#36 First of all…WHOEVER created a duckie gag is a pedophile. and on top of everything the little girl face just makes it worst smfh. Just sick
#51 I was part of Woodcrest several years ago. that came to an abrupt halt in late-2018. A good friend of mine was the target of bullying and a large hate campaign intent on running him off the sim. Bliss eventually banned him for reporting this. when me and his friends came to his defense, Bliss then banned all of us and then tried to make fake claims to LL saying he was trying to crash the servers and hack accounts. Either LL found those accusations baseless or maybe Bliss lied and never even reported it knowing them to be false. Guess who was the ringleader of that hate campaign? If you guessed Ruy give yourself a cookie. Ruy spread lies and rumors about him, and got a clique organized (a few of whom were Ruy’s alts) who’s sole purpose to make the lives of anyone he didn’t like so intolerable they’d either just quit or retaliate and get banned. Months later Bliss would come back to me pleading for me to come back saying Ruy was banned. I refused. Bliss then called me a traitor among other more colorful phrases and said to never come back. And just look at how Bliss (a.k.a. “Truth”) is behaving in this very comment section. Belittling people, calling them morons and imbeciles, even using the R-word, calling people morbid. I know Truth is Bliss because this was all the same kind of stuff she said when trying to convince me to return and failed. She has that incel-like mentality where if you reject her desperate attempts at getting you back she comes back with “ok I hate you anyway, you imbecile.” Let it be known that “Truth” is Bliss’s true nature. This is how she proudly portrays herself in a public forum. Ruy’s… Read more »
#8 What is it with age-play and the name Larsson and its variants?
Seeing posts and sites like this makes me hate SL more and more with each passing day cause all y’all are grown adults acting like children, when do you take the step back finally to reevaluate yourself to realize there is more to life than this site or second life? Damn.
Sitting on VS seething over SL while telling others they should reevaluate their lives…. lmao
#23 says the person posting on virtual secrets lol. you are probably the exception, though, right? 🙂
6. Cara is a wonderful person. She is a great community owner. She has created something beautiful and I love that she doesn’t let idiots ruin her community. THOMAS get fucking over it. You are banned, move on. You’ll spend the next few weeks trying to convince people that Cara is a bad person when she’s not. Trust me, there are communities that are ran by terrible people and New Haven isn’t one of them. Thomas you have a horrible reputation in a lot of communities, I suggest you find a community that welcomes that. It’s not Cara’s fault that Timber Falls didn’t want you there to stir up trouble. Cara is too busy adding a new sim to New Haven to go back and forth with you so allow me to do it. Leave Cara, Brian, and New Haven alone. It’s a great community. The one thing I disliked about New Haven is Harlowe but I haven’t seen her around NH in ages and she’s not in the groups anymore.
Leave Brian alone? He stalks Timber Falls. He was caught floating around the town spying, plus hes in the discord server. For what reason? After Brian said there was no reason for a sim owner to be at a different community. Brian is full of shit too lmao.
Yeah, that goes both ways cause Astrid is in NH’s discord and comes over to the town. STFU.
But did Astrid ever say that an owner shouldn’t be at a different community? No. Again, there is nothing wrong with it. But Brian said it, so that makes him a hypocrite lmao.
How long have you known Cara? Because Cara has shown time and time again thst she isnt a fit leader. She cant take emotions and perosnal things out of decisions and she nust bans people. Instead of banning Harlowe the Harlet. Or getting rid of of pedophiles when she has proof. Just because you czn landscape, doesnt mean you know how yo be an impartial leader.
With that being said, Thomas ALSO sucks. So its fun to see this shit show go down with very deserving people.
So true.
7. Who are these guys and why do we care? Just accept they r both bottom feeders and move on
Bass was always shit head since AEG just over all a shit head kid. Who uses people even cheats on his RL woman sad shit but true A player always be a player in every way possible ..
#37 Never a more vile toxic human than this old man. Everything that comes out of its mouth is a damned lie. Its always about self promotion and who it can bring down, using its alts, to try and make it look good. Throws bombs that explode in its face. It has so many more alts than the ones listed they are mostly for sex, cos his real life is so fucking miserable he can’t get a hookup even on grindr so its literally on SL 24/7. Sad far right republican snowflake. Also add Lestan to its list of alts. River just cos you say something doesn’t make it true!
# Emily and her clique of friends are just a bunch of saddos who feel empowered by being bullies in sl. I have been to the villa twice and soon got the memo about how things are run there. Moderation is pretty much absent (even if mods and the owner are pretty much always there), trying to reason with management is useless since they are too caught up in their personal bs to care about their patrons. Just another sim that was hyped just for lack of better choices with an owner who doesn’t understand that poor management has been the downfall of all major adult sims in the past year. 511, LH…I guess they never learn that people who go to their places could care less about their stupid drama and ego trips…on to the next.
#51 Ughhhh AGAIN with the roleplay DRAMA. What I would love to know is how anyone on a roleplay sim has the power to “ruin multiple people’s lives”. Really? What is that term I keep seeing here? Touch grass… Yeah, if your whole life can be ruined by someone in a game, maybe they aren’t the only problem. Don’t we have anything more interesting to post about or do with our time?
I don’t know that I would go so far as to say ‘ruins multiple people’s lives’ but Ruy is well known for being toxic and manipulative, and likes to pit people against each other.
Hi Alumnia!
Nope sorry, but thanks for playing.
Dear people complaining about the RP sims on here weekly,
We don’t like it either.
Sincerely, the RP Sim avatars.
29. Get a grip please. “Queen” really? Pull back your dogs already lol who is really harassing who at this point
It is probably Chrissie posting herself to try and drum up more attention. These bloggers actually think it is worth it. Sad
#51 Woodcrest is a shit sim across the board. I was trying for a house, just had to finish the full sim event. But Tri-Pi kept snaking all the new members joining our house so Bliss decided the house wasn’t active enough and closed it. Then tried to take over the discord server for the group that the house members created. She’s a dictator that wants full control of everything. A friend said she was just looking around and saying good-bye to the sim because of the house closing and Bliss got offended, kicking and banning them.
You seem like an absolute imbecile. All houses are there to support the sim, not be controlled by control freaks like the people that were banned and secretly made a Discord group without permission so they could spread lies. Also it’s impossible to “take over the discord server that (non)house members controlled, so that is an outright lie! Do you even understand how Discord works, moron?
The house you speak of was full of toxic people that thought they were above the sim, not a part of the sim.
Your friend is either an idiot, a liar, or both.
Just the fact that you think any rp sim’s management has the right to insist anyone needs “permission” to make Discord groups for literally any reason they might want to make one is proof positive that you, of all people who received this tired ass line this week, need to step the fuck outside and touch some grass. RP management is there to keep things handled on the sim, and any Discord servers or other official groups they made, but they have literally zero power outside of that and them even trying to control anything else is ridiculous.
When you say “thought they were above the sim” what I’m reading is “didn’t fall in line and bow to established hierarchies”, and frankly from what I’ve heard about the “greek life” in that region I don’t blame them. Fuck a bunch of stereotypical mean girls and date rapey frat bros running everything; isn’t the point of role play to engage in imaginative stories? Where’s the imagination in duplicating how rl works exactly? Nowhere; all it actually does is give rl losers a tiny taste of something they’ve never had- popularity and power- and that’s the main reason why that sim even still exists.
Spitting straight facts lmao
I see once again, you’re idiocy holds no bounds. The Group is a Group made to support the sim, the toxic people made a discord without permission FOR THAT GROUP, moron! That’s what’s not going to be tolerated. You can make your own discord group to do whatever you want, sure. But do not make a discord for Sim made group without permission. Your statement is like saying, Disney has the right to sell their own products and make their own things, but they do not have a right to control or stop people that make knock-offs of their IP or Brand. Are you retarded? Legal Issues can ensue for overstepping Intellectual Property.
It’s an RP sim, the groups are not independent groups. They are all made by the Mod Team.
And…When you are constantly wrong, like the idiot you are, you should probably not post so much on here, idiot.
Everyone can create RP there, what are you even saying, Jack? In fact, they want creative RPers, not idiots that think everything is exactly like RL. IRL, most fraternities and sororities are basically all the same, very watered down, nothing makes them stand out. So I would argue that having some Stereotypical Roles are needed/wanted by people that want to RP like what they see in TV and Movies. Also, if there are no antagonists, what are the protagonists to do? What would Harry Potter do if there was nothing bad happening in the story? I know you’re a moron by all the wrong stances you take. Keep it up. I already see you have a ton of people always calling you out on your idiocy.
Lmao bitch, if someone made a discord group right now called THE OFFICIAL DISNEY DISCORD and started using it, even Disney would not give a shit unless they actually had some kind of stolen, legally protected property associated with it. It would take more than just the word “Disney” and people talking about Disney related things in it. I’m in a few servers personally that are associated with various games, and most of them use the game’s name. None of them have ever been taken down for not getting permission, and that’s from real companies with actual power over their content. I would lay odds not a fucking thing from “Woodcrest University” is legally copyright protected- indeed, most of it is probably stolen from other places and repurposed like the majority of SL- so again, the sim management is overstepping and power tripping, as they generally do. Not surprising you’re not smart enough to come up with anything better than a gross slur like that, though. Classless, trashy people say classless, trashy shit- and not much else.
Sometimes people do argue with me, but not this time, so what does that tell you? If you want to give the VS crowd some kind of credit for having opinions that matter(and I assure you they don’t lol), all you did was confirm that you’re the moron here, by your own metric. Good job, idiot. Did I manage to parrot all your incredibly boring insults? Seriously, if that’s the best you can do when you’re so obviously seething, I bet rping with you is a total snooze.
I hope you know you are wrong. Disney filed a cease and desist order on a Child Daycare Center for using Disney Characters on their walls, without Disney’s permission. I wouldn’t be so quick to call others names, when you seem very ignorant.
If you think that anyone can make things with your logos and namebrand without your permission, then you are a fool. No one would bother making anything then, if anyone can just do whatever with their logo/brand/groups/etc.. You are an absolute fool, but we know this by your stances on most everything else.
But lets all make sure that we weed out the “life ruiners” lmao. On a roleplay sim… but also.. promote antagonists? I’m so confused here, can we pick one narrative and stick to it for once? Once again, it sounds like some people need to disconnect and take a step back. Also, “stereotypical mean girls and date rapey frat bros” made me LOL. I have never seen WU put so… eloquently.
I had that same thought- funny how that disreputable “toxic” house couldn’t have just been antagonists like they acknowledge are so necessary- that’s because you’re only allowed to be the bad guy in a way that doesn’t piss off the wrong people, right? lol
I had a thought too. Why don’t you talk more about Transgender surgery on children again, so everyone can see how stupid you are. Tell us more about puberty blockers not causing harm, even though everyone stopped stating that lie now. Oh, I know. Tell people how Disney’s live action Little Mermaid remake wasn’t lazy virtue signaling, and all your other idiotic beliefs. As a black person, I can tell you without a doubt we don’t want recolored characters, we want our own, unique characters. I love how you have been so wrong on a great many things, but still love to talk like you’re intelligent.
they were mostly OOC, and weren’t about trying to RP with others, just themselves. Nice try, Moron.
What does that even mean? “Weed out the “life ruiners” lmao?” However you are right, people getting upset over RP sims do need to step back and touch grass. Also, like the mindless person you seem to be, you jump to conclusions a lot and add in words that were not said, by the person you are trying to reply to. That’s what idiots do. Be better. I didn’t say, “stereotypical mean girls and date rapey frat bros”, you are taking what one idiot said, and trying to say I said that. Everyone can clearly read that I never said that, so stop trying to gaslight.
That’s not Jack. Good job invalidating your point.
I meant that as a generic sense, not an actual person named Jack. Do you also think that when you hear a song say, “hit the road, Jack..” that they are referring to the same Jack as well? Absolutely Brilliant!
Bliss a control freak? Naaaw.
The simple fact that Bliss calls herself Truth to post here… LOL
nice try, but wrong. please try again.
It’s beastiality, but considering LL allows full sims and groups dedicated to it, I just ignore them and go about what I enjoy doing in SL. After a decade in SL, none of this surprises me anymore.
Shows that they indeed, have no life
This was disproven and this person and faking being the admin. The owner of the site is Kesseret and only posts as Kesseret. Read below idiot
…Was I arguing whether or not there was proof?
#1 Neddy really needs to remember to plug his controller in next time he’s “DJing” on twitch 🙂 Just a helpful tip 😉 All the people that tipped him that event need to ask for refund.
#34 Female Whiskey! That’d be funny if it wasn’t true
Anyone really counted how many men she has gone through in the past few months? Maybe she and Whiskey could be a pair!
Now that’s funny right there…lol
Thats cool you dont wanna support people who do feral shit. Aight heres the places and creators youll need to avoid then in order to not support anyone who poses with ferals.
Lemme Smash
Knotty beach
Bare Bottom Lounge
Kottr By OzMODZ
All of these creators and sim owners either have a nsfw feral avatar or have posed with a nsfw feral avatar or make products for feral avis. So yeah if you wanna be morally correct just make sure to avoid those places and those makers. Should be easy!
anima has a nsfw feral avatar?
Just because a creator makes feral avatars doesn’t mean they support nsfw feral content.
#17 Wtf are you even saying? Lmao
Not sure what they’re saying but they got it all wrong. names, genders, scenarios all of it and it’s quite entertaining to see what a couple of sad haters cook up but it’s not my sl. It’s a good thing to remember that what you put out always makes its way back around to you.
We get it
Ryan is a cheater
Ryan is a man
Ryan is a user
Ryan pays ppl off to gain clout
Ryan has alternate avatars everywhere
You can’t run someone out of the game with this so what’s the point esp. if alternate avatar access ?
And here we see the natural cycle of VS.
You have the ROC RP drama that’s bringing a new meaning to ‘beating on a dead horse’.
You have the online fuckboys/fuckgirls being exposed, natural.
Oh look!
It’s been 4 months, which mean we have another Furry drama about someone fucking quadpeds, wears an animal genitalia etc.
Nobody cares, seriously. This will all be blown over by the end of the week or month and everything will go back to normal.
Use this time instead to go outside, enjoy the last rays of the sun and breathe in that crisp autumn air and just be in the moment and ground yourself to earth. Also tea or hot chocolate!
7. can we just agree they are both trash and get on with it already. Who even are these guys?
29. So make a fan club already lol she is no queen and the other isn’t “triggered” it’s secondlife blogger drama over actually nothing, icky.
I wanna meet this Emily! She sounds lit
#3 please get a grip on reality. There IS no pregnancy, there IS no semen(but for pixel jizz).
Isn’t telling people to get a grip on reality considered a hatecime these days?
Lots of crazies in this week it seems.
3: Sounds like some hoe is jealous that they don’t have Uri…. taps my lip. How about “LEAVE URI ALONE!!”
#33 She cussed me out at a show over the mic. FOR REQUESTING A SONG!!!! It was on her list I decided to leave the family because how she was treating me. I could not stand watching her take over and manipulate my family. She not a great singer anyway mediocre at best.
Janire was manager from the chapter four, i was part of it .
Pupito and lakua accepted my store and other stores that wasnt famous at all in those years (2015-2018).
Many of the store that started on chapter four now are BIG BRANDS OR BIG EVENTS OWNERS. And they are friends from the “elite” of sl….
Janire was doing simple poses and then suddenly her brand changed, From what pupito told me they told her to make clothes. As far as i know they found her a mesh designer etc,etc,etc
I knew since 1st day the temper of pupito.. i Could deal with it but hes not a bad guy.
You’ve got to remind yourselves that a group doesn’t define a person.
There are several great people in the Ravnos family but still get the bad rep from others in the group that are terrible individuals. I was a Ravnos for a long time. I never acted like any of them but did go out hunting everyday. I always had a weakness for people who never fed or would feed like once a week. I was protective over them and would watch them feed.
Also side note: I saw this in a few weeks ago’s weekly secrets.. why does it matter if someone has satanic items rezzed out on their land or in their home? Satanism is quite popular and there is no need to throw someone under the bus because they have a relationship with lucifer/satan that you just can’t understand. Instead of making a huge fuss over it, go eff your bible.
While we’re also here about Sylas, Lets talk about how he plays 100% as a female persona ( Simply for clout ).. going as far as saying he’s a “Lesbian” or someone whos “struggled with his gender” I really highly doubt this considering MOST of the art with SOY is personal art with MISBY, I’ll also come out and say if you knew who Misby was back a few years ago she would have NEVER dated a woman… Simply because she didn’t like that idea and wasn’t her. Looking in BOTH SL picks of each other its also SOY and MISBY.
Weird how Sylas has been on social media this entire time ( going on more than 3 years? ) and after being called out that he’s catfishing for views he NOW adds what gender he is in his bio LOL.
Who the fuck cares what gender someone decides to make their avatar.
You’re right! But it’s not fair to CATFISH for fucking views MORON, Don’t beat around the fucking bush either. We all know that “pretending” to be a female EASILY gets you attention especially if you’re trying to FUCK for money.
So keep trying to say im a homophobic person or whatever, That’s all you guys can TRY to say because you have nothing else to say to actually defend him.
Sounds like that Felicia Foxpaws person, it’s the same deal a man pretending to be a women for attention then plays the confused card when they’re called out. And had a wife and kids he neglected…
you forgot about trans people retard
#4 and #47 are truth. It’s disgusting to have people gain a following of posting “feral action” (that is NSFW, btw…) with their “anthro-fursona.” In the furry community, we have people who are both: Feral–Meaning: a four-legged creature (i.e. dog, gryphon, etc…) that are mystical creatures or related to creatures in the physical world, outside of the Internet. These creatures are usually deemed to be like an actual animal, that we’d take care of and nurture…like a pet or something super innocent and cute! (These can still be seen as OCs, but are usually kept safe for work, for the reason described.)Anthro–Meaning: a two-legged creature, (i.e. the typical furry, that is more popularized and you’d see in a suit IRL at a furry-con or something!) that are usually based off an animalistic creature, but made to be humanistic, like a mascot! Usually being a character (OC – Original Character) that someone makes based off themselves…you can Google the rest, if you wish to learn more about the furry community!Here’s a link to give more explanation on what a feral vs. anthro is! – https://gvf-war.fandom.com/wiki/Feral_furries#:~:text=There%20is%20not%20much%20different,to%20stay%20away%20from%20civilization. Anyways, as a furry-content consumer and creator: I find this shit that Kiska / @/SylasDoggo is doing astonishingly disgusting, yet, they are getting away with it. It’s full on “incel” behavior, and really, really saddening to see, considering I used to follow them on their social media and liked talking to them in-world, once in a blue moon when I’d see them around. Last but not least, Sylas if you are reading this: Hiding that shit on Twitter/X with multiple reposts, random replies, etc. AND on top of that, saying with a post, “Want to see a magic trick? Watch all my followers disappear,” then clearly expect no backlash from other peers in the furry community?… Read more »
Doesn’t matter that we are strangers your actions speak another language then yours js. Sexualizing animals and adding children is sick there is really nothing you can say to justify the sick shit. Get help
Every time you get a thrill from RPing about how much you love that dog “knot”, you prove you are a zoophile. Period. People who aren’t zoophiles don’t have any interest in the details of the way animal genitals look or (gag) feel. It’s ok though; lots of people live in denial, so you’ll have plenty of self-deluding company.
It’s not about what I think; it’s about what words mean. I understand that your willful ignorance protects you from having to face what you really are, but it doesn’t actually change it for anyone but you.
If you find the facts insulting, then perhaps you should look to your own behavior about that. I didn’t invent the definitions of zoophilia or bestiality; I just pointed out that what you like and do fit them.
Does it make you a zoo if you like exotic dildos?
Are you fantasizing about having an animal fuck you while you use it? If you do, then yes. It’s really not that complicated a concept.
if you walk any closer to the point you’ll stub your toe
You’re absolutely a zoophile / sadist and a pedophile you degenerate waste of oxygen. It’ll all come out soon.
Whats up with the ageplay f-list kink? Are you attracted to underage characters?
The f-list kink Age Play specifically implies underage characters are involved (see the screenshot of your own profile above.) If you only liked older characters, you’d have chosen the Age Differences kink and not Age Play as well.
Hers to hoping you get r@ped again! 👈🏿🤣
What the hell is wrong with you? Go seek help to ever wish this on someone you sicko.
Sylas may not be a decent person because of what’s happening, But you literally saying this is pretty low.
agreed, as much as sylas is disgusting, i don’t ever want the worst to be brought upon them. karma will do it’s job. thanks!
boohoo grow some balls its the internet. It sucks sylas r@pist didnt just finish the job and off them could have saved us the trouble!
What kind of bitchmade fuckwit says some shit like this but doesn’t have the balls to spell it out? I’m all for shaming people for shameful behavior but you just made yourself as bad as they are; if you ever had a moral high ground, those comments completely eroded it.
Grow some balls hiding on anonymous
Go seek help you need serious help to have this mentality or to even type these words out, you must be a r@pist yourself to have that mentality. Get help you sicko. Just cause it’s the internet you can’t say whatever, outing yourself as a r@pist good job.
Why am I not surprised the SL furry Fandom is as fucking bat shit crazy as when I left God knows how long ago. I only come on here when someone tells me what madness is happening with people I once knew, and most of the time, I keep my mouth shut cause I don’t have the energy, nor time to bother with petty shit that’s only fun to read for a few minutes before bed, but after reading all if this I can’t. Some of you vindictive, sad, lonely, pathetic bitches on here need to fix your fucking life and take care of your children/families/partners instead of reliving your fucking trauma by running everyone else over with your internet sleuth gossip dump truck bullshit. If you put half the amount of effort into fixing your own fucking life that you spend trying to ruin someone else’s for fun with your asinine and literally MINDBOGGLINGLY unimportant vendetta you would be so content that you wouldn’t even need to log into SL which you use as a social crutch since the way you currently are (and refuse to fix) leaves you with no real meaning gful friendships. Friends to you are just a way to systemically dirty laundry, and then air it out when it suits you. Because who needs friend when the whole world can be your victim? Grow 👏🏻 the 👏🏻 fuck 👏🏻 up 👏🏻 And do something MEANINGFUL with your life. You’re on here bitching about someone’s pixel two legged dog fucking a pixel four legged dog when the world is literally going to shit, aliens are real, a criminal is running for president, and inflation is literally ruining everyone’s livlihood. But you want to sit here and crucify people for internet-based fantasies that no one asked for… Read more »
Actually Sylas might be involved in even worse shit than just feral stuff
After seeing some comments from last week where someone who supposedly know them said that it was “only the tip of the iceberg” and that “it gets so much worse”, I’ve been digging around and ended up stumbling upon Sylas’ F-list:
That creep literally have “AGEPLAY” listed as a favorite kink on it!
I know that it ain’t the first time that a popular fur is into degenerate shit like that but it’s surprising that nobody brought it up yet
Also they pretend to not give a shit with that cringy “stay mad haters lmao” attitude, but yet they still ended up paying for an username change on SL soon after the shit hit the fan:
Quite a convenient timing for a name change isn’t it?
Downright pathetic.
If you have claimed to have been raped why the fuck you got Stockholm syndrome?
I think you need some more help than we all realized yikes.
Stockholm syndrome in your F-List^
I got bad news for you, IT IS your twitter, your old handle before you changed it in summer 2019, somewhere between June 11 and July 29 😉

Did you really think that there wouldn’t be traces of that left on the internet? Especially on twitter?
Plenty of proofs for those who knows where to look~
Just a few examples:

You literally left comments on these, there’s even a picture of your profile with your old handler on the first one LMAO
Here’s the direct links to the twitter posts as proof for anyone interested (NSFW Warning tho):
And once again, you can keep saying that the FList was a fake as much as you want Sylas, but It won’t change the fact that IT WAS YOURS and that you’re just a coward hiding behind the FList of your character Soy that you’ve repurposed in a hurry as your main to save face.
Come on, you weren’t ashamed to expose yourself as a feral-fucker on twitter last time, we dare you to do the same with ageplay shit and see what happens next :^)
In this Thread: Ageplay enjoying, Zoophile whore Sylas gets fucking memed and stunted on by other furries.
this has been a great fucking read. We should start calling you Moskva with the amount of Damage Control you’re trying to perform holy fuck
Of course not, the old twitter handle alone isn’t the defining evidence obviously, but the fact that you denied that it was your twitter until I proved otherwise shows that you aren’t trying to be honest and that you are just doing damage control.
For the Flist, while it is of course possible to add the socials of someone else on a fake rp account, why would someone do that? That’s a quick way for the fake account to be noticed and then reported.
The “Sylas F” account was 5 years old, and had a lot more views than your supposedly “official account” that you created 3 years ago, and on top of that you’re claiming that the latter was created with the purpose of finding and reporting fake rp accounts.
So basically, we should believe that during the last three years you weren’t able to find an impersonator who was using an account with the name of your character and your socials, that has been viewed over 400 times, and that not a single person notified you about it, especially with something as damning as “Ageplay” in it?
Besides, I only get 62 results if I search “Sylas” on FList, so finding someone who uses your name and a picture of your character would be a pretty easy quick task.
You’re still full of bullshit. I know what I saw and I’m definitely not the only one.
You better pray that nobody managed to take a screenshot of your SL pick and of Soy’s FList before you went on your damage control spree, because otherwise your whole defense strategy will fall apart.
Cmon guys if you want to hurt them you have to really hit them! They’re a paranoid schizophrenic this is easy.
You do realize Kiska, that everyone here “anonymously” is everyone you think that cares about you? Yup, Misby, Ghostli, Red, Mo, Shaar, Boxer, Alis, and everyone else you think loves you or likes being around you. We’re all here! We can’t stand you we’re all just out to get you. Seriously, ever sense the start we’ve all been out to get you. Let’s be real you probably deserved being r@ped as well he was out to get you and it’s not over.
I like how you’re getting caught and are A. Lying and changing things even Sylas fucking species … she was a mutt that works at a brothel and suddenly a husky? Nah we husky people don’t want you. Stay a mutt.
B. You’re faking stuff and shoving it on Twitter/X so that when stuff comes all the way out you hope to have some white knights there for ya…..
Very very sad
I can say that the F – List wasn’t fake… I remember clicking it before the whole picks changed… I was literally telling myself how weird it was for Sylas to still have Zempy mated and all on there. Also looked at my history and it’s removed and brought up to the front in my history.
Also idk about everyone else, But me morally and personally would not have babies in a NSFW art of mine. But they do!
Disgusting. These two both seriously need to be put under a magnifying glass, cause what kind of person pays someone for porn with toddlers in the same piece, or even is willing to draw it? What the hell else is buried in their FAs?
holy crap this is so incredibly pathetic. the angsty cuckold art lmfao sylas really gets off to being utterly humiliated like a furry louis ck
edit: children should never be featured in nsfw art like ever in any context. how is that a difficult rule to follow?
yeah the babies are totally whats being sexualized here and not the cuckoldry and cheating. just say you dont understand niche kinks so you hate them instead of misconstruing art that clearly isnt sexualizing children at all
LMAO did you just call cuckolding a “niche kink”? Maybe outside of SL it is… in SL it’s almost as boring and typical as DD/bbg at this point.
So it means that you think that it is perfectly normal and totally not fucked up to jerk off to an artwork involving babies as long as they aren’t sexualized? Big yikes
I know what cuckolding fetish is and this shit is absolutely NOT necessary for a NSFW cuckhold artwork. You can imply it with dialogues, an X-ray close-up of the impregnation or even a cute follow-up SFW artwork with the cubs separate from the porn artwork for example.
But if you can get off to that there is something seriously wrong with you IMO.
Wrong, I didn’t even had to search on FList since you literally had the links in your SL profile.
The reports you are showing here aren’t the “fake account” in question, hell the first two pictures are literally the same report.
If you truly filled a report for the “Sylas F” account, why don’t you show us the new report for that one then, huh?
…Oh wait, you won’t, because you obviously can’t show a report which has NEVER existed in the first place LOL
Also, I see that you keep lying, this time about your kinks, even after having been exposed:

One day you shamelessly gloat about fucking ferals and even show pics of it on twitter, then the next day you pretend that you’re not into that?
Not only you are a manipulator, a liar and a pervert, but you are also absolutely deranged.
Seriously, get some help.
Quadrupeds with realistic animal dick = Zoo, anyone who thinks otherwise is either absolutely delusional or flat-out lying.
Nice try with the “message me off anon and I’ll show you the report”, but if you think I’m gonna fall for that you have a serious case of room temperature IQ… Aaaand you’re also just proving my point by not showing it, just like expected :^)
Well well, look who’s back! For someone who supposedly doesn’t give a shit, you are lurking here a lot for sure Sylas. No need to tell me to look at your SL profile, I have obviously already done so before you went on your damage control spree :^) You claim that it was a fake FList account but thing is, said account was linked in a “Kinks!” Pick in your Second Life profile, alongside a second FList for another character of yours, Soy (which “surprisingly” has suddenly disappeared now, but we’ll get to that later). All the social links on that account were also directing to your official social medias accounts too, including your old twitter handle that you have changed during the summer of 2019. Now, my mistake here was to not have thought of taking pics of your Second Life Pick and of the FList of the Soy character before you cleaned all that shit. Congratulations… BUT thankfully, there is still plenty of suspicious stuff so let’s see: Why is the “fake” FList older than the “real” one? Why does it have more views than the “real” account? Usually fake rp accounts have less views than official ones. “Wrong character description”? Actually it does match the description of the ref of your character 5 years ago: Which “coincidentally” happens to be around the same time that both the FList AND also your Furaffinity account were created: While on the other hand, the date of creation of the supposedly “real” FList is actually much closer to the time when you created a femboy version of your character, Soy, 3 years ago: Finally, like I said earlier, you used to have TWO FLists links in the “Kinks!” Pick of your Second Life profile until I commented here: One for Sylas,… Read more »
lol the best investigator ever receipts don’t lie
Alright, and? It’s just a 3-month difference. It’s not a long time at all, you could have created the character on SL and his Flist before getting art of him and uploading it on FA.
Besides, the name of the FA upload is “Changes”, and mentions “some well needed changes to the male version of Sylas”. So it’s not impossible that it could’ve just been the Flist of said male version of Sylas which was then repurposed into Soy’s FList afterward.
It would then explain why Sylas’ account was named “Sylas F” instead of just “Sylas”.
“F” for female, which would imply that a “Sylas M” for male used to exist at some point. Usually a fake rp account wouldn’t bother with a detail like that, but a real one would!
Also, why don’t you link us Soy’s FList then if it exists instead of just sending a picture, huh? Got something to hide maybe?
good riddance, bad rubbish.
Hi, Could you reupload this to another site? I am unable to see imgur due to my VPN.I wanna take a look.
@51, shut the fuck you foul mouth coward! who the fuck do you think you are, you brainless troll? Be brave, state your SL account name.
3 More likely he just turned your skank ass down. Bitterness and jealousy are ugly .
#8 Boston is just as ugly in and out lol
27. About fucking time!! I have many stories about Kimberlee Lockheart… how she would blah about her ex. But I bet nobody knows that Kimberlee also is not perfect little Angel too. She was getting down and dirty with others too… I bet Deano doesn’t know that.
#27 1. Girl you really have serious mental issues , grow up and move on , 2 we don’t care for your drama , again grow up and move on , 3 Deano is at her home for over a week now ! They are together in rl ! Having fun and don’t care about you or your stupid drama ! , 4 oh annnd don’t forget “grow up and move on” …. Please go ask for help you really need it
#27 No one cares this is sl do you really think that people who don’t know these people actually give a shit what other people do in there sl lives lol apparently the only one who is caring about what Deano or Kimberlee do is you we have all seen and heard and no one gives a shit .
This is dumb. Dean is legitimately with Kim in RL right now. It’s plastered all over her Facebook with a countdown of days remaining. To my understanding he’s been there for a week or longer? Stop this drama, shut down the pc, walk away from the screen, go outside and touch the grass or something. Stop bombarding into 2 peoples happiness just because your life is sad.
Im the poster of 4, 46, and 47 im really really hoping that I can get Sylas to rope over this stuff that would be the best result so please please please go get them.
So you send in 3 secrets of the same thing… This is why secrets nowadays is full of the same repetitive bullshit. We only need to read it ONCE.
I get what your doing. I think you need post more out in the open than just virtual secrets. Not everyone looks here. There are places furrys look such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, ect. Just gather up all your prove and make a beware. If you really want stick it to them.
They are literally posting on Twitter/X makeing jokes
lot of people flat out lying for sylas in here it seems
#1 What has happened to Templemore?! This place use to book talented singers who actually could sing and play their own instruments. Now they let the likes of Chilee, Arra and other people who simply cannot sing on their stages. I guess since Luis has his real life health issues to deal with and let the likes of Carlita find talent it really shows how subpar Templemore is becoming. This place use to be well known and now it’s known but not for good reasons. I wish it would go back to booking only people that could actually sing and not some lame ass karaoke singers. Templemore that desperate to remain relevant that booking anyone is the answer? Garrett took so much pride in the place, only to have it ran into the ground by Taj and Carlita.
Music is what each decides it is. This is what I decided.
Or, maybe. Buy a sim, pay the tier, build it and you know what? Book and pay for singers you like. That could be a good answer.
hope you enjoy our shows 🙂 Cuz we do.
ty so much templemore family for the continue supporting us especially luis , carly and taj..u guys r awesome 🙂
theres alot of famous singers that’s using backing tracks but it doesnt mean they cant sing! like JLO,Mariah karey, whitney houston, adele etc.. some performers using backingtracks are also working so hard to entertain people in sl…im so sorry if you think i cant sing! but thats what ive been doing for 40 yrs now… what important to me is theres alot of people enjoyed my show and thats what keeps me more inspire of what im doing!! <3
#28 Yes Yes Yes
Ohhhh who is the chunk of meat!
well I am going to peak more often now
He is only Crush material and eye candy, his heart is taken by the lovely Toxicbish and his eyes will not be distracted haha, but hey he is really nice to look at!
46 + 47 Is definitely somebody who touches dogs IRL. They’ve posted more feral stuff to their twitter knowing that they’ll get hate un-followed for it. At least it’s a good way to find people to shame/Block because they defend it.
The Definition of zoophile is someone who is sexually attracted to animals. Those animals tend to be feral (Walk on 4 legs.) Like Tigers, Dogs, Wolves, Horses, Goats, Whatever. A hellhound is just a fantasy version of a dog as it shares ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS except maybe 3 heads, a demon tail, horns. If I put fairy wings on my dog, It’s still a fucking dog.
Somebody who wants to fuck a hellhound is somebody who has sexual fantasies of real animals. No ifs ands or buts. Anybody defending that as “It’s not real, It’s got 3 heads, It has more tails, It has horns, Blah blah” Is defending zoophiles! And if you’re openly defending Zoophiles here, You’re definitely one of them or they’re your friend. Sylas is disgusting and so are their friends.
46 + 47 Is definitely somebody who touches dogs IRL. They’ve posted more feral stuff to their twitter knowing that they’ll get hate un-followed for it. At least it’s a good way to find people to shame/Block because they defend it.
The Definition of zoophile is someone who is sexually attracted to animals. Those animals tend to be feral (Walk on 4 legs.) Like Tigers, Dogs, Wolves, Horses, Goats, Whatever. A hellhound is just a fantasy version of a dog as it shares ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS except maybe 3 heads, a demon tail, horns. If I put fairy wings on my dog, It’s still a fucking dog.
Somebody who wants to fuck a hellhound is somebody who has sexual fantasies of real animals. No ifs ands or buts. Anybody defending that as “It’s not real, It’s got 3 heads, It has more tails, It has horns, Blah blah” Is defending zoophiles! And if you’re openly defending Zoophiles here, You’re definitely one of them or they’re your friend. Sylas is disgusting and so are their friends.
(Sorry if double post, Website is weird right now.)
46 + 47 Is definitely somebody who touches dogs IRL. They’ve posted more feral stuff to their twitter knowing that they’ll get hate un-followed for it. At least it’s a good way to find people to shame/Block because they defend it.
The Definition of zoophile is someone who is sexually attracted to animals. Those animals tend to be feral (Walk on 4 legs.) Like Tigers, Dogs, Wolves, Horses, Goats, Whatever. A hellhound is just a fantasy version of a dog as it shares ALL THE CHARACTERISTICS except maybe 3 heads, a demon tail, horns. If I put fairy wings on my dog, It’s still a fucking dog.
Somebody who wants to fuck a hellhound is somebody who has sexual fantasies of real animals. No ifs ands or buts. Anybody defending that as “It’s not real, It’s got 3 heads, It has more tails, It has horns, Blah blah” Is defending zoophiles! And if you’re openly defending Zoophiles here, You’re definitely one of them or they’re your friend. Sylas is disgusting and so are their friends.
I’m sick of coming here every sunday and reading about 80% of submissions being RP drama.
It’s most likely only a handful of people constantly posting about them, because their egos got hurt and they think they are very important in SL. Like this one fat detective with a huge head, and his Morbid wife.
Wow, aren’t you a bitch? How about you just stop living in the past and move the fuck on. You act like you’re still in fucking high school. Stop being a fucking gossip and work on yourself. You seem to have some issues.
For the love of fuck can we please limit the amount of RP posts that posted each week. No one gives a fuck about your fake little life inside you fake life, its taking up space for better roasting.
Hear that Max and Jack? People are tired of your games! Stop trying to complain about other places because the place you’re at now is doing poorly. No one cares about this crap!
For fuck’s sake. We haven’t been to that sim in question in well over a year. We’re doing our own thing and have no problem with the place we’re at and couldn’t give two shits about where we’ve been previously. Shut the fuck up and leave us alone.
#43 – Folks complaining about the rate can go find different jobs. Imagine if they had ongoing production and marketing costs. I’m sick of hearing this so much lately. You’re not going to get rich on SL. Those days if they ever existed are long gone.
#49 – LOL! This one is the laziest ass I have ever seen. I’m surprised it wasn’t another harness tbh. His arrogance is disgusting.
Zzzzzz goodnight
This is late, but you lack much analytical skills and so do the majority here it seems.
“#43 – Folks complaining about the rate can go find different jobs. Imagine if they had ongoing production and marketing costs. I’m sick of hearing this so much lately. You’re not going to get rich on SL. Those days if they ever existed are long gone.”
People don’t log into SL because they can create. The vast majority have no clue how to create mesh and it’s an uphill battle that earns people RL incomes from it if they have the degrees and credentials to backup skill sets. The vast majority that EARN LL the revenue or those paying subscription fees and guess what SHOPPING. Because guess who is really giving LL the revenue? Both the creator and the shopper. Those premium account holders? They mostly tie into the shopper and thus Premium and shopping tend to go hand in hand.
What does this mean? If shoppers need to rely on those that only do mesh for hobby and wasting time that would mean that at least a good 70% of the mesh content and creation in general is in peril if they just up and leave.
You see where I’m going with this? It’s far more nuanced and complicated than they can go fuck themselves; because if they all do in mass they will take SL with them.
#49 So one short was made in 2019, sold really well;the creator thought he would re-make the shorts BRAND NEW IN ANOTHER MESHING PROGRAM and you call him lazy LMFAO. You know when you’re a hater when you cant even rez both demos to see they’re 2 different meshes with different UVs. Also wanna add you’re surprised not another harness. His last harness was in June and prior to that was March, Oh no, 2 harnesses in 2023. Grow tf up. Where’s your store? more like your arrogance is getting the best of you, sweetheart
#1 This person SAID IT ALL and said it well! Nicco you are just a Loser, let’s face it. How can someone be so intelligent and dumb at the same time? Neddy lmfao – your music tracks are phenomenal but your mixing ability just sucks ass. Love when you talk over the transitions so no one can hear just how bad they are. Gotta love how you pull Noizy into the event thinking that it will give you some clout. As for DJ Vlad & Jhonatan – um who?
Not sure who DJ Vlad is but Jhonatan is a pretty cool person and a fantastic artist with his music definately not some newbie pretending to be a mixer.
He was Boring! Hip hop is definitely not his thang!
I’m dying watching DJ NEDDY (who forgot to put his teeth in) trying to find the beat on twitch. NEDDY now you’ve resorted to some lame scratching over your shitty transitions? Dude we can’t understand a word you say on the mic either with all that reverb!
#1 It is refreshing to see that other people see Nicco for the male whore that he tries to be. When in reality he is nothing more than a walking health risk in both worlds. That entire group makes me cringe. They will backstab each other so fast all you can do it sit back and laugh. Please for all our sake Nicco go play Sims online.
#1 Is this the same Nicco who owned FMD, i heard his ex GF’s all bat for the other side when they leave him.
You mean the same Nicco that ruined FMD? Yes
Yes it is; he’s the one who ran it into the ground before the current owner took over. The lies he tells about his rl job/income/life in general are hilarious. I’m not sure he even knows anymore what is truth and what he’s made up for clout at this point.
And now him and his posse have taken over Trap House, with Valentina Rizzo and her fake pictures and typical catfish self, in management there. Nice they have all found a place to go. And yes I use my SL name to say what I need to say, I make it no secret how I feel.
They worm their way in because they don’t have the skill or the popularity to build something creative of their own. Always riding on the coattails of others. LOSERS!
Valentina rizzo aka Leila Roddenham leader of the Nicco clan and voice sex leader of this entire clan. Avoid her at all cost she reeks of drama.
Yes well they are all in a group called 40 thieves, LOL read their “Moto” I nearly spit my drink out while reading it. They are definitely a close group of gossip mongers, trolls, sex addicts, and voice whores. Poor Valentina Rizzo aka Leila Roddenham forgot to turn her mic off one night at one of their “hang outs” so people could hear her having sex with herself, I am sure she said it was accidental but I have no doubt it was planned, she has sexed most all of Peak and now Trap House hahahaha I die over this girl, the only picture she does show is one where her hair is covering half her face, only to hide the Nanny McPhee Mole. Next to Nicco who is her Moppa (ma/pa) they are both the ring leaders of this clan.
I have a question regarding a hip hop event that I recently attended. How can the organizers claim to have a successful hip hop event when all the DJs play house or trance music, or simply play premixed downloads for an hour while claiming to be live mixers? When I attended the event, the music was terrible, as the DJs tried to play gangsta rap, but nobody spoke, and it sounded terrible. The attendees were just standing in one place, and it felt like a bunch of wannabes trying to act cool. The organizers should consider hiring real DJs who have experience playing hip hop music. That way, the event might be more lively and enjoyable for everyone.
That is a lot of Emily posts. She sounds creepy if she wants to ERP and then claim to “not tell her boyfriend”.
She expects every man to fuck her, she befriends their women then hits on them when they go there alone and tells them their girlfriend will never know, talk about Queen Skank slut!.
Once again multiple shit-tier facebook grade memes submitted by the same person talking about the same nobody fucking cares roleplay sim drama.
Just accept one per person.
Villa isn’t a RP sim.
I don’t care.
41 If something triggers you, don’t buy it. There’s a ton of stuff out there that can trigger someone; expecting creators to babysit everyone’s feelings is unrealistic. There are multiple ways to SH, yet items that display those ways go unnoticed.
Making a fucking post about it just brings more fucking publicity to it, so what you’re doing is exposing more people who might think it’s triggering. Good job!
Let people create. You don’t have to take part in it, legit just look the other way. If you aren’t stable enough to handle pixels on a screen, maybe you shouldn’t be on SL at all.
Either you become the SH police and call out EVERY single creator who has made anything SH-related (that’s a long fucking list) or shut the fuck up and go about your day!