Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 703.
29/32 Lol… I guess you have to look like a leathery, chain smoking fucking cadaver to be considered ‘of age’ to most of the retards on SL.
Thanks for that, I will take into account the moment with the breath in future animation sets 😅
#51 Cataleya.
#20 https://flic.kr/p/2mUcur2 Echo got KMETOV now. he is a insecure controlling boy. Good luck
I’ve never seen an underage/ child avi at Breathe. Just saying
maybe you stop looking on yourself and look around. there are child ava each day!!!!!!
I saw many. With profiles that gave out that they was underage. But look on the Puddle Cuddle ones, it’s them looking like children.
quick rant…. why are these men so fucking stupid and keep dating cynder? Are they that desperate for easy pussy that instead of working to get some from a nice girl they pick trash constantly… like why it is so easy for this stupid slut to always find men I don’t understand? How many daddies has she gone through now lost count?
“Nice” girls require work? Yeah no,what you mean are also trash women who think they deserve people bending over backwards to get a piece of that beat up punani. Remember guys, her “rules” are just for the poor suckers she keeps floating in her orbit, when Mr Right comes along she magically does not require any work or patience 😉
Not having balls has nothing to do with it all cynder has to do is bend over and spread her legs call the guy daddy in less than a hour and bam she’s got herself a boyfriend how dumb are you to think balls has anything to do with it 😂😂 and perfect example here of this moron men want easy hence you proved this persons point cyn is easy used up beat up pussy oh and will let married hit it so yes now we know why she always had a diff man men like easy trash 😉 no excuse me little boys men actually know the worth of a good girl who can be a freak for them 😉 not everyone in the neighborhood
Lol to whoever thumb down knowing it’s true .. anywho stop giving her any power by letting her see you’re frustrated all her relationships are a joke and don’t last that’s why she’s constantly bouncing from one to another you notice she won’t ever just settle with one? Don’t be jealous of trash all her ex’s are happier without her Matt will eventually realize his mistake
#20 That’s because you obviously have no balls, that’s why she’s with him now lol
No it’s because other girls respect themselves lol they don’t go around calling guys daddy on the first day they meet them spreading their legs sleeping around with married/taken men let’s not sit here pretending balls has anything to do with it. Guys like easy pussy hence cyn is more than easy pussy and already calling someone daddy in less than a hour lol having balls is far from having to do anything with it 🙂 go do your homework or shut it
lol he in another country and i am just a state over. i will win her heart just give me time. how is that for balls
what does having balls have anything to do with being with someone what a moron LOL it’s because she calls everyone Daddy sucks their dick and opens her legs in less than a day THATS WHY SHE HAS HIM thank you come again dumb ass
what does having balls have anything to do with being with someone what a moron LOL it’s because she calls everyone Daddy sucks their dick and opens her legs in less than a day THATS WHY SHE HAS HIM thank you come again dumb ass
So true he encourages that shit, Imagine cheating on your girlfriend with her sister, but guess he has to try and feed his ego in SL cause he’s probably a loser in RL who cant get a girl
My original comment is about secret #1
#42 – And what is your point? The whole purpose of SL Designing is to earn a few Lindens. Back in the early day you could multiply those numbers by 10 and that still be on the low end of what people made as designers.
Now factor in the fact that these designers have to pay for rent/land tiers, advertising, events, upload fees, and purchase of mesh, textures, script etc and some of these designers are just happy to break even each week.
#10) You are complaining because you were too lazy to get to an event and buy the item when it was for sale there? ReBeeca Dembo isn’t the problem. You are.
And some events have requirements for the designers to not put items in the store right away to keep the events places people want to visit and shop.
Next time if you see it and like it – buy it then. Don’t be the idiot who posts here and blames others.
#35 and #36 Everyone has a pose store nowadays and thinks they are a pose maker when the majority of these poses suck really bad and need heavy adjusting to be able to get a decent picture with them. It’s pretty dumb that people even buy poses still, you are better of buying an animator and make your own!
#20 Maybe it’s because “u” can’t write a decent sentence…it’s you btw 😉
#40 BUSTY BAILY ! This is just the begining DARLIN ! You and your kniving actions behind not just mine but all your other co workers backs too. I bet you are going nuts thinking who would do such a thing cause you are so nice right? The way you smile at our faces but talk shit behind our backs to clients. Let’s be honest, you only have one female friend and thats simply because you want her to join in on a threesome with clients.
That’s a very long way of saying “I wish I was also invited into the threesomes, but no one likes me”
More like Bye Bailey. The blurry filter you always use on 100% of your pictures doesn’t flatter your wrinkles or rolls. Embrace them and stop pretending to be something everyone knows you’re not.
This is just amazing. Is this junior high? This is a very mature way to handle things. Kudos to you for your maturity.
… do you mean “conniving”? “Kniving” isn’t a word, so don’t try to blame autocorrect. People’s complacent illiteracy amazes me.
Thank you Karen
Oh, so being able to read on higher than a third grade level makes you a “Karen” now 😂 😂
Well duh! Don’t blame the victim of their own laziness and lack of mental fortitude!!! Lol. I fucking hate people who use the wrong words or spell badly. Hate. Biggest pet peeve, ever, and I’m not even a native English speaker.
32 – Aside from how that avatar has a twentysomething face with no or subtle makeup, those “bruises” are called love bites or hickeys. She had a good time before arriving at Breathe, in short. You, on the other hand, get off on being a pathetic little twunt and possibly a troll. Please find a new hobby. You’re stinking up the place, and that’s saying something.
Being on SL secrets but accusing others of trolling… man this is quality content 10/10
Haha you must be the avatar on the picture for saying that because that does not look like a hickey at all! That looks like an attention ho needing pity from people with her bruised skin.The whole beat up & bruised thing is ridiculous anyway, why do we think that is ok???
And you must be the poster… What is it with people like you always have something negative to say about the way others look, you do you sweetheart never mind what anyone else chooses to look like. I bet you’re a curtain twitcher RL as well always in someone else’s shit… mind ya business!
Actually I’m the person in that photo and they are hickies from Ladybird. Goodbye.
#35 #36 Mike need to advertise in world
48: Sadly that little boy has come around a few places I have been. He’s gross and rude and think’s he’s all that. Time to update your shit because that head went out along ass time ago and your little hooker you have with you is just as nasty. It wont last, hell even the ex you fucked over says you are a whinny ass bitch. On top of a few other’s you have trashed talked and think they wouldn’t find out move on NO ONE CARES about you trying to be some big scary dude when in fact you are far from it…I mean I have seen what you look like RL and dude you are a pussy of a man, you wanna be gangster. Oh and its THAN NOT THEN!! seem grammar is something you need to go back to school for.
Apparently you seem to care a lot about this person’s life instead of your own, unless you have a crash on him or ur in love with him or perhaps you envy this person though, no offense but it makes you look like a sad lonely person 😫
oh? which ex is this? lol
#21: what a bold post, considering the person who wrote it probably has years of dirty laundry just waiting to be aired. Go back to mommys basement where it’s moist and dark, where you can fester peacefully.
#22 Oh no…Not your complexity 😮
#34 Maybe they haven’t plays SL since they opened the account? or didn’t you think about that? Just a thought.
#35 & #36 Maybe show us how to make poses?
#39 WTF! They bulge? I’m sorry, but nope..That’s wrong on so many levels.
#42 So what? are you jealous that someone is buying their creations?
Dress like a Toddler act like got no brains as adult your 4 f3 have shit in your profile saying your 4 looking for daddy someone to spoil you your fucking target for a pedo predictor this the fucking truth if the fbi got contacted this shit be banned people be banned their are sex trafficking laws and people can go to prison for it they catch these Pedro people pretending be younger get free ticket to jail their goes your whole life down the Toilet you fucked up you do the crime you do the time.
that is a long sentence wow….breathe man!
You leave Pedro and his people out of this!
#50 – only if they are making BOM, because otherwise it’s the same HUD and you’re just being impressed by both things on the vendor image when Evo X doesn’t affect applier makeup. All Evo makeup appliers work in Evo X mode.
Otherwise, it’s all big yawns this week. Glad the wrestling poster got busted. RP sim stuff always sounds exactly like high school drama. No one cares how desperate your ex is; besides, they’re not desperate enough to still be with you, so who really looks bad? So boring. 😴
The UV for the HD lipstick layer for the first 3 EvoX heads (Avalon, Briannon and Ceylon) were a tad different from the previous heads, and the ones the were released after that keep on with this pattern. So yes, it does affect applier makeup. Be less ignorant, please.
Yawn. Lips have always been different from one head to the next even within every brand; that’s why makeup creators worth spending Ls with offer demos, and why creators like Izzie’s offer overlays to alter the lipline. Evo appliers can all be applied in Evo X with the exact same functionality, and no one is making separate Evo X lipsticks or glosses based on specific heads (while they do with eye makeup, check Top1), so I guess your tiny nitpick isn’t that significant. Nice try though.
And Ryn is all off on its own weird map lol
Pedo sex ring thier are real Pedos on sl they done jail time girls with psychological problems they dress like a toddler their just easy fucking target for predictor now we are taking. These adults go adults some 3 f4 have toddler clothes have noice sucking a breast and baby cry’s and shit yes it’s age play they are sick fucks they don’t want admit they has mental disorder addiction it ruin their fake reality if they got help sl should get cracking on it.
I’ll have whatever you’re smoking
People that dress like toddler day they baby girl looking for daddy wants to sell her body yes this fucking mental disorder age play not allowed I sl and sl needs to fucking ban pedis and people acting like they are 3 your grown ass people can’t act like adult get the fuck off the game real adults don’t act like this only the mental kind do.
What the fuck are you even saying? Learn some punctuation before you tell people to act like adults.
10.You’re still buying her shit?
48.”We laugh at your saltness” and “We are better *THEN* you and ?”……..Ok. No. You’re not better THAN ANYONE cause of this tacky secret you had to post and if you’re gonna claim to be “better THAN” someone, maybe make sure your grammar and spelling on ON POINT first.
That’s because they both know how shady he really is! Dude is always in someone’s IM’S asking to borrow linden. He doesn’t work he just acts like he’s working lol. I can count on both hands how many people I know he’s gone and asked to borrow it because he lives at home with his mother LMFAO. On top of he hides behind the computer acting like a tough guy. Hell look at him dudes nasty as fuck…Lurk else where dude! Oh wait he changed his name again.
I’ve seen this Linden borrowing allover ‘virtual-secrets’ but yet no proofs on any of them, do you own any solid proofs ? I’d love to see them someday, let me know plz 🤗
Same shit every week people acting like young high school gets old gets Old it stinks Bash find post of people you are jealous of. If don’t like it don’t follow keep walking focus on you cause got time to bash why these people don’t care they give you fucking show you can go hide under a rock. Sl is what you name it take things in moderation don’t take so
Seriously cause better things to do. I like to see some positive post in 2017 called they want you back. You mocking pose makers you gonna make that shit then shut up. So got your heart broken forgive and cut cord let go move on. If not for you defender and block stop Hanging out places and people trigger you only your mind really games stop allowing your mind get triggered. Stop being accessed with being jealous it’s not attractive if you only talking about yourself all the time learn love yourself others stop being a little fucker. So some people might be baby girls well then owner needs to put the foot down make few rules look like women be adult height this not age play not allowed in sl wanna be women grow up these pedo guys in sl one’s that manipulate girls to dress this way so really not point fingers it’s mental problem women has hips more skin little talker not look like a toddler. Thier guys go to sexy nude beach ask girls if they are younger this is sick they doing it every where. Like guy got banned years ago he kept making alts asking women you think you were submissive when younger this a red flag stop allowing men to do this shit start standing up for yourself.
#42 Good for them!! There is nothing wrong with making a few Shekels in Second Life.
#32. In what world do you think that looks like a child. Like legit. That looks like my manager.
#42. What the fuck are these stats. So Dappa and dae either make less than the American Minumum wage, or $4k? Even for Gabriel, the range between $3.5k and $16k is ridiculous. Sorry, these numbers are useless. Do more research and try again next week.
Sadly Dappa and Dae is about minimum wage in some states bit over paycheck after taxes. Many places are still 7.25 an hr with 25% taxes taken with is around 750 month. after tax reality many dont get
#42 Wow. I don’t know how real those numbers are, but if they are real..in 2022, dayum!
Just wondering —
Just curious. 🙂
29/32 – These don’t look like childlike faces or bodies to me.
It’s a pedos target they act dress like this they the ones with the psychological problem they had bad past they should bring to sl.
Is this English? Try some punctuation.
wow Blaise, are you racist as well as ablest?
Kindly go drool on yourself in someone else’s mentions.
oh gawds don’t bring that SJW crap here. How is it racist? are certain races exempt from intelligence, grammar, or punctuation? enlighten us oh great SJW
21. This just sounds like petty middle school drama to me. I say just stay the hell away from eachother and get over it.
Hadley destroys everything she touches and acts like she’s innocent and loving to everyone.. get to know her and you trust her just for her to talk about you behind your back. They won’t last long with Hardin’s family either and if any of them trust her they have a lot to learn! It’s way beyond high school when she’s destroying others to the point they need therapy after what she’s done.
Did you just… make a rational suggestion to the Sherblato family? Oh honey child.. you have a lot to learn.
I made a rational suggestion to both parties. I don’t care either way but seeing this shit is just pathetic and childish at this point.
10000000% Agreed!
regarding 32: do y’all seriously not realize that young adults exist? Not everyone wants to look like a 30 yr old with massive boobs and hips wider than an airplane. If that’s your thing, cool, but it isn’t some of ours!
I gotta say, you’ve got kind of a messed-up idea of what 30 looks like. Boobs and hips don’t magically expand with increasing age. After a pregnancy, maybe—but that’s a separate issue.
Young adults don’t like a toddler dress act like this then your in danger being bothered by a pedo it’s a red flag. Act like child get treated like one old days they banned places can start getting strict again. Should be adult height and mature
Appearance many popular places do not allow child looking avators.
Let me guess. You got dumped for an avatar that doesn’t look like a refugee from MILF porn?
GTFO of here with your bullshit Blaise, obviously you like young looking girls and this is a huge RED FLAG. It should be that if you are under a certain height and look like a child or a young girl, you need to be ejected because for the simple fact this an adult sim so therefore you should look like an adult and don’t give me the stupid bullshit of young looking females because even young 20 year olds don’t look like they are just beginning puberty. SMDH, another reason why Isa never comes into Breathe cause she can’t be bothered maintaining her own shit.
I honestly hate child faces on adult bodies completely grosses me out and just feeds the pedo issue in SL. However, this is an adult face by the bone structure I’d say 25 or so with extremely youthful skin and complexion good genes and great care. I mean I have 2 young adult children and this person looks older than my 25yr old does bone wise.
On another note, for fucks sake fix the chin though. It’s like missing an entire jawbone
there’s no pedo issue in sl, as it’s just roleplay. sl is not reality so i don’t see the issue. We arn’t allowed to have actual fun no more as everyone’s offended. an avatar doesn’t have a guilt system or a conscience. erotic roleplay is hilarious, and anybody getting off to an animated avatar of any size is weird as fuck. time for nachos.
Leave peoples sexual oddities alone. harmless fun.
well the name fits!
Shut up, Stankfish. Changing your posting name doesn’t make you any less of a pedophile, and roleplaying child rape isn’t ok to any decent human beings.
except that is not a young adult, that is a child, learn the difference. also, its perfectly fine they want to look like that, but don’t go to an adult sim if you do. its absolutely disgusting to watch young children like that get ripped apart in adult sims, just dont!
Only to be bothered by real life pedo think again
Get some help, you need it.
It’s a dive end of story
The only shit I smell here is you and your other account your posting under, yeah right
oh please, don’t give me this “young adult stuff”. this is simply disgusting and its happening more and more in adult places. If you want to look like a 12 year old accept the fact that adult sims are going to kick you. it’s really that simple. just like people don’t want furrys on their sim either, its wrong no matter what you put in your profile!
I do not hate breathe spa, I hate seeing these kid like toons make the place look disgusting!
Again,go to a PG place if you want to look like a 12 year old!
Welp, I think we found our poster. So why are you hating on Breathe Spa? Because I’ve been there, seen young avatars kicked out pretty quickly and harshly, but these posts haven’t proven that they are running a day care as #2 so claims. Were you kicked out for being a weirdo and now you just want to try and drag their name through the mud? Smells about right.
I’m guessing her SL Boyfie was in one of their DMs.
Except these aren’t children. They’re very clearly faces proportioned like women.
#29 and #32 I don’t really go to breathe anymore but whoever posted this has to be the same person, how does this look like a child? Huh?
They mean people act like immature And cliques Can see why many don’t go
I’m assuming it’s some Kupra owner.. god forbid someone have a natural shape.
seriously here you go with your bullshit InTheKnow seriously if that’s a natural shape, then you need to really get outside of SL and realize that not everyone is born in a child like body, SMDH us with curves and yes I have a legacy body, with natural curves doesn’t mean I look like a fucking child
Re: #50
No, the REAL MVP’s include ALL heads. It’s frustrating loving makeups when they’re 99% Evo/X, and I’m here with my (not HD) Catwa.
Saves me a ton of lindens though.
maybe stahp with the damn Catya head?
You ever stop and think that maybe skin and makeup makers actually just want to create for Evo-X because there is more area for them to work in so their makeup and skins have more details and gives them a better opportunity to stand out from other designers? You ever stop and think that SL is all about forwarding ideas and that is actually good for customers? No, you probably haven’t, but at least your old head has a prim brain in it.
Why should stores create for heads that very few people are even using now? Oh, wait, you’re probably wearing that old AF Catya head. Stores make their decisions based on what sells, and I can guarantee you that skins for Catya don’t sell now except for the small number of you who refuse to upgrade. Hell, Catwa hasn’t even released a new head (HD or not) in a year. Why should designers support a mesh head maker that never releases new heads? I remember when Catwa reigned supreme, and it seemed like every skin and makeup release was for Catwa. Then the same happened for Genus. Now it’s Lelutka’s turn for market dominance.
Nope, never had a Catya head.
I was just making an observation – a real MVP would encompass ALL heads, not just the popular one of the moment.
Much like clothing stores that don’t rig for Petite – I just shrug and move on to a store that does. Doesn’t affect my enjoyment of SL any!
#3 this smells like jealousy from a side ho angry about where his loyalties lie. who tf cares about her limits in their relationship if theyre happy? bitches on the outside looking in.
#18 how sweet? just message them directly.
#29 these are not children
#32 this is also not a child
too many people quick to put pedo labels when there are actual child avis fucking on the grid. search for those instead of stirring a pot because you’re mad at a sim owner.
#44 no one knows who this is because she fucks up every friend group she’s apart of, disappears, and comes back under new aliases and shit. she also got that “i’m a bad bitch” mentality without the reality.
#51 creative! i like it!
Most people that act like it their 4f2 where toddler clothes act like they have no brain just attracting fucked up
Pedo guys no pictures but go their you will see why no wants to go here run by butch or baby’s.
wow stop changing names and typing the same shit…what’s 4f2? go spread your stupid elsewhere.
#3 Apparently we got a lot of girls willing to fuck at our sim. (Search Creepy Cute 💕)
Guys going on girl alts to to say then go back on their guy one some men do this real women don’t act like this.
#3 How obsessed do you have to be to be going on virtual secrets and post that? Aww you aren’t getting your way and you wanna drag her down? Pathetic. You think you actually are doing something by posting this, but you’re just making a fool of yourself. Get a life away from this GAME.
I remember seeing FK get roasted due to bad contracts, but it took one look to know what destination that post was talking about.
Plus, if your lovesense sim is getting fucking big tips…why are you selling yourself for 20-40k???
There’s nothing this bish won’t do for advertisement, they were at the sleepover event standing next to a FZ employee, tping other staff/group members, essentially surrounding the staff of the destination they stole from! They also treated an event used to share creativity as free advertisement for their shitty sim…talk about bad taste and 0 respect.
I saw the names on radar but don’t have a shot myself, if anyone was there and saw it lemme know
HAHAHAHA bitch finally noticed, maybe act like an adult instead of disliking and trying to look innocent ya dumb fuck! No class from this, they know they’re a slut and they just begging for attention and money #BUYMYRIPOFFMERCH Ain’t nobody gonna support your bootleg shit, and since somebody mentioned copyrights… oh lawd you hit a deep rabbit hole. Don’t worry I’ll make it easy and sum this up. Also feel free to look them up yourself, I won’t be providing links for the trademarks as they provides real world locations due to registration addresses (bet FK didn’t think of that one through huh?) I’m not doxxing them, this IS required to get a TradeMark. TradeMark Engine Website YES – FK does have a trade mark…IN NAME ALONE, so essentially you can’t use FK in any way, no colors, no description, the TM is totally empty aside from “Club services, namely, promoting the interests of hobby”, which is NOT being used correctly. And after that little exploration, I find that Furzona has their own, and it explains everything they do. Detailed information explaining the community, it’s goal, the logo design, and their identity as a group. So lemme make this simple as to why FZ doesn’t do anything about them, BECAUSE THE CAN VERY WELL REMOVE THEM FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH WITH ONE PAPER…costs. Why worry about such a terrible place that will eventually close down on its own due to bad staffing, no understanding of proper legal terms/documentation, and inside drama? It’s not worth the hassle, just let it run its course! Now if FZ did decide to sue, officials will compare the two trademarks and side with FZ due to the information provided. FK has fuck all to say except one little quote, it’s incorrectly labeled, lazy,… Read more »
It’s also funny how amusing the Owner her self likes to go to other club owners asking about other lovense venue owners. To fish for personal information an lie an say one has applied an or interested in offering a management spot when well knowing the venue owner has no interest in her drama bullshit which is always ending up on everyone elses door step. Legit can not fathom why all the artist who support that place even sticks around as it looks bad on them as well. Just my two cents.
Hi! So I used to also hang out at FK until I decided to leave when one of their security staff was wearing CHILD avatar items, diaper with diaper onesie, as well as a soother. I went to the CO-OWNER and was told that it wasn’t against rules, since it’s a kink/fetish. Of course I went to foxy, who then told me it wasn’t allowed. Well turns out there was a meeting and it was brought up, how ever, do you know what happened? ANOTHER manager came to me ( Will not reveal name because they’re not the issue) And told me that it was THOUGHT it was allowed but when it wasn’t how ever, the rule is being enforced more strictly now and that was that. Well a few minutes later the entire thing was deleted and come ot find out the manager who was DOING THEIR JOB! got FIRED and when I went to foxy about it after I found out, they told me that, THAT manager was fired because they told me it was alright. I.E Putting all the blame on this manager, when I had already showed logs to her of her Co-owner telling me. So, not only did they try to scape goat all the blame onto another manager, but they also kept the co-owner around who was ALLOWING the age play to happen. =/ Their only defense was that ” diapers are a kink” When you’ve got a security member, who’s dressed up in like full baby wear… It makes a huge difference from being just diaper play. Either way, Do not support them, not just in teh fact they stole furzona’s look, but also because they try to put the blame on others who they’re sending out the door.
So they allowed and ageplayer in the staff for a while and tried to cover it up by turning the blame…typical. Look I get it, ageplay is pretty disgusting, but if they weren’t doing anything “wrong” than it’s harassment. Wearing the items is typical for a troll and some people kinda forget they have shit on (spankers, clickies, ect) and he genuinely didn’t know..that means the limits of the sim weren’t established and Foxy is just pulling shit out of their ass using that one thing about the resident as a trigger to seem like it was a just removal.
Than again this IS the same club that will remove your staff role if you have any relationships with other staff. Sorry karen it don’t work like that
Master, pet, bf/gf, significant other, what next spouse?…geez they’re worse than Sylvanas square with the whole not allowed list, how the hell are they still functioning?
Pfft is that all, try looking into their policies asking for your real ID like a fucking legacy dev kit Valid I.D. and Current photo for Age Verification in our Discord (Documents and photos requested are deleted after being verified) Emails and Social media username tags as well as Discord in order to contact for events, advertisement, shop promotions, club activities Usernames and uuids in second life for group notices and general contact. Reviews in our store page as well as comments in our social media, second life groups, and discord are kept and can be used on record in the event they undergo investigation by management for any reason. Employees, Bloggers, Sponsored Artist, and any individual/organization affiliated with Furry Kinks™ must have contact information on file for ease of access. If you do not agree to our terms and conditions, Furry Kinks™ reserves the right to remove, ban, block, deny all and any services within the brand. What brand? you don’t have copyrights for this shit, YOU STOLE IT ALL oh and the best one, merch Furry Kinks™ offers a variety of products both In-Marketplace and In-World via Second Life. Mods, Accessories, Body Pillows, Jackets, and upcoming Avatar parts as well as Add-ons. All of our products are protected and subject to copyright under the Furry Kinks™ How does that work when your content is using items and characters from the secondlife marketplace, fucking idiots don’t know how to do their legal shit correctly and it’s gonna bite back when the creators realize their items are profiting others. The call out was by @HemmsFoxStudios calling out their “legal” action https://twitter.com/HemmsFoxStudios/status/1409012651808673792 “If you would like more information about why we do this i would be more then happy to sit down and have a conversation with everyone 🙂 therefore this tweet… Read more »
Yup, they didn’t start until later but they did indeed swap tags and start shit. Plus that wasn’t a employee it was a MANAGER, and after the huge scuttle about managers getting banned it’s sickening that they still used him for attention like that. Disgusting
You know life is much easier when you can just live your life and enjoy what you do and half of these comments aren’t even the real stories. You’ll need to grow up and move on with your lives. otherwise at this point it’s just flattering that all of you think of Furry Kinks so hard♥
half of them aren’t real stories huh? Even though there’s photographic evidence and logs… Plus people who have worked there.
You mean one your made up stories, good one 👏
“𝘞𝘩𝘪𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘮𝘦𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘢 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺. 𝘛𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘢 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘦. 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 83 𝘦𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘺𝘦𝘦𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 600+ 𝘮𝘦𝘮𝘣𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘪𝘯 𝘋𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘥. 𝘈 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘰𝘴𝘱𝘪𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵.”
𝘧𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦 𝘊𝘭𝘶𝘣 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘢 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵.
what a fucking joke 🤣
You do realize the proof is there right. More people are coming clean about how shitty fk really is. Demanding for irl identification is ILLEGAL! Furzona confronted them and foxy tried to paint them as the bad guys. Foxy isn’t a good person, they’re a toxic attention whore trying to ride off a popular venue with no consequence. Stop playing dumb foxy
Hang on a minute…THEY FOLLOW HIM
That’s even more fucked up
#37 Thanks Ravnos for the insight, funny how insightful that was considering you’re the ones who lead in the bullying huh. 😀
Oh btw, last I checked most of you pay for age yourself. Hypocritical don’t you think?
I assure you, I am not Ravnos. I was a player who got tired of the bullshit
People have been playing for 10 years some who have never bought age. Seem to do quite well for themselves and don’t cry if you’re as you say not Ravnos. Maybe you should have learned a thing or two?
LOl its funny you coulden even be me if you wanted there is only one SHAD㊉W Silverfang N㊉Mad (Shadow Seetan) and its funny you had to pose as me. Does it make you feel better? does it make you feel better you have to hide behind virtual secerets? How sad you couldent use my full name. Not even my log in name to make it look like me Its truly pathetic. Honestly i think your a ravnos either mad about getting attacked or you know your time is comming to an end with the Trouble you lot been causing Have a Blessed day
WOW LOL I pitty whoever wrote this and had to pretend to be me. Wow you must be quite the raging cunt. Because its funny you will never be me. There is only One Shadow. Its funny you couldent Include My full name. Its funny you couldent Include Silverfang Nomad. Or Include My login Last name of Seetan. You idiot and unintelligent fool. How does it feel knowing your nothing but a poser. Sounds like a ravnos themselves posted this either cause they were mad that they got attacked or Because they possibly know there clan has caused so much problems and troubles they may not be around anymore. HAVE A BLESSED DAY and GO FIST YOURSELF
have to care about someone, to try and imitate them. I’ve seen your name maybe once. However, you are both dead wrong.
It works! Try it sometime. Surfs up bro!
#11 – Imitation is the most sincerest form of flattery……
#21 You guys are seriously so obsessed. Here they are living their best life not talking about you or doing anything and you’re the ones more so hurt about everything. Willing to throw away years of friendship because of a fight and then airing out laundry that shouldn’t even been aired out all because they chose to leave your toxic ass family. The fact that you keep having people stalk and make fake profiles to talk to Hadley, so you can get more information and feed more shit to your drama. Get over yourself. Move the fuck on like they have. CLEARLY this was posted by one of you Sherblato’s so. Move the fuck on. They’re much happier. Be the bigger person and return her shit.
I might get reamed for this comment, but I don’t care. I stopped caring a long time ago….just wanted to say that it boggles my mind that people get SO bent out of shape over the smallest things. It’s SL….people come and go for various reasons and that’s okay. Just let them be happy or whatever and live life.
People can’t sit back and relax. They’re so mad at Hadley for living life. If you don’t like her choices, that’s ok but mOoOOOooVe on.
Lol their best life ? That’s why Hadley ran to other men when her and Hardin recently broke up to hook up … like she always does! Her pattern never changes. When she’s over her hissy fits she runs back to whoever will take her back. No one is obsessed with her … this is actually probably her or her dumb slut mom in law. Everyone calls you on ur shut because you wrong people every single day. You treat everyone like shit. You think deleting anyone from ur Facebook will help but I know who passes ur shit around and you would never expect it. You’ll have to delete ur whole Facebook. What was said here is the truth and any kid that comes in contact with any of you will need therapy after you’re done with them.
Did this person literally just admit to watching their facebook so hard they can see them deleting people? Did this person just invalidate every statement that will be made against Hadley because they just showed their red flag early on? Can anyone say.. you need a hobby real bad.
Aww, is this little Ms. Paygey Wagey? Or is this Salty Salt. Maybe little two-faced Sophia? Or how about Dakota who likes to throw people away when he gets bored of them? Oh oh oh or MAYBE it’s Ayla. Because replacing Hadley wasn’t good enough for you – you all have to sit here and bash her for no reason. Ya’ll are so fucking childish, grow the fuck up and move the fuck on. Stop sitting around your shitty sim and playing games bashing Hadley and her as person. The only piece of shit people are you Sherblato’s. They are LITERALLY minding their own business and all you guy keeps doing is literally stalking their every move. I am PRETTY sure that’s being obsessed. If you didn’t care then again – move the fuck on and leave everyone alone
Idk I’ve known Hadley years and I’m doing fine. She’s never inflicted anything on me. Could be YOU ARE THE PROBLEM?! ❤️❤️❤️ Stay bitter, stay uggo
Oh my god WHAT? You are so fucking delusional LISTEN UP CHILDRENNNN.. HADLEY DONE LEFT YA OLD ASSES OKUR? You guys run around with your chip on your sleeves. Why do you know she is deleting shit? Like fuck boy do you just sit around sippin on her shit. How stupidly pathetic do you want to present yourselves? Blah Blah Blah she did this she did that. Someone takes sl way too seriously. How about you guys like go run along and step back? Like you got burned on a little video game and now you wanna cry because she dont wanna play dress up dollies with you anymore? Poor pitiful you. MOVE ALONG. MOOOOVVVEEE ALONGG AND TAKE THE WORDS OF ELSA AND LET IT GOOOOOO BITCH LET IT GO.
Hadley and her family can post themselves every other week pretending as if the “Sherblato family” is to blame so you and your ass lickers can do their bashing and you can get some more people to pity you… The only one shit posting here is you, your family and little cunt Sophia/Melissa/Gracie whatever other alt she’s made.. Hadley you really need to stop gassing up your fat head even more because no one cares but you and your gremlins. fucking delusional look in the mirror you love to pretend like people are “obsessed” with you just like all your exes but guess what no ones here for it this time and you can whine and beg at people from your past trying to make them come back but all of them want nothing to do with you so take your own advise and stop making your self look pathetic because no one is concerned with you
Alright since this have been going on for another week. I feel i need to step in and make things clear. First of all do you ever think that someone made all these post because they want us to fight?? I don’t know but i thought a lot about it. And it perfectly make sense especially how close everything happen. i personally feel that the family didn’t make this post about Hadley, because more than half of us don’t even waste the time to make them even in the past and Hadley knows that herself. I won’t bring myself down to High school level and take quotes from a movie or spam caps like it some Jerry Springer show.. But what i will do is explain that no one in the family want to waste time making pictures in photoshop or gimp or even deeply hurt Hadley. Yes Hadley left the family. but she wasn’t force in making a choice between us or him. it was her who choose to leave like you said none of us pushed her out. We loved Hadley and deep down we still care for her. As for Sophie it’s kinda funny after she get caught doing shady stuff she ran back to you guys. Because she knew exactly what she was doing stirring the pot like always. Anyways. At the end who ever is making these post just stop. And to finally wrap this up. you may think we’re doing the post (which isn’t true. ) Or think we’re some “toxic family. ” i will tell you this learn your history first before you want to call someone toxic. just because you may know what happen now doesn’t mean you know how many bridges been burned until people starts to give up on that… Read more »
With this being said, I agree. But at the same time, why bring in other people who have nothing to do with the situation? Like her mother in law for instance? Everyone so bent over Hadely, not one thing has been said about Hardin. I can assure you, I am not Hadley nor do I want to be in Hadley’s position. But I have all sides of the story from everyone. I’m not one to pick and choose, but I mean really. We ALL need to grow the fuck up and just move the fuck on. Hadley left. Period. Done. As for Sophia, she needs to just delete all her accounts. At this point I’m starting to think SHE’S the one who’s been posting everything and causing all the issues. Like you said, she was caught being shady. Hadley also caught her being shady with her and her inlaws, finding out she’s Rachel. SO maybe Sophia needs to lay off and stop stirring the shit pot and making it worse. Idk, everyone just needs to move out and leave this all to just die off.
Everyone knows all these people commenting are her lol not one person cares about her that much to comment this much.. even using her ex’s name (Jasper) who she cheated on and who also made death threats to her other ex and told Hadley’s real life issues to everyone here on this website as someone to seem like she has people.. it’s truly pathetic. Hadley runs back to all her ex’s always has and Dakota is one of them and won’t be the last time she does. She can’t ever let go and Hardin probably doesn’t even know it because she hides it well. She’s not innocent and she knows it.. she deserves whatever people say on her.. maybe it’ll be a wake up call for her because everyone knows the minute Hardin can’t handle living that poly life with Hadley’s husband again she’ll be running back to Payge and the rest of them like the lost dog she always acts as
You guys really all need to start worrying about yourselves, stop talking about other people and do something productive.
#34- Eh, different people get different things out of SL. Maybe he just likes exploring more than fashion.
#39- Yeah I’m about 95% sure that everyone who uses that body is a pedophile and 100% sure that the creator of it is one. The ENTIRE clothing market for that avatar is like this and the creator of it set that precedent. I’ve reported all of this shit so many times but LL does absolutely nothing about it.
Red flag for sure
All the Heldenhiam dirt. That place was a trashfire from the start and I don’t see it lasting. The admins cover up for the sexual harassment and shame anyone that comes forward because they are sucking Mike’s cock so hard to keep him building.
Also, I know this comment is from Richard, the guy that goes around telling shit about people in IMs, thinking that protects him from people finding out cause of TOS.
Same guy that shares his latest conquests sexual preferences with his friends, again in PM cause he doesn’t want to type in local to be caught as the lying piece of.. well you get the point 🙃
Funny how people accusing me of being a predator refused to let all the logs come out public, they slander my name but didn’t want the logs to show the truth about it. This from the same people going around saying they have mental issues rl and they need lindens to keep their homes on sl. Karma will catch up with you all sooner or later, mean time I will enjoy my life laughing at you loosers.
Fine. You want a name? There you are. ^ You seem to think the logs will exonerate you. They will not. They don’t make you look good, and neither does any of this blathering, but you’re clearly too dense to understand that. You’re not in the right, you’re not innocent, and you’re imploding in real-time before the eyes of the internet. Frankly, it’s enthralling to watch.
If you could keep your fingers off the keys for a few minutes, this may blow over for you, or if you would actually acknowledge that you messed up, and people weren’t comfortable saying so to you, for whatever reason. If you could keep your hands and comments to yourself, we could have avoided all of this entirely.
But what do I know? I’m just a woman. According to how you treat us, that makes me sub-human. I pity your wife…whom you also doxxed. The truth will always out.
It is very unfortunate that you’ve gone so far through your life exhibiting such bad behavior, Mike. It will be your undoing, one way or the other.
Lol, blow over? Oh no. Let it implode.
I love seeing the fake victim tag to which you like to put yourself as. Please continue.
That’s a typical narcassist move there Mike.
#11 Kena for as long as I have known her has never copied anyone and has had this look WAY before she met her partner. She’s friendly and helpful. BOTH of them are.
#12 I have rented from these guys for years. Never had any issues. They have also been very helpful when I needed it.
Just because it hasn’t happened to you yet, does not mean it’s not happening to others.
Think yourself lucky that you haven’t had your rent stolen.
#43 .. I mean.. accurate. He had really let himself go last time I saw him on stream.
everytime he gains weight he makes his cam smaller on twitch
#32 Maybe 18 at the minimum. If this looks like a kid to you, you must be one of those who already looks over sixty while in your early thirties.
it’s sad how they defend this gross behavior of these kiddos in the spa, they probably look like 12 too and enjoy being ripped apart by a 20 inch dick for everyone to see.. *puke, barf, vomit*
seek help, it’s not okay, no matter what you say.
If they looked in the mirror woke up they scream pedo can sweet talk they want meet your unreal then someone goes missing why they should allow this shit it’s gross 🤮
Get some fucking help.
You are probably that person who kept posting all those very poorly written pedo secrets for weeks that no one could understand.
They act Dress like this they are allowing the red flag pedos to lure them this all their mental problem if was at real place they be asked to change or leave. Teqi next other places don’t allow age play looking people old days places were strict they need to put the handle on it.
I had to go back and look. exactly how is she dressed like a child? she is wearing a fully covering cardigan sweater in that photo. I own several of these RL and I am sure you do too lol
She’s been coming to the spa since it’s been around and she’s not a kid nor has she ever acted like a kid. You’re fucked in the head.
That is quite a detailed fantasy you have there, buddy. Seek help.
Guess you’re going to tell us #29 don’t look like kids too?
Looking back again, #29 don’t have kid faces either. The first one looks like a soccer mom. The second one looks like they are in their early 20s. I am guessing you didn’t age well IRL. #39 is the real issue here but AVIL has been brought up before and Linden Labs clearly doesn’t give a shit. I see you didn’t use that as an example though. Hmmm…
This is about #32. Stop reaching. My opinion still stands.
She isn’t going to leave him he groomed her since she was younger. He has told her so many “real” things about his life that she thinks she is different than all his other gfs. Young girls are so dumb, especially when they have low self esteem.
Lots of comments about my age. Sounds familiar. 🤔
#47. Come on queen Divos! Half your friends have alts, and female ones too. Catch fishing men and being the nasty little whores they are. I agree with the poster, you are the last one to complain about predatory behavior. Everyone knows your tactics of hitting up people, even couples’ partners. You are stupid, and always claim to be the beacon of decency in SL. You are laughable and pathetic. Get a REAL life!
You obviously don’t truly know Divos. He’s a sweet guy and descent to all who know him. Trying to down him for what you think some of his friends might do is foolish, by that kind of thinking, you and all your friends act alike, well that sounds like a boring group, my friends and I all bring our unique differences to the group. I’ve known him for 7 years and he’s never been predatorial or cruel. Sounds like either you’re into him and he’s not into you, or he caught you out for who you truly are and his post hit a nerve.
So many of these secrets are screenshots from people’s FB posts. Are you friends with this guy on FB? If someone is laughable and pathetic, I know I am not going to be friends with them or follow what they say. Why are you friends with him on FB if you don’t like him?
Sounds like you asked him for a hookup or a shoutout and got declined. Get a job and a life.
#7 Isn’t Mike1.Langer the guy who destroyed some Game of Thrones sims because he was sleeping with that married brazilian Dorne admin while his wife was pregnant?
Also Rebel have you told Rayner the only reason you are with him is because Neko didn’t want to he with you? Cause you sure where about to leave rayner ass for Neko.
And about the treesome you hoped to have with neko and Richard?
Yeah 👍
All I am seeing is you trying to attack people to get them to stop telling the truth about what you are like and what you have been doing. Yeah, there are logs Mike and, in those logs, it shows you trying to gaslight, victim blame and attempt to cover up the fact that you are a handsy little perv. You throw out bits and pieces of private IM’s in an attempt at shaming people into silence, claiming you can show those because you have the right to, but when people show the whole log and expose your lies, you start screaming that they are breaking the TOS. On top of that, you have your partner, who is the sim owner, shoving all the dirt you have been doing, under the rug, in an attempt at putting out all the dumpster fires you have started.
She doesn’t need to tell me anything Mike, she can do as she likes and if she wants a threesome with those two, hell she can fill her boots.
Unlike yourself I don’t get jealous with the people I’m close to and slander them in a public forum for having some harmless fun.
You really ought to sit down and rethink your life, because thus far you’ve fucked it up so hard I’m nearly convinced it was intentional.
Oh, you have no clue what her husband did to her rl because of what you guys did do you?
Yeah.. talking about hurting people. If only you knew what happened to her rl cause of what you did with her when he found out.
Congrats 👏
Just a question to the people putting the dislikes on that comment. Are you saying you agree with a guy from sl going rl with a a girl that is married rl and when her husband finds out, he does to her that no man should do to a women?
You defending Rayner that tries to show he is a grown ass righteous person, when because of his actions someone got hurt badly rl?
And I am the bad guy? Lololol
Are you the same people that are friends with Richard the guy that likes avatars of girls to look younger then 18?
Hun, you ARE officially the bad guy. In case you still weren’t sure. Regardless of how things started, you have lowered yourself so far that you are the most disgusting person involved now.
You have done me and others wrong in the past but we stood by you and as time passed old problems were forgotten. I even agreed to be open in IC so you could have your fun on SL. Your idea not mine. Everything was fine till I got my own storyline with another guy. Match set alight.
Slowly I watched you destroy everything and everyone who was close to me…
You are a narcissist who twists the truth or fabricates a new reality to suit his needs. I’ve done my best to stay quiet because you are my RL husband. We have two RL children together. But time and time again you try to use my personal conversations to hurt other people I care about. And I’m just so numb I don’t care anymore. I don’t care what you are going to do to me, or say about me. In SL or RL. You can yell at me and tell me I’m worthless, punch another hole in the wall, break down the door so I don’t slice my wrists. You can do all those things to me cause I am your wife and I chose you for better or worse. But to the people who were unfortunate enough to be my friends, I apologize. You didn’t deserve what he has done to you. To my fellow admins I apologize. And for what could have been at Heldinhiam, I apologize.
Have fun with them. I tried to leave twice and you made me come back cause you were going to kill yourself if I left.
All the things I said about your “friends” are true.
Enjoy your life with them.
I am to tired to enjoy life anymore. I asked you to leave sl, and you kept going back. I asked you to pay attencion to your children, and you made your son cry as you yelled at him cause he interrupted your game.
You defend people that helped you hide your attempt affair with another guy.
I asked you if you wanted to be with him, and you said no.
You are upset cause I told your friends secrets, after they continues attacked me and try to have you cheat on me.
At least now you are free of me. Our kids also.
Have her, enjoy her, I am done with her.
This may be my last day on earth, but at least I died honest.
Karma will be my last word and revenge for you all fucked up people that did all you could to get between my wife and me, my wife and our kids.
If she can’t open her eyes when she knows all I said is true, then she deserves you all.
Goodbye and fuck you all.
i hope you and your kids are able to get somewhere safe hun and you’re not worthless you are stronger then you give yourself credit for
I’m going to say this as a random internet stranger with no insight into what you deal with, going strictly off your comment here:
All the SL rp sim bullshit aside, you don’t *deserve* the abuse you described either. Marrying someone doesn’t give them the right to make you their punching bag. A marriage is a partnership and without the respect and care a true partnership cultivates, then the marriage is nothing but a formality at this point.
I hope you find it in you to leave that situation you described. It will be very hard, but being around that kind of narcissism and abuse isn’t good for you or your kids. Take them and go stay with a friend or relative if you can and think it over.
At the very minimum, you should consider therapy for yourself and your children if they’ve been exposed to his antics. A therapist will help you be stronger and make the healthy decisions you need to make. If you’ve attempted to end your life in the past, therapy would be very beneficial to aid in processing things.
I nearly lost a good friend to an abusive individual in RL, therapy gave her the strength to pack up and leave finally, and now she’s thriving. People who act like Mike will only feel good being the stone around other people’s necks. They make you think that what they’re doing is normal or is justified. Don’t let him. Life is never just what they make you think it is.
Whatever it takes, you can do it. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t.
I’m saying this as a sideline of one abused:
That..I owe you an apology. For a few things.
However I will also say this: There’s enough red flags dropped..think of your children. He is like this? What message are you sending to them.
People will help. If you ask.
Rebel… this from the person that cheated with lots of people on sl bringing it to rl and now is getting a divorce rl cause her husband found out she was cheating on her?
Yeah… as you many times said “I’m fucked up in the head”
You sure are 👍
Mike, you fantastic word smith in this whole ordeal, how do you do it.
No really, how do you have the AUDACITY to keep pushing this and then turn around and drag someone else down to like… shift blame or something? What’s the goal of that other than showing your hand that you are the abusive person everyone is highlighting that you are? Way to go you sure won that with grade school “yeah well Sally did this other thing!” we don’t care about Sally or Charlie or Bob the janitor, spot light is on you buddy. And all we see is childish antics and ridiculous feet stomping. Feeling like a winner there yet, pal?
you really don’t take any responsibility for your own actions do you ? you said you did but thats clear as day is utter and complete bullshit you are a spite slug who can’t leave woman well enough alone no you have to harass your way really you are a pig of a man utterly shameless and a disgrace
Was i the one that came here and started all this slander?
No, you all did.
Play the victim as you want as I expose all your dirty secrets, that are way worse then anything I ever did.
And I know many more. But I think what I said so far is more then enough to show you all as who you are.
Many of you cheat on their partners, don’t know how to fight and are jealous of those that do, and not only that you are so miserable rl that you use sl to pretend to be who you aren’t.
Keep attacking me and then complain when I call you guys on it, playing the victim. Lol
Oh yes, the classic “I’ll call you all out!” Too bad you have no idea who half of the posters are that you have resorted to just tossing out guesses. It’s funny, really, how desperate you are playing the victim card instead of just doing the right thing for those you harmed.
Right?! I’m waiting for this waste of oxygen to tell me what he thinks my sins are. I’ve been mistaken for other’s before, so it’s not a new game to me, that he is playing.
Apologize for? You want me to apologize for something that thr logs clearly show she had no issue with?
Yeah… no thanks. Maybe next time she will actually be a grown up instead of blowing all this up of proportions.
As I said before, you guys are making my day 🤗
And yet, you flounced on your Mike1 avatar and are hiding over on your Micheal Kobaleinen avatar now.
No, never hided who i was on both avatars. Not to my rl friends and after a while many already knew.
See, I may not be perfect but at least I am honest.
Its simply hide you egregious pillock. Not hided. Learn english. Take a class. Or better yet maybe not be a complete mumpsimus.
Once more with feeling, it isn’t slander if it’s true and slander is when it’s spoken. If it’s written, it’s called libel. None of this is libel either, since it’s true.
I said it earlier and I’ll say it again, all you are doing here is attacking and trying to deflect from what you have been doing, which is sexually harassing and molesting the female roleplayers on your sim. Those “receipts” that you have been howling about, the ones that you claim will exonerate you, show that you ARE guilty of what you have been accused of. Those logs, conversations, etc. have been passed around, so people do know what you have been doing. Also, they have been passed around OFF of SL, so there is no breach of TOS.
You can keep screaming here all you want but it’s not going to stop the fact that you have been exposed for being a predator. All you are doing now is looking like a fool.
Way to call yourself out. That’s exactly how you behave. Wherever you go, there you are.
Come come, Mike. As your shill likes to speak: “Receipts”. So where’s the proof of it all. I mean this seems more like sour grapes, mate.
Besides, Virutal Secrets. Means that people share secrets and if you expose yourself, don’t be surprised if people laugh.
Oh, you want logs when you don’t present logs? Hahahaha.
I love the way you all think. Hahahahahahahah
Na, just as you guys hide behind and refuse to present logs, I will pay you in the same coin, besides the people I spoke about know it’s true, and I am sure they aren’t happy with their secrets being exposed.
You all are making me so happy and having such a great day 🥳
Im loving this, please keep attacking me, don’t stop. Any publicity is a good publicity as long as it is free, and you all just keep on doing it. Hahah, love it 😁
Translation, you are a coward and don’t want to show any logs, which you were earlier falsely claiming they “proved you innocent”. As for loving it, it’s apparent you are loving it soooo much that you are now hiding out on your alt. Bravo!
In regards to your “publicity” here, it’s spelled infamy and it’s not something any real rp sim wants to have.
Oh no, I actually left sl a few days ago.
I am enjoying watching you guys attacking me anywhere you can because it’s fun to watch it. Lol
See, I don’t hide or lie. The things I said are true and the ones I spoke of know it.
I am just enjoying watching you all hating me for absolutely no reason cause I don’t even play sl anymore. 🤣🤣🤣
As I said, you loosers made my day 😉
After reading all your word vomit on the comments so far, how did you ever roleplay? You can barely type. Was it all meter fights and one liners? For someone who is supposed to know five languages, you sure don’t know the difference between the words ‘loser’ and ‘looser.’
Either that or your jimmies are rustled enough that you’ve lost control of the English language.
Anyone who has to post over and over that they’re not bothered is pretty much 100% rustled. You’re like those girls people post about on here when they get called out for being ugly or a slut. You just need more emojis, try the painting nails one next time so we know what kind of a boss babe you are.
This kind of “i LeFt SeCoNd LiFe” posturing is never real. And if it is (hope it is, it’s nice when trash takes itself out), you left because you know you fucked up and you’re a salty baby. You’re acting like an 11 year old on xbox live who ragequits when shit doesn’t go his way but comes back to play again once mom brings him tendies and he calms down.
If pretending to leave keeps you off SL, then great, go touch some grass while you’re pretending.
As always, very well put Pocketsand. Sadly, this guy is reminding me of a certain Prater, with the same crazy claims/statements. He’s basically a narcissistic internet predator who thinks that he’s all tough and somehow, we are going to stop talking because his knickers are all in a twist. haha
Side note: I have seen his rp and you nailed it, he rps with one liners and they are, at best, very weak.
Thank you! Though, I think you’re spot on with comparing him to the eldritch beast herself. They feed off attention like sad validation.
It’s gratifying that I can still pick his type out from a mile away since it’s been a while since I’ve worked on/with a RP sim. He’s a walking example of the ‘internet chud tough guy starter pack’ and they typically can’t use more words than they have fingers and toes.
It’s funny because knowing that, what woman would seek him out for erotic rp? They could get off faster reading Chuck Tingle.
Meanwhile this is Mike right now:
Another pretending to be someone not from that group.
I love it. Please continue 🤗
Ooh, nice try, but I’ve been here for years, princess. Maybe you just hung your ass out in public and other people think you sound like a waste of flesh.
Just in case subtlety isn’t your strong point (I can see the trouble you have with English), the tl;dr is:
Wrong guess, never been on whatever that sim is, but everything posted here + your reactions tell anyone what they need to know about you being a thin skinned internet predator.
Sure i am… and sure you’re not pretending to be someone else 😉
that girl is an idiot she claims that it doesn’t matter if he cheats on her because whay they have is bigger than that or different but the things he has said to the girls he has hooked up with is pretty similar. She is too young and dumb to realize that he is manipulating and abusing her. He didn’t stop cheating he just got better at it.
It’s his alt he likes to mess with people get think he gained a lot men do this in sl they not willing voice in girl alt looks funny it’s the guys alt go figure.
are you drunk?
I couldn’t imagine being you. Making posts, hiding behind alt accounts and fake names while making up claims about people because you’re big mad about them not caring about you. I’m sorry that you spend your time this way instead of, idk, being productive. 😢 please focus on your endeavors because they need cultivating if they’re going to last.