It’s not like these people are tucked away all the time either. Some of them are in plain sight or at “family beaches” or adoption sims. You can tell by the way they dress and some of them get bodies such as Rebirth because they change their body from child to adult easily. While some of the avatars in #5 are extremely questionable, many of you are looking in the wrong places for people engaging in clear ageplay. This one in particular was seen hanging out at Social Island 10 and her favorites are even more telling Melody Starz’s favorites | Flickr.
That 100% is a kid and disturbing.
Thank you for pointing me and our organization to this.
We are working to setting up an anon email address soon for concerned SL players to send all dangerous materials to.There are a lot of users like this and we’ve found more than 1000 players actively going to the line of ageplay like this since we were first contacted.
If you see anything harmful that seems like it falls under what these evil people say are a gray area we want to know but if you are certain it is breaking linden Labs terms of uses or is breaking laws you need to contact your local police. It is not silly to contact local police about these sick f***s and if Linden labs or local police do not take you information seriously contact the FBI in the US or other federal level police. The US FBI has a team for this online pedophilia.
These people think it is gray area but it is not because there is no gray area to disgusting portrayals of kids.
Are you going to post the @ here cause I got dozens to share!
In case she deletes the picture, there’s absolutely no reason for an avatar like this to wear a pacifier. Whatever your stances are on whether or not people who aren’t infants should be using a pacifier (i.e. ravers or age regressors) it’s clear these people are rampant throughout the grid in the most obvious places.
To be honest, some of those in #5 have babyfaces but are not child avatars. If you’re going to call people out for having child avatars that clearly engage in ageplay, they look more like this Melody Starz | Flickr
#30 she recently joined funsies, and let me tell you she aint liked there much either, because she is 2 faced, and loves drama and spreading lies, she is probably a sad old lonely woman/man who has nothing better to do, i stopped going to Lake Placid when i seen her there sucking up to paris, probably wondering what she can steal from him for someone else… the best thing Lake valley did was get rid.
#34 I uploaded this and no I don’t frequent the same Sims the dirty bitch just gives out the pictures to people on her friends list, I was one of her friends no longer. My sl username is the name on here for those who have legit questions… Yes it is an alt.
#5 those are really bad examples. The ones you call “kids” literally look like 20-somethings.
I forget most of you are so old, you looked 40 when you were 20, back in 1940. But nowadays there’s something called sunscreen. Just get over it and go find a man who wants your old hag ass
Your idea of women that are adults is showing, you really don’t like adult women do you? Either cause you are a jealous woman or youre a man and you cant control adult women like you can somebody young.
I’m 21 and in uni. They look younger than me and younger than even 1st years at my uni of over 45,000 undergrads.
lmfao as a medical provider most those absolutely do not look 20s. The have the bone structure of a child. Others purely the skin places them teens and not 19. Sunscreen only gioes so far and is not why people have better skin texture these. Yes I said texture not bones or maturity. You also need to go back to school for math. 83 is not a age group in SL , maybe handful over 60 but not even enough there to call a group on own.
#22 #23 #24 Amari was the owner of RISE when he was beebealba25 back when the Aesthetic body had a little popularity. He’s a tool that thought being homophobic was cool. Not surprised his store didn’t last
#41 I get easily immersed in any setting I put my mind in, so this happens with every game or simulation I play. Also my body feels cold, wet or hot depending on the shown weather in the game. It’s a very interesting feeling and makes open world games way more interesting! But also makes some tight platforming sections in games very frightening.
That sounds like a drug and you’re unable to tell real from fake. 🙁
#19- This girl is so washed up ..why even bother? She knows majority of secondlife hates her because of things she did to everyone and everyone around them! She needs help..she needs to take a long step back from secondlife and get her life together! She has people in her profile who even talk shit about her..she has people who go to her land who talk shit about her..she’s so unaware of how many actually hate her it’s pathetic! Do everyone a favor by logging off and getting help!
Lmfao all this!! She’s fucking delusional and puts out to anyone that will take her because she’s so gross and can’t actually get a decent person 🤮
…Puts out to anyone that will take her…
SL is a VR, sex doesn’t count for bodycounts. If you are consenting two adults and want to have pixel sex it doesn’t make you gross.
Does anybody is SL respect women anymore or are all of you gross qanon women haters who only find kid avatars attractive?
LUL..She gets with different guys because she seeks attention from every male guy who comes in front of her face..keeps them close to make her bf’s jealous! She’ll reference them as her “best friends” first..None of them actually are stupid enough to stay with her and put up with her behavior ong. What was that dude, Z? He was the only dumbass who stayed and put up with her for years being brainwashed like all her friends and everyone still today doesn’t get it..Her secondlife fell completely apart when she lost that relationship and everyone saw it..they still see it. They all left her so quick after it..they just had to realize who the real issue is and the common denominator is always her so no one ever stays..she can’t even pull any of them as friends anymore if she tried..some get too smart for her crazy behavior..even her husband wanted to get rid of her..not sure how she managed to manipulate him to staying..I’m sure it’s just because having to pick up your life after leaving a marriage is a lot of work so it’s easier to stay until you can’t anymore 💀
what place is #49 about?
45: Not noizy still butt-bleeding over not getting to fuck drama. Ooooh no. Sev is a really awesome dude, have you ever thought about that being a reason people like him more than say… you? Honestly no one really cares so keep barking ig?
7 -that’s hilarious and sad
43 – how do these weird cat avs still look the same way now as they did in 2008??
10, 25, 27, 32, 54. I don’t play a character of consequence so I can’t speak to some of #10, I have no idea what’s going on at that level. 27 – duh. If you know a player has a history of pulling items from a build when pissy, you shouldn’t have that player in your staff. They may be your friend, but if they turn on you, you’re screwed. 25, 32, and 54 are all related. And part of 10, too, regarding Daella. Half of the problem with all GoT sims is scaredy cat players that expect conflict to be handed to them instead of making some. You didn’t want Daella as queen? Okay, rally a couple of regions and go to war! The war was so short, some places didn’t see any real action at all outside of the Stormlands and Riverlands. GoT is supposed to be about plotting and scheming to attain power. What have you done to do that? Are you licking your wounds and starting whisper campaigns? Have you started making the strategic alliances that you need to try again? Don’t just roll over and accept her as queen. This should just be an interregnum while people organize. The other half comes from poorly crafted lore that focuses all the conflict at the Crown level, leaving little for banners to do but get married. Some of that is inherent to sticking EVERYONE in King’s Landing, regardless of whether or not they make sense. Banners usually have nothing to do other than get married and fuck, not necessarily in that order. Where is there a compelling conflict between banners? But then, again, even when there is one, some people are still too chickenshit to actually create conflict and will side with whoever’s in power. So, back… Read more »
Sweetheart we tried. But got blocked at every turn by admins not wanting their precious story stop. Didn’t you see the vs a couple of weeks back? Where Praxi admited to only doing this to fight Kae?
Some of us tried fighting Daella getting power but were blocked by admins who are pretending it’s player driven.
I am glad I left COB and seeing their traffic, lots have also left.
Fuck Daella, Fuck Kae, Fuck Praxi.
They ruined what was good.
#43: They’re called Dinkies you joyless narcissistic bitch
#5 everyone saying “oh they just look 18” like that isn’t a problem in itself. (They still look like kids)
The “barely legal” is a thing, they make their avatar look barely legal to toe that line so they can still play like the innocent uncorrupted one for someone to ruin. This is the fetish most are playing into knowingly and trying to avoid the ban by looking as young as possible and still cry “I look 18!”
Keep giving them free excuses guys
Men love the barely legal appearance cause they know they can control girls in a way they can’t control women, and you don’t need a psych degree like I have got to know that.
Those men are predators and I’ve seen older women be jealous of younger women and try to destroy them so they compete to look more youthful with these child like avatars. Sad what sl has become
Soooo everyone is wrong, but YOU are right? Classic boomer talk. Seriously go find a retirement home
I was born in 2002 and I’m finishing my 3rd year of uni and these look a lot younger than me and everyone in my in uni of 45,000 undergrads, even 1st years.
Lmaooo is your uni the whole world? I don’t think so, I’m sure you don’t interact with all of those 45k undergrads too. I’m 23 and I’m in a working in an environment where people who were supposed to be older than me looks younger than me and I get people around me tells me that I look 16 already. Ppl have different facial structures bb. Not everyone rock one type of makeup in this modern world also. I remember ppl in my high school looked even older than 20 year-old. Additionally, different lifestyles and demographics. Claiming you’re in “uni”, I thought you would be more open-minded about the topic.
Your name on here is lolita, so I can imagine you’re a part of the SL pedos.
Wasted energy trying to push sense into uneducated brains. Good luck with uni. Promising future ahead. Don’t end up like these people.
I know it is. I like SL, it is fun and relaxing, but I don’t openly tell people in SL I was born in 2002 anymore, a lot of weirdos start hitting on me. When I joined SL I was 19 turning 20 and friends mentioned it was my bday and I was asked how old I was and when I said 20, I got requests from everyone there. Some man even sent me an inventory picture of him naked in the real.
Never tell anyone your age in SL if you’re under 30 it looks like.
Yeah lots of predators and people who ruined their lives will come out of the wood works
If you spend more than 6 hours a week on SL you ruined your life for SL. SL is addiction and it has ruined many people’s lives.
It’s not a game and the makers made that clear that they don’t want it called a game, it’s an entire new life. If your RL is so bad you’d rather spend all your hard earned money living in SL then you don’t deserve to be someone who is a part of RL.
The pedos on here are pedos cause they lost touch with reality, if they were to go outside for the first time since they threw away their lives for SL they would find that adults don’t look like the children here.
People in SL haven’t grown up and they’re even more obsessed with looking young than any RL culture I’ve studied.
These people should try RL, maybe they wouldn’t be so bitter and jealous! But I think society rejected them a long time ago, that’s why they spend all their lives in SL fucking kids and pretending they’re kids.
It’s not worth it to be in SL at all really unless you’re making money, disabled, retired with nothing better to do or in the middle of nowhere with no means of a social life.
Even if you’re making money here it’s not worth it to give up real life to focus full time SL. It’s good as a testing ground for artists but that’s it. SL is not what it used to be. There are too many trolls now and bootleg things. You can barely make enough to live on like people did in 2007/09.
The only ones benefitting are real companies like Doux or Addams but I’m sure they have even seen things go down through the years in SL. They have a team helping them manage things so its fine if theyre away for months or years focusing on RL. If it’s just one resident with a store it’s very hard . SL addiction and internet addiction in general is poison. I’ve seen it do extreme damage. Families have said they felt like the person had died when they got addicted.
In comments last week someone posted numbers of how down hill player numbers on SL has gone since 2019. Not lying I wasn’t expecting it to be that bad but I looked up what he said and he wasn’t wrong. Looking at my friends list I got about 200 friends and maybe 12 are online more than once a week. The numbers being that bad show that there’s no way anyone can make any livable money on SL unless they’ve got a massive brand that’s been around. I think that’s why so many people were upset at the botlist that showed how many sales were made on the marketplace! It showed that numbers are down and these designers aren’t as rich as they want people to believe they are. I don’t know why anyone would want to stress themselves to make SL their job. It’s a lot of work and doing the math you make pennies per hour of work. The only benefit I see is that you can stay home and work when you want but I’d rather be on a schedule and have livable money than sit at home all day. You mentioned DOUX and Addams. DOUX is great but the last year his stuff has just been remeshs of other stuff he’s done. ADDAMS I heard hires people in no income countries to do work for pennies which you can tell because their stuff isn’t consistent in quality or texture. I only go online on Sundays for a hour to blog because I’m in class Monday to Wednesday and work a real job Wednesday to Saturday but it’s not fun anymore, it just feels like a chore. RL is fully open again and all that’s left are people who aren’t accepted by RL. I got a friend… Read more »
I don’t mean this in a bad way but what’s the point of blogging here besides getting the products for free and creating exposure for the creators ? It just seems like having a team of advertisers without pay which isn’t much in a virtual world. I’ve heard bloggers say they don’t get to enjoy the products much and get burnt out fast since most of the time goes to blogging it. I can see it giving people who don’t have much going on rl something to do but other than that just don’t see the point?????
It can be fun if you do it for the right reasons.
Most bloggers are only bloggers cause they want free items. They burn out fast cause they blog for many brands and that’s all they do. They don’t get to enjoy the items they blog cause they’re too focused on getting free items.
I blog for 3 brands that I supported before I became a blogger and they’re probably the only 3 brands in SL that don’t do the pedo look and nothing but lingerie.
Taking pictures in SL is fun but if I had to take more than one picture a week I would probably hate it too.
If a blogger is burnt out then they’re doing it for the wrong reasons.
You’re right about one thing and its that there’s no reason for blogging other than free products for bloggers. It is more beneficial to brands to do bloggers cause it is free advertisement.
Bloggers who think blogging is a job are lying to themselves and take SL too seriously but everyone takes SL too seriously because it’s all they got in life. Bloggers should be paid 1000 linden each picture if they’re going to be ‘professionals’ and that is their ‘job’.
I don’t mean this in a bad way but what’s the point of blogging here besides getting the products for free and creating exposure for the creators ? It just seems like having a team of advertisers without pay which isn’t much in a virtual world. I’ve heard bloggers say they don’t get to enjoy the products much and get burnt out fast since most of the time goes to blogging it. I can see it giving people who don’t have much going on rl something to do but other than that just don’t see the point?????
Isnt that exactly what are you doing?
#22 23 24 Well… bullying in CC got him moved up to a mod. Allllll it takes is making stale boring food jokes… the bar is low… so him having an ageplayer past won’t matter either.
He has no idea what roleplay means, he is poor in character and he is abusive, I would say all good qualities to be a Mod! congratulations!
It wasn’t a move up that was warranted… it is onerous to show up with a smile on our face and do departmental roleplay that takes 3 to 5 hours then have Rei demand us to do events and put strict deadlines on us. Have we not done enough? I chatted with my colleague and we are on the same page. I take it Rei has to compensate for the bad reputation that Lucy caused but get a grip. To add insult to injury, she brags in ooc about recruiting Amari to mod.. unearned.. I don’t want the stress that comes with being a mod but I can name 10 people who earned it unlike Amari.
Deadlines for roleplay jobs is insane. That CC place sounds horrendous.
Amari is a bully! He made poor Zander leave! He was putting all those stolen cars in his house! Bullying is not ok!!
I got an idea! Stop being a little bitch, hiding here! Go confront him! I am sure he would enjoy the conversation!
No, because now he has the power of the mod. Surely he knows he has no skills to fill this role, as he knows his only skills are to talk shit all day with his gang of idiot friends
45.Music scene is really sad if the top choices come down to one DJ taking his shirt off desperate for attention and another DJ acting like hes doing some impressive stuff by being overdramatic with his knob twisting and jogwheels
16. Not sure how much that outfit going to be as I haven’t checked yet but I think it looks cute. Though with you saying the creator is greedy does make
me worry that it will be expensive and out of my budget to afford it.
17. Yes I agree with this one. I don’t really like clothing that has logos and letters on stuff. I prefer clothing that has patterns or
plain texturing.
18. I have came across 2 casino places that charge people to pay to play the machines and they can gamble and win money if lucky.
28. Again I don’t understand how LL can allow casino’s but not old gacha machines yet the old Gacha machines was fun and although random people were guarenteed to win at least something when playing a gacha machine.
Though with these casino machines people can gamble much more money and not guarentee to win anything. So therefore these casino’s are much worse in terms of gambling.
47. I need to also remember to go and delete demos. I have far too many demos in my inventory still that need deleting.
52. I think taking feedback and suggestions from customers is extremely valuable. Always good to hear from others on what they think about stuff.
well the odds of winning blackjack is about 42% which is way higher than the odds of getting the rare at a gacha.Though obviously gacha has a 100% payout. I’m confused, you are happy for gacha ‘gambling’, but not happy for pretend casino gambling? Or do you mean ‘I want stuff I like, not stuff others like’.
not sure how it is that hard to understand there, Tex
Need somewhere for the drama to hang out
Do you realize that Reiza so called soul-mate and her own sl sister are dating now?! How can that fucken family allow that shit in her honor?!
Learn how to fucking spell! SMH
As much as that’s a low blow for the sister and “soulmate” to do, it’s not incest.. they’re not related.
Um what in the actual Jerry springer
Ohhhh I think you hit a nerve, think you upset some lolz hahaha
OMFG! Mind your own fucking business! FFS
Incest? It’s second life not real life calm down. Why is it shit? Because YOU don’t like it? Tough shit. You don’t know a single thing about honor. Be a good dog and go sit down. 🙄
Somewhere inside all old grumpy men was once a small boy with big dreams.
He dream of living on tiny hut on Costa Rica beach
45. Listen Noisy or whatever you’re going by now… noone cares enough for you to still be relevant. As for 7 lol just go watch dj lichi and you tell me 7 didn’t take everything he learned from him and attempted to pass it as his own. But that is a pattern for him he loves to take people’s ideas and pretend they are his own. Isn’t that why he had to stop take down Thursday or whatever ? Because he stole people mixes and passed them as his own. But damn 7 you must of really pissed off someone to be posted on here 3 in a row almost 🙄 somethings never change I see .
Oh stfu.. what do you know? he quit takedown tuesday cause they were complaining that he had more people than all of the combined and they were being lil crying bitches. get your facts straight before you type your shit. And what could he possibly learn from Lichi? Lichi ain’t even that good. Noizy is butthurt that he’s not relevant anymore. How about you stop threatening to kill yourself over some girl and actually work on yourself Noizy?
I was around when that time happened 🤣 and he was on his other twitch account that got banned. He had the least of all the other djs … hahahaha they reported him for stealing their beats and he got banned for that and now has a new twitch filled with you brainwashed people believing his bs and bots 🙄 lol Don’t worry I got my facts straight 💯
he quit Takedown tuesday like a 1-2 months ago. you ok boo? cause your facts are more fucked than your shitty attitude.
I’m ok and there was another take down Thursday before this one so check your facts that he did on his other blocked account
#34 she/it is probably on an alt doing all that with animals so i doubt name dropping will change anything. but can you just do it already instead of pretending to care about what she/it is doing lmao
these posts 100% make me think “why are you somewhere that this is happening in the first place?”
#16 You are the best advertise for this store, I got myself an outfit thank you for the tip! The single items have normal price well normal like most normal stores.
it confused me too. They do know adults wear overalls.. right. plus there is no excessive booty showing and little to no cleavage i don’t find it over-sexual at all. kinda feels like projection to me
I paid for a fatpack for myself and for my friend. It’s perfect for the farming and gardening roleplay we’re doing right now. 🤣
Well shit. Now that you said that, the image that painted is so god damn cute that I need it too
#22, #31. ALT season in SL? Every day is ALT-day in SL. The number of ALTs running around is massive. They stalk, harass, destroy people, relationships, deceive, set traps, spread lies the list goes on. Behind each one a narcissistic psycho, a sociopath. The story same, they play the innocent poor victim that hides in the corner always broken in need of saving, shower bombing every target they got. Using their flying monkeys to make all other vanish from the main target. Claiming they never done anything to anyone. Nobody gets more upset than a narcissist being accused of something they did. Nobody will trash your name more than a narcissist who’s afraid you will tell people the truth. You want to be free of all of a narcisssist and its alts? Humiliate them as they don’t like to be confronted. All other things fuel their narcissistic, self-absorbed ego. You can never win playing dirty. Karma is real – they will even say that just to project what they do to others so they will remain innocent in the eye of their existing gaslighted victims.
awww, I guess I hit a nerve, so interesting these 15 dislikes. I truly wonder why now, well hold on wait a minute , no I do not care as clearly they are some of the alts in here stalking to see if anyone will write about them. Those people are high maintenance anyway. I am surrounded by narcissists in sl, and believe me I have figured you out so lets make it now 20 people not liking my comment about the truth.
22. Amari has a crap load of alts and I’m glad that deceiver is being called out again. He made my friend’s secondlife hell.
The flying monkeys are either narcissists themselves or emotionally damaged people that would tolerate any type of treatment, waiting for a few words of positive reinforcement. It’s stupid.
My favorite person in SL left SL because of the stalking and harassment she got from group of narcissists. She was a good person and was lovebombed into a bad group of friendships and didn’t deserve anything that they did to her. It says alot about SL when the good people are drove away by the abusive narcissists that litterally ruin lives over it. Why can’t these people just let good people that aren’t hurting anybody be happy?
This is f***ed up. Who are they? I will take on the sociopaths, they don’t scare me!
I’m sorry to your friend.
Well that happens cause the rest dont help out those good people that you mention and eveyone goes silent. Stalkers, narcissists, sociopaths love that that the target that is left there is standing alone. The best tactic to those issues is to protect and confront the person who is doing the attack. With facts, not emotions.
Yea it does happen and it’s sad that it does. I seen the same group of narcissists abuse other girls before her too. Nobody in sl really has a courage to stand up for the people being abused because everybody wants to be liked and popular. Nobody that claimed to be close to her stood up for her and she left a year ago. I was one of the close friends that was afraid and didn’t stand up for her and I wish I did. I said it was because I didn’t want drama in our friend group but it was because I didn’t want to be harassed like she was. She made sl warm and we let her down because we didn’t have her 6. The people who stalked and harassed her are on new drama and new people to abuse and it’s hard to watch and I’ve tried speaking up but these people are so controling and good at abusing that nobody will listen even when it happens multiple times. Everybody does them wrong but they do nobody else wrong and the fanclub behaviour of everybody else is sickening but they do it because they just want to be picked by these popular people so they can become special in sl too.
I hope she is happy and her life is good now I just wish she knew she was missed and her friends here are sorry for being cowards.
Someone mentioned the Manson cult last week. It’s exactly like that. Most of the time it’s men like that putting on a nice guy mask but actually sociopaths manipulating vulnerable people to join in on their sickness. A nightmare disguised as love, family and belonging. Clever people will cut ties as soon as they see it but the foolish will stay as a puppet where their actions and whole life will be controlled by emotions the sociopaths wants them to feel. You don’t want to waste what’s left of your life like that. That’s why many people stay silent because sociopaths are dangerously unhinged. You don’t know the lengths they will go to.
That’s true about a lot of alts users but as far as #22 goes…. Amari uses alts to deceive and stalk and screw people over so for him to bully someone else for alts is laughable
This is the truth! There’s more ALTS than active users now in SL. So many sad people here who can’t growup making ALTS to harass or stalk people they don’t like. Too many people in SL are happily abusive just like a comment down below where somebody said let’s go abuse her IMs about somebody they don’t like. If you don’t like somebody just leave them alone you don’t got to make ALTs to stalk and harass! It’s not that hard. So many people in SL are abusive by choice and they’re here to do that abuse because they can’t in their real life. They know what they’re doing because they want to do it. People in their real life won’t let them do it and instead of changing to be better they just come on SL and do it. It’d be sad if it weren’t evil.
This is the truth. Well said!
Absolutely true what you say here.Another thing to keep in mind such behaviors dont get better. The person that stalks harass, will never change, they will just refine their stalking, narcissistic process for their next victim. They get better at the game as they keep doing it all their lives.
That’s why you never call them out, all it leads to is them refining their methods and becoming better at it. As in 99.9% of situations in life, just keeping your mouth shut and showing no reaction at all is the best option here.
Actually no. You just let down the person that is targeted, do nothing to help them out. If all stand against the one narc, they narc will vanish but as someone mentioned above, they remain silent so the narc thrives. So its preferable for the target to vanish from sl so you can all be popular and liked, that kind of mentality shows that you are not friends to the person who gets harassed but prefer to remain on the good side of the narc. Pathetic!
I’ve talked to ladies who have told me about a narc predator in sl who was able to even open a store, join events and run through sl like nothing preying on more people because when they try to expose he attacks them and asks the fan club to join. He manipulates everyone to think the victim is the bad one and a “hater”. The fan club gets rewarded with things like makeovers and popularity for attacking. I wonder if the ladies in the fan club are the same level of socipathic if they dont feel bad about what they’re doing to another human and only care about what they can gain. The victims are afraid to expose it because he has been so abusive and successful with sending people after victims who speak out. Very good at playing the saint. It’s true that they refine their tactics and get better at hiding the evil side after being exposed. He is thriving while ruining everyone else’s sl
The designers in SL are some of the biggest narcissists in SL. What feeds a narcissist is attention and being a popular brand owner in SL is the biggest way to get that attention. Alot of narcissists like good attention but they’ll take bad attention too. Its why each week on here there’s at least one designer.
I could name off 6 designers with popular stores this second that have abused people in SL, they’ve harassed friends and customers both.
Its a powertrip and a lot of them will abuse that power they got from being a popular designer.
You’re not wrong. I feel like we are helpless in it too. They know they can get away with it especially if no one can do what they do. They have people who will defend them till the end and keep buying from them no matter what. It’s just like real life. Those in power get the last say and make the rules. They know it. We are helpless through that abuse.
Sheila Ireto
PollyPeach Waifu (pollypeach.waifu)
Markus Chardin
Calli Carlucci (calli.carlucci)
Edin Evergarden (edin.evergarden)
They all alts spending most of their time copybotting off other people and sims till banned.
It does say on their SL profiles they like to cause trouble and get banned. “I want to be 14 again. I have new ways to destroy my life” That explains it. Never did meet trolls with common sense or doing something worthwhile with their lives. In a game where you can be anything some choose to be idiots. Well blacklisted from my land.
This is all so true. We need to keep calling them out 1 by 1. If you choose to have alts for fucked up mind games, you need to be called out on your bullshit.
Easier said then done. Everybody in sl wants to be liked and popular and these abusers have been on sl for 10 or more years so they built up fanclubs and can keep doing it and getting away with it. It’s easy for people like me who aren’t the person being abused to say that I don’t want any drama but it’s not because we don’t want drama, it’s because we don’t want to be on the recieving end of the abuse we see.
I got alot of regrets around not standing up for people being in abused in sl by narcissistic meangirls and sociopaths. Don’t trust anybody that has alot of ‘friends’ or is ‘friends with everybody’ in sl because those are the ones that will abuse anybody to keep their fame in sl. They’re the ones creating the most drama and abuse. Famous people in sl because they are friends with everybody and not because they did something special are the narcissists.
Sorry my english is not very good some times when I’m upset.
The thing is when people do stand up they get backlash. Look how much hate the SLEvidenceRoom got for standing up for someone. After that the “famous” tried advocating for us “reg people” to save face but I lost so much respect for so many people seeing that. People will listen to who has the most numbers, connections and money no matter how in the wrong they are. It’s just how the world is wired. No matter how much everyone preaches about being so against racism, bullying and bigotry, green $$$ is the only color that matters in the end. They can deny it all they want but it’s true otherwise they wouldn’t be kissing ass to the cYbErsTars and shitting on bottomfeeders as they called everyone else.
It is never to late to start. You cant change the past, but you surely can fix the present.
Agreed. Tired of these terminally online sociopaths targeting innocent people.
Jamie’s player herself isn’t non-binary, she just writes as one: which is perfect because it’s about as based in reality as witches and wizards anyway.
Mischief Managed is one big circle jerk of a virtue signal. If roleplay is an exercise in narcissism it’s clear after a decade of doing it, they’ve mastered the art.
I hope the place has another decade. And another. They can stay in their little hole and keep up the circle jerk, then none of us need bother with them in the rest of SL. Or RL for that matter.
Why can’t people leave the Carbetta’s & D-Block alone tbh?.
1. D-Block has gone down cause Reiza pretty much ran that place + now there’s a huge memorial there for her so it’s hard for a lot of people to be there.
2. She was an amazing person it affects not just one person but multiple people on multiple levels, grieving can take months to years, and people can act out wrongly for it.
3. I can first hand say Kory has litterly fired people for playing straight EDM in his club seen it done. The only EDM allowed in his club is if it was remixed with HipHop. And even at that you still had to play straight hiphop at times they watched you.
End of the day someone just wants to target them because they’re bored clearly.
Go get a life.
& for the other shit on SL. Go get an RL life, covid is over it was a fun 3 years but now you can actually do stuff secondlife is pointless now unless you enjoy the repetitive drama again and again.
I’m sorry that our loss has bothered you so much. Now.. I don’t care enough about the bullshit you have to say behind our backs Sly. I really don’t. It doesn’t bother me. If I came off the bench every time someone had some shit to say behind our backs since nobody ever has the balls to actually say shit to us I’d never get anything done. But do not use my daughters fucking name Sly. Just…don’t.
Are you interested in winning a grand prize as a member of this family? Despite some members claiming to avoid drama, there have been instances like when Sly puckered his lips that have been quite comical. However, it’s worth noting that this club is known for being dramatic.
Hahahaha… Shut the hell up you’re a narcissistic cunt, you trashed D Block and everyone involved with it just like you do every club you slither your way into.
No one likes you and no one cares for your opinion! You were hanging from Jades tit until she closed Voodoo so fuck off back to the hole you crawled out of!
Wait wait wait!! You are kissing ass at D Block again? You really using Kory dead daughter as a way to publicly kiss his ass? It’s gross that you use her to kiss ass.
Rezia was a massive part of D Block but anyone who had been there over the last year or so knew she hadn’t been that involved for a while due to other things going on in her life.
Her loss is big to those who have known her for years. Most of D Block staff is a family they are struggling with the loss. The rest of the staff as always is well kind of useless.
Kory is always yelling in server at staff to play hip hop only so you are right about a lot of your points.
Just disappointing how people will use someone’s death as a way to try to get back in to somewhere they trashed and to people they tried to destroy.
What the hell sly? You spoke nonsense about d-block and Kory, you say you’re a person if your word dvd say it how it is, why don’t you back it up and stop sucking up. The failed attempts are getting old sly,
Sly you have talked shit about D-block and every club you worked for. Catfish people and all kinds of stuff. Stop trying to kiss ass, to Kory. He already has a DJ ass-kisser that other clubs don’t deal with his shit. plus we all know He plays shitty music. so that spot is taken sorry sly Also, that place is not the same anymore it’s been nothing but a big clique for over a year now or more.
First of all…Kory doesn’t play shitty music! His sets are always popular because he plays good music and he has a great personality. Everyone can have different taste in music, but to make a comment like that just lets everyone know you don’t know what you’re talking about. All clubs have little cliques, but D-Block staff and people in general who go to D-Block are friendly to everyone. I know, because I’ve been there from the beginning. Everyone likes talking shit about D-Block and posting stupid little posters about D-Block because they’re jealous, or someone pissed them off. D-Block just celebrated their 3rd, yes 3rd anniversary. People thought D-Block wouldn’t even last months…but not only did it last months, it lasted a year, then two and now three, and we’re still going strong. D-Block isn’t going anywhere. And Sly, your one sentence, D-Block hasn’t gone down, and yes, Reiza was General Manager and huge part of running D-Block w/ Kory and the other managers. She is greatly missed and forever will be. She was a huge loss to D-Block and to everyone who works there and hangs out there. D-Block has some of the best managers…they work very hard and put in a lot of hours. They are care about D-Block! Nobody has any clue about that unless you’ve been a manager at D-Block. SL is full of drama…people are full of drama, so there’s always some motherfucker out there who has to start talking shit for whatever reason, and they just don’t know what they’re talking about. I used to be a manager and I know for a fact that D-Block doesn’t want cliques, but just like you, and you, and you, we all have our own friends, so it may look like that, but it isn’t. D-Block has… Read more »
The recipient of the “Karen award” is the person who wrote the longest comment on this thread. Congratulations for being excessively complimentary and promoting your own sets. Your behavior is similar to Sly’s, who also boasts about himself. However, thank you for sharing a bedtime story with us. We appreciate it. Much love and thanks.
I didn’t promote my sets…and I’m sure AF not a Karen. I said who I am because none of you will actually show who you are because you’re so full of shit with the lies you spew. If I wanted to promote my sets I would annoy everyone and do conferences for every set, or do mass tp’s every set. It is a very rare occasion that I do that. I just hate it when people lie and talk shit w/ nothing to back it up. I don’t give a fuck if anyone comes to my sets…I never have. And how did I boast about myself? I said I speak the truth, which I do. Please whoever you are, since you haven’t said…please DO NOT come to any of my sets, ever! Ask anyone…I don’t get involved in drama, unless you’re talking shit about people I care about. I’m glad you read my whole comment…thank YOU because I appreciate that you heard every word I said. You whole comment is exaggerated and full of lies. You appreciate it? You’re sending me love & thanks. You just say anything, don’t you? People who can think for themselves can see why I wrote. If you know me at all, you know I’m not okay w/ drama. Here’s what I’m realizing as I’m typing this…you can’t fix stupid and as my friend said this evening, you can’t argue w/ idiots, so I’m done. Bye Felicia! 🖕
From the things I have seen and heard, you practically rage quit d-block every single time you have worked there.
And you think everyone is picking on the Carbettas!? Oh honey! I think people are sick and tired of their shit. The truth is coming out more and more. Their true colors are coming to the surface.
I know you are reading this Carbetta family….have it be known, many are seeing through you’re #carbettastrong act. We are just waiting for the shit show to begin 😈😈.
See the issue here. Nobody invited you to our “bullshit”. #carbettastrong act? You can see through anything you like. Again. It’s for us. Not you. Here’s a concept for ya. Why not just sit over here in your own fucking lane and stay outa ours? What shit show? If you’re seeing through our bullshit you should know we don’t give a fuck what you think about us. That’s our true colors. Just because you fucking losers sit around here all day and pray for our downfall doesn’t mean we are gonna suddenly stop. Look at the level of stupid shit we have been on here for. I’m here because of EDM? Jesus y’all some lame ass ppl. Y’all be on here breakin bread with pedofiles and act like y’all some kinda saints. But dont let EDM be in a club. Lands you on SL. Secrets. Jesus fuckin Christ lol. Yet y’all still gonna roll up in the club this weekend. Smfh.. well enjoy sitting around all day waiting on the shit show. Meanwhile I gotta life I gotta get back to. ✌🏼
I mean you did say a couple weeks back that some of your family write these for shits and giggles so might wanna talk to the table where you break your bread first. Hate most of the time comes from the inside than from strangers. Anyone can smile at you but secretly wanna backstab and see you fail.
People really should log off now it just shows how alone they are.
Tell us you’re an ass kisser without telling us you’re an ass kisser 😂 Did Jadey see through your shit again now you puckered up for Kory again?
This is laughable coming from the #1 manipulative drama queen of SL 💁
You preach about drama and people getting an RL yet here you are taking time out of your day on virtual secrets involving yourself in drama that has fuck to do with you?
Practice what you preach boo. 😉
I honestly do not understand any of the hostility.
I spoke the truth, I said nothing bad.
I have not went around speaking any trash about anyone.
Nor have I kissed anyone’s ass.
But I do appreciate the feed back I’ve skimmed through.
I do believe although if I was using someone’s passing in vain, as well as “kissing ass”. I would be online secondlife as-well as Going to D-Block every night to try and “Kiss ass” and not simply state true facts on a website.
I have nothing to gain from standing up for you all.
I have nothing to gain from any of you so do tell me why I would want to kiss your ass?.
I don’t.
And as for Drama, I don’t believe i involved my self by simply stating the true facts about D-Block.
But aparently I did.
But it’s nice to see people’s true colours behind a keyboard.
Did you seriously just say you haven’t spoke trash about anyone?! 😂 😂 😂 😂
People just dislike you for no reason then I guess… in your world… 😱
31: RL pics allowed now?
34: I laughed at this cause why you calling someone out when you are there too
35 36 37: Didnt miss much then
38: Use your filters to take out adult themes
47: I tp’d in to that mess too, happens when you give the masses rezz rights with no timer.. maybe a lesson learned for the creator to box stuff to be added not rezzed.
rest, I dont really care about peoples hate
HA #31 is a popular meme that’s been all over the internet…even I know that as a so called “boomer”
31 is a wildly famous meme. Do you live under a rock??
Not under a rock, they live on second life which is worse.
ROFL I think yes.
1… Are you okay?
#16 Damn girl, all you’re telling us is that you’re a broke af entitled bitch that loses her shit whenever creators don’t price their items dirt cheap. If you can’t afford it then look elsewhere. Stop calling creators greedy and insulting them for something that is your own problem. Pathetic.
#16 U r here every week luv aren’t ya? Maybe get a job or something and perhaps you’ll stop being so cheap and be able to afford Palette, lazy bitch. Their stuff is worth every penny. You sound envious, maybe get that checked out.
#50 #51 ????
Ur tone seems pointed hun. How are these copying in the first place? What does tres beau have do to with this at all? She be copying everyone and no one says a thing, is this about that?
If you gon randomly attack stores and involve others that have nothing to do with this, at least get your facts right. Pepe been slow with releases, she’s not that relevant. Lucci (seen her use this in events for sum time now) and Ives ads are like that way before Pepe came back to releasing makeup with these. And f u search you’ll probs gon find more like these made in the past. It’s not that deep hun. Get a life.
Just when I thought y’all couldn’t get any more lazy with these secrets about beauty brands, lmfao.
Whatever, Ives, you need to bounce from your fake-ass persona, babe. Like, seriously, you’re pretending to be all cultural and stuff, but it’s straight-up cringy. Just stop. You haven’t even been rockin’ that ad for long, fam. You straight-up jacked Pepe’s style after folks stole your layout.
Buh-bye, loser.Guys!!!! Look!!! It’s tres beau with her fake again! Can’t keep ives out her mouth
Ffs you need find something better to do with your free time 🥱 It’s giving obsession, not a cute look sis
I do get that majority of SL womens that play SL are either in their 40s/50s+ and seeing anything without wrinkles makes them think it’s underage, but dude when you were in your 18-30s era, from 25 you started to fade from leak of skin care. I know womens at 30 that are still babyfaced and honestly, how does that scream pedo?
You just need to understand that people that choose those skins likes anime, kawaii, weeb or just hates the look of those so called “adult skins”.
Just learn to let people that pay for their own stuffs to do whatever they want.
Whoever posted that proportion cartoon must be really ugly. I’m 20 and I don’t look as dumb as the “adult” example. Once again I’m really sorry sunscreen wasn’t a thing when you were my age.
Maybe log off second life, get your head out of your ass, then check social media (since you don’t go outside anyway) and admire how young adults look like nowadays. I’m sorry you’re ugly. Peace.
Share a pic of yourself! Bet you 10 to 1 you’re just deflecting and bitter.
The proportions look off to you cause you’re used to looking at kids not adults.
Your personality is ugly. Get therapy
As a 2nd generation Japanese woman I had to say this, those avatars in 5 aren’t kawaii, those are CHILDREN.
Using my culture to justify being a pedophile is incredibly insulting, specifically when my culture celebrates expression of self, diversity and art. I’m tired of pedophiles using my culture to justify their perverse crimes.
Be honest with yourself and not racist.
Are you sure you’re Japanese? or you’re Japanese but you barely know anything about your own culture? cause if you did, you’d know that your culture is well known for sexualizing girls looking like children and they love to write manga about couples with huge age differences (the girl is always still in school, they love that). So, I don’t know why you’re making it sound like perversion doesn’t exist in your culture. Japanese are one of the most perverted kind of people.
You’ve just earned yourself the biggest asshole of the day points
Could you be more racist dude?
Every culture has issues with being obsessed with purity and kids are seen as the purest in almost every culture. But I didn’t say it was ok. I’m a 2nd generation Japanese Canadian. I know my culture and I am always dealing with the purity obsession with my culture and family but that doesn’t give anybody the right to be racist and blame my culture or any culture for your perverse behaviors.
Those pics aren’t Kawaii because that’s not what Kawaii is, those are kids and protecting it by saying it’s my culture is offensive. Kawaii translates literally to being cute, not being a child and those are white children not Kawaii adults. “Disney adults„ in America aren’t pedos and neither are Kawaii adults and neither want to look like or pretend to be kids. These unwell people pretending to be kids and use my culture to do it are just being racist and your comment is racist too.
I’m sick of So Kawaii Sunday being full of hentai crap and pedobait showing their tits and crotches. They’ve perverted the Kawaii asthetic.
you’re a hit dog but we don’t have to hear you holler.
Oh burn I’m using this one
As a 2nd generation Japanese woman I had to say this, those avatars in 5 aren’t kawaii, those are CHILDREN.
Using my culture to justify being a pedophile is incredibly insulting, specifically when my culture celebrates expression of self, diversity and art. I’m tired of pedophiles using my culture to justify their perverse crimes.
Be honest with yourself and not racist.
Live and let live is fine when you’re not talking about pedophilia and sexualizing kids
Skins don’t really matter. It’s the proportions of the face, especially size and height of the eyes and size of the head in relation to body height. Doesn’t matter if your skin is wrinkly or not, if your face has preteen proportions that’s not an accident.
Exactly. It’s asinine when people act as if the only options in SL are “old” or pedo bait- nearly everyone in SL looks young. Maybe 10% of people max wear things like wrinkles- lots more wear stretch marks and cellulite, but most of those have perfectly smooth faces. It’s ALL about shaping your face so your forehead takes up half of it and jamming all your features into the bottom half- which no adults have ever, no matter how “babyfaced” they might be.
This isn’t even a 12 year old’s proportions; that’s just what our horrified minds estimate because of the hentai porn body shapes and how unthinkable it is to sexual children that young. These are like infant/toddler proportions, and those gross bitches often use the button nose and rosebud lips as well to really reinforce the impression. It’s just so incredibly repulsive.
Like the baby ones 4 5 7 8 they have the eye bags and wrinkles.
Wrinkles, lines and eye bags don’t mean anything it’s how they’re used and how the shape is made. Any skin can look like a kid on the right shape and any shape can make a skin look like an actual adult and not these sick things that walk around half nude in underwear with slap marks, cuts and cum dripping from their mouths calling everybody daddy and asking people to f*** them.
Creators make these skins with these kid shapes intentionally. They can make adult skins and shapes they just choose not to because they’re all sick. They create avatars that look like kids or teens because they didn’t mature beyond that age themself or they got fantasies they can only do in SL because in rl they’d be put in jail.
An adult that wants to look like a kid or teen in their second life and run around doing adult things but with the emotional maturity of a teen has got to be wrong in the head.
Small correction: those aren’t eyebags on most of them, that’s “aegyo-sal,” a korean beauty standard that’s associated with youthfulness.
No it’s not. Shut up and google it.
Those are NOT aegyo-sal.
They will say anything to justify their pedophilia and racism. Aegyo-sal is a Korean beauty standard for ADULTS to look more YOUTHFUL, so it’s not only not Japanese and “kawaii„ but it just shows that they don’t understand Asian cultures while using Asian cultures to practice white pedophilia. People that enhance their undereye folds aren’t doing it to look like kids in RL it’s just a beauty standard for adults.
Every culture has got it’s fixations on women looking youthful but it’s never to look like kids. Adults in Korea and Asia that like to enhance their undereye skin folds still look like adults.
European beauty standards think smooth undereyes with no lines or bags is what makes an adult look youthful so it’s open to interpretation around the world but, these beauty standards around the world aren’t about looking like a kid just looking youthful.
These pedos really show how ignorant they are.
But it’s hard to know when you grew up in Second Life and spent your prom night online…other than the women being in their 50s now.
You just need to understand that kawaii not means underage. Those Babygirls in SL are NOT kawaii they are pedo bait. (Coming from my japanese wife)
Those aren’t kawaii or anime they’re children!
#18/28 Gacha machines/games couldn’t be regulated. Oof I’ve caught several creators purposefully leaving out the rares and ultra rares in event gacha machines. LLs was getting heat for allowing them for so long while other games have already done away with the pay to play gachas.
Gambling sims are regulated and pay quite a bit more in monthly tier compared to other sims. For hte US if you’re in a state that bans gambling outside of their actual casinos you cannot even step onto a gambling sim without a VPM.
On another note where can I find a better blog location if Seraphim seems to be going into the shitter.
Typically, even using a VPN, if your state bans gambling, you still can’t get into a gambling sim.
Seraphim is toxic. If you’re not a big name brand, they ignore you, raise their prices, and rarely answer messages in regards to changing ads. I stopped giving them my money. We need to find a better place that isn’t run by greedy elitists.
Seraphim changed a lot, and not for the best. When a business chooses quantity over quality, sooner or later it will fall.
Sugar could be a good alternative to Seraphim, and I hope they can evolve sooner rather than later.
@39 – The fact that you’re actually watching what Sady does to the point you feel the need to try and tear into her on VS for actually having fun in SL, worries me slightly. Are you ok ? Do you need to talk to someone ? You post smacks of jealousy and obsession – I hope you get help for both and feel better about yourself soon.
#5 Half of your kid examples are young adults.
When humans grow into adults they don’t instantly turn 35 and ugly, there’s years in-between.
You are sick.
yikes! bad look
You just telling on yourself that you’re a sick and sexist creep being 35 isn’t ugly.
You are ugly as fuck if you look like one of the “adult” avatars y’all talk about.
Have you tried Botox? Xoxo
#33 Rumor has it that Deano and his DL side chick are sobbing into each others private parts (snickers) This little DL has been going on and off for years, but we know, we know everything, heres the thing stupid little girl, he records ur shit..takes ur info, uses it for blackmail. But we know…everything…huh Deano? Might want to start wiping those little hookups you been recording. If ur wondering who it is, watch who unfriends him fast lol…its not hard to figure this little or…..not so little side piece out. wink wink
I mean, good on him?
He’s single so he can have whatever side pieces he wants to be fair lol.
Also, you can’t blackmail someone who fears nothing so best of luck?
I’m not too sure here why this is even anyone’s business I mean what he does and with who why does it always seem to be everyone else’s business, for years everyone with the he did this and that ,but everyone who has ever had anything to say plays the he did this but fig it out game never once has there bee been solid proof !! And I’m sure you will come saying some childish bullshit but don’t care , None of any of this is anyone’s business but mine !! Maybe get a new hobby? One day ppl will grow up and stop playing childish games and if you apparently know something then don’t be a bloody coward and prove it but as I said for years , never proof .. y’all need to step away
His single so it’s his business only
Whatever was going on was My Business atm the time , and unless you know all your facts you should prolly not continue and make yourself look stupid so unless you know all the facts which you don’t since that would be him and I but cool if you want to think anything else .
“atm the time” lmao
smh my head
You seem to think otherwise with that name 😂 let go, it’s pathetic
#16 You sound like the same entitled cunt that keeps whining about stores not discounting enough for sales in previous weeks. Maybe touch some grass or take a sledgehammer to your laptop.
#17 No.
#34 Like you aren’t present when this stuff is going down to have access to the photos you keep posting.
#41 This happens to me a lot too.
Side Note – Can someone explain to me the rabid obsession with these couples? Like who gives a literal flying fuck? Like are these people jealous because they wanted one of them? I don’t get the x and y are never gonna last I hope they break up so I can have more fodder to produce dopamine with.
I’m the same. Who gives a fuck what couples last or what week they not together?? Imagine being that tragic? Lol.
Because people in second life have nothing else better to care about. Lol.
18 and 28 – Did you miss the part where some gaming is legal in SL but not others because they have to keep in line with international laws? The gaming sims are designed to keep out anyone who’d be breaking the law by entering (meaning the countries where it’s illegal to gamble for micropayments). That social casino is designed to conform to international law without having to do IP filtering. If you can’t win actual prizes, you can fake-play to your heart’s content. You know, like how combat sims don’t really kill people. Special to 18’s content: Gachas involve micropayment gambling. Why are you still whining about this?
24 – Wait, wait, wait. He said trans men wear dildos and cum through them? I’ve heard the whole “trans women can’t get pregnant so they’re still men” nonsense before, but the dildo’s a new one on me. Thanks for sharing that, the laugh was welcome within seeing yet another walking cumstain.
33 – Do you think her using a picture of poppet magic with sharp pokey things is her wishing to get Deano back? How do you not know that photo means she’s wishing him harm?
41 – I’m another who gets that sort of thing. I can also feel my falling phobia setting in if I am looking around on a sim and my angle is such that I am reminded of RL. I’m grateful for things like horizon lines, fly buttons, and teleporting. I’ve never panicked because of SL, but without those, it might happen. (And in case anyone wishes to ask, yes, I have issues with Spider-Man movies, too. If it’s too much, I close my eyes until my husband says it’s over.)
#11 Thank God my brief interaction with Primrose was brief her mother was Drama and “asked” to many questions which Primrose shot at me. I went out with a family member once and apparently, we were fucking, it was like wtf. She tried to play it off but it was no honey it’s not what you said, and your mom had no business. The whole Carbetta thing is ehhhh. She was another relationship only lasted a day then the next she was I guess I dodged a bullet. Yeah, mine from shooting you for you and your family running their mouth.
Glad I blocked you and your mother and your dumbass Dad.
Have you ever heard of a PSA to ward dudes off from that Drama fuck. Saves fellow men from having to deal with those fucks. 99% of anyone in D-block is Drama. D-block is like the TV station TNT. they know Drama.
Apparently only you do, since you keep coming back here to comment on it. Those who are smart enough to know better would have not commented on it in the first place and ignored it. Ding Dong! 😂 😂
As much as someone likes Pepe Skins, they should be able to admit that it has been a damn while since Pepe Skins were relevant and setting any trends at all.
I searched for face dirt, still in therapy a year later lol jk but really the MP is bad.
But same with shopping events, everyone is naked, having jiggly monster tits, their puffy Vs cramped with things and cuts and bruises everywhere all over their babyfaces, and when their SO is with them they start spanking or slapping each other.
I often feel like I missed the memo lol
#2 This is the Drama that will never end and it goes on and on my friend. Some people started talking shit and kept going just because and they will continue talking shit forever just because it is the drama that will never end and it goes on and on my friend.
#34 I mean, you are clearly frequenting the same zoophilia hangouts she goes to since you are able to capture all these shots each week. Name drop yourself.
I’m thinking this is either the “dom/me” of whoever that nasty bitch is, or that bitch herself, looking to fulfill their humiliation fetishes based on the wording of this new post. The reason the pic taker is there is because either she’s making the posts herself, or they are instructing her to bend over for animals. I’d make a bet on it.
Agreed on the most part, but I don’t think it is her posting it if she wanted the humiliation she would give her name and let people message her.
It’s possible it could be her DOM/ME attempting to humiliate her, or possibly posting without her knowledge.
If it is posted without her knowledge it is a shame because although it’s a gross kink for most of us at least she hopefully is not doing it in the real world, but if not she’s a gross bitch.
I love when idiots out themselves. They must have taken time lining that shot up just to shame someone on the same sim.
And the shot is like… lined up.
Sev is just a lousy DJ that gained his popularity upon who he knows. Its hardly ever about the talent but rather who you know. Let the man jump around in his closet and have his time in the spotlight. It was probably exhausting work for him stepping on and using his “friends” Have fun while it lasts.
Can’t Dj to save his life
#9: Let’s be honest, she will probably never be the AV she once was. Bitch has been going downhill since her last relationship ended. Her AV looks like a 60-year-old woman who abused botox and goes to tanning salons 10 hours a day.
Trash looks like Trash, so it makes sense.
Well, She’s actually a man, she will never be a real woman as she wishes to be nothing about her is real, just a cat fisher i guess she doesn’t tell people that side enough that she is a catfish 😂
5. Written by an insecure horse face who seethes over the existence of heart faced avatars in a virtual barbie doll simulator. Sorry you aged badly but adults can and do exist with delicate features and fresh complexions.
clutching your pearls for pedophilia
9. as a shapemaker lol no
16. i feel like i’m missing necessary context can someone explain this to me? why is she greedy?
i expected more from this week oh well
9 I’ve never heard of this person and now I’m sat here wondering why I fail so hard at making avis if this is the prime that we must all strive for (sarcasm)
16 I seriously had the same question. It was the pedo part that had me scratching my head. The outfit is cute as hell.
16 – Shes greedy because she charges what people are willing to pay- extra pedo accusation for VS salt tax
Do you know what you can take away from any of the shit that comes out of this game? People will either like you or hate you. They’ll either have a problem with your avatar or not. Just play the fucking game and if someone doesn’t like you? Fuck them.
Why would anybody pay for a vpn to just down vote you? I found the narcissist this week!
You second life fucktards can VPN downvote all you want, but you know it’s true. each week bitching and moaning about the same thing. talking shit about anyone and everyone. just play the fucking game. The worst-case scenario is if you don’t like someone or their stupid pixel character. DERENDER THEM.
#31 Lol @ this one. This mentally crazy idiot has been obsessing over every man she ever met, its truly pathetic how she stalks them, messages everyone they sit with and threatens people with the most ridiculous stuff. If you are a guy, do yourself a huge favor and do NOT engage with this lunatic!!! She is not worth a dime. I bet the dude who’s last name she stole already is trying to get rid of her crazy ass lmfao.
She is camping every adult club with an alt and changing her profile every 5 minutes with crazy picks filled with lies and pathetic shit just to get some attention. LL should just block her IP and send her a free ticket to a mental hospital.
And you have a nice list of alts but she has a lot more where that came from. And I guess they probably are paid for by government money because someone who is this busy trying to obsess with other people obviously has no time to work or anything else. How sad if that is your life…
If you ever see one of these, it’s her too:
Calli Carlucci
Josef Bekes
Tzeah Spanton
Markus Chardin
zora Sporg
Wally Muggins
Sheila Ireto
Karen (karens68)
N0na Pearl
Shelly Imari
Gerri Riddler
Gorja Static
Pretty funny when the alt collector herself gets on here to deflect her own post.
Polly is not her alt, she is a normal woman unlike this split personality schizoid called Siennareese and everything else.
Go watch her profile, she is already yelling and screaming again putting a bunch of lies in like she always does. What a pathetic miserable person she must be… just log off and find another hobby
It’s crazy to me how many times I’ve seen females in second life go out of their way to join in with their partner’s to hate on their exes or make fools of themselves to impress a man. Why stoop so low?. You got the man. Congrats. You ‘win’. Let it go. If you are still threatened by their ex or feel they’re competition thats on your insecurities. Too many men who are pissed at their exes or hurt they moved on with someone else will talk smack about her and do everything to show they were not the problem but it takes 2 to tango. I dated a man who said every nasty thing in the book about his ex but went back to her the first chance he got. I found out I was indeed only partnered with to get back at her for partnering another man and he wasnt as clean slated as he claimed to be. Don’t be that girl who joins in on his smear campaign or have such little self respect to be the rebound to try to make the ex who moved on jealous. Its extremely immature and by far not the best way to make yourself feel important. Its a neverending loop. You can really bond with your partner in other healthy ways and be yourself other than trying to compete with or make his ex suffer…Put yourself in their shoes.
Funny how this lunatic has a flickr post called itsme lol https://flic.kr/p/2o1NNBj
Cover your tracks dummy
Funny how this lunatic has a flickr post called itsme lol. https://flic.kr/p/2o1NNBj
Cover your tracks dummy
POLLY is a two faced inbred bitch with literally the biggest split personality. She is far from a normal woman and is using this 1 year alt burner account to run through sl like a bulldozer with all her lies. Half her picks are filled with fake garbage. She attacks and grief innocent people and copybot because shes too dumb to do things herself. Has no job rl, spends all her time on sl ignoring her child and pixel dixk hopping. So whos the one on government assistance? She’s in her 40s so desperate to relive highschool online and preying on people on sl doing things so she can freeload and bandwagon on that to get a piece of the pie without getting off her fat ass. Its embarassing. You come on this website to bash Sienna because her ex is mad she moved on and watching everything she’s doing. Leave her alone and live a sl without trying to destroy everything you see just because you’re a dead bitter NUTJOB inside jealous of other women and want to make everyone just like you. You literally push buttons on purpose to get reactions like the fucktard no life griefer you are and then act holier than thou in public. If anyone’s sitting at their computer all day on sl it’s you and you’re the only one who’s white trash. You’re active everyday for hours always complaining you got nothing else to do and trying to ruin people because you ruined your rl. You love being a mindless sociopathic flying monkey for equally sociopathic men because that’s the only way you can get validation. Take a good look in the mirror and see the ugly looking back at you. You should call yourself Polly the Puppet because that’s what you love… Read more »
As if she is the only one. Remember another one named anaagnor c. and the army of alts spreading in SL like a bonfire. if you want your sanity stay away from her too.
They keep multiplying like maggots lol
There’s too many. They’re all sociopaths
Sheila Ireto
PollyPeach Waifu (pollypeach.waifu)
Markus Chardin
Calli Carlucci (calli.carlucci)
Edin Evergarden (edin.evergarden)
They all alts spending most of their time copybotting off other people and sims till banned
Pollypeach is her ex’s current partners so I don’t think she’d be an alt of Siennareese.
Isnt the Pollypeach alt that escort at 511 who copybots from other women and sabotages ones who get more attention from men lol
No idea who she is but I saw her with her partner, Sienna’s ex, at another place. So Polly wouldn’t be her alt.
Does anyone even go to 511 anymore? Is it still open? I think all the baby faced clones from there moved to Lusthouse.
I’d question anyone’s sanity who still goes to 511. Pollypeach is an alt acc with a bad rep. Known to copybot and brags about sabotaging other women. She escorts at 511. The men joke about passing her around and how she’s easy.
Sienna ex is using the escort alt to make her jealous.
Well you weren’t lying about 511.
They hang out there. Found proof on their profile https://flic.kr/p/2njJukH
Creepy how fast it went from looking like a normal grown woman to lusthouse pedo bait
Well done perverts you’re turning normal looking women into your disgusting fantasy
That one doesn’t really look that childish, based on facial proportions; she’s just ugly.
Well you weren’t lying about 511.
They hang out there. Found proof on their profile https://flic.kr/p/2njJukH
Creepy how fast it went from looking like a normal grown woman to lusthouse pedo bait
Well done perverts you’re turning normal looking women into your disgusting fantasy
Lol i can imagine they say “MY PRECIOUS!” In a gollum voice with mascara dripping and crazy eyes when they find a target to copybot and grief
So gross.
SL men are insecure and easier than the women. Half of them are useless and can’t take care of themselves RL let alone attract a female. Oh and they can’t be a stud if they have to pay women to be with them. Easy men attract easy women. It’s ok for a man to sleep with many women and he’s respected but as soon as a women does it she’s easy. So what if its escorting its still not right to degrade behind their back. If they’re copybotting and harassing others then yeah they deserve a ban but It’s time you women in SL realize these men get a rise out of pitting you against each other and pushing you to be bitter to each other. They only care about themselves and stroking their egos with you then joking about you to their “boys”. Watch how mad they get when you start supporting each other rather because they want to be the centre of attention. If a man is pitting you against another woman do first compare notes. He will expect you to attack each other by isolating you both and telling you lies about each other. Don’t give any devious men that satisfaction. They really do get off on it then go around lying that women are fighting over them when it’s really far from the truth. I know a designer who was manipulated for 5 years by a bad man. These men know how to lie and lead on.
They being degraded for being a copybotter and griefer not because they doing escorting. You can’t be grown saying someone made you do a trashy thing and pit you against another. You should know not to do that in the first place. Griefers do it because the sociopath inside them gets off on it so they deserve to be the butt of the jokes and humiliated just like pedos.
pollypeach.waifu is an extremely unhinged person who does do alot of griefing and copybotting. She’s proud to be like that so none of this will shame her out of her ways and she tries to put out this fake “no hate just love” front after doing so much damage. Some people are just rotten to the core and cant change. She gets paid and rewarded for it so doesnt care. Nothing about her is her own self. Its taken from other people. If you want your sl to be stress free, copybot free and backstab free, avoid at all costs. We keep talking about male predators but we need to call out the female ones too who try to make sl an awful place for others for their own sick pleasure. I know that they refine their public image as all narcissists do to not look so predatory but it’s always better to warn people. When you know who are the rotten eggs you can protect yourself.
Some valid points but pollypeach.waifu is a known copybotter and griefer.
This comment deserves around of applause. I’ve never seen anybody in sl say the facts like this. thank you!
Ok but the first post was saying Polly was an alt of Sienna’s which didn’t make any sense to me. That Polly is an alt of someone else, sure.
Never heard of these people but not that nonsensical when loads of sad lonely people make entire familes out of their alts. There’s literally places that have 30 alts run by 5 people
She hides behind her profiles. She wont address someone head on. She will just talk shit in her profile about that person because shes a coward and wont say it to their face. Its come to the point that its highly entertaining now to a bunch of us. I know she is obsesses over Ex. Its like a daily dear diary. Trashing him over and over trying to get his attention because any attention whether it be negative or positive is attention to her. He left her ass MONTHS ago and now watches on the sidelines of every sim he is on (mostly on alts) with his new girl. I have legit seen her in real time change her profile shitting on a chick because she was standing by him. Shikomei is her alt because one of the pics this dumbass put up is from siennareese lmaooooooo… HIDE YOUR TRACKS STUPID.
It seems like her ex is more obsessed with her to be knowing her every move like that. Sounds like she said that to get you to stop watching her from your basements.
Lol she claims she sold the account, but the profile still has the flickr up and supports her shit… makes NOOOO fucking sense. Her Sienna account updates shit on her profile faster in a formula 1 car can take a turn. Though it is amusing how she’s always attacking Ex on it, assuming it was him doing all the work when he’s literally doing nothing. Hmm, maybe she has more enemies than she thought she had 😆 The bitch posts RL crap in her profile then a few days later rips it out then cries about people calling her a liar. Then plays the fucking victim.
Listen Sienna If you’re reading this, you’re not a victim. You’re a cunt who tries to get sympathy and validation. You don’t deserve either.
Literally shut up POLLY. You’ve been ran through more times than you’ve complained to everyone that you’re dead inside and faster than a formula 1 race. If anyone is a cunt it’s you and a loose one at that. I can’t wait for the day when you get banned for all the griefing and copybotting you’ve done. Not to mention the hate and trouble you’ve thrown at so many who never deserved just to entertain your sad lonely life. You’re literally Cassie from Euphoria and she was the most hated.
lmfao I ain’t Polly. Good try though.
Aha that’s what they all say. You’re definitely not that person. Mhm we believe you darling
I have known about this crazy woman past experiences. She claims to be many things she isn’t. Linden Labs needs to ban this cunts IP address and reclaim about 30 more account slots for good people to create. She is white trash for sure. I guess this is what you get when someone sits at their computer all day and finds people to troll. Playing a victim is her specialty because she has no life and making trouble for other good people is all she has. Have you seen her gabrieldupont alt? The guy wears the same shit clothing day in and day out just standing there with herself making it seem as if someone is actually wanting to be near a piece of garbage like that. I’m sure she will try and “sell” that one to someone too. What a train wreck of a person.
Lmao this is just Sienna’s ex and POLLY attempt to make Sienna look crazy with their cronies/alts. He mad she moved on and Polly a rebound/escort getting paid to help make Sienna second life miserable and drag her through the mud. How else they know everything Sienna is doing? Their lives so miserable they got nothing better to do. Polly is an ugly copybotter who made her avatar and entire personality by copying off other people and abusing women for their sour exes to stay relevant. She too stupid to figure out these same men talking shit about her behind her back and telling her lies about Sienna so she attacks Sienna. Hope one day she on the receiving end of all the abuse she put other women through for just a sliver of attention from stupid men on this game. Then again for two faced people like this their whole sad life and being made into a joke is their karma.
I bet she has many other accounts she does this on. This one is only 1 year old and when she’s caught out she jumps ship to another one to harass and grief more people. Get a fucking life polly and stop bringing your disgusting fruit fly filled peach around to ruin everyone else’s
I love how she claims that someone bought her Jadriana avatar, like anyone would wanna buy piece of shit like that. All her avatars look like complete crap anyway. Imagine spending that much money and still look like a dweeb!
It was in the pixel factory clearance for looking like a dweeb. Thats why it was sold.
Got a log for that claim? Selling SL accounts is very against TOS, so do with that what you will.
There are complete avatars made to wear. It doesn’t only mean an account.
Actually you must be brand new. if you message LL for permission on the grounds of business or collaboration they let you. Many people doing it. It’s only against TOS if you’re sharing the account and acting like the main account holder.
You really think that person contacted LL for permission to sell an account first? Highly unlikely- and you said it yourself, “business or collaboration”. Not “I just want to sell an account so I have more Ls to spend on another alt”. Nice try, though.
To sell = trade = business dummy
You sound like a jaded cynic and don’t have all the information of her sale to say exactly how it went. Nice try trying to recover from your lack of facts though. Better luck next time. Keep clutching your pearls because you got ratio’d boo.
There is literally nothing more pathetically stupid than caring about the vote counts on this site lol
Oh pipe down cranky. Not the end of the world. You’ll get your chance to be crowned most upvoted on another thread. We’ll give you a participation award for effort.
5 – Mn. No. Some of the faces in the “these are kids” actually do look like kids, I will absolutely agree with some of those. Others are too broad, eyes too small, face too filled out. I’ll give you it’s a youthful look but it’s the look of an 18-20 year old. If you put that face on a tweenster body, it would look out of place and too old.
38 – Try Izzies. They have cosmetic RP BoM stuff that isn’t.. that stuff.
Its virtual secrets, man. Everything is pedophilia. From anime-esque adult avatars to apparently overalls. Its the trendy new red scare, SL edition. Sad, since theres a lot of actual horrifying pedo acts happening on SL.
Where do you think the pedo actors get their stuff? The stores that sell kid things for adults like pacifiers and make kid avatars for adult meshes.
I hate to agree but.. yeah. The obsession these one commenter has with me having sex with kids is also.. disturbing. I think they get off on the idea, makes me ill. I had men try to take advantage of me when I was a kid IRL, I’m very against that shit and, like the warning says, I’m gonna take a break from the site this week. No game is worth messing up mental health over. Especially not disagreeing over pixel faces on pixel avatars.
Lol. You protest your innocence too much that you’re projecting.
What’s sick is running around looking like a kid and thinking you’re not part of the problem of pedos in sl. If you can’t accept you’re apart of the problem then you’re probably a narcissist and I’d say go to therapy but therapy can’t help people like you that think they can’t do wrong.
adults faces aren’t filled out like that, childrens are. you lose that puffy roundness as get older usually by late teens and structure begins to mature more. so no not 18-20 unless you been screwing underage children rl
I was a parole officer for 16 years, my ex husband was a corrections officer since he was 21 and we both met a few pedos. The people arguing the precise age of a photo of a child to make sure they are saying it looks legally like an adult are the ones that make the men I had as parolees think what they do is ok. I heard “but she looked 18” so many times! 18 is not some special number that makes everything sick ok. A 40 year old with an 18 year old or a 40 year old pretending to be 18 is sick.
Being trained helps me know the sicky people on here are telling on themselves and they got some sick ideas of what is ok. You see somebody from the bottom row with somebody in the top in rl and you’re going to yack and think they’re sick but in second life it’s ok.
You’re not wrong. There are news articles about sex predators and offenders going onto games because it’s not as easy to catch them. That’s why so many online games have strict rules now
Absolutely! I watched a small news segment about how hard it is for federal authorities all over the world to catch the predators online and it’s also expensive so that’s why these games and social platforms like second life is getting banned places. The segment was a warning to parents to monitor their kids online games and Social media and listed Roblox, second life, IMVU, Fortnite and Minecraft as the biggest places predators go. Discord is a problem because all of these games have huge discord communities outside of the games. A ‘2019 Nyt article had Fortnite as an example and says it loud and clear, online games and social media are a HUNTING GROUND for predators. These predators aren’t just lonely sweaty guys jerking off at their computers, they are smart and know to use home made VPNs and fire walls to not get caught. It’s not like just having kiddy p0rn on your computer neither. It’s hard to prove somebody is a predator through game chats and game play. Predators aren’t at the play grounds any more, they’re on the internet playing games like everybody else and second life is a great place for predators to go. Linden is very hands off about regulating second life because they wanted it to be a user created world so they don’t want to be ‘the police’, but that’s why so many people have left second life and numbers have dropped drastically, it’s not really a safe place any more for normal people. Predators aren’t just about kids, there’s abusive predators all over second life that have nothing to do with kids. The pandemic is over and the normal people who came to second life because they needed something to do while it wasn’t safe to be around people are gone… Read more »
Exactly. None of the ones look like adults. I chose the boy one as he looks exactly like my 14 year old son with different hair colour and style. As you mature you lose the doe eyes, the puffy cheeks the soft features. No those features alone don’t make somebody look like a kid but you can tell when somebody in second life is making their avatar look like a kid or teen or age ambiguous to avoid punishment.
Ah no not everyone loses the “puffy roundness” by late teens. I’m 22 and still get thought to be younger than 18. Just today someone thought I was 16. Jesus Christ I wish y’all would hang up this stupid “that’s a kid! ADULTS IMMEDIATELY LOOK 45 when they turn 20” bs (also some people just keep their youthful looks longer than others. You sound like someone jealous of others because you aged like milk.
That’s awesome that you still look 16 when you’re 22 in RL. The point is, if your avatar looks 16 in SL that’s underage. Appear to be a minor, is how it’s worded. Not necessarily a 10 or younger minor but 16-17 is still a minor.
RL doesn’t have a rule that says No sex with women who LOOK underage. That would just be silly if you think about it. SL does have that rule though. Your avatar, not you, needs to look at the least, 18.
Agree. When you can control how you look down to the shape of your face and you look like a teen or kid then yea you are a problem and you are apart of pedophilia because one or 2 slider change and you look like an adult. Why these people defend it with their lives I don’t get.
I’m asexual, I don’t screw anyone and it’s sick you think I must be doing that over not agreeing about faces in a video game.
Pedohunter has found the pedo in sheeps clothing! You ovvi don’t know what asexuality means. That’s just an excuse people into ageplay online say to look innocent. I bet you’re on Roblox.
Most people in second life aren’t asexual and even so being asexual doesn’t mean you can’t engage with pedophilia by looking like a child. You’re not just playing a videogame you’re in second life, read the name. Second life meaning you’re creating a whole other life, you control everything you do. If you see second life as a videogame, you got serious issues.
So what am I supposed to see it as then? It’s a game. A game where I have a child avatar because just like irl, I want absolutely no part of anything sexual. You’re taking SL too seriously if you see it as anything else but a social and dress up game. You’re also reading too much into things if you think everyone who sees it as a game thinks that’s an excuse to molest kids. Take a break, play in moderation.
I’ve been posting here for years. Regulars know I don’t support pedophilia and never will. Real actual pedos on SL are rare and I’ve had the misfortune to actually run into them, they aren’t usually the “adult av dating a young looking av with huge boobs”. They’re the ones you would not expect.If you really want to see underage abuse and sex everywhere, that’s VRchat and it’s right in the open completely unmoderated. Big reason I no longer go there, made me ill.
You got serious issues woman. You need to grow up in sl and in rl. You don’t support support pedophilia but you say that you are deliberately looking like a kid in an online game for adults. You prolly expect to be allowed everywhere in sl and get personally upset when people think you’re sick.
Most people in second life aren’t asexual and even so being asexual doesn’t mean you can’t engage with pedophilia by looking like a child.
Your name is very ironic.
The ones in “these are kids” all look 12 to me. how can any of them look more then that to you? My 2 kids look like some of them and they’re both under 13.
The guy on the end looks 18 and I’ve known 18 year old dudes who looked just like that. The girl beneath him doesn’t look 12 in any way. First girl has the “mean gurl” shape in the first “adult” image but her head is undersized and buried in hair and her chin is a touch shorter. Second and third don’t look like children. The fourth? Oh yeah, that’s a kid. That’s actually horrible.
The adults are either eyes too close (especially the guy, that is a bad shape), eyes too squinty, lips kinda odd, or generic mean gurl. Is this the only way to look like an “adult” now? I agree that SL is way over sexualized but it’s worrying me that if you have a chubby face or aren’t fierce mean supermodel or muscled caveman that you must be a child.
Pt 2- why do you know a lot of 18 years old boys?
You’re an adult on an adult platform defending adults pretending to be kids or acting sexual fantasies with kids.
Because I have family in real life? Because I was 18 once and had 18 year old friends? Because I go out in the real world?
I’m not defending sex with kids, what the hell are you on? Deflection suits you.
The child on the end I chose because it looks exactly like my 14 year old son, not 18. As you get out of puberty your face loses the big eyes, the full cheeks or the soft features and your face gets more defined with features. Not one of these things alone make what makes a kid but these avatars are deliberately looking like kids.
You chose to say that boy avatar looks 18 why? Not an agerange and not 20 but 18. Because you know it looks like a kid so you want to make them just legal so it’s ok in your mind. Those are all kids.
Because I had a friend who was 18 when I was 18 who looked EXACTLY like that.
Clearly you never grew up beyond your 12 year old brain and emotions and that shows with your pride in being a kid on a sex game.
My whole deal is, why even play with the borderline? Even if you think “well, this could maybe pass for barely legal”- why do that? Because it gets attention from sick fucking men, that’s why- and the only reason why. Women in SL can be incredibly pathetic in their desperate search for attention.
She says she plays as a kid to get away from sex in sl but she says that she’s been hit on by perverts so clearly she’s not trying to actually get away from sex in sl she just wants the sick attention. If you want to get away from sex in sl just be an animal avi and I don’t mean a furry I mean an actual animal.
I hate to break this to you but the feral (animal) community is not safe either and because feral on feral is apparently “okay” by LL TOS, there are absolutely Teegle horses and wolves with things that you’ll need eyebleach to recover from. Feral communities are not safe by default and as long as humans aren’t involved, LL doesn’t care.
So if you want to get away from sex in SL, feral/animal avs aren’t really an answer either. Kids by default should never ever be sexualized and are even banned from adult places, it’s probably one of the few avatars people on SL don’t automatically sexualize.. except on VS.
I never thought riding around on a bike exploring the old mainland or staying at the family home when I had one was “asking for it” but you learn new things every day.
Well I’m really not talking about A-Kid… I’ve been seeing that person’s posts for a long time and I think they really one of the kid avatars in SL that doesn’t do sexual things. However, chiming in to defend people who deliberately push the boundaries between adult and underage appearance and are involved in the sexual side of SL is a bad look, and they should have stayed out of it. The people who get posted here aren’t found at wholesome, family places; those screencaps come from places like Lusthouse. No one would give a shit about an avatar that looked underage if it weren’t doing things that underage avis shouldn’t do.
You’re right she’s been on here a while. I don’t think A-Kid is participating in the pedophilai problem in SL actively but she defends it and that makes her active in it passively.
I know she defends it because she thinks everybody doing it is just like her and she prolly has friends that she thinks are safe and some might be safe but, I’ve been in enough VRs and games online that I know what is in the shadows. I don’t think A-Kid is a bad person she’s just deliberately ignoring the real issue and making it about herself.
I’m not “defending” it or participating, stop trying to pedojacket me. I’d like nothing more than to see it go away. I’ve spent years reporting dodging “kids” clothing and speaking out about kid avatars who were doing it for not clean reasons. Most kid avatars are not pedophiles, some are and if I find them, I report them. I want them gone ASAP.
You want someone to point at and blame, deflection if you will. All this over pixel faces with no context, some of which I agree with you are kids and should never be in adult sex areas. I don’t hang out in sex clubs to catch the baby faced pedos but you obviously do, FFS report these people and photo them there. Taking skin ads and profile pics isn’t proof.
Even if I disagree with you at times, I respect you a lot for knowing that. I’m sorry not all those AVs looked like kids to me. Saying “Hey that face doesn’t look like a kid to me” shouldn’t have turned into “so you’re okay with pedophilia? So you fuck kids? Look, you’re lying about your sexuality identity. Second life is a sex game, I bet you fuck kids. Why do YOU know 18 year olds? Get therapy kid fucker.The fact pedos said sick things to you means you want it heehee, you were seeking it out.” I’m convinced this is 4chan nonsense because of the huge logic leap. I just went by what their faces looked like. Half of them do scream kid to me, half of them don’t. If I saw them with tiny bodies, bubble heads, and kid accessories at adult sex places – you know I’d agree 100% that they ARE kids but that’s not what Barbie presented in her secret. Half of those are skin ads, not even actual avs. I admit this was a mistake to comment on but the way this went was not reasonable. These people were just looking for a victim to beat into the ground instead of the actual pedophiles. When I encountered pedos in SL, I was in kid places. I was at Living Tree when some sick fuck messaged me to come sit on their lap and give them a kiss. I was in my family home (when my family was still in SL) when I got an IM about “private” tutoring from a woman who was a nudist, had a NSFW profile picture, and wanted to teach little girls to “play piano”. I was shopping for kid clothes when someone said my pigtails looked like handlebars to… Read more »
“Pedohunter” is a pedo. Pedos always yell the loudest about how awful pedophilia is. They think it deflects blame from them. Don’t bother replying to his distraction tactics.
Realizing this. All this energy could have been used to, you know, actually bring real pedophilia to light. Thinking both of them care more about internet brownie points and “triggering” people than the real issue.
Therapy, kiddio. Nobody needs your whole backstory. I don’t have empathy for you because what do you think is going to happen running around looking like a kid in sl? Normal people don’t come to sl and none of us are normal or else we’d all be in rl with rl friends.
Thanks for telling us you don’t have any friends in RL. We already knew, but… yeah, thanks.
45.You mean he copies off Dj lichimoonwall but the last part you got right.
39 Sady is one of the sweetest, kindest, most amazing people on this platform. I cannot sing her praises enough. The fact you’re trying to mock her or tear her down in any way screams out your own insecurities and flaws. I really hope one day you learn to love and accept yourself, so you don’t feel the need to try and rip incredible people apart. Tearing other people down doesn’t lift you up, and it never will.
She’s nice to you until she gets what she wants or until she has dirt on you.
We both know that’s untrue. I’ve known her for literally years. Seems you don’t know her in the slightest. I feel sad for you, all this toxicity and angst is incredibly unhealthy. Maybe take a moment, recenter yourself, talk to her or let whatever this animosity and insecurity is go. ❤
Hate to break it to you but people wear masks babes. The only person who knows what’s really underneath is themselves. If you defend them to their grave, sing them praises, gush over them like they’re perfect, follow them like a minion without question and have something they need ofcourse they’ll be nice.
Hope you get boot licking points for your praises.
49. Who are they and what place?