#1 Severus7’s family literally refers to him as “my brother” or “my boyfriends brother” or “my uncle” or anything that starts with “my” when he’s not around, and then they are always too busy to show up to his sets, it’s so fucking funny. I always wondered if he knew his family used him for clout but I think he realises it’s a mutually beneficial deal.
Considering IZA is a cis woman in real life that fakes a trans persona for female followers instead of jealous women, the whole family is fake anyway.
#35 Yes I went to this place and found Lindo players all crammed into a corner and the actual club had maybe 5 people including staff. No one even spoke, so I am sure, they were even bored to tears.
There are too many women on sl who act exactly like Black Chynas mother. I don’t care if you’re a high school dropout trying to relive those glory days or bored housewife looking for fun. Atleast have some class. It’s just weird
its just an ONLINE world. Chill. It’s fake. Log off
Thats what he gets for being a dick to women
#29, Whoever posted this….nah bitch me next, Thomas is pretty cute… i saw him at an event recently and wow that man can get it, 10/10.
Sounds like you are a dangerous person. Seek help.
Dear Anonymous poster of #31 No one owes you a fucking thing. Sincerely, everyone
25 – 42 – 59 – Arendia….. Checked it out during opening – saw the builders and players, knew it was going to be a shitshow. There are RPers known across SL, for being twats. Saw the twats were flocking, and preferred to not get shit on the same way they have done on the past sims that crashed and burned. These comments in no way surprise me, and I didn’t even have to partake. To my friends that still played there – “told ya so”. Do better SL RPers.
#22 Disgusting awful person. So gushingly sweet to your face ……preparing a nightmare for you behind your back. Makes out she is so full of integrity but harrasses and bullies people relentlessly. Also, gets others to do her dirty work so she can try to maintain that shiney good person image that eventually all people see through. Interesting that someone with apparently so much integrity won’t support the products she’s made for the brands she has shat on….but she’s quite willing to take your money by still selling those products.
Says so much. A bit like the long list of brands that have banned her from coming anywhere near them. So many good people been hurt by this nasty little POS.
#42 funny how the file name says “oh look its marz” when shes not even around on sim to rp. all the people posting about arendia are just salty
Used the wrong number in my previous comment. I meant #3 “I’m sick and tired of their shit. Sometimes you are hanging out all nice and suddenly a notice pops up bitchin’ about tier. Like, SHUT THE FUCK… If you can’t meet tier with what you have been given then fuck off and close the entire shit. People literally gave you what they can.”
#3 Full of rules and FB is always complaining on gen chat about he doesn’t care about the Lusthouse if he wasn’t gen manager he would be somewhere else. He could care less if people go. The club is lucky that the people that are going there now are standers and dont pay attention to gen chat. Zoey’s basically just has the club to make money so she can have a nice sl and she doesn’t care about the club and who is running it as long as the complains don’t go to her. All the staff is unfriendly and the atmosphere is indicative of we don’t care. Kaori and Alex are managers of what???? They dont do anything Kaori is never there and Alex just stands there. It’s like they are saying come on in and let us fuck you all the way to the bank….all they want is the money….people wake up.
i said this on another comment, the founder NEVER wanted it to be begged for, nor asked for tips nor donations. None of that started until it was pulled from the original sim it was on. That Sim owner paid tier. for most of the time the club was their, with no assistance. That sim still exists, with a different place honoring the founder with the rules she had for her club and group until she passed. Sim owner misses everyone that would hang at LH when it was there, but is waiting for folks to find it again.
30 – backbone is a big fucking disappointment . for those of us that waited for the egg to be released and it was put off , and put off and put off….. it wasnt worth all that wait. the “skybox” wasnt impressive and it didnt even fit an easter theme. Not to mention the “gift” you guys tried to give us to make up for the lateness of the egg. How about you give us all some store credit since you screwed us over….again.
That Winter skybox wasn’t all that great either honestly, I did not even know it would be for sale for non participants too otherwise I would not even have done that.
I will never participate in stuff like that again.
The Incel-posting is string this week.
So dumb question here, you all carry on about guys using female avatars, cat fishing and what not, BUT, How many of you males out there play as female characters in other games besides Second life? just curious because you all bash on guys playing as females, i mean i use a female avatar and i get straight guys hitting on me even though they know i am male so what does that say about them i wonder? Just seems like there are a lot of hypocrites in SL.
Are you really unable to distinguish the difference between playing an avatar that is a gender you are not in real life, and using that same avatar to catfish other people?
joys of voice verification i guess.
#1 I don’t get hype about this guy but whatever you guys were doing he will just gonna get more attention seeing that he’s been on VS for weeks now. #13 this sounds like a YOU problem. Just because it lags on your end doesn’t mean it lags on everybody’s end. #14 do we get a name about this person? #33 yup agree this is annoying as hell. #38 Awe booboo feelings got hurty hurty about 25L increase. #41 Honestly why do care about how they look in rl and sl? isn’t that the purpose of virtual game? to create whatever you want to your pixel? just say that you’re jealous. #44 then don’t buy it. #55 just say that you’re broke ass person, you do know what you spend in sl is nothing compared on other games I could spend 100USD here and I can rent a land, buys lots of clothes, hairs, house deco and other stuff meanwhile on other games I can spend more than 100USD for one limited skin and I’m not complaining because at the end of the day its my money and it makes me happy and you don’t have the right to say about how I handle my own financial. #57 I use both and it also depends on the hairstyle that I wear too. If the hairs has bangs or anything that cover the half of the face I use bom and if its a straight hair or any hair that doesn’t have hair strand in face I use appliers. Also most BOM doesnt really fit on my avi face BOM cosmetics tend to be pixelated or distorted in my end so only BOM product I use. #58 this isn’t new lolz even in rl lash cosmetics brand all of them has… Read more »
57 thats a shape issue meaning you have overextended the sliders for that mesh head using and should really demo and test shaping + makeup on others to get a better fit for the look want.
#14 – Looks like any other male f*ckboy avatar starter pack here in SL. Same look, same god damn pose with the tongue sticking out. Not surprised that this could be anyone.
#10 I’m sick and tired of their shit. Sometimes you are hanging out all nice and suddenly a notice pops up bitchin’ about tier. Like, SHUT THE FUCK… If you can’t meet tier with what you have been given then fuck off and close the entire shit. People literally gave you what they can.
#22 the real reason Tyr keeps getting banned from places is because she finds where all these “original mesh creators” bought and/or stole their meshes from. Do you think those horses you all ride were really made by teegle or waterhorse? no siree! the teegle is one that was a freebie a long time ago, and was not for commercial use, and the waterhorse, is also a cheap one found on some website, people investigate. they know, these high and mighty “creators” need to stop saying they created something when all they did it push mesh around and fuck it up.
Says her ass licker BWHAHAHA… How long did it take you to come up with that one? like 3 seconds?
Girl you need to shut your mouth, we can smell the load of shit.
Not to judge by the amount of downvotes either lol
If she was soooo mad about all these creators, she should take all waterhorse, teegle and twi crap off her MP, because she keeps earning from them, but again her “creations” are not that great to begin with lol.
I think by now we’ve seen enough of her to know better. She always accuses and harasses people of thieving but never once has delivered proof. THATS WHY SHE GETS KICKED OFF COMMUNITIES, because she gets caught and on to the next person. Im glad everyone knows by now that kind of nasty person she really is.
Oh and for once, maybe she can come and defend herself instead of sending her minions to do her dirty jobs. Just saying…
Yeah I watched her get banned from TWI so that wasn’t the issue there. But I’d also love some receipts on your claims about models cause that’s juicy too.
17. Good riddance to that two faced Jade.
Hopefully she stays closed this time or people don’t go back work hard for her like they did this last time and get tossed away over and over again because she is selfish trash.
Sad fact is they will go back, they always do and they know exactly how Jade works and unless you’re giving her money, working every waking moment or kissing her old fat ass she will do exactly as you say and either toss them to the side or cut them off so they feel bullied into quitting.
It’s the gms I feel sorry for becoz Jade will never take anything to anyone personally she either sends one of the gms to deliver or she slanders people where everyone can see then the ass kissers will take over and do the bullying for her so that she doesn’t look like the bad guy.
She preaches everyone should put RL first but yet if the club is about to go without a manager she screams and pouts until someone feels guilty enough to do it. She’s next level toxic and will manipulate even her friends until she gets her own way.
I am an ex mod from Voodoo so I have 1st hand experience of how this fucked up bitch works. Chelsea also gets a lot of hate and she pretty much holds that place together for nothing in return and the shit she talks on her is disgusting, Cysha is another one with a big heart that has been treated like shit by Jade yet still went back and put in a hella hours to help.
Jade needs to show some respect for those people that work dang hard for her instead of being a 2 faced mf that acts like she doesn’t do anything wrong.
Jade will never show respect. She will open again, things will go south again and she will close again. I don’t get why people show up for her.
Because she’ll reopen next month saying she had cancer or some shit so ppl feel sorry for her. I remember when that club began, she started it with Garrosh Hellscream, she fucking pushed him away in a week, and then stole the money and the work others put into it. Now she will come back going oh I had no money. Sadly she uses people like Chelsea who pour their all into it.
That’s not true at all, some of you know me as Dj moon back then, I was there when voodoo opened with Garrosh including the discussion about what to name the club, Garrosh never put anything into voodoo it was all Jade, mirage, drucifer, paige and myself did everything including the setting up of the sim. Garrosh was to busy trying to make templates pass as his own clothing, I also know Jade sent Garrosh money when he had no food, Garrosh never had anything when voodoo started and left with Debi. As far as I’m aware Jade left secondlife for years before she went to exhale for awhile when toxiccandy owned it after that I don’t know but a few years later voodoo was back. I’m not a fan of Jade but I am a fan of the way she ran the club before she closed the first time, this time I hardly seen Jade and I think that’s why the club suffered so much.
As a manager at voodoo and gm in the past I was always treated nice and with respect from Jade personally but her side kicks she has had over the years are her biggest mistake.
She puts compulsive liars to shame with the crap she spews for sympathy. I’ve never heard the story of her stealing from a co-owner but I can believe it and you are right she takes full advantage of those willing to help her and will push them out without a second thought if they go against something she wants.
44; Is this sarcasm? An attempt at advertising? Because their shapes are great and fairly diverse. Especially compared to the top shape makers who just do the same dolly face look over and over and over again. But hey, I guess that’s what sells so no hate towards any of the shape creators themselves.
31 its cute to see all the Trap haters in the comment section. All the people that actually want to be one, get to hate on them now to then kiss up to them again as soon as they talk with any of them one on one. Ive seen that many times already.
Trap family is just literally trolls.. yall are not royalty LMAO
who the fuck are the traps? never even heard of them than on VS
I think everyone who acts like changing their display name to the same thing as a group of other people means anything is immature, probably kind of stupid, and a weak minded follower. Who wants their ass kissed by SL clout chasers, who rival those who have to pay for pixel sex in their bottom of the barrel status? Only those lacking any other way of getting attention, because they’re nothing on their own.
Who in their right mind would want to be a Trap they’re a bunch of messed up catfishes 😂 😂
Dunno any1 w common sense wanting 2b part of that circle jerk family but yea its real cute 2 see people calling them out 4 the shit people they all r.
#43 Kae cheats on everyone he has ever been with. His IRL exwife included. He prides himself on it and says it is swinging, but lies to people about it. Those in the know have years of logs of this behavior across all of his accounts. Kae only makes sims to dazzle people into fucking him while chasing off other men in those same chicks dms.
Still not really understanding how it’s “cheating” when the relationship is open, but ok.
“Open” doesn’t mean “anything goes”, necessarily. Every relationship is different, and most people in open relationships expect honesty about what’s going on and for side pieces to get a clear picture of their place in the relationship, which is below their actual partner. Therefore if you’re hiding any details of what you’re doing outside the primary relationship, or telling any of the side pieces that you might leave your primary for them or even give them priority, it’s cheating.
Because he promises it’s just sex to his current ‘girl’, but is in the DMs of other females saying he has feelings for them. There are logs of one of his exes saying they were mono and him saying they were only mono IC to get around it in DMs. Being open doesn’t make it impossible to cheat.
He doesn’t tell them it’s open or poly though? It’s not the first time I’ve heard of his name. So that means he’s rooked a lot of people including Sylvana since people dragged in her name.
People gonna fuck, but be honest about being a pussy hound.
This. Kae’s current relationship may be open, I bet Praxi doesn’t know the full story. Multiple relationships from the past have not been open from the perspective of one person involved, or so they were led to believe. Kae’s perspective however is whatever the hell he feels like. Openly telling people he is a “fuckboi” really only started a few years ago. Because the sea of women grows smaller as secondlife grows smaller and people have a habit of sharing. Across the years he has lied to multiple people. Told them they were exclusive when he wasn’t while lying about being online or not and jumping on alts. Playing on and opening sims behind people’s backs, not to mention his skype now discord banter with multiple women all at once. He has asked more than one woman to meet him rl after he tells them he is planning on visiting them/their country and talks about those plans, but they conveniently fall through. I know of one woman that apparently has gone to meet him. And this is just for starters. Do not though confront him on anything as somehow it is your fault, your nuts/psycho insert whichever name you want to use. Then the gaslighting starts. Not to mention if you have some type of past with him and he still has some form of interest in you. If he sees you spending time with another guy “that’s mine” mentality kicks in. I am not even putting the half of it and I have really put simple points. I am surprised he has not been called out sooner. If Kae has suddenly become an honest open book since being with Praxi then sure. However I find that hard to believe based on what I am still seeing and reading. He… Read more »
I was not going to comment, however I have seen my name mentioned, not only in this thread but another further down in regard to a sim he and I ran together. There are several references to our ‘open’ relationship etc, and what others perceived us to be. I thought I knew what we were, and believed what I was told. Did I question some aspects?!…yes I did. Was I told that I needed to trust him, that if we didn’t trust each other than we couldn’t work…sure was!
Yes, I was aware of the things said about him, and past actions. I was blindly naive in believing when I was told that was the past, THIS time was different…that I was different. Yes, I am big enough of a dumbass to think when I’m told daily how ‘wonderful and awesome and adored etc.’ I am, that I believed those words to be true. I’m sure you can imagine my shock when I hear I am nothing but ‘A lying cunt.’
I’m not going to sit and create a timeline of our relationship. What I truly wanted to say is this….I am utterly sorry for the things I believed in regards to the other women. The names they were said to be, ‘nuts, psycho…etc’. None of us should ever disregard our intuitions, and if a situation doesn’t feel right, believe that feeling. Not the pretty lies that convince you of the narrative they want present.
I am so sorry that this happened to you ♥
The gaslighting hasn’t stopped, there is proof of that. Spamming your IM when you do something wrong, gets proven wrong, turns sweet = Kae in a nutshell
Every single thing here is the truth. And no, Hell will freeze over before he is honest with any woman. Or himself. He’s a horribly sad old man.
Saskia from Wareta is a notorious copybotter 🙄 who shamelessly stole an event booth design and used it for someone else. She’s also a backstabber who enjoys judging others. It’s pathetic that she couldn’t even bother to change the colors and used the exact photo from another brand [700]. It’s clear that Saskia sourced the design from [700]’s Flickr page, without any effort to change it, proving her shameless act of copying.
#20 If you can’t meet the requirements to enter those events do something constructive about it. Change your tampon and stop whining like a spoiled brat who isn’t getting her way. You are not owed anything.
#38 Zomg!!!! Prices went up… Go get the internet vigilante police!! This is a total outrage! Creators want a trifle bit more for sale items during an inflationary period where the value of the Linden has also gone down?? You don’t say… If 10 US cents is going to break your piggy bank you need to rethink your RL financial problems.
I am a consumer and I think equal10, amongst many other events have been lack luster and not very special. not everyone that has an opinion about an event is a disgruntled designer. So I agree with this secret…you work for them? Besides, this seems like a response to last weeks secret, hence the secret from last weeks screenshot? just a guess? Seems like equal10 started it.
No, I agree. I have not been pleased with Equal 10 one bit. What they are selling is not what I am after. They have their own quality standards though and they are doing very well as an event.
Either they make their extra 10 cents or lose the whole sale price all together. Consumers will decide for you. Consumers are paying more for real and tangible items. Creators need 10 extra cents? Get a tangible job then.
Saturday sales have not gone down at all. There are always going to be “grumps” no matter what you are selling. That’s just the nature of human beings. Now, as far as for the increase, retailers base their success of how much money they take out of Second Life. With the value of the Linden falling and then general economic conditions right now prices must go up. A twenty five Linden increase is literally pocket change. Multiply that by 500 and you have an extra $46 – $48.5 depending on how you want to sell it (market sell vs limit sell (most will chose limit sell as its more money but a much longer wait for your trade)). That makes a big difference and will both eat the loss in value and inflation. There are a lot of creators doing things much more drastic such as splitting designs into two of three parts or selling for one body only whereas before everything was included in one pack. Compared to that a L$25 increase is nothing really to the consumer but bring that to scale and it makes a huge difference.
#1 Been hating on Severus for like three weeks now even prior to the SL Spotlight which makes me think you knew it was coming and are continuing to be jealous and feeling invisible. It’s okay to feel that way. Just go make some better friends that prioritize your friendship. #13. Lagging for you doesn’t mean lagging for everyone. Just because you have a 9th gen i5 and use onboard video doesn’t mean you get to pick on creators. Your lacking hardware is your lacking hardware issue. #23. We know and I’m sorry this happened to you once but getting comparing catfishing to rape is like comparing apples to hammers. Maybe think about not desperately latching onto every single person that shows you an iota of attention and having higher standards before getting involved with someone. #24. Please see #23. #27 The problem is not that nice guys aren’t nice. The problem is you are so desperate to be loved and wanted that you can’t distinguish between a nice guy being nice to you and a predator grooming you for abuse. #31 You god damned right and the majority of the SL community respects gender non-conforming people. It’s just the anon edge lords on this site that say shit because they know they are hidden and have to suffer no consequences for their shitty behavior. #38 ‘Member when someone got so bent out of shape over the possibility (not the reality) of having to pay 25L more for something that they had to throw virtual shade about it? You’re mad about $0.11. Let that sink in. #41 This isn’t true and you know it. Just because you’re jealous of someone having something you want desperately doesn’t mean you get to be mean. Go find someone with talent and ride their… Read more »
Jealous of what exactly? The fake ass knob twisting and occasional sad attempt at scratching? The mere fact that he has to decrease the volume to speak says it all! I’ve heard better talent from DJs using Sam Broadcaster!
It is people like this that make me convinced they have never even been to see another DJ. You know what they say, you can polish that turd all you like, it will never be a gold nugget.

When you search, make sure ‘Moderate’ is checked. Not only General content.Learn to count.
Hello this post is me. I’m just trying to clear out whatever bullshit anonymous is putting out here. First I have no idea who ’cause I barely talk to anyone. Second, come out with firm facts before you post some shit like this.
#53 And she is trying hard to look like UMA (Umbertta) as of now but is not able to get it right. Also dating UMA’s scat player boytoy Gagnez lmbo
Curious to when and how since this fool is barely online.
I say you move on and let this kid live instead of trying to spread fake news on someone you most likely don’t fucking know.
#8 Newhaven copied Foxhollow so whatever.
#31 I saw that post on facebook and those comments trying to defend this guy, especially from his girlfriend gave me an aneurysm. Is she what, 12? Be whatever gender you want to be by all means, idk but my friend group and other friends had problems with that Iza guy for a while now, there are always issues with him. From stuff not making sense or him not keeping his story straight or him catfishing them and people eat them up because he’s charming and charismatic apparently, but aren’t manipulators on that M.O anyway? There’s platonic fucking around there somewhere too! (make that make sense, because it really fucking don’t. Don’t worry, I’ll wait.) In any case this post was DEFINITELY made to make people bash on that other person. misgendering is not okay but so is lying, bullying, harassing, all the rest of it. I’d rather be known for calling someone a girlfriend than being called a toxic mf who has a cesspool of a family who are basically classified as people who don’t think for themselves. Imagine being in a family where that one person makes you take sides, telling you who to and who not to hang out with? It’s a joke, and there should be some reflection going on here for the inflated egos running around. Is anyone even calling him out? Or are they too blind or something? From everything that I hear, that group’s just bad news. Their avis just look good, sad to say that’s the only good thing i ever hear about them (I think they look like wasted drugged up little shits, but fits the bill ig) Maybe stop coming for people and just go and do your own thing that doesn’t involve being toxic? or is that too much… Read more »
Idkw people think Trap avis r hot LMAO. They think they being edgy but their so-called aesthetic is way played out & I’ve seen better lighting & composition on rando turds on the street than in their pics.
some of these, wow. I see the Incel brigade has surfaced again.
The way Milk and Iza deserve to be being exposed right now. They’re so fucking pathetic its sad… “so and so makes me uncomfortable even though they didnt say a word or acknowledge me please ban” who does He think he is? Then when the person he tormented for years defend themself from him starting then suddenly its transphobia… but you swore up and down u were born a male and all those pictures were you, right? Sure hadn’t claimed being Trans till they Doxxed you, and then there was Milk telling someone to stfu no Savanah you need to stfu especially with all the dirt people have on you, pipe down.
#27. When the nice guy hides his online status cause ur boring af. Instead trolls sex clubs and pretends to be a dom.
Nice guy sounds like a boring manchild with a superficial radar. Eew. Personality of magic Mike without the magic dumbass
Hey guess what you got tiny pp energy
#11. Hey Kory, when you and ur wife leave the club, ur staff and some fams shit talks you bad and trolls ur guests. Maybe why ur numbers are going down JS.
D-Blocks Kory and Wicked are probably some of the best people you could possibly ever know.
Considering everything they’re going through on a super deep level maybe you should shut your mouth.
They have shitty people around them, mostly because they try not to close off to DJs who have bad attitudes unless they create drama in the club itself.
D Block despite some of the shitty personalities who work there is one of the best places on SL to go. They are welcoming, accepting, fun, loud, social and the owners have amazing energy.
Take a seat and learn something from the masters.
But thanks for the kind words n shit. Much love.
Appreciate cha! But it’s ok let them hate.They always just gonna sit around and be bitter. All they care about is numbers. Not the people. That’s why they always in last place.
Whoa now. Mother fucker this isn’t VooDoo our numbers just fine. 😂
10k is good?
What can I say…I don’t bot? 😂
Yet they’re always a hot mile above you 😘
Who? That club that asked for money…then took the money…then closed and kept the money? The place that clowned on people for botting. Yet all they had was bots. Then sends her little groupies in here to make her look special of sorts? Pleaseee.. 10 people in my club is better then the 20 that shithole had that barely spoke. AEG holds more consistent actual people then voodoo does. Thats a FACT. Now go sell that clapped out camel toe and get you some money so that you can say you actually worked for it instead of begging you garage bag ass hoe. ✌
she didnt ask for money ya putz it was offered by a ton of people, 2 you don’t know whats going on so stfu your club is shit like you
Whoa ok ok ok. Let’s calm it down a bit there groupie. Look you’re upset and I get it pops. I would be too! But look just because she let you smash doesn’t mean she really loves you. And being anonymous on a website trying to flex at me isn’t gonna get you any thing better then Jade. You’re not the first person to tell me to shut up and tell me that my club is shit either. That line goes around the corner. Lol. But they couldn’t shut me up. And nor will you or the next guy. So pops please don’t have a heart attack at what ima tell you…alright? You can love me. You can hate me. But you will NEVER shut me up. You will NEVER stop D-Block. That’s a promise. 🙂 Y’all can call D-Block whatever the fuck y’all want. Call it trash, call it shit, hell you can call it a VooDoo wanna be if you want. You can sit there and flex traffic at me. I don’t care. End of the day. Anyone can put alts and bots in a club and generate traffic. So sit there and hate the club. Go ahead and hate me. Most you mother fuckers don’t know a single factual thing about me. But will talk mad shit. But when I say something back y’all burn me at the cross. And the best part is… I don’t give a fuck. Got plenty of people who have taken the time to know me and do love me and really do support me. So fuck I look like being upset over some cowards hiding who they are. You probably mad because you come to D-Block but wanna show jade you love her lying trashy ass. And for the record. Jade… Read more »
Been to D a few times nobody really spoke to me, but they were speaking. I am not exactly super loud outgoing, easy to miss. Known Jade awhile and all those clubs’ voodoo, exhale, and about what 3 others all branched off same insane clusterfuck of people are complete trash and use a lot of bots, easily 75% of pop at even given time is bots.
Dang Mr defensive, seems like I hit a nerve. 😜
Zero clue about anyone asking for money, taking money and keeping money after they closed but hey enlighten us all or is that you just talking shit like always?
My response was simply from seeing traffic of the club you slated (which in fact had nothing to do with the OP post) and your club, and your traffic is POOR!! Also as far as I am aware no bots are used in Voodoo? A sploder sometimes I’ve seen 1 or 2 times but you’re speaking like they have 50 bots parked up like some other clubs I won’t mention 😂
Keep hatin booboo 😘
Defensive? Where? Because I responded? Pretty sure my clubs still open? Ain’t nothing for me to even be mad at.😂 If you don’t know about the begging for money then you wouldn’t care about these posts enough to even stop to comment on either one. But you’re here. Clearly to support VooDoo so you would know EXACTLY what I’m talking about. So keep lying lol. The “numbers” in my post wasn’t even about traffic first of all. But ok. So lemme clear this up. I’m definitely not saying VooDoo had 50 bots. Let’s be real. They don’t even get 50 ppl on the sim. But you’re one of those aware people. So you’re probably aware of that info. 🤣 D-Blocks traffic is on average 13-16k being open 11-12 hours a day. VooDoo took what 20-25k and was “open” 24/7? You would need to answer that fully for me since I actually have people at D-Block so they get our focus not a trash cans traffic. Not everyone can sit there salty worrying about what another’s clubs traffic is on the regular lol. So that was kinda weird flex but cool. Y’all can sit up on here all day long and talk all y’all want man. End of the day. Despite you thinking traffic is actually what’s important. We sit here on the regular with a fun crowd and have a great time. So keep hatin? I’d have to be remotely mad or even jealous to be hatin. What I got to be mad at? D-Block is still open. Still will be next year too. I don’t have to keep restarting to attract attention. I don’t use SL Secrets as my source of advertising. Lol. Anything else y’all got to say say come holla at me in game or on discord.… Read more »
You complain about Jade taking money she didn’t, I know of myself and others who tried to give her large amount of lindens and she sent it back with a thank you but no, if your talking about donation jars well you don’t have room to talk when d block has donations in their jar for 80k and more
What makes you any better taking that in donations? At least there wasn’t multiple events thrown to benefit from somebody’s death. Using somebody’s death to gain is a lot worse but hey you can justify that anyway you want as long as you feel better.
Actually yes she did take money, I know she also took money from Britt for rent and thousands of L from Chelsea, just bcoz she’s not asking for it and is offered help it doesn’t mean she didn’t take from anyone so get your facts right before throwing up defence for her.
No you’re right it couldn’t be 50 bot. They would have to have 50 ppl on the sim for that number to work. So that part you’re correct.
Next. The traffic since that’s somehow seems to be what’s important somehow. I guess when you have a dead club you like to measure traffic since you can’t wake up the next morning and be like damn last night was fun. Our traffic on average is actually averaging 15k. While open 12 hours. VooDoo is 24 hours and averaged what 20-25k? Now unfortunately I have people to actually entertain so I don’t have time to sit down and actually monitor a was been club. But that seems relatively low to be trying to flex with.
Yall busters can keep the traffic. I don’t give a damn if our traffic was 5k. We got some great folks who come through who love us. If y’all stopped talking shit on your fan base, stopped using SL Secrets as your main source of advertising, and worried bout the fans as much as y’all worry bout D-Blocks numbers maybe y’all could actually keep the doors open. Well…no….jade couldn’t. Y’all go head and sit in here and do your anonymous shit talking like some pussies all y’all want. If you got shit else to say come talk to me with your main accounts lol.
Pretty sure you’re speaking for yourself when you’re calling out other clubs for using this site to advertise… Seem to remember you bragging that it brings people to your club when I worked there 🤔
The clique in your place is beyond uninviting Kory that’s why you only have the carbetta sheep and their hangers on that ever go and if that’s what makes your club fun then good for you but in reality the people that hang there (your family) are rude and uninviting to any new comers that go.
I’ve worked at D Block and Voodoo in the past and honestly you’re no better than each other, both you and Jade are attention seeking toxic drama queens that talk shit on your staff 🙄
As for your stats it’s rare I see D Block above 11k and Voodoo was averaging 35-45k so not sure where you went to school bud but yeah 🙂 Unless ofc we’re counting you doing remembrance events for people then reaping in the linden… what was it recently 3 remembrance events for the SAME girl that lasted over a week.. come on dude don’t be calling shit on other clubs when you stretch and play on other peoples sorrow or are ya gonna tell me the staff worked for free or all the tips went to the RL family?!!! Nah didn’t think so fuckwit! 😉
HOLD THE FUCK UP…. Alrighty, Former D-Block “crack-head’ here- I was fired for some dumb shit but was HAPPY to work there right up until I was let go. Lets untangle this web of shit shall we. First off….D-Block “aint cha mommas mother fuckin club’ people there are expected to actually work… unlike VooDoo which Ive worked at as well. You aint got admins on the floor AFK not doin there jobs and host just STANDIN in TIP JARS waiting for minor ductets… if you PERFORM you get paid.. HOW? Events and REALLY GOOD TIME SLOTS…. I MADE BANK IN D-BLOCK AND A FAIR AMOUNT OF PEOPLE THERE HATED ME…. Secondly, In what world is the Warden an attention whore, this man gives NO FUCKS for the opinons of people not in the orbit of the club… he EATS SLEEPS AND BREATHES D-Block…. I did once too. Its infectious in the best way… aint a CLUB ON THE GRID STANDIN GOT THE VIBED-BLOCK HAS…. SECONDLY….. Traffic…. I KNOW YOU AINT COMPARING HIGH NUMBERS OF SILENT PARKING ZOMBIES TO ACTUAL PEOPLE…DANCING, TALKIN, CLOWNIN AND SHOWING UP EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY… CAN ANY OF YALL SAY THAT… NO..VoodDoo AINT SHIT.. Just 511 with DJs a Feild of broken fucking dreams LITTERED WITH HOMELESS FUCKS WITH NO WHERE ELSE TO STAND….. GET WRECKED. THIRDLY….. Name ONE CLUB That brings the BEATS LIKE D-BLOCK… HAVE YOU BEEN TO SATURDAY SHENNAIGANS….. ASS, GRASS, BASS AND SWAG….. AND THEY DO THAT EVERY WEEKEND. Alls I see is petty fucks playin lipservice to BULLSHIT NUMBERS…. Yeah they might be higher… BUT THEY AINT ACTIVE…. PEOPLE DONT CAMP AT D-BLOCK! THEY PARTY. So take it from someone that was given the boot, and has nothing to gain from this post…. That Club is the REAL DEAL… Because the… Read more »
Aww that’s cute you’re sucking up to “the warden” but settle down hun or you’ll be the next memorial he’s cashing in on 😆 😂 😘
Why are you “dic” riding so hard for a club that fired you? Goddamn, have some self-respect; that’s pitiful.
Ok well let’s see here. Yes I absolutely find it funny being on here. But I don’t need to be here. Big difference. We talked about paying the staff who made it on here because it was fitting since everyone hated us before we even started anyway. So yea absolutely. As for cliques being uninviting. I’m on my first attempt at a club here unlike some. So yea I did some shit wrong. I’ve had to fix things as we grew. But… Maybe…just maybe…that’s a u problem and not a them problem. I know this concept might sound stupid to you. But maybe we don’t cater to everyone just to get traffic? Maybe you are actually a piece of shit? But who knows. Maybe it was us. Maybe it was you. Couldn’t tell ya because hey. Another one that talks when it anonymous so I couldn’t tell ya. As for memorials yup just like every other day the donation jar is there. To say she worked here a week though? She was here well over a year. As are the other two who we do yearly memorial things for. But my question is… if you know so much that you can compare me to that trash bag jade. Why do u sound so stupid? Like why not ask me then what I do with the money? Like there is a whole lot of people who see me blow money on the daily. Like do I look fucking broke? Do you see me out here ok everyone closing d block forever tomorrow because I can’t afford it to guilt them into donating? No…u don’t. Why we bringing things up why don’t we bring up all the birthday parties we throw all year. That WE pay for. That WE donate to… for… Read more »
Lets get it right Kory the staff that you think are a benefit to your club are the ones you give a decent tip… The rest make very little and you know that’s FACT, I’ve seen DJ’s get off your stage that made zero linden so don’t pretend you’re any better than Voodoo 😂 😂 😂
I also didn’t say she worked there for a week I said you drew out the memorial into 3 different events over a week. Funny fact though Mr Warden 🙄 genuine club owners that hold memorials take ZERO profit from it and if they do it all goes to RL family which you sir don’t even know and wtf has you throwing birthday parties have to do with anything, how does that justify profiting from someone that passed away? You really are trying hard to justify your own shit while attacking another club owner my man who might I add has said NOTHING here it was YOU that brought Voodoo and Jade into your dramatics on here.
Love the flexing though “Do I look broke” and “There’s a whole lotta people see me blow money” Who gives a flying fuck if you have money or not? Anyone can say they’re rich online but 9 times out of 10 they’re just as broke as the person they’re calling out but I guess it makes you feel special huh?
Another thing… shouting out you will NEVER close D Block is a pretty heavy statement sir, the way the world is right now nothing is certain for anyone but love your enthusiasm 🙃
I tip the staff even across the board. Lol. U can sit up here and try to discredit me all you want. Did you ever ask me about it then? No you didn’t. So don’t sit here act like you know anything lol. And as for your who gives a fuck about if I look broke? You looking like you give a whole lotta fucks about it right now. 😂
Now for the best part.
“Another thing… shouting out you will NEVER close D Block is a pretty heavy statement sir, the way the world is right now nothing is certain for anyone but love your enthusiasm”
That mother fuckers heavy as fuck. And it’s facts. Shame you just too busy drinking that voodoo juice to understand. 🤷🏼♂️
And don’t mistake confidence for arrogance. Since y’all trying to paint a picture at least get something right. 😂
Dude get down off your high horse not once did I say you LOOKED broke maybe lay off the internet for a while and rest your eyes you’re clearly having a bit of trouble reading when you accuse me twice of saying shit I never 😂
Trust me man I know a hella lot more than you would ever imagine about D Block so just pipe down, you may scare some of your little sheep with your foul mouth, hard tapping on your keyboard but the rest of us are just piss laughing at your sorry ass 😂
I absolutely give no fucks about anything about you or Jade, you are as bad as each other with drama and lies but keep going you’re giving us all a good laugh 😉
Notice you keep bypassing you taking advantage of people dying to benefit you but I guess we knew that would be brushed to the side.
Yeah, Master of Hmm, Using the lose of someone to get a laugh or to try an anger someone is pretty fucking disgusting and shows your character, not just on this site. But beyond all that you should really get your facts right before claiming you “KNOW SHIT”, because you clearing know nothing and you are looking pretty stupid. He has every right to avoid this subject because he is not going to drag the departed through your trolling bullshit, Everyone that was at those events (1 memorial, 1 birthday, and the club birthday) knows he did not profit. And i would also like to point out through all your poking and trying to anger him using such disgusting tactics, the man has remained calm and collected, that says a lot about his character, and i know which i would prefer to know. You are piece of shit and the people upvoting your behavior are held in the same regard.
No one is using the loss of someone to get a laugh dipshit, nice try on attempting to twist it round though!! The fact is your man Kory there who you claim is such an upstanding member of SL is the most vile human being I’ve ever came across and he absolutely profits from all these memorials he holds. He’s a foul mouthed bully that loves drama yet tried to flip his secret onto another club owner who hasn’t even got involved in this post…. As much as I have zero respect for the person in question it was your warden there that caused the escalation of the post.
Every single thing in your little rant of sorrow is false so good attempt trying to justify his sorry ass but the only one looking stupid here is him 😎
Have yourself a great day 😉
I’m not sure how you come with the fact I look stupid? Lmao. Ur ranting about something that I’ve already confirmed. We do. We did get donations at a memorial. Do you got paperwork showing what was or wasn’t done with the money? Let me answer for you. No…you don’t. Nor did you ever ask. You’re the one who looks uneducated trying to paint some narrative that you think you know about. So say what you wanna say lol. You in here talking like you know something but in reality what do you know? You know whatever it takes for you try and discredit me. You were right on a couple points. I am a loud mouth bully. I do love it the drama. I am vile. Absolutely love that shit. It’s in the name though. What you saying that people don’t already know? As for flipping my secret. I’m on here because one of my own ppl thought it was funny to try trolling during a conversation in voice. Ain’t no secret except to you. That’s why my names up there lol. You can try and try this bullshit. But it won’t work lol homie. All this shit in here is going to two types of ears. Those who know better and those who don’t give a shit lmao. And Jades bullshit. That ain’t no secret at all. So there is that. So excuse me now while I go back to what I was doing while you sit in here and be some special kinda butthurt. If y’all wanna address this shit more be a adult and come holla at me in discord or in game without hiding behind being anonymous calling someone else a keyboard warrior lmao.
I do know you’re a hypocrite slandering another club owner for accepting donations for their club yet you take donations yourself and just confirmed you also take them while a memorial event is taking place. 🙄
I’m uneducated? 🤔 Who was it that accused me of saying several things I didn’t say hmmm? Oh yea that would be YOU! 😂
But you complain about another club who did just that, get donations but it’s ok for you?
God damn y’all mother fuckers are stupid. It’s not about her taking the donations. It’s about her taking the donations ppl thought we’re going to be used to keep open the club which she did NOT do. She along with damn near every club out there had a donation jar. If I was clowning her for taking donations the fuck ima wait till now for?
Okay but how do you know she didn’t give it back or has plans to re-open in the near future where the donations would still be used?
You do a hella lot of assuming instead of gathering facts my man.
Lmao…assuming would be me saying she took that money and spent it on coke to snort lines off a hookers ass. That would be an assumption. Me saying she took that money and ran with it isn’t an assumption. And we all know she will reopen. We all know she will put the bots right back in. We all know all this shit. You in fact said it best in one of your posts about her. End of the day she took them ppls money and said fuck y’all I’m outa here. Period.
Are you referring to the voodoo thats closed now pewpew ?
Another pathetic troll attempt, execution 1/10 , try again next week please
Bruh, that’s a lot of baggage to put on a haircut. Sounds like a You problem to me.
17. What happened to Voodoo? Did they close?
Simple answer ? Who cares.
This is what Jade does, what she is known for. She closes her doors when she’s not getting her way. Scams on people and attention seeks by throwing tantrums.
Her and Sly are two peas on a pod.
this is false
According to 2 ex GMs of Voodoo (1 of which has a very close connection to Slys sidekick) Sly is back there to screw Jade over the way she screwed him. Screen grabs have been passed around of him laughing about Voodoo closing saying his plan is taking action sooner than he first thought and apparently he has Jade brainwashed into thinking it was other people that caused all the drama just to gain her trust.
He had a lot of people quit and they were left with barely any managers cuz he acted like he was the owner of Voodoo but she knew what he was like, he won’t ever change so if she believes he really does care about what’s best for her she deserves all that’s thrown at her. But yeah lack of managers was a huge part of her closing cuz no one wants to work with Sly 💁
Jade always has and always will only kiss the asses of those that are beneficial to her, everyone that’s ever worked there knows how she works so it wasn’t hard for him to worm his way back in to fuck her over.
Sly is a douchebag who I can’t believe she hired back, but he’s not the reason for a lack of managers. I mean, I don’t get how you hire back a dude who’s talked shit about you and caused tons of drama, put you on VS multiple times, and then hire him back and make him a manager. But he wasn’t the main problem.
Voodoo’s shift managers have a lot of responsibility compared to most clubs and they paid 100 per shift. Who wants to go through all that for nothing. Its basically slave labor. In Jade’s defense, 100 per shift comes out to 2400 a day, almost the cost of a full sim’s tier just on shift managers, and that’s before you consider upper managers and GM pay. It’s expensive, but why would people want to do all that when you can just host, have less responsibility, and make more money.
You mean Sly aka the confused Canadian woman?
Exactly the one, that claimed to be bullied so badly by Jade and her managers that she was going to take her own life and is back there 😂 yet in all reality she’s the biggest manipulating bully on the grid but hey karmas a bitch and it’s gone right for Jade who said Sly would never be working at her club again bcoz of the way she spoke about her and her managers so clearly she gives zero fucks about the actual people that have been loyal to her…. Both of them liars, victim players and bullies
Bruhhh 😂
I don’t think that’s completely true, Jadey has hardly been around for months. She poked her head up here and there but she had stepped completely back because of her real apparently being busy.
Would that be with her “moving” AGAIN? Don’t forget her RL job and never getting more than an hour sleep every 3 days, pleeease she tells so many lies you wouldn’t know what to believe 😂 Her gm’s have put 100s of $$$$ into that place to help her not to mention her latest stunt closed a few weeks prior with “money issues” so some random helped her and she just closes when she feels like it again. Zero respect for anyone that woman it’s all meaningless words that spew out her mouth.
Jade closed for awhile while she concentrates on things going on in real life apparently.
She does. She also uses that “RL comes first” or “I have a sick kid” excuse way too much. Not saying that RL shouldn’t come first, I mean, as a mom, a lot of times I have to go if my kids need me too, but she’s realized that it’s taboo to question someone’s RL coming first, so anytime she wants a great excuse to not do something, its RL or her kids, and anyone questioning that is a cunt.
The gm host manager I know quit and was not over Jade, she quit because she was expected to do way to much and when she was off sick she was made to feel guilty, as much as I am not a Jade fan, she did check on her and told her to concentrate on her health not voodoo or sl, I also know Jade has messaged managers to tell them to let it go to radio and go to rl. This time around voodoo sucked not sure why but it was not the same as it used to be and maybe because Jadey was hardly around. This is second life not real life and nobody is made to work anywhere it’s not like it’s paying your utilities in real. As for charging rent for somebody renting a parcel that’s the way things go, you have a private parcel then yea you should be paying rent. Taking lindens well if it’s donations all clubs have donation jars or take donations.
I am not a Jade fan so I’m not sticking up for Jade but let’s be real.
Jade you’re just dumb for the people you pick as side kicks.
Jade I do hope you bring voodoo back or just DJ elsewhere but lose the side kicks.
You claim to know a whole lot of inside info for someone who claims to not be a fan of Jade or maybe that’s a bluff and you actually are Jade 🤔 Who made the person feel guilty when they were sick if it wasn’t Jade? Jade is dang good at guilt tripping so wherever your info is coming from that it was others then I would double check your source lol. As for paying her rent it was the sim rent that she paid for Jade NOT her parcel do you think I’m stupid enough to think she got a parcel for free?? And it also wasn’t put into the donation jar the money she got from Britt and Chelsea was sent directly to Jade so again get your info correct before spewing facts you don’t know. You keep saying Voodoo sucked this time around.. no it never I was there this time around and it was the best it’s ever been up until the last month or 2 and when is Jade ever around she’s always claiming to be working or dealing with sick kids so yet another false statement other than her standing afk in the club which she didn’t do of late there was no more input from Jade this time than there ever was and that is really an insult to the upper managers stating that it sucked this time. I do agree the ass kissers (or sidekicks as you call them) are her biggest issue but that’s solely becoz she takes advantage of these people and they agree with everything she says which in turn turns to them bullying or targeting the staff or managers that Jade has an issue with but all of this is so Jade herself doesn’t look like… Read more »
Ok so who are you? Chelsea? Dee? Toxic? Why hide since you claim to KNOW everything,
I said I was a MOD not an upper so none of the above but I have been there this time around to know what I’m saying is fact… So where is your inside info coming from? Maybe it’s you that’s Chelsea, Dee or Toxic 🤔
The fuck I get brought in to this? Sorry but I don’t have time for petty sl secrets shit, this isn’t high school, I left high school when I was 16.
I already said who I am, short term memory loss?
Darn that real life stuff, hopefully it will come back some day, shame some of the mods there were lazy af from what I seen and they never interacted with anyone. Good luck jade!
If you knew what those mods had to do during a shift for 100L then you might understand why THEY don’t have time to interact with people unless they want screamed at for not finding staff or the million other things she expects them to do so some may have been lazy but the majority are working non stop so they don’t get Jade talking shit on them, you have zero clue what you’re talking about. There’s a DJ and 2 hosts on stage for interacting with the people 🙄
#49 Not sure why people get so obsessed over perceived cheating in a game where so many people have whole other partners out in the real world AND are in roleplay situations.
As other comments talk about: it ain’t the open or closed or poly, it’s Kae not being honest which is a key part in any relationship.
Could we all keep The Owner of Doux, David Cooper in our prayers ? He had a brain aneurysm and is in ICU. This isn’t fake news. His gf reactivated Facebook to let everyone know. I was thinking of buying some Doux hairs so the money could go to his medical expenses. I hope he recovers. He’s too young. You just never know what people are going through
Bro, he’s from Spain. Being treated in the ICU doesn’t cost him a single cent. This isn’t the US.
Hope he got a speedy recovery ahead of him, tho!
ok but he won’t be able to work while recovering/his girlfriend will have to take time off work indefinitely to help him recover so yeah that is what is meant by medical expenses?
Most primary healthcare in Spain is free. Residents only need to pay a proportion of prescription charges as well as regular public health insurance payments. However, if they need specialized medical care, they might face additional costs. This is when private medical insurance comes in handy.
He’s still going to end up with medical expenses. There’s hospital bills everywhere for brain aneurysm treatment, not only the US?
Plus, personal living expenses which Doux played a huge part in for him. Thank you for correcting this huge misinformation about costs. It also applies to most countries with free primary care. Sadly, generally the statements above spouting its free is from Americans and I can only apologize to those in other countries for the level of idiocrasy in this country.
I cannot stand those type of Americans . They always have to be loud, annoying and obnoxious. Ffs. No wonder so many trying to move to Europe. They’re collapsing on themselves.
hasn’t he had surgery for a tumor or something a few years back 🙁 I wish him a swift recovery
He did and it was to try to prevent what inevitably happened.
32 i thought i was hallucinating! i guess it’s monthly now. will the epiphany end up coming back too? imho, i don’t think monthly is the way to go with these events (all events if i’m being serious). it’s going to force people to churn out terrible gacha sets instead of doing something fun and creative. looking forward to the 1 mesh, 10 colour gacha “sets”
34 – making up a person online to get mad at. is everything ok?
55 – if you go into any leisurely activity with that thinking, you’ll regret any purchase you’ve ever made. it brought you happiness at the time, it’s money well spent. if it’s becoming a problem, take a step back or a new hobby
60 – making up a person online to get mad at and projecting that onto a hairstyle. is everything ok?
23: This! The number of women with male avatars on SL trying to trick gay men into relationships is appalling. I have nothing against people creating whatever avatar they want but be honest and upfront about it. The simple solution is to make sure you speak to people on voice. SL has had voice since 2007, if the person you are interested in has 1000 stupid reasons not to voice, there is an issue. Grab your $5 USB headset from BestBuy, there is zero excuse (this goes for people with 100 alts too, they try to hide in plain sight). Excuses like “I live with other people”. “My headset doesn’t work”, “I live with my parents” are not acceptable in 2023
I do live with other people and like many of us, we aren’t comfortable with some of those people knowing we are chatting up people on the net, especially on SL. I will not voice chat with anyone and people usually respect that. I also don’t try to force people in relationships or trick anyone. I’m a female, I make female avatars. If someone demands me to voice chat, they will be told no. You can’t decide how someone chooses to use SL. Some have a very strict RL/SL separation and that should be respected as long as they aren’t doing anything to hurt you, regardless of the avatar they’re using.
you gotta be kidding me about this one.. lol… its mostly men playing females wanting lesbian action really..
Lots of females behind the male avatars I can name at least ten off hand no problem that I know.
It’s funny this is on here when it has been a long-standing practice for men in SL to make female/trans avatars and go catfish for their spank bank.
I think there was probably a point in time where that was more common, but things have changed in SL since then and outside of cheap freebie sex places, rl women users outnumber men significantly. It’s absolutely not a stretch that some of them are resorting to making male avis in their desperation for attention, and some of those have got to be too straight to play a straight man, so they try faking gay instead.
#30. I was curious how this Backbone mystery surprise would go after the Christmas mystery box was delayed. Luckily that time they gave out gift cards, which I did appreciate!
If they do another mystery holiday surprise they should probably look into having everything completed and ready to go at least a month before the holiday so then they know it’ll be released on time. And as they’re themed surprises perhaps they could even consider releasing them earlier. As a customer, I know I want to put out holiday decorations before the holiday rather than on the day or worse a week after. I can see customers not trusting their surprises if this continues! (Well, at least me!)
Backbone is a highly talented team and It’s obvious a lot of time goes into their work. But as a customer, it seems like there is a lack of organization when it comes to their mystery boxes. I could be wrong! But hay that’s just my opinion!
The Christmas box was delayed too? Last years Easter box was delayed, and they used the same story about the Bad Bunnies kidnapping the Easter Bunny, etc. Same stuff they did this year. It seems like its a big joke to them.
Ofc it is a big joke to them
basic ass bitches get to scam and lie to customers while they do everything but work on the shit they promised
if they even work on it in the first place, instead of paying some guy on fiverr
31. People can be anything they want to be. And that’s fine. But no one is required to play make believe with you.
You claim you want acceptance? Cool, most people don’t care what you are, or want to be. Go for it.
What you really want is active participation in your delusion, something that you simply don’t have the right to force.
Obviously you do care what people are, since you insist on imposing your view of what someone is onto them instead of just being polite and using the right pronouns. If you didn’t care, or were accepting, you’d do that very simple and easy thing. No, no one can force you, but no one can force you to not call your grandma a stinky bitch either, but that doesn’t mean people can’t think you’re a rude asshole for it.
Aww you’re back with your transphobic hot takes from anonymity. Be less of a bitch and say it with your whole ass chest and give us your whole ass name edge lord.
Yes, I do Support LGBTQIA+ but you can’t force people to accept or like you and they are not responsible for your feelings.
If someone’s opinion doesn’t do you any good, walk away from that person. Nobody can be forced to like everything
No, no one can force you, but no one can force you to not call your grandma a stinky bitch either, but that doesn’t mean people can’t think you’re a rude asshole for doing it.
If I’m forced to call you Mr. or Ms. or even sir or madam then you can be forced to extend the same curtesy to the English rules of pronouns, you fucking dunce.
If someone tells you they’re hearing voices you have to say you hear them too and that they’re definitely there, don’t want to be a schizophobe do you?
No one is forcing you to call anyone anything. Point is Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder. It’s only been in the past few years have we started to encourage mental disorders rather than treating them and helping people work through them and accept them.
Also a Phobia is an irrational fear of something. To dislike it or not want to be a part of it, does not make it a phobia.
I think it’s very accurate to call it transphobia when everyone is pearl clutching and spreading fear mongering BS about trans people every day lately.
Gender Dysphoria is treated by transitioning you nimrod, that’s part of “accepting them” as you said. What you really are suggesting is conversion therapy but are too cowardly to say it directly. Which we all know how well that works right?
There’s nothing you can do to alleviate willful ignorance; these people have chosen to believe only what they want and made that a part of who they are, so trying to explain things as they really are feels like a personal attack to them. They don’t know any other way to be, whether because they only got the bare minimum education, if that, or they’ve decided their hate and intolerance is more important than anything they’ve learned. That’s why mouth breathers like this think “cis” is an new thing and an insult when it’s been a scientific term for decades, and it only feels new to them because it’s only very recently that trans people have been acknowledged and validated. That’s why they cling so hard to an outdated definition of “phobia” as if language doesn’t evolve and there aren’t plenty of current dictionaries that also have the aversion definition.
The simple fact is that if remembering someone’s pronouns and showing the same basic respect you would anyone by using them is too hard, they’re just stupid, literally just not capable of doing better. The grammar in nearly all the comments saying things like that makes it very clear that they can barely function already, let alone learn new things. Pity them for the mentally limited, backwards creatures they are, teach anyone willing to learn better, and eventually they’ll just be those family members that most people side eye and ignore at gatherings, hoping they won’t say anything embarrassing and bigoted, like the racist ones are currently. People on the wrong side of history have always existed, and at least they’ll be good examples for what not to be in the future.
Want respect? Act respectable.
lol who’s forcing you?
“lol who’s forcing you?” you transphobes are so close to self-awareness…
exactly, is anyone really forcing anyone, or just asking for human decency ? gtfo.
ill address people “hey person”
38) So you are really crying about a 25L increase? When most of the stores have not even upped prices… have you done your home work and looked at prices because if you were smart and actually went to most of the stores you would see that a a lot of them have kept their prices at 75L.
60. Post more items you don’t like. In fact, create a blog dedicated to just that and devote all your spare time to it so it becomes successful.
#28. There is no fame in sl. Only popular people within their communities.
#32. No one is forcing you to shop there. Obviously someone wants it, took me all day to get in. You don’t speak for everyone…you’re just one sad hateful person.
#41. Who cares who is behind the avatars? Very few people look as good or better than their avatars. Not sure what fame has to do with it, but instead of passively aggressive posting secrets, why not say what you really mean?
Arcade is full because it’s full of alts to abuse their shitty gacha system.
Numbers reset daily and you can use alts to get different set of numbers. Easy 75l$ “rares”
Gacha scammers deserve to be scammed back.
Time to quit. Bye