Sorry we’re a bit late today.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 521.
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 442 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Sorry we’re a bit late today.
Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 521.
LMFAO, 1 dax and cyhper weren’t even datin so not classed as cheatin, to wat she did to dax was pathetic wat sister goes around fucking your
twins bf or fuck buddy,
2. make hayyz neeeds to LEARN to stop screwing around with TAKEN ppl
sl sisters do.. because they arent real and really have no reason to show any kind of loyalty.. i wish people would understand this. SL families are retarded
The versov shoes aren’t a copy of phedora it’s from a real model picture 100%original mesh.. I was here when he choised the model & created them in sl… , how people’s here are so dramatic and stupid for telling so much bullshit with nothing to prove.. Just haters.
Yeah yeah we saw demo of Phedora shoes then add Versow shoes on it… Nothing to say 🙂 Let me guess.. nikki is that you who post this comment? hahaha damn guys You seems to be so upset :,D
wedges are for old ladies .
in your country maybe ..but here that come back ..mode is a cycle , did u know it ?
not in my country in my opinion.. anyways carry on with your cankles
Why can’t you people learn to check your grammar before posting to this site?
maybe for some isnt the first language too …. if u understand the sentence , isnt the more important …
ugh not on sundays.. i was wayy to busy praying to the Gods that the site hadn’t disappeared lol
#10: In Zenith’s defense (And I am speculating here due to reading some comments of Zenith being a team) I believe she is chinese, or at least from mainland china. Now I have a friend who has recently left mainland China and he literally knows NOTHING about the outside world, not much about History other than “China is great!”, and doesn’t get any pop culture references, memes, has never seen the movies we’ve all seen. He’s listening to some of the classic music we all grew up with for the first time.
If this is the case; it is very likely that Zenith has no idea what that symbol even is or its significance; and don’t say “They could look it up!” because I doubt it even crossed their mind as being a bad thing; let alone the fact that China has it’s own version of everything and Wikipedia isn’t a thing. It’s even likely that the main account used by Zenith is in Hong Kong and outsources from people in china.
It’s not even taught or mentioned in schools there as far as I know; many chinese people I have met are completely ignorant to it or don’t even know what the Holocaust is; so I am chalking this down to lack of information and not lazyness or ignorance. After seeing first hand the kind of stunted information my friend has straight out of china; it’s very likely that they just don’t know.
Imma clear one thing up, the definition of ignorance is “lack of knowledge or information”…. literally what he is suffering. That said, lots of Asian cultures don’t know about the Holocaust. There’s been multiple YouTube videos on it recently since the Japanese have been using it as an emoji of sort.
I mean… they also put the word “Hitler” in the name of the HUD for the rare pink jacket. I was dismayed to see it. 🙁 It isn’t anywhere else, which kind of implies that maybe “Hitler” was part of the “work in progress” name.
I didn’t know Zenith was from China.. but I can totally see what you are saying could easily be the case . People forget that China is actually a very Communistic country.. not as bad as North Korea.. but things like religion are completely banned (even Buddhism) and free speech non existent! So the knowledge of anything outside of “China is Great” is very much a reality. Also on a side note here to include the GB swastika drama from a few weeks back .. I was watching a few days ago a video of interviews with Japanese people young and old about the Manji /Sauwastika being a huge pop culture thing at the moment where it’s everywhere, used at the end of social media texts and as picture filters… they even have this thing where it’s cool to cross their arms to make the Manji/Sauwastika … but when they where shown the Nazi flag only the Old man knew what it was and the rest had to have it explained to them and as it was their faces went from all smiles to “Oh Crap” because they aren’t really taught much from that period in history except a brief overview of Hitler himself and even then all they really know is simply “he was a bad guy” . So, when we run across this in SL we need to remember that “Manji” is the popular thing right now in Asian countries and the youth are just not in the know about Nazism nor is it being taught in their schools. We, who do know, should yes tell them right away about their faux pas but also be understanding that not all of the world knows and give them a chance to fix their error before burning them at the… Read more »
Honestly, I find it amusing and somewhat disturbing the extent you all are going through to come up with excuses on why this was ok. Well she is Chinese. Yeah so what? The name of the tie was Hitler blah blah blah. She wasn’t ignorant on knowledge of WW2 enough to not know who Hitler was. If she knew who Hitler is and that the symbol was associated with Hilter and all his history, then its safe to say she knew WTF she was doing. The Chinese are good at white washing their own history to make them look good. They weren’t in collusion with the Nazis and Japan attacked them. Therefore showing that the Japanese were in collusion with the Nazis and all the atrocities that Japan committed in the war works in their favor. I agree that there are several things we need to remember. 1. Southast Asia is a big area containing several countries and different cultures. Japan is not the center of the cultural universe. Whats hot in Japan may not be hot in Singapore, Taiwan, Korea etc… That’s one of the annoying Caucasian (though not exclusively) trends going; this whole love affair with Japan. Folks just know in their heart their soul is Japanese. Why is no one’s soul Chinese, Taiwanese, Thai or one of the horridly poor shit hole SE Asian countries? 2. The Japanese are no better than China when it comes to white washing history. Now their involvement with the Nazis in WW2 is an embarrassment so they try not shed too much light on those years. People think oh the Japanese are so cute and docile and adorable with the anime and whatever. LOL You all are dumb. They are at peace now. When they were at war they were so… Read more »
Lourdes I am caucasian but I am living in South East Asia. I am literally a minority here. Probably outing myself here but I have lived in Hong Kong and Japan. I actually like China better actually.
I stand by what I said; mainland chinese people are literally shut out of the outside world – my friend literally only knows the name Hitler and that Nazis existed; the rest of the history he was taught (As well as other mainland chinese people I have spoken to over the years) don’t know the SCALE of the atrocities. They only know what happened to their country; not the whole story; so as far as they’re concerned the rape of nanking is the worst possible thing that happened in WW2. You ask any mainland chinese person the same thing, they’ll spit on the ground, get mad and say “Those fucking Japanese tortured our women”.
Meanwhile; in Japan… That “Never happened”.
I’m not making this up; this is coming from personal experience with the people I’ve spoken to, they are two very different countries and have been taught two very different things; but the result is the same. They are only concerned with their own history; and hardly anything modern; mostly historical texts and how to read them.
I’m sorry unless she’s living in the totally rural china with no internet access, I give maybe 25% that she or her team had absolutely no knowledge of Hitler and the Nazis. I would have loved to hear from any of our readers who may be Chinese and living in another country to share their experience.
I am fully expecting a ban for, well, you know, speaking out or whatever, but I feel like this topic is something I vastly enjoy. I have done so much study into World War II that I just love a good debate. People are defending Zenith because, well, she’s Chinese. You even said it yourself, they’re very, very good at whitewashing their history and closing the world off to their own people. If you mention a certain Chinese phrase to them on the internet, their internet automatically shuts down and boots them off. If you mention Mao in the street, you’re thrown in jail. This is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m not saying she’s innocent, but as Zenith is a team, and the main person speaks purely Chinese, there could be a translation error. Someone could have said, “This is a symbol that Hitler used.” and gave no more context on it. She then would have seen the symbol, nodded, and named it ‘Hitler’, not knowing that it was a symbol that caused millions of deaths. The whole point is that there could be more explanations given than that she’s a closeted Nazi supporter and is trying to push the agenda. Another thing is that the symbol Adolf Hitler used was a symbol of peace for thousands of years. Why people forget this is beyond me. I’m skipping this whole Japanese tirade because it’s, well, pointless. Everyone knows that the Japanese joined the Axis. Everyone knows why they were nuked into surrender by the United States. No country was innocent in World War II. The United States nuked a country not once, but twice, killing thousands of innocent women, men, and children. Alas, such is war. Now, this is the part where I’m going to be called a… Read more »
Yeah communist Russia was fucked up (and so is communism IMO) but that doesn’t make Hitler’s actions okay. On top of that Hitler’s regime killed approximately 15 to 20 MILLION PEOPLE OR MORE when you include non-jewish people.
Refrence for this BTW:
I’m not going to bother to go on forever about your other points most are just ridiculous. Long story short “well yeah but people did other bad things” does not absolve Hitler of his crimes. If anything it just shows that there’s still a lot more work to be done by us to make things better.
While personally, I tend to think people do overreact in some cases without considering that it’s a religious symbol that’s really not the case here. This is pretty clearly referencing Nazism. I’m all for free speech and you can say and feel whatever you feel. The public also has the right to say what they want about it and the products sold to them. Apparently, the public has decided to use their free speech to say “Celebrating a guy who killed 20 million people? Nah..hard pass.”
You are very much entitled to your opinion and of course you won’t get banned.. virtual-secrets would be a very boring place if anyone with a different opinion was banned… Hell, Lourdes and Kess don’t always agree with me on things as well… one of them being that I’m a little more on middle ground with the swastika issue. I can totally agree with Devil’s Advocate on how Zenith was probably ignorant and I’m a big advocate of remembering that the swastika was 1st a religious symbol before (as Lourdes has said as well) it was tainted beyond repair. So, most might think I would side with you, but I’m actually gonna draw a line right here!
How dare you say Hitler was a genius and a “Scapegoat”… he was nothing more than a Evil and Vile Con Man that convinced the German people that they can “Scapegoat” Millions as the reason for all their problems and that it was acceptable to commit Mass Murder and Genocide as a way to solve those problems!
As much as I would like for the swastika to be remembered as a peaceful religious symbol (but then again in that perfect world the Holocaust would have never happened) We can not forget or be complacent of the horrors Hitler caused…People have the right to be sensitive and calling those who are Dumb and Juvenile looks like nothing more than a bunch of shit spewing from that mouth of yours.
If you want others to respect your opinion show the same respect in return… so anyone up for some milk and cookies.
His methods were quite viable? Methods for what? Mass murder?
Damn right you’d have been dead under his regime. Likely thrown in an internment camp and starved until you were just a bag of bones then tossed in a gas chamber. And you ADMIRE THAT? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?
Your thinking and logic astounds me. That in this day and age, with the resources available to educate ones self to the history that shapes our world, that you clearly write that monster & his regime a hall pass cause heck, there were other lunatics in history as well- just disgusts me.
I mean, what decent thing did he do? The only thing I can think of is his involvement with the VW Beetle.
@Alexander – This may have been one of the single most retarded posts I have ever seen. Not just here in virtual-secrets but, anywhere.
We certainly won’t ban you for having an opposing opinion.
However I think what you say needs to be seen it needs to be displayed fully. It also needs to be pointed out for what it actually is.
You see the shit Alexander posted is why terrible things happen. When you think the way Alexander does it creates an open environment for evil to thrives. When evil thrives people die. They die due to ignorance and complacency. Alexander is alive and allowed to live as a homosexual. Things are safe. No one will drag him out of his house and kill in on the spot for being a homosexual. That was 100 years ago. Yet, we see how much hatred is being fermented and enouraged now. Because people like Alex thing folks are “too sensitive”.
People like Alexander have their heads in the sand. You notice how in one comment is totally marginalized the systematic murder of millions on concentration camps. Its just a small thing to him.
No any symbol of hatred, ignorance and murder should be remembered. There is no reason ever to accept the swastika and its variations. It is forever tainted in every way possible for everything. The day we forget and see it as something nice is the day we say oh who cares about the millions who died and were murdered under the symbol and its Ideology. The moment you take your life and liberties for granted is when it is very easy to take them away.
Remember Alexander and how danger his kind are.
The Alexander’s of the world also don’t realize that it wasn’t long ago millions of people were murdered. I guess that’s the power of being young, you can forget what your great grandparents went through, but some of these folks that survived Hitler’s atrocities are STILL LIVING. And by people saying the things that Alexander says it basically shits on all the serious things they had to endure and survive. But what do I know?
Also the Alex’s of the world don’t realize they are fortunate.
One say someone asked me, “Have you ever met a gay Jamaican?”. Now I’m from NYC always been active in the pride community since the 90s. I have never met a gay Jamaican. Just about all other nationalities. But very few Caribbean gay men. A Jamaican female friend of mine was bi, so that’s about it.
Well I did some research a few months ago. Jamaica is a place where gay men should never vacation. You can be killed and no one there would give a damn. Why? Just for being gay. There is a whole thing about the reasoning behind it. It’s all rooted in slavery and how slave owners would humiliated and break the will and spirits of male slaves.
If the Alexanders of the world don’t WAKE THE FUCK UP that could be the reality here outside big cities.
I don’t agree with all your points, but you won’t be banned. Banning occurs here (and it’s a shadowban, so you can see your own comments) when you don’t listen even though we’ve given you the answer or you are exceptionally dumb. Not for a different opinion. Although some folks have different opinions and happen to be exceptionally dumb. I can’t help that.
Thank you for commenting, please comment more.
It is very much the same in Japan, I attended halloween in the busiest part of Tokyo and saw many, many people dressed as Nazis. Nobody took offence to it and I was told it was a common occurrence by the people who had been living there for 10+ years. It’s very much to do with the education system of the country and lack of knowledge. Manji are literally everywhere in Japan; even on google maps so it’s very easily mistaken for the swastika. Again; it’s a complete lack of knowledge and they probably don’t even know how offensive it is; especially since it’s Manji and it’s literally on every temple; just sideways.
Just adding to this, my friend got back to me – He said they are taught mostly about the Japanese invasion of China They have a general idea of Nazis but not much; and offense culture doesn’t exist in China; everything goes – so it’s highly possible that they did not realize it would be offensive to everyone outside of China.
#3 I really hope that isn’t true. I adore this store. 🙁 #4 That’s not even sexy, that’s just ridiculously stupid & funny as hell, clearly you’re compensating. #8 AMEN! Give men more GOOD QUALITY options at the same prices as women! It’s not fair. There’s a market for this stuff and nobody is taking advantage of it! #10 Seriously? Boycott this company. This is fucking stupid, that shit doesn’t belong ANYWHERE. If you’re a designer and you’re too lazy to realize it’s there, you don’t deserve to be a designer. And if you’re doing it on purpose, fuck you and your ignorant bullshit. Blast this shitty store everywhere and boycott it. #17 Both are disgusting and illegal. You’re really going to defend ageplay you sick fuck? You need to be put on a fucking list. #25 There’s plenty of good skins, you just have to look harder and ask around. Stop looking at main popular stores and you’ll find some. I have some great skins from little known stores. Places like Areos are known for their cocks but they also have amazing skins as well. Unfortunately the marketplace is dying, and you just need to search a bit harder. Ask around, most people are willing to help. #29 What in the fuck are you talking about? Is this really a secret or let alone something to bitch about? Armpits? Really? Get a life. #24 This is a Fake Post. Facebook icons in IMS are round and not square. Nice try though. #33 This shit is the funniest fucking thing ever. Honestly if you have a profile picture of your avatar mixed with a RL body, you’re gonna get made fun of in someone’s private IMS or maybe just in general, because you look like a moron. Also, yes. That… Read more »
For real people…make sure next time that you upload your “secrets” in hight quality image….
#41 yea versov was better when he had balkanik, now he sucks with that bitch. balkanik was banned? valekoer is way better.
#40 Sounds like someone is not playing around anymore and is finally going to tell the fiancé.
You wouldn’t be far off at all… however Lexxi only cares about herself and not who she hurts or uses. She has her cake and eats it too… for now =) she won’t even know what hit her after it happens. It’s all in the making =)
Where’s the ex in all this? Would love to see what he has to say on her cheating on him and had inwolrd people stalk his real life. She also claimed she was not a cheater yet they were together when these two got together. Lmao. So funny how Elijah/Emerie has loyal in his profile under her name but that’s false lmao neither one of them is loyal when he cheated on her too. Dumbasses.
Both are a joke. There is multiple names of who Lexxie was flirting with after they broke up not even a week later…even while she was cuddling up with Emerie while Emerie was at work during the day she’s was teleporting others guys/girls from fmd that she knew over in her playroom including Jamie who she claimed she never did anything with too. She’s an attention seeker online because let’s be honest… anyone actually seen her in real life and not just saying her face? Lol. She thinks her shit don’t stink. She can also delete what she feels can be used against her and not save conversations but her nudes and recordings are perniment to those she sent them to and those that were passed around. She can hide it from her fiancé but passing that to him or his family there is no getting out of that one. =) #Notgonnabesorry
If Lexxi wants proof she was cheated on as well I can show her since I was one of the girls mentioned but I’m not sure she cares or can judge if she does it too. Emerie played with me a lot though and my emotions as she did many other girls. I’m sure there is a list of us a mile long at this point. I’m glad I broke free of her in the end. Anyone will be lucky to break free of her. Lexxi will see this in time too if she hasn’t started to already.
#24 is fake. it looks like a facebook grab but it isnt. facebook has ROUND pictures. not square. someone took his picture, shrunk it, and placed it over whoever is talking. good try though.
How many of you retarded sluts are going to go with the whole its fake because the pictures are round? Sit your stupid ass down in front of your computer and open Facebook. SQUARE pictures, especially if you are using different plugins for your Facebook.
I use a plugin that has the option to have square pictures.
when it is ticked guess what?
SQUARE pictures.
I know I can’t be the only person who use the fucking things. So sit your dumb ass down, the round picture argument is bullshit.
lol@retarded sluts xD
Even if there are mods, there’s no online indicator and the pictures aren’t all the same size or aligned the same. If it’s real, the poster is a dumbass who didn’t provide a clear post. Either way they failed.
Dipshit, they are two screen shots stuck together. The dumb ass is you and you fail at life.
lol@DJ Ducktales ……nice name buddy………….perhaps you need to visit a REAL LIFE club one day..
Hooked on Phonics did NOT work for her…….
Do you need a snickers bar?
#24 takashis flavor of the month looks like a real sad case. Women can be so foul and take up for any kinda sick human as long as they get attention from it. Takashi is just as guilty as Jeni as far as im concerned. And his facebook? A whole cry for attention, the dickless ballbag always bitching and moaning about something like a pussy bwoi. Talks about how people who check virtual-secrets “have no lives” yet hes been on virtual-secrets commenting all day loool. Twat
wow @DemonicDevilBitch, that may be the most downvotes I have ever seen….
I see – in my mind – all of that written in pink sparkly ink. Little hearts dotting each letter i. Just as a 12 year old girl would write it in her diary. I also see that little tweenage girl losing her mind as she writes, her head spinning like the girl in the excorcist, and the letters becoming more and more carelessly angry. The last few words over torn paper, where the pressure and anger of her hand has shredded her diary. It stops at R… as that’s when the pen broke in her hand.
lmao u must be her to be so mad… or is it only the thots have those really tight friendships? xD
She’s a complete SL wannabe and desperate jealous bitch. You said this yourself Daxxy, in an IM to someone you thought could be trusted, she blabbed and told the person and many others so is the truth and we all know you know. Are you all those things above too then, kettle black!! Or is a different story when you do it. You both slag each other off to the ground, I have no idea why you are friends. You’re a foul-mouthed, stuck up, snotty, judgemental cow and Hayyz is some kind of retard who wants to steal a particular someone’s identity by copying her and stealing all her sloppy seconds (men), not even an hour of parting and she’s offering the exes sex, I have counted 4 so far, proper sad and twisted that is!! What people say is the truth. She’s SL biggest whore!! And don’t deny it Daxxy or I will make public all the chats I have gathered over time of you both slagging each other off because you both think each other are cunts, yes girls, I have them all. And neither of you will want these coming out believe me, because the few friends you do have, will see you both for what you really are. You got kicked out your family too because no one wants you in there. They are all hoping Hayyz will follow and leave as well because everyone in her own family knows about her actions and secretly hates her too. If she left she would do them all a favour, as she’s not wanted any more in it and is the utter Heavenly Hoe. We’re all laughing at you both behind your backs, as you are both beyond pathetic. P.S. Maybe she hasn’t got with another man as… Read more »
She’s a complete SL wannabe and desperate jealous bitch. You said this yourself Daxxy, in an IM to someone you thought could be trusted, she blabbed and told the person and many others so is the truth and we all know you know. Are you all those things above too then, kettle black!! Or is a different story when you do it. You both slag each other off to the ground, I have no idea why you are friends. You’re a foul-mouthed, stuck up, snotty, judgemental cow and Hayyz is some kind of retard and tramp who wants to steal a particular someone’s identity by copying her and stealing all her sloppy seconds (men), not even an hour of parting and she’s offering the exes sex, I have counted 4 so far, proper sad and twisted that is!! What people say is the truth. She’s SL biggest whore!! And don’t deny it Daxxy or I will make public all the chats I have gathered over time of you both slagging each other off because you both think each other are cunts, yes girls, I have them all. And neither of you will want these coming out believe me, because the few friends you do have, will see you both for what you really are. You got kicked out your family too because no one wants you in there. They are all hoping Hayyz will follow and leave as well because everyone in her own family knows about her actions and secretly hates her too. If she left she would do them all a favour, as she’s not wanted any more in it and is the utter Heavenly Hoe. We’re all laughing at you both behind your backs, as you are both beyond pathetic. P.S. Maybe she hasn’t got with another… Read more »
In this weeks episode of deciphering ancient languages, we attempt to unlock the mysterious dialogue of a triggered CAPSBeast.
“This is for the DJ Hayyz picture: Are you all insufficiently educated rapscallions, failed by the educational system? Since she ended the relationship with her previous gentleman counterpart, she has not partaken in the act of courting with any other party. You, the audience, sit there and mindlessly berate and terrorise her, with what purpose I ask? I challenge you, is it because your life is miserable, without meaning or perhaps it comes back to your aforementioned lack of education? I delve deeper and question whether you may be resembling Jekyll and Hyde with your two-faced personality. Which one is the real you? Perchance this behaviour you demonstrate is owing to a lack of love and reason of which Hayyz is inundated with by not only her family, but also friends and numerous male companions. I refer back to you sitting there and hasten to express my appreciation, nay love, at how you engage in this seemingly mundane activity. Upon averting my gaze in your direction I see noble warriors, standing steadfast in unified fashion, holding nothing but your keyboards and undying determination to engage in interweb dilemmas. Let me ask you this, do you think you are the cream of the crop by oppressing this poor, helpless girl? Is there no other activity that may take your interest besides persecuting the innocents of SecondLife? Well, ladies and gentlemen, the other activities you entertain, or lack thereof, speaks volumes of your personality of which one would deduct is rather melancholy and lacks real depth. I bid you good day.
Please join us again next week when we decipher more triggered CAPSBeasts.
You’re welcome for the free edit. Please study up so that next time you don’t sound so completely ignorant in your all-caps rage rant. 🙂
@Go Trigger Yourself
In this weeks episode of deciphering ancient languages, we attempt to unlock the mysterious dialogue of a triggered CAPSBeast.
“This is for the DJ Hayyz picture: Are you all insufficiently educated rapscallions, failed by the educational system? Since she ended the relationship with her previous gentleman counterpart, she has not partaken in the act of courting with any other party. You, the audience, sit there and mindlessly berate and terrorise her, with what purpose I ask? I challenge you, is it because your life is miserable, without meaning or perhaps it comes back to your aforementioned lack of education? I delve deeper and question whether you may be resembling Jekyll and Hyde with your two-faced personality. Which one is the real you? Perchance this behaviour you demonstrate is owing to a lack of love and reason of which Hayyz is inundated with by not only her family, but also friends and numerous male companions. I refer back to you sitting there and hasten to express my appreciation, nay love, at how you engage in this seemingly mundane activity. Upon averting my gaze in your direction I see noble warriors, standing steadfast in unified fashion, holding nothing but your keyboards and undying determination to engage in interweb dilemmas. Let me ask you this, do you think you are the cream of the crop by oppressing this poor, helpless girl? Is there no other activity that may take your interest besides persecuting the innocents of SecondLife? Well, ladies and gentlemen, the other activities you entertain, or lack thereof, speaks volumes of your personality of which one would deduct is rather melancholy and lacks real depth. I bed you good day.
Please join us again next week when we decipher more triggered CAPSBeasts.
Oh Daxxy, please for the love of god learn how to fucking spell and use some punctuation. Everyone knows she fucked your boyfriend while you were still with him and then he in turn cheated on her with her ex best friend. She DID NOT BREAK UP WITH HIM, he was already long gone. And there is no bullying, the truth might hurt but come on even your own family can’t stand the lot of you and kicked both your skank drama filled asses to the curb.
why you gotta be swinging on all these DJ’s balls?
dude she fucked me and my friends while she was with that dude and i was with some one she doesnt even care if she or the other person is in a fucking relationship or not!!! come again dipshit.
maybe u should have kept ur dick away then instead of fucking someone that was taken ur all at fault here for doing something wrong
Maybe you should throw in some punctuation so it’s not like reading a wall of useless toddler text.
Don’t you people know Second Life is a Computer Game and you can’t Fuck?!!!! Fucking happens in real life , physically – NOT virtually. You sound like a bunch of fools!!
@OneName xD never fail me haha
Obviously you do not care either if you fucked her while you were with someone. Pot meet kettle.
Nope didnt give a fuck because all you chicks on SL are easy S..t.s and every one fucks every one its a big ole orgy that is all
lmao@ all sl chics are easy.. well it is a GAME… so it can be fun when u leave ur feelings out.. get urself a psychiatrist to discuss reality & fantasy
You really need to find a better group to hang out with, unless you are a manwhore and that is the type you want around you all the time.
Is there some reason you choose to express yourself like a 12 year old on Myspace, circa 2003?
Capital Letters with bad spelling and lack of more punctuation … totally 12 year old :p
Also, while I’m here, the female avatar in #57 is obviously meant to represent a grown woman. Look at her breasts and her waist to hip ratio. That’s not a child’s body.
#39 This is so true. Ducktales is a drama lama. He will lie to people to get them to work at his club then buy the cheesiest warehouse saying its going to be the best ever. How about no? Your dreaming kiddo. Get your life right and stop being so pathetic and drama. Rant over!!
Ok, I’ll ask. #22 I mouth you? I deep throat you?
If you don’t know the difference between your and you’re, you have bigger problems than SL drama.
#53 – don’t dare bring this up in the Powder Pack group, though. The fangirls will start crying. Any criticism, however mild or valid or supported with evidence, is the worst and meanest ever.
53: No one is talking about it because it’s OLD and STALE! He STILL has some of the most beautiful skins and no one does the lips like him. beautiful. Some old stale ass Jelly-Ho-Nut that prob got rejected as a blogger or he dumped her ass one of the two.
Can’t zoom on any of the pictures because it takes you to a page where it says it’s not found. Annoying af.
Right Click Image
“Open Image in New Tab”
Thank you for a workaround, @RespectYourCustomers! 🙂
We had technical issues earlier. With 50+ secrets it’s going to take some time to fix that issue. I’ll work on it tomorrow some.
# 10 Zenith Not made her own mesh, all we know that. And now put a racist logo…., its sad that this people be in all good events, (Events that put in rules we accept merchans that made her own mes, not template, not pursache others… Collabor, famesh, kustom…… etc). And other merchans whit good quality and amde her own mesh not be in this events. Its sad………
I really liked the outfit that was until i saw what it was named. And then i saw what was posted here. I wish i had been more careful and looked before i wasted over 2k trying to get the boots. Had i known would never had played cause i am not wearing that crap.
I dont care if a creator makes their own mesh as long as the product looks good. You’d be surprised how many big popular creators are teams, one makes mesh, other makes textures, another makes scripts/huds, etc. Trust me, most do this
I do not care if they do not do their mesh, but I do care if they say they do it. I feel cheated as a client that they say they do original mesh, and only texturize, Zenith textures very well, I really like your brand.
But do not say they do it.
They doesnt even texturize, wake up!
Omg, really I think that she made texture, because a difeferent as Janire coba, her textures ar better.. But maye dont made the textures too
Janire Coba (Belle Epoque) doesnt texturize, she doesnt even makes her own vendors.
Zenith, she was cought many time using Meli Imako full perms, as many designers does when their “mesher” cant be on time.
I repeat: Wanna be a super top SL brand?” Hire Medanielle, get some person who texturize and DONE, you are now part of the SL SCAM WHORES.
It is important if they make their own mesh/textures? NOT for me… BUT its important being humble and admit you cant model mesh.. you just wanna be in top events and have all those sluts licking your ass.
Really i think that they tetxure her items. Janire and Zenith. I’m rure of that
Zenith and Belle Epoque (Janire Coba) ,also many others doesn teven create their own vendor, They just are the face of the brand, they both ask the mesh to “Medanielle” you all can have a brand in SL, its very simple: Order your mesh, say its yours and its done!! you are a designer!!! FUCK OFF!
its Medanielle the name of malla creator? woww a long time that I had this curiosity. But i prefer mad emy own mesh, more uglys but i made alone.
Who is Malla creator? I always wondered who these mystery mesh makers are. like zilight and rebecka bashley
I have this in pink and black….there is no logo on the tie on either of my sets. I immediately logged in to look for myself, as I was ready to delete it. But, I found no logo at all on them.
That’s because it was removed after it was initially released.
Ahhh well that explains it, thank you . Though, really…I have no desire to wear them even if they’ve been “fixed”. Now they just give me an icky feeling.
i have the khaki 1 and it doesnt have that just saying
#49, #52 Makarena we always knew you are scum, what people can spect from a person with no class and education, who is begging for lindens and sucks as host, who trying to make a fashion event, create at ends a bad shitty ones looking like a damn club with bad DJs and cero organization… Makarena you are a fucking JOKEEEE!!!!
as i says many times, she is a damn fucking double face! hypocrite, i’m just enjoying all this to her, she deserve it
#32 I’m guessing that Ice and Darklyn are one and the same. That’s nothing new. The admin team at ROIAF always has the key roles.
Im DYING. Look at the TEXT BOX, and the buttons at the top. This bitch submitted this secret herself laaaaaaaawl
Oh shit, I didn’t even notice the wrench thingy. Ha… em! Youdaman
She’ll be another one who comes to the comments to insist they take pictures of their profile and passes it out rather than fess up lol…..
#49 Yeah, Cosmopolitan is going to shit. Corina doesn’t accept any new or old talented creators anymore because she plays favorites and only has the same people over and over, which is boring. Designers have been talking about it and she’s oblivious to how boycotted her event is getting because of it.
well, even if Cosmopolitan has dram as i’m sure many of the event does, any one has this type of scandals, Dubay is an event full of people who doesn’t have experience in fashion, with people and make this even look like a bad club, all traffic they got is for some djs in the opening and nothig more, many of the items were old ones, Makarena were using this guy to got $$ she lives honestly in sl because she can’t got a RL job, she has many enemies cause she always show to you a nice face till she can got something from you like you go to her sets as host and ofcourse pay her, why she keep licking Lichi Moonwall, Soca and Bander? Lindens, why she spam like a retard? Lindensbut wait, when she find out you will not pay for her, she will speak shit at your back, she is always full of gossips, this is not new, but it does here because now she is getting popular and all her dramas is in many mouths, when you are a good person this shit doesnt happen to you so… yeah SHE IS BAD CEO, BAD HOST, BAD PERSON, AND A THIEF… !
Cosmopolitan is a first come first serve Event unlike others who pick and choose every month. Corina does not hand pick designers every round. Who ever is the fastest and most interested creator/designer to buy the booth gets the spot from the pool of creators. And who ever is on reserve for replacement interested gets that spot. Cosmopolitan booths sell out the first few days they are announced. Sorry you have drama with Cosmopolitan but Cosmopolitan has been a steady event with steady sales and high traffic (twice a month) for many years.
Can we end the Keely secrets. They aren’t even making sense anymore.
I can’t click on the photos to see them closer this time?
Right click the image and click “open in new tab”. You should be able to zoom in there.
Yeah, I noticed that too…it sucks!
no words. Lol
They completely deserve each other if that is how she really is. The guy she is with now was in my box not too long ago basically begging me to get into a relationship with him and a few days later they are together LOL!
fucking fantastic cant turn a hoe into a house wife though feel bad for her child
biggest fucking fake on sl. bish preach about truth n loyalty she wouldn’t know either if they smacked her in that monster size mouth she got all she care about is dating hot pixel and feeling like she online famous. sit the fuck down your’e a nobody just a sad old bored housewife in rl fucking with guys feelings, as for feeling bad for her child LMFAO try her 3 children!!!
ok, so here goes my lowdown, #9 I seriously feel super bad for guys, my husband can never find anything to wear at a decent price.
#10…oh wow so newsworthy, so edgy….
#15 your name should be “twat Waffle” because your a disgusting parasite. you have my pity.
#16 She is a hooker….hookers like money…is that news to you?
#17-18 oh honey, your a little sexual predator, all of this just makes you look worse, shut your little perverted mouth before you end up gagging on your foot.
#19 pedo beach..yeah , yeah..
#26 omg am I sick of EVERYTHING in sl being made for catwa the bully and maitreya. I am starting to hate both of them.
#32 when I saw this on facebook, I could have died…I laughed so hard
#54 this made me lol
everyone else, they aren’t “famous” enough for me to know who they are… lmao
lol@arent famous enough for you to know who they are.. a great secret would have been what your husband does when you aren’t on.. those happen to be my fav =D
Afternoon All, I brought pastries of course… looks like I’m not the only one late… Awesome song Luvs it!
… OMG my very own debut to virtual-secrets and the picture choice is perfect… I’m by no means a Hero… all I do is bring food, cheeky commentary, and occasional well placed Gifs for everyone to lol at. But whoever did that you put a smile on my face 😀 so Thanx!
So uhm is there gonna be a dozen secrets with the horrid duck lips face every week that I’ll have to wince at as I scroll through to the good stuff… I agree with the commentary and all but really I don’t want to look at it over and over.
Wow such small novelist print and unreadable font/color choices this week did I miss the memo that I was gonna need reading glasses? Yes some of you have a lot to say but no one is gonna bother to read it if it requires a magnifying glass to do so .. Mkay!
As far as the stuff I can read:
~10)Wow Zenith tsk tsk just No
~16 +some) I think I need to pull out some Iced tea for everyone as we keep up to date on the Jeni Crystal stuff cause my God I don’t even know what to say except “TMI, TMI, God Almighty TMI!” …hope you all like berry tea with a zest of lemon.
~20) Dude… whoever you are… that isn’t sweet or cute or whatever you were hoping for… That is kinda creepy and no wonder “Beth” ran from you! Private IM
~47) Blow job to get blogger job….really now? is he that desperate to have his dick sucked cause he ain’t getting none otherwise?
I’m going to ignore all the other shit, because holy hell people, TMI, TMI, TMI!!!
I am with you on #20 though, that’s creepy AF, and pretty damn stalker-y too. I’m pretty sure whoever this Beth is, has good reason to not want to speak with this person. If you have to track someone down on virtual-secrets to “talk” , because every other method is blocked, you really need to seek help.
For Jeni, there won’t be much from her right now, since she either scrubbed her profile completely clean or has put it up for deletion. There are three empty profiles with that name, one with a couple of photos, but it looks like someone’s rl profile. The other two are totally empty.
This week though we have the person who outed Jeni, being outed now. According to the secrets 14 and 24, Takashi is into age play, which is how that conversation between him and Jeni started. He’s claiming someone made that whole conversation on 24, up. Personally, with Jeni flouncing like she did, I do wonder if she sent this in, to get even with Takashi for passing out that conversation.
Ive seen the whole convo and she is the instigator started to send tons of pictures and masturbating videos and one of the pictures was a pussy pic with a pacifier in it. Takashi even says “keep your derivate to yourself and she just keeps going. He will show you the whole convo theres like 25 screenshots. If you still have other bullshit to ask.
I dont know if the convo is made up like it looks its totally scripted, the pictures are square not round like in facebook messenger they are. so the convo is tampered. But its talking about going to trolling not going to have illegal shit.
We really didn’t need those details. Suffice it to say, Jeni is disgusting, though I have heard that Takashi has some nasty kinks himself. I do not, however, think that conversation is legitimate with him. As I said previously, it seems too much of a coincidence with Jeni flouncing and then this convo surfaces.
Side note here: It seems that there are a couple of different people using the same name as me, with the dots behind the name. In this case, the person has 2 dots, whereas I’m the original Just Saying… with 3 dots..I may need to find a new name in the future…
wasn’t she Miumeow? i just remember her eyebrows looked like fugly caterpillars IRL. doesnt surprise me she into ageplay and pedo stuff – she just one of many who will do anything for the virtual equivalent of 50 cents
Omg eww things I just don’t want to know but I’m thinking we need some wine cause all that is like a really gross soap opera where apparently the writers were on some drugs and wanted to come up with shock value sex.. really I’m not sure what is true or whatever but really this is just so out there i’m thinking it might be staged for attention.
well dayum that is an interesting plot twist I think I’m gonna need to make sandwiches to go with that tea maybe a little bit of side popcorn at this rate.
So 57 … I told her I don’t want to fuckkk her. So she takes advantage of my friendliness. I tped her to my house while I’m fixing my furniture and she takes a screenshot and photoshop a diick on my avi. She’s no kid her avatar is obviously normal height and I’m wearing aesthetic avi so ofc my avi is bigger than her. Smh cannot trust these friendly hoes I have my own screenshots of me telling her no. Can look on my Facebook
It’s 2018 and people are still slut shaming – what the fuck…….
It’s 2018 and words like dike (dyke) are still apparently acceptable, so why not slut shaming too…
I cannot tell if you are agreeing with me in a round about way, or trying to justify one bad action for another.
What I’m saying is we a long way come and a long way to go.
So True!!
But slut shaming is a time honored tradition! >.>
I think you are probably being sarcastic but even so…women have the right to have sex as often as they want with whomever they want as long we are being smart and protecting ourselves and our partners health. That’s what I am saying!
Sure they have a right to be sleep with all the people they wish. Someone else also has the right to formulate an opinion about them based on their behavior. That’s the thing with rights, everyone has them.
The thing is when you accept that there is a price for everything and stop giving a damn what others think. This “shaming” bullshit becomes irrelevant.
Yes people have the right to form an opinion on someone’s behavior. For example, this Daddy/Baby Girl BDSM trend in SL I find absolutely silly – and that’s my opinion. Would I call someone a slut for it, NEVER. Would I think I am better than someone who chooses to take part in this type of role play relationship – nope. Their fun may not be my fun and vice versa. Bottom line it’s consensual act between two adults.
But this sexual double standard that applies to women still exists, even in 2018 and it drives me bonkers. We still are expected to be this pillar of morality; and if we choose to “fuck like a man” and take on a variety of partners for voice sex or real sex withou any expectations beyond that, we are judge much more harshly than most men with the same behaviors.
As Meowth alluded to we may have come a long way, baby, but we still have a long road ahead.
Personally I don’t give a damn what people do in SL it’s pixels, as long as it’s two adults doesn’t matter. But just like IRL I know where my opinions and values end and those of society begin. Changing the mind of a person is hard enough changing the mind of societies takes centuries. Until that happens it’s best to live in reality. That that is RL and we’re talking SL.
Which brings me back to: when you stop caring what other people think you are free from the boundaries that society puts on you. Which makes it impossible to shame.
All of this is very easy in a virtual world unlike the real world.
Lol I agree with you there and yes I was being very sarcastic because slut shaming is kind of stupid but people do it just because it’s ingrained into our social pyche where there is a double standard for no reason but that it was decided long ago on how people need to conduct themselves in that era not ours.
15.) The hate on Britty is pretty hilarious. You didn’t expose jack, you just made yourself look like a scumbag, as well as that hidden name in the chatlog, I guess it’s one and the same person. We’re not close but I know of Britty. She’s not my cup but she owns who she is and what she does and she’s as real as they come SL-wise, and I respect it, as do many. As a cam whore she’s not morally bound to be respectful of anyone’s relationship as long as she’s not the one -chasing- for a partnered customer, which in this chatlog isn’t evident.. she may have sung a little to the tune you were playing but that’s what a cam whore does for the $. Hell, if you told her you were into toilet play, one would probably tell you she’s really into that, even if she actually isn’t. Perhaps a bit exaggerated, but you get the picture.
If you truly think she’s ugly and anorexic, I’d love to see you on cam, and if you truly think she’s toxic then I believe you’re overly sensitive and that perhaps SL is not the right platform for you.
Anyway, you’re a POS, the boyfriend’s a POS, end of story.
Boring week, but that Colivati skin… erghhh
#27 LOL That’s why I found it amusing that Drew disguised himself as “Loki”, asking for SL names for a “polite conversation” last week here. What part do you not understand is the reason you and people associated with you are mentioned here? It is because you and none of your people can have a “polite conversation” other than with people in your fucked up groups? You piss other people off and abuse people. And this Jaimie is as bloody mental and stupid as Drew is, where every moment on SL is either dressing like a pre-teen slut or naked.
You are all as rude AF, self-centred and disrespectful to people and think your little groups are safety in numbers, that is why people don’t like you and there are many.
I feel sorry for the poster, I’m sure they are annoyed as well as other people are not wanting to be associated with you and your own lifestyle behaviour . If you cannot see that, then you are even more fucked up and self conceited . Just do Linden Labs and SL residents a favour and just leave and stay off.
Why exactly are you attacking a teen with a medical condition and a history of abuse with your made up lies and assumptions under the shelter of complete anonymity?
medical condition , she doesn’t have medical condition it’s a lie to make you feel sorry for her
Because she ageplays, has a terrible attitude and because she thinks that every single criticism of Avi-L is something to be taken personally. She has been playing for 13 years, she isn’t a teenager in real life so get off it.
You’ve gotta be a special kind of stupid to think the age of your avatar account has anything to do with the age of the person controlling it. You have zero proof of her age playing because she doesn’t. This is the thing, just because someone uses a petite avatar doesn’t mean they age play. Maybe you do, but that has nothing to do with anyone else. Anonymous attacks like this when you have no clue what you are talking about really bring down your reputation.
“You’ve gotta be a special kind of stupid to think the age of your avatar account has anything to do with the age of the person controlling it.” And you’ve gotta be a special kind of idiot to think that a 17 year old would be in control of a 13 year old account. Do you honestly expect me to believe she made an account as a four year old?
omg! you are that dumb! hahahaha! Ok just to bring you into the light Mr. Dumb, search epicnpc in google. There are many of these. That’s just an example. You can also get older accounts from friends, family, etc. I mean, really. smh
LOL then why just not make one of her own ? Seems simpler than buying one or accessing one older than she could have had at the time to access one? Can you see how deceptive that looks?
If you were so interested in deception, why don’t you *own me* and say your account on SL? Ah, but you won’t, you’re praying your anonymous cloak protects you.
Eh Logic, its not me saying you are such and such on SL, trying to make trouble on what could be oblivious people not even involved. It’s you that’s being the issue of wanting validity . I would respect you more if you actually listened to people here saying what they want to say, instead of you digging your heels in and suggesting there is nothing wrong with your people but issues with everyone else. But if you not bothered with anonymity, you quite welcome to say who you are, not that you will . So hypocrisy much?
Nah Skrubber, it’s just you going from “jamie syn is an aper with no medical condition”, to “jamie syn was rude to me so her attitude sucks and she insulted tweenster, and all women are lesbian feminists”.
well Logic. she sure looks like it, Drew has a medical condition that stunts his growth ( which was crap) , proven to have stolen pictures from several boys , stated he was younger than he was in an old SL account, hunted and trolled people in various teen forums he had no business in . Can you see where the similarities can be made? Besides her being rude, that’s another issue. But you telling me she is G rated when you are saying other people are pedos and ageplayers, involved in other grids and up to no good when they are not shows you just exactly what you are . Now we are bored of you, go away and learn some something about how you always shoot yourself in the foot with your own hypocrisy. Women are not all feminists, You though are stupid Lolicon people and you have an issue with guys, sort the fucking thing out if you don’t want that label. So stop twisting words, the problem is with you people, sort it
She’s also a talented live mix dj, is drew? Afaik, he never djed, nevermind performing live mixing – she has live on twitch.
Actually…Drew was known for DJing hardstyle etc. So again, more similarities
Drew never live mixed. She’s never mixed hardstyle 🙁 Sorry kitten.
You realize its the absolute lowest level of cowardice, talking shit about people anonymously so they don’t know who you are right? I mean… what happened? Your balls drop off? Grow a pair, come out of the shadows and tell us all who you are. Stop hiding in the shadows like a scared child. The only reason you people have the sack to talk shit is because nobody knows who you are. If this site forced you to use your SL in-world name, you wouldn’t DARE talk this way.
At least we don’t ageplay, pretend to be 13 years old, fraudulently claim our mopeds are broken down ect ect like you Drew. Don’t talk to us about cowardice, you’re trying to hide behind anonymity too.
Again, I am not fucking drew moron. The name is Loki Thistle. Look me up bitch.
Drew is still pretending to be Loki lol.

You know how i c an tell it’s you? Every-time you’re mentioned here you freak and sperg out and whine to your dead SL ageplay group trying to get your friends to do something. Why don’t you get over it and stop pretending to be a child Drew.
Grow up lmao
Hahahaha… see all Drew and nothing but the Drew. Dude I hate to say this but man just fucking stop and change your life. Find God, find yourself, be with RL people to learn about others. But you do this all the time, spazzing out because you are being talked about. Be a nicer person, stop lying about yourself, stop being a freak and people won’t talk about you. That’s probably why the questions on Dreamnation came about too, he burned himself. What a Stupid twat. Thanks for that post Negative.
LOL when will people learn to shut it when they’ve been caught out? Loki/Drew is pond scum, good riddance, may we never see his disgusting pedo ass again. If only Jaimie could go the same way, since she is basically the female equivalent of Drew.
“when will people learn to shut it when they’ve been caught out?” You tell me friend, now that it’s been made very clear what/who you are (meninist, pedophile, rl cp trader), why don’t you? It would be very smart to do so.
Logic if only you could use your own logic to see what you are doing here, I mean really. Accusing other people of being actual pedophiles and cp traders without proof is pretty vile. Sounds fairly desperate from where I stand considering you’re the one with the mesh vagina . Then as if to top it all off you then come out with this little gem:
“Either way, this thread proves a lot – it proves tweenster is run/assisted by actual, RL pedophiles and scat fetishists who hate women and success as they’ve had none themselves”. Oh boo motherfucking hoo! Talk about throwing your toys out of the cot like an infant child by taking a shot at Kenzie, Hendrik and every other Tweenster user. Fuck you’re an embarrassment to the human race.
Tweenster has no success? It’s more popular than your mesh vagina loving bitches that’s for sure and you are hardly doing a good service to your product or to Liva by acting like spoiled cunts. If I were you I’d crawl back to your hole with the rest of your ageplaying bitches, and while you’re at it stop taking pot shots at others and at Tweenster. It’s pathetic.
Basically ITT: Drew and Vanagew trying to protect their name and shame the tweenster body in the mean time trying to solidify other people being pedos while being pedos themselves. Shit does not get old with Drew and as for Van the guy is a fucked up weirdo.. No wonder why his little BF sebby the ageplayer left him lmao.
Negative, for me what does not add up is the shit Logic (drew) posted. Whatever is going on looks like its a staged character assassination on several people because of what people have been saying about AVIL. Now I don’t know who all is involved but really, the way they are all acting in AVIL and Logic own bullshit makes them all look bad and very stupid, bordering on evil intent to get back on something that was in the beginning a small but easy fixed problem. I think there is far more going on between people than being said and if not, then I don’t understand . For me its an easy thing, IM saying I had issues with a manager and felt how I was spoken to was not how anyone should be talked to. I have no problems on my body, its the attitudes and that is easy solved if the person wished to talk . But to allow a known pedo into the groups, allowed free speech to make false accounts and stir up trouble is very bad and very sick .
Thats why I get very annoyed when boys are fighting as they do for nothing, when there are serious sick fucks like Drew going, which are more a slur to kids in SL than most.
@NegativeThoughts I agree with you on the whole Drew front, but do you have any proof in regards to Vanagew? That last part sounds like you have a personal issue with him that you need to address between the two of you. My guess is that he pissed you off because he is brash, opinionated, abrasive and rubs some people up the wrong way and you’re now trying to take potshots at him. Who is Sebby and do you have any proof about that?
Im going off by the several times he’s been mentioned by other users and the discord username which belongs to vanagew.
Nah Negative, you had good posts before but you are off the mark there bud. Correct on Drew but went off on a tail spin.
Holy shit are you for real? You mean to say you’ve never even met the guy and yet you are passing off judgement based on what a few others say which probably isn’t true? Are you like new to SL secrets or something?
Have a look at the comments they aren’t practically giving themselves away despite using force fake names like Loki and such you tell me who’s who the ?
“Wow, the character assassination is real! Firstly, since I am a friend of Vanagew I feel like I can speak on this subject about his character with a degree of assurance. Vanagew and Kenzie have a friendly relationship, and they have been friendly for some time. He has copped some awful abuse from the people over at Avi-L, especially when he went to defend Kenzie from attacks aimed at the Tweenster mesh body. If you are friends with him on facebook you will have seen his post about Avi-L comparing it to Tweenster. I quote: “I’m loathe to say whether Tweenster is better than Avi-L or the other way around as that kind of depends on the perspective of others. Different people like different things. I honestly think both Tweenster and Avi-L are extraordinarily good bodies and to suggest one is “way better” than the other is unfair to the creator of the other body.”
Furthermore he then goes on to say in the next paragraph: “Bottom line: we child avi’s are spoiled for choice and there are some.
Both Kenzie and Liva are exceptionally talented individuals and I have a great deal of respect for both of them and the work they have put in.” Does this sound like a guy trying to name and shame Tweenster? I don’t think so. You never bother to say why you think he is “fucked up” and more over you then stand there and accuse Sebi of ageplaying? Are you ColbyDark or something? You had some good points about Drew, but you post above has shown you’ve gone well off the deep end.”
@Lionheart Interesting you should point that out because this is what he said about tweenster, which backs up your comment: and I’d have no problem with the comments by NegativeThoughts if he actually provided evidence, but he didn’t, and so far the evidence I do have paints a very different picture of him. I’d love to see your evidence NegativeThoughts, but I have good reason to believe you are majorly clutching at straws there and your problem with him is a personal one.
@ Theodoric If Jaimie was a smart girl, she would disappear. As for these AVIL people, I hope things change now for them all, the evidence on peoples posts here has been pretty damning (and very funny). If the creator values herself and her product, she would be smart to detach from these types of people. Lots of other evidence to bring to the right eyes, if you know what I mean but these people are just dodgy. Drew, enjoy your ban, behave yourself until next time 🙂

Geez you are angry child molesters aren’t you? We get it, you like to trade RL CP, it’s vile, get chemically castrated 😀
Hah! They are! Jordy Zipdash and Vanagae Martinson from SL are both RL CP lovers and child molesters, and are 100% Mikael/Drewy. That’s hilarious and true! Dokkie who’s been whining about jamie for weeks is likely another alt of theirs. Either way, this thread proves a lot – it proves tweenster is run/assisted by actual, RL pedophiles and scat fetishists who hate women and success as they’ve had none themselves 🙁
If Jordy and his alts were a smart middle aged man, they’d just disappear 🙁
Keep going… blaming other people and making stuff up, BTW, you should ask why Drews’s GF was never banned. Big clue for you, sucks when the people you can’t trust are in your own group. Keep going Drew, no wonder people don’t like you 🙂 . Successful company, lol So bad you are even disowning your alt Drew now? What nice people you are. According to you Tweenster people are pedos? other people are pedos? The only real pedos is you girls and its been shown time over. You are infants and your posts shown that . You are just embarrassing yourself.
Hai Drew/Jordy/Vanagae!
We don’t like drew, never have, and he was never even a mentor in AVI(L) 😮
But you know that, don’t you?
None of these people are here you stupid person, you not got that yet? 3 people have told you that so far , but you not too bright are you? I’m sure Drew will be happy to know what you think of him too. You people have no honour either it seems, even to your own friends. I know enough and seen what you are saying here, that you are talking rubbish and that you mentors are a very angry and bitchy bunch of people as others have said here. That you are so angry that you would rather blame other people, make up posts and lie even when people have posted evidence for you and not even reply back in proper English. Only people that are looking bad is yourselves and what you are doing to the creator you are supposed to be putting in a good light. None of which you have done so far. Maybe you should go back and apologise to people, talk to the people you upset but you can’t. Because as people have said here over, you know it all and your view is right. You rather be bitches and that’s why you have trouble as you do and that’s why people don’t like you. Calling people pedos and RL CP distributors, you know fuck all about people and you are grasping at anything to fight because you don’t like being shown up. I and the other people talked about it and your customer service way is to label them pedos, throw them out of groups cause they have seen through you ? You call Tweenster people pedos and they like scat, where do you get these ideas lol ? , People that don’t agree with you are also pedos, you threaten and bully… Read more »
What’s funny is he keeps running off to his discord channel and crying about this site.. It’s as if he’s been here.. Coincidental?
Yes , because its mental Drew, he lost the plot. Can’t even separate his SL from reality. That’s why I called him unhinged. Most people know he is fucking off his trolley.
Yeah, “drew” aka you is the one going insane on discord:
Hate to break it to you sweetheart but I’m not free. Nice try though. You should really reconsider who your accusing before you you start pointing fingers.
LOL Drew, you are one low piece of work. You took that kids photo, made a new account and went into that group to post racist and your brand of mental shit that only you can do. Not only that but you went and lopped in Vanegew as the same person which they are not. You come here to start shit, go back to your ageplay discord group crying about people and making wild claims that they are such and such, why nobody knows but you sure went crying to your discord back enough yesterday. People were posting it and talking about it in SL , so you have been found out and proved even more you are one low piece of shit. So now you are doing what you did to Josh with his RL photos but now you take peoples SL photos, make accounts to pass as yourself to continue your own freakshow life. You talk about people passing CP and molesting people, scat , thats all you, you are known for it. Most people that know that nor Jordy, Van or anyone like that does that. The only person known for that and banned for it, is you. We know that from your going back and forth you are out for a scapegoat. You always were vindictive cunt but if you like, I happy meet your fucked up ass in SL and tell you in person what I think of you, so you know these people you are blaming from Tweensters, to AVIL to Van to Jordy to whoever are not even here. You are still a cunt and most people know you are and I am more than happy to tell you to your face if you want it. And after you can go crying to… Read more »
I agree! Jamie, a hard working live mix performer who helps run a successful company should leave because Jordy Zipdash and Vanagew Martinson (Known RL CP Traders) say so even though they are 1 person who even says the other’s name just like in RP to ensure they don’t accidentally post as the other! We should start allowing literal pedophile sexist scum who *actually* leeches disability, and *actually* has never had an RL…friend/relationship anything (thankfully), dictate what to do…but I have this weird feeling you are both on SL secrets next week 😮
I will say, this thread has been entertaining.
If *anyone* is Mikael, it’s clearly Jordy Zipdash and Vanage Martinson.
They *act* like Mikael, they spaz out and repeat themselves like Mikael, they make up fake alts like Mikael.
Hah! so that’s the truth! *Jordy Zipdash IS DREWY/Mikael!* It’s so obvious!
They act the same, they claim to have the same condition (aspergers), they fight in circles, they get triggered as hell when women are around, they even agree with their own alts ♥
This is hilarious, makes sense they try to claim everyone else is mikael when they are ashamed of being 🙁 Well, time to make a post.
Yes, Yes mass report us to for violating the TOS.
Let’s see how that works out. LoL
LOL like he did with Flickr and threatening to get his fake SL parents to take a big company to court , cause people reported his fake pictures and his breaking of standards. He is a retard Lourdes, forget him .
Oh look, it’s another newbie here talking about reporting us and blah blah blah. Don’t think we’ve heard it before, but do continue. Welcome to virtual-secrets.
@kess may I off you & Lourdes some wine because wow this thread looks to need some as we all LOL
Replace wine with coke (the drink and the recreational substance).
Sure thing Coke is a good choice as well and goes great with popcorn
What’s funny is there is no rule being broken here, He’s basically screaming harassment when there is no harassment happening here, Just another childish adult who can’t comprehend the consequences of his own actions, Like pretending to be 13 and luring old desperate guys, the guy still hasn’t gotten out of that phase… Let him report the site i don’t see anything happen, he’s the only one who’s going to report it…
His pedo gallery on pixiv seems to of gotten suspended. LOL. No more 3d loli for you.
Yeah that’s sounds like Drew ,they all hide RL personas out their SL avvies, even when dealing with real people. . Imagine putting a Gofund me and say “Hi I’m Drew Tenma from SL” like that means anything to most normal people. May as well have said you are an ageplay cartoon and need someone to bail your lazy creepy ass out with money, for something I can’t prove. I hate fraud spongers and your AVIL counterparts think that’s acceptable in friendships over some people saying these AVIL body people playing a jailbait girl agenda which they clearly are. What nice people for sure 🙂
Hi Drew 🙂
No, I can’t. She’s posted photos with hand written signs, she has an actual medical condition, and autism. You’re literally attacking someone who won’t defend themself because of a psycho unrelated to her. It’d be the same if I said “well, Pol Pot has a dick and committed genocide, therefore you are genocidal.”
Logic lol, just go away and take your Jaimie loving rhetorik with you . She has Turners, she was abused, she has Autism, she was adopted, she is Russian in the USA adopted by Jews too she says ….Fuck me she has everything huh?
Man give some chance for some of us to have hardship, why does she have to have it all? Pol Pot with a dick? what you on about ? So because all men have a dick they are genocidal? you sounding more hard-lined feminists as you go because thats the same dumbfuck logic they have to talk about the hardships they have cause men create that. Please… if you have nothing sensible to say , stop . If you want to say that there is inequality with how guys are treated with that body, we can talk. Otherwise you are just fighting for the sake of it.
Why yes Skrubber, people who have had difficult lives and challenges often turn to SL.
“people who have had difficult lives and challenges often turn to SL” well you’re making it out like she is the only one with difficulties, which is a lame attempt at an excuse for her ageplaying and poor behaviour. Newsflash, she isn’t the only one with real life issues even if your account of her is to be believed.
Except she doesn’t ageplay like you do. Her behavior is super friendly.
Nothing like attacking the person rather than the argument right Logic? “Anyway, I’m out” you posted this 37 minutes ago Logic, yet you’re still here and still accusing people of stuff when you don’t even know who they are. Let’s see, so far you’ve accused Kenzie, Jordy and Vanagew, anyone else you want to add to that list?
Yeah I’m out too, they posted enough evidence to show what the poster was saying and more. I will tell those guys in SL later, i’m sure they will be more than happy to hear they were outed here. You girls are exactly what people were saying and more. I agree with the poster, I hope the creator sees it and smacks you all out . She makes a great product, shame its abused by some very immature lolicons . I know of two of those guys, pretty decent boys too and here they are slating them because they cant admit the agenda they have when its clear to see. TC Theo
Logic, Nobody here you are accusing ageplays, you making a HUGE issue over people supposedly ageplaying because another has accused that on another person, a person that’s not supposed to be you. And you managed to rope in another few friends to help you with likes. You are a pile of sad people . That’s a classic sign of desperation , Logic . Her behaviour is shit, its good to you because you tolerate it because thats your cult and all cults of friends do that until they are pissed off . I have seen her profile, nobody nice comes out with that shit hard bitch comments she does. Its like the people who write “I don’t do drama” are the ones who cause it always . But you are coming back to argue because you are annoyed and bothered by this, its clear . A friend would not be so bothered unless they are covering for something.
We all do Logic, we just all don’t make a big issue and have to broadcast it openly to everyone like an attention seeking ploy. There is such a thing as being circumspect.
“and autism” first time you mentioned this. Why didn’t you mention this before?
Oh boy I see a fundraiser in the works with all these ailments!! ?
Nice one One Name, I missed that one. Haha
True – she did a fundraiser for breast cancer, raised $500usd, and posted the sweet letter thanking End of time for her fundraiser 🙁 See, this is what you’re trying to lie and mock. This is why people are so against you.
“True – she did a fundraiser for breast cancer” I bet she wouldn’t do shit if it was a fundraiser for prostate cancer.
I’m still waiting to see this letter and this breast cancer fundraiser, let alone anything prostate related.
I want the site, not the imgur, any fool can post random crap. Plus that says taken a wrong turn 🙂
and that’s another bomb drop. You’ve been proven false on every turn, flipped out and insulted women, identified your REAL reason to attack her is because men are marginalized, and the avi is based on how she looks RL. This is a fact, meh, I’m actually out, you’ve buried yourselves. Completely. I’ve screencapped it.
post this fundraiser please…lets see
Don’t try to get around moderation of posts with links. It’s there for a reason.
Well you claim to know everything about her right? Everyone knows she has autism. The PG Vagina, btw, is *blank*. It comes with the kid’s add on, to be used by people who are kid avis.
Again, why does a child avi body even need a mesh vagina? You never bothered to explain that one. You said above “Anyway, I’m out” yet here you are still commenting. I guess you’re not as “out” as you said you were.
READ: As has been said now 15 times, the child body comes with a G rated vagina, it’s completely blank, the mature one when worn with the child chest has a big line and looks wrong. So, apparently that’s been answered several times, you’re too busy attacking your conceived notion of being “against boys”, to *read*.
Jeez you 2 are idiots. Logic is of course correct, you’re literally attacking a sweet girl with many medical issues and autism for being rude to you once and apparently insulting another body.
Then you chastise logic for saying who you actually are, AFTER claiming she’s Drew over and over, when she’s a respected live mix dj and twitch broadcaster.
And another lolli feminist to the mix. Your whole statement does not make sense either, you are bumbling crap to fight something instead of admitting the issues. Like the rest of your hired crew. Who was who again? I don’t remember anyone saying they were anyone apart from the shots in the dark Logic was making. Oh but thats ok though?
Respected Live DJ under her SL Persona? any real DJ would go out with a real name, look for work outside in many clubs that you have no time for SL if that is your talent and goal . Not promote herself live as her Avatar in a show labelled as AVIL for kids, looks so fucking un-professional.
@Use Your Brain you seem a little triggered there. Did I hit a nerve or did I hit a little too close to home you ageplaying freak?
Pretty sure you and that other shit skrubber have been triggered pretty badly this week.
Why do you keep on asking why a child avi has a vagina? You do realize that real kids have penises and vaginas too? Why do creators have to shield you from your own perversions?
Fucking triggered. Sit down kid.
wtfshitties? sounds more triggered than most here . You can have as many Vaginas as you like, one on your face if you want. I’m not bothered on that either, I just like how you people keep grabbing at straws and making points that have no sense, other to comment on something that’s bothering you all. FYI, the difference is RL kids cannot take a penis or vagina off, it is there and we all have them. The problem is down to two things one is you forget this is SL, not RL.
1- Most kids on SL are trying to shake off the stigma people have on kids being sexualized or geared to having parts to promote that , putting a vagina as standard to an avatar is just putting petrol on a fire. Hardly responsible.
2- There is no Penis for the AVI(L), if girls have a vagina why can’t boys have a realistic part too unless its not another agenda? AVIL costs the same for boys as it does for girls yet no penis? So please tell me what your answers are ?
I and others know what the answer is , but I can’t wait to hear yours and what these boys would wear in the reach for AVIL “realism”
3- No perversions, whats being talked about here is a rude lying bitch acting as a manager that taking down a reasonably good brand. Whats being talked about is the unfair feminist agendas from some ageplaying communitys running a body badly and please, don’t tell us what we don’t already know.
Now sit the fuck down child and learn something
yea you’re mad. I wish you were actually intelligent and didn’t bring up invalid and irrelevant points when this is basically a monkey shit throwing fest.
1. The stigma doesn’t come from having visually realistic parts. It’s from people’s actions with those parts; the way they present themselves and from age play. So trying to pin the blame on having VISUALLY realistic parts is like trying to blame school violence on video games. Again, not much correlation.
2. Why don’t the boys have visually realistic parts? Are you stupid? You have to ask? Because it’s commercially not viable when you have to hide the penis somehow and it doesn’t fit behind standard clothing. Why would any creator put on anything that has to be constantly removed and won’t fit under clothes?
3. You both are projecting, whether you want to admit it or not. Everyone can see. Stop.
So who needs to take notes here? Looks like it’s you. Sit down.
Wow wtfshitties?,are you thick? 1- The whole point is people will and have abuse what you give them. If you give them that as whats been seen , they will use it for that and have done. Is why all those girls are displaying bits and having full sex with adult avatars with them. All know of the shota sites so don’t play ignorant. 2- The reason for there is no penis is because the creator has not made one, again because of the fem agenda. Who says its not commercially viable, to whom are you referring in your research? Have you asked people, have you marketed the body to appeal to boys other than the feminist mini-slut commercials going out? Of course it would not be commercially viable, cause you do fuck all to make it so. You have no demos, you have no way to demo skins, it costs 14k to get one fully kitted out and when you do and you have an issue, people throw people out of groups, talk to them rudely or whatever. 3rd market penis products are hidden all the time, all the main people from Aeros to Signature have a hide function with a HUD or you remove it. If you don’t want it, you take it off like the vaginas. Or can boys not have the mental capacity to do this? What a stupid answer. The reason is like the clothes, boys have to do with speedos and posing pouches, girls get clothes because they are more important . The AVIL privates can be removed for girls, so that’s a pile of steaming bullshit. The reason is the fem agenda again, same with the clothing or lack of it. Some boys might be happy to swing around with nothing on, most… Read more »
Talking about monkey shit throwing, you strike me as quite a good thrower of your own crap. Heaven knows you’ve had plenty of practice doing that. The fact you feel the need to have a mesh vagina when no one should even be seeing that shit speaks volumes about you and the ageplaying you willingly get involved in. As for school violence, bringing a mesh penis or vagina to an ageplay debate is like bringing in a loaded semi automatic to a school and then wondering why people lose their shit.
Just face it, people are saying things as they see them, and they see you, Jaimie and many other Avi-L girls as sick perverted freaks who get their rocks off on seeing naked little girls. Again I come back to this irrefutable point, no child avi needs a dick or vagina on them and that area of the body should remain covered. There is no good reason for this not to be the case, but thirsty bitches like you cannot be convinced of this no matter how sound the reasoning. I hope Linden Labs bans your disgusting ageplaying ass one of these days. It’s people like you who give child avi’s a bad name.
You sound pretty triggered yourself Hun, so triggered you took the time to come here and type this trash. RL Kids have penis and vaginas yes, the point is real kids can’t take them off. Real kids have parents who steer them away from places and activities they should not be where where they would get in trouble or invite it. On SL there is an adult directing what that avatar does and with many adults not liking kids because they think they are perverts, people like you are not helping that tag , just promoting it . The problem is not they have them but there are rules of standards and gaming rating that all people on SL have to stick to. A flash of a vagina in movies gives a film a NC-17 rating, not PG or G. G rating is also there for a reason , mainly for those who don’t want to see peoples bits flying all over the place. That is what mature regions and closed off sims are for. So you bitching your triggered ass makes you guys look even worse, so sit down wtfshitties? and learn something ? That is why places like Golden Sun, Giggles, Daddys Playground and all these group associated places exist. This is the activities and places you people make. Drew and his Neverland sim was constantly breaking rules, where residents were posting shotacon and real pictures of boys in various states of undress in their own apartments. People knew that and stayed away for a reason unless they were stupid . There is an SMB girl you all place as a nice person on Golden Sun, who at this moment as a child avvie is making photos of herself on Flickr with Dildos, pulling her vagina and making… Read more »
I do realise that, I also realise that this is SL and realism must make way for common decency miss fangirl. Having a mesh vagina must make that ageplaying great for you skimpily dressed sluts no doubt, makes it more realistic when you start fingering each other on the Golden Sun beach. You sound fairly triggered yourself, so much so you’ve decided to take a break from flicking off to Justin Bieber to post on here.
Logic I very much doubt you’d return the favour. You’re using the same cloak of anonymity we are, or maybe you forgot that while you were busy stroking the ego of the Avi-L makers?
I would happily.
Then do it and stop whining
No you wouldn’t, you’re too busy fingering your mesh vagina, all while taking a dump on Kenzie and the mesh body he made. Seriously, where do you get off with your rampant accusations of other child avi’s? You’re like a giant loose cannon firing off in all directions.
The mesh vagina on the body you declared you owned right?
Heh. Just because YOU do this, doesn’t mean others do. and I think you’ve buried yourselves deep enough that people see your original post for what it’s worth. You declared all women are lesbian feminists, declared yourself MRA, admitted you’re angry only because of perceived attacks on another child avi, discussed your sexual fantasies, and literally made yourselves look insane. Want to add anything further? Some racism maybe? I mean, you’re women hating pedophiles by your own declaration, so hey, why not go full out?
WRONG!!!! If there was not an obvious agenda going on that a kids body needs a vagina in the first place, not say what exactly is going on. I’m sure anyone else that’s 100% not- biased on this forums would agree with us and not you, because you are lost in your own bullshit and your own opinions. That’s your problem with people and always will be. We never declared all women are feminists or lesbians, we just said that most of the people using that body are. Simply because how they treat boys and you cant say they don’t, because more and more boys are complaining. So stop being an ignorant bitch, admit there are issues and sort them. But you keep calling us men and keep insinuating we are paedophiles, MRA and all this unproven bullshit , you are doing what you are finger pointing us as being to you (which we are not unless it is as seen ). You really are not an adult because no adult would even argue whats being said right now. Stop because all you are doing is trying to fight a corner. PS, calling the male AVIL customers as pedos is not a good thing for aftermarket sales, I doubt the creator would like her product being badly slated because of some stupid girls who cant understand the word “understanding”. Tweenster has no vagina as it is unisex and no divide on gender is an issue , other than the old tired excuse of “realism” tell me why thats needed on a G rated body?
Except the kids add on is G rated. The vagina also. The adult body with MORE or MORE++ has a vagina. See? In between screaming at the clouds and announcing you own the body “only ageplayers own”, you also announced you don’t use the kids add on properly, since you use the marked mature vagina :/
I didn’t announce anything of the sort, I just don’t see the need for a mesh vagina on a kids body. Why do you feel the need to flaunt it? No kid should be showing that area anyway so it shouldn’t even exist. Stop defending your ageplaying friends and just accept that having a mesh vagina on a child avi body is screwed up.
NO the Vagina comes as standard, I know what I have . There should be no add on that’s G rated, the vagina should be the add-on if that’s what you want not the G-rated barbie doll parts . God you are so infuriatingly stupid
Sorry friend, the flat/little kids chest comes with a G vagina, it says in the instructions to use it for child avis. Oops again. Anyway, I’m out, we get it, you’re pedophiles who post anti-women stuff and hate that girls own a mesh body company. Cool, go whatever, attend your next clan rally and AP and do all the other stuff to do.
again, a G rated body should not have a vagina. Now go away lolicon nazi, its nothing to do with girls owning a mesh body company. Its about girls making an agenda of having a mesh body company and making boys look like idiots. Go enjoy your Golden Sun dance and keep fooling yourself you don’t have a clan rally of your own.
Logic is your name a source of irony for others? It certainly is for me. I will state this again. No child avi body should have a mesh vagina with it at all, and it is insane that you continue to defend Avi-L for this. What’s even worse is you just throw accusations all over the place. I wonder what others will say when they find out that Avi-L girls have mesh vaginas?
LOL, yeah they have not thought this out yet. Still blame a pile of boys for making trouble, they are the ones causing trouble for the creator, not those other poor kids. The behaviours of these AVI-L girls is just disgusting, cant take responsibility for their own mess but rather blame other people. I’m sure most here can see that now, dirty tricks, false outing people, poor common sense…yeah we don’t see that in Tweenster groups. They showed themselves up on that one . If you girls were decent, you would just stand down and apologise to the people you falsely accused here tonight. But you wont, because you are self-indulgent spoiled brats. But I will soon tell the people mentioned here, so thank yourselves for making more divides in our community.
“I mean, you’re women hating pedophiles by your own declaration, so hey, why not go full out?” Uh oh, triggered feminazi here! Got evidence to back up what you just said, or are you just firing in all directions? I mean feel free to continue talking, I’m sure the negative publicity towards Avi-L is really appreciated by the makers of the body.
Read your pal’s post you upvoted, then used “feminazi”, then realize how idiotic you seem.
Read your own posts trying to defend a body with a mesh vagina, then realize how idiotic you are. At least Tweenster doesn’t have that Aping shit. I mean what self respecting merchant would set their main business up in Golden Sun? I know! One that tries to appeal to ageplayers, that’s what.
They cant, there have been questions posted they have not answered. Because they cannot answer them as we are right . They know it, they are being children by calling men pedos. I say this much, on all the sights promoting ageplay, every single photo on those sites are all girls, not one boy in an AVIL body. That tells you so much
haha, yes and saying people are on Dreamnation and such like, how would she/he fucking know who is on dreamnation if they were not on it. Fucking stupid lolicon hypocrites. Maybe they need me to show their friend Drews picture sites to everyone here, then they can make a point?
What I can’t believe is all the Avi-L fangirls making a stink about this. If they had ignored this then the issue wouldn’t hang around, but that would be asking too much of the mesh vagina weirdos.
Thats the point Theo, if you have a cock you have no rights. Lesbian feminists are clear on this one, you never see these girl with a real boy do you? 😛 They keep digging a hole instead of trying to get out of it
And the truth finally falls. This entire false accusation/bullsh*t brigade, was because the product is run and owned by women. So there you go.
BING BING BING! Ladies and gentlemen the gender card has just been played. “because the product is run and owned by women” nah because the product is run by ageplayers who run around in skimpy clothing with mesh vaginas. Has nothing to do with if they have a cock or a pussy, it’s all to do with those string bikinis and fungle jungles down below.
But you asked for a *skin exchange*, so by your own declaration *you own one*.
This is what I mean Theo, that’s whats really disgusting. They sit there pointing fingers, trying to out SL names and not one of them sits and thinks about whats being said. Always them and always right and they wonder why people get pissed off with them. They dig the hole for themselves, let them go on. They wont learn . Teenagers lol
Family transfer. Old accounts receive a weekly stipend. It was allowed until a year ago. Oops.
read above man
You think we’re that stupid to think that Jaimie’s account has been passed on?
I do. She popped out of nowhere just over a year and a half ago, and live mixes.
I’m a huge fan of live mixing and until a year ago, never heard of her, never saw the account, etc.
My belief is it was a family transfer just before those were no longer allowed. All evidence points to it.
Then if it was a family account, she is not the recorded holder of that account, so it is an account as the poster was suggesting is taken on false pretenses. Which is bad because if she registered her own account, as a teen she would be limited to PG areas only. A full account not in her name and created by another older than her, would be allowed full access to XXX rated areas which is a huge NO in Linden terms . Be that she uses that option or not and by rights breaking TOS
19 is a teenager. Nine-teen, able to access whatever area. However, I know she doesn’t like A rated sims and wouldn’t even come to a DJ show on one 🙁
Logic’s Logic:
Jaimie is 17! Oh sorry she is 19 now because she visits moderate place so we need to adjust that age upwards again. Drew doesn’t DJ, oh yeah he does DJ after all since someone pointed it out, he just doesn’t do live DJing. Call it selective amnesia if you like, I call it selective bullshit on Logic’s part. Just accept it logic, a number of Avi-L girls including Jaimie are sick ageplaying bastards.
As I said before, they lie so much that they even trip up themselves in the stories they make. They know fine what they do, they have admitted it themselves here even in a hidden way . Loki Thistle, another DJ nobody has heard of with groups of clubs in his profile that had a underlying known pick up point for boys and Djs that had been banned in SL, for Ageplay. Also looks like it don’t have much record so I would not trust that with anything. Loki (Drew) you were here last week asking for names, seems you have an anger issue brewing? You people be happy to back each other where you believe each others bullshit. Get fucking real!!
And now this morning, I hear people were kicked out the AVIL discord in retaliation to here, on a person that had nothing to do with the posts. Great advert for AVIL, wonder how many girls they will throw out today as a precaution? 😛
This shows what bitches they are, if you had nothing to hide and you had no reason to grasp straws, you would not do that. I’m still in the Discord so I know the chats !! LOL
Yeah I heard from a friend of mine. She told me she wasn’t too happy that they kicked out people and didn’t even give them a chance to defend themselves. What was their fucked up reasoning for kicking out innocent people I wonder?
Same, last time it happened a few of us were unhappy at Jaimie and how she and her gang picked on people in that group. Even some of the girls were horrified . That bitch just needs to go or just change her shit as her attitude stinks as much as her rhetoric . I keep seeing this “she is a lovely person” quote, lovely people don’t throw people out of groups, lovely people as managers should have a good customer skills. And if customers have a problem, you talk about it. That’s how the others do it but agendas are clear as day there. She is just a nasty bitch that has to get the last word because she sees that body as “her” , always has been and abuses a remove button to get it !!
It’s like she takes pride in sabotaging Liva’s work, and make no mistake, Liva made that body and Jaimie has done little to help make it into the product it is now.
LOL she was 17 last week, 😀
She was 17 earlier today, funny how she suddenly aged two years when you pointed out the maturity ratings.
The stupidest part is, they are attacking petite avis, but claiming Kenzie who she praises but I think is messed up (AVI-L with large boobs is an issue to them, but TWEENSTER, a literal child Avi, isn’t, hypocrisy), is a nice person. If they aren’t Jordy or his weird friend, they are some tweenster fanboys who need to get over it. They are different avis. They’ve so far attacked every manager of AVI(L), Jamie was the last because she has the least dirt.
Wait, you think Kenzie is messed up? I’d love to hear your logic on that. At least Tweenster doesn’t have a mesh vagina or staff with attitude problems, nor does it have its main HQ in a known ageplaying sim. That’s three things in favour of the body. And a fourth thing, it doesn’t cost like 14k Lindens to get either. Maybe you might want to accept that Tweenster is better because it doesn’t cost you a single weeks worth of a sim to buy?
I think tweenster is a better budget avi than smb, or pan or other bodies of the sort. I don’t put it in the same category as AVI(L), personally, for me, tweenster is hideous. I think kenzie likely APs, likely with you, and he sells crap ON dreamnation, jordy zipdash, btw, is a dreamnation member (you might be also).
“I think kenzie likely APs, likely with you, and he sells crap ON dreamnation, jordy zipdash, btw, is a dreamnation member” you couldn’t make this shit up more if you tried. You believe a person who creates PG products with a body that doesn’t have a mesh vagina is ageplaying and yet those with the inbuilt mesh vaginas are not? Yeah right!
LOL Logic, get off your shit on Jordy, you sound fucking butthurt . Liva is on Dreamnation , you going to go after her too as well?
She fucking doesn’t you know, telling everyone that the body Kenzie made is inferior, that the hands and feet are horrible and huge and that TWEENSTER is a middle range body is NOT praising. I have seen her in the AVIL group and the Discord, what she says is really disrespectful to Kenzie. I’m sorry but that’s not respectful . Jordy and his friends are not weird either and you have to get yourself off that shit. They are at least making things for both bodies, they are supporting both bodies equally. So tell us all how they are bad people for that? I seen some of the guys photos, they are fucking amazing. Why is AVIL not using them? I bought my body because of him cause he posts in the Male Flickr groups , he looks bloody cute. The issue is not with him and his friends, its managers of AVIL and most know it. And you going on about that kid shows you also have an issue more than what you let on. I would say you should let that out but that’s your thing.
Ok, we get it, you’re Vanagew#4173 on discord, you’re angry she was asked an honest opinion about an avi with terrible hands and feet that sells itself as mid-range and she said “I like kenzie, he’s nice, but the hands and feet are bad and the avi is a good mid-range option”….which it is. The avi(L) is extremely expensive, she tells people to buy a tweenster if they ask for a budget avi (under 2k). Calling someone an APer because you fanboy over another AVI is disgusting.
@logic But before I was Jordy, now I’m Vanagew? Anyone else I might be? I can’t take you seriously because next thing I’ll know, you’ll accuse me of being Kenzie himself.
You going to be everyone tonight , anyone Logic has an issue with cause he is an AVIL fangirl/ boi. I expect no better, territorial as was said. They are not exactly helping the stigma
Logic, what are you not getting? What is it with you and outing people. Can’t you just accept there is an issue with some people and instead of pointing a finger at others, point to the person that needs to sort the problems out. ie your friend you are so hellbent on sticking up for yet out to blame a pile of other random people you don’t like. What are you, 7 years old? Come back with some reasonable issues please , you are adult ! I just told you she was rude AF to me, you have said not one word about that but going on about other people . Are you saying I am lying and making an issue too?
I know one of you is jordy and one of you is Vanagew#4173. It isn’t difficult to see. The 2 people constantly attacking the product on the AVI(L) discord who are friends and post/type like this, make more and more SL-Secrets posts to “attack AVI(L).” Meanwhile, that Liva you hate? Is helping fix the hand issue on tweenster. They aren’t even in competition, nor would kenzie approve of your marketing style.
Bingo for me its not the ageplay, I could not care a shit about it either way. But her attitude is shit , sorry but it is . I remember asking for something as simple as a skin change and I got a pile of mouth from her as if I was stupid. I don’t need that and i especially don’t need that from someone like that . Abuse or not, there is no reason to talk down to people as she does .
I can’t comment on the particular event you describe, but I can tell you that I have seen her help many people with the AVI-L and everyone is tremendously thankful for her help. Maybe there was a misunderstanding. I don’t know. But what I have issue with here is people anonymously attacking her, implying she is lying about herself, implying she is some jerkoff scum, implying she does improper thing of any sort when its all complete bull and 100% inaccurate. No one on the planet deserves that, especially her.
No-one on this planet deserves anything if they are good people, same as you guys sitting there as hypocrites downing another person you have only 25% knowledge of other than negatives passed though people you are friends with. Even now you have 4 of you trolling this site with negatives because you DON’T want to hear whats being said and have your own agenda. As I said before, its all about YOU and not about listening what others are saying. You do not want to know and thats why people get annoyed with you all
I feel sorry for all those wear Avi-L and have to put up with her smug ass. A self described “Gopnik” which is the Russian version of a low class yob, which is about the only truthful thing she ever posts about herself. Not to mention she loves to ageplay and dresses like a little slut.
Gopnik is what she tries to be. Just a smug, stupid, lying, delusional asshole who has an issue with himself/ herself. You have described her perfectly Theodoric and seen what she is. More than her fucked up friends have for sure. I really feel sorry for the AVIL people who are not associated with that. If the creator had sense, she would kick the lot of them and create a legitimate business with competent and at least sensible people.
Hard to ageplay when she is insane about only being g rated – my theory is she turned you down as she turns down all sex fiends such as yourselves.
@Logic She is a member of Golden Sun and you expect people to believe she is actually PG? Yeah right! I agree with Skrubber, I feel most sorry for all the Avi-L people (most of the Avi-L boys and a few of the Avi-L girls) who don’t want and are not associated with her terrible behaviour and ageplay. I’ve seen the way she talks to some of them and it is horrible.
hahah omg, you’re that pedophile who demanded more male clothing on the AVI(L) discord 50 times and SL group until finally they had to kick you off the discord huh? I knew it!
Kind of crazy you’re calling someone who doesn’t AP an APer when you’ve been *banned for ageplay*. Projection much?
Logic wtf you on about? You talking to Theo or me?
Theo, and I didn’t like Drew whatever. There’s a major difference. She’s a live mix dj who comes on to work, he was a psychopath.
I have no idea about Theo, but i can tell you on my side I know exactly some of the stuff that goes on. But there are no pedos here, Theo has been a part of SL secrets for as long as I have and seems a decent and sensible guy who talks about many things, not just kids stuff. I suggest if you are thinking someone is behind it, I can tell you Drew was banned through one of his own friends, not some random person someone has an issue with. Same with people who have problems with other people, there are often many. If someone is complaining, then I don’t blame them one bit because I know a lot of people would be annoyed at her for the reasons given. But I would not sit there and suggest people are behind things nor they are pedos, that’s dangerous and leads to a lot of false accusations. Drew was a psycho and her attitude is not much better. Maybe she needs to work on that I don’t know.
I literally don’t care why/what drew was banned for, he was a psycho.
Jaimie Syn I’ve only ever seen being nice to people, giving people skins free when they make errors and receiving massive praise on reviews, so I don’t see it. Sorry.
The only reason someone would post her is because she’s not nice when people ask her for sex, but why should she be? She hates sex and refuses to engage in it.
Logic I could very well say the same about people you are labelling now. Not much difference between the two, just maybe cross wiring which in our case its better not to get involved and let them sort it out. I know Jordy has been very helpful and nice to other people though, that’s fucking bad taste to say something bad about good kids which we do not have a lot of. You may not like how he does things but he has some good points even though he goes on too much. Then again, some people as kids are annoying bastards, no wonder he would get upset, even I do 🙂 If you know as much as Jaimie as some of us know about Jordy or anyone else, then I suggest you take the time to get round it and learn about people properly as you are telling Theo and I to do. You might be surprised.
Logic, you may want to take off those rose tinted glasses girl, it’s unbecoming to see you wearing them. “She hates sex and refuses to engage in it.” but apparently she loves those mesh vaginas right? Do you honestly think Jordy is the only one sick and tired of her behaviour? What kind of world do you live in? If she hates sex so much why is she in the Golden Sun group, a group and place that is well known for ageplay?
She’s a live mix DJ who was paid to DJ there. She actually wears the “PG” vagina, but hey, she’s never nude so you wouldn’t know. She helped me set mine up.
“PG vagina”? Are you for real? Is it PG because it isn’t scripted to get wet? Give me a break! There is NO REASON why a child avi should ever be wearing a vagina at all and if you can’t see that then you need a new set of rose tinted glasses, because your glasses aren’t powerful enough.
Will say, it’s temping to make a post about Jordy Zipdash (Theo) and friend’s activities on SL and dreamnation (a pedophile trading grid)
LOL, Jordy is a friend of Kenzie and a few other nice guys, if you say Theo is Jordy and saying he is part of Dreamnation and bad activities then you are fucking stupid as well as biased. Jordy has always been a person like Kenzie, very hard working and gave a lot. If you are saying people like those two are bad, you need a reality check and have beef with him. I know both those guys well, you are talking nonsense. Theo if you are Jordy, you are a decent kid. I suggest if you have an issue with Theo which its clear you do, you take time to know a person first. Cause you are so lost man, serious.
Hate to tell you this, but I’m not Jordy so you may wish to try again and I’ve never been banned for ageplay because I’ve never done it. If I was Jordy you’d know about it because I would be posting very long winded replies as that is his modus operandi, but not mine.
Logic, As what Theo said was correct added to which most in AVI-L have a history of being ageplayers, they are the known pedos . The issue here is mainly to do she is a horrible person as the poster was saying, she lies about herself like Drew did. She follows the same platforms he did and oh look… he was banned as well last week for ageplay. You talk about branding pedos here, I suggest you go back and look at your friends.
hahaha, yeah Logic I seen the G rated 😛 . G rated means no vagina and no bits , yet i seen her flaunting her SL pre-teen vagina publicly many times. No sex fiends here, plenty of AVIL on some forums though. She is just a rude bastard, end of story. If you are G rated, it’s not a thing to even mention. But a large amount of people who do state that on SL profiles often end up the opposite. Now why is that?
Shes never been nude afaik. She goes on, does live mixing and leaves. I theorize she turned you down because youre a pedophile.
Logic, please go away and go boil your head or something and stop talking about stuff and diverting what goes on . Come back when you are ready to talk about the other shit she does, everyone knows she is a rude bastard. Oh wait, you must be one of the Syns … figures
@skrubber go away and boil ur head… im sorry i didnt even read the rest but i loved it
Not one of the Syns, and I’ve never seen her be rude. I am a fan of her djing.
She was a golden sun DJ – it’s kind of her thing, she mixes live on sims that hire her.
I guess she was rude TO YOU when you demanded your pedophile past time from her?
#5 – Red text on a dark grey background, so hard to read. Try white. Or maybe a white outline (stroke in PS) This is for like half the people who post shit here. Make your text legible. #7 – DO’NT? Lol. #8 – Fucking tell me about it. I remember back when Blueberry & Deadwool collaborated like last year or something. Blueberry’s fatpack was like 1299, and she had like 31-35 colors all in a hud. The Deadwool Broberry jeans were 1590, for 8 colors, and no fucking texture hud, every color is separate. Men definitely get gouged. #15 – She’ll do ANYTHING for money? She’s a cam sex girl, isn’t that kinda what they do? And pretty sure she only makes people pay to see her face in nude shots. She sends plenty of pics out on her snapchat daily and have seen her face plenty of times and she’s not ugly. Also, the fact that you and her were even talking about her “services” and she was offering to be discreet so your gf would never know, probably means you were inquiring, huh? Lol. #20 – Wow, someone aplogizing and not posting drama? That’s different. Props on owning up to whatever you did though. Nice to see something other than flaming people for once, lol. #24 – Can’t even read it #26 – Of all the colors you pick. Something barely legible. Lol. #38 – Woudln’t say she doesn’t care if they’re taken. She actually prefers taken men and goes after them, lol. If you want her to hit on you, get a partner, you instantly become her type. #42 – Only done “that pedo shit” with 2 people? Cuz yeah, that makes being a pedo much better, lol. #47 – Lol. Is that like the SL… Read more »
I’m sorry that you have difficulty reading. 🙂
4 Floyd lol .. King of the Bozo the clown family. He’s nothing but an old man pervert, coming on SL to jack off with his middle age bozo haired girls. Ask one of them if she lifts her tummy when she jacks?. The three of them have no real life whatsoever
The overwhelming incest vibes from his flickr are so fucking gross. What a shocker he’s as disgusting as he presents himself to be, right?
I’m just finding it amusing that it looks like his dick is coming out his ass. Learn how to edit and where a penis belongs, dude, before hanging it all out there.
Read #24 here
Sick fucking bastard!
this was fake. Jeni probably got mad at him telling everyone that she made a fake facebook log. typical. shes known to do this
Thanks for posting this up, I could not read the original.
Since when does fb messager have square boxes? Go a better job sluts!! 😉 Or don’t even try!
3) That is bullshit. this is 100% a person that didnt followed the posting rules and who got kicked. I am a MadPea blogger since ages and never ever had an issue with them. It is fun to blog their items and games.
#50- Kiana do you not have enough shit going on with yourself you have to post this secret?
Am I the only person who noticed your stupid little avatar on the screenshot from Facebook! Then you sit and wonder why people hate you so much. Posting shit that has zero to do with you. Pot or the kettle today?
Good eye. Makes one wonder if she is the one posting some of those secrets about herself. Obviously she loves drama so she can play victim and get everyone feeling sorry for her again. Lot of times the secrets about her comes out around the time of her over priced games or crappy gacha sets come out so i’m thinking bad press is still press. Maybe some of these people will remover their noses from her ass and wake up and see what a drama queen bitch she really is.
I am laughing so hard, I didn’t even notice that. Good catch! Little Miss “I’m not at all about Drama” got caught. Fuck that bitch.
#38. She don’t know how to respect people who is taken. Fking slut!
She is the biggest slut ever. She jumps in every man’s IM trying to get on their dick!! I’ve seen it first hand and glad someone called her skank ass out on it.
#23 – I wouldn’t brag about being someone’s side-piece. It really isn’t a good look.
Five years off and on. So – that means that when he’s bored he uses you to entertain himself?
Does he even admit you exist or are you a dirty little secret?
#4 – But why is your dick attached so low, it looks like it grew out of your asshole?
#24 – Please learn to submit multiple secrets or something so we can see the conversation easily ffs.
#29 – The pose with the arms up is to help show the rigging on the clothes.
#37 – Please kys if you are into that shit.
#16, 17, & 42 (and any posts about Jeni tbh) – You’re digging your hole MUCH deeper. You can’t justify the pedo role-playing. Sorry, not sorry.
#54 – That event isn’t full and ALWAYS has empty booths. It’s comical.
how does that help show rigging on the clothes when it’s not even rigged to sl avatars? and none of those have sleeves what rigging are they showing?