· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 318 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
18. I was informed about Dean being on secrets and I had to come look LOL!… He is always called out when he’s been unfaithful but he will always continue because he’s Dean. On a serious note…. Why even come here to do so? Kim will learn she is better off without him in time. Anyone is… SL is filled with many Deans. Male or female. Just move along… It isn’t the end of the world. Putting him on secrets is making him “famous” LOL! Anyway… time to move forward not backwards :))
#19 😂 Play dolls, what a joke. Can have them. Full of self centered ass kissers to make themselves feel important.
OK Brea
#50 Identifying as a superficial person is very dumb. You can have a PREFERENCE without being superficial. If you admit to being a shallow person then I don’t think you are a nice person after all because being superficial says more about your mentality (Hoping you said superficial because you did not even search the meaning of it…hoping) than what it says about your PREFERENCES. It doesn’t matter how you like your guy, and I fit your description and more, but a guy like me will drop a superficial girl like you in two seconds and that’s being late. I have met gorgeous women who are beautiful in and out, smart, caring and genuine. But a “beautiful” girl who is superficial is a simple empty shell that I would never give the time of day. So, thanks for admitting to it, is definitely an eye opener. Also,here you go…Superficial:adjective
(often disapproving)not studying or looking at something carefully or completely; seeing only what is obvious.(https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/superficial)
a : concerned only with the obvious or apparent :shallow
b : seen on the surface : external
c : presenting only an appearance without substance or significance
Let me take several planes I gotta leave real quick✈✈✈
33 ” I called people ‘incel’ because I can’t comprehend any measure of value other than sex”
34. Just shut the fuck up. People in SL can be whatever they please.
Incel is a social ideology and the term was invented by the people who call themselves incels. The ideology is more important than the label, it centers around concepts like “being friendzoned” or “women only want assholes” or “nice guys finish last.” It’s men (and sometimes women) feeling like they’re owed sexual or romantic relationships with women (or whatever people they’re attracted to) for doing the bare minimum of acting like a decent person, like they think it’s a quest reward or something. It’s a label for a certain type of behavior, not assigning a value to someone for how much sex they have.
If you’re gonna get mad about stuff like that, get mad at people who use virgin as an insult.
‘Incel’ is typically used as n insult by whores, whose only value is as a cum dump.
As if women are vending machines and the bare minimum is the ‘nice coins’ put in and the sex comes out.
They literally think it does work that way too; listen to them talk about being friends with women. They call listening “being an emotional tampon” and act like helping them with anything is a chore they have to endure for good guy points. They think being friends is only something someone would do if they were expecting to be compensated sexually at some point- or maybe with a “date” if they’re trying to pretend they’re not obsessed with sex, but just wait until they spend money on a date and don’t get any sex- they’re really all the same.
They make themselves into simps and then get violently angry when a woman who has already told them she’s not interested in a sexual or romantic relationship with them doesn’t change her mind when she sees what a good simp he is. People who believe in the “friendzone” don’t even deserve to have any friends, let alone romantic partners. They have a lot of growing up to do first, and need to realize what a gift friendship is instead of a burden.
3. People still go there? It is a joke now. There are better communities.
6. Wonderful idea.. if only some would recognize they could have more in New Haven and make the smart move out of their declining communities with no growth. The grass could be greener on the other side.. take a leap of faith.
28. Or you are an idiot who is publicly stupid.
30. College was mentioned a time or two in New Haven. Tuition should be roleplay only. Tuition actually costing linden if what tanked the college in Fox Hollow if I remember correctly… Charging for dorms and housing.. and businesses is the way to go.
51. Woodcrest always had sex at every corner. That’s nothing new but what’s going to happen to it with all the professors moving out?
Deano is so full of shit… he tells people what they want to hear… but actions speak louds then words dude. He is just a low life who cant even say sorry to my husband for disrespect him. meanwhile he runs and hides and blocks people who stand up for themselves. Deano grow the fuck up already… Heck and that is your niece you are taking photos with… we have all seen Nyxx call you Uncle D. So stop lying out of your ass because people are just laughing at you.
16. There are obnoxious people from all countries. There’s a name for these type of people. It’s trolls with too much time on their hands and self-sabotaged lives so they take it out on anyone they can find.
34. He doesn’t seem to be doing it out of malice. I myself wear things from different races, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t people trying to do this for sick reasons. I’ve seen black avs used in insulting slavery scenes and asian avs in insulting sexually submissive scenes. There are sims dedicated to it. Offensive signs by Neo-Nazis & fascists. If a minority group speaks out, they are attacked or told to keep quiet. The people doing this never show the races they are playing, in respectful ways. Telling them to stop just makes them do it more out of spite. They did it in the first place because they don’t care. Its a power trip. The best thing to do is don’t bring attention to them or support these kinds of people. They are mentally sick and you can’t speak reason with them.
I know a white man living a revenge fantasy against a race by playing them and making the avatars do disturbing things. When called out he says it’s just because he likes them and respects them so anyone who calls him out looks like an asshole. But most of us who were with him when he started this psychosis episode know the truth. He sits on sl all day doing this with alts pulling more people into this sick web…. He’s not the only one. Some dark shit out there.
#5 – As a user who’s talked to them multiple times about fixing the splayed hands bug on their older bodies.. gonna call bullshit on them listening.. Or maybe they just can’t figure out what every other body maker has.
#4. You should google ‘How to take good pictures in Black Dragon Viewer or how to not look basic in Second Life.’
30. I would like to know more about the possibility of a college in New Haven. I was hearing about a Casino too? I went to NH while shopping for a new residential home and there were so many attractions that I couldn’t make it to them all yet. I can’t decide which New Haven sim to rent from.
This is the cringiest fake comment. “I can’t decide which New Haven sim to rent from” is not something that anyone who has looked into residential real estate in NH has ever said.
There’s a first time for everything. I’m taking suggestions since you are here. All the sims in New Haven are beautifully landscaped and arranged with interesting attractions. It is hard to decide.
Best advice I can say is shoot it in as a suggestion if you’re in the Discord. The Casino is in the Canton region but I don’t know a whole lot about it, it’s a resident owned business.
Thanks I will do that :]
OK YOU GUYS ASKED FOR THE CHAT LOG… NOW I WAS ON VOICE, MR. DEANO LOCKHEART WAS TYPING BECAUSE HE DIDN’T WANT MY MOM TO HEAR HIM…SAY GET SEXY… NOT CUTE… COME ON YOUR A LOCKHEART RIGHT!!!… [16:39] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): do u wake up grumpy? [16:40] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): horny or happy? [16:40] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): i wake up horny [16:40] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): ur mom hates it [16:40] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): 😛 [16:42] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): whatkindapose you want? [16:42] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): hot pants i told you [16:43] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): u got ass like ur mama [16:44] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): lets go [16:44] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): you have sexy tho? [16:44] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): your mama would kill me but i like sexy [16:45] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): so lets go [16:45] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): its the lockheart tradistionm [16:45] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): lol [16:45] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): tradistion* [16:45] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): omg i cnt spell [16:45] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): she is farming on ark [16:45] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): me either it bad [16:46] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): get sexy lets go ur a lockheart right [16:47] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): you keep getting unsexy [16:47] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): ima spank ur ass [16:48] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): do u need daddy to soank ur ass for unsexyness? [16:48] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): spank* [16:48] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): you have sexy shit ive seen it [16:48] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): loll [16:48] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): i watch everything lol [16:50] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): headphones are charing [16:50] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): and i dont ewant you mom hearing me say sexy [16:50] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): she might lose it [16:50] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): loll [16:51] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): you have porblem with that? [16:51] Ðєαησ Łσcƙђєαяt (xdeanoxstarx): make them hot pants tighter [16:51]… Read more »
Wtf is this happy horse crud? Alana you are pathetic with your screen shots. Should I post screenshots of you making fun of Kim to everyone? I’m definitely not siding with Deano. I don’t have any good to say about him but girl, get real lol. Or get a life!
One thing I never made fun of Kim, Did I get mad at her and Deano yes I did. Because when I asked them what happen with one of Deano’s ex and her son… they didn’t tell me anything. People say shit when they are mad. But lucky for you… Kim knew I was mad and upset because and she knew I said thing out of anger. Im just happy she for gave me 🙂
Right now nothing is making sense to
Me. I’m just an ex friend of yours. You have always put your nose where it shouldn’t be and talked down about everyone. You need to control yourself.
This is coming from someone who can’t even post their name really come on get real now, who is the pathetic one let me guess you. I have nothing to hide.
not really a chatlog or proof just fyi
And you know what actually, that is a chat log because that is from local chat, if you actually knew me, you know that I save everything. Everybody knows that about me. So for you to say, that’s not a chat, log or proof, for my information is horseshit. You were not there. Three people were there Dean Lockheart, Madison Baggetta and myself Alana Ludlow. But I’m still waiting for you to message me on Facebook I even went before I replied back again. What are you chickenshit or are you one of my block dumb fucks. Because I have chat logs I have audios. And honestly you’re not even worth it. You can’t even put your real life fucking name. Yeah my name is the ex daughter, but I’m not hiding because I’m just not. I’m just sick and tired of Dean Lockheart shit. So for you to say, that’s not a chat log means that you’re telling me that he did not flirt with me. Is that what you’re saying because clearly that’s what you’re implying. When four hours after that conversation in local chat Dee Lockheart crawled back into my box. Asked me if I got sexy. How are Lockheart should be. Why the fuck would I father talk like that to his kid? So go back and sing on that before you reply.
because it is only one sided… and BTW chat logs can be edited. You can edit them
logged out and show up logged in as whatever you wrote. Yawns on the jump accusation thing. I dont know you or him dont care either way about any of it. You can make shit up all wish that because I said A it must be Z. That only makes you look silly not me.
I don’t have the time or patience to edit a chat log. Thanks. That is the chat. Log from April 9. if you honestly didn’t care then why are you even commenting on this subject… now who is the silly one… umm you! If you want the screenshot I will be happy to show them to you. But you said you don’t care… so shut the fuck up and sit back down!
lmfao its VS we are all here for the entrainment value but then again all I said was not a chatlog hahaha. You are mad saying daughter as if somehow this is all real life. Not a daughter, were roleplaying a daughter and seems to me if even remotely real chat then weren’t his roleplay anything anymore. Go step away from SL, you seem to be a little too lacking touch with reality. “You can edit them
logged out and show up logged in as whatever you wrote” so what exactly would a screenshot prove? lol too funny bet you are about have a stroke over there
Oh you’re still here… lol on this subject… clearly your didn’t read the chat. Let me guess your just salty.. maybe you want some Deano Lockheart..
lmfao still mad? Salt over what? Someone I don’t know or your insane anger over something entirely fake? This is too funny. Ya’ll get so obsessed over bunch pixels on an anon screen. Including women thinking “want some” LOL of what? Invisible non existent person. Oh baby that text is just everything. Touch some grass or don’t. This is entertaining.
Hit me up on Facebook
#38 #39 #40 – collectively you sound like a weird bitch with too much time on your hands. I go around bald head af & with only a floating torso if I’m busy and don’t want to get dressed.
If a store owner was being goofy silly I’d appreciate the presences. Thanks for making products & bringing them here ♥
44 ) how is kricket talking about blushs status when her status was made first. . some idiot just stuck them together for drama and ya’ll just took the bait and ran with it ….
#39 what is up with this chick always putting stuff out for Saturday sale that looks good on pics but NEVER EVER PUTS A FREAKING DEMO OUT to try her stuff.
Boo on you!! I am not gonna spend a dime on you because if you cannot put a demo out, your products probably are crap!!
um there is demos in the store lol
#49 Hey Genevieve or Shilo as you now call yourself. You know you can like actually talk to your friend and tell her you don’t like her stealing your friends. Instead of starting a witch hunt on someone who had nothing to do with it. You have got some serious issues pretending to be someone’s friend while talking shit behind her back and then blaming it on one of the guys she was closest too. That’s a seriously low blow, but kind of expected from you.
#16 You have not met EVERY American on sl so go cry in a corner. It is not all of our fault you choose to associate yourself with f**ked up people… WHICH btw come from all countries 😉
18 .DJ Deano now that’s a name we have not seen in a while was wondering when you would pop back up , still at it are we it’s laughable really that you’re still pulling the same shit after all this time , when you speak do you actually believe the absolute shit that comes out of your own mouth ? You must have a dick that spits skittles for women to even look at you for more than a minute cause we all know that you’re disgusting. I’ll be sure to let the clubs know you are back on the prowl looking for your next victim. Welcome back I’m sure we will see you a lot more .
Why is it everytime something doesn’t go Deano’s ex’s way he ends up on secrets? Wonder what the real issue is. The ex, maybe not him
Clearly you don’t have a brain cell if you are asking this question. Deano didn’t have the balls to tell Kim how she felt… So he flirted with me and with my sister. he probably flirted with alot of people. Heck I know he call one of his ex when covid was going on… like who does that shit… roll my eyes.
#3. CC is safe because even rejects don’t want to be in a family roleplay sim that is just boring and badly written versions of crack den roleplay or child abuse roleplay planned by a manager.
#12. Careful…brain dead adults with the mentality of twelve year olds think being compared to Mean Girls is a badge of honor.
#25. False advertisement at its finest.
#28. VS’s most overused line by deplorable people when they get called out on their shit.
#50. There’s not a thing wrong with her having a preference…especially if she’s maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Oh dear, Where do I begin? Where do I start……. I was going to write this yesterday but to be frank I was preparing for this week and that is more important. #2: To be fair, shouldn’t we all in theory leave SL and try to travel the world? Since we are all a car crash away from death so to speak. But I get where you come from. Usually I am not here unless it’s the event and creator controversy. #5: Got nothing to win by claiming either of these as I still use my Maitreya and sometimes the Legacy body. Look, so the original price is about the same for both Eborn and Belleza at 3500 for the basic. However, the Belleza has the 2 bodies for Curvy and 2 Classic. So if you go and buy all of these that’s $5500×4= a lot. Ebody has one that for most people is scalable. i have friends that use them and they are fine. Ebody is also famous for updating and for giving support. Belleza disappeared and did a Legacy move. To each their own. Stop figthing across bodies. It’s like five year olds. #11: This is not only seen in Arcade. A lot of creators are copying Etsy and/or Amazon stuff. But once again, we need events to be reigned in. We got wayyyyy too many! I pretty much come here jonce every four months for a weekend to bitch about it lol. #14: As someone that has lived through the beginning and now this part of the game. Give me BOM and all it’s pros and cons. I still prefer layering and sometimes getting things upside down than what I had previously where I couldn’t and i had to put 30 different relays on to get my… Read more »
34- your avatar doesn’t need to look like you. how many people’s avatar looks just like them? stop trying to make this bs a thing in SL, people been genderswapping and raceswapping themselves in SL for years. your avatar can be any color or culture you want in SL, just don’t be an a**hole about it or do it to stereotype people as a joke.
My race in sl is black. My av is beautiful and the skin glows. Some people have told me its wrong. But my black friends know my real race – they don’t mind. My role model is black and one of the strongest people I know.
#5 What’s Belleza?
#13 So what? ITS A SECOND LIFE!!! You can be a bug if you want to and it doesn’t mean you have a fetish.Fat people exist too and they are humans. They don’t have to live a miserable life just for people like you. At least fat people can lose weight, but people with mentality like yours have no hope.
#23 Because of how the shade looks in between your lips I think you need to shape your lips. Remember, make up creators have a different shape just like all of us so it looks different from shape to shape. That on the side, the bottom lip doesnt look as juicy as the one in the picture. Hmmm I don’t like Tresbeau makeup anyways.
#27 Fuck Seraphim… when people get treated like shit people like them should not get any type of support.
#31 Another example of a royal asshole telling people how to look in SL… fuck man, wtf with people telling others how to dress or shape? If it sores your eyes so much then derender and block.
#33 Half of men in SL? Where are you getting these numbers?It’s like saying”Half of women in SL are x and y” Your view is totally ridiculous.
#34 Are you delusional?ITS A SECOND LIFE(so many times in this week!)…it could be ANYONE behind the computer and that’s nobody’s business. You either accept the representation of that person in SL or move on.
#28 – If you think someone is watching you, it’s probably to laugh. Get over yourself and take your meds.
#16 – What a hypocritical post! The poster is bullying people who are not like them by making this post about all Americans. The poster is whining about stupid things. The post is loud and obnoxious. The poster is needy for attention (seeking validation on VS? LOL). The poster needs to get over him/herself. The poster needs to understand that not everyone acts like them. The poster needs to stop calling people names (stupid, dumb) because other people don’t follow their norms. This poster was hurt by one or a few people and is now angry at entire country in response. Sounds like they are just as or possibly more toxic than whoever they are trying to call out.
you must be american.. ;p
#27: why so mad? I prefer Facebook tbh, pictures are actual ads in high quality.
I prefer facebook too. Other platforms ruin the quality of photos.
27, and all the other Seraphim crap, I happen to know that seraphims coverage of happy weekend was let go because seraphim was repeatedly incompetent. they not only would not post a bunch of designers, but would also add some in that weren’t even in the event that week. They would also put old ads from weeks prior EVEN THOUGH they had early access to the entire list and ad pictures. once they didn’t even post it until Sunday afternoon. to me that is unprofessional to say the least. This week they posted on their own, without happy weekends consent, and added a few designers who were not even in the sale this week. This whole thing was a seraphim problem, NOT a happy weekend one.
True or false
#44 If only majority of the users in SL weren’t entitled twats, people wouldn’t harass creators. People who create or put themselves out there receive insane harassment, criticism and an overload of hate. Stop thinking people owe you shit, stop idolising creators, stop idolising customers like “omg i’m so glad you beautiful people buy my stuff”, mate half of you couldn’t give two shits about your customers. If you call out creators they can call out customers, it’s a fair game. Ya’ll are way too sensitive go rub one out.
They do not see the time that goes into creating
34 who cares … He can be whatever he wishes to be …any kind of race, animal or even objects. Its second life thats the point of it all. You can change avatars into different races …so what? Did anyone appoint a rule you have to be exactly what u are in rl ?
3 I doubt anyone is coming to CC.
Truth. CC has been on a downward spiral for some time, possibly even since Rei took over. The majority of their GM team is cliquey and the department leads are those not wanted anywhere else. Many of the residents have a holier than thou perception when it comes to other communities. It shows every week in the comments here. This will continue to be their downfall.
The only GM that sucks is Lucy Drake and she’s got a clique of mindless followers that have a lot of alts. I’m talking entire family of alts and most of them work under Lucy’s management. They like to bully and get away with it…. they were given a slap on the wrist only because it was brought up in the comments last week. A lot of the residents suck right now because many of the accounts are ran by the same 3 people and they are easy to spot because they are always kissing Lucy’s ass. Some of us residents are trying to hold on before jumping ship but it is getting harder to stay
44. I dont know this kricket but it’s wild that she’s trying to talk shit like that because.. ain’t no one ask her? I got sent to that post for the tea back when it came out and I don’t even shop in her store (not my style) but prop to blush for outing that person who came at her for years now over something that ain’t even to do with her own store?? Like yall really wanna bash a creator for pointing out how fucked up that is when they got people coming for them over another stores issue and then harassing them when they get themself banned for it ? Nahhh 😂 she even gave us the receipts lmao. miss kricket needs to toddledeedoo her ass to time out for trying to speak on that one like she relevant.
The customer ain’t always right, especially when they tryna bitch you out for shit that isn’t even your items! I for one am here for it when store owners spill that shit. If nothing else, it’s entertaining as fuck. I know I couldn’t sit there and take it civily like most of them seem too
I immediately went to fb for the tea and those screenshots were yikes lol. it was literally just off her styling card lol.
Krickets post was made way before Blushes. A quick check of both the socials confirms this. Someone is just trying to start drama where there is none.

#50 Triggered
16. As an American, I don’t blame you. Logical thinking is a sin here, wearing masks during a pandemic is frowned upon, men pretend to be woman for fame, kids focusing on getting likes dancing like hooligans on tik tok more than reading books in school, parents neglecting their kids by doing the same, the 50 and over working class carrying the country and cant retire, our government stroked our egos to think we are the best in the world so we don’t ask questions. We have abortions being banned and tampons in boys bathrooms. Our own people aren’t the most successful, it’s Nigerian immigrants. Most people want to sit around eating cholestrol absorbing gossip scandals than improving their lives. Everyone speaks deconstructed English now with words like sus andd victim mentality makes you a martyr. Healthcare is expensive. It’s become a joke and the corruption keeps going.
Affirmative action is fucking up all western countries atm tho, not just America
Agreed and yet we call ourselves the greatest country in the world. No people rather want to gut those freedoms to please these big companies who use immigrants who would take any payments to keep their wallets full while screwing off the very people who made this country including the black citizens who would ask for bigger wages.
I’m for restricting voting rights to just people who pay more to keep a country afloat than they cost. Allowing freeloaders to dictate where a country is going will always end in disaster, why would they ever vote for anything else than for anything that improves their ability to freeload. It’s like inviting a bum into your house and letting him dictate how your household is run and how much stuff and money you have to give him lol
Well, since the majority of red states take more in federal money than they pay in, that would actually be a great idea. Texas would be just about the only “red” power left if we did this, and most of their money comes from areas like Austin that are actually blue. We might actually make some progress if we cut the backwards fucks off at the knees.
this is pretty sus tbh
Here we go with the baby boomers claiming that they are the victims to the youth. I have you know I am a millennial and I work 50-60 hours a week. So tired of you lot claiming the youth doesn’t do shit. You do realize that’s propaganda to get you to all foolishfly vote to privatize Social Security etc. right?
By the way, with how you speak I’d have thought you were also one of those opposing abortions. Since you read right and not left.
They pointed out banning abortions as a problem tho? The retirement age for full benefits increased from 65-67. With the current average life expectancy that’s crazy.
we tried to warn her many times that he would do this to her and in the end he would hurt her , word spreads quickly when it’s Deano , he is and always will be only out for himself , it doesn’t surprise any of us what is going on , what we are surprised about is that it took this long and that she stayed with him as long as she did , I’m almost certain he cheated more then a few times he can’t help himself . He doesn’t care who he hurts as long as his dick is getting wet i the process .. he will never change he’s still the same lad he was 7 years ago he’s not changed not one bit .
This is becoming comical now
For someone who “isn’t on Deano’s side” you sure seem to be commenting on every thread about him to defend him. Are you a liar, or are you that guy himself? Then again that guy spells like someone who didn’t finish 5th grade, so maybe you are just an ass licking side piece.
You must be one of his side chicks that participated willingly comical really .
I above this mgs. high five ^^ Deano is just a loser I can’t believe I called him Dad.
42. Speaking of money, star777 xue, paid 70k linden to a mom and she said no, but said thanks for the money, what a loser, no one wants to be your mom star777 xue
Who did that and how do you know
#13 when was the last time you actually seen a 300lbs person? Love the idea that it would take a fetish to want to make an avatar like that. also i dunno what kind of fucked up avatar scale you’re using that gives you a pound measurement…
yesterday and there is a measuring scale in SL for proportional avatar creation. Has been for many, many years. It is based off the human skeleton. Basic middle school science/biology gave you the tools. It really is not rocket science or shouldn’t be to figure out an average weight vs rl measurement. Sorry so upset but yes a whole lot of SL screaming curves are not curvy they are morbidly obese and some worse.
#4 — 99% of SL Flickers (I won’t call them bloggers ’cause I’ve always found that term used wrongly for) do this: use Photoshop or some other type of editing feature on their photos, so I don’t really know why the fuss about it! To me that’s a post self-promotion from someone who’s been doing the same dull thing for years but doesn’t get enough views LOL
Educate yourself or learn how to take proper pictures in Black Dragon viewer before you jump into conclussions.
36: Second Life is a perfect case study in how its existence over two decades gives us a glimpse into how a contained community can see affect under the Overton window. In simple terms, the Overton window is a sliding scale of acceptable norms in terms of political theory and governmental policy. As it slides one way or another on the political scale, person who may have identified as liberal or conservative, find themselves sliding into another camp based on personal values misaligning with the window.
This is why subgroups such as TERFs exist, and are considered by many on the left to fall under a right leaning ideology.
The truth of it is that the populations have not grown or shrunk: the Overton window of acceptable stances has shifted, and that can vocalize populations either in confidence of support or in retaliation of support. I think what is happening in Second Life, is that we’re seeing a microcosm at work. When SL is known vastly as being the place where you can create any identity and live it virtually, identity as a whole become a hot button issue: one with supporters, and one of opponents.
The opponents of reality-based identity politics have always been in SL, but many accepted this was the norm for SL, a place where it could be expressed in a contained environment. Now that it is a direct reflection of reality, the issue intensifies.
I feel like virtual secrets is just a bunch of people crying about roleplay Sims and content creators,
For roleplay Sims no one is forcing you to be in that community there are more out there also there is grass outside that feels nice when you touch it.
Content creators well some of them put their hearts into making stuff for us if you don’t like it here’s a shocker, you don’t have to buy it :O.
Yes people that rip content from other games are scum but that’s also why copyright ©️ exists
As for the places people claim are sex Sims welcome to SL where it’s pretty much all sex.
Also #5 virtual secrets tells us to censor our stuff before uploading but yet posts clear nipples anyway, seems they just pick and choose at this point.
That’s my rant for this week, at least last week had some interesting stuff.
Wow, either 1. a bunch of people are finally getting a lot off their chest about Woodcrest, 2. they’re just airing their well known dirty laundry or 3. trying to get some new roleplayers to join and see the drama to keep their dying RP relevent. Can we vote? Let’s unpack this -Crack knuckles- 12- Bliss is a little blond tyrant who spends all of her time logged into her main alt and occasionally gracing an IM under the Bliss alt. That’s sorta obvious. She hates anyone who isn’t kissing her ass or looking for favors, CONSTANTLY badmouths new sims, new groups, and anyone she feels isn’t bowing down to her or her little flying monkeys. 37- YES they need a roleplay class! The problem is, the only ones who go to that class are the main clique so they can keep those pesky newbie alts away from WoodCRUST. Maybe they should open a “How to be a better personality 101” instead. 46- Its a sex sim, Worst kept secret. If they don’t want to be known as a sex sim, GET RID OF ALL YOUR SEX FURNITURE! There, done. fixed it… once you get rid of all the public adult furniture, you’ll be a legit non sex sim. 51- Karens. Yeah, they’re there, crying about how its “NOT A SEX SIM!!!” “SEX PESTSSSS!!!!” puh-lease… you’re the worst fornicators on the whole sim. -can hear the army of them getting ready to type- 52- WoodCRUST has nothing to offer. Its the same as every sex college sim in SL. Pretending the sim is some elite brand of roleplay when its the WORST example of it, is pretty laughable. You want to know why there are people flocking to other college sims, Bliss. It’s because your mods, your friends, your little… Read more »
Woodcrest will always be the same. The sex is not the issue but the fact that the owner trusts power hungry admins. Bliss and Maddie are a fucking cancer to that sim.
Oh the power hungry admins! I have seen them come and go and it is ALWAYS the same. somebody tickles someone else’s fancy, they have their “Admin meetings” to bestow power on a new mod, then let them go crazy til the complaints come in, then blame everyone else for the trouble.
They also really show their age with their 1980’s themed sex doll avatars. They pushed all the good role-players away years ago now, the people who actually did anything enjoyable. All these washed up 50yo women playing high school mean girls in a college setting, it’s pathetic really.
Right! We had a lot of good roleplayers who actually knew how to come in and make things enjoyable. As soon as one of the frat boys goes crying about to his gf, guess what, Bann Hamma! I have never seen a group of so many male wimps in one place. Going on a date with these guys is like its the same guy with the same tired lines. Then the shmexy times are about as exciting as watching a cucumber turn into a pickle. How about roleplaying a fun creative date? or ACCEPTING when I say lets not do this again. instead of going to tell admin because it didn’t go the way you were insisting.
Wow! You’re jumping all over the place with lots of assumptions and misinformation. Are you Anthony Blinken? You seem adept at lies, that’s the only reason I asked. So you hate Woodcrest, just leave, scumbag! There are other sims out there, find one for you. Also note, they did remove all the sex furniture. No one there steals ideas, other sims come there to spy and steal ideas. You must be stupid to think CD, Fawke, and all the others would not try to copy what the number one SL university is doing. @ your response to 37, you’d rather it have people with your winning personality? LOL! You don’t even know to let go and move on, you’re still obsessing! What a clown! You are an absolute imbecile. “They suck at RP” – they make RP classes to improve, “LMAO they have RP classes!” Yes. You use the same idiotic logic that woke morons use all the time IRL about the police. Police try to arrest an armed criminal, they shoot at the officer, the office fires back, kills the criminal. – Then the morons cry, “why did you have to kill him, you could have just shot him in the leg or arm!”, so then the next time, the police shoot the armed criminal in the arm or leg. – still not good enough for you idiots, now you say, “well why did you have to shoot him at all? couldn’t just use a tazer?” So the next time, they use a tazer.. – still not good enough for you clowns, now you say “why did you have to taze him? couldn’t you just disarm him?”, so next time, they disarm him, “why did you have to do that at all? couldn’t you just talk nicely to him… Read more »
Thanks for this stunningly moronic example of slippery slope fallacy combined with straw man argument. Really, amazingly well done; that took an impressive level of idiocy.
And here is Bliss!!! You know how you can tell? She is the only one who rants like this, I have seen her go off sooo many times, she rants the same every time.
I am all over the place. Kinda like your second rate sim.
I like how its described as I am the one going all over the place, then you read this buckshot of mouth diarrhea.
It’s just two salty idiots talking trash and their mindless flying monkeys. If you’re so brave to post here, post your SL account name.
Here are some facts for you, moron. You cannot cancel anyone on SL, and you woke idiots think you have some power over the internet, but you don’t, coward. All your posts seem to do is bring them more traffic, not less. Good job.
Now, why on earth would I give up my front row seat? You crazy girl! I didnt say cancel Woodcrest, I said… I hoped people would stop going there. Two different things.
Frankly I don’t think you have anything to worry about, its a money pit and its not going anywhere, its just too bad everyone of quality leaves and you’re left with… well… people like you.
Bravo! WoodCRUST, lol. I love it. I’m so tired of the mean girls from Woodcrest sending their lackeys to pick on other sims. I suppose it’s not so funny, now that the shoe is on the other foot. It reeks of jealousy and catty, spiteful behavior.
Oh I know. Its so fun to watch them go nuts when you point out how truly basic they are and then the struggle to be anything else. Oh, yeah, its really depressing that they have so much time to go to another sim to spend forever trying to ruin it. But you know, retirees have tons of time on their hands.
You must not realize how stupid you seem. Like you have a mental disorder. If you do not like some place, simply leave. Instead you seem to want both hate it, but also stick around. What a retarded thing to do. So much negativity from you, I can tell you must hate your real life. No one in their right mind would obsess over a place in SL, when there are a sea of other places in SL. I’m tired of you idiotic diatribe.
Oh and while I have been there, it’s not the only place I go, and it’s still the top university around. I also highly doubt people are from there are literally going over to other sims to cause drama like you previously mentioned, that is ridiculous. Most likely what you are seeing are the toxic people that were forced out, and came to whatever sim you were on. Thats’s not the other sim’s fault, that’s your current sim’s fault for allowing toxic filth like Jack Blankes to go there. You sputter on with your rants.. but what did it do? NOTHING.
“No one in their right mind would obsess over a place in SL” yet here we are, on Virtual Secrets, obsessing over comments, and sims, and crappy sim admin, and crappy roleplay… So I guess every single person commenting in VS isn’t in their right mind…. Thank you commenter, for joining our little group of sim obsessed people. See what I did there? Its great that you’ve been to other sims, spreading your toxicity. And again its only a “top university sim” because of the 15 people who are constantly there, but as far as it being a shining example of roleplay, its not. Its the best example of THE WORST and Longest Lasting dysfunctional sims ever created. The only people who roleplay there are, well, the obsessed people you accused me of being. So having numbers isn’t the same as being and outstanding example of what a sim should be, just everything that everyone hates about a sim can be found in WoodCRUST. And unfortunately as much as you’d like everyone to believe that all the toxic people are pushed out, thats just not true. We all know it because if Woodcrest was a great sim, it would NOT have this many haters, right? My current sim does allow toxic people, because I am sitting here at Woodcrest right now, looking at them, all over “rush week” regurgitating the same people and rushing the oldest players in Woodcrest. When are you actually going to get NEW people joining your Greek Houses? Never? Because as far as I have seen, there are no new names rushing to your sim. When they do, as mentioned in MANY posts before this one, one of YOUR OWN ROLEPLAYERS admitted to ushering roleplayers off sim. Go ahead, go look. I’ll wait. And, a rant… Read more »
26: Sounds like something someone who uses Lucida Handwriting would say.
27: Why is everyone SO bothered holy shit. Its a click, we’re not asking you to walk up stairs or something.
30: Free tuition? In THIS economy?!
31: Why is everyone fighting about what weight an avi is anyway, who cares.
35: Someone just tell me who they are
36: Conservatives have been in SL a lot longer than 2016 are you serious? Trump isnt when all the worlds problems started. Stop being chronically online.
38: omg and she had to sell her hair. Tragic.
39: She identifies as a palm frond, bigot.
40: obsessed. brb buying whole store. terrify me mommy (PS I hope the store owner made every single one of these)
42: You answered your own question??? So the game can flourish???? Like…so you have a game to play and it doesnt go away?? Hello???
#31 That’s the point.
I don’t know why I’m being downvoted. The point of the secret is policing people on how they should look in SL is both dumb and immature on both sides. Don’t body shame period.
Because you’re being obtuse? Like, if we’re on the same side why are you fighting me bruh? Take a lap.
35- LOL this was obviously posted by that dumb bitch last week who came here to “defend” her alts and ended up literally buried in proof of what a lying sack of shit she is. I did hop into those threads late, because they started out dull but got steadily more entertaining as the week went on. Don’t discuss your business in a public forum if you can’t handle people getting involved in it; this is obvious to anyone halfway intelligent, but we all saw she doesn’t qualify there.
The amount of people that discuss and post things in public places and then get upset when the public interact boggles the mind.
I love this response. Idk if it’s her that posted but it makes me laugh because the cat is out of the bag now.
33 while i do agree NOBODY should LOOK for a man in SL the terminolgy INCEL is stupid and a woke term. Half of SL is clinically mentally ill.. men and women.. how many are collecting SSI for not being able to balance a checkbook or make life decisions yet are in here blowing their SSI checks and any guy they meet..
You do realize these men call themselves incel and most of them hate women? There are whole forums online where these men chat and say bad things about women, some fantasize about doing violence to women, in some cases there have already been murders.
Are you sure you want to defend this particular group?
most hate women but not all
just like not all are self proclaimed
hell being a virgin after 30 makes a man a incel
I’ve watched some of these incels become obsessed with making women who decline their advances miserable and stalk them till the end of time. They’re mentally sick and have no luck rl. Telling them to fuck right off makes them more obsessed.
That sounds like something an incel would say.
using “woke” to describe every thing you don’t like makes you sound like an angry boomer on facebook. They literally call themselves “incels”
Nice to see you haven’t stopped huffing gas there, Dee; nasty habit, but it does make you entertaining. “Incel” is literally just an abbreviation for “involuntarily celibate”, and means that person can’t get laid (edited to add- without paying for it) whether they try or not. It’s the factual state of being for a lot of people, regardless of gender. There’s nothing “woke” about it, but I get how facts are confusing and threatening to people like you.
actuly no hooker would take most incels money, the incel would have to be clean to get laid by a hooker to :p
most incels are incels cause they do not bathe
Depends on the caliber of hooker; sounds like you’re talking about the kind that would call themselves an “escort” and have a service matching them with clients, but there’s still the street/Craig’s List kind that will do just about anything. The not-showering thing is more a result than a cause though; failure to maintain personal hygiene is a classic sign of depression, and the inability to get the women they want can cause that.
Hey, weren’t you one of the idiots defending that new little mermaid live-action remake with the black Ariel? Maybe it was your other friend. I remember one of you getting made that actual real life black people hated Disney just black-washing an established character, and wanted new original black characters to star in the Disney movies. ‘Got called every name in the book, but what happened? I know you saw it. Other black people are saying the same things I said about it. Anyone with common sense can see Disney is just being disingenuous and just pretending to care about the black community. Reusing everything, but changing the race, isn’t being bold and brave or inclusive, it’s being a money-hungry shill, trying to cater to the all mighty dollar. Make us New stories with brave/bold black heroes in them! Do not just race(and gender) swap characters, that is unimaginative.
Uh… maybe? Sounds like my kind of logical stance, because Ariel is a fictional character of a mythical creature who never had an established human race, so it’s utterly asinine to get upset about a change from the Disney assumption. However, I also think the reboot/remake market is a lazy cash grab in its entirety, most of those movies never needed to be remade at all. So I guess you’re stupid for caring about the skin color of a fictional character regardless of why, but correct that nearly all remade movies, especially the ones with nothing but gender or race swapped characters as a “difference”, don’t need to be made and aren’t indicative of any “woke” stance, only the desire to make money with as little effort expended as possible.
#5- Guess Belleza only gives AF about the female avatars cause the male avatar is still dealing with the jazz hands that were an issue since the original body
Cheap asses just need a bento AO and the problem is solved. But go ahed, keep beating a dead horse!
50 I guess I’m superficial too because I don’t see anything wrong with choosing a partner you’re attracted to and that shares the same lifestyle choices and goals that you do. 🤷♀️
Plus, I don’t remember her ever being “ugly” – and she’s been on my fb page a year and a half.
GOOD FOR HER. I got a personal trainer to help me keep in shape and I’ll be damned if anyone makes me feel bad about being healthy. People love to pull others down into their rotting pit. They want everyone else to be as miserable and pitiful. When you’re overweight, you are very limited. Employers hire more active fit people. You don’t want to be seen as redundant with all the young energetic people around. There is a weight limit to do things like horse riding. If you want to limit yourself to just sitting on the couch all day honey by all means but don’t crap on others for working towards a better life.
Remember, ugly is a catch all we sling around at ppl we dont like lmao. Ugly was clearly a last resort for “I have nothing left to say so im gonna default to insults”
Beauty is not truly in the eye of the beholder. Proven fact, most % attracted to larger women as not attracted to the size. They are attracted to being needed. Same for men/women always seeming to date those with mental issues. Need to be needed. Doesn’t mean more beautiful, they are turning around to look at the others pass by, staring at screen over fitted trimmed bodies. Lusting after those take well care of themselves. But those people do not fit the bill of the knowing you are needed.
How do you fulfill a desire to be “needed” while you watch porn? Because there’s an awful lot of big girl porn out there, and if you were correct, no one would be watching it. Guess you’re wrong.
Shut up uggo
Awesome here’s to next week 👌
15 & 47- Off course they only care about the money and trust me they really treat their staff like shit! Seraphim was a reliable and respectable source to all the SL community but then came the greed and all went away!
27- You must think very highly of yourself, to feel the need to come to VS state your shopping dos and don’ts. Another Seraphim minion that has not been kicked out yet by that nest of vipers.
Not really sure what’s so great about Seraphim…I just go to the smaller sites like Sugar or the original pages of the sales groups. More reliable.
Seraphim is better than other pages and user friendly
If only they posted accurate information I would agree with you!
#50 lol what? People can have preferences. I’m a bigger girl and I’m not offended over someone saying they’re not attracted to me. Nothing she said was remotely mean, you’re just reaching.
They’re just entitled twats like that obese influencer petitioning for free extra airplane seats for fat people.
20- I know this person and for a fact she does everything this post says.. STAY AWAY from them they are crazy ..
#5 Love Belleza, I am excited for the 50% sale. Thank You.
#11 I have seen alot of this lately. There seems to be alot of crap creators getting into all of the good events. Also why is everything getting so slutty?
When will the good creators start to show up again?
#20 Are all these account belonging to the same person? I am confused, are we talking about the legacy name Mya Bloodrose or the legacy name MyaGrace Heartstrings?
Almost all of those accounts are blank. How are they linked?
How is she a copybot or thief? She buys and retextures popular pre made full prerm mesh kits.
Hasn’t MyaGrace Heartstrings been with the same family for like years?
Why would someone let her into their family if she already has one?
Why are people so angry about her?
#29 Yet you hide behind virtual secrets to post about someone?
So much drama, and everyone is hiding to cause drama.
These are all legacy names. No one is talking about MyaGrace Heartstrings, she has nothing to do with this secret in any way.
#20 All these accounts are the same person. She flips between them when she has caused issues on whatever one she was currently on at that time. So she keeps them blank till she goes to the next one. No one knows about these accounts but a few and thats because we didn’t know this side of her till it was to late. She has destroyed many families and friendships and just keeps doing it. Doesn’t leave people alone and stalks them on different accounts including these. I can say the person who put this up there is 100 % right on all accounts ..
I was able to figure out who they were talking about, different person then I was thinking.
This is NOT about MyaGrace Heartstrings in any way. The profiles are blank because the person behind them alternates through them all. She will find a family or someone to latch on to, on one alt and then blank that alt out when she shows her true colours and is kicked out. These are just the accounts we know for a fact to belong to her. She has many more and she goes through them on a cycle. Her most recent active one being arabelleelisse (legacy name also). They are linked because there is one person behind them all.