Welcome to SLsecret, week 366.
SLSecret: Week 366
· Lourdes Denimore ·
Quick link to the 139 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Aren’t you all supposed to be adults here? It really is sad that some psychologist doesn’t watch this site. There’s so much fodder for a paper on the effects of social interaction online where everyone thinks they are so anonymous and also, evidently, thinks that everything they have to say is earth shaking. If you have to resort to name calling and school yard type bullying then you aren’t all that convinced of your facts. Otherwise, you’d be able to let your facts stand for themselves. Also, ladies, this is the kind of behavior that men resort to… do you really want to act like some dickhead who thinks he is right simply because he is in possession of a penis? The fact of the matter is that in every facet of today’s world, “copying” happens. It’s why knock offs are called knock offs. Not everyone can afford 500 bucks for a purse… but they can afford 50 or 20 for a purse that looks a bit like that designer name brand person. Take a look at last year’s fashion week or even this year’s fashion week and you’ll see copies of those fashions in shops all over the world. As long as it’s not being sold as a genuine “insert designer name” here, it’s fine. Generally speaking it’s not a whole dress or a whole blouse, it may just be the collar or the cuffs or the hemline but I’ve seen shoes for example that are almost direct copies of a designer version in stores all the time. No one turns a hair. But because a designer in sl *might* have copied some small detail.. not even an entire work… but a small detail from another designer’s work.. it’s suddenly the end of the freaking world. It is true… Read more »
Wow, you all are SO thirsty for drama that you descend to concocting bullshit about decent designers.
Thirsty is as thirsty does.
Seriously though, Get a life, get laid, and maybe you won’t have to much energy to put into this sad sad SAD little site.
Here’s the problem with your logic: You TOO are commenting on this site about other comments.
Except I’m not the one who wastes time coming up with this tripe.
Your argument is invalid. Carry on. 🙂
sorry, wrong thread.
Hello and good day to all off you! 🙂
I am the one who build the house for the arcade!!
My name is Angie aka Eowyn Swords from DRD, sister from the wonderful Jaimy who can texture like a boss!
and co worker from Tito who creates fabulous 3D objects!
When my sister showed me the link to this site and when i read all the horrible comments about this house was a fake and bought on turbosquid i got really really angry…like really angry, thats why i did not comment here before because i probably would be commenting just as rude as my sister, sorry for that but she was just plain angry…and i dont blame her for that.
virtual-secrets sorry…but you should first investigate further before putting wrong information on this site.
Because you guys didn’t…i did it for you
here it goes
lets look up the artist on turbosquid who created the house
up in the corner it says MDK designs he himself is a self thought artist you can find him on google search
oh no wait is he on facebook maybe? yes indeed he is
so of course i contact him.
the conversation is captured in two links (gyazo)
and sorry for my English i am from belgium…
I did not blurred out my name or his otherwise the dumber people will think its fake again
but be my guest and contact him yourself 🙂
An apology would be nice but i dont think that would happen
Good day and goodnight!
regards Angie
But did you mention that your mouthy sister called their item ugly?
I don’t know you, your sister or your business partner, but it’s clear to me you’re all a class act and you do deserve an apology. Beautiful build. Great work.
Well played, Angie! Way to keep calm and show these secret making morons what you’re made of! 😀
IP theft is a very serious issue that harms all creators in Second Life. It is far too important to be left up to silly people who do not know what is intellectual property and what is not. The only person who could claim ownership of parted hair is mitochondrial Eve and she’s been dead over 150,000 years. Even if she had registered her part at the Pleistocene Patent Office, it would have expired by now. I am no expert on modeling. I opened Blender once and it made my head spin. However, I can see differences between the two buildings and also realize that there are only thousands of old Victorians with cupolas and balconies. There’s even one very famous and popular one that could have easily been the inspiration for both designs. I am tempted to assign this all to Sayre’s Law, “In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake,” except that while the stakes are low for the people casting irresponsible allegations, the stakes for those who are being defamed are very high, the reputation, their livelihood and their peace of mind. In the future, if you suspect infringement, do the right thing, contact the person whom you think is the original creator and give them a link so they can see for themselves. Then leave it to them. This avoids false and defamatory allegations based on little to no evidence and dismayingly poor understanding of what is and is not infringement. If there is real infringement, this empowers the person whose work was stolen to take action and do something. It really does not help artists at all to gossip about how they were robbed without telling them so they can file a takedown. This also… Read more »
oh boy, the voice of “knows (copies and paste from google) everything” has arrived.
You’re cute.
That is absolutly true, it has nothing to do with ethics and everything to do with ruining someones good name. More than likely a competitor who isn’t raking in as much linden as they’d like. pathetic
More finger pointing of theft. Oh joy. I wish everyone could be as totally bored as you people that make it your business to weed out these earth shattering travesties!
This week so far (and it’s only Wednesday) I have had an acquaintance of mine – a supportive loving single mother of a transgender daughter – find out she has cancer. Then I found out another girl I know – early 20’s in college; baseball player – woke up with blurry vision in one eye and now knows she has MS.
If we could all have lives that our biggest concern is the apparent theft SL creators are committing so they can make huge sums of Lindens. Oh, that’s right….most of them don’t really even make that much off of their creations.
Get over yourselves.
Lol that Alter Ego witch is a dumb hypocrite. She’s mean as hell to people and she’s created feuds left and right with people and the fact people still give that fat hoe any business blows my mind.
She steps on anyone that gets in her way. She literally lives for approval via facebook and blog posts. I love when she says things like “I don’t care about traffic” then makes blog posts about traffic. Howls.
[removed, leave personal info out].
That bitch lives at her comp if she’s not at her comp she’s taking pics of all the food she’s eating lol
I love how she thinks she’s all gangsta and worships trash like Nicki Minaj.. Bitch you’re a fatty at your computer you are far from gangsta.
I can’t wait til she makes a facebook post about this reply.. You know she’s stalking this page!
Seriously though after all the shit she’s pulled and all the people she’s hurt and trampled on.. People just turn a blind eye but, it’s easy to believe someone who has the time to kiss everyone’s ass from her computer chair. She should try going outside now and then.
This is to anyone in this thread – you can name call and trash talk but leave spouses and children out of it. Period. So I edited comments to remove that.
you said this so well haha.
[removed, leave personal info out]
[removed, leave personal info out]
she stuffs her face all day.
does that living at her computer life.
[removed, leave personal info out]
[removed, leave personal info out]
so yeh. you got this lol.
yall know me so well, and how would you know all this information, if your loser asses werent sitting on my facebook like a creeper reading stuff i say. . . hmmmm makes you think who the person with no life is … doesnt it?
How is it creeper status when you leave your facebook open to public for everyone to see? Bitch, you’re dumb.
Then take it there.
Just wanna say thanks for makin me famo this week sl secrets, keep up the hatred on my fat ass, helps me pay for cupcakes!
What a silly hoe you are…
Eowyn Swords (the creater of the DRD Haunted House) is my fiancee. She spent hours and hours working on this build, coming home from her real life job just to spend the next hours untill early AM on her Second Life job. I will not accept these wild trolling and offensive accusations as these are extremely uncalled for and plain rude. You are welcome to contact her (or anyone from DRD) in game as we will not be paying attention to this trolling website anymore.
Jealousy is a nasty thing.
Good day.
Its a bit of a kick in the teeth to work 2 months solid on a project coming home and working after RL work and working weekends only to have someone anonymously make wrong, mean spirited and ignorant comments about our items. it is frustrating after all of that to hear anonymous people spouting their authority on a subject which I doubt they know much about. Reading thru this again I realize that people are making slanderous comments and never having to stand behind them. Well I will stand behind my comments. I am Tito Devinna, I work with 2 other people on DRD, and I testify and swear that the house and its contents we have made for arcade are 100% original. I am willing to answer any questions or concerns people may have about our current products and on the issues people have stated above. I can be found inworld most mornings till 1 in the afternoon U.S. time and evenings after 11 at night. I will answer anyone’s concern inworld and I am happy to do so, but I ask that anyone making the slanderous comments above first put their SL user name on the comments they have made on this page so I can answer to them. If you are so sure you are right as I am also sure that I am right, then you will stand behind your comments with a name. If you can not stand behind your comments with your name then your comments are a lie, you are a troll, and all information you give is meaningless. I await your names and comments. Thank You
Tito,, you do not have to answer this shit mate. You guys make awesome stuff, I am proud to call you two friends and I will always always testify to anyone willing to listen to how hard you guys work on everything and that everything you guys make is made by you totally form scratch. Do not feed into their shit hun
Seriously?? All of these creators are great. Most of you attacking them are either jealous or competitors trying to tear them down but remember your day will come when the same thing will happen to you. Karma always comes around!
Some say SL is dying so instead of creating drama, tearing each other down or screaming fire why not support the creators you love and let others support who they want to. Regardless if someone gets inspiration for a design elsewhere they still have to create it from scratch which most of you can’t so grow up, chill out and get back to having fun in SL and not being childish bitches!!
If one of you petty fucks ruin that DRD set for me, it’s the only thing I wanted the full set from. I will cut your throats.
It’s not ruined. Do yourself a favor and go grab it. There’s also apparently a creepy doll in the machine too. I hear that’s good as well.
I’m not sure what planet people live on but it’s not a ‘rip’ (or whatever the hell people call that). I am sure it would have taken MORE hours and more of a headache than anything to just modify the turbosquid model than it would be to just make another. It’s also a fairly well known style of RL house used in haunted house models.
Nerp… you’re going to cut throats? Over virtual goods, in a game. Sounds about right for SL.
This is getting ridiculous. Please keep us out of this. Kohana, Moon, and I are fine. If you want to insult any of us, that’s okay. But, if you please, don’t try to create conflict between us. None of us have time for this nonsense.
also, no one is insulting “any of you” – just you and eyelids moon. maybe next time you want to create nasty secrets about another talented hair designer, you’ll rethink that. stop throwing shade at other hair designers. as you can see, not everyone is a fan of moon & littlebones hair. me personally, am not. despite your obvious crappy attitude, i don’t find your hairs appealing. everyone is entitled to their opinions right? so if you don’t like what people are saying here, move on to another site.like flickr, where people who don’t even wear your hair kiss your ass.
pretty sure littlebones created this secret.
the moment she copies even one designer. let me promise that s*** will be all over secrets.
yet somehow you found the time to come here and post that you all are “fine and don’t have the time for this”. yeah, um ok. no time for it? sure. so contradictory. that’s why you’re here. your secrets about spellbound won’t bring her down. nice try though.
Hypocrite! You would do everything to take others (really talented creators) down to sell more of your shitty hairs. It would not surprise me if you made this secret by yourself!
LOL do you actually know her? Sounds bitter js.
That’s REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel for evidence in an attempt to say that Spellbound is like the two others.
I guess everyone who has a part in their hair or a few voluminous waves is copying, omg callz da internet police!!1
You are stupid and delusional.
now wait a moment. why on earth? i cannot for the life of me! littlbones herself is a replica of sanya bilavio. her style has come down to that. how come no one posts a secrets about that huh? maybe im crazy but look at her etsy clothing line for example. look at her choices for store decor. then go to fiore or v nine. and check out the resembles of everything there. stfu you are all copying each other.
i guess its ok if its your biffle though.
silent. you talk too much shit.
You realize that Nova and Sanya are close friends right? That they work together and create things for each others stores?
you realize that nova is creating hair for fiore and ofc sanya is gunna bff with her because she’s USING her.
hair is money. thats why all the time hair designers are showing up on this site.
“Using” or “Collaborating” whatever. Doesn’t make any difference in the realm of @2’s argument.
I just want to say I come here and read these every week and every week it is pretty much the same thing.
When you call out a creator for “theft” going by a random picture you THINK is the same you are ruining their reputation. Now the REAL question is why on earth do you sit around looking SO closely at turbosquid and finding every item that may have been “copied” or “stolen” . Instead of wasting your energy trying to ruin creators reputations by spouting nonsense you cant even prove without a shadow of a doubt you could put your incredible skills of wasting time and energy on positive things like building people up OR maybe practicing your mesh making skills and becoming better than they are, that would really show them !
Now about the HAIR oh the HAIR. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Moon hair, I don’t pick apart stores style so much because a lot of hair is more popular at a certain than others and of course creators are going to want to put out what is popular or what they think is cute to be on trend, that isn’t copying that is supply and demand. If one creator makes a hair similar to another it benefits me because a lot of the time I like one hair stores texture over the other or one fits my face shape better and it gives me more options instead of not being able to wear a super cute style! Stop being haters enjoy the dang stuff, make your own or GTFO of SL if you hate how it is so much.
Is it just that no one is submitting any secrets other than those accusing others of stealing? Because while it’s important to expose thieves, it’s also boring as hell for a site that is supposed to be full of *juicy* secrets.
Who is sleeping with who? What naughty kinks do they indulge in? Isn’t anyone talking trash about their BFF’s ex-boyfriend’s last lover’s partner’s brother’s mother?
They are but this site is censored as fuck depending on who is kissing lourdes’ cottage cheese ass
Oh wow I didn’t see this. Ass kissing gets you no where. But we do take bribes, cash or lindens.
or shoes
Aah, the free shoes for a shag, I love every pair I got!
Please. Spare me.
Lol this site is such a mess.
Moon and Littlebones are now resorting to creating secrets? Classy ladies they be.
Moon’s hair releases are really lacking in alot of ways. The hair shapes are thin and wierd and her ads are far superior to her hair creations in the first place so yeah.
Always been a fan of spellbound.Too bad she copied 2 petty hair designers that create secrets every week about other hair stores. Im sure that wont stop anything.
They’ve never been classy. They’ve been racist trash since I can remember. Always since they showed up on that now defunct troll sim BoomBoomPow.
Racist? Please, show us screen shots.
If you have none, just like with the other accusations you have made, you seem to be super paranoid. Does anyone in SL make original content in your opinion? Or maybe you are a butthurt mesher who didn’t make it? IDK. I just can’t understand if you hate every designer in sl so much why you even bother coming on this site.
LOL I don’t think littlebones or moon are racist.. nova wears black avatars in her ads lol.
I do feel as if they are being malicious on secrets alot of the time.
apparently posting hair secrets about other competing brands is a good way to bring them down? Is this how they climbed to the top?
littlebones hair isnt shitty either. Her personality however I heard from several, is.
you must feel realyl important “working” for them lul. you’re like.. “the help”
When did I say I feel important? lol. Never.
So you “heard” from some people that they are mean. Well, you could also hear from some others that they are not. I am sure you could hear just about any person in SL or in the world is mean from somebody. That argument really holds no ground. There is always someone out there who doesn’t like you and is willing to say why.
I only mentioned the fact that I work for them as proof of how I would know their character. Neither one of them are on SL enough to have relationships with anyone aside from a small group of people. They don’t have any issues with other hair creators, people just like to speculate those kinds of things because they are bored. If anyone had any real proof of either of them saying something nasty to another hair creator it would have been posted by now. But it won’t happen because it hasn’t happened.
I feel really sad for everyone here who finds enjoyment out of making people look and feel bad. It’s pretty sad that it has come to this point where people need to stoop so low to get some kicks on the internet.
not to mention spellbound hair is by far better than the other two stores named. The quality difference alone is what separates spellbound from those two. no comparison.
More like moon is torrenting these items as well. Spellbound had the decency to to change the original work at least. All stores are wrong and steal anyway.
thats just so stupid lol. all hair creators are not stealing sims hair lol.
If you were actually read what I wrote last week which doesn’t seem to be the case I said Renderosity as well. The files are torrented and shared among users in that community. They keep sliding under the radar because the torrents are from a private tracker and forum.
Again…if you know so much, where are the example of these hair designers stealing from the sims and renderosity? And don’t bring up the ones we already know do it. You’ve now accused Truth, Lelutka, Tableau Vivant, Little Bones, and Moon of doing it. So show us the proof.
I work for Moon and Little Bones, and I can assure you, neither of them make secrets. I was just coming here myself to say how stupid that secret is because neither of those examples of “copying” are actually copying. Nobody would ever say that a middle part is copying, how stupid. In fact, I don’t even think they know this site exists.
To whoever made the secret, please stop. You are honestly grasping at straws here. Not to mention you are making people think the creators are making these secrets and it’s just not true.
regardless if you work for them or not. how would you know what they are doing in photoshop? this site is anon ofc they are not going to admit it. what are you the blogger manager? lol you would know everything then right?
Its in your face obvious who made this secret lol. lets be real here.
Well for one, both of them could photoshop something better than that, and for two, yes, since i work for them and am close friends with them, I would know their integrity and know they wouldn’t post something like this. In fact, I do believe they are acquaintances with Kohana. They wouldn’t need to go out of their way to slander her. Beyond that, neither of them are stupid enough to think that they invented the “middle part”. That is just ridiculous.
Obviously the secret was made by someone who hates Kohana and is looking for any dumb reason to make a secret about her. Nova and Moon don’t spend nearly enough time in SL to care about this kind of catty bullshit.
Not her fault that she made hair better than Moon and/or Lazy Bones. Which lack in detail compared to our lovely Kohana
I told you guys about this torrenting stuff last week and I was down-voted to hell.Why do you guys think you see the same hair and items for sale during these events? Your eyes aren’t fooling you. Just your loyalty to a brand in second life is making you blind. It’s time to call a spade a spade and expose these popular “creators” for who they are. They pluck random .obj(s) from these torrents and websites and retexture these items to call them their own work.
This is isn’t about originality. This is about being honest. How do these guys go to sleep knowing they steal derivative works from others for profit. They claim they are trying to feed their family from these events but they clearly are taking food from other peoples mouths by being a thief.
I sleep fine! No one cares about ripped stuff in SL.
Except last week you ignored my questions about the hair stores you mentioned and showed no proof. If you want to say the sky is falling, you should probably show us proof of it.
And like Whatever who accused Coll88designers who copied then wouldn’t paste comparisions and told us to google. AGENDA PEOPLE
Sock puppet……yawn
and stop creepy around using fake names, I know it’s you, I always do. You such a creepy creepy girl
Your name says it all.
love how you twist the fuck out of things, you are a total idiot, I gave you all the prove you needed you just got too lazy.
Confused, it was Whatever who posted about Coll88.
Why is Nobody saying she gave proof? I read back there was no proof or links just more slander against creators.
Or are they the same person, I didn’t realize it could be so confusing this site.
Now I’m confused. And Bennton why do you care what I wrote weeks ago that’s just weird. Are you holdinga grudge
You mean the comment that was wrote last week about Collabor88 designers?
Did I make you uncomfortable? I am sorry, it was just confusing as you used two different names so I couldn’t understand the thread above, it wasn’t very logical.
There’s something wrong with you, I just checked last weeks comment and I made ONE comment and it was nothing to do with Coll88, I was infact replying to your other sock puppet. So zip it cupcake, you’re not right in the head it seems
I can’t keep up with you that’s now 3 different names you have replied to me with (1 Nobody (2 Whatever (3 Whateves
I’ll bow out it was a honestly confused question, and you were the one throwing accusations around over designers copying some pallets or whatever it was. I now realize anybody who responds to you just gets a full on trolling. You aren’t worth the trouble.
Furthermore it was not accusations it was simple observations and it was in favor of designers accused of copying not accusatory, it appears your comprehension is also an issue for you. AND that was weeks ago, your memory is obviously far better than your comprehension. Strange that you remember my posts from weeks back albeit obscured
Nope wrong I am whatever and shortened recently shortened to whateves, not ‘nobody’ you are not confused by that, so don’t know why you’re bitching about it, for dramatic effect I suspect. Last week I commented ONCE which part of that are you having trouble understanding?
I don’t recall what I did yesterday let alone what I wrote last week. But apparently you do cupcake. Please don’t flatter yourself, you’re not a big enough bully to make me uncomfortable. I shall however let you continue to make a right c.u.n.t of yourself, carry on.
don’t be a fuckwith all ya live
Are you high?
i’ll be happy to contact the creator of that house and send him my model and have him email you to confirm these are infact completely different models. my previous comment with detailed comparing images will never get posted probably , since ur afraid to get busted yourself for lies.
Where is your work in progress screen shots?
https://gyazo.com/49163e2d7a70629e066b1e43ac5c0fa7 in progress stage gyazo vid. when all that was done was the front porch.
Jaimy, to do not need to prove anything to these people. We’re well aware of your amazing talent and anyone that believes different is simply ignorant and trying to raise pitchforks over nothing.
How is this WIP? It’s a gif with some thief using the rotation command. Any asshole can cook that up in a matter of minutes.
You are amazingly dumb and blind if you cannot see that that is actual work in progress. half done house when we were building it ffs.
Don’t get mad get even. Find out who the jealous insecure fucker is and drag their name through the depths of hell. Make em wish they never messed with you and don’t stop, give it back x3
Why doesn’t the gif show the Software menu, normally people cut that off because it says student license (or ripped software) ?
Also when will you be posting the response to your email from Turbosquid?
You’re a right little fuckwit arn’t you
https://gyazo.com/49163e2d7a70629e066b1e43ac5c0fa7 in progress stage gyazo vid. when all that was done was the front porch.
I’ll ask my sister for them. and i will contact the creator of the house and turbosquid.nothign to hide here
Yeah, I’m sure the creator for that particular item from turbosquid will help you out especially since you called their model and textures ugly.
Duhhh =- dont you mean DummmmmmmmB?
So who created the model, you, your sister, or the small crew mentioned above?
DRD is 3 people, my sister, myself and partner. we all three build in 3D i do all the uvmapping and texturing , my RL sister is the one that built the house while the two of us built all the furniture./i do texturing uvmapping and ive seen my sister work on the house , sharing her screen plenty times during progress. and sedning me the half done house for reference sizes.
it’s very very disrespectfull for these slsecret people to post this when we all worked non stop for hour and hours to build this house and its content, just because we used a reference image we ‘copied’ or ‘bought’ a model ? yeah.. no . and i am going to try and figure out how to contact the person , to make sure this get verified, this model is not even close to the model on the site ffs. these ppl need to stop being blind as fk . I fkng sat behind this goddmn PC untill 7am in the morning every day uvmapping and texturing for 15 hours straight just to get this sht thrown at me? no way in hell am i letting this pass. People know we make our own low poly models, we have even live streamed creating online and i have made speed vids in the past of our creations, we still have a whole process of a castle build on video, so these lies are what they are lies and wrong facts, and anyone who believes hits petty bllsht , is blind, stupid and i wouldnt want them in my store to be quite frank.
I’m sorry that you have to face this issue Jaimy. Most of us all know you all work hard to create such impressive gacha collections. Please don’t ever stop. And this kind of response hurts me too as one of gacha creators, because it’s very time consuming job and none can understand until they try it on their own skin. ♥
Well i was part of the very small crew that made #1 and i can testify it was made from scratch. The source picture is pretty common so many people have made versions of this house in 2d and 3d. I guess this posting just proves that those who can make, do make, and those who cant make post slanderous shit on sl secrets. But on behalf of all the original creators for Arcade we look forward to seeing you all there. There are alot of lovely original goodies this round from lots of very creative people.
Personally I wish more people would steal from Turbo Squid!
Well, that’s awkward http://web.archive.org/web/20070202161913/http://www.seb4d.com/tutorials/Mattepainting/maison.jpg
It is/was a real house 🙂
It is actually a common style of house. We have a whole neighborhood of these style homes, and aside from color and a few minor changes they all look pretty much the same. The stairway on the house is very common and was a popular build back then. I’d say 4 out of every 10 of these homes were shaped that way.
Can’t believe someone would spend time to find a model and create a secret. Slander is unattractive. Highly unattractive. Most of these “secrets” are so petty one just shakes their head while reading them because it is so blatantly obvious they were created by people with an agenda. Maybe your items don’t sell? Quite possibly. Maybe if you spend more time honing your own skills, rather than worrying about other creators… your crap would sell as well.
Yeah ur actually very extremely wrong about the DRD house model, it is made from scratch 100% built off this image http://www.theluxuryspot.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Haunted_House_by_AreYoU.jpg , get your facts straight fucking pieces of shit human beings before you post lies and look at the ugly ass model on turbosquid cause its very very very different from what we built. I would allso not pay for a fucking model that cost 100+USD, every single furniture piece is made from scratch, why would i pay for fucked up models that dont even have an inside.!!???
COMPARING PICS , like the actual pictures :
https://gyazo.com/46d0052dced3b48b5b41bbabc92d7d44 backside view, completey fucking different, the entire rooftop is a different shape , chimney, the attic window all of it is different .. oh why.? BECAUSE ITS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MODEL .
https://gyazo.com/e4d2b4fbef90f8e51cc25fbb5c5d169d lets check the lil roof, completey differetn again.. gee i wonder why …. hm.
https://gyazo.com/d1607059babf346669f88734f6cd33f9 the front side, hm window, differentm wood supports, different, small roof ending on side, non existant in ugly turbosquid model .. hm i wonder why again, gee…
https://gyazo.com/2f908c24e006ad22e6a5409d9182f94c lets compare the entire front of the house now… oh right ITS COMPLETELY DIFFERENT Cause we made it from scratch, YES we worked off a picture that is fairly popular , which im sure this person allso did. and i would never pay for a house model wihtout insides , i would not spend a dime either way since i can make it myself.
Get ur fucking facts straight .
Jaimy you are cute making demands and expecting us to comply. The secret stays and unless you find the person who submitted the secret, no apology will be forthcoming. But do enjoy the extra profit you gain from the publicity.
You are a cunt that clearly has nothing better to do than troll people and trash on designers. Secrets and blatant lies are two different things. I’m sure you are some attempted wannabe creator who couldn’t hack it and now just has to shit on others to make yourself feel better. This site is pretty fucking comical though. Tin foil hats everywhere
Cool story, bro
True I am a cunt. True this site is comical.
Wrong on all the rest.
Looking at the pictures Jaimy provided it is very clear that the differences between both models are quite huge.
The angles aren’t the same. For example at the roof.
Actually the whole structure of the roof is different.
It is the same with the front, The window has a different shape, the handrail is different and it is also clear that the second floor has a different structure.
While the houses have a similar look there are so many differences in the models themself, that I do not think that the accusations which have been made are true.
The differences are so big, that she would have needed a high set of skills to be even able to add those, an amount of skills which would also have allowed her to create the building herself.
And I am sure that she created the house by herself.
It is very simple to say that something has been stolen and of course this happens in second life, but in this case the accusation is not valid.
Well even if the house is a unoriginal design the way you called all us readers names means I won’t be a customer anyway.
Go learn some customer relationship s.
customer relationship? lol On this fkd up webstire posting lies about our product and trying to ruin a reputation?, yeah right. how would you react if u worked hard weeks on something staying up will morning and then finding out its being slantered , calm and quiet? i dont think so. people that believe this is actually true i wouldnt want shopping in my store. i came here cause a friend pointed it out and that i should be aware of this, and yeah naturally i raged like a mofo. who wouldnt. i dont need customer relationship skills on a site like this, they treat me with disrespect why should i treat them any different. and readers that believe it .. same thing.
Fuck em Jaimy – they aint worth shit, your stuff rocks and we know jealousy form some is not worth the aether space its taking up – I laughed at their original slanderous comments because I know how hard you work on your stuff, you, your sis and hubby too so fuck em every which way and upside down too ♥♥♥
I’ve checked model personally from blog pack and I’m 100% sure you’ve tried to make your own version.
There was a lot of changes to make whole building low poly ( And I’m sure this is like Jaimy’s style/ signature if you know her items..
It drives me quite insane someone is ranting without being able to check the build itself in person.
If it’s the same person who is in secrets like for 4th time ? Than I feel honestly sorry for you.
BTW the original image Jaimy stated she used as a reference comes from a reference on how to make an image of a RL house look like a haunted house which I’m assuming is what the maker of the Turbo Squid one used as a reference as well. http://web.archive.org/web/20070314082746/http:/www.seb4d.com/tutorials/Mattepainting/mattepainting_english.htm
I’ve actually wandered through Jaimy’s version and it doesn’t look the same as the one on Tubo Squid. I think it just so happens they used the same reference. If you look up haunted house on google you will find the same picture of the house used many times. Guess what the RL house also has the same parts of the house they are pointing out are the same.
You just changed a few parts about the house and re-textured it. I’m sure others can see that too.
you are a troll.
Who are the losers sitting around on turbosquid just waiting for designers to use them in SL? Is your life so boring you just browse waiting to bust people. Again, people in SL don’t care (except plurk, everything is offensive, or a trigger to them)
Lol what?![comment image](https://i.gyazo.com/a9b9dbe5e499cd33c7d73d69efe8208e.png)
Are you seriously calling Spellbound a copycat because her hair has a middle parting? The styles aren’t even the same! And different designers have been doing to whole cut the body from underneath thing for freaking years, it isn’t exactly new and Moon isn’t the first to do it.
In fact the first time I remember seeing it was by Nox way back in 2013 lol
This is such a petty secret :’)
The DRD one though…
Moon doesnt even do her own ad work, she hires someone for that. And shes open about it.
Pays for people to do her art and ads. We just love those huge gigantic closed eyelids yah know?
Actually, she does do her own ad work now. She initially hired someone to do it for her, but the person proved to be too busy with their own projects, so Moon took over doing it on her own in the same style. The person she hired only did 3 or 4 images for her.
Not sure why anyone would vote that down. lol, what is there to down vote? Someone making their own ads! SKETCHY. pffftttt lol
Who cares about this washed out template filled, did I say WASHED out sl store. Who cares about her opinion as well ?
Go do some “texture art”and make us more skanky shoes and whore attire.
its not even the same though? looking really hard its just not.
Yeah if you look hard enough you can see the subtle changes.
I think look at the other shots on the Turbosquid page, it’s pretty obvious looking it is the same model changed up and the creator thought by changing some windows us dumb Gacha lovers wouldn’t realize.
Looks like they paid 100 bucks too, pretty dumb considering Turbosquid calls out their models cannot be used in SL due to piracy concerns.
The one good thing about Turbosquid they are pretty aggressive on protecting their creators. Perhaps we’ll see the first takedown of a Arcade item. I won’t hold my breath they self remove as Arcade are known for loving IP infringing stuff.
They never threw out Apple Fall although saying that I don’t see him in any rounds recently so perhaps they did.
.. just fyi Apple Fall has never had any issues about ip rights and his leave from Arcade has totally different reasons and I’m sure because I know him .so. just to make things clear and I wouldn’t like if people put his name in mouth.
Apple has pretty blatantly culled images from artists’ online portfolios and textures from houseware websites. It may not have been recently, and he may not sell the offending merchandise anymore, but it’s happened and many of us remember.
You know him? Great! Ask Apple to see the written release from Matthew Williamson that allowed the use of his design on the {af} Long Rug.
Apple Fall has totally ripped stuff from the Vogue “font” throughout to taking images for his chairs and textures from 3d sites in the last 2 years.
He is talented, but boy did he borrow in the old days. Now Cheaky Pea she is a different ball game, she is untalented and ripped pretty much every site you can imagine.
At least Apple has a spark
Yup I made mistakes in the past. Stupid mistakes (YEARS ago). I used rug textures and images I shouldn’t have. Ignorance is no excuse, I am not excusing myself or hiding behind a ‘grey area’. But I educated myself, removed the offending products and moved on from it. Perhaps others should, as well.
Buying textures isn’t IP infringement, and I don’t hide it. I don’t ‘take’ pictures from websites, I pay for them, and am happy to share receipts with anyone who is interested. I make sure I have full rights to use them before I proceed. I have never bought a 3D model although if one begs to differ, please show me.
Re Vogue: there is no ‘Vogue’ font, I imagine you’re talking about my ‘It’s totally VOGUE or something’ Frame. Vogue is a word in its’ own right therefore cannot have a copyright on it. A trademark however can exist, if used in context. There is nothing linking my picture to the Vogue magazine or franchise or even remotely linking to anything to do with fashion; (it’s a black image with white text) how people perceive its’ meaning is purely down to personal interpretation.
I’m most likely wasting my breath here as you’re still discussing things that happened 3 years ago as if they happened yesterday. But I also suppose the purpose of this site is to read idle gossip and feed off rumours so have at it. I’ve said my bit, this is the first and last time I’m posting here. Take care
I fully support you Apple hands down. You are one of the best creators on SL. Everyone makes mistakes in the past, but we learn for them as you did. Haters will always hate. You always keep doing you and coming out with some incredible stuff for us to buy <3
Seriously Apple, you do not have to prove anything to anyone. They’re vultures they love the drama and the blood. Everyone makes mistakes, unfortunately some folks won’t let you forget it. Carry on with your wonderful work, your success is the best way to shove it their face.
Go Apple!
Lolol k. He hasn’t had an IP issue before? Kay.
Yup, I agree my reaction was quite naive and I was not aware of any issues years ago, but I guess all of us make some mistakes. I’m just trying to express my opinion about Apple’s work. … but you know it will always stay like haters gonna hate 🙂
I knew # 2 was going to happen this week. You people are so predictable. LOL!?!
Listen here, Christine , you just need to take this pointless website down. That or go back to binarycat.com and keep blogging about chef boyardee chicago deep dish pizza.
ooo, you found me. Everyone knows who I am. I have *never* hidden who I was. virtual-secrets has been around for over 5 years, I’m surprised everyone’s suddenly making a BFD over it in the last couple months. It’s not CHANGED in any form, go through the archives – 80 percent of them are the same as they are now. I hope people DO try the pizza recipe – it’s not like it’s a hard thing to make and also it’s not AMAZING but it’s decent enough to eat on a weekday and quick enough to make if you work and don’t want to spend an hour making dinner.
Again, outing me doesn’t scare me. You are welcome to come visit me at my house. I love visitors.
Well quite honestly your writing should be submitted to Jezebel for kitchenette. Just saying.