Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 508.
virtual-secrets: Week 508
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 518 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
I just wanted to take a moment to share some news. Some of yous who lurk here hoping to take us down may want to grab a tissue.
First the amusing news: Linden Labs has permanently banned me from Second Life. I guess all the reporting worked. I find it amusing because I am not active in SL. I only logged in once or twice a week to clear off-lines, or to deal with the occasional whiner talking shit about Secrets.
Now time for the tissues: To those of you reporting me, this doesn’t affect SL Secrets. We’re still here and every Sunday we will still deliver. So getting me banned from Second Life accomplished nothing. Well for LL they can just tell you to fuck off when you report me because I’m banned.
To our loyal readers (especially the ones that claim they don’t visit this page), thanks and enjoy this weeks secrets.
The person who owns this site should go away for assisted suicides. Anyone that promotes this kind of bullying and hate is worse than any of the people they make fun of on this site.
lol you probably deserve it for encouraging and enabling slander lol.
Slander would require it be against a person in the real world with real world information and reputation, since generally none of us know the real world information of another person… there is no slander. That’s like saying I could sue every MMO person on a video game too… but I can’t. Because they are characters without real world information for the public to see
I probably did. Slander on pixels is such a horrible crime.
@any….i think it’s hilarious that you people think you have the upper hand because she was banned. She doesn’t use SL anymore so being banned literally has no affect at all. All LL did was roll their eyes and ban her just so you whiny cry babies would stfu up already.
@any – don’t forget your meds or someone needs a tampax ?
And the people who abused a Second Life reports system are calling the people who create this site as disgusting people? Just shows are even more disgusting they are to go as far as that. Not to mention Linden Labs accepting an abuse of their own abuse system. Dishonesty and duplicity at its finest.
I am glad you girls are not going away , I am sure its pissing people off you are staying. You don’t have Linden Labs as your anchor, they have nothing on you. Go to town and use it to your advantage. My dying fridge salutes you!!

I must confess a complete and utter fascination with the banning of Lourdes from Second Life and what may perhaps be a “quid quo pro” towards the recent surge of SL Secrets. After all, we are but victims of our own success. Please indulge me. This site has existed for quite some years without much in the way of notice or concern. Clearly that has changed as of late if one might simply analyze the number of comments trending upwards This, even when considering our dear Funnyface and her accounting for 10% of all weekly comments. As the accusations rise and the bitterness grows we are seeing far more engagement here that borders on viral inside our tiny bog of wetness. SL Secrets seems to be leaving the realm of cottage and moving to a new and much larger estate requiring far more upkeep. If I may quote Shakespeare, “We know what we are, but know not what we may be.” Clearly, Lourdes, you are making an impact. Yet, within this you are now seeing a cost. While I am sure a banning from SL is the least of your concerns – the taste of success is now upon you. This is the feast I believe I warned you of. Why did the Lab ban you? Follow the money. Always follow the money, dear lady. This site has great impact on the well being of Second Life as your numbers rise. While you feign an innocence to the idea that it’s “all in good fun” you are, in fact, costing money to forces much larger than you imagine. Forget the common people that may be impacted (bless them). It’s money.. And when money becomes central, oh dear, what is it you all say, “the shit starts getting real?” I doubt… Read more »
“Top earners” are unable to think banning Lourdes will not close virtual-secrets ? WOW ! top earners without costumers earn NOTHING. so can we expect the LL “angels top earners” will try to put virtual-secrets down ??
aaah yes am sure you expected a comment from moi about all this so please enlighten the ones that their minds are so muddy about how this site impacts money in Second Life. Because she is the keeper of the site and not a commenter for 99% of the time you will blame the messenger? As far as bans go how and why would LL have Lourdes on their radar unless it was brought to their attention by possibly a premium member as the others below that actually have no real say so in SL. Who would she be taking money from Vanity or Rose? both are con artists and complaints should be lodged against them, which truly surprises me they both get away with whatever and not one person has the balls to step up and comment on their vile actions. So @Blimey entertain us how this site is slowly taking money out of LL’s finances, am sure everyone is waiting on bated breath for your reply
Dearest FunnyFace, I am quite certain that at the Wig Shop you frequent for Saturday village gossip you have grown quite versed in the vagaries of causation and risk within the corporate world. One can only imagine the instincts and knowledge that you have gained and that for which guided you here to Sl Secrets to boldly express each week this fabulous bravado. Fueled of course by the power of Tesco boxed wine and bags of crisps. Lourdes is quite intelligent, if oddly misguided, and while I feel she understands what I am saying – I fully respect that she may not agree. She knows exactly the line in navigating well the murky waters of degrading people for a laugh. Thus far at least. And therein lies my earlier point. The larger this site becomes the less controls in posts and comments there are for two people. Risk goes up. The bigger the house the more pipes to burst. And I imagine the hiring of quality staff for a venture like this is difficult at best. One must imagine that a resume consisting of “A former purveyor of schadenfreude” rarely gets you in the door, unless of course you are applying to The Sunday Sport. With that comes risks. Lourdes, who is working towards a law degree it appears, is most likely very cognisant of this “social study” and where those risks reside. That is if she can control it. Are there tangibles as she pointed out in response to me? Rarely. Vaguely. I have perhaps too often rambled on about our fickle friend, justice, who is rarely blind – so you get my point by now. Money assures this. It does not necessitate examples or tangibles. Just as you bully countless people in SL with your vast knowledge of… Read more »
Somehow I was able to get through all that and as I did so what came to mind was an image of a rather snooty schoolmarm who forgot whilst shaming us for being “chatty hens” in a wig shop they too are right there with us being the chattiest of the hens. You talk about how we should be doing something about the injustices that plague SL instead of talking about it . But, apparently you have forgotten that the real drama usually revolves around those that have the power (and army of their mass followers) to lay waste for any of those that dare speak against them which in turn could make our SL lives a living hell. So you go ahead and lead that charge and be the 1st to have your head on the chopping block…. I’ll be there to scoop up your head and tell you “Told you so”. Since you want to view this site as a “wig shop” where one can go on about the latest idle village gossip let me paint you a different picture and since I’ve gotten the whole schoolmarm thing now stuck in my head I’m going to use nursery rhymes as an example…. Back when those were created it wasn’t bed time stories for children but actually a way for adults to communicate about things like the injustices of the times in their local pub without the risk of having their head on a pike the next day. Look at “Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary”… as much as it sounds like a rhyme about a garden one of the big theories is that it really was about Mary Queen of Scots and her many executions during her reign…. So for many of us this site is a version of a… Read more »
pointing out people that scam or con good-hearted people are not bullying in the least as I am not bringing secrets about pedos, perverts or whatever else that roams SL. I mentioned that amount of money for example that if there were 100 people that come here each week x $2 that would help with their costs. your spin on my words truly is entertaining especially the description of me. better to change your tagline to blah, blah, blah instead of blimey
Your posts, while I’m sure you believe are well thought out and impressive, ramble for a really long time, and causes ones eyes to glaze over about one-third of the way thru….
Like RespectYourCustomers was writing somewhere above, reading is in fact overrated
@stormy’s comment…. THIS.
I was actually kinda impressed to think that little ole me could be cutting into LL’s bottom line. This little site is costing them money. Oh it can’t possibly be all the sex sims, age play sims, bad business decisions, the mainland eye sore, not offering sims at affordable prices etc…
Its me. I’m beaming with pride.
I know, right?
I understand why they used LL logic and did it but I still think it was stupid. The kid community would have rather seen the maker of all those dodgy sexual kids clothes banned tbh, not someone who runs a cheeky gossip site.
@ blimey you are sooo right ! finally someone who has balls to say the truth . sad truth but same is SL lately… SAD
why because 2 idiotic vile people that scammed honest people with the fundraisers were called out, or what is your answer that why SL is so sad and Lourdes is the cause of all this. Cripes what truth did blimey truly have the balls to say because from where I am sitting and others it is far from truth.
LoL you are new here. When Shopping Cart Disco, the precursor to this site, was around it caused as much of a stink at its peak. I was in then. There has always been a cost. This is nothing new. The cost is the same. It’s not tangible.
Thanks for sharing your weekly mental masturbation. I do enjoy reading it. Also thank you so much for thinking we have that much of an impact on LLs bottom line.
You just know that there’s a celebratory circlejerk happening right now, people poseball-dancing on the rooftops loudly yelling “the witch is dead!”
Never mind that SL Secrets continues, or that these same geeks and losers will continue to be called out for their nonsense – goddammit, they’ve WON! They got her!
A small victory for the hard done by and downtrodden of SL. Keep the dream alive, ya weird bastards.
Never mind that SL Secrets continues, or that these same geeks and losers will continue to be called out for their nonsense – [and continue to check virtual-secrets every Sunday even before they have breakfast] goddammit, they’ve WON! They got her!
Fixed that for ya :p
Bobby Trivia the only witch is you buddy, you’ve been in SL for what? 13 years now?
Lourdes laughing her ass off irl while you’re dancing in a pixel rooftop and calling that a victory
LMAO dead
I, uh… I think you missed the point.
Evidently sarcasm (and reading comprehension!) doesn’t translate well via text.
mfw people think SARCASM is readable in a badly written comment
@lmao….you are probably the only idiot who didn’t properly comprehend what Bobby said…js
I’m fascinated by how serious people take SL. I’m sorry you got banned even if you do not care, it’s a silly situation and should never have happened.
F*ck ’em Lourdes
ya still the best <3
Love you Lourdes & Kesseret. Thanks for SL Secrets each and every week. Some of us really do look forward to them.
We appreciate you. Due to the ante being raised, I’m already thinking of ways to bring on more tears. Stay tuned.
It is the best site. Even though may not agree with some. Still love reading this site ans all the hard work they do
Lourdes is the literal embodiment of “Shake it off”. The haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate, and she just shakes it off.
OMG some of these people are PETTY. Getting you banned from SL does NOTHING to this blog. Those petty Jelly Ho-Nuts have no idea how things work. It’s actually kind of funny though. But seriously, it should not have led to you being banned from SL. I don’t know how that was even possible. WP has nothing to do with SLs TOS.
The reason people reported you is probably something you would not have suspected but somehow made for an easy ban. I might not agree with you a lot of times but from what I seen of you online – nothing really accounts for a ban. Whomever reported you probably picked something not needing much evidence. Or just had people spam reports and one Linden just acted upon the amount.
You can log in with other MAC address or other device (unless they uses your router or modem number as MAC) if it is hardware ban. Soft one just blocks one account or IP (or both) so another one with refreshed IP or VPN would work.
Still, if you have time or will and you are bothered – you should petition it as sounds like someone just being ban happy.
“Whomever reported you probably picked something not needing much evidence.”
Oh, that one is super easy. They likely ARed Lourdes for Ageplay.
There you have it readers, Like all of the sumbissions, like all of us, like all the world (according to the number of pedo submissions here…) Lourdes is a…. *giggle* pedo TOO!
((For those bereft of humor, it’s a joke.))
@Noctis: Going with the submissions, my fridge probably is a pedo (some do deserve side-eying) and while joke applies – you are right on the money on what would be easiest ban. Not sure if this is a case in US but you are obligated to report and ban any users who seem suspect or you are noted about if you are an admin (you could be held accountable if you do not). Since it is internal issue and not anything you can appeal to – it is probably easiest ban to defend. However, never seen anyone overuse it so most likely not related. Curiously – most chat networks and scripts have a special ban form or code for this occasion. Small, private ones might not but SL definitely cares about that. But then again – they do not need to explain their ban at all just would be … nice.
Sorry to hear about that Lourdes… LOL though because really? they thought that getting you banned would do anything?… Even IF you had to take this site down or you just decided to call it quits on your own accord someone out there would pick up the torch and make a whole new site to continue this entertainment. When are people going to learn that virtual-secrets is going to stay one way or another no matter how much they dislike it.
If you don’t care then why are you even posting about it
I posted to let our readers know. I was told that those that reported me figured that me being banned would means SL Secrets will go away. I’m letting them know SL Secrets is not going away.
I post all the secrets every week and I don’t really care about the people mentioned in them. I posted the numbers to the suicide hotline but I don’t really care if people chose to commit suicide over virtual world drama.
wow what a fucking asshole you are
Honestly? It’s a hard truth. Some people do not care and that’s ok. Not everyone should be forced to have empathy for every single thing and act on it. That’s the beauty of free will.
I do want to clarify on the suicide thing. I feel this way. If a person is driven to suicide by what is said/done in and/or regarding things in a virtual world that does not even affect RL; then you will never be able to handle RL struggles. Online you can log off in RL you can’t.
This is why keeping an anchor in reality is important.
So incredibly happy that you are gone.
Now how in the hell did she effect you inworld. You people need to get a life. This site is awesome and apparently everyone that comes here thinks so too. Just because you get caught doing your sicko stuff and people call you out here you get butthurt and blame her. Grow up you little bitches….
umm dumbfuck can you even read? she hasn’t gone anywhere. she wasn’t in sl in the first place, and this isnt going away.
@Lurker your the asshole and coward
So sad that you are so juvenile “lurker”
A person that is going to commit suicide, will even if they aren’t upset with something on SL. If something on SL is going to push them further, there was an issue already before they started SL. It would be like blaming a video game for a lot of things on the news these days
Did suicide intervention and crisis hotline for nearly 10 years, learned a lot.
Damn right!!
First of all this is ridiculous. I want you all to take a quick step back and take a good look at this situation. Lourdes got banned; yes. But was she supplying this site with direct content? No. She only posted it and gave people a way to vent their frustrations anonymously.
Would you blame Susan Wojcicki (Youtube CEO) for the uploads of people like DaddyoFive beating their kids and uploading that shit? Of course not – it’s user driven content.
While it is true that Lourdes does have a hand in accepting and denying content – that’s a HELL of a lot better than someone who does not. I will admit that SL Secrets is pretty toxic, but in some cases it does help make us aware of things that we may not have known about previously (Pedos, Creeps etc).
If you want to point blame at someone, point blame at the people who made the secrets. You do not shoot the messenger.
I’m sorry Lourdes; you probably had at least a little bit of money invested in your account; and I don’t believe you deserve this ban.
@Devil’s Advocate: You made me remember Daddy o’ Five but that is a good example – extreme and rage worthy one but his explanation of “all the abuse is staged because it is funny – here, have kids say it themselves :D” did run a long way and no one probably could give Youtube other evidence. In Lourdes’ case – she probably will never get to the point where there is a real life, legal criminal case forcing her to react and if yes – readers would most likely never see it.
I had L$2000 Lindens when I was banned. I didn’t have that much invested. I was a fashion blogger. I rarely bought things and when I did buy Lindens it was to pay tier on my land when I had land. I’ve been a squatter on a friend’s land for about 2 years.
I honestly didn’t feel a huge loss. 3 to 5 years ago when I was an active blogger yeah it would have more of an impact. Now it’s just, yeah whatever.
Quite honestly it’s how I feel about my main account: I always use my own linden to buy what I want and get what I pay for. A dollar dress or three dollar shoes are there for my enjoyment and then I move on after I get my fill of things. Land I did have was always paid on a weekly basis so nothing was fully committed. I play the game for a month or so at a time and then take a long break to do other things in rl or even other games.
Over the last seven years I have a collection of things I paid for in a inventory that I don’t even care to organize with items I never wore or used again. They are just virtual goods for a internet Barbie doll. Treat the game as a hobby that you spend small amounts of dollars on. Second life is a hobby that can be replaced and will be replaced. Everyones precious time in this world is not replaceable.
Woah Lourdes am shocked that LL banned you was there a given reason for this ban ~ really sorry to hear that even though we never met in SL still it is shocking when so many others should and need to be banned.
Well.. I mean… I’m not surprised given how LL is, this site’s purpose, and how people can react. It was sort of like painting a target on herself. Eventually, enough people would fire at it and LL tends to react to anything with a volume of reports. I don’t agree with the decision but I understand why it happened.
When this place started up, I knew what was going to happen because I saw it happen in journal secrets – it turned into personal attacks naming people and pumping out personal info (as well as pedo-gate). That isn’t Lourdes fault but I’m sure LL took a look and decided that since she ran the place, she was responsible because she owned the site. Again, I don’t agree with it but there you go – LL logic.
And.. uh.. I can’t agree on the opinion about suicide. I’ve seen people in journal secrets who had secrets posted and were harassed to the point where they lost their online business, had to change their name on their FB, had their private posts where they talked about their rape and how they were coping screenshotted and posted “for the lulz”, were doxxed and had things left on their porch, and had to cut all ties with their friends and all their online hangouts. I’ve known a few who were harassed so bad that they did become suicidal, many were mentally ill to begin with but still – don’t fucking harass others. Some people go real life and do not leave a secret online to gossip about and then forget the next week. Don’t be those twatwaffles and don’t enable them by being flippant. And to the people reading that – don’t be a twatwaffle. Giggle over the gossip and move on.
A-Kid I want to thank you for being a regular and putting up with all the vitrol thrown at people who RP child avatars. You’re a good advocate for that group and there are some good people who chose that type of RP.
I think we are having a misunderstanding regarding the suicide deal. Kess and I have have a very well defined line when it comes to RL vs “not RL”. I use the term “not RL” to include online games, virtual worlds and social media where you can be 100% anonymous to other users. My comments are purely about “not RL”. I know that people can share their RL in levels that can be foolish if not dangerous which can lead to the crossing the line. When that line, which is very well defined is crossed, then it becomes an entirely different issue.
The rules here on SL Secret are to make sure the line is not crossed on this platform. Even if someone has a secret posted here and someone doxxes them on another platform and they come to us. The first thing we say is contact law enforcement and have them contact us, we will do everything we can and give all information available to law enforcement to help solve the problem. It has happened in the past.
We are not two dumb asses running this site by the seat of our pants no matter how much you all wish to that to be true. We are also very firmly grounded in reality. That is where our misunderstanding stems from.
Thanks for the clarification, I 100% get what you’re saying now.
Yes they cited 3 sections of the TOU including the catch all we can terminate your account for any reason at anytime. But they gave no specific details and I didn’t ask.
Good riddance bitch
good riddance from what? she never logged in, do you not read?
Shh… reading is overrated
lourdes banned from sl after many reports about virtual-secrets and vanity + olive not, after the big frauds….. no coment
yeah whats up with that shit maybe it is time to complain about those 2 for fraud bet no one has complained about them
When your life revolves around drama in a game you aren’t allowed to play in
Nothing could be further from the truth when it comes to Lourdes. And also…..you are at this site right now….looking at it. Pot met kettle.
Exactly and so agree when ppl make negative comments about this site then why even come here they are the lurkers LOL
LoL I wish my life revolved around SL Secrets. I wish I could sit at home all day stirring up these secrets. Or AFK at a club or on a poseball with someone else’s man. Then come up with the occasional con to get my associates to rustle up a fundraiser to pay my bills. The good life.
Sadly working full-time and working on my MBA and JD concurrently is what my life revolves around. Keeping bitches salty every Sunday is side entertainment. The amazing part is we do it without being in SL.
Lourdes we need a laugh button lol. I love your educated smart ass comments, they are the highlight of the secrets in my personal opinion.
#48 – That’s cause Pupito is a dick. It was a good event once upon a time but it’s a shame his foul attitude has ruined it for us all. With that said, there are other better events out there, the only problem is they ONLY accept the same designers rather than giving newer talents a chance, kind of what Premium Only Event did if anyone remembers that one and Cosmopolitan.
FRAUD update : vanity plurk
When you guys talk about anxieties and feelings that you all have, I’ve always wanted to lend a hug and a kind word – let you all know we’re all here for you as we all do, ya know? I had never really felt it for myself but I think I’ve gotten a small taste of it if that makes sense. I’ve sometimes felt like my thoughts and feelings weren’t normal for me
and it bothered me that I couldn’t figure things all out the way I usually do. You guys are really, really strong to feel such things all the time and continue doing what you do and being who you are in the face of what you deal with every single day. Thank you for being you ♥
I’ll be doing another cash out of the funds left from what I didn’t cash out last month, and then maxing out my cash out limit again, which I hope will help LL get on board with upping my limit. I can only hope that along with the back and forth with the lawyers, this helps some.
Focus will be to getting back into the house once the situation is taken care of, and processed. Cleaning up and airing it out since it’s been a bit and getting groceries. That will be once we get back there, but that’s the plan. If anyone has questions/concerns, even advice of any kind as far as LL I’m open to it and again, thank you. Truly. For everything
uh how did she get back into the house without the 8k?
chapter 4 person got hooked on ESO and stopped working on sl stuff . Any game is better than SL so good for them!
Ay! I support what Seres saying. SL or not, don’t forget people behind their screen have feelings. There are real people controlling their avatars – unless they’re bots, then yeah not really lol.
If you want to dissociate yourself from taking things serious, that are serious, that’s on you – your own ignorance. When someone is supporting someone else, and quite rightly so, don’t try drag them down with you. It’s a really petty thing to do.
We’re all adults here, or supposed to be. Have some compassion, it wont cost you nothing.
In response to whats happening with Morgana, that’s really fucked up. The bitter individual should be ashamed of themselves and saying sorry, not gas lighting.
I agree not to take things too seriously – when its appropriate, there’s some occasions when you’ve got to face the reality of some matters. That is one of those because it’s turned really nasty and just gone way out of line.
~ Steffani.
I know exactly what happened and i have known Morgana for Several Years… You see my arse isn’t new on sl i have been in sl 11 yrs+… never had an issue with Morgana and believe me over the years there could have been if we both didn’t have morals, respect, empathy, or understanding or the ability to act like grown arse women. But hey Both me and Morgana both have all these abilities.. You see when you act normal this crap does not happen. But hey believe an ex family member that has a vendetta against her. That wished her farther died of cancer and told Morgana to go get raped. Morgana is a Fantastic Blogger, always professional and nothing wrong with being capable of normal feelings instead of forcing someone to stay silence. The only ones bully and bashing is the ones against her which are sick in the head for the vile abusive things they said to her. A blog is used for someones form of venting/talking. You cannot dictate what someone used in their own blog. If you don’t like it. Simple.. Don’t watch or read and move along. As women we should be building each other up not ripping each other apart. So stop trying to play the victim… You did this not her. Does she go posting names and shaming people? No she is to busy moving forward with positivity and kindness towards others which she has always shown. Move along and let go of the hate. Because trust me. They say any publicity is good publicity… keep posting about her.. her subscribers are growing. However i refuse to let you lie about her.
why would anyone want to chase a pedo off a video game? let them rot in sl, getting more fat and stuff, lessens the chance they can get close to kids in rl.
This is too funny!! I can’t believe people get so worked up with pixel family! I mean…. uninstall SL… seriously.
Hot damn, I look at this site after so much time to see Lourdes banned from SL for doing things that isn’t even his own fault, I didn’t realize he had so much time posting all of this every week, you need to get a life Lourdes you weirdo. I’ma report you to the BBB to get you banned from the interwebs next cause it’ll make you commit suicide[logic]
I’m starting to remember why I stopped playing this POS. Bunch of sensitive women[anyone not everyone] inside of it and if you don’t cover yourself in brown you’re some pathetic loser/beta.
i wont lie im kinda bummed,,,
ya just cant get us excited about revealing secrets about the fat phedora chick Nikki and not tell,,, what a teaser lol
truth,, ya cant be that big of a cunt like Nikki with her woe is me life without trying to hide a few secrets
we need them juicy secrets pretty please o sweet secret whisperer :>
agree with other comments u shouldnt be name calling just cause some one is obese that shows you be a shallow dick or bitch but i do wanna see those secrets about her tho kinda got me excited & then this week nothing hope they just got busy and will post them next sunday
How bout u get a life?
I have to agree with TheSlap 100%. Calling someone (and it doesnt matter if it is about there weigth, health, friends or family) names who you probably dont even really know even less ever seen in rl just shows what a stupid and lowlife Person you are. I get it you are jealous and want your 5 minutes of Fame but you should try to remember that those you call your friends maybe have some of the same issues behind the screen you are trying to put a person through the dirt for here. Tell them how you feel about what they have and see if you still have friends after that.
Excuse me? Who is jealous of a cartoon avatar??? I think the point people are trying to make is that some women have lost touch with reality By Living in second life for hours and hours a day. They do not workout or live a productive Rl, therefore the weight piles on. I would Never log on a game until I have worked and exercized (run 5 miles) every day or I would not feel productive. It is more a health wake up call some need!!!
You know some people work in sl right? or work on their computers? do you know if and when she works out or not? some people even leave their avis online. You are seriously retarded . Mind your own life before you run your mouth talking shit.
Oh please excuses excuses! One day SL will close, so be prepared to get a real job. Secondly, only addicts leave an avatar on all day. Third, in last weeks secrets someone said this Niki had weight loss surgery.. hence sitting on her ass all day. Lmao
Oh boy they are right, you are retarded! I bet she makes more than you and that’s why you’re being a bitter bitch . everybody knows she has a job in rl. Are you stalking her to know when she is online or not cause mate that’s sick! If she had a surgery or not it’s her problem not yours. You’re judging and acting like you’re better but face it your just a mean piece of shit who does nothing. You just sit on your ass all day being a bitter bitch commenting on other people’s lives. Well done.
Omg are you serious now, didn’t you learned from last week. We all know that you are eather one of those who tried it last week or got sended by them, because besides them there are actually not that many people who are against Niki. Idk if you didn’t noticed, there are alot of people who know her way better then any of you do and they like her, love her and value her for the person she is. By calling people fat or anything like that you are attacking all of those who have the same issue or struggle with the same thing and we are talking about second life here, I am sure even you know people who have the same issues, tell them how you think about them and let’s see how they think of you then, besides that i doubt you have ever seen her in rl so shut your shitty mouth.
Obsessed much bruh? I believe this is Lance or one of his minions. Get a life already. This shit is getting boring.
Calling people fat just shows that you’re a shitty person! A person who’s “fat” (as you call them) can actually lose weight, but I doubt you can become a better person you Shithead!
Message me inworld…
What an idiot!
Thanks to whoever put indulge up there, we thank you for putting the club on sl secrets it makes our day to see others helping out. Come on down to the club and have a blast the girls are funny and we love to have a good time. The late hours are different than the day hours but that’s okay we will make it work. Spoke blunts, pop the molly, blast the booze we know how to have fun at indulge. Again we would like to thank the fellow customer for promoting indulge we hope to see you come visit. Every Wednesday is HUUUUMMPPP DAAAYY so be sure to benefit from the event. LGBT is welcome with open despite the hate we get for it. We know we can not please everyone but we do our best to do so. SO COME ON DOWN TO INDULGE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.
Wow, you’ve really grasped on to this “Pro-LGBT” thing haven’t you? What a happy little accident – I imagine that’s not what you thought you’d be rallying behind when you opened (and then re-opened) Indulge. Make it your armor so it can never be your weakness, I guess. This is like the 8 Mile final battle rap – may as well play all your cards.
Question, though: Does this mean you will be abandoning the current reputation of Empty Club (Unless All of Phedre The Linebacker’s Dumb Second Life Family Are Hanging Around and Not Spending Money) and instead becoming The LGBTQWXYZ-iest Friendliest Club in All Of Second Life?
39) ~
You know…. going by just the fact that i saw two other guys who called your this person a Catfisher in to comments. i tend to believe them more then i believe those defending him…… You may know someone personally “Now” but you might not know there past. and if that person did try and tell you about there past they might have lied. due to that fact that they might have done something Suspect and Deceitful. Like being under age during those Events Explained.
If this young man really did do this to a lot of men on SL. then i don’t pity him one bit and he should be feeling bad about what he did. i may not know who this person is but at the same time. but I’ve been in the same shoes as the other two men who commented on the other post and talked about how they were Catfished by this person. and that’s worst part about it. its not about the Age ( well in this cause it was. ) its about the fact that those men where looking for a relationship and this Teen lied about who he was. in turn caused two men to waste time out of there life to playing this kids Cruel and childish game. rather then actually finding someone meaningful. now these guys probably have there guards up because they think that every women on SL is a Guy or a Kid trying to Punk them again. I can attest that its how i was.
Hopefully this Kid gets the help he needs or he needs to just stay off SL.
Welp, there has been one final update on the Hope for V website.
Notice this part:
I just read again her story in the site and makes me purk
Not to repeat myself but…any of those creators that put that fundraiser on could have PayPal’d her that money. Pass the Linden to almost any of those creators that were in support of this scam and they could have simply cashed it out and passed it over via a simple email through PP. It is not a tax issue except for Vanity. It is really curious to me that they were willing to put this thing on but their generosity stopped cold at the point of actually facilitating her reaching those funds. And now none of them want their name on it? I also have to wonder what kind of broke ass lawyer this woman has who would take on a case over a 5 thousand dollar payout. Any real lawyers fees would cut into that deeply….makes me wonder if her intention is to sue LL for more, in which case…it makes sense her friends are pulling their support now. Food for thought.
@get woke think about this woman walks into lawyer office gives her spiel, gives 1500, lawyer knows one letter to LL to earn that amount of money because the lawyer doesn’t care its billable hours, bottom line lawyer did what any lawyer would do laughs all the way to the bank
lmao.. vanity did an “update” too. whined about how she still cant get the money out, the attorney can’t do shit for her, and was like.. oh hey sorry no updates, im just SUPER BUSY rl hope you guys understand! got shit to do, moneez to spend.. you know how it is!
Why does she keep acting like she is disappointing some expectation of her? Does she legitimately think the reason people are upset is because she isn’t getting the money that was raised for her out fast enough? Sounds like shes ghosting out now too…
What is she goin on about there towards the end about how she tried to do what was asked of her, but she couldn’t due to hers and her son’s schedules? (I assume she means her son). Does she mean she didn’t do what LL asked of her? Her supposed lawyer? Or the fundraiser organizers & that’s why they’e removed their names from the mess?
What ever it is, after setting herself up to such scrutiny, you figure she’d do what was needed too work to get those funds released, or it really is just the latter, and she didn’t give timely updates to the organizers, and that’s made them feel silly….
omg its hilarious that none of the organizers want to be associated with it at all anymore. there used to be a listing of who they were, and now it just says “hopeforv team”
even those bitches know they were scammed but don’t want to admit it. she will roll back in after she’s exhausted her attempts to get the money out of linden lab, with another pity me story.. and just say that she couldn’t contact them because her computer was locked up in the house.
I have a strange feeling by reading this. When I think of this fundraising for a name who was threatened with eviction, who had 10 minutes to leave from her home with her autist child. She had close friends at this time there, even real friends! Friends who helped her to collect funds, spamming everywhere. Meanwhile no concrete proof on the gravity of her situation and she do not answers anymore to her”friends”. People gave around 8000$ to her, to help, far to think it was a fraud.
Are they happy to fool people ? Are they laughing about ?! I expect only 1 thing now, is VANITY MIRROR banned perm from SL, because she used virtual game to a fraud. To people who donate, be carefull in the future, if the person has really rl issues, expect more RL infos too, not only pics and words.
haha. So when is the next fundraiser? I cannot live without more testimonials!!! TESTIMONIALS!!!!! LOL
Aww they took the testimonials down already! Guess they didn’t want their “good names” attached to this clusterfuck anymore.
The name of one of the organizers, who also manages a major brand and event, disappeared from the site right after the event completed. Guess she wanted to be associated with it while it made her look good but not once it was over and people would be expecting to see follow up and confirmation that everything was above board. Considering who it was, it’s not surprising because she herself is a crazy-pants scammer who buys friend in SL to give her life meaning.
If you are talking about who I think you are, we won’t mention names. That person is a friend of mine and I told her to remove her name from association with that event because I smelled shit from the start. Her name was removed within the first 2 days of the website going up.
As for the rest, 2 people can have different experience with the same person. I just wanted to clarify when her name was removed and why it was removed.
HA! The testimonials have disappeared from the page too, guess the fundraising team is really washing their hands of it now. Hope they are hanging their heads in shame for duping the community while trying to look like hero’s.
Sounds like they are throwing her to the wolfs!
#10 Seen that one hanging round Teqi’s, looking ugly as fuck like in that picture, and totally empty profile. Should be banned for being an alt. Nobody who looks like that should be allowed near normal avs rolf
Picture bumpers are trash, period
Haha did you guys see the “hope for V” update about vanity? “We have done all that we can to help Jenni access the funds raised for her. We have all provided Jenni with every assistance we were able to give, despite a lack of timely communication and updates from her. At this point, we have exhausted all of our efforts for several weeks and have mutually agreed that the only person who can take care of this now is Jenni herself.”
Have been a long time friend to Morgana Hilra. Who runs So Hawt Sl. So easy gor people to bash an immensely strong woman who has been through a lot. Keep stoning women back to the stoneage. She feels, cares deeply and is good at what she does. She has been an immensely great friend to me too.
oooh trust me Sere your day will come when you do something wrong or dare to speak up then her true colors will show. never seen a blogger whine as much as she does and really a lot of us have been through just as much or more but we do not use a blog to whine about it for 18 minutes or more. Its fine for her to bully, bash others is that what you are saying because no she won’t mention names only to the extent she rather not let the real story of what took place
lmao@funnyface. You not such a “Starr” yourself ~ bitch. We are all laughing at you.
OMG I’m dying of LOL’s with this
“The Hope for V website will stay up until May 31, 2018, and then we will take it down so as not to incur any additional expenses.”
lol ! till the next one
#35) Looks like a powerpoint.. its literally just text and a background. I really hope someone didn’t actually pay for this commission and it was paid for by the currency of ass kissing.
I liked Bea’s meme response though – especially her bandwagoners telling her to “laugh all the way to the bank” because I’m sure she had a nice big laugh cashing out your lindens whoever paid for this powerpoint.
Out of curiosity I found the original mentioned in the comment, dusted off my rusty Sony Vegas skills and played around.
This took me 15 minutes, if that – and I’m not very good at the program! I sincerely hope this artist is not charging a hefty fee for using a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6dJEAs0-Gk for those of you playing at home) as a background for text with some Powerpoint-style effects.
Bobby Trivia’s Video Editing Emporium!
“Wooooow Bea is such a scammer!” Its plain simple: If you have no clue how to do even a simple video on iMovie with free fonts and a stock background, you will have someone doing it for you. I’m not sure where did I write I claim myself so great at it? Actually, I’m not sure if you understand that I’m not forcing my business to anyone, I offer and whoever wants, pays for it.
Screenshot of my iMovie project: https://gyazo.com/e3bde8684227766e5317b0b0437edc40
So much bother over such a simple thing lol truly simple, right?
Everything okay over there, Bea? I noticed you stopped responding when I mentioned that I hope the price the buyer paid was reasonable.
For someone so quick to fire back before, you’ve gone noticeably quiet. Something tells me you *definitely* ripped them off and charged them way too much for what you gave them. That’s a shame. I hope they see this.
When you see her prices for pics, i guess she asked 10K
Never knew who Bea was till I heard about the gawdy pictures. I guess there must be a market for cartoon sluts with cum pouring out of their jizzhole pictures. Keepin it classy Bea eh?
It’s not even a case of being curious about how much it is. It is pointing out how simple and quick it is to create what you delivered to your client, which you have also subsequently admitted.
I just sincerely hope that your client paid a price that is aligned with the simplicity of the service that you are offering. You’ll notice people get called out for ripping others off on here quite regularly, and someone cared enough to make a secret about it. So clearly I’m not the only one hoping that.
Glad you were able to recreate it using the effects on iMovie, same as I did hahaha. But hey, why so curious about how much it was? You made it for free just to prove a point? lol
I don’t understand, but I appreciate it. I mean, if you dont want dont pay for it.
My inbox right now is: Hey Bea, I saw you on SL Secrets again, you got some time to do a pic for me?
#24 – OML which one of her or his exes posted this lame shit… oh lemme guess… probably skylar… AGAIN … as per usual. Look, I dont care for alot of shit jax does either but trying to fuck up his relationship is no one’s place. If it’s meant to fall apart , it will.. if it’s not, it won’t. Tend to your own backyard psychopath.
#40 – Yar is an awesome person, I knew them once upon a time. If he fucked around on you chances are you were probably fucking around on him to begin with. Lots of luck with your drama . 🙂
He’s a nice guy for the most part but he is so much drama (Yar) don’t see why everyone is so shocked that he’s attracted this kind of negativity when he can’t even wait a matter of days before jumping in with the next girl after telling the last one they’re his everything and he doesn’t want to date ever again… It’s not a way to treat people or himself for that matter. He’ll know who I am from reading this. I’m not perfect either but for his own sanity, he needs to slow down. He’s with a nice looking girl now, hope it sticks, I really do, because as I said before, for the most part, he is a nice guy and it would be great to see him settled and happy.
LAWL, Pot calling the kettles black? what has he gone through you all now and shits starting to hit the fan? Oh wait no that’s still all just bull shit blubber you all dumped outta your cum holes last week. Go do what you whores do best and beg for a cock to ride. You all know that alt is your own fucking friend right? Dumb slut couldn’t get attention so she had to make some drama up to get some.
Bye thundercunts.
You all still flapping your gums about Skyler? Maybe its you lot that have the obsession with her not the other way around because is all anyone ever sees or hears is all you little basic bitches blaming her for your problems yet shes barely even around. Move on for fuck sake and find someone else to blame or perhaps it’s you lot that are so pathetic in your dull as lives you can’t even bear the thought of her actually being happy.
Okay everyone needs to back the fuck off of indulge once more, do you have proof they hire dudes? If so show us the proof otherwise keep your little ass shut ☺️ And FYI trans girls and not dudes ?
“And FYI trans girls and not dudes” will you be applying for maternity leave when you get pregnant?
Pregnant? Wtf?
“Transgirls are girls no matter what” so you therefore can do EVERYTHING a girl can right?
Seriously Theodoric. Transgirls are GIRLS. Period. Even if they don’t have a period. In fact woman with vaginas sometimes don’t have periods and can’t have children. Therefore they won’t ever apply for maternity leave. Your logic is ridiculous.
Here’s my not really worth 2 cents on the issue. I’ve dated mostly straight men (there was 1 in the closet in HS, but we didn’t last but a few weeks) and everyone I have dated probably wouldn’t get so angry if they voice sexed (because let’s face reality here, I know it is hard, but keep with me) if you have sex within Second Life – it is just basically text or voice sex. Your physical bit parts NEVER touch.
If you have text/voice sex with someone who you discover is transgender later and you didn’t like it then try telling the person simply, “I am not into you” and moving on. Although, I would say almost every one of the men I know wouldn’t get the level of ridiculous upset people are getting over this person if this happened to them. They also wouldn’t care. I can pretty much figure that most of them wouldn’t bother stopping if they were in the physical with someone and it got to sexytimes.
Anyway, my TL;DR is: Don’t be an asshole.
i disagree with that completely. most straight guys i know are horrified at the thought of possibly virtual with a rl dude. for whatever reason, it makes them feel like they are a little bit gay. they want to know that the person they are stroking it to has the parts they are attracted to, even if there aren’t going to be any rl physical bits touching. i know three or four who have been catfished and found out that they’d been with someone with manparts.. and they were very grossed out and angry about it. just putting that out there.
Obviously the people I hang around with, and also my buddies from college, all were pretty open minded and didn’t care.
Or they were cagey about how they feel. It isn’t like society encourages men to open up about their feelings in the same way that women can. Society encourages men to hide their feelings, not bare them out for the world to see. As I mentioned earlier, you are a female and it is difficult for you to understand how we think and process things. I don’t expect you to understand us, and quite frankly trying to understand us is likely to end up in misconceptions. The inverse is true too. I do not know what it is like to be a woman because I’m not one, so I wont go around pretending that I understand how a woman thinks. You’ll find out that there are a number of straight men are in fact grossed out at being catfished like this. They may not say it, they may even brush it off, but they are grossed out.
And you just giving us traffic. When I was on here I got all new clients and such! So thank you SL secrets! ? we appreciate you for giving us guys who love all kinds of women as for you “dudes”. Oh honey don’t get mad cause our dicks were bigger then yours and we had you bent over in a second #eatyourcake #indulgesiren #transisequal ??
Lol PeachesIsTrans comes home after a long day at work (if you work), gets changed, grabs something to eat, then scurries to the computer to quickly log on SL to attach a virtual cock and jump on some pose balls to dance for the “computer customer” such is the day of a virtual cockster…..
Okay but I don’t have a cock on SL XD I’m transgender in rl and SL I’m a woman. Transgirls are girls no matter what. Your comment made no sense. Your saying I’m a transgirl only on SL XD
#39- Well I can tell you , I know her personally and “HE” doesn’t hide the fact he is a male behind the avi. Hell he even goes on voice so you can hear. Get the stick out of your ass and leave him be. He isn’t 16 years old, nor catfishes. He’s the most realest and brutally honest person I know. We know who made the secret, but come on ? 16? That would of made him 10 years old in rl and I highly doubt his parents would let him join Secondlife. He is fixing to graduate college and achieving things, so how about you take your lying petty ass somewhere cause all you did was just made us laugh at this than anything. STACY I LOVE YOU BOO!!!!
Just setting this down here: You don’t need (and shouldn’t use) “most” before “realest”.
I think you are brilliant!
#17 i have had the unfortunate pleasure of knowing this guy, not only is he ‘pedo’ he’s been called out for that before. He has a number of alts i think i counted at least 7 two of whom where child avi’s. He claims to be a singer in SL & RL, claims to have performed on stage with a number of famous people when in actual fact he just simply steals others work from youtube then ‘performs’ it in SL. of course due to his disability it is pre-recorded with his *band* hahaha. He claims to have lost a child in RL and will happily show you her photo when in reality it is a very much living daughter of one of his relatives (how sick can you get). He claims to have cancer, be almost dying blah blah blah, yes he is disabled in RL that is about the only truth in all this sick guy says
It is so true, He has more issues and more stories than Walt Disney, Not only a pathological liar, but a scumbag, It’s like every other week, his daughter died, then his son, then his mom, oh then his son again, Must be one of those Pixar movie affects coming back from resurrection over and over. Claims to be a singer, which he is not, the REAL singer was found! The singers voice is NOT remotely close to his. Any musician will know the pitch and temper of the voice is so off and NOT the same person, So yea, he is busted like the used condems found in a soiled bathroom in a poor neighborhood. Karma is a bitch my friend and your caught! He is a liar and stay away from him like the plague, Who knows you may catch something! Oh and shoutout to his sister Acey Lockheart, another troll under the bridge and story teller. Scumbags stick together like pond scum so it’s a great match. Have a lovely day!
46: I find her pretty rad actually.
48: They choked on their own nasty, toxic, shitty, dumb, disgusting arrogance and died?
The only thing we need to do now is make this site bigger and better than ever!!
I’ll never get why some people love to come and whine like the little crybaby bitches they are.
If you don’t like a certain spot can you not simply just stop going there?
Girls and boys try to suck it up maybe? Get over the dick that Lance rejected you maybe? Dude’s clearly not interested in you or your asses.
Sounding like a broken record week after bloody week bitching about Lance and FMD just makes it obvious that you’re just salty and butthurt.
But you stalk his flickr, his profile, who he partnered, his club, his events, themes, what he typed, what he said on voice; then you run to SL Secrets to post about it like you’re breaking news. Wake the fuck up. No one gives a fuck about your FMD “secrets”.
It’s a sex club not a hospital. You’re only helping make FMD and Lance more popular.
While I don’t want anyone to leave this planet, and I love and care for each of you … Killing yourself over Second Life is like killing yourself because your character didn’t get a job promotion in The Sims.
Each week there’s a certain amount of negativity, shit-slinging and he-said-she-said bullshit (Limp Bizkit represent!), and sure – lies told about you may be hurtful. But remember, anything spoken against you is spoken against your VIRTUAL CHARACTER, unless you allow people into your real life as a choice. If someone is talking shit, they’re not talking about the real you. Getting called a pedophile in a videogame doesn’t mean you’re a pedophile. Being called a two-faced cock-jumping slut in a video game doesn’t mean that’s what you do in the real world.
If you are that concerned about the reputation of your Second Life avatar, and are truly impacted by rumors and innuendo and shitposts and nonsense like that about someone that is not REAL, maybe it’s time to turn the computer off. Go out in the sunshine. Go play with your kids. Take a walk, ride a bike, have some fun. There’s more to life than a virtual world once it starts impacting you like that.
Oakley is the only individual i know on sl that if i hear she got hit by a bus and died my reaction would be “ehh” and just keep on sipping my coffee.
btw scroll all the way down to find Oakley commenting under the name “Derp”
getting BTFO
She’s a true obese scammer hoe same here
One thing about SL Secrets, other than it’s funny to read and I still ignore most of the relationship drama that most bring onto themself… is that the comments sections, 99% of the comments are by people I am very glad to not know. Just saying. The behavior is like listening to a bunch of junior high students fighting. Thus why, I like standing on my platform and not go around to other locations much.
Thank you Lourdes for showing me who to avoid! I’m sorry your not barely logged into SL anymore avatar got banned, People are silly
“The behavior is like listening to a bunch of junior high students fighting. ” because honestly that’s what this website is… lol
You are an idiot. You’re commenting in every thread and you dare to use the word ignore?
You’re the junior high student, you clearly love drama that’s why nobody hangs with you in that platform.
Stay there forever
You obviously didn’t read what I said properly. No one hangs out on my platform because everyone is banned from it. Go read again. Comprehension seems to not be a skill you’ve acquired. When you read what you want out of it instead of what was said, the only one that looks silly here is you
@RespectYourCustomers….yes…lmao is certainly proving that they cannot actually read. There is a big difference between reading words and comprehending the words you read smh
Very true
that’s what people everyone hates say so they can feel better
do your thing, luv
we all know this is you <3
@lmao…I’m pretty sure that gif suits you a lot better. Js
You just keep proving my point about you, I am embarrassed for your parents
#39 – I’ve only known her for a short amount of time, but there’s no way in Hell she’s 16. She also doesn’t hide the fact that she’s actually a male? Her Facebook has pictures of herself on it? I’ve heard her voice? Get a life, lol. Leave innocent people alone.
23) – lol, that’s the sims
3000 ls a shape loooool
Linden Lab can be so retarded at times, how come Marie2 Cisse, the biggest cancer of Second Life hasn’t been banned after conning, blackmailing and copybotting hundreds of designers throughout the years but you’ve been banned, like, lol, what’s the logic
So yea about #43 & 44
I haven’t a clue who this lance guy is and don’t really give 2 squirty shits about him! However, I do hope that the pixel dick is so good that he shoots a load full of inspiration up her ass or wherever and however she likes to take it because her clothes are drastically vanilla and boring as fuck. Not to mention she took a dress from 2015 that she made and sold it in this past April’s Black fair event. All she did was change the name of the dress, how lazy and pathetic! That shit should have been up on the walls at the Freeby Dove right above a pair of free sparkling shoes. So yea I hope this lance guy fucks her long & strong and oh so well & very swell. Pffff
2015 Dress
2018 Black fair recycled Dress
If you’re a designer and you do this shit at least let your customers know so that they’re aware that they’re about to walk around looking like a step above the noob in the pink polka dot noob dress if they decide they wanna buy that shit.
I don’t know who this Lance guy is but he has tattoos on his hair.
I wonder why the 2015 models’ faces needed to be hidden. It’s the commenter’s attention for their privacy I’m sure
The models face is hidden because it isn’t meant to bring attention to the model, but to the designer and the designer’s lazy work. But if you’re really that curious about the model then all you have to do is do your research. The picture is obviously still available on Flickr for all to see and something tells me that the model probably hasn’t gone back to edit a picture and it’s background from 2015 between yesterday and today. It really isn’t rocket science at all sir’mam.
same texture…. DIFFERENT DRESS…. wow…. all you have to do is look for a few seconds
Oh yes I stand to be corrected!
The 2015 version is wrinkled as fuck while the 2018 version looks like it had a Black&Decker ran over it really fast before the polyester burned, my bad pffff.
So with that being said, same unimaginative shit with the same boring ass texture minus the church lady wrinkles in the 2018 version. I guess she needed a do over so that you kaithleens fans will look crisp the second time around.
Point proven, yet still unproven!
Next case!
She does seem to like recycling..
I can recall a time of her whining on Facebook about not being accepted into events and how she works sooo hard. But now that she’s made it into the “BIGTIME” she does this whole recycling thing. I always thought the goal was to go forward and not backwards once you’ve made it but hey then again what do I know?!
I’m just a spectator looking in making sure that I don’t buy that shit.
Well well what to expect from a semi professional “designer”, the clothes are boring and often remind me on the full perm stuff you can get at MP.. be sure to demo it first, you will have a laugh..
And 3000 L for a shape?!
Yeah sure you don’t want clones, too bad that shape looks exactly like 90% of the catwa users..
#23…. why is sims 4 in a SL blog thing? XD
I was wondering the same thing
#7 Only person that’s stupid is the person who believed this was a man in the first place. You really asked for it yourself. Any time a person won’t get on voice or cam… there’s a reason. You’re just gullible and posted it on SL secrets for all of us to laugh at just how gullible you are.
And sometimes the reason is they don’t want to get on voice/cam in a virtual world that is supposed to be pretendy fun time. I know I feel asking for those things is demanding I drag my real life into a hobby I have to get away from real life and I don’t really like it. I’m insecure about how I look.
Then again, I don’t do relationships or sex so no reason TO see my RL self.
This is the Fox News of SL. #33 Fake news. I know her personally and she is not transgender, but wouldn’t matter if she was. She happens to be a very smart, educated and lovely young woman with a bright future outside of SL. Suck it, Haters! Kthxbi
She shouldn’t worry about it, or he. Doesn’t matter what gender they are, people are just dramatic and bent out of shape over something minor. Thus, our society is this way all over and it’s seeping into SL big time. Majority of female avatars are male and vice versa. It’s SL, you do what you want. Same with MMO games, most of those females are males too. Who cares? The people upset over it, need to grow up… they aren’t in junior high
Down votes make me sad for society, because there must be something wrong with you when you respect people for who they are when they aren’t abusing others. Good to know. Society in SL, seems to be going downhill and fast. It’s disturbing how hateful people are these days. Downvote more, you just prove my point.
bitch you came back to check your upvotes and downvotes lmao

you talking about the decline in sl society yet you’re still here commenting and getting hurt by people downvoting your ass to oblivion
you like a pizza cutter, all edge no point
I’m hurt by it? Nah, it just shows how a group of people will gang up on something like a bunch of girly cheerleaders helping the captain because her boyfriend left her for someone else. Petty. I saw the downvotes all over this site today, I dont care if I get them or not. You need to find your adult card, probably in that back dumpster.
Btw, it’s not me that looks bad here, your attitude is juvenile.
You’re becoming a legend haha
The only fake news is her pussy or lack thereof lmao
The 1st price has to be for thay guy that breaks up by notecard genious at least he makes sure they get the message haha
Also who is Lance and why so many girls are feeling always so hurt I think Lance should have used the notecard system mentioned before lol
I am that guy…for fucks sakes haha.. this shit was brought to my attention froma friend. I was like holy fucking butt hurt.
7.) Your totally right. I’ve heard her on voice and she catfished a friend.
#34 As a previous employee of the club I can say that honestly you posting something about it brings in traffic. So kudo’s to you for getting people in the door! As for the ‘dudes’ you mentioned all I can say is that while MOST HOMOPHOBIC and TRANSPHOBIC asshats are going to be against this, people like Phe are setting a standard of the ladies being clear in their profile and ratecards about being trans. So omg get a tissue cause you had an orgasm to a transgender female. Shame on you for making this the issue when everyone around SL is slow! Shame on you! Now get your fucking cake and eat it, yummy! #BitchEatYourCake
I don’t get the paranoia men have over a virtual sex partner being trans. I mean.. there’s no real sex going on, just words and pixels.
It’s the fact that these guys did not do their homework when they needed to wank and ended up with a trans is what got them bothered. You guys are so hung up on having internet relations with a transgender you forget no one pulled that cock out of your pants but you. You chose to have pixel sex, you chose to not to get to know the other person better. All of it is your fault. It would be entirely different if you guys had a long relationship with plans of meeting up and having actual sex. If not then move on. Porn is eveywhere on the internet and if you need some human interaction when you jerk it use chaturbate or chat roulette but please…DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.
Of course you don’t get it, you’re a woman. It’s just like we don’t get why you females get so emotional all the time, or why you say stuff you don’t really mean.
Because, they aren’t really men. Real men on SL don’t exist 99% of the time anyway. Maturity and attitude make males more of a man, and going through all the comments on here… there aren’t any that are responding for the most part. Just kids
Preach bitch #peachesstilllovesyou #letthemeatcake they are just jealous cause transgirls are hotter then their rl girls they try to fuck XD
Good grief, so much aggression! So this is what happens when you mix Testosterone with hormone replacement therapies
Yup I’m a fucking cunt and I’ve always been like this, hormones make it more classier to say I’m allowed to be a cunt ?
You aren’t classy at all, you aren’t a cunt either. Just not an adult, and bragging about obviously false information of “12 sugar daddies”.
hahahhaa, yeah Peaches? Is that why for most of your escorting career you were pretending to be a RL woman? Then when it came out that you’re just a dude with a female avi, you became SO proud to be trans. And save the bullshit blah blah – about a month ago we went over your previous ratecards at other clubs (although you denied working at them until I offered receipts and you vanished).
I’m sorry that you jumped on the Indulge bandwagon and paid for so many photos just for the club you’re so proud of to fail. It has to sting when you’re standing around an empty building but at least you made lots of friends… which seems to be about all you made because making money wasn’t an option.
#thegirlsatIndulgeatetoomuchcakeandshouldtryasalad #menandmenopauseatIndulge #stupidpeopleloveusinghashtagsonsitesthatdontsupporthashtags
You can say all you want but I’m on SL for friends and fun, I’m sorry your life is so pathetic you can’t say this to my face in world it’s truly sad that you think any of this affects me at all, while I have 12 rl sugar daddies and everything paid for me, and I’m a woman, get over it sorry my dick must have been bigger then yours cause clearly you have a cock up your ass as I always say to bigots and pathetic lowlifes like yourself sir your little ass down and drink you apple juice xoxo… oh and by the way I’m always in world so feel free to inbox me..if your actually a girl running a club 😉 ? watch what you say sweetie
With those 12 sugar daddies, how the fuck do you have time for SL? Someone be tellin’ lies
Not that you were responding to me, however a few notes on your little rant:
1. Saying this to you “in-world” is not saying it to “your face.”
2. You don’t have 12 RL sugar daddies. You wouldn’t be whoring for shekels in a videogame if you did.
3. Quoting yourself is obnoxious.
Try harder, work harder.
Actually I do. So…I have all my bills paid like I said I go on SL for fun and entertainment.
I don’t understand why the fact I support the LGBTQ community in my club and hiring policies is such an issue. The sad fact is many trans women in sl feel that they have to lie about who they are to be hired in many clubs .. not all but Many.. At Indulge we just allow them to be themselves and make sure its out in the open for ethical reasons so guests know exactly what they are purchasing… I have gotten a lot of flack for this policy but really in the long run we all know that all over the grid in strip/escort clubs with men (not even trans women but actual men) behind the avies.. at Indulge because I personally verify each girl MYSELF.. I guarantee you are getting exactly what they claim to be. All my girls are female and as for our Trans Sirens they are required to have it posted on their profile as well as their rate card. I can’t speak for other clubs but this is how we do things at Indulge. I am sorry Brothel you had such a bad time in my establishment that you feel the need to bash it and my employees on such a regular basis… I would love the opportunity to get some feedback from you about the time you spent at Indulge so I can see where perhaps we can improve. Please feel free to reach out to me in world as you know name I should be easy to get in touch with. We work hard at Indulge to constantly improve.. recently a few things weren’t working so we changed.. I hope you will give us a chance in the future to change your mind .. And as for the person who posted about… Read more »
According to the secret, at least **something** is bringing in traffic!
As a side note, you want to know how I immediately know someone is dumber than a box of rocks? They use hashtags in scenarios where they serve no purpose.
Funny its a joke on the person who posted the original secret.
….but thanks for trying bobby.
My apologies for not understanding in-jokes from what appears to be a washed-up, passé escort club.
#15/16 – I understand the instinct to defend people who are in a place where their fragility puts them at risk to hurt themselves. That being said, is this really the place for it? It’s a site that peddles in secrets and mud slinging for everyone to enjoy who derives entertainment from participating as a bystander. It’s not a site to build people up. I can guarantee that those gestures of good will are falling on deaf ears and are just being scrolled by. If you’d like to be helpful to individuals who are pushed to suicide then help them directly. Kindness and good words delivered to the effected parties matter more than a half-ass attempt on a gossip rag site.
Though in total fairness, nothing is stopping you from submitting. There’s also the (very) small consolation that it’s not more pedo secrets. Can we pick a new thing? I’m voting for “flasher in RL”.
#38 I don’t get it, but i can’t stop laughing at it! WTF LOL
We should set up a go fund me for the site to keep it going to help out.
OMG what a brilliant idea and we should tell everyone in SL hold a fundraiser at least it would be going to a REAL cause and not a fake one ~
If anyone is curious how much this site costs to run – feel free to ask. I’ll happily tell you since I pay the bill. What can’t be put in the cost, though, is the Linux administration that is required.
There’s been a few requests for things that I will need to purchase (emojis for example someone has requested) that cost 20-50 bucks a piece (emoji’s are 20 bucks addon) and depending on what my bills are during the month depends on if we get that feature.
All in all there’s 85 dollars of features I want to add onto the comments that must wait a while. For example – flagging and reporting (like craigslist had), being able to tag and alert other users if you mention them in a comment, emojis (already mentioned), advanced like features (giving users reputations/badges/etc), and maybe comment searching (not included in the price, but something I’m interested in looking into).
Anyway, the order of how these are implemented depends on if we agree on implementation. Somethings sound good (like flagging and reporting) but then we think it would be a pain in the ass too.
Now if we can only get the comments to go under the actually secret ,,that would be awesome!!
would make it easier to keep up with all the various conversations
I really like this idea a lot. Or maybe a way to flag the starting comments in a comment chain with the secret number in a sort of header on it or something.
Is it possible? Maybe/probably. I don’t think I will be able to do that without redesigning the whole layout. But food for thought, because I either invest with cash into this comments plugin I’m currently using or do something else.
some of those features sound really nice and I’d love to see them here… dayum on the prices though so yeah if you do some kind of thing where we can make donations to help improve the site and get little things like that I’ll be there to donate what I can. 😀
Thank you! We are planning maybe a donation thing. The cost is not the issue, you can’t host a site like virtual-secrets on some 5 dollar a month dreamhost plan, it’s not possible with the amount of traffic. I learned this the hard way as I used to run Metavirtual which was a categorized blog aggregator running about 1900 blogs when I shut it down. The debate is purchasing plugins means you are married to the comment system. I need some time to think, I’m very commitment phobic. 😉
But but what about all the blank spots and silly lies? You can easily find a cost of specific domain and hosting plan … that would make it a real, real thing and no one wants that 🙁 .
huh? you don’t think this site is free, do you? There are costs in maintaining this website whether it is on a monthly basis or yearly it is not free.
And here I thought Lourdes projected all the secrets straight from her brain… No one would give money to a reasonable and proven cause… (on serious note: I doubt she needs help with hosting funds but plenty websites do run on donations when it comes to user based contribution communities and that fact makes it a potential and rational fundraiser unlike all others mentioned in last weeks).
And you still havent learn about fundraisers
19.) Awww IGNO (ignotuspevereli), you are finally famous FMD. I will have to remember to get your autograph next time I see you in world. Perfect picture of the FMD finest loser’s. Lance you should hang this one in the club, oh wait you dont even know how to decor you hire people for that. I personally know everyone is this photo…Funny I will defend them with the fuckboy comment tho….None of them have game….NONE….So old news!
Would love to see Lance’s ugly ass on all 4’s and throw him a bone. What a cute lil puppers he would make.
Oh no a booth for FMD! That’s going to affect all the people who still shopped here anyway
Ultra has been low quality for a long time now.
That’s how the clusterfuck Keely Mistwood got hired as the blogger manager, way to go to make it worse.
She’s probably fucking that waste of space Romina Godde…which amuses the hell out of me considering she once said Keely was the biggest whore in SL and that she could not stand her. But then again, Romina is a using, manipulative, lying whore herself, so Keely will end up fucked up and fucked over like everyone else Romina has used and abused over the years soon enough, and karma will return the favor and bite back soon enough.
really sucks that ppl like Lourdes get banned from sl and the nasty ass people and the pedophiles of the world like Danno get to roam free and wreak havoc.
in my mind i renamed him to Denno so it rhymes with Pedo. neat huh? xD
wish you didn’t have to lay low so we can laugh at ur pitiful comments screaming “IM INDEED A PEDO!”
then again your probably busy being your good ‘ol pedo self. when you should really be locked up with the other pedos.
You are a bit slow, “Danno is a pedo” was last week.
#39 – This is completely false and idiotic. Stacy is not 16. Lets do the math y’all. 16, been in sl 6 years would mean he started SL at the sweet young age of 10. I don’t think so. He’s a college student, last I checked, 16 year olds were still in high school. Stacy is one of the most real people you will ever meet, 100% honest about who he is, catfishing no one. Frankie, Ryan or whatever sad name you go by these days, yeah I know you and Isaiah did this sad bullshit. I think the problem here is you are just trying to justify your actions over your time with Stacy’s family and the fact that Stacy rejected your advances. Now, you are screwing his ex… so tell me , dear , how do those leftovers taste on your overplumped fake lips?
Frankie seems to make a habit of dating “famelies” exes
Don’t bring my name in to this bullshit again. its bad enough that i even had to go through this the first time. when i found out he was a 16-17 year old boy in high school who robbed me of 2 years of my life. 100% honest ? Pfft i think not… besides this was 3- 4 years ago….i’ve heard he was older by now… still doesn’t make shit right ! I’ve moved on and always said Karma would come back to bite him in the ass for all the shit.
Correction. he was 13-14……doesn’t make me feel any better to say this because its just so fucking wrong. and i was in my mid 20’s! grosses me out to know that a Child Catfished me and wasted 2 years of my Life and Money. as for the left overs your talking about. yeah that’s my Fiancee! he tried to catfish her too a year after me and she saw through him and his Lies. that’s how We met and now were in RL and Happily living together.
Do don’t give me that 100% Honest crap….. we all know you and Stacy are 100% bullshit. there is no defending the actions of someone who has wronged so many.
Yo this is frankie, I don’t know why you’re commenting as me. I would like it if you didn’t when I’m the REAL Frankie and nor would i post to virtual-secrets about someone. Nor would i say anything about Stacy.
Apparently there is more then one of us who he messed around with. are you dating one of Stacy’s Ex’s as well? if so this is some twilight zone Bullshit. XD
one would think that there would have been some red flags and clues to the fact that he was a child in RL??? I am really wondering how a child could successfully catfish for so long…. wow is all I have to say. Sorry, it happened to you but still…. smh.
Yeah sadly he had friends who lied for him. -.- …..every time i asked people who knew him questions when i got weary. about things….. they would be like. ” Oh no Stacy’s a Girl! shes 27! ” or towards the end when i found out… “.. Well i can’t tell you! “…. Thats SL for ya right? people will lie for others!
#23 is not a picture from SL, I did a google search about diapers for Sims 4 and found the actual picture:
I call this FAKE!
I was about to say…ummm that is Sims4. I wasn’t sure if maybe they were trying to put a picture “like” him and not use his actual picture of they actually think this is someone in SL….
Laughing so hard at #23 being a screenshot from Sims!
Trans women are women and their genitalia is none of your fucking business. Trans women don’t owe you shit
How did you fuck her exactly? Genuinely curious. If you mean in SL it wouldn’t really matter what she had or didn’t have. Unless you guys were planning on hooking up for real, this really isn’t that big of a deal.
Then again ive seen a large number of people on here hung up over what people are/aren’t/look like in RL when they’re not taking any steps to move whatever connection they have into RL.
It’s just kinda strange.
Shhh, you are going to upset the shallow people who haven’t gotten to their adult stage yet
I’d feel rather cheesed off and slightly dirty too if I discovered I was having a cheeky wank to a tranny rather than a woman.
That’s you, most people really wouldn’t care.
You take SL sex way too seriously then. Most people don’t care, they are just looking at the avatar and not about the person in RL.
@RespectYourCustomers I don’t have sex on SL, I’m just saying if I did I would be grossed out if I found out I was getting off to a tranny. Not that I actually have to explain myself or justify myself to you.
What are you talking about? Most guys I know, meet the women first and want to see her in real life on skype BEFORE any type of relationship. There are too many older women who lie about their age and weight, and now more men wanna see the real deal first.
No one said you had to justify yourself Theordoric… lol
Too many men lie about the same thing, what’s your point? It’s SL, most SL relationships I know of, are only SL and most of those don’t care what the other looks like. I guess they are less shallow people than yourself. Kind of why I don’t care to date anyone on SL anymore, men are just as shallow as women and I prefer better minded people.
I knew someone too, that apparently was pretty good at faking who they were, with photos and talking too. I personally don’t care. MOST people however, don’t come on SL looking for someone to date. Most people that do, aren’t trustworthy to begin with. I prefer being a reasonable adult, not like a lot of the high schoolers commenting on here who sound like their relationships would be a bunch of emotional and verbal abuse, who needs someone to make THEM feel better about themself.
@M why don’t you go outside and find real pussy instead of virtual fucking?? Whats ur ailment?? lol gotta be a reason that u turn to cartoon snatch over a real hole so shut your trap. xD
It’s SL. If you expect every female to out who they are in RL, you are ridiculous. What’s better is, apparently whoever this person is.. is more grown up and adult than you are. What grade are you in?
Actually in that situation it still wouldn’t matter, though your comparison doesn’t add up. If they’re trans and they identify as a female, you’re complaining about the only aspect that has absolutely no impact on your digital hookup (their actual RL body). Mentally she is a female. She’s presenting herself exactly as she sees herself. In your example, you’re still a straight guy baiting girls.
At the end of the day however, it still has 0 bearing on someone getting their digital genitalia wet either way. People trolling for booty on SL have a weird sense of entitlement when it comes to watching pixel paper dolls bump uglies. If you’re not trying to hook up for real and they’re not specifically trying to trigger you then its time to build a bridge and get over it. You got pixel sex, so you got what you bargained for.
Unless like I said, you were trying to take that hook up further into RL somehow. Then sure, be upset.
Also no need for paranoia, I have no idea who she is. So rest easy buddy.
@me oh look if isn’t her brain dead partner commenting here and trying hard to turn the shame on M
dude you been catfished by a tranny
stfu and take the L like you take her cock
fuck you don’t jump inside a bus when you don’t where is heading every reasonable adult knows catfishing is fucked up so back to you, what fucking grade are you in? SJW?
“SJW” is the lame retort of someone out of ideas. So is snowflake so I’ll save you the trouble of that one too.
But seriously – what do you suggest is the solution here? That all of us women get “vagina verified” even if we aren’t interested in SL sex to satisfy straight men paranoid that they might bump pixels or express interest in someone who is transgender or male in real life? If Ingrid is a transwoman then she is a woman and even if she’s not, who cares? I’m just going to say again that unless you are planning to hook up in real life or are interested in a romantic relationship that it doesn’t matter. It’s words. It’s pixels. It’s fantasy. Most women find strange men online pressuring them to send RL pics or get on webcam extremely creepy and invasive.
If you don’t like the fantasy element of Second Life then maybe Second Life isn’t the place for you to have sexual flings.
Throw some punctuation in your words there, so it’s at least easier to read and I’ll come back to it.
@PocketSand: Precisely that. Unless you hook up with someone and they deceive you with malicious intentions – it is completely irrelevant, after all – do you wonder deeply about gender of every shop clerk or not close friends (even close friends could be not out to be fair)? If you do – whelp … that is creepy.
i’m with you M
it’s not up for debate and everybody is deserving of respect
i hope other straight men read this up and come forth because this is plain wrong.
M. Unless you are hooking up in RL? Doesn’t matter. You had sex with pixels. If you are so paranoid about RL appearance and avoiding transwomen, then don’t have sex in Second Life. It’s very simple and will protect the sanctity of your heterosexuality against the evil penises.
Either that or be sure to ask for webcam footage of their genitals. That’ll sure go over well, we women love men insisting we prove we have a vagina before they’ll even treat us like a friend. /sarcasm
You take SL way too seriously, go outside a bit into the real world. We don’t need your type of hate screwing up SL. It’s bad enough as it is right now. Your adult card probably fell out
Oh I just enjoy debate and I’m commuting right now so I am just throwing things out there for kicks. Calm down kid.
Now we could launch into a huge debate about straight men and traps and the psychology involved with it but let’s spare everyone else. My argument still stands however since you didn’t fuck anyone. At all. Perspective is lacking for you I think. If you’re feeling like your masculinity was somehow threatened, rest assured in telling yourself it was pretend avatar sex and it has no bearing on you as a person. You’re gonna be ok I promise and you’ll move on just fine. I hope that helps you find some peace in all this.
so yea PocketSand joining the debate here
You’re saying that we should respect Ingrid’s mind and feelings as a female even though she isn’t but in M’s case, which is something that happened in his mind as well as on his body (bet he had a hard on for Ingrid before knowing she was trans), is lacking perspective? COME ON lmao hypocrisy is strong with you
If we are to respect that Ingrid can be a woman in her mind we are also to respect M’s feelings. Both of them are human beings and deserving of it.
The baiting and double standards has to stop. btw if ya ask me to calm down, remember that i’m Canadian we’re all calm here
Had he not seen a picture of her, not a single thing would have changed for him because their interaction was limited to a virtual hook up. They weren’t trying to date or become intimate partners(Unless there’s more to this than he let on). In fact, this holds the same weight as if you jumped into chat roulette to get your rocks off and you do it with someone who lies about their gender and has no camera on. Nowhere at all was I discussing respecting a female’s mind or feelings. Her mind was only brought up to point out she wasn’t employing the kind of duplicity he was using in his example and that his hang up rests solely on something that has little to no bearing on their sexting. You read an awful lot into that. Its not a double standard in the slightest if one is literally asking why anyone’s RL gender or body or whatever has to do with virtual sex if its only that. Had it been flipped and he was a FtM and she was losing her mind I’d have the same questions. Heck, if it turned out he’d been a girl pretending to be a guy it still doesn’t matter. The two of them were looking for sexual gratification on a virtual platform and it was delivered. This sort of thing happens all the time. Had two of them actually been trying to connect beyond simply providing eachother erotica, then sure, yeah, go ahead and call foul. I think that’s what you’re more leaning into here, and its sounding like that’s not the case. Unless it is what was happening and he never clarified. And not everyone in Canada is calm friendo, that’s why we have people driving vans into people in Toronto.… Read more »