Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 577.
***update*** donations met. Upgrades happening soon to comments. Y’all probably won’t notice. LOL. You can still donate. I need a new couch. I was told Patreon wants subscriptions, that’s lame as shit, so nevermind. I have set up a paypal donate button. So please donate so I can misuse the funds. Donate Here If you donate over 20 dollars you can write a personal note that will show up on the side bar (which currently just houses our search button). Consider it a 6 month Virtual Secret that everyone will see every time they load the page. If you use any words I consider banned (you know what they are) or suggest someone kill themselves or other illegal activities it won’t go through. I will give you the opportunity to amend. But you have to contact me directly, I won’t really know who donates. Just like NPR and Wikipedia I am doing a beg-a-thon. Currently, I am looking to just purchase some comment form add-ons. Like emoticons, flagging, tags for commenters, maybe some advanced Like/Dislike features, online status. Things that will enhance the comments section since clearly that’s what people dig the most. 99.00 would go towards that. Any extra money (if any is even raised) that comes in for this project will be spent by on hookers and blow. I don’t really expect anything, but I won’t buy this on my own, not right now. But since people reported me to Google ads I can’t get money from that anymore. And any other advertising company I tried pretty much either has porn all the time advertised or hides malware in it so I can’t justify that at all. And despite what you all think surprisingly no one pays me money for keeping their shit off this site even though… Read more »
if someone pays you to keep their names off this site, it should only last a certain period of time right? They need to keep paying you occassionally to keep it going lol
Yeah except nobody rich enough has offered. Just like when I say people can raise money for me to close this place but I don’t see it happening. This is a shit talking site. If you are a rational human being you’d realize that if folks aren’t fucking, feeding, or financing you then their opinion is worthless. There is the secret to life….
I support the funds going to buying you LOTS of coffee and jelly donuts.
if we have trouble uploading a secret, does that mean we are banned from uploading things? like we totally have the right size and proper jpg ending. like after clicking upload we get an Error sending message, the message didnt give any details as to why.
Or is this happening to everyone else?
No it’s because I was updating something. I’ll fix it right now. I forgot to run a script but I’ll just add it to my other script so I stop forgetting it. Sorry about that.
Shouldn’t really have to use that php upload file you should see about adding an upload form to a page so it compacts with the site.. There may be plugins
Okay. Compacts with the site. Explain please. You don’t have to agree with the way I run my site but I don’t just Willy nilly choose plugins. Not all plugins are written the same.
Also why is your name spelled “kesseret” as opposed to “kessecret”?
You’re using a php file upload script to handle uploads I’ve seen it done before but there’s ways you can add the script to pages via iframe.
also @AnimeisLame – I saw got this candy the other day and thought of you!!! https://imgur.com/a/GhvQJlx
There’s actually a fucking candy called kek from foreign country i forget
but they have several variations of it.. Pretty based candy lel
I know Anime but back in 2008 many of those plugins weren’t created. And I prefer it done this way because I don’t want them to be stored within WordPress. And Kesseret is a handle I’ve used since the days of bullentin boards and IRC.
I fully support the use of funds going to “Hookers & Blow” lol
hell yea hi5 to the perrico
can i buy my name? i hate when people act reasonably at times i wouldn’t under ‘me’. xD
Noone uses “TalkToTheHand” except me… got it you guys!!! lol.
Yeah, even tho no one uses ‘Coffee Break’ I’d totally pay to have my name “reserved” for this site & you definitely need that ’cause there is only one true ‘me’ here
They can still use the name 🙁 You afraid Grandpa is gonna hook up with another ‘me’? 😉
No one is afraid of that Kess. There is only one “me”, and us salty veterans can tell when it is her with ease.
to be honest with you… yes. loll xD
nah sometimes these people say things far too sane to be rockin my name.
plus its kinda for their protection..lol not so much mine.
You can get a report comment plugin for free for wordpress you know?
As for the rest iunno
I use a custom comments plugin. It formats better. I’ll try using that and see if it implements well with the comments plugin.
Most stuff should be compatible with those plugins.
Wow, this week was kind of… lacking?
as for 11… if you actually know people who do “photography” which I say very loosely because it’s SL…. You’ll know they have various people come “model” with them. It doesn’t mean they’re in a relationship, they’re taking a pic together.
Everything else was kind of dumb. Mischief managed has people roleplaying FROM thirteen to eighteen, it could have been an older student?
Child sex is against TOS, and anyone even touching it should get the boot in my opinion. Every other post is more or less bitching about men getting tired of a girl, someone being a slut because you don’t like what she does with her second life, etc.
Gimme some C O N T E N T
Ask not what Virtual Secrets can do for you. Ask, what can I do for Virtual Secrets? Go make some drama and contribute to the content. Join an MC, make a baby face avatar, scam some people. Piss some people off. There is no free ride here. You gotta give to take.
#1 – What is happening there 0_0 #2 – Okay? #3 – I never seen a Man entering this thing for all the years it has been around. #4 – We know you love it too, don’t be jealous. #5 – That is pretty weird… #6 – Literally who is this? #7 – SL logic: “Boobs and Ass don’t make you an adult” … “Boobs and Ass? You’re an adult.” #8 – Every strip club is a carbon copy of the one before it. #9 – What is this, a soap opera recap? #10 – Fucking yes!!! If wasn’t for a hovering name tag you can’t even tell the motherfuckers apart! #11 – Jealous he’s pulling guys while you sit there day in and day out waiting for an IM? The only reason you know she’s on those sims looking for something is because you are there too. #12 – You people keep complaining about events while you keep going to them, creators don’t release anything in their stores anymore because there the items sell 4 times less. Blame yourselves. #13 – I hate these, they are particularly hilarious when you don’t even are in RP or kinky groups, stop casting a net that wide guys… Also, SL is a visual medium, if you want text only there are no shortage of other places to RP. #14 – How is that avatar in the picture even fat? And it does look like a real woman instead of the teen/young-adult look that most of SL has. Also, lol at “gone and not returning” sure sure, we all know what that really means is “I’m making an alt.” #15 – Fuck your font, I’m not reading that. #16 – Cannot take these serious, it’s like kindergarten children playing pretend, specially so when… Read more »
fake ass oprah
Attention secrets readers.. adore is livestreaming on youtube xD
perhaps we can find out the facts on whatever the naria secret was loll
#7 Sorry, but who are you to judge a body? in RL i was a size D at 13 years old. what you mean implants? lol
Find it funny you calling mc’s out yet your insignia on the m.c teleport board leads to a dead land …lemmi guess this is a diversion tactic.
I swear these posts are *yawnnnnn* I feel like there is nothing really interesting in any of these. Next?
Big Johnny Biker here.
How dare you fuck with us bikers.. Rebels of the internet and tough mother fuckers. We don’t play shit around SL we will use every tool and hud to hurt your pixels as much as we can and that’s about all we can do.. Well we might try and threaten you with law enforcement but that’s about all we can do but still you should fear us!
The toughest roughest bikers in SL
Look at you, brave anonymous troll! This sounds like you tried to join a SL MC and were rejected. Hahaha. But Hurt Much?
but hurt much? when a freak can’t spell butt.. theres problems.
“I’m not old enough for their clique of elderly dementia ridden nutters.” <– xD
I know! How dare they! They’re not being actually brave and tough like virtual bikers playing pretend! The audacity and the gall they have to mess with them. Boy, if I had a linden for every time I felt the need to protect myself from the threat of the extreme presence of a MC, I could finally support my pretend Zooby babies that I totally have and am not making up for this exact comment.
Won’t someone think of the (very tough) feelings of the geriatric virtual biker gangs? :'(
They are so brave they bring out their huds and their pixel guns to assert their dominance. Hows that for noble?
LOL like a MC would ever reject anyone; they’re all desperate for members. What you should be worried about is how you’re a reject from life.
Also, literally no one with any intelligence wants to join any group with grown adults who can’t spell “butt”.
I’m offended as a possible candidate for the SL virtual bikers she was just about to take me in too :c
Nah, who am i kidding? I’m not old enough for their clique of elderly dementia ridden nutters.
When I are urself animeisshite ur alright. Keep doing that n stop copying britbong. It was cringe.
*when u are urself
Everyone likes you much better when you’re not just saying “pedo pedo pedo” all the time, I think is what all these responses mean. Even trolling needs to have some logic. =P
Do i need to get my “possible” sl biker friends to hurt you? Nah who am i kidding? of course they could never even be possible of hurting anyone. 😀
SL is surely a dangerous place gosh golly.
xD why have u been so likable lately?
Okay had a proper look today:
#31 She isn’t the only one who will “never understand”, I wont either. Just grow a pair and confess your love rather than pasting it on here for the world to see
#40 Did a double take at this for obvious reasons
#44 I think she meant “don’t randomly friend request me, leave that shit for me to do”
#45 The dead sea called, it would like its salt back
The SL MC club is srs bsns.
They just emailed me to demand to know who posted the secrets “RL law enforcement is involved”.
These people realize they aren’t really riding bikes and such. And althought TV romanticized MC gangs the things they did were illegal and they were not good people.
RPing to you that they are some kind of badasses LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL…. omg
o.0 talk to the hands famous LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL’s are far more scary to me. xD
i can see her crawling down the stairs after me like the chic from the grudge/juon laughing like that
tiptoes like a zombie chasing “me” … grrr argggg….
how do I get 2 thumbs down? seriously folks.. some dumbass hater…. SMDH
ooh no.. =/ there is NO tiptoeing in the grudge..she crawls down over her own arms. lol this is my fav time of the year halloween and leaves falling and apple pumpkin everything.. best part of where i live
True bikers don’t need the law LMAO!
Gosh they are funny tho.
They are also ex/retired cops IRL allegedly.. Gotta remember that 🙂
I am outraged that they are outraged.
Be careful, they may pop a few caps-lock in your ass, send a random tp or fly by your sl homes.
Let me guess, standard issue uniform, black leather vests, black leather pants and black leather boots.
lmao@pop a few caps-lock in ya ass. xD yes!!
And Flexi hair. For some reason a lot of them have this inability to not wear outdated stuff.
@Pocketsand: After the trailer park manager threatened to evict them because they spent all their rent on fancy virtual hair in 2007, they haven’t been able to bring themselves to purchase it again.
Seriously, going to one of their clubs or events is like going back in time, at least 5 years and that’s if you’re lucky.
you know I find the rather funny. Some little Snowflake got but hurt because a name was throw out. Dear god here is a problem. was you bullied. Wait yes cause word where thrown out there. Where you Threatened. Yep cause your group was called out. Big bad people having a fit about the smallest. Yet you think a Lawyer is going to jack or shit about it. Your funny. You might end up being Laughed straight out the office and in to a hugging jacket. so go on with your bad selves Waste money. Do what you have to is fix your snow flake ego. Cause it hurt so bad to hear another group call you out. Yet thank you for the good Laugh. I choked on my jack and coke.
Do your nurse/carers know you’re up this late typing in a fit of rage? You’re gonna give yourself if a stroke if you carry on the ay you are gramps
If you speak as you type I am fairly certain you have no teeth.
did you write that after downing the bottle of jack? because i dont get it xD
Oh god, now you’ve done it. The last things you’ll hear before dying (of laughter) are the sounds of a box-a-day old person trying to Internet tough guy and the ‘vroom vroom’ of hot pixel hogs roaring in the distance as they try to pass sim crossings. Woe unto you, Kess.
Better hire my bounty hunting services, I’m listed under “Rusty Shackleford.”
Were a comin for ye rain hail er’ storm!
Are you a biker or a pirate?
What’s the difference?
@jonny.. in SL they all dress the same xD
You’re going to SL jail kess 😉
Nothing is quite so hilarious as the “Internet Tough Guys” who can threaten to kick your ass while struggling to locate the space bar. But dat generic biker look is savage AF on the polygons, tho
They might TYPE LOUDLY IN YOUR GENERAL VICINITY! Be ascared! Be very ascared!
i’m contacting a lawyer on them as well.. that post just made me fucking choke on ice. xD
damn who wants to go trolling tonight? i’ll even pull out an alt.
Daaamn I want to join ?
19. I have fairly large monitor and still can’t read a word of your ramblings.
Obviously they didn’t write it, retard.
Oh, I’m sorry, what do you call typed characters that form words?
#42 – so why is Tempest a liar? Doesn’t everyone know she fucks her boss, Gospel Voom, in IM when he’s with his partner?
#19 Yes, we all understand the dd/bg thing but do you have to LOOK 12, with pigtails and a binky?
they got so many excuses for the shit they do.. so they don’t feel disgusting about themselves. they know they’re gross. lol
keep side eyeing em like me xD
FFS these secrets the past couple weeks have been BORING give me that facking teeeeeeeeeee3eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea
19. [daddy dom / little girl] [ageplay]
man’s voice: “corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture”
Pam: “it’s the same picture”
Ageplay is being any age you are not. Most 99.9% of users in SL ageplay by simply using skins and shaping younger than are in RL. However, ageplay doesn’t equal sexual ageplay. Little’s zone is not sexual. There is no sexual contact and never should be. It is a mindset of more innocent behaviors and thoughts, needs. It is NOT someone stating I am pretending/roleplaying to be underage. Maybe you should learn a bit more before spouting off ehs?
We all know what ‘littes’ are ffs. What we all don’t like is the fact they intentionally look less than 18. They often must state in their profiles that they are 18+ because they know damn well they look nowhere near 18. We all want to look cute. Cute and childlike are vastly different in my book. My avatar is cute but she definitely looks like an adult.
A few things. I have nothing directed to anything specific on this weeks post. I can however tell you it’s all garbage. Either it’s a bunch of riddles that you have to figure out what the hell it’s about or who. Can we please get a tutorial out there to all the rejects on how to properly submit their trash? Duds. Every bit of it.
Ps, like seriously.. everyone go out in the real world TODAY and get laid. The harder, the better. You could all use it. PEACE AND BLESSINGS ????
Love her blogs hate her boyfriend the guy hangs out with literal trash
Number 22 is about me. FYI my rl ex husband pays for the sim. My SL husband and RL husband is dying of MND, got an issue with that feel free to message me and I will happily show you documentation to show that he pays for it and that my husband is dying.
Coward for doing this, we do not need this stress with my husband having months to live.
@Ayesha. I am so sorry for the pain I am sure you are both going through. Dealing with something like this should be the least of your concerns. Alas, the internet can be a cruel and unforgiving place at times. My feeling is that most sense well here what is worthy of banter, lightheartedness, or discussion. For that reason no one paid attention to this secret. And, quite often, the posters of some secrets make more a fool of themselves than the recipient. This is assuradly the case here. I hope you pay no attention and will focus on what’s important going forward. You are a hero as a caregiver.
Don’t worry about it, can’t read what it says, fucktards posting in stupid fonts making it unreadable.
Tbh IDK how you even read it to know it was about you. Your decoder ring is on point
I know because the benefit was for my husband, the same person that posted that to this group has been attacking me via email
3. Um.. people take “pageants” in SL seriously? WTF.
4. Oh, they’re a slutty whore because they said no and didn’t do what you want? Gotcha.
5. “Doms” on SL are generally not actually Doms, moreso just abusive cunts that hide behind a self imposed “Dom” title to excuse their abusive behaviour.
11. Lots of people do collabs for pictures. If I like someone’s look, I’ll use them in a shot. Doesn’t mean I’m fapping with them.
16. See response 3 but insert MC instead of pageant.
18. Fix your head.
19. Oooh, a post for ants! Hell yeah ants. You go little guys!
25. Do you even like The Chainsmokers bro?
28. Gender stereotype much? And I’m sorry but pussies are tough af.. they can take a pounding and stretch 200% their normal size. Can’t be said about dicks.
33. Because being pale in most Asian countries is the way to be. Have you ever tried to shop for foundation there? There’s usually two colour choices. “I live in Finland” and “I live in Ireland”. Pick your pale. There are loads of wonderful other skin designers that do Asian in darker tones. Like Boataom for one.
46. Please see response to 3 and 16
@28… dies fucking laughing.. on point right there
yawns, must suck to suck.
Calm your bimbo tits, Aims. Your secret sucks, and yeah, you’re making it more than obvious that you posted #19.
I’d say that became obvious when she posted the higher resolution version in the comments
This is how i envision my love story with grandpa.
and i’m not mad at Jane Doe.. she has the perfect name already when she comes up missing for gpa flirting. lmaoo xD
i wish everyone a happy weed filled day. toodles =*
Instead of throwing you an apple, let’s make it a biscuit.
hey hey hey.. that video is accurate.. leave the biscuits to Ms Doe. xD i had to even use spell check for the b word.
47. Tell her you will find out after going back to 4th grade for some English.
That’s barely 4th grade grammar you’re using…
English? Hello, this is planet earth.
Also, your “Perfect” English doesn’t make you less of a cunt.
Ps: English is my 6th language and I can still tell you aren’t articulate enough for a native.
Psst, SL is world wide. Not everyone has English as their first language. Don’t be a cunt about it.
#18 – Clearly it’s rigged mesh, and clearly it’s not rigged for your head. That’s what demos are for. When bento heads came out, I learned that a lot of my favorite hairs that fit me perfectly did not work with my bento head, and I can no longer go to my favorite hair salon and just buy a hair without doing a demo first. Oh well … life goes on.
Clearly you are as much an idiot as the OP. Fix your fucking head shape, that is the problem. Your fucked up shaping, thinking it looks good. That’s why you got bento. To use the sliders, umm so use them? I have heads from almost all the brands, and never have issues with my hairs that can not fix. It’s not the hair designers fault you are a moron.
lmao im an asshole i agree.. but thats a fucking imposter… KESSS can i buy my name? as a perk please..
i mean i agree with fake me.. but i didn’t write that. i have NO idea where commas go. xD
o.0 perhaps i was too high.. i swear i saw it right tho. xD
#19 for goodness sakes learn to post your secrets better!
#4… Just quit SL already, your husband did already. I guess he knew how good he had it with you but you are still on SL worried over SL dudes/fake friends. There is nothing here for you just leave and stop having your midlife crisis already.
must bother you she’s met a guy , gone to rl, many use sl …married or not, you obviously dont know her and it bothers you so much she has a sl & rl/ lol sad you even give a fuck. Go back to your fake life , this place is made for people like the person who commented lol- think about why your sl is so fucked up and fake 🙂
5. Which homophobic piece of trash posted this? Since when, in your teeny, backwards mind, can a Dom not like pink or be gay? Snore.
#17 Um Looks to me your a fan of Naddel but in denial Because her so called ” Best friend” is just as fake as whoever you are and Maybe people change their minds where they wanna hang out Whats it to ya huh? Jealous ?? well shes better off with out her so called Best friend you claimed she had cuz Trash is exactly what you all are have fun with Trash cuz Naddel don’t want none …Buh Bye 😛 and ps this post was extremely Lameee…Bye Bitches…
Wow, this was extremely painful to read! You should really consider hooked on Phonics.. or just some basic form of English class. The fact that you are taking up for such a known DRAMA QUEEN says a lot about you. This post WAS lame. You’re just as lame for commenting on it.
PERFECT! thank you all for showing us who all the tasty sluts are this week and where to find them! making it easy
#8 confuses me how do you copy from clubs? If you are talking about looks and there are that many that they copied the looks from then isnt that just taking inspiration? …If you copy styles from all those different clubs isn’t that its own thing by that point?
They are all the same the pretentious wankers lmao clubs in SL are boring retirement home wannabe whore holes. It used to be a starter job in SL to get Ur first Linden’s. Now peeps try make it like a snobby over strict boring shite holes with no originality. They really need to get over themselves.
Those clubs must all hire guys there maybe that’s what they stole from those other clubs. ???
#40. Kira Killed impact. With her two-faced ass bullshit. Never met someone who talked so much shit about her”freinds” in my life. You think she’s being nice to you try stepping out of the room for a minute. Impact is the worst club you want some real girls, not people using voice mods to pass go to Addiction.
LOL someone trying to advertise from this i think? There are much better clubs out there than addiction. JS.
Please tell me where!
LOL – I could have easily done that myself…I thought you actually knew of better clubs,
I can point out 5 clubs right there, Two may be a bit of drama filled but the other 3 are perfectly fine to work at. Not talking about AFK sims or the ones that have just opened either. Go check them out.
Yeah go to addiction if you want lazy hookers who will boot if you sit and don’t tip. Not to mention the girls who do get tipped will sit there and milk money out of guys right in front of you not even suggesting to tip all the girls they will drain guys of every last linden they have because they are selfish. Yeah no addiction is a joke
Apparently you don’t understand how this works. A lot of those people are there for their RL jobs. Not because they want to be, but because in RL for one reason or another, they can’t work (most are disabled in one way or another, or can’t afford child care etc, some are in college and need some extra money.. stuff like that).
So yes, they will boot your ass if you’re trying to freeload (sit in their work space without paying). They are there to earn money, so why on earth would they suggest you tip someone else? It’s a ruthless sales business, and they’re selling themselves. And that sale is mostly to customers that treat them like absolute garbage.
So the next time you go to an SL escort club, don’t sit unless you’re buying, and if you’re buying, pay attention to the lady in front of you, breaking up your 50L tips amongst 5 girls just makes you look like an asshole. A cheap asshole.
getting paid in Linden is an excuse. you can work at a real site and get paid in dollars..this is what happens when your trying to work on a game..most people are calling it fantasy and the other 1/2 are trying to pay bills. smh all crazy in my book. xD
p.s. look for grandpa i read he’s a big tipper. xD
If I were bored and desperate enough to be a stripper in SL, I wouldn’t share my “clients” either; why on earth would I suggest someone who wants to tip me, then in turn tip everyone? If he wants to give me “every last linden” he has, that’s his choice. Do you think that’s how it works in rl strip clubs, like do you think they share that way? Hell no LOL
Maybe if other girls get tipped and you’re not one of them, take a look at what you’re offering and try changing that to meet what the tippers want. Instead of being salty and jealous of girls who can “milk money out of guys right in front of you”, pay attention and see how they do it so you can get paid too. That’s how the world works, not “Tip one stripper, tip aaaaaaall the strippers!”
Or, you could just like, buy your own Lindens and maintain your dignity; that’s always an option, but it doesn’t seem to occur to SL strippers and escorts.
be less is spitting facts. so many strippers in SL but it takes the fucking mind of a hustler. most of ya only hustle to the fridge. xD
To be real most “strippers” only get really big tips from their friends anyway, or people they’re clipping pixels with. If they decide to spread the wealth to the other people working, it’s just their lucky day the person decided to play baller.
they talk so much about voice mods when dudes rp as chics.. but they’re actually the ones who need voice mods.. the hill billy chain smokers.. lmao im not sure if thats a fetish.. probably is.
Scams killed Impact. I was friends with some of the ladies there. I quit going when I found out the auctions was rigged. I was told the owner picked who would win and most of the winners worked at Impact on the male side. ??? They kept everything in house.
for a close up readable version of #19 https://gyazo.com/c3878f1770199e3d0c2e79d7dd6f02c4
Don’t know her or the club but her profile picture doesn’t look anything like a child. Maybe a drugged out meth head with atoo much makeup on? Trying too hard shape that’s not even human realistic and the cheeks are sunk in as fuck, cheekbones too low for childlike as well. Her NC is correct and a good message to understanding the differences. Avi still looks like crackhead shit not a child.
and no not every relationship is sexual, get your minds out of the perma gutter and might realize D/s isn’t about sex.
everything in SL is about sex. it shouldn’t be .. but it is.
everyone going to that event is going to buy cute kid shit before they get banged by daddy.
face the truth
5 people in denial.
She didn’t do anything bad why the fuck is she on here? She merely explained the difference between things. How is that offensive enough to end up on here ?
Dildo Riders @16 &46, by your grammar skills, it looks like you’re the ghetto skanks that should leave your trailer park and go back to school.
Call someone out? How about log into Second Life and let’s play!
just curious if they logged into second life but no one knows who they are…how exactly would you play?
Saw reference: WANNA PLAY A GAME?
LOL Typical second ;life freak wanting to fight it out on a game.
What exactly do you do in the game, strip, prostitute, slut? Ohhhh, maybe you’re a model or a DJ hahahaha good on you! How about you come play with us freaks. You might like it XD
freak and anime make a porno…. hmm i’d prolly watch it xD
Snuff films are my fave past time didn’t you know? 😉
i knew it… that redroom freaky shit xD
Come Play with us I’ll show you just how much of a freak I am ;p
#15 Holy hell dude, why don’t you use a font nobody can read?! Oh yeah…. you did. What’s the point of talking crap about someone when nobody can even see what you’re saying? My only solace is that I can safely predict it was probably not worth reading.
Ayyye I just wanted to say thank you for everyone saying I have Box Titties! I have said for years its like a damn XL grand cannon. Thanks for noticing, I worked really hard to make sure everyone knows. If anyone needs proof about said box titties just let me know. I will take a break from the minecraft porn I’m now doing, these box titties have found a weird little niche. I don’t have to post the names you can find me on, someone else has nicely done this already. <3
its not your tits that are square honey, its your roblox-sized cleavage. i hope the minecraft porn works out for you, since that’s the only place that will jerk it to your square set jaw too.
@no baby and identity issues much – stick to the same username please.
33. try “non native” and “pepe skins” they have darker Asian tones, Pumec has one too
Any place with some darker/redder Native American ones? Sadly, the place I got mine from stopped making skins, so I can’t get a darker tone.
#19 I can’t read any of that lol and I know some designers who are in the BDSM kawaii event who are def, not pedos it’s just a bdsm event not everything in the lifestyle is even ddlg and ddlg has ranges. Not everyone into it is into age play or age regression some times they just like girly things and also happen to be submissive. Other than that all sorts of things are in the BDSM lifestyle rope bunnies, dolls, pet play, sadomasochism..ect maybe look into something before you just talk shit about it. I don’t know why kink-shaming has become so popular lately but last time I checked what two consenting adults did in the bedroom was none of my business. If a guy wants to shove a pastel dildo up his ass who am I to judge and an event who provides pastel dildos in my mind isn’t that bad who cares if the sex stuff is in girly colors people who like pink need to get there rocks off to.
Even if one of the adults looks like a child…RP’s as one? have you looked at it? No.
7: It is realistic, actually. Way moreso than the kids who walk around looking like six year olds when they’re supposed to be at least 11. Some girls develop earlier than others, and sometimes they develop pretty fast. I’ve you’ve ever spent time around actual middle schoolers, you’d realize there’s a massive level of variation in development at that age. Girls as young as 8 or 9 can start developing breasts, and yes, by the time some are 13, they’re fairly large chested. It’s out of line of what we expect from SL, but it’s completely in line with RL.
Naw, no “child” has a body like Kim Kardashian. Early bloomer is one thing. Being that voluptuous And calling yourself a child is ridiculous though. She looks thirty, not thirteen.
Yes that’s true in real life but on the sim they have specific rules that say no big chests or big butts.
to be honest with you it could be the outfit shes wearing.. because she IS covered.. i have an outfit that makes me look thicker than i am
I have no idea why anyone would thumbs down that, a lot of clothes are rigged far out from the body and make you look bigger than you are, like “fat” even if your usual shape is not very thin. That’s part of why demoing is so important; just because it doesn’t clip into your body doesn’t mean it fits. That gap between the clothing mesh and your body ain’t cute, either.
i have a stalker here.. as soon as i type within like 3 seconds they down vote..lol its kinda of amusing they care so much about me xD
That was me this time on the down vote above. Just for posterity. And hope you are having a great week, @me.
its a great week grandpa.. hope yours is too. xD
The sexual tension is fucking insane here. aight imma head out.
xD I’m just trying to make the Sl’ers feel at home.. they love all this grandpa pervy play
The only rules in their dress code pertaining to that are against those old school mesh boobs/butts people wore before mesh bodies were a thing. This person is using Maitreya without any extra enhancements. And even on size 0, Maitreya butts are huge. When my character was younger I purposely wore standard size bottoms to decrease her butt size.
“And even on size 0, Maitreya butts are huge”
Thanks for the water that just came out of my nose… like, wow. LOL
This. I was a full C cup by the end of 5th grade.
thats exactly why the baby faces are nasty to me. I have a 6th grader in my family and shes pretty developed for a little kid.. and she looks like a baby in the face.. let me find some old cringey fuck like in SL harassing her.. you’ll get to see me on the news xD
I’ll have a HUGE smile in my mugshot like Katt Williams does in his. lol
Surprised there was nothing about bird boy/bird shit this week. Squak squak. Lmfao
I mean honestly he removed all the girls from his picks, I think he finally might be done. Or … well wishful thinking 😛
People like that never really leave. They just try to run to an alt no one knows and continue their fuckery. I imagine it would really hurt though, to have to give up that persona he took so much time building.
thats the truth.. they dont go on vacation either.. This asshole i used to know would tell me he’s going away to all these extravagant places and he was just going to the next hood sim on his alt. freakin loser xD
I mean could he get much more roasted? Pretty sure that call out on the car from his flickr is the most upvotes a comment has ever gotten; at least it’s the most I’ve ever noticed.
yes!! that was amazing!
Plz post next week so I can kno what’s going on cheers
#11 I know the individual who made that post. I don’t understand why her ex would blast her when he was jumping around with other girls shortly after their break up in the first place. You just had pics of another girl on flickr, but deleted them. You don’t own her. If she wants to mess around on a virtual world/game then let her be.
And hes gotten another girlfriend named Elle.
Leave it to a virgin cuck to get mad about a girl who doesn’t want him. Who the hell actually takes the time to post a secret about a girl doing whatever she wants with her SL? Bitching about her flickr, but homie, one of those pics has you in it, and the others aren’t your business. Kitty is a grown ass woman, and being as you aren’t her owner or keeper, how is what she does any of your business? How about you stick to what you know, and carry on being a carbon copy of every other white haired emo boy on SL? Obviously she can’t be bothered to deal with your shit, so you bring it here in an attempt to get a gaggle of people on your bullshit bandwagon. Weren’t you just at Gpa’s yesterday with a bitch on your back? Are we just gonna gloss over that while you try and talk about how she’s a virtual slut? Boy bye. Let this girl live her damn life, Bishop. You ain’t shit.
I do too, and he’s 100% right, this girl is mad wierd and goes around fucking men in relationships. +10 for this post, whoever you are you need to learn your friends better Banana
I’m actually friends with both of them. he does the exact same thing (cheating, messin’ with taken people), then cries about being single and how no one loves him.
@Cunt… see I have known who BISHOP is speaking about for 10 years + and I can say this dude is a complete psychopath. I am not gonna sit here and call her innocent. None of us are .. However. She did NOT cheat on Bishop with the dude in the pic.. and FYI.. one of the dudes in the pictures ISSSS BISHOP.. The other guys she met on my Sim well after Bishop was let go.. He is an idiot.. He isnt even a Daddy . I wish people would stop saying he was. He just likes to play roles .. and I can assume who this cunt person is. I can take a WILLLD guesss you also know me. Last I checked .. anyone can mess with whoever they want.. its none ya f*ckin business. and this little high school burn book sh*t is pathetic. YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US… WE ARE BETTER THAN YOU.. get over yourselves.. Who gives a shit who f*cks who. Bishop MOVE ON DUDE.. no one wants you. 😉
Let me tell you why, because he is the typical macho “alpha” that plays to be a daddy in SL but his balls havent drop out of his body… ( Dude grow up, you don’t own anyone, and even less in SL, get a real life. )
Divine Riders …. what who are you again ? I bet you hide behind ban lines and cry like little bitches that you are. Come on and lets play when you know how to play with the big dogs.
The state of virtual bikers… I wonder what goes through their minds when they type shit like this.
I mean….. You’re typing this from your condo in the retirement home or some trailer park… Why are you acting so hard? Go take your blood pressure medication grandpa.
LMFAO dude #you know me, all that made me think is how embarrassing for u. Ur not intimidating or ever will be so off u fuck for ur bath sweaty
I am taking furious notes on how to talk “SL MC.” Just to clarify, is “bath sweaty” an important term I need to remember? If so I will practice saying this in front of the mirror tonight with a glass of Pinot Noir and some bad ass attitude. I got this.
My pixels will kick your pixel’s asses.
Jesus, y’all are a bunch of bellends.
Hi, I’m looking to join one of these MC’s. I have a leather allergy though so was wondering if khakis and a polo are acceptable attire during gang fights? Also, do you have day care available?
he’s not only grandpa…. hes The Principal xD
*Snort giggle fits*
Coffee just came out of my nose and it’s all I can smell now. Thank you for this! XD
All you MCs are nothing but a bunch of pissy ass chihuahuas barking at the end of your leashes. Stop being keyboard warrior and better your lives.
MC clubs in second life are the most pathetic thing in the world
25. Whoever wrote this is a fucking no-lifer. Shes a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart.
38. Let them fucking be? You jealous that two people can make things work in Both worlds?
#40. Jokes on you. Gigi doesn’t work there. Think you might be upset you weren’t able to get you some of that manly dick for a dollar. I’m sure you can find her elsewhere though.
#40 I would say theres around 5 clubs that really only hire 100% females. The rest will hire anyone and anything that walks through the door.. You can tell which clubs there are instantly….Any new club that starts off with minimum 10 on staff you can be assured they are not all female.
I would like to know what 5 clubs have all females working??? After becoming friends with most owners they tell me what ones are guys so I know who to avoid. ???
Lets just say.. You and I are not friends……
Fine is it better if I use the right pronouns for you all. They tell me who the “Trans Ladies” are. ?
LOL. I think we all really know the ones that do hire trans ladies. Those are the ones that are on here on a regular basis. The Clubs that are not are the few that have the real deal. ( jtbc. Clubs at the top of the chain ) Not these ‘i am here today gone tomorrow’ shit holes.
I will give you a few club names to make your day……… BGS, Indulge, Impact, Eden, Addiction
O.o heres another one.. Liasons…Now called Redangel’s hires men using mophers. 😀
Also didnt peaches work at indulge and impact i seem to remember some big drama around then so i guess they do hire guys lol
Yes she did. She also worked at Unleashed and a few more before pathetically trying to open her own place. EPIC failure that was. LMFAO…..She is now on an alt working at one of the clubs i mentioned before.
Also just a fyı.. With many of these clubs but not all….. They only voice verify so i will leave the rest to your imagination on what i mean 😀
The sad thing is if they would just admit it I bet no one would care. It’s just the fact that they lie and when you call them out on it they get all pissy. I remember back in the day at ? s 18 or whatever it’s called. I had a friend that worked there so I would go see her. One of the other girls where Trans and the three of us would troll people and have fun. Now adays everyone is stiff as a board and gets offended by everything.
Um one of these things is not like the others lol
that aeryn absent/vixen ashdene chick has some real ugly ass tits in RL, I don’t know why she thinks it does her any good to keep showing them off like that. She should take that money she keeps spending on trying to be a success in a video game with and fix that weird ass double square shape between those tits. She keeps bragging that short ass dude shes fucking is just a sugar daddy, make him fix those damn titties, gurrrrrllllll.
Abso-FUCKING-lutely. Hopefully, she takes the advice and gets her sugar daddy/boyfriend/’I-only-use-him-for-his-money’ guy to pay for some drastically needed body alterations.
Calm down Kat. No one even likes you.
no one likes you either rissa. not that they’d say that to your face. also good attempt at spelling machi’s name, you having issues there bud?
I’ll have you know I chose this name unknowing that your Juggalette posse had a Machi involved in your underground ICP porn shenanigans. But since you seem to think I’m Rissa. I got news for you Kat, I’m not. But maybe this will help you figure out who I am. “You got weak ankles.” ?
lmao they come on SL to role play ICP and the Juggalettes. i cant!
trailer park as fuck… i thought the juggalos were about acceptance .. what you all fighting about?
id still rather fuck carmen carrera…..thats what SL stip clubs really look like. lmao fucking road maps and c section scars at its very best – actual juggalette contests lmao
Well I didn’t comment but thanks for thinking bout me babe ????
@no baby and identity issues much – stick to the same username please.
Don’t call women ‘females.’ It makes you sound stupid.
It makes you look stupid when you try to correct a small thing like this. 100% women female wtf does it even matter.
nitpicking is far more stupid. at least they didn’t say thots, hoes or bitches.. you hate when i do those. xD
just because they’re 100% female doesn’t make them hot tho. lmao i know men who look better than some chics. ijs
i would rather cum to carmen carrera than honey booboos mom. but thats just me. Usually you go by whats visually pleasing and since your not touching it.. who cares
i picked june because its more actual what you’ll really get.. i say who cares because your only going to be imagining that shes your kind of hot anyways (whatever that may be) . no?
Don’t think it says anything about whether they are hot or not LOL. Did you read the post?
thats my point.. who cares if its a female.. is that ur only fucking standard? lol ugh losers
June looks like fat disgusting feminist pig. JS..
Why would anyone want to hire such an atrocious fucking monster of a human being?
well i agree here anime.. shes a great poster child for a lot of SL chics. Should be watching her kid instead of getting cracked out with some loser of a guy lol i wouldn’t call her a feminist though.. she actually NEEDS a man before her own child.
looks like 4 mama junes disapprove my comment lol
That’s not racism, darling. Drows are not real beings. Kindly look up the definition of RACISM before you so ignorantly fling it around to get what you want.
“MC” groups in SL always make me giggle. Whoever wrote this and then the other, please share us a link to your “fight” I so want to see the “carnage.”
Not all the MC groups are that bad. I agree some are but some of those groups have some good people in them and fun to hang out with.
Yess slurl to these fights plz so we can watch
all those MC people look the same too, sculpted “leather” vests…….system jeans….flexy hair, no hips, or shape at all except maybe some boobage…and the orange tan skin with the heavy eye makeup…..oh and the ugly ass boots they all wear. so hot……
What the fuck mc are you looking at?? Lmao
All of them.
lmfao this will forever be in my favs
stop targeting me.. lmfao
do they all have itchy triggy fingers?
except the fact it basically was …..if you are a elf with white skin you are perfectly fine….but damn if you are a elf with a dark black skin you are not human ….thats pretty much what it boils down to …Racism boiled down to the color of the skin. besides that a elf is a human form …its not a furry , its not a beast ….its a human form with pointy ears which they allow pointy ears so it basically came down to the skin color white your good to go and human form ….dark black nope your not human form.
In the strictest of terms, yes you’re correct. The literal definition of racism is happening here.
Except elves aren’t real. Furries aren’t real. None of it is real. So, as a concept to anyone with common sense; this form of “racism” doesn’t exist and really is a little insulting to real world minorities who suffer it even to this day. I think that’s what people are taking away from that aspect of the OPs post.
Other than them being a whiner that they can’t keep breaking rules on a sim they don’t own.
MC’s – Were a group of old retired retards pretending to be hard cases like we were in the old days except on the internet. This is why we allow these mother fuckers to be abused in retirement homes.
oh god… im agree’ing this week with anime. lmao xD I’m surprised though they even know how to use a computer.. actually scratch that.. trolling videos prove they don’t really press buttons just redneck voice..
I’m pretty sure Anime is assimilating. It’s okay. One of Us.
What lol?
i agree we should have a secrets meet and greet at their fight. xD
*14 LLMFAO funny the douchebag and his slut are not meantioned Nealy whos in every partnered man’s ,IMS want a list of them we have them. She just managed to get a sucker to bite this time. Give it two weeks and she be crying cuz is a long list of women before her She fucks anything in pants and thinks LOVE of her LIFE Careful ladies your man may be Next!!!!!
This is Char!
yeah Baby! I love the fact that i am a bad taste in someone’s mouth! It means i am doing something right!
Char, first of all you just showed how little class you have from the above post. Everybody knows you’ve been fucking Keesie for years, Stella was too stupid to know it. That’s the only reason he kept Stella around because she was too dumb to know how he is. Can’t get laid in RL, be a man (?) hoe and boost your confidence in SL, isn’t that right Keesie?
so, some clunge who hides behind “Char’s friend” wants to discuss class or act like you know me in any way? i put my name on my post. char put her name. and you…only make shit up if you can hide. so yap away little puppy. unlike you, i don’t need to hide from a single thing i say or do. and at the end of the day i still get to be me and you, well you’re stuck being you. a spineless twit who only talks shit if nobody knows who it is. i win! it cracks me up the number of times i see people commenting about how its sl, you cant really do anything anyway. lets say thats true. doesn’t that actually make it more pathetic people like you comment on here under unclever names? it just really has to suck to be you.
What would you do if you had these people’s SL usernames, huh? Harass them in world? Use all your alts to keep bothering them after they block your dumb ass? Stalk their profile and try to grief their hangouts? Make SL secrets about them? What exactly difference do you think it would make?
C’mon, keyboard warriors. Explain this stupid shit to me, how having someone’s SL username makes things better, or how using yours makes you “brave” compared to those who don’t. Because to me, it looks like the people who use their SL names on the secrets are desperate attention whores who have nothing else to do, trying to milk all the excitement they can out of getting responses here, while the rest of us are too busy enjoying our SLs to want to deal with any of you off this website. So actually- it sucks to be you. I leave this site behind entirely when I close the tab; you’re the one carrying it over into SL.
i don’t have alts. and the only reason i know this site exists is because people have messaged me about posts. but lets be honest, the comment about “i leave this site behind blah blah blah youre the one carrying it over into sl” ummmmm isn’t it about sl? didn’t it start with sl and get carried over here? there seems to be something wrong with your logic. but then someone who says entirely stupid shit about people having nothing else to do except get responses here while you enjoy your sl while responding here and not enjoying your sl just doesnt seem to have a lot of logic skills to begin with.
as far as being an attention whore, i put my name on my post because i have shit to hide from. thats why i dont have alts. i am who i am and if someone doesnt like me, well then theres probably something wrong with them. what it looks like to you is your choice but the reality is making a fake name here to make up rumors about people is just fucking spineless. because people like “Char’s friend” are the same kind of cunts who hide behind a fake name here but then want to act like you’re best friend in world. but you keep making excuses for hiding behind other names if it helps you feel better about you, sparky. 🙂
Way to not answer any of my questions, while rambling about absolutely nothing and sounding like you’re jerking yourself off in the process- over using one fake name instead of another LOL
newsflash Keesie.. second life names are fake too. getting their resident name isn’t like getting their government name.. so stop trying to sound like you have any sense yourself, sparky.
people thugging it out on games yelling inworld on voice.. lmfao retards.
so easy to be fucking hard when you can’t actually get hurt.
why don’t you invest in spokeo and bring it to the bitches rl house. see if you have those balls. =)
if you don’t.. you sound just as stupid as your net thuggin rivals.
That was an amazing comeback to such an idiot as Keesie. Thank you for your intelligence me.
fact is if i had been fucking char, she wouldnt have been with a douchebag who scours the internet for pics of other mens dicks to send to women because he’s embarassed by his own. and the fact is i don’t need to sneak around in people’s im’s because i dont do anything i feel the need to hide from. unlike a couple of twats who dont even have the balls to reply to me but hide behind anonymity on sl secrets. char gonna be ok. but nealy is gonna be butthurt when addi starts ghosting her and fucking around. and she can start looking for men again and fuck around on him. cause it’ll happen. start the timer.
No 14- I’ve seen Charity at Big Daddy’s plenty of times. No, I don’t know her but to lower her standards to fuck someone like Keesie, come on girl, you can do better than that. *smdh
sips on the iced vanilla chai….and dies @”scours the internet for pics of other mens dicks to send to women because he’s embarassed by his own.”
someone should get the person thats really good at finding the source pics to find the actual man from the dick pics.. that would be dope. xD
It’s unfortunate but a majority of these cock pics being circulated are mine. I was a cock model for over 20 years and these photos of me are readily available for free online and far too often used by men in SL. Just google “the world’s most beautiful cock.” I’ve considered filing a DMCA against some of these SL bastards but don’t want to be a dick.
i spit coffee all over my monitor
Please send me a pic (don’t tell anyone!).
look on my mantle
id like a list, dear. below my comment would suffice. xD (i have no idea who that is..but im sure someone does)
to the maker of secret 39… today is September 15, 2019… i recall that exact convo maybe word for word like a year ago here. let it go. get medicated
p.s. i love adore..let him have his fun while the rest of SL is blowing their daddies, and pretending they’re actually cute.
ooh i almost forgot.. the doux secret.. blondes look GREAT fix your head or use a bigger size dumbass.
Doux is my girl&guy loving those hairs and I were light colors.
“ooh i almost forgot.. the doux secret.. blondes look GREAT fix your head or use a bigger size dumbass.”
This just made me spit my tea all over the place. Thank you for the great laugh
Small example of what ugly bunny is capable of,she changes people,she screws over mental states so much that many have turned to suicide,she laughs about it,many get stuck in a abusive situation due to her where they feel that they can’t escape from it,she causes people to hurt them and judge them ,and they act like full morons and get one sided,she leaves them with no choice ,threatens them into joining her abuse,and threatens them daily with bad things if they don’t do as she says,many have left her fully broken and what’s worse with no backbone,because she damages the Ego that much.
Morning All, today I practically spit out my coffee at some of these “secrets” from laughing too hard here!
16 & 46) ROFL… no matter how you try to look at it… Any and I mean ALL SL MC’s are a bunch of wannabes so go on and do your “cat fights” it sure does give anyone else a good show to laugh at.
3) Why would anyone want to do a pageant in the 1st place it’s a total joke; specially in SL.
39) Started out reading this one with just an eye roll for yet another complainer of how it’s some sort of crime that SL creators get their inspiration from somewhere just like RL Designer & Artists do.
Then I came upon “AZOURY IS LIKE THE ONLY TrUE DESIGNER IN SL. WHAT-A-SHAME!”… buahahahaaha omg LULZ
why am I laughing here? Well because they to are just like everyone else and get their ideas from other RL Artists! I even have a couple of examples:
Thanks for the laughs
I would say liar,liar thongs for hire right about now,as she knows full well what actions she does,but she just doesn’t give a fuck,she makes up excuses daily to cover for it too,don’t get too wet darling your evil side might show.
yea don’t get too wet like YAWNs eyes xD… shaddup crybaby
Apparently a poor choice of a vowel.