· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 325 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
47 – is this Dahlieh from New Haven and Woodcrest? The old lady that Thomas cheated on Cara with?
Seeing as I can not comment on #4 of last week, here is a Dj’s view of all you whiney ass mother fuckers. Do you know what the DJs would like? You slut and wannabe Daddy Doms to shut your fucking mouth in public about how you are such a big dick-walking hot shot on SL. No one cares, no one is special and you all look like the same sheep from the same flock. You all need to be herded to the slaughterhouse because you are all nothing but sheep wearing the same clothing, the same ripped-off Flickr looks, and so on.. Also, if you want a DJ with no personality and not on the mic.. Your ass can fucking leave. If you want a playlist why don’t you pull out your Daddy Dom’s best hits to masturbate to while watching Ryan Reynolds? Or for women, twiddle your dolphin hole with a pickle from your Uber Eats double cheeseburger you got an hour before and imagine how everyone thinks you are the sexiest thing alive.. You can lie in a video game, I am sure your mirror wishes it could do the same. You can be my guest to come and entertain as some of us do if you think it’s so simple and with no voice at all just make yourself anything that people want to listen to. Oh and lastly if I wanted to play your fucking shitty request that was requested by 3 whores before you already I go turn on the radio. Get some fucking taste and something that is not already being played on the radio, Spotify, youtube, and on a Ford truck tv commercial. In short.. fuck off.. you don’t like the way a DJ mixes? Do it yourself better, leave, or feel… Read more »
Dear post #83
Ladies, I’m gonna need y’all to stop thinking just because a man is gay that he is less misogynistic. Please wake the fuck up, will yall? Just because you all share the same interest in men. And he sways his hips or behaves in a feminine manner. That doesn’t make him less of a misogynist. Women are to be blamed for letting gay men into women’s spaces calling them ” my gay best friend”. All the while he’s making fun of you behind your back. And thinks your man can do better with him. Stop thinking these misogynist gay men are your allies… stop. They’re no different than misogynistic heterosexual men.
Imagine thinking that it’s only a male thing.
How feminist of you.
Dear post #1 and #2
A lot of folks in the Rainbow community think that the T should be removed from LGB. Lesbianism, Homosexuality, and Bisexuality are Sexual orientations, not gender identities according to some within the community. Even some Transgender folks think that the Trans community should distance themselves from the rest of the rainbow community. Plus a lot of LGB folks think the Trans community is being problematic. And attracting more bigots than shit-attracting flies. Whereas a lot of Trans are noticing that a lot of LGB folks are taking the political side of the Right/Republican/Conservatives.
Absolutely there is a growing movement in the community for the LGB to divorce the T and rest of the alphabet.
34 Apparently anyone questioning what they will do or pointing it out to them gets banned instantly which is… such a shaddy business sense.
29 – Has anyone showed Storii this? This girl cant seem to get off social media and keeps digging herself deeper into a hole.
I just showed up at this Muddys a little bit ago. This is the most blandest ‘club’ I’ve ever been to, in recent memory. Just a big square brick building, it’s walls are slathered with posters, icons and other uninteresting shit (including a Love You Jesus thing). They’ve managed to make even a bar look uninteresting.
Everyone there dresses vanilla and behaves vanilla. No spark or life to them. I’m here in a bunch of goth getup and I’ve not been confronted yet on my appearance but I’m changing for nobody.
What the hell do people see in these places?
And I wanted to mention in 46, that, play everything by year. Evaluate someone each and every month by year. If someone sounds way too good to be true when you’re thinking of moving in with them – don’t move in with them. I’ve learned this lesson the hard way except I endured 3 years with that kind of individual I had been with and all I’ve gotten from that entire experience was wah, drama and bullshit.
i went there i do like the music but my skirt was to short lol and even my breast are covers not enough it seems so i was ask to change outfits one side i think ok there are places like that but on the other side wasn’t nude and i was covert up sexy looking do they think no one is hooking up or talking sexy in ims just because they buttons are closed
I bet it was Blu or Wild telling you to change. They are the worse hosts because they are police dress nazis.
We are concerned about discrimination and hate crimes in Second Life.
If this is Imogen Aurelia, I would run far away from anything associated with her.
Fair warning.
Who in their right mind would advertise a social club on this toxic website? Imogen is an envious bitch. Avoid her at all costs. This is the kind of person you want away from your business
Exactly what I and the other person have been trying to say. Envious, Toxic. She dates but don’t put out. Liar extraordinaire. Delusional. Bipolar perhaps? MPDO? I’m not a professional but just a stab there.
Imogen should come with a warning label.
Really? Are you mad because this broad didn’t get on a pose ball with you, voice chat sex and give you a sticky keyboard? Go get a real woman offline, buddy. Plenty of women on Craigslist’s back page. Fucking incel.
Well, darlin’, here’s a little something to ponder: just because a fella ain’t joining in on the whole bashin’ bandwagon, it don’t mean we’re all the same person. Perhaps it’s high time y’all take a step back and take a gander at who might just be the real toxic bunch here. Are you prepared to stare into that mirror and confront the truth?
So Mo turned you down and you do this. Someone can’t take rejection.
She didn’t turn us down honey. She don’t fuck, she don’t this. She is mired in drama with all these women and alts.
She has been partnered. She says up front like with me that she doesn’t pixel or voice sex got partnered and is so happy to be single because he fell madly in real love with her. He quit sl blah blah.
I caught onto her crap I’m full of myself bullshit.
Don’t buy into it. It’s nothing more than toxic drama waiting to happen.
Now, darlin’, before you go throwin’ around terms of endearment, you might wanna consider buying me a drink first.
So, let me see if I’ve got this all straight:
You have been labeling Mo as “toxic” without much of a reason, ‘cept that she’s a tad choosy ’bout who she lets into her circle. And from the sounds of it, well, maybe that ain’t such a bad idea, after all.
Then, you start callin’ her out for “seeking love” and diggin’ into her real life, but then you claim she ain’t sleepin’ around? Now, that don’t quite add up, does it? If she’s hitched in the real world, maybe this whole pixel and voice stuff ain’t her cup of tea. Sounds to me like you might’ve had your sights set on her, and she politely declined your advances.
Honey, we never even got that far. She threw it out there in the first conversation like it was expected were all gonna seek it out from here.
I get that a lot of you women get hit on by 98% of the dumbass men in SL but give it more than 5 minutes before you mention it.
How many times does she have to post on FB how happy in partnership she is for her to be single again because he fell in love with her and had to leave sl. Why yeah it’s ok if she doesn’t put out it’s HER choice but most people who DATE in her want to be intimate.
She has been mired in drama and read her past posts she pretends to be the epitome of innocence. No one is that innocent.
This makes no sense… Try again
Genius, the warning was for others to AVOID you. Not for you to keep it in mind. LOL. Sone of us have had first hand experience with you.
I deleted all my comments, when you bring my RL child in to SL drama, that’s when I draw the line.
You are all sick in the to attack Me and my child for no reason.
👆 right now Mistake – Thank you! Have a good night
43.I used to work as a hostess for Muddys. I left because of their ridiculous dress rules. An hour after I sent Beth/Bridget my resignation, I began getting harassing texts from someone who created a bogus alt using my real name. Saying how “I’m a horrible person” and I will never get hired anywhere. NOT an accident.
#22 – Whoever posted this. Obviously she made the correct choice since you are here.
If you say so your turn will come before you know it
I sure can you are an attention seeking psycho who attacks people for no reason but then you tail tuck it and play the victim when its you who cause all the problems thats what i mean bc eventually you turn on everyone have fun with that bye felicia
You are one crazy bitch lol it sure as hell Aint Lana or Draya I wont ever disclose who I am but I will make sure everyone knows you, You Attention seeking Psychopath go back home where you came from and touch some grass at Home Depot Theres nothing to ever sort out here you made your bed and you gonna be sleeping in it Imogen or should i probably call you James !!! ill leave it at that have fun while it lasts cause it aint lol
You couldnt be more wrong I am not Lana I am Male 1st off so come try that again its no obsession its exposing who you are …. Drops mic and leaves
Dont ask me cause it aint any of them i dont think i dunno who is likin my posts cause it aint me dont worry you will be exposed for the fraud you are 🙂 you cant resist the attention i know that much lol
eventually will be the real narcissistic you who else most of the people you backstabbed already know the real you just the rest to see no go back and take care of your kid and hubbie your SL boyfriend i am sure will be waiting lol bye felicia time for me to take care of my daily life
That’s a pretty harsh comment. After reading through this, it really feels like you might be the one who’s coming across as a bit toxic. Imogen’s responses never seemed negative; they were more on the defensive side. But the way you’re approaching this situation makes you seem like the one with toxic tendencies.
Bringing up someone’s real life is not cool at all. Usually, folks who do that are dealing with anger and toxic traits. And if you happen to be Lana, well, I’ve seen your Facebook posts, and they’re often quite negative in a passive-aggressive manner. It seems like you avoid confronting people and tend to hide behind your family. I remember that incident where you went after Imogen for commenting on your post, and honestly, it was pretty uncomfortable to witness. I eventually had to unfriend you because of it.
you are so fucking lost its not even funny my relationships with anyone are perfectly fine you should try lookin in the mirror honey if you are looking in SL for love when you are married in RL take your own advice for once later
Absolutely spot on! I really appreciate how you articulated that everyone’s circumstances and choices are indeed unique. It’s such an important point because, well, they really are.
Imogen, I’ve got to hand it to you, you’re one resilient individual!
Well, Mo, it’s become quite evident that they’ve revealed their true colors and shown themselves to be the toxic ones. But you, my dear, keep that beautiful smile on your face! We absolutely adore seeing you light up with happiness. It’s crystal clear who’s behind those posts, the same issues they’ve been sharing on their own Facebook.
It’s as clear as day, and honestly, I can’t help but chuckle at their feeble attempts to convince you otherwise. You see, everyone knows something unique about someone, but they just don’t seem to grasp that simple concept. Intelligence, or lack thereof, can be quite intriguing, don’t you think?
It’s become apparent with your aggressive defensive approach to defending “Toxic Mo” that you might be one of her multiple personalities (alts) I mean you are so far up her Yang it’s unreal.
Nah, sugar, I’ve known her for a good many years, and I’ve got the pleasure of knowing her in real life too. It’s just a tad disheartening that you’d drag her real-life matters into this just ’cause of some Facebook drama, don’t you reckon?
believe what you want I am not Lana never been i have an extra appendage last i saw but anyways you believe what you want bc you are good at always playing the victim but it will only ever get you so far you guys are so lost bc from what i can see you are commenting to your own posts now too enjoy that while it lasts you psycho sooner or later it will catch up with you all i gotta say and ill sit back and watch it all laughing at you as you fall you deserve everything thats coming to you lol Take care this party is over now bigger and better thinks bitch
Isn’t it a hoot that they’re dubbing Imogen “Toxic” when you practically paraded her on VS, then made a fuss about her on Facebook? All because she wouldn’t let ’em into her little club? Seriously, are we all still in kindergarten?
you keep blabbering about “exposing” her, but honestly, you are just exposing yourselves as the real toxic ones here. you don’t even have the guts to reveal your own name, and claim to be a dude, but your writing screams “female.” And to top it all off, you are launching a full-scale assault on her and her real-life? All because she won’t buy into their toxic antics?
Very low talking about someone’s RL children. VERY LOW
Man, some people really need to grow up and get a grip on reality.
Sounds like you’re pretty upset… why does it even matter? I used to be part of that group too, and she was always super helpful. She put together some awesome events. To me, it just seems like some of you have turned your backs on her because I’m friends with a few of the admins on Facebook. She was really hurt when the group got deleted, and now someone’s spreading nasty stuff about Imogen when all she did was create a space for us to be ourselves.
I’ve joined the new group, and the cool thing is that she’s not playing favorites when it comes to who can join. They just ask a few questions before you get in, like what you’re looking for in the group and what kind of events and topics you’re into.
To me this is the most petty post about someone who did soo much for the community we had.
Maybe so then why she close the group again its beyond me this time she did it not anyone else
#3 LOL you still harping on over that, this happened like, what 8 months ago? almost a year ago? like move on? go out and touch some grass?
Who should be going out and touching grass are those who involved themselves in a creepy roleplay such as that. If it gets brought up here again then they just have to deal with their consequences. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.
People have hated CC for years anyway because they act like an exclusive club that no one is allowed to join, except to rent a house where you can sit alone.
Lucy Drake (LUCYinthesky3) and Ramesh Singh were involved!
And to this day, nobody cares, Ramesh is no longer in CC, hasn’t been for a good 6 months, and as for people that sit in their houses and don’t join in with the RP, that’s on them, you can’t force people to RP
Ramesh is banned for ageplay. After looking at the roleplay he and Lucy did… are we surprised? People cared which is why so many complain and left CC after and which is also why it is brought up here still. Your butt hurt because people complain about a creepy roleplay involving child abuse? Find a better hill to die on… unless you were involved in it too. Hmm
#4 Elegance Model Agency isn’t any better. They either don’t like black men or just men in general because this was the review they goofed and sent me in a notecard for my final exam. “between us his avatar is really disgusting if they are all like that I will remain single all my life”.
well question is .. are you ugly? people love to get all self-righteous over not being hired, but truth is it’s 90% on the person not being hired.; Modeling is same way. Being a male doesn’t mean get hired nor does being a female. Let’s see your avi?
Hired? That was the judge comment for the graduation final from Elegance Modeling Agency to get ‘certification’ to be a model in SL.
I got certified, but when I confronted the EMA head about it they just pulled “we’re not responsible for the judges we hire”.
so they aren’t allowed to have their own likes, dislikes or opinions? Sorry people do and won’t always one like or wish to hear. “They either don’t like black men or just men in general ” because they didnt like you. That is a bit of an ego leap.
Wow. Just wow. Makes me wonder if there’s a niche for someone who wants to start an SL modeling agency that focuses on men and masculine presenting folks?
#21- I don’t know anything bout Furzona or if they’re using alts or bots or whatever, but I do know that the SL map ain’t the best about showing where people really are. Look at any sim on the map with people in it, you’ll see patterns like that.
#32- Nobody’s forcing you to do events, if you don’t wanna do em anymore then don’t! If you feel events don’t serve you anymore, if you’d get more out of doing mainstore releases than event releases, then by all means you should do what works best for you.
#45- I’ll be honest, a lotta people who make original mesh have moved to other places. Unless you can work real fast and wanna make either sexy clothes or something that’s in high demand but not made often, you’re not gonna get an easy foothold in the SL market. A lotta folks I know who make avatars went to vrchat, most folks who make furniture or accessories sell on asset stores now, others got hired for indie gamedev stuff, etc.
A lotta people who sell stuff on SL now either have a whole team of (usually underpaid) people doing all the work for them, or they buy and remix premade assets (whether that’s fullperm mesh or something from an asset store like turbosquid or renderhub.) The only exception is if someone’s super passionate about SL in particular, but that’s not so common anymore. The folks who aren’t passionate about SL can make a lot more money someplace else.
This gave me some insight into meshing for SL, so thanks for this. I’ve been learning my way around Blender for a few weeks, and started sculpting some nice animals (I want a bucking bull, and I think the best way to do that is to make it myself. I know it’s gonna be hard work learning to script it, and how to get animations for it working in SL, but I’m lucky I have some animation experience in other software). Luckily, my plan isn’t really to make a business out of it, just to make things I want but don’t see on the marketplace – if it turns out other people like it too, that’s great, otherwise, hey, at least I get something out of it that I wanted. I couldn’t keep up that pace of commercial production if I tried, and I do wonder whether that’s where a lot of original meshers are in their thought process – fun to do projects for yourself, but too much like hard work to try make a business out of it.
18. Here’s a better topic AZURE HAZE (azureepiphany) mind telling us how your alt Maddie or should I say Charlotte Beck disappeared after getting exposed but owns more than half the furniture in Mariana C (peppaann) house? The same Mariana C. that is now dating your alt Erick. You will hurry to switch it out now won’t you? Azure do you ever feel lonely dating yourself on different alts? Do you ever feel bad for lying to everyone and attacking folks? You want to take the spotlight off yourself so you’re attacking anyone.
Called it…she switched out all the furniture. Someone is guilty.
what a loser. cant even get furniture for their alt to make their BS believable lmao
Amari you are obsessed with Azure
#45) Running a store in today’s Mesh world is not easy for a designer. I’ve worked with designers, it is 1000% harder then it was pre-mesh days. But in the end we avatars look 1000% better (and more realistic) than those early days.
The designer did not buy a goat and then resell it ‘As-is’. They created something very unique using the goat’s head with a very well done set of Goth drop gauge earrings.
To criticize that designer you better take a damn good look at your inventory. Probably well over half of it was created by designers who bought pre-made meshes somewhere on the internet. The better designers know how to take that pre-made mesh and make it unique. Whether creating some very stylistic earrings, or using textures they created themselves that make the mesh object look amazing.
There’s a bigger point to be made here.
2 artists can release the same quality of item.
Both are sold at the same price because the customer doesn’t know.
So why would the artist making original content spend the extra time at this point if there’s no actual benefit?
If it continues then we’ll have 30 of these goats from 30 different designers and you’ll still have to pay them the same for something that took them an hour to do while the original content creators leave for a better pay rate.
Original art is important in here. It’s extremely valuable as it’s rare now. We should be able to know who is purchasing their products and who isn’t to protect originality in Second Life. At least you’d be getting a unique product for your 30c purchase when an artist made it themselves.
With how often some of these places come up, does anyone have the common sense to report half of them? Like the ones with the child avis in BDSM situations – why isn’t that reported? “Naw, naw, I’m going to post it on Virtual Secrets instead!”
Like please tell me at least some of this shit is documented and reported? This kind of filth doesn’t belong on SL and I can only imagine the kind of skeletons the people running those things and doing these acts must have if that’s what they want to project for everyone to see or even a limited audience.
Just wondering, D Block staff are you really so spineless to put up with being spoken to like that?
It’s better than being a guy who actually stuck his pole in Primrose. That toxic twat been through so many dudes….
#18 He bullied another person in discord for everyone to see then he bullied them more here on Secrets. The owner had to address it and then he became a mod after. CC is full of stupidity just like Lucy Drake’s roleplay shown in #3.
Interesting. Sounds like he paid his way in to be able to become an admin, lol.
Emberell, an officer from Caledon will eject you for being male and have a slight “bulge” quickly without talking to you about it.. shows you the rules about “nudity”.. which it is not… even thinks bumping is “assault”… avoid the prude strict community of Caledon, just putting that out there. 😛
LMAO, Caledon is full of old lady karens, I hate that place.
34) So wait, which one is the scammer? I see two logos. Unless the secret claims they are both scammers.
OP is likely referring to Team Wildfire partnering with and using assets from Seth Cameron and Charisma Aries (owner of the POP Figure rip-off BANG). They did an auction event and promised to make an item for someone for 50k Lindens and never delivered on the item. Seth “left” SL in January 2022 (the auction was in the middle of 2021).
People have asked about what’s happening with the item and then get blocked, meanwhile they continue to pump out products and people associated with them just stay quiet. Team Wildfire by partnering and profiting from the items is part of the problem.
To be honest, not the first time they have done this either. When the groupie they partner with went to other places (All but their favorites), they would complain to the point it punishes the whole group until like, two people stood up against them on their BS. When the moment of truth came, WF decided to punish the whole community and not fix themselves or their friends.
It’s basically the “Am I the problem?? No. They are the problem.” And it’s happening for years. But no one calls them out because they got what they need.
#6 its the taking down flickr images with one of this places most notorious thots for me… covering up much?
Color me curious. Which thot are we talking about here?
I think they mean chrissie darling. She got called out last week for posting NSFW pictures in SFW groups. And then she posted a comment pretending to be someone else and tried to drag a smaller account into it. A smaller account she’s been stalking and harassing.
She posed in that picture with Bornesinner that was meant to be an attack on Ophelia.
She’s a bully that tries to sleep her way to the top, therefore a THOT.
is there merch coming out with thot on it because I’m not sure if you’ve heard but I’m interested in it, so let me get my order in now k thanks.
the one and only chrissie darling lol…

reposted with out sinner cuz they caught too much heat? lol
#7.. Do you think the more times you say “motherfuckin” the tougher you look? You just look like a narcissistic idiot.
We have a drinking game on when he says Motherfuckin, makes for a fun night…then we sit back and laugh our drunk asses off at him and his minions at his club.
#23/24 River and his people are the most toxic in SL. Every single person i mention his name to it’s always the same comments “Toxic” “Pure evil” “Drama” River needs to stop looking in the mirror when i paints lies about others because who he calls names or lies about is really always his reflection.
Sit the fuck down and stop trying to be a gangsta, your nothing but a little punk bitch that tries to act like his from the hood, btw what happened to the money that was raised for the dead girl multiple times? Bet you kept that huh?
Kory nobody scared of you little man and only ones around you are those who are that far up your ass they can’t see the daylight or are banned from everyone else because let’s face it you are what you attract,
The real question I have is does Wicked even bang this mofo wanna be gangsta?
I bet once she got sone good…nevermind I won’t finish that…
41 – Get your own style
#45 – I’m always amused by this kind of drivel. SL creators are expected to make every single solitary inch of their product while no other creative entity is held to this standard. It’s just a shame that ignorant people have to harass SL creators for employing the same creation methods and workflows that are used by RL creators and corporations to run successful businesses.
Newsflash for you Karen. 90% of SL creators don’t make every single thing and hire others to make portions of their product they aren’t as talented at making or simply don’t have the time for. If you don’t like it don’t buy it and go sit on your high horse somewhere else.
Someone should tell 45’s OP that the people that made their car didn’t mine the alloy’s or vulcanize the rubber.
Also. EVOX heads are just DAZ 3D heads rigged to SL but I don’t see anyone bitching about that either.
People (creators and customers both) need to just accept that cool shit is coming into SL because people with the skill to bring it in are doing that. People got too much time on their hands.
This! I thought it was super creative. Who sees a mesh head and goes ‘Gauges!’
Interestingly, it was not customers, but creators themselves that started this movement.
Some creators started spreading this notion that if you don’t make every single item yourself from scratch, including the mesh, you do not deserve to be called a “creator”.
You are shamed for “stealing credit”, being a “copycat”, having “no talent”, etc.
I’m willing to bet #45 was posted by a creator, and not a customer.
It is complete BS, but it was designed to serve their own selfish interests, by making them seem superior to other creators, even if the others put out better items.
So it seems like the general consensus is .. less effort, more profit. Doesn’t seem like there is much of a reason to even make your own things anymore.
I would argue that it’s more that someone puts forth minimal effort vs someone busting their ass to actually create things. 2 stores join an event, one can shit out an item in a matter of a few hours vs the original creator spending 8+ hours on their product.
But that’s just my opinion, I’m just some dude on virtual secrets 🙂
That’s totally a choice, though. Creators can choose to spend their time making something, or their money having someone else make it so they have to sell more to make a profit. Anyone who’s meshing for themselves has the choice to go the other way.
Agreed. There’s also sites online where we can download a mesh and tweak it ourselves. Doesn’t mean it’s “copied” when the maker offers the mesh for free or for a profit. I’m not sure but, seems to me that LL would say it’s against the TOS if it were copied, so people claim here that items are stolen if LL doesn’t side with them.
This. I’ve created on a few different platforms and Second Life is far and away the worst with this crap.
And it really is mostly creators ( jealous competitors) who cry about it.
In my time as a creator I’ve heard anything from “ such and such designer stole this idea/mesh” to “ this creator is a pedo” with zero foundation for such nonsense.
I’m sure they imagine it somehow makes their own sales/popularity grow.
Customers have the option to buy or not. Most of them give zero fucks. It’s the creators who try to drive other creators brands into the mud.
Some of the best creators on the platform not only hire out but have scores of coworkers. Who cares? Most creators would do the same if they could afford to do so.
As long as it’s legal, mind your own damn business.
It’s likely only creators calling it out because customers aren’t looking through these sites to steal.
A creator purchasing mesh is more likely to identify other purchased mesh.
Customers have no way to know who is doing it themselves and who is stealing so it doesn’t matter to them.
It really only matters if you’d like to continue to buy truly unique content in SL. In that case the designers building from scratch should be differentiated so they can keep producing unique things for the market. otherwise we will just continue to have the same items repeated constantly like we’re seeing more and more
There is a way you can almost tell. If you right click on the item, left click on more then click on Inspect – you’ll see all the parts to the item. If you see 2 designers, more than likely the 2nd designer is the actual mesh creator. (sometimes you have to edit the item first before doing the inspect).
This isn’t perfect. Designers can always buy DAE mesh, which allows them to upload the mesh so it shows up as their own. But those meshes are way more expensive to purchase.
7 – My god that’s whiny. What does this guy lead? Looks like a completely arsehole
That’s D Block for you
What was smokefest anyway? I never heard of it? lol
from what I saw all over social media, it was supposed to be like an sl version of Coachella or something with DJs and a few live performers. but it may not have been as successful as people expected, and I think the owner failed to pay some photographers, from what I’ve seen around here.
So it was like FyreFest.
Yeah it seems that way, and anytime I see that man’s name pop up it’s usually because it’s screwed someone over.
I visited, because a couple of creators I like had booths there and it was supposed to be for a good cause. When I went, it was a ghost town that might as well have been a really crappy shopping event; definitely no Coachella vibes whatsoever.
tbh, the moment I saw the name I knew I was not gonna go. “smokefest” just makes me think it’ll be nothing but pot merch and the incredibly annoying type of people who make smoking weed their entire personality. I love a good edible or hit of some smoke… but my god, there is more to life than that. It’s also slightly worrying that the marijuana theme is creeping into far too much of creator output.
The moment I saw the name Smokefest and who was involved the first thing I thought of was Fyre Festival lol
#1. Good! Keep the T out of the community.
Gays against groomers has more cishet people in it than actual gays and doesn’t call out actual predators. 🤧
Are you one of those people who called out NY pride?
What’s cishet? You mean “normal”?
My normal isn’t policing people’s genitals and just calling people what they want because it isn’t a big deal.
Your normal is ‘Man barred from school for allegedly ‘accosting’ 9-year-old, claiming she’s trans’.
There’s only one norm and thus only one normal, no such thing as my or your normal, my or your truth and whatever else mumbo jumbo you confused people come up with.
#40 I am 99.99% sure I know who created this post (Arwen Daviau) as I have been part of some of her private conversations and have listened to the way she talks about her friends, club owners where she DJ’s and many others behind their backs. People like her will constantly bad mouth others just for attention (she’s an attention whore so no surprise there) or because they are secretly envious of the lives of others (she doesn’t have one so again no surprise). She (along with her girl gang and girl gang ho’s) will always find new people to friend, backstab and victimize because they are boring and have nothing better to do. I read the posts and comments here every week and I’ve read about Kavik and have been around him at clubs. He is pretty skeezy in his own right. I seem to remember some cheating accusations and his alts being called out too. News flash! EVERYONE in SL has alts. Who cares? And unless proof is provided about alts or cheating or hiding then the ADULT thing to do would be to STFU and stop stalking and obsessing over people who obviously don’t want to be around you and your gang.
I’m glad more people finally see Arwen for who she is. She doesn’t even try to retract her false accusations about others when proved wrong. It’s gross what she does to other people just because she needs some excitement in her pathetic life.
#42: I blame the Kardashians and their Kardashi-clones. Certain stores in SL apparently get their (minimal) inspiration from what the K’s wear, and I’m sick of it.
#18, honesty, a lot of residents don’t know why he was made a mod, his RP skill is poor, he’s also very opinionated, a lair, and meta games. he’s on my list of people that would make CC better if they just left the town forever
He made a large donation then.
What’s a Lair its lier rofl.
Actually, it’s liar.
#21 almost everyone has an alt at fz to the point game and lain talked about using their alts to troll security without them knowing as “trainings and they use those said alts to take up space in their events or make the club look busy or spy on memebers of the club. Rice and jellybean each have more than one alt alone. Sola has alt accounts. Even most their other lesser staff have alts.
#31 I’m glad he’s off social media. I used to cringe so hard when he commented on my pics. I even removed him on facebook so I didn’t have to see him whining about stuff.
How many cringes did it take for you to block him? On the first comment?
Stupid post just like the stupid person that wrote it
#43. doesnt surprise me and it could very well be Bridget herself. This is the only club ive seen on SL that has this type of trolling problem. Its probably some really messed up sick individual working there.
#45 looks like some demon concoction. demon goat LOL
https://www.3girlsinsl.co.uk/the-desolation-of-muddys-music-cafe/#comment-60 Explains it all! It is Beth/ Bridget, has always been Beth /Bridget ….she needs help!
6 Sinner posted himself and named dropped Senpai Bunny.
“Woe is me, I’m being harassed on VS, look people are mean to me, just a crumb of pussy please” – BorneSinner
It is tricky because if you don’t participate in events I find that it is very hard to get traffic and exposure especially if you own a small store and if you are doing a lot of things all on your own without help from managers and others. Events are really expensive to enter and take part in plus the costs in upload fees for meshes and textures if you are not a premium plus member. Often events cause me to lose quite a lot of money though without being apart of an event people do stop coming to my store. A lot of customers still want sales and bargains and if you are not in an event that is well advertised it is very difficult to get the word out there to people that things are for sale.
#41 Makes me laugh cause I’ve seen two Fox Furries with the exact same, basic as fuck design and style get into an arguement that turned vicious as fuck over who was copying who
At first I though that it was just playful shit but it really got out of hand fast lmao
I know who you are talking about.
there is a good chance you dont since this took place in 2008. But if you do, I’m so sorry you knew them
Damn! I wish I hadn’t traded away the spares I had of that, now. Not that I’d ask that kind of money for it; my guess is that the vendor doesn’t really wanna sell it but would for a ridiculous amount of money.
I like having my Bones the Dinosaur a hell of a lot, so I can kind of get it. But I’m also not listing it for sale on Marketplace.
#4 & #5 wait until you meet the owner of smokefest himself. He’s the ultimate weirdo giving the ultra pedophile vibes.
What is smokefest? Never heard of it
It’s a fest for the owner to scout his next round of 15yo looking girls.
Very true… Yung Gunz be actin like he in a cartel while frappin around with guys and dick ridin each other for some clout while MJ singer rubbing his balls for attention
Shocked! I thought RoC attracted all the top talent? I thought they got rid of all the toxic people?
Not only are they keeping their players in a small skybox so they can open up their Original City just when a competing sim opens, keeping their playerbase hostage in a cramped campground for three months…
The one admin who doesn’t have a toxic reputation is leaving to play at another sim…
But they’re finally so bored with their insular RP they noticed they’ve driven away most of their regulars that they have to teach their players how to RP?
Is this to distract from their sim owner and their application admin being caught metagaming? I wonder what it feels like when all your other staff and friends back up their friend and you have to step down from your characters when you can’t lie and make-up stories about a player.
Oh wait, one can go back to her character “whenever she wants” despite that character (allegedly) being involved in a regicide plot and the region lead banishing her. Despite being caught metagaming.
I hope both admins sign up for those RP lessons and learn about ICA=ICC.
Have fun in Summerhall! Great community!
Where are the lies? If ROC ever needed a TLDR, here it is.
Trouble Dethly AND Editorial Clarity SL20 FAILURE. So many people can not stand any of you, creating an ugly organization to just bring others down.
Having some people post about a social club with cards with their names on them is very disgusting thinking you all are top shots, All are jackoffs who have nothing else instead of making all these organizations and belittling people. Heh, jokes on you. Bunch of scammers. Pay back the original SL20 photographers. Instead of finding these other people who fell for your lies.
#7. Is he not the idiot that calls himself “the drama king”? Suck that drama up big man and stop complaining.
Drama princess 😂🤣 he acts like a little bitch
44-They are literally so talented and very kind-I try to buy from them as much as I’m able and own many of their things happily at full price. Long live meatcat (if you know, you know!)
29 – The person claiming on her FB in videos that the image has been photoshopped. Clearly, you are not very tech savvy.
The secret post was made in paint. Simple, MS Paint. If they can fake and edit the entire chatlog, they must be a paint virtuoso.
As a comparison, here is another image that was clearly made in Photoshop. Unless you delete the exif data of your images, often it can include the software that created the image, on phones it can include GPS data as well.
I had the misfortune of a tea sipper sending your ongoing meltdown to me, but would you be so kind and not scream “insufferable c*nt” while your kid is playing in the background?
Also. Deleted conversations in Messenger cannot be searched. How stupid you think people are?
I got no horse in this race but that screenshot says paint.net. It’s a program that’s a bit like gimp.
I’m just left utterly confused as to why people set up entire Facebook accounts for their virtual lives.
Lmao she has a Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, everything. I’m sorry but when you start tweeting as your RP character….
I made mine specifically cause some stores do facebook giveaways and I didn’t want to enter with my RL FB. *shrug*
Yes its a good way to keep up with what are the trends, sales, events and things to do in SL.
6. What is this sudden obsession with senpai bunny again? last i checked no one liked him because he liked fucking around with people and playing with people’s hearts. is he back at it again and this guy is getting dragged for messing with someone senpai wanted or is this guy going after his ‘leftovers’ from before? It’s kind of shitty to call all the women senpai bunny fucked over leftovers.
Frankly, “victims” or better, “survivors” is a lot more accurate for the women who went through his narcissistic abuse; the guy is a real piece of work. I know a couple of people myself who would have been better off if they never met him. Every woman who willingly signs up for it thinking she can handle it or make him better is just a self-deluding idiot by this point. There’s a reason why he had so many alts that got outed on here, and it’s flat out stupid to think he hasn’t made more since then.
Frankly, Borne Sinner has posted Senpai Bunny two weeks in a row in connection to Ophe his Ex. First a photo of a public flickr tag on an image, and now a self post to garner pity and name drop Senpai. It’s gross, fan behavior. Unemployed level harassment.
Here he is stalking Ophe at Exhale, standing feet away and DMing her friend for having the audacity to stand beside her. He spanked her spankers and tried DMing her only to see he was blocked. Now Senpai is being dragged after a year of irrelevance so y’all could stir up drama from a year ago.

Here is again stalking Ophe’s flickr so he can copy her image and ‘get back at her’ but literally nobody cares about him or what he does. He has taken down this image since then, thus proving his guilt. Unfortunately some of us keep receipts.

I’ll be selling Senpai Bunny Fan Club Merch in the foreseeable future, please don’t hesitate to reach out and purchase at your leisure.
Not even surprised she agreed to do that picture with him. She did the same thing when I turned her down, went and found a guy to do ‘my’ picture with to try and make me jealous. Senpai better run, Darling is bad news. I had a good laugh hearing about our non existent relationship from someone else too. Apparently I was neglectful and abusive, we weren’t ever even together. 🙃
Merch? Ok here’s my order:
I’ll take one shirt XL cuz I’m a fat bitch,
A pair of pants XL cuz again I’m fat,
I’ll take a couple pairs of socks, a headband, the exclusive wallet and the tote bag.
Let me know the account deets and ETA.
Cheers ❤️
I do not know Senpai nor have I met him, but he is someone I would advise every female to stay away from. As I said I do not know this man personally but I know someone who got involved with this man, and I heard about him way before hand. The facts are this man will fuck anyone with a pulse and leave them in ruin. He had drama in the past with the same reputation of how he treats females and what he does to them. He claimed he was working on himself but he reverts right back. He gets involved with people, multiple people and just fucks through his day. This man has a real fucking problem. Certainly not here to judge anyone and I didn’t even fucking care but people need to know he is married in RL, and his wife is probably unaware of the foul shit he does. I’m honestly shocked to see so many down votes on this topic. As for the person being dragged through the mud, no idea who he is. Even if he did take a photo with someone this guy use to like or does like, who gives a fuck. Senpai is married. Makes you wonder why he’s on here doing what he does.
Judging by the amount of down votes both posts got I am going to assume that yes he is back and this is the new group here to talk mad shit to anyone who knows better. Yes, the many women that I knew who dealt with him are definitely what I would call survivors, the amount of horrid shit he put them through still shocks me.
Do we know anything about this Bornesinner guy aside from he probably took a picture with one of the ‘leftovers’ and it pissed off the Senpai fan club? Wouldn’t that be a good thing for the fanclub though? One less competitor in the game of Senpai’s non-existent heart?
Eh, thumbs downs are more fun than thumbs ups; who comes here to agree with people? I think it’s funny anyone cares about a ratio on a site that doesn’t use them for anything.
To be fair, you just like stirring things up in general.
Sometimes, and sometimes I’m helpful but of course all the people I’ve upset by disagreeing with them and being able to back up my opinions with solid points don’t remember that stuff- often, my comments that are purely factual info get the same treatment because the mere sight of my username triggers them so much, it’s comical lol
My point is that the “voting” on this site is useless; everyone sorts by new anyway and no matter what your ratio is nothing happens(like on reddit where some subs hide heavily downvoted comments, and people have to manually choose to see them), so it’s really just a way for weak and timid people to feel like they clapped back without having to be brave enough to comment.
You’re right that this many clicks on this thread only, with zero actual responses, is definitely someone working out their VPN; imagine being that insecure 💀💀 Then again these pathetic wastes like Senpai Bunny who make a dozen SL accounts trying to be a “player” on the internet when they’ve never touched a real woman are the living, breathing definition of insecurity anyway, so it makes perfect sense.
lol isnt that the entire purpose of this site though?
Apparently his ex cheated on him with Senpai Bunny.
OK yall seriously need to stop. The digs on someone barely related to the post aren’t required. As far as I know, Senpai apologized to everyone he hurt, he made that effort to reach out to everyone he had been in contact with and he apologized for what he’d done. If you bothered to speak to him now you’d see that he has changed quite a bit and is making an effort to do better. You’d rather believe he’s just as awful as he was when you ran into him than accept that people can change if you give them that chance.
Whatever shit you had with him in the past is IN THE PAST. Stop harping on it for a few seconds of fame.
doesnt it say on his profile hes married? u cant go into that and then play victim im sorry lol..
I don’t know who you think you’re talking to; he did shoot his shot with me, but I can smell rl incel/sl fuckboi from a mile away and he never got anywhere, despite multiple attempts. I blocked him(on all the accounts that I knew personally) after his pedophile shit came out, I guess that was last year.
However, I’m not the type to pressure a friend into not doing something they want to do- I’ll tell them how I feel once if I’m worried they’re doing something stupid, but beyond that point they are adults and responsible for their own choices. I don’t play “mom” to my friends, despite how creepily popular that seems to be in SL. That’s why I got to witness exactly what he did to people up close.
Oh, and if he was fuckin some guy’s girlfriend before they split up, he hasn’t changed nearly enough to be considered redeemed in any way. He still sounds exactly like trash to me, and so is the girl in question.
How is this all flip flopping between him being a “rl incel”, “oh hes married, you guys should know” (even tho that is literally in his profile), “he’s never touched a woman irl”, “BUT HE’S MARRIED“. Make it make sense. lol
He’s as clear as he can be. That’s also in his profile. “Not emotionally available. Not wanting or looking. You are not the exception”. When someone tells you straight up who they are, believe them. You dont get to villainize the guy when he’s nothing but honest about it from the get go but you deluded yourself into thinking otherwise.
Let’s put this whole thing back on track? This Bornesinner dude obviously posted himself because he’s big mad his EX got involved with Senpai. The receipts were posted, it’s obvious as can be. Who Senpai was over a year ago and accusations that were made AND proven to be false since are all irrelevant to this entire conversation.
The girl is single and can do what and whoever she wants. And as far as accusations of her cheating are concerned, where’s the actual proof of that?
I never said he was married, so I don’t know how completely different comments are “flip flopping”. He never brought up being married with me, because he was trying to fuck, and this happened before he pretended to change. It definitely wasn’t in his profile back then, nor were any of the other “warnings” he has now. It doesn’t matter how stupid you are though, your fellow morons will pat you on the back just for arguing with me; this site is like a special ed class sometimes lol
However, if you think someone can’t be married and an incel, you are a sweet summer child indeed. Anytime you think life is going too fantastically and you need something depressing to return you to reality, go to reddit and check out r/DeadBedrooms. It’s full of stories of married people who haven’t had sex in years. Anyone who makes a dozen SL accounts to try and shuffle multiple “waifus” and think that means anything is definitely not fucking their rl wife, period.
You are one of the least trustworthy opinions on this entire site. You’re also a 3rd tier GoT role player so you should probably stay in your lane.
Go find proof of those heinous accusations because you can’t. They’re totally unfounded. Dig up the original posts. There is literally nothing there. There are screenshots of the person admitting to making it all up. so instead of lying and slandering someone anonymously why don’t you attach your name and integrity to your posts?
You won’t because you have none. You me hate mob sounds unhinged. “He’s never touched a real woman”, “he’s married in RL”, “I’ve never met him but my friend said X and she’s definitely not a scorned ex”.
You can post anything you want here without proof and never get it tied back to you. Cowardly disgusting behavior.
Sorry to say but by your own admission, he’s fucked his way through so many people and they’re all hateful victims it’s wild not a single one can actually provide proof.
You’re so concerned about the survivors, but what about the ones who died?!?! XD
LOL I have never even been to a GoT roleplay sim; that’s so hilariously stupid 💀💀 You should take several ignorant ass seats, you need them lmao
Jesus Christ lol shut up.
No lol
Excuse me? Died???? I’ve been involved with Senpai, but we’ve always just understood that it’s casual and been friends. Who tf died? Don’t go spreading rumors….
Follow Me on Twitter is Senpai Bunny. And he didn’t mean literal death.
That was obvious. He posted the same rant on his Twitter before deleting it. Oops. I guess he forgot he was outting his own friend(?) as a stalker.
Last I checked Senpai has minded his business for a year and being posted two weeks in a row with no traction is proof enough. Stop beating a corpse for attention he doesn’t matter anymore