and to be honest the reason it says IDGAF is because I do not give a fuck anymore for whatever lies he told me.Anyways done with this talk have a good day.
I feel for ya girl I really do and I for one 100 believe what you’re saying here, I can’t fully relate cus I was never emotionally involved with the creep but I do know what you’re saying about people never believing the ex that warns you off but when there’s a pattern with every single one from “falling in love” in a very short space of time, telling yall he’s never felt this way about anyone before, claiming each and every time HE is the one that is BROKEN from the previous relationship you need to take a check and question his bs but like you say he makes yall feel unique in the moment and our own needs automatically want to believe what he tells you. It’s sad that he is this much in need of feeling loved and wanted that he doesn’t gaf who he is fucking with long term as long as he gets the fix he needs at the time. I too feel sorry for him he really needs to pull himself away from SL and fix his mental issues instead of looking for online girls to fix them for him cus this only lasts short term until his needs are no longer being met and it’s time to move to someone else that gives him the honeymoon attention he so desperately needs. The new chick won’t listen she’s brainwashed already and I’ve no doubt has him telling her that it’s exes being jealous and trying to start drama and that she’s different. Girl hold your head up and flip him the finger you’re better than him by far he also likes to play the poor lath card when it comes to money etc in his RL yet he sits on his ass drinking and… Read more »
Yes I am good to be fair my real is far more important, thank you for your kind words and you are right Karma is a bitch indeed
1. Wow, you’re a bit of a cunt. Schadenfreude is disturbingly strong with you.
3. Both of these two.. the girl that fucked her dog and sent videos around.. and her partner.. need to spend some time in a cell.
8. & 16. Um, stop listening to them? Go somewhere else? Turn off SL music and listen to your own stuff?
9. What’s it matter to you who/what people wear in here. You do you, they’ll do them.
15. I don’t get why SL just leaves these places. It’s so nasty.
17. Signs it’s time to see a shrink, when you confuse real family.. with SL family, psst.. they’re not actually related.
18. Her photos used to be so much more creative, now she’s just boring, over saturated and some of the edits are just lazy.
31. They aren’t actually related.. but the fact this bitch fucked her dog.. I really hope someone who knows where she lives called the RSPCA/animal warden and police on this disgusting fleshbag of a human.
45. What is with the resurgence of morphs, they’re just creepy af.
46. If they don’t ask for voice verification, it doesn’t really matter now does it? People are here for whatever fantasy they want.
You have to realize, the gushy post from #40 (on the left) has nothing to do with the post on the right because, hello… when you simply log in over and over and over and nominate yourself for every damn category, of course you will end up “surprisingly” nominated. However, your post is heavily appreciated by many.
#23 Yes firestorm does collect data and even they recently released some metrics:
“542,967 unique users across 9.9 million sessions spending 17.7 million hours logged into Second Life on Firestorm over the last 30-day period”
The creepy thing is that the workers at firestorm and Casper, are also players in the game, so it feels creepy that they know all about you when you contact them :shutmouth: Information is power and they are basically the most powerful players in SL
They don’t know shit dude lmao why u think there’s inworld support group n they WILL ask u which viewer Ur using etc. Only people who can legally obtain ur proper ip as identity is supposed to be the police. On the off chance others can, it won’t give away ur identity. It will just be numbers. Calm ur paranoid tits babay. ?
The inworld firestorm support group is not run by firestorm Admins. It is a group run by people who volunteers to help with firestorm questions, thus they need to ask you each time what version of firestorm u are using.. Why would the admins allow those volunteers that information about the customers? Admins keep that information to themselves.
You must not know how the firestorm viewer works. It retains all information such as teleport history, chat history, notification histories, etc. Firestorm is the medium to which you connect to Secondlife world, so any information that passes thru firestorm, firestorm will know i toot, including your IP. It is not illegal to obtain IP address of a person. If you visit any website, the website has your IP address. Its that simple.
But we totally rely on them having this info, because if one day your inventory goes poof, you really want to recover all that you can. I find it more reassuring than creepy, but then again, I’m not into shady stuff in SL, so…
Wanting privacy has nothing to do with being shady or not. I don’t want people peering into my windows in RL, regardless of what I’m doing, it’s super creepy.
You don’t seem to understand something very basic- your home is your property. The Second Life platform, and the hardware it runs on (LL’s “house” if you will) are owned by someone else. Every piece of information they gather on you, you gave them permission to take when you accepted their terms of service to use their property. That’s why your analogy is fallacious.
Starting to think it might be a good idea to actually read those terms of service, huh?
this is random but something i discovered this past week..
I been busy outside the house and forgot to add my new bank acct to my home internet (verizon)..
so i decide to log in SL the other day from firestorm and theres a verizon message on the firestorm log in page.
but im already on a higher cloud so i click log in anyways.
when i land at home im an orange cloud and everything loads around me (neighbors stuff everything) but my stuff.. and im still slow and its not registering..
i logged out to relog and apparently even verizon knows whats urs in SL.. bcuz it didnt work until i fixed my new bank info. and paid the bill. =/
nothing is private.
just passing the news.
p.s. only people doing grimey shit are so paranoid anyways. relax and stop kid fucking xD
I dont mind if secondlife knows my information , but i dont want THIRD parties (firestorm , casper) to know everything i do or done or have or said.
Why cant secondlife make a better SL viewer so people dont need third parties viewer ?
why cant secondlife make a better store transaction thing, instead of creators having to use thirdparty caspervend?
… you do realize you don’t have to use Firestorm, or buy from people who use Caspervend, right? I mean you’re literally whining about choices you are personally making. “But I waaaaaaaaant those things!” LOL Idk why I expected anyone on the secrets to have any common sense, though.
We can choose not to use firestorm, and use the official sl viewer yes. But how does one choose not to use caspervend?
If the store USES caspervend/casperwebsite for store transactions, how would a customer buy items from that store ?
There’s no choice NOT to use caspervend if that is what the store uses. Maybe you should be the one use common sense?
You do realize 95 percent of stores use Caspervend. Only a few of the smart popular stores created their own store website transaction thing.
You would just… not buy items from that store? That’s completely possible. Yeah, you would miss out on a lot. I guess your privacy isn’t worth as much to you as pretty pixel things, huh? You can use SL without shopping or spending any money at all, if your information is so precious to you. You choose not to. Stop whining and trying to hold other people and companies responsible for choices you freely make. You choose your avatar’s appearance and your collection of fuck furniture over your RL privacy, period. Most of us do- just most of us aren’t crying about it.
SL is an entirely user generated platform, so lets talk about how dim witted you have to be to ask why things are built by third parties with that clearly being the whole intent of the platform LOL Pretty sure you have no idea what common sense even is, if you think “Well I can’t get what I want if I don’t do this thing I’m complaining about” is an example of it, while missing the obvious.
meh, I don’t care what they know about me, because I don’t go to seedy places ??♀️
Where did narias goooo that was fucking amusing ❗ !!
Mate ur a little obsessed, aren’t u? Been reading u for weeks now.
Naria u know we know that’s u under another name don’t u lmao!! U gave urself away last week. If I’m obsessed, then ur even more of a dick head cus ur obsessed with me commenting u timid fucker lmao
Thats not the first time you write the same bull this week, on the previous deleted conversation you accused another one of being Naria. So when someone doesn’t agree with u it’s automaticly the person you want them to be. Calm down mate the world does not revolve around you.
It’s ur shit grammar/quotations what gives it away u dumbass lmao what’s world revolving around me got the fuck to do with this? ?
Funny how u know it was deleted too no one else seems to know what happened with it.
Ur quiet dumb bitch lmao
I was on that thread too you moron! I see a lot of people know about it if you look at the comments below or is that all you? ?
I have a feeling your running quite a bit of the same comments here so just give it up already. I’m on naria’s discord and she is not bothered with sl secrets anymore. Her and Timm are even making fun of all this so you can go suck some pixel cock you dumb fuck
Ur the only one kissin ur own ass naria. Ur a manly sounding old women go to bed and wait for ur nurse at ur retirement home
I know u was on the thread I didn’t say u wasn’t dummy n wtf u babbling about LMFAO?!
25.) I also don’t like Naria very much, but this, Mister, is a very very bad photopshop.
She admitted she did it so this is a pretty stupid thing to say lol
Oh, my bad, sorry that I’m not up to date with EVERYTHING thas person said, makes me really stupid, yes. I just find the angle of her neck too strange for a sex position, looks like someone photoshopped a normal picture of her head/ neck onto that body. Also, she looks very emotionless on that pic. Who does stare like that when having sex, even if pixel sex? Too poor to afford good furniture with animations in it?
Also, I would like to have the link where she did admit it, so I can finally lose my last respect for that person.
Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately, the comment thread she started by admitting she did it, but claimed she was logged in as both avatars and she was only taking a blog photo for flickr which she linked (that is dressed and only snuggles btw) has been deleted in its entirety. I didn’t realize that when I responded to you because that is very fucking unusual for this site, and no explanation for that has been offered. By way of further explanation, she claimed she went through the sex poses because “it’s a Keanu skin” and “everyone would do that”.
Would certainly be nice to know why the evidence for that person humiliating themselves in public has been removed when so many others remain; we just gonna pretend like inquiring minds don’t wanna know, Kess?
Thanks for keeping me up to date, I totally missed that very interesting part.
Something weird is going on…. Naria is slowly deleting her posts or something? I just checked last week’s secrets too, a few of her responses are gone, and so any direct replies to her comments are also gone too!Is naria hiding evidence?
I think people are flagging them which makes them go back under moderation. Hope that explains what’s happened. FOR EVERYONE: Flagging is for serious violations not because a user’s comment is dumb as shit. 🙂
Oooh so they don’t have to be manually removed; good to know! I would hate to think someone’s whining to you would actually produce results lol
dude you missed the whole conversation on sunday. She posted in the comments and admitted it and there was a long discussion. lol I dont know why but her post disappeared a day later.
I’m pissed that her conversation went it was assuming af xD
Can someone please explain how all of naria’s comments are gone? lol my friend said even the older secrets , her comments are gone too, and i checked and indeed it is true. Its gone! well except for one where she says “this is my last post” . did she leave this one up on purpose?
I think people are flagging them which makes them go back under moderation. Hope that explains what’s happened. FOR EVERYONE: Flagging is for serious violations not because a user’s comment is dumb as shit. 🙂
#24 hit the nail on her ugly head! Nadia is one of the most miserable people in SL. She makes a point to go out of her way to be cruel. She makes digs at people all the time. She cries about not getting attention. She has a well known history for fucking her “friend’s” men, repeatedly. No one enjoys her presence. Plain and simple. Deep down she is a mean, hateful person. Karma is a bitch Nadia. Enjoy!!!
We have talked about short avis before and I don’t think being short makes you a child in SL
But #4?
that is blatant and awful ngl…that crosses the line HARD.
2 is actually really adorable, give the man a chance!
She’s over bitching on the forums about people banning her, she’s getting banned left and right from places lately.
#9. That was already done last week, and last week’s was better.
#33 Yeah, funny how u are trying to frame someone who I know specifically know who u are trying to frame….looks like the joke is on you. Jokes on you… everyone knows you posted this yourself Ari. Too bad you can’t get any attention … so u have to revert to this kind of drama. Poor you.
Is no one going to talk about 31? Yeah the quality of the photos are shit, but if you zoom in you can still read it. Her and the dude who took the pictures talked about her fucking her dog and they both loved it. Sick. As. Fuck. They are fucking twisted and need arrested.
#31 I know Kitty from a friend, everyone is going on and on about her doggy ways, there is more to this person than dog sex. She has many alts, ruining friends and families one by one. Not just SL but IMVUtoo. She is a straight-up slut with zero respect for herself or anyone else. She cares about no ones feelings but her own and every time she is called out she cries out for attention and plays the victim. Victim of cyberbullying???? NO, SHE IS NOT. She creates all her drama and everyone else’s drama. All she cares about, wants and needs is DICK and some off the charts child rape, incest or animal story to get her off. Her most recent adventure caused rl drama for someone who became a victim of domestic violence. No Kitty did not tell this man to beat his wife but it all stemmed for her sexing up a horrible monster who beat his pregnant wife and now sits in jail. Way to go Kitty, you still playing the victim? Or have you ran again to another alt? People like this is exactly why SL has lost compassion and
Jen is a sociopath. If you fall for her “Feelings” .. Im sorry.. but she has none.
She has been doing this for years.. and everyone who stands up for her eventually sees her true colors.. but by then its too late.. she has done something to hurt them. Damage them completely.. word of advice to Iza and Gabe.. She told me flat out she wanted Iza.. soooo.. good luck to you both. When she is done with you.. you will see.. You will regret ever knowing her. Ask Iza how he showed her his real pic.. and how she was asking sexual questions to a man she claimed Iza has only been with women. Till gabe. Be careful Gabe.. she already has her claws in your man.
Did anyone warn Gabe? 🙁 they are my favorite couple on sl i would lose faith in love if that chick steals Iza…
Let me guess, youre bishop, arent you?
Yeah that was not Bishop.
Who cares? Did you ever check SL kink sims? Theres a sim about this stuff in sl. If youre still weirded out by some awkward kinks in sl, you probably should leave sl. Theres way wilder things out there, you should worry about more. Someone texting about it, is way more harmless than someone actually doing it (which btw happens, google it)
hey gimber im just gonna leave this here lmao ***warning. Nsfw link****https://gyazo.com/77fa351ae8e0bf163695f70a78ea0ce0?fbclid=IwAR1bI1rmHZ59Mb9j-N-wu9gtQt-pL1dOlwMWbqaW__FfpHORRsDQz7O8E5g
Thats funny xD but also is that worth shaming her and busting her, bullying her into mental illness? I dont know man, i dont think thats worth it just because theres someone butthurt for being cheated on. Bullying happens for those two reasons (in this case)
– looking to gain a feeling of power, purpose and control
– think it will make them popular
So because someone played out their kink in an online game, still doesnt justify what the girls/dudes who post that do. Its the second post about her, its like they try to find validation with bullying a girl. As if they make it their hobby to “destroy” someone. And thats a pathetic and disgusting thing to do.
Raping animals is not a kink, it’s criminal behavior- some of the most pathetic and disgusting criminal behavior imaginable. Please stop trying to defend your gross ass fantasies.
@BeLess i’m sure thats the same excuse they’d use if that gif was of baby sex. smh
always an excuse for disgustingness
It is a pixel dog… we will not forget this, will we? This is overdramatic exxaggerating a situation caused by a guy who obviously had a kink for a girl raping a dog in text. Where is the post about him? the one who fapped to this on the other side of the chat? Who validated that girl by doing this? Its as if he made her do it just to blackmail her. What a disgusting way to bring someone down.
Im very sure you had dirty rape kinks too before and lived them out in a virtual world, thats why you feel attacked 🙂
No one can make another person rape anyone else, especially in a virtual world where no one can make anyone do anything at all. Wtf kind of logic is that? Anyone, like you, that thinks that kind of act isn’t heinous and disgusting, is fundamentally fucked in the head. Trying to deflect blame off one party to another doesn’t change that. They’re both horrible human beings, and you’re horrible for defending it.
Everyone involved is disgusting; I never said otherwise. In fact, I never specified I was talking about anyone, so your entire rebuttal is useless.
I don’t feel attacked; I just don’t think there’s anything acceptable about fantasies of raping helpless beings. It’s like the difference between a non-consent fantasy between 2 adults, and non-consent fantasy between an adult and a child. They are not the same thing. Anyone trying to make that argument has some seriously suspect motivations, and probably belongs on a watch list.
Oh boy…okay. So, assuming Timm is totes a-ok with you logging in to his account while hes away, takin flickr picks and posibly shlicking your bean to the both of you naked, performing “saucy” animations…is your RL husband okay with this? What would he say if he saw this? Correct me if i’m wrong, but didn’t you say in one of your Q&A videos, that you used to mess around with guys in SL, and that your man once saw it on your screen and said he didn’t like you doing that?
Also, what would Timm’s SL husband/RL boyfriend say if he saw this? Did you ever consider the fact, that you might get Timmy in trouble?
Listen, if you wanna ring your doorbell to someone railing your avatar in a Keanu Reeves cosplay, be my guest. Don’t even give a shit about him being your SL brother – yall aren’t really related. But…this is kinda fucked, Naria.
Oh, and I wonder who took the pic in the secret. Was it you? One of your scorned friends? Are you making shit up, and Timm was actually online? The plot thickens!!! LMAO
@Naria, You are nasty. You even do it in public with Tim trying out those adult furniture in stores in your vids lol
Thats your brother for godsakes!
#26 – Got nothing but good things to say about her. Love her Vid’s. People need to stop taking things so seriously. She does great reviews on FLF and Saturday Shoppers along with things OUT of SL.
45. While Lory makes none of her actual faces to start with? All Tres skins are morphs. She cuts models and celebs faces out from photos online then fits them into the uv and “tones” to call herself a creator. Ever wonder why she can’t make body appliers? This is why she has zero actual skin skills.
#30 What is a “hatfish?” Is that a dude that is bald in real life but wears a hat in SL to hide the truth? My god, if so, I am also a “hatfish.”
Now I have Babyshark back in my head. I blame you!
i kinda wanna know what she said to grandpa….shes’s gunna make me blow my cover to cuss her ass out in a SL group. xD lol
remixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xD.
@0:26 is for you grandpa xD
baby Shark to do to do … sing it with me
#41. Finally someone put this piece of work on here instead of her putting all of her “closest” friends on here each and every week.
pretty funny how half of these are saying those two are together, and the other half are saying they’re single. he’s bullshitted so many people that they can’t even agree on a post about what the truth is.
Why do you care ? Does it change your life somehow ? If people thought any of these things he’d lose people and have no one. Look at the people in his life who have been in his life for years. He doesn’t skip around from person to person or have multiple relationships with many different girls. It’s clear that anyone can see that.
You’re trying to say horrible things about a person who is doing no wrong. There is worse people in SecondLife so go pick on the real dbags in the game and leave innocent people alone.
Hadley, reading this breaks my heart for you. I hope that this is the thing that opens your eyes. So many times I have watched you try to get away and then you make an excuse for him and go back. This should serve as your reminder that he is never going to claim you in public. He’s never going to partner you. He’s never going to declare to the world that you are his. You give him the attention he needs and he treats you like his girlfriend behind closed doors, that’s it. There will always be some ex, some other girl, and some excuse standing in your way. Please please this time just walk away. We are all here to catch you. Remember that you are a queen!
Zaidon, for the love of God please let her go this time. How much more does she need to take for you at her expense? Don’t you see how ridiculous this makes her look? She deserves more and you know it. I’ve seen you two together several times and you know damn well that there is more going on with you than what you will share with people. Stop dragging her along. If you two are “just friends” start acting like just friends with her.
Holy fuck. This is some weird ass telenova shit, isn’t it? How bored do you have to be with real life to get this deep into a game with people you’ll never meet and never actually know?
You’re acting like this grown ass woman is a toddler and doesn’t know how to click the little X in the corner, lmao. Way to white knight for her though.
Hadley is grown and knows to walk away if she was hurting from anything. Zaidon is her best friend. She’s not a prisoner of his idiot. He barely plays Secondlife but he has some hold on her? Lmao she can do what she wants and you clearly don’t know her or anything so move along troll. Nothing you do or say changes anyone’s opinions. Tata!
Open your eyes. They just don’t put all their shit out so move along with your stupid ass. Not everyone has to report everything they do to the world. But, it’s very clear they are together. Spend any amount of time with them and they sickly cute. Keep on going tho boo you giving me lots to laugh at
They are very much NOT together.
F’wenal, you really must not know them at all LMAO. Ask any of their closest friend, the kids they share together, or talk to Hadley. I’m not sure why it bothers so many people what they are and what they aren’t. You’re prob one of the girls he has on shut down cuz he’s been with her. Ya salty much?
Caught me.
Again why do you care ? It’s not your life or anything you need to worry about. Let them do them.
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
About time what ? Do you think a false image on this site changes people’s opinion? You’re the same person commenting on different names with no proof.
Zaidon is very well liked/loved and some image won’t change anyone’s opinion. He doesn’t even care or even given you an inch of attention to your false claims. Unlike you he has a life and better things to do with it. You’re gonna have to do better than this hunny.
Hadley is perfectly fine btw living her single life that she wants to live. Where’s the other girls too? Ah once again there is none. It was a good try tho.
Hadley is married not single.
I know that she is married. There’s no need to bring others real life into this of who they are behind the computer or what they do behind the computer. That has no part of this. This is about second life and whoever thinks she’s having this done to her is an idiot. She’s fine and doing her own thing. Someone should ask her next time instead of making false images to try to start shit that’ll get them no where.
Why are you vouching for yourself Zaidon, it’s literally you and anyone who knows you on any (unfortunate) level knows it’s you. You don’t have “A Friend” who would go that hard for you because you’re not innocent nor an innocent party in any of the things you’ve been involved in. It’s about time people drag you since you like to come for others and then pretend like it wasn’t you and are concerned but in all actuality you’re fucking lopsided in the head.
I’m actually Hadley’s friend and know him through her. You can keep going with this but Zaidon has many friends and a lot of family who love and adore him. Nothing you do or say on here will ruin that becos you’re nothing. You don’t have that kind of power hunny. Hadley is a grown ass woman and she can handle herself. If Zaidon was this horrible person then why has he lost no one in his life? You’re gonna have to do better than this. Drag as you may hunny but you’re still accomplishing nothing. Tata. 🙂
Also one of Hadley’s friends and my dude makes a point. If Zaidon was as bad as everyone says he is then he’d be alone. Hadley has been with him for months and whatever this secret was supposed to do it’s only pushed them closer together. Fuckin losers.
Bitches grow up, Hadley has a mind of her own and would never be in a position to be gas-lit. I think that whomever posted this shit prob had to take a break from jacking off to pictures of Hadley and Zaidon enjoying their sl lives together because they certainly are in-fact together, it is obvious. Get a clue ladies and know that if you are having to take time out of your days to post these kinds of things about Zaidon then he probablly has put you on shut down, because he has a boo.. This makes me laugh, no good low life pieces of dog shit, get a life and get a job because you apparently need something to do.
Hadley, YOU DO YOU BOO BOO! Good GAWSH you little hoes don’t got anything better to do then to sling fake news around! Leave them both alone! The only thing I see is two people trying to do themselves and a bunch of snotty assholes who are jealous that they can’t be with them! Bruh, get over it. They ain’t leaving each other we already know this cuz they been at it a whole minute. Back up a bit and evaluate your life if you gotta come at them with ya stinky crotches beaver first. It ain’t cute. Zaidon & Hadley, you both cute af get together already we all know you basically are. Ya ain’t slick.
Zaidon is infact a female behind the avatar.
wait is 41 a chick or a dude?
Where’s your proof of that? Ah right there is none. It’s called it’s already been proven by police last year Zaidon never put anyone on here when his ex’s mom had someone try and stalk his real life. Know your facts cause all you got is he said she said bullshit. The only ones who care are you lonely hoes making different names with different emails to comment. LOL and news flash to you hunny, do you see him bothered? He won’t be but it was a good try. He loses no one to this either. Time to find yourself a new hobby.
Ok Zaidon,
Yessss!!! IKR?
41 made my day
11. This is most likely not the only store doing this. Not sure how easy it is for people to tell. Red flags for me are people with NO history of making items in SL suddenly appearing with high quality mesh and getting in top events. Or designers suddenly making high end mesh. Most of my friends who have been learning to make mesh always start with a specific “chunky” kind of style of mesh, which gets fine tuned over time as they learn how to use more tools in 3d modelling programs.
#21/#22 how sad or miserable your life must be for you to try to keep dragging this on.
#50 meh. i don’t need a custom skin. a lot of people don’t even make custom work anymore (in the style i like at least).
41- This has been going on for a long time. That is Zaidon for you.
#1 – The last circle of hell is waiting for your black font on red background… #2 – If you think this is the best place to do that… how the hell would anyone even find you? #3 – Some people are just weird. #4 – This is really messed up, seriously how in the hell… #5 – Does it comes with a certificate of authenticity too? #6 – He looks like he has issues. #7 – So much reading for so little pay off… #8 – Like any SL DJ is any good… #9 – Another one of these? #10 – Can take any guy serious that uses a font like that on their display name. #11 – Another one bites the dust! I love these! #12 – Posted by herself. #13 – How does the saying goes? Calling the cattle… what? #14 – Her high horse is actually a rottin fun fair wooden horse. #15 – Second dog sex one this week… #16 – LoL, reminds me of strippers that come in with their male alts… or their mains I should say… to tip the stripper over and over again, rotating the money just to get a tip jar looking like they have something. #17 – Fuck your font and its color in that background. #18 – There’s nothing particularly wrong in a consistent tone, better than having what looks like a fruit salad pile of vomit. #19 – Another one! Nice, but this one was easy enough, so… half points. #20 – And believe it or not, there are people that say there should only be 1 mesh body in SL… seriously… #21 – Literally who’s this? #22 – Seriously, who’s Jaay? #23 – This is not true, while they can do that, they don’t, because storing… Read more »
#41 oh hunny this is old news! That person is insanely crazy, and needs help. She mentally abuses people, gaslights, stalks, and plays victim all the time. She makes the REAL victims look crazy to everyone else. She’s charming that’s for sure. On a surface level you would think she’s a pretty amazing girl but nope. Sadly once you really get to know her, it’s not very pretty. I suggest you stay away from her. She is dangerous.
Lol if you knew Zaidon at all you would know he has only dated two girls since being in SecondLife and could careless what some thots on the net think. Do you think putting up a secret and making multiple emails to write a comment with different usernames makes you special? Pathetic honestly pathetic.
If Zaidon was all these things you claim then how is he still in SecondLife? LL would ban him or police would be involved if he “stalked” anyone. Show the proof of your claims. What’s that? You don’t have any? Wonder why. 🙂
Do tell how he’s gaslighting anyone also. As from what I see Hadley is single and free to date whoever she wants, when she wants. Zaidon is her best friend. Maybe you should get your information right before commenting with your misinformed ass. Zaidon barely plays SecondLife due to his real life. Tell me do you think this is gonna make the people who love and care about him see him differently? Oh hunny you have a lot to learn lol this secret means nothing and has no affect. Mission failed, love.
This is 100% Zaidon typing this. Lmao
Normal go to becos someone defends someone it must be the one being accused? You’re 110% wrong but I’ll let you multiple name user have that. <3
You still accomplished nothing here. Tata! 🙂
#8, #16 as someone who knows him on a far more personal level LET ME TELL YOU…This 26 year old child is everything a narcissistic piece of shit is. He abuses women, he has a real life son he neglects to focus on his countless hoes. Claims he graduated with a masters from law school and was taking a year off to go work in legal documentation before applying at the university of Michigan to become a lawyer then eventually a job. This mother fucker, has done nothing but sit on his gangly ass smoking weed all day and being drunk. He thinks he’s the hottest shit at AEG since he got a make over and a decent photo. HE didn’t want fans like a normal DJ he wanted FAN GIRLS. He lost out on 3 great women because he wanted more than one. He’s caused women to nearly commit suicide or go into therapy because of the amount of abuse he has done to them mentally. His dick is small, he’s got scabs on them and his voice is forced. On a normal day he talks just fine at AEG he sounds like he’s busy cum gargling a bunch of cocks. Probably taking it in the ass as we speak. He pays bitches to tip him to make it look like he’s earning that money when he isn’t. He’s obsessed with being number 1 on that DJ Board Phil has in the back of the clubs. If he’s not number 1 he will bitch and cry and whine and obsess until he is. The real women have gone broke spending RL money to help him out so he’d shut the fuck up. He can’t last longer than 5 minutes in bed and if you’re going longer than him he… Read more »
this all very cute but i know all about this and the 3rd one you guys keep talking about HE NOT EVEN OVER HER and has a new girl friend funny stuff right there i mean have you guys seen her pic? so he does not move on alll the way he still wants one of them and i bet she is a dumb ass and would go back with him
i know the guy you guys are talking about, i even know the 3rd girl he was with, i only know her because i work with her, let me just say this AEG should have not came up in this, next the 3rd he fucked her up bad i don’t know why everyone does not just Leave her a alone, i mean the girl moved to the same state as him because he had her fooled, i’m only saying this because i work with her and i know what kind of woman she is, now for the ex’s befor her i feel bad for them too but i don’t know them, but i do know that, that man need to keep his thing in his pants and stop doing this to all the girls out there…
I was one of those women. If you tipped less than a “fat stack” you “had to go”. He also doesn’t know how to have sex. He’s just on the other end jackin off saying oh baby oh baby then, it’s over. On to the next…
Number 1? The same 10 people see him daily! His traffic doesn’t reflect a #1 DJ, that’s for damn sure. Glad he has nothing better to do with his life than sit on his ass all day and play songs for his hos.
I don’t go to AEG clubs, but I’m curious to see this guy now lol.
Dear God. I hope I never have a bad date with you, Anonymous. You’ve got the exhaust of a backfiring AMC Gremlin accelerating out of a Pizza Hut parking lot.
He caused women to nearly commit suicide over him? If women are seriously considering killing themselves over some douchebag in SL, especially one they dated for like 2 days, they seriously need to be in therapy because they have much deeper issues than just this douche. And as for the women who have went broke tipping him so he’ll stfu, how stupid does that make them sound? Would be a lot easier to just leave, delete him, block him, then you don’t have to worry about him bitching, rather than spend all your money to make him stop bitching. Sounds like a lot of these stupid hoes wanted his tiny dick for 5 min so bad that they’d do whatever they could to get him.
I’m not defending him in any way, because he is every bit the worthless piece of shit that you described, but stop trying to make it seem like all these girls were great catches who he lost out on. They’re obviously a bunch of thirsty hoes, so a fairly good fit with a thirsty man hoe, lol.
Obsessed much? I heard he dated you for a week J. Also, i’m confused, if he tips himself then why are you saying the girls did? You should probably get your stories straight.
Well first of all I’m not his ex, and you really have your timelines and information wrong. 2nd. You need glasses, no where did They say he tips himself. Please get off his dick it’s messing with your brain.
“He pays bitches to tip him to make it look like he’s earning that money when he isn’t.” Learn to read.
How long you been on his dick? You seem to be sucking it pretty hard to have your information wrong.
Considering I’m not one of his exes, You should really educate yourself on your information. He was with the one you’re referring to for 2 weeks, the next one for about a month or 2 and the 3rd for 5 months, the 3 women he fucked over pretty hard. So you must be one of the cunts who sits on his dick and gargles his scabby dick to defend him.
Mmm A. I’m not one of his exes…and B. you must be one of his little dick hoes to defend him ? BTW He dated the first ex for 2 weeks, the 2nd for a couple months and the 3rd for about 5 months. So you should really educate yourself on your information.
CLAIMS he’s a daddy dom and that he has more than one girl sorry hunny Daddy Dom’s don’t have more than one girl and they don’t treat them like hoes
#5 monster – “verified” catfish huh? – sorry to hear it didn’t work out for you – the dude doesn’t even do relationships – go troll somewhere else
the dude doesn’t do relationships? Explain the pissed ex who blasted his ass on flickr
downvote the truth if ya want or else make your case – just cuz you wanna get with someone for how cool their avatar looks doesn’t make them a catfish for breaking your pixel-scorned heart – put up your “verified” proof or shut up
He does do relationships ask him yourself apparently you don’t know the person at all
he is the most annoying store on SL too, when he releases a new “hair” it is just an excuse for him to take pics of himself and spam them on mp…you barely even see the “hair” its mostly just him being a posey narcissist.
If I wanna be a case I fuckin will oright? ??
#32 – Imagine that … an owner acting like they own the place. Thanks for making me laugh today.
Lmao I know that was the dumbest post xD
“Urr I wonder whey dey act like dey uwn did playce”
Dumbass lmao
Gingr owns a group, she does NOT own anything about the LL Bellisseria regions but her own parcel home. She and her friends do go around bossing people around alot. The do attack like bullies if anyone doesn’t basically follow their commands and kiss their ass. The group has no control over the regions or anything about them in fact. They just act like they do. You do not need the group of any of them at all.
true but there is a clique there – i’ve been dropped from a couple bellisseria groups for not being part of that “in” crowd – at least i know who there are now so i can avoid the snobs – otherwise i like most of the people who build and maintain the place
#8 & #16 .. not sure I can pull my self back up from floor as I fell out of my chair laughing. Everyone knows what he does, glad it finally got posted here. Egotistical, self – righteous prick, that plays the victim card whenever he gets a talking to. It’s funny really , dude sounds like satan but boasts making 15k a set, stop paying people to tip you, if you think people don’t know what you do, you’re stupid. Well that’s not even negotiable but still. Wake up , smell the coffee and try to be real for once . Oh and you’re voice, no one thinks its sexy, they think you sound more like Satan with a bad cold.
His voice on air is fake af and the fucknugget is so retarded that he’s convinced himself he sounds sexy lmfao nuh bruh you sound like a constipated bear that hasn’t shit for a month. Poor guy must be constantly at the ER for throat meds he forces that growl out so hard xD
uhm excuse me; I personally don’t want him anywhere near smelling my coffee >.>
#35 its funny considering she dosn’t have kids and she dose not go into teen or TD so your information is fake and far as her being a bad dj lmfao clearly you haven’t heard her so this shit is funny and what dose it matter anyway this is secondlife we can live out our lives the way we want this is just a stupid bitch book in form style
all you guys have to do is run the whats she wearing hud randomly (neighbors this mean s you)
you can tell what people do just by that xD
then cut and paste the info on a secret for next week. at the top of the screen under “uploads’ tysm. xD
make sure u dont resize after the 600 x 450 loll
I ran the “what’s she wearing” app on her and it said she was wearing a gopher in her vagina and ripped, threadbare, grandma panties in RL. The also app said that he was wearing an underage boy on his cock.
I can verify that she and the people she hangs with are into some weird/nasty shit. Her partner is a dude who appears as female avatar with a cock and will have sex with anyone, anytime, anywhere. They have a bunch of “kids” they mess around with and do D/s with in child/parent sexual rp while he strokes it in RL on voice. Sick fucks. This other guy red told me that “Ana” and her RL mother are in SL together and he has heard them do shit on voice together. He said he didn’t think they were faking. He also said she does ageplay all the time and loves to get little boys in the family so she can pull down their pants and suck them off while she listens to them whack it in voice. She don’t DJ at any club for too long because she gets bounced from clubs for starting drama everywhere she goes. Stay away!
yall retarded to believe these stupid ass lies idk who u r and nor do i care but its clear you thive on drama and lies why dont u stop hiding on a website and go talk to her in world instead of being a pussy and spreading lies about someone on a bitch site and trying to tarnish someones reparation fucking retards
tarnish someones reparation fucking retards <———— THIS lmao
u can tell when someones really mad.. they spell everything wrong lmao that whole post is epic in the mad department. xD
stop being a pussy and tell it to her avatar face. ugh even typing that out is getting old.
Y’all pretty much just admitted what you did. Right there. And LOL at her partner not using voice. He voices all the time. You just lie lie lie and lie. The two of you. Unless you expect us to believe that those kids just happened to TP into a “slave dungeon” while y’all were naked and he was doing stuff in voice and the kids just happened to join in and he didn’t notice it was kids until he had splooged his goo all over the damned place in SL and RL. Sure sure, we all believe you. Rigggggggggggggggght.
lol your just to funny guess your but hurt by something and your here to try and make people mad and i know for fact he don’t use voice i have known him for 5 years the guy not even voices in sl it his own family and ( kids) what kids they have no sl kids other then funsies and zoobies LOL keep the lies bet next week your gonna get someone here or maybe the same people just cause your but hurt i would even say your the one doing that and putting on others #getalife
your stupid as fuck you realize that right instead of being a keybord hero why dont you just go say that to her face considering you dont know shit about her or her partner and were is your proof you idiot show the proof because so far all we seen and heard is bullshit lies who all butthurt because she most likely wouldnt fuck you or give you chance i know her and everything about her and her partner an your just trying to push her out of SL with your lies and it aint gonna happen you dumb fuck get a live already
the fact that your saying that proves all is a lie yes her partner as a shemale look true i know that i also know then from years they dont do age play her partner dont use voice and fact here red is a abusive guy who was the one asking her to go into a teen for daddy and baby girl play get your facts straight also i bet your the one that post the post here so here a lil advice get real info before coming here it lies also lol its really pathetic that you all need to bring her into a website like this to try to harm a innocent person cause you all but hurt lol maybe you and your friend are the sick ones pretending to be bad ass people in a virtual place lol grow up and stop trying to be all bad ass also i know that your friend red is a drunk guy who abused allot of females in sl but then again i bet you are gonna come here defending him on that name or another lol get a real life
13- Yasss. More please, MORE! This makes me so fucking happy. She is such a wishy-washy little bitch. She plays like she cares but she only cares about absorbing random dicks and mooching “money” from her “clients” that she claims not to really be close to. She doesn’t even run the club properly. If she did, there wouldn’t be as many people on her “terminated” list (mind you, most quit).
Being a Manager and hanging out with the other bitchy Managers before resigning I can verify she bitches out the girls working for her at Impact and the Men from Studded, all you ever hear was her screaming at her kids because they were crying constantly, one of them has autism and the poor thing gets picked on by the other two and instead of logging off and dealing with it she’d scream at them and tell the little kid to shut up because she was talking. Pathetic excuse of a mother and a trashy person in general. Give it up already and put everyone out of their misery.
I can agree with this – own discord channel – to bitch about staff members that she claims are her “Friends”
New girls becoming Leads because the girls who have been working for ages refuse because they don’t want the drama – and even so called best friends, forgotten about and replaced with new ones…
Yea, last time I checked the lead they hired was there for THREE days, so technically still in her Trainee period. Of course, it’s entirely possible that this girl was just so awesome that they had to make sure she can’t work at any other club anymore but hey – I doubt it.
Keera and her club = one big fucking joke. She is extremely two faced, and I agree with everything other people have said. She talks alot of shit about the girls that work for her, and I never liked the way she spoke to me either. She has even said before in her discord group for staff that she’d hire anyone as a lead even if you’re brand new. lmfao
And fired less than a week later ?
She was mostly ok to me when I was there but she did sometimes definitely use the wrong tone. Seeing this shocks me, to be honest, I knew she could be mean but this is not mean, this is an alarming trollbot level, in twitter terms. In my opinion if someone is able to write stuff like that, they’re capable of far worse things as well. I feel somewhat sorry for her children who probably grow up to learn that this is a perfectly fine way to talk to people you’re upset about.
About the terminated list: Most quit, aye, but you can see that the ones she really cared about have some sort of name calling on the list as well. People leave because they notice that IMPACT is run by a clique and feel left out. That was the main issue people left for. Also if you leave, you get defriended by the whole clique. It’s so sad. My current club feels like the beacon of professionalism compared to impact.
Didn’t spend much time at Impact so don’t know her personally enough to make personal attacks, but I will say it’s very clear that the girl has no fucking clue what she’s doing lol
Moved on to another club and things were much more organized and felt really professional in comparison.
Didn’t know she has children but if that’s true then wow she probably shouldn’t spend as much time on a sex club in Second life
Wonder how her amazing courtesan event turned out aka never got off the ground like all her other ideas
Give up Keera you just don’t have what it takes…
This secret has made my day
#33 is by far my favorite. The background on “About” is white. Why is that important? It means that whoever wrote the secret is the avatar of the profile they’re showing as being that kind of problematic person. Else it would show in gray. In other words: they’re promoting themselves in a secret.
How did I not notice this?
hahahha 😆
Haha wat a dumbass
Option to show in search is a give away too
And you can see the groups they have “hidden”. Lord, have mercy.
Yea, not to mention the box to check to appear in searches and the OK and CANCEL buttons for editing her profile. Classic.
All the greyed out groups you can only see from your personal view ?? Oh honey, how badly did you need attention?
#37 It’s true that’s a lot of triangles. It’s also true it would be very hard to make that shape with that much detail, and that many bends in those straps, for less. That probably is optimized. Some things just can’t be meshed in a reasonable number of triangles. So the choice is, don’t make really interesting, detailed, beautiful things because people are going to go around wearing them, clogging up performance, or make them anyway, because it’s a game, and people with powerful machines want beautiful things. You could just apply a texture to a flat surface and simulate the look of those straps, but people want more.
Except that’s not how it works. That bag shouldn’t be more than 15k tris with all that detail and then some. The real reason why that bag is that high is because that bag is from a Marvelous Designer to Zbrush tutorial, the files are shared when you purchase the tutorial. Someone just grabbed the bag and uploaded it to sl as is.
Don’t be stupid, there is no excuse for a 167k tris bag in a real time engine. No matter how much “detail” it has, all of that detail can be achieved at 15k tirs if you are making the mesh yourself and go through the entire process, not just the highpoly.
Wait a min…..#46…Isn’t Sorceri one of the Crow’s little flock of pigeons? Steve is that you?! Have you been Cah-ing at the boys in secret?
I was thinking the same thing but I think that one is spelled “Sorcery” – unless ofc she has an alt >.< she? or he? whatever.
# 26 Looks like someone sucks Naria’s cock. Looking to be her best friend or something?
@23 – Sounds good to me. LL is the only one who can connect my main and alts to an actual real world identity. Letting someone else collect all that info and sell it doesn’t bother me it all. It’s info about an avatar in a game. Of course LL collects all that info too, and they can connect that info to your real world identity if you’ve ever bought linden or cashed out, so that’s worth remembering.
#18 It’s branding. Maybe it doesn’t appeal to you, or anyone, but keeping the colors and style consistent is part of making people associate an ad with your store. You can hate on the style and colors the maker uses, but using a consistent style is marketing 101.
Using a consistent style for multiple brands? What you are saying doesn’t apply due to the SAME style for different stores. They all run together. Do your research before trying to sound all knowledgeable about marketing ?
It’s still branding if the different stores/brands are related or owned by the same person/group, and it could be done on purpose, for customers to know that they’re somehow linked to one another.
I’m not saying that that’s the case here (the only visible brand on the pic is Vagrant, so there’s not much in there to “do your research”), but it could be in some cases.
40 – Your logic fails. Nominations closed on the 28th of September. Tiffany is a genuinely good person. Nice try with the reach though!
In what world? If you look at her Flickr feed vs the others along side her in each and every category she’s listed in (which is a ton and also laughable)… she’s out of her league even being spoken of in the same breath. But nice try.
From the sounds of the complaining that is going on over on FB, their logic may not really be failing them. It seems that when nomination time came around, it wasn’t really advertised all that much, except in their group inworld and on their FB page. Quite a number of bloggers were taken by surprise that it was time to vote when they were not even aware of when the nominations were being held, due to lack of exposure. A few of them have mentioned that this is feeling very exclusive. It’s possible that is what the secret is about.
If you would want to vote, then check the BVN page yourself to see when the nominations start.
#36 Second week of whining about Katya Dirval and W Real Estate. Your ‘Secret’ makes you look like you are butthurt. As I stated last week…Katya is fair. She is also very helpful. The bit about being a fraud and a scammer is laughable. Nobody makes you rent a parcel or sim. Furthermore…you know the cost up front. Did you get kicked from the parcel or sim for breaking the covenant? Did you not pay you tier in time and not communicate with Katya about it? If you are going to call someone out as a scammer then provide the evidence instead of posting some generic hate filled bitch ass post.
#43. Sadly, That’s so true!!
This person seems to think they know me. Like I said no the first time that my WHOLE 4 relationships have been blasted. But you missed on cause there were only 5 relationships I’ve been in my whole 9 almost 10 fucking years in sl… yes they logged off, yes some of them partnered to other women. But truly who give a flying fuck about what I do in sl.. oh this person ( Rofl.. ) There’s no sadness about it… (top left) Rob- Great man- had more rl to deal with and it wasn’t fair to me cause he wasn’t online *FYI dick for brains* ( were still friends and he still logs in… ) (bottom left) Jim- my 4 fucking year sl marriage… He’s an asshole he stayed logged off because he got butthurt because my sister put him in his place with making him admit openly he had * E.D*… He could dish the trolling but couldn’t take the trolling… and he didn’t say I was worthless… He said I would be NOTHING without him… (Apparently I’m something cause you know about me and I rent space in your mind to be saying something about me) (top right) Lus- the reason I joined sl… yes he is partnered to my sl sister… But they made a better match than he and I did… (bottom Left) Freddie- my current… yes he has put a ring on it… do I broadcast it to everyone? fuck no…. why cause it is none of y’alls fucking business… but thanks for letting me have this free space in your brain… toodles ♥ Kerli Mae ♥
Kerli babe, ur so damn boring. Might be why ur relationships are fucked. xD
Also dude it’s SL calm down LMFAO. It’s meant to be fuckin RP.
“do I broadcast it to everyone? fuck no…. why cause it is none of y’alls fucking business” u just did tho ?
Awes sugar dumplings, bless your pea picking heart that you think you know me… Also, dude don’t fucking babe me, I don’t know you from a hole in the ground (And from what I’ve seen on other feeds I wouldn’t want to)… Also if you were on fire I wouldn’t piss on you to put you out either… So before you come jumping in on feed about me bone up on the facts there muffin… because if you read other feeds you would have seen that Lola and Skyler posted bout the whole engagement before I ever did make a post in this feed… The only reason why you would say Skyler boring and I’m boring is if you know us… Also if were soo boring sugar why even comment? So take your half baked knuckle-dragging paramecium troll wanna be grot ass along, and go sit on the corner where you belong … Same shit different week of the secrets, and won’t be the last… Toodles ♥ Kerli Mae ♥ 😆
How about you run along you little irrelevant piece of mouse shit, a fucking flys fart has more worth in conversation then you, No woman on SL can sit there and say they haven’t had a share of fucking wannabe fucking players that always are looking for the “next best thing” and treating women like shit to get to it, so fuck on off with your this is so true comment, yeah shes had a shitty run with blokes, until now, but shes also managed to be a huge success in terms of charity fundraisers. Which i should think counts more then any pixel cock ya’ll be worrying about.
Skyler shut up u old bitch lmao ur boring I don’t even know who u are but u sound like ur old n boring.
Exactly you know nothing about me. Enough said.
skyler Constantine and Your* (sic You’re) fucked: Please keep the same username, thanks!
Fuck knows what you class as boring, but that bitch certainly isn’t it as for old that’s a bit pot calling the kettle black isn’t it?
Yeah sorry about that, I didn’t realize and decided to take the high road when I reposted, unfortunately Id changed devices from mobile, I don’t mind knowing where they both came from, it was supposed to be this bitch anyway, go ahead and delete it, or leave it.
This is the funniest response from someone caught trying to pretend like they have friends to defend them that I’ve ever seen LOL
skyler Constantine and Your* (sic You’re) fucked: Please keep the same username, thanks!
How embarrassing naria u got caught fuckin. If it was for Flickr whys it got name tags still n clearly not edited? U kid urself if u want babay lmao nasty old hag
Btw 1 more detail, not the same hair the dudes wearing ?
Ummm… well, the pic here on the secrets wasn’t for flickr, was probably taken by someone else, and the person who took that screenshot didn’t wait for his hair to rez, is all. That’s an unrezzed mesh, not different hair. She’s gross and a total joke, but that’s not why.
Is different hair it’s a flexi lol n I agree it’s a different person taking it that’s why I pointed it out dude
Yeah, it’s not though. Same Keanu skin, same face fuzz, same shape; look at the way the hair comes to a sharp point and clips through the ear. It’s not a different/flexi hair; it’s a half rezzed mesh. If that person had waited another few seconds I’m sure that would have rezzed into the hair used in the Flickr photo, unless their machine is really bad. At any rate Na P didn’t deny it was the same person, her “brother”, and since that is basically worst case there’s no logic in assuming it’s someone else.
Oh, and I only said probably because it’s entirely possible that silly bitch took it herself 4 months ago and posted it to make sure we didn’t forget her this week. The entertainment is the same to me, just like fake DM jokes; she’s the only one that has to deal with that sense of pathetic shame, if she’s posting about herself to feel relevant. The reason why I corrected you is because you mentioned the name tags, as if they would matter, obviously they wouldn’t be in the flickr pic and they’re important to the secrets post, since the person didn’t wait for a full rez to take their sneaky snapshot.
I’m not sayin it’s a different dude, I’m sayin the pic was taken on a different day to what naricunt is sayin lmao hence different hair worn
Are you blind? Like did you not even bother to look at how the hair is obviously not rezzed? You’re pulling that “another day” shit completely out of your ass, no one else said anything like that and even miss alabama herself knew it was taken on the day she took the Flickr pic, because she recognized the nasty shit she did. Like I am totally baffled by how stupid this disagreement is, you are completely wrong lol
Alright calm ur tits it was only a guess dude it’s really not that serious xD
Also if she wants to use “I was testing out poses” why the need to be fuckin nude?! Bullshit excuse.
Cause I first wanted to do a nude sexy photo and yeah a more sexual one but then I ended up doing a more innocent one at the end. And that one went on flickr. Anyway they are avatars … I’m on both of them more then that I really don’t care. U people are weird like none of u hoes never did anything in SL … get out of here with ur saint attitudes. Think I provided enough prove with the photo if u don’t want to get it then it’s ok for me too :p Don’t get it why this is such a big deal at all … It’s not like we are 10 years old and oh no look at the naked bodies aaaaa. This post is laughable to say the least 🙂 Grow up and put your big girl thongs on ??? Think haha had the best comment for the ones complaining I’m wanting attention you two can not stop giving it ? It could just stay with 1 comment of me giving out the explanation but no let’s get more into this bullshit then it’s already necessary.
Naria no one believes u babe. U will make urself look better if u stop lying rather then continue too.
https://youtu.be/FywX3l-is_A … Take care
Please don’t confuse people with nonsense. You have to bake the normal map detail as a complete map render for sl anyway, so your argument is completely void and null to begin with. Secondly, it’s called retopology, learn what it is, you don’t need 167k tris to get a fold in the geometry, it’s called topologizing the fold or crease in. There is zero excuse for a bag to be 167k tris on SL, SPECIALLY on a mmo style platform. It would be more forgiving in a closed controlled environment game.
This is 100% result of stolen content being uploaded to SL with little to no oversight from LL. These models the reason they are so high is because they are made for pre-rendering/VFX, not for real time rendering such as a game. These so called “designers” buy these meshes for 5-6 dollars each and upload them on sl for a profit. Almost no work goes into properly converting them from VFX assets to game assets. None, 100% lazy, 100% stolen content. They are doing this without any regard to what it does to the platform in terms of usability and stability for its users.
Retopology is basically creating a low poly from a high poly. Now let me explain how it works.
You bake that high poly mesh on the low poly one. The resulting maps are the details information. So you apply those maps to your low poly mesh in your game and the game’s render engine will make a detailed texture from them so your mesh will seem high poly. Awesome!
Now, what do you do if that game doesn’t use a render engine that supports pbr? What if your render engine can’t read normals and specular maps, it can only do diffuse maps? Then you’ll see a low poly mesh with crappy flat details on it that no one will buy. Not so awesome.
This is what I was trying to explain earlier. Not everybody can run SL at high settings, so not everybody can see materials (pbr). Those curves and creases will be flat. But everybody expects high quality products.
SL also triangulates everything you upload and that can increase the poly count as well.
No, you don’t HAVE to bake normals as a “complete map render”. Whatever that means… Materials are still kind of a new thing in SL and not required.
I know it sucks and maybe if everybody will jump to Sansar which has pbr otb, then this will become a thing of the past.
Again you’re comparing a normal game with SL. I’m not gonna explain that again
Normal maps don’t give you large folds or silhouette changes, nor do they give you creases or bevels. You are so off base here you have no idea what you are talking about. Normal maps only give you high frequency details. Large folds, silhouette changes, folds and creases have to be modeled in, but modeled in intelligently not subdivided and click on zremesher. 15k tris would be more than enough to give you all the geo details you need on a bag like that.
Please stop wasting my time if you are this clueless. Learn the difference between VFX assets and game assets before coming here rambling on nonsense.
I made a response but it’s under moderation since it has a screenshot in it. I just wanted to address the last part of your post about VFX meaning, VFX assets is a lingo used in the industry to differentiate the two different type of workflows/assets. Example “What kind of hair do you need? game hair or vfx hair?” vfx hair refers to individual strands as geo method, super highpoly used for film, pre-rendering and the such. Game hair would refer to hair cards with alpha workflow. It’s no different than SLers using the term “rigging” when in fact no one on sl rigs anything, we only skin wrap and weight paint. Rigging is the skeleton work which was done by LL, even bodymakers aren’t rigging but it’s a mouthful so people just refer to it as “rigging”. The term VFX is just a lingo to easily differentiate the workflows and process.
That is an example from explaining the relationship between UV seams and smooth groups. Normal maps don’t create a bevel or crease for you, those should always be modeled in. (example of rock is a unique case, because rocks can even be decimated and will be fine don’t need clean topology)
You are explaining sl’s limitations where sl’s limitation is irrelevant to the topic at hand. I’m not saying you should use normal maps in sl, in fact i don’t think you quite understood what I meant when i said normal maps would need to be baked in a complete map (think substance painter’s light baker filter but it can be done in maya and max with render to texture) For sl you have to take a mobile game workflow when it comes to texturing.
The topic here is topology and use of extremely high number of verts for simple shapes. 169k tris on that bag is completely ridiculous. You do not need that much to model in the geometry detail you would need on sl. Not even close. Here is an example of topology for a lot of geometry detail
Do you seriously think in games we model a box and all the detail comes from a normal map? All those large folds can be topologized in your model within a reasonable (15-20k tris) amount of verts. You don’t need 167k tris to model in a bevel or two because slers dont run “high settings” to see normal maps.
Last but not least your notion that you have to use ridiculous number of verts and textures because people don’t have high end pcs to run normal maps goes to show how uneducated you are on this topic, it’s a completely oxymoron thing to say. You DO realize that normal maps sole purpose is to create the illusion of high detail on lowpoly meshes for sole purpose of not needing a high end machine to render them right? You DO realize that uploading 167k tris bags using 5 texture faces is what requires a high end machine to run not ability to render normal maps right? You have this whole thing backwards, which is results of your complete lack of knowledge on the topic. In fact if you have a lower end pc you SHOULD be running normal maps for better details and performance.
I think I’m actually talking with a moron here so this will be my final response. The box example showed how it should be properly uv mapped, but that’s irrelevant to this case, it still created a bevel with normals either way! With the rocks it was changing the shape of them. The creases example showed creases made with normals. You know why? Because that’s what they do! That is the purpose of materials, to create the illusion of high poly on a low poly. But even with examples you’re still demonstrating a low level of understanding and a high level of self inflicted idiocracy. Yes! All those details come from normals, specular, height etc. maps, that’s why we bake a high poly on a low poly in the first place. The low poly mesh is composed out of mostly squares! That’s the point of it! Not one single box of course, but boxes. That’s why we have render engines. Yes, materials would help low end PC’s enjoy SL more, it would be great, but MATERIALS DON’T WORK ON LOW END PC’S! And people still expect high quality stuff. Got that? It’s not that hard to understand dude. But I get the impression that I would have better chances of teaching Japanese to a monkey than making you understand something basic like that. This has NOTHING to do with rigging, but here you go: all creators that do rigged stuff, do ACTUAL rigging. Every 3rd party mesh body has its own skeleton that you upload in SL with every rigged mesh. You know why? Because you’re rigging to it. I’ll explain this too because you’re clearly clueless. You bind your mesh to the skeleton, copy the weights then paint the weights where needed to make them work properly with that… Read more »
I seriously don’t think you even read what I’m typing, like legit you are responding to things I didn’t say at all. This is comedy at this point, but honestly whenever you have my credentials you can argue with me, until then you should listen and learn because you are just making a complete fool out of yourself. You lack so much knowledge on this topic that things i typed went over your head so much to a point you clearly aren’t even understanding what I’m typing and responding blindly. I mean just go back and actually read what I typed.
This is like trying to talk programming to someone who doesn’t know any programming languages. THAT is the level of stupid you are at the moment.