Welcome to convenience store Virtual-Secrets week 711.
LMAO@#3.. Do you mean you don’t get 500L a week as i do? Hmm. I wonder why?
I bet monkey boy is watching this he to scare to reply to these comments ROFL. Send a ho to do a sissy boy job pathetic it shows a is to pussy to even speak.
I stolen money because I wanted to be like toby I’m on his grid and we ageplay all the time. All my friends are there if anyone want to join message me in youth nation grid
6. Without including things that were just gossip……..the secrets about Lucy Drake (lucyinthesky3) and Cody Rockwell (cody.fruitcake) are true. You can go back to previous weeks where all the dirt was exposed. From what I can remember is Lucy Drake is jealous of other women and talks behind their backs and sabotages them. She’s gotten good working teachers and principals fired at the school out of jealousy. She has bullied people. Cody is also a bully. Sometimes he teamed up with Lucy to bully people. He ruined the department of justice and a couple of weeks ago he gotten himself exposed for making up a lie about his real life in order to leave CC but he left to manage a new sim which he might have gotten fired from which caused his return to CC.
I can only agree to the things about Lucy Drake and Cody Rockwell. You might be careful with Jade Darklighter as well. She is very toxic. Likes play nice little victim and plays innocent when not busy with her thousand Alts on Sim. With that she wraps people like Bianca or Nyra around the finger. If you are a woman pay attention if Tucker Karsin will hit on you. Known to flirt and have drama with women. At least I can advise not to get into a clique around Cody, Lucy, Jade & Tucker. I fear in general Cedar Creek is a big drama place. You want to be careful and keep a natural distance and feel out what you think is doing good for you.
Lawling @ all these basic Maitreya hoes coming to the rescue to defend their basic selves. Y’all crack me up.
Not sure that maitreya is basic, lol. It doesn’t take a genus to know that you can modify shapes to actually get a good form.
Don’t get me wrong, I use slinks phys/HG body cause I love it, but maitreya is still a good body… I think the majority of them are great.
P.S It’s secondlife, everyone is a hoe/slut, including you.
Shit is still shit no matter how you shape it but ok lawl And just cuz you’re a slut doesn’t mean everyone else is. Speak for yourself lawl
I find certain bodies attract certain types of people. When I think Maitreya, I think of older women that are easily triggered. When I think of Kupra, I think of obese loud woman.
9/10 times when you check their RL profile (if it’s actually posted or not catfished) you will find what I say is true.
When the misogyny just jumps right out.
I wish people posting would follow the “make it legible” rule and maybe try using Grammerly (which is free) so the text makes sense.
Fixed it for you.
Everyone understood what software I was talking about with ONE LETTER misplaced; which isn’t the same as a wall of text that is completely unreadable. But good on you, you get the asshole of the week award. Satisfied?
the legacy body had a half off sale a few weeks ago and i caught it… i’m not sure if its still going on. but i guess they do these sales multiple times per year. if you knew anything about budgeting, i’m sure you would realize there are ways to get it for cheaper like sales.
also yes tmp fell through, but didn’t it fall through within a matter of months? hasn’t legacy been going onward of 2 years now ? shady company for sure, but i feel it would be a waste to ditch the body since it’s widely known now.
Ciel rent free yawn you are sad
lonely desperate boy who loves to stalk people on alternative accounts. Here’s an advice for you go on Toby grid bitch and moan for the D. Because life it self rejects you because your the type hypocrite who has nothing do in life. Why you go ageplay with your pedo friends on open grids. Feel free to comment here you’re dumb enough to reply and downvote a person commentd on different accounts. Your a pathetic child.
Monkey boy Wesley the Toby edlund tanner Jacob Hansel the other’s gang cults you have on the grid. All your pedophile groups including Jason and all accounts you have.
lul monkeyboy and dont forget little man Zipdash
You sound bitter AF, you don’t sound to Ageplay-less yourself. I would wager a hypocrite troll out just to cause shit with people you have a limp dick on!
Go rub it out Ciel, just because Hendricks is not doing it for you these days, you can still slam your pin-stick between a door or something?
thats bit like you and Milo
Who ? The fuck you on about ?
u know exactly who i mean
I seriously I do not. This is why I asked you?
But seeing you are on some one level tunnel vision trip here, where you need some validation on people etc. I will gladly entertain you this once.
Stop making a fool of yourself!
We all know who you are, we know why you are bitching. Go out and do something valuable with your life, instead of being a useless POS. Maybe be a nicer fucking person, then you won’t have the hangups on people like you do.
Maybe they might even talk to you if you have an issue.
Honestly, The drama people make as kids because of social inadequacies.
Jesus, just get a life man!
didnt Toby tell u to get a life? why dont u follow your own advice, little man bitch zipdash?
Only lil bitch here is you.
I mean we are all here talking about pervert grid and suddenly you change the tune and crying about people that are not even here. My life is fine, I have work in an hour and enough time to hear your little cry wank !
Well ok then, lets entertain you. Come on then, lets hear it.
Let’s hear the Ciel complaint about people that are not here. Gotta love this one !
I am sure its “he never looked at me or someone looked at me funny”
Is it not always the same with you ?
Yes, Fuck Off!!
Because you had the chance to talk and as usual, can’t even talk your personal shit out. This here is why you have problems, this here is why you have the hang-ups you have.
Better for you is to Control F4, delete your alts and go out and learn to socialize with people. Then you might get on better.
i have something u will like
Well that sounds like a threat which is what cowardly little trolls like you do. You pass that in my mailbox here or inworld if you like (be careful, wrong mailing lists can be sticky for you after) and I will look at it. I will go over it very carefully and then advise you which actions you should take.
its not threat, it is information i find for u

Fake but nice try you can fake discords message hun
its not fake, u silly cunt
And right before that, part of the same conversation…
Hansel 🧡Today at 9:55 PM
Tell all!
Toby Today at 9:56 PM
Adam kippy and jordy got me banned and possibly little sky
So here we have more evidence of Toby throwing false accusations around, trashing good people, and you all encouraging him and licking it up. There’s no doubt what led to his banning, and you all know it, too. I mean who hasn’t seen those pics of Toby and his SL partner (pikachukupo) floating around, or knows what goes on at the Youth Nation OpenSim grid now.
Toby only wishes he could’ve gotten close to Kippy. Nice reliable source of info you have there.
Toby’s “Code of Conduct” for kid avies —
Maitreya is perfect for women who don’t want to look like a wildebeest. Some of us like looking human and fitting through doors.
That’s exactly what basics say when they try to defend Maitreya. Its ok, keep looking like a linebacker with your massive shoulders and your angular hips. Lawl
You see, I don’t have that problem because I know how to make proportionate shapes. You’re maxing out the thickness slider to that point then that’s on you
I bet you keep your foot size on zero too, huh.
We can like the stuff we like without attacking the way other people prefer to look. I am a Maitreya ride or die, but like. Wildebeest?
Who gives a fuck in all reality who chooses what body to wear in a virtual game??? I watch this body shame bullshit week after week and I’m left with the same question every time. Yet everyone acts like they’re on the moral high ground and they’re better than anyone else simply because they wear a certain mesh made body. It’s utterly, ridiculously laughable. I’m also not blind Inworld, and although I sit there laughing at other avatar’s ridiculousness, I in no way think I’m that superior I feel like I have to take a screen shot, post it on a random gossip site, nor do I feel the need to ridicule other’s on some random gossip site, simply because they choose to wear what I find abhorrent. I’m with you on this point. We like what we like and we have the right to like what we like, and fuck everyone else. It’s about time people STFU on this subject and moved on. It’s no one else’s business what we choose to do in our own game. End of.
You don’t know what “moral high ground” means, do you? No one has ever said wearing an inferior mesh body is a criminal act, that it victimizes anyone, anything that could be interpreted as doing something “immoral”. “Aesthetic high ground” would be much more accurate, because all those people are ever accused of is being cheap and/or ugly.
But they do get accused of being fat and spreading unhealthy images, and those are regarded as moral failings. So people do really act like your choice of mesh body is a reflection on your moral character.
And why do people like to attack others for having an opinion? Obviously the OP was being sarcastic but really, have you seen some of the disproportionate avs? The numbers are not even realistically human, weight aside, but those ridiculously WIDE hips, come on, with each breast being larger than the woman’s head. Luckily SL is a fantasy but people have the right to feel that it doesn’t look human anymore to be so outlandish about it.
Literally what skin is it off your nose, though? In a world where we can be anything, including cartoon animals and avatars that look like UFOs or cardboard boxes, why do you care enough to get your prims rustled about avatars who look like Paleolithic fertility totems on the one hand or avatars who look like 1960s Mary Quant models on the other?
I don’t know who you are insulting by calling wildebeest, since that’s exactly how women in Maitreya bodies look when they try to thicken them. They end up having massive bodies with skinny legs that can probably still fit through a door. 😂 Other bodies actually offer women the option to represent their curves and thickness without having to look like said wildebeest. Those bodies allow for a better proportioned shape than boring, constrained Maitreya. 😴
Then they don’t know how to make a shape or stay within proportions. You can be thicker and overweight with Maitreya but you can’t be extreme about it. If you want extreme, you do need a different body.
BOOBS LOOK WEIRD when they are bigger than a b cup
#55 Petrichor also known as Plastik also known as Tokyo Plastik is a content thief who claims they make original skins and items but that is about as far from the truth as you can get. Much of her content is stolen from people she thinks are smaller artists on art websites like Deviant Art. A good majority of her content is blatant intellectual property theft.
Why would a shop have to change their name after years of having the same name with so called brand recognition? Something catching up to you Vae Darkheart also known as Aikeo Reiko?
She is known for copying people’s work in world too. What I actually mean is she pays people to make mesh models after showing them a picture of the item online or in world. Almost nothing she makes is actually original at all. At the very best she gets her pathetic simps to create ideas for her, the very same ones she scams out of money/resources/work and hands that over to her mesh maker. This is not inspiration at all.
On top of that she totally is using Selos Dae from the brand Trap. Many people have said they will not touch Trap’s work if it is in collaboration with Petrichor. The amazing work made by Selos is the only reason most of her old ugly template junk sells. Trap designs would sell so much better without being tied to that rubbish.
Just another example of a person that steals content and events that claim to not allow brands who steal let her in regardless.
The only thing I thought was weird that the owners of fantasy fair let happen is there was alot of stores that had the same template items like in furniture..I saw the same garden statue in 3 different store booths but different flowers around it on sale.. or I saw copy right items like a ripped goblin from lord of the rings..also I felt like it was a festival for horses half the booth there were textures for horses..
Some of us really like our virtual horses >.>
It’s not forbidden to use template items and you can totally report someting you recognize as ripped to the organizers. They may not know it’s ripped, as not everyone is familiar with game assets.
#36? Why. Just do an area search on Redelivery and you’ll find the HUD right away. Or go to CasperVend and get their free store setup package. It includes a CasperVend Redelivery terminal which I have used on many occasions to redeliver lost items.
24: I can assure you that almost no one finds this shit attractive, other than the dude pretending to be a woman playing that avatar.
Haha, nigga, cry about it.
I mean, anyone who does find you attractive definitely looks even worse; low-budget/retro cartoon style is all you furries have. Even literal cartoons tend to look better than your clunky anthro avis, and the gap between you all and the progress everywhere else in SL just gets wider every year. You guys ever even going to have eyes that look like actual eyeballs and not classic Disney doodles? 😂
😌 Sure my mans. I just wouldn’t wake up mad about some random ass furry on the interweb. Just couldn’t be me. Let me know how it works out for you. Rolling your face across the keys like niggas care. 😏
#1- Puhleeze, many of them are CC members already or alts.
#6- They’re all mostly bad to some degree. Don’t trust any of them.
#20, 47- If they all got what they deserved, there would be no RP places left, and will be none left very soon in fact. People will only be suckered for so long. Many, like me, have finally had enough of their horseshit, all of them, and have left the so-called “RP” communities altogether with the long awaited closing of FH. People are tired of seeing the large donators being able to dictate and completely run a town like an oligarchy, deciding who gets to play and who gets shunned. There really should be a voting system but they’d find a way to fix that in their favor too. That’s why I was happy to pay the rent and didn’t consider it to be too high because if it’s not coming from the renters then, that small group can use their own funding for control to buffalo the owners into allowing bad people to do bad things. Those of us who paid rent did so only to hear what constitutes a “reason” to not give people their money back after taking their rental house away and offering an entirely different one in another sim, knowing and not caring if those people walked or not. It’s the same with the others, they all think they have the right to say that rent is always non-refundable, even for good reason.
Wow, it all finally had to be said.
Sadly though, this is not really news, any of it. Anyone who has lived in these RP communities knows it’s all true.
46.nothing new ,, she wonders why everyone leaves her club and stop being her friend … she betrayed me after years .. cause i complained about her manger talking shit during my sets in local … instead of backing her friend up she kicked me out the club then spread my personal health issues all over sl secrets … better off if this club was boycotted .. fuck voodoo
OMG YOU TOOOOOOO SHE DID THAT TO ME ALSO LMFAO this bitch is the fakest cunt ever.. she accused murder of cheating n yet she the one who ended up preggers in rl from someone else… guess we know who the cheater is… and cancer bitch??? I’ve never seen such a botched job trying to “show doc notes” that aren’t even real?? please fake ass attention slut… Voodoo is just as bad if not worse then AEG and Jade is phil in womans body LOL
19: OMG…. Thank you. The truth is the truth. You wanna post all your terrible SL porn then fucking PAY FOR IT.
This issue isn’t porn, well done porn photos can be artistic to look at. But someone’s flickr site filled with bad photos of them f***king their partner. Goodbye and Good Riddance!
4 The fact that that’s what comes to mind when you look at this image says a lot about you more than anything else. Get some fucking help. 5 damn I didn’t even know dating agencies were still alive in SL. But in 2022 what can you expect? 16 …You know you can reshape the body, right? 17 5k is like $20 and some change in USD I believe. Keep in mind that you’re getting something that you could potentially get years worth of use out of…for $20 bucks and some change. Unless you switch to a new mesh body every week or month, It’s really not that expensive. But regardless, there’s plenty of freebie mesh bodies and heads on the marketplace and inworld that are compatible with maitreya and belleza sizes. I literally made a decent looking alt that I used for a whole year using a lelutka gift head and tmp freebie body. 18 Most of the people I knew quit after a week when they realized that SL wasn’t a game and they’d have to spend money for a new head, skin, eyes, hair, etc. It’s good to get people started but they’ll eventually want to make an avi that fits their preferences. 19 people have every right to complain as many made quite the following off of NSFW pictures/artwork. A good chunk of my regular work got randomly flagged as restricted and I don’t even really post pornographic art. I’ve already got my share of subscriptions I already pay for. I don’t want to add on another one just so I can post a picture. 29 of course they do. 300L is literally pocket change. I don’t blame them for taking it. 35 It’s an anime head. Fucking stop. 38 Wasn’t funny last week, still isn’t… Read more »
#17 “Not everybody can afford a 5k body”. Yeah, and?
#31 no such thing
They expected a handout. Lawl
#4 What are you on about? That’s just a picture with no sexually suggestive content. The fuck goes on in your mind?
Another round of this person is a pedo, that person is a pedo, they slept with this person, this creator sucks….I mean, who has the time and effort in to stalking people and making the secrets? is you life that boring you need to talk shit about people? I bet you are the kind of friend that is all nice to someone but talks shit behind their back because you don’t have the balls to say it to their face?
Lol @ the downvotes. Triggered much?
2, 3, 15 – you put the effort in to make a secret but not know how to properly screenshot or save a file? What..
12 – targetting ONE person for the gender topic. Bones are identified by SEX, not gender.
20 – $20 dollars for a product someone/people spent hours, days, if not weeks and months to create, market, and upkeep. A ONE TIME FEE for you to use their product forever… Check your priorities. I am also not loaded and I coulnd’t afford it myself until the sales, but I also know the value of an artists work.
31 – It’s not cultural appropriation to provide things specific to a culture for people to use. It would be cultural appropriation for someone to use said products in a blind, ignorant of malicious way.
Wrong. Cultural appropriation isn’t just using things ignorantly or maliciously, it also applies when you fail to credit while benefiting or profiting. Seeing locs on white hair can be triggering because so much has been taken from Black culture with no acknowledgment or consent- even if you personally didn’t do it, you still benefit from a system that has. Also, if we are being real, non-coarse hair just looks disgusting in locs. The style wasn’t meant for limp flat hair and it just looks like a tarantula on their head.
Vikings were white as come and they had dreadlocks, many cultures and races have had similiar styles. Its not some magical thing.
@ your 20.
20 dollars is easily a week worth of food for some people.
Artists, sure, but they grow better and faster all the time.
If you live off of creating art, meshes or what not, it’s your job. You can’t keep justifying it with the price of “art”. Art is only worth a lot if its unique, 3d items that are sold repetitively, is not art.
Check yourself, before you speak for artists who mass produce.
If you need that $20 to not starve week to week, buying things in SL shouldn’t even factor into your priorities 🙄 Perhaps, instead of insisting people who did the learning and work to create the things you want compromise their prices, you could learn to make those things yourself and who knows, maybe you’ll be able to make enough money to have more than $20 a week for food. Put that pc you’re apparently lucky to own to work more than play until your situation is not so dire. Fuck’s sake, grow up.
You’re paying 20 bucks for something you can use for months if not years. Keep in mind that these creators or at least the ones who put in the time and effort into their creations, pump out updates for these bodies over time, have teams that they themselves have to pay for working on things like scripting, animations, testing, textures, HUD designs and so on for these bodies. $20 for all of that, is fucking generous. People forget about the massive amount of work that actually goes on behind the scenes. I’ve been using the same mesh body since 2017 and don’t intend on switching because the creator updates it regularly.
FIRST OF ALL, PLEASE fucking spell and use proper wording. Half this shit is unlegible. Ffs.
Secondly, we get it, triangles in LS suck.
Third, if you don’t like the pedo thing but obsess over it being a thing… Kind of weird. Like, you look at, know of and go to a lot of pedo like places to know all this and makes me question who pissed you off in the community at this point.
Fourth, we all get it. SL is clique AF. Are you new here or something?
Lastly. Find new things to bitch about. NONE of this is a secret 🙄
Look if you’re going to get bent for people not spelling correctly or using proper wording, the least you can do is use the correct word. Unlegible is not correct. You most likely meant illegible or you can also use not legible. I wouldn’t have come for you if you hadn’t been such a tool about spelling and grammar then used the wrong fucking word. 😂 Get your 💩 together.
It wasn’t the “right” word but it was still readable and understandable. Which is a step above some of these secrets. Don’t be a dick to people who may not speak English as their first language but who are still perfectly comprehensible.
4.I’m convinced you’re the one that should stop thinking about the sexualization of children. I’m in my 30s and still get carded because of my babyface. Not all women look old, especially with the advances in skincare, body health and suncare.
17.Lots of designers do sales around the year. Maybe save up? Find a way in SL to make some quid? Host, dj, become a creator. Don’t put your personal circumstances onto other people.
29.I own them too, and if these women are even turning it on for a 300L tip, they’re selling themselves short.
31.Hey Karen… Facial tattooing has an extensive and long history covering many cultures and peoples. You’re probably too busy being offended by nothing to understand that.
35.Have you ever heard of anime?
55.If you don’t like her prices, don’t shop there.. it’s her right as a creator to charge whatever the fuck she wants.
No one gives a shit about what you look like in rl. Sunscreen also won’t make you look underage. Fuck off with your ‘babyface’ excuses.
LOL. I, too, am babyfaced. Guess that makes me a pedo. Guess having good genes makes you a fucking pedo now. Look out fucking world, there’s even more pedos to worry about than ever before.
Now, I’m not making light of the fact that the internet and quite frankly a lot of places in the world has a lot of pedophiles, but talking shit to someone because they’re babyfaced and calling them a pedo is kinda fucked.
I’m sorry, no one wants to look like a wrinkly ass bitch except a very small niche of people. There’s even a store in SL that caters to that niche, but I am not one of those people and “OhMyLanta” probably doesn’t either.
Oh, and sunscreen not making you look underage? No, it won’t do that. But guess what, honey, if you take care of your skin by using sunscreen when you go out into the sun whether to vacation or work, you won’t age as fast and will stay looking younger for longer. Don’t be stupid.
18 is the legal age, so you’re implying you think anyone 18+ should look like they’re what? Caucasian and old? Staring in some soap from the 80’s? Just because you’ve damaged the crap out of your skin doesn’t mean everyone has, and a lot of us like to reflect ourselves IRL in our avatars. I look my age, I do not look underage. YOU are imposing your views onto me, and other people like me. YOU are sexualizing children. I am a grown ass woman. Grown women can look youthful, grown women can have flat chests, be thin, and not have a curvaceous body. Grown women can also be short. I’m 160cm irl, which is the average female height where I’m from. If you want to walk around looking like a leather handbag with huge breasts and ass, you do you. I’ll keep doing me.
Maybe focus your energy on those that are doing ageplay and participating in acting out child endangerment.
Oh so you’re only a pedo if youre short and babyfaced right? A-and anyone with a non babyfaced looking avatar is not capable of also being a pedo? Makes total sense!
Yeah, why don’t you go fuck off with your halfwhitted response.
Everyone knows 47and 50 were posted by Katrya Clary. The slut who cheats on her men and lies about everything,
Good for Katrya for getting out from under blaze. Blaze is some raciest dumbass who thinks he is the shit. Yeah right, he had a good team and let others run his good team out. So he can go back to having Vex, who does nothing. Angel who is a cunt and doesnt do shit either. And alex who runs a damn club and that is all he is good for. His team sucks balls, and woodland is better off dead. Give it up blaze, you cant run a community at all. Had others set it up for you, and well you pissed them off. And whomever is still there, you are in for misery. Kat has better things to do then to post anything about woodland. Its old news.. NEXT!
lemme guess, Blaze. Ya your still bitter that she got out from under your use. Your bitter that shes not in Woodland anymore paying for everything. your bitter you let your team destroy your community while everyone sits back and watches Woodland die like fox hollow
Not blaze, and not living in woodland. But fuck Katrya.
LOL @ 47 and 50 when the whore Kat is upset and cant figure out who to sleep with so she trashes the city she fucked over.
Stfu Angel it takes one to know one. Go sleep with your brother Alex again you really are as dumb as you sound if you think Kat posted anything. Whoever posted the first one is spitting the truth and your at the center of it. Peeps avoid Woodland because of you and your toxicity
I left woodland cause of angel but I don’t post nonsense on virtual secrets like this bitch does. And nice reply jackson. I heard you fucked woodland over too.
Angel Aeon is the biggest fake in SL. She will be the one to ruin Woodland.
She already did. Her idiot followers do her bidding to be allowed to stay. She thinks it’s funny. Almost everyone knows by now that Angel and Alex are a couple, living together RL. Vex is even gone now, not that he ever had much to do with anything.
not jackson but do tell how another person fucked over Woodland rather than the mgmt team running them out like whats been really happening.
I need someone to do two things: 1) Run a version of RUTH through that stupid app that puts fake human smiles on everyone’s avatars. I don’t know what it’s called or I’d do it myself for the lulz. 2) Convert #48’s pic of RUTH on the IN RUTH WE TRUST to a mesh I could buy and throw on a bookshelf. That is literally vaporwave af. Really tho, wow. This week was weird. And Petrichor has always been pricy since the days of Tokyo Plastik, but I still like their stuff. I guess it can be overpriced but no more than some of the other fantasy stores. OP’s right tho, Aii def. makes their stuff worth the price you pay. Some of their wings blow my mind.
Its called FACEAPP I think the app you are referring to that makes those types of smiles you are talking about
So let’s make this quick and easy. We’re not entitled little bitches for complaining about flickr paywalling the ability to post NSFW and MODERATE content. We’re complaining because they slapped the entire SL community in the face with this new update. Months prior to this new update they did a survey SPECIFICALLY for the SL community and we didn’t hear any update on that survey until the new TOS rules were being implemented. Now let’s add in the fact of, ok free users do just G-rated photos. Their Ai is so fucking bugged that it can flag anything as adult/moderate and it puts a strike against the account until it’s banned. Let’s also not forget the bloggers and creators who now have to pay MORE for pro because of alternate accounts. Some creators don’t like furries, some creators don’t like seeing personal photo’s on your flickr if you’re blogging for them. Hell, I joined a Flickr group and they declined me because of my personal furry photos. So, you have people taking photo’s who have 1-2 sometimes even 3 flickr accounts that they need to now pay for to be able to post these moderate/NSFW images. It’s a fucking money grab in the worst way. If they blocked off NSFW to just pro, fine. But moderate AND NSFW? Nah, bro, that’s pretty much-slapping everyone in the face unless they do scenic photos or just head up portraits. Secondly, let’s get onto petrichor. Yes, their stuff is pretty pricey, but there’s a reason for that. Because it’s not JUST them doing everything. Some items there are a few people working on them, and she provides more fucking colors than most other creators do, PLUS its 100% modify. Half the cheap skirts or outfits you find, are no mod. The skins provided… Read more »
they gave you more than a month’s notice and it’s their platform. you’re lucky you got a warning and not your entire account flagged or deleted like other platforms did when they did their purge.
it sucks that nsfw is being scraped off the web, but like deviant art, newtumbl, pillowfort, etc are alternatives.
Well, there’s always DeviantArt. In all seriousness though I do agree that the AI is pretty borked. A good bit of my safe pictures got flagged out of nowhere prior to the update even happening so I stopped posting. The situation sucks but there’s not much that can be done aside from finding another platform. As for the group thing however, keep in mind that people have a right to accept/deny you for any reason they see fit. There’s a plethora of other dead and active groups on Flickr I’m sure you can join.
Dude, why should it be free? Just spend less money on SL. And pay for your Flickr account. Only thing where you can be sure about in life what is for free is the sun. You should be glad they gave it all for free for such a long time, if you want something you pay for it, if you can’t afford it or don’t want to pay for it then you don’t simple stop bitching about it. 😂
You’re just mad, because you can’t post your “personal” furry pics publicly.
Nobody wants to see some rainbow colored wolf dock some 🦎
get over it and pay, if you care so much about your porn.
Just shut up and pay the money and stop being a save a creator type of ho!
Dude, just pay the $8.99 a month to show your saggy sack
yeah but can we address the fact that petrichor steals designs from other people and passes them off as her own IP? it’s not even an “inspired by” but a legit direct copy from other people’s art. then she’s selling them on for profit when I have high doubts she asked the original creator for permission to begin with.
4nDnD0s.png (1650×531) (imgur.com)
That t-shirt design is on freepik where you pay 20 bucks a month and can use the design commercially. In fact there is A LOT of designs just like that on the website.
Also, do educate yourself on copyright and fair use. Yeah, she took a real world design and recreated it in SL. That necklace/harness person may have gotten the inspiration from something they saw too. Difference? One is virtual and one is real. It’s legal, so long as you aren’t using the same brand names. Is it ethical to say original design? No, but it is original mesh.
Also the pics where you could say she used the designs from different artists. She changed at least 20% of the design of -clothing- which makes it legal. Those outfits also aren’t completely original because I see that style of clothing in general fantasy all the time. It’s not a perfect copy, and it’s not a character, but an article of clothing. Just like how you cannot technically own a hair style or any -style- or genre.
Practically everyone does it. EVERYONE. Everything you see in SL, everything you wear, every skin or style or piece of clothing you have was once a real world object brought in to SL, recreated from real to mesh and textures. Cancel all of SL and everything you may think is not “original” if that’s the case lol.
Ok, I have a stupid question, for all the posters and commenters.
What the hell happens to the spelling,English and grammar? Half of these posts you can’t read properly. You’re trying to abuse someone on a virtual bitch slap website in hopes to offend them? But the only thing offensive on here is the spelling and grammar.
Yes I understand that not everyone speaks English, but Jesus fucking Christ, half the comments sound like you are from the getto.
Not to mention the queen of shit talking on facebook..
you know who i’m talking about 😉
Virtual Secrets and the Jerry Springer Show share the same audience. You should not expect people to write or comprehend above a 6th grade level here.
There would be a space after the period in spelling and before the word English. You’re missing it. The word “but” is improperly used after the question mark. That sentence should start “The only thing”.
Knowing the majority of SL users are not native English speakers, then referring to them using a systemically derogatory term, that you spelled incorrectly, makes you a bigot, and an example.
Nae bother ye wee dafty.
Well I know where you are from 😀
Alright Pal!
Fluffnuffers/anne is well toxic but not only that she preaches she’s non kink shaming and acepting all then goes NUTS about ddlg and cg/little hers not being ageplay because this one reason she doesn’t have a little age….. faceplam
Daisy/Mewsery does the same thing as Anne does. Both are avid ageplayers.
#2 Gross #16 Use the sliders & you can get get nice, realistic curves. If you want an over exaggerated body, get Kupra or one of the others made specifically for people that like that sort of thing. Not everyone wants to look like they weigh 600 pounds in the breasts, tummy, thighs & ass. #17 Entitled much? If you can’t afford that body, get a cheaper body or I don’t know, find a way to make the money. Creators don’t owe you gift cards or anything else. They create what THEY like & want & they should get paid whatever they feel is fair for the time & effort they put into their products. #29 Who cares what they choose to pay for & believe & who cares if the girls are faking it to make money. It’s their business not yours or anyone else’s. If you don’t like listening to it, leave. You fake your orgasms your way & let others fake their orgasms their way. #31 Cultural appropriation takes place when members of a majority group adopt cultural elements of a minority group in an exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical way. I don’t see anything exploitative, disrespectful, or stereotypical here. #36 If you’re to lazy to look for a re-delivery terminal &/or write a note card to the creator about getting help, then perhaps you shouldn’t shop. Lazy, entitled people. #37 Someone is sounding jealous. #39 Not all spouses/significant others are clueless on what is going on. Some actually know & are ok with it. I’ve been with mine for 22 yrs irl & they’ve met everyone I’ve been involved with over the last 15 years in SL, has spoken directly with all of them & doesn’t care at all. #53 The photo’s would be great if they… Read more »
As someone who visited & Worked in voodoo quiet abit.
This is facts.
when there’s issues in the club unless in public happening, she won’t deal with it or have her Managemnet deal with it as it’s “Drama”.
But.. if it’s her own Drama or someone she dislikes “Bans all around”.
Voodoo is a toxic work environment.
Everything said here, all these comments, is absolutely fucking fact and hilarious that anyone takes it serious working there still. LOL they all shit ion each other but claim to be friends at the end of the day like fuck outta here with that They are all so much drama and toxic energy lol SO glad people are finally calling her out on her bullshit
Jade gets on mic and was talking mad shit about Murder. One DJ got on mic and talked Mad shit about a GM once and a VIP clapped back at him and another GM threated the VIP because it was the DJ’s GF. Said the DJ was not talking shit at all he was just spinning. Voodoo is just a garbage ass club and toxic af. Hexy Jade’s daughter is also a cunt POS too, loud mouth young adult who knows it all and has all the answers.
Same for the Monarchy.
The girls there get scolded for nothing, while the managers dance to Meela’s tune.
beside that, they have no issues telling the girls it’s their fault they don’t earn enough to stay working there, when traffic is 0 because Meela is busy with her youtube.
Management these days, live highly on a title, but don’t have the spine to do the work.
Faux News has many of you so worked up about pedos. Aliens, chips in the vaccines, and groomers and pedos EVERYWHERE!. Of course, they do exist, and they can surely be found here. But not every child av is looking for sex, and not every person here is a pedophile. Simmer down. I might suggest you use your time imagining conspiracy theories to work on your atrocious writing skills. The ironic thing is a good many of you have kids in real life that you ignore while you play here. Perhaps you should take care of them.
29: I agree, HOWEVER….not all escorts/SW’s are like that, soooooo IDK, be smart with your L$. Dont give it to fake bitches. Sounds like youre mad because guys would rather pay a girl at a club than play with you for free 🤔
There will always be losers who would rather pay than risk being told no, because they have no personality or game, or would rather not put in any effort. If they were guaranteed a yes for free, they’d take that every time; trust. Being easy is not the same as being preferred.
4 – That’s an adult, you obsessive. I bet you’d think Audrey Hepburn had a child’s face.
12 – Because archeologists assign sex, not gender. Pay attention; this is Reality 101 and you’re flunking.
35 – Adult what? Adult sheep?
36 – Why? If they use CasperVend, you can either grab their free store kit on MP and rez the redelivery kiosk in it or find the free HUDs people have made using the kiosk. Anything else, that’s up to the storeowner. Oh, and pro tip: you can bookmark a redelivery page in your web browser.
Reality 101: People started saying gender to avoid saying sex in public, it’s the same thing. Nice try tho
4 – it’s a kid. check their promo pictures on social media.
it’s a 12 year old.
36 must be the dumbest shit I ever read here 😂
17: You get what you afford, which is apparently nothing.
Can you tell me what other products, in SL or RL, have gone down in price recently? Or do you just think people that make this stuff should take a hit so you can feel better about your avatar?
How about you go get another job, make more $$, and then you don’t have to worry about how much the body costs. Problem solved.
and so the wheel of inflation keeps turning. Smart..
23: CHEERNO – CHEERDON’T. Poor quality, totally unrealistic bulges and so many other better options available by better designers. Bad skins, bad clothes, fat packs split up to maximise profit. Then this week accuses another designer of theft of an item he copied from real life himself (but that’s not theft, did he get their permission?) even when said designer proved they made it first. Disaster. There is better available, shop elsewhere
I love, love how people telling people how to run their business and how to make their products, and then when they do your suggestion, you don’t even purchase it. How about this? Let me throw this out there.. How about you make it your damn self, quit complaining and STFU.
@ 31
I don’t think it’s appropriation unless someone is claiming they are a certain race or whathaveyou. Hair, if that’s the issue, comes in many styles, and it’s just that – a style. If waves were gridlocked to one race, then we’d have a problem. Or maybe it wouldn’t be a problem, based on the current temperature of the world.
Either way, as long as they aren’t claiming shit, hair is hair. Calm down. 😶
right? and since when can’t we use styles from other cultures?.
isn’t it appreciation of what other cultures offer?.
i truly don’t get why we can’t do or wear certain things, that are often worn or done in certain cultures.
The funny thing about this usually is that language is cultural and they wanna lecture you in English lol
31. I can’t exactly speak to the accuracy of the tats or anything, but I can say: it doesn’t really feel like cultural appropriation just to be making the tattoos. Like, people of a given culture that would want a specific tatt would need to find it somewhere. Happy to admit I’m wrong on that, tho.
35. That’s not even the face of a fucking human, you’re not going to convince me it’s a child.
It’s not. I think they mean the avi’s in the display. If I want to wear a kilt, I don’t have to be Scottish. If I want to wear braids, I don’t have to be a Viking or black. If I want to wear dreads, I don’t have to be Jamaican. I work with a black woman that has blue contacts and red hair and I don’t get upset about it.
No, no….and nope.
Locs are cultural to all of the diaspora. Not just Jamaicans… and colored eyes and hair is not something white ppl can claim . There are many black ppl born with ginger, blond, brow, white hair. Same with eye color. I know a lot of black ppl born with eyes that green, blue, light brown. Your comment didn’t do what it was suppose to. (I posted this response before and not sure why it was deleted)
Your comment didn’t do what it was suppose to do .
not limited to black either. the Vikings and others cultures white as can be but had them too..
Thanks for not approving my comment? Did I hit a nerve?
31 – No. It’s not “cultural appropriation to make a tattoo for those that would want it. I think they were pointing out that the avi’s used are not those that *should* wear them. I’m sorry but if I want to wear dreads, I don’t have to be Jamaican. If I want to wear a kilt, I don’t have to be Scottish. If I want to wear braids, I don’t have to be black or a Viking (I know they have different type braids). I don’t know all the cultures that are out there. I don’t claim to but you are not gonna tell me I can’t wear those things. I work with a black woman with blue contacts and red hair and I don’t get in a tizzy cause of it.
Right?!! Looks like a damn sheep to me.
31 – I agree with you. It’s not culture appropriation at all to make something for a specific culture. I think they are trying to *also* point out the avi’s used are not those that would “normally” wear those tattoos……idk. I don’t even know what culture that would be. I don’t know ALL the cultures of the world either so who knows. I’m so sick of this though. A lot of people have moved to other cultures because *insert reason here*. So what if I’m not black and I’m wearing braids. Maybe I like the way they look. I don’t have to be BLACK to wear f’cking braids. I don’t have to be Jamaican to wear dreads. I don’t have to be Scottish to wear a kilt. I don’t have to be ANYTHING to wear what I f’cking want. I don’t get bent out of shape when I see a black woman with blue contacts and RED hair and I have. I work with her. She’s beautiful.
I can’t really say that I agree with you at all, honestly. But it’s pretty funny that you felt the need to post this three whole times.
Sex work is real work, and whatever SL escorts are doing, if it gets you off, you got your money’s worth. Have a nice day! Don’t hate people for their jobs!
No, it is not not work
“Sex work is real work, and whatever SL *prostitutes* are doing, if it gets you off, you got your money’s worth. Have a nice day! Don’t hate people for their jobs!”
There. Fixed it for you.
BTW: don’t hate the job. I hate that hookers call themselves “escorts” on SL. Escorts are NOT prostitutes. If you are escorting and you f’ck around with pay, you are a prostitute. I’ve BEEN an escort IRL, we are NOT the same. I’ve never had a client ask for sex related activities.
NOW…there is such a thing called “out-call prostitution” or “escort prostitution” and IS NOT the same as an “escort”. If you’re gonna advertise as an “escort” and offer sexual activities, then advertise it right. Just calling yourself an “escort” is not the correct term. Not every “escort” on SL is a hooker. People just don’t know the right term to use. “But it’s quicker just to say…”-NO. Stop right there. Doesn’t matter. REAL escorts do not have sexual relations with their clients unless they are an “out-call prostitute” or “escort prostitute”.
OK first of all, it’s “full-service sex work” if you wanna nitpick about workers’ preferred terminology, and SL sex workers are doing a variant on phone sex or cam work. Which are both kinds of sex work, but not full-service, in-person escorting, I’m sorry you have a particular problem with decades of normal English usage of this term to mean a person who engages in intimate acts of money. And of course escort agencies don’t claim to offer sex, because in most of the US that would be illegal.
Learn a thing or two about sex work, and if you actually respected it, you wouldn’t get fussed about the terminology so much. You must really hate whores if you’re this freaked out about being confused for one.
You got paid for your time, your body and your company.
you’re no different.
you must have gotten your feelings really hurt by an escort in sl, because they are no different than you in that they also may not have anything to do with sex with their clients. stop being so judgmental of others, as I’m sure you endured judgments yourself.
Look it up, Escort has a few meanings, the two most popular are:
ProcessionsA type of procession, an organized body of people advancing in a formal or ceremonial manner:
Now, you can say that you as an escort don’t charge for sex, but, one of the meanings is a prostitute. Don’t get your undies in a bunch just because you got offended or are ashamed for being called what the word means. If you’re ashamed or offended to be thought of as a prostitute, then perhaps you need to look for a new line of work.
esconts don’t have sex.
prostitutes have sex.
End of discusion.
so you come to SL to roleplay that you’re attractive enough IRL to be an escort? Thats cool. LOL
You were clearly working for a PG escort house. Adult escorts are still escorts. Prostitute is a slur besides. Also, you sold your time and body in a PG fashion. AKA prostituting yourself. Makes you a what? Yep.
Nope. I explained the difference. I’m sorry you can’t read. I’m sure escorting services would love to inform you better so call one up and ask.
Sex worker, prostitute, they are both correct terms. Prostitution is not a “slur”. Hooker is.
Having lived and worked in Vegas in the early 2000’s all escort agency’s male and female provided the same thing in the end. Sex.
It’s a term used in second life for those purposes. A word can mean multiple things by the way.
Not in this case. Don’t twist the truth with stupidity.
That is literally how slang is created lmao
Okay I have maitreya body for both my accounts and I love maitreya. Both of my accounts don’t look like stick figures, I think I’ve said it before to someone and I’ll say it again it’s all about how you make your shape. If you want the shape to be stick thin then yes the mesh body will look stick thin. My alt is a curvy girl as I have made her that way because of the shape, the mesh body reflects that. So it’s about how you make the shape not the body it’s self.
croach is awful tho.
has many flaws.
That body is outdated, sharp polygons, and it bends in the most horrifying ways.
Maitreya fell off the body wagon, get over it.
LOL you keep telling yourself those lies. Whatever you have to do to convince yourself not to come up with 5k to switch to a superior body. *pats head*
You crazy bitches getting on here arguing week and week about which body is superior are all probably ugly as hell in world anyway no matter which body you choose. Just wear whatever body you like and shut up.
Agree, L$5.000 is way too much.
If you think $20 bucks is too much for a game, you probably shouldn’t be on SL in the first place. Uninstall and do something with your life. Lawl
#24. Oh hey, that’s me. This gave me a good laugh. Thanks to whoever. Making it my Discord banner.
#31 – Really? “Cultral” Appropriation. A Mandala tattoo and a Māori tattoo has you up in arms? The mandala isn’t tied to a race or culture but religion and spiritualism, and I’m pretty sure the other girl doesn’t look vastly different than what you can expect from the Māori people today, unless you expect them to run around as a stereotype. I’m assuming you’re upset at the ‘white people wearing dreads and braids’ though…if that’s the case, tell me where the avatar came from, what’s their nationality? What’s their history and religious beliefs? Did they grow up around other white avatars? What schools did this particular avatar go to? You are both looking far too much and not enough into these ads…if you don’t feel comfortable wearing their stuff, don’t buy it.
She’s Italian.
Y’all can’t spell for shit.
#35 – Ew.
#47 they are also racist
#4 Seriously get a life idot ! i’m sure you’re a pedooooo yourself, naked front your dirty pc to touching yourself as well
#4 Seriously get a life idot ! i’m sure you’re a pedo yourself, naked front your dirty pc to touching yourself as well
#4 Seriously get a life idot ! i’m sure you’re a pedo yourself, naked front your dirty pc to touching yourself as well
Not everybody wear lelutka either. one thing is BOM that can be wear by many and another branding one head.
Did you had a bad day?
actually it cant if its made for specific layout .. IE catwa pro and evoX
That’s exactly what they were saying, in their broken English.