Welcome to virtual-secrets, week 504.
virtual-secrets: Week 504
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 334 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Good morning thanks for visiting us today. A few points:
1. No RL Pictures!! You can make your point without them. There are tons of comedic meme photos you can use to get your point across.
2. To the submitter of #7: just let it go or get psychological help. Over 10 submissions of the same secret over 7 days screams mental instability.
3. No racial slurs.
Commenters: Pick one name and email and stick with it. I realize you like to change names to get your point across in your replies, but every change puts your comments in moderation unless you’ve commented previously. I then have to manually approve your comment. Guess what? I’m not doing it today. I plan to spend my Sunday gaming and cooking, not constantly checking the moderation queue.
Have a good Sunday.
#17 – I have to agree with this. They’re just on alts hiding thinking not one person knows where they’re at. Alex and Lexxi live in Second Life cheating on their men in real life. That will never change and neither will they.
Please explain to me if this sad idiotic story begins in August in Oklahoma City where this poor dog was attacked how did she, her son and the dog get to PA. Then in February she starts getting complaints from neighbors about this dog. “Valor was removed from her home and other tragic events followed.” Having no funds, no car again but she is now in PA and from all accounts is residing in a very nice house, then as it says “I was having a day off and ended up being removed by a constable while my son was at school” a day off from what am wondering. Sadly it is now almost the end of April as the event took place on the 21st yet no thank you’s to any designers that should of been shouted by her on her FB page, a huge sign posted on her Flickr account and whatever other accounts she has like oh yes Snapchat with the comment thank you to everyone who helped me con/scam each of you out of 8K minus the fees. The money that went into this event, the website created and all the lies that were created I truly hope the person that took this on realizes that most of SL will NEVER contribute to another personal fundraisers at least I sincerely wish that. Again a community came together only to find out this story is a huge fiasco where lies, lies and more lies have been told because nothing that has been said, explained is truth.
Hopefully people stop supporting this Oakley Foxtrot , Pizza and Apple , aka women who think they are their avatar because they are losers in reals. Just watch, more info will come out about this scam. Oaklahoma to Pennsylvania, just stopping along the way for Jeni/V to have sex with someone from SL. Close your legs to married men fat ass.
Octagon is a bonafide mental. She used to rent on my sim and she was upset she wasn’t on the larger shop sim right next door to where her parcel bordered so she would grief everyone in the other sim and when i would approach her about it she would say “But why can’t i have my store THERE?” I mean she sold cheap trinket shit like plastic colored sunglasses, party hats, etc and we were talking about mainstream stores she wanted to set shop up by. Years later i am finding she is helping to run arcade and other shit and stealing these events from the original people and guys who had them. I have no doubt that somehow Pizzicato is up to no good through this shit.
So any updates on vanity’s living situation? Is she still sleeping on the floor or did she get back into the 7k apartment?
I am pretty sure we will have any news, perhaps some thanks blablablabla… because the only people knowing her are sl people so….. plus i am pretty sure i have seen this picture long ago via facebook, asking help for the little boy, help to pay chirurgy bill or something around.picture shared many times of course
omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg lol the plot thickens… now im starting to get pissed@ prior asking for help … ive made it a thing to not even click the galleries on seraphim for fundraisers anymore so i have zero temptation but seeing this isnt the first cry for help proves my point.. keep helping those who wont help themselves. How much money was raised for her cause given by people with real fucking problems?? Sucking up all the awwww sick child.. cold floor.. stabbed dog…10 mins to leave. Comeon Karma we need you
So let’s get this straight, she stays at home and earns a pittance making hairpieces for a game, has relatives, but also the child is in school all day and she refuses to look for a job. Then her messed up mental mind decides to have sex with a man she met online. This woman needs to close her legs, get off the computer and get a job. Make her son proud of her, instead of being known as the handout family.
no no.. see i think ur thinking of the vanity i originally thought too .. the hair store.. lol.. no this is poses
which would make it even more impossible to survive on that money
I should hope not. If she is a single mom, she should be getting child support payments from the boys father.
You mean the loser she hooked up with from SL and got pregnant by?
She Really sounds like a wack job now.
I will not be sending any items to the blogger groups of these two events where they offered entry as a prize. They do not own my designs, they are basically trying to hand out my items for free without asking me. It sucks but Peter will just have to pay for Paul.
Even though that is so gonna suck for my fellow Bloggers and I who earned their spot and are the ones who have quotas to fulfill vs the one person who is there for the freebies. I don’t blame you one bit; They may have had the ability to give that prize but it doesn’t mean they should have. The blogger pools are a service that they are providing and not a freebie basket to give to whoever they feel like. I totally understand and in many ways commend you for opting out of that service. I guess in the end many bloggers will be the ones holding the bag of the fundraiser aftermath.
Still no notice about this wonderful not-a-scam-legitimate-charity to the designers part of some of these events. Not even a “Thank you for helping”.
Unless you’ve been closely following all this drama, you’d never know this was going on. I hope word spreads around.
None of this matters because the event is over and V already got the money… All we can do now is hope its spent well.
@ #1 poster, if you’re expecting Jamie to ever change… well the answer is on her mask.
Lmao truest shit!
so on this vanity thing – why is no one questioning the handwritten note from the landlord?
it says the rent is $3400, and then additional utilities are $2700 and water/sewage is $1200. who the fuck has a $1200 water bill and $2700 in utilities, when the whole amount of back rent is only $3400? i have a huge yard with a sprinkler system, and the highest water bill i’ve ever had is a couple hundred bucks when i ran the sprinklers all month.

none of this adds up.
also, that faq page says that she has sought help through public/private services, but it was said here that she was unwilling to go to them because of “pride”.
and all of the legalese in that faq is also cracking me up – was that shit just copy/pasted from some findlaw site? haha
After reading this I had to go back to her “Faq” page because well I didn’t really get past the home page when I smelled the stench of scam. It still doesn’t make any sense and a handwritten letter just doesn’t cut it; I want to see legal paperwork that is notarized. And, really? so the actual “tenant” is being sued because he owes the money so why is the landlord kicking her out and scribbling on a piece of paper she has to pay but at the same time saying “they can work out an arrangement for her to be the tenant”. That isn’t exactly starting on the right foot for renting from the guy … Why isn’t he letting her stay and drawing up paperwork for a lease to start at that “10 min” and get the back rent through the tenant who actually owes that money legally? Now, as far as whether or not she actually sought out services but no answers verses it being said here she declined due to pride. When it comes down to it there is this whole who do I believe more and I hands down side with Lourdes who said further down… “I also mentioned the services through churches, the Catholic Charities, United Way blah blah. I even called a friend who works with one of those organizations to try and see if she could help. Help was offered. She declined and said pride was the reason.”… Sorry Jennie your story & explanations just sound like you are lying through your teeth no matter how I look at it. I’m pretty sure some of HopeforV supporters will assume my bias and disbelief stems from the whole backlash of the Rose scandal but that is far from what it is… First off,… Read more »
precisely @ coffeebreak .. i think secrets ate 1 of my posts but you pretty much said what i did. The landlord can’t get paid twice that letter says ‘unless the lawsuit is settled’. If she has no contract with the landlord but the landlord MUST have with someone with a rent to own home agreement the landlord should look at her like a new tenant. Whats messed up is they enable the bs by making believe we’re just hating when its quite obvious that it makes no sense. Testimonials after testimonials from strangers people you hang out with as a cartoon character.. a REAL FRIEND would instead of trying to fix a money problem – with money – because anyone with 1/2 a brain would know thats a no no would instead help her .. help her call these places.. help her figure out a plan…thats what a friend does.. a friend doesn’t make an event and have everyone else fund the occasion so shes able to come hangout in virtual clubs all day/night. Its been 3 weeks the story said since it happened if her sons in school which was said it would have been perfect timing for a mothers hours job. I find it extremely extremely hard to believe that a store with 85 poses (and many not new) is making ends meet with all those bills. I would bet my life on it. but you can be the judge https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/114204 and that letter in the FAQ if that was authentic why would he write it out and bring it over without getting it notarized before handing it over… like carrying groceries .. why make 2 trips especially with it being important for both of them. I think the 1st testimonial from Alixxbella said it right..not sure… Read more »
This is four months of rent and utilities unaccounted for. The break down and total makes sense to me given the state this dispute is in and the time of year when it is cold.
Actually, the FAQ is written in layman’s terms.
also.. $1200.00 in WATER?? cold weather would have nothing to do with that, her water bill wouldn’t be $300/mo.
why are you making excuses for her? also.. did she not have utilities in her name? did she not see any kind of past due notices? for FOUR MONTHS?
and why wouldn’t the landlord treat her like a new tenant, have her pay a deposit and first month’s rent like any other landlord would, and then sue the previous tenant who supposedly got money from her already.
this is total bullshit.
Omg so much yes right there @Amanda I couldn’t quite put my finger on why the letter with the utilities bothered me as much as it did but what you wrote reminded me of a few things.
1st the utilities bill should never be that high even in a huge house in the winter seasons. Usually the only things effected are the heating & electricity bills but not by that much.
2nd if the utilities are either in a lump sum attached to the basic rent fee and it would be as follows “$850/month utilities included” or the utilities are separate and one would be paying each of those bills not to the landlord but to the companies themselves so she wouldn’t owe a dime to him for those.
There is no reason she should be paying him for utilities and if it is “True” then that landlord is one shady bastard and she shouldn’t have been renting the the place to begin with.
i guess its safe to say she don’t dont pay bills… to anyone.. of any kind
i dont know where you live that 4 months of utilities costs almost $4000.00. that would have to be a pretty big house she’s living in. the utilities are more than the rent.
yeah makes TOTAL sense /s
and yes.. totally written in layman’s terms and not c/p from some kind of findlaw shit
“Pennsylvania law permits the use of prohibitions on subletting and assignments with rental agreements. A standard rental contract will typically have a permissive provision and nullity”
“While someone may point out state and even Federal remedies under the Fair Housing Act, none of those apply because there is no privity of contract between the landlord and a sublessor”
sounds like every day layman’s conversation to me lol
Okay now im even more weary but because if she wasnt the tenant offically.. why does the landlord even have an issue with her???? lol she wouldnt owe him anything the other person would because her contract is supposedly null and void as a sub-leaser… The beginning of that letter sounds like if its the landlord hes trying to help her.. then why make her pay something???? if he has NO CONTRACT WITH HER??? this is craziness at its finest like they gotta pick a story and fucking stick to it.. it has to be 1 of the other. they cant say u had no contract but ill honor just this piece. thats a bunch of bullshit..
and suddenly no talk of the dog.. which was the initial problem from jump
Since someone mentioned Google in a previous post please read the following regarding “squatters” and this is coming from Pennsylvania “An “ejectment” is the process for getting rid squatters. Squatters are people who are trespassing on your property and have never had a lease with you or anyone else. They basically just move into your property.
An “eviction” is for someone who you have a lease with, that the tenant has breached. For example, the tenant failed to pay rent, has too many people on the property, is violating the terms of the lease, etc.
If you have a lease with a tenant, the process for eviction is relatively fast, cheap, and simple. You simply file Complaint in the Philadelphia Municipal Court. The Municipal Court sets a date the second you file, usually about a month out. The hearing lasts for about 20 minutes. The filing fee is $83, and the court arranges service of process for you. On average it takes about 3 months to evict a tenant. If the tenant appeals the Municipal Court’s decision, the case is streamlined and usually heard within a few weeks before a judge.
However, ejectments are handled in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas. The Court of Common Pleas is a “trial court” and usually reserved for cases that could involve a jury trial. ”
Either way no one can just come and tell you that you have 10 minutes to get out ~
Once an eviction lockout occurs, the sheriff forces any occupant off the property. 10-20 minutes is standard. In this case, the landlord has already gone through the three month court process and won the unlawful detainer lawsuit and was granted a writ.
I also disagree that the eviction process is fast or, consequently, cheap. That is three months of guaranteed lost rent. Perhaps that is not too bad in places like Pennsylvania, but I’m sure it’s three times more the amount of money lost in states like New York or California.
Oh Shaco you must seriously think am gonna buy you bullshit because I think if you are going to keep up with these lies first you need to get them correct. The story said and let me quote “He came in, told me we had 10 minutes to grab what we could and vacate. That the owner of the property was filing for eviction/removal” so again get your facts straight as there was no “eviction lockout” As a former Resident Manager no Sheriff, no Landlord can first come into the home without a “legal document” there are too many inconsistencies in this bogus made up scam. “So, we weren’t able to take much, I don’t have a car so it was one suitcase filled mostly with my son’s school uniforms, autism support papers and a couple outfits I could grab and the dog” The fact that the word “we” keeps popping up makes me curious who else was living there as the child was at school. “My computer, most of our clothing and everything is still in the house and we’re not allowed back in until the owner of the property gets at least half of what he wants” Reality in any evictions all said property of the evicted is placed on the curb and no property except furnishings of the owner is left. Backtracking a little regarding this so-called dog ” In February, she was approached about issues with the dog. The neighbors started complaining and threatened to send cops to the house because they felt like he was a nuisance and dangerous. He would whine when she had to crate him, because of course he preferred to be left out and about. The whining, barking outside, and leash reactivity prompted them to approach her. Valor was removed from… Read more »
has to me@funnyface… how can the landlord sue her if she doesnt have the contract???? when she says herself this?? —-> https://gyazo.com/162c6f745734a5fc31be39ff90730421
also this site https://www.youcaring.com/valorthedogviaanimalwelfareofokc-908530
she says her mom called out to her that a dog was at her patio doors.. no word of a mom in any of this story.
and this https://www.facebook.com/porValor/ .. the videos.. this may make me sound like a jerk but i have friends who are single parents and are practically living in a closet sized apartment .. the videos on that page are red flagging the fuck out of me because its just not what i picture for someone struggling.
That’s because she’s has been living off of relatives for the past few years. This apartment situation seems to be the first time on her own for awhile. The last time she was in PA she was living off relatives then also. Wonder why she didn’t go to them for help?
So let me get this straight, she HAS Relatives who can watch the boy while she goes out to find a full time job, but refuses to and now wants handouts? Lazy SOB
watch the boy?? but @ onenameonly (best name ever by the way lol) the son goes to school hence the uniforms.. she can get a mothers hours job without even needing childcare..but i guess why bother if everyone else will fund her living
How do you know they went through the process? if they did why was the tenant not served papers???? she said she was there since September https://gyazo.com/867506181feceb27599bfb06f25a4535 .. if the scamming tenant who rented to her was to get served, the papers would still be going to the address they want vacated because thats supposedly where the original tenant is residing at. She should have received papers informing her long ago IF he did indeed file. which would have bought her time for a plan not 10 minutes. Hard times are stressful as can be .. one thing about being human is we ALL have been there at one time or another but when someone offers you help in RL you should JUMP ON IT! People in SL are such enablers its kind of messed up, i guess when people log in and sit behind a cartoon character all day they forget that every single person logged in happen to be the same assholes from RL just as an avatar with an alias. I feel the same about love online and finding prince charming, 99% of the posts are about someone who was amazing UNTIL…. lol it goes the same with friendships. Everyone is buddy buddy until something happens and then all their dirty laundry ends up here. I went on the PA Dept of human service website and under citizens tab autism was the first item.. they have help there in many forms but its not pride thats the problem its not wanting to do the footwork.. which is why i think they make you wait and have long lines because they figure the ones who don’t really need it will give up. EH-HEM. Also places that can help don’t want you to be homeless so they try to… Read more »
Wow @ 22. Jackie, your ass deserved to be called out. You’ve lost so many friendships, burnt so many bridges, and done so many people wrong with your shitty behavior. I was waiting to comment, to write this in direct direction of YOU and Mikey too. While you may think and blame who you think put this up here. I got news for you and it’s not who you may think or blame but that’s how you operate, drama loving bitch that you are. Pussy whipping Mikey and all. I really hope a 60 year old man can find his testicles soon because they aren’t between his legs apparently. You’ve pointed your fingers at everyone else but drama seems to follow you EVERYWHERE you go. Mikey can’t seem to talk for himself nor defend himself because you got his tongue. He was more of a man the two weeks he was away from you. It’s sad. Then again here you are creating drama yet again, blaming people, pointing fingers, IMing people talking shit til they shut you down on your bullshit. There’s over 20 people lately who encountered the same shit and mouthy lip of yours this week alone. Get over it. We don’t want to socialize with you or Mikey, period. So you did us a favor. Mikey, and his two weeks of being away from you only to be under your evil spell. He told MANY of what was going on, as so did you. EVERYONE knew your situation because you BOTH made it known so don’t put the blame on anyone for this secret but YOURSELVES. This is what EVERYONE knows and was told. Blame one of the men you were with in those 2 weeks or blame the numerous ones you had in 12 years on… Read more »
60 year old testicles should be on the “NO” list for the site lmao
Lol! Sorry. I just had to point out the obvious. Hoes will be hoes when their husband doesn’t touch them in RL. That’s why the man she’s with lost his because that’s the only pair she can get at this point. lmao. You’re right though. It should be on the no list.
@me ….now that I can agree with.
On a serious note I wish LL would just put a stop to any personal fundraisers as they should be banned and be just as bad as the “age play” as well I think it is just like those beggars who IM you asking for money for tiers, or money for skins. This has angered me and made me truly sick that designers as most of these personal fundraisers are geared for that instead of acting like adults, getting their priorities in order, feel the need to depend on us to assist them with driving lessons, apartments are whatever they feel they are entitled to ask for. Can you truly imagine any of us asking for assistance from a well known designer with help of chemo treatments with pics of us sitting, suffering in silence ? Am disgusted by all these designers just hopping on the bandwagon then shrugging their shoulders when it backfires and all they can say is we were forced. Total Crap!
Worse, because most of the age players play on other sim environments like Dream Nation where they can age play without being banned for their sordid actions.
and the winner is…………………………..
legal counsel? http://www.palegalaid.net/
“Some fundraisers have an easy goal, like paying a medical bill or purchasing a car. This isn’t the case here. Jenni’s needs involve housing, legal, and other logistics.”
like designer handbags and other fun stuff?? oh no wait that was what the other fundraiser was for, sorry getting the two mixed up now that both the end goals ended up hazy
Seriously bonbon her whole concoction of that so-called story is full of more holes than swiss cheese. She had legitimate charities and organizations that offered her assistance and for some unknown reason she turned that down because of the lamest excuse of “pride” yet hmm she can accept all that cash though since that doesn’t hurt her pride. Wonder why that is hmmm? Legal issues and please explain legal issues as it comes down to she needs to speak to someone in the court system not make up bullshit excuses and please there is also assistance for that and does not need an attorney to handle that. Where is she staying as she is making it seem she is homeless and God Forbid she would step foot in a shelter that is so beneath her as well. Keep believing that bullshit that she needs this and that because what she needs is to grow up and act like a mature adult and get her life in order, stop worrying about SL and take care of her sons needs and go to the agencies that can truly assist her for long term resources. Actually it is the case even rereading all those so-called FAQ on her website is such a hoot that they muddle through trying to explain stuff and want everyone to believe that garbage. Again no one can come and say you have 10 minutes to get out because the owner is getting an eviction notice sorry that is legally impossible unless you have committed a crime or there is a bench warrant for your arrest. Does not matter if you have a lease there still is proper procedures that have to be followed by the legal system. If I live at a friends house for 3 months for… Read more »
She will also owe tax on that money. I am so beyond pissed off I sent her name and the amount to the IRS on a reporting form, while I wait for “g” the landlord to respond. That way tax time next year if she doesn’t declare it she can then commit more fraud. Also are you kidding me that hand written note is their proof. LMAO.
@Robeal do you know her real name that you could send this to the IRS as well as the Landlord’s name because I will do the same if you share…I reported Rose to the Fraud dept and also report her to the IRS to pay taxes on that monies that went into a savings account as I am sure she did not declare on her taxes for this year ~ what a good idea report her to IRS because they will send her a letter asking about that amount as they can look into it ~ brilliant thinking
You are my hero Robeal
Protected by legal counsel for what reasons? Gimme me a break and this makes me want to vomit because God forbid her pride stands in the way of charitable help but her selfish greedy behavior can accept what 6,000+ in RL $$ ~ that is so pathetic.
Well Shit…. with that the temptation to jump on this “Lets make good hearted SL people my personal cash cow to tap whenever I want fundraising” bandwagon just got really strong!
There have been times when I really could have used that kind of cash but alas I have real pride and the very idea of holding my hand out to spange like that just wasn’t ever gonna happen. Instead I just told my close friends & whoever may need to know why I was absent that some RL shit hit the fan and I was gonna be gone till it was taken care of.
I guess I just prefer to keep SL as a place to put my RL on the back burner for a short while so any RL problems that turn up means I use RL people and services to help me out if needed.
Dear Creators & Event People… we all have death, sickness, &/or whatever RL problem that rolls our way. Do you see us whining & crying for cash from you? No, and if we did you would probably laugh in our faces only to sop long enough to tell us to fuck off and go deal with our problem like an adult. Please, for the love of all that is good in this world…. Just Stop!
i agree @coffeebreak… what sucks is one day there will be a legit cause but by then sl will have hands washed with other peoples problems. I def don’t wish bad things on anyone but the pride thing almost made me fall out of the chair in disbelief… Why would someone have too much pride in RL but not in SL?? Maybe because in RL it wouldnt be noticed that maybe nothing was wrong or lack of proof there even is an issue? I dont know my heart goes out to the son.. there are moms all over the world who do things they HAVE to no matter what it is even illegally because when you have a kid you put your pride aside and get shit done. I have a million times more respect for a mom who turns to things like stripping if need be then wait for handouts. With all this coming out right after the other idiots scam i feel like its a jokes on you type of thing. Not good at all.
I just love how petty and ridiculous the people who submit to this are. However, if they weren’t, You guys wouldn’t have a page and I would get a weekly kick out of reading how butthurt people can be. Though um seriously. These people that submit really are petty and ridiculous. Children.
Really is that why you are here reading and you think calling out individuals who are scamming and conning people out of RL money is petty and ridiculous. Seems to me am not the only one that down voted your pathetic ass
It’s probably the fraudster herself putting people down for exposing her scam. Btw, I love your manicures on each of your dog videos. Who is paying for those nails and driving you to get them done. If you have enough side money for that, then get paying back the people who gave you money from your elaborate scam. Lasty, stop with your snap chat filtered pictures. You can’t fix ugly!
puppy pedis lord help me. to be completely honest i wouldnt be surprised if she stabbed the dog herself for the high she gets off of extreme pity. makes me question every single thing like how did she know it was stabbed with a kitchen knife? Also i have an issue when people do gofundme’s or other need help sites and only go by a first name and have no pic.. it just looks sneaky .. but read this from the porvalor FB
did that just say full time job?
and lets talk about priorities
If you have her on snapchat, can you tell us have there been any updates about her living situation????
Am not her friend, don’t have her on snapchat and honestly who cares where she is living as this was just another farce to grab the money and laugh so why not ask Vanity Mirror whats up with all the pride shit if she can spend $$ on mani’s
That is truly a giggle moment that you also noticed the manicures, which are not cheap at all.
and you are here because?!?!?! lol you love it just like we do. shhhh
#17 speaking of Sanderson. Where did those two love birds run off to?
They’re just on their other alts. When you live in a game cheating for years you don’t just finally feel guilty and leave forever.
Asher is just obsessed. Has her relationship in real life and cries over Lexxie. Lexxie just sucks them in and spits them back out when she’s bored. Asher makes herself look dumb with updating her profile and still keeping Lexxie in there like Lexxie gives a shit. All her ex’s are dumb and were just used. They are nothing more than just a game to her. She learns that from her mother.
which ones lol
Asher and Lexi
IS virtual-secrets a spin-off of Plurk or something where you have to be in PLurk or whereever to know what some of these secrets refer to? I am puzzled by #14 & #15 – what fundraiser you speak of? More info?
https://www.hopeforv.com/ Here you go, friend.
Thanks for putting this out. This is nothing but a full fledged scam. First of all, the story sounds so concocted with bullshit, then top it off with Jennis picture, and there you go- the typical fat assed lazy woman who prefers to work at home making minimal money and probably collect under the table as well, instead of working a job in the real world. Then throw into it the awful testimony pictures of AVATARS?!!!!! Who can take this shit seriously? Every single one of them is a con artist. What a joke!
Someone did as the amount raised was a lot of $$$ as was posted here https://www.hopeforv.com/transactions ~ bet she is laughing again and oh no maybe she will need driving lessons or oooh a car and a RL job but forbid her asking for any governmental help that is so beneath her she would rather con and manipulate all her other designer friends to fund something to scam whoever out of their money. Wonder how many designers put their RL money into this gofundme page or donated a single $$ but that figure was low since wow they donated an item bless their hearts no skin off their noses. And people wonder why I am so against personal fundraisers because they are nothing but people mostly designers that assume SL is the place to go for a heartbreaker sob story to get real cash that they can spend on makeup, and clothes and whatever else they need. Hey why not since everyone loves a bleeding heart story, bets on which designer will need a new computer or ooh maybe a new Wacom tablet and it will keep happening again and again since Designers have their own cliques and no one better stand against them.
This is such BULLSHIT that its actually funny i mean the bullshit said about alexx that hes a “dad collector” wow anyone that knows him would know hes actually not lmfao and a “fake incest fetish” hello you just contradicted your self dumb ass how can you have a FAKE fetish and lets move on the ageplay bullshit lmfao hes a adult more than hes a fucking kid so uhm nope thats not age play even if he was fucking them his name changes because he wants to change it not because hes fucking getting new people in his life get a fucking life of your own and stop trashing other people i mean this is great i mean who honestly believes this shit if you have time to sit around and make these bogus little pictures saying what you THINK people are or what you THINK people are doing you need a life a REAL life lmfao and for real if you sit there and read all this shit that people are posting about other people and you believe it i feel so sorry for you because your naive and you need to get wise because hunny your gonna be next on someones list that are bullshit and someones going to believe it about you so think about your shit before you think about other people oki be kind be considerate and dont listen to bull shit like this its fucked up stupid and it can hurt people lies hurt a lot and these are not just avatars these are PEOPLE so stop its 2018 lets act like it and stop this high school bull shit and BTW im not hiding behind a FAKE name like most of you are
Tweepy calm down this is virtual-secrets the home of Shit talkers & Butt hurt people. Alexx isn’t the 1st nor the last to be a victim of the current “Pedo hunt” craze. I can assure you most of us here who like to read virtual-secrets took one look at that and LoL’d at the BS. If you scroll down in the comments you will see we have even defended him, myself included and I don’t even know Alexx. It’s good and all that you are defending your friend but getting your panties all in a bunch and screaming at us isn’t helping his case we already know that “secret” is just some salty lie like 90% of all the other secrets posted here. Just sit back with your morning coffee and lol at it’s stupidity with the rest of us. We have been having a quite a chat about a few of the other secrets that are way more concerning than who is the latest “accused pedo”.
Knowing Alexx for quite some time, I will say he has some questionable adult looks that borderline on teenager (under 18) and has expressed frustration when being kicked off of sims for appearing too young. The avatar in the picture wearing a collar indeed looks very young and shares an identical (but taller) look to one of his child avatar appearances which could cause some confusion. I have seen the pictured avatar in person and questioned him about the age at which point he stated that it was 18+ and a femboy which was standing at 1.83 meters and was using a female adult body with a modified chest. I suppose wanting to be an adult but appearing young could raise some questions but is no different than the twink gay boys hanging out at the adult gay sims. However beyond these questionable looks and his unwillingness to wear a shirt when he is a child avatar; which seems to have greatly decreased over the years since he has taken to living as an adult after several family fallouts, I don’t see anything on Facebook, Flickr or his profile/profile groups that would constitute such claims against him being a pedophile. Though I suppose since I’m not in his bedroom when he’s doing sexual acts, I really wouldn’t know. I can only compare him to the questionable child avatars I’ve met at a few sims who were very adult like in their behavior, the clothing they wore and the fact that they often had scripted private parts that could be seen in invisible mode. As for the claims of him being a dad collector, my thoughts on that is that Alexx spends way too much time on SL and collects families to fill a void he has. Not all those names… Read more »
Not a single comma or full stop in the entire rant. Well, never mind. Oh, we do know pandar… I mean Alexx, and she isn’t a very nice person at all. She’s a bit of a manipulative, bitchy, obsessive, drama filled family destroyer to say it nicely.
Let’s take a step back here and look at this entire website.
Are these secret posters and the anonymous posts very nice people? For most of them, I don’t think so. Are the secret posters and comment posters not abit bitchy, obsessive, drama filled people who are Supreme Shit-Talkers? I am pretty sure that this is the entire backbone of this websites and those who uses it. So I’m not sure how they are really any different or special compared to the users of this website and most of SL.
Seems like the pot calling the kettle black.
Couldn’t have said it better myself Tweepy! Alexx has been my brother for a looong time, and I don’t give a shit what ANYONE says about him! He has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I’ve met. Anyone who sits there and tries to tear him down, well, I feel sorry for you, because you obviously have no life and if you do, you are a very unhappy person. Shame on you.
So coward, you keep hiding behind this website, where you are hiding because you aren’t man/woman enough to show who you are. Fucking coward. How about you crawl back in whatever hole you came out of and get some help before you address the general population again. And do us all a favor, get off the damn internet. Kthxbai!
@ #8 The person who posted that secret obviously doesn’t know much about cancer. Concentrate on getting well? Tell that to the families who have lost loved ones to that horrible disease. What are you supposed to concentrate on while you are going through rounds of chemotherapy?
If you have cancer or any other severe illness, you’re only suppose to concentrate on your illness and that’s it. Nothing fun or entertaining that could take your mind off of the loss of your hair, smell of vomit, body aches or the fact that you may be dying.
Before people get pissy and think I’m being serious, I’m being sarcastic.
#7 I know whoever created it passed it out to many of his exes myself included, I only submitted it once so as far as the other 9 times I am not quiet sure but if anything it just shows how many females he has screwed over multiple times for his own pleasure. He takes advantage of people when they are at their lowest acting like he cares when in reality he uses their vulnerability against them and then fucks them over in every which way. This post was made simply to warn others not to be fooled by his sweet act.
He thinks hes gods gift to women, lies, manipulates and then tries to blame you. Verbally abused me in my Best Friends house and tried to blame me for it. He’s fine as long as your putting or until he finds something that might be better than the person he’s with. In reality, he’s nothing but a womanzing asshat who got what he deserved.
Okay i waited a bit to re-read before my opinion started to form but the Hope for V situation. . In the story im finding a few issues. It starts off with the story of the dog, then when she tells her own story of the issues she having its about rent that ‘wasnt given’ to the landlord from who she sublet it from to the sum of 7k in which a cop came to tell her to leave that the landlord is going to file an eviction .. okay #1 If an eviction wasn’t already in process she would have time to figure out a plan they don’t just kick you out. Also its required that the eviction is sent IN WRITING. Now why would they do that??? Well maybe in case its subletted the person at the residence receives the notice. Also just because they file for the eviction that also takes WEEKS. just saying Then the story goes all haywire with bronchitis and autism. A good friend of mine has a child with autism and they receive services and i believe some sort of ssi/ssa for the child. I don’t know all the specifics but there are agencies that would help such a dire situation. with that being said i’ll call it like i see it and say i just have a feeling if there even really is a dog (yes i know it has a fb or something but anyone can make those) that the dogs well being was put above someone much much much more important. And if rent wasn’t being given to the landlord has this girl even started the court process for the person subletting the apartment? This sounds just as shady as the other ding dong to be honest. The story: https://gyazo.com/bd3c55eb68ac028f0efe94a0175708f9… Read more »
I have always donated to people in trouble with the attitude that if they abuse the money, at least I tried. But this is fraud and I’m tired of it happening over and over in SL. I haven’t donated to a cause like this in SL in years, cause fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. There are plenty of RL organizations that help people out in these situations which have checks and balances in place. Designers and event organizers have turned this into a huge circle jerking parade of publicly supporting this. I am as equally annoyed with the boastful giving of people involved. Being public about donating isn’t charity, it’s public masturbation. This whole thing be like:
Just look at everyone involved. Bunch of attention seekers who must orgasm from virtual pats on the back cause they seek it out so much. Yeahhh pat my back right there. I donated… right there… I helped organize the whole thing… yeahhhh right there, I plurked all my good deeds and publicly defended this as not being fraudulent… pat right fucking there… fuck, ohhhh mmmmmm yeahhhh!
Internet did not jade me as much but it is a good lesson on emotionally involving yourself everywhere so most people probably learn how to prioritise and build healthy borders. However, the ego porn is more visible with internet as it usually was a domain of those posh charity events where throwing money at things is easy and you get to wine and dine. This person could be completely legit and just crap at well … communicating but concerns are still legitimate. Dismissing is easier and you can always say you done the best thing and got scammed yourself.
I used to have a very open heart in SL donating to charities, fundraisers for those in need of whatever till years brought on scams, cons, lies, backstabbers and what not then yes I started getting jaded and very untrustworthy about people especially those that expect and yes will use the word expect that everyone will fall prey to their pathetic story and needing all this financial help. Have thought long and hard about this so-called “pride” excuse and honestly I will say this is just another con as the truth might not come out right away but it will come out. Why is it always these creators that have issues that need so much help financially. Maybe they need to start taking better care of their RL money and stop depending on SL people when their lives start falling apart.
So I also live in the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and I know the housing laws. Everything everyone has said here regarding the “eviction” is true. I also mentioned this to someone involved with the organization of this event. I explained the same thing. It takes about 30 days to evict someone legally and in those 30 days every notice is posted at the residence on the door and sent via mail. She says she didn’t receive anything.
I also mentioned the services through churches, the Catholic Charities, United Way blah blah. I even called a friend who works with one of those organizations to try and see if she could help. Help was offered. She declined and said pride was the reason.
I really don’t give a damn if she was sleeping in the gutter but there is an autistic child involved and that is what motivated me to try to help. In the end I donated something for the raffle.
Every question mentioned here I asked. It was all explained away. In the end I just realized that once people have something set in their mind they don’t want to believe otherwise, even when the concerns are valid.
holy shit, i guess she just wanted that SL quick cash
You swallow pride. You deal with the shit that lands on your doorstep and you work your arse off to provide social, emotional and safe care for any child you’re parent too regardless of their needs. I have two boys both on the autistic spectrum. One as severe as you can get the other higher functioning. There is zero time in my life for pride only time to make sure I have all my shit together to provide the best I can for them. Ive done this the last 11 years alone and in the times I’ve needed help I’ve taken whats been offered with thanks (none of which financial). I don’t know the lady in question nor those supporting her as on SL im a nobody in a sea of other nobodies, I do know first hand the struggles of raising a child with special needs though and total respect goes to her in this regard. However, I hope from this she learns that pride comes second to the realities of life especially when you’re carrying the life of another who only has you as their foundation of support. Peace x
I assume that the subletting was illegal or hell even letting as it if often that the owner does not want to pay tax but that is just a guess as this is the only probable part to me. You done your best and it is pretty grand you reached out since yeah – even if parent is lying – there is a faint probability kid and dog are stuck in-between.
@sig even if subletting was illegal the paperwork would be mailed to the residence of the tenant which would be the rental address because they supposedly LIVE THERE. and also a lot of times those are sent by signature mail OR a constable who acts as the person serving the papers in a lawsuit.. if that didnt happen BY LAW they cant say u have 10 mins to leave here.. do u know how hard it is to get someone out of your house??? If you have even a friend visiting for a long period of time and the person doesnt want to leave they make u evict..
@me: I was theorising that tenant had no paperwork but you are right – they must have been connected to this address. Police makes sense if it is the landlord demanding everyone to be evicted but still would need to do the whole process. Unless owner is also not registering a tenant but then you’re right – would be no police. Not that knowing the whole process would have helped as plenty other holes in story. The only thing certain is – dog was stabbed, there was an investigation, he went to animal wellfare and got fostered. This is traceable as news followed this story. Scams like this just make me want to solve them :/
@sig the dog got stabbed prior to living with them though.. she was the 1 who fostered the dog.. idk if ur a single mom struggling adding another mouth to feed and vet bills seems ludicrous
Exactly correct especially if that person has established his/her residence receiving bills with their name on it the police will say this will have to be handled by getting an eviction notice and unless they are committing a crime the Police cannot legally force or remove the person from the residence.
Pride? Really but she has no pride whining and complaining to all the other designers & creators to hold a fundraiser again in SL as I see it this is just for my mindset another total scam because no one is that stupid or moronic to let their child suffer especially one that is autistic just do not believe it. Sorry the explanations in my mind still say this is nothing more than a scam.
Wait…What? Her “pride” got in the way of accepting actual RL help but she is ok with pretty much what sounds to be scamming people in SL? I don’t know about anybody else but my gut feeling here is that she is lying through her teeth and of course RL organizations would check this so she would have gotten caught therefor she instead is scamming people who don’t check.
Bingo that is why she is not accepting help not pride.
“Too much pride” to take some real life, right there for you help, but not too much pride to sob story EVERYTHING to the whole world of SL who now know all your dirty laundry and is now judging you and putting you in the same basket as people like Rose.
Getting REAL right there help for you and your child SHOULD be yours.
also how many landlords do you know would let it go until 7k in rent is due in backpay? lol
wow@pride was the reason.. smmfh
To decline actual charity services because of pride???? What in the actual fuck? There is apparently a child with special needs and you are putting their life at risk because of your pride?????
Oh & another thing, it seems if you know well known designers and event organisers it seems they’ll bend over backwards to beg the rest of the sl community on your behalf that this is a legit cause to be contributing to. And they’re adding the ‘winners’ of the auction to blogger groups & giving away gift cards….. coz it’s costing them NOTHING to do that.
I’m done with sl charities asking for help for sl residents, they all feel like scams. If people aren’t seeking out rl help for their troubles first and foremost then they have no one to blame for their situation but themselves.
My feelings are exactly just that because no one turns down RL help unless not pride but because it is a scam and nothing more than get the designers and whoever is backing this whole thing again. How sad that this selfish person is willing to accept monies from hardworking people that are again opening their hearts at another pathetic attempt to help someone when in reality there are organizations, churches and whoever else is close by have offered assistance. Sorry no one would turn that down with the exceptions of someone knowingly wants to be greedy and nothing more. This truly angers me and to use that excuse pride is total bullshit nothing more.
This just proves it is a scam because technically the fundraiser should also hurt her so-called pride lmao ….how stupid can people be?
Oh I so agree, which makes the whole thing completely stupid and a total scam ~ she won’t take RL charity but let SL residents put out their hard earned money and she grabs it up in a heartbeat. My question is how much $$ was raised ~ inquiring minds wanna know
Exactly there are processes that have to be gone through because I am reading she was clueless that first she did not know she was subletting ~ and if she was paying the rent, was she getting receipts signed by the legal resident? Most sublets that are legal do have documentation that is usually done directly by the Landlord not the resident and most funds should be paid to the Landlord so there is no mix up of the other party keeping the rent ~ Also Landlords will send out notice of late payments again directly to the house or apt and in this case this person should of received such notices in the mail. Landlord does have the right after 30 days to go to the Court system, ask for eviction process to be start as well a letter does have to be sent either registered to the tenant or put on the door by the Sheriffs dept notifying them of what will be taking place and a Court date that they can either come up with the late pymtn and in some is there is more than one month as long as they pay 1 month the eviction process will be halted. As well as there will be agencies names and phone numbers to assist if needed. Unless the tenant was committing a crime, or wanted for other crimes the police still have to follow procedure and lease or no lease they cannot ask you to just pack and leave.
Uhhh theres a huge difference in early access for something and adding people to blogger groups…….. Who thought that was a good idea? Oh ya, the person who also thinks there entitled to a % of peoples money
#6 I’ll take a stab at explaining this one, since a few people are scratching their heads … either he is dating a child av, or his size is WAY out of control lmao, I can only imagine the way their sex balls line up XD Let’s just say the ‘designer’ of either of their shapes aint no way in hell gettin in to one of Pupito’s events lmao again!
Just throwing this out there, I’m 5 feet tall and have dated people 6+ feet tall (in my past). We looked a little weird together (like this picture) but it happens. It’s SL, no one gets their body measurements right.
u had to have been the secret poster in this because your answer is as retarded as whoever made the post lol its pretty common for a guy to be taller than a girl where im from
The cool thing is that, in real life, people can work things around their difference in body sizes, while in SL animations aren’t modifiable and being wildly differently sized than your partner can result in some very distracting issues, if you have any kind of standards regarding the visuals in your cybering.
Uhhh…. last I checked you could adjust any pose you have. Especially animations. 99% of objects/ backdrops come with an adjust feature. If they don’t, they don’t know wonder they’re doing xD
Now Elena, Maybe ignorant just owns really old outdated furniture and can’t afford better. It’s not right to judge the less fortunate.
lol i thought the same when i saw poseballs
@beless well i dont have many issues since i like to be on top =P lol
#10 – Am from post soviet country and my family was one of those who were in resistance (while also having to work with the system but both resistance and having to be a double agent were awfully common so nothing special as was the situation of about half of country). I hear you on the regime side and used to have same knee-jerk reaction as you until I bothered to listen.
People in favour of communism usually do not mean any active or former form nor anything resembling that. Never mind that there is a lot of subtypes such as Trotsky’s, Marx’s, anarchist and so on. Usually people’s ideas omit the whole ruling part so are more about local solutions than living under a ruling party. Rarely they sound bad or nefarious and usually just expand on socialism’s utopian bases in a more organised manner.
However, that is pretty confusing to those from post soviet countries as we have a distinction of socialism being the theoretical and idealistic side while communism is the oppressive, one party regime. To others they are just different political schemes which are not bad in themselves (for that you need people, duh).
Need i remind some people….its a fucking beret…..thats it. You guys reach too much ffs.
Socialism is TRASH and Communism is TRASH.
OP is more than right, it still makes victims and if you don’t know that you’re not informed about worldwide politcs.
And don’t forget cultural Marxism, bringing up violence and impossible ideals to young men & women everywhere.
I am not speaking about any regimes and merely theory that never has been realised or will. You are right there were ‘pure’ strains who only believed in radical revolution like some Leninists. I am sure we all dislike any active socialist and communist countries – they are awful and still would be awful with any other ideological prop.
And I assumed it was something person said as beret is common soldier wear for navy usually and some marines in some countries.
“Cultural Marxism” lololol…
Get back into your hole you alt-reich fuck. There’s no such thing as “cultural Marxism.”
@10 – Bit of a reach there Bub? It’s just a military beret.
It’s just a copy of Jill Valentine’s hair/beret from Resident Evil 1.
Yep, looks like a beret the British marines would wear. Can’t see how anyone could think it’s only a symbol of communism. I’m putting this beret=communism submitter in the same “you idiot, you just made yourself look stupid” pile as the art theft one.
Yeah that’s kinda what I was thinking. I mean more then just communists wear berets. I mean unless somehow the green berets (for instance) are now communist…which…like…you could have fooled me!
Ok, bunch of butthurt people this week. Get over it
You must be new here, how can I assist you?
When people don’t understand sarcasm
When people don’t understand how difficult it is to read sarcasm through text.
I was just throwing some good old fashioned sarcasm right back.
Well sarcasm is quite hard to understand without hearing the tone of the person’s voice. Unless you put “P.S. Sarcasm” or some sort of silly face emoji, than you will run into this issue where people will think you’re being serious and you’ll get the comments.
What!?! Butthurt people on SL Secrets!? I just….I can’t believe that happened. /s
That’s every week, pay attention :p
#18 So much truth. I’m sure they have made a status yelling to the world the basic of generic responses. “I’m a great person”, “you don’t know me”, “I’m not going no where”, “you don’t deserve him if you cant handle me”.. hahaha what a joke. I feel for her boyfriend though, how often is he going to see her caught up in nonsense and always mention her “ex”.. My ex this, my ex that. No wonder Dappa low-key took off with that other female. Far less clingy and over the top then this female. This clearly yells not over the ex. One moment she’s posting how horrible he is, then tagging him to “clarify” shit. She’s one of those who tries to hard to be relevant. Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s posting these herself. #writeanotherone
#4 – That 419 year old painting is in the public domain. Art in the public domain doesn’t have copyright and can be used in any way, even sold. Nothing was stolen there, making this secret just a misinformed mistake.
People generally know it’s public domain. This Fancy Decor and David Heather posts are blatant store advertising.
Wanted to say same. In case anyone wonders – usually it is around 100 years when a thing enters public domain unless there is a dispute with author’s estate.
Well I believe that depends on what country your in, when the piece was released, and wither the copyright holder renewed the licence…..basically copyright law is all kinds of confusing and stupid.
No matter how complex copyright can be, after 419 years it’s a VERY safe bet that the painting is in the public domain in every country in the world.
I dunno just give Disney a few years. They’ll change that. :/ My point was the 100 years date thing isn’t exact and copyright laws are stupid…..not that the secret poster was correct.
#11 let’s just leave both of them alone. If they broke up it’s their own issue. Nikki loved him more than anyone else and Lance will definitely get her back cause he loves her too.
I wonder if he will try to contact her family, or employer (if she has one) or threaten to share the videos he’s made of her or the pictures she’s sent him. I bet his wife and kids would love to know how much they love each other.
Hi Trinket
Why y’all got to bring Trink into this when that bitch finally quiet and chilling? Let sleeping dogs lie. Pun intended.
Arcy be careful or he will fuck your little hoe too! If he isn’t fucking her already 😉
DAMN! I thought I was being low key…… Fuck, and you told my man too?! LMFAO ?
You +30 yr old females on this game, especially the FMD ones are some of the most thirsty females I’ve have ever encountered… On top of being scandalous, petty, and feeling entitled to shit you could never have RL. You girls go to extremes and cry the loudest when you’ve been offended. So here we are reading salt from some rejected scumbag female who feels the need to white knight not because she’s defending another female, but because she was denied his “pixel love”. How many times do any of you have to be reminded Second life is a fucking game? How about you act like fucking adults or at least try to? Mind your own fucking businesses for once? Bunch of jealous cock mongrels.
shut the fuck up mayhem, we know what you really are! now go suck his cock!
Lmfao. Jesus you girls and your assumptions… ???? I’ll get right on it!!
lol….She sure has enough of the ‘suck-Lance-cock’ dictum in her profile….
What can I say? I’m obsessed with these boys…. ??? You want a piece?
Im so amused by stupidty.
I’d like to see you say this to the FMD regulars, local or voice however you’d like to do it.
Aren’t you 30+?
Don’t you cry when you’ve been offended?
It’s a game but don’t you spend hours in a call with Arcy?
Mind your own business on a drama website that you POSTED on LOL
Most people in this post are defending him actually, I think you should read the previous comments.
The one that isn’t is probably his ex, trinket; WHOM you didn’t know.
As for white-knighting? You’re doing the same too.
Your profile statement is quite the shitty statement too, but yet everyone else should mind their own business?
This whole feed is ridiculous. This is my point. You guys have nothing better to do in life than sit here reading dumb bullshit about people in a game. But to answer your questions. 1. I’m extremely open about my opinions and if someone doesn’t like it well that’s not hurting my feelings. I have no issues speaking my mind. Thus being the reason i dont care to associate with many. 2hats funny about your comment is I have said these things openly but i wonder if you could be as open instead of trash talking here anonymously like a coward? 2. I am over 30 which is why I don’t quite understand the stupidity from grown adults who should be settled in life by now and have better things to tend to. 3. Again, this is a game. Anyone offended by someone else here needs a reality check. You can easily shut the game off and go about your life unphased. 4. Arcy and I both have lives to live other than a game in which we spend less than a few hours a week in. It’s called having responsibilites and knowing your what your priorities are. 5. There is a difference between white knighting and voicing my opinion on the rumour mill developing in which I was included on. Were you? Would we even know since you are being anonymous? 6. My profile statement as in my ad for Lance which is meant to be humorous because my friend needed a laugh at the time. It’s there for our amusement. If it offends anyone again.. Youre taking second life too seriously. Sign off this shouldn’t impact anyone’s life. 7. People really should mind their own businesses. I hold strong to that. Just as you tried to pretend you… Read more »
Lmfao, seriously… Skye. You’re not extremely open about your opinions, your Squad pick in your profile would have been empty otherwise, because you talk mad shit about pretty much everyone you publicly call friend, even about the closest ones. “You girls go to extremes and cry the loudest when you’ve been offended.” – so what are YOU doing here typing walls of text prompted by the mere mention of someone’s stupid comment.
You’re no better than any of these 30+ yo FMD thirsty females, you just got a nice act going for these sheep. Your only redeeming quality is your titties <3
TheDramaM – aka-Newly appointed ‘Lance’ friend. 1. Extremely open about your opinions? I heard different. Infact experienced different. A lot of people say you like to talk shit about friends, acquaintances and it’s true, you do. Continuously even. 2, And you know every over 30+ adult in FMD’s life to make a bold statement as ‘having better things to tend to.’? I don’t think so, again just an assumption from someone that doesn’t know anyone in that club. Everyone has their own thing to do yes, but some of those people don’t even bother with this thread, care for it or even go as far as to say ‘lose sleep over it’. Again, I’m sure you won’t sit in the middle of that club and tell people what you’ve written about them. 3, I never mentioned anyone else getting easily offended, I meant you were clearly offended by a comment someone wrote about being ‘arcys little hoe’ and responded, triggered even. I understand defending but you’re attacking the majority of an sl club where you don’t know hardly anyone there I’m guessing. 4, Yeah, in those minimal hours that you speak to him he’s off trying to get into other girls panties from what I hear but nevermind it’s just a game, right? I mean I would be a little weirded out if my Sl partner changed his skype to a female picture and name just to talk sexual to a married girl over it so her husband didn’t find out. 5, The original post was anonymous, most people remain anonymous on here but I forgot, you’re quite new to the virtual-secrets thing. You and arcy are the only ones that seem to be shouting from the rooftops, so to speak about how you both have been mentioned. How were… Read more »
lmao arcy is part of that whole metro faggy euro cabal in fmd along with katos who recently started popping back up and btw fuck Lance….
Why would Lance do that to Niki? They broke up so how is that anyone’s business? It’s not like she’s like his psycho ex who threatened to post his wife’s pic to people and dox him in all ways imaginable. Maybe having those videos of that crazy psychotic bitch was his only way to make sure she won’t grief and fuck with him again? Just a thought. 😉
You know so much about his past! Did you get the other half of that story as well?
Hey Annual Event. The fact that you’re still after Lance’s cock a year after he dumped your ass and keep a close eye on his ever move only goes to show what a crazy bitch you are. I got both sides of the story. How you threatened to dox him, contact his wife and kept trash talking him on your profile(s). TBH he’s lucky to have all those nasty videos of your fat ass if that’s the only way he can protect himself. And aren’t you like 50 years old? Get the fuck over him and move on. I can’t believe I was your friend at one point. Ewww.
Both of them are adults and I am sure they will get past this, if Lance has moved on that is up to him and I am sure Niki will eventually meet someone who makes her happy and maybe can offer her more then lance could, all in all it sucks for anyone hurting in this situation.
Pretty sure I heard this is what he told his maniac ex T****** he would do if she made good on all the (much worse) threats she was throwing at him and he said this just to stop her in her tracks. Always two sides to a story, isn’t there T*****?
I really cant grasp the fact that Nikki knew had a wife and kids so clearly he was not going to give that all up and run away with her but yet she has gone into hiding as if her husband left her for another woman I have been going to FMD for a long ass time and nikki was a control freak though lance im sure is no saint Nikki was overboard and super jealous like psycho jealous she was up his ass 24/7 so all this poor nikki shit makes me laugh I am sure she wasn’t a saint in all this like come on silly girl he was not going to give up his job, wife, kids, money, all for you LOL and she refuses to show her face lately on SL so I am sure she has moved on or had someone all along, but to all these FMD fans I just laugh at Lance will definitely get her back comments, from the talk at the club he left her ass not the other way around if you focused you would see the girls all ranting bout it, but in order to focus you would have to take your nose out of Lance’s ass for a moment, they are both retarded
Just a lesson that ANY woman who decides to partner or have feelings for a man who is married in reals..you are Sharing him and nothing more. There is no way he is going to leave his wife and kids for a playmate on a video game. If you want a married man as an SL partner, Learn how to be friends, set boundaries and do not cross them. Because when you log off, THAT is your real life, not a game.
why do you need to grasp that fact? why is it any of your business? why is it any one’s business? do you dictate other people’s standards of social living? do you know his or her situation to be able to “grasp” it. I say go grasp something like a life maybe, because that’s what you need to grasp instead of meddling into people’s business. why don’t you go and pay attention to your kids instead of stalking someone on the internet who obviously doesn’t give a fuck about you.
You people all are ridiculous, speaking on things you know nothing about, so all you are doing is spewing fiction, Niki busted her ass for FMD before her did the club look at good? answer is NO, did FMD have all the sponsors it does now? NO so to even begin to assume negative shit about her is just ridiculous, then woman busted her ass to help FMD in EVERY way possible and this is the treatment she gets? its sad really, most those girls at FMD only wanna be on Lances dick cause he owns the place, Niki is a good girl, loyal to a fault and unlike most has class, she is the one hurting here, nobody else, she is the one being talked about, and to assume she wanted the guy to leave his family for her is fucking comical she wanted no such thing, she was fine with how it was, but clearly nothing she did was good enough, to get tossed aside like trash, but everyone feels so bad for Lance “poor Lance” and half these people on here defending him and bashing Niki are most likely some thirsty hoe who wants his peen, or a how who had it already, do not talk on subjects you have no clue about, Niki was the best thing that happened to Lance and HE fucked it up not her, so wanna blame someone for all this shit? then put it where it belongs on HIM! She did nothing wrong, only thing she is guilty of is loving someone who clearly has shown, didn’t love her in return, he will regret letting her go when he ends up with some basic ass woman who using him, but then again maybe that is what he likes I do not… Read more »
Nikki is around, she’s not hiding you retard. Why should they be at the same place after breaking up??? And you sound like these sluts that chase Lance and waited to get their chance. Nikki wasn’t a psycho and Lance was with her 24/7 cause he wanted to so shut your fucking mouth and stop writing BS. Get a life
Ginger – you’re doing good. Envy is smilin’ and noddin’ as Lance fucks his wife. He may collar you again soon sister!
Is this Annabell woman one of the ones Nik had a problem with? Have they even been broke up for a week yet? Clearly that Annabell has zero respect for Lance or Nik and clearly she is a sewer rat, I really can’t see Lance finding that type attractive though, hopefully Nik realises that and as for Nik, she did well, had that girl been buzzing around my other half, sorry, she would of been long gone, if this is how she is around Lance less than a week after he and his lady broke up, I can only imagine what it was like for Nik when she was dating him, if it is true what you say, that she was up his ass 24/7 then I see why, it won’t be about not trusting her man, it will be because she is sick of these types of women sniffing around her partner and if they have the nerve to stand around him at fmd then hell yes, Nik has more than a right to be up her mans ass 24/7, such tom foolery, no woman should have to make it clear how much she adores her man and has a presence around him, these women should have the respect to back the hell off, wonder how women like Annabell feel when Nik goes and grabs her ex’s cock or hangs around her current partner, I can tell you, it is not a pretty sight, they cry the loudest when a woman so much as walks by their men….always makes me chuckle
Not seen one person rant about it, you’re obviously trying to stir the pot and make them both think they have been talking shit about each other, push them further apart. Grow up. Also, you don’t even know the real reason they split, so why even comment, it makes everything you type above, null and void. There is a reason they split up and you don’t know said reason, so why don’t you scoot you little pest, you are obviously a thirsty little runt who wants Lance’s pixel peen, of course, you won’t admit that, you will come back at me and state you are a man or a gay female or a fly buzzing around a turd but the fact is you are a thristy ho.
“Nikki loved him more than anyone else” you sound crazy js
Just because I state my opinion? I know both of them so stfu
Lawd you one of the fmd suckups – MeanPotato? Ginger maybe?
Lol I think he has moved on already
Oh gross, who bangs Trisks
Am I the only one who doesn’t understand #6??
I’m looking at the picture and find them to be pretty reasonable looking.
We’ll he’s extremely tall. Certainly taller then the average man in any country. Still it’s not unusual or unreasonable for SL male standards. SL male avatars have always been ridiculously tall. It’s only been much more noticeable now that female avatars being “realistic height” has become the new fad/norm.
It’s really about time those overly tall men dial it down a bit. Their pissing match has become so ridiculous they are even now hovering 1 or 2 feet over the floor so they can be taller than the next 9 foot, sliders to 100 guy. Sliders to 100 makes up for a small dick, I guess.
Was not going to comment about most of the posts till I saw another Fundraiser. Seriously, has SL residents not learned their lessons yet? Am wondering why anyone living in the United States would make the comment about “constable” when speaking about the police plus who calls Pennsylvania ~ The Commonwealth . Secondly, after having moved from Pa. recently I would love to know why she is not getting any assistance from the town, state or whoever as there are so many Churches, and assistance readily available for women with their children. Again I am unclear that they would just come to her residence and give her 10 minutes as no matter lease or not someone would have to discuss this probably the landlord. First thing should of been is called the Police and asked them to come out as again this was her established residence of more than 30 days as she had no knowledge she was there illegally especially if she had any type of documentation from whoever she was renting from. There are too many inconsistencies in this story that I do not understand and after being burned from the very first fundraiser I will never donate to any private individual ever. She can raise money for a hurt dog, have the money to adopt the dog and take care of it with food, etc. Her child sounds like they go to a private school due to school uniforms being mentioned, which is not cheap. There is red flags all over this and of course individuals would rather whine, cry and plead helpless and come into SL to have others rather than do the work themselves. Total bullshit but I know my money will not be spent on them.
i went to check the auction out, just out of curiosity… hundreds, i mean HUNDREDS of thousands of L$ donated! cannot wait for the next virtual-secrets to see what she bought with all of y’alls cash LOL
So I am going to clear this up regarding the term “Constable”. It is used in the US. It is not used in all states (for example it is not used in Virginia at all, but it is used in PA) and is not consistent with usage. It is not like the difference between Police v Sheriff which is consistent. In PA they are elected peace officers. People who serve under them are also called constables – similarly to how some refer to Sheriff’s deputies as the sheriff – even though they are not *The* Sheriff (aka the elected official – or we refer to it as “Constitutional Officer”). Constables probably deliver service of process papers. Here our “civil” department does that. When a person requires law enforcement escort to obtain items from a home they were evicted from or when they are evicted and escorted out our civil department handles that as well. That is probably why a Constable came to her door.
I’m not invalidating what concerns you had just trying to educate here.
Um, just because you have managed to never notice the term commonwealth- doesn’t detract from its legitimacy. When in doubt, or just for fact checking- google can be your friend: commonwealth. … Nowadays, a commonwealth has come to mean any government in which all people involved have a say, or a loose formation of nations with a shared loyalty. It is also the official designation of a few states including, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, and Virginia and some U.S. territories.
And what does this mean in relation to validity of her story as I was making a comment that 90% of the population that resides in Pennsylvania and that have lived there all their lives do not use the term “Commonwealth” they will answer more to what township they live in and not get all uppercrust about using that word oh I live in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania pullease. Again most PA cops or police will not state when asked they give the same response as everyone say PA ~ this is all semantics when the gist of this whole fundraiser is all the inconsistencies in her story compared to the facts that yes google the time frame for evictions and in serving eviction notices a lot of are put on the doors and sent via certified mail directly to the house. Official designation wow you really copied Wikipedia huh? SMH
Well, I did say “google can be your friend” sorry that I did not explicitly say “WIKI”…
I live in Philadelphia, you are wrong. Commonwealth is a very localized term for this state and constable is used as well.
Suppose it’s different in PA, but here in VA we refer to ‘the Commonwealth’ all the time, usually when displeased with its behavior.
And the Commonwealth of Virginia usually refers to itself as that when it’s displeased with your behavior as well. 😉
Yup. Been on that end too. Fucking Commonwealth.
Pennsylvania is one of four commonwealths in the United States. The other three are Kentucky, Massachusetts and Virginia.
I live in Pittsburgh and switch between calling it the Commonwealth or the state. It just happens. It’s not just law enforcement who does so.
Have a nice day 🙂
and thank you for that history lesson
Forgotten is correct below. Many public schools have moved to “uniforms” which consists of specific colored polo shirts and specific khaki or cloth pants. I worked retail during college breaks (late 90s ) and back then schools were starting it and clothing stores had shipments of specific shirts and pants for the “uniform” requirements. Back then it was Navy polos and light khaki pants.
It does simplify and less jealousy about who is wearing what but for the rest of her so-called story I do not believe one word of it.
Did the event owners like Uber and C88 not stop to think that they were lumping everyone into a forced participation to something they didn’t agree to? Or do they have an agreement that they can enter designers into any fundraiser they want? That’s just wrong if there’s no prior agreement. You’re forcing designers to contribute to something that they may be against due to not trusting the person or simply just not wanting to enter their business into any sort of personal fundraiser due to the big gray cloud that hangs over them. I’m with whoever said LL needs to ban these kinds of fundraisers. I’m surprised they haven’t given the level of fraud we’ve seen.
and thats keepin it 100 folks !!
Yes that fundraiser sticks of fish!
Even if she didn’t know her tenant rights (because many actually don’t and can be tricked by a landlord) and how she could have called the cops; if she had gone to any family service center in her area they would have helped her get back in her home quickly if her story was true.
Her story is all over the place as I reread it so I did not misquote the facts as appear on that website. First she has all this money to get an injured dog assistance – have you ever seen Vet bills? They are the reason I have to stop myself from getting a pet because I cannot afford to care for one. Not sure how old her child is that she is going to school but after rereading it still sounds like a “uniform” and not just as someone above said about school apparel. The first part all started with this dog that is on her FB page and continues that the dog was the issue with noise. She then states she gave the dog away yet if you keep reading when the “constable” showed up she grabbed the dog. Was this another dog? When the Sheriff does show up to do an eviction they come prepared to put everything out on the street and you already know what day that will happen. As another inconsistency in this is she stated that when the constable did show up giving her 10 minutes as the owner was having an eviction notice being done , which I am thinking that it was not court ordered as of yet but he was giving her a heads up that one will be taking place ~ again this makes no sense to me yet she can put her RL pic on Flickr all glammed up stating she is sickly – I only wished I looked good when I am sick. Why is it that only creators have all these issues with not being able to exist in RL and whine to other creators then depend on the residents of SL to bail them out.… Read more »
@funnyface…her story doesn’t make a lot of sense to me either. Too many instances where I raised an eyebrow in question. I smell bs with this and refuse to support.
I agree to this except for the uniform thing. My niece and nephew go to public school and have what the school considers and classify as uniforms. It’s symantics at this point and I’m not arguing, but the schools out here call a pair of khaki pants and a school colored polo as a uniform.
14/15 – These situations happen every day. Something like this happened to me when I was younger, actually. I was subletting an apartment, but the person on the lease wasn’t paying the rent with the money I was giving him. Fortunately, I had friends to land with and no children to worry about. But it was still a very tense situation. I have no doubt that some unscrupulous person could pull this off. Framing it as “bad life choices” is the position of a spoilt child who has no sense of the real world, especially as a working class single parent.
I get you and my mum had been in same situation … a lot when we lived in US in the 90s (Chicago area, had loads of dishonest landlords). As someone below said – it is more about the whole shadyness of internet fundraisers (the one in question is Hope for V in case anyone wonders). This person would be completely fine to do a vague anon campaign on a portal meant for that (she actually is on gofundme) or fundraising within friend or follower circles if she so pleases.
The shadyness enters when it is an organised campaign and charity drive as those would need confirmations – be it receipts, eviction notice or anything that could confirm the reason for the whole thing. There was quite few events forcing participation on designers without ever providing any documents when asked (Chapter 4 comes to my mind).
A lot of those have a thing in common – they prey on those who have been in such situations and can identify with the need so this is why you see a lot of cancer and associated bereavement ones (I am sure some were real but did not see any recently and the worst offender was a cancer related drive which got questioned a lot thus the supposed victim immediately got killed off … while their partner continued the scam and yes – partner and victim were same person).
Most people do help others out just … you don’t hear about it as it is just human and not a thing that needs to be praised. Sure, publicity is needed and reaching out for help and spreading the word is grand as no one can guess everyone’s needs but yep – another thing human is being a scheming doorknob.
Nobody is saying that this doesn’t happen because yes it does. Many Landlords take advantage of those who don’t know their tenant rights.
The issue here is after the whole Rose scandal people are skeptical of her story specially with certain inconsistencies and how she could use RL services set in place to help her far more than a SL fundraiser.
Now, saying it’s “bad life choices” that was probably to broad of a term that was due to the aftermath of the Rose thing not a position of a spoiled child. You have to understand right now people are going to assume a SL fundraiser is most likely a scam unless the people can give clear proof of everything & where the money is going. Thank Rose for this and stop getting upset at people being careful.
Police do not evict someone like that. They verify 30 days notice or whatever the law is there. Even if you’re subletting, they will not evict you because they can’t of you’ve established residence. Whole thing sounds like a lie.
Yes that so much… in fact if a landlord tries to make you leave under threat or whatever before those 30 days you can call the police and stop it legally. The only way a landlord can make you leave your residence is if you are squatting (no legal contract of residence) there for under 30 days. So even if there was no lease in her custody if she had been living there for over 30 days the landlord could not legally make her leave within 10 min like that.
Actually in PA it’s WAAAAYYYY more then 30 days to have squatters rights. It’s more like 21 years. That said even if they were squatters they still get 30 days until eviction. I know because I live in PA and my RL parents(who also live in PA) had to evict squatters who had been living on their property for some years. Only thing I can think is that the person she subletted from had been given the 30 days and then choose not to tell her that. But I dunno I’d think you’d be able to explain that to the cops or sue the sub letter for not having given you that information AND for renting to you illegally like that without informing you. Unless…she knew about it? I dunno…something odd about it.
Yeah you are right…. squatters rights is a very fluid thing from state to state and it depends on what kind of “squatting” you are doing with how quickly they will boot you out as well. But, my point was that she had an established residency there so this whole “only had 10 min” just doesn’t sit right with me.
Yeah it’s odd for sure coffee.
Exactly this ^
#8 I feel like I have seen this picture somewhere, but can’t figure out who the person is.
It’s Kieraly Kimura- otherwise known as Kailynn Tigra or something like that. She decided to stop being a baby on secondlife, and now be a ddlg kitten..
Is she the same person on secret #8? That and Flickr picture match. Some kid shootin tongue out.
Yea I hate when all this info is out, but the name is never given. How are you then suppose to stop shopping there?
Good Morning & Happy Sunday! coffee and tea for all… #2~ Yawn… you posted that crap in the comments of week 503 and was promptly found out that you were full of shit. You are still full of shit nobody believes you or cares. #4~ I remember that Item and I also remember the little plaque next to it giving full credits and clearly stating that “This work is in the public domain, and has no copyright.”. So….sorry to inform you a Thief they are not. Lazy is more the term for such a thing and I had to roll my eyes at that piece because I’m not even a creator and I could pretty much pull that off. Instead of making a secret that leaves out key facts just don’t buy it and leave it at that M’kay. #8~ Last I checked there are many people in SL with not so great of health in RL because it is a place they can go to forget they are sick and be treated like normal people instead of fragile porcelain dolls. If she wants to use that time to chase pixel dick then by all means let her, she isn’t hurting anyone by doing this. #10~ *insert eye roll here* you have heard of the Green Berets and the French Resistance haven’t you? Guess what…. a hat can be just a hat and that one is used by several military units that are not communistic. #14/15~ I’m kinda iffy on my feels about the latest fundraiser (the one about some V) But, even before the whole “Rose thing” I made it a rule that any SL fundraiser I will partake in must provide extensive paperwork explaining exactly what the money is for; and where the money will go to which… Read more »
lol sorry but i loved (the one about some V) xD ‘
Actually, I will correct you on #2 As someone who is a kid in SL and who does not (and never will) associate myself with the numbers family or anyone who associates with them. What’s not to believe? Photos are photos after all. Isn’t the rule of thumb that “pics or it didn’t happen” well we have pics right here. I am sure there will be more to follow. Everyone on the grid is watching that family right now. We do believe it since it can be clearly seen in the photos that are being posted! We all just really wish this family would stop giving people a reason to hate us “kid avis”. This is sick and not okay.
“Everyone on the grid is watching that family right now___”
Clearly “Everyone” needs something else better to do with their lives and the content on Second Life is lacking so much if people are sitting there watching this family stand around and do nothing on their platform for hours every single day.
Does nobody watch cable TV anymore? Stop spending money on Lindens and pay for a Netflix or Hulu subscription for Christ sake.
There’s also some free websites to much more entertaining content if you are smart enough to use Google.
Also the reason that people hate “kid avis” is not because of this family, it’s because of the back stabbing, family stealing, gold digging individuals who make adult avis regret exploring the family scene.
Not to mention, people hate everything that they don’t understand, like why on earth would an adult want to play a child avatar. Their minds automatically jump to “pedo” claims or brain damage.
“Everyone on the grid” is watching the Numbers family right now? Everyone must be having a hard time finding them then. The sim isn’t full yet. Come see for yourself @ Youth Quake. It’s open to the public all day every day. Whenever they’re logged in, that’s where they’ll be. Also, feel free to check out their facebooks. Lots of good info on family-friendly product releases and fun things to do. Obviously plenty of reasons to make people hate kid avis. smh
Correction duly noted & welcome but if you go to week 503 comments you will see that the person who posted this is just as much at fault for giving people a reason to hate SL kids as the numbers family.
It sucks that kids are getting a bad name for any reason but this can’t be considered creditable picture because it’s doctored and claims to be about FB when parts of the pic was taken from Onlinker. It’s been proven already last week the Anime kid doesn’t even exists on FB.
I don’t know anything really about the numbers family and they may be up to no good. The point is that secret is not creditable or believable in any way shape or form specially after it being posted & discredited last week in the comments.
#11 really, who the hell cares lol someone’s butthurt
#16: so, while it’s totes unrealistic to touch someone on the other side of the sim, 4m constitutes an arms-length? what is this av, a giant orang-utan?
#26: vaults have captchas which don’t work on minimum graphics settings, so either this guy has the skills to somehow bypass this (in which case he hardly needs the pennies he’s earning from the vault) or his computer is running like treacle. never mind the lag generated by 26 avs in one spot. what a car crash.
If you are *the* Blingtardette, boy do I ever miss your blog ♥
The Sandersons are never on anymore cause nobody gives a shit about Alex anymore. She’s pathetic And not worth anybody’s attention ?
pretty sure it has nothing to do with no one giving a shit about alex or this secret wouldn’t exist. not surprised to see one of her haters rolling up to call her pathetic again though.
more likely it’s because she left sl and she was the only reason that family existed and therein the juicy drama the OP wanted more of.
Shows how much you know to say Jamie wasn’t a Sanderson lol it hadn’t nothing to do with Lily either. Not only was she one at one point but she also tried fucking half of them. You should do your research before commenting. And let’s be honest, she is not away from Second Life. Lol she lives there. Just because one avatar says she is, doesn’t mean her other new one does. 🙂
#1 is a sanderson
jamie isn’t a sanderson. i think jamie was a sanderson at one point when lily was but then neither of them were.
as far as i’m aware jamie and alex haven’t been friends or on speaking terms in a long time
#18 Why you mad tho?
I was married to his sister and it’s true she is a couple handfuls and you are going to need luck or at least more guts than this 😉 Have a sip of water darling, you look dehydrated.
^ first sign to move along. “you’re going to need luck”… lol
I’ve seen a rise in numbers of most teen or preteen boys having a functioning dick and using it. I also have seen a rise in questionable clothing for girls too in the same kid community. As a kid avatar myself I see myself kinda cringing at these people. Second life sex doesn’t interest me. I just wish these people would crawl back into the hole they came out of since it gives people who do have kid avis or are short in general more ammo to solicit sex offers and even partner purposals to those who are just there to enjoy talking with people and innocent role play of just being silly.
I know, right? I get on my child avatar to escape sexuality and all that drama completely because I’m not interested in it.
Escape sexuality to use it as an excuse to fuck other kid avies on SL?
Seriously? I’m asexual. I don’t even have sex on my adult avatar. Why on Earth would I want to be a ten year old to have sex when I’m not interested in sex at all and don’t experience sexual attraction to any one or thing? The thought of kids having sex makes me want to vomit.
A-Kid, just ignore KFC Manager. He’s trolling here under a few different names.
HAHAHAHA Says the guy who is doing that right now.. Huh KG?
10. Since when wearing a flat hat means being a comunist? Apart from that, do you even realize how stupid is your post? Comunism is no worst then Capitalism, you should really go read some books (not Kindle pls, real books) and maybe go back to school and learn a bit of history.
Comunism and Capitalism killed thousands in the same way, only difference is that Capitalism still does it around the world invading countries, starting wars, etc etc (see Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, LIbya … do I really have to keep going?) while Comunism is basically dead. Get over yourself and try to know what you are talking about before to throw a secret here, cos you just look stupid as f…
94 million perished in China, the Soviet Union, North Korea, Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe under Communism, no OTHER regime has killed so many, it is so severe that its death toll beats WWI (37 million), WWII (66 Million), animal attacks (7 million), natural disasters (24 million), and famine (101 million).
AND KEEP IN MIND that all of the world’s worst famines during the 20th century were in communist countries: China (twice!), the Soviet Union, and North Korea.
Even with all the evidence people still to this day support the idea that communism is better than capitalism when IN FACT it can’t even be compared as capitalism IT’S NOT A REGIME, you are not forced to death into it, it’s based in ownership of properties and free exchange therefore it must be VOLUNTARY, it is based in FREEDOM of choice.
You can die under capitalism but you CANNOT be killed by it.
Communism is still well and alive because people like you were fed lies about it. Just watch as every country is getting these days, people being arrested for simply speaking their own opinions or just for making jokes… and the brainwashed going against freedom of speech into a new Era of fascism.
Bring up EVIDENCE to back your “FACTS” or get back to your brainwashed ideals.
The only reason you’re FREE to be who you are and have EVERYTHING you do, including INTERNET CONNECTION is because of Capitalism.
can we all calm down and realize that a beret is not exclusive to communists
I bet you got your datas from WallMart, or worse from those videos on youtube on the net or from the “book”: The black book of Communism. Maybe I can just say that according to communists, Capitalism killed over 205.000.000 people, directly or indirectly. I don’t have the time to blablabla each data, like you did ( to make look your post more smart) so just google ” Calculating Capitalism’s Death Toll”.
And as for a point I wanna state clear that I am not a communist, I am more of a conservative, but I don’t keep my eyes inside my butt like you do probably. Capitalism is shit as Communism is shit, but Capitalism is not better (this is what i said in my first post) You said you CAN’T BE KILLED BY CAPITALISM, GO TELL IT TO THE 3 MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THAT DIED FROM EMBARGO IN IRAQ BETWEEN 1991-2012 (I’m not mentioning that almost a million of these were KIDS.) So, chill ur ass, and since you should be a democrat, try to be less of a fascist when someone says something different, you don’t carry the real truth between your butt cheeks dude.
Che Guevara, the man that tortured and murdered blacks, homosexuals and entire families out of spite.
The man that forced parents to watch their children being murdered by his own hands or by his soldiers.
Che Guevara, the man that fueled war by admittedly and unashamedly spreading a culture of hate, saying that “hatred is what makes our soldiers violent cold blooded killing machines”. His own words.
A man that massacred anyone that disagreed with him, and if you care to mock my sources, be aware you’ll be mocking family members of innocents that witnessed Guevara’s cruelty before their eyes.
By using his name alone your credibility is almost null and by lying that you’re “more of a conservative” when you clearly stand against conservative views, takes the rest of your credibility flying out the window.
You have none left.
By taking your time and writing an answer then claiming you don’t have time to back up your facts with a civil discussion means that you’re the one using flawed data and your insults only show how immature you truly are.
You’re the one in need of chilling your little ignorant ass and growing up.
I’m sure you’ll be reeeing like a commie once you read this and furiously typing another immature and laughable answer, so II’ll let you know you are welcome to go ahead.
Just don’t expect me to feed your ignorance and triggered personality again.
Bye “dude”.
dude – bringing the same commie BS to the table since has been happening from the beginning- gtfo
Not to mention that Communism, in itself, is not a “movement.” Someone needs to get a dictionary and learn what words mean before using them.
Oh yea? Check that dictionary again son
“The history of communism encompasses a wide variety of ideologies and political movements”
“In political and social sciences, communism is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society”
You two are the most toxic people I have ever come across. You both deserve each other. Good luck… your both going to need it.
Oops.. this should be #5.. not #10 (sorry Communist people!)
Yes everybody knows the numbers is a pedo ring. All in the name. Thomas is the master of the cult. And Mckenzie is the supplier of the mesh bod w/genitals, so intercourse with each other looks better.
×slow clap×
There is no genitals on the Tweenster. I believe you’re talking about the (Avi)-L body which has a vagina addon and is mainly for the female tweens. The creator of that is Liva, not Mckenzie.
Get your facts straight.
Tweenster 100% has no genitals or even an option for them. The only differences between the male and female bodies are that the female one has a more rounded chest and the shoulders aren’t as square. Probably why I like that body so much, it is 100% PG.
I wish people realized that the only way you get genitalia on most of these bodies is if you put them there yourself. (Avi)-L is super dodgy but Liva is a whole other story.
The numbers are a respectable family and the rumors about a pedo ring is complete slander. And there is no body that Kenzie has made that has genitals that is a complete lie and i dare you to even post a link to it. It doesn’t exist.
As a side note – the body in those photos is the Kemono which is not a child body so if that’s the “mesh body with genitals” that’s being gone on about – try again folks. If someone is using it as a kid body, that’s a different story.
To be fair though, people who rp sexual things with the Kemono body are by and large age players. You should see the semantic gymnastics these disgusting people go through with obfuscating words like “lolli” to justify the fact that they are role playing sex with children, and yes young teenagers are children.
Most people who rp sexual things with the kemono body are furries because the kemono body is a furry body aimed at furries. There is such a dislike in that community for the default a-cup chest size that there are easily five or more add ons to give the body bigger breasts, bigger hips, a bigger belly, and other more adult features including a whole fitted torso. Same goes for when it gets used with the anime heads – I very rarely see a default chest kemono body unless it’s being used as a teenage character or the person is saving up for add ons.
I don’t doubt pedo-play with kemonos exists, I’m sure it does, but it’s not even half as common as people think. Every person with a kemono isn’t a pedophile. I see a hell of a lot more “loli” and “baby girl” ageplay with non-kemono human avatars. I get it, anime style makes characters look “young” and it can be offputting but I’ve got to ask.. do you feel this way about kuroo too? It’s a very slender male body that could easily been a teenager.
The kemono body was mainly marketed towards furries and Avatar 2.0 was mainly marketed towards anime lovers.
Fun fact:
The creator of the body was in the spotlight because he openly admitted (to some trolls) about being a pedophile.
And the creator of Meshmerized isn’t a pedo? You go around throwing that word enough and people might start to think you’re a pedophile yourself. 🙂
Key point: to some trolls. I’ve yet to find solid unbiased evidence. Not that I wouldn’t smack Uti for the design of the chest area. I’ve had to buy a Rei’s chest so I wouldn’t be mistaken for a kid, especially to certain paranoid people.
Yes I’ve had to pick up a chest mod myself because the chest was too small, but the rest of the avatar is decent. The Avatar 2.0 however, the line splitting the left and right side is aggravating.
That’s been going around for years and every few months, someone comes into the update chat to spam links to a heavily edited video about it.
Heavily edited in what way? I wasn’t aware that there were alterations of the video. I found it entertaining when I stumbled across it as there was a ban of kemono avatars on a parcel that I had visited one day and they had a huge sign that linked to the video.
The one I saw going around just focuses on him saying he likes young girls then replays it over and over again and zooms in on his avatar with no context whatsoever. It seemed very meme-like and I couldn’t take it seriously.
Wouldn’t surprise me if he liked teenage girls though.
Once again. The photos speak volumes. It is really hard to deny shady things are going on when the photos clearly speak for themselves. Please try again.
@Just another KID on SL — Those were photos that the pedo-accusing troll ColbyDark took of his naked kid friends Chad and Drew. How can you not smell the hypocrisy? But if it’s photos of the Numbers family that you’re looking for, I have something way better than photos… Here’s a 3-minute video of almost the entire Numbers family gathered together doing stuff in the sky above KiD GRiD. Trolls beware. Shield your eyes…
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kidkiptin/videos/633780560294596/
or here (right click to save then play): http://ngi.host/numbersfamily.mp4
The photo shows that the individual Kaitee Dagger who is an anime avatar with a questionable size, exposing themselves and glorifying their sexual activities on the Onlinker website and had added several people at random. Tommy accepted a friend request as did some other people. Kaitee is the one doing questionably “shady things”.
So how about you please try again.
There are no photos. You’re just spewing crap again.
There is no mesh body with genitals that Kenzie has made that’s a complete lie as are all the rumors about the numbers family. There is absolutely nothing going on in their SIM, it’s empty 24/7. The Kid community is it’s own fashion niche and nothing more.
you must be a #’s fan. its ok i was too till my eyes were opened
@ Inauspicious Even if I was inclined to believe this, and I’m not, it still doesn’t change the fact that none of the bodies that Kenzie has made come with genitals. It also doesn’t change the fact that large portions of the Kid Grid are empty most of the day, so please stop because there is no evidence to support your arguments.
That is correct, none of the bodies or skins that Kenzie has made came with genitals. Unlike some of the Toddleedoo skins made on the marketplace, there’s no vagina detail on any Meshmerized skins.
#19 100% agree that Alexx is an ageplayer there is no question about it, that doesn’t make him a pedo though, it makes him an ageplayer and breaking TOS. Please get your facts correct.
Okay everyone is getting carried away on semantics here, and yet we’ve ignored the elephant in the room; namely the lack of proof. Now I’m open to being proved wrong but I don’t see any proof of these allegations and until I do I can hardly agree.
I find this secret hard to take the secret serious with the amount of spelling mistakes it contains, yet the poster could spell manipulator flawlessly.
I’m just going to go out on a limb here and guess that once again we, have a salty individual on our hands that is mad at Alexx for whatever reason and since he fits the criteria of “What makes a pedophile.” – virtual-secrets edition, he’s the flavor of the week.
– Gay.
– Has a boyfriend.
– Has gay parents.
– Apart of well knows individuals previously featured.
– Uses both child and adult avatars.
– Makes kids underwear and bathing suits.
– Has a Facebook.
– Has friends on Facebook who have previously been accused of ageplaying.
Comment correction: “I find this secret hard to take serious _____”
Okay linguistic professor. Either way she gross ass hell. Ive knowned her for 4+ years, she has tried to get all older boys in the kid sims to do her kid AV.
I don’t disagree that its gross, infact I totally agree, and would be happy to see the account banned. I don’t agree with sexual ageplay, but just because a person does gross and disgusting things on SL it doesn’t follow that they are a danger to RL kids, which a pedo would be. Sadly they aren’t by any means the only ones either, they are a small part of a much larger circle.
Wrong, how old do you think dude is behind that screen?
Being a ageplayer insl, constitutes you a pedo inrl.
Technically you’re an “ageplayer” if you portray yourself as any age other than the age you are so if you’re 50 and your avatar is a hot 20 year old.. guess what?
I think the term you’re looking for here is sexual ageplayer.
Duh .. The
behind the screen is an adult, and so is the person he is age playing with , hence and age player, NOT a pedo. I’m not condoning his actions, but it is ADULT to ADULT no real children are being harmed, hence not a pedo.Actually, all that is required to be a pedophile is the attraction to pre-pubescent children, which means that if you role play those kind of things sexually you are, in fact, a pedophile. A pederast is an actual child molester. Do yourself a favor and don’t presume to correct people when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
They not a dude, last time I check you need a penis to be a dude. Dude got a pussy.
This comment just I can’t even.
So are they not a dude? or are they a dude that got a pussy?
Alexx is a girl IRL.
Okay so Alexx is a female who plays a male avatar. Now I understand, thank you for clearing that up.
So I’m not sure what the big deal about this is since a large portion of Second Life plays both or an opposite sex to what they are IRL.
What’s the significance of this information or is it just a fun fact?
#6 – Viagra only gives an erection it doesn’t increase your dick size beyond that…
#8 – Do I detect jealousy? Just because she is sick doesn’t mean she can’t chase some pixel dick. Get over it.
#14 and #15 – If people are stupid enough to buy into that fundraiser bs then that is their own problem. You will never be able to stop those who pray on the stupid.
#18 – Who cares about the sister…he is just….ew…
#21 – Are you a creator? No? How about you learn how and make your own shit instead of complaining how a creator made something you don’t want.
There is a lot of salty bitches this week lol
Good Morning people!
#6 – i dont get it could be too early in the am for me, i’ll look again later.
#7 – stay away from anyone with ‘Sir’ in the name.. this is SL not Shakespeare although all very tragic im sure.
#22 – lol@married 26 years.. secrets become funny as fuck when you realize all this bickering and fuckery is by the fucking pre AARP crowd.. grown up.
The rest ehh idk
p.s. Closets happen to be good decor
waves at houseplant lol
LOVE your #7 comment! It’s totally getting nabbed for my SL profile! (for reals!)
4. The art is public domain. It’s owned by the public. It can be used and resold . You can legally make prints and sell old art. Not a thief. You just don’t understand that there was no copywriting back then. Even if there was a copywrite it only stands for 70 years after the artist’s death. Sometimes, a museaum can contest a royalty if they have the original painting in their collection. But, again the work isn’t stolen in print or digital format. It’s public domain.
While this is not an interesting reply it is informative. I would encourage people to visit The Vordon, it’s actually a great experiance and changes regularly to bring culture and art to Secondlife which was one of the original intentions of Linden Lab. It’s also one of the intentions of Sansar.
*I have no affiliation with The Vordon other than a patron.
good to know
#4. If you did your research you would know that that piece is considered public domain.
Disappointing week….a bunch of nobodies, cheating and whatnot. it happens all the time people, please…be with someone for more than a week before you start becoming obsessed and claiming you love them and trust them with the world…ffs
20 – tell us more.
The Labelle family, especially “Lily” and “Audrey” are useless hoes that attack people for no reason. Beware
#2 has already been debunked as there is no Katiee Dagger on facebook. On Onlooker however…
Thanks for the lies ColbyDark, now do us all a favour and kindly fuck off.
We got a pedophile in denial folks.
So we’ve moved on from pretending to be other avid website posters, to pretending to be a known SL troll?
Someone’s feeling unimportant.
Whats that meckenzie?
HAHAHAHAH You’re clearly mad at this guy you’re stalking him hella hard what a loser HAHAHAHAHA
I guess Colby/Schillar will do just about anything to pursue a pathetic vendetta against Kenzie. How does Kenzie teaming up with “Casper” make no sense? Casper is Hendrik after all.
Stop being a hypocrite and feed your kids child molester 😉
@KFC Manager You really are a piece of shit Colby. Why Linden Labs has never banned your pathetic ass I’ll never understand.
@Britbongian Hi Colby, nice to see you too.
To the poster of #10: Wow, you are an idiot.
#10 poster was probably the same one who went after the store last week for the rising sun flag.
i second that
# 14 fundraiser in SL. Here we go again. Fundraising for V i believe it’s called. Ok As everyone’s got problems or knows some one who does ,why don’t we all set up a fundraiser in SL ? Because it’s most likely not a legit cause. There will not be any proof of the cause or what the money went to. That’s why. Please stop making a mockery out of fundraising.
Here’s my question… on the website it says “The neighbors started complaining and threatened to send cops to the house because they felt like he (the dog) was a nuisance and dangerous. He would whine when she had to crate him, because of course he preferred to be left out and about. The whining, barking outside, and leash reactivity prompted them to approach her.”
Why was the dog being crated to the point of whining and barking, if it sounds like she works from home and doesn’t drive??
Good question and if you scroll down more it says when the “constable” came she grabbed one suitcase and the dog ~ I thought she made reference that the dog had already been taken care of and removed
if i have to choose between my child and dog….. its BYE BYE dog. lol im so dumbfounded right now i swear to god.. thats just some super shady stuff
Ok I’m honestly asking someone to clear this up for me. Why does the gofundme page say it’s in IL, V’s story on the fundraiser website says she is in the commonwealth of PA, and the Facebook page about the dog says the dog was found in OKC? There may be a legit reason for all that, but I’m curious.
Because someone else made the current GoFundme. The locations are accurate.
I am not sure. But certainly she didn’t owe money to the landlord perhaps it was the tenant and she flaked on paying her rent. I am sick of people abusing the SL community to make money out of us. Many of us don’t have a lot ourselves and it is predatory to do this. I see the big names are behind on this. They should take more responsibility as by endorsing this they are pressurizing their customers to donate as they trust in them. I swear to god once the truth comes out all these big name creators better apologize for their part in the fraud. Somebody should contact this landlord to get his side of the story. That’s the bare minimum of due diligence these creators should have done.
Robeal, my guess is that a lot of the designers felt pressured to join. As soon as one big designer jumps in, it becomes popular and something others feel they need to jump on the bandwagon in order to be heralded by the other designers and bloggers. If they decline, then they’re labeled as uncaring and unwilling to help the community.
Then how did the explain the last one as that turned into a huge scam and sadly I think as far as uncaring and unwilling there is a way to answer that in a polite yet firm no.
I have contacted her landlord to ask him for clarification on what is owed and by home/reason behind it if nothing else if it then backs up her story that will help the event and due diligence. I approached it sensitively without any mention of the fund raiser, just to see what specific help she needs to get her home back at his property. I’ll see if he responds to my email. If I get a response I’ll screenshot it for everybody. There will also be court records of the eviction that will be obtainable (I know as I got evicted last year as my military pension was screwed up and I couldn’t make rent and ended up on a black list. I had to pay a lot of deposit for my next place as a result.
Robeal, any news??
Not yet not reply. I don’t think I am allowed to post his name here due to site rules. But going to chase him today. He is also a listing agent so seems to be a professional landlord versus some guy renting his own home out.
Which makes it so unreal that he would hand-write that letter in that manner. I emailed a gf who is a realtor and has on occasions handled rental properties and she states there is no way legally to handle that type of eviction as have stated before this would of gone through the court system and appeared on a docket for the day.
@Robeal still no reply ???
please update us if you have any news
but if all the people who didnt agree spoke up there wouldnt even be an event they could be put out of because the owner would have no designers… thats how u fix it
Ok this might not make me any friends but does anyone else find it odd the whole promotion of that fundraiser? Like the site looked like it was selling the concept of it to you. Odd testimonials that make you wonder why they were put in there in the first place.
As a designer part of an event I am especially annoyed that I am being thrown into the “prize” raffle by offering up a “blogger group guest spot” as a prize without anyone even asking if I wanted any part of it.
What! so they are offering false prizes and strong arming creators to take part?
The Epiphany – 6 rounds of early access
The Arcade- Early access to June, September, and December
Famished – 1 year of blogger group access
Uber – 3 months of blogger group access
The Men’s Department- 3 months access to blogger room
Early access is really useless , cuz eventually everybody will be wearing the same stuff . its not like you get exclusive items by going there earlier than others. I wont be wasting my hard erned money on this fundraiser.
@Disgruntled Designer All those are false/strong armed prizes? And, nobody stood up and said “No, I will not partake in this please take that down”? I’m really concerned at this point even though I didn’t go to the fundraiser.
Nobody should be forced to support something specially if it could have some serious backlash like the Rose event.
Add to the list Collabor 88 – Blogger group access for the rest of the year
I am not part of every one of these events but as far as I know no one has given us a heads up, or even mentioned to the designers via group or otherwise that this was being offered up as a prize.
As far as strong arming ; No one is forcing us to put out our items in these groups or rooms, we put these items out so that bloggers can blog us so it is transaction, but we also didn’t get asked if we want to participate.
I can guarantee that no single designer is going to stand up and say “I don’t want to be part of this charity.”
Just don’t send your items out in the group most of the savvy designers never do anyway, just give to the group bloggers one on one. It is not fair that people are being given free creator products without any notice, consultation or agreement. Those event organizers are getting crazy now.
no one can stand up for themselves???? ya’ll seriously need to get a fucking backbone. You honestly can’t blame someone ‘forcing’ you through the internet for anything you allow to happen. just saying… a lot of these people take advantage of others be it designers or one another because for some reason people in sl are extremely pussy . i don’t understand it
Right, because being outspoken is great for sales.
Exactly. — It’s equivelant to talking to your work boss and saying you disagree with company policies. And then wonder why you got fired (in this case kicked from a high traffic event)
@OK thats because 1 person with no backbone sticks out… but the whole company with a backbone is like the million man march.. wake up buncha pussies… i will say thank god that most of the stuff in SL is just another version of something else already been done that i could do without…because theres a lot of others that are going on the file under astralia list.
to event owners? ur basically getting pimped then.. so better you than me.. i wouldnt stand for it
Designers are not the ones buying your stuff ~ we the residents are and just like the ones that defended Rose a lot of those stores are being shunned ~ I will not condone you for not speaking up just think its rather sad that everyone is so afraid of what a certain Designer will say yet there is so many good ole clique that it is only the designers who this personal cons that are labeled fund raisers that is leaving more and more people a bitter taste in their mouth. For me Vanity Poses am sure will have all this come back to bite her in the ass.
You just made the winning point. There’s no reprecussion if a customer or creator alts talk to the Event Organizers.
Oh ok thank you for clarifying. I guess you’re right about designers saying “No” too much politics in the event/designer community for my blood when it comes to such things.
The best part of the website is the testimonials page. I got so much entertainment out of that. We are supposed to trust this fundraiser because of the testimonials of a bunch of SL whacks? Let’s see, out of those testimonials, we have a couple known catfishers, a couple scammers, and overall, a list of SL addicts who have had more collective drama than The Young and the Restless. Whoever thought that putting up testimonials to try to vouch for the person was smoking crack when they chose their lineup.
Which ones are the catfishers?
There is no way on this planet that the Jenny / Vanity story is legit. Read it through basic principles sub tenants don’t owe landlords. Yeah like I think she may be homeless now but this money owed is not legit. What is more scary is all these big creators endorsed it yet Gain. Haven’t they learnt their lesson and done basic due diligence? I am sure this one won’t be stupid enough to publicize she wants a designer handbag . I won’t be spending a single Linden and those designers better apologize to the customers they are misleading once the truth comes out. And it will come out.
I admit, I thought the same thing when I saw this being advertised. Sadly, there have been too many scams in the past and too many people have been burned by them. The reason behind the fundraiser may be legitimate but, thanks to people like Rose, you just cannot be sure anymore.