Dear everyone,
I do not own a roleplay sim. I do not get into Second Life. I am banned. Even if I was in Second Life I wouldn’t roleplay. Not that I am bashing it but that isn’t my thing. And judging by the secrets posted…y’all too much for me.
Story time Kesseret ???
Why were you banned?
Because she started this shit website
You’re one of the lucky few, to get banned from SL entirely. Fuck, I wish sometimes I was so I can move on. I can’t move on from it because I discovered that I spent way too damn much on SL in a 10 year span. I’m just merely a traveler and bored ass settler in a virtual home. All of the better days are far behind me and my circle on there is a ghost town.
You’re not missing anything. It’s fun though, depending on who you ask, you either get an in-depth description or sex. I can’t speak for everyone, but the few friends I have in SL that have Zooby babies and RP families do so because they are unable to have children in RL. My circle of friends though are all people with some level of disability to where SL is their way of doing things they can never do in RL.
sorry but is sick and pathetic having virtual babies. if you cannot have your own in RL go help other people babies and charity in africa. they die daily there. no empathy or excuses for such people for sl!
Three of my friends whom are bed ridden due to variants of Muscular dystrophy said they will jump on a plane for Africa tomorrow. What you and everyone else needs to remember is one of SL’s target audiences has always been people with disabilities. In a wheelchair? Get on SL so you can dance, run, walk and experience a world that your RL situation bars you from. Can’t have kids? Have them via SL.
most people on SL ain’t fit to look after a baby irl
“aw now whaddaya mean our babeh dont have a HUD, hun?” IRL couple from SL with a kid
Who the actual fuck do you think you are. Folks can do what they want in SL. That’s the beauty of it. Folks that can help “other people babies and charity in africa” probably do and again that is their choice, NOT YOURS! And the odds of you being a hypocrite are immense so GFY!
#25 Fucking MAGA cuck bitches everywhere, fuck your Cheeto Hitler and fuck MAGA Nazis
#49. Sorry Sheridan and my characters didn’t want to fuck yours. Like we’ve told you a million times, we rarely /actually/ do ERP. Storywise, it also didn’t make any sense for our characters to have affection for yours like that. As for being “gay stereotypes”, I’m sorry you feel that way, especially since we actually take time to make our characters fleshed out people and then actually play them. We are well aware that MM is a PG sim, and it’s also full of wonderful people who have been so welcoming, which is why we ended up bringing the Caldwells there as professors. We’ve actually been RPing there for over a month now, and it’s been awesome and relaxing. Sex… isn’t actually important for our RP to be fun for us. So don’t project. In addition, nothing was “stolen”. You gave money to them as a /gift/ saying to pay tier for a month, and when Sheridan said they didn’t need it, you said to keep it. As a gift. Sheridan spent it on some changes we were doing to the build. Then you went psychotic. You were asked to respect a limit / trigger and to be mindful about RP about suicide (not even asked to stop it, just to let the player know before you post about it so we could move out of chat range, and you took it upon yourself to start harassing them. Then you quit all the groups without saying a word, begged to come back, and then behaved abominably. You use your mental health as a shield, but say fuck you about everyone else’s. The money was a gift. It doesn’t mean you own her sim? As for Sheridan and Marron’s personal life, fuck right off. She’s done what any friend would do.… Read more »
From last week…I wanted to add on to the posts and comments people are making this week about Kiska/Sylas.
Here’s a reference for my comment I made on last week’s episode of “Who done it?” (Virtual Secrets): https://virtual-secrets.com/virtual-secrets/virtual-secrets-week-778/#comment-100004
Kiska, I find it funny now that you’re trying to take the format of the comment I made with definitions and all, and make an entire call out on yourself. Lmao.
Link to their call out:
That moment when you hold a fuck ton of power, knowing who’s apart of your group and good portion of them are popufurs! On top of the fact, when they’re on sim, they can see who’s fucking who and where…. Welp…. When the owner is like. ” Here. Here’s a fucking list of people who paid the money and joined my group! And you all respect them. “
#50 You obviously haven’t met every “Black” person on second life so your post was dumb. I see a variety of people doing this. And hey if they want to rp..It is their second life that THEY PAY for. Lol I think you should stay off second life and mind your business.
#31 I joined SL when I was 11. it wasn’t hard to bypass the identity check since teen gird was inexplicably lame. I was exposed to so much shit, way too young. I’m 27 now. There’s more of us than people think.
Sylas is prolly the biggest offender.
But let’s be real.
The majority of female presenting furry avatars are microsized child height essentially, and are obsessed with knotted dicks (dog cock).
This is just like rife in the SL community. I literally put a budget knot I found on the marketplace on my furry Avi one time and the amount of e pussy I got went up like 300%
No changing game or avatar style.
People like shaar are dime a dozen he just has the most clout because he can take good pictures on that game. Used to be all bold about it and then out of nowhere he got all scared and stopped being all brash (what a pussy) there’s a large group of people that are all hanging with those two.
Y’all know who you are. Eventually your pics are going to get posted on here. Heck I might as well post the ones I have next week.
#51 why are you pulling attention to a place that promotes abuse under the label BDSM. Any Dominant or submissive that goes here need to understand if your face or body looked like that in RL, you would be in critical care. It’s abuse not power exchange. I understand this is a virtual world but have some common sense. I would be embarrassed to attend this place. I don’t know who Sawyer is but he sounds like he likes the drama if he is with this girl. to each their own just label it what it is ABUSE not BDSM.
Ever heard of pain sluts? There are absolutely people like this RL for various reasons. Bondage, Dominance, Sado Masochism BDSM and there are light to extreme versions of this both sides of the coin. Long as is consensual it is not up to you to judge if abuse. Also keep in mind this is a virtual world, meaning people can go to extremes really wish to in fantasy that are unable in RL. If it’s not for you, that’s fine but you are also not in decision of what others enjoy or want. Note, human body can withstand far more than you think before ever reaches critcal care.
You’re missing the point and I doubt you have RL experience. A real Dom would not leave his sub so black and blue that she’d probably be in a coma in RL. There’s a more sinister, darker side you’re sugarcoating whereas fucked up violent people can engage in some fucked up shit and promote violence against women (which real pain play is NOT) under the disguise of “it’s just RP in a virtual world.”
#2: Imagine getting angry because you still believe there’s an old man in the sky that watches when you’re being naughty and tosses you to a red, horny mother fucker every time you touch your peepee. Get over it, go out side and take a science lesson.
Hail Satan.
and this is where idiocracy shows. You have to believe one exists for the other to exist. Nor is that actual how Satanism is. Nobody believes is a red, horny. Yes, satanism do believe will go to hell but do not believe will be tortured where Christianity does. Satanism is not about causing others harm or anything else. It is centered around the ideal that of not giving up pleasure solely to be pure. That life is meant to be enjoyed from all aspect of wealth, sexual etc. In other words, the 7 deadly sins, so to speak. The rest is like every other religion in the world. Worship praise and shall receive blessings. Hail Satan is not even a phrase used. Least try to research a bit. Nothing new or special. Each their own. But least get the shit right other than trying to be some drone crowd pleasure wanting feel cool.
Tip. Basic christianity does not believe in going to hell for touching your peepee either. Extreemist in every group.
Hi my name is Con Kasutijo, I’m just sitting here with my bag of popcorn and laughing at how serious everyone takes this online shit. I believe it’s time for you all to go outside and touch some grass, you’ve clearly been on this for too damn long. Considering majority of the people on here are some old farts and would rather put online drama before their own REAL lives. Go spend time with your IRL family and friends (if they haven’t already disappeared on you for choosing to be online rather than spend time with them).Anyways, I just wanted to feel important too! Feel free to reply and bash me, you won’t get a reply. I’m just here for a good time, not a long time. Toodles 😀
LOVE how you assume everyone here is old. Also. This may shock you, but a great proportion of us DO have RL lives and jobs and families and friends and ALL SORTS of other activities we put before SL. I don’t know where you get your information from, but hey, you’re just here for a good time, right? Running around bashing people you don’t even know, assuming they live their life according to what YOU think. How utterly banal.
Lastly….’go touch some grass’…is so grossly overused right now and so totally ridiculous on any level of intelligence it’s just a big huge yawn at this stage. You’re not edgy, you’re not saying anything we all haven’t heard before, and you’re especially irrelevant and unimportant with your overused views. Come up with something new and vital and edgy and I may not spit my coffee the next time I read your vitriol.
Says the ones on a site bashing other people 🤣🤣🤣🤣 make it MAKE SENSE
But it was so satisfying answering a comment with such a broad knowledge of who we all in here lol.
That is ironically like the other commenter’s go to insults that just doesnt work. Like, old people dont even care online much less even know of an SL.
I know of a couple of old people and I just had to teach one to learn how to make channels on discord. Does anyone really think old people would have that much patience and care to be on something like VS and even grasp 1/10th of the shit posted here?
It just makes you look retarded by default. But given how most of the commenters here fit that demographic, it must be a patriotic thing to be stupid.
I am here scouting among every VS article, combing over the content that references all of the places on SL where I could possibly have roleplayed in. RPing on SL is a statue of my life! It fills the void of what little life I have as I go into a virtual one, to live out a Sims-like fantasy of imagining what a real life is like!
And I don’t approve of nefarious evil-doers like that that nasty Infyrin guy who dares critique anything about everything RPing on SL. I already figured out his identity! His name is Arthur! Muhahaha! That’s the face of someone whom I don’t like on one of these sims! It could also be Thomas too! I know these people personally well enough, more indication of what little of a life I have, to see them before I know it!
Do not dare judge roleplaying casual life on VS! I will not allow it!
Now excuse me while I pretend sit on my ass infront of a mesh TV in my overpriced cottage home!
When you post as someone else … bro you really need some help. Seriously. Like at this point make an appointment I’ll even pay for it.
Stop replying to yourself.
Lol yeah, that person went from being someone most people could agree with a few weeks ago, to now coming completely unraveled before our very eyes; it’s reached some kind of critical mass this week. Considering the timelines they’ve personally admitted they are fairly old, and perhaps what we’re watching is the onset of Alzheimer’s(it often comes with temper control issues) or some other kind of elder mental instability/senility setting in. The level of impotent seething coming off their posts this week is just sky high. They’re gonna give themselves a stroke or something if they don’t learn to calm the fuck down, and how could anyone even have any sympathy when it’s all for such stupid ass reasons?
I don’t comment and say things for your little silly approval. You’re not my filter, lol. You guys practically live here which is sad in of itself, I see your names almost every article and I’ve only appeared in about 5 VS articles to this point.
And I don’t even need to defend myself because you guys just think you’re saying the most witty and insulting things. But need I remind you as I’ve told others, I am not your typical person who’s going to get knotted up in every single word you guys say.
It’d be pointless for me to even describe how and why but you all enjoy the tastes of eachother’s shit, I’d rather spare myself the trouble. You guys take good dumps in eachother’s hands before feeding the other happily with the spoils.
It’d be like if I theoretically just beat all of you in a fight with a weapon and you guys still convince yourselves that you’ve won the fight overall because you did nothing.
Your logic is riddled with flaws. With how often you change your name, at least 3 times this week alone, you’re the one who practically lives here. At least the rest of us pick a name and stick to it for the week. The first sign of loser status usually involves name-calling and middle school threats because that’s the only form of intelligent conversation you know. You were supposedly done replying a dozen posts ago but you can’t seem to help yourself. It’s really amazing how triggered you still are. Got to be a new record.
I’ll help pay too. This guy is whack. Can’t help but pitty him.
#32 Bass, how many times you gonna go on COL discord and. I am not Aser. LMAO I was in your house. I know why you are in the position you are in. It is because of Jessi Ravnos. She calls the shots. You are just a bitch ass puppet. STFU. The OP Stop trying to lie to everyone. It’s what you do best lmao. I read what you post everyday in COL Chit Chat it makes me laugh. You tried to get with me too and I refused you and I wouldn’t do what you wanted when you wanted and you outcasted me. Jessi got me into another house. She is the True leader of Ravnos. Still even banned.
Shut up puppet boy.
I once layed my head on a silk pillow with the most comfy fluffy memory foam I have ever experienced. I thought to myself, this is the softest thing I will ever experience.. than I met Bass
is bass the one who sent a fake pee pee pic to random girls?
Didn’t do it to me personally. I wouldn’t put it past his stupid lying ass. He is a POS. I wasn’t around long enough.
Basically, Bass is only Sovereign per Jessi. If he pisses her off she will cut off all his toys since they are all accessible as long as she grants access to them. She has cut off many people when they get booted. What is Bass going to do steal Jessi’s clan she paid real life money for to keep a clan an call it his. Well, maybe he is a POS and then we can add a thief to his resume. I mean most and vet in Progeny know she bought the clan of Ravnos.
These two weeks of secrets have been very boring recently. Hopefully next week there is something interesting.
5k that its gonna be poo poo
If I actually had the money, I wouldn’t mind joining on the bet and losing it. X’D But you’re not wrong. It’s just… bad these few weeks.
The comments seem to be proving as to have been the interesting content the past couple articles.
We’ve got 40-some odd year losers who take utmost pride in roleplaying even more boring lives, defending RPing sims. Displaying smug ignorance for all to see, explains who the real drama cunts are among the ones they actively point out every single VS article. Don’t argue with them, they’ll fight tooth and nail to tell you their scripted boring RP virtual lives is better than your actual living and breathing life.
We’ve got furry defenders who love beastiality.
We’ve got clueless wanderers.
We’ve got a little transphobic people too.
clueless wanderer here, groups for entertainment only
thirst sucks big time. incompetent idiot who thinks is someone. get a life u parasite.
The fact this whole drama within two families is happening over two men pretending to want Livi is disgusting. Taz dropping her and going back to Allease was the best thing for him to do and I can guarantee Taz only pretended to show interest in her because he felt sorry for her. She is pathetic and no one in their right mind would touch that. No one actually likes her. No one ever has. Her “friends” are people who either feel bad for her or have something to gain from her. People only ever put up with her for the sake of someone they actually care about. Rexi is only dating Livi to get back at his ex Nikilia. He doesn’t actually give a shit about Livi, she is just to stupid to realize it. Rexi causing this rift did everyone in those families a favor, they no longer have to pretend to like or give a shit about her. Seriously Livi is toxic, a cancer, and a parasite to anyone she gets close to. Anyone trying to stay neutral needs to do what is best for them and drop her. She isn’t worth losing good people over.
If you had read the screenshots, you would know. Not everyone did and thats just SAD.
You really have no idea what you’re fucking talking about. Anyone and everyone can see that, that man loves her with everything he has. So why are you acting like you know shit? Get your facts straight. You don’t know shit in that situation, Taz clearly held some form of grudge but the truth is SL is just a fantasy for him, and he pretends to give a shit about people so you aint wrong about that. Rexi had BALLS that no one else had, and the fact that he truly loves and supports Livi is amazing. Don’t be jealous that they have something you don’t. And Nikilia is a narcissitic bitch who thinks shes better than anyone and everyone when she’s not so get off your high horse.
#37 omg omg! Cant believe this guy is still around! Well i guess i do since he doesnt have a rl to go to. A little bit of hypocritical of him to shade another guy of cheating and misbehaving when he been with all of the gay grid twice and bet he still rotating as ive read other comments about him xD he was never the twink uwu person he was claiming to be and he scarred me with his creepy sado kinks n such ( i was a noobie then so i didnt know much x.x ) also he would always share the 2-3 same rl pics with me prentending he just snapped em for me. I always felt he was catfishing me but could be him kinda i dont care at this point. Thing is he was bullshitting me so hard i even took an sl break to get away from him. I dont miss him one bit 😀
Don’t forget, Liam also likes to claim that he made the Physics cock and vagina. I’ve been tempted to let the actual creator know that he’s trying to take credit for that. Far as I can tell, he’s maybe a CSR for them, at best.
He is a CSR. And he knows nothing else except the genitals. Everything else in SL he is oblivious to. Dumb as a rock in everything including RL. Sad honestly.
!!! Click read more for proper formatting + images !!! After reading about icebergs and only the tips of them to a few scandals about her f-list, I did some looking into some things. This might take awhile to read, but is about Sylas/Kiska, who has changed their username on twitter to KiskaDoggo. It also concerns said mystery f-list that is ‘fake’. It starts with the age of the account: 1, This account is the same age around as this image that someone posted of the f-list that was promptly deleted after being mentioned 2, This would be pretty normal, if not for the fact that I remembered that Sylas’ birthday was just a few months ago, and they had turned 23… in 2023. Which, at the surface would imply that maybe they were 18 when they made this account. HOWEVER, they posted this screenshot of their own profile on July 4th, 2023, and Sylas’ FA was made April 27th, 2018. Which means they were 17 years old when they made this account. Their VERY first post on this account was nsfw art. A post which claims they have 122 art pieces already stockpiled. If not damning enough, a second piece says: Implying that Sylas’ at time partner was commissioning NSFW work for her while Sylas was 16, if not 15. (note: their partner was also underaged at this time, being only a year older than Sylas) Now to where this all rolls back to being relevant to the current drama surrounding Sylas, specifically her f-list. One of apparently 122 posts she posted was this piece: Innocent enough if you ignore her age or don’t know, HOWEVER, when you click the original artist and find said piece, you find this: ANOTHER username that we haven’t heard of that definitively belonged… Read more »
UPDATE: As said below by Kiska / Sylas, she has released a document about her side of things, which can be found on her twitter. I’ll be leaving this comment up for keeping it transparent and in case anything comes up or she backpedals, but she is claiming that this was in fact because she was groomed, including admitting the f-list was hers from said time and she deleted it.
Just an update: Even though Sylas posted a document on her twitter yesterday like she said she would, said document isn’t accessible anymore already. She also disabled the comments on said twitter post and buried it under a bunch of reposts.
With that in mind, we can question her intention to truly own up to her mistakes. One step forward, two steps back Sylas…
Also, it is quite suspicious that she suddenly came back just after I pointed out the fact that Soraya’s links had IP loggers in them and reported said links, which have been deleted now along with every other comments that Soraya wrote.
Posted but forgot that adding a link puts you in approval hell, but she unlocked for a bit, then she re-locked it again seemingly recently as I viewed the document just a few hours ago. Also being buried under posts without deleting, for anyone curious, here is the last bit of the google docs link just in case it gets lost;
Unlocked for a bit, then she re-locked it again seemingly recently as I viewed the document just a few hours ago. Also being buried under posts without deleting, for anyone curious, here is the link just in case it gets lost
I also added a note for you down at the bottom of the document. That I will delete later.
I have seen the note. I am willing to accept to discuss this matter in a more private setting, but only under one condition: I’ll be on an alt. After what happened here with Soraya I can’t fully trust you that you won’t send followers after me if I contact you via my main.
On the other hand, you will have my word that everything said and shown privately will stay private, unless if something EXTREMELY damning about you comes out of this conversation.
Do you accept these conditions?
Yes that’s fine just having a convo using this website is horrible
Very well. I will contact you shortly.
Pandora’s Box.
The tweet was posted WITH comments off. Why do you care if the comments are on or off if you’re just gonna go here to talk about it anyways?
The document is unlocked and yes I’m still going to be using my twitter like I always do regardless of that document or not.
Right, you unlocked it just after I pointed it out a few minutes ago. Before that it was asking me to log in on a google account if I wanted to access the link.
I care about the comments because, as a believer in freedom of speech, I think someone who has nothing to be ashamed of would allow people to comment on this subject if needed.
I am not saying that you shouldn’t use your twitter as usual, but considering the matter at hands it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea to pin this post for a while if you are truly willing to own up for what you did. After all, you lied in the face of all your followers, they deserve an explanation too.
I am willing to believe that you truly mean to own up for what you did Sylas, I even sent a comment yesterday (sadly still waiting to be approved) to discuss some of the points you bring up in said document in a peaceful manner (unlike Infyrin), but no offense, it just seems a bit low effort so far.
Your comment is “approved” kinda it still shows pending but everyone has been able to read it. It’s why I locked the document because you name dropped someone. I don’t want them finding out early
LOL “Update: caught person latches onto explanation offered by a defender and runs with it as fast and hard as they possibly can!” Did you notice when they said they didn’t know who Soraya was, and then immediately said they were asked to stop defending them in SL? How do you do you ask someone to stop defending you “in SL” if you don’t know who they are off this site?
I just don’t buy it. The concept of grooming is widely known and despised at this point; if that was really what happened there was no reason not to admit it from the beginning instead of making up convoluted lies to pretend things never happened. This reeks of “if I can’t escape the blame, pass the buck”, and when passing it to random “obsessed fans” who made F-lists and whatever else in their name didn’t work, they chose to invent an abusive groomer instead.
Yes I don’t know Soraya they’re not my friend. But someone else already pointed out their second life name so I messaged them asking them to stop?
Also I’m sorry you feel that way and I hope you never have to experience the same things I did. I’m not sure how I can explain the emotional stress that comes from calling out an abuser who had already been previously called out for the same things yet has grown in the fandom more. They shut down and sickened their last accuser. Why would I willingly want to make myself their next target.
If Sylas had an ounce of dignity, she’d:
Clean away all and any people who she knows are revolving around her because of the minor stuff.
Delete all NSFW drawings at the time of her being a minor.
Rework and retool her profiles.
Not cater or lean towards anything of ageplay.
Dismiss any defenders from defending her because of in relation to, anything minor, the then NSFW art .etc
Not be so smug about all of the evidence presented of her antics.
But, based on her interactions with me, I wholly have doubt that she’d even redeem herself.
We shall see what the next VS article has in store or the next one after that, as to whether or not she really is redeemable. So far, to me, fuck no.
You’re delusional. You can’t one tell me you want to see me get raped than say shit like “based off her interactions with me”
Wow surprise buddy I don’t want or care about your respect or think if I’m redeemable or not. You spend every waking day on a burn book site. You really think anyone holds any weight or value to what you say or think??
If you’re going to go full retard, which you have, then yeah. Problem?
And so do you, hypocrite. Like I said, you will be monitoring VS from now on. You don’t have to confirm that, we’ll know based on whether you’ll say something in the next round or not.
People’s validation matters not to me. Everyone’s insults towards me has been duds, everyone’s counterpoints has been nothing but just shallow puddles to me. I know what matters and what matters to me is whether I say anything at all.
If nothing mattered to you at all for what you call a “burn book site”, then why are you here again?
The sooner these comments can close by tomorrow, the better though. It’s been an wonderous time watching you just dance around the comments for our entertainment. Same time this coming Sunday?
Let us watch her try and worm her way out of all of this. And her followers too.
If there was proof of them having been groomed or they admitted it, I would actually go back on my statement. I would recommend that they not post things that were drawn for them when they were a minor, I’d be surprised if they kept the NSFW pieces at all.
There’s a difference between just looking at porn as a minor though and going out of your way to interact with pornography, and they are leaning on that side. Not every minor who ends up in the NSFW scene was groomed, sometimes it is through self exploration, via hearing about it, finding it ect, but there’s safe self exploration and there’s unsafe exploration that endangers yourself and others. Commissioning people and, what seems to be and I could be wrong, an underaged partner at the time commissioning people is far past safe self exploration and expression.
Another concerning thing is how vehemently she denied it being her at all, going to the point of showing emails of her reporting accounts and saying up and down Sylas was never Sylas F, she’s lying that it wasn’t her, but it WAS her. If it wasn’t for that, I’d feel just a bit more forgiving if she said “Sorry, it was my account, it was an old one, I grew up since then.”
Message me, I genuinely mean it idc who you are not gonna hold anything above you or against you. Just don’t want to share everything to a bunch of people who tell me I deserved to be raped. If you want to know please… just message me. Discord, SL, telegram or twitter idc.
“he’s a liar just like us, come on guys, you pestered adults for sexual attention when you were a teenager too!” speak for yourself weirdo. sylas has never spoken the truth and this just cements it. pedos and zoophiles do not deserve to be protected.
He* Sylas is a man Catfishing for clout as a female persona, Change my fucking mind.
This you?
Oh no a white knight in here to come justice something out their ass LOL!!!
You can clearly catfish online,
Catfishing is a deceptive activity in which a person creates a fictional persona or fake identity on a social networking service, usually targeting a specific victim ( Group or Person )
The practice may be used for financial gain, to compromise a victim in some way, as a way to intentionally upset a victim or for wish fulfillment.
Also if you went back and have read Sylas own comment in a week or twos VS back in the comments you can clearly read where Sylas “hinted” so go on 😉
“uwu we claim the zoophile, you transphobe” ok rofl, how can you attempt to muddy the waters on respecting pronouns while calling someone retarded? “we respect trans folx here, but FUCK RETARDS” loool
Dont confuse “retards” for the willfully ignorant. Quit using that terminology.
Dont insult the mentally disabled because youre also too stupid to realize youre wrong
Vanity you have to change your name if you want to comment on this site both as yourself and as your anonymous moniker, just an FYI…
“noooo guys it’s not my f-list because… it’s just not, ok?!” like why even bother lying if you don’t cover your tracks at all? i guess your social aptitude isn’t honed quite so well when all you do is talk to simpering yesmen while cooming to zoophile pedo shit rofl
truly this is what happens when a teenager has unfettered access to the internet. enjoy the court-mandated therapy.
BINGO! Great job Anon, that’s the damning evidence we needed on Sylas/Kiska!
Also holy shit it’s even worse than I expected then, they DEFINITELY were commissioning NSFW artworks before they were adults! That’s fucked up.
Anyway, to sum it up: Sylas had “Ageplay” as favorite kink on FList, the link was on her Second Life profile where I found it alongside another FList for her femboy character Soy.
I exposed her last week and she then quickly deleted her FList and repurposed Soy’s FList as a disguise. She then claimed that the latter was always her FList, that the one with “Ageplay” was a fake and showed a bunch of old unrelated reports on her twitter to make people believe her lies.
Afterward, she went full damage control in last week’s comments section, and ended up showing a bunch of fake screenshots, one of them being a picture of Soy’s Flist with the creation date and number of views edited, claiming that she created it just a few days ago. Of course, said FList was impossible to find, and Sylas refused to give a link to it or to show the report for the ageplay FList, goading us to contact her personally “off anon” instead. It’s pretty obvious why…
And now we have the undeniable proof up there that “Sylas F” was truly her FList since the link used to be on both her current and old Furaffinity accounts, and so that she’s definitely a liar and a disgusting ageplayer! *mic drop*
Bad news for you, I have checked the changelogs on FList as far back as 6 years ago and there’s not a single mention of a change to the description of the “Ageplay” kink:

On the other hand though, there was an important newspost about a big revamp of the site’s fetish list dating from 6 years ago (so before Sylas created an account there):

Since the newspost is too huge to be shown in a single screenshot, I’ll just skip to the points that matters here, so here’s the age related kinks that were added:

Not a single mention about ageplay there either, but since the “Age Differences” kink was added before Sylas joined FList she could’ve just used that one, yet she also added “Ageplay” too to her FList in the end.
Link to the newspost in question (need an FList account to see it): https://www.f-list.net/newspost/312/
And the changelogs: https://www.f-list.net/changelog.php
So, if you do have a link to a changelog that specifies a change to the “Ageplay” kink AFTER Sylas created her account there, prove it to us by sharing the link to it. Otherwise we’re just gonna assume that you’re blatantly lying for Sylas here :^)
Proof that Soraya’s links have IP loggers in them:

You can verify it yourself on this website: https://www.websiteplanet.com/webtools/redirected/
Or alternatively you can just search “URL redirect scanner” on google and you will find some.
Sylas and her flying monkeys aren’t playing fair at all anymore, so be careful! The gloves are off…
I had the feeling that something was weird after clicking on them so I checked them with a redirect scanner website, and they are disguised “Grabify” redirect links which grabs your ip before redirecting you to a Gyazo error page, there was very probably no screenshot at all in the first place! You should be safe if you use a VPN but there’s literally nothing to see in these links anyway!
Seems like whoever Soraya is, and Sylas & Co, are EXTREMELY eager to figure out who we are at all costs LOL
I am sending the proof screenshot in another comment because comments with links or images takes almost a whole day to get approved.
lol soraya deleted every message they left, they thought they were clever.
I have flagged the two messages which contained the incriminating links, so it’s also possible that it was actually an admin who deleted them. Either way, it’s gone now at least. Quite the reminder to always be careful with links for sure!
It’s posted on my twitter. Not gonna bother posting it here because you guys already know how to find my twitter.
Just for convenience, here’s the link to the “Callout” document that Sylas posted on her twitter for those who are interested. I have verified it and the link is safe: https://t.co/saj3cESn5U
And this is their twitter post: https://twitter.com/KiskaDoggo/status/1707425241335468198
!!! Click “read more” for proper formatting, it’s easier to read !!! So, I have taken the time to read your document Sylas and I must say, congrats! You are finally owning up to your bullshit, that’s a step in the right direction and I mean it. Now, it doesn’t change that I still ABSOLUTELY disagree on the zoophilia point, and the great lengths you’re going to to claim that “ferals can be anthro too” and that “liking ferals is totally the same thing as liking anthros I swear” is actually pretty telling. I mean in your case, you are an anthro who gets fucked by ferals, so just look up the “anthro_on_feral” tag on E621 and you will see that 99% of artworks with that tag also have the “Bestiality” tag too. Sentient or not, it’s still a form of zoophilia and the majority of the fandom agrees with it, it just makes it a bit less wrong if they’re sentient, but still wrong IMO. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that you’re a REAL zoophile (I for sure hope not!) but you can’t deny that you have at least fantasies for something that looks like a dog, is a quadruped like a dog, have the genitalia of a dog and also fucks like a dog. Just calling them as I see them. On the other hand, for the ageplay point, I must admit that what you’re saying in this document does make sense. Personally, it still feels like some parts seems a little bit too convenient to be real, but this time you have a lot of proofs to back up your arguments at least. Could said proofs be fake? It’s not impossible in theory, but considering the amount of them and the fact that… Read more »
Fuck I mean you can even message me anonymously on any of those sites anything is better than going through this shit site.
i have no idea who this person is. I’ve already asked them to stop defending me on second life but they’re clearly ignoring it. I know I’ve dug myself a hole and I don’t need random people making it worse.
While YES I would like anyone to feel like they can message me about these things if they want too I know I can’t force anyone and I’m sure as hell not smart enough to figure shit out with IP stuff.
i have a google doc made explaining everything. It’s not ready yet just need like a day or two to finish. Yes I did lie about Sylas%F not being my account.
but I do genuinely mean that anyone can message me off this horrible site and I’ll tell them the full story. If you want to then leak it here that’s fine with me.
No I am not anymore into age play. YES when I WAS underage I was groomed by adults in the fandom that it was okay so when I was underage I use to roleplay UNDERAGE. I’ll be explaining it this all on the doc so you can either message me off this site anonymously to see it early or fucking wait patiently.
I mean your wall of text that was the Google doc that you just posted really didn’t explain much and you still are at age play You literally tried to approach someone I know with that like last month. And you don’t have play your RL age you are know to age play super young kids ya weirdo
No, nobody is going to message you. You’ve brought this onto yourself and this is a chance to clear your name (albeit in a failing matter). This was all made public, your followers are attacking others in VS comments about you. Someone has went lengths to document and show everyone what a pathological piece of shit you are.
So, at this time, you trying to defend yourself against all of this is for all of our amusement.
Go on.
Also someone did message me about 10 mins ago! I’m not speaking to you guys directly it’s more just anyone who is reading this can message me. I don’t give a shit what you do or continue to do. Your opinion doesn’t matter to me one bit and never will have any sort of significant impact on me.
Then continue being on more articles as irrefutable proof that you are a lost cause. No one has to give a shit about your side of the story anyways since we know who you are.
You love attention as much as you love being groomed.
That’s fine with me!
I hope you find what you’re looking for in life; I truly do.
What I am looking for is hearing you being raped involuntarily because of your idiocy.
Sufficient enough?
You know, I actually believe that you deserve to have everything you’ve ridiculed happen to you and more. Hope you have the day you deserve!
Lmao how edgy
Get lost, attention whore. You’re part of the furry trash that contaminates that fandom from ever recovering. And what’s pathetic about it all is how prideful and bold you think you are from it all.
Uh huh okayyyyy
You know it’s true. You want to talk about being edgy? You’re the one thinking it’s cool being the way you are and being all smug about it towards anyone that found it foul with evidence to prove it.
It’s about as edgy as being a white-meat christian who listens to a Slayer song or two.
You knew very well that the damning evidence was way too much for you to disprove and detour it all from. So you go and try to control the narrative by having these private messages away from everyone to give the idea that you’re owing up to it. But how can we really trust you? We can’t because you’ve even proven that, that you can’t be trusted.
And for every VS article that references you, there you are dancing about in the comments in celebratory fashion in such pride to be taking part as being the dumpster fire that is the rejects of the furry fandom who’re into the same things you are.
And so follows your fat-headed followers with fat fingers and fat guts bleeding over their keyboards, ready to defend your will. All who I can guess are pedophiles because who else would love ageplay fetishism?
I cannot imagine getting this angry about the kinks of someone you don’t like for three weeks straight. I really need you to actually digest what I just said. You have been obsessing over the sex life of a person you don’t like for weeks. When I ctrl+F on this page, your name pops up over 80 times.
That’s what you’ve spent this week doing. Writing paragraph after paragraph about things and people you don’t like. Putting an absolutely insane amount of thought and energy into someone you don’t like. They are rent free in your head whether you want to admit that or not.
Telling someone that you can’t wait to see them get assaulted is reprehensible, at best. You really need some form of professional help. This behavior isn’t healthy, and you are not okay.
You seem to have a conflict of interest with the concept of people having thoughts.
I think you need to think of your life’s priorities. I also think you sound similar to other people I’ve gone against. It’s seriously a rotating door with you people, isn’t it? Irony in high volumes. “I tell guy he has no life while simultaneously proving that I myself have none” like is that like getting the enjoyment of hitting yourself for everytime to try to hit someone?
I’ve got nothing to justify to you. For the simple reason that, you’re an online nobody to me. Anybody that mostly has responded to me in word jousting matches are ultimately online nobodies. You’ve no business into my personal life and quite frankly, once again, you can’t affect me a single bit because I separate online and real life quite well. You kind of become a master of it after being online for almost 20 years.
Oh no, I’ve let the door open for you to again make another witty psychological retort about just telling you I’ve been online for 20 years. Now you’re going to have an invented issue with people interacting with other people online. It just goes on and on for you, doesn’t it?
Life’s full of challenges, isn’t it? Reading paragraphs is hard for you. So, cry. Expressing thoughts online to people is hard for you. So, cry.
It’s like as if you grew up on reading preschool level books and just stuck with them all of this time.
You’re nobody, to me. You’ll always be a nobody to me. You can’t affect me because of this simple fact. Get a clue.
I’m not reading all that 💀
Oh is the truth not part of your fetishes?
Truth is pretty hot, I’ll probably put it in my “yes” category
Extra cringe.
Lmao that’s fine with me! At the end of the day you guys really didn’t do ANY damage. My friends are still my friends, my fiancée is still my fiancée. I have everything that I did before all this and I will continue to have everything after this.
I will forget about you and your friends in maybe a week. You will continue to stalk and obsess over everything I do online. Which is honestly really…. Sad.
But if you wanna be my biggest fan for the next years to come I’m okay with that! Creepy stalkers obsessed with me is actually in the yes category of my kinks.
At the end of the day I’m not doing this for you guys. I’m doing this to lift a burden that I’ve been trying to move past.
But it’s the reason why you’re all hiding under anonymity. If you dig through someone’s life enough you WILL find mistakes that they have made. That’s shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
“I will forget about you and your friends in maybe a week. You will continue to stalk and obsess over everything I do online. Which is honestly really…. Sad.” No, you’ll return here under a different name for sure. You’re only now responding as yourself because maybe, just maybe, the content that has been uploaded about you so far may have just gotten a little tinge of your nerves to get you to respond at all. You’ve forgotten that time when you thought you were clever by removing a comment after you plastered yourself in shit before. You’ll be back, don’t kid yourself. You monitor VS because you’ve admitted that apparently self-validation gets you off which is awful cringe. You love the glory of it all. “But if you wanna be my biggest fan for the next years to come I’m okay with that! Creepy stalkers obsessed with me is actually in the yes category of my kinks.” Beyond this, you’re not really that important to me. Narcissists don’t like it when you aren’t following them outside of the hotbed of their drama so I know that’ll get to you in a bit than you care to realize. “At the end of the day I’m not doing this for you guys. I’m doing this to lift a burden that I’ve been trying to move past.” What goes on the internet, stays on the internet. You can try lifting the burden all you like but everyone has and will recover what you think will be erased permanently from the internet. It will always follow you and your mistake all along was simply doing stupid shit in the first place. Don’t even entertain the thought of “IF I HAD KNOWN…” Nah, you knew very well the extent of what you were doing.… Read more »
And yes I will also be posting it on my twitter.
If someone’s dense here, it’s you Soraya, because not only your TWO gyazo links don’t work but on top of that I have clearly specified to give a direct link to the FList changelog where it shows if the change to the “Ageplay” kink description that you keep claiming to exist is true or not.
Yet you have instead chosen to attempt, and pathetically failed, to share screenshots that could easily be faked, just like I expected!
So I’ll repeat: if what you claim is true (and I am sure it’s not), give a direct link to it like I did.
Otherwise you’re just making a fool of yourself and being a waste of time.
It is pretty obvious that you’re just white knighting for Sylas & Co here, but I agree that you do have a point: after 2020 the FList on her FA profile says “SylasDoggo”.
Problem is, it doesn’t change the facts that:
1: “Sylas F” was real, and it was on her SL profile.
2: She was still using it since the “last online” statistic seen on the “Sylas F” pic shows that she used it 15 hours before I took the screenshot.
3: Soy’s FList has disappeared after the shit hit the fan, and the screenshot of it she showed was a fake.
4: She just went full retard and trapped herself in a web of lies instead of being honest and admitting that it was theirs.
At this point, I’d say it just makes it look like she decided to create “SylasDoggo” after some time as a clean official account without any controversial kinks when she started to become popular, but still kept and used “Sylas F” while keeping it hidden. And considering that the latter had “Ageplay” in it, it is pretty easy to guess what it was very probably used for…
Alright, you want FACTS? Here you go:
.”Sylas F” FList was real? FACT, all the proofs are up there.
.She was still using it? FACT

.Soy’s screenshot was fake? FACT

.Sylas went full retard? FACT, and it was so bad that she has now literally deleted all her comments from last week after being memed on so hard LMAO
Finally, maybe we’d take YOU more seriously if you would stop defending zoophiles and ageplayers, white knight. You’re just clutching at straws and everybody can see that you’re just here to try to do more damage control for Sylas and Misby.
Fortunately, it gets worse, but not only with Sylas.
Misby, this isn’t the same Oncha that got… called out for cub and reminders drift around every once in awhile, right?

Who use to be punkei, later rirai27 on deviantart?

Who was also the person patra on furaffinity, with cub porn still visible, which is still up, right?

Also notice she’s also following a zoophile herself.
Definitely not Zoophiles or pedophiles! Because I watch who I become friends with and who I follow unlike some of you clout chasers.
So her partner Misby is also into cub shit too, huh? Can’t say I’m surprised, “birds of a feather flock together” after all.
Now it explains why these two were perfectly fine with including cubs in a NSFW artwork of theirs that someone linked in the comments last time:
Like I said previously, this shit is absolutely not necessary even in a NSFW cuckhold artwork. It can be implied in plenty of different ways without having the cubs visible, and if someone doesn’t see a problem with that and can get off to it, there is something seriously wrong with them.
Since it’s the case here, can only wonder the kind of art these two possibly commission privately…
This may be double posted, some of my comments are having troubles BUT– The issue is it’s not favorited it is posted an entire month before she left the comment. So it was already in the gallery when she said “Love your work ;w;(\” — Oncha was their most recent name. She has been following them evidently since Patra, as the last screenshot is of that account, which they posted cub porn to. It is still up (not active) on FA with her comment still posted.
Issue is that if you look at the FA I had mentioned it’s not favorited, it is POSTED and she followed AFTER the said cub was posted. By an entire month for the last piece, so cub was already a pretty established part of their gallery.
LMAO can’t find the submission, looks like they had to take it down.
For anyone who wanted to see it
This sums up why he’s great friends with koachellla LMAO
Idk how to even say this, I’ve kept it hidden and honestly never knew how to come out to say but koachellla showed me not so safe stuff to me when I was just 16! ( Her own body )
I can’t say much more….
But wowe!
Taking trash out one at a time.
Ghoul is besties with koach, your bias when it comes to accountability is SCREAMING
I’ve already knew about this and I’ve already called that out.
This is typical Rocky. It’s not the first time he’s said he would use his position of useless power at Arius City or their event Furchanted to get them banned or removed. He has done it to a few others as well. He threatened a friend of mine at the last Furchanted event to have her be removed, followed her around the sim.
He shouldn’t be working in a position in a place he abuses other people with. Owner of Arius City is a nice guy. He lets his staff walk all over him and is probably why his sim traffic is lower than you’d expect it to be.
Rocky is a piece of crap, he likes to verbally berate women often it seems. Maybe this is why his girlfriend actually left.
#51 Other World is what it is. Your normal meat market trying to be HARD but it must all go on in IM because I haven’t witnessed any HARD PLAY. It would be much more entertaining if it was all put out in local. Especially when the Admin and Mods talk so much crap about each other. Ana you got the job because you are “easy and good for traffic” (quoted by one of your so called friends). What comes around goes around, you talk just ask much crap behind those you claim to care for. On another note ladies since Mr Toxx is “off limits” rumor has it one of Ana’s sexy ex’s is newly single due to RL obligations taking his girl away. She is so in love with Mr Toxx, I am sure she won’t be a hurdle anymore.
It used to be good, but lost it all. Too much drama. And now Aimee and Farh brougth in Ana to add to it all. Thats a winning move! A desaster waiting to happen! Crazy-level 10! After the Zack thing I’m amazed how that can even happen. They must have no self respect. Bring out the popcorn!
“In love with Mr Toxx”… lol. He don’t know it yet, but he is just a pawn in her sick games.
We should all fuck her exes! I’m sure that wont bother her at all and there will be no irrational tantrums! ROLF…. what a freak!
Here piggy piggy piggy
#45 For the asshole who posted my daughter and her boyfriend and grandchild up on virtual secrets i really hope you read this. you are a sad fucking loser that has to resort to a site that is run by a bunch of braindead morons. if you have to cry on a site because my daughter bumped into you while at an event (On friends only and didn’t see your broken ass avi) then karen its about time you get out of your house and smell the roses. this is a virtual world and frankly posting up proper nonsense that isnt even close to being true just makes you look weak and pathetic. i hope you grow out of your karen stages cause sweety it doesn’t look that great on you. take ya fat fucking slobby ass to fuck and fuck this site <3
#43 I want to know more lmao
Sawyer!!!! What are you doing? How do you go from someone like Blossom, beautiful, elegant, smart, witty to sloppy seconds (yes, we all know its not seconds). So many women would love to drop at your feet and treat you like the man you are. #SAVESAWYER
He definitely downgraded. It’s like going from a 2024 Tesla to a 73 Pinto with 700k miles.
I would totally date Sawyer. You know that man has some patience and a huge heart for even giving her a chance. #savesawyer
#51 So dying to comment bitches but VS has been jacked!! OW is truly older whores for attention. AV’s from 2007 all ready to suck some cock. I used to go till the zombie farm, bad hair, and drama was just to much. Be ready to kiss some ass to the “regulars” if you plan to not be snubbed. Why don’t they just call it Grandpa’s Den 2.0?
Used to be good, but now it’s trash. Didn’t take long. That Farh didn’t know how to handle her shit was expected. But Aimee? She’s loosing her grip! And that they both got vile Ana involved is just icing on the crazy cookie. Especially after the whole Zack thing! Strange shes even still around.
#51 Oh I see Ana made the board once again. Why are you all picking on her, we all know she is not mentally stable and toxic for fuck sakes. She will now and always only have short term rentals for “home” because she has the inability to keep the facade up longer than that. Don’t worry girls the yummy Toxx will once again be single, not that this is keeping him from stepping out now and then but we know so does she behind his back when he isn’t around.
Glad to see your still breathing, Ana. We were quite worried. LOL
She will run both them clubs down the drain with her phsycho narc behavior. Aimee and Farhannah can blame themselves. It will be fun to watch though!
Why do you give this cunt attention? Now Sawyer, give that man some attention.
HAHAHA, its like she installed a revolving door sometimes.
Just sometimes? I would say its constantly.
So many girls like Sawyer, and he picked the one with the “use by date” that expired a long time ago. She’s a mod, but she can’t ban us for looking at Sawyer. She’ll probably run OW into the ground just like everything else she’s involved in.
She is a pity project for Sawyer. 100%. Little do he know he’s just a pawn in her sick game. Also, they way she throws around shit about all her so called “friends”. I have seen it myself. I’m one of them but i know. We all know her real motivation for all of this. She will single handedly bring down both OW and GranpasDen. Just as well.
It’s a pity thing for Sawyer as the gentleman he is.100%! Caring for the untouchable. Admirable? Yes. Smart? No. As you say; she runs everything into the ground.
17 – All of these posters and commenters are really the same 2-3 people in Thomas’s tiny posse that actually believe his lies. I’d consider the trend if I were you. You are all female which are the only targets he gets sympathy from, same as the people he’s attempting to poach. He won’t contact males, just their wives and try to hit them up to his new community. Offering them positions to leave one community for another is poaching no matter how you spin it but according to him it isn’t. Most of us have blocked him but he’s desperate so he’ll keep trying. He can’t get anything on his own merit so the only other way for him is to try and mooch off others. That is why all the trash talk about Cara and Astrid and Brian. He thinks it helps him to undermine others. I’ve mever see the three of them together before this mess so the chances of them arranging anything are slim. You ever consider that maybe this brought them together instead? Stop looking at Thomas as the victim because he’s not and this game he plays isn’t the first round. If you are one of his newest girls or targets, prepare to be used. He has likely already cheated on you and telling the same story to the other single girls but uses the excuse that you’re not official or he is still single in order to save face. He did it to me before he was with Cara and I guarantee he’s doing it to you too. In the first month, he’ll tell you he loves you and how all his past relationships treated him like garbage and abused him. He has a victim complex as big as his penis is small.… Read more »
38) It’s a free gift that is able to be used not only in one of their newest Aos, but also it can be modded and changed to the user’s liking not many free gifts let you do this.
Also, it was a dedication piece to the Maker’s grandmother who passed away the fact that they are willing to share such a touching thing with us is very meaningful and you should be more than grateful to get something so nice for free, so shut the fuck and stop complaining. Better yet let’s see you actually make a single thing that would be meaningful to you and hand it out for free~.
The only thing here that I see that’s going down in quality is your personality x3.
Best wishes from Death Wish cappuccino ps cry more
I am convinced that people who consistently post ageplay and zoophile secrets every week are into that shit themselves.
pretty much when that time be less ignorant kept on posting weird ageplay stuff every week.. that person is well dodgey
That dude was projecting so hard. Red flags 🚩 🚩
#4: Taz and Skyz haven’t done shit to anybody. And the fact yall literally have no life and sit around here to talk shit makes me laugh. If this is how you really feel then why the hell are you still lurking on their shit to see and read about their dramas? I mean seriously tho xD – You can’t stand them? They are trash? You wanna just slander their real and then act like you actually know anything about either of them? Then you are fans hunny – just straight fans. As for T az being a cheater or anyone feeling bad for me. DONT – because im happy. Were Happy. And nothing yall say or do will change that. So you ca ntake your opinions about our family. And us. And shove them in places the sun doesn’t shine because non of that shit happened and you dont even have your facts straight. How about you find out the entier truth and story before you decide you wanna just post some nonsense on the internet like a keyboard warrior who clearly cant say shit to their faces. – NEXT!
Lmfao im just sayin this is SL Secrets right? Sooo why is the IMVU Hate Club present? We get it Taz rejected you or stole your girl or hurt your feelings in some way shape or form or “hurt” someone you cared about boo fuckin hoo Go back to Vu where those issues died a long ass time ago and catch back up to recent times LMAO Pathetic really.
No one gives two fucks about IMVU or that comment. Taz and Skyz and most of their family all stuck in IMVU days. Still hanging with the same people, still walking around looking the same. Time to leave your IMVU wanna be avis and join the present day. Why would anyone want to look like that on SL when its easy not to? Taz started all this with the hilarious comment about people trying to steal his look. First of all, wrong. Second of all, why would anyone want their face smashed and eyes sunk back in their heads and womanly shaped bodies (example, skyz) in male avatars? Pathetic? This is virtual secrets ya fuckin moron, if ya want to read something else, don’t come here.
Example *your in idiot* but we don’t talk about that 😭 please find a hobby LOL
No one gives a shit about an avi. Least I don’t 🤣 so (example skyz) tf out of here. Lmfao SKYZ AINT DO SHIT WRONG BUT LETS KEEP ACTING AS IF I DID THIS IS ABOUT TAZ NOT ANYONE ELSE BUT TAZ
Lol they aint done shit???? HAHA!! look at the graveyard of bodies, lets start who Taz fucked over fan club?? I bet there are MANY who will put their hands up.
Taz, the wannabedudewithastrapondick, has done plenty in HER past to cause Drama. Looks like she’s still at it. Taz, why don’t you log off now and then and take care of your screaming brats? Maybe then they won’t hate you? Or how about not having your mic on while they’re screaming in the background? Do you have any clue how obnoxious and annoying that is?
Man this right here. Straight married women playin’ men online cuz they real mans can’t please em so they gotta do the job online…
Oh yes because THATS it 🤣🤣
#4 If people still think Taz is a good person than they blind. He used to be part of my fam, until we noticed all the issues him and his “followers” bring into everything. They all sleep with each other and screw each other over.
They are the trash that IMVU brought to SL. They should go back to the Hole in which they came from.
Taz thinks because he DJs a live mix on his Keyboard, and because he dresses and makes his avi look like a demon he is some cool shit. Lol he looks like 70 percent of the men on sl.
Didn’t Taz date Yuki/Angel? She got all butthurt upset over that bullshit he/her (Taz) did to her in the end. Dude/Girl whatever is just a POS/
Pretty sure if what I heard was correct he/she made Yuki think he/she was leaving his/her rl for Yuki, then cheated with Allease, blamed and gaslit Yuki for him cheating. His whole family got in on blaming Yuki even people she considers her friends and children insulted her and degraded her for Taz.
Taz has made fake promises about real life to so many of his trail of women and men. At least with Allease she is married too. They both so unloved at home because they do nothing but play SL and IMVU that their families in rl may as well not exist.
But let’s be frank Yuki still stayed stuck up his ass. Yuki is just as bad as the rest of them don’t get it twisted. There is a reason she stays so close to Taz and his family/friends. Why she made Taz twin her twin, caused issues in their friendship but then maintained her relationship with Taz.
I thought Aqua was her twin? Weren’t they in the Army together?
It’s been a minute. We used to be close we used to snuggle n talk a lot but she had some crush on someone else she never told me about and led me on.
Same here and Amen! they think they can come to SL being all cool and trash like, guess what they in the big boi game and here you can get hurt.
-head pats-
#17 Cara is one of the sweetest people, she gives people a million chances. I have some guesses on who poster is if not Thomas. Just another desperate girl wanting his ____!
Anyways New Haven is doing wonderful thank you for your concern.
Cara has been working tirelessly on building and making it even more beautiful! We are grateful to have such kind and hard working people run our rp community.
Is Cara a perfect human being ? Probably not! Are you? Hell to the No! Is Thomas? Definitely Not! So fuck off with this every week suck up on Thomas and just move on!
hi Cara
Lol believe you me, I am not Cara but kind of wish I was. Imagine being so amazing that people have to drag you through the mud because your community is so much better than everyone else’s? That your ex is so he lost such an amazing community that he and his minions try to hurt you? Imagine being so kind that you give people chances until they can’t be forgiven again? Imagine being the type of woman who holds composure and works tirelessly while others try to bring you down? Wow more of us should hope to be like her. But unfortunately I am not her. Just a resident of her beautiful community
You sound so fucking stupid lmao. Thomas is ugly, I dont know why you think everyone wants him. And Cara is super fake. So is Astrid.
Ew… What’s funny is now Astrid/Skyla is Cara’s “Goddaughter” wasn’t someone just saying that it wasn’t a setup…..seems like it….Cara is a piece of shit and no i don’t want Thomas… I know Cara better than i know him.
Pretty sure you don’t know her. But you keep on being the piece of shit that believes you do.
ok Cara
50 – i don’t think you can complain about black ppl being constantly on SL and terminally online while doing things everyone does on SL when you, a white person (you lot struggle so hard with AAVE e.g. “i be getting it”) decide to cosplay as a black SL user to complain about black people on SL on an extremely terminally online site.
what did you hope to gain? what’s your linden purchase history like?
9. So don’t waste ur energy.. ur hoping for change from a manchild plz manage ur expectations
50 – You aren’t black, stop. However, YOU DO have black people living “rent-free” in your mind. As a fellow white person ( Because I’m pretty sure we’re the only ones who post dumb shit like that. And see black people as an anomaly and not human beings.). I don’t really care what black people do on Second Life and you shouldn’t either. Carry on…
39- He looks like one of those emotard kids from the early 2000s Kill it with fire.
51 – Ain’t nothing wrong with an old whore. It’s better when she takes her dentures out. That’s when the party gets started!
16 Because this is all these sick fucks got is second life. They can’t go into real life and get “groovy” with a domesticated dog. I would advise therapy or maybe them being admitted to a mental institution. But those kind of people get mad when you mention mental health.
Can the roleplay people just chill the f out ? Nobody cares about your imaginary life inside a virtual world … sincerely everyone
I’ve stated that it’s been getting old and to think that we’re up to 778 of these articles now filled to the brim of this RP shit is just sad.
No, I don’t care about your SL family with 50 members and it’s dramatic daily occurrences.
No, I don’t care about your he-said-she-said-they-said Jerry Springer level of bullshit in regards to wherever the RP is taking place.
No, I don’t care about the staff of said RP place. You’re no longer the victim if you keep associating yourself with these bastards.
Even if there’s a hair-thin possibility that someone is orchestrating this shit to be plastered onto VS for whatever reason, for attention. You really and truly could use not just a good slap in the face, but to have your ethernet cable cut, your wi-fi broken and your devices smashed into bits before being told to get a real fucking job and life.
thumbs up
If you’re not interested in any of that stuff, and that stuff is most of what’s here, why do you come here?
Sounds kinda stupid, but then again you’re the person who confessed in another comment that you are unable to quit SL unless you get banned. It would be really easy to get banned if you truly wanted to- spamming the Linden accounts with abuse or threats would do it I’m sure- but you don’t really want to quit. You just think saying you want to gives you some kind of leg up on people who are still enjoying themselves in SL when it’s actually the total opposite.
This addiction you’re claiming- because that’s what it means to be unable to stop compulsively doing something that’s causing negative effects in your life- sounds like something you should take to a professional, not internet strangers who can’t do anything but exacerbate the problem.
Bitch your on this site several times a week, meth addicts would take one look at you and say “that bitch needs help!”, and we all know why, because your to repulsive to get a man RL, seriously your the reason Ken doll’s have no genitalia, they all took one look at you and said “nope! im going back inside where it’s safe!”
You type like a mentally handicapped person; the fact that your family tree doesn’t branch is really not your fault, but hopefully you’re not breeding with a sibling or first cousin as well. Stop the cycle!
Aren’t you also kind of just as bad though? ._.
No? I just ignore posts and threads that don’t interest me, I don’t continuously complain over and over about their existence as if my opinions should dictate how this site works. It’s ok though; I know most people on this site are only barely literate enough to function, so I don’t expect you to actually understand my comments.
“ I just ignore posts and threads that don’t interest me, I don’t continuously complain over and over about their existence as if my opinions should dictate how this site works. “
This is delicious irony. You’re fascinated with me you hypocrite, the evidence is in the comments.
And now you’re going on and on about how you think you’re so special that nobody gets and understands you. Fucking gold. Bitch, you’re operating on some specific little special judgmental compass that dictates whom you respond to.
Just get off your high horse you pretentious twat.
LMAO I would need a 10ft ladder to get from my “high horse” all the way up to yours; the only “ironic” thing on this weeks posts is your amazing lack of self-awareness every time you use the word “irony”. Your hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.
dont worry that person is in denial, me and be less ignorant are best friends on SL so i have to deal with that shit all the time
I am honestly surprise you can keep up with this even. You get a lot of respect from me.
I love it how people try so hard to assume who I am based on the vagueness of some of my commentary. And I’m glad I do keep it vague because I get the entertainment of watching idiots like you just be flatout wrong.
I come here because I have things to say? You’re 10x more obsessed with commenting here than I am in comparison. Boo hoo, if I’ve got something to say about something, I’m going to say it and there’s nothing you can do or say about that, champ. Where were ya a few articles ago when I told one fucker the secret about me? It’s like basic science! Who knew?! Oh my god, you mean to tell me people can have thoughts of their own and want to say something online? Say it ain’t so!!
Um, am I going to you about my problems? No, because I’d probably sue you for practicing without a license or probably kill you and reward myself with taking one less piece of shit in the world. You’re not a role model, so don’t even try to be along with your fellow ass-kissing buddies around here.
Did I say you asked me for help? Seething is bad for your reading comprehension, you know. You rush through in your eagerness to respond without actually understanding what you’re responding to.
You definitely whined about your problems to Kesseret, the owner of the site, as if she gives a shit about how you feel about SL. It’s really cute to watch you project and then immediately prove it, while completely ignoring the actual points like confessing you are addicted to SL and need to be banned to quit even though in your own words you’re overspending on it and don’t even have any friends. I might be as angry and defensive as you are too if I were that pathetic, admitted it in public while trying to kiss admin ass, and then got embarrassed about it too late to pull a dirty delete.
45 she is a player who plays with peoples emotions and hearts like she is a marionette in a puppet show.
Bree grow up, after all these years your worse than ever
You sound like you need to sit down and take a breather my good friend. Being hung up on old BS doesn’t get you anywhere. Take your own advice and do some growing up yourself, and comment when you have some new content 🙂
do you even know who you are talking about?? the person in that bs post has been off sl for over a year til recent and since 2018 has hardly dated anyone maybe 1 or 2.
quit tryin to spread bs and lies about people and touch some fuckin grass. seriously.
#39 151 Tomorrow / Aquarius Starchild here… I can confirm these allegations are true and accurate… Sadly nobody gives a shit and I will never be brought to justice for my heinous crimes against humanity.
Your sarcastic apathetic comment isn’t hitting the way you want it to, evidently by the number of downvotes you’ve got going on there buddy. Nice attempt at humour, now if it could actually be funny.
If only people really knew what kind of a psycho you are when you start to type in your little rage mode mannerisms though, then they’d know what type of crazy you are. Literally the day your girl left you, you were trying to get pixel pussy and attention for it. That happened nearly each damn time too. I hope you realize wherever you go, there’s somebody that knows you, and now because of this virtual secrets, they will know of you. But I guess it really doesn’t matter, considering you have literally 15+ alts for god knows what reason. All female too, have you noticed that? Are you hiding something buddy?
As seen on the next episode of Law and Order: SVU
Been a piece of crap since I met you. Didn’t see the post about you or didn’t care enough to read it. You just a loser who lives with his parents who thinks he’s special but really isn’t.
You projecting.
Is the truth projection? I have my own home, I don’t mooch off my parents. Sorry that’s all you kid. Grown ass man who can’t seem to take care of himself. From what I remember about you is you’re a cheat, a liar and very full of yourself all while being a loser in his parents home. Go get a job!
Sorry Anon, I gotta go eat the nuggies mommy nuked for me… aint got time to argue!! Need to get some cartoons in me before my nappy time.
-Aquarius “Rent-Free” Starchild
Haha I love when y’all start assuming who I am. Sweetheart I’m not whatever chick you fucked over this time. I’m an old friend who had their eyes open to you long long long ago.
Ohhh i bet you think “fucked over” means “refused to fuck” yeah man a lot of them… sorry I just need a connection or I’m not into it. All of you haters need some weed and Jesus lol…. FR tho … hit me up and lets squash beef if you want. if not i don’t care what you gotta say cause it all sounds like bullshit.
Anyone who knows me.. knows im real. Sure ima no-life loser but im fucking real…. are you?
At least you know you a no life loser. Haha you definitely didn’t refuse to fuck me. Ya did however fuck me and many other people over. Like a lot. Which is funny because the whole reason you posted on here is because of who you are as a person. The hate and nasty talk you do behind peoples backs. You’re a useless person to society as a whole rl and sl but than degrade others based on sexual orientation and their beliefs.
Whoever posted this has no life and just starts shit for no reason. Probably some jealous ass Bitch that is mad because he didnt want to give her his dick. So instead she posts something about him because her little feelings are hurt. Its funny people will believe anything posted on a website but is to damn afraid to say shit to someone’s face. its really pathetic but amusing at the same time.
and I would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!
To be honest,
I don’t think anyone should give two fucks about what you say or even give you the attention you suck off for.
really nobody cares
#37 – Wow Kudos to the person that grabbed that screen shot and posted this secret. Wait, its not a secret when the post spoke the truth that many in SL know about Liam. Pretty fresh of Liam to call out someone that I guess is just like him as well. Liam is such a Narcissist who keeps churning out Pedo-Bait Av’s one after the other.
Your RL comment, um yeah truth also. Thankfully he took out is his RL section that he is a twink. LMAO, because those that know his RL KNOW for sure he is no twink.
#25 – Does VS need to add the obvious disclaimer of “Just because you submit material, doesn’t mean it will get accepted or used right away.” I’m curious how large the backlog is from all the pics submitted every week.
It has the disclaimer on the uploads page!LOL People just can’t read. Last week I got 99 secrets, many are duplicate uploads, many are about the same topic. Many have super small font and will be hard to read and then there are the ones that should never have been made and show more about the submitter than they know.
Same shit different week, ROC, no one cares about
Oh you seen someone leashed that is shorter than everyone? must be a kid…FYI Real Human Adults come in all shapes and sizes? ya know, some might be 6ft, others may be 5’2, who cares? you think they look like a kid? it is YOU that has the issue, not them, go touch some grass and a real human.
RP sims charging lindens for stuff? what, you don’t make enough in rentals?
BRING BACK KEVIN! at least he was funny.
Everyone bitching that ” Oh they copied that from RL items “, well no shit Sherlock, you can make an original item that NO ONE on the planet has seen? go for it, show us what you have?
Devil worshiping tattoos? yeah ok, but i bet if it was one about God you wouldn’t be bitching? right? prove me wrong. Can’t believe in god without believing in the devil, just saying.
the funniest part is that for one wendigo and mimi use height deformers to make their avatars abnormaly tall. then you see the pfp on the left of bree and her partner and funnily enough they aren’t too different in height. not only that but it’s not hard to see with a simple profile read that they are bree’s SL parents not “daddy”
dunno what dumb karen posted that shit but they needa touch grass lol
My avaters are five to six feet tall, I’m shorter than a lot of people wether I’m leashed or not. I use reborn and a lelutka head, ain’t no way I’d be mistaken for a child just because I’m short!
According to everyone in SL, if you are short, you are a kid, go figure…people are stupid.
I’m short in SL and have been since I started. No one gave a crap back then. Now all of a sudden because of my height I’m either age playing or pedo bait. I don’t even need to defend myself because it is what it is and I’ll never change it. Just so ridiculous that I can’t be who I want anymore though, without people screaming about my ‘look’ and pointing fingers. Get over it. Your triggers and opinions are not my problem. Then End.
The End lol
38.) How dare you. This is literally a dedication to Mesmer’s grandmother. She worked so very hard on this. You are making yourself look like an absolute C*nt. You know that right? You not only wanna shit on a -free- gift, but, a dedication piece. People like you are disgusting, and only want attention/clout by shitting on good people. Please move on with your life, and stop being an absolute garbage of a person. You’re nasty. Also, it’s Vae Victis.
Mes and Grim are the absolute best and beautiful people I’ve ever met in SL, and you’re just proving that you want to hurt someone because your petty. Disgusting.
Get a life, and go touch some grass. Or don’t, I do not care what you do.
37… Liam… I am his first victim in SL… I gave that guy 5 bloody chances, so I know him pretty well by now… he doesnt love anyone, only himself… he calls it stalking when I simply go over to visit him, hiding the fact that he was with someone else, and kicks me out… he is very mean spirited and horrible…almost split up me and my hub… SOOOO much drama from that guy, he goes through partners like it says, yes, its very sad… Liam, is you are reading this, you know who this is… and I just want to say… stop it and give someone a chance already and be happy, actually commit and be better, I know you can…somewhere in there, I have seen your good side.. now show it… Have HEART… ♥
#25 is true. i’ve uploaded quite a few that haven’t been accepted, regardless of them complying with the rules.
pretty much but theres too many lame simps that are gonna defend it
#41 Fascinating that you were able to use that little imagination of yours to come up with so many lies about her and for what? Maybe you should actually use some of that imagination and energy to improve your dry ass roleplay.
Oh Look, Sylas and Co getting called out yet again for what? the Third Week in a row?
Imagine being Biba or Bibo Or whatever the cunts name is, idc, and being against Zoo shit then turning a blind eye to their own partner fucking doing it.
waiting on posts about all the dogfuckers at CFS so we can get the real party started
How simple minded, hating people or the place they run that no longer associates with Sylas would be your knee jerk reaction. Don’t spread more lies within the real information because you want to hurt someone.
Why don’t you focus your energy and attention on Love Bites, Where Sylas, Misby AND CO actually exploit others to support their luxuries and immoral habits.
You would have to be someone people talk to and like, to know any of the correct information though, so be gone.
took a break from fucking feral horse avatars and telling people about Beefy abusing your animals to type this, huh vanity?
you seem to always have a scapegoat for everything fucked up that links back to you, interesting that this time it’s someone you spend so much time with and moved into your house
Upon looking at this more, I have noticed that in the first image:
1.Mako is missing the Septum piercing.
2.Those ears aren’t the same.
3.I have never once worn Mako without her collars. Where are they?
4.The custom materials are missing.
This is completely fabricated, and you only confirmed that this is in fact a ripped version of Mako.
Shame on you for ripping her.
If it wasnt you;
You should report whoever this is to LL or talk to whoever sent that to you, and help me find out how they got this screenshot.
It would mean a lot if youd help me.
Imagine posting proof without a username when it’s comically easy to rip textures from other users.
you seem to always have a scapegoat for everything fucked up that links back to you, weird that it’s your roommate this time
now it’s time for the face saving google doc/longform apology forced out of someone that relies on you for housing, let’s give it up for vanity! ruining one life at a time
You seemed giddy in excess at the blind assumptions towards other people?? I personally thought you liked this!
forced? if it’s a genuine admission of guilt then why are you whiteknighting for them lol you seem to know more about this situation than most people should
Legit question,
Why is now not a good time?
If you’re simply calling out dirt bags I’m pretty sure you’d have support unless you did something wrong aswell.
you weren’t very interested in speaking to people privately until your own shit got leaked, were you?
It’s only entertaining when it’s the shitty people getting what’s coming.
If you also choose to come forward with it then that’s on you. Can’t force you to share information that’s behind online.
Remember that time Vanity catfished someone and pretended to be a trans man for money and then ghosted them entirely?
I think it’s ridiculous to bring up the past of someone who was basically a teenager at the time who is now well into their twenties and has changed for the better.
I’m sure you’ve never made a mistake in your life anon.
sylas has to apologize for.. poseballing with a hellhound thats several times their size and someone posting it on an anon website to start a smear campaign? sylas has to apologize for getting told they deserve to get raped? sylas has to apologize for things they were doing that hurt and affected nobody whatsoever?
you know a meaningless thing like consent doesn’t get in the way of when sylas wants the nut. why lie? what is sylas to you and soraya to where you’ll make fools of yourselves defending a slimeball?
That was like. Three years ago lol? Just because they claim to be sorry doesn’t mean everyone else has to stop bringing it up forever. Sure, I’ve made mistakes, but what they did was fuckinf sociopathic lol. That kinda shit doesn’t just happening in a few years.
I was 19 years old going on 20 when I met, and did what I did to Scarlet.
Im almost 27 now.
Maybe if you actually read what Scarlet wrote in his Twitlonger youd see that he even stated we met in 2017. Im 26 now, do the math. How old was I in 2017?
I mean, still. Who the fuck does that.
I am GENUINELY sorry for what I did. I always will be. I owned up to and learned from my mistakes.
You act like this is some BIG secret. I never denied it and the apology letter is still up on my Twitter.
Stop beating a dead horse, it’s been two years. Let people heal and quit bringing up the past.
As far as I am concerned nobody I associate myself with is still harassing Scarlet. If they are doing it behind my back, it is without my knowledge.
I want nothing to do with people who continue to make an issue worse.
As I have said, I have never and WILL never interact with ferals. ESPECIALLY not NSFW.
So far, all of these things you are posting on here are baseless claims, with no proof. Show me the actual receipts or stop with the accusations. You just look dumb.
Come off of anon and stop hiding, you know where to find me. Maybe you can help me get away from the freaks who enjoy feral and hide it. I want nothing to do with it as much as the next person.
Im already working on figuring out who made that horrendous comment about r@pe. I do not know who it is, but I will know VERY soon and they will be gone from my life.
I may not be friends with Sylas and I do not condone their behavior but I never wish or condone harm on anyone. I do not want to associate myself with those types of people.
Here’s the proof on Koach lmao
In all seriousness thought ghoul was a pretty neat person until she started hanging out with koach.
Tells me about people and what they look for now a days lol.
deleted the apology and locked your account though, just to be extra sorry
#12 is Poppy/Rory with their shitting in diapers kink
And Henry and Lilly and Noah and Arthur and…
@4 You better check yourself. It’s pathetic that someone would resort to SL secrets. “We not in middle school”? Posting here just proves y’all childish. Taz didn’t do anything wrong. It’s Rexi and Livi that blasted on social media and exposed him and Allease. This all coulda stayed private. If y’all adults here then fucking act like it.
So when Taz ranted on FB like a whiney bitch about ppl posting love memes to each other and copying their look? lol the entitlement! oh dear NO ONE on FB is allowed to post a love post to their partner.PSA everyone! Oh and if you have tatts and piercings UR COPYING TAZ!! lol I think you need to check urself!
Wait what? Taz thinks someone would copy her look? Bahahahahahahahah. A SL Fashion icon you are NOT Taz. You look noobish!
Having seen the screen shots before they were taken down. Rexi tried handling the situation in private. Taz had been building up bullshit for awhile and treating rexi poorly. Took rexi yelling at him to even admit he had a problem. Should have all been done right then. But taz being the toxic lowlife he has always been kept posting shit on fb about it. Then others joining in who had no idea what it was all about just so taz could feel justified in him continuing the bullshit behavior. Sure he didn’t put rexis name on it. But that would be enough to set some one off. All im saying is rexi had the balls to call out taz (first privately then publicly) instead of playing the toxic pathetic passive game taz was already playing. Anyone saying “it should have been handled privately” clearly are too stupid and didnt read the screen shots to see that it had been. Taz was who wouldnt drop it. Taz made the drama in the first place then couldnt let it go. Yet rexi is the bad guy? Na.
That’s the first mistake made by this Rexi is calling them out. They always create more shit the moment you tell them you know they being pieces of shit. They do things specifically to bring up drama. I think both Taz and Allease should focus on their husbands in rl. Worry about their marriages instead of how many people they can cause drama with so their egos feel fulfilled.
42: Odin Starchild is one of his many alts, he is UK1234 and most uk with numbers after it, also I have run into 4 other alts of his with different names as well and I suspect he has quite a few more accounts as well, I’m sorry I got a new pc and I wiped all of them or id list for you. He is a raving nutcase. he will stalk you in many alts and try and destroy you so be careful he stalked me for three years. He is one of the biggest liars and he’s crazy.
if he really is married in Rl, I feel very sorry for his wife and family.
He was married but his wife cheated on him and ran, definitely for the better on her end. I’d heard the story time and time again about how he was cheated on by her and she got pregnant by another man waah waah. I felt sorry for him but after being around him and involved directly in his life for a brief moment, I don’t blame her one bit for packing up and running while she had the chance.
I agree with you, he is a nutcase, you can tell when he’s angry with you or has entered “rage mode” because his typing becomes erratic and it’s a bit creepy to be honest. There is something inherently wrong with the guy for the amount of alts he has just freely lying around.
He will use his sob stories to get pixel pussy to crank his hog, or maybe he even fucks his alts, who knows. The dude is a sad pathetic little man and should be avoided at all costs.
well, that’s the third version of his life I have heard now.
He is just a awful person.