· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 349 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
18 – Jealous? Biphobic? Or both? Regardless, this one’s pathetic. “ZOMG someone is attractive to people of multiple genders and he likes it! SCANDALOUS.” Actual dirt, please.
Your perception of harmless memes provides great insights into your world view. Keep it up, champ. Oh btw “multiple” is an interested way of saying “both” 😁
#13 And? It’s SL, it’s almost as if you’re allowed to be anything you want.
#13 Watch out guys, the buff anthro siberian husky JOMO model is not an actual Siberian husky IRL but in fact, a male or female human behind a screen. And they don’t even workout! Unless they’re literally going around telling people that they’re a “femboy” irl, who gives a fuck, honestly? It’s second life, you shouldn’t be surprised.
#20 oof…
#25 you’re really pressed about some fuckboy virtually nutting too quickly? Go touch grass please, holy shit…
#41 I really wish people would look up the amount of money something like 650$L hair would cost in rl currency before bitching about how “expensive” it is. 650L for a fatpack is great seeing as most cost thousands of linden. Don’t like it? Make your own and try selling it for chump change.
#51 This made my whole fucking day lmfao.
Bruh I use Espen and I can’t even deny.
that said it’s nice to have a more realistic Option now a days.
There have been quite a few realistic dog heads out already. The DSD fennec, PsiFuck and especially the BeSpoke heads, probably also many smaller ones nobody ever supported. But nobody gives a fuck about them because they’re not by a popular creator (don’t get me wrong, I love August’s work, I love his chibi work so much)
How did you get 100 downvotes in 5 hours? What part of this exactly caused it. Teach me your secrets.
It was probably the stupid post this person made ahead of this one but deleted. They basically asked for it.
You hit every motherfucker in here’s nerve. Bravo!
who is downvoting this 95 times oh my god?
#6 – I have worked real estate in different roleplay and estate communities and I assure you that is not normal in every community. A realtor in Cedar Creek owns around 5 businesses but is not normal in other communities. It’s abuse of power. Fox Hollow was best for citizen businesses. NH and dare I say Woodland are good about it to
#18 – Are you blind? Cade is dating Emilee. It says on his profile
#2 True Gross puts the british accent to SHAME! Anger issues! Acts like a teenager
#3 True Looks like a bearded dragon Has a talent for being as fake as they come
#14True So many copyrights
#16True This is conspiracy
#49True Complete and utter toxic
#2 My experience from dating Kolt was not great some of the things mentioned was true some are not. However drama will follow drama and it does go without question he is drama try being a mature adult not i want to be an attention seeker.
Dated me? Lol I doubt that also the pool of people I been involved with. The last person who got butthurt by me was cynder and I mean well. Say no more… none of my ex’s even knew what sl secrets was lol
In re: Hair prices, and also prices in SL more generally: Everyone’s right here. Everything in SL is a virtual asset that you probably don’t NEED unless you’re actually working in SL in some capacity (which people do). It’s a luxury. And so residents have to be enticed to spend “extra.” Creators DO deserve to be rewarded for their work and their IP. But, they also have infinite copies of the assets they create and sell. In RL, pricing is tied to labor costs because you need to pay people to make each thing (or at least, oversee the factory robots making the things). In SL, a person makes a thing once, but can keep getting paid for its infinite copies for years after the original work. So, “creators deserve it because they word hard” isn’t as persuasive an argument as it might be elsewhere. At the same time, we also generally recognize that things involving a lot of complicated moving parts, collaborations between meshers and scripters etc., are going to cost more. (Contraption can really charge as much as they like, and I wouldn’t say a word.) Long development times for complicated products definitely impact how often a creator can release new things and thus stimulate new sales. This has got to be a problem for the mesh body market; it’s a bit freakish how fast Lelutka (and in the past, Catwa) can pump out new heads. But also: 1000L is like, 5 USD, and with inflation, $5 is the new $1. It’s objectively not very much money. But “objectively not very much money” can still add up if you buy lots. (Don’t ask me about the last Apple Fall MP sale or… most weekends, for that matter.) And lots of residents ARE in countries with lower costs of… Read more »
41. 😂
really people I don’t understand your crying, 425 lindens for a fatpack for 1 pair of hair or for a fatpack with 4 hair stylings and all options 649 linden. In the past you paid 250 -300 Linden for 1 pair of hair alone and only one hair colour. You know that it is a lot of work to read all the colours into one or more HUDs and then pack everything into the sales box and then into the vendors. 649 linden is not too much for 4 haarestyling, let’s calculate the old standard 1 hair stly 250 x 4 = 1000 linden. You know or when a designer gets paid at the end he has to transfer 5% to Tilda/Linden Lab for which it ends up on his paypal account. Let’s calculate 1000 USD out of Secondlife and -5% of that makes 950 USD. If it’s too expensive, move on and don’t complain. Inflation has also entered SL as designers also have to pay more for creating for SL.
Leave your PC and go out and enjoy your life and be happy. Love yourself for once and don’t always grumble about everything and everyone. 😀
They’re just crying because it cuts into their meth money.
73 people have to go without their meth this week! LOL
#33 your not fooling anyone by you two deleting your profiles
They think they’re smart and fooling everyone! We see you on that alt ☕️
what I read : REEEEEEEEEE!
Lol someone is clearly triggered and deluded must need a tampon change i guess! I mean look at the way you are typing yourself in capitals with fuck this fuck that. Maybe concentrate on yourself and fix your grammar also please thank you.
Capslocks hurts my eyes.
#25 LOOOOL that mf has done that to me too SO MANY TIMES. I stopped replying when he said stuff like that, and then eventually just deleted him. That’s exactly why some people are so mistrusting!!
these gross weirdos even named their homeland ‘adonis heights’ in case the pedophilia subtext wasn’t loud enough.
Adonis has nothing to do with pedophilia. Adonis was the young mortal lover of Aphrodite and Persephone. Yes, they shared him from the time he was a baby, but the relations didn’t start til he was of age of consent, which his age was never spoken. However age of consent was much younger then than in modern times. Girls were married at the latest 15 yrs old, usually 11-12. So, with all that said, the sim names are from the simple definition of Adonis:
Notice…it says young MAN, not young BOY
Fuck off Hadley.
This is why you’re alone and no one likes you. You just sit here and bully people because no one wants you in their family.
riley pls will u shut the fuck up, lets see how long ur other brother last before he is banned for billionth time. explain that one, mf
I can promise you, this is not Riley – but nice try.
yes cole say enjoy incest sex but who care? its not real in sl u should let him enjoy fantasy
You all just need to know your facts before you start spitting vile crap on this site. Cole and Noah were together before the family adopted Noah. Not everyone in SL takes their family roles as real as others do. Just because you share common parents in SL doesn’t mean you are siblings. I have parents I share with several others that I do not consider siblings and I have siblings that I don’t share any parents with. Get your head out of your ass and worry about your own sad existence.
It’s almost like referring to your friends as your parents and siblings is incredibly stupid and pointless. 🤔
Wtf happened that “friend” isn’t good enough for you weirdos anymore? It’s actually more meaningful than family, since you choose them and family happens through accidents of birth.
Do you people seriously not get that what turns you on in SL is what turns you on in rl? You don’t have more than one brain. If you don’t actually DO those things in rl, it’s marginally better, but it will never change the fact that you’re getting off to disgusting things.
no u are just weird freak with no limit for rl and virtual, fantasy stays fantasy for normal ppl. u need therapy.
Learn how to speak actual English before you try to insult someone.
another american thinking should be catered to. u go try and learn other language too then.
I certainly will, if I decide to go on a website where that language is spoken and try to talk shit. Meanwhile, here you are.
ummmmm EEWW!
#17 So, I have been watching all of this Cedar Creek drama quietly from afar and I think many people have missed what is actually going on here. 1. Belle Mahan aka bellepaige Resident STARTED the alt rumors. She came to a friend of a friend days before the first Post hit VS saying that new guy in town was an alt….so yeah, she wrote the original post or is one of the original posters promoting it. She admittedly sits watching her radar and reading profiles and then befriends key people in the community who she thinks will feed her dirt on other people. Be careful if you have been befriended by her and what you say to her as it will be used to add to her deranged narrative or possibly to harass you. Don’t be fooled by her sweet, innocent demeanor. She is a master manipulator and lures people into her web only to rip them apart. She has teen and toddler alts and a creepy longtime friend, Lance Moretti, who she invited to Cedar Creek. Lance then began sending underage girls, teens, dick pics and videos of himself jerking off and tried to adopt a teenage girl, when he plays a 21 year old avatar. BTW I have spoken with both Kristin and Belle on voice so no, not same person. Belle got on voice in a call OOC to try to cast doubt on the alt rumors but that proves nothing other than she is female. I do not agree with what Kristin did, blasting Cedar Creek and calling people out like she did, but at least she did not hide here and do it. The girl got pissed and spoke the truth about the crazy BS drama in Cedar Creek and lost her cool. So… Read more »
I know truth about Ramesh he a man not a good one trust me the god complex extends into RL he knows what he’s doing and he really does think this way SL and RL dont feel sorry for him Karma always ends up kicking him in the ass
BELLE DID NOT EXPOSE MARCUS. BELLE IS AN ALT HERSELF. Rofl there is a small group of people who exposed him & she is not one of them. I know this because I’m apart of the group. Rofl give it up Kristin. You started out by typing a paragraph of lies. As one of the people who exposed Marcus Declan Grey Belle Rowan ETC ETC ETC and ALL the MANY alts that you made, I can confirm that this is all bullshit and a dumb ploy to make your alt Belle Mahan (bellepaige) a heroine. Belle did not voice with anyone. No one gives a damn about Belle outside of her being in relation of the alt ring. Belle’s existence in CC was all about Marcus. Her character sheet was all about Marcus. She’ll change that now. She was dating Marcus when he needed to be in a relationship. Her profile was all about Marcus. She was a walking spokesperson for him. Her only agenda was to advertise him how the typist wanted him to be viewed by others. Now that the alts are exposed, you’re desperately trying to save Belle by manipulating us into thinking you’re exposing her but what you’re really doing is trying to get her out of the alt conspiracy. As one of the exposers revealed last week, a link has already uncovered the truth. Next time don’t use your alts to manipulate people and maybe you’ll be left alone
Laughing so hard at how desperately whoever this is is trying to keep people interested in yesterdays news. Once you Pop, you obviously really got hurt or rejected to be this angry and obsessed over this. I would suggest a hobby or a RL job. You have WAY too much time on SL and that makes you very pathetic. Who gives a fuck who is who’s alt? No one was manipulated as everyone should be smart enough to not go OOC with someone in a RP community. If you take that chance then yes you will get hurt, rejected yada yada. You obviously are too much of a coward to get on Discord voice to prove your baseless accusations and rumors…..so without proof, your ramblings are just that, the crazy ramblings of another psycho scorned woman or man. Yawn……moving on as you bore me as does the whole CC tele novella.
Rofl if you say so Kristin. Have fun with your newest alt in CC.
Ummm you obviously were too scare to join the OOC that occurred between Belle, Jessie and Jenni and Furby. Unless they are ventriloquists, I am not sure how they all have very different voices? If you are so brave, call them in discord…..oh but wait…you might be hiding your true identity too so you cannot do that lmao. Just another basement dweller. Get off your fat ass and call them in a group call if you are SO sure of your stupid drama. No one has exposed shit. You just want attention because you were scorned. 🤣 Bitch Please.
You guys are like a little sewing circle.
Someone’s angry. If you were keeping up last week we said the accounts are ran by a woman or group of women. You are proving nothing. WHEN WILL BELLE MARCUS GRAY AND ROWAN GET IN THE CALL TOGETHER? I’ll be impressed when that happens Kristin
again? get off ur fat ass and away from computer sometime
I see the poors are complaining again.
The rest of this shit, TL, DR
#1 – Doesn’t surprise me about this idiot. Everything is fake about Shane aka Mrs. Dirty kunt. Even down to the dick between her legs. 😆
The real kicker is that one of the people that went around telling everyone it’s really a woman, is one of the people sucking their fake lady dick in the comments of the facebook thread.
One?? Are you new? There have been SEVERAL people who “Shane” has dated that have come forward with the truth. I think you need to sit your ass back down in the kiddy pool where all the other non swimmers sit. The REAL kicker here is all the people defending a chick with a fake dick who roams around copy-botting other creators ideas and products. It doesn’t surprise me at all. “Shane” has been doing this for a very long time. Hell, i’m sure “Shane” isn’t even his real name. 😆 😂
I am in fact new, lol. Why so aggressive? Are you ok?
Of course you are new. You don’t know shit. Please move on to a topic that you are more familiar with.
4. She is the worst out of all her people. Her store is shit and she just spews shit. The whole group needs to go find a life.
32. Funny enough, what’s written means nothing. It’s gibberish. It’s like they didn’t check how it’s suppose to be written. I wouldn’t say it’s racist (Unless the people that speak it find it racist). But they do seem to be a rather insensitive group.
they do look really dumb tho
They do, that’s my point
Somehow, it wouldn’t be complete without you posting fascist memes.
I know you like me, but your buzzword game is really weak this week.
Imagine being a woketard, and imagine chanting a word dozens of times a day but still getting it wrong every single time.
You might have a more compelling argument if you weren’t waving the red flags right in our faces. Quit acting brand new.
There’s no ‘argument’ here, you used fascist wrong and I doubt you’ve ever used it right in your life. Your post is also as incoherent as I expect from a mentally ill ‘woke’.
“everything I don’t like is fascist! REEEEEEE”
And the ableism, too!
Wig dog, dog with a wig on it
#4 has anybody else noticed that Jake Morningstar’s and Dusty/Harvey Blackwood’s personalities both only seem to be their internet girlfriends? All they post has to do with Brynn/Harlow or the same memes about how in love they are. No normal guy does that. Not saying their the same person but it is weird.
Pretty common pattern in SL tho
#1 The story doesn’t make sense, and it is more than just a bow. See FB post by MonaMaldita
#14 Comparing the AD pictures is not the same as comparing pictures of the actual products.
#16 In SL, it’s safe to assume everyone is lying about their RL. 😜
#41 If people think it’s worth it, they’ll pay it.
#46 I don’t think it is elitism but instead probably a lack of content that meets LL’s guidelines.
Blogger Network Content Guidelines:
The blog post highlights a positive implementation of the Second Life experience, with well-written text and high-quality imagery.
The editorial content and tone is appealing and contains information that is of use to the overall Second Life community, including new Residents.
Editorial content is exceptional or unique and does not duplicate previously selected blog topics or themes.
The blog content is timely and focuses on current Second Life news or trends such as a forthcoming event, new destination or fashion trend.
poor Brynn getting messed up with Harlow & her constant drama for attention. Aria and Harlow has been all over Brynn’s Facebook today. Maybe she doesn’t want her whole life to be drama like Harlow does? That’s how Harlow works, she sucks you into her drama & then she makes you give up friends she doesn’t like. Brynn should run.
They’re the same person
I dont know whether to like or dislike this comment! Harlow is awful & a joke of a person but this isn’t news or a surprise to anybody. Brynn is no better from what everyone is saying & she’s a Harlow 2.0 so I wouldn’t feel sorry for either of them.
20. Dude this is disturbing and stupid
#18 Ramesh is still doing this? He did this in FH to. He thought women were crazy over him and he would post about himself for attention
Well yea he has no life RL wise so he’s gotta try and act like a big shot in SL the only woman who are crazy about him are the psycho ones who are desperate for a man, ever seen any sane woman actually stick around? No cause they see through his dumbass
Tbh he’s probably getting off rn to the fact he’s on here again and people are talking about him cause he is an attention whore
#27: That dumb fuck Millie never ceases to amaze me with how desperate and low she can stoop. Literally shut the fuck up and go ERP with more age-players, you mongoloid cow. 💩
Damn that Short Leash owner is literally destroying her own brand by posting on this site.
40 this is like the #1 story i want to hear at an SL party i am BEGGING to know more
32 just stop.
32. Also stop calling things racist when it relates to language at this point. In that case VW should team up with UFW because taco gate had this shit going on. Yet you assholes let go of that concept and shoved it right up you’re asses only to destroy yourselves in the end makes me question if we should’ve united them back in the first place but no it’s toxic people like you using social justice to cause this situation to begin with. But now we got FWF back UFW still here and now you guys hate the very thing built for you. If anything VW,FWF,and UFW should out right fuck you guys over unanimously for ruining the furry wresting community entirely for wasting our time with you penny pinching bullshit. And let me guess your sour Alyx J Knightmare isn’t there anymore. look his ass cheated on Ravensky or his real life girlfriend. So if you wanna leave furry wrestling or wrestling entirely then go right the fuck ahead these shows aren’t for you fuck off.
Best stay apart. VW has some of the most toxic people that comes from VWE. That being Hammer and Lyra. Sorry. I rather if they stay away in general and do their own thing with their expensive products. I mean, we have other feds selling their products for 50L$
VW: Lets sell our stuff for 500L$
Animators sell their price for a mere 500L$ to 1K L$
Lyra: Lets sell one animation for 5k L$.
Yeah no. Either stay on your own, or get out. We ain’t your bank, VW and Wildfire.
Oh yeah Alyx the sexual harassing man i am sure he is trying to slide up into another 16 year olds dms and having a relationship with them 😂
kinda funny how everyone been washing their hands with him as well as tryna hide the fact they supported him and push that shit under the carpet
I believe the 16 year old situation was proven false by several people oil including by Raven after talking to others the girl also was involved with for a long period. She faked her age to many.
Raven cheated with the fox boi in fwf…the fuq she’s back? Lmao 🤣
This is by Raven, easier to paste it than screenshot and wait for approval. RavenSkye — Today at 6:14 PM I’m home now from the hospital so here’s the thing… I wont go onto that site, it’s not worth it, period. They are bunch of junior highish people who are obsessed with everything I do because they have no life of their own. I mean hell, get a hobby or something that doesnt involve me. It’s just stupid. I’m NOT out of wrestling like they think or “the furry community hates you”. It’s all bullshit honestly by trash bags There’s never been any “cheating. Relationships between people have been months in between each other. Things I didnt intend to happen but did. ~ Snarl (SL/RL) 2011-2013 (a very abusive fuck I could literally write a book on) ~ Leo 2014-2015 (he wanted to find RL and due to some things I couldnt do it for him and was ok with it) ~ Snarl 2015 (like 3 months later) (short bit, he had RL wife I found out) ~ Leo 2018-2019 – was just mostly close friends SL relationship, let another be involved (big mistake), barely sexually involved, open again but I was just close to him. We split so he could try a RL life again and I let him go so he could. We didnt even do anything “sexually” for a year at that point. Was mostly partnered business reasons and best friends. I could have unpartnered anytime I wanted and go off anywhere, it was that kinda relationship. ~ Blaise Oct 2019-Late Jan/Early february 2020? (about 2-3 months later after Leo) Sl only, wanted GF that was not involved with anyone, didnt have relations on SL anywhere but at the same time he had GFs in other RP areas… Read more »
While this is true, that doesn’t mean Alyx didn’t cheat on Raven. Raven has literal logs of Alyx coming out clean about cheating on her ass. X’D
But you right, she cheated on the fox, not to mention ignore his advice on multiple occasions.
who I wonder?
Because if it’s Blaise Cameron then you should know he got shit for talking about a useless sim and a horrible group of people who went to beach brawl like some of you dumbasses did. Raven might have the loss legs but she’s no hoe. Blaise and Alyx were both champions so she got desperate.
What would she be desperate for? You never seen her in their spotlight or bragging about either of them. Blaise trash talked everything wrestling wise, treated Raven pretty awful, destroyed her fed by posting some fake information about Alyxx and everyone sponsoring up and quit for what he did. I don’t understand Alyx either, nor do I know much more than Raven has told me, he mistreated her but she still speaks highly of him somewhat even when I don’t think he honestly deserves it at this point..
She’s not a hoe, but she’s also not desperate. She could have chosen better people if she was I’m sure.
She is constantly trash talked by a small group of strange people who are known for problems everywhere they go. She’s helped us a ton and many others. I still don’t understand this. She’s done a lot of work for us for free, she’s friendly and great to work with, she’s helpful and never asks for anything. She never wants to be part of our main advertising or in product photos and likes to stay in the background. I don’t see anything “desperate” from her and with talking to her about people, there is no desperation for anyone there either.
People will just hate for nonsensical reasons.
Oh Hi Raven, we gonna do this again? Check your record hun, every club you have helped run has gone to shit. And you sit here trying to say you get hate for “nonsensical reasons” when you tried to defend someone clearly supporting some fucked up shit. It wasn’t until you defended Leo about his “feral dolls” that they finally got removed. Keep on trying to claim being the victim, you’ll just sink in that hole quicker because it was pretty easy to mark who owns that alias after you went into details about things. Yes It was Blaise(thanks Cosmo and “An American”, just didn’t remember how to spell it. Typical orange fox so can ya blame me? You snuck out of pounce because you tried to date the big honcho for your own reasons (thought you were dating leo but I guess you were never loyal from the start) and the same goes for Alyx. You took a break from running the damn club and even tried to get a part in the group. Once that ship sailed you were back as staff and fighting because your control was broken and the group was improving even AFTER you lost half your staff to Eternity in an infighting situation. Not like you could cover the that since it was quickly revealed that you and Leo called everyone snowflakes and banned anyone that got upset. Ejects here, bans there, it was kinda obvious during your rigged raffles. Real cheeky considering it was rigged from the start, try crashing the sim again Oops, yelling at staff is a big nono 🤣 Oh look at that your rumors pick is gone, and so is Leo! Gonna pretend like that never happened huh. Guess ya got to much heat from that 😲 And for… Read more »
So you’re telling me she dated Leo? No wonder why pounce went to shit. She ruined something by going on Leo’s ass then Blaise then Alyx j Knightmare who cheated on her ass. I’m getting pissed.
IFC, IYC, Pounce…the list is long full of bullshit and even before it was clubs, they were and STILL ARE a manager for vivid animation. Once shit hit the fan they left to make another…just like the chill zone currently. Oh wait Raven’s banned 🤣
Vivid Animation – old store with some shady shit
Pounce animations – the “rebrand” because it got too hot
how the heck does this cover anything? Pounce was notorious for such a shit show! It ain’t doing em any favors.
Leo did mesh for a LOT of clubs, GYC included. But he’s always reusing those dumb builds. His mesh dance floor is known to break computers with how unoptimized they were.
Chill zone is just a rehash of old IFC. And I find it funny that every time I see photos of her previous shit it’s always her and leo knocking them staff tags with Leo being the head honcho.
They threw the ownership to someone else and ran away.
I’m not Raven, nice try however.
keep playing dumb, it makes it funnier 🤣
It’s good to be amused, at least you have something great to do right? My chat screenshot with her about this situation will post when it’s approved by Kesseret.
Have the day you deserve!
I asked her again about it. Maybe you are friends and defending him too? Only ones that will know what happened are the ones involved.
Because Alyx has that cult of personality.
Because those sponsors were cucked by AJK. If Alyx J Knightmare did the shit he did now they would go cold turkey on his ass. Now they all fell to being useless dumps.
This is quite the delusional situation you are in. If you’re going to trust Raven that easily, then you’re only ever going to hear a quarter of the story because, you’re getting ratio’d by people who seem to agree with the other, not to mention, you only hear one side but don’t hear the other one. Yes, that’s such a good way to debate. 😑 Let me be biased with this one person who shared one side of the story, and not hear the other side.
Do you think the truth comes out as easy as you think? Because it doesn’t. People fear the unknown. The variables. The possibilities they don’t want. And that’s the thing with SL. The truth is always so much further than you think. That’s what’s really causing all this drama and fighting. No one truly knows one another until it is too late. But if you truly think Raven is okay? Then you shouldn’t even be talking to us and just focus on Raven’s health. Because right now? She needs a friend, wether she says the truth or not.
Personally, I wouldn’t trust everything Raven says. At most, I’d trust only a good 60% of what she says. Because people fear revealing the truth for various reasons.
32. Also stop calling shit racist when it relates to language at this point. In that case VW should team up with UFW because taco gate had this shit going on. Yet you assholes let go of that concept and shoved it right up you’re asses only to destroy yourselves in the end makes me question if we should’ve united them back in the first place but no it’s toxic people like you using social justice to cause this situation to begin with. But now we got FWF back UFW still here and now you guys hate the very thing built for you. If anything VW,FWF,and UFW should out right fuck you guys over unanimously for ruining the furry wresting community entirely for wasting our time with you penny pinching bullshit. And let me guess your sour Alyx J Knightmare isn’t there anymore. look his ass cheated on Ravensky or his real life girlfriend. So if you wanna leave furry wrestling or wrestling entirely then go right the fuck ahead these shows aren’t for you fuck off.
Naturally it’s “An american” saying this.
Disregarding the nuances and meanings of other languages and cultures that don’t belong to you and that you haven’t educated yourself about and just nicking meaningful communication as some kind of… fashion?
I don’t know if it’s always “racist” per se but it’s definitely disrespectful and a dick move.
Go learn a few other languages or take some linguistics classes or something. Come back when you’re not just coasting by expecting other people to speak English for you.
did this thing just duplicate my post?
#41-I love Stealthic, but they aren’t as good as Doux and they are even more expensive. Most people don’t need EVERY. SINGLE. COLOR. You make more money if you have some cheaper options for those who aren’t taking up a lovense career to keep up with fashion.
51 maybe when you guys stop acting like noobs you’ll understand.
We understand. Furries are fucking weirdos.
Most people on SL in general, are fucking weirdos.
29 By who? lol So far I haven’t witnessed any asses being handed to him ….unless you refer to having to drop in like 8 people to all over speak each other handing someone their ass. Honestly, all he did was laugh his ass off.(Because you know, people have to get into other peoples business otherwise they feel left out) I mean honestly…what is anyone gonna do? Yell over their mic? Type in all caps? “Crash” him? Keep posting on VS? Did yall forget sl is a virtual reality? like…people can log off and not give a damn what anyone else says. Why you so mad for? Do you need the attention? Maybe a hug? Perhaps a better real life so you stop taking second life so serious? Therapy is a thing to you know. Did yall ever think maybe he left it alone because it wasn’t worth his time? Obviously, you care more than he does about a reaction.
Also, if you haven’t noticed, no one gives a damn about SL MCs drama that’s posted on VS. 💁
#16. Whoever wrote this is so beyond ridiculous. Firstly SHE never claimed it was her in RL. You must of misheard something and need to clean out your ears. Why don’t you ask someone something before wasting time to write a “SL secret” about someone that isn’t even true. Attention much?? If that is all you have to put on her is “she said it’s her and it’s not her” really! Gtfo… there is FAR more important shit going on in SL than someone’s 1st life photo. Most likely people if not all use different kinds and types of photos for their 1st life. You need to check your facts and carry on with your business, because as far as I’m concerned this is NOT. Good day and leave people the hell alone. LIVE your own SL.
Unless the “not you” in your first life tab is a obvious, recognizable celebrity, it certainly is an attempt to catfish. Stupid as fuck, because image search can find pics that have been flipped or slightly altered now, but lots of people are precisely that stupid, apparently including #16
Why do you/she have a random person’s picture in your/her first life tab? That’s catfishy
Agreed. Anyone who doesn’t know “it’s her but not really her” are being catfished. Why bother using someone else’s pic?!!
to number 51 and most SL humans look like they dunked themselves in oil. XD so we’re even.
furries look stupid in hair and tattoos. why would you have short fur all over but GOLLY GOSH OH GEE i have long hair on my head!? it looks stupid. and tattoos….don’t even get me started.. you cant tattoo fur you imbeciles!
They do look stupid in tattoos but look much better in hair, bald furries look weird af in my opinion. Anthros have human characteristics; so yes, much like how humans have little to no hair on their bodies, they can also have long hair.
Your name, lets not confuse ‘furry’ with ‘zoophile’ now. Most that choose to label themselves as a furry aren’t interested in fucking dogs, rather it’s anthros that make their penises twitch, which are much closer to human than animal.
Literally what the hell are you talking about, nobody even vaguely hinted at anything sexual.
He seems to be defending the gross heads in #51, that means he likely is a zoophile. And possibly you too since you became personally invested in this.
Ah yes, the good ol “everyone who doesn’t instantly agree with me is a pervert” argument.
#41 Agree. That is like double the old price and the pricing of comparable stores. So L$425 for single style? How many people really ever use a full color HUD? For a single hair style that I will only ever wear in one color set and wear occasionally, I’ll have to pass.
I just hope the other creators don’t follow suit.
Stealthic is one of my favorite hair stores. I guess if there is a release I really, really, truly love, I will wait for their Black Friday sale.
Finally someone call’s them out lmao MOST of his staff are fucking inbreeded POS that think they run SL.. oh sweetie, out in the REAL WORLD your not shit
Call’s us out? Where did they do that at? 😂
Inbreeded? You mean inbred… 🤔
All of the grammar above you in this thread is painful.
“Call’s”? Really? People need to read a fucking book once in awhile.
36 & 37 – It’s not dead, it’s just changed. I ride around on my bike frequently around mainland to explore, sometimes with other kids. Looking for the “popular” and “big” events is always gonna leave people disappointed. Does this person whine all the time like that? I find plenty to do as a kid av.
I don’t know who any of these people are and they’re all ugly as hell.
What is/was #48?
Was removed due rules violation. That’s why it is only a No
Agreed with this pic, furry heads need to look cartoonish and fantastical, because if it doesn’t it looks gross and creepy as fuck. People that want to fuck actual animals are as disgusting as pedophiles.
The eight people who downthumbed this like to fuck animals
This will probably be the only time I agree with you. All sex with real animals is rape, and people who get off on that idea are garbage exactly on par with pedophiles.
I’m afraid I can only give you half a star sticker for that answer, you make it sound like the ‘rape’ is what is wrong with fucking an animal more than the disgusting, abhorrent act itself. Also there is nothing wrong with rape roleplay between two (or more) consenting adults.
If you have to invent a point to argue against, you know you’re wasting your time, right? I used the word rape because that’s also what all sex with children is, regardless of any other context(eg. roleplay). People use that “it’s not real” argument to justify getting off to the rape of both children and animals in SL. The point being that even if it’s another mentally ill adult playing the victim, the arousal is still real and that’s what makes them garbage humans.
Non-con roleplay between adults with adult characters is a whole other topic that has nothing to do with this.
Animals can’t fucking give consent. That’s the whole point of their comment.
And the point of my comment is that rape isn’t the primary thing with what’s wrong with fucking an animal you absolute shit baboon.
Krausse is a fun roleplayer who enjoys the firefighter RP. Some people come to SL to shop, create a virtual life, RP or explore, his SL is about putting out prim fires with prim water, he’s a good sport.
Lucky are those RP communities who have players looking to generate RP and don’t drive the drama. This dude is a good guy.
Many former FH residents will remember the funeral he reluctantly allowed us to RP for him, he even got in a casket for OUR entertainment!
Did Krausse go to Gridlocke?
#22 || Wow is that Dezz? You really lowered your standards this time Hadley! Who knew you liked men who abuse women in secondlife and real life and threaten to kill them … I used to look up to you but honestly so gross you would bring that around your family and all those kids just for a little attention 🤮
Yes it is. I’m curious about where you get your portfolio from. I assume more whispers as it always is. You seem to assume to know a lot, almost like you’ve been there at the time. Funny how you’ve never spoken to me about my side eh! 😂 There’s no drama without content on SL. Anything is valid if someone says so. That’s the way of the net. It would be nice to see you use your own mind, and clue up the patches for once. instead of ranting based off others. It’s so old seeing these same 3 rehearsed BS comments about me whispered through the cliques. SMH. Shits like 6 years old now. And still here waiting for that chat. You said you looked up to Hadley “at one point” that implies you haven’t been around in a while, nor are you around now. So i guess that makes your post as valid as your connection to anyone mentioned. Probs should have just not bothered tbh.
On a civil note. I wish you spent time around still, perhaps you’d have a different opinion. But you do you. I have no real care to argue people on it like i used to. But I had to reply to this. It gave me a giggle to read knowing how wrong it is.
I’m around loser … I’m actually closer than you think, especially when your offline =D You’re uk trash and will always be uk trash … your like a lost little bitch puppy dog and will follow anything around that has boobas and ass and she’ll do anything for attention even when they’re lowlife losers such as yourself … your a rebound mate and talking about something from 6 years ago ? Try taking some years off of that idiot … its a great try watching you trying to lie and justify your actions against women … Hadley was also one you abused repeatedly or did you forget that because your brain cells just poor out nothing but alcohol still these days ?
If you were around you would have voiced your “concerns” to her properly instead of being keyboard warrior+ by not only writing shade on here to both of us LOL (great friend you were to her) but doing it anonymously too. So i’m calling Class A severe BS on that. Even she told me she has no idea who tf ur referring to HAHA. Jesus what a reach. It shows you don’t know anything at all, because you refer to me as a “lost puppy” i have my little unit i’ve been around for the last 2 years and no one has batted an eyelid until now. And i am 100000% convinced the posts like this and the other one have the complete wrong Hadley in mind here when talking about her being “a slut” She’d dated 4 people in 10 YEAAARS. Ten fucking years ffs 😂 I CANNOT… i’ve been here 12, and dated a WHOLE LOT MORE than that. So you lot either have the wrong person, or your dumb-fuck minds don’t understand the simplest context of what a slut is… just wow. And yes! 6 years! I didn’t realise you were my timeline in life accountant. ???????? LOL imagine trying to assume not only entire history but the timeline of it from someone else’s life you haven’t been involved in JUST WHATTT? XD ABUSE TO HADLEY? I had one issue with her YEARS ago and it wasn’t even to her! it was to someone else because of Jonnie6 so you got MAAADD wires crossed there on your spergy “ABUSE” claim. Wouldn’t really make sense either considering… you know the blatant obvious 😂 😂 I was waiting for an alcohol comment to poke through! HAHA! remember when i said about the 3 recycled… Read more »
Not only has Hadley dated more than 4 people in sl in the last 10 years, but she also pleasured herself in the Whinesmith Discord for all to enjoy, yes for all to enjoy. She is the epitome of a whore who constantly looks for attention whether it be good or bad and from the look of it it’s all bad attention. I assume she doesn’t get enough attention from her real life; I mean who would unless you like to roll bitches in flour and find the wet spot or the stank spot! Never met Dez before but I am sure he is just another one of her future victims, grab a life vest bud because that whale is about to drown you.
I was told this comment was here and laughed because I’ve been in that Discord and can confirm this is true. Any girl that goes in there has been there one way or another, you don’t go in that Discord unless you’re camming and doing sexual shit. That’s how Winesmiths roll, there’s no going around that. So if she tries to say she wasn’t that’s a lie and if she tries to say she didn’t, that’s a lie.
Not only has Hadley dated more than 4 people in sl in the last 10 years, but she also masturbated in the Whinesmith Discord for all to enjoy, repeat for all to enjoy. She is the epitome of a whore who constantly looks for attention whether it be good or bad and from the look of it it’s all bad attention. I assume she doesn’t get enough attention from her real life; I mean who would unless you like to roll bitches in flour and find the wet spot or the stank spot! Never met Dez before but I am sure he is just another one of her future victims, grab a life vest bud because that whale is about to drown you.
You fool I literally just stood next to you lmao I know way more than you think I do … never once did I call her a slut so maybe you should learn to read … where is Dez now? Been offline for hours mate … I’m right where I need to be =D also a lost puppy don’t mean shit when it comes to friends … I was referring to women and Hadley will cover for you now until you piss her off and she tells the truth! If you knew her like the rest of us do then you’d know she lies until she’s over your bs so I’ll wait for that and I’ll wait for her to get rid of your pathetic rebound ass too sweets xoxo
p.s. I’m giggling how affected you’re to try and defend yourself btw … the hadley I know would defend you too if she cared but again your just the rebound and will never be that important *giggles* can’t wait for the excuses on this too 😂😂
do us all a favour and distance yourself…….. a lot. thanks.
It’s super weird she already calls him daddy and they have all these couple pictures together that haven’t been shown to public
my thoughts when reading this comment https://www.youtube.com/shorts/NqatUk3_Yok
Sounds very made up. Jesus, you guys love to make shit up. Take a long walk off a cliff and fuck off.
Do you ever get tired of not putting your actual name Penny? Would you like the pics posted ? you wouldn’t know the first thing about what he has done to people cause from what I’m told you like to use people until you forget all about secondlife after a couple months so you’re ever around. we can talk about that instead if you want. I’m around cause Hadley has been a friend so yes that means I’m around you too but I don’t like Dez around for my own reason. it’s not my place to tell her but that doesnt make it less weird
get used to it bish. I’m here to stay ♥ 🖕
You’re presumably a man who prefers women, but you “giggle” and say “bish”? 😒
I guess that makes sense from someone who thinks “I get my ass kicked daily” is a good look. That Hadley chick must have no standards at all.
His dick is the size of a tiny eraser and he has no style what so ever lol he wears clothes from 2018 and wears the same outfit with his face covered majority of the time. He’s ugly as shit but still thinks he looks good 🤡
I will never understand what made guys decide having a bloody nose, split lip, and black eye all the time was hot. Injury overlays for actual injuries acquired during roleplay are awesome, but should disappear in reasonable time; if you constantly look like you lost the fight, that’s really not saying what you think it says, guys.
I had to double check that is 1000% him lol that man is literally scum. He will cheat on her in no time just like all the other girls he abused and cheated on with his mind games. By the way anyone hear if he’s played like he offed himself again in the last few years like he used to do before?
No one is surprised at this lol
Dez is fighting a battle he can’t win
Hadley washes rinses and repeats and everyone who knows her knows that! No one is blind! You may have been around back in the day but she’s a whole different person now and you will learn the hard way soon.
Remember everything said here when it happens to you cause this site just isn’t a site people gossip some of this said is actually real and this will be one of those things.
Hadley in a nut shell
Loses family/loses friends/loses gf/bf
Runs back to people she abandoned or screwed over for others she chose at the time
You will be just another one on that list again just like you were years ago just like the rest she ran back to after her family didn’t want her anymore and her and Hardin broke up
You are one of those people she did that too because she had no one and the amount of things people actually know about you is all because of her from everything she told everyone you dumbass
How else do you think others know and whether it’s in a few weeks or to a few months it will happen all over again
You’re nothing special you’re just yet another rebound so good luck while it lasts pal cause your going to need it
and one more thing, she had more than 4 relationships in the past 10 years so let’s keep the lies to a minimum because I can list every single one of them xoxo
“Remember everything said here when it happens to you cause this site just isn’t a site people gossip some of this said is actually real and this will be one of those things. OH IS IT? you mean like how i write to defend my case, like that. Gotcha and noted”
WOOW you seem to REAALLY know her well!. Ex fam member?? Ex??? LMAO
I’m sorry but i think you seem to forget that i used to regularly hang out with Hadley and that i am only just knowing who she is as a person LOL
I’ve known her since the original PURGE. with a gap in between because of what was said above in another post. Like, you’re all swamping messages with Hadley this, Dez that…. No wondering you’re all here via VS. You haven’t been around in so long that you don’t recognise we already know each other LOL
This rebound stuff is really really dumb too.
You don’t need to explain any ex’s. It isn’t your prerogative to even want OR need to give such stupid fucking information in the first place.
This is my last comment on any of these posts.
Good luck everyone. See you next time one of you has a meltdown over me or Hadz,
Almost forgot … maybe you should be more worried about why the girl who doesn’t even claim you still has a house with Hardin while she’s moving into yet another house like that stops anyone from knowing anything… makes sense to ban a guy you still have a house with too … it’s for the kid who doesn’t go there tho right? 😂
Hahahahaha bruh they nailed it unlike you… she doesn’t even say she’s in anything with you … we know the excuses too … you’re a hot mess of a rebound …pukes
Poor lil dick Dezzee butt hurt that your a rebound ? If you knew Hadley as much as you try to claim then you would know you’re just that. After all it’s not the first time she’s ran to you after an ex now is it ?
What do I know right ? 😂 I know plenty mate and you will never figure out who any of these people are who comment especially when you stand next to some of them daily
I stand next to you in both houses and you still wouldn’t know cause your a moron lmao
I’m well aware of when you 2 met I’m also very aware of everything you’ve done to people
No one cares you’re with Hadley btw lmao she doesn’t even tell anyone she’s with you either so you’re already looking dumb and unimportant just as expected
I know what’s going to happen to you soon enough! I personally can’t wait for the day she drops you and realizes what a mistake she’s made even wasting her time with your dumbass
I’ll personally put you up here just to laugh in your face and tell you I told you so
stay tuned xoxo
She’s not telling people we’re together, because we’re not together. LOL
Calls you her daddy, takes multiple couple pictures together aka you’re used as a rebound to make Hardin jealous
Get with the program you can’t be that stupid or maybe you can lol
You would be a garbage ass bf too, you were too busy defending yourself and not once did you defend her lol
Maybe she has brains after all!
#12 Got to love Designer Drama 😎
The amount of lies that spew from #1 Shane. Dude claimed to be a roadie for Five Finger Death Punch and other popular bands. Lets not forget about him going blind, putting up a go fund me for surgery that never happened, his family sure did have a nice vacation though. He created tip toe sneakers? Oh, and he was an owner at Beachwood Club? Guy is a PIECE OF SHIT! Yet nobody wants to remember the shit he has done or lied about in the past. I don’t get how anyone can be surprised by this. Keep supporting people who have lied and stole from the community!
Everything Kunt is a piece of shit, Shane, Naddel, Melly on down is the just a fucking bag full of lies and shit stains of life. They all are liars and steal and then some.
BTW Naddel you still are ugly AF and no one wants to hear you sing when you DJ if you still do, we had to listen to it.
Melly you are an ugly, lying piece of shit too. You cover for your sexual predator son Craige and lie for the family collection of names you have to feel accepted. Nox still made your first Mix that you claimed was your own remember that? Also remember when you said a certain someone was your brother and he straight said you will never be a family member to him and you literally broke down? What family was that again? Need help with that one? T……
Alex! lol Everything THIS.
I think dani is sitting here all these years just come and comment here when shane has a post. If you watch him that close you are a fan girl
Maybe you should question the person who keeps getting posted on Secrets before running to defend something/someone you have no idea about. And if you wanna start calling out names, then you need to take a good look in the mirror. Because you have ASS KISSER written all over your face and lips. Did “Shane” cry to his little posse about people pickin on him now? 😂 Is that why you feel obligated to shove your unwanted 2 cents into the discussion?
Why is there just a No under #48? Anybody else see this?
Broke the rules. Racism, doing, ya know the usual culprits
2, As predicted by many the 1st chance for Pose and Zara to hop on up on that drama train. Thought you didn’t hide behind fake names… 🤔 🙄 How old are you guys foreal? It’s kinda laughable though that one crap DJ is slating another equally crap DJ. Get over yourselves dude if you and Zara are happy be happy and shock us all by stopping that drama train we all know you love. Choo Choo!!!!!
Well i guess your wrong as tbh i couldn’t give a flying fuck bout what purge does or anyone else in SL for that matter, amazing how you all jump to conclusions.
People can think what there want everyone always makes a story turn to 10x worser obviously not got anything else better to do….
What happened you were all besties at the drop 😄
Honestly is hilarious seeing Purge being insulted by this post as if its not true what people are saying. Plays sad violin to his act of good guy poor guy everyone is after me. You are the biggest narcissistic bully ever and everyone in your circle except the stupid ones eventually see it biggest drama whore
Hi Pose *Waves*
what would be real funny is you showing your face and saying it instead of coming anonymously. sad, pathetic, bitter and lonely ass people bro. ALSO BY YOU SAYING CRAP DJ i take it your a very experienced DJ and you are up for a battle yes? Please say yes i will await your message in my dm’s
if i was to post ya on here i would do alot better than some photo of ur profile and paint lol A DJ battle??? my god they was done like 2 years ago living in the past man seriously get over it lol obviously other people have a issue with you but i aint one again do you know why BECAUSEEEEE i aint got time for you to me you DO NOT excist so let your issues with whatever demons ur fighting go
Purge sit the fuck down because you are not worthy of a DJ battle. In other words, you suck. Stop pretending that you’re something you’re not.
Oooohhhhh another ghost your faceless and a anonymous my DM’s are open. And I erm think my sets prove I am far from a unworthy DJ as I said I have a stage. Your hilarious asf I’m dead 😵. Have nothing to prove to you or anyone and anyone that supports pose is just as bad. Encouraging suicide of a person is illegal in so many countries. Please do one and if your stalking my reply’s bish you a fan. Want my socials lol 😂😂
Your comment screams envy if I was a shit dj you would of come for something more substantial until you pay my bills or my tiers you with the fuck down and shut up…. ooooo I’m scared of a pussy who has a problem and can’t even DM ME are you 10. Yawns thanks for the bed time story bored me my insomniac brain to sleep 💤
He clearly has issues with me from over a year ago because i would not listen to his irate anger like im an adult you cannot and will not demand or say what i shall and cannot do as i said you are obsessed with me who called you a crap DJ? as i keep trying explain to you there is roughly hundreds of thousands of users on SL and you think its me??????? weird that as i said no time for you
DJ POSE, I have a problem with you because you stalk my sets, you keep posting for me to throw myself from my window and before you say shit bro you know I got the evidence hard screenshotted evidence that is slowly being circulated not to mention you calling me a freak for being trans, or threatening to burn down a girls house because she chose to be with someone other than you POSE I have these also remember. Your careless, pathetic, narcissistic and a pos. It’s why you have child protective services in your midst because your abusive. Oh and btw looking into my mental health condition to find ways to provoke me and trigger me shows what sort of disgusting man you are, but as you said to me pose all I need is a good fucking from you remember and I will. E fixed and straight. AGAJN I HAVE THIS PROOF. Also you keep threatening to come down to Brighton. Well I’m sure if the people of Brighton knew how homophobic and transphobic you are you won’t be very welcome. Since you are not leaving off and continuing to harass this is being taken further you may be anonymous from us but after twice publicly trying to provoke me to throw myself from my window I think this will be taken very seriously also I think I would clean that hard drive of yours before the police take it I bet you got all kinds of faked up shit on there! Grow up and stay away from me and mine your so obsessed you need help. There are crime documentaries about people like you pose
ALL OF THE ABOVE! Biggest drama lovers on the grid and his voice omgahhh *pukes* it’s enough to put anyone off the English accent… I don’t know what age they are but dude has no teeth or missing teeth it’s just rank!!! 😷 😷 😷 💁
ok maybe this didnt sink in when you was harrassing me in world just yesterday purge so let your insecurites with me go for some reason its kind of weird now anyways heres the following link
and as i said there i aint got time for you nor time to waste on putting you on here like fr grow up man it is like you have an obsession with me sorry that you assume everyone is against you in the world but there not be an adult stop messaging me here there and everywhere because i aint bothered about you live your life man stop worrying about other peoples lives and what they do focus on you and deal with your stuff do not worry about me zara or anyone ok good luck have a great evening and future
*yawns* No Teeth, Rank, are we speaking about pose here And my voice is yuk so erm please save yourself the revolt and stay away from my sets please and thank you lmfao, this has pose all over it sad sack stalks my sets. i love all you clout chasers and upset far from it, Standing up for myself completely, also please show me your face in dm’s, until then your a ghost bye bye lol. Also this pose was wrote by a brit so possibly pose his self hahaha sad twat
13) As if anyone in sl looks just like their rl person. I’m sure there are plenty of fat boys playing female av’s, fat girls playing female av’s, fat men playing boys. Why not call them out? You are kind of a general loser hater aren’t you? If you are concerned about the rl persona, don’t get involved in sl relationships. Otherwise, how about minding your own business?
Well said! Why does it concern anyone else what other people are doing in Their SL? Does it really bother them that much they need to talk shit behind their backs? Maybe they are the fat person behind their screen, their life must be really boring if they need to wast their time to make a secret to post? Maybe just move on with your(their) own life. 🙄
23: This is the dumbest shit I think ive ever seen.
27: Hi millie (or whatever poor abused fucker shes got doing this for her), shut the fuck up. No one cares that you’re being attacked. And I guarantee it’s all different people, because you’re literally fucking awful.
Take your Amber Heard victim complex and quit SL please.
30: I…millie is running a charm school? LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I cant BREATHE. No one will stop going there because those people are literally brainwashed. She collects white knights
knowing theyll never leave.
32: I dont think an improper translation when attempting inclusion is racist? Would you like to tell us what it SAYS? Like..does it SAY something offensive?
35: I feel like im going to die in 3 days from looking at this picture.
38: Concise. I like it.
40: LOL This is beautiful.
43: LOL
48: This is driving me into FOMO oblivion.
51: LOL
It basically says nothing at all. LOL IDK what’s worse. The fact it’s nothing and could be seen as shit talking the language, or the fact it could have been insulting and people just ignore it.
When you really care about inclusion, you find people who speak the language and ask to learn. Google translate misadventures are all over SL and it’s just disrespectful. There are so many people here from all over, why not actually engage with them?
Do you make that effort with everything you do? If not shut the fuck up right now because you’re hypocritical trash.
Yeah, actually, I honestly try to. I generally work pretty hard to not be a dick. Not everyone is a hatemonger like you.
I agree with this person. If you’re going to put a different language, do it right. Don’t half ass it with google translate. Don’t know the answer? Don’t do it. Simple as that. You’re working hard still while avoiding from making such a simple mistake that becomes big later on.
can’t believe Millie from Short Leash is on a this site posting secrets
most creators have class when comes to this site and don’t respond
took My sub to her sim but I’ll never never visit or buy from her again
Let me guess #22 was probably hardin cuz you have nothing better to do with your life. Please move on and get some mental help. Honestly. You’re not right my guy.