· kesseret ·
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Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
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10# Oh look. More actual IRL pedos projecting on others.
.33 This is the most accurate meme I’ve seen yet…
You heteros are laughable with your drama. XD
43: Shut up redneck
Mr Z talking shit last week about Ana Cristole being a whipping post is no other than Zack “Cunt” Hughes who himself only deals in whipping posts and door mats. An absolute scum bag who steamrolled Farhannah Starlight into a relationship and now sits on his throne at the dying Other World with that other fucking man whore Casey Wardark. Two peas in a pod those two assholes are.
Pretty sure Aimee sits on the throne of Other World
Same tramp, I am sure he is carving pig into her ass and making her gargle wood splinters too the closet gay fuck.
Have to hide on an anonymous website because you are far to weak to say anything to Aimee or Farhannahs face. Put your name to your words you weak fuck 😂😂😂
#17 who cares realy? you think everyone super talented enough not to be average? average called average for a reasoooon. let ppl be basic. how that hurt you? for real? what a complainer! bet you look just as mid as everyone else. lul
Kody Black is still supporting Verity.
He follows her on ALL of her accounts.
She is in their private server.
His gf deleted her account trying to hide.
Todd is in the private server.
Sounds sus to me.
Maybe they support her for free sh*t.
Kody supporter Psi for free sh*t.
9. I like Cara and Brian and I love New Haven. Compared to the place I moved from, New Haven is better by far but I have to admit that Harlowe is my least favorite thing about NH.
Thomas is a son of a bitch, he’s what makes the place unfun and i’m sure a flock of people will leave… now that he’s married the co owner, im preparing to go to CC. less shitty people there at this rate!
You must be one of that managers in CC because no one wants to go there. It’s boring and by far the shittiest. How many times was it exposed for child abuse roleplay? Poaching and bullying too. Going to Timber Falls makes more sense.
Your only going to get the same from TF. poaching and stealing left and right. Way to much admin drama the place will probably close down in a few months any way
42. Yup it’s false advertisement
when you realize that WC and NH are owed by the same people
She touched my privates. I said “no ma’am, no!” Then I said “fuck it” and banged her hard.
#42 you are tripping balls if you think that ad only looks good because of AI, I own the same skin inworld and it looks great there too.
#37 Atheyas is a loud mouth drama king looking for a place to happen. Rumor has it he and Tristin screw around behind Blades back. RNR Swag clothes suck and so does their creators.
8) Declan is currently on his confirmed alt Belle Mahan (bellepaige). His old roleplay son Tate is on a new account too. Adult female character this time around rofl.
Someone tell Brittani Anton.
Why? So Harlowe can fuck that one too?
Tragedy for that poor soul
34) “You’ll own nothing and be happy” suddenly takes on greater meaning, doesn’t it?
To all the comments on Pride: I find it AMAZING the ignorance, and the personal entitlement you feel to talk about Pride as though YOU are a VICTIM of it and you have NO FUCKING CHOICE in the matter. Do these stores OWE you anything? Must they make close tailored, that you like, items that you like in EVERY weekend? It is hypocritical to whine about Pride when the vast majority of you are dressed as whores or gigalows to slex your way through 20 people per week. But god forbid Pride event produces too many rainbows for this month, and your fucking money is BURNING in your pockets. I am straight. I could give a damn shit about whether an SL stores that is OWNED by someone that can do what the fuck they want, does. If they want to sell rainbows, if they want to sell dolphins with wings and rainbowed color fins. I could care less. They are creating to someone, and guess what if I’m not THE AUDIENCE. Then I don’t buy. I come into SL because until now it’s been somewhat openminded but it seems the far-right is infiltrating due to you lot being exposed to Tucker Carlson, Fox, Sky, OAN, and every far right anti-Democratic and pro-Fascism backing company that is changing and warping you into this nonsense. Grow the fuck up. If you don’t like what a store sells, do not buy. Simple. You lot are getting ridiculous with all your fucking rl boycotts which are already targetting your own conservative companies and now coming into SL to bitch and complain about the same shit. You own YOUR CHOICES. No one is putting a gun and forcing you to buy Pride. Don’t like it move to another event, or another store and stop… Read more »
How about “we are coming for your children”. Please do not victimize kids. You don’t like a forced ideology? yet this? It would be nice not to have anything forced upon anyone at anytime.
I’m an asexual woman, all I want to “force upon your children” is the idea that they can be not interested in romance or relationships because not everyone is and that’s okay. It’s something I wish I’d known when I was a kid IRL, back when media and adults around me were shoving heterosexualiuty down my throat as an inescapable eventuality and forced ideology.
No one is coming for your children except pedophile priests, neighbors, and some within your own family. You as a parent are trying to steer the country into the 1800s and you know what? That was when the most child crimes existed. Do read into The Alienist novel, you do realize that was what immigrants went through right? Let me put it very bluntly and very straight. I’m a woman, and I’m straight. I have sexually assaulted in my youth and it wasn’t anyone gay or a transexual. It wasn’t a politician, a famous person. It was a person directly connected to my family whom was supposedly Christian valued. And apparently abused his daughters and me. While anecdotal, it follows statistically proven information. And that is what corrupts youth. What PERVERTS a child is the following: A parent that only pays a child money rather than spend time. A parent that ignores their child and spends MORE TIME online and gaming than anythign. A parent that doesn’t teach the REAL Christian values of NOT JUDGING! Because Do not judge unless you want to be judged. A parent that teaches love and kindness toward ALL people. Rather than teach the prosperity Satanic Christianity ideology that the more money you have the closer to GOD you are. A parent that allows kids to watch violent films. Violent begets violence.A parent that doesn’t parent. This includes watching films and EXPLAINing the birds and the bees to children as young as you can so they understand their anatomy and are not fooled by others.In other words, pay attention to your child and DO NOT LET THE WORLD DO THE PARENTING FOR YOU! You are their parent, a teacher, a friend, a neighbor IS NOT. But here you stand, you all sick self-righteous assholes that… Read more »
And yet you guys are the ones boycotting even Chic-Fil-A and other GOP backing companies in rl. Target? You do realize they had consistently donated to several right leaning think tanks for decades. Oh puhlease.
No, I’m just a straight hispanic woman that doesn’t mince words and is direct. Don’t like it? Grow the fuck up and stop being a whiner about society moving forward cause we aint going back to being bare-foot pregnant bimbos for you self-righteous judgemental jackasses passing off as modern day Christians. Nor will those that are LGBT. We are going forward, and we are NOT GOING BACK. No to Weimar!
Who is “you guys? Where did I say right wing was better? It’s all a capitalist scam, people just choose if they prefer to get buttfucked by conservative neo liberalists or progressive neo liberalists.
Lol the DNC is not progressive. It may be much more centrist and neo-liberal due to the brainwashing and ANTI-red McCarthyism that destroyed Americans lives until he was finally taken down. However, considering the alternative of a Fascist leaning in the party where the base is no longer nominate Romney, Bush, McCain, or even Reagan.. that’s far worse because it means they went hard right. Desantis pitches hard right. Christie is the only sensible one and yet pretty sure he wont get anywhere.
Meanwhile, we go for Biden that like it or not has pushed far more progressive ideas than Obama. I may not love the man, but I am not meant to love a politician. I just want them to do a good job and get the country to be fiscally on target with taxes, but work on the infrastructure before we all fall down rotten bridges. Without meddling in abortions and female bodies, without meddling in affirmative action, without meddling in what i do in my house because YOUR FUCKING religion should have no control over what I DO. And a party that at least knows you have to give a little, rather than let the people die on the streets because only the rich make it to heaven. Ala Abott in Texas with all his dumb policies including now blocking outdoor workers from getting water.
ugh, you again
They forget their hypocrisy.
They judge lgbt people for being lgbt But sit on SL to fuck strangers they never met behind their actual husband and wives backs!
Nah we’re judging activists. Once the based part of the community yeets these fuckers it’s all good.
Nope you neo-nazi.
Not an activist, just someone that is seeing the beginnings of fascism in the country that I was born in and a country that fought tooth and nail and WON against it in the 40s. But because we do not teach history at all in the US, we are falling into the same pattern and are all ignorant of it.
Weimar Republic was attacked by the Neo-Nazis as a response to growing Marxist movements. The Nazis sold themselves as a working class alternative but were the corporate elite and the Evangelical movement. They indoctrinated women into following along and hating gays, and trans. Sounds familiar? They were the first targets, then came the Jews.
But if you label anything that isn’t a Trumper or Desantis a left activist, you are dumb as a rock! Clearly you have no idea of the policies Desantis has enacted which you probably love to such as disclosing to the government health related information, which should be private. But alas, you lot are Communist when it fits your narrative.
Check your tinfoil hat, you nazi.
Also pretty convenient how you left out everything about communist regimes purging gays etc. Today on “cherry picked half truths with Common Sense” lol.
As someone that KNOWS my German history well, and whom is VERY familiar with Italian and Spanish fascism. Your one fine example of American ignorance! I did not need to add it since I’m not pitching COMMUNISM either. Newsflash: Progressive is not Communism nor is Democratic Socialism. I know you fucking retards that never got full education in the US claim it is the same. It’s not. For the record, during Weimar the same movement to get women to counter transgenderism which was actually starting to be made public as well as homosexuality was pushed by the Evangelical and Right Christians. I would suggest you read the whole time table of Germany. The trans were not part of the original target list of Communism. And this I know as my family did flee it. They targetted them ONCE they were in power because anything that blocks you from being devouted to the “common thought of the community” or the government was seen as a threat. It was not because of conservatism, but rather that if you are able to admit you are gay in a society that is against it. That means that you are OPEN to defy a government which has much less of a social construct and pressure on you. Similar to how Communism in USSR went against the Jews by pulling them out of Russia and dissolved religions. They wanted religion and identity to be the state. That is different than the Motherland “Christian” family mentality of the Nazis. And for the record, Franco as well. Whom helped the Nazis and was aided to power by the Nazis. Despite leading the country with fear. So no the one that’s a NAZI is you. Because just as you FEAR Communism, you need to fear Fascism IN ALL IT’S… Read more »
Because they are reactionary and if they start to feel threatened by just one touch they become terrorists.
Look at the ones willing to tear down the Constitution to resurrect a failed President that DIVIDED the country and made you bigots and racist neo-nazis come out of the wood work.
When you got people actively undermining Democracy and going to abortion clinics back in the day to BOMB them, then going out and targetting minorities and others from difference races and religions You guys do realize YOU ARE The terrorists?
Look at Florida for instance with their Fascists and in some instances Socialist style ala Cuba politics that Desantis is pushing. How is that actually good for families? Aint American unless American is pure hatred.
“Half of America are nazis” does indeed sound like a common sense high IQ take
A large part of Americans were actually in the America First political movement that was led by a Nazi spy, Charles Limburgh. Furthermore, while half of America may not be Nazis, half of America wants a dictatorship and fascism. And that is a fact. How do I know? Because those that follow Christianity blindly believe in someone as their savior. Which means they think the LEADER of a country should have all control of three branches of government. This is why they continue to like Trump that broke laws, and pushed to take over both the Judicial and Legislative branches despite being the Executive one. Look at Barr and how he used him as an extra arm. Furthermore, look at those that like Desantis one that doesn’t just claim he’s for it, one that has actively moved to establish rules and laws that are fascist and by the way similar to Communist laws. Examples: Florida legislatures pushed a law to force all bloggers that want to talk about Desantis to register with the state. BTW, that is what dictatorships in both sides form.Desantis decided to control oversite of all public Florida universities. If they want to teach something that HE does not condone, he cuts their funds.He signed a law that schools have to give the state the names of the teens and young adults that are trying to transition. This is breaking HIPPA law.He decided to form a war with Disney a private enterprise over what they stated. Which is their right. Look at First Amendment.He decided to stronghold them into abiding by his rule, and retaliated by moving to break a contract signed 70 years by a previous Governor and political arm. By the way, this is the opposite of business friendly.He decided to sign a law that… Read more »
The only fact is that is you need your meds bro
She still won’t fuck you bro, pander harder
#34: Who knew the Qanon, Blood Libel, Anti-semites infiltrated SL. By the way, most of that BS baout that world government is anti-antisemitism.
That post is more Jewish than racist and homophobic
Verity isn’t a victim.
Often she snapped at any one who would try to speak to Psi about products, flat out going off on them unprovoked.
Psi has always been cold, distant, and bizarre unless you were in his “click” he had. When I had a kemono he hit on me twice in dms asking for my discord and if I do roleplay.
Some of that “click” is employed/management at FZ, the same place that still harbors others who have been called out for being Pedo/Zoos who have been “brushed under the rug” it seems like a trend. Aziza, Todd, and Lain are examples of those either in the “click” or been called out for the same behaviors over the last year and a half now.
Starting to sound like more than half the furry community are either Pedofiles, Zoofiles, or a combination of both. Sus to me.
The word is “clique” just for your future reference.
My bad, still rings true my dude.
Oh this again, First it was Lain, than it was Aziza with fake accounts, who’s next ah Todd cuz that’s gonna sail well~
Lain confirmed it was a troll, you see any RP posts confirming them?
Aziza was also confirmed to be false because some dumbass missed the context with a meme and a fake kinkbunny account
and now todd next, where’s his proof.
is this because they once again just finished immortal, I think this is yet again another ass grab
where’s the proof again? under the rug, here we go again with the the generalization
by your logic every anime fan is also a pedo due to “lolis” better grab a brain because that pea pod ain’t gonna grow any bigger with a comment like that.
Aziza was not confirmed to be false btw
Funny you defend Todd, he liked an announcement of the Psicorp Sergal after the callout and rebuttal had been made by both parties so he clearly sees no immorality in the situation. Or FZ has a tolerant stance on pedophilia. IDK if I would feel happy putting my Linden or Cash towards a DJ or Club Owner who turns a blind eye for some mesh.
FZ obviously doesn’t have an issue with pedophila or zoophila. They have been connected to many controversies and problematic content, then even after knowing staff members are supporting or engaging in problematic content still employ them. They have the DJ that was an Ark Manager employed who was fired from the Ark because they were posting/sharing CP in the chat.
Oh noooo, he liked a PRODUCT POST. Whatever shall we do
Todd was having a relationship with Aziza online and offline. They have met up many times in person. Aziza has been called out and known to be into the problematic materials. Lain brushed off his call out as a troll and that is far from true. Furzona has been involved with UFW who has also been know to be problematic. Tack on the fact they have another person at the club who was fired from The Ark for CP related content. It seems like FZ supports zoos/pedos, etc. that isn’t even covering the whole list of other problematic behaviors of that place and their staff on top of those they support. Verity and Psi are friends with Todd and would often chat with them in that same private server that they’re all in along with Kody Black who also got cared out. And not even counting the fact that Rice and Jellybean support incest. Even with their family being that Jellybean is dating her father who was Rice’s partner who used to date Rice, then they also welcomed Aziza in as Rice’s child on SL and they have this whole incest kink going on along with age play.
ima be that person. you know some store owners ARE gay and DO put out pride stuff all year. but sadly june is really the only time they sell. so blame the consumer not the seller
I think the bigger issue is that it only sells in June because it’s a month of pandering where businesses can pretend to be supportive of something other than their own pockets by taking advantage of someone else’s lifestyle. And yes, the consumers that only buy that stuff in June to pretend they’re inclusive/allies are definitely big candidates for the blame.
i do agree that there are ones that pretend to care. it sucks because i have put out pride stuff in the weekend sales other times of the year and then this month when i did it my sales sky rocketed. people just want to jump on the bandwagon and pretend to care, its a trend to post about it. it sucks tbh
#10. Hey y’all, since my ADs have been on here twice now I thought it was time to speak up and help clarify this. First I want to say thank you to those who have stuck up for me, I’m not really sure who everyone is but you are very appreciated. Most of what was said is accurate. The shape in the AD is not my avatar’s usual look, it was a custom shape I made as a favor to a friend. I did offer it in my store as a gift for a little bit mainly because I was being asked by multiple people. Anyone can style that avi or change the shape in any way they want to make it look older. I understand the concern with it looking like a young avi, but I can assure you it’s meant to look like a young, petite, cartoon, adult. I meant for it to be early 20’s maybe 18 at the very youngest, my intention was never for it to look under age. Something else to consider when styling an avatar are the things you put on it. These types of additions can make an avatar look younger or older. It is 100% up to the user, but a lot of shapes can look young depending on the skins and makeup used. I’m sorry that I have clearly offended some of you by doing a friend a favor but not everyone wants to be a 9ft tall super model in SL and I very much agree that if it doesn’t hurt you, you shouldn’t let it bother you. I do not agree, however, that my friend who requested this shape is at fault any more than anyone else and I would really hate to see them getting hate for… Read more »
I think you are conflating two things. Their clothes is slutty, but the clothes and body is adult. The issue is their faces that are child-like which do not match with the body/shape. While I personally bitch that creators need to make more clothes for us that do not want to look like sluts and that’s may usual whine here…. the real problem I find is face creators and skin creators that make items that make someone look preteen and those that buy them.
Cut the face out of those ads and insert a Lelutka one that looks older and the ads wouldn’t be an issue. The shape in the face, and the actual base shape of the face is where I’m unhappy. That creators should be aware of that nuance and be mindful of it is true though.
I personally would not buy a shape or a face that allows my face to look like that. And I’m 5.9 in sl which means I look like a midget by SL sizing.
your ad, your styling, your preteen-teen look with adult ad…
Nothing in that pic says preteen in the slightest. My daughter is a preteen and looks nothing like that, the avs have more shape to their body than any teen or preteen I ever seen. That pic is moderate at best by LL standards. Everything is covered, the avs have makeup and tattoos, the one on the far left looks like she’s early to mid 20s imo. what makes them look young is the big eyes- makes sense if she was going for a cartoon look- an example is adults in disney/ pixar cartoons look very similar to this. some of the avs are fully clothed but it also looks like an ad for garters so I bet its why the ones on the right are only wearing panties- to show the legs and garters (duh) honestly the ad makes no sense and I cant even tell what she’s advertising on the left half. Hopefully her new ads are more clear if these are old. all in all I believe the creator that she said she had no intention of them looking like children, and if you have children you know they dont.
It is not the shape from the neck down. It’s the face. I was a preteen and I was already towering over women, at 5.4-5.7 but my face was where people could tell I was a kid.
When people state an avatar looks like a kid it’s one of three things OR a combination.
The faceThe heightThe pre-teen body.However, if the face and height make you look 10 but the body looks 20. You still look like a child. Because some girls do develop faster than others.
I’m not really sure who she pissed off but imo she cleared everything up here. It looks like whoever made this post is attacking her personally at this point. If she meant for it to be a child or teen, but in her comment she states that it was meant to be a cartoon adult. Plus she made it how her friend wanted it and made sure to mention that it’s not her usual avater and that these items and ads are gone. I fail to see the issue here. Stop wasting your time fucking with people who aren’t doing anything to hurt you, those avatars dont look like teens in the slightest.
So I’m going to give my two-cents here. Knowing that SL has pedophiles within it that do age play, knowing that it is controversial in RL as it should be…. as a content creator you should take the time to give the ads before you release them to a neutral party that is not your best friend, and will be honest.
This way you do not have a controversy where months or years down the road you get in trouble.
I honestly appreciate the feedback. Like I said I had no intention of them looking like kids and you can see that in the body and how they’re styled. I made that shape for a friend, the only reason it’s used in the ads in the first place is because I was offering it as a gift (yes I got my friends permission first and never charged them for making the shape) so I used the ads to show different ways to style the avi. My personal avi changes a lot because I make shapes and love to mess around with different styles but I don’t ever try to make them look under age. My store is only a couple years old, it’s still small and I don’t have a lot of followers on flickr -which is where these ads came from (I’m 99% sure because I’m really bad at keeping up with my posts and my MP. lo). I’m actually surprised my ads are on here for a second time. Bored has a point when they said I must have pissed someone off. Those ads are over a year old and I don’t sell the items any more. So for them to be on here could mean someone went looking for them just to do this. I’ve seen it done to a lot of creators, but I don’t usually see the creators get on here to actually try to talk about things. I wanted to have the chance to defend myself because being called a pedo is pretty serious and could potentially be harmful not only to my store but to myself as well. I will say that even tho I don’t personally use avi’s like this, I have read the complaints and I won’t be using shapes like… Read more »
18 or 20?
delulu pedo! That avi isnt even 13!
Obviously this 1 doesn’t read… they just trollin’. I think she was very clear about what was intended for that avi shape. Mad respect to her for having the nerve to get on here and not hide who she is like everyone else. No lie, that takes balls.
The double post is my fault. I was impatient and told her to try again. lol sorry everyone.
the last guy I know her tongue was done with was Lucien. I need to hear this.
#13 & #26 Can we talk about the Hog slop in the room? I understand that it’s all about Verity and Psi, but what about the third person that interject themselves into the middle to fight Psi battle? Dilia; she has a pattern of being around pedos. I’m glad Oasis Lounge was following this entire messy situation, because if you hanging out with a pedo I’m going to question you as well. First she was with her husband, then “Leo”, and now Psi? Now she is claiming oh he’s getting help and it was just a story and he didn’t mean it it was all Verity. No, bitch it takes two to tango. They’re both bad. Yes Psi is owning it and Verity is a coward ass bitch for just running away and not taking the heat. She can dish it out, but she can’t take it. Dilia, Verity was right in that one discord conversation you were trying to hop on Psi’s dick. As soon as they broke up you were all on it. ‘Oh I’m just trying to help a friend through hard times’. SIT the fuck down, you nasty slop hog I will open my legs for anyone who gives me any sort of attention clout chasing I want to be famous pedo loving nasty ass I’m going to use Psi up then dismiss him when he isn’t useful anymore ass down somewhere in the corner and let these two fight their own battle. This is why no one likes you. If they do like you it’s because you are a easy fuck.
Oh look, selective targeting on dil … this you?
https://gyazo.com/a373fe32987380c63d4462ef44769777 and I oop
How is that proof? 🤔
I don’t blame her for removing his shit from her inventory. But why do yall think it’s this suda person? Alot of furries follow these pedopeople. This is a nothing burger
It shows she’s still following verity and sethos. She removes Psi for pedo shit, keeps verity even though she was also in that pedo shit. She’s following sethos who’s been called out for following CP artists and now zoophilia. I’d say verity for zoophilia, but who am I kidding…. Literally everyone followed and supported her even after the zoophilia call out. So, it’s showing that Suda, is a hypocrite or selectively only going after one person. That and shows that people in this comment thread are going after one person.
dislikes for calling out suda’s hypocrisy? Getting rid of psi’s products, but follows BOTH sethos and verity when they both are called out for the exact same shit….. Well, verity self admitted, but sethos caught for following CP creators and now feral stuff….. GEEEE I wonder who they’re from…
And the zoophile followed, TOLERANT furs everybody
speak loud when it’s not your business and talk behind everyone’s back!
Ya sure talk a lot about not wanting anything to do with dilila yet the moment comes where she’s brought up you SURE love to talk about em!
Also it’s funny how you had a falling out with Soko yet soko follows you again…gotta love that considering she admited to making an underage character, but than again this is the same tiger that FUCKS HER OWN SON MORE THAN HER MAN…fucking yikes
2 faced cunt, and you’re talkin like that when you broadcast vtubing on your SL account using SL assets, that’s not gonna last long xD
Just because I call out Dilia on what’s on her twitter and what’s going on I am instantly target as “Skitz”, “Azusa” or “Suda”. 😆 What, you two and Dilia sitting around playing CLUE.
I’m done.
You two can keep coming back to defend a trashy pedo loving person like Dilia. I spoke the truth. Truth Hurts.
Keep talking blue in the face. I’m done with the argument.
But you didn’t call out what is on her twitter? You just sat there and kind of just shit talked….. Major difference between the two. One has logs of proof and the other is..Legit what you just did. And with suda, I was mainly calling her out for the fact she’s still following verity, but not psi. A little sus and to reply to what exposed has said.
It’s clear as day that Suda isn’t leaving Dilila alone after making a post earlier this year I believe? Saying they want nothing to do with her, don’t want people coming to her about Dil and yet…. There’s plenty of passive aggressive, vague tweets that doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know it’s towards Dilila.
Also, suda… Whether you’ve had the idea for years or not. You still made a petty post which we know is towards Dilila, given the timing of her mesh work and then you posting up your collar and then saying ” Not just a gem on a collar” Shut the fuck up. It’s not that hard to fucking see and frankly, it’s really telling that you can’t let shit go. I’ve not seen a single post from Dil regarding you aside from her own passive aggressive post about being stalked and someone needing to leave her the fuck alone like they said they would. Obviously, doesn’t take a dumb ass to figure out that’s targeted to you and for good reason. But, seriously. Nothing from her PERIOD and boom, there you are making jabs. Poking the bear again to see how long it takes for them to snap so you can play victim again?
Furries discovered to have a known pattern of allowing & engaging in disgusting behavior, more news at 11.
Even if Dilia isn’t a bona fide pedo (I haven’t been keeping up with the drama enough, idrc) she’s still notorious for being toxic. Not to mention all the public asskissing and pedo-apologetic shit she did in Psi’s server.
Also isn’t she a “blogger”? Dickriding kinda goes with the territory there.
Don’t forget Kody Black and his gf are still supporting Verity and are supporters of the same kinks. CRIMSON HAD A SUPPORT POST BEFORE DEACTIVATING HER ACCOUNTS THAT WAS PRO VERITY
Yes, they have. Furries are absolutely gross and I am ashamed of the community for them. Its true that all communities aren’t perfect, but this community has more disgusting & gross behavior I’ve seen in a long time and they think it’s okay to do these and nothing is wrong and all will be forgiven!
Correct, I am not calling her a straight out Pedo, but look at the company she keeps. As soon as she is done with those that she chased or used she tosses them to the side and then gets a pitch fork saying ‘They’re zoo’s they’re bad’ Digs up nine year old conversations and logs on anyone she had beef like people still care anymore. She can’t come up with new evidence because no one as I said doesn’t care anymore, or moved on with their Second Life and became a better person unlike her. She’s just trying to stay relevant. Claims she knows designers; tongue so far up their asses once they eat she ingests it for them.
No she isn’t a “blogger” she gives “bloggers” a bad name. Just looking at her photos her quality is terrible and much more. She needs to stay in her own lane where she belongs in the dumpster.
Yeah… typical clout chaser, then. Against people doing shitty things if it makes her look good, but indulges in it otherwise. A lot of furries are like that.
I help moderate a sim that gets a lot of furry traffic and I see shit like this all the time. Including a lot of blatant ageplay and bestiality. It’s quite incredible how many people simply don’t care if something is illegal or gross, until of course they get a ban and then suddenly they cry “furry discrimination”.
She does this not only constantly but consistently. It’s like no matter how many times she learns the same lesson, she has a dory moment just to do it again.
The white knighting a pedophile is what’s disgusting and honestly very concerning. I HIGHLY doubt he was “cured” of his sick thoughts due to her…. “help”.
Does she also “help” the owner of blunderforge? Lemme smash owner? Now psicorp? Mmm no, definitely not. She just seems to put out so she can have som semblance of power or faux popularity. Probably gets free items too 🤭
News flash, just because you treat your vagina like a bathroom, doesn’t make you special. Everyone has to shit 🤣
I’m kind of also curious where she claimed to have ” Cured” him of those thoughts…..YOU my good person, seem to not have your facts straight or together, without a lot of proof…Like you claimed that she’s fucking the owner of lemme smash…where’s the proof? You’re claiming the owner of lemme smash (Which you’ve been proven to have gotten the wrong fucking person) bought her ref sheet, proven to be wrong, you’ve said some outlandish things with no fucking proof and we’re meant to sit here and take it as gospel truth. And if she is getting free shit, who cares? That just more so sounds like you’re jealous she’s getting gifts from people she’s fucking and less about it being a bad thing. Like…. what more do you want from her? An apology? You can’t ask her to take accountability for her actions, she does that every fucking time she hops on here or calls people out on twitter. Like… You guys are beating at a dead horse because literally everything is aired out for you guys to read and it’s not twisted or lied about to gain some sort of publicity. Clearly she doesn’t care if it harms her, so why go after her ? What do you expect to gain from it? It’s really starting to confuse me on why you guys go after her….when she doesn’t hide anything….tells you guys shit straight…. Do you want her to hide things? So you can have an AHAHA!!!! WE CAUGHT YOU!!! moment? Or what? Cuz it’s honestly sounding more like you guys can’t find anything to hate on her for EXCEPT from her past. Grow up, leave her alone. Unless she’s hiding something….which btw, we all know you fuckers have been fishing. Skitz, suda, verity. Why not lay off… Read more »
You don’t just get “cured” of those thoughts and Psi is just back tracking like any other person who gets called out. They’re all shite and need to be cancelled. Them and anyone who supports any of this scums.
Wondering where the attacks on the lemme smash owner is coming from? Is this because she did a skin commission for them? Blunderforge owner, who cares? I’ve seen them around before, hell their flickr (before she wiped everything. ” Had images of them together years ago….why is he only NOW just relevant? Oh right…. because now he’s getting a bigger picture/impact on her profile/timelines so you gotta drag more people into it that shouldn’t be. Stop scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Who cares who’s fucking who. It’s secondlife. Over half the women are dudes pretending to be women and women being dudes. Like slut shaming on SL…. OF ALL PLACES. That’s what you’re really going to go for here?
All furry clubs are corrupted.
LMAO the bitch TRIES to be a blogger. But she can’t due to how well known of a vile shit stain she is. She straight up lies about blogging for abno… whatever and even lies that she blogs for stores and is “besties” with store owners. In a cringe parasocial way ig? I just know that her claims of “blogging” for fantasy fair are definitely not true. Her name wasn’t even on the list.
Wondering where it says you have to be on a list to be a blogger for an event? You can be a blogger for a store that’s at an event. And looking at Dilila’s blog…. she has a few stores that were actually at the event. Heck, in order to get noticed by stores you want to blog for, typically you blog their products and then they’ll pick you up as a blogger…. Or did you all just stop and go right at her blogging and nothing else? I’m also curious when she had a husband? As far as I remember, she’s never been married… Or is that something that i missed? I might be missing something here, but while I know she’s been toxic as fuck in the past, it’s really starting to look like you guys are grasping at straws and scraping the bottom of the barrel since you’re literally going after her place of work, her blogging and that she was a toxic person. Suda was/is a toxic person, but people support the fuck out of her, even with her petty, passive aggressive tweets she’s been making to… OH LOOK! Dilila….. While dilila has done what? Nothing… https://twitter.com/SudaBubs/status/1665996145049628672 https://twitter.com/SudaBubs/status/1666086792981008393 (relevance here in next photo) https://twitter.com/Dilila13/status/1665858760307253249 And the tweet provided by nope…. Oh look, another passive aggressive tweet towards dilila…. I think the only thing I saw from dilila regarding that, was her saying this https://twitter.com/Dilila13/status/1670469122386194433 Legit the only shit I’ve seen from Dilila lately in terms of “drama” Is the psi and verity bullshit and that one take. The ONLY reason why she’s even involved in this shit, is because verity got pissy that Dilila was the one to go support psi. But anyone else, she wouldn’t have an issue with? Mutual friends? A random stranger? Was… Read more »
Lmao the fact that you white knight her so hard is laughable. So which is it for you? Manipulation or fucking? CLEARLY you do NOT know her. Like at all
It continues and just like soko she had a meltdown when called out aka: BUSTED BITCH “I don’t post on vs, I just vague tweet instead~” great cover 👏 ” I have original content, but when drama starts I just flop to the next OC~” First octavia gets called out, swaps to her cat with a robo shark tail, than goes crazy about a pig but can’t get the head due to being banned from SG so she sends her little goons to bypass it and find drama around dilila than when piggy don’t work she goes to yet ANOTHER oc being her otter, what happened to her vtuber bunny avi…wow that’s a lot of wasted money. and on TOP of that she had the gall to go to her following and ask for RENT MONEY while still getting comissions and models…gimme a break she’s just as bad as soko but in different ways straight up incest-oh wait she moved accounts on FA to “remove past issues”, nah bitch you moved to hide AGAIN after causing issues. And yet AGAIN you want to claim to want NOTHING with fucking dilila but the moment she’s on VS of all sites, you play the good girl but fucking @/ her when you see fit stop with your petty bullshit and act like an adu…ya know what that’s not even possible anymore. Dilila will hold her head high because she’s not hiding shit, meanwhile suda, verity, fucking azuza, even skitz will fucking go private and block your ass to talk shit behind closed doors. if THAT’S not targeted harassment idk what is oh and before azu comes in here claiming the same shit, busted bitch oh hiii Taurus, nice 2faced bs after giving azu a reskin of dilila’s CUSTOM MOD only to show… Read more »
Nice fake screenshots.
Sudabubs has been proven many things over the years.
She has no job, nor the ability to keep one and there-fore leeches off of every member of her community, abusing them to keep them in line to do so.
If you have your own thoughts or feelings that do not align you are cast out of the supply line and replaced.
0 Creative originality, whatever she is using you can source it from someone she hates. Copy/Paste bitch never learns.
Cuckhold BF under the illusion that she is monogamous, and faithful.
She has no life outside of the internet because she is a toxic individual.
She thinks getting her blood sugar under control is equivalent to improving mental health (someone stop paying her bills please she needs to get off twitter dot com, SecondLife, and Twitch)
This might be a toxic website but this is also somewhere the beaten can have a voice sometimes so if enough is brought to light on a person maybe start listening instead of feeding their followings.
Blaze Grow up
I mean, dilila does the same thing tho 🤣
And when did dilila ask for money to pay for a new home while keeping their commissions up? I’ll wait

Didn’t she actually end up asking for MORE afterwards too? Like…. asked for an extra grand? Like… I have not once EVER EVER EVER seen Dilila post that shit ANYWHERE! And I’m pretty sure exposed could confirm that for her discord groups and such.
Dilila is a good person.. why are we taking the heat off verity? she is black listed in the art community. my art buddies and cosplay buddies saw her on the blacklist.
I’m not in their server but I do have the msg link which is how I got the post. If you want to see the dirt just look at her kofi page and you’d see the fundraisers
2.5k for her rent

3k for a new pc setup (110% so actually 3300)

500 for a new GPU (which is currently 171% filled meaning 855 total)

she’s sucessfully begged her community/friends for almost 7k, that’s pretty shitty.
if you think dilila is innocent, she isn’t but when you see what Suda and her gang do behind closed doors have sugarcults dms with pepper
Peppershark was one of many that came to sugarcult trying to get dirt on dilila
meanwhile claiming to want nothing with dil, here we have another callout post that was later removed by the queen of petty herself claiming that the only reason Dilila goes by that name is because of HER…have fun with that bomb

Calling dil out for using others to do her dirty work, yet here is HER FUCKING SON going into channels asking for dirt…busted
unoriginal – girl most of SL uses stylecards, you just claim it’s an OTP
drama hungry – exibit A: you never shut up about her
uses people – nah you just use your entire community/family to do your dirty work
nice fake screenshots . – .
don’t lie you are in the server
I mean…. she has you fighting her battles. Seems she did her job well 😂
sourcing hypocrisy automatically means I’m fighting her battles?
Dilila is a cunt, suda is a manipulative lying cunt. YOU’RE a cunt. Ya happy honey~
the fake one just proves my point.
You people run around saying ONE person is bad and yet when I decide to show the other side WITH SOURCES, that’s when you bozos come in with the white knight cards. It must be pretty sad that you have to resort staging all these little guessing games just to get your point across 🤣
here’s what’s gonna happen sweety, my source images have already disturbed sudas little nest (which btw was public info thanks to @everyone). She’s going to go after anyone in her server with ANY ties toward Dilila and nuke them thinking it’s a mole. And the moment she does that she PROVES that she’s holding a grudge because she already came out on twitter saying she’s got plenty of friends who are also friends of Dilila. Welp not anymore! because she fucking got caught in the act and tried to cover her tracks, just like her FA, just like her twitter. it’s gonna get deleted or migrated to a new one later.
why do you keep faking screenshots honey? links?
That’s why i’m thinking that just a bystander is Suda…. They’re the only ones who brought up Dilila using logs of 9+ years ago…. Dil has only been on SL for less than 7 years. And they both have stated, including pepper (Sugarcult logs) that they’ve known each other far longer than that. I have not seen ANYONE else bring that up, except suda and her gang. So, conclusion…. It’s either suda or one of her little simp boys.
you assume and you assume wrong . – .
Does she? She asks her community members to pay her RL rent? She spends hundreds if not thousands of dollars on stream assets and jumps from one vtuber model to the next? She bullies her community into submission? As far as I’m aware, she doesn’t do that and to answer you above….I’ve kept up to date on most things like exposed has. May not know her personally, but i’ve seen the shit with suda, with asher, with skitz and azu, even with verity before psi and after psi.
So here’s a question. Do you think everyone defending Dilila is fucking her or being manipulated by her? Or can people not defend someone they feel like defending? Or is that the answer to EVERY person defending ANYONE? That they must be fucking them in some form or being manipulated by them?
after all the things she said about people on here why would any one defend her. toxic person like her is got what she deserve.
Try saying that without the shitty alias than tell me your results. Same answer honey.
you get what you deserve
you speak nonsense and contradict yourself lol . – . why don’t you have a life off this site? you would be so much happier with out all the drama HONEY
You just contradicted yourself. You JUST said you don’t know her personally. So yea, you don’t exactly have a reason to defend someone you don’t know when said person will fuck you over in the end.
As far as her irl, bitch hops from one house to another because she can’t keep a job. Doesn’t even treat her kid right. She had some dude buy her ref sheet, the owner of lemme smash. 🙄
So literally you know nothing it seems. You only see what she wants you to see so 😏
Have fun being sheeple.
As for Exposed…. oof my God. Idfk what she did to that person for them to defend her. Must got them by the balls
Exposed is just some fatuglyoldchick with no life so forgive her for being obsessed with stalking, harassing, living and breathing the drama. Exposed has no life outside VS and would killoverandrip if the site went down.
I’m calling out the hypocrisy between this shit. I have openly called dilila a bitch to her face on this very site, she even asked me why I haven’t “exposed” her yet and the same answer is she wears her shit at face level. You don’t need to look hard to see her drama unlike the competition who constantly try to hide it. I tried to defend soko when they finally dropped the drama between umbra which lasted for literal years on accusations of supposed “art theft”, literal harassment, ect. Was I wrong about her changing, abso-fucking-lutely! Skits broke the literal law by doxing her ex and exposed their RL location, they’re a known copybotter, everything is mine you can’t have it, blah blah blah. Azuza still hides behind the “I’m abused” card yet literally does nothing but talk shit about how much lindens she has due to her blogging career and badmouth others on a daily basis. Tell me, how many times do you have to swap user handles before it stops? Oh and do I need to mention she restarts drama using other people’s baggage for her callouts? Because she deletes and gives a fake apology~ Suda is STILL getting caught stealing ideas, assets, and concepts from others on SL and the vtuber community claiming it’s her “original work” using her “fanbase” to walk away with all the attention and defend her at a moments notice. Skitz, suda, azu were all friends at one point, so the petty baggage is real. and what have they ALL done at one point or another, oh right talk shit about dilia privately behind their twitters or vague ways abusing private mode. meanwhile DIL FUCKING SAYS SHIT PUBLICALLY and without remorse nobody is saying dil is a saint honey, but at least… Read more »
you know them because you yourself have been friends with them like don’t act like you haven’t HONEY we know who you are and we know why you know sooooo much about soooo many the gig is up, get off your fatuglyass and touch some grass. you spend way too much time on this site stalking, harassing, and feeding on drama. it must get exhausting being OBSESSED with all these people you apparently don’t know.
too long didn’t read
no need to read it’s all bs
You’re all hypocrites.
Why is it that when dilila get put on blast, you all have to bring up the other 3? Like dilila doesn’t drag shit up from the past? She does it consistently. Especially towards skitz. She made a random person’s beef her beef. Claims that they are friends but where is red now? GONE. Dilila just picks up people that get trashed by those 3 and calls them friends. Now she’s doing it to verity. If its not beneficial to her, she doesn’t want it. All she wants is an echo chamber of people that hate the person she is currently after so, that’s all ima say.
But the same could be said for suda skitz and azu. Funny how all three dislike Dilila and now they’re best friends? Soon enough it’ll be verity in that little group, even despite the pedo shit. As for Red, don’t think she’s gone.
Seems to be a pattern though, that even if she’s not getting herself involved in shit, people try to make it her problem. Case and point, the SG issue with suda. Dilila had nothing to do with it and yet there pepper is trying to fish out/blame Dil for why suda got banned.
Like it’s been said, Dilila defends her friends and doesn’t seem to care what flack comes onto her for it. Honestly…Would love to have a friend that defends me like that…Wouldn’t you?
So you’re telling me the OWNER of Lemme smash bought her ref sheet? Which one? Where’s the proof that the owner of LS bought her ref sheet? I’d LOVE to see that one.
You know… It’s sad you bring the kid into it…. Like… there’s one thing you shouldn’t do and that’s drag innocent kids into an argument. Fuck, I wouldn’t even bring the RL into this shit. But, shows how low you guys really go.
what does it matter if someone bought art form someone before knowing they were toxic
his sona thing is literally on the fucking sheet dumb ass. She even thanks him for it. Do research for opening your glory hole of a mouth
That’s Ruuk, they’re the owner of blunderforge…miiight wanna check your sources before taking honey, you fucked up pretty hard with yet another false claim. Good job! 👏

lol stalker get a life maybe you’ll loose some weight
Not only that, but she thanked him for helping her finding her sona. Not for getting her the ref sheet. She thanked the ARTIST for making the ref sheet for her. Are you that fucking daft you can’t even tell the differences between, artist, owners and friends? Like really? Stop dragging people into this shit that aren’t even involved! You’re starting to sound like someone who’s scrapping FAR past the bottom of the barrel you’re trying to get to china.
That’s not the owner of lemme smash. DUMB ASS. That’s the owner of blunderforge. Maybe do your research before opening your shit hole of a mouth. And if you saw her tweet which she actually addressed your claim, she bought it herself. Just because someone’s sona is on another persons ref, doesn’t mean that THAT person bought it.
Suda has had terra’s sona on her refs before but doesn’t mean terra bought them for her. Like… Literally people do it all the time and instead of jumping to conclusions that someone bought them a ref sheet, ask them first? And even if the owner of blunderforge bought her that ref sheet, WHO CARES?!?!?!? Oh noooooo someone bought dilila a ref sheet. What are we all going to do?! Sit in our own fucking lanes and shut the fuck up.
you’re free to talk shit about dilila, but trying to bring their kid into this is another kind of messed up. in fact it’s quite disgusting 🤣
Just shows what kind of lard lives behind that post if they gotta stoop that low.
you don’t have room to talk
Actually….. Reminds me of suda and asher…..Since pretty sure both had gone after her kid. Actually. I 100000000% remember Dilila calling asher out on that on here when he got put up here. 🙃
Ooh you guys trying to understand the world of yiff systems and clubs. Psicorp can rot in hell. Stop talking about irrelevant people like dilia and Suda you all are going over yourselves.
Asher yes, I think Dil sent the logs on that one when he was brought up on here
is…that all you have to use as an insult? if i had a dollar for everytime someone screams WHITE KNIGHT over someone debunking their false claims I would be rich as fuck. 👁👄👁
I was white knighting no one. Every one of the aforementioned individuals in this week that have showed up could take a summer vacation from the internet and it would be a better place for it.
Verity, Azu, Skitz, Dilila, Suda.
Living in a fantasy world of SecondLife for too long, being told they are perfect and to never change, they should act their age instead of their shoe size.
They wanna be house wives like trad moms and Russian women.
# 25 Wow, it’s just like REAL LIFE. Where some individuals/ corporations own more than one business venture or multiple store fronts or multiple start ups, sell multiple products under different multiple brands… ect ect ect.
What are you…12?! Liden Labs why are you letting 12 year olds onto this platform…please stop… I can’t take their stupidity. 😫
23 & 37: it so silly every june all these damn companies pretend to be GAY 🌈😂 and way overdo it, then you don’t hear anything from them about the topic the rest of the year, it’s called rainbow capitalism and even the LGBT community is tired of it 🤷🏽♀️
Dunno what you are complaining about, this is what you guys were fighting for, commercial acknowledgment/ representation.
Now you get to enjoy the same soulless, tone deaf, money grabbing tactics that corporations have been using on the straight demographic since the stone age. Welcome!
wrong. We only wanted people to understand that same-sex attraction isn’t a choice or a mental disorder, to not have our faces kicked in anymore by actual homophobes, and for Dr Fauci to quit spreading misinformation about HIV.
Wow, we’ve really slipped except now the bad actors are us.
People been done understood same-sex attraction not a choice, equal rights for all, freedom to love who you wanna love, ect . we been done understood all that.
and we all for that, but dont play like you not ALSO screaming at the top of you lungs for “representation” everywhere else. “oh this movie not gay enough, omg this store dont sell no shit good for gay ppl, oh this comic need more queer shit in it.”
for real? yall playing like you dont want that shit, now you pissed companies over doin it. Buncha hippocrites. You livin long enough to become the villain, no doubt. yall got waaaay to much pride-try and be humble for a bit.
#30 and #39..well obviously the same person. Let’s start off with if you think Sera is a good person why would you even try to be with her man. She is an amazing person so it sucks there are people out there sad and pathetic like yourself that have to try to go after others because nobody likes you. If you think you are trying to do a good thing “outing” Kavik then why post here and not tell her directly?
This isn’t the first time Kavik has had this happen. Yet…never any proof. Funny how that is. So let’s do this. I am a good friend of Kavik and Sera and neither deserve jealous people coming at them so send me the proof. Let’s see if you can actually woman up..or considering it’s SL probably man up and not hide behind lies. Im using my sl name. I’m easily found so hit me up. Let’s chat. Until proof is shown there is no validity to anything you say. If you need it written out plainly this is Heidi Ho Dallas. Can’t wait to chat!
Sera might be all nice to you Heidi, but a couple years ago she almost broke up my relationship in SL through her own mean girl jealousy and paranoia. This seems like karma to me.
For it to be karma the accusations have to be real. Still no proof shown to anyone and I doubt anyone will step up and actually show anything..mainly because they have nothing to show.
#4 addictivedarkskin and their alts.
This player continues to have such an inflated sense of importance, it’s just exhausting and delusional. The constant rage quitting, sim hopping, lying, ego, and narcissism, mixing IC/OOC, claiming to love conflict, but avoids it is just cringe. Definitely one of the top names I look for when a new sim opening, they are always lurking. This is not a person who knows what the spirit of roleplay is. They just write snow flake characters, have the same grubby unrealistic talons, can’t take ICC, have Mary Sue personalities, all characters just a copy of before with a look change from the previous; absolute immersion breaking player. They sign up for important roles, do nothing with them, and then jump ship as soon as another role opens on another sim or they have the slightest bit of inconvenience in their story. Sim owners, please stop giving them roles when you open your new sims; they will quit within two weeks. Please for the love of god, stop rewarding these people.
Yes, all the reasons I don’t roleplay anymore. Same old BS roleplayers running to new ” Fantasy” roleplay sim and taking roles they’ll never be active on in the sim at all. And the ones who are active and actually roleplaying to keep the sim afloat. They get ran out of the sim by some fucking whiney edge lord roleplayers who are best friends with the sim owners/staff/mods. Sadly, I’ve seen this happen to good group leaders. smh. Especially when it comes to playing Villain characters.. they get the most hate from whiny edgelords who don’t like to lose.
The eye-roll that probably most of RoC had when they slipped back into the Discord Server actually changed the world’s axis.
Snowflake characters used for sex and that is the peak of their story.
Wait are there people in GoT roleplay not doing that?
#6 yes maybe Feather Firecaster or Feather Love Starship should figure this one out. Btw she is a liar HE Never chocked you until you blacked out. Trust me I Know..
#6 yes isn’t that right feather dawn Firecaster or Feather love Starship. Poor girl don’t know a lie from the truth. He NEVER chocked you till you passed out. Trust me I know him. So quit lying
Psi and Verity are equally bad ppl
And most of us already knew this before the “pedo” shit came out.
Psi was known for making animal genitalia. Verity was known for being an aggressive bitch.
Why anyone is surprised they engaged in ageplay, I don’t know.
Being a pedo and being an ‘aggressive bitch’ isnt the same my bro.
You got misogyny on speed dial here cause youre saying that being a bitch that said she has mental health issues is in the same level of evil as somebody that wants to f*** kids, has had people pretend to be kids in a game that let’s you look like real kids so they could f*** them and prolly has abused kids in reallife.
The pedo sympathy on SL is getting out of control.
Nobody “made” her pretend and do that shit, she was the one that initiated it all. She is just as guilty and as big of a pedo as he is.
1. ok but are they still in the staff group? not everyone is gonna log in that same moment to do that, lot of people look at shit on their phones
10. is reaching they look like adults lmao they all have hips, ass, and tits what’s your problem with them?
13, 14. Cope harder. They are both shitty people and yes, both pedophiles.
18. Just stop using Black Dragon, dude’s a transphobic neonazi anyway.
47. I’ve heard mixed things.. some say he’s in court, but then other people say no he’s not he just retired to be a grandad and came back because people really want the aeros (ew)
@ 10
hips and ass dont make an adult that’s the point of doing the kid heads on adult bodies or with adult body modifications like tattoos and piercings! It’s to trick being caught. A bigger creator has a kid face avitar and they told us they put tattoos on and hold a cigarette in their pics cause they had to start all over for being a kid doing adult things they keep getting AR on them cause theyre a pedo and everybody knows it.
You people are sick f***s. A kid is a kid.
just cause 1 person said that doesnt mean everyone is like that. so cause you think the avi is too young looking that makes it a child and it MUST mean the owner of said avi is a pedo. seems legit. whining on vs about some pixels on a screen does absolutely nothing about actual pedos in the real world. get a life.
re: 18. Is he really? lame af if so.
They left the staff group after being called out on twitter for it. Pretty much anyone on verity’s side, if they’re getting called out, they’re wiping away evidence. Kody for being in the staff group, sethos on him following a child porn artist.
10. Thank you! Someone who thinks for themselves… Their problem with her is that she stood up for herself and didn’t let someone take advantage of her kindness. That’s why this person posted this… It’s just someone trying to take down a creator because they don’t have an imagination of their own. You can tell cause they posted this same ad a couple months ago.
Dunno if he’s still in the staff group. That secret was made for last week. None of the psicorp related posts went through last week.
I heard the Aeros guy DIED… lmfao
Really? Where did you hear that?
#15 – I know for a fact that is BS because you sit and discuss it with the Demina family, trying to make up shit, you even asked if I would make an alt to message Valerie with hate. We may be part of your family in a way but you are full of shit, you have lied to us all. I would stop your trolling you are only humiliating yourself and giving the rest of us a bad name. Are you hated that much that people want to threaten you or just a L.I.A.R? You always were a jealous one
I apologize for my families lies everyone!
Yeah, Talon is a big part of the problem… miss “antibully” herself is the biggest bully in SL!
she tried getting in someone in my families pants recently why I stopped RPing there its disgusting with all the shit that hoe gets away with
Harlowe is Cara’s fuck buddy and she wont get in trouble for anything. The admins and owners are a huge clique and dont give a shit about anyone but themselves. New Haven is trash like the mods and owners are. If you are looking for an RP sim, DO NOT GO HERE!
17. Everyone in SL looks the same now. Doesnt matter where you go. The amount of uwu, puddles, bunny, hexem, voxel, etc etc with the same basic owo/uwu babygirl gothic, big ol tiddie bitties aesthetic is tiresome. However SL is just kinda toxic regardless.
Its not a surprise that SL is made up now of sick f***s that want to f*** kids or pretend theyre kids with big tits. UWU hexem puddles mommy! Linden is going to get lots of problems if they don’t step in soon on the sickness. You can only call a kid avi a ‘fairy’ to the world for so long before they realize people using those characters to make virtual p*rn.
Pedo Barbie, back in the comments to howl about her fetish being wrong again. Pro tip, we know you get off on this shit and it’s boring. Yawn.
If you go to basic bitch sims, sure. The circles I frequent don’t seem to have these specimens very often.
how effortlessly superior of you
Poster of #44 = pedo, change my mind
Boring people calling other pedos without solid concrete evidence to prove as such.
When will this site actually get exciting for once it’s so repetitive.
#33: Bypassing all the whining and noise that comes every week about NH/NH people, this secret is actually so incredibly accurate. People have left jobs, volunteer positions, and the community itself because of overbearing management that stifles roleplay. Others who stay aren’t given the support needed to do a good job meanwhile people doing a bad job are allowed to just keep doing it. Cara likes to say “roleplay is most important to me” but she literally does nothing about any of it. Does she not see it or does she choose to be hands off, assuming her mods are doing it for her. I promise, they are not. Its such a gorgeous town, with so much put into its creation. It’s really sad when people can’t enjoy actually roleplaying here.
I left NH when I realized it’s a lesbian community that hates heterosexual women who are off limits to them.
YES!!! THANK YOU!!! So many look like teens and park with their partners who are probably cheating on them btw lmao but they park in clubs like peak and exhale either in the corners or somewhere on the side looking like teens..please stop…thanks xD
This creator keeps to herself and is extremely kind to people. The fact that she’s on here for an old ad for an item that was so old she decided to retire it and remove the ad to make room for new items is ridiculous. I bet no one actually checked her flickr after seeing this or her profile to see what her avi actually looks like. People want to just pass judgement based off 1 ad someone dug out of the depths of her flickr a few months ago. You need to do a little research before you judge someone for an ad that’s almost a year old and doesn’t even exist any more… all this shit talking without knowing her or any facts about her really makes you look stupid.
Are they affecting you in any way??
People cheat all over SL not just one group of people that look a certain way 😂
#13- So you only consider someone a “real” pedophile if they’ve personally sexually abused children to your knowledge? What about all the pedophiles caught with CP in their possession? What about the monsters who think about how much they want to hurt children but haven’t acted on it because they haven’t had the opportunity to? A pedophile doesn’t suddenly become a pedophile the second they act on their impulses, there’s a lot more that goes on in their sick heads before they ever get to that point. Pedophiles operate in secrecy and in people turning a blind eye to warning signs just like you are and apparently, just like that guy’s ex did.
Lain from fz is a pedo/zoo and everyone turned a blind eye to him yet everyone is going after Psi and Verity, funny cuz Lain had the same “kinks” and “roleplays” as Psi but got a free pass
It’s probably lack of publicity. People are gonna care about one of the longest-operating popular furry creators (remember: Psi is where most of them got their animal dicks from. Especially in the past. ZAF and others didn’t exist back then) than they are a club owner or whatever else (I don’t even know this Lain.)
Also generally people don’t care about whatever illegal shit people get up to as long as it doesn’t affect them. Psi literally sold bestiality products, Verity indulged in it, both were toxic terrible people, but it took mainstream furry twitter learning about the ageplay before anyone cared. Because some bigger stores caught on and started blacklisting his products. If not for that, nobody would care.
Furries on SL, especially creators, get away with vile shit all the time. Never expect anyone to care unless they personally upset another popular creator.
The claim that he wanted to, without proof is bad. Sadly BY LAW, he’s not a pedophile. But, if we’re going with the implication he is because of the RP and a kink he got himself out of… Then she’s just as much of a pedophile. If we’re naming everyone a pedophile because of them looking, thinking or anything sexual related to a child…that’s literally 98% of the planet. Intrusive thoughts, accidentally looking at child porn, or even looking at artists that make porn that is of adults but the characters are questionable.
The issue a lot aren’t seeing….He’s not the one who asked for it. If you looked at the discord, her logs are deleted. There’s channels deleted. Why? Because she wanted to erase as much of her end as possible to twist it.
Waited till he was pretty much in bed to post it, waited HOW LONG AFTERWARDS to post it. Searched for his ex, his ex friends, people from his past to drudge shit up, just so she could harm him. This wasn’t a warning of ” Oh this guys a pedo!” This was to hurt him. And from the looks of things…not just him, but others as well. It was malicious because they split up.
But, so far from what I can tell…. From what i’ve read, seems like psi is the only one actually getting help. Soko coming back to twitter to defend her owner saying he’s not a pedo…. https://streamable.com/fmdb0i found the censored version cuz uh ya…. bad. But, really who’s the pedo? Cuz verity went from one right to another.
Yes BY LAW, he is a pedophile, because pedophile isn’t a legal term. It’s a sexual orientation, and attraction to children means you are one, period. The legal terms would be something like child molester or rapist, and no one called him those things. Yes, the gross bitch is also a either a pedophile, or a pedophile enabler because she was too desperate to be a decent human being, but either way she is garbage and she acknowledged as such. That takes absolutely zero blame off the guy. They should both be launched into the sun.
I never said that she wasn’t a pedophile, women are capable of sexually abusing and exploiting children just as much as men are. I didn’t talk about her beyond a mention because she wasn’t the focus of the images and I know nothing about her, I was just responding to what was presented. If she’s condoning and supporting pedophiles in their disgusting behaviors, she’s an accomplice. If she is sexually interested in children, she’s a pedophile, end of story. I don’t care if none of them are legally registered sex offenders, not every offending pedophile is either for a variety of reasons, so that shouldn’t be your only measure of whether someone is a pedophile or not. I don’t care about their reasons for doing this shit, everyone has their reasons for doing anything, I just care they they did it. Plus, “pedophile” isn’t even a legal term, it’s just often used as shorthand for “person who has committed sexual crimes that involve children.” You claiming that the majority of people could be classified as pedophiles is… Disturbing, to say the least. It shows a lot about how you think and view the world. No, you’re not a pedophile if you accidentally see something you shouldn’t have. No, you’re not a pedophile if you have intrusive thoughts, the whole definition of intrusive thoughts is having thoughts that are disturbing to you and don’t align with what you consciously think. You might be a pedophile (or ephebophile, or hebephile, or whatever if you want to get pedantic) if there’s room to question if everyone in the porn you’re willingly viewing on a regular basis are all adults or not. You are definitely a pedophile if you’re getting off on the idea of children being sexually abused, especially if it’s on a… Read more »
Ok first if all you need to put down the copeiods and shut the fuck up. Because this ass response seems like you’re not only trying to excuse both pedophiles but you’re also admitting to having “thoughts” yourself.
A dark thought is like “oh I could steal that” or “ohvi could push this guy off the cliff and get away with it” THOSE are intrusive thoughts for NORMAL PEOPLE!! If your intrusive thoughts are about children, then you’ve got a fucking problem 🙂
Do the world a solid and commit sudoku 👌
You’re doing a whole lot of extrapolation there, buddy. Show me where I’m making excuses for anyone, I feel like I’ve been very clear in condemning both of them. There is no “normal” kind of intrusive thought, the whole point of them being called intrusive is that they’re not normal and even the ones you said are “normal” involve illegal acts like theft and murder. If someone has intrusive thoughts on a regular basis they should seek help, because it can be a symptom of a bigger problem.
Having intrusive thoughts as you put it and then them being acted on = pedo in my book, they both acted on it
If you act on the thoughts they’re not intrusive, they’re just thoughts. Yes, we’re in agreement that those two people are both pedophiles.
So lemme give you a TLDR of what Verity is. she’s a bully, a clout chaser, a manipulator, and a straight up liar. This is not the first time a false callout has happened I have my own post being approved right now but I’ll give a quick skinny about this entire situation because I saw this a mile away the moment the break up happened. Soko/Geld is a person that thrives in drama and they will use it to boost their numbers and gain fake followers that pity her situation. This is STRAIGHT up amber vs Depp, but neither side really has a good ending I’m going to be blunt, I’m not saying I choose one side here. I’m simply nitpicking at the situation as a whole because there’s a TON of holes on Soko’s side and I aim to explain that. The Callout Soko was the first to mention the breakup with psi, either the original post is deleted or I can’t see it anymore. I can still see her protected tweets but the only one I can truly find is this one mentioning her spiraling out of control (riiiiight) https://twitter.com/VerityVoxel/status/1660777754114027520 Slowly it starts to turn into music lyrics from hale and other similar songs, she’s done this in past attacks with UMBRA but that’s not the focus (I’ll explain after). The first set of posts are the typical break up posts, dms, songs, ect but slowly you start to see a pattern of break turned into revenge and payback like here when I saw the lyrics to the track. https://twitter.com/VerityVoxel/status/1668876289221042176 Now I don’t know about you, but if you broke up and started to see posts like that, you KNOW something is going to happen, especially if you’ve dealt with this kind of shit before which I… Read more »
So, i have another post pending, but! https://gyazo.com/2e973e064e39eb8b44d564b7da8f84ae Sethos….care to explain? My other post as more evidence from a month ago…. like… Verity called out for feral and outted herself for pedo shit……..goes to someone who is once again called out for pedo shit and oh look! FERAL SHIT AGAIN!!! We starting to see the pattern here? And there’s no way in fucking HELL verity doesn’t know about this shit. He’s got a feral pic of one of his characters too
No way on gods green earth, that she doesn’t know… I.E hasnt’ changed and most of you mother fuckers are still supporting her bitch ass.
https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33215476/ felkins are originally a feral species…. Which he has a feral ref for… So on top of the CP call out on kink bunny, he also has a feral character…. Bit sus
update- https://gyazo.com/690051b15b8b0773afd866bb049ef448 Some of the art pieces are only a month old……But yea. Verity….Sethos…. You can’t tell me you DIDN’T See this one. You can’t sit there and tell me that ” you didn’t know” Something tells me, we’re REALLY start to see who verity is and whom she hangs around…
I’m not gonna get into everything you said, she also seems like a terrible and incredibly hypocritical person from everything everyone’s been saying and showing, but you’re not painting yourself in a great light by saying “ummmm well the age of consent in Germany is 14 so he’s totally not actually pedo :/” when that’s not even relevant as far as I can tell.
I think they’re going off actual accountability because of past gaslighting.
Soko made the post and used pedo to gain attention. In the US this is clear as day but for psi in his own country…well there’s more conditions. Plus it applies to more than just Germany.
The lowest minimum age is 14 years, set in seven Member States: Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy and Portugal
Just Google age of consent in EU.
From my perspective it IS dodgy to instantly jump on the pedo train when in his country its normal, however it is still enabling soko because she is American and according to linden labs and discord rules which are based in America, he falls under age play without a doubt but even by US rules, it’s not pedophilia since the “minor” was his ex who was a consenting adult.
Nobody here is saying the actions he did werent bad, they’re pointing out the trigger words used for the attack because in all truth its false as it was proven in psi’s sources that soko was the one to first bring the idea to him.
So in all regards and rules…soko is the pedo, psi is the enabler. but with from how the conversations went…she would just gaslight him if he didn’t want to do it anyway.
Since discord and SL are American based, they would follow American laws and by that alone, it would mean Psi is an enabler because he knew the consequences.
the pedo card was just pulled to attract attention and gaslight like most twitter posts.
don’t forget, verity changed all her usernames in order to run away from her own perversions. she used to be REALLY comfortable in private discords oversharing her zoosadism habits. in doing her own expose post on psi, she admitted to being geld & sokolovo therefore admitting to the zoosadism. 😬
Because all i’ve seen is psi psi psi. I’ve never said what he’s done is ok. It’s gross and disgusting. But what i’ve not seen…. is much about her. I’ve seen plenty painting her as a victim, her getting an essential green card and people who choose to support psi getting attacked, but only one person getting called out from her side. If they’re both pedo’s because he did the RP and she enabled/stayed/asked for it….Why’s she not getting lit up as much? At least until today..
I think people are going after her mainly due to the fact that Verity high tailed it and claims to be “healing” and “getting help” when she has not really if not at all shown any progress of getting better from the last time she claimed she was getting help, people also might be dogpiling onto her because Psi at least came clean and admitted to the stories he wrote for her, however, Verity not only deleted her responses to the said stories, but cut the evidence so she looked the least bit incriminating, she locked her main account too after the release of the document but yet here is Psi, taking actual responsibility for his actions, I am not happy at all to find out one of my favorite stores was writing such vile stuff like that about underage children, and he is taking accountability for it, that takes balls, something which Verity does not have, she is hiding behind her “friends” who unfortunately support her shitty behavior, I don’t think anyone is defending Psi, but also want her to take accountability too and stop pretending to be a “victim”
#28: Sorry to burst your bubble, but HW has been back on Seraphim for several weeks.
@23 Like you I am SICK of pride month and sick of pride everything. Just STOP!!! If you want to support the community do it the whole year around and not just in June!!!
The only thing that people accomplish with this forced acceptance is the opposite, an intolerance for anything to do with Pride and the supporters.
It’s all a racket for gain
Supporting gay people not having their faces bashed in is the false front they use whenever in defense mode. In all other context that flag stands for whatever bs the “progressive” think tank wants it to.
Get your bigeted head out of your ass.
#10 As an adult woman, I seriously try to understand why any adult women wants to look and dress like this and why it became a thing in SL. It’s beyond disgusting and I hope none of you have or ever will have daughters.
The maker of this secret is right, any man that thinks this is hot and wants to fuck you, should be locked up in jail at the very least be kept away from your young daughters. Yes this is SL but come on, why would you want to act out something this sick??? How can you look at your young children and justify doing shit like this???
Let’s stop this idiocy together. Let’s boycott designers that use teens for their advertisements and let’s make avis hanging out in adult places adult again!!!
People need to stop dragging good people through the mud and making assumptions based on things you have no information about. It’s moronic. All I can say is FACT CHECK before you spout off some random bs about boycotting and how perverted people are. Our SL would be a lot less beautiful without these creators and doing this crap to people who don’t deserve it is just sad. To say that you hope this person never has children of her own is harsh and over the top. You don’t even know this person, so how can you even say shit like that? How do you know she’s not a kind and loving person? How would you know that she’s not an amazing person or that she would be (or is) an awesome parent? MAYBE you shouldn’t assume anything unless you know her… shit like this is why our world is so fucked up. People twist things and make them look how they want and everyone just goes with it. And you do this without using your brain and actually researching something before getting all pissy about some stupid pixels on a screen.
One part of your rant stands out well “Yes this is SL”.
These are avatars you’re talking about, with adults controlling them and yes I agree some are on the edge of being child like but not all are and just like all these people on here every week complaining about RP sims that most people couldn’t give a rats ass about it’s the same scenario, leave people alone to look or be what they want to be, they don’t affect you in any way do they?
None of us look anything like our avatars in SL so what difference does it make? You wanna be a dog be a dog, you wanna be a cop be a cop.. The point is no-one should judge anyone for the way they look on a virtual game or how they want to RP. There’s also younger looking male avatars so maybe these people want to RP as 18 or 19 year olds, maybe they missed out on their teens for whatever reasons.
Granted I’m sure there’s all kinds of weirdos on SL but a lot of those people scarily dress the opposite to the monsters they are IRL.
Boycott designers that make cute looking avatars? LOL get a grip the majority of these designers are the most popular so what does that tell you?
Mind your business and play your own game and leave others to do the same! 💁
There is a reason why age play is not allowed and I will NEVER approve women dressing like teens so they can get fucked by messed up men who have pedophillic fantasies. I do not care what you or anyone else says. It’s sick!
And they do affect me because I have to look at teens in adult places controlled by sick adults that should be ashamed of dressing their avis like that. I guess a lot of people have sick fantasies and could use some mental help then if this is what they like.
If you have to justify your appearance in your profile by stating you are over 18, you are already crossing the line and should go back to the drawing board to make your av look mature.
And to those of you that downvote my comment, SEEK HELP for your perverted tendencies!
This place needs logic… Everyone is always going off about people judging them before getting to know each other and yet here we are… judging. Hypocrites.
Bitch you got a block tab use it!!
So many judgmental clueless idiots like you around. Where I’m from the age of consent is 16, you can get married at 18, drink alcohol at 18 and in America you can drive at 15 so sit your snowflake lookin ass down not every teen is a child! All still teenagers but ADULTS!
Now we’re all perverts that need help if we don’t agree with you? I’d say that’s a YOU problem darlin 😂
Being able to drive absolutely does not make you an adult, neither legally nor functionally, and regardless of how disturbingly low the age of consent can be in some countries, in SL sexual activity below 18 is not allowed. Nothing you said is even vaguely relevant to this situation.
I never said being able to drive made you an adult?? You’re completely missing the point!!
SL has an age restriction of 18 plus as YOU just stated so all these snowflakes crying about avatars looking like teenagers are judging others coz 18 and 19 are STILL teenagers that are adults living adult real lives.
I’m not in agreement with child pornography any more than you are but come tf on the avatars these idiots are complaining about are NOT all child like. Stop judging folks with no fucking proof!!
“in America you can drive at 15 so sit your snowflake lookin ass down not every teen is a child! All still teenagers but ADULTS!”
Sure dumbass, I thought maybe I imagined where you said “ALL” but nope, there it is, I quoted it for you since you’re too lazy to bother scrolling a millimeter up to verify what you yourself said. I’m sorry you’re bad at expressing yourself, but no matter what you “meant” that’s exactly what you literally said, that being able to drive makes a teen an adult.
No one is falling for the “but but but tits and ass tho” bullshit anymore when the faces look like the ones in that image. Now, that specific creator might not have anything to do with the overall SL problem, I’ll give you that. I have no idea even who that creator is, and apparently she no longer uses such young looking avis in her ads, but if there was nothing wrong with them in the first place why would she have changed them? That’s basically admitting there was a problem. If it’s fixed, great. That’s one tiny piece of a much larger problem.
The people wearing faces like that to sex clubs and using them to make Flickr porn are the real problem, fucking gross pedo enabling bitches so desperate for attention they’ll do anything to get someone in male pixels to talk to them, along with the weak, pathetic rl incels who “date” them and need to be with a child in order to feel like a man.
She’s very sweet and would do just about anything if it meant she was helping someone. She’s been a good friend of mine for a long time. She’s using just a basic mannequin in her ads now and has been for a while. As far as i know the changes she’s been making have less to do with the crap on vs and more with her trying to evolve her brand and be more consistent. She’s always working on projects and trying to improve her skills (little bit of a workaholic) it’s actually work to get her off her platform. Her store is still small to so I’m honestly surprised been on here once let alone twice now. Sadly this kind of thing is why some stores never make it to the level of stores like Lunar and Miwas or even Blueberry. False accusations can easily destroy a small brand and all of that creator’s hard work. It has to be discouraging to say the least. It really mind fucks me to see someone do this to such a great person. She doesn’t deserve this shit.
The thing is this is not an image of a teen avi getting fucked by an adult is it… It is an ad that this designer doesn’t even have up any more because the items were so old she retired them. Not to mention the shape being used is not her actual avatar. I know and follow this designer. She made that shape for a friend who requested it and then she gave it as a gift for a while. She used it in the ads to show different ways to style it. It’s meant to look like a cartoon not a child. Most creators are rarely even in sl and when they are they’re off on a platform somewhere working their assess of to make cute things to share with the rest of us. Not hiding in some dark corner of some club looking for the next guy to fuck. They’re way too busy for that because a lot of them have full time jobs and lives outside of creating shit in sl. So maybe you should think about that before you go making assumptions about people you don’t know. Just a thought.
Stop trying to justify sexualization of teens. If you do not let your young daughters run around like this, do NOT do it in second life either. Cartoon.. lol.. gimme a break, a cartoon with low cleavage like that, it’s a lolita sex doll at best!
Apparently there are a lot of sick, mentally ill people here that seem to be fine with it. I truly hope none of you will ever have daughters!
I find it very funny that you think it’s your place to judge others and say who should and shouldn’t have children. You need to get a grip Karen… Only God can judge us.
1. No one is justifying sexualizing minors.
2. I know her and it was made to look like a cartoon by request from a friend of ours.
3. It’s not really your call who can and cannot have children and thank God for that.
4. Is that what you say about anime? They’re young looking cartoons as well. Are you going to go harass the artists of anime shows too?
People are so quick to label others it’s got to the point of crazy it’s no wonder this world is fucked up.
Everyone is so quick to throw out accusations of people being a pedophile, a homophobic or a racist with nothing but their own opinion to go on.
Fr! Pewpew, you’re awesome. People need to sit down and stfu if it doesn’t negatively impact them. In this case someone I have been friends with for a very long time and I love her like family is being targeted. That’s the only reason I’m here. She wrote a really good response to all that shit but since it doesn’t feed into the drama they denied the post.
Hello, Since I wrote a response a few hours ago and it hasn’t shown up my friends are encouraging me to respond here. So here’s my previous post (more or less): 1. Most importantly- Thank you to those of you who have stood up for me and haven’t been so quick to judge. I really appreciate you. ♥ 2. The shape in the AD is not my avatar’s usual look, it was a custom shape I made as a favor to a friend who came to me and asked if I could make her a cartoon avi without her needing to buy an anime head, so I did the best I could. I understand the concern with it looking like a young avi, but I can assure you it’s meant to look like a petite, cartoon/ young adult. I meant for it to be early 20’s maybe 18 at the very youngest, my intention was never for it to look under aged. 3. I’m sorry that I have clearly offended some of you and caused you so much stress over a silly avatar shape. I very much agree that if it doesn’t hurt you, you shouldn’t let it bother you, I do not think my friend was in the wrong for wanting a stylized avi tho. 4. It’s not right for anyone to assume I’m a pedo, or into children in any way based on a shape I made for someone else. I do not appreciate being associated with that. It’s also not ok for anyone to decide if I should or should not have children of my own based on a simple friendly favor; there was no ill intention whatsoever. I would NEVER harm a child in any way, and it is irrational to make such accusations and assumptions… Read more »
Well that finally showed up… twice. My bad, I shouldn’t have told you to post it again. Sorry… You did great writing it both times tho. lol
#50 How do you know if they are white? when they are not? lol and for one they did apologize for naming a skin that was based off a friend, but people wanna jump down this creator throat, you don’t have to shop or support him, but other people will continue to shop. you snowflakes are the issue getting sensitive over nothing let’s stop this cancel culture thing it getting old.
Exactly! As far as I know the creator is from Brazil. All these irate warriors seem to forget that there’s a wide world beyond the borders of the USA and that we don’t know every single word that they use to insult each other.
#43 Americans actually bragging that they got scammed out of 200 billion dollars by a bunch of jews. Lmfao.
I will say this though:
So in other words: You lot are bitching at the US when each of your countries has it’s own shit. And helps countries that aren’t moral or ethical either. Considering for instance Australia does a large number of trade with China that’s performing genocide to a certain group.
By extension of your own words that means Americans should rid Israel/jews from their country then right?
No, because what I’m saying is that everyone should be mindful of what’s going on in their backyard. The Israel situation is a complex one and it’s much more nuanced than just Palestinians bad and Israeli good and vice-versa.
The issue is that most folks talk shit about other countries, US included. But we lack perspective of all sides, and by the way in a large number of cases we side with what benefits us economically and politically.
(Also, didn’t you notice I said they are bitching at the US when the US is the country that funds Israel? So how is that getting rid of Israels? Unless you do believe that helping Israel is a means of getting rid of Jews from the US…) and that’s not on me, that’s on YOU.
Foreign aide is not only granted to Israel. It’s granted abroad to other countries. That we should be redoing some internal contracts to shift funding from some of that toward one-payer is true.
200 billion sent to Ukraine and they can’t even give their OWN citizens a decent medical system,
Healthcare would be more than 200 billion in the US.
Look at our current costs and start to mount that. I am one for one-payer here but I’m not stupid. The medical industrial complex and the insurance or should I say the glamorized negotiators control pricing. And Washington will NOT change. It already is costing us billions, they would create a meak copy of the current UK health system which has been slowly defunded by the current party ruling them.
Well it is true. America is getting fucked over by Isreal for sure and they don’t really care that it’s based on American tax payer dollars.
By Netanyahu. Israel is a complicated matter since the majority of the countries DO NOT WANT jews there. To begin with. Including YOU.
When did I say I didn’t want Jews in my country?
Historically they are unwanted in both political far-left or political far-right. That’s a fact. Look that up. And America is no exception, we blocked them from College admissions, and we blocked them from plenty of positions and jobs for decades.
Same as we didn’t want the Italians either, and we called them black until almost yesterday. US is not a pretty example of friendliness toward Jews and Catholics.
But when did I say anything about not wanting Jews in my county?
#15 her husband is her alt
Going on a limb and guessing both you and the OP have Demina in your last name…
I agree 100%
IKD. I spoken to them both at the same time. The fake she tries to keep in touch with everyone visiting to me not bad. So what she has it on her phone how she plays is her business. I must say
So the smearcampaigne against Soulmoor begins
Salty because people left CoB because of it?
I mean, give me prove it isn’t just a circle jerk of the same people avoiding ICC and maybe I’d potentially return.
My first week on that sim it was just the same people wanking themselves off, avoiding any new people with mediocre writing at best.
Which number are you referring to? I’d like some backtory.
No were just pointing out the stupidity of letting those people run anything.
Letting just one of those morons run a group or be staff/admin is just telling people to avoid your sim.
#4 You know that like only one of them was a lead, right? And she’s already no longer a lead. Wondering which salty GoT bitch this is?
I might not dish out the poison, but I do read the tea. You’ll have to forgive me that, folks. That I even feel compelled to post here, as my admin persona, no less, is disappointing. But here it is: No one here in SL is perfect. Not me. Not our admin team. Not our player base. If we were? We’d all probably get along. That said, I’ve done everything I can as a personal mission to try and curb the toxicity where I see it – because what I want from Right of Conquest? Is a clean slate for people. I want people to learn, to grow, and to ultimately congregate to have fun and tell amazing stories together. I want people to respect one another and be kind to one another, because being teared down and bullied on the internet fucking sucks, no matter who you are, where its coming from, and even behind the mask of anonymity. That so many people are here attacking someone – probably some from my own community – is incredibly disappointing. If its my players, know that I expect better of you and hold a high standard for each of you. I know that we are all human. That we grow, and change, and our perspectives shift. In the 20 years that I’ve been roleplaying, I’ve grown a lot, and have had to undergo my fair share of personal blunders to get to the place I feel I am at now, all of you have as well. You might think your shit doesn’t stink, but it does. So lets just stop this shit, move on, and find better things to focus our energy on, rather then tear each other down over a game and stakes that exist and only exist in a… Read more »
Prolly Jetis with her “fire pixel pussy” she was spouting off in the comments about months ago! That bitch is literally psycho and has it out for mitsu 😂 Who here has been personally victimized by Jetis?
Who in the world has it out for Mitsu? Doubt she’s that relevant and anyway, Mitsu fucks herself over plenty enough for no one to have to lift a finger.
Well, actually, I was spouting about about Sylvanna’s #princessnymphomania post in the comments – while I’m certainly aware of Mitsu’s reputation, I’ve never interacted with her directly that I can recall, except for fielding questions on a reroll.
Though I too would like to know who I’ve personally victimized – I can say that I’ve never submitted a VS, though I came close to it once, and it wasn’t about Mitsu. It’s called integrity, and I know I’d lose it and lower myself to others’ level if I ever submitted a secret.
But thank you for letting me live in your head rent-free! It’s always amusing to see people bringing up my name in response to comments that aren’t even mine.
So what exactly did I do that was psycho? You’ve got my attention, I’m all ears.
Girl you run off half the people in GOT from sims on your own. Get a grip. Also you like post about posting here in discord all the time. 5 people already liked that other comment. That should tell you enough! maybe it’s time to change your bad behavior?
Dramatic much? I’m sure far more than “half the people” that left RoC over the course of the last year had nothing to do with Jetis’ actions. People streamed in and out of that sim for plenty of reasons and most of them had nothing to do with Jetis. Maybe it’s you and your clique that you feel like you got ran off, but it wasn’t anywhere near half the people that left RoC.
I mean, receipts? Who did I run off? And yeah, I comment here, and that’s different from going out of my way to insult others by submitting secrets. However, define “all the time” – which discord? Logs please.
Please, name names. Tell me what my bad behavior is. I’d really like to know this influence I have, and honestly, who I need to apologize to if I ran them off.
If you only knew the amount of complaints you got at RoC…you wouldn’t be so loud on the internet.
My only complaint is not enough sandals.
I’m very aware of the complaints directed towards me at RoC. I’m also very aware of certain players’ attitudes towards me. And?
Again, receipts, logs, something, anything, please. Exactly who did I drive away from RoC? What OOC actions did I take?
Keep calling me delusional all you want, but you’ve failed to give me anything beyond “there were complaints about you.”
Clearly Jetis thinks she’s never done anything wrong guys, even if we gave her the probably 25 reports against her with logs at RoC, she wouldn’t care. Doesn’t always have to be OOC actions when your RP is completely unhinged in the worst possible way and a fabrication of your own mind half the time.
Do remember when at RoC they were having to like beg people to come to Dorne because literally everyone left because of your unhinged behavior. You even got someone beheaded ffs. It’s not ICC when your character didn’t do anything to deserve the consequences and you constantly just make shit up at the expense of other’s stories.
There was an exodus after Nymora left, not before! Because of the BS that happened to Jetis and admin BS afterward, not because of Jetis’ actions. Or did you forget that both Manwoody and Qorgyle *supported* Nymora? And then when Manwoody made a play for regency of Dorne, they squashed it so that one of the admins could resurrect Elyas Martell. That power move stunk enough to push people away. And then, there was no one left to create conflict, of course it was going to be dead! Stupid plot + no conflict = dead region.
Nah, I’ve messed up plenty. And I can own up to my mistakes, but I’ve never intentionally excluded anyone, metagamed, or powergamed OOC. What did my character do that was unhinged again? Who left in Dorne because of my character’s supposed unhinged behavior? What did I make up? Are you referring to a country-wide fast of bread and water in a region that is noted for “guarding wells” in a landscape mostly described as an “arid wasteland of desert”(direct book quotes btw) that was expected to take effect immediately? We took a prompt provided by the admins, and when they said it wasn’t the case, complied and changed direction. There is a log of a discussion between myself, Ser Pounce, and Lancelhad? Posted to settle the query. As I recall, given I knew their own lore like the back of my hand, while there was a mammoth effort to connect rivers, that doesn’t equate to eradicating deserts, save for the manmade oasis at a very particular spot that belonged to one family? But again, the admins made their call and we followed them. And no, I did not get Nahri beheaded. She got herself into trouble because she snubbed and insulted multiple people. You forget that the Queen Mother and the Justicar had an investigation into her character, and numerous nobles from regions had issues with Nahri acting above her station. Why do I know? Because they came to Dornish characters to complain about her. My character only acted when Nahri said that threats against her were threats against the Crown, because of her position as steward to the Princess-Consort. When that happened, my character brought up that, “Why are we sacrificing our men and our money for a war in the Westerlands when the Crown’s servants see it acceptable… Read more »
Jetis, how many original Dornish players were in Dorne at the time that you left? How many ORIGINAL Martells were still playing at the time you left? You say you didn’t “out of characterly” decide to powergame or metagame, but you regularly did regardless. People felt strong walled by you and backed into a corner to the point where RP wasn’t fun for them anymore and they left their roles. Roles that they spent tons of lindens building avatars for and countless hours building story. I COULD name names. I will not. You are so unliked in the Game of Thrones community that people know not to apply for Dorne unless they can stand interacting with you in character. Because you ALWAYS, without fail, apply to Dornish houses. I wish you and your mean little friend group would just stick to a private server and leave the rest of us alone. I’m posting this so you know how your ICA affect people OOCly. Because intrigue is one thing, but putting words into a characters mouth that they never said are entirely another. Also… I am just ONE of the people that are commenting on this thread. So I know there are at least 2 speaking out. And 8 people liked that they’d been victimized by you. And that’s just the people who check virtual secrets. You are insufferable. And should seriously reflect and reevaluate how you interact with people. IC and OOC.
Hi anonymous, Out of the three original Martells, two, including myself, were there at the time I left. At the time that I left, how many ORIGINAL people were in any of the regions? Please, single out one region and ignore the others and blame me. I can give you a near complete roster of Dornish smallfolk and nobles of you like, how long they stayed, etc. Out of House Martell, there were six additional characters added: Ares, who was Zachary Yronwood and Viserys Targaryen, who left after the trial. Demiana Martell – was there after I left, who left for CoB Asim Sand – player who went inactive Omyria Martell: Dismal.Cloud, whom speaks for himself. Elyas Martell: a rerolled character who left after a few days, only one scene with him. Vandom? Or Pandapantsu who rolled a cousin briefly: came with Vandom/Pantapantsuu (sorry, can’t remember your character and whom was who) who played a cousin and didn’t stick around. So which of them did I run off? I think 2 out of 3 original Martells isn’t so bad, if you ask me. And yes, I roll Dornish because that’s what I enjoy. I rolled a Reach lord once and play them for a few months until interest petered out. And? You are in a GoT sim. This isn’t “game of friends” – you are not guaranteed a happy ending. I am not guaranteed a happy ending. Deal with it. The only people that I can think of that might claim I “ran them off” are three people who couldn’t handle the ICC are: Nymeria Dayne, who harassed Elyas Martell OOC, whom I talked to the admins about, before submitting the SR to send her home after it was clear her character was on a suicide arc despite numerous players’… Read more »
I enjoyed rping with you and I really appreciated your knowledge of Dornish and sim lore. I think that a lot of issues come up when sim lore tries to weaken certain regions in the name of equality. I appreciate that you take chances and that you do not kiss ass or cower or soften the attitudes of Dorne to the crown. Since this post turned into a Jetis bashing post I just felt like saying something. I personally know of complaints against you by people who are meta af. They suck.
Thank you, truly. I approached RoC with the intent to write stories, be friendly OOC and involved IC. I try to play a character with as many flaws as she had strengths. For all the negative, I look back on my time there as mostly positive, thanks to fellow writers like yourself.
There were twists and turns, and I won’t and can’t deny I made my own missteps, but I also got to meet and make new friends, write with old friends, and if I made your time at RoC more enjoyable and richer for the interaction, then I am happy. If you are still there, I hope you are enjoying your time there still – I can assure you that whomever you are, I enjoyed writing with you too.
40 – Hi. Those are SeraPride events. You know, an event run by Seraphim? Mind explaining why they can’t promote their own event calendar? Use small words so you don’t trip over yourself.
43 – You know, the Internet has a lot of info on the Australian military. Including how they have had boots on the ground in Ukraine for longer than we have and have sent proportionally more of their budget than we have so far. Maybe you should shut your clitsucker and do some reading before you sound as ignorant as you did there again.
48 – Uh-oh. Did someone get called on their shit and told how it fits patterns seen in racist white people? Maybe take a tip and stop acting like a MAGA voter or dimly lit white liberal.
Proportionally between the two actually
Since the war began, the Biden administration and the U.S. Congress have directed more than $75 billion in assistance to Ukraine, which includes humanitarian, financial, and military support, according to the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, a German research institute.
Australia has provided Ukraine with a total of approximately $655 million in support, including $475 million in military assistance. This commitment demonstrates Australia’s continued support for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.
And that’s just with a quick google search. The US has dipped more into supporting the Ukraine then Australia has with their budget. So I would assume you didn’t know they have more money thrown towards this war then some others.
You even repeated the word “proportionally”, and yet you have no idea what you’re responding to anyway. Let me use tiny numbers for your pea brain- if all the money you have in the world is $100, and you give someone $75, you gave more of your money PROPORTIONALLY than someone who has $1000 and gives someone $500.
America has sent more money then Australia has and it has a population of 25.69 million 😂
Alot less then America has.
Yeah, that’s what I said. You should respond to the person above me if you’re looking to correct someone.
You do know Australia has a population of like 23 million compared to what, 300 million in the US?
I don’t think they quite understand
Dude, YOU are the one who doesn’t understand. How about you take some of that “bored” time and work on your literacy. Fuckin embarrassing.
Says the American who can’t even cite and statistics.
Are you literally handicapped? In that case, sorry, I get that you can’t help it.
So that’s all you got? Throwing insults.
Typical Americans. 😂
Here for the word “clitsucker”
Honestly same, new favorite word.
-Oasis Management Team & Affiliates.
I don’t think they need to make any further public statements given they CAPLOCKED!! this one.