· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 422 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
My favorite one this week has to be #36. Because they couldn’t have been serious. They just couldn’t!
i got kicked and banned from muddys today because i was black picked on by the staff targetted because i had a bumber on but lots people had spankers on but i was the only one asked to remove it and leave i asked why are the other people allowed she iggnored that and booted me i was the only black guy in there MUDDYS IS SO RASIT
Elijah – Zion (elijahzion)
#6. Lucy Drake (Lucyinthesky3) is a horrible manager and a horrible human being. She deserves to be called on her shit. The emergency roleplay she started over the last two days & filling her department with obvious Alts are her pathetic attempts to redeem herself. It’s too late. Lucy has broken rules and treated people like crap for years. The extreme child abuse roleplay should have taken the final straw. Sadly she will keep getting validation from the 2 to 3 people who associate with her everyday.
#26. Oh please I hear wonderful things about New Haven. From Cara and Brian being great managers to all the great locations & attractions there. Making a secret about the privacy at their hotel is baffling.
Currently roleplaying at New Haven. It’s one of the most welcoming RP communities I’ve ever come across.
14 – No. For real. No. I speak as a SLink fangirl who still uses her Physique Original body before her Maitreya. Siddean is tired, burned out, and done. She has thrown so much of her life and work into SL, it boggles the mind. She pioneered mesh body parts. She was a major contributor to Project Bento before it launched. Her bodies and heads were first to market with Bento movement and BOM compatibility. But the market’s desires, needs, and whims didn’t go her way. And she never let herself be bitter about that where anyone could see, assuming it ever got her down. 15 years is a hell of a long time to give as much as she did. And whatever drove her to get new projects going elsewhere, those are what she loves without feeling weighed down. Also, you clearly missed where she banned most of the grid from the sim a day or two before she shut it down. There’s nowhere to protest. Mourn as you need to and move on. 16 – Frankly, you caved. You didn’t try from all you say here. You just got dejected and walked away. AI is new tech. Once upon a time, so was Photoshop. Calling that hand-painted would have sounded absurd to pre-Adobe artists who really used their hands with brushes and knives. And y’know what? They still exist. Yes, the technology altered the market. It will do so again. Can you adapt and persevere, or are you going to devote yourself to crying over what you can’t change? 18 – Do not look at the tattoo market unless you want to drown in a sea of mixed imagery and bullshit. One artist I stopped frequenting called a tattoo Morrigan. She’s an Irish goddess. Big thing with corvids.… Read more »
who’s the idiot at #42? F*ck stains who run sex sims are the problem, they ban people for no reason, or because a person “yelled” in local asking if anyone here was an actual female. Sole Desire is the worst of the worst
36: You do not fill out your own Notes Tab. Those notes tabs are for you to fill out on OTHER’s PROFILES and no one sees it but you. It is a reminder FOR YOU that no one else sees.
I hope they’re being sarcastic and just trolling the secrets with nonsensical wacky shit. Wait, BETTER nonsensical wacky shit than what’s usually posted.
16: STOP BEING A WHINING SNIFFLING PETTY BITCH. Roll with it and create new content incorporating AI. The present only goes forward to the future. The art world WILL NOT STOP FOR YOU!
AI is stolen art. FACTS. Stop supporting art theft!!The real art world is not supporting this bullshit!!
Lol, it’s not theft. 🙄
41 where’s the copy here? they have the same aesthetics but where the actual fuck are the copied clothes you’re referring? show it to us! we’re waiting!
#41 I believe technofolk is not a ctrl-c + ctrl-v but not for lack of trying but because archivefaction models are thousands of times superior in style, rigging and texture.
oh but technofolk offers women’s products so it’s not a copy or inspiration of archivefaction, really guys? If you have eyes in your head you clearly see a similarity here, but there are good designers and bad designers which is the case with technofolk.
think with me if i was 90% inspired by evani’s store to create a store but instead of making women’s clothes i made men’s, do you think evani would be ok with that?
we have to have something called ethics and creativity.
41. What exactly is being copied here? They are aesthetically similar at most?
ARCHIVEFACTION primarily makes male items and accessories like necklaces and holdables. Technofolk is primarily a female clothing store. They create almost exclusively for Legacy F but some of their recent releases have been eBody Reborn.
If you don’t like a product then don’t buy it. They have demos available for your use, as far as texturing goes, they’re fine. If you’re going to bash a business in Secondlife at least make a credible claim. You look like an idiot. If you don’t try demos before purchasing products? Congratulations you ARE an idiot.
Unless you’re going to put in the effort and investment to mesh your own clothing you can stfu. Vote with your wallet. This is the most entitled customer/consumer bs I’ve ever seen. ARCHIVEFACTION and Technofolk are not competitors, they have very little overlap. Stop causing drama because you didn’t do your diligence and now you have buyers remorse.
32. Can I get more background on Anima’s toxicity? Kind of curious since I purchased something from them a few days ago after entering new years.
All the members of Anima are other creators who built up extremely poor reputations for being toxic and are now hiding behind the Anima label. SG has harassed, bullied, and emotionally abused customers as well as just cutting off support to SG products on a whim. Another member is a content thief who has repeatedly used stolen assets and harasses other artists, and then there’s the one they have running the Twitter who has gone absolutely unhinged at times. My friends who are furries don’t care much for Anima and I can’t really blame them.
they have sugarcult on their team. if you know anything about sugarcult, that’s really all i need to say. SG is easily one of the grid’s most nasty & vindictive crybullies, and he doesn’t even have to do much but complain to his following about another creator, and then they will go rip them to shreds, regardless of whether or not the accusations are legit or not.. There’s a reason he stopped using his own store. He knows how absolutely toxic he is & plenty of people would probably stop shopping Anima if they knew.. Watch SG’s group chat sometime. Witch hunts dust themselves up pretty regularly. SG facilitates and directs so much nastiness, it’s not even funny.
All this is a big yikes. Guess I am better off cutting off from ANIMA’s store then and just stay with the feet? Because I already had bought something. Never knew of any of this. Especially Sugarcult. First time I hear it.
Everyone minus Crow is just a seriously awful individual… actually Crow is following their footsteps seriously and it’s upsetting as someone who was their friend.
One of their “texture artists” owes me over $150 for a custom they never bothered to finish and completely ghosted me for. I can’t call them out on it or it’s “artist abuse.” And then preaches the holy grail on their twitter account. The only reason I still follow them is in hopes they’ll get my shit done but I can’t stand how awful they are to other people.
Multiple of the people on the team have not only been serial bullies to other creators in SL but spread constant reputation destroying lies and hatred about everyone and it’s fucking disgusting. It’s just a terrible team altogether and as talented as they are, I would advise you to honestly support literally anyone else on second life. None of the designs are original and they have people peeping into other creators WIP channels to see what they’re going to put out.
Guess i should cut off the idea of buying from their store. That sounds bad.
Oh come on, where’s the goo about the sickening age play here? Who’s got tea?
Why’re you so nosy hm?
Because my sister was living with a guy that she discovered was heavily involved in it in SL. When I googled his user name, this site came up. A post from 2020 I believe. He’s a sick, sick bastard. His fantasy life seeped into his real life if you get my drift. And yes, the police know.
#26 – Its a Hotel…. Not much privacy in hotel rooms as it is….you can hear the neighbor fucking their sneaky link in the next room over…..Why not submit a ticket and see if they’ll fix it instead of posting the dumbest virtual secret ever…
Daisy Fairchild is a narcissistic, passive-aggressive cunt who thrives off drama and negativity, while appearing “innocent” to her supporters. In response to Hervé (as with anyone else who disagrees with her) she responds with fake positive banter while being blatantly condescending and bitchy in tone. Somehow Daisy believes she uses her social platforms for good, but it’s really just a huge circle jerk of people kissing her ass. Fuck Daisy and fuck her store Mewsery.
Herve’ was being a whiney prick, to be fair.
16 – get a new job?
22 – says the new future bitter ex lol
23 – oh wow… you reported them lololol
25 – no, because only chicks that like ugly guys or chicks with fugly avatars date him lol. losers.
27 – you’re. illiterate much dreem?
36 – the notes tab isnt for you to talk about yourself….its to make notes about other avatars …dumbass.
So… you basically just go through Virtual Secrets to pass obtuse remarks that are “witty” in your opinion for… fun? Pot, meet kettle. Also, see advice for #16. LMAO!
#36 Are you stupid or are you trolling? C’mon now.
#42 – Maybe 1 out of every 10 women prefer the direct approach to sex on an adult hook-up sim. Most women will want to sit and chat, even if for a few lines, before getting down to business.
Also, if you’d prefer to get right to it, why not message someone yourself instead of waiting for them to message you? Use the direct approach. I’m sure you’ll get a positive response from a guy.
Shut the fuck up.
Archive faction never created anything new to start with.
That sort of aesthetic that they do have is copied of IRL japanese luxury brands or designer inspired such as yohji yamamoto. Heck, even K-pop do uses this kind of aesthetic now.
You do talk about “quality” but most of the time, Archive Faction do showcase the product using an 3D software to render the full thing, who displays the product with an higher quality texture and shine.
Besides, if you really wanted to be accurated, maybe you should have compared Traume, which is the male section of Technofolk, but you didn’t cuz they aren’t the same.
You just sound petty as fuck over nothing. Specially when technofolk do provide demos..
#36 You do know that no one can see this bu YOU right? i normally store links and stuff in there that i want to come back to at some point.
No, I was literally scream laughing, like…… chill.
Bet theirs is all decked out or something stupid, and to think….. no one but them has ever seen it lmao
#28 How all these families let this toxic, narcasistic, predator into them is beyond me. If someone is always bad mouthing the people that they have been “friends” with and constantly labelling everyone else as the problem, instead of taking a single shred of accountability for their own actions, they are a red flag personified.
Dru/Harlot/Tether Bunny/Xin/Lucius… we know about the lies youve spread, every single attempt at destroying another persons character, every ex you have love bombed into submission then broken up with to be partnered with someone else every 4-6 buisness days. We know about your erratic behavior, joining groups, leaving them, joining them again, leaving them again. Starting arguments with people, then telling them to leave you alone… make it make sense.
Its actually been kinda amusing to watch you attempt to worm your way into the Wiskee Snows and the Kunts with your fake compliments and creepy IMs to their daughters. Im not surprised you lasted two seconds as a Fiend… and now the Sandersons and your empty bullshit threats.
We all know Lenneahs time with you will end shortly and youll find some weird messed up excuse to leave her and move on to the next one. Which family will be next?
I assume youll probably just change your name again in attempt to hide your shitty behaviour.
Your profile used to talk a lot about karma… looks like you got yours.
I had no idea that’s who this post was about… I very nearly got caught in that person’s(Lucius/Harlot) web myself. The lies they tell trying to pretend their multiple accounts are different people are incredibly convoluted, but they’re not nearly as smart as they think they are. I caught a couple of sloppy details that were very badly explained, and that was enough for me to walk and block the whole mess. I even know an account or 2 you didn’t list. Crazy people gonna do crazy shit, I guess.
List the other accounts, please.
I would love to, but I’m fairly sure they would serve to identify me to that nutjob. I managed to slip away from that whole situation cleanly and I’d like to keep it that way.
Only miserable people take the time to rip another to pieces on the internet. Eat a dick, Devil. Imagine thinking you’re flawless enough to talk shit about another person. Ha. You’ll get yours.
Dont Shit Where you eat.
(idiomatic,vulgar) One should not cause trouble in a place, group or situation in which one regularly finds oneself, as it will likely backfireTranslations
One should not cause trouble in a place, group, ect which one frequentsSee Also
bite the hand that feeds onedont dip your pen in the company ink
Cute that you thought this was Devil lol
Right? She so bad wants to blame me for everything that’s happening. All I did was change my name to Devil the Wolf Fiend as a whole ass joke. 😂😂😂😂😂
Oh Dru. I’d be careful with your threats. You’re looking at Cyber bullying at the lightest charge. And now threats? Ooof. I guess I better make a few calls to TN. Cause all the replies above. Aren’t me. Lmaooo. And you’re going absolutely crazy. You don’t realize how many people hate you. I trolled a name and you lost your mind. Now look at all the people you’ve hurt are coming out. The world of SL is over you and your tactics. But go on. Catch a criminal charge with your threats.
30. As a sex worker you need to set clear boundaries with your clients. Don’t bitch and moan because you chose to befriend a client instead of keeping it professional. They will behave with you the way you let them.
While he has never done or tried anything like that with me, I always consider the possibility he might, and not just him. Any of my clients might. Be cautious and stop treating sex work as something fun to do!
He’s been a client of mine as well. Made my boundaries, never had any issues. “Will say anything you need to hear to fuck you for free” literally says everything you need to know about this OP.
33.i know this is russkaya posting this to save her own ass lmao.
if you don’t see the difference between BDSM cuts, or just cuts in general, and a *LITERAL SUICIDE/SELFHARM RAZOR ANIMATION* then you have literal worms eating holes through your brain. those are on 2 different levels, one is macabre, the other is wayyy over the line
33 Lora is a known body shamer, she’s a toxic personality struggling to stay relevant by virtue signaling any cause she feels will get her internet points and then goes full victim when people call her out. Chasing sympathy and attacking creators is disgusting. Don’t like it then don’t buy it.
There is a huge double standard here, Russkaya no offense is a small store, made for an easy target just because they participated in a weekend sale? Nobody wants to mention the multitude of self harm products already on the market? Profiteering off of this aesthetic is commonplace.
Obsidian has a slit throat, TWS has full arm and neck cuts, Sekai has self inflicted razor wounds on a face, AsteroidBox has knife wounds in the chest. Some people who have gone through the emotional turmoil of self harm appreciate the chance to have representation in SL. Some don’t.
Lastly, Knifeplay, bloodplay, are all forms of self harm. Degradation and body mutilation don’t magically get a pass because they’re sexual. Having someone carve what a worthless **** you are into your skin is so much worse than a pose. Poses are sold primarily for photographers who are trying to express themselves through art, and that might include expressing sadness, sorrow, lonelyness, through self harm. It’s an outlet. That picture is just a walking bilboard that bratsyy doesn’t respect herself. Welcome to my Ted Talk.
hi Filthyyy we know it’s you 🙂
Pain play is not a form of self-harm. It’s a sensory release and aspect. Nor are they really considered sexual. Not everything BDSM is about sexual. Most in real life are not. That,s desperate housewife and pathetic men on SL.
Look up at the sky, do you see that? That’s the point, it went way over your head.
It’s crazy that I didn’t once mention BDSM but you’re here on your entitled horse to lecture me on it. If anyone is confusing Secondlife and Real life it’s you, who felt the need to call out real BDSM when SL is in fact a platform of pretenders. The photo in the post in question is 100% not BDSM and neither party are part of the community.
There’s a difference between “pain play” and leaving permanent and degrading scaring on your body from the hypocritical standpoint of “canceling” a store for releasing a relatively tame pose in comparison.
Sensation play and self-harm are two different things. Not everyone who’s into knife play/sharps play wants to get “I’m a pile of shit” carved into their skin. Some of us just want to feel the steel. Please actually learn about BDSM edge play before barfing ignorance about it. The face you save may be your own.
Speaking of saving face, if you want to look like an idiot that badly, please allow me to assist you. The post I made had nothing to do with BDSM, it had to do with…. wait for it… it’s coming…. Blatant Hypocrisy. Stop forcing an issue that wasn’t brought up cuz you want to anonymously flex you’re so “in” with the BDSM community. You’re not. Nobodies impressed.
#16 AI generated stuff is a general issue, people with no talent getting 100ks of subs and features while actually talented newcomer artists and musicians who dedicated at least a decade to their craft sit at 200 views and 2 subs
What makes me laugh is they always post stuff and then comment how it was done in AI and PS/GIMP as if we somehow believe they spent ages editing it further. The thing about the people using AI is it tends to reveal their kidult taste.
whahhhhh i have to get an actual job now wahhhhhhhhh
You do? Well, good luck to you bro
#3 Daisy Fairchild is a drama queen that’s it
I agree with this…she also likes to unfriend people over their opinions if they don’t align with her own, I tried to be her friend once but she denied me for no reason and acted like a stuck up little bitch, she’s like a Regina George ffs…I haven’t shopped at her store in years now because of her reputation and how stuck up she is….I actually took her stuff from my inventory and put it in a bon fire I rezzed right before I deleted it all, I won’t support people like her.
Same happened to me, after supporting her I had a diffrent opinion, it wasnt even a fight and she did kick me a minute later. Since this day I am not buying anything made by Mewsery anymore.
I agree with you too, she did the same with me: something is really wrong with her, she acts like a little paranoid witch mean she must be really nasty with people
Yep!!…I almost want to be blacklisted so I never see her or her store again, such a snobby entitled arrogant cunt.
Nah. Daisy is a good person. While I may not always agree with her, she’s right about this ban list bullshit.
a good slut you mean. she literally fucks anything and everything…she had a hayday with my pal viego lol
Omg like what dogs? Lol
Breaking news.. people in SL have sex! OMG who knew?
and a shit-stirrer
12 Is anyone surprised by this? Same admins ran off countless other players including their previous king and queen for not sticking to the storyline. Same admins who threatened to quit if their mates like Valena Tully were held accountable in character for their actions in character. All the power positions are filled with admins, mods and friends of mods or admins. Its of no coincidence that all of these people were the outsiders of previous Game of Thrones sims. Let them have their kick finally getting to play positions their boring writing would have never allowed naturally. Game of Thrones sims have not been about players and natural storytelling in a very long time. Its a place where the toxic and power-hungry go to feel important. Let em quarantine there and stop going. All the sims are the same.
Did you write this secret? Because the text on the right is so freaking pixelated.
Also, if you knew anything about this place, such as claiming to know why the previous King and Queen were booted, you’d know they never RPed with anyone. But you didn’t know that because you are just running your mouth out of your bum. That is cool and fine, but they cant quarantine on their sim if they live rent-free on this site and in your head. 🤔
14 why would we beg Slink to stay? She hasnt supported the creators really ever, Never answers support. Doesn’t approve or give kits. Doesn’t make any effort to advertise or keep any customers. Its always been just word of mouth even when started with feet. The single only reason she became what did is because was really first for feet and hands. Once we hit grid wide creators and meshers she became obsolete and did zero to change that. Why is she quitting maybe RL but doubt. Her sales have dropped to nothing, nobody cares exists. Even creators stopped really supporting much aside shoes. The ones that do is mainly only HQ and thats a very small handful. Bottom line nostalgia otherwise who cares
I LOVED my Hourglass when it came out, I waited for a curvy body for the longest. I would have stayed with them if they had done more advertising, working with bigger creators to have them keep making things for the Slink line. It seems like they basically made the body and didn’t do anything for it. The male body especially.
I’d have kept going with Slink if those two new bodies hadn’t been so bad too. I wish they had just updated the Hourglass to have better non banana tits. Oh well, too bad.
Haha that was my issue with HG too- that and the awful gap shoulders, but a shoulder deformer helps a lot there. Nothing to be done about those banana tits though.
Did y’all even read her reason for leaving? It’s sad like… really sad.
Typing something doesnt make it the real reason. Everything mentioned has been since beginning. Before covid or anything else she was already a tanked store. She created the 2 bodies to try to come back? I am not sure but again she repeated herself. No support. Do i think those things really happened? Sure. Do i believe thats really the reason? Nope not at all. She failed to keep her store going. That is it.
14 : SLink gambled on Cinnamon & Chai and lost.
Someone please tell me …. WHY….why did she make this new mesh body- COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with her own original, deeply rooted, well established, market dominating, hand/feet mesh fits.
Everyone and the mom has SLink fit shoes in their inventory. Even if you never bought that body. I guarantee you that one of your shoe purchases included a SLink fit version of their shoes.
Sadly, Siddean committed brand suicide by opting out of her own mesh feet/hands. Cinnamon & Chai did not fit a single SLink item.
….Also the new body sculpt was just….baaaaaad T_T. It felt like two steps backwards from Hourglass.(RIP)
42 : Honestly, I think that deep down inside … these guys are terrified of telling a women that they want sex at point blank range, even if she says yes. Because it makes them feel weak.
This type of guy can’t bare to look his own carnal weakness in the eyes, so he’ll fluff his words to convince himself that he is not the one desperate to fuck. That’s why their opening lines often start with “What are YOoOoOou doing here at such a derty derty sex siiim hmmmm? 👀 Y are YoOOoooU in such an obviously sexual plaaccce?! Hmmmmmmm??!”*smug face*
( Muh ladies, muh femmes… if one of these dudes approaches you at your favorite-freaky-free-fucks-for-all sim…make him say it! Make him admit outright that he needs the sex and he needs his cummies…and then tell him- “Passssss” 😂 )
And on 511, I knew they were going to privatize the club the moment they put that new entrance area. Before one used to just land directly in that afk central spot. Now you have that white skybox that leads you to the club. That was a tell-tale sign. I remember joking about that with a couple of my friends.
They do this every time a club makes it big. The owners see a means of acquiring SL funds from it. Especially when they start to go for 500L.
I used to own a sim, I allowed photography on it as long as folks joined the group for 100L. If someone imed me without the cash, I’d invite them and pay them back. It was a means to stop griefers yes and to offset a small fraction of the cost. Having about 1k members there, meant I basically had about 1 week paid in all of the 2.5 years I had it. However, it was setup with a fee from the get-go. It was a full homestead, and I made seasonal changes. Sometimes I’d even change the houses as well to change the look.
511 is charging 500L and the only way I see the cash going in, is in their live performances if they pay 5k for them (I forgot how much my old clubs used to be). So unless they pay a lot for the live performance, this is a cash grab.
It’s a new ownership if I’ve heard correctly so that may be why the changes.
it’s a filthy money grab, they knew no one would stay in that shithole the moment lusthouse came back… they have nothing to offer but a bunch of people standing being bored
Enough said! 🍿
42 probably because they’re asking babygirls with pacifiers in their mouths for sex and have to put it in terms their widdle bwains can undastand so they don’t use big naughty words like fornicate or cunnilingus and instead say “baby wanna suck on daddy’s lollipop?” or “babygirl wanna bounce on big daddy’s fun stick?” 🙄 But I totally would play Mario Party 2 if you’re serious
#40: It’s crazy how people will defend a bestie when they know that was wrong instead of correcting them and telling them “Stop doing this. This ain’t okay.”. No. They for some reason decide to defend that the dude had a relationship AND sexual interactions with a minor. People really need to learn who’s in the crowd.
This is probably a bad hot take from me but… Maybe the minor difference in ratio means something. I mean, yeah it’s the same complainer when this certain topic comes up but…. IDK, I feel this kind of warrants looking into all people related in it since there’s a few agreeing. Especially if this is becoming more a business thing than just an rp thing. Be it this week and previous weeks. I mean it does gets more thumbs up than down. So maybe other people are just agreeing quietly while many ignores the possibilities?
Hey Rocky?
Haven’t you quiet yet?
“Quit” is the word I meant here, not “Quiet”
Not him. But please, cry harder. 😛
It was proven false in multiple ways, this is just beating a dead horse over and over
Yes because we will trust a person denying the truth of someone they know having sold LION CUB SORA AS A SEX FURNITURE, and then cause so much a scene that everyone saw the truth. How about you stop defending pedos and zoophiles? What’s next? Someone tells me it’s legal to fuck that?
Find some new material
No. How about you simply stop feeling insulted when the truth hits you? Then you can speak.
Sora/Simba sex furniture is kind of weird dude .
Oh trust me. The story goes much, much deeper. I don’t remember who shared it in Virtual Secret, but there was one person who shared last year multiple links with proof of these really weird sex furniture that called the attention of Zoophile and Pedophile.
I dunno man. Anytime I see mention of UFW here, it seems to be baseless. No one actually is taking the bait. These posts are clearly from this person who is trying to start a fight over lies they can’t prove. How many times are you going to throw these hailmary attempts before you realize literally no one gives a fuck about your petty squabbles? It’s pathetic.
So rather then try to rally people over a lie that’s been disproven… like… I dunno… Maybe get a fucking life?
My guy. I’m the manager of a bakery. How about you shut it before I start shoving a pole up your ass and treat you like the bread Jesus Christ has given us and rip you in half?
Nothing has been disproven. I never saw said proof and we’re talking about a person who has tried to multiple times disprove the selling of feral and characters that are minor age while also being friends with someone who saw lion cub Sora hot. So how about you back off and learn before I just see you as another person who’s defending a pedophile defender?
“”If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts; if you have the law on your side, pound the law; if you have neither the facts nor the law, pound the table.”
Long time lurker. The only instance I can remember of this being an issue was over a year ago and it was corroborated by multiple people that the secret posted about this guy was false. It’s a shame because that community (Furries on general) have more than their fair share of pedoz and if people keep spreading these rumors just as a hit-piece on someone’s character no one is going to pay attention to actual issues.
its very telling that #40 gets reposted as a screenshot, especially because the way it was worded elicited the most baited and interacted ive seen on this issue. If this really is just a fake hit piece because someone doesn’t like this guy, that would check out for it to be the one necro’d again this week.
Like RYC said, it’s beating a dead horse at this point and is kind of just sad.
Interesting this is a bait because… how come more than one person spoke about it this week?
Also how come there is multiple people sharing a dislike? I mean last i heard, apparently they have been losing people in the place. That requires some looking into.
As long as there are still 2 people remaining on the earth, There will be disagreements.
Let me ask, In what capacity have they been losing people? It seems like some people are leaving and there’s also seems to be a bunch of fresh faces are joining. People come and go. That’s the nature of most places.
I don’t understand where all the negativity comes from, honestly. This post was originally someone accusing UFW of tolerating pedophiles. If this is based off of what people are accusing one guy of, At what point was a minor even involved with the guy? Where is there any kind of evidence that he was actually dating a minor? Is there even proof somewhere that the guy they hired back is cool with that kind of behavior?
“I don’t remember who shared it in Virtual Secret, but there was one person who shared last year multiple links with proof of these really weird sex furniture that called the attention of Zoophile and Pedophile.”
Again, All seems like baseless acuisations. “I don’t remember where it was but trust me. I saw another post and they had proof!! I just can’t find it right now.”… That just really doesn’t sound too belivable to me.
If you don’t like the show, Don’t go to it. All the extra attempted mud slinging is ridiculous. Seriously. Get a life.
They’re not taking the bait now because they’ve already taken it at least half a dozen times. OP is gonna have to come up with a new angle if they want to play necromancer on this issue.
@22: If you are the current, and ALL of his exes have issues with him. Realize that one day you’ll be one of them. Just saying. Sometimes it’s not that they want to be with him, it’s that the guy was such an ass….. they are warning others.
But you do you. Boo.
true statement
Why would you want to try and force someone to stay, that doesn’t want to stay? Did you not read their post? She wants to move on and do other things, support her by letting her.
She is dealing with RL issues which is her main reason for leaving. Yes it’s sad because she is an SL legend but RL comes first.
16~ Are you speaking about a certain type of AI generating app? I am just confused on how it is stealing since i’m using my own selfie RL or SL and it still me just with a bunch of extra stuff. its not a whole different person like that is MY face. Also it sucks that your job is suffering from it but…..you cant fully blame it. reality of it is that people who like using this app is for fun and they most likely were never in a market to hire you or any other digital artist in the first place. Sucks but its the reality. Plus when someone hires an artist its for something specific they want the i thing has always been something for fun without dropping loads of money on.
Art posted online is being taken without the artist’s permission for use in training all these AI “art” generators, that’s the stealing that’s being referred to. Many art gallery websites retroactively input clauses into their ToS to cover AIs being trained on the images posted, with no way to opt out as long as your images are hosted on their site and many artists having no idea that it’s even happening. And that’s IF the person training the AI decided to go a legal route with their sources. AI images don’t just come out of nowhere, it’s basically a collage of everything that’s been put into it during training. It takes the images given to it and looks for patterns in the pixels of them, then it can be trained to either associate those patterns with keywords or to alter new images that are given to it to fit those patterns (it’s also using your selfies for training the algorithm btw, you’ve become part of their data.) Sometimes the AI does an okay job of deviating from the source material it was given, sometimes it spits out something that’s uncannily similar to it with a few modifications to make it not identical. AI spitting out images barely modified from their source is an issue that’s notably cropped up with AI generators like “this person does not exist.” I don’t want my comment to be eaten for the rest of the week because I posted a link, so look up “Artifice of Intelligence | CYBERGUNK 01” by caleb gamman on youtube. Between 5:30 and 7:45 in the video if about all you need for context if you don’t want to watch the whole thing. TL;DR: AI image generators are basically making collages out of magazine clippings, none of it’s original. Plus… Read more »
This is completely incorrect.
Alright, if I’m “completely incorrect” how about you give me literally any info that disproves any of what I said beyond my extremely simplified explanation of how neural networks operate. I’m very aware it’s extremely simplified because I’m writing a comment on a gossip website, not drafting a research paper.
Actually, here’s something to prove the main point I was getting at: look up “Midjourney Founder David Holz On The Impact Of AI On Art, Imagination And The Creative Economy” on Forbes, it’s an interview. He’s very happy to admit that there was absolutely no attempt to get the consent of anyone before using images to train the neural network because it was too much work to do so, and that there’s currently no way to opt out of your images being used. It’s just one big data scrape from every image source he could get.
Did you get consent from every artist in history before your eyes took in their artwork? It’s literally the same thing.
A data scrape of the same nature as a Google search. Metadata scrape is far more like it. Also? Derivative works are legal under international copyright law. I cannot be sued for taking two dozen image printouts, tearing them into small pieces, re-assembling them to build a new image, and selling it. AIs are doing something much like that. The scale they operate on isn’t yet accounted for in copyright law on a direct basis, but that doesn’t mean it’s currently illegal. I think a lot of artists need to study the basics of the law before they drown in their moral panic sweat. The potential amount of egg on their faces would make enough tempera paint to cover the exterior walls of the Louvre.
You got that backwards, metadata is information about content while data is content itself. Neural networks primarily need the content itself, the metadata is useless to it without the content. You can also opt out of your website being indexed by most search engines, the ability to opt out is crucial. Lack of ability to opt out is what’s making the majority of people mad. Making money off people’s inability to opt out is an issue as well, search engines don’t do that. “Not currently illegal” isn’t the same thing as ethical. Copyright law has always been a decade or so behind reality, unless it directly affects media giants like Disney because they can dump money on the issue until it goes away. The same goes for laws regarding technology in general, the legal system hasn’t kept up with the tech boom. Also, scale is the important factor here along with intent. You making a collage out of torn up pieces of existing images is still you expressing your own creativity, though if you tried to present it as entirely unique art would upset people. Running a machine that automatically shreds and assembles torn up pieces of paper, based on your specifications, on demand from anyone, with the intent to compete with the people who own the images your machine is tearing up and reassembling is an entirely different beast. There’s also the issue of certain neural networks being trained specifically to imitate the work of currently living and active artists or studios, like Studio Ghibli for example. Also, I’d like to clarify that I’m not scared of AI, quite the opposite actually. I’m a programmer that has written machine-learning programs in the past. I’ve loved AI in all the forms it’s taken over the past few decades and think… Read more »
Yeah I don’t really give a fuck where people are getting their SL pics edited; no matter how that happens, at least the original image was theirs. However if someone starts posting Midjourney (or anything similar) “art” on their Flickr that’s a real quick unfollow from me. Typing key words in a prompt box is not making art, and whatever is produced from those keywords is not that person’s work. It’s nauseating watching people take credit for it as if it were, accepting compliments about how amazing it is, when they had nothing to do with creating it beyond a prompt. The AI gets all the credit there imo, and that stuff should never be posted as a copyright protected image on a forum intended for personal artwork. It’s probably not even legal, the copyright claim on things like Midjourney images, and you know damn well those people are not changing the default settings when they post.
Writing a prompt is just as much valid art as writing a poem or book.
AI art is still a representation of the prompt crafter’s imagination, therefore the prompt-crafter is an artist.
Many fail to understand that Midjourney AI is not scrambling together images from a database, rather it is dreaming up an image using literal neurons just like our brains do when a human makes art.
This is a new medium of art, the AI is the new paintbrush.
People always attack what they don’t understand 🙃
Lol that is stupid as fuck. It takes literally zero work or talent to type “beautiful girl post apocalyptic fairy wings” or any of the other “prompts” I have personally seen on the Midjourney Discord. Oh, you though I never used it and didn’t know how it worked? Nah. I play with it pretty regularly. I just don’t take the things that are generated from it, post them on my Flickr, and pretend they are my artwork because I’m not a lame ass attention whore thief. Things are in the works already to protect actual artists from the theft of their real legitimate work by these programs, so I wouldn’t quit my day job if you thought that was a viable option for an art career.
Oh, and I verified that anyone who’s posting Midjourney images on their Flickr does not in fact have any copyright claim to them, and to even post them anywhere requires that they are not being sold or generating revenue in any way- AND- they require that you give attribution to Midjourney anywhere you do post them. Very few of the SL lame fucks are doing that, therefore all their bullshit posts can be flagged and removed. I’ll be flagging them from now on 👍
I can’t argue with someone this stupid, lol…
Go take an online course, educate yourself on neural networks, and come back to me.
You’re literally too ignorant on the subject to have a conversation with about this.
You’re also wrong about Midjourney’s TOS, they have multiple packages and one includes full commercial rights.
AI art is here to stay. 🙃
LOL you think SL Flickr attention whores are paying for commercial licensing? That’s cute. They can’t even afford Flickr Pro, for the most part. That’s so incredibly unlikely I’d lay odds on it. They’re just counting on not being caught, because they’re not making any direct sales of the images from there.
You can, and AI is being used to eventually create deep fakes with more accuracy. I do not like to put my face through any online AI system just because it’s cute and fun. As someone that works in the data science community, it can be used for nefarious purposes. Witch each photograph it pics up from a person, it learns how to draw more efficiently. Aka with more data, more precision and this is where the issue I have with it lies.
While on the person itself, I think their issue is that they aren’t accounting for the global inflation which is impacting SL more than RL. It is after all unnecessary expenses. But yes, there is a small percentage of folks that would have gone to someone, but seeing a cheaper alternative they’ll do just that.
With not witch. LOL.
#16 lol welcome to the internet, snowflake
#8 Good, sucks going to Gobsmacked anymore with the army of breathing statues in the club lagging the region down.
#36 I hope you’re being sarcastic but the notes section is for you to keep notes on that person without them seeing them.. it stores it locally on your computer.. so like if you run into someone who is fun or an asshole or whatever you can note that down..
No shit. Like, did anyone ever hear of moving away from the landing point? I hated even going there because you had to survey the room for 2 square inches of space to stand unless you just tp to a piece of the furniture that nobody uses.
Funny thing is that club was there and empty for a long time.. then people figured out they could stand around and afk all day there and it turned into what it was.
On #8, what? You paying 500L for afk standing in an ugly as fuck landscape that doesn’t have someone building weekly or monthly entertaining environments and is not even a full sim?
This must be a joke. Even Teqi’s looked slightly more nightclubbish.
#27 Of course…afraid of being put on that list HIMself…Remember a few years back when HE was forced to remove all of his content from the grid when he owned the Sabotage brand? It’s surprising hardly anyone brings that up in the whole discussion…
Agreed… he’s a friend of mine, but I can’t lie about that.
People rarely bring up the old stuff because the people who remember best aren’t logging in anymore, so the newer people don’t know. When they do, they don’t seem to care.
Eve some old timers don’t seem to care apparently…He’s friends with Bluberry’s owner…
#14 As a person who creates on multiple different social media games, though I wouldn’t call it hard cause there are jobs that are a lot harder!!! I will say it’s demanding. Sometimes you may get burnt out and need a break! I’ve made the most money I’ve ever made by being a content creator for online social media games, but honestly even the money isn’t worth the burnout that comes with it! People who never created a day in their lives telling you you’re lazy because you’ve made one mistake! (Or haven’t created a product to fit their body) < Personal experience.
I’d bet you Siddean Munro is probably burnt out! (SPECULATIVE) And with the work that went into their last body, with it apparently not doing well in sales. I don’t blame them for leaving. They were very successful in the start of mesh bodies on SL. (Paved the way in my opinion!) this year with the current recession in the West has been hard for us who use online content creating in video games as our main source of income! I mean it’s been hard no matter your job!
One thing I would say as a new creator in my opinion the owner of Slink was the kindest I’d ever met, told me what I had to do, and answered any questions I had, a real gem! it’s sad to see them leave, but I do wish them the best, and maybe down the line they may return, but if not again I personally wish them all the best!
… I meant as a new creator on Second life*
#40 why is second life wrestling so weird ? Now they condone pedoz?
I doubt everyone does. But it is funny they seem to defend anyone who made a big name for themselves in the community. Even if it was illegal or against ToS.
They don’t. But people in it keep defending terrible things Oliver Wonderful, AKA Alyx J. Knightmare, has done in the past with really shitty logic like that.
Fuck the whole damn Revoul cult. Fuck your momma, fuck your daddy, and your granny too. All you are toxic bunch of ass lickers doing the most to be shitty people all over social media and sl. The fact you all acted this way and didn’t even have the balls to admit you made a huge mistake and apologize. Instead you doubled down on on it and made excuses and gaslighted everyone about it. Wtf kinda crack are you on? are you special a lil bit? You really thought you and your fam could come post in VS personally picking apart the people who very publicly called you out and spoke up to defend the victims. This isn’t gonna be brushed under a rug. You dug your own graves. Now going the fuck to sleep in it bitches.
what’s the full story here? I’ve only seen the reactions and none of the details. Someone give us a story-time!
Revoul was promoting a system that store owners could use to ” ban” creators from events, and customers from stores for copybotting, or buying copied products, based on a full perm note card that’s been floating around. The problem is, being full perm, nefarious fucks started adding the names of legit creators they didn’t like, people they had a beef with, ect.
It came close to ruining several small creators, and accused without proof. How can you prove that someone knew they were buying copied items? The average SL consumer probably can’t tell if something is.
LOL they did apologize. What more do you want? You must be jealous cause you’re not a Revoul
no one is jealous of her or her overdrawn lips.
This was her at Access yesterday:

I asked both the people I was shopping with and another friend who happened to be there if they saw her the same way and they did, so it wasn’t me. Funny though regardless lol
After they nearly ruined a half dozen small creators.Too little too late
Does your mommy need to change your diaper? Cause you sitting in your own shit.
#5 #19 #25
Look who is on VS yet again.
He may be a record holder here!
It’s bad that he stalked you.
But clients are never friends, you should never share any RL information and who he fucks on the side is none of an escort’s business. Please don’t confuse regular customers with Richard Gere in Pretty Woman
#30 Absolute Truth! We should tell everyone his name too. So they know who to stay the fuck away from—I know him as Lyric– or did, He might have changed it by now. He’d IM me, and 3 other girls all the same thing.
Yeah that’s called shopping.
Honestly, how stupid are those working in the escort industry these days? When someone can convince you to give it away for free, that’s a you problem, not a him problem.
Stick to your guns or learn to mesh. Or just be a slut. Stop self victimizing, when you just suck at your job.
Yeah I’m kinda laughing at that comment myself; do prostitutes expect to be romanced with unique lines and compliments or something? The dudes are paying because they either don’t want make that effort, or they’re bad at it. Do they really think their customers only want them? They just want the best deal they can get; I’m sure the products are all interchangeable to them. When you decide to take a job servicing men who can’t get laid for free even in SL, you’re setting up shop in the bottom of the barrel, and really shouldn’t be shocked when what you find definitely belongs there.
The thing is, and feel free to dispute it; these aren’t actual escorts, virtual or otherwise.
If you’re doing business and doing it well, there’s a bit of integrity in the work. Professionalism. Hear me out, lol! As the commenter above made mention of girls looking for the Richard Gere to their Pretty Woman, I do think there’s an element of fantasy and roleplaying that’s happening in a lot of these “hooker” mindsets. It’s not about actually having standards or a business model at all, no. It’s about getting attention, feeling confident and sexy, and playing pretend at a daring lifestyle they couldn’t dream of doing irl. But the rest of the industry isn’t playing; clients are still clients, they aren’t there to adore and boost confidence. In fact, you kind of need a thick skin and a good sense of self-worth, to get over yourself when someone who paid thousands to diddle your avatar yesterday, doesn’t even send you an IM today and only has eyes for the girl on the pole next to you.
A hooker is a service provider, and threats of “outing” a client for a) trying to get a bargain, b) NOT being your friend, c) being supposedly duplicitous in giving other escorts attention, ALL of it, speaks to how absolutely incompetent the whore-players in SL are. They wouldn’t last a day on OnlyFans. Stop blaming the dude who actually needs to hire an escort, to feel satisfied. Garner up some fucking empathy and stoicism and do your jobs. Nobody’s going to clean up their act and treat you like a princess because you threaten to out them here.
Discretion, in fact, is the biggest selling point of a whore, besides being non-committal, two things that #30’s poster clearly fails at.
36 – Are they trolling or really that stupid and not realize that the notes are for YOU to fill out on people and you can’t see anyone elses notes, lol.
XD They have got to be trolling
They are DEFINITELY not trolling, which makes it a lot funnier.
I Just wanted to say the Same xD
4- You need help or a life, nah you need both. Go spend some time in RL with your spouse! Let the drama go!
39- People need to stop giving her validation by discussing her. She is what she is and her life is a reflection of that…just look at her! She has no flair, no style and definitely no couth!
5 and 25 So here we go again folks. Gunz with his jealousy and now bringing others into it. smh
Jealous?? Of WHISKEY? Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaa I don’t know Gunz well but I do know Whiskey is the biggest loser in SL!
Whiskey and Storm need to hook up. Two whiney ass bitches.
Keep living in your fucked up fantasy world Tim lol The only thing you’re good for is some good cheap ass entertainment. You make me laugh with your stupidity lol
don’t forget #19, that one is for you too.
Whiskey yo brain is even smaller than yo dick!! Does it unnerve you to realize that Gunz is not your only threat?? You feeling that bullseye on your forehead yet?? As long as you keep treating ladies like you do I am more than happy to continue to expose you for the slimy limp dick fucker that you are!!
Women are crawlin out of the woodwork to speak their truth on the lies you dish out trying to keep them on your hook!! Your a sick muthafucker that has earned every negative word ever said about you!! I look forward to Elyssion figuring out the drama that follows you around. Go lay down and lick your balls cuz we will be right on your heels wherever you go. For fucks sake – take your scank Zara wit ya.
Gunz is the jealous sumbitch. Why bring those 3 ladies into this? They do nothing but stand by their friend. They have done nothing against him or anyone else.
They support you, reason enough.
‘Why bring those 3 ladies into this?’ – Doesn’t that statement alone validate how little this man cares about?? There were many ladies names in last weeks edition and the week before that. Hell fire, I even called Zara a skank a few post up from this one with not one tiny shred of defense of your so called girlfriend from you Whiskeylimpdick. You stand up for the 3 hoes that lie for you, make excuses for you and give a handjob to your tiny little ego when you cry that Gunz has it out for you. What about the long list of innocent ladies that were caught up in your shit?? Did they deserve what you did to them??
Well said Tatersalad
Does it not take 2 to tango? Two to be in a relationship or even friendship? Two to message back and forth? So why are the women so innocent? Whiskey did nothing but talk to people as a DJ should that is part of his job and Zara understands this and trust. I am about over this shit.
Whiskey never talks to women as ”just” a DJ, maybe in Local yea, but guaranteed he’s juggling many boxes in the background, manipulating, berating, degrading the ladies in the background. Whiskey has done this shit for YEARS and as you can see all the ladies that’s come out of the wood work saying basically the same thing speaks volumes and crushes anything you have to say about his so called ”DJ friendliness”. Stop standing up for this guys ego. He’s proven himself over and over and over. I watched him for years, this man is trash, the truth always comes out, karma is a bitch. Whiskey your are getting everything you deserve for doing this to all us ladies and getting away with it for too long… now I’m sitting back and munching on my popcorn and giggling at you ladies who still continue to stand up for him and his lies. He’s never been honest as long as I’ve known him, that also speaks volumes. #Takeofftheblinders.
It may take 2 to tango but in this case, that is just wrong to even suggest “Whiskey did nothing but talk to people as a DJ should that is part of his job”. So very wrong. New definition of talking to people: flirt with woman, have sex with woman, make promises to woman, cheat on woman with other women, hide those women from main woman of the moment, (should be woman of the hour), lie about those hidden women, lie to those hidden women by making promises of leaving the main woman, gets caught by main woman/hidden women, tells lies about main woman/hidden women saying they are liars/trouble makers/crazy/out to get him, making everything the woman’s fault. Ladies, am I correct here? Please speak out if I’ve forgotten anything. Whiskey uses/treats/abuses/plays women like a game. He cannot stand to be defeated. It is a challenge to him to get a lady if they act uninterested or if they are taken by another. It is a challenge to him to get a lady back after she has figured him out. He will do and say anything to win her back. He will talk bad about the other ladies even the ones that are the main ladies so that he has pity taken upon him. He will use any excuse for that pity, let me repeat, ANY excuse. He believes he is innocent. He believes he is at no fault and that it is acceptable to behave this way. I know the story about his issues with Gunz. Whiskey’s lady in RLC, tried to move on and Whiskey did what he does and starts trouble with her and the guy she was with, which just happened to be Gunz. It could have been any guy, would be the same outcome. Whiskey has done it to… Read more »
100 PERCENT YES!!!!!!
What I genuinely don’t get, is all this drama over someone whose av is absolutely shockingly outdated[ no doubt to match the music he plays].
Like, this basic system dude bangs his way through endless chicks? really?
I agree its hard to understand but you know there are people rl and sl who have a certain personality that appears very authentic and caring. A good initial personality can go a long way. He comes across as a great friend, and it goes from there and some are just sucked into it. Too many people, women AND men are looking for someone to care for them. They’re vulnerable and people like Whiskey take gross advantage of them. He comes across very charming and kind. I was once married to one like him in RL He’s your classic narcissist. It’s a game to him.
Whiskey does come across as a very caring person and friend. He KNOWS what he’s doing. He is definitely a narcissist!
That’s exactly what I said last week. I even went to his Flickr thinking maybe he’s just one of those people too lazy to change their pfp and nope, he legit looks like that. He would have been “basic” 5 years ago, now he’s just ugly and outdated. That hair!
His profile is riddled with basic grammar errors, and his comments here confirm he’s no brain, so it’s not that. I asked if he had a sexy voice last week, and the answer was a resounding no. I am completely lost as to the appeal. I’m probably one of the people the women who posted got upset at for calling them stupid(and desperate), but not sorry; if someone being cruelly truthful is what it takes to make a person have a little respect for themselves, I’m happy to be that someone, and of course I wasn’t the only one.
eh its ok bby, I got crucified for the same thing too.
Could you post a link to his flickr? 🤓
I have no words
And this is exactly why the women will not post here anymore and try to get this stopped because of people bashing them and making fun of them. If you have had no contact with him then you have no idea about him and his ways. He begins seeming like a very caring individual and it progresses from there. If you know nothing about it then please refrain from bashing and name calling the women who did get pulled into his mess.
I take it you’re one of the beauties “in this mess”
Part of recovering from this situation will be accepting their own role in it and gaining more self-respect so they won’t accept it the next time a guy manipulates them with such weak, obvious lies. The women who caught on before they were actually involved with him were not part of the discussion last week- they are just now coming around. My comments were solely about those who accepted his velcro collar or promise to partner, while agreeing to keep it secret.
There is literally never a good excuse for a “secret relationship”- we’re not talking about Romeo and Juliet here. Nobody’s parents were gonna go to war if they went public. They are grown ass women who decided it was ok that he was lying to someone as long as they thought it wasn’t them. Did they deserve to be lied to and used? Of course not; nobody does. The simple fact is though, whoever agreed to keep secrets knew there was a person he was hiding things from, and didn’t care about that person’s feelings. They listened to him talking shit about other women and felt special that he liked them better instead of reaching out to those women to compare stories. Being a victim doesn’t mean they didn’t hurt anyone in the process too, and they’re still responsible for that. Again- not sorry for telling the truth. If it hurt, they should make sure it’s never true again.
I did not want to post about my experience with Whiskey because I am ashamed of my own self destruction believing in him over and over. I suffered enough without being called stupid or an idiot. I hold a Master’s degree. I am well versed in the sociopathic men like Whiskey and the methods they use to keep control over women. Yet I fell for it all the same. With enough love, he’ll settle down, if I do this or this, then he’ll settle down, he just needs this or more of that. Oh the lies we tell ourselves in the name of love. I feel like he will always be the worst decision I ever made. I was so blinded by his smooth talking and endless empty promises that I not only fell for it when he was tnwhiskey at the club Tennessee Whiskey back in 2020 but again on this Whiskey at Kickin Boots when we reconnected early in 2022. I saw so many similarities of our “relationship” in the previous post after post but none as hauntingly familiar as Speaking Up and Me Too. Even when I was in his good graces, I was nothing more than his toy to play with when he wanted then shoved far into the back of the closet while he played with something shiny and new. If I asked for anything from him, he would fabricate some future milestone that he had to do first before we could be together publicly. I’ve sat silently in the background watching him do the same things to all of the other victims, knowing the end result would be the same, yet I didn’t speak up to warn you. It is too late for many, but if these words reach even one and prevent her… Read more »
Sending a hug to you. The stupid comments got to me as well. The asshat is a smooth operator and countless intelligent women have been manipulated by his lying ass. Thank you for speaking up and joining your voice to ours.
We all need to speak up. This is just a game to him and we need to show him how it’s played and end it. Those signs of a sociopath perfectly describes Whiskey and after seeing his comments the past few days proves it even more.
Thank you for coming forward. We all need to heal from this.
Thanks for coming forward. Sorry you had to go through what you did
You nailed it….100 percent. Very well said. When I tried to move on and Whiskey saw me dancing next to the same man for the 2nd time he came unglued (even though I had been ghosted for some time) and bad mouthed the man…yes as if he knew him. Saying things like did his lady know he was dancing with me and talking about how many alts the person had and that he was the stalker from hell..rolls eyes. And if that is what I wanted I would deserve what I got yada yada. I happened to know that the gentleman had a partner for a great number of years only lost due to her passing in her first life.
How many ladies have had these very same comments said to them?
I wonder how many women he promised that to?
I agree…watching this all unfold has been so very satisfying, but even more so the new found women friends that have come into my SL life.
Same was said to me. Word for word.
OMG… the elope thing, classic Whiskey! Everything you just said, i went through too, almost verbatim. The only thing different is I was never told to keep the relationship a secret.
Nor was I. I was never taken to the beach, or put up in an apartment on an adult sim somewhere. But “Speaking Up” totally nailed it with the 4 week thing and then ghosted.
Once I spoke up and called him out, i was immediately told it was my fault, that apparently me mistrusting him was the lowest thing on earth.. Um, you EARN trust, i just don’t give it to you freely and with the constant way he was so secretive, he didn’t give me the option to trust him. Back in the tnwhiskey era in RLC, I was just someone to help him with his club, all the while he had me thinking I was his one and only and hardly ever even talked to me at the club, oh and definitely wouldn’t dance with me only near me. It may make me look bad, but I give everyone the benefit of the doubt (maybe not a great trait) i wanted to believe in him, and there was no real proof at the time, but once ladies started messaging me about their experience with him, I was done. He’s a player, yes it’s a game but when someone deliberately messes with your mind and uses you for his own gain, it’s no longer a game. I’m a real person and in world or out I deserve to be given the same respect I dish out. I think it’s safe to say I needed this thread about him and what he does, I’ve held this in for way too long and he’d never talk to me about it, so thank you to whoever started this conversation, it’s been very healing.
OMG at the not trusting him being the lowest thing on earth! I also got that and was told that I needed to come to him for the “truth”….um right. Also the dancing beside instead of dancing with is a huge “tell”. Once i was ghosted and shoved in the back corner, it was only ever “beside”. Maybe once a week to keep me hanging.
Sounds like we all went through identical things with him. It’s hard to believe how many of us he had on his radar at once.
You’re welcome. I think we all need this. I know I did. It’s been very surprising. There is more going on than I knew about. Watching Whiskey’s comments has been an eye opener too. He’s shown that he is much worse than I could have ever imagined.
Dipshit Whiskey actually started this thread you commented on 🙂 The one that keeps saying he’s done with this shit but yet keeps coming back
Two more days and this shit is done so you can all go find someone new to spread your lies about. I’m over this shit.
I’m confident we will see you again and again and again.
You will never recover from this disease you have until YOU admit you have it. I feel sorry for ya man. I actually do. But I hate you at the same time for doing all of the women that have come forward wrong. I didn’t know it was this bad. And sadly there are probably others that we don’t know about. I never did anything to you until you started poking your nose into business of mine. If you had never done that, if you would have just left Angelese alone in RLC after she left you, I would have never jumped on this bandwagon of your exposure. But you had to get someone or use an alt yourself to come to where we were dancing and take pics and threaten us. The very first night we met at that. I really think deep down in your heart, it has to be the heart because you have shown you don’t have a brain, that you have got to know you have done these women wrong, you have got to know man. It’s time to man up Tim, wayy over time to man up.
Whiskey would never get a secret apartment to hide a woman. So many lies being told on this site about that man.
What makes it even more sick – your using the tip money from the ladies to rent places to hide other ladies.
Whiskey go to bed man. I’m sure you’re exhausted from djing and logging in macieD and JesiTx back and forth the whole time you were djing. Who were you spying on this time? Loser!
Very well said, Thank you for this post!
Let me be the first to say AMEN!! Very well said. I think I heard a mic drop too!
But I thought relationships were make believe Whiskey, that’s what you told me when you got busted in my girls box. Told you ppl talk and most know of the real piece of shit you are. Go back to your RL since SL is just fake to you.
Make up another name Gunz? Never said SL is fake nor relationships. Where do you people get your information? Oh right from a fake news page.
Would you like me to start showing Gyazo of our conversation to everyone including Zara, cause I sure can and will. Do yourself a favor and don’t play dumb.. you were at Fogbound on Dec 4th in my womans box and then the very next night you were seen outside dancing with Zara. I’m not Gunz and you know that, I would say quit playing stupid but I’m afraid you really are that dumb.
Yes, please show those convos. I think that is the only way people can see the truth and it can’t be denied by Whiskey or anyone else that the convos were created or photoshopped. Slap him with the truth, please!
I don’t need to show you shit Whiskey, but I would gladly show how you were in my girls box saying how she was the best looking at Fog that night and how you would say more if she weren’t taken. You got mad and poofed when you found out she was just letting you talk and showing me the whole time, sorry not every girl falls for your pathetic attempts to get at them. Stick to Zara since she is obviously desperate and sad enough to stay with your scrawny ass and stay out of other women’s boxes. Maybe then all this shit would die down, but you’re too stupid to get the hint.
hey, stop. I am not Whiskey, he is “knows your name”. I want you to show those convos so he will stop saying this is all made up. He is convinced he is innocent and is saying that the women are at fault for his actions.
You threatened to show gyazos of convos, Please do it for all of us women. Whiskey needs to be stopped.
Please re-read what I said above about showing the convos.
Well lookie lookie- he didn’t even try to talk about himself in third person this time!!
Oh and another thing, why did you come to a club I was in with two of your alts within a few minutes of each other yesterday and leave immediately?
Was not me I do not have alts.
You have three that I know of
Correction, 5 that I know of
That’s not me playa
Doggone it I must have misread the page in DJ’ing 101 where it says that it is part of the job to run down the gf to other ladies (she still not giving you any??), sneak them off to private beaches behind her back, promise them parterships soon cuz you’d rather be with them not her, slap a collar on them so you can feel powerful and mighty. Zara knows what you do, she is that speshul kind of stooooopid dat don’t have enough sense to care that she’s being played. She’s too ashamed to admit she fucked up. Now come on now, you don’t want any of us to post the shit you do and say behind her back do ya?? I have a full arsenal of notecard after notecard of your antics. I got no qualms droppin dem on Ms Skank, I mean Zara.
As stated Zara trust and most dont. You sumbitches are making up shit trying to ruin someone but true friends know the truth. They know who is out to get him and the lengths they would go to.
One (1) person trusting you out of 30 or more ladies. Whiskey, those statistics aren’t in your favor. Try again.
Friends trust and know the real Whiskey and that is what matters most.
That is laughable, just saying! Yea we all know the real Whiskey, especially now…..
You all know the lies told about him by 2-3 people who are jealous and have it out to ruin him. But they wont ruin him this too shall pass.
Sorry but you’re delusional, how long have you known him,, since SL… lol.. I met him in 2012, it isn’t just 2 or 3 women as we can all clearly see here. You’re right though, this too shall pass and I’ll continue to stay clear from him and his antics. Good luck to you though, you’re going to need it.
You need to come up with a different game Tim, this mess about lies and me being jealous just ain’t cutting it anymore.
You started this shit years ago and now brought it here.
I was gonna sit back and let you two go back and forth and I’d have the backs of any of his victim’s if they wanted to share their stories. Maybe it’s time to cut him some slack now that the facts are out that he not only suffers from Erectile Dysfunction which we all knew but he’s one of dem emotionally disturbed people. He has him a case of the dumbs – aka antisocial personality disorder. It ain’t his fault that his mamma diddled him in the bubble bath. Poor piece of 💩 !!
I just went to Fogbound and noticed his alt jesitx there so I zoom in to watch the avi rez and noticed macieD land, so I tp to jesitx and macieD leaves and then jesitx leaves right after, that made me laugh lol
You folks are delusional!…lol
How did I start something that you started with Angelese? If it wasn’t me she got with, it would have been someone else dude. You’re so ignorant man. How was it me starting it when you get into the IM’s of the women I dance with? Tell me how?? You can’t dude, you just can’t!
You started the shit with Whiskey on RLC with the women. You continue to tell people how bad he is and what bad things he’s done. It all started with Jealousy in RLC and do not say you did not start it there because of jealousy and carried it to SL. Ask others who were there they can tell you.
After reading this again, one thing sticks out to me “women”. Your women? All of the women YOU were hiding from each other? I think that’s what you mean right? I didn’t know many people in RLC, I didn’t stay there long enough to make many friends.
There you go being delirious again. Others know the truth, I’m not too concerned about that. I do continue to tell people how bad he is, you didn’t lie about that. People need to know how bad he is! But truth be told, I didn’t start this. Lil ol’ Tim did back in RLC, then HE brought it to SL 🙂
This is alllllll about you on here. You are trying to turn it on me like you try to turn things on the women who have been commenting on here. It’s not their fault. You have an ability to manipulate women, you’ve done it for years and you’ve become damn good at it. A woman started this to shed some light on what you do to women. How manipulative you are, how smooth talking you are and even how nice you are when you do these things until you see one of them dancing with someone, then you lose it and start telling all that crap about being physically sick just seeing her dance with me or some other guy. You are sick man, you need help. Search for help man because this shit will eat you alive eventually.
Tim, Tim, Timmmmmm, you started this shit long before I came along in RLC
bruh, why you referring to yourself in 3rd person?
I know, he keeps going back and forth like no one is noticing that 😂
What I find really interesting is how this post says “him” when talking about Whiskey, but up above, Whiskey says “I”, both posts coming from “Knows your name”. Are we dealing with multiple personalities now?
😂 That’s quite possible with this idiot
It amazes me how one low self esteem man feels he can control every woman around him and make THEM feel bad when they figure him out and move on. And if they call him out on it then he turns it around to be their fault and they are the *crazy heifers* when he is the crazy one who needs mental help in RL. Give it time and these women will come together at you on SL. Gather at that club that is harboring you during one of your shows and faces you right there in front of everyone there. Then see if they stand behind you because it will tear that club apart and there are more clubs people can enjoy themselves at without having to worry about some awful man in their boxes trying to make them feel worthless when he’s the worthless one.
Again, I ask- how does someone who considers *sumbitches*a word, and has an av that looks like a lego person, make countless women feel “worthless”? Genuinely confused.
Give it up Tim, I have no reason to be jealous over you. Look in the mirror Tim, just look in the mirror
Why dont you give it up and admit you cant stand the ladies wanting Whiskey and not you? This game you play is not fun anymore and the women are wising up to it.
The only person here that the women are wising up to is your sorry ass. Your game is getting weaker by the day. You’re cracking man. Yesterday’s comments show it.
Wow, look at that ego. Ladies wanting Whiskey as stated BY Whiskey.
This isn’t about ladies wanting me or him. I don’t need nor want a woman in SL. This is about a narcissistic man that mistreats women in SL. I didn’t start this. A friend told me about this site and pointed out that dipshit made it on here. I decided to support the women on here because I have heard all the stories from them about him. I have been shown messages from the ladies I have danced with while in Kickin Boots and while he was dancing with Zara or djing that he sent them. You can’t convince me or anyone else on here that I am jealous over this idiot. You can’t convince me or anyone else on here that I am the problem either. His beef with me goes back to RLC when his girl left him and started dancing with me. He got someone to take pictures of her and I dancing together for the very first time in the club called Start Me Up. Who does that??
He told others in SL that if he saw me talking or dancing with them that it would make him physically sick. Who does that?? Keep pushing me Tim and I will post things that you will not like.
So who is the jealous one here Tim?
You wanted every woman in RLC just like you do in SL. And you are the one who treats the women badly. I have seen this too. I am done with this shit. Not hurting my SL one bit. Nor is it hurting Whiskeys.
I never wanted every woman in RLC nor SL. I’ve had some relationships in both worlds. There were good times, there were bad times. I’ve been catfished, lied to and cheated on. Calling people out for what they did wrong can be considered mistreated in some people’s eyes and I probably said some things I shouldn’t have to a couple of women. I’ve never been the kind of guy that wanted, desired or needed several women at the same time. Once I was in a relationship, she was the only one that got my attention other than chatting with friends on a friendly basis. At least I’m man enough to admit it unlike you Tim. You’re as sorry as they come when it comes to mistreating women.
I’m just about done with this shit. It’s nothing but Blame Whiskey when he’s done nothing and so much is being made up about him by a handful of people. It’s not changing my life any so say what you want.
Whisky, Whiskey Whiskey. lol. Your delusional and fooling nobody here. I think you have lost your grip on reality. You can’t decide if you are in the third person here or just pitiful you. What you are is one big joke
Get yo personalities all on the same page dude. “I’m” and “my” are both first person. “blame Whiskey” and “about him” are 3rd person. Everybody knows it’s you so stop being a coward and own it. Grab your nads and defend yourself like a man would you dumbfuck.
You do make me laugh though. You’re so fucked up in the head man 😂 😂 😂
I believe he is losing his grip on what little reality he knows.
oh the jealousy just oozes with these words. yes it is hurting you and your 3rd party persona’s SL . You care what others are saying and thinking or you would not be here trying to defend your sorry ass.
Spoken by the true narcissist that you are!! Why don’t you admit to all the ladies you have jacked around with your lies that you are a sorry ass man who needs sl worship to compensate for your pathetic rl?? Women are wising up to your bullshit bigboy!! Gunz ain’t yo problem, you are!!
Women open your eyes and see him for what he is, a spineless coward who mentally abuses women to keep them under his thumb. The verbal abuse starts when you leave him. He can’t back up a single thing he promises you and he is making identical promises to the woman on the pad beside you. Need proof?? Don’t take our word for it, talk to each other!!
There are a few simple facts here. 1) The women who originally posted on VS two weeks ago, are all victims of this man. Their stories are not made up or friends that Gunz gathered to “ruin” Whiskey’s rep. He is doing that just fine on his own 2) The women are no longer posting on this thread. They were abused by Whiskey and then bashed on VS for being stupid. True or not, they haven’t posted since and likely won’t. I am sure however; that they are reading every day. 3) Many of these women became friends with each other, and now speak every day to each other, and share the latest on Whiskey’s attempts to get them back to believeing his lies. I can assure you that MOST are just laughing and sharing his IMs with each other. The smartest ones, blocked him and he is just a jelly doll to them now, That term seems fitting for a spineless man eh? 4) I personally want to thank the men (and ladies) who have stepped up to protect and speak for these women, when they can’t or won’t speak for themselves. 5) None of this is going to stop Whiskey, we all know that, but at least the ladies of KB have been schooled and word is getting out. As someone previously said, KB will dry up for him and he will move on to another club to suck the life out of that club too. Who hasn’t noticed that KB’s numbers go down when he DJ’s now??? He can no longer get or keep the club at 40. YOU GO KB!!!! On a final note. I’d love to see, during one of his sets, while he DJ’s, ladies start c/p his chat with them, into local… oops… Read more »
For your information Whiskey’s sets are doing just fine. He still packs any place that he DJs at and always will.
Hmm. Maybe new folks coming by to get a look at KBs resident jackass and getting a good laugh as they msg back n forth while waiting for the women who he mistreated to come for a showdown in the KB Corral. Lol
Ohhhhh made me think of a great idea!! Whiskey and I could have a shootout right in front of the club! 😂
This subject is dead already!…lol
I dunno Tim, I have a feeling it’s going to continue 🙂
You may continue posting but people know the truth….lol and what is being told here is not the truth…lol
Why were you spying on Zara with your alt today when she was at Fogbound?
I was not at Fogbound today…lol
I know better 🙂
I was barely on sl today….lol but the lies continue
Your Moonshine and Cubic Zirconia advertisement says otherwise!! You are getting more and more desperate Limpdick. Who ya trying to convince – us or yoself?? Ladies look up the word sociopath and see this fucker for who he is!!
Unfortunately that actually is against TOS and I’m sure his pathetic ass would report them for it… but you know what isn’t? Taking a screenshot of his IMs, and “accidentally” dropping that link in local. Do with that what you will, ladies.
Better yet why not all the ladies just be at Whiskeys set and start conversing openly about Whiskey’s charming ways in local chat during his set? Now THAT would be fun!
Thank you for this post. Well said!
It’s true. I haven’t posted since week one but we read every single day and laugh delightedly with each new week he again appears. Rivals (that I was totally unaware of) have become friends and we talk and compare notes almost every day. Maybe there are some that are swallowing his “this is all done by one jealous man out to get him” routine but my new friends and I are not. The truth is out. He is a jelly doll to me and will remain so for the rest of my SL days.
There are many of us, I would love to have knowledge of just how many he has had on his string at one time. I bet it would be eye opening.
As far as “Know Your Name” goes. I wasn’t thinking this was Whiskey, just a defender of the lies, mistakenly or knowingly. However, I might be wrong. “Know Your Name” seems to have the same MO as Whiskey. Evade, twist or deflect and if all else fails just keep restating your lie.
I agree it will never stop, apparently (according to those that posted here) he never even paused to take a breath when all this came out. We can only keep spreading the word and hope that some heed the warnings.
He wont admit it because hes not man enough. Hes a pathetic coward who gets off on using women to make himself feel superior. I believe his self esteem is the size of a flea so hes over compensating. Im just glad I wasnt drawn in. Ive seen too many players like him in rl and sl. But he is a smooth talker.. I can see how they may get caught at first. But to keep going back? Hes a pathetic sorry little wimp,
He wont stop. We went to his dj thing yesterday just to see if anything had changed. Nothing has changed he was in my friends box and Zara was there to which he dedicated a song all the while talking to my friend which thank god my friend knows all about him but was seeing how far he’d go with his girlfriend there. I will say he had a smaller crowd while he was djing then I have seen before.
Very true, he has been in my girlfriends IMs again also. When she mentioned this site he told her that he has never read the stories about him and only knows what his friends have told him is said but people just want attention and he will not get involved in the lies being told about him. We had to laugh because further into the conversation he said “we can dance one day soon but will have to be somewhere private so that you will not get attacked for being seen with me”. We got a good laugh out of his comments because they were so on point with everything all of the ladies posting on here have said about him and his *script*. I agree he will not stop but move on to more places with fresh, I hate to say meat but seems that is what a woman is to him .
Well there’s another lie told by Whiskey. “Knows your name” is quite active and IS reading and commenting on these posts. 😄
@ 44
So you’re telling me that along with spending actual real life years out of our too short lives in these roleplays (you know a lot of you do if you added it up, we just don’t like to think about it) they should also be playing their character in their mind as just a supportive side character? And why are we coming for Jetis as the main offender when some people are basically always playing royal snowflakes? 👀
#41 I thought I was the only one who noticed this, this store should be ashamed to do something like this, about the quality of the products the clothes I bought didn’t even work on the breasts or were totally off the body. I believe that the events should review the quality of the products before these “designers” launch.
Im really hoping the notes tab is satire lol
maybe, maybe not. I use it to keep track of who people are. I enter in their username when I meet them, in case they change it, and a gyazo link to a screencap of their av upon meeting or adding. Maybe even a small blip about them. Useful for keeping track of why you banned or blocked someone too.
#16 You know how much work it is? to install the AI app and then put pictures in it and then push some buttons it take at least 20 min of your life, and then you can do it many times 😅 If you are a great artist people will still hire you, but if they like the AI more it means you are not that great to spend a lot of money on. Perhaps time for a job switch, and why would anyone pay like 30 dollar or something for a profile pick on SL?