So long and thanks for all the fish!

3. New Haven looks glorious in the photography here. This is funny and it’s more than likely written as a joke but I must say that New Haven, Maine roleplay is a beautiful town where we have our ups and downs but we are the largest family roleplay community that takes pride in kindness and doing what’s right for the citizens. Cara and Brian are marvelous and supportive owners. If only Brian would drop that user and leech Astrid but to each their own but I digress. There are new and fresh things coming in New Haven and I couldn’t be happier.
Before the comments close for the day and forever, once again thanks to kess for bringing us this arguably chaotic mess for so long. And for the record – fuck all and every Blackheart that’s associated with Gothy (maybe anyone who has ‘Blackheart’ in their name too that has tainted it because they’re batshit and hopeless as human beings). All that they are is just a bunch of the inbred cousin-fucking kind level of an SL family that shits all over wherever they are. Especially Gothy himself. I know why you’re out there getting someone along with Drew on the side, is because it’s sitting in the back of your mind, how incompetent you must be to fulfill any of her requirements. You were busy e-begging for a new computer than probably arranging anything serious with her. It’s hilarious you’re going to try and get married while trying to juggle another relationship. Newsflash – you won’t be able to because of how you really are. While your little minion on here has been trying to get one up over me, I’d say they still fail. The only reason you guys get personal by resorting to doxxing and try to ruin someone’s IRL is because you know you’re completely ineffective online and SL. I’m in the hole right now with where I am because unlike you, I don’t sit in piles of shit to enjoy the smell and presumably the taste too. I’ve seen your tricks, I know how you all are and can get. You’re just a bunch of energy vampires and that’s evident from the clubs you’ve partaken in, to suck them dry by staffing your members and then deserting when one little thing doesn’t go your way. Since clubs these days are coming and going before we know… Read more »
Goodbye Virtual Secrets. Now I’ve got to find something new to look forward to every Sunday. Thanks for the entertainment!
#102 Thought that cunt was sl banned for stealing from sl charities. What a waste of avatar space. No brains, big ego. I bet she has a drawer full of donuts she eats while she spends her entire life on sl with hate and spite. Please do sl a favor and get lost!
If you want to see the latest SL gossip, look no further than /slg/ on 4Chan’s /vg/ board. A lot of the posters from there came here to submit shit about many people including some well-known creators. It’s an alternative for all you gossip gurus since VS is shutting down.
Good bye virtual secrets I hope all of you assholes who fucked people over and shit talked people on this site dies a horrible death. If we were in the same bar room or facility you all would have to file a insurance claim on your lives and do a film your last video for I’ll be kicking your asses so farewell shit heads.
How asinine and moronic do you have to be to threaten people’s lives over second life drama.
You will get nothing and like it. Spaulding.
You’re not my auntie moron.
I do love how the Medium SILENCED that article, as if… IDK. Patch and Friends had something to do with that.
Hey there Kess! I just wanted to drop by one last time and wish you the very best and happiness in your future endeavors. I hope you see this message, though it’s going to get buried in the 560 other comments, so you never know. At least now, you are finally going to be rid of Samantaprater and her crazy shit, so there is one more extra blessing for you. Please take care and be well. It’s been one hell of a wild ride!
Lol Louche Larson. About time RL realized what a cunt you are, pervert. Can’t read a fucking thing there but I remember 2017. Fuck you pedo
6 Can someone shut her down already? Never seen a person who is so obsessed of attention. You are not important. Just a dumb twat, thinking whoring around is sexy, BAH.
62/88 This constant victim player has fooled and catfished upon people repeatedly. She been told her behavior is disgusting and that her alting won’t lead her anywhere but in her inebriated state she is unable to retain the information. How do I know she’s a pedophile and mental sick? She been caught red handed, as her avatar name was still Merida before she changed it to Hina Ichibara, on sims with another person who and which got banned already for doing pedophile stuff. On top of it she was in several Discord servers, voicing in a childs voice. Anyone supporting that kind of behavior should question their mental health. Her known alts are xxn00biexx, Kylea Sugarplum, M00nie, PerfectlyUndone, Simara Serpente and I am sure there is many more. As soon she gets caught by enough people confronting her with the facts she will fade and make a new account, pretending being someone else. As more you call her out on one of her Alts “M00nie” as more aggressive she becomes. Her xxn00biexx alt has been banned from second life for pedophilism. She gets angry if people confronting her and don’t believe in her lies. She goes after them and pretends to be a victim. Her avatar is hideous and she usually makes child looking avatars, creating a good backup story to fool people thinking she is a new person. She goes from guy to guy trying to play victim, getting them to protect her. Then she unpartners them when she smells fresh meat, mostly getting active on a new account and making up another story on the old one, so people take the bite.
Beware of this mental sick toad!
i meaaan, what do you expect when you put a woman with the voice on a horse as a DJ?, wtf, Leggs sounds like she has some sort of throat cancer, i mean i wonder if she guzzles on radioatictve cum
omg is that mf sky acer AGAIN? how many alts does he have, i remember he was the guy who was cheating on that vampire game? i mean how stupid you have to be to cheat in a vampire game? lmao 🤣
Two completely different people.
I know the vampire one a little through my clan. Not well. He let me use his bloodlines alts to bank blood they are all name01 name02 lmao
Do you know if this Sky Acer is a vampire? Or you just talking smack?
And please for the love of god in the 7 years I have been an acquaintance of his. He spells his name Aser. Not Acer. Get it straight if you’re gonna spew anonymous hate please lol.
You just show your ignorance at this point.
Cheating? Again it’s easy to say, if you had proof you would have turned it in and had him banned huh? Your just talking smack Little anonymous Internet troll.
I posted proof people are just too stupid to open their eyes And read
The fact another person talking about Aser again its like karma is a bitch rofl
Dude totally lives in your head rent free.
You’re like a little emoji girl who got turned down for the prom or stood up. Jesus Christ you are so obsessed with this. Do you sleep at night?
You didn’t post crap! You posted someone else’s assumption that he did something with no proof to back it up. He probably has like others I know a crap ton of bloodlines alts made for souls lol he is in progeny from what I understand..if so he probably uses them to bank blood I asked my boyfriends sl sister who is in progeny that is what she told me lol.
You are obsessed and your other gyazo was your opinion. Not facts. Opinion.
Hey I’m sure I flirted with a dude or girl and she they called me a whore or slut too..I hit on them too lmao OMG!!!
GTFO little boy
If LL really wanted to get rid of zoo, they would close sims like “the DSC” and Soraya’s Maniacs. But I’ve never once seen anyone here mention them XD
#42. Is Lucy Drake the admin that’s dating Cade Lockwood?
Interesting haha do you think Cade could be so desperate?
#70 Mmm Laura she loves to fuck. I did a few pics with her while “Max” the one she was in love with was gone.
Some good sex there, she loved every minute with me until you want her to make a choice then things change.
With Max is whooped or an idiot. Laura sounds good on voice too.
This whole thing is incredibly stupid. Loved every minute of it? You mean pixels bumping? You heavy breathing in her ear while you beat off to her fake moaning. I bet she was painting her nails or telling her friend how fucking lame it was the whole ass time.
God I hope so. You sound like a mouth breather.
Incels love beating off online, because they can’t handle relationships face to face where others can genuinely see the filth they wallow in on the daily. Poor thing is probably so clogged with cheeto dust he doesn’t even realize their online “relationships” are just as fake as the cock sleeve they use on their impotent bits.
Yep, the immediate pictures with her face and glass dildo covered in cum, that match all the other pics and so forth over time that I have saved in discord are just fake. She must have done a lot of google searches and downloaded them to her cell phone too for the ones she sent to me there too huh!
#61 – I love how he just lives rent free in all of your heads…..He must be laughing his ass off…..Or completely unaware if how stupid you look….If thats the case i beg someone to tell him
what else are they gonna do? Move on with their little RP lives in New Haven? Guess they must be that bored 🥱
Some of the biggest red flags in SL are carried by the Flickr crowd. Not the bloggers or wannabe porn stars. The “art” ones. Pick me’s, narcissists, sociopaths, snobs, cliques. The worst ones are the non-bloggers who post to hundreds of groups only to delete group-award comments leaving only non-group comments. As if all those likes are generated by true interaction when really they’re just curating an image to manipulate people with later .Constant backstabbing, gossiping, serial-hooking up, etc. Those were the secrets I really wanted to see more of.
#51 Pedo Paradise. Grandpa den is 100 percent this. I won’t even enter that place because most the girls look like tweens, act like children and its SICK. Why would you be proud of this. I hope Linden close it down and IP ban the owners and managers. Turning a cheek to it makes you just as guilty
You realize Pedo Paradise (Grandpa’s Den) is owned by no other than Aimee Starlight and Farr from OW, and managed by by Ana Toxxic. These are some sick people running a pedo friendly sim.
99) THIS!! Boycot ANY club that has ageplay and child avs! Look for clubs that specifically avoid these things, and have rules against it. It’s not hard to find decent clubs, and decent people.
Can’t believe regular visitors and engagers of this site will have to get another hobby now. We have to laugh.
#5 – Or you know, can just stop trying? I was with this image until the last bottom text. #29 – Supposedly, Linden Labs is conducting their own investigation. Watch them come up with nothing, magically. #33 – Except a lot of this ‘cyberbullying’ on VS has been utter weaksauce. People with just a list of cringe-inducing insults and terms they can’t be bothered to learn about. These things have more effect on someone, you know, if you knew their background. Otherwise, you’re happily pissing in the wind and that wind is powerful enough to make it into your mouth. You can just pull out a bingo card anymore and play a small game with yourself. How many “go touch grass” spaces can you fill? #53 & #54 – All I can do is snicker because I submitted these. Dude, let me tell you, I’ve had the displeasure of being in the accompaniment and association with this guy and his twisted family (not to be taken as a compliment by the way). Fucking christ is this dude a horny 16-year-old in a shell of a beefcake. I even had the audacity to call this guy my “father” at one point (vomit). Also they support Trump and they’re part of LGBTQ+ as a Transgender. Yeah…take that for what you will. But damn, insecurity to the max, about almost anything. Go read Gothy Blackheart’s profile sometime on Second Life and try to convince me that there is a shred of maturity in there. There isn’t. Last I knew, he was e-begging with a GoFundMe to have a new computer. Shame his bastard dysfunctional SL family, the Blackhearts, seem to not be there for him as he thought. Let me tell you about that unhinged bunch, they used to run within a club… Read more »
@52 Goth, why are you still even IN NH? That place is a corrupted piece of shit, you need to leave, NH will close someday soon, You see how many homes are for rent? Timber falls did that as Astrid killed it, like she is killing NH I got to hand it to you, You are very dedicated to your family, and your work, and that does show your good character and pride, but when is enough, enough for you? You’ve been that places punching bag for 2 years, look at the politics, you can’t tell me that’s like totally normal, whoever gets on the good side of whorelow gets whatever they want, obviously that paranoid phycopath Aspen Bordeaux kissed enough ass to get what she thought she wanted, only to leave NH 1 month later, I saw her in Lannock when I rented a house there, she was hiding, all she and her asshole husband did was brag about winning, at bingo even, openly called you a looser, yet you brushed it off with a joke, you cannot tell me that didn’t utterly hurt your heart? How do you do that? If I was you I would have told him to suck a big rotting dick, Also Aspen didn’t want the job, as if SOMEBODY didn’t want you to win? Gee, wonder who? Perhaps whorelow? Perhaps Cara?, maybe even your Mom? it’s time to go now Goth, leave the sinking ship before your wrongfully blamed for the hole…. There’s places out there that need somebody with your brain, and doesn’t push you down like a cat in a bag.. Your a beautiful person with class and style, male or female in rl, who cares, your not dating men for money, or a RL/SL situation. Being called a whore at… Read more »
I love how the only person who has a shitty over used nickname is, Harlowe. Not enough brain cells to come up with some for the others? Funny.
If you’re going to talk shit, talk it. Aspen left because Harlowe was trying to fuck her dick lick of a husband, or so I was told. Then she kept pretending to be her friend and talk shit behind her back.
No one fucking cares about NH politics. If Goth won and no one wanted that to happen, majority rules and she would have been removed and Barney the purple dinosaur would have made an acceptable replacement.
Goth most likely stays because she got her own fucking reasons to. I’m pretty sure she’s got enough balls to stick up for herself or maybe she simply doesn’t give the trash blowing around NH her time because she knows better then to waste the energy.
Either way, everything you said is pointless because this website is ment for trash talking. Not “omg, my fefees for you. Bless your heart” good God. One more thing, one more, whenever NH goes down the poop shoot, it won’t be put on Goth, it will be put where it belongs, To the people running it and the ones who started the domino effect.
Medical director there is Jenna Fraser right? SLs biggest whore? She married (in sl) but I see her out talking to guys, trying to get fucked behind her man’s back.
She makes jokes about owning New Haven and how if they left everything would die so she can do whatever she wants.
I don’t and never have lived in New Haven but been there to visit her club before. I know her from before she moved there and she sometimes comes out to whore it out.
She talks so much shit about everyone in New Haven all the time it’s so funny that these people think they’re friends with her.
I thought too with this one that it’s strange that they bring up her rl sex. I’ll be up front probably Jenna who posted it. She loves to post people on here and watch the drama unfold.
I have known Jenna for years, and throughout that time we have had many mutual friends who have been men on women avi’s and vice versa. Not once has she ever been the type to disclose someone’s RL information, let alone to do it in such a public manner like this. As a matter of fact, if she was going to say *anything* about someone, them being a ‘gay man irl’ wouldn’t even be something worth the breath out of her lungs. That is so childish and immature, and to suggest she would care enough to do so is outright silly. It sounds to me like you are bored, mad, and bitter. Perhaps you could find something better to do with your time, other than starting rumors with absolutely no backing whatsoever and trying to tear others down. You aren’t any better than whoever made the submission about Gothica, and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was in fact YOU who made it, and are pretending to be clueless and pinning it on others. It seems you have a whole lot to say about her, yet you stayed really silent and didn’t make any submission about her and all these baseless claims, but are running to the comments to do so? Seems like maybe you should just stay quiet and speak on the things you know about, because you clearly don’t know her well from what was said here. Cheers!
I’ve known Jenna for years, along with many of her friends. Some of which were men on female avi’s and vice versa. She is the LAST person to shit on someone for who they are RL, let alone to expose it in a manner like here. It sounds to me like you’re bored, mad, and have nothing better to do with your time than falsely accuse people due to bitterness. I hope you’re able to find peace in your life, and stop making up rumors about people you clearly know very little about. You’re just as bad as whoever made the submission about Gotchica.
“I see her out talking to guys”. Ok, where do you see her? What guys is she talking to? Also, share screenshots of her in chat saying she owns NH? What’s that? You don’t have any? Yeah, thought so. Another one of Gothica’s moronic friends rolling their face on a keyboard.
wow IDK who you are but it’s really sad how you are delusional. I don’t fuck anyone. I talk to guy just as much as I talk to females in NH – because I am sociable. I didn’t know sociable meant a whore. I HAVE NEVER JOKE ABOUT OWNING NH OR SAY I CAN DO WHAT I WANT. I certainly can NOT do whatever I want. FUNNY HOW I DON’T TALK SHIT ABOUT PPL BECAUSE I SIMPLY DON’T CARE WHAT OTHERS DO UNLESS IT AFFECTS MY RL WHICH NEWSFLASH IT NEVER DOES. THE ONLY PPL I TALK ABOUT RL TO IS MY SL FAMILY AS THEY ALSO TALK TO ME ABOUT RL. I have only posted on here once and that was because it was my sl sister’s Des’s birthday wish to be posted on Virtual Secrets many years ago. I don’t know who you because you hide behind a fake ass name but your comments show, you don’t know me at all. Good job on making shit up because your rl must really really suck. Might want to contact your local mental health for an appointment because you’re obviously delusional and need to get your foot back into reality. Thanks for making stories up about me to get your 15 minutes of fame under a fake name.
42. The comment is spot on..they recruit any desperate person into their family. 95% of the residents are Hazes and their alts. Ass kissing & the admin’s desperation for residents is what protects them.
78. Who has to go there to see that’s bullying? 40 year old mean girls..what a sad life they must lead.
78> I don’t know. I see that VS as a random screenshot with no context about the 2 people chatting and their relationship with one another. My SL besties and I joke about age and stuff like that all the time to each other.
37. Chris Coffee is probably a pedo player himself. Have you seen his girlfriend? Jax Bloom is pure pedobait. It’s always the indulgers who protest the loudest.
148. Because, in the US at least, even digitally created child porn is a felony, and will land you 25 years in a federal prison. Personally, I’d rather not have the FBI shut down SL.
I think he might be one so I’m just going to call him a pedophile regardless of any evidence ever existing me.
This is what gives Second Life players with brain rot its reputation.
Chris is all sorts of a bad person, racist, makes fun of people with disabilities, just a crude person all around.
Because of pedophiles like him child avs get a bad name.
HUGE twat! He totally ageplay! that is why he is so deep into this and knows where to look to get the information.
Taytor Twatt had all the comments about her fucking dogs removed. So she’s a dog fucker and a big baby.
She can delete the comments but not the secrets that show how truly vile she is.
She is. Does she even RL?
This is about 23-25 . Mute ban and report her. She also doxes.
This Website smells like virtual STDS So Does SL
So long, VS. Its been a good run. May joy light your path, may this chapter close most fully, and may all the bent bitches and dumbass dickheads in your way find therapy.
11 + 13 + 36
She’ll never dim my sparkle. I’m wiser, more attractive, and genuinely liked, with true friends by my side. You requested some TEA last week before parting ways, so here’s a taste. Farh, you’re just a mindless dog with a repulsive avatar. Aimee, she spreads rumors about you, labeling you as whore, claiming you fuck men for tier. As for Slaaaa, animosity (is a nice way to put it) she hates you you for attempting to fuck her ex, vowing to sabotage any relationship you pursue by fucking the men. Shy is criticized as an fat stupid whore who struggles to maintain a relationship. Brandi, according to her, is an ignorant, ugly cunt whom she despises. Casey is dismissed as merely a collector, not a true dominant. Bloss she thinks your an idiot for falling for it. Sawyer is labeled as a manwhore. Depending on how far back you want to go, Miya, Nia and Blossom so many horrible things were said and are still being said. Oh, and I wonder if Sawyer is aware of her significant role in his Blossom’s departure after his rl time away, blaming him for not giving enough to Blossom and then swiftly moving onto her next partner, who happened to be Ana’s close friend at the time. It’s peculiar how these situations unfold. Essentially, if you’re a female associated with OW, she’s has talked shit about you. You are all stupid ugly cunts, and she hates OW but you stupid fuckheads gave her power, so she stayed.
I happen to believe EVERY SINGLE word above. I heard the same and more. and if she thinks Sawyer is loyal to her and not looking around where else to stick his cock, then she should think again. they are worth each other. #CANCELANATOXX
100 percent true true true.. Heard it over and over again!! If you stay with her, you deserve what you get. She is not the victim, she leaves victims. I know for a fact Levi didn’t want to mark her as bad as she was or have her fuck other people. That was her demands not his. Look at his other girl and his relationship.
#110 traps are yawn. No1 really gives a shit about their little internet cult at clubs. Puppy sends her nudes to the world (classy) in exchange for hopin someone meets her irl. No one cares about satan lol annoying nobody. Baby waifu is mental af. uwu pop sounds like a dude with a strong lisp lol Attention craver to the max. sky acer is beyond laughable. mexican sam is fat and awkward looking. Understandable why they shit talk others constantly. Sad mouth-breathers. Get shit on for talking down on others. There are a LOT of us who are glad you got called tf out
lol you autistic fuck dont even know what youre talking about. ure talking shit right now. welcome to the list. before u try to spit facts of shit make it make sense dumbass
The fact that the OP is shit talking shit about the actual shit talkers is comedic. The response followed clearly was a triggered person on the list. Please don’t ask people to make sense if your run-on sentences are worse than my kid’s.
i feel sorry for your kid, go worry about them and yourself before worrying bout others 😉
??? what exactly is this post? it’s the shit talking that youre calling them out for. irrelevant post.
Adding one not in the list. Dramacide Macabre the biggest cunt in sl history. You fuck over everyone you meet. You ripped us all off with the dumpster. You lie about everything. Fuck everything that moves. Hand out ur years old skanky ass naked photos to every guy you meet. You are old as shit, try being a mom to your kids than a whore online maybe? And stop fucking over people cause you fucked with the wrong group this time. Bye cunt.
Good bye vs!! I was never even posted on here 🙁 . Maw ignert for the last time can I borrow ya tooth?
#43 You have way too much time on your hands. NoGame/Eros is single handedly at least x100 more relevant than this entire dying thread.
You’re about as significant as a dust mite on a flea’s butt 🤣 and judging by your drivel, you’re practically nonexistent 🙃
61 – why are you still talking about this…. if new haven is so much better without him there why do you keep bringing it up? sounds like you miss him after all.
141 – she cant just focus on her store, shes a pick me girl, we all know this.
Thats what i said, If he was SUCH a problem why cant yall move on, yet he lives rent free in their heads!
Cause their clearly bored without him there, otherwise if it was “so much better” they wouldn’t say shit about him 🤣
Go ham, considering you were one of the biggest contributors to this site. Not so fun when people go after you, is it? You spent all that time digging up people’s information and tea to post them on here for fun but now that it’s you on the chopping block and you know the accusations have bearing, you’re the first one cheering about the site ending. Go cry to Patch about how unfair it is.
Seriously though. I wonder if he’ll ever tell his friends about the posts he made about them on here whenever they had their little fights. Instead of blaming it on others and causing fights to cover his own ass. Knowing senpai, he won’t though. Too much of a victim to ever admit he ever did anything bad.
This guy be like „hey let’s do a collab together 🤪“ in hopes to have sex with them. What a looser for having internet sex. By the look of is feed on X he really likes those underage looking babygirls as well, pedo. Tbh his Name „Senpai Bunny“ screams mental illness.
108 – what do you expect from a moron that bans people because they won’t have sex with him? eventually, he will empty it out completely.
the power-induced-stupidity is real!!
I’m assuming your obsession with spell check does not include capitalizing at the start of a sentence.
It’s the generation. My teenager does it too.
I came here just to read the post because of the gum commercial and your name. Haha good times
“if you associate a child with sex,its YOU having issues.not the child. YOU go get some help..”
there,i fixed it for you..
11 + 13 + 36
Stop visiting the sims she is involved in – Other World and Grandpa’s Den. Don’t attend her events. Voice your concerns to the designers she blogs for. Warn your friends. Protect your partners.
She is a hateful cunt who bullies to get her way. Talking to her is like taking a step into a toxic twilight zone where she is the victim in every story. She hates other women. She stalks and slanders her exes for years. She’s outted her best friend’s sexual identity. She picks on the disabled. She gets people thrown out of sims because they are competition. Her partnership with Sawyer is a sham. Ana cheats on her men and will fuck yours just so she can rub it in your face.
I agree. There are so many better places to go and hang out. OW is one of the ugliest sims I’ve seen in my 15 years in SL. And pretty much turned into ghost sim full of avatars just standing without a word. What happened to being roleplay sim? “A Roleplay BDSM-Maledom club nestled in the mountains of Eastern Europe, for the discerning gentleman and the women he sees fit to serve him.” – yeah, right. I hope it will go more and more downhill and finally will sink with that whore Ana with it. #CANCELANATOXX
It’s their alts. The ones who sit and don’t talk. It’s how they pad their traffic. I won’t drop names but there are much better sims on grid. This place is a waste of air #cancelanatoxx
this is not SL, that someone will ban you for mentioning sims on other sims, please do share! I’m always on a mission to find good places to hang out
Other World is run by a 3 headed monster of narcissists and while Ana isn’t the owner, she pulls all the strings. She has consistently belittles any woman (who are all threats to her – in her delusional mind). They are whores, their avatars are all ugly, they are cunts, etc. It’s the same old story with Ana. However, she cheats on every man she is with and has has had more pricks than a second hand dart board, and that doesn’t include her 30+ alts.
She’s fucked with peoples real lives, not caring who gets hurt in her wake. Her only concern is herself. This is a woman that spends 18+ hours of her day – every day online in a virtual world looking like a third world whore, while criticizing any other woman in her path. She “Couldn’t breath’ without Levi, and yet partnered to Toxx a week after Levi dumped her. That right there tells any sane person all they need to know about her character.
Oh yeah THIS …. her profile was 8 picks about how she couldn’t breathe without Levi (Sawyer only gets three and he’s the love of her life? lol) and everyone put up with her excessive head injuries from his love which she defended. Remember, she bought those eye bruises herself. She was just mad that Levi wouldn’t leave Antheia. She tried to out bdsm Antheia and when she couldn’t get Levi to herself she went around telling everyone that he was abusive and it wasn’t consensual WTF? This is the woman who Sawyer had to force to be be polite to female AVs because she refused to greet them. And this is who OW people put in charge of the sub society??? The woman who refused to greet female av’s way back in her Blindfolds days.
It was a running joke that while Ana would refuse to sit on guys’ laps at BF she would voice them when she was standing behind them.
And yeah she fucked her way through Ely before that and cheated with her friends, men be 15 years in SL and Ana stands out as the absolute worst female on the grid. Sorry Farh but you really fucked yourself by letting Ana in on your sims.
If you pause to reflect on Ana’s past relationships, you’ll notice a pattern with the numerous men she’s been involved with. Unfortunately, I’ve known Ana for quite some time. I maintain a cautious distance from her and refrain from sharing personal details. This pattern of behavior traces back to our days at Ely. I observed her continuously jumping from one man to another, primarily using their relationship dynamics to manipulate or guilt them into returning. The list of men she’s been involved with is extensive, and in her wake, she leaves behind broken individuals, male and female. She often portrays herself as broken and in need of love, but these are just manipulative lies aimed at eliciting pity. It’s not surprising how swiftly she moves on after a breakup, professing love and devotion to her new partner within days. These words hold no genuine meaning for her. For instance, she swiftly moved on to Toxx just a week after Levi learning all the things she said about him being abusive and his other girl, Levi, whom she previously claimed she couldn’t breathe without. I sincerely hope that people begin to distance themselves from her. Perhaps facing consequences will compel her to seek the help she truly needs.
This is so true. She loves to play the victim, so broken but ready to love the right person. This is her idealization phase, where she puts her man or friend on a pedestal “I’ve never met anyone like you before, you understand me. I am so broken, but you have saved me.” “You get me!” This phase is also associated with counterfeit concern (it’s not real, Ana only cares about herself), Data mining, and love bombing.
The next phase is her devaluation, phase which includes her gaslighting, exploitation, and isolation. Sure she stands with Sawyer, but I’d bet my last linden he gets no time to himself.
Finally we have the discard phase, where the person is of no value to her anymore. Her con is often revealed (just look at all these victims of hers coming forward), often this is accompanied by a smear campaign (How many times have we all heard Ana say “That girl is a fucking whore!”). She couldnt breathe without Levi, and partnered Toxx 3 days after getting dumped, then started smearing Levi.
BUT WAIT! There’s More! The reengagement phase! – When it serves her interest, how many times has Ana tried to reengage someone. “Remember how great friends we used to be?” “I didnt mean to leave, but you gave me no choice” (placing the blame on her target). Often this is called the hover phase.
Yes Ana, you are a textbook sociopath, and we all know it. Her enablers – Aimee, Far, etc. Are just as bad. They blindly follow her and enable her twisted behavior.
I would never, ever, let this crazy bitch give me advise me how to be a better sub. I left OW after this joke. It is absolute insanity that they let her run a sub group.
Yes … when I saw her as manager that was the end of that sim for me. Just a repeat of her Blindfolds drama.
A narcissistic sociopath is someone who has traits of both narcissistic and antisocial personality disorder. They may have an exaggerated sense of importance and are willing to manipulate others to get the things they want. She is more than a narcissistic she is a sociopath to boot. No remorse for those she destroys. She asses blame for what she does on other people. I have seen this over and over with her. Everything she says is a lie. The only truth I have ever her speak was when she admitted having a borderline personality disorder. Only way to handle a narcissistic is to pretend like they are dead. No attention, they even feed off the negative because they are so desperate to be relevant
She needs therapy but refuses to get it!
11, 13, 36 – I am also victim of this disgusting person. Had me banned for telling someone hello and screamed at me spewing all sorts of lies. She hates everyone, and uses her cunt to get her way with men. She lies, cheats, and bullies, Ladies, she is NOT your friend. She uses people to get her way. One of the most toxic people in SL. Her last name is so fitting now. The irony!
I am sorry you went through this. I have seen firsthand what it does to a person in a virtual world. Sadly, the anonymity allows people to act like her without consequences. I ask everyone who knows Ana and is currently sees her as a friend. Take a pause, think of all the things you have heard her say about people (I guarantee, there is no truth to it), just know she is doing the same to you or she will be doing the same once you no longer serve a purpose for her.
I have a close friendship with one of Ana’s former best friends. Despite being warned about Ana’s behavior, my friend made every effort to demonstrate genuine friendship towards her. She consistently supported Ana, even when she expressed hostility towards individuals she claimed to be friends with. However, when the situation reached a breaking point, Ana shifted blame onto my friend for the hurtful things she had said. This pattern of behavior illustrates Ana’s lack of conscience and tendency to view people as mere tools for her own ends. You cannot fix her, stay away for your own mental health.
Chris Coffee ain’t savor, man. He just shoots from the hip without any proof. Always butting into conversations, and when you don’t agree, he throws a whiny tantrum. Doesn’t even play SL anymore, just trolls on Facebook trying to stay relevant. And get this, he’s dating #58 Jax Bloom, who’s like this babygirl with a sexualized child-like avatar. It’s messed up, man.
Coffee is probably a closet kiddie diddler himself.
100% ^
Well him dating Jax showed everyone how two-faced he is. Talks the talk, does not walk the walk.
Child-like avatar! Totally makes sense now. Projection. He’s such a chump.
Yup, he totally is! Seriously, go peek at his Facebook. He’s so wrapped up, He is a joke! Check this out, according to, and I’ve seen it in loads of profiles… Surprise, surprise, age play is included! Ageplayer Ageplayers like to play with age as part of their kink. They typically take on a much younger or older age than they actually are, or prefer playing with a partner that does so. Attributes and behavior changes (such as pacifiers, coloring books, speaking in more childlike language, etc.) are commonly paired with this, to enrich the context and make it more appropriate for the played age. Sexuality is not necessarily involved, and there is no link at all with pedophilia (which is simply not on the BDSM spectrum). I ain’t saying I’m cool with it, but let’s look at the big picture. Some players find Daddy/babygirl roleplay creepy, but for others, it’s their jam. If Ageplay’s got you all riled up, then let’s see some equal outrage for these too. Dominant Dominants like to be in charge. Some like to have their partner obey them without questioning, others like some resistance while taking it their way. Some are dominant only in the bedroom, others are dominant throughout their daily life as well. Unlike the top roles (giving pain/bondage/degradation), being dominant is more about who decides what happens (and takes the responsibility that comes with it) than about the contents of what happens. Submissive Submissives like to follow. Some like to give the control away to their partner(s), some like to have it forcibly taken from them. Some are submissive only in the bedroom, others are submissive throughout their daily life as well (usually with limitations). Unlike the bottom roles (receiving pain/bondage/degradation), being submissive is more about who decides what happens… Read more »
28 I remember this going around weeks ago. I didn’t realize they are still making this stuff so openly. I guess LL doesn’t actually care about ageplay and bestiality because everyone loses interest beyond ranting on X for a few days. Sucks for the brands that had their work associated with doglover What a waste of air and talent.
#136- I will second the “good luck with that” opinion. If LL banned Kess for this site, which is outside of SL, what makes you think they won’t do that to you too? You certainly won’t be able to address most of the topics that are submitted here. You have to remember, you will be doing that on THEIR platform and if you are going to name names, your removal from SL will be coming.
The attack against a Linden is just a bad attempt of defaming. Even if it was true I wouldn’t care since it’s totally not my business what people do on SL.
you should neck yourself
From their perspective, better to screw a child avatar with an adult person behind it than to screw a real child in real life. Now YOU should neck yourself, denial fag. A old hag is more attractive to you?
So you’re a shit human. Got it.
They’re not only violating their own tos, they’re violating federal law. Even a digitally created image of child sex is a felony.
So you don’t care that a Linden Lab employee violates their own ToS?
They ban people all the time for violating ToS but it’s okay for them?
Rules for thee, not for me.
This was your group therapy now heal let go of your hate holding in anger won’t make your like better make peace with self let go.
Everything here was not all about hate. Some yes, but not all. Some of the posts was about information sharing about scams, non trustworthy designers and people etc. Or messages requesting things (hair, clothes etc)
Man, these things pop up everywhere on social media This site’s just a big ol bash fest for those who ain’t got the stones to say it to someone’s face, you know? Everybody’s hiding behind those screen names like they’re some kind of superhero or something.
LOL! You are delusional.
Absolutely delusional! We’re here for the tea, not that.
158 best post in sl history
108 Roth’s location but have a lot Ruth and Roth body’sz
Don’t believe everything you hear unless you got real proof blue prints if you lie about it can come back to you. A lot people say someone did something where’s the proof words don’t work effect does. Lieing get you real jail time.
Since I know now there will not be another article down the road. I will oust myself as Jaeger Fyrefeather on SL.
You are welcome. I am responsible for nearly a good half of contributions regarding Nyxx and these ones at 54 and 55 on Gothy and Drew Blackheart. You three can go fuck yourselves because I have drawn the curtain for everyone to see you as and I will take pleasure that you will not have a chance to take a crack at me on here to upload.
And go ahead, send your little hate plague to my block button. You bastards struck first by fucking with me and who I know. Enjoy!
By the way, since you love throwing that word ‘fat’ around so loosely (like you do with Incel, since I doubt you even know what that word means). I’m going to show you what ‘fat’ really is, with this recent Gothy picture
You’re too EZ PZ.
Hey scrub, I know unloved trash would resort to digging up names. You dont even have my real name, edited or not.
You fail and you are always a failure.
Thats not very Brett of you Mr.Mcnaultyfatface.
Thanks for speaking of me!
This degenerate human trash gets rejected and blocked and kicked out of everywhere he has been. His music taste is also dog vomit ate and shiat out by the same dog. Moving along.
You mean people that no one even knows. You are one of the ones that made this site boring AF.
I don’t care as to whether or not you’re entertained. That was never my priority or concern. What are you used to? The millions upon millions of pedo-related, RP-sim related and other stuff that’s been regurgitated every Sunday?
You just love things to be predictable and you find things out of that scope, boring. I think it is you that is boring.
What a pitiful manchild. I pray you find serenity or die peacefully. Whatever ends your torture quicker you fucking moron.
What a pitifiul waste of skin. I envision you being flailed and having your flesh ripped off bit by bit and for salt to be sprinkled on all of the exposure.
You would be best served as tenderized meat than a run a mouth.
🤣You sound pretty mad
Brett Mc.nau.lty.🤣Can’t offend someone using their dead name, noob. Figure out the new name and maybe we will get somewhere.
This feels likes I am talking to that one person who has spent their life born as a nobody, grew up as a nobody, continues being a nobody and proves so with this kind of behavior here.
The kind who thinks they always have someone at the ropes or has something over them. But seems to always be steps behind.
Truly, bottom filth as they come.
Calm down, Brett Mcdogshit, you’ll have a heart attack from all that take out. Go crawl back to that cesspool you came from and stay there before icall walmart to fire you tee-hee.
Still got the name wrong. Man, you must think you’re some character, don’t you? You want to know how you’re losing this? You’re losing this because despite how witty and how crafty you think you are. You’re not getting the desired reaction from me.
You want me to be all riled up, on the defensive, in complete denial and all that. That’s what you want. That’s what you haven’t gotten. I’ve been replying to you as just mere exercise in wordplay, nothing more.
You may even believe that I’m getting all sorts of friend requests and other attention don’t you because you think you’ve ‘routed’ me out, huh? I haven’t.
Barely anyone outside of this is even caring. Seriously, you’re failing and I’ll gladly have the last laugh in this as I’m sure you’re also aiming to have.
Now go cry as you have to read again.
There you go again yammering and rambling boring word vomit. No cute insults this time, how you’re going to fake torture me? You sounds scared. Hmm… interesting.
You are an 🚩insecure, 🚩pathetic, 🚩lonely, 🚩friendless, 🚩miserable, piece of 🚩INCEL trash.
You can’t control that big FAT mouth of yours… amongst other unflattering problematic areas that you project onto others. I am so glad you took the time to block me and save me the annoyance of your stupidly ignorant ways of thinking.
WHO THE HELL DO YOU “KNOW”???🤷♀️ Tell me… How many people have ghosted you by now?🤡You’re clearly mentally ill and have never had any genuine friends or partners. you need to get offline and seek serious psychological assistance. The only weapon you had was blabbering paragraphs about absolutely nothingness and posting retarded cute memes.
Congratulations. You win? Go rot in your misery you fucking weak little crybaby fatass bitch. Reach a little further and block yourself from existence too please and thank you 💀🖕
Help, I am being attacked by a walrus with red flags being thrown! /s
You are right, I can’t control my mouth of mine. Not when I needed to route out other undesired trash for people to know or see. I also enjoy eating candy to this delight, thank you.
Project onto others though? I am not a messiah, but please nail me to a cross and fuck me upside down. That would be a new way to have sex.
I know people? Not sure where you are going with this.
How many fake people have ghosted me because being a decent friend is too challenging? Quite a bit even in the benefits package when befriending me, I have offered lots of leniency.
Yeah I am mentally ill, it is why I am in therapy and you are here running your mouth because the only therapy you will need is a cuff on the mouth.
Nah, my weapons go far beyond making you cry because you have to read and I am not even talking guns either. You may be amazed what ex friends can do for you when they leave behind their stupidity for me to keep logs of. And weaponize.
Oh no, the middle school string of insults. So above that. Let me know when you have grown up, kid.
Immature. My best guesses is that you’re:
A very immature 12 year old from 4chan or one of Gothy’s lackeys. That’s my best guesses. Other than that, keep spamming and self-voting yourself into the broken record that you are.
Guess i am. My best guess is, Brettie boy, is that you have no one else. Only people that feel pity for you. Mommy and daddy issues? I’m sure. Come here so i can pat your little sad head.
Why need someone else when I’ve got a whole group of people I’ve personally played my own fiddle to? I even have someone I can talk everything Superman to, including how delicious that junk is on his red trunks! I always imagined how the sausage of cock and steel would taste!
You are an 🚩insecure, 🚩pathetic, 🚩lonely, 🚩friendless, 🚩miserable, piece of 🚩INCEL trash.
You can’t control that big FAT mouth of yours… amongst other unflattering problematic areas that you project onto others. I am so glad you took the time to block me and save me the annoyance of your stupidly ignorant ways of thinking.
WHO THE HELL DO YOU “KNOW”???🤷♀️ Tell me… How many people have ghosted you by now?🤡You’re clearly mentally ill and have never had any genuine friends or partners. you need to get offline and seek serious psychological assistance. The only weapon you had was blabbering paragraphs about absolutely nothingness and posting retarded cute memes.
Congratulations. You win?Go rot in your misery you fucking weak little crybaby fatass bitch. Reach a little further and block yourself from existence too please and thank you 💀🖕Lol, cringe. Did you forget that this is not Facebook?
Spamming is all you’ve got now? Where’s the drama? Here is your chance to ‘stick it to me’ but all you’ve got is just emoticons and cheap unoriginal swipes. Especially if they’re claims that you can’t even back up. Where are you from? That 4chan shithole? We do know that on VS some of you lurk around here.
Come on, make things interesting! What dirt do you have on me? I bet you almost none, but here you are triggered by what dirt I’ve had on someone.
You’ve got nothing, lol.
No new material.
Well something to read like the Sunday paper don’t take it seriously like the paparazzi. Let sl deal with it. Sl should be be vacation not a headache. VS this a lot post the good the the ugly but the past is the past move to the future. I don’t really get in to it but it’s been a lot of years I hope everyone can grow from. Life is experience your life my at not been a happy one but does have to be this time or like how you choose to be in this life. Love is love dude we need more love in sl.
#143 – Cope and seeth.