Didn’t mean to upload this one.
· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 429 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
Didn’t mean to upload this one.
airwolf2004 (Taggart) One of the most pathetic, weak, pussy crybaby of a man I have ever met in SL. When we met he had just been dumped, for 5 months I listened to him whine, cry..so pathetic. Then when I needed support from him he runs like the coward he is. He has recently settled with an anorexic skinny vanilla bitch. But he had the best so is settling, as long as he is coddled, and told constantly he is the best, as long as his ego is stroked, he will take anyone. He even made his SL D**k bigger and stabs right through skinny body..lmao. Compensating for a lil weenie in RL are we? lol
Chase Stone is a married man in RL that fucks everything in SL. this post was long overdue.
Let’s face it, new haven took a shit on somebody who created the Best Camaro in second life, I used to date formally known as Mayor Zane, she is the biggest hearted person you ever will meet, and anybody who makes fun of her, does not know her at all I remember when she rolled with Will Szymbroska and lyte rae, you fucking shit people talk fucking shit about somebody who is a genuine heart, and a true innocent soul, her driving means so much to the one who don’t speak English? C0ralline get a life nobody likes you anyway, French twat waffle, you all need to shut the fuck up about her and start looking at the who’s taking office now, she’s a child, a bitch, a snob, she told people to fuck off from being around her.. like really? Wow… your so royal lady, just because you got a old man husband who sucks your asshole because he’s an idiotic desperate dude, Aspen Bordeaux, if your rich bitch superior ass sees this, you’re NOTHING to second life, nor will you ever be, you will NEVER EVER reach Gothica in popularity or skills or name known, the fact you talk shit behind her back with your minions like that lesbian Jack blanket, makes me sick, it’s so obvious you manipulated those idiots in new haven with media paying off, getting a group of Karen’s together to manipulate the city, nice going lady, your a master narcissist, you get that award, happy now? You don’t even Have the right to even speak to zane, you should feel like your messaging her majesty herself when you talk to her, your friends and you are meaningless trash of SL, your beneath her, I told her to leave NH but she won’t, that’s… Read more »
fucking stalker much? gothica is a wonderful and loyal person but some of her supporters like you are fucking wackjobs and a half and the reason why she lost the election with your cheating desperation. aspen is a sweet and caring person and jack is not but helping so fuck you for being out here acting like a mossy ass troll for no reason other then to be a karen. and yes that is what you are a fucking loud mouth pain in the ass karen you basically gave yourself away all anyone has to do is ask gothica who you are you fucking moron
Oh boy…one of the “Karen”, misogynistic name callers. That dumbass term actually means, entitlement. The person you’re talking to isn’t saying anyone is ‘entitled’ to anything. At least use it right. It doesn’t mean, “I think you’re a stupid woman”. The definition of stalker, is following someone with the intent to do harm. Lol…you’re cracking me up, quit while you’re ahead. Cara didn’t need you to speak for her anyway, she did fine. Give it up.
#32 –
1, Racism is impossible in our establishment since our staff is of varied ethnicity.
2, We have a LGBTQ club with staff members from varied gender and sexual preferences, disproving claims of homophobia/transphobia.
3, Anyone threatening to doxx others is immediately banned from our estate.
4, We give our guests and staff the ability to block individuals they don’t want to interact with. If someone begins harassing others after being blocked, we consider it griefing and take swift action on them.
5, Stalking on a virtual platform is a waste of time, and nothing is to gain from such actions.
6, There are certain actions that can be considered poaching, such as setting up a place of your own while working for another business and trying to recruit that business’s employees to work for you. This particular behavior has been reported and is considered a form of poaching. Any club that has poached me that I made claims of I do have screen shots of them doing so, so I can prove it if asked!
7, The claims made by the poster appear to be based on paranoia and lack of evidence.
8, We do not condone playing the victim, and we welcome everyone to visit our establishment and form their own opinions.
9, We encourage individuals to ask for proof of any claims made against us/myself. Live screen shots only, not altered grey or black text screen shots, these can be easily edited. I do not use voice, so getting any proof of any claims against me is easy, just a print screen button away!
I also like how you started a new thread in hopes people would lose all the juicy first stuff at the bottom.
Can say all you want on here, everything still stands, and prejudice comes in many creeds and colors, anyone can go there and find out the truth…Screaming no I’m not to the top of your lungs on here doesn’t take away the fact everything posted other than yourself and roxy is True.
Sorry it hurts.
y tho? transphobia is based asf
That’s like saying, “I can’t be racist or homo/transphobic, I have black/gay friends!”
Personally worked here and was constant harassed and called slurs behind my back. There’s even a video where Mystic handed out a notecard asking “Hey! What’s wrong with my club!” and when she got the responses she went to the Milky Crispit [The trollpit] and handed out said notecards to trolls and others who weren’t even staff, they proceeded to make fun of the people who voiced their worries about the club. Their staff Discord channel is so full of hate and shit talk it’s not even funny. Also, Hilarious you say “I have screenshots!” when you’ve also been outed for altering screenshots, lmao. Not to mention that fund raiser you had to “move from your abusive house” that got like a fuck ton of lindens that you didn’t use for what you said it would be used for, which surprise surprise, you’re CONSTANTLY running fundraisers for your “close friends” but god forbid someone else asks for help before you shit on them and send your simp to harass them, got screenshots of that too btw. It’s pitiful you still play victim like there isn’t proof, both first hand and screenshots from SOOOO many people. Karma is a bitch and you’ll get yours. Avoid this club at all costs if you’re looking for a job, unless you like to be harassed, called slurs and talked shit about, behind your back.
Is this considered an “Altered Screenshot”? Because if so, its just “Altered” to keep some stuff private. Which anyone with a brain would do. XD
This is 100% bullshit, ive only ever done 2 fundraisers, and one was for me which is why i am still online today. The 2nd was for Star which saved her. Sorry you didn’t get the fundraiser for what you wanted blake which was explained to me as “So you can relax during christmas and not have to worry about bills”. two fundraisers in almost 3 years is not “Constantly running fundraisers”. When have I ever altered screen shots? No hate talk in the discord. I’ve never sent anyone to harass anyone, period. Nobody’s playing victim (other than you). Nobody calls anyone slurs here. Your just someone who got banned talking shit, blake.
We have the video and all the screenshots saved, You can’t play innocent forever, the truth is coming and you can’t run from it forever.
Its been 6+ months since back then, what’s taken so long to get these out? Had to do some extensive editing?
Hilarious in in half your posts you just assume who made it about you and you’ve been wrong everytime lmao.
I recognize unique typing styles and key misspells, and the topics that are complained about, are the same as TSP people (The Silver Paw). So yeah its obvious who the posters are.
Your staff and many patrons use racist gestures and have said racist things on voice that many other have witnessed and ignored or didn’t say anything about.Your staff and many patrons also have used slurs and other types of hateful speech towards LGBTQ+ persons.You, The owner has literally doxxed people before, let your staff hatefully speak about others and you’re constantly shit talking everyone that doesn’t get along with your ‘guidelines’ and your ‘clique’, There’s proof in your Discords staff channel. You use the “if you don’t like it/them, block them” excuse for EVERYTHING including people that trash your staff, harass them and are racist, homophobic, etc.Multiple clubs have reported you sent your staff to stalk them, report the people that were there to you [which you promptly banned and accused everyone of poaching or being against you]There are multiple clubs that quit your place and made their own place just for you too harass and start trouble with.What poster? You, as the owner, constantly blame everyone and everything else for your issues. You have even said yourself you’re scared to ban the problematic people because you think they’ll attack your club and use things against ToS to crash your club, etc.There’s very, very many screenshots and even video recording of the things you allow and the things you have done that are/have been passed around. You are not innocent.
Block exists for a reason, and I encourage people to make use of it. Just because YOU don’t like someone doesn’t mean I have to ban them. Just block and move on. And did you report people for using slurs? If so we would of dealt with it. What clubs reported “I sent my staff to stalk them?” I’ve never heard of such claim nor have I ever done that. Seems like pure lies, sorry I don’t do PETTY shit like that. Stalking achieves nothing, you can’t learn any kind of info via stalking, since most smart people don’t blast important stuff in local chat. Sure, theres been a few clubs birthed from mine, and I worked somewhere else prior to making this, its how most clubs are born, they see something they don’t like about where they are working, and go make a new club. However when they recruit from former club they worked at, thats when it goes into the poaching grounds, which I did not do, and am still friends with the owner of the club I worked at prior, because I did not poach, and never will. I am most certainly innocent. If there is any screen shots, prove it.
You’re CONSTANTLY told by many, many people that they were harassing others, using slurs, etc. and NEVER did anything about it. We have some of your high staff that’s literally sent us screenshots of you and others stalking and banning people that went to other clubs with multiple witnesses. You lost so many friends to the shitty stuff you’ve done and you STILL can’t believe YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. People didn’t get poached, they mutually decided to leave because of how shitty the work conditions are at your club. That’s not poaching, that’s getting the fuck out of there for a better environment. It amazes me how you still play innocent when you’ve hurt/fucked over so many people and done so many horrible things, You’re delusional and need some serious help.
Demotivational Poster Maker – Imgflip – Google Chrome (gyazo.com)
Never lived in a trailer XD
Is anyone else convinced that “Just Visiting” might be Declan McGregor?
Rofl so I am not alone to think that
#34 Chase Stone continues to awe me. Either he is hooking up with men in female avi’s or girlies have their heads in the sand. Ladies wake up and realize he is like the definition of a poser fuck boy. The second I see his name TP in, the creepiness scale outweighs lag anywhere in SL. Avoid, avoid, abort!
people, look at it this way, at least when new haven starts to die out, they wont blame the one who worked her ass off for that city to get spat in the face by everybody!, The now old mayor is a true classy girl, she doesn’t deserve any of the bullshit this place gives her, i told her before, LEAVE, LEAVE, LEAVE, but she won’t, she always said her family mother’s mean everything to her and she stays where they do, I’ve never heard anything bad about those 2, I just saw her discord message to Aspen, … Talking about the most class filled Girl in that whole cesspool of boiling crap. i am not sure who said the sim was badly designed, but i think we mean the way the running it, is designed, not itself…. vision wise, its model perfect, but once you get inside. its full of rotting crap people. i hope Gothica takes my advice, and leaves forever, but again, she said she was dedicated to new haven, I believe that fully now, when aspen leaves, and she will, people will see her standing there in the pits of hell fire burning, holding that cute little blonde furry child while saying “I love my home and my family” I feel bad the poor girl has PTSD/OCD in rl, she does not let it affect her performance of anything. that girl nobody should say shit about. who else would get punched in the face like she did this week? by that bullshit corrupt news outlet very much paid off by somebody (jack i bet) and fake radio broadcasts that’s none existent. i also think it was rigged, her face was EVERYWHERE in that city, she tried hard to campaign well and she did, in a classy… Read more »
#13. Sooooo…..To add to the Padlocks…this is all too true!! They work their way by giving you all the attention until they cannot get what they want or get what they want. They move on so quickly as the attention started. These men are completely like the Katy Perry song Hot n Cold. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS. I know you will defend this post Dom…it isn’t rock science! Good luck working your way through Dee! She’s Crazy! Even alkoholic got scared away!! PEACE!
In my experience mayor elections can get dirty and candidates are prone to cheat…there are hurt feelings in New Haven.
Which one cheated? I’m hearing it was rigged?
Politics don’t belong in SL, if people want to get along. It’s just not possible.
But who would have thought they would freak out over being a fake mayor?
Who would have thought that people would act the way they do in RL over politics either but…here we are.
Acting out over RL politics that affect your RL makes more sense than a SL mayor that doesn’t affect shit
Not really, people who can’t control their emotions RL are a huge pain in the ass, SL. They are those you know are throwing shit RL over SL.
whoever is saying all this crap. stop it, shaming jack on her weight is LOW as can BE. that is shameful as can be! if you all don’t like her. don’t go about it online like little kids. i dont care who won, it dont matter in the long run anyway, it is only a RP title that people think really matters to something. will anybody truly change the place? no, only miss O and mr lake can do the changing, and they are perfectly able bodied to do so. again. please stop this crap. this is our home your talking about, my home of sl. where i served as mayor for a WONDERFULL 6 months proudly, maybe i’ll run in october again, maybe i wont, depends on the voices of you people. so kindly. hush. and behave kids. i tell my kids this, and ill tell you, hush or your grounded, new haven IS the best place to be in sl. like it or not, it might not be perfect TO YOU but to me it is, and to many it is. to my family it is. also stop talking about thomas like that, hes a fine fire chief and a fine man to have as my friend, it dont matter who we are in rl, or what we did. for all you know i’m bill gates daughter, or a homeless girl in the back of living in my car, does it matter to sl? nope, just enjoy life will you? i know life is not happy in rl with the state of the world, misbehaving in sl wont fix that, taking your sadness of rl to sl. wont fix that, stop it please everybody, express yourself better than this. make some art like im doing.. im working on… Read more »
So do you also support pedophiles like poppy being given special treatment in NH if.its such a great place to live?
What the heck? I don’t even know poppy… she drove past me once while I was going to the DMV in her little micro car, I support no pedophiles, nor have I ever seen such stuff in NH, also I have not even seen poppy in NH in weeks..
Jack Blankes? I need to be filled in on her. What’s she done to get everyone riled up? I don’t have too many encounters with her outside of her events so fill me in?
Nothing. Some people just aren’t happy unless they’re shit-talking others or trying to make them miserable.
Happy birches ain’t hatin and hatin birches ain’t happy
Well did she piss someone off?
Apparently Jack is rude.
That and very cliquish
What did she say that’s rude?
I don’t know but, I attended one of her political events and she just stood there and never said hello to me. I assumed she was in IM but after several minutes standing there ignored, I left, obviously. Who runs an event when they’re running for Mayor and doesn’t greet potential supporters? I don’t know why she bowed out of the race either.
Not sure where you gathered that from. I’m not Jack.
Where did I call you Jack?
I like beef.
#41. The few men in CC are partnered or not really a man RL.
Why all the downs, lol? Truth hurt? You can’t even name ONE SINGLE guy there, lmfao.
You would know “ Marcus “
If it’s a good lookin male avi it’s almost always a female
Redundant to me because recently I left that place for good. Aren’t you that troll that went on a rampage because you couldn’t get hired anywhere or at the school? Taylor made the right choice
No, I would never apply at the fucking school. I don’t know who Taylor is but, they would have been lucky to have me. FU
See that’s the problem with CC people, they assume EVERYONE is an alt they hate. So insecure.
I’m almost convinced that you are Declan McGregor.
Aka “marcus”
I uploaded an image of the 39,000+ users who were currently online last night. I guess the owner doesn’t want to post it so, look yourself and ask how much sense your theory makes and if ‘maybe’ you’re just paranoid instead.
I can make a guess who you are too, btw. Unlike you, I won’t be losing any sleep over it.
Is your theory correct or are you just paranoid? Again, typical insanity.
Whatever Declan.
Google, “What does 30,000 people look like?”, and you’ll see pictures of stadiums, filled with so many people, that they look like dots in the distance. So you all actually mean to tell everyone that, in all of those people, there are no two who share similarities and mannerisms? Lol. You’re not so unique as that, no one is. What is sad is that you like to abuse people by accusing them of something that is unproveable. What does that say about you, other than, paranoia, and a need to feel in control of others? You can’t even control yourselves, btw. You sound like a bunch of 12 year olds.
Okay…Mickey Mouse
Lmfao, typical, thanks for proving my point. “Declan”…lol, I’m a woman over 35, not a young guy. smh
declan is a female irl i dont think many people know that shit. she also got a female alt ellania starlight
And your point is…You don’t even make sense.
This is true
They make me laugh too. There’s no man stashed away at my home, in inventory, or on my profile lol. I go to a dogging park and everyone who goes there are generally single or in open relationships. Hell, some of them even bring their wives/partners/whatevers along. If they’re cheating then that’s a them problem, I didn’t lure them there. I don’t do relationships, dating, or any of that meaningful nonsense. I came for the D.
*cough* virtual STD bucket alert. I’m all for people doing what makes them happy but eew that mentality is unattractive. Gross. Have some self respect
Honestly it’s very obvious that election shit
Was indeed rigged, I also think they should not have a mayor if they cannot actually do shit and change shit, it’s all a popularity contest really, i feel bad for that hooker judge who lost 100 times on everything she ever wanted, they really Shit on her too, it seems they shit on the most beautiful people in new haven and praise the shits. Just like rl
why would they change shit on someone elses sim., they dont pay the bills and apparently neither do you. everything you say is why your wrong and you the one shitting on others. fucking hypocrite. the winner won fair because she a good person and not because she kisses ass
Thomas wasn’t ever a real fireman, I know his EX sl gf, saw his dick too… very disappointing for a dude with such a big ego, he’s a car mover and was something like a trainer who flunked, if you think about the timeline how can a dude who was chief of a RL fire department at the age of 21? He’s like 29, 100% of fire chiefs are over 40, he’s a bigger fake than that election crap.
You know Volunteer departments are a thing right… Why dont you ask him instead of running to VS?
Even that Philip left New Haven.
A lot of people were happy to see him go, I sure was, worked with that dude, he hardly speaks English, and is very hard to understand when he’s on a voice call
He was a good to go asshole.
Jack blankes is pretty fucked up, I feel bad for her honestly
You cannot be that heavy and think your going to have a quality of life, her husbands a asshole, they both are off in the brain
This whole election crap made the city go
Wild, it doesn’t matter who wins, just who’s the most easy on the eyes avatar basically, this time it seems who Was the closest to Harlowe,
I was at that gala crap they had, honestly that was bull crap, every award went to that dumb ass Phlip, and the PD that’s more corrupt than China, the sheriff is a great girl but I think she’s too young to manage this big of a place herself, realistically there would be a city police too,
Thomas is a asshole, I’m 99% sure he chats up every girl on that sim to cheat on cara with, he’s desperate for a RL woman so bad he’s willing to chat up any blond girl up. I feel bad that I can’t message cara out of The blue and tell her what he said to my wife RL is RL sl is SL leets be together, I wonder how many he’s said that to?
only salty and bitter people bash something where someone else wins. you are one of those that are whats wrong with the world and i am pretty sure the residents voted on the election and the gala awards. they spoke not management. your whole post reeks of someone who doesnt get their way and isnt the center of attention. oh boo fucking who. your ridicilous sense of right and wrong is fucked six ways to sunday. who is your wife bc not telling cara means she clearly enjoyed the attention that you arent giving her
New haven is a truly fucked up place. I left it weeks ago because of Jack blankes. She’s a very rude selfish pretend liberal. She actually hates LGBTQ+ people, she was rude to me and I am a gay male with a male partner, also is she named Jetta from her weight? I’m sure she weighs as much as a Jetta car ROFL,
Her husband is a phycotic man, borderline psychotic and narcissistic, he is like a dog on a lead, she lets him go and he bites, little nibbles too, they are both useless know it all retards who will probably leave new haven like everybody seems to at some point. The place is like candy, it’s like honey, when you first taste it, it’s good, after a while. It makes you sick, me and my husband should Have left longer ago than we did, but the now former mayor kept us there. And I do suspect it was rigged this time, the fact they won’t release the numbers is the kind of shit they do in RL
a gay man knocking on someone because of their weight well now who is the piece of shit? I’m surprised you even have a partner with your fucked outlook on others. thank god you’re gone bc N H doesnt need trash like you. apparently the numbers arent released because your friend the former mayor had people cheated all to hell and they didnt want to throw her under the bus by releasing that info. if you asked they will share at least thats what I did.
1. If you have an issue with the sim design then by all means, go back to Woodland or Fox Hollow. Oh. Wait. You can’t, because they’re gone. It’s awful to lose a community in SL for whatever reason and I will always support those who want to play nice, but I have absolutely ZERO interest in copying from anyone and even less interest in letting trolls try and discredit my hard work. As someone who lived in Woodland, they didn’t even have an amphitheater. They had a modern events space in the center of a sim. I have an old fashioned bandstand in a park. FH Layout? Not sure where 20 sims can be copied from 3, but by all means, show me where my layout is a copy of FH, please! And I’ll gladly change it. They reopened AFTER New Haven had already been around for some time, so ponder that one. I have nothing to do with the kids club. That is a resident business and residents that move to new communities bring their businesses with them, so nice try. In fact, a good portion of what we add to NH are at the requests of residents. These same people that travel in the same types of communities and bring their same ideas with them. We also have TWO suggestions channels in our Discord for just that purpose. They’ve always been there and has active discussions, so you might want to check again and if you cannot see them, you were probably removed from them for being a jerk. But since you are here posting on a rag site instead of in my DMs, I’m not surprised. Oh no, we have a Riverwalk in a water themed community! Le gasp! Stop being ignorant for like, two seconds… Read more »
I am the OP of #1…I like NH but I cannot turn a blind eye at the copy catting. Everyone knows Fox Hollow was not just 3 sims originally. FH was the largest family roleplay community with just as many sims as NH…you stole the layout of the original FH. The original FH was closed…and reopened smaller. You stole parts of FH and other communities…that is your prerogative but I was expecting a more unique community in NH…hard to believe that other communities are copying NH because they already had it and did it before NH. I don’t have big complaints about it but I have big complaints about how child avs play second fiddle to adult avs in NH…we want things to do outside of Winslow and I’m not a so called jerk in suggestions.
i never been to woodland city but i moved to FH after rei took over CC with her fucked up attitude. i dont know where you see N H looks like FH they were a poor copy cat of CC at best. N H flows better and even has better plants and trees. i hated that about FH there decorating was sparse. so many places have the same buildings there’s only so much quality pieces out here. put your fucking glasses back on if your blind bc i know exactly who you are and you are a pain in the ass to the whole community idk how you havent been asked to leave by now with your bs rp and chronic complaints sucking the fun out of everything
You sound as much fun as a foot blister. Very hateful and the one who should probably be dumped. All of the communities are beautiful in their ways…no need to bash that aspect.
You’re talking about glasses when you should learn proper nouns and how to punctuate.
You’re free to believe what you what in all your anonymous glory, but I don’t need to copy anyone and I have no need to hide behind a fake name. As I said, show me where? Why don’t you tell me to my face and we can go over each perceived instance? I’ll even be happy to show you all my proof of where we’ve been copied in return. Maybe you can move to one of those communities instead. Heck, I’ll even refund you and pay your first week somewhere else. If you say you like New Haven, but have all these issues with it and turn around and post here, you’re lying to yourself as just another person starting trouble. I mean, If you don’t like it, why are you still there?
And I’m sorry, but family-friendly does not mean kids run the community. There are plenty of things for kids to do that doesn’t include throwing molotov cocktails at buildings. With four times as many kids as adults, it’s natural they will play second fiddle. The majority of everything in New Haven is kid friendly, it’s up to you if you use it. If there is something you would like to see, please let me know and I’ll work it in if possible.
All of the communities look like towns with roads, sidewalks etc…there’s nothing to copy. The layout is nothing like CC where roads don’t even come together so you can’t drive through it.
The hell with kid avs. You all creep everyone the fuck out with your constant need to try and push bullshit rp on us and using that ” baby talk ” bullshit. I’ve not met one god damn child/teen who actually roleplays like a legit one. I wish these sims were 18+ not for adult shit, just so we wouldn’t have to deal with ” Oh hai how’s yous? You wanna comes wif me?” Fuck out of here with that shit pedos and pedo baits!
We aren’t all creeps…don’t generalize us. I have had to report adult avs who hit on me. I like to be creative with my storyline and live my childhood on SL…I’m not a creep and I don’t roleplay with creeps.
oh your a creep alright. your av is fugly and your rp sucks ass with no realism. if you hate N H so much so take your creepy complaining ass somewhere else
Bro you a grown adult playing a little kid in second life lmao, STFD!
But you’re not a child.
From someone who was at FH when it was big and over ran with petty little bitches, I just want to remind you that, no, NH doesnt have much in common with the layout of the of the old FH. However, Id love to see images if you want to stick to your guns on being dead ass wrong on something. Othe wise, take a seat and stop beating a dead horse. If you dont like doing things in one area like Winslow then how about you step up and put in some suggestions instead of crying about it on a rag site thinking it will accomplish something other then getting bitter people to back your already warped mind set. Things in NH are fine for most people because we tend to have the same mindset at Cara. Got an issue, lets fix it but no, you all bunch up like assholes to shit talk and gang up on people who dont give into the petty bickering and unrealistic demands. You want the numbers from the mayor vote thing then FUCKING ASK. I personally think anything vote wise needs to be transparent but then you got little shits cheating and we all know who is cheating. To me that should be an automatic boot from competing. Did they though? No, why? because its not worth the bullshit you people make over things you are causing. Holy shit. I am so fucking proud of Cara and the mods of NH. They do everything they can with back up facts to make everything run as well as they can but somehow get shit on because no one likes to hear the word “NO” anymore. We are all adult but somehow most of you act like toddlers. Walking around with your thumb in… Read more »
That will be Todd Squall within the next year. They fired Sola and she changed her name on SL going into hiding now that her dirt was exposed and she was behind the FZ drama.
new haven is corrupt as fuck, harlowe did the elections. aspen is mayor, thats going to be a shit show. new haven is a pile of SHIT libtard bullshit, the last mayor was treated like a red headed stepchild and shat on. and now a libtard is in office i only HOPE THEY SHIT ON HER TOO. , jack blankes is a stupid fat whale libtard, cara and brian are alright, they just trust the WRONG ONES. that city is going to go to the toilet, and i hope it does almost, its misran and understaffed, they need more mods and admins to help, takes 10 days to get something done, like whats everybody doing? harlowe and heather lee it seems. those are 2 whores from the hood, that city is truly FUCKED. with this new CANADIAN bitch who has no idea how to run AMERICAN POLITICS, feed the homeless ohh yeah im such a rich BITCH i look good feeding the 2 homeless people in the city oh lost puppy SUCH BULLSHIT!
Gothica and her little group of goons. Sound bitter your cheating didnt work this time. Sorry not sorry. Feel free to leave.
to whoever is doing this crap. cut it out, i don’t encourage this at all, as for “goons” im alone right now in my home doing plates and stuff as i normally do, stop this crap.
You okay hun? Who hurt you?
You do realise it is just a roleplay Mayor of the town?
Imagine being so petty and so wrapped up in a roleplay that you out yourself for having Trump Derangement Syndrome and weight shaming people over a roleplay elected figurehead mayor position on a pixel sim all while showing yourself to be a bigoted piece of shit.
Lawd. So we’re corrupt because your friend didn’t win an election? In a fictional town in a GAME that has no real role? You do realize this isn’t actual politics, right? Harlowe did do the elections and she did a great job. She counted votes multiple times to ensure the voting was fair and every vote was verified to ensure it met the criteria. 18+, New Haven address and oh yeah, they need to have actually been to New Haven. Voting numbers were not revealed because we did not want to hurt anyone’s feelings on who had how many votes, or call out the potential cheaters. But, anyone could have inquired, as stated.
Being pissy because your favorite didn’t win just goes to show why people like you ruin it for everyone else. If you think you can do better, go open your own community, put your ‘people’ in place and see how long you last, especially with your troll-like attitude.
Heather and Jack have done nothing to deserve to be treated this way. Heather is a sweet person and keeps to herself and Jack has been helpful and supportive in New Haven and I frankly don’t care what she or anyone else in this community have gotten into before arriving. Everyone gets a second chance, period and your personal drama with people needs to stay at the door. Don’t like it? Leave. Literally no one is forcing you to stay. But to focus on her RL or what she supports just goes to show how simple minded and hateful, bigoted and racist you are. So if you haven’t left New Haven, please do so and stay away because your kind are not welcome. Or even better, go seek some help.
Easy to win with alts voting lol, come on now. You’re right though, no one should care about that. It’s not like that person holds real power. Not to mention if they’re like Gothicka or whatever her name was…they speed all over and act like fucking idiots smearing their role and your town. At least that bitch is gone though! It’s better that someone else moved into that role and has a chance. Nice seeing you defending yourself and sorry for my comments above in another section…child avs are creepy, I’m not hating, just saying it how it is.
please get together with “justhereforthelaughs” and go touch grass before making an appointment with a therapist. you’re taking an rp community on the internet wayyy too seriously. I’m concerned for your mental health. this level of aggression at a make-believe town is excessive.
You’re right about Jack Blankes though, she is very liberal, very pro-lgbtq and tends to use it as a personality trait. Plus she looks like she could be a perfect candidate for My 600-lb Life, her and Max both.
Looks like whimsical botox changed their name this week.
13: This man was my sl father lol, the sad shit is he made Dani get rid of me bc he didn’t like how I called him out. Then the fact I was so low in life when that happened I ended up in the hospital for trying to kill myself he said he didn’t care and said I should have died.
And then dom, well it was fucking weird 😐 like he flirted with my now ex mom (thank god) and then flirted with me, what was he expecting a daughter mom fuck session? Ew bro no
Sad part about this too is that dom goes around insulting his ex and brothers but look at him trying to get a piece of his brothers ex Lmao y’all make me fucking sick
Glad to see you here, girlie. Just met you but adore you. There’s a huge pattern going on and there are people still blinded by things and trying to make excuses and defend their behaviors. There is no excusing. They’re in here trying to defend themselves and make themselves the victims like always, when they’re not. There are multiple people on multiple platforms that can attest to this behavior. If it’s more than 1-2 then there’s a fucking issue. Hopefully people can get their heads together and realize but until then I’m gonna keep doing me like I have been and continue to watch from the sideline. We got our shit out. Now it’s just time to wait. They’ll get theirs soon.
Yes ma’am they’ll get called out for bs and will get back lash. Karma is a bitch 🤷♀️
1. Yup it stinks to have someone steal ideas. I sympathize there but what do you want us to do about it? You want us to leave New Haven? Where would we go? To Cedar Creek where Lucy Drake is allowed to roleplay child abuse and roleplay like CC is a great value Crack Den? There’s nothing in CC but the same 3 people having the same food conversation all day every day…and the folks you would want to come around only pop in here and there…no thanks. Do you want us to go to Fox Hollow? It’s getting abandoned for the third time. New Haven is honoring rentals left over from FH for all you folks needing a good place to go. Woodland shouldn’t be a topic. I too will be staying put in New Haven. The pros outweigh the cons. There’s a huge selection of people. The managers don’t have bad reputations. The town itself is immaculate.
#29 Moonshine and Diamonds is the best damn club in SL and Chelly, Dani, and Bombchelle are real people and real people is what it takes to have a real club, Nothing fake goin on here just Music and Good People. Take your character assassinations to somewhere that makes you look cool to some fake people but that shit will not work at Moonshine and Diamonds.
Right on Kran!!!! We learned along time ago you can’t keep good staff and vip’s attacking other clubs and people!! If I were the owner of the club they are working their asses would be out the door because all they are doing is hurting the club they are working at. Heck they might be the owner of that club so if that’s the case I suggest you just close it if this is insight to how you are going to run it.
Blame both and shut the door on the nut house. Dodged bullets
# 20
Reve is well- known easy going madame who often has sex with different men at Breathe Spa and has a few alts whom she does’nt hide. But sure as feck she can’t keep two of them same time on this laggy place ))) All Breathers see these 2 there all the time 💀 ))
Less than a month ago, I had a bet with my buddy that I can have any girl on my lap by showing my real dick. Reve didnt need any pic LMAO she offered herself instead, cause she loves my Flickr and my avatar is hot she said. Sadly I dont find slutty girls in child avatars appealing and all this Flickr fame need is a turnoff.
Funny is, she acted same pushy with my alt while she still was with Jes. But aren’t most French women little nymphos on S ^^
yup, was thinking the same . since breathe opened i have seen them there at the same time oftn. also at black milk a few times. both places laggy af. reve doesnt hide her alts or different men. and i only seen harlow with jos or alone.
poster prolly just looking to just stir s*&t on these two
Madame Revé is an alt of Angel something & Coco. This is what everybody know. Not Harlow!!!! Smh.
yes – two different people! and is known by so many, is funny someone even tried to shade!
37 & 38
I totally agree with you, I was there 3months before the lies and BS Dramas started. I lost my hole family to Paris’s lies and twisting words to make himself look better, Paris cant talk he changes BF’s all the time. wen he gets really bored he will start a fight with a family member or a so called long time friends to get a role play started just so he can abuse and use his powers to fine and act everyone,Yet he’s got the balls to sit there abusing my friend calling her a PEDO for having a opnoin or Defending herself, He told her partner at the time nothing but lies and drama to get wat he want, them pushing her ex partner on to her friends to date to start a war. Wen in actual fact PARIS is the Pedo when he’s 45yr old dating a 18yr old little boy cuz no one will date a CRUSTY DUSTY OLD CUNT like him. Dude think you need to get a life. SL not abuse abusing ur rights to act others or get L$ off them just cuz ur a poor bitch 😂 😂 😂 😂
He’s literally got his first sl account taken away bc he’s a pedophile, and the funny thing is he’s a priest in training or something like that. He’s disgusting and needs to be locked up
Did it hurt getting banned ?
Paris is a pedophile 😂
#21 smacks like Cynder and EVERY man she claims is her ‘one and only’. Isn’t she an Amulet too? Among her MANY family names! What happened sweetheart? Which one was he this month? Bet you liked that ‘cam’ tho til he fucked you over for someone else. As they always do in the end. Move on to the next like you always do. You’ll be right 🙂
Could be ParkerB as well. Just saying. If it is Cynder tho, she is a lying trash whore who has been through so many damn wanna be Daddy Dom’s and men….
Wasn’t me. Lucix is a really great guy.
Ok so I guess some of you slowtards haven’t seen the teasers of the updated heads? Cause they posted all over Facebook and even showing the new head. The only ones who are mad about genus is the ones who wear those ugly evox heads, because we all know when those updates drop people will be switching back to genus
We’ll stick with EvoX and Catwa over your bug eyed head ass Genus heads. Trash.
You are a clown and a half. Genus has been promising updates for almost four years and they’re still ONLY at 40%? Gimme a break.
Try and buy the good shit next time you toke and post, bruh. Maybe that will improve the quality of your comments.
You’re so stupid, it should be painful LOL
No one is “mad” about Genus, we’re just not complete idiots who throw money at creators who have released literally nothing but broken shit that never got fixed, despite years of promises, when they decide they’re just gonna say “fuck you customers that have been waiting for years for us to make good on our promises, we’re just going to release a new product for you to pay for instead of doing what we said we would do”. If you wanna be a dumbfuck clown, by all means throw your money away. No one is worried about Genus becoming popular again at this point.
Sounds about like Belleza.
Belleza took quite a while to update their original bodies, but they were at least fully up to date- and heavily discounted- for a long time before they released Gen X. Belleza barely has anything in common with Genus, actually. Not that anyone is worried about Gen X being that popular either; hell they had to discount the bodies immediately after release to even get anyone to buy them and they are still barely relevant.
Yes and then they announced no more updates or support for the original bodies. I just feel they are doomed to repeat their past. Not the same as Genus but going MIA for three years and promising each year for an update that never came. Then an update, then no more updates. Then move on to Gen X which is a sign of a near bust.
Yeah you’re right about the near bust; I mean I was the biggest fan/supporter of Belleza that there was back in the day, and I’m entirely unimpressed with the Gen X bodies. I might pick them up if they ever go like, half off, just to play with. Fine for the people who like them, but they’ll never be a contender for a top spot.
I find that super funny because I honestly think it is the only nicest body on the market. Peach looks like someone glued the cheeks to its leg, reborn looks like it’s mean to be a shelf, legacy the legs and ass don’t have any form of balance in size. Maybe until actually trying the body hold judgements on its mechanics. maybe it had a rough start but the body, the hud, the customization options, it’s a fantastic body. I have owned most of the bodies and it is far and I mean far better than the other. It just needs to be picked up more and have more mods which they are working on mods.
I love how you assume I didn’t try it just because I didn’t waste money on it. I totally did demo it, and like I said I was unimpressed, both with the saggy coochie and the dumpy legs. The thighs have no shape, and the calves should not curve out as far as the shapeless thighs do. I will agree with you that Peach is a disaster just like Kupra, but Reborn and Legacy both look amazing if you know what you’re doing. Have fun with that struggle to find clothes; I remember it less than fondly from my early Freya days.
ummm…the crotch CLIPS into the leg…..its not supposed to hang like that…
They have been showing photos for 3+ years. For 3+ years only gotten to 40%? Give me a break. Not to mention the HUD is direct copy of Lelutka. As for ugly if they were ugly as you said they wouldn’t be the #1 worn and sold head by a mile. Genus has severe rigging issues. And no people won’t be running hell she quoting the heads at 10K??? Still has the fucked up eye lids with giant distance to bottom lid vs eyes. Old heads she didn’t even mesh and her mesher quit. Have had fucked rolling eyes since began. Never fixed. Claims it is user end so now we know the new heads will have same issue. Doesn’t know how to code or make animations so screwed up HUD since animations section released. Never fixed. Lied repeatedly about DMCA even caught on few things but won’t discuss it literally avoids anything said.
10k for a buggy ass head? No thanks.
I’m guessing you work for Genus to call Evox ugly. You don’t have to degrade another brand to make your brand look better. If Genus is the better brand then they don’t have to say shit because they will prove it. You are part of what’s wrong with SL. All mesh creators deserve credit for their hard work and you shouldn’t need to degrade someone else’s work to prove your own. Get a grip
#14 Here is what happened: They got bored with it and stopped giving a damn. They had the money to sustain themselves for a while but their well is running dry. They’re likely trashing on Lelutka and Catwa in the ears of their most die hard supports so they’ll come on here and trash on these head creators just to boost attention. News flash: No one is gonna want to pay 5k-10k for a head when we can go to Lelutka (who is dominating the BOM game) and pay less than 4k.
I love how they call Lelutka heads ugly, when the pics they posted of their “new” heads look like relics from 2010. Keep trying, Genus.
8. Who ever falls for this idiot even interact with him deserve bs
Dimi has always been “Special” He has sat in clubs and used mens and girls spankers with the mad click that people have had to block him. Then cheered when they blocked Dimi or took of their spankers.
Dimi has always gotten in women’s boxes with some outlandish story of I saved you from so and so, now you owe me a fuck.
To think Arch Neun, that poor man, made him a proxy in his clan in Progeny. SMH
Dimi you can’t blame everything on being Russian, either your stupid, mentally challenged, maybe down right fucked up human being but dude you need some sort of help.
8 is whymy teen avi wears bom shorts and camisols under all her clothes.. cause even when i think I’m modest enough.. men are gross
#6 is actually very correct about when high. In strip clubs you think those girls don’t do drugs? lol Also baby girl personalities wear them doesn’t make them into pedophilia. It’s actually kind of gross to put it as that. That’s your brain not everyone else’s. If she was in a kid avi working a strip club or uses a kid avi on that account or for escorting that’s one thing but this is sad and kind of dumb.
#10 Nacho Nacho man he just doesn’t want to be your man. -kidding- smile, live a little and enjoy.
#12 Oh no! How dare he hurt a puppy! Did you report him? The only thing I care about is the puppy. Is it okay? (No sarcasm)
#30 What type of person makes fun of someone for being treated for a mental health disorder? Like oh no someone is on medication, burn them at the stake! You sound so dumb that whatever this person did is blacked out by your stupidity.
#2 Can relate! Then that person finds any excuse not to talk to you or hang out with you or nudda, people in SL are very Fickle ( if you don’t know the meaning, google is your friend)
#37 & #37 This place is and always has been noting but drama, family bs and they charge your REA LINDENS for crap that is meant to be RP! I was on there when it was celled Edenvale, was the same BS back then as well.
#9 Sounds like lotté gomaund, roleplayed a med student/doctor at Woodcrest, had a girlfriend turned wife, she dumped him, left Woodcrest to roleplay a mediocre doctor in New Haven, currently partnered to another potential victim of his BS.
So I’m curious, anyone know what happened to Lockvale? like why it just disappeared from existence?
I want to know too
Nice try this week boomers. Maybe next week you’ll do better posts.
Go back to imvu whipper snapper
get on it
I would say your opinion on this is valid but here’s the problem…
That product is several years old at this point.Cassette tapes for that product can be made by the end user so I’m sure it would of been made eventually.Why do you have 4+ copies of it? If you don’t support it then why have you felt the need to take 4 copies of it? Have you been listening to it with your white hood and pitch fork?
I await your response.
Does this “community” consist entirely of sad, obese wine aunts complaining about their imaginary internet frenemies or just mostly?
#21… I mean you can talk shit if you want to- at least Lucix has the balls to say what he’s thinking instead of being a scared little pussy cat and posting his business on SL secrets “anonymously.” LMAO and b.t.dubs. it’s PIECE not PEACE. I mean seriously, if you’re going to talk shit about someone at least know the difference between your homophones 🤔 🙄 or is that too much to ask from butthurt cowards? 😂
Please don’t tell me you actually consider yourself grammatically inclined. You can barely form a sentence.
#21 – Somone sounds pretty salty..so salty they don’t know how to use the correct word for “Piece of shit”. hmmmm lol
Sound like a bitch who is just missing the dick or is sad because she aint getting it anymore to me. Also everyone knows his age (including you) I’m sure that wasn’t a problem when yall were talking. None of the shit sound like truth to me, sounds more like jealousy lmao.
#9 If this is about Mr. S, There are good people waiting to put the story straight and with screen shots to back it up. Doctor Doeslittle, bitch please. I know you got that shit backwards.
I think it’s lotté gomaund because he roleplay a doctor at New Haven, but previously roleplayed a med student turned doctor at Woodcrest. While at Woodcrest, he treated some of the girls there like shit, including his then partner, Anya.
#35 Why are you mad at her and not the man who cheated on you? Put the blame where it belongs. On your man. Or are you saying your man is so simple minded that he was tricked into cheating? What, did he trip and fall, losing all his clothes and land dick 1st in her cooch? You ought to be thanking her for taking that POS off your hands. She did you a favor and he is her problem now.
Wow, I made it into Virtual Secrets! Lucky number 35 here. Far as I know I’m still single with no man stashed away at home. Men aren’t property, neither am I. I frequent a dogging park and most people go there with the idea of sharing is caring. I’m just there for stranger danger hookups and fun, I don’t want a pesky relationship lol. It’s pixels, lets not complicate it.
Blame both and shut the door on the nut house. Dodged bullets
Exactly what I was thinking. A dude don’t put his dick where he doesn’t want to, yet it’s ALWAYS the woman’s fault, Lol. Even if she does play around they still got to be interested. Put the blame where it belongs and grow the fuck up!
My REAL name by the way.. You people make me laugh.. Chelly has opened a club that is doing FANTASTIC without the help of traffic from sploders and sploderbots. There is always a good convo going on and people actually TALK its like the old wet willies to be honest. Its an Old school feel club. No ho bags.. well cept for a few that were run out.. Its a great place to hang.. and I consider it home.
Please stay there. We hated you at every other club you’ve been at. You fit right in with those hoes.
Well the reason I am at moonshine is I actually like the people. Hence why I am not where you are. Sad isnt it ? All of you living your miserable lonely angry lives. Pathetic actually. You see nothing you can say or do can phase me. I have a real life. You have NOTHING
You just don’t like her because she speaks the truth. As we all can see you and your pack rats are nothing but drama. You sure as hell don’t see Chelly buying into you bs and she won’t because she has class.
I love Chelly club. It’s a great place to hang out with REAL people! She is a really good person!!
#6 To the posters’ point…This is SL. It was an aesthetic and NOT a medical or ‘drug induced’ reason to be wearing a damn pacifier in a VIRTUAL strip club. So that excuse was stupid to begin with. Secondly, the comments even confirmed that it had nothing to do with that and was posted as a joke. So this person willingly posted something they knew would be taken poorly and seen as gross…just so they could laugh at it. The ones joking about pedophilia are disgusting, she has been added to my blocked list because that’s not fucking funny and not something to ever joke about. I don’t care how edgy this Triple Sixx/imorttm person thinks it is, it’s disgusting. Go seek therapy.
#29 How many clubs is Chelly going to open and people support before they realize what a bitch she is and if you arent in her pocket and doing what she wants you to do being her muppet then you are banned and lies spewing from her mouth about you. We are free to come and go to any club or work at any club that we desire to in SL she is not the owner of everyone in there.
I’m just here to say this whole thread smells like mothballs, flexi hair, dance pads, and maitreya bodies.
It is pretty easy to see that the only ones that are spewing and acting immature are StraightShot,Notonehermuppets,SallySooner. This lame attempt to trash moonshine and diamond not to mention Chelly and her staff personally is none other than over compensation for the lack of ability to have any real integrity.It really show desperation to act like fifth graders with all the name calling and slurs. Put away the fake penises and get a real life.
Are you actually saying that what I posted is incorrect? You need to read it again. I speak from experience. Chelly is a man chaser. I said nothing about her club. I enjoy being there and it’s a good place to be. And honestly you’re doing the exact same that you are accusing us of doing by even continuing to post here and calling us out with slurs and comments of us “getting a life”. You’re absolutely the same!! But you keep posting. I’m sure you will justify your posting as different than mine. Just because you put your name and I choose not to – this is an anonymous posting sight!! Go figure!! Regardless if I use my name or not doesn’t change that my statement is 100% correct!!
I am not accusing anything just calling it like it is. If that bothers you then you have the option of not doing the name calling and slurs then trying to justify me calling you on it, Again get a life and stop whining about being chased or some victim stance like you aere an innocent child .
Chelly thinks Moonshine and Diamonds will become #1. That is not going to happen when she can not handle friendly competition or the fact she fires and bans employees left and right. Let’s not also forget when she sends MC members flying and then wonders why her sim is crashing. Oh let’s not forget she has spies in all the clubs reporting back to her any information they gather on other clubs and those within those clubs. This is not how you run a club. No wonder she keeps opening and closing clubs. One day everyone around Chelly will open their eyes and realize she is delusional and none of her clubs will be #1 in SL.
How much does being an sl spy pay? That could possibly be the job I need
The fuck is Moonshine and Diamonds? Never heard of it.
Am I the only one who never heard of Moonshine Diamonds???
If you’re not a redneck, you probably never will; the only way I ever hear about these country & western clubs is on this site.
lol same
Moonshine and Diamonds doesn’t have to be #1 on the fake traffic numbers. Lol As far as mc’s go who cares those things are on their way out. MC’s love drama and grown ups don’t like the drama. Take a good look at yourselves and why you got fired. Was it whining because someone didn’t get off stage fast enough, or someone said you suck, or maybe your ex works there and you can’t be professional and work at the same place? People on sl get mad over the most stupid things and then open their own club thinking the 10 people that back them will make the club work. Lol I have heard it all and who cares the bottom line is Moonshine and Diamonds is real with real traffic!! Jealous some?
All this babbling just convinces me your own attitude got you fired or banned. I have no idea what happened but Moonshine might just become a #1 club because the haters made her famous. MC members? Cmon.. nobody goes flying for nothing. This is all nonsense.. and if she has spies? What club owner doesnt ffs. Its the name of the game in SL. I owned a club we checked out other clubs ffs. And last but not least MOONSHINE IS FUN! NO BOTS! GOOD MUSIC! NO SPLODER! AND FUN PEOPLE! Again I have no idea what went down but your taking yourselves way to seriously. And wink wink using a fake name just makes you look bad.. JUST SAYIN
You mean Edge gave you a club so you could feel special and important. They even ran your ass out of that one too. js
LOL no i left edge because he is married to kiara his SL sister in rl she accidentally called him baby on mic and i decided to do some searching. And found all the info. and poof i went! The disturbing thing about was Kiara recruited me at wet willies for him. So thats my story.. whats yours? I dont lie i tell truths which is harsh for some.
wait, are you saying that Edge and Kiara are married RL? The Kiara that manages Tenn Whiskey and is partnered to the DJ Rex?
Hiiiiiii Chelly! Wondered how long it’d take you to show yourself. LOL
wow step away from the drugs lol just shakes my head..
Elderly comebacks are usually like this.^
Hmmm the pros of being elderly, my house is paid for, my children are grown, I have money to do what I want and I don’t have to work on sl. I don’t mooch off the government while I sit on my fat ass on sl all day and night totally ignoring my children and stirring up drama. You children need your butts kicked and put to work at a real job. I read all these complaints about this club or that one. Do you pay the cost of running a club? I bet the answer is no. Those that cry the loudest are the ones that don’t have a pot to piss in. Grow up kiddies and know your role. You are not a bad ass thug in a goofy MC. Now talk about a laugh…better watch out I will put you on the kos list. Are you really that fucking stupid?
You boomers are so pathetic and gross. Really can’t wait til you’re all gone.
When we’re all gone you will be in a world of chaos. Remember we are the ones that actually hold down the jobs that pay your welfare, disability, food stamps and housing. When we are all gone many will have to go to work. I understand now why animals in the wild eat their young.
You are either Chelly or one of her bimbettes Ari, Dani, Bombchelle or any of the other dumb people who are up her ass. Just beware if you ever crawl out of her ass she’ll kick you to the curb. LOL
So you must be Chloe.. I dont think we have met at the club. So you are one of the ho bags that were chased out because men complained you were penis hungry? Well that explains alot. I had to ask around a little.. but I think I understand now. You live on SL chase penis and are bipolar? Instead of chasing penis it might be a good idea to step away from your laptop up your meds maybe get a little counseling for your low self esteem problem. Just seek help.. seriously ..
Perhaps the funniest part of this whole thing is that while defending Chelly and her club anyone is being accused of penis chasing when Chelly is the biggest pixel dick pursuer of all!! She uses her ownership of the club to climb in every man’s IMs that enters the club to see if they “bite” to her flirting. Anyone with eyes can see how many men she goes after; her couples dance card is very much a revolving door. If Chelly ran any off for chasing penis, it was because she was threatened by their hampering on her own Dick Missions.
Maybe Chelly needs to hire DJ Whiskey for her team of penises or possibly he is already on her team!
Actually Chelly has a thing for Whiskey and they both keep each other updated on what’s going at the clubs. People need to really watch their backs when they hire people, just saying.
Y’all leave ‘ole Whiskey alone. He’s too busy with Cym, Dixie, Suky, Kara, Cassie and the list goes on to have time for Chelly. Side note for old man Whiskey – you might want to check who you confide in because it’s someone you consider close and even one of your go-to “friends” with should I even say benefits? tellin’ all ya business…
yup agreed and a few of the ones that Whiskey has screwed over that pretend to still be his friend that he confides in, it’s not just one but a few that are tellin’ all his biz
Oh good gosh now aren’t you the pot calling the kettle black?
Steve- assumption much?
I’m not the pot, trust me.
I speak from experience as a man that Chelly has made attempts at unsuccessfully and I’ve watched her play many men in her club.
You, my dear, are a piece of work and more than likely the one who is mentally ill after looking at your profile. Claiming to be a God loving woman, country loving blah blah yet calling women whores and sluts. Your profile is nothing but negativity and judgement. The profile screams insecurity and need for attention, putting others down to make yourself feel better. Go ahead sunshine and continue your SL existence spreading your love and sunshine but in all seriousness maybe if you could get some penis you’d feel better about things and not have to judge other women to feel better about yourself.
Hey Sally does it hurt much you’re losing staff over bashing another club on VS?
Losing staff?? Are you losing your mind? Most people agree with me about that club.
Hell sally if you had as many penises sticking out of you as you have in you, you would look like a porcupine. Does it make you feel better to trash someone’s club and try to build up your own on here so you can feel better about yourself? Bottom line grow up , stop acting like trash and move on. Nobody cares what you think but you and your 10 little friends in your pussy MC. If you don’t like the club nobody is asking you to go there. Oh no , I call your MC pussy are you going to send me a top secrety virus and fry my pc? Lmao
Well I can sure see that you are a low functioning dumbass. Devious is not Chelly and even I know that. You must have gotten fired and now you want to stir a shit pot but sweetheart you’ll be the one stuck licking the spoon
lol you must be mentally ill . So you dont know who I am? Well arent you the little mentally ill snowflake. Before you make yourself look more ridiculous you might want to ask around who I am. I am the most outspoken honest person you will ever hate. I speak my mind under my own name I dont need to hide. I am nobodies bimbette but you are a sheep. You are just another little rabid drama queen who is clueless and lives on SL.
Sally is probably one of those fatass Avis with pointed ears and tiny feet.
For the record, I do not hide behind any other name; unlike yourself, SallySooner.
Your desperation is pathetic!!!
And your head up Chelly’s ass is pathetic!
Let them keep stirring their pot that will be more shit for them to lick off their spoons. Anyone with a penny’s worth of since will see they are nothing but drama seeking fucktards that can’t use their real names!
Those ugly words match your demeanor. & likely, your face. reevaluate your life, already.
4y? I’m sorry you got stuck licking the spoon Sweetheart
All of you people communicate like morons with the vocabularies of small children. How many times have you said “licking the spoon”? It wasn’t at all clever the first time, and every time you’ve repeated it, it’s gotten more lame and pathetic.
Be less ignorant, please, aren’t you the one that complains about all the creators every single week? Why don’t you be less ignorant and learn to create you own things?
No, that’s everyone on the site, fuckwit. It’s cute how you people can never stick to the point when you respond though; just have to flail for anything you think will score you an imaginary “point”. It illustrates just exactly how mentally weak you really are.
You are trying way to hard to come across intelligent.
You’re the most intelligent person on here!! Bows down to the intelligent one. 🙇♀️
My real name and I am sure you know who I am. Unlike others I dont need to run a fake name. I always speak my mind. I dont know about other Chelly clubs and I dont care. The new club Moonshine is a fun place to hang out. There is no fake traffic from sploders or sploderbots. People are always talking and having fun. No ho bags running around and it isnt a meat market. It reminds me of the old wet willies the younger years. Chelly has always treated me with respect and as far as I can see .. she treats all with that respect if they deserve it. The mere fact you cant use your real name to attack proves your trolling. I hope Moonshine is around for many years and prospers. Bout time we had a fun place to hang out.
#22 Celebrities? Never heard of them.
there are no SL celebrities lol
its pretty obvious this post was a sarcastic joke
#22: She’s a fucking clown, and she knows it.
He’s a Gab De Silva wanna be, and she’s a celebrity in her own mind. Some of the notes she hits sounds like a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
Eh, not all my notes are winners and I don’t pretend that they are. I’m hardly a celebrity, but being proud of the work that I do is hardly a sin. Id love to chat constructive criticism whenever you’re ready to tell the class who you are 😉 ♥
she’s alot better than most tho. majority female singers in sl sound like 80 year old grannies in a smoke filled karaoke bar lol. idk how or why some of them get hired.
also had never heard of that gab person until i googled him but i dont live in south america so i wouldnt have known. they do sound kinda the same.
And this is where I say… Gab De Silva???
*goes to google*
She’s a tennis player from Australia. https://www.tennis.com.au/player-profiles/gabriella-da-silva-fick
I’m not a dude. Call me in-world and let’s voice chat hm? 😘
Huh? LOL!