#30 Didn’t she also kill like 5 furry clubs?
Whats going on in Timber Falls? Amy is gone now, which is fine because she sucked as a manager. But why is it such a revolving door over there? Very strange.
2 last post wasn’t getting moderator approval? So here it is again with further censoring if you all wanted proof https://i.gyazo.com/f3322948339259fca51973d955445a1d
So other post isn’t approved yet cuz I fucked up. But, now I’m wondering… Why’d it take THIS LONG to get out?
Name in the screenshot was done 11 months ago, changed 3 months ago. I.E this screenshot is 3-11 months old…. Other issue is that Chloe is OPEN COLLAR! Which means this could have been done without her consent and without her knowing.
Which brings me to my next point. If that sim is hot dogs… It’s since changed, obviously meaning that the person who commented before… KNEW EXACTLY What fucking sim it was because either 1) They actually are a zoo and frequent there themselves… Or 2) Were the one to take the photo’s because it was again set up.
You can all yell at me and call me a zoo-apologist. Idc.. But it’s fishy that it’s only NOW that these photo’s are coming out, after sylas was called out and now that chloe doesn’t have a working computer to be able to defend herself against this shit and give her side.
You all can’t sit here and not think it’s kind of fishy it took over 3 months for this to be posted up and chloe to be called out, right? Like come on… Something is up because anyone who ACTUALLY wanted to call out a zoo, would have done it THAT DAY or within THAT WEEK, instead of waiting 3-11 months to do it. This is some verity level bullshit.
Im wondering why 1) You waited this long for it, since, it seems hotdogs had moved a bit ago from the looks of things. In which case… Why wait until she can’t say anything from her computer being busted? =/ Cuz clearly these shots are almost 3 months-11 months old.
A cow furry is fucking Scooby Doo?
Okay, I’m not a fan of Zoo’s, but the main issue here is…are you two in the same room? Since you took that Gyazo?
The silence from the ‘It DoEsNT EvEn LoOk LiKe HeR sHaPe ShE HaD HeR Av CoPyBoTTeD ‘ commenters is already deafening lmaoooo
My bad. Didn’t think of the ripped avatar angle…though I would bet chloe, belle and others have claimed that as a convenient excuse in case shit they get up to like this comes to light. They want to protect their ‘clout and ‘popularity’ after all. I also underestimated how far SL furries go to protect and make excuses for zoos, groomers and pedos in their ranks inc among the ‘elite’ creator clique. Its a rotten little community. (Last reply eaten by server maintenence it seems)
They have to censor that shit out if they want the proof to be approved or stay up. She’s straddling Scooby-Doo on a Ruckus couch; we don’t need to see the penetration to know what’s up.
You didn’t actually say that at all, but I’m sure that was the high point of your week, feeling that clever for a second lol
Thank you!
2 proof you zoo furry apologists
and simps wanted. https://imgur.com/a/CFI1Zmv
So I covered this in another comment. But that image is between 3-11 months old. Not only is the name of big info different from his current one. The club was also remodeled at some point after this photo since they changed landmarks. So… Why’d it take this long to post it?
Not to mention, both biginfo and chloe are in the golden stallion and chloe works there… She’s got an open collar policy and is known for just being AFK or passing out…Sooo, potential she was actually dragged there without her knowledge for these images. Which again… Why’re they popping up NOW and not the day/week they were taken? Odd don’t you think?
Alright Huh? we get it, you’re either a friend of Chloe or one of her simps trying to defend her at all costs. But at this point, you’re just clutching at straws, because your theory just doesn’t make sense at all.
First of all, like I said in another comment, for her to be abused while AFK in that dog sex club, she must’ve tped there by herself first. And before you say that it’s possible to force tp someone with RLV, I’m gonna ask you this: Do you really believe that someone as popular as Chloe would leave the force tp function activated and available for anyone? Nobody likes random tp offers out of nowhere, so imagine being randomly instant tp by anybody very often. It would be absolute hell even for an unknown individual, so someone popular like Chloe? Nah, no way she left that function activated.
Also, that warning in her profile is something pretty convenient to have I must say if you’re the type of person who gets involved in shady stuff and want an easy way to get away with it, don’t you think? You can then just pretend to be shocked and say “Oh no! Someone abused my collar, I was afk, it’s not my doing I swear!”
Either way, even if she truly have her collar open with the force tp RLV function activated (extremely unlikely), do you also seriously believe that the “abuser” in the dog avatar would actually expose their name too if it was their doing?
Finally, who cares if it happened right now or one year ago? It doesn’t matter, there’s no doubt that it’s real now: Chloe does, or at least used to, get fucked by feral dogs in SL.
Both are golden stallion regulars? Absolutely shocked. That sim is a hotbed of zoos pedos, just generally terrible personalities and clout chasers Doesn’t matter when it was taken my guy your queen is a zoophile. Someone into straddling a literal dog 3 months ago is still into it now
Because wow, big surprise here, but this has never been about warning people about potentially harmful people and has always been about attempting to hurt people they don’t like.
#34 I see in the comments it has been said this was not photoshopped. There are extra words put in between the lines, there is a split down the middle to put two images together, and words on top, names crossed off. You are poorly educated if you do not believe you photoshopped/Gimp this. You name the picture “LMFAO”, you sound more so narcissistic and poorly scorned because not even you could reveal who you are and covered up your name on the image. You can’t point fingers without trying to first make yourself a credible named source who can back this up. If you really believe they did wrong, then you would have the credible non 3rd party proof and reported it to the designers with proof, and reported it to Linden Labs and they will do their due diligence and determine if there is any wrong doing. Those of you who abandoned them like a witch hunt, I hope you weren’t friends to them because I surely wouldn’t do that. Everyone is so quick to cut someone off on here and then apologize later AND YOU KNOW they would forgive you. You know what I see in this image? I see someone instigating information out of another, guiding them what to do for making a fake account for copybotting and asking to be taught. YOU ARE NOT INNOCENT. You yourself was looking how to copybot, and where to get it. If you also argue you did it just to reveal the truth, honey you just revealed the lengths you would goto to destroy someone publicly, and you can keep the toxic friends you gathered out of this who are now kissing your ass for a short time. You attract what you put out, and you will be your… Read more »
Athea we know this is u. And don’t try to deny it, everyone who knows u knows ur shitty keyboard doesn’t work properly. Should we tell ur boyfriend that ur still harassing people and show proof that u are? What about the threats that u and zella are giving the twins and Blair? OH what about all the other conversations ur refusing to show about u talking shit about people? Or the other proof of ur copyright infringements? How lonely is ur sl now? U have nothing anymore. U are nothing. 23 yr old female who spends thousands of her bf’s money becuz she too stupid to get a job herself and obsessed with a child’s show. I’m sure u age play too. I seen u around nuggets talking disgustingly. Just so every1 knows the twins are on suicide watch becuz athea here wants to throw blame on 2 innocent people who have done nothing but help every1 they can. To shift the blame and anger off of her to them. I bet u didnt tell everyone about u threatening their rl mom? How far u and zella have gone to speak to their RL family? Over fucking sl? Are u both that fucking desperate to sit here and threaten peopes lives in rl? Sure the twins might be a little crazy but not anywhere are fucking psychotic as u to where ur trying to dox people and involve urself in their rl lives. I have been their friend for over 7 years and These 2 people who have literally gave the shirt off their back to people who need it. U need an extension at ur store? They got it. U haven’t paid ur tier for your portion of woodland for 8 weeks? It’s fine the twins got u.… Read more »
Who is Zella?
Are you an actual idiot? The video itself may not be photoshopped – but the items IN the video are. The sheer fact of shitty ass editing on all conversations.
8 – COLA sucks. Because of the lag and high poly building probably ripped from video games is why you don’t see fighting there as much. I don’t care what Suzanna says she is too much of a stubborn cunt to admit it. Just because your PC is a fucking monster doesn’t every else’s is. At least Demetox kept his old build when he had Toxian City open. And don’t get started on these second-life families. I’m sick of seeing those fuckers. Can we get back to REAL DARK ROLEPLAY? Can we please? Where no one had a family.. and there were real evil ass villains who would cut your insides out? I miss the 2008 dark roleplay. Now everyone wants to be an edward cullin vampire, some fucking white knight, some misogynist whiney bitch, or some dick chick who has a long list of limits you can’t even castrate them.
people still do lots of dark roleplay, probably just not the edgy emo boy era that you’re used to haha I’m not sure what sims you frequent, but a predominant amount either focus on dark supernatural medieval or dark modern, with a few rare spattering’s of dark sci fi
24: why don’t creators form a loose union and agree to share the cost of hosting events between them?
Cut out the middleman, lower prices, sell more.
Then who will actually set everything up etc? Everybody is responsible means nobody is responsible, what’s the incentive to step up and do it if you don’t get anything extra out of it? Not how the world works.
Easier said than done!
Pay Attention , you depressing, pathetic, sad loser.
Hound, Vincent, Nadir, or whatever hopeless character you’re trying to hide behind, it doesn’t matter.
You’re just a sad excuse for a human being.
You miserable loser, why don’t you crawl back into the hole you came from?
Your existence on SL is a total humiliation, and you’ve successfully single-handedly destroy every RP opportunity for everyone who is unfortunate enough to run into you.
You managed to ruin DF, and then you moved on to ruin Pande and gore sims too.
Congrats on being a complete waste of space.
Can’t believe you’re trying to ruin GOT for me as well.
You pathetic loser!
No one wants your sorry ass around, especially not the people from TSB.
Your presence is so repulsive that you managed to drive away my friends with your toxic bullshit.
Keep spreading your miserable lies and watch as everyone continues to despise you. no one gives a damn about your existence.
Quit with your attention seeking “I’m so broken” act
Seriously, you’ve been whining about it since 2016, get a grip and move on already.
You’re so ridiculous that no one in their right mind would ever want to waste their time roleplaying with you.
NO ONE WANTS TO RP WITH YOU OR BE AROUND YOU OR EVEN IN THEIR SIM You’re such a fucking idiot, I can’t believe how dumb you are.
oh yes, all the furry drama.
22 – Literally no one cares about Hadley anymore.
She’s a disease and everywhere ! Wish she’d just go back to age playing with her other bf she keeps around somewhere else and stop being around kids like the weirdo she is who tries to date them because she’s so desperate
She will always have a diff man
She will always lie on everyone around her
She will always use people
Everyone will only be nice to her acus they know her reputation of what she does to everyone in her past & present
No one actually wants her around acus they know what she’s capable of doing to others so she’s tolerated
List goes on & on so we all know & listen well
Us at nuggets know well too & we are steering clear but not oblivious to the devil
Again, no one cares about Hadley.
34. Updated link again!
Trying to save theyr asses by reporting but that’s fine it’ll be uploaded elsewhre
Update. People who haven’t seen the link and proof you can always find us and we are letting the creator and LL knows they are copybotters. You can remove our links photos all you want but we will always have the proof to show.
This is actually so sad. All reporting does is prove they don’t want people seeing it. Gee.. I wonder why 🤷♂️ I hope the creators get justice.
#30 So who’d you piss off this time Raven?
34. Update https://imgur.com/a/IicCjE9
Can’t get out of this now
u got caught copybotting and went on a tyraid trying to accuse others to take the heat off u.. and now ur cowardly ass is deleting the imgur post… FUNNY.. maybe u will learn to just own up to ur wrongs instead of trying to drag everyone down with u.
Nobody deleted it lmao they reported it got it took down lol they keep reporting it
Serious question, Who cares?
Serious question who is them to steal someone hard work and give it away? That is not okay. Imagine stealing from a small business who worked so hard on those animations
#14 Toxic Bish stop posting Cin, you will never have him back, you and your cuckold, it’s game over, get over it !
DO me a favor and use your SL name when you make such accusations, I am being harrassed by Cin’s partner in SL because she is delusional and thinks I am the one making these posts here about her man, honestly people USE YOUR NAME don’t be afraid to speak your mind and your opinion.
tel my why ? im cins sister and i know tox is doing nothing, why you posting this kindergarden ? And why you doing this to Cin ? You know what cordura means ? it means sanity , and posting this you dont have eny sanity . this is just sad how ppl treat ppl in here , just sad ;(
Nobody is interested in Cin, with certainty I can tell you this, and for sure Toxic isn’t lol, she has a man, I call him Crush, he is awesome, quiet, and just an all around great person. She is also a very sweet and caring person, I could write a book about Cin and his issues but I won’t, I came here only to say I really wish people would use their real name when they post shit, hiding is really just not cool okurrrr? Perhaps if Cin stops giving people a reason to think he copybots they will stop fuking with him who knows, who cares. Let my girl Toxic in peace she really could care less about anybody but her store, her man, and her closest friends.
29- Facts Though Mike or James cannot run a club to save his life and as far as the other names he is called I dont know about cheater or whatnot but Mentally and Verbally abusive yes His brothers are saints compared to him …
Not sure how you can say I can’t run a club to save my life unless you worked in the management team and seen everything that went on in the background to run the club. It was actually being ran well, if Noah and I could have kept shit that shouldn’t be brought into the club aside then it would have ran even better. I have no ill feelings towards anyone at this point, the relief to be out of everything is too strong. A break and some actual chill was much needed.
I don’t know who you are obviously but if I ever got mentally or verbally abusive towards you then I apologise. Actually isn’t my nature unless someone pushes my buttons and I have 1 cider more than I should hahaa! I’ll never claim to be perfect, never have. We all make mistakes and do n say things we shouldn’t I can at least own up to my downfalls which is more than I can say for some. Like I said though, no ill feelings what so ever, some things just don’t work out n that’s totally fine. Take care 🙂
8 – if you wanna rape rp so bad just fucking say it plain. not everyones into that loser shit
You must mean her IG? Dude, many people do it, like everyone who has Kim K as a profile pic but post under their own persona or name is catfishing? You won’t believe how many times I saw Nicky Minaj as an RL pic in peoples profiles in SL. Does that mean they are Nicki? Or pretend to be her? No?
ASTRID YOU LITERALLY TOLD US THAT SHE IS YOU. Someone searched your pic and showed us the proof. Kim K and Nicki Minaj are well known celebrities. You found a relatively unknown IG girl and tried to catfish with her.
Huh??? Wym can you explain this that’s actually crazy 😭😭😭
Astrid stole a woman’s pictures from the internet and told everyone it’s her but someone searched it and it’s an IG girl that’s done some small acting roles named Kennedy Walsh. Astrid removed the pic from IG after my comment but screenshots are taken
Please share. We love when people actually have proof here 😀
Yes we need the proof! Because astrids photo on discord has dark hair. So how the hell is she pretending to be a red head lmao.
My link is stuck in “awaiting approval” if it doesn’t get approved I’ll link it again but it shows Kennedy Walsh as Astrid’s profile picture. Funny that Astrid said it’s her and brags about being hot but turns out she’s just a catfish. I’ll hold on to the screenshot I’ll take it to discord if I have to
Been days. Where is it?
It’s been just 1 day since I first tried to link it. I’ve tried to link it twice but it might be breaking a rule since it contains a real life picture of the IG girl but I’ll try to cover her face and see if that works. I’m sure the owner or mods than confirm that I tried
For future reference, if you need to post a link (that doesn’t break the site rules) just type one word, post your comment, and then use the “Edit” function to add the link and say whatever else you want to say. No automod delay when you do it that way.
That’s smart! Thanks I tried but it still got caught. I think maybe it’s breaking a rule with the real life picture of the actress but that’s the point of the link. Should I cover her face?
That’s smart! Thanks https://imgur.io/a/c5gl8wq
#2 It’s staged. I decided to head to the location to check it out myself. Looked at the group list, they’re not on there. On top of that. The floor and everything is not the same. It’s a solid piece floor, no wood design or anything. That window and bed in the back? Not there. All solid walls. Not just that. But that sign that apparently let some people know it’s hotdogs. Not there. Only thing that CAN be connected is the paw prints.
HOW EVER. Looking into her profile
It’s now a possibility that someone has taken control over her collar potentially and taken her somewhere that looks like it. OR force sat her down onto a feral object to potentially take the picture and do this.
Either way…. It’s looking like someone’s copybotted her skin and posed as her from the evidence of just the image and the hotdogs club not actually matching up.
Adding in… Never once seen her have a hair clip in her hair. Going through her twitter and images with others and such… Not a single hair clip. (Yes, a bit of a stretch. BUT. When you’re trying to disprove something you look at everything. )
Anyways, looking like someone staged this in some manner.
I am sorry to tell you that you didn’t search well then, because she used to have a clip in her hair, and all the accessories she’s wearing in this screenshot also match what she was using back in 2022:
Copybotting a skin in SL is easy, but getting all the attachments and accessories right where they should be is much harder. Doable? Probably, but someone would have to be both truly determined and have a lot of time on their hands to get it perfect like this.
The club in the picture doesn’t look the same as how HotDogs currently looks like, but neither does Chloe’s avi in the screenshot. But if we suppose that this picture was taken back in 2022 when Chloe looked like that, it is then possible that it’s how HotDogs looked like back then and went through changes since. Some of the furnitures seen in the pic can be found in the current club at least.
Finally, even if some popular individuals had their avatars abused while AFK before, the problem here is how do you explain that she was in a feral sex club in the first place? There’s literally no reason to go there if it’s not the kind of content you’re looking for.
I do agree though that whoever posted this secret should show a full version of this picture with the names visible. It would clear any doubt, and like it has been said in other posts, the player in the feral avatar deserves to be exposed as much as the non-feral one.
How? Well, for starters, she’s got her collar on open collar. I.E potential RLV abuse. Given that the new gyazo of her with Biginfo Is 3-11 months old, since it’s at the old hot dog club before it got an update, it shows that this wasn’t something that happened recently ( within the last month/week) This happened several months ago.
So why is this only posted up NOW?! And how do I know it’s several months old? Go to Biginfo’s profile on SL, look at the feed tab, then see where he’s changed his name. You’ll see he’s changed his name to the one in the image 11 months ago and only 3 months ago changed it to something else. I also have confirmation that the look of the current hot dogs has been like that for the last 4 months and potentially longer. In which case, that means this photo is potentially half a year old….
In which case… Someone held onto this for THAT LONG, until they could spread it around… Why wait this long to do so though? So… While I did have SOME information wrong. I know I’m not wrong on this count.
Don’t turn this into “Oh now someone abused her collar” Since Sylas / Kiska had to come up with an excuse he was “groomed” by a artist that’s into cub furs.
Anytime a zoo gets caught it’s always
“It wasn’t me!”
“I was hacked!”
“They made me do it”
While the proof is 100% on them.
Chloe obviously knew she was at hotdogs when she made it back to her pc, If not she had to of known who was fucking her at the time. There is no way Chloe couldn’t have known for how long ago this was while keeping her RLV rules the same especially IF she was against fucking ferals.
This overall tells me she does not give two shits and she’s a zoophile lover.
Alright Huh? we get it, you’re either a friend of Chloe or one of her simps trying to defend her at all costs. But at this point, you’re just clutching at straws, because your theory just doesn’t make sense at all.
First of all, like I said in my previous comment, for her to be abused while AFK in that dog sex club, she must’ve tped there by herself first. And before you say that it’s possible to force tp someone with RLV, I’m gonna ask you this: Do you really believe that someone as popular as Chloe would leave the force tp function activated and available for anyone? Nobody likes random tp offers out of nowhere, so imagine being randomly instant tp by anybody very often. It would be absolute hell even for an unknown individual, so someone popular like Chloe? Nah, no way she left that function activated.
Also, that warning in her profile is something pretty convenient to have I must say if you’re the type of person who gets involved in shady stuff and want an easy way to get away with it, don’t you think? You can then just pretend to be shocked and say “Oh no! Someone abused my collar, I was afk, it’s not my doing I swear!”
Either way, even if she truly have her collar open with the force tp RLV function activated (extremely unlikely), do you also seriously believe that the “abuser” in the dog avatar would actually expose their name too if it was their doing?
Finally, who cares if it happened right now or one year ago? It doesn’t matter, there’s no doubt that it’s real now: Chloe does, or at least used to, get fucked by feral dogs in SL.
Holy shit dude clutching at straws here lol sorry your princess is a dog molester, if she was into it a few months ago she’s a zoo now
Also, found a tweet with a clip in her hair. Waiting for my other post to be approved?
You are mistaken, she doesn’t have a clip in her hair in this recent tweet BUT she definitely used to have one in the past. I have sent another comment with proof which is currently waiting for approval at the time of this writing.
It is important to remember that some of the screenshots used to expose individuals here are sometimes taken months, if not years ago even. It was the case with Sylas for example, and I strongly suspect that it might be the case again here.
All my messages got eaten by maintenance.
There is a clip I definitely could highlight it for you, I can ensure she’s still using the same hair.
As for age of the proof yea it was somewhile ago I’m aware.
I don’t think that is even her avatar, Chloe’s body scale is crazy, and the body size looks normal in that photo. There’s no way that is her lmao.
Well they did end up blocking out the large amount of fucking titty… So it’s potential that they’re not even using the proper tits or modifiers for her tits.
Not large enough LOL. And there is no way her ass would be hidden behind that skinny feral leg.
As someone who has seen her avi inworld and even stood near her a few times, I can say that she is much smaller inworld than what the photoshoots makes you believe, clever photography tricks. Except her milkers though, they look as huge inworld as in her pictures!
If you take a look at her SL profile, you can find in one of her picks that her specie is in fact “Dwarf Miniature Bovine”, so even though she is very curvy she’s not as big as a typical cow.
The screenshot here doesn’t allow us to see anything under the boobs so we can’t judge the ass and thighs, and the massive tits are obviously hidden or else this secret would’ve been rejected. If we only take into consideration what we can truly see in this screenshot, it does look like her: The head she’s using, the hairstyle, the accessories and jewelry she’s wearing, everything seems to match her late August 2022 appearance imo, like I am showing in a previous post (which needs to be approved)
Staged? I highly doubt that, The hair is similar especially in the photos she took with a known zoophile Shaar
Stop trying to protect zoos you silly silly human.
So… Just because someone takes photo’s with someone who did pictures years ago… That ALSO, makes them a zoo?
So, what about every person who’s taken photo’s with shaar? Or even verity or psi or sylas, or every other person who’s been called out as a zoo. Does that now make them a zoophile? Even if people didn’t know?
Tbh, I didn’t even know Shaar had done those photo’s because hey…I haven’t seen them.
Also you do realize there’s literally a hud item you can get that tells you exactly what people are wearing right? It spams a whispered list to you in nearby that gives you a break down of what they have, where it’s attached, as well even who the creator of said item is. I’ve got like 6 copies of that hud in my inventory from people just giving it to me.
The only thing it won’t show you is their AO, the skin/bom items they’re wearing and the huds and extra shit they have, but head, hair, ears, piercings, clothing, Etc. They’re going to be shown. So VERY easily, someone can just rip Chloe’s skin and then figure out what parts she’s wearing to be able to replicate the look. Soooo, Ya. Trying to say it’s NOT staged, when it very well could be.
I would have defend sylas if it weren’t for the fact she posted the pictures up on her twitter and openly admitted to it. No defense there. But with chloe, it’s just an image that never was posted up on her twitter, it was taken at a place that clearly was staged or a different club than what someone has said.
And she’s currently not able to use her computer since it’s in for repairs. Plus if you look at when this image was put up to when she did her post of her computer… 2 days difference. So, good chance it’s potentially staged.
I mean, it definitely was honorable of them to post it publicly. I wouldn’t say ” Aw man, you’re sooooo cool for posting it up. ” But, taking accountability and not trying to hide the truth… It stands pretty high up in my books. Though for some, they don’t see it that way.
Also, because i’m not going to bother commenting another comment in the same list… Everyone has had an intrusive thought or two and those intrusive thoughts sometimes can involve shit like this. Is it wrong to have them, not really. But if you ACT on them ( in the real sense of it) Then yes, it’s definitely wrong and you should be punished for it.
Like… How many of us as teenagers wanted to have a boyfriend like fucking jake from twilight? A beefy guy who could turn into a werewolf… And I know a bunch of you are going to either dislike this or say ” I wasn’t into jake, I was more into edward. ” or come out with ” But he’s a person who turns INTO a wolf. He’s not 100% animal” So that’s where you draw the line? What is it again? The rykers test? If it speaks human, consents in a human language and is of age for it’s species, then it’s cool?
I’m just clarifying where the line is. Is it at quadrupedal non-verbal speaking creatures? Is it at dragons that, by mythology could speak to humans and think for themselves and could consent. Is it at were-beasts that are human by day and by night/fullmoon they’re then an animal. Is it are tuar-beings who are oh hey, quadrupedal on the lower half, majority of times with animal genitalia, but with the upper half of a human?
So many dislikes for literally pointing out facts…Clearly it shows how many people just see things and blindly think the worst of people. You’d all be shit on a jury if you just go off one piece of evidence and don’t actually get all the facts.
It doesn’t really matter whether you or anyone “thinks” getting off to the idea of fucking an animal is zoophilia; it is, by established definition. Opinions don’t change facts.
Most of them probably, yes.
Seek help
bro, read the room. nobody agrees with you.
ok, as a furry myself, there is a difference between drawing innocent feral art and drawing straight up zoophilic shit of your characters having sex with dogs. you are still fantasizing about animal abuse, whether its pro-c or not. why do you think thats okay?
You are absolutely delusional if you truly believe that.
There’s far more furries who despise feral porn than furries who enjoy it but, just like with most causes, only a minority of them criticize it publicly. The majority prefers to not take the risk of being involved in drama and stays silent, but it doesn’t mean that they agree with it. Some also just look the other way simply because they really like the porn of a specific popular character or artist.
It’s as simple as that, and it’s also why there’s a lot more people who denounce it when it can be done anonymously. YOU are the loud minority.
who are you to speak on behalf of the whole fandom? I don’t think you can speak for “most furries” because most furries I know are disgusted by this behavior. you surround yourself with degenerates obviously.
LOL if it makes me a prude that I think it’s disgusting to rape animals, and the people who get turned on by the thought of raping animals are garbage, I’ll wear the label proudly.
Not to play devils advocate, but let’s all remember that despite what everyone feels about the topic. It’s still a thought crime, it’s fictional art. Absolutely the rl act is horrendous and animal abuse, but everyone here is getting enraged about thought crimes.
u realize those thousands of followers are not “furries” but actually just straight up zoophiles who don’t realize/just don’t care that the furry fandom wants nothing to do with them? don’t pretend like those sick fucks are just normal furries.
Pretty sure majority of the fandom doesn’t like NSFW feral stuff. You forgot that majority of them were also against DHC and she only got art from what I heard.
People who get any suit done by DHC now get harassed for supporting a zoophile.
Dottie, She got outted just for getting feral art.
You speak only for yourself and your zoophile friends.
Pretty sure I know what document you are talking about but still it’s “art” right?
People wouldn’t ever care about it just being “art” it would be a “Okay whatever”.
You nor I know nothing about people who get NSFW feral Art you nor I know if they reference it off of anything like a zoosadist.
But there is a red flag when it’s repeating when it’s something that’s all the time and roleplayed out! You literally have to have a mind set of “I’m going to fuck a 4 legged dog today”.
It’s purely disgusting.
Nice to know you can’t even spell the person’s name who that document was about lol.
2 girls 1 cup would be the least of my worries when there’s people out here imagining fucking dogs but their excuse is “they can talk it’s okay!” “They have intelligence it’s okay!”.
you dont have to defend them bro, that makes you one of the weirdos
LOL, im far from prude. I’m not speaking on behalf of the whole fandom, but I don’t know a single person who thinks drawing literal dogfuckery is just “whatever”
lol, have you ever looked up the definition of zoophilia?
zoophilia noun zoo·phil·ia ˌzō-ə-ˈfil-ē-ə
: an erotic fixation on animals that may result in sexual excitement through real or imagined contact
also, pretty weird you know that many feral artists.
glad that I have normal friends who aren’t into zoophilic shit.
anthropomorphic characters aren’t the same as feral animals. so no, it does not.
Feral is still feral man.
I personally if I got any art between myself and my partner sex wise cool? (Anthro ) Do I get off to it? No.
As for people who like the art, You do realize you can like art without having to like it sexually right?
People get art from certain artists because they like their style right?
sexualizing feral animals even if its “sentient” is weird as fuck. its like aging up an underage character so its not TECHNICALLY pedophilia, even though its still weird as hell and mostly frowned upon.
I did read it, and laughed through the whole thing. Their entire defense was “other people do it too or worse”, complete with a disturbing array of disgusting choices people have made- it’s literally toddler level logic. “They did it first! It’s ok for me to do if someone else did it too!” and “If this is zoophilia, then [example of zoo thing] must be too!” and yes, yes it pretty much all was. All they did was dig themselves deeper and prove they are way into zoophilia related things.
If other people are doing the same sick shit you’re doing, that means they’re a sick piece of trash just like you. It doesn’t justify anything.
If you are so confident that it’s not zoophilia, I dare you to share some feral porn with a bunch of non-furs normies and see their reaction. Guess what they’re gonna call you? A ZOO, and very probably a degenerate creep too. You have fried your brain cooming on disgusting shit and, naturally, you surround yourself with other weirdos like you who does the same. Get some help, seriously.
Also lol at you for trying to use another obvious degenerate as an example. Sentient or not, feral porn is still some kind of zoophilia. Go on E621, type the keyword “anthro_on_feral”, guess what’s the other tag that all the artworks in the results have in common? “BESTIALITY”
Besides, there is literally no way to know if a feral in an artwork is sentient or not unless if there’s some speech bubbles or such. That excuse is just as stupid as the “1000 years old loli vampire” one.
>”I don’t think you can speak for most furries”
>proceeds to speak for most furries
nice to see another zoo outing themselves
bro is over here saying “majority of furs dont care about feral porn” as a whole ass statement. I’m stating that I don’t know a single person that isn’t disgusted by feral porn in this community. go be stupid somewhere else ffs
huh? if you sexualize or fantasize about FERAL ANIMALS that makes you a zoo. end of story. especially when the people we’re talking about tag their OWN artwork with #zoophilia
you are clearly a zoophile, your opinion doesn’t matter
Indeed, Chloe is friend with Shaar and has been a model for him a few times. Shaar has been proven to be heavily involved in feral SL content. This comment from a few weeks ago shows proofs of it:
A lot of people who gravitates around Shaar seems to also enjoy feral content too, some of them have been exposed on VS before such as Sylas/Kiska, Boxerpuppy/Fuddlingpuzzle and their partner Bibaboo.
That fact alone isn’t damning evidence of course, but it’s still not a good sign and so can be taken into consideration here.
Sooooo, Shady, Fenrir, Ghoul, Beefy, All seem to be feral lovers. Regardless we know for a fact they see VS. CFS Co nice to know that you support Zoos you have
Non of you have morals.
If not all most of you follow Sylas, Unfortunate most content creators do aswell.
You all follow Koach / Levi, Not surprised FuddlingPuzzle is following her.
The SL furry community is fucking awful. Awful people with disgusting personalities to match their kinks, all enabled and given inflated egos by their few thousand followers on twitter and cliques / simps inworld.
It’s not just harmless feral art. Levi and her husband are zoophiles. Takes two seconds to go to pannekoeke’s page and see the hashtag #zoophile on almost all of his artwork (not to mention the r*pe, incest, and other degenerate shit they both draw). Whether or not they are pro contact, THEY ARE STILL ZOOPHILES. They don’t just draw harmless feral artwork. In fact, her husband Pan/Terry has a NSFW feral dog character named Sebastian (pictured in the first example in #51), which looks scarily similar to a pet he’s owned in real life. We have no way of knowing if they have harmed animals in real life, but considering they both clearly fantasize about it, I would say that is a problem enough in itself. Neither of them deserve support or any kind of platform.
About the dog named Sebastian, I had a feeling I remember Koach posting about a dog before with the same name thought I was crazy so I didn’t wanna say anything. Because I had no proof of old post.
This sums up on how they know about those socks so much lmao.
yes!! I remember there being pictures of this dog and it looks almost exactly the same as this character that Pan draws for himself as a “sperm bank”… I so wish I could find those pictures now but its been a long time since I saw them, if I come across them somehow I’ll definitely post them here
Levi tries her hardest to hide the degenerate shit her husband draws from her friends and acquaintances. Levi herself used to draw zoophilia, which she got called out for a few years ago, as you can see in the examples below:
https://twitter.com/Riku_Starz/status/1352464555549462531 https://twitter.com/mobateaa/status/1330918369042829316There's a reason she hardly mentions her husband in her social circles nowadays, and probably why she has to draw her main sona getting railed by furry interpretations of her favorite 16-year-old anime boys. Less embarrassing than being seen with a proud zoophile in her eyes I guess.
BTW, she’s trying to hide her alt twitter account now (y’know, the one where she oggles over said 16-year-old anime boys and practically outs herself as a pedophile by posting countless nsfw pieces featuring them). the username is @sinfulcinnaroll.
You mentioned minors so let’s go back to her oldest friend Helen.lock / Killerwolflockheart / Helenlockheart she just turned 22, If ANYONE remembers them both being on instagram pretty sure Helen was a minor drawing NSFW art pieces with Koach at the time.
If I’m wrong I’m wrong, unfortunately Koach left IG ages ago with her returning to said platform incase X falls. Helen I’m sure has left the platform ages ago aswell.
You can go back and kinda find how long Helen has drawn art for Koach.
Pretty sure they made MLP sonas together and Koachellla’s being this one
She’s been into feral stuff for a VERY long time.
Take this as you will.
didn’t take long to find a 20-year-old Koach HAPPILY posting nsfw art she received from a 16-year-old minor as a gift for getting them access to photoshop… How dumb do you have to be to not realize this is weird as hell? I censored the image but, here’s the blatant proof of Koach’s inappropriate relationship with a minor
Oh wow how’d you do that? Putting the image In like that
oh i just copied and pasted a gyazo link and it showed up that way, I had no idea it was gonna post the full image LOL
Here’s another account owned by Helen at the time, this is 7 years ago!
I can confirm you are NOT wrong. Koach/Levi/Katie is now 26, making her at least 4 years older than Helen. If that first drawing was posted 6 years ago, that would have Koach at age 20, and Helen at ONLY 16 YEARS OLD, drawing suggestive themes for an Adult who clearly has no shame. I know far more explicit pieces of their characters exist from that time, and that Koach even went as far as PAYING Helen for NSFW pieces back when she was still a minor, but of course Koach’s old account is disabled so many of those pieces are gone or hidden.
As an adult with a working frontal cortex, I wouldn’t be caught dead hanging out with minors, especially not allowing them to draw NSFW for me. Embarrassing behavior on Koach’s part, she clearly has no critical thinking skills when it comes to her online presence.
https://twitter.com/mobateaa/status/1330918369042829316 fixed link for the second callout post*
37. If there is a problem with that Cade or a realtor would have told her you bully.
The funny thing about that post is it’s actually the closest thing to something a Karen would say that I’ve seen on here in a long time; “There’s a moving truck on my river walk!OMG so trashy!” lmao
That is actual Karen behavior, to all the dumbasses who use it to refer to every person they don’t like and think is female.
The same Cade that’s dating Lucy?
was, lucy probably found someone better by now. Cade always contridicts rei. Rei says one thing, cade says another then rei rages on the resident.
Better? Cade had to be desperate to date Lucy in the first place. Nobody wants creepy & moronic Lucy rofl. She can’t find anyone else because who is desperate enough? She’s made an embarrassment of herself and the community in the creepiest and most braindead ways.
34 here’s Blairs stuff if anyone cares to read :>
15.It’s truly sad that Kim is teaching her younger kids that Dean is their Dad. When cleanly he is not. All Kim is doing is fucking up her kids mental health. We have all heard her youngest call Dean Daddy, It’s truly sick.
I’m not even sure who these two are but I’m tired of seeing and hearing about them. Let someone else’s drama be center of attention because their drama seems to be real life related. Kim and Dino blah blah blah. Let them crumble on their own. Their issues, seems a bit creepy and obsessive to whoever keeps posting at this rate. I’m only chiming in because it’s week after week.
^^Sure you don’t know who these two are. But you say Dino… yeah ok… If it bothers you so much they why you reading virtual secret. Clearly Dean and Kim are not the center of attention because of all the furry fucking shit too that has been posted. So you must being a friend of theirs.
You must be a lonely ass white bitch with no life/nothin to do. Assuming unreal shit just because you’re out making yourself look dumb as shit. It ain’t my fault. I don’t know these people and I have commented on other shit too. Not just this. Lucky you. These stupid ass post about these two caught my attention because I’m over it. I come here for the entertainment not for these motherfuckers like you do. Get a life.
What does it matter what color my ass is? You jealous of something clearly you must be. But I can also see you are speaking from your lonely ass as well. If you are that lonely. You say you have commented on other people comments… Oh yeah that right you have wrote what three comments. so can you say hypocritical much. go back to the pig pen where you belong.
Bitch jealous of what? Because certainly I’m not jealous of your jealousy of these 2. I come here for entertainment so that makes me a no lifer? Says the one who probz consistently changing name in comments to complain at your own fuckin post. Get bent bitch! I ain’t gotta know anyone to make a comment, to notice what goes on weekly here. At least I can say I’ve never posted looking like a freak in the making over a pair that are a couple just doing there thang. Shutup!
Clearly you are jealous if you are coming back to this comment. Miss Hypocritical
Oh, you’re still here?
I see you are here!!!
#17 100% agree BoSH should rename its components. If tech companies are finally getting rid of the “master” branch for source control they can do the same with the “slave” terminology in scripts. Just call it a receiver.
But also, Jesus fucking Christ, is that FIVE separate scripts just to receive textures? Get some standards, people, this is why SL is so laggy. This can be done in ONE script for the receiver and ONE for the HUD.
Everyone replying to me has a lot to say about how much they hate terms changing but nothing to say about FIVE RECEIVER SCRIPTS IN A SINGLE OBJECT!!!! GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!!!!
So stupid its just like a hard drive back in the day master and slave modes but only back then you had to manually pull the prongs and put them in the proper place of the hard drive pins to switch master/slave mode
I’ts the proper terms for coding as well
Fucking Idiot’s
I’m a programmer and hardware technician IRL. Why are the terms “master” and “slave” so precious to you when there are dozens of alternatives and plenty of areas in the tech industry have already started using those? Things get renamed, get over it.
Why exactly is this so triggering to you? This reference of Master and slave commands are used in millions RL tech.
I work in the RL tech industry where we’re also changing these terms, FYI.
yeah? so do I and no sweetie they really aren’t not as an industry. Your little 2 person office maybe. Buying and assembling components from major companies are still labeled this way every day. Why are you so triggered?
you should boycott the entire bdsm community in the world next
So? It doesn’t change the fact the past and current use of those terms has literally nothing to do with human slavery and anyone who thinks it does is a total moron.
34. Update the twins have now made fake accounts but here is the updated link
You both are just digging a deeper bigger grave atp
Updated link https://imgur.com/a/fCyNfWa
LL isn’t going to do anything about a copybotting complaint from anyone except the owner of the item that was supposed to have been copied. That’s why I already told that person they should send this evidence to the original creators of the items. Random ass people reporting this shit to LL would just be a waste of everyone’s time when they could be handling proper support requests.
That’s why we need help to find who animations these are! Maybe if we take videos of how the animations look maybe that will help?
Nah that wont. It isn’t going to help. There are to many animations in SL.
Them teaching people to copy bot? Do u not see they posted a link giving someone a copybot viewer?? Open ur eyes lol. And they do not make animations. It says the animations belong to them like they made it but they didn’t make it they copybotted it all and gave it to them.
Are you a LITERAL idiot? They OWN a pose store dumbass. Those animations are theirs that they made. Literally get off the fucking internet and touch grass you ignorant piece of shit.
The animations that start with ‘D’ are from Oracul AO @ Kuso. AKA created by daiz papp. They are 20$L a pop, and the full AOs themselves are hella cheap, so there’s no reason for these idiots to be copybotting and reselling that man’s shit.
They’ve been contacted with the imgur link ^w^
Owning a pose store in no way means anything is their original creation or not copybotted. It’s pretty easy to do off the demo stands. Takes all of about 3seconds per animation then 10Ls upload.
To anyone that has anything from the twins on their accounts from heart to heart gestures to poses. I would highly recommend deleting them from your inventory and purging them from your trash can. If they have been reported to LL, anything that is from them will be looked into. So delete those gestures. Delete those poses. Delete anything thay says they are the owners as a safety pro caution for your account
not how that works. fear mongering is soo old. IF and thats a big if the original creator files DMCA and found are copybot LL just simply deletes from server and all copies in other’s accounts shjow up as IP replacement broken animations. Nobodies accounts are in jeaopardy for having bought or owned them
Hello quick question I have some items from them sadly but im wondering if I report then will i lose my acc? I gave some to my friends but I didn’t know they were copybotted so will I lose my acc too? What can I do to keep my account and friends account safe too?
The gestures they make with audacity from sounds they get from TikTok and Youtube. They are not copied gestures. The gestures you hear were never once heard in SL. If other gesture stores have them it is because they are sounds that are on the internet, that other gesture stores that use TikTok and Youtube have found as well. Stop with the false information. This is going to far.
If someone has bought something from them. It’s not their fault technically speaking. The people who bought stuff won’t be looked into in terms of ” You’re a bad person and broke TOS” It’d be that they’d be looked into and those items, most likely will just be taken away/deleted out of peoples inventories. Or just left alone. LL won’t just ban your account just because you bought something off the MP or were given something from them. They’d have to do that to THOUSANDS of people and that’s just too damn much work. They’d IP link the twins accounts, whether it’s main or an alt and then deal with them that way.
This is correct. When stolen animations are purged, and you happen to have some of them in your inventory, they just turn into blank 0.00 sec nothings. I know this because back in the day there was a box of stolen sine wave(wooo throwback) dances making the rounds, everyone I knew had received it from somewhere, and eventually some of those were purged. It’s not necessary to delete them in advance, but people shouldn’t be surprised if their stuff stops working.
Question what happens to their alts / main accounts / lands after?
They don’t deserve anyone’s support or anything they’re backstabbing rude individuals
If they get banned from SL or what not. Their alts would be banned too along with their main accounts since it’ll probably be an IP based ban. As for lands, if they’re renting from someone else, the timer will probably have to continue on until time runs out, and put back up. If they’re paying for a sim directly from LL then LL will just wipe their shit, put the sim back up for sale so someone else can buy it.
The baby talk makes me want to vomit, and imagine being so pathetic you have to steal someone else’s shape.
This is so sad gosh. I don’t know why they just don’t admit what they did wrong they just making it look bad for themselves. That’s the whole sucky part about it. Anyways good luck getting out of this there’s too much proof and there so much proof there is no getting away from this just admit it it probably won’t be so bad.
No one even cares, this will be old news next week.
Geez Vincent slow down on the thumbs down
The truth hurts doesn’t it lololololol
48 – Really? So, You’re just gonna boldly ripped from WoW and think people don’t know what you did? Blizzard really needs to hit the ripper up with a DMCA.
51 – Hell, I’m a full-blown crackhead clown. But you, YOU need more therapy and intervention than I do. How these degenerates find dog dick appealing is beyond me. I think I’ve vomited in my mouth.
Maybe stop worrying about virtual dogfuckers in SL, and start worrying about the ones that are committing actual animal abuse in real life.
Sorry about your limitations, but most of us have the ability to care about multiple things simultaneously. I would certainly report any of that found anywhere I could, but I’m not going to use my internet connection to look for evidence of it, VPN or no. In SL, we don’t have to go looking for it because they flaunt it in everyone’s faces.
Also, this site is for virtual world related postings, not real life ones; perhaps that inability to have concern for more than one thing at a time also comes with other types of limited comprehension. My condolences for your disability.
You say all of this like it’s a dig? You sound a bit narcissistic deary, most people have the ability to care about multiple things at once. Maybe you need to get checked for a disability? Because you’re giving off a critical lack of comprehension.
That being said, humans have been studied to have dark fantasies since the dawn of time. And since you seem to lack the ability to research before fuming online, I’ll hold your hand this one time 💓
1.) https://www.csustan.edu/sites/default/files/honors/documents/journals/sexinstone/Miranda&Medeiros.pdf
2.) https://www.allohealth.care/healthfeed/sex-education/dark-sexual-fantasies
3.) https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201010/sick-secret-sexual-fantasies
4.) https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2007-01200-000 ( I also highly recommend this book deary, maybe it’s simple enough for you to understand )
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg for studies done by various doctors and sexologists.
Instead of being a little silly goose online maybe you’d benefit from having real life friends, or maybe a hobby group? Something to channel your restless energy into something positive, or a way to help real victims?
I hope you feel better friend 💓😚
That’s a lot of words for someone who is mostly parroting me, and then posting a bunch of bullshit that has literally nothing to do with my comment lol
Reading books is good for you; it will help prevent you from looking this stupid in the future.
Oops! They’re the same people
Don’t worry. They’ll forget being mad about virtual dog fuckers the same way they forgot about accusing every woman that didn’t have triple F tits and an ass the size of Wales of being a pedo. They’ll move on to something equally ridiculous to be angry about while avoiding anything of actual substance because that’s how keyboard activism works.
They’re anti-bestiality too and both of them have called out pro contact zoos (actual animal rapists) multiple times. I don’t see the point of going after anti-c zoophiles who do dog sex in virtual reality when they’re not the ones raping dogs, the ones that do are very open about it on Twitter. People need to do research and maybe, god forbid, communicate with people (might be too much for this community, SL is tailor made for the socially inept) before coming to a conclusion that someone is the ultimate evil.
34. Well how odd is this looks like all of it was true!!! I saw some people tried posting the url but here it is and will continue to be updated
Is there more though because that’s a bit anticlimactic.
34. Oh no! A Wyler being a problem?! THAT’S new /s
The whole family reeks of desperation and sadness. Why do you think they are always making new alts? Anything to avoid consequence and still fuel that secondlife addiction lol
We all have a SL addiction. Why do you think we’re here?
So, i have a question for you all, especially the fur haters, yes there are some bad ones out there, but let me ask you this…Anubis, Egyptian Mythology…. is a Literal Dog, well, dog head, Ra the bird, Bastet was a cat, Horus was a bird, so does that make them Furs? makes you think doesn’t it.
You’re gonna dislocate a shoulder with that reach; yikes.
Egyptian Gods were not furries. They were not anthropomorphic animals, they were just animal headed humanoids that symbolized their pantheon. Nor did they sexualize animals you sick fuck. Stop trying to make zoophelia or bestiality ok.
you alright? their comment had nothing to do with ferals
1.relating to or characterized by anthropomorphism.
2.having human characteristics.
Having HUMAN characteristics. Not human having ANIMAL characteristics.
The Egyptian Gods were humans with animal masks/heads. Not animals with human features. There is a difference.
That’s just semantics though. The Egyptian pantheon were not furries. Please don’t sully them with such associations.
About 34. Here is some proof more updates to come as I gather all the evidence link – https://imgur.io/a/IicCjE9 btw here is a disclaimer this a link to second life photos only there is no real life involved. Just second life proposes only.
12. Post the Skyla proof.
You’re not the sharpest knife in the draw are you. I don’t know about the other events, I think possibly Uber has one cam sim? Someone correct me on that as I rarely go there. FaMESHed on the other hand, has 4 sims. FaMESHed X, FaMESHed, and two cam sims. Where’s the designers money going? It’s keeping 4 sims going, plus two websites, one for FaMESHed, and one for FaMESHed X. Yes, during the opening week of FaMESHed, the main shopping sim and both cam sims are hard to get into. Kinky doesn’t have this excuse as their supposed cam sim is basically a shopping mall. Bit crappy. I don’t know about Anthem, not been there in over a year. Weekend Sales, they’ve always lined pockets.
I do not get your point! If you own a business the purpose is to make money, nobody works for their own enjoyment! As far as i know the number of cam sims an event should have is measured by their needs. Cam sims are cheap, having 1 or 2 it won’t make that much of a difference in an event budget. So what you are trying to say is, because Fameshed has more cam sims than Kinky, their earnings are more justifiable than Kinky owner earnings? Nobody should feel bad about running their business and having profits lol! People only should feel bad if they do something wrong and as far as i know running an event is not wrong!
I’m not saying that running an event is wrong, that wasn’t the point I was making. Designers create and earn lindens and a lot use is either as extra RL income or it is their main source of RL income. Same goes for event owners as well. It’s a RL job, and extra income. I’m saying nothing bad about it. I’m simply stating the fact that NOT ALL the lindens goes into the pockets of event creators, that there are other things that cost of a booth covers. Those including such things as cam sims, and websites. There are extra costs, hiring of photographers, hiring someone to maintain websites and social medias. Not everyone who works for event creators/organisers is a volunteer, some of those do things on SL for an extra income too. My point is. NOT ALL lindens go into the pockets of the event creators or organisers. What they charge for a booth, is no different to what RL event organisers would charge (usually a lot more) for a booth/table at their RL event.
That is not what you said at all! You were simply saying where Fameshed spends money which are facts, but then you compare it to another event diminishing them and that is what made no sense at all. Either you agree that event Owners/organizers are also people that work hard to keep their events up and running or you don’t. Event owners do not need to justify their earnings, they work for it and deserve it, same goes for us designers, sometimes we have shitty months and we struggle, but sometimes things go well and we earn more than we were expecting.
Narrowing down who runs this shitshow by the submissions that don’t get posted. Everyone should compare notes on their submissions that didn’t get posted and who they’re about. It’ll either be one of those people or one of their friends.
Bro theres literally a post bashing the creator of the site this week. Maybe your secret just sucked ass
34. here’s your proof
Will be adding more as it comes in!!
Vincent is a man without morals who is so addicted to SL that I doubt he will ever be offline. He will never grow up or wake up and will always find a justification for his horrible behaviour.
As soon as he has the chance to live this pretend hunter nonsense and hurt people along the way, he throws his friends and his own principles out the window.
He never thinks of people he meets online as real people.
He really enjoys spreading his legs to the most problematic people as a “man with a pussy,” including fucking a transphobic man who refers to transgender males as “confused lesbians.”
You care about your stupid bloodborne story that isn’t even original just to make you feel good about yourself.
You drove away the most incredible players with your nonsense, I wish you could just stop playing in every rp sim and just stick to afk sex sims. At this point, your “friends” only put up with you because they feel bad for you; nobody wants you around.
9 bjorn has always been a liar and user, he jumps to whom ever can benefit him better, aries is a airhead bimbo that is just as bad
15 dean does Kim know what you did recently and who with?
23 Adam always abuses people, he threatens people and children to kill and/rape them. He needs serious mental help
27 toxic always putting her own needs and sl before her daughter, wonder if she knows who venoms been seeing behind her back, get off sl and look after your child
33 kory oh wait it’s little bo peep who’s starting to lose his sheep, stop trying to be a bad ass when your nothing
#27 I mean she has a wifey who DJ’s a d-block – drama, a amazing friend who is a Carbetta – drama, and Conlan Evil aka Johnny M’FKN Cage lol alt when his pc/laptop died to go be with Ash Evil after she was banging Casper who was with Nutterz but told her he wasn’t banging anyone else. The Johnny Cage who logged in and said it was his RL wife who he had killed himself but it was actually him faking his own death, that same POS Conlan Evil…..I mean this chick sounds like a winner and I don’t know her but I mean it looks like she hangs out a D-Block
Johnny Cage’s laptop didn’t die! He was ousted for age play that was very sus… many who reported him talking “dirty” to those that were in his group that used child avatars. Defragz confronted him and pretty much told him to leave and presented him with all the information and screenshots that were circulating and then someone sent all the screenshots of the age play conversations and sexual topics to his RL wife…once that happened…I am sure his laptop broke because I am sure his RL wife beat the hell out of him with it.
Is that the same Casper who made poses? He was banging everyone lolz and toxic lives for drama the first thing she does is check secrets to take screenies of anyone she knows to send to everyone. She should worry about being a mom to her daughter and not sl so much, her child suffers badly and yes before anyone wants to attack me yes I do know this.
Learn about the dirty whore who loves attention and jumps from dick to dick.
I know that this Casper was or is a DJ at the time. He was banging Nutterz who was in the Brady Bunch (drama galore) family. Nutterz either didn’t care or didn’t believe it. Ash Evil who was a host at Skinny Dip in was with Johnny Cage who’s laptop mysteriously died or something and could not play anymore, but came back as Conlan Evil who she partnered to. That lasted like a month or two.
oh shoot! didnt know this Johnny Cage was back! From what i know he wasn’t suppose to be back bc his rl doesnt know shyt bout SL and they are actually happy irl together … but i guess … to each their own *shrugs*
Yall got some REALLY REALLY old news going on here. I haven’t spoke to Johnny since May of 2022. I think after 1.5 years… we can move on.
Dumbass this isn’t about how long ago you spoke to Johnny Cage you idiot. It’s almost as idiotic as you were yelling at Aser a few times the one you were so in love with at 7th house how you wanted him to get hit by a car in real life because he dumped you. I was there when that happened. I mean, how low can you be to wish that on anyone.
I wouldn’t with that on anyone.
Johnny cage was with toxic, vic and other girls also lolz his babygirls and queen or something lolz
Yes, and Jonny’s girls went to Dusty Fat Man Panda Amulet and vice versa it was a revolving door or want to be Daddy dom’s.
They need a lesson on self respect and for toxic case how to be a mom.
The all make me sick.
#40 no one gives a shit about ravnos and pv bs fucksakes let it go already
#23 – I’ve sat back for years and watched Adam/Shawn be hateful towards people then hurry and be nice asf to cover his own. I don’t know if he has bipolar or whatever … thing is tho he is not this man he is trying to portray himself out to be. I don’t care who says otherwise, those who sit back and observe see more then what people would love us to see. Did people go after him … YES! Was it within reason … sorta may have been extreme but that’s what happens when you play with someone who is protective asf with his family. Thing is Adam threatened children and threatened unconstitutional s3x on woman , and yet his NEWEST victim, and yes Rose you’re a victim here you just don’t see it yet, stands blindly by him thinking that he’s this changed and great guy, if only she seen the things he’s typed out to others first hand … oh wait she has and she still wants her “Daddy” smdh I really cannot with these people anymore.
Fact that Rose (ʀᴏsᴇ ·ɢᴏᴛʜɪᴄ ᴘʀɪɴᴄᴇss· ᴍᴏʀᴇᴛᴛɪ) (ShilohPose) was with man Oct 2 then in bed with Adam Oct 3 and they was madly in love with each other that was her daddy!! it sicken how this woman keeps passing though men and families like she changes panties… So ya rose is no victim here at all she just as bad as Adam if not worse playing with people heads too and using them to pay for her second life game.. And one day she with her Rl kids dad and next day she in bed with a second life dude. Come on now this woman got some huge issues her self and people need be more wise to all this.. Think she needs to be forcing more on her children in real life then on second life tyring to get next piece or ass or pay check to pay for her second life addiction. We all know Adam got issues and huges ones,. Himself and has no control over his actions and acts like child not adult man. Needs some seriously mental help,. But dose so dose Rose.
Rose is far from a Victim she’s just as bad.
I mean you’re not wrong
Rose chose to ignore the countless warnings from people who have had their own run ins with him. She willingly chose him over her family. She made her bed, now she can lay in it… OH WAIT everyone was right, he was cheating on her and they already broke up. Give it a few days, she will be on another guys d*ck. She changes men more then people change their underwear.
U are 100% correct
What a legend! you get it lad. Whoever put you on here, must of not got a piece of the lady lettuce annihilator!
Ashley and Chelsea or taytum and Oakley, Cassie or whatever their dumb names are these days have always been pieces of shit. They even sleep together in rl and when their scared of the rain they sleep with their parents lmfao idk why people are shocked to find out they copybot. Yet they still support the creeps by buying their copyright infringement gestures and their lame poses and paying to be In woodland or paying to rent in their sim. They are disgusting people and everyone should really stop encouraging them and stop allowing them to taint the kid community. Boycott the stupid twins already and let’s move forward.
They’re real life sisters they sleep in the same room together, it’s not a mental illness it’s a mental disability I have known them for years but as far as them copybotting and stuff I don’t know.
And another thing. I’ve talked to their family and the twins mental health has been affected tremendously from all of this fucking drama. I’m telling you…when the twins say they have a mental illness they aren’t lying or attention seeking. I’ve known them and their families for many years. They struggle hard. Whoever is posting this bs lie about them needs to get a life. The twins would take their shirts off their backs to help someone. They spend countless hours on SL which their rl mom doesn’t quite understand or like but they’re adults. They don’t copybot or whatever they’re being blamed for. Hours and hours a day everyday making their own things. If they were copying they wouldn’t need to take so much time on this dumb game!
Do better SL “friends” you are posting and “bullying” to the point of no return for these girls!
Okay well too bad get off sl if it’s too much lmfao we all have issues if it’s that bad get off sl and enjoy irl no one will comfort these two 30+ year old women they are not children
Wait a minute didn’t that other girl have mental health illness too? She was actually in the hospital with proof but none of yall would hear her out lmao but now yall want to talk about the twins about their mental health? They said mental illness wasn’t an excuse about the other girl but now it matters? Yall are such hypocrites.
You have no idea what your talking about. They don’t sleep together…what the actual fuck! SL is nothing but a bunch of bullies for the most part. My girls do not sleep with their RL parents nor do they sleep together. They share a bedroom….how is that any different than any other sibling or roommate that share spaces. They have their own beds. I’m disgusted to read this stuff on here and will find a way to report the bullying and words I’ve seen in here. I’m soooo disgusted and don’t know why the girls even play this game nor associate with most of you!
LOL you can make claims about them but not spell there names right? It’s CAISIE. Who the fuck are you to say they do this. You are insane and probably a jealous ex friend to them that wants to see them suffer. Grow up. That’s probably what you do.
What about everyone else that’s suffered due to them? Bc it’s all about then right lmfao get out their assholes you’re kissing them so hard you’re going to get pinkeye
Suffered due to them? Really?!!? NO ONE suffered due to THEM
If anyone who is talking shit here actually knew the girls they would know when age 30 is a number but that doesn’t mean someone is all there because they’re 30. They have a lot of mental health stuff they go through. That’s not an excuse as they don’t need an excuse for anything. Not everyone is the same so grow up and stop attacking people with dumbass lies. And who tf cares if they copybotted? It’ll be old news next week, the only ones who should give a shit is the people it happened to. The rest of you involving yourselves are just dumb sounding at this point like it affects your life somehow when it doesn’t.
#44 I think you will find Lee McKay does not actually work for LL. Second Pride USED to be a democratically elected committee. Not so much anymore it seems. It has become a clique with McKay at it’s head. Many sim owners and popular DJs have stopped supporting SL Pride, as it seems to have lost it’s community focus. Our collection of sims pulled out a couple of years back. Bring back the elections, then if you don’t like the way it is run, stand for election and be the change you want. It is only the membership that can remove McKay
While that may be true, LL is the single largest donor to SP (by their donation of two year round regions) and Patch Linden sits on the Second Pride Board. You think if Patch went to Lee, “you gotta go or we’re pulling our funding” that Lee wouldn’t be forced to leave?
Rumor has it that it was McKay and company who had removed the democratic elections of office-bearers and that they had hi-jacked Second Pride. This was going to blow up in their and LL’s faces sooner or later. Most clubs do their own thing and cannot be bothered.
#33 This one isn
t a real surprise. I thought it was made clear a few weeks ago, one set of rules for family and one set for those they dont like. I mean its the perfect way one to run a successful business right ?. Actually you can
t use the term ” Business”, aint no one getting paid to work there. Just another virtual gangster like his buddyPretty much everywhere in SL is run on those terms….
#9 To be fair he has a job , he runs a virtual gang in a virtual world and they do virtual crimes for virtual money. Have to live that gangster life somehow right ?
He has his gangster thot Aries he sluts out too and mooches off of too!
#50- he’s going to move onto warframe next once he gets that computer upgrade he won’t shut up about and he’s already taken his stupid bloodborne mary sue and made yet.*another* version of him cause he has no idea of how originality works
where did his broke ass get the money for all of the computer parts since he’s on disability?? he must be sucking yet another poor sod’s dick. won’t be long until we hear about THAT person dumping and traumatizing him
lul version of himself? Did you mean the version he wants to be?
the level of self inserting is creepy. no wonder he gets ic and ooc mixed up
also why is the character being muslim SO important when the player is white………..
Nah, he definitely not gobbling dick.
I saw his ugly mug and damn, I’d rather shove my junk in a damn meat grinder. Bet that fool be straight up scamming or straight up jacking cash
Hi Big Boy, it’s me again, your biggest jealous fan with an obsession.
Someone just hit the nail on the head again huh? Do you do much of anything besides lay around, eat, and play role-playing games online? You came to the States, to get a fresh start after Reiza, to play a drug dealer online. You have got to be the BIGGEST TOOL I know.
Have you started packing your meager belongings for Oklahoma yet?
So Jerry….from talk host to talk host….you think he’s met the baby yet? Yo Bjorn! Where is wicked and Kory’s baby?! Is it still at the store with the Cheetos!? Oh wait….you are their baby!! Sucking up all that money based on Bo beep’s trailer income!
Maybe this Aries chick is not all that bright? If it is Aɾιҽʂ Dҽιɱσʂ Tαƈσ (iariesi) the one from that vampire game, I am in too. She is not overly bright. I Said she looked good once, and her and her little friend both ran around and took that as being hit on. Literally I can post the damn chat log and that is all it said, and it got back to me from a MOD there that I need to stop hitting on the girls there trying to have to fuck them. I literally had to threaten to post the chat log in local and make em look stupid and risk a LL ban for however long to make her STFU. Everyone in D-Block is fucking stupid, one of the dumb bitches was primmy. A fucking Carbetta no less.
You better be careful, he has enough virtual guns and money and cheetos to hunt you down and belly flop you.
Best comment of the week xD Sad thing is it’s true!
Or little bo peep and his sheep will come after you (kory)
Are they gonna huff and puff and blow are virtual house down, the bunch of crackheads?
I wonder who wicked is really getting the D from?
Yawns… you all say the same thing anymore.
That made a ton of sense , good job !
Oh well if you are too stupid to understand, let me break it down for you. That means that you all just keep repeating the same shit over and over… you have nothing better to do then to talk about Kory and his “sheep”. Seriously, get a life and maybe try to act like an adult for once. Make sense now?
Easily triggered, if you don
t like it, don
t read it. But don`t get so upset you blubber out nonsense and then call other people ” too stupid ” because you have trouble forming sentences.,Doesn’t seem like it was “blubber” but whatever makes you feel better I guess.
Yet here YOU are reading the same stuff OVER and OVER again?
Or one of little bo peep lost one of his sheep, hey kory over here lolz
That was so original…. is that the best you can come up with?
If the name fits lolz
Imagine actually being a genuinely chill dude. Only time he is ever hostile is when someone goes at his family. He doesn’t end up on here cause he doesn’t pull dumb shit like others. He’s hilarious and fun to be around over all.
Since he is on here… GET THAT VIRGIN FAME MY GUY!
He even admitted on Facebook that he posted hisself on here. If that is not seeking for attention… I don’t know what is…
It’s all an act. The dude is an actual douche.
@Ew shh james you are the only one who thinks that
@Jane Doe, i do not need attention at all especially from someone who has to hide behind anonymous name try again 😀
hahaa…dude it seems you have a bigger fan base than you give yourself credit for! for 1…I don’t even know you nor have i ever cared to 🙂 2. Douche is not a word I would ever use xD! You need to get over it lad…I aint over here harbouring some grudge against you, I literally don’t care.
Lol dude I don’t know you to know what is an act nor do I care enough to want to. Seems someone else does though 🤔 hahaa! If I had anything I wanted to say to you it would have my name by it. Get over yourself.
Three cheers for the good virgin