Secrets will not go out next week. The upload is disabled. It will re-enable around Thursday of next week.
Dear OP #8
I live in America. We have
1. People robbing and punching you in broad daylight
2. Karens and Kens throwing tantrums in public places
3. People getting beat up for having different opinions
4. Racist unhinged incels shooting up your favorite supermarket
5. Everyone has guns so if you look at them funny.. don’t be surprised if you find the barrel of a shotgun pointing at your head.
So, just because all extroverts wanna go outside and touch grass and people. Doesn’t mean we introverts wanna put our lives on the line for some fucking “sunshine” and social gathering. All we need to do is go out into the backyard and we’re good. Unless we live next door to a fucking Karen.
I live in America..and it’s pure chaos in the streets. I’ll take my chances for the second life. At least I can talk shit and not get shot on there.. unless it’s my avatar taking the hit. Fuck the outside noise!
#34: Your post made me laugh quite a bit. I FELT your pain in your words, and to the person with the solution, you are the real MVP! I haven’t personally made this mistake at such a monumental level, but I have accidently attached things, and grateful to see a solution if I happen to make this mistake in the future
#22 To the OP, for the ones who do not pay patreon, what does that make them?
Just Saying.
#1 Just because you un-partner each other and change your names does not make you look less guilty Callie and Crux HUNTRESS. We all know you are still living together IRL you are fooling nobody. It is about time your Karma has arrived. RFL doesn’t even want you involved with them! How many people have you scammed out of money or tried to scam out of money, and before you run your mouth Callie, I have proof that you did! You two are unbelievable and shouldn’t be allowed into any more breedables, and those breedables you do do, they should kick you out of before you try to earn your ill gotten gains from your fraud! You should be refunding people you sold to. But we all know how selfish and self-centered you both are. The whole breedable world does not revolve around the two of you, even tho you think it does! Hell you both think that the whole world revolves around you…IT DOES NOT! Nobody can stand you, they tolerate you. People cringe when they hear either of you on voice. Go find another game to play and stop scamming people here. You were caught. I for one (and I’m sure many others would too) would love to see this notecard that got sent out as to why you were perma banned from there.
17. Funny that Amari is throwing everyone under the bus in the comments…Guilty.
Typical Aeon.
#17 Yup but Let him talk cos if memory serves me right.. he spilled the beans about Cade dating creepy manager Lucy during the explosions. I love peeps with “mouth” diarrhea rofl
No way lol? Cade can’t be that desperate
#5 Furries are the most entitled and unlikable cunts in SL and I love how this continues to perpetuate the stereotype. Please make yourselves as unlikable as possible, so all the decent sims exclude you and keep your pollution out.
Can’t say that is my experience. I’m not a furry, never really understood it to be honest but the furries of SL have always been the nicest people in my experience.
Furries are the nicest people I know in SL, and have ‘never’ done anything to backstab or screw me over. They’re usually quieter than most too. Not sure who you’re talking about.
Ask the furry who promotes white power and white nationalism
Look in any sufficiently large community, and you will find bigots. This is not unique to furries.
Look in any sufficiently large community, and you’ll find a bigot. This is cherry picking data to support your narrative.
Not able to upload secrets for next round, boooooooooooo!!
27 then stop cucking to Islam.
The only thing more painful to read about other than “families”, most of them with neogothic cringe names, arguing with each other over who banged whose sisters/daughter/mother/dog, is furries arguing.
Cringe all around.
29. Is tha tattoo real or edited for VS?
What’s wrong with saying White power, black people say Black power in so many things all the time. You can’t say it’s only ok for one race to be proud. If you have a problem with this tattoo than have a problem with the other 3547485 on sl that say that and more, you seem to only be targeting this store.
you’re a bit too late, february was months ago! you people usually have this tired, stupid argument around then!
edit: do you actually know any black people because when the hell have you ever heard a black person in 2023 say black power? i wish you people would use your active imaginations and constant paranoia and put that energy into something that can benefit mankind instead of fighting a culture war while the entire planet burns.
Please educate yourself, you inbred, Confederate flag-flying racist hick.(PS- you voted for Cheeto, didn’t you).
You’re blind to yourself, you’re as horrible the other way! Just because one person is trash doesn’t give you the right to be trash back at them!
i wish people would keep that same energy with blacked shit.
Sincerly a black woman tired of all the stupid ass BNWO retards on sl.
Ps. More bleached shit.
you can’t be serious 😬
Toby will awaits his prison sentence many criminals will harm this pedo and most of you think your safe because you fled and trying to cover your tracka
Please for the love of God go outside and touch grass.
Please for the love of God ditch the over-used “touch grass” and find something more creative to say.
Actually don’t, I love to see you all fighting online <3
After you….
#38: Ok i need that hair though.
#34: Oh I’ve been there, and it suuu-uuucks.
That would be a good feature to add in!
I think we ought to start a picture gallery of the mishaps. Even if you try “replace outfit” — it doesnt work when you have added all your hds, alphas, etc. I started making my folders smaller so I only have to take off 100 items — cause i know i will accidentally do it again. I would like a better folder organizer.
#27 But Dubai and the UAE have long been the subject of complaints of mistreatment of workers. Migrant workers say they often face brutal work conditions, shifts of 12 hours or more, and that companies withhold paychecks or workers’ passports so as not to let them quit or return home. Nothing luxurious is coming without a cost for poor class.
#27 – And what does that matter have to do with the name of an event in virtual world? It gives the impression that they only do it to criticize, rivaldy between events LOL 😂
The truth to YN what’s everyone saying is true they social with Colby dark and other known trolls/pedophiles and etc. They will be in denial remain quiet gossip on other social network platforms. You can lie and spread rumors about what’s didn’t happen but the truth is out there no need to protect people. In matter of time they will find every single one.
So why didn’t you report it to the police?
> Show Debug Window (Ctrl Alt Shift S)
> Search for “WearFolderLimit”
> Input a number you like on the box
You’re welcome.
May the Goddess herself shine upon you and bless the path that you walk!
omg i had no idea of this either. I SHALL SPREAD THE GOOD WORD TO MY VILLAGE!
Had no idea that existed. They really should get that into the main preferences window, I’ve never had this issue but I see many people complaining about it due to mis-clicking. Hiding the fix in a debug setting isn’t a great decision by Firestorm devs.
You can hide on any social network accounts it your still getting reported along with your buddies your leader is arrested for coming and other charges. So or later you dumb pedo supporters going to panic already. Run and hide like cockroaches you are
Alts, pedos, tattoos, OH MY! This week’s ‘secrets’ is , overall, pretty yawnworthy.
The tattoo is of the ss lighting bolts, the wolfcrag and the saying “white power” what do you mean yawn.
And???? White Power is bad???
Aaaah…You do know a lot of these ‘groups’ follow Hitler’s ideologies right? Or maybe you do….
#3 – my friend, Genus forgot about Genus. That store isn’t doing a damn thing anymore. No point creating for it when EvoX is FAR more popular.
Even the AO of the head breaks it. Their heads break when you use emotes. They haven’t been fixed in years and won’t be.
#3 you need to look at it from the creators standpoint, is it worth it form the to a Genus version of the skin, or a Catwa version. and with Genus, it’s not, Genus has been dead for nearly 3 years now and let’s never forget how many times they conveniently claimed they got DCMA’ed when people pushed them to fix their broken ass animations
Broken unable use animation HUD
Broken eyes
Broken rigging, concaves upper head when using shape
Sets heads at “discount” still higher than most heads
Claims DMCA
Unable work on updates
Shows LL letter saying case closed 4 mths before reopened for non-contact
Claims 2nd DMCA
Unable work on updates
Closes and refuses show any proof closed again
Husband dies – says –
Unable work on updates
Surprise remarried not yr later
Unable work on updates
Immediately Pregnant
Unable work on updates
NO reasons with promises working on it
No updates
More promises
Now at several years mark
More promises, no updates
Yeah, I don’t make for Genius because it’s honestly not worth the time to redo anything to fit their heads.
Yea Genus isn’t trying so why should creators
#4 – There are a slew of clueless people in Second Life who have no fricking clue what ‘Copybot’ really is and the general laziness of most designers in second life.
If you think you recognize a mesh outfit or a skin or some other product because you saw it in another store, about 99.99999999% chance that product was NOT copybotted but instead bought legitimately from a mesh and or content creator who designs full perm items that designers can purchase.
Go to marketplace – there are stores like Melli Imako that specialize in selling full perm mesh items that anyone can purchase, slap their own texture on it and sell it in their own store front. There are even stores that sell skin textures that can be repackaged and sold in a store. And this is all very legal.
Just because 2 stores sell the same mesh shirt doesn’t mean one copybotted. It just means both stores shopped at the same full perm mesh creator.
BTW some of the better monthly events like Uber, Fameshed, Tres Chic, will check designers first for original mesh content before adding their stores to their event (meaning the designer makes their own mesh).
Speak the truth! Amen…
And some events (the lower class/lower tier ones) ONLY have stores with template items. Remember that stupid “gun stuck in my twat” bikini a couple months ago that at least 10 stores sold? Template. The ho wear stores eat that template shit up.
Almost every time it’s Melli Imako lol, I always check their store first to see if the stock textures they offer are better if I see something I like.
Ive seen premade in all 3 of those lol even “recolors” of an old product
#35 Wtf are are you stupid it’s not even about disability have you ever seen or heard of fucking monster girls? Some are missing limbs because of death,being a ghost if you knew anything about Pirii you would know their avatars are undead. Seriously stfu
Nah. it seems like missing limbs turns her on the way she talks about them. weirdo ableist.
#8 Only the banned can know peace from this hell.
Genus is dead. it’s not coming back. No one wants to waste their time making a skin for a product 99% of its users have abandoned and moved on
Lol. Next people will be complaining we don’t make skins for LAQ anymore. Hahaha
Eh from the looks of it Genus might be coming back. They also are giving free updates. Seems stores learned from when Belleza made others buy a brand new body.
Only free updates I’ve seen is those claimed gotten by staff but never shown proof of when asked
Riiiiight. Where exactly are those updates? They’ve been promising for 3+ years that updates or new heads were coming. It’s been crickets. They never fixed the animation problems with their old heads, but they sure did make a bunch of empty promises in their group chat back then. They will never get another linden dollar from me, even if they do miraculously crawl out from under their rock.
They’ve been “coming back” longer than they were a thing. Don’t hold your breath waiting.
Heard that Genus are working on new heads… thought great, maybe they’ll even release them without giant bugs this time.
Then learned they will not be using EvoX mapping… what is the point in releasing a product that you can barely find skins for.
Not only are they not using Evo X mapping, they’re pushing APPLIER skins by calling them “HD”. SL has moved on, we are all about the BOM now. Every step Genus takes is a bad one.
I doubt they have been working on new heads. I think they’re just lying trying to get people to pay for the old, wonky heads they already have from years ago. They’ll milk that for all it’s worth and then disappear.
#5- Stuff’s generic at these events cause folks make what sells the best. We’re not in the days where people would make stuff for the fun of it anymore, sadly. If folks are still making stuff for fun, they’re not entering events cause they don’t wanna pay event fees they’re barely gonna recoup. It’s a real shame how things are going.
It’s sad that everything is just for profit… it’s not even this event that suffers, everything from the L$ 50 Friday sales to other major sales are just the same basic genetic dress or bikini… The same basic shirt… It’s like there are no original creators on SL anymore and like everyone is passing a template around saying “lol okay this week it’s your turn to sell this basic skimpy dress with no sleeves” if you look at any of the weekend sales, you will see what I mean.
There are a few quality designers still participating in sales events, but it seems like every week we lose more of them. FLF is just trash now. Cortez gets away with putting out the same crap year after year for TSS. I bought a dress years ago from them, and they’re still putting it out for TSS.
Did you know that #35 is probably only being made based off the fetish not any kind of disability!! *Surprised Pikachu Face*
#1/2 – Oof they’re still around? They’ve been banned from multiple systems and communities for causing drama. That sleazy family destroyed mine and my partner’s friend circle and online business by blackballing us with lies when one of them got jealous that he wouldn’t screw her behind my back. 🙄
Theyre like a bad case of the clap that you just cant get rid of.
Don’t look up youth nation grid your pedophile friend is no longer here and you can’t you hide forever you sick bastards from internet.
Wesley pedophile confirm
Jason pedophile confirm
You support a pedophile because you and everyone who was on that are pedophiles making ai art work exchanges rl illegal stuffs.
Have fun being sick pedo and being a miserable low life bum.
Come on man, at least get his name right!
And Louche Larson.
#3 Im curious to see how beautiful you made this skin look on your heads. Next time post a picture of you using it? People who make skins and other head layers know that the same skin doesnt look good on all the heads. Most skins made for Avalon head don’t look good on a head like Briannon, for example, because the shade around the nose, chin, cheekbones don’t align all the time or look nice. This is the reason why skin creators make skins optimized for certain heads. Sure you can wear any BOM layer on any mesh head that allows BOM but the contour and shadows just doesn’t align well across all the heads.
#10 I DARE YOU to show off your gorgeous shape in comments so I can get a good idea of how an awesome shape looks like? You here talking shit about others shape, like, do you do this in RL? I see bigger girls with slim faces all the time in RL, the same with smaller feet on bigger bodies. You may not like it but it exists, just let people do whatever they want with their shapes in SL. Its just pixels you know? PIXELS. You can literally block the offensive body shape and not see it on your screen anymore. Coming here to talk shit about them wont change anything, it only shows how stupid mad you get all over someone elses pixels arrangement and that in itself its funny because its… SECOND LIFE.
#27 I’m pretty sure the name of that event was to relate to the LUXURY of current Dubai not about it’s history. There is nothing wrong with that.
Dubai is currently a civil rights nightmare. Go look it up.
Lol take a chill pill you idiot, people make shapes with trex arms and tiny feet all the damn time and the poster is right, the faces all look like dolls haha
Lmao you seem to be the one that needs the pill. Its peoples shape, their money their time, let them do as they want.You have 0 ruling over them. You must be new to SL lol If you dont like it move on.
Why does anyone think that people stating their opinions means they actually expect anyone to change? People are just as free to publicly comment as someone is to choose how to publicly present themselves. Stating your opinion of something doesn’t do anything whatsoever to stop someone from doing it. It sounds stupid as fuck to act like it does.
#10 it must have hit a big ole sore spot with you. I find that hilarious it’s just sl and you got all worked up about that.
If the sore spot is me pointing out the truth, then let it be.
Last week they were talking smack about people with Barbie doll Avis. Not everyone is short and fat with tiny hands and feet. Not everyone has a Barbie doll face. So while they complain about people fat shaming, or that’s how their body looks in rl , then make the face to match. I can assure most in sl don’t have Barbie doll faces in rl. I don’t care what a person makes their avi look like. I care about the person behind the avi. I don’t fat shame people but don’t skinny shame me.
Nobody is shaming anyone. My point was that people come and talk trash about EVERYONES shapes yet none of them post their shape, not even to show off. #10 Happens to be about t-rex arms etc. I dont care if you are skinny, fat, or a mosquito in SL. If the post was shaming skinny or whoever I wouldve said the same… SHOW OFF YOUR SHAPE. If you are going to talk about others shape, yet not reveal yours since it seems to be so perfect that allows you to criticize others then don’t say anything at all. So, I really don’t know what you understood from the post.
It’s idiotic to post your avi or SL name on this site; these people emotionally immature at best- otherwise the opinions of strangers wouldn’t upset them- and sometimes fucking crazy. They will absolutely carry stuff from this site onto the grid because they have nothing else going on.
29 – he’s apologized fwiw and is being genuinely apologetic in the replies. ppl gotta remember that not everyone on second life is a white person who is aware of this stuff. it’s not a good excuse because you’d think with the english he does know, he’d…see that tattoo but, whatever.
also yikes to 3dsk hosting that type of content but those sites do not care if there’s money to be made :-/
Everyone crying about White Power needs to do the same amount of complaining against anything that says Black Power.
Yeah right. Whites have had power for all of human history. Blacks have not. Try again.
Only people who were home schooled in US History by their uncle dad would listen to anything you say, no matter how many times you change your posting name
He’s extremely apologetic because he’s been caught being a literal Nazi. His Patreon has been leaked. He’s a fucking nazi LMAO.
he also makes stuff for sims so is his patreon full of nazi stuff? explain?
What do you mean “leaked”? it was never a secret. You can find it on his tumblr for his TS4 releases. Anything he releases in Patreon you can see on his Tumblr. There’s nothing Nazi there. People are reaching hard. Especially some dumbass I saw on Twitter saying his store name is proof of neo-nazism. What an idiot. I personally didn’t even know what those symbols meant either. Like him I only knew the swastika. You can’t expect people to know what every symbol is tied to. And the white power, when I first saw it, I couldn’t even tell right away what it said cause of the font. A lot of you really underestimate how different someone’s life and upbringing can be from yours. What is common knowledge and obvious to you, isn’t the same for everyone else. Also, if this guy was really a Nazi and a white supremacist, I don’t think he would be apologizing so much for it. Nazis are proud to be Nazi and they won’t apologize for it, since they’re already fucked up in the head. Use some common sense instead of riding on the witch hunt boner.
You cannot be serious, just because English isn’t their first language doesn’t excuse this one. These symbols have been around GLOBALLY since the late ‘30s into WWII.
did you ignore me saying “it’s not a good excuse because you’d think with the english he does know, he’d…see that tattoo but, whatever.” because i absolutely said it wasn’t not a good excuse
Agree. It isn’t hard to google. A simple search of ‘white power’ shows everything even if you take the symbols out of the equation. This isn’t the first time he’s used racist imagery. Gossip going around says he makes racist fetish images as well. I haven’t seen proof of that yet.
Isn’t it interesting how no one at all until now has thought he uses racist imagery or neo-nazi themes but now that he made a mistake suddenly it’s so obvious all his stuff is racist? What is the other time he used racist imagery? do you have proof? or yeah you’re just going with the gossip going around. Just another typical case of SL people being thirsty af for drama so they make up any bullshit. People that had never even heard of his store are the loudest. If you don’t want to believe him then don’t. Your options are: buy from his store or not. Most of you never did so it doesn’t matter. Those of us that believe him and actually buy from his store will keep buying ✌️
China doesn’t really study the European part of WWII very much. That’s a common issue in Asian countries and explains why they’re casual about n@zi stuff and often treat it like it’s just an aesthetic. I think it was an honest mistake and now he knows not to be ripping tattoos from random ass websites.
china knows what the symbols are. we arent retarded
reading is SUCH a lost skill on here!
#3 you must be new? Why should creators even support a head that has so much bugs and has not been fixed knowing how many years it has been since the last update was made but still have not fixed some of the bugs that the head still has, people have been waiting for the updates for a long time now, when a head has not been updated for so long you will lose customers especially when you make promises that you can’t keep, That why genus has been dropped by so many by the lack of update it has, Lelutka has all of their heads up to date and they don’t take their customer as a joke. that why more people moved onto a head that has more support with no bugs than a head like genus that doesn’t have their heads fixed yet by the lack of update and the years that has been gone and still nothing yet, The owner of genus seems to be taking her customers as a joke by hyping them up with the teasers being posted on her social media for nothing, If genus really going to return to the grid she will have to step up her game ten times stronger and not have broken promises to their own customer. Let’s see how long it will take for these heads to be updated.
Look at that 1 downvote. Hello Genus! How does it feel getting your lying feet put to the fire?
So mad about the teasing on her social media!!! She says something, then goes quiet for some time, then comes back and post some crap and leaves again.
I do own all of their heads, but, they took too long to fix or care about us when it mattered. Hundreds of people would pop in their discord asking how to fix the eyes and they never cared to fix it. They would send you a link to an MP store that had a free eye animation (The Eye Lock Hud AO) that would “fix” your eyes. Then the creator of that item started charging 50Ls (which I dont mind, but we shouldn’t need to be buying external things to fix a “high quality” head) now they want to try get on people good side and offer a general update. No thanks. Lelutka has released lots of different heads, they gift heads almost every year, they are less than 4k $Ls (which it was the price they had on their initial sale and then, they decided to keep!), customer service to me has always been great and the heads get updated. I have no complaints.I specially love to support creators that listen and treat their customer right. Genus will have to do major step up but after all this time… and the treatment I got from them, I don’t even care anymore.
There’s that 1 dislike again. Hi Genus!
I was honestly like, dumbfounded when I saw they were advertising new heads, male heads, while they haven’t even pushed the updates for the female heads they have been promising for yes, literally years. I scrolled their Fb and it has all this bullshit about these amazing things that are coming soon… sooooon… but nothing ever actually gets released. I’m so glad I only spent money on one Genus head. Anyone who gets excited to throw money at a new product from a creator who releases broken crap and then never fixes it deserves to be taken for a fool at this point.
As far as the post goes, I don’t know why any skin creator would do double work for almost no customers. The most common Genus head around anymore is the freebie, and you know damn well those people aren’t paying full price for anything.
Oh, yet another 1 downvote. Hi Genus!
Where the fuck is the punctuation???
#19 – I’m not a fan of this event, but criticizing it by name smacks of rivalry from another similar event LOL idiot who criticizes a name, maybe envy or anger, makes frogs come out of his mouth and give a criticism as an example of the slavery that is done in dubai city please be more professional and not dumb enough to criticize a simple name LOL 😂
#3, sorry, cupcake. As long as Genus remains hiding under a rock, very few creators will create for them. We’ve been hearing promises from Genus that they’re returning FOR YEARS when they never even fixed the problems they had with their old heads. If you’re still wearing Genus, get used to wearing old skins. Nobody’s obligated to create for Genus just because 30 people are still wearing it.
it was the “30 people are still wearing it” for me
I think that’s an overly optimistic number
If you count the free one it’s probably fair; I see that fugly mess on a regular sadly, you can’t miss it with that fucked up nose
#15 Oh yes! because it’s totally not common for furry creators to bring characters from video games into secondlife…*cough* wolf link *cough* and really? the whole “OMG SHE PUT A BUTTHOLE ON A FERAL AND NIPPLES!” shit? because you know…it isn’t like several other creators on sl haven’t done the same or made add-ons for feral avatars yet i do not see any of you going after them, I personally do not see an issue with them adding nips and a butthole, and it sure as hell is not their fault what people choose to use the skin for, they just made it, nor is it their responsibility, I bought the dalmatian skin myself, yet my first thought wasn’t to run around fucking or getting fucked by people, I like the idea of being anatomically, Not saying everyone has the same thought as me, sounds like OP has a personal vendetta against AR, grow up already, it is very common for people to make skins based around or inspired by video game characters, as i stated before, wolf link is very popular, Asriel from undertale, the druid cats from world of warcraft, and many many more, I have yet to see any of you go after them or bitch about that, if you have, you’re stupid…
My living, domesticated pet dogs have nipples and buttholes. Ferals are not required to be Barbie and Ken with fur.
#12 This place is a joke. Been there done that. You can go to a store that’s inflating their traffic and have just as much fun.
You are so right I stopped by and there were 79 avatars with only 7 on the main dance floor and the rest off in another area collecting gems. This is the legal way in Second Life to bot or what used to be camping and get away with it to inflate your traffic, but this place is a joke. Let’s see if they around next year 😜
3) Then suck a dick, and do it yourself since you’re an expert on this.
# 10 That’s some funny shit right there! 😂
#38 Colbydark alt?
So just going to drop some info here for those that just blindly agree like sheep.
This is not Colby Dark/Alexander though he is back on SL, just look for Chester as he’s always partnered with him. This individual has had nothing to do with Toby, OpenSim or any of that and has never been on OpenSim.Colby/Alexander comments on posts that mention him and start going off on one calling the person in the secret a pedo and a retard etc… all the usual bullshit.You really gotta start fact checking people. Just because they use Kemono doesn’t mean they’re an Ageplayer or some Pedo, it’s like turning around and calling everyone that is over 6.4m in height on SL a freak for being too tall when it’s not even realistic.
Overall, this isn’t Colby Dark and as Bored Guy said:
Please check things yourself instead of blindly agree to things next time, really saves peoples sanity.
Listen, I asked based off of the secret. They/Whoever/OP are the ones calling them an ageplay pedo. I could care less about someone’s height or whether they put on one of those anime heads.
I think you need to try a bit better, if your aim is to shift the eyes off Colby / Alex.
It has been confirmed by 3 reliable accounts confirming Colby/ Alex to being in SL.
The exact words I heard were “Yeah Colby thinks he was a mod, but pretended to be more important than he actually was”.
I trust these persons accounts far more than yours, as I have known them for years and pretty reliable people. Unless you wish to call them out as liars too ?
Yeah we all know where Colby is, see my point in my last post on that one!
If you going to try pulling the wool over people’s eyes, at least have the decency to not think everyone is an imbecile and not have done the homework.
See what i did there ? Sheep ? Wool? You get the idea!
Height?? The same thing you stick on your profile as a statement ?
Really??? I would also ask where your values are, knowing what your BF does and going back to that mental case time and time again?
Please try harder !!
Uhh… That pick was actually from my friend, I copied it off of him because, one, I found it humorous, and also, SL measurements are always off. If you actually went around and measured things, you would find mostly everything is oversized. But OK, lol.
For reference or whatever, my avatar is just under 6 feet and everyone still towers over me, so yes, you are mostly all giants.
What kind of person looks at everything around them and assumes it is all wrong and they are right with literally zero basis? That’s pretty insane. “Mostly everything is oversized” because SL has never been built on rl scale, nor was it ever intended to be. It was a terrible idea to even use rl units of measurement on our avatar customization sliders, because that apparently confuses people who don’t understand proportions. If you’re standing next to a piece of furniture and it comes up higher on your avatar than it would in real life, you are not “realistic”- you are undersized, because proportion to environment is more important than slider numbers. People who want to be “rl height” should strive to look the same in their environment as they do in real life ones, not get hung up on slider numbers. Mostly it’s female(or other femme) presenting avatars using that excuse to be child sized in places where they shouldn’t be, but it’s equally stupid for everyone.
I’m sorry if most people need a team from NASA to help locate their IQ in order to understand basic proportions, but that’s not my problem, nor is it LL’s. It’s really not that much to ask to understand said basic proportions. Google exists, and specific guides on how to make your avatar proportionate also exist.
Not that it matters, but if everyone DID use accurate measurements, we would have SO much more space in SL.
But like the pick says, you do you.
Oh, not to mention that since the beginning of SL, people have been talking about people creating disproportionate avatars.
And yes, a lot of the market caters to 8-foot-tall giants, but that doesn’t mean they’re the “correct” avatar. It just means they’re popular. That’s like saying “Your SL avi is meant to look like the cast of Jersey Shore, because that’s how most avis look.” “That’s the correct way because most people cater to that.”
If you can’t make your avatar look normal without pushing the height slider up to the upper 80s, 90s, or 100, you are factually the one who is pushing the limits of proportionality.
If 7-8 feet was meant to be the default, the height slider would put you at 7 feet tall when you have it at 50. You’re the one setting a slider to an extreme and saying “This is how the developers meant it to be.”
Also, I haven’t posted anything this week until now, so not sure who you are claiming is me, but when I post a comment, I use my name. No reason not to
Also also, if you want to know something, you could just ask me. I don’t lie. I might refuse to answer, but I won’t lie.
Well I will take you up on your offer to know something. Lets see how you answer this one honestly, without insulting others observations and recollections.
What’s so special about you, where your boyfriend/ partner has never abused the reporting system, to ban your backside like he abused some his friends and others?
I mean it’s a legitimate question.
Is it because you are bystanding?
Clapping your hands at your partners antics in support, which grants you a special pardon?
You do know acting as a spectator to abuses, also makes you as questionable.
Especially when you have the right to state something, which may align to your expected code of conduct and civil expectations.
Or are we saying you agree with what he does, how he acts and how he conducts himself?
I don’t know what you mean by “what’s so special about [me].” Are you asking why he hasn’t reported me? If so, I don’t know, I can’t speak for him. If not, can you rephrase the question please?
And I don’t support those specific behaviors of his, and he knows this. You don’t have to agree on everything to be in a relationship with someone.
Alright, Chester, let’s lay out the facts, Nancy Drew style:
You have a peculiar interest in following people around, stalking, especially those with kid avatars. A bit unsettling, don’t you think?
You’re often seen lurking in the same questionable corners as Youth Nation members. Yet, you claim to barely know individuals like Toby? Quite the coincidence.
There was another interesting incident where you gained a person’s trust by opening up about your mental health issues. And then, like clockwork, they find themselves banned. Interesting.
Now, care to explain yourself? I also have proof of all these occurrences so better stay honest.
Also kinda funny how I’m the only one who seems to be comfortable revealing who they are in SL, while everyone else stays anonymous, yet I’m the one being accused of everything…
So, if I did do something against TOS, and you have the proof, you have everything you need to report me to SL. But instead, you decided to just sit here and talk shit for … I don’t know? Some kind of clout?
No, that can’t be it, cause no one knows who you are. This IS a drama website, so maybe you are trying to entertain people? But again, no one knows who you are, so what do you gain?
Seems like you must hang around with the same people I do, then, if what you say were to be true. So what would YOU be doing hanging around sims with members of Youth Nation, to even be able to claim you saw me there? Or are you just talking out of your ass?
So… What did that person get banned for, since you seem to know so much? Since SL doesn’t ban for no reason, and I’m pretty sure if I had opened up about my mental health issues, that wouldn’t be against TOS?
Wouldn’t I be banned then, too? For also breaking TOS?
Or did i cast a magic spell and POOF! They got banned? Uh oh! Better watch out, I might poof you away next!
STIIIIIIILLLL waiting for that proof….
Their are only two sims I hang out in, and other than that I don’t go anywhere. Who do I stalk? I only hang out with two people, one being my partner and the other being my friend, the rest of the time I am either sleeping or working. Who was the person that got banned? Cause I don’t recall opening myself up to anyone with “[my] mental health issues”
I’d like to see that proof though
Downvoting me for asking for the proof they said they had? Like I said in another post… Easier to assume than actually find the truth.
Could you imagine someone saying the same about Charles Manson and Anatoly Slivko?
And yet you still partner him each and every time?
There is a difference about agreeing whose turn it is to do the laundry and who is stuffing kids in shallow graves.
Come on now.
Totally stinks !
No I won’t rephase the question, it was perfectly legible first time around.
The term “enabler” describes someone whose behavior allows a loved one to continue self-destructive patterns of behavior, to cause distress or harm towards others.
So what do we call you ?
At least we can both agree on those “specific behaviors” of his and you are fully aware of it.
That’s something !
You’re comparing someone on the internet to a mass murderer. You’re not even trying anymore to make a point you switch up your story more then bill cosby.
You can try as hard as you like, but many of us have you well worked out by now.
Only people defending you are yourselves and by the time the weeks go, the more lies you tell, the more they will be unraveled with receipts.
Bill Cosby?
Bill Cosby is a saint compared to you and that’s a tall order.
Switching stories? You could write a manual on that subject.
I don’t think your credibility is as legible as your accusations in any matter. You seem to be the all knowing of who is bad and who is good.
So you would prefer a rapist like Cosby over Charles Manson.
You sure have your priories set.
Would you prefer I call you a massive cunt?
Either way, you can choose !
I would prefer neither because choosing either would be a horrible idea. You are the one who preferred cosby over manson of course which is still bizarre behavior for someone who claims to be “anti-pedo”.
It’s very telling that you are still lurking around and that your weird ass has something to say to everyone except for Benji and Chester 😂
“Benji” 🙄
I have open criticism for anyone not just you guys
Didn’t know that was a conflict of interest/debate for you?
No conflict, but you seem to be projecting a lot of conflict of the open criticism of you?
I wonder why that would be?
If you had a brain cell tucked in that head of yours, you would back off, admit and revert some damage.
But you so far up your own ass, you think you have rights to do what you do and sleep at night.
You have antisocial personality disorders that need to be evaluated.
Go get checked !
No I just have opinions in which you seem to be caught up in. It seems to concern you when its someone who has a difference of opinion towards your own. I don’t even think you even are trying to make a point you’re just dragging for the sake of dragging because it concerns you what people do on video games. I sleep just fine knowing I don’t have to visit a drama/gossip blog 24/7.
Do you really think standing here and playing the trust card is going to cut it? You’re not just dating Colby (probably your alt anyway since you all seem to suffer with BPD), who’s infamous for his antics of gaslighting, trolling, and getting people banned for his own twisted pleasure. But you’re also deeply entwined in Toby’s web. Birds of a feather, right? The company you keep, and more importantly, the company you choose to keep, speaks volumes. So, you’ll have to excuse us if we’re not buying the whole ‘I don’t lie’ act. You, Colby, Toby… you’re all cut from the same cloth.
So right about the BPD.
It’s the issue in online dating inside a small community, with a very limited pool.
By nature BDP’s have to close one eye to the dysfunction or stay lonely.
Do you think those ppl would date someone like that in RL if they had options?
Then you have the extra dysfunction, where they all stabbing each other in the backs or banning people, poor trolling and acting like these idiots.
If it temporary gains them something to make them feel more powerful, its like undiagnosed psychopath and malignant narcissist in one.
A smart guy would change the pool of potential partners, on different platforms or happy to be single.
But then any new potential partner from somewhere else, would run screaming when he sees his current friend circle and past BF.
He is much stuck with “that”, its sad but it is what it is. 🙄
I never said you had to believe me, only that I don’t lie.
I don’t know who Toby is, nor Wesley. I only know who Colby is (my partner). You also have no idea who else I hang around with other than Colby. But assuming things is always easier than learning the truth.
Actually I take that back, I think I might have met Toby one time? I don’t remember the interaction though
Sorry, late amendment
It has been confirmed by 3 reliable accounts confirming Colby/ Alex to being in YN
It’s possible. Anime looking freak, ageplay/ screaming right-wing tard closeted pedo.
I be surprised if he ever decides to scream, about why you mentioned his name.
FBI probably on his tail already, after what he has been sanctioning as a moderator on Youth Nation.
Hence it has been closed down and wiped by him. Covering his tracks or so he thinks.
Just wait until you hear what went down, tea for the next year at least !
I give you a clue OOP, your fortune telling skills were very accurate.
Heard some talk about Youth Nation too, anyone got any more details? I see it’s offline
Well dearie, it appears that snarky little Toby’s games have finally caught up to him. The only scarlet letter that he will be sporting is a capital P stitched onto his orange jumpsuit. His pals Wesley and Jason have taken to the hills faster than a cricket on a hot skillet.
If they are such a bad person why haven’t you reported them to LL or the Police?
Why have you not?
You’re the one who brung it up? Why should i?
You’re the one making the fuss, why should you not?
Are you like 10 years old?
Because your logic sure reflects that.
Oh crap…that’s really close to the bone 👺
Again. You brought up the matter? What’s your point?
Not sure I understand your POV. If you are upset I have posted the obvious and berating me for not going to the authorities, then my answer is simple.
I had nothing to do with it and had no idea about the situations, until most others have.
It’s been doing the rounds, these information’s trickle down the grapevine.
But seeing you seem to be deflecting that anyone has talked about truths here, seems you are also defending it. I wonder why ?
The duty to do right should have been the duty of Toby’s friends, to have done the right thing and reported him earlier. They knew him better than most, they all knew FULLY what he was about and what he was up to. Why did they not do it ?
But from what is being said out there, that not only were Toby’s friends aware of his likes, they were also aware and implicit in what he was doing.
Youth Nation was being used to further extend his misdemeanor, between other people it has been implied.
If Colby/ Alex Doffer wiped the grid, anyone will see this as automatic guilt.
They had something to hide.
LL have nothing to do with it, Youth Nation is not under LL ownership.
But LL are also notorious for being slow off the gun, if they had any principles, they would be using what options they have for information and wiping every associate inc the alts from the grid.
But I would think they know of the situation too. I would not concern yourself with that.
Im not defending anyone. I’m asking why nobody reported it if they seen it happen. Simple question really. if you saw someone breaking the law wouldn’t the best means of sorting it would be to inform the proper authorities with the evidence you have?
No you’re entirely right. If there’s anything bad about them why put them on here?
People just actively seek attention and it’s funny because it’s almost the same format every single time.
You are right and as I said, most of us here have nothing to do with it or saw it until the bomb dropped. But let’s look at what you have said and answer it, so you understand how people and the law works (and not add dislikes because you don’t like what’s being said). People possibly did inform the authorities or LL but, like most things. 1- The police won’t do anything until there is evidence that permits an investigation. People invested in anything that pulls them into possible illegality, won’t say anything in order to incriminate themselves. In opposite, people too smart to get involved with anyone like Toby or his grids (like myself), would be none the wiser of what goes on in there. Toby had his own people, they were involved in his proclivities. They knew what he was doing, up to them to do the right action, however they did not. Until a very serious matter came to light and even then as far as anyone can tell, none have not come forward to the authorities. As it would incriminate them!! The responsibility is theirs. But if the gossip is also true, they were too busy complaining about other people than looking at their own ethics, despite how bad they themselves were, what they got up to and embroiled in. 2- LL have always had a poor record in doing the right thing for its residents, especially when following up serious accusations. Be it they are understaffed, undertrained, apathetic or whatever. I am not a Linden, maybe one will come on here to tell us why they don’t do that. I can’t answer for them. We can state the obvious and place the tea, so everyone (including Toby’s friends) can at least get an idea… Read more »
Linden Labs will never get involved in any OpenSim related situations as it’s not on their servers or their problem, it’s pretty much the norm for any company really. If it doesn’t happen on their servers it’s not for them to deal with and they can’t ban people for something they do off platform~
Unless you’re Colby/Alexander and decided to mock a dead person and then get banned by Patch Linden. And just in case you don’t know how it fully works, if they had ANYTHING illegal on their server I can fully tell you the data center would’ve been able to see it and would’ve purged the server themselves~
Toby would’ve been arrested much sooner if that had been the case. But it wasn’t and Toby was caught doing something much worse and I’m just going to drop a little info below for those that want to do some digging themselves.
If you do a search on Toby’s well known username which you can find out yourself you’ll find a fair bit more information, your welcome!
All you’re getting from me on this.
I see what you mean but that’s not exactly true. But I will go over your post in sections. 1- I never did imply LL had jurisdiction over Youth Nation. I already stated this to Mr Bored there, it was he that suggested that. We all know LL have no power in reporting YN business. Had you read my post accurately, you would have seen that. What I did infer, is if people like Colby have had a background of impropriety as he does, if he is banned he should remain banned. When people flag his account for the same behavior’s that’s stereotypical of him, they should be a flag on him. It’s obvious the TOS is not working and its not as if Colby was not a sick puppy in SL either, he was known for it. Do you remember the sci-fi “Space Aids” RP he made up for SL kids. Guy is a total freak. Banning other kids on traps and false reports, annoying the grid claiming about pedos when he is the biggest one going around. I know he thinks he is a troll but he is not a very good one, too many mistakes, easy to uncover. Psychological problems yeah but no troll. He should be nowhere near SL and as a habitual louse, if he is known to return to continue to cause issues, then there should be even more reason to take reports seriously. 2- The servers were held in Toby’s house (or one of them), he posted that himself. They were home servers or at least one was. There is no proof where the data centers’ were located. Here is a question for you. If they had nothing to hide, why did they wipe the servers? You saying there was no illegal data,… Read more »
There is way more to Colby, Toby, and Youth Nation than that, dear Benji, you arrogant trickster.
there seriously needs to be a line drawn. those who crossed over from SL into YN should never be allowed back. that’s some seriously disgusting behavior. and it’s not like you didn’t know. the evidence was there. you’re all guilty. and you know what? it’s quite ironic that you guys lied and talked crap about other people just because you feared THEY might be the ones to get you banned, even false reporting them to try to make the threat disappear, while at the same time YOU ALL made the choice to buddy up to the VERY ONES who are KNOWN to have a long history of false reporting and bragging about who they got banned. such blatant hypocrisy! good riddance toby, colby, jason, wesley, and the rest of you. stay out of SL. you’ve been blacklisted. we don’t want to see you anymore.
I didn’t know you owned the entirety of the second life grid?
It’s a sad reflection, that a whole pile of kids who play boys mostly; willingly went into this grid and actively promoted it. Allowed others who were less than credible, to talk about and wrongly label other people as the miscreants, when truthfully they were the ones who were the better examples. Yet, the same kids rubbed shoulders with dirtbags like Colby, Toby, Wesley and so on, to create a system that enabled abuse by proxy. Worse that same hypocrites dealing in so much gang trolling and network AP, were also the ones who were abusing their own kind (and more), for control and fear. Copy-botting items, clothing and even people without their permission, approaching children in adoption centres in SL to sell the appeal of the Youth Nation grid, by checking details in adoption panels at Adoption Options. They had zero standards, everything was for the grace and favor of Toby. These are the people to talk about. LL need to understand this and see that these types, were abusing the system habitually, make a special case to root them out, store addresses and names, act on every report made on them returning and so on. The aforementioned may be hiding, keeping quiet and keeping silent. It’s a pointless exercise. Blacklisting is a concern by people, who have decent codes of standards. Seeing as many went in with the environment Toby/ Colby etc were promoting, I don’t hold the bar that high for them. But if they think they are anon, that’s pretty foolish. I think they got bigger problems TBH. If the rumors are true and not that its my place to say, as it may damage any ongoing investigations. But if I were some people, I be doing my very best to start some reparations in SL.… Read more »
Yet… You’re on a drama/gossip website.
That’s totally staying out of drama.
The same drama/gossip website where you spent years, talking about and lying about everyone else?
That is what I and others would label as drama.
This is not drama, only here to talk factually about you.
Only one continuing the drama is you, by trying to defend your guilty ass.
The constant Tourette stimming with your fingers and returning with garbage rhetoric as excuses.
You’re a Shit Stain on the populous and have been for the longest of time.
Guilty people don’t wipe servers, unless they know something was on there that would incriminate them. That’s you !!
But hopefully the Feds will catch up with you soon and throw you in the courts.
I am sure that will make many happy!
If you feel we are wrongfully judging you, feel free to talk to LL about it.
I am sure they would be very happy to hear from you!!
Don’t forget to provide them with all your aliases and why you returned when they banned you, so they can make an accurate decision to help.
I barely come here.
Only to laugh at the boring same repetitive drama about who cheated on who. And whos calling who a pedo.
Honestly after years of being around it sure hasn’t changed alot even with a new domain.
You “project” too much !
“Honestly after years of being around it sure hasn’t changed alot even with a new domain.”
You should know, you never off the fucking platform. Especially now you had to close down YN and wiped the servers. You mucky devil !
“And whos calling who a pedo.”
Mostly you doing this, the hypocrisy is laughable.
You such a loser !
Doesn’t matter where you raise awareness.
For something you didn’t report yourself?
Dude, you are a fucking broken record. I am going to echo what someone else said above, are you even old enough to be on the internet unsupervised? If you’re trying to troll, you are failing miserably.
Nobody’s trolling anyone your logic just doesn’t make sense lol.
So you yourself did nothing and didn’t report this? Why is it being talked about then? If it has nothing to do with you I don’t get it. And just so you know, anyone can dislike posts anonymously even you.
Anyone can talk about this if we like, we had nothing to do with the issues concerned but watching from afar. It is NOT our responsibility to report but I am sure others did. Go ask around and find out for yourself as others have done. The very idea you are coming back here to make your useless points, is evidence enough you have a vested interest; possibly one of the forementioned numbskulls involved with Toby and what has been going on for a good while. Why what’s your problem? Why is it suddenly an issue for you if I or anyone else not involved in Toby’s sexual deviance, reported it, talk about it or not? Free speech, it has happened. Some people dislike how Youth Nation and Toby’s people, have done nothing to do right by what went on. Trying badly to pretend nothing went on, but it has! People are allowed to talk about it and judge the actions as they see fit. Free Speech!! You are obviously upset people are talking about Colby etc, so what’s your true reason of your concern? They are shitty people, why you standing up for them and if people talk about them or not? Are you one of the gang too? If so your time be better spent detaching yourself from such individuals and hope you don’t get pulled in. That would be the sensible approach, I would think. Instead you are on here; upset about people discussing lowlife creatures with serious mental issues gone unchecked. People can and will talk about it, if they find something abhorrent. Toby and his group were abhorrent and to many. See what happens when stupid people pick stupid friends ? They are lead into stupidity and possibly now dragged into a very serious offence!!… Read more »
I think its stupid that you guys cry “that’s illegal” and then say it has nothing to do with you when i ask why you didn’t report it. I care not for this toby fellow.
And while your friend is awaiting his fate as a soap boy, you still on here complaining. If you were any friend at all, you would share the responsibility.

Left him high and dry.
Some friend you are !
As i said. Don’t care for them never have or will you seem to be quick to associate people. Like i said projection?
I think that’s pretty obvious you don’t care, when have you ever other than towards yourself?
I think many will understand that too when they see this forum.
Low class human being TBH
I think this place is a pretty lowclass place for people who want to spread receptive rumors around and then cry when they ask why they didn’t report it themselves. This conversation were alluding to being one of them. Nobody seems to make reports when they see rules being broken the rush to this site to talk about it.
You are late to the party. Do you know how many people get reported, banned, and just come right back with a new account or buy a used account? He’s one of them.
That grid is also currently gone now due to the police being involved, we just aren’t allowed to post RL links here according to the rules but someone will probably do it anyway.
Currently we are just waiting for them to take Colby next because the only suitable place for a creature like him is behind bars anyway ( and due to his involvement.)
Known for buying up these alts off marketplace with long grid time (11 to 14 years old). LL need to curb that practice, its a loophole to its own TOS.
I thought Toby owned that Youth Nation with Wesley and his friends? I don’t get why you just don’t report that alt then instead of making post about it, Makes no sense to me.
If someone’s breaking the rules you report them? I don’t get why you didn’t make any reports.
You seem to struggle with reading comprehension. Maybe the others here will help you or as someone said above , you are just part of Toby’s group attempting to do some very poor damage control.
I have no idea who they are or what they do. Seems like alot of projection.
Oh I am very interested in hearing about this. A little Sunday afternoon tea. I had a fun time arguing with the owner of that place and his malnourished pet monkey Wesley. The FBI should be on all three of their tails. The whole grid really after hearing about those sick fucks bringing real little boys into that place to groom from various games; Roblox, Minecraft, League of Legends, Fortnite. That is what they needed the private server for after that good exposing of the shit they were sharing on their Discord.
The story of the gaming servers with children were true, Toby was a seasoned predator for his age. Another SL kid was also mentioned in being implicit.
After some real deep diving, the truth behind the majority of Youth Nations popularity was only a fraction of SL users.
Most had never been in virtual platforms.
Most were collated through various forums and you can only guess what kind of people were being sold the similar interests.
I guess we have to see what other charges and confessions come to light.
There are many in the SL Youth community, that are horrified this went on.
I am very sure if the authorities made an appeal in SL to gather more information, they would openly add information relevant.
actually his name is fuckley.their is reason to believe that he’s also alex doffer. the entire situation is fucked, gross and so far spoons are being fed, so no we have to wait a bit longer. yn smelled of pedophilia the moment i walked around.
Alex Doffer was confirmed to be Colby. The Discord voice chats proved this. Wesley had no skills to be technical to operate that grid. Colby had years of history for using coding of various third party viewers, to enable his trolling and TOS infractions. Only reason he gets back is his use of buying accounts cheaply off the avatar marketplace. That’s a confirm.
Wesley may have enabled Toby to more than he should have on SL, but being technical enough to run a grid and wipe it ? No !
Colby/ Alex was also rumored to have been the mysterious part owner of Youth Nation. So by a technicality, has a responsibility of what went on between Toby and his use of the grid.
from what i’m reading here wesley, toby,jason alex and the lot are fucked. youth nation smelled like pedophilia. it was intense and vomit inducing. toby the over timid motherfucker thinking he’s a power lord. that never happened. do not involve real kids, does nobody have common sense? i have a razor but i’m not getting to deep about that. fuckley and his poo fueled friends will get special delivery. it was the wild wild west in their. i’ve never got avatar discrimation, but when you have names like kids for maps and what have you. i’m kind of done. to far. they burned like the smell inside that place.
2ndly. what freaked me outt was everyone was openly pedo. That was to much for me. it was depraved beyond anything you could think of. i had to leave because of the paranoia and the fact i got banned lololol. at least the slasher tropes of paranoia are gone. me and my friends are laughing at i told you so.
This is the same person who said a couple of weeks ago that they think fucking toddledoo avatars is fine, that people who want to stop it are Nazis who want other people to be lonely(whatever that means), and that they would let someone fuck their child avatar “if he was cute”. So this whole comment here is literally nothing but self-serving deflection and actual projection, unlike the way that term is being abused in other comments.
Why is it that all the people that call each other “pedos” always end up being what the same accusation they use lol. People don’t use common decency or logic seems like the same thing most people do in schools spread rumors. These are grown adults too so they don’t understand when I ask them why they didn’t report they instead go straight to accusations lol.
I will be waiting for the tea. If the FBI is involved, I’m sure they are busy trying to hide their connections.

He was caught by his housemate with an underage boy, he’s been arraigned for $250,000 and will not be going anywhere anytime soon.
What he did has nothing to do with YN and while yes most of us knows what his motives were he’s finished, YN is gone and I don’t think it’ll ever return. Not with the rep Toby left it with after all this.
I’m not posting any links or any further information as it’s probably against VS’s TOS but one thing I can say is DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH. Instead of playing a game of chinese whispers!
Your fact are wrong everything with yn does plays it rolls within to what’s happen to Toby. You can deflect and denie what’s really happen. You obviously are part of Toby pedophiles cult group why else you try to defend a pedo. Because your one your self you can play dumb all you want Jason Wesley sebi Brody Alex Toby and all his cult of pedophiles with👌 the discord server or forums website you sickos communicate off of. The point is all of you are guilty as Toby is for even joining and support that’s grid it makes you guilt nothing changes. Funny thing how people change and abandon there account all networks why you hiding. Why not tell the truth instead of hiding in guilt because you know damn well you fuck up. As for Jason was been fucked sense his ex bf abandon soken store and stolen your money and used your dumb ass. And being a slave to asameep. Toby and as a was also real life pedophiles. If you ever notice there tracks you can’t cover even if you deleted your account there still evidence against all them. It pity word what people turn to be toxic and pedo supporters supporting trolls.
We all know, this is old news. Let’s get back to what Colby’s and Crew’s part in this. And that news was garnered through other people, not you! Taking credit for other people’s work is plagiarism!!! It has everything to do with YN, had YN had not existed and had you not all indulged him in that environment, promoted it, allowed him to do what he did to work up to that. Then he possibly would not be in the situation where he is now. Where was his friends to tell him what he was doing was a bad idea? Where were you all to keep him in check? Nowhere, because you all shared the same likes and treated him like the God of Ageplay. When it was obvious it was going to his head, he could not cope with all of that. His Ego got bigger, he thought he was untouchable. He took more and more until what was there, more extremes and more degraded fantasies . Until it was not enough for him, then went to seek the big prize. You also took in people with similar interests, that possibly fed him more ideas. Oh course YN people are to blame, the environment you all created and nurtured, enabled him to do what he did. The only difference is Toby had no brakes and left on his own, would impulse on idea that seemed fair to him. Not the wider world. Its like giving crack to a crack addict for every dessert, yet pretending he is not a crack addict. Damn, are you all stupid or what ? Now many lives are ruined and what are you doing? No remorse for the victim, no remorse for Toby (not that he deserves it) and especially what all families must… Read more »
Oh, you hit the nail on the head there. It’s almost laughable,. This whole community paraded around like they were invincible, like they were above it all. But now that the house of cards is tumbling down, suddenly it’s a game of ‘Not It.’ Everyone’s pointing fingers, saying “Why didn’t you report him?”or “You should’ve done something.” Cough *Boring Guy* Cough. All the crazy gaslighting too.
Now they want everyone to be hush-hush about Toby, as if he hasn’t been a topic for years. He used to come here himself to argue and bash individuals all the time publicly. When those photos of members sharing pictures of real kids surfaced, why weren’t they all here then wanting us all to hush hush? They used to find it all so amusing, brushing off the rumors and saying people were just jealous or out to get them. The real victim here is the one who suffered at Toby’s hands. The families – both of them. Toby’s family is being dragged through the mud, suffering for his sins, while the victim’s family is living a nightmare. Even the housemate for what they had to witness. I doubt even 5% of that community even spares a thought for either of them.
Thank You!
Oh yes, well many are pretending what happened was nothing to do with them, unfortunately as soon as you settle and join in and not speak up against certain abuses, it means they are also implicated. As you have already stated.
These names won’t stay anonymous for long over the coming weeks I am sure, depending on what is posted here.
As I had said previously, if it had been me involved in that; I would be doing my very best to start some reparations in SL. To at least keep my name out of the shit but you know how people are, they think saying quiet is akin to ignorance.
Unfortunately it is not the case, you are who your friends are. I believe that to be true !
I hope Linden Lab also give the individuals in the kid community, who had the patience to show benignancy under what they had to put up with through Toby etc, are looked after.
Help them rebuild whatever they wish to achieve, with the support they deserve.
I am glad we have people like you on the grid, understanding this whole scenario affects so many, especially this kid !
TBH the fact there are people RPing kids on the grid and not feeling guilt or care about a real one, says it all.
Nothing to do with YN? Are you kidding me? Let’s not conveniently separate Toby’s actions from the environment that may have enabled him. Yes, his final act was undeniably heinous and vile, but let’s not pretend that he was the only one at fault. There were clear warning signs, and yet, certain individuals within Youth Nation chose to brush them aside, even going so far as to entertain his twisted fantasies. By doing so, they indirectly gave him the go-ahead to persist with his predatory tendencies. Silence and inaction can be as harmful as the act itself, especially when they lead to the harm of an innocent child. While I commend his housemate for finally reporting him, I can’t help but wonder: who in their right mind would let someone with such openly disturbing desires live under the same roof?
#19 & 36
The posters of these images are fucking morons.
You do understand that scandalize sell FULL PERM MESH right?
They have a DEADICATED mp for buying some of their mesh work full perm, it’s not uncommon for the buyer to link a prim to it to have them as creators, some of them even have the Rigged DAE files so you can upload them under your own name! <– buy their stuff here
Accusing them of ”copybotting” because you lack the ability to understand how shit works is entirely baseless, you sound like the serial criminal Devon Reggiane who posts the same sorta slader with zero understanding on how anything actully works in this world.
#36. You don’t know what to do to accuse and you get that stupidity that an event supports a designer for copying part of another’s building… the same and they hire you as a copybot inspector since you are very efficient hehehe… Dedicate yourself to your event that It’s so necessary and don’t try to throw shit at others, don’t you realize that your anger shows 😂
#36. 😂 Yes, the rivalry that comes out of you is noticeable at the same time that you make me laugh, coward LOL 😂
#28 … sounds like Craig .. I mean Dean…Deangelo or whatever 1 millionth alt he is using these days, Aiden who knows .. He also uses his alts to tip himself, talk himself up and has 15 skypes and alts logged on with as many different “partners”
Woops…there goes that disgusting pig sienna-gabe-jadriana-shitgomei bitch whos trying her best to look like someones girl..epic fail as usual. Nice work with the glam pic in your first life tab from 2003. Rolls eyes
Where’s your real life picture? I am assuming since you are dissing hers, you have your picture on your profile. At least she’s got one out there. But I am confused what your post of dissing her appearance and calling her names, has to do with the original post? Either the post is about you, or you are a DJ that does the same thing. If so, at least be honest where you got the songs you are playing, especially if they are someone else’s remixes and not yours.