· kesseret ·
Quick link to the 266 Comments
Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
23. ya he is back, he also changed his alts name to Max , no more acting like his really having two more “girlfriends” or “sisters” lol
he closed his republic shit and make a new group tho, but the members are same as the family one 😆
you still can find him in some anime adult sim if not maybe he is gonna buy a new place again
Honestly, if someone is on VS as often as Ash is, maybe it’s reasonable to say they’re not the raddest person. What is the consistent factor in all their problems?
A single person with a VPN and anon balls obsessed with hating me. 👌
promise you theres more than 1 of us
1. Banned idiots and that one dishonest manager in Cedar Creek. Ignore the imbeciles. Asheson is the friendliest of people.
At least the majority of people are against this aggressive anti-queer agenda. Living rent free in some minds I guess
Jared, wear red if you need help. We are here for ya, bud. 😂 😂 😂
anyone who thinks ash is friendly is probably fucking him. You ride the worship train or he’ll meangirl ruin you.
#16 – That texture icon looks like the old “color cop” color picker program. I have the updated version: https://gyazo.com/f94017fbd1c17ed7660f532e020e5865.
Nah we all know what that symbol means, someone’s been fishing for textures lol
icon for cache viewer so no that icon isnt it Mail (gyazo.com)
https://gyazo.com/74c4a23f7c29bbd410b5e527e018f036 It very much is not that or any other art-related program
11-12 – Sounds like someone is upset that Yana poached all Angel’s clients and employees and brought them to Hotties
First time I ever respond here.
Wow that hit me.
After spending 5 months my sl partner showed his true colors. Well. I should have seen it it before but I believed the lies of true love.
He dragged me through the mud. Blamed me for all of his insane mistakes. Trying to ruin my rl. Contacting it and threatening me to a level I had to contact rl police.
Good luck to the old gf he went back to.
Be sure he talked so bad about you.
All he probably says I am ? He called you that.
Abusers never change their game. They just stop who their bait is..
No one is required to have a sale at all. Be happy with the discount given, and stop being an entitled cunt.
#14 can we just stop going after FZ please
Now that is no fun, now is it. HA!
Fatphobia on SL is still absolutely the most unintelligible thing to me #25.
Why are people so obsessed with fat people??????
If thats the only foul thing you can use as a come back against someone… maybe like chill out?
If someone commented against you and told you to eat more you’d cry.
and not even realistic chubby, some kind of deformity should be breaking body
Someone mad over a buffet joke telling people to chill out..
it’s because a lot of people don’t have much going for them in life outside of fitting into a certain clothing size. it’s why they’re here posting here, with low blood sugar, forehead looking like college-ruled paper, completely obsessed with fat people and fat avatars that don’t think about them at all.
Not even shaming fat people here, just saying that the only thing she will be tearing up is a buffet. Cuz u know, her having murderistic tendencies and other cringe shit has her looking like an angry chihuahua but I believe in her food eating abilities. 🤷🏾♂️
Also.. maitreya users are not entitled to clothing or people supporting such an outdated body and y’all need to accept it. As time progresses and things arent being updated,…. it’s not going to be supported.
it’s same level of features and update as any other body newly released. So no it is not outdated. There is nothing current to update. Just because something has not been updated does not mean it is in need of update. It is still top rated body by consumers on polls and included by designers
and yet they are, because it’s still the single most popular body
Maitreya has all the essential features updated. Bento hands and feet, BOM, improvements for HD skins.
the maitreya body is updated, what a stupid comment
While alot of you put down the maitreya body.. just a friendly reminder… half of us dont want to look like chubby hooker cherubs. Some of us actually are healthy and fit and the maitreya body suits us. Personally I dont care what body anybody uses but I dont mind when chubby hookers put us normal sized people down.
Use legacy then(?)
Their potatoes can’t rez it; they’re already living their whole SL in low graphics with no advanced lighting, asking them to wear Legacy body is asking them to run around unable to see themselves half the time. Besides, it’s not like they don’t know there are other options besides linebacker shoulders/tube arms and chubby cherub, they just like to attack when they feel insecure.
legacy has a different mesh form too it’s not just about what you feel things are, shoulders and arms can be fixed. so can hips etc. Simply takes better skills shape making than alot seem to think have. The curve at waistline is extremely different between the two bodies. Personally I hate the legacy frame plus that HUD, not to mention the lying idiots of owners and CSRs
And what’s your purpose of this
I had a chuckle when this was brought to my attention.
What I had used as a litmus test for those I wish to RP seems to have been brought far past my personal RP moments. I described this better on my f-list and ask anyone who is invested in this moment to please take a look.
(I took me a bit to remember how to log into f-list to make these changes. lol)
I sincerely wish you all well and hope this site can continue to serve the purpose of rooting out problems on the SL platform.
(Not sure how this site works and I think I put a non-working email in here. If this pops up twice then sorry about that.)
if this is really lain it shouldn’t be a “chuckle” this isn’t funny and I know you have been a troll in the past and now isn’t the time to troll
If it’s a troll, the entire reason it’s up there is for the reaction. The fact they admit to a chuckle proves that. The fact the same people are continuing to gaslight and accuse without reason just shows why those tags were left on.
Honestly I don’t see the harm. If some oddball interacts with me because I have the tags, than it saves me time hunting them down and blocking em.
Funny you signed in the last few days and now say you couldn’t get in sus trying to save your ass and admitting you used this and are into those things. It wasn’t to troll that is a bullshit lie. You had used it prior to this don’t lie.
Stalking their social? Pretty cringe dude 😆
You really need to stop
If you actually read all the shit you mentioned regarding activity the account wasn’t updated for exactly 1 year, 9 months, and 4 weeks according to the post YOU created.
The account finally updated like 16 hour ago
And since you continue to deny the changes happening I’m gonna call it what it is, you’re mad at lain and this is what people call targeted harassment because you didn’t exactly cover your tracks
You WERE furzona staff, you caused issues probably forcing Lain or Rice to contact you, and instead of being an adult you decide to flame them on VS like a child
Lains post alone isn’t tied to FZ, however the one who made it into FZ was you in the comments. Considering the FZ post mentioned a rowdy staff, that’s probably you.
So now we have someone who somehow got access to their manager channels, or you pressured someone with less experience to share this information which doesn’t really paint them in a bad way. You’re so focused on flaming Lain when the issue was already resolved and you’re just a karen screaming because they didn’t fire them and you didn’t get what you wanted.
Anything else I missed?
I think they mean that they signed on the last few days and have been actively on the page prior to updating the page or that is what I got from it
Easier to say “log in” than sift through the various options of a character profile. Most I’ve used f-list for is to compare mine to another users.
Guess that needed clarification so I appreciate you bringing it up. ^_^
Ooooh. So initial posts on here can take a while to go live but replies are instant. Good to know. lol
Post a link, paragraph, or extra images the bot will flag you for human approval
Here’s a tip: just type something simple like “lol” and post. You can then edit and paste the original longer set in without having the bot flag ya.
Ah okay. Thanks for the info!
I had a chuckle when this was brought to my attention.
What I had used as a litmus test for those I wish to RP seems to have been brought far past my personal RP moments. I described this better on my f-list and ask anyone who is invested in this moment to please take a look.
(I took me a bit to remember how to log into f-list to make these changes. lol)
I sincerely wish you all well and hope this site can continue to serve the purpose of rooting out problems on the SL platform.
Oh bullshit. Why would someone being rightly disgusted by you displaying an interest in pedophilia and bestiality make them someone you wanted to avoid? Nice try at a backpedal, but no one with any sense is buying it.
Post tags to attract creeps
Creeps interact with you
block and move on
Why hunt them down, when you can make them come to you?
lain if this is you I don’t think it’s helping and I think making a proper statement is better then feeding into the drama I don’t think posting this will help you in any way
Some stores have such low prices that even setting items to 30% off makes them nearly free. Also, don’t act like an entitled broke a** b*tch, the world doesn’t revolve around you or your desires. Be grateful store owners give you any discount at all because it’s not like they have to, it’s not a rule, it’s doing something nice for you, so show some appreciation or go shop elsewhere. Trust me, your L$ won’t be missed.
11 & 12.
Be grateful you don’t work for The Velvet Tunnel or Shafted. If you are not exclusive, don’t expect to be getting anything but grief. Also, neither the owners or the managers are rarely online.
Please inform us all where there is a “good” club
Ha, worked there when it first opened and quit after the first week. Back then managers and owners were always in the club nit picking shit.
They treat anyone non exclusive like garbage, nit pick about any little thing, yet exclusive employees can get away with murder. All their exclusives are old hags that sound like they have been smoking 3 packs a day since they were 10 years old… coughing and weezing between lovense tips, ohhhh so friggen hot! Honestly its better that the managers are never on, they dont do anything but ruin the club reputation and pretend to be an owner LMAO
Honestly, they really don’t treat their exclusive very well either, unless you are in the “clique.” Between the sounding like a chain smoker, that baby talk they do, is retarded. You’d think they’d act and talk like adults, working at an adult club.
#5 Lain should be fired. End of story. Unless FZ supports that Lain is into animals and minors then there is no need to keep him around. It is plain as day he isn’t ashamed he is into those things. It says a lot about FZ if they end up keeping him around in the club.
how about we separate the lain from the fz for a moment, wait for them to make a statement on it and see what they have to say cause the direct actions of one member should NOT be the deciding for all of those that work for fz most of them did not know lain was into those things even if it is roleplay, a kink, a fetish, or what you want to call it I am sure they are figuring the best action behind the scenes
That mp4 is embedded, you’re done son
have a nice life because if you’re in furzona there goes your anomality
here is the full flist of lain

and there is the showing it’s on his page
#16 that’s actually pretty hilarious! Fuck No Mod
15 > It’s no surprise here..
..hadley acts like a 5 year old majority of her life and blames everyone but herself for everything that happens in her life..
..she never takes responsibility for her actions just like she will never take responsibility for showing everyone Beau likes lil kids because she needs someone to dick her down for the time being until she gets over him no matter what disturbing things he’s into..
..I wonder if Beau knows how her “bro” Tyson and all his old Winesmiths all ran a train on her in the Winesmith Discord..
..basically every guy she brings around she has had something with including him when she’d cheat on her old husband with Tyson.. ..who she going to blame next ? Ivy some more ? Bean some more ? Claim everyone in her life she’s dated is toxic but she’s with the most toxic one of them all ?
..he forcing u to go have sex with random men just so he could watch again yet hadley ? The list goes on and on.. so much more to tell that u told everyone in ur life..
So she hasn’t figured out the other account he has that’s still partnered that he logs into?
She wouldn’t not have him anywhere on her sim if she knew things but hey what does anyone else know right? She seems dumb and believes his lies again for the 10th time
Girl needs a wake up call if she thinks he’s not just using her until his ex wants him again like always
any on YN keep quiet because they all age play we have proof. Arti the pedo name as angel pedo friend to toby and partner. What happen has the febs ever find trace’s of kiddy porn on your PC arti. We all know you and kioko ageplay on alt accounts the proof is coming don’t worry. You Will see
#11 & 12. I think we all know that he is a greedy bastard, He must be the only club owner in sl that might tip his girls once a year 250L. While he will make that back the instand she madkes 1k. Clearly his mother brought him up to be a greedy tight fisted man.
Any hooker who needs a club owner to tip them are likely shitty hookers. By the looks of your spelling the only fault I can see is anyone hiring you lol.
Anyother dumbfuck that just does not get the point of the post and is more interested in the minor spelling mishaps.
#8 Her entire store is from CDTrader not just those two. She is a fraud and need to be stopped.
#8 Her entire damn store is from CGTrader. Not just those two. She is a fraud.
9 I don’t go through any effort make my kemono look any age young or adult. FFS it’s an anime avatar stop making everything about sex. I mean I get you just login to spread your virtual legs since the RL slit is so dried up it has cobwebs but not everyone on SL is that desperate
You shouldn’t buy the Kemono in the first place, or anything from the creator really. He admitted on being a pedophile.
Anime avatars don’t HAVE to look underage either, yet the vast majority of you choose to do so. It’s about intention and if you don’t have the effort to make an avatar that clearly looks underage look NOT underage you’d do it, you simply choose not to.
or rather i am not making anything sexual and just playing dressup in an avatar as it is. Kemono is NOT supposed to be any age. It is a kemono doll. Not intended for sexual or even rp beyond what it is. Just because you can’t think past your crotch doesn’t mean others arent capable of it. I am PG non sexual in SL period regardless avatar using so what does it matter to you or anyone else what my “doll” looks like
Just more smoke you throw out there for being a child fucker.
if going to jump in with an insult at least be capable of doing it correctly and not being a moron. Correct insult would be since I am the one in a kemono, people fucking me would the child fucker
#20- Caspervend is very easily able to hook into the marketplace and allow mp redeliveries, the stores you’ve shopped at just haven’t set up that feature. If stores don’t have it set up, try sending them a message/notecard/whatever asking them to do that?
#20 – Well…considering that Caspervend also has that feature, and many stores actively use that feature, it’s probably the stores you’ve been shopping at who don’t know how to incorporate that MP salt link into their account.
There are a lot of CV stores that don’t know anything other than basic setup. So maybe research the system a bit better before ragging on it.
#5 people trying to defend lain or lain trying to defend himself when you don’t just click you’re into minors or that you like to have sex/abuse animals by accident. Smh. It seems that Furzona is going to back him and let him stay on staff and it says a lot of the kind of people they employed the owners probably have sex with animals too and like minors cause they go and support the actions of Dante allowing him and the place to operate on the sim with them. I have seen Dante down in the club what does that tell you when they have people on the team like lain that posted they like to have relationships with minors and animals. Stop defending him. Anyone that does probably likes minors and animals as well why else defend this disgusting behaviors.
“Stop defending him.Anyone that does probably likes minors and animals as well”
do you hear yourself? Telling people not to defend someone and using the “or you are like them too!” is shitty and gross. grow up.
Exactly it’s that cancel culture nonsense that split the community in the first place. Everytime it happens the person who accuse others of ones actions always will be the person who is guilty of harassment and cyber bullying or been found to be an awful person instead. They project their guilt through other’s reason why it’s shitty.
there pro pedophilia and pro zoophilla at fz end of story
Why are you dragging FZ into this? what do they have to do with it? sounds like you have it out for them as well 🤔
Aziza is a zoo too I think she is a manager there
Anyone else getting SusButt vibes from this person? Like you’re just using multiple names to try and attack from different angles?
there is no evidence that fz is pro anything or against anything, just one single member which is lain does not speak for all of fz
#4 Scratches head… Who wants to be like her? You must be the equate brand that you’re referring too.. you sound like a ass kisser l0l.
15: Proof?? I have seen so many people claiming this. But, never once have I seen this so-called proof.
#16 please tell us which copybot viewer/program this is. From my knowledge, that icon goes to a photo editing software
It doesn’t.
It’s a cache viewer which lets you rip all textures from SL.
All textures are already ripped and copied to your computer from textures on items , clothes, skin to on objects. All it does is neatly allow you view them.Thats exactly what your cache is , saved ripped copies.
7 & 26 Imagine being so entitled and cheap that you think YOU get to decide what qualifies as a Black Friday sale and what doesn’t. smdh
OP is entitled and a whiner
a black friday sale usually has a bigger discount because it’s retailers trying to get back into the black and out of the red (ie, make a profit) before the end of the year and start off the second quarter strong. retailers would mark down older stock a significant amount (like 40-50% off) to push consumers to buy MORE (move old stock/an opportunity to retire items that don’t sell) and make up that sales gap. to put this in SL terms, stores that are ghost towns normally, would get high traffic and make more in a day than they would normally with months of weekend sales (and make more per item because selling at 250L item for 125L gets you more than selling it for 60L, 75L, or 99L ) or or months of events (where you’re already down 3000-5000L with fees. and if you do multiple events per month, that adds up). someone who might not have spent 5000L at your store, might do so when you give them more of an incentive to spend. i think the disconnect comes from those who do not live in the us (or canada). they don’t have a concept of a black friday sale and just think it means regular sale. also i’m looking at the comments and i don’t get the entitled part? people want to spend money on your product. give them an incentive to do. otherwise, it’ll end up taking up space in your inventory or you’ll end up selling it at a huge loss during a weekend sale or giving it away for free as a group gift. i’d much rather have the 40% off sale than selling it at a huge loss of a weekend sale, but that’s just me. a 20% off sale, most won’t bother.… Read more »
“i’d much rather have…” But it isnt your Shop. Im glad about any kind of sale because creators dont need to do them at all.
as good as you think all that sounded I am in the US and black friday is a joke with no real savings. Prior to event over the course of a month period prices are jacked up higher. When in reality you are only paying a discount of maybe 15% off in the end. Also note this is SL “end up taking up space in your inventory:” it’s still going to be in the creators inventory whether they sale 2 or 2000 of them because it is all copies of the original. But back to the US thing and entitled. Yes it is mostly US that poses these outrages demanding this or that. Nobody, no store, no creator owes anyone anything. I am not going to rush to buy something for 10% – 90% off that I would not buy for full price noir do I expect anyone to have a sale at specific discount or at all. That is the part that is VERY entitled and I do truely hate about my own country. The ridiculous level of self importance and demanding to be appeased, catered even kneeled to.
i’m not american but yes, i know us black friday sales are jokes (now) but at one point, they used to be great along with cyber monday. i just posted a bit of context as to why black friday sales have drastic markdowns instead of a regular sale.
and i personally don’t think “entitlement” is something only endemic to americans. it’s everywhere and an unfortunate aspect of business in general. take a look at a lot of the secrets posted here. “make this hair fit my monster boobs on my avi”, “make your fatpacks cheaper bc i refuse to pay that much for a few colours”, “make your things mod/copy” (we see this complaint each week), “make items for my body that no one wears anymore”, “make your sales posts on flickr (insta, etc) bc i don’t use facebook” , etc etc
#11/12 You sound like one of those dumbass whiners who complain about everything, lazy, never gets pick and feeding off other staff clients.
#26 I just want a store to be transparent on the % they discount then I can make a decision if its worth it or not.
#31 It is nice to have that extra time especially with the holidays!
Clearly you cannot read.The main issue here is not the girls or the clients. Its Brent and his greed you dumbfuck….
#17 A friend once asked Cerberus Xing – ‘ARE UPI GOING TO MAKE STUFF FOR LEGACY?” and why can’t you say for WHICH VERSION OF JAKE you made stuff…” needless to say my friend got BANNED he is a VERY famous guy in SL! Go figure…. CX is NASTY!
I asked him once, “Was there no Legacy made for an Item?” He replied back with a pic on flickr to show why no Legacy. He simply said I won’t put out something that looks like this. He could not get the rigging right. Was simple and easy.
“needless to say”….”very famous in sl”…. lol
I love to hear creators firing customers for being rude. Perhaps your “friend” should learn to talk to people with some manners if they want help. I asked him myself if he was going to make things for Legacy, way back when he swore he never would, and I had no repercussions because I wasn’t an entitled ass about it. “Why can’t you say for which version of Jake you made stuff” is fucking rude. How about “It would be helpful to have a body version number listed with the Jake items”. You deserve to get back what you give.
lol – Jake has a few versions and CX’s older stuff only fits some. Easy to write Ver 2.1 Etc – really? CX REMAINS RUDE AND EGOCENTRIC -! and my friend is a well-known Creator himself! So go figure! IF YOU HAVE RL ISSUES do NOT bring your shit to SL Bro!
we probably don’t care.
You don’t seem to be able to communicate at all without being melodramatic and rude, so get used to getting that kind of response. Your friend, regardless of “creator” status, should treat others as he expects to be treated. If he wouldn’t want someone to demand things of him that way, he shouldn’t make those demands of others.
or….. perhaps CX is actually too egocentric for his own good instead like some other designers who seem to have forgotten what customer service really is.
Maybe he is just capping in on all the new bodies. It’s more profitable this way.
or… perhaps some people have forgotten what it’s like to touch grass. maybe some people need to remember that they are not entitled to anything and that a designer/creator/artist/literally everyone who produces something to the public are actually human beings and deserve even just a molecule of respect. including those with “very famous” friends.
Troll lol!
As I clearly said, I’ve dealt with him in a customer service capacity. The experience was perfectly normal, because I wasn’t rude or demanding. Maybe learn to read before you bother arguing.
You see according to you it is always the Customer that is wrong or had been rude. Why is it that one doesn’t find this kind of problem with creators such as Thirst, Cubura – and quite a few others? It is really simple. They are highly competent creators and they treat their customers with respect and neither do they confuse their customers. It is called CARING! And one thing CX – please stop using your VPN to give yourself thumbs-ups – it is lame and conceited! Maybe you should learn that when people spend money with you a little caring will go a long way and you won’t get this amount of negative press. Where there is smoke there is fire!
No, dumbass. Do yourself a favor and read the whole thread before you drop your worthless opinions. OP quoted her friend being rude, and therefore THEY deserved a rude response. Never once did I say that the customer is always wrong, but her friend 100% did deserve a ban, Cerberus has never been rude to me, and based on how cunty “miki” has been on every single comment, you can bet her manners are trash as well.
LOL and LOL – try again! CX remains NASTY! and mostly irrelevant – besides the store is a mess also!
#13 Most of the mesh they use is not their creation. It is mostly Kitbash kits. You are buying textured Lego’s.
“BLACK PHOENIX” FULL 3D KitBash LibrarySci-fi kitbash set – Fusion 360 – Zbrush 3D Model
20) – do your research maybe? caspervend has supported marketplace integration since the beginning, it’s up to the merchants if they use it or not.
It’s no surprised that most of those complaining about not being picked to blog for Doux didn’t measure up to those who did. They probably also refuse feedback and don’t try to work to improve themself and think they’re better than everyone just the way they are
Agreed, Last week and again this week, someone is VERY salty about not getting picked.
#11 & 12. You girls always act shocked. Lol Brent is a piece of shit and always has been. he will not ever change and it’s always, literally ALWAYS been a terrible place to work. He sleeps with all of the girls and yes he does have favorites who get more attention. I worked for him 7 years ago and he is still up to the same shit.
It’s not a matter of being shocked, I just think they have had enough of his greed. Making all that money off of girls backs and can’t even pick a girl let alone give a monthly bonus of 5k to AOTM!
You can’t take it to the grave Brent. Stop being a greedy bastard and start appreciating the girls that have made you rich!!
I am a client of a girl here… will not mention name. but i did ask her why there was no girl of the month think it was last month, and she said managers said they cannot pick one for that month as they don not want it to over shadow the auction they had going. i do not understand this logic, do not understand how appreciating one of your workers on an ad board on the wall could possibly shadow a whole auction event,,,
Running anything in SL is a fucking mess- lots of people don’t take SL commitments as “real” and a bunch of the others take them too seriously, so if you’re in charge of managing them it makes you look like an asshole because half the people you hire just don’t show up or show up whenever they feel like it, and the people who do show up always feel like they deserve more for just being there, regardless of what they contribute while they’re around. Simply getting people to do what they agreed to do is a massive ass ache, so I can see wanting to avoid more drama.
In any group of people in SL there will be drama- I mean every group, literally always, it cannot be escaped. I only did regular dance club management, so I can only imagine how much worse it is when the people you’re managing are a bunch of delusional hookers in denial that they would be more likely get paid to put their clothes back on in rl. Deep down they still know it, so of course they are insanely jealous of each other- imagine the amount of ego tied up in those auction bids. I’d be surprised if they can ever have a “Girl of the Month” without meltdowns, frankly- I bet there are “Why not me”s every month. You couldn’t pay me enough to deal with those bitches and their whining.
20. Lol maybe I’m just lucky, but Casper shows me both mp and inworld purchases for stores that opt into it. It’s a button you make sure is checked, when you do each thing for your store…
9 . Do people ever stop and think that not everyone logs into SL for sex shit? Some people just want to dress up, look cute, takes photos ,and sign off.
I assumed (could be wrong) that the avatar was asked to fix looking too young because they were perhaps in an adult themed club or area that contained sexual activity. Otherwise, why would anyone need to look adult?
not always. I have gotten flack just going to a moderate region to shop. It’s insane the amount of people on SL whose first and main thought about literally anything is sexual.
#4- Not only is Symone messy, but dumb. Wonder how it feels to be Shawn Gunners fallback plan flunky and fool 🤭
#19 I guess you dint get picked to blog for Doux? I know for a fact not only friends of Doux owner got picked, and that person doesn’t heavily edit her pictures. So don’t blame it on that perhaps your pictures wern’t good enough? Stop being a bitter person.
Why feel the need to attack someones art that way? Perhaps they had already worked severely hard and done everything in their power to try and get a spot. Continuous rejection is a fucking harsh thing to happen to someone in this blogging environment and it happens alot even when you follow the rules and is exactly why alot of people burn out. Maybe instead of attacking someones idea of what YOU think isn’t good enough,stop and wonder why that person might be upset to begin with. A person is allowed to be upset they weren’t chosen when a few selected are notorious for doing exactly what the OP posted. I could sit here all day posting links of all the bloggers picked that do actually infact draw over hair which was one of the rules NOT to do. A person is capable of being upset and not bitter about something at the same time. Get off your high horse and fix your attitude.
#3 LOL! Whoever wrote this better not go to the listed winter sims… They all use the same snow system! *faints dramatically*
#6 wtf?
3 Oh no! Do they both serve coffee too? HOW DARE THEY. PS. rolling my eyes.
Rolling mine too. Those look nothing alike
I cant even be arsed this week. Why tf everyone writing novels too small to even fuckin read?
I thought it was just my eyes. We need bigger font people
this was my first thought too, if I have to open in a new tab and zoom in to read your nonsense, I do not care.
#5 Lets just add the age stuff on top of it https://gyazo.com/4600a6f263a22a96b2de71705ffe9885
Not looking too good there my guy.
Aziza is also a zoo I need to find the proof sometime and post it
Your arm getting tired from all that reaching yet?
If you take a bigger look he is into forced invest and other incest topics. He is into forced sex. Into animals. Into minors. You don’t click it by accident and there is a lot of nope on that flist and you don’t click yes on accident. That takes forever to fill out and he knew what he was doing. The link is on his profile on second like so you don’t just forget about it. It’s like he is proud of this disgusting fetish. Between Dante and this, seems Furzona is in the heat and enables these people to continue on.
I thought the first gyazo was a bit of a reach because that test is a bit skewed but then I saw the second “underage characters”. Oof
oh no test. Literally just that it was calling out the underage, and giving the name of the f-list for people to go look themselves. It also has the zoophilia in there as well. Yeaaaa…. Not a good look for lance, or Furzona either.
Lain had the link in his profile on second life. He wasn’t ashamed to display it. It’s not a good look on him or FZ and I’m waiting for either or both to make a public statement about this.
can we let this die already and take a step back before coming here angry in the comments
3. They are both well-made looking spots and I would appreciate them both. Having a scenic cafe to hang out at isn’t a new idea.
19. I’m not reading this, make a more legible post. Red on top of gray is horrible.
20. This, all of this.
22. Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a good glow up. Get it, Ruth.
25. Well that’s the most cringe profile I’ve read in a while and I’ve seen plenty, good job you edgy maneater you. *pinches cheeks*
27. No evidence of racism, really? Poster is probably right, if they don’t even understand racism there’s a good chance they are.
Thanks honey! I actually will take it as a compliment, and considering the bitch who wrote the secret is dating a snaggletoothed virgin who lives with his mommy and daddy and used to be 320 lbs before becoming a saggy sack of shit and wrinkles, I don’t think there’s much there to gloat about on her end. Heard she’s not much better and those teeth, whew. I don’t really mind admitting I will def tear apart that all you can eat buffet though xD Chinese food please! ❤️
Bro, I have a thousand better things to drag you for than the shape of your body. This one isn’t me, I love fat chicks. All I tweet is fat chicks. I’m all about the chonk. If her weight don’t start with a 3, she ain’t for me.
I mean, your ex did say that you needed someone around you 24/7 because you were so insecure and dependent. LOL. I guess all those tweets really add up when all you do is spend your life on SL and Twitter getting high and imagining sex that you’ll never get 🤐
So funny story, not a girl. U just are that kinda crazy I guess cuz I’m not whoever u think I am. U just bitchy and I dunno y u stand around a bimbo sim when u just there to be bitchy. ✌️😂
I mean, I do have a life. Tell me, why do “U” stand around there? Looking for someone to fill the void in that dependapotamus life of yours <3 Or, just mad that Moogley has less time to fuck you on your Teddy alt since she’s been jerking Daddy J’s dick to fill in for Dora’s shortcomings? xD
It’s Second Life, most people have less than ideal bodies or situations but from all of this it’s obvious your personality matches the grossness. Good on you for not using anonymity though. Don’t be cringe and needlessly aggressive on your profile and maybe you might even appear to be a decent human being. Just a thought.
Ever think some of those are inside jokes? Like the part they cut off, “Whore of Extraordinary Abilities”…. inside joke. Tear you apart… inside joke based off a song from quite a few years ago and a new friend I’m hanging with. Just sayin’… and no need for me to use anonymity, I know who posted the shit to begin with and they’re no better than me <3 Anyone who fucks someone’s man on his alt, breaks them up, and lies about all of it is trash in my book *shrug* But I am aggressive by nature. Still, pretty sure my ex she’s banging has a batman quote re: cringe in his 1st life tab so at least I’m not the only one cringey in this fuckfest. Thanks for the honest critique babe <3 😂
Nep, u trying to save face but ur a bitch and I don’t mean in like a bad bitch kind of way because sometimes that can be hot. Give me a girl who is confident and ain’t afraid to stand ground or step on my balls or whatever but u just dumb, u got that insecure chihuahua energy. Again, I ain’t a girl, I ain’t THAT girl, I’m just some dude u decided to be a bitch to at JP. U used to be cute but now u look like someone jizzed glue on ur face and u rolled ur face in a tub of craft supplies. Even so, even if u were still cute, that personality is foul! Nothing wrong with someone saying hello to u, damn. Run little boys run. 🤡
I mean, honestly? I’ve had a little screechy babyboi bitch rage at me at Pit on his 7 alts bigmad because he was an annoying cunt, and a few really sad, sad dudes who made the mistake of choosing to believe my ex’s string of paid hooker-whores that helped abuse me over getting to know me, and a few desperately sad souls who are mad they’re part of a family chain that contains a military wifey who can’t keep her legs shut & a pedophile or two so I chose to keep my distance from them… I know it makes everyone so sad that I just exist in my little space (hardly ever there even that I’m not afk)… Not sure which poor widdle soul you are, but pretty sure my craft-decoration face is pretty happily smiling as I don’t fuck with you <3 I mean, there is a chain of bitches my ex fucked behind my back who’ve harassed ME for years that you -could- be, but hey, I’m the bad guy for putting one girl through the same hell he made me endure just to see how long he’ll let it go on before she gets the point that he’s never gonna grow a set. And if you really aren’t the two desperate little gyaru-posers who can’t even get him off properly then I guess you’re just another in a long list of guys I haven’t fucked in SL because unlike them (and most of these sluts) I don’t actually give a shit about your shriveled dick. Oof.
“a family chain that contains a military wifey who can’t keep her legs shut & a pedophile or two so I chose to keep my distance from them” referring to Kayah supposedly being married to an Army dude and the fact that she was fucking Bishop’s whole pedo crew while she was also convincing Justin to cheat again but way to throw yourself into the middle of things again Thea where you’re not even wanted or involved. LOL. Way to out yourself though. Seriously, why do you always insert yourself in the middle of shit when you’re not even relevant like you tried to do with your friends you “warned” over 5 year old beef that I had all but forgotten about and let lie. Is it that lonely in the middle of all that dick?
And those pacifiers were a gift for his pacifier-sucking Anya who he fucked for Flickr likes <3 Gotta love sexualizing toddler characters for Daddy. If he’s gonna RP-fuck a toddler, he should at least feel the shame of it xD
As for alts to harass, let’s discuss Kukuu & ‘Squatch shall we? Again, pot, kettle. You’re really good at this.
If you’re going to call pedo and it can even VAGUELY be tied to my name because people know I’m a military wife and have had ties to you, I’m going to address it…especially if you’re messaging people in my “family chain” to call them losers and talk about your ex and his new partner when they want nothing to do with it. You know what you’re doing, It’s not cute and I’m not inserting myself when you’re fucking with my friends. My ‘beef’ is you taking this shit to RL and being a relentless stalker, so yes if I know people I hang out with are around you, I’m going to tell them – 5 years, 6, as many years as it takes before you just let your shit go…at least my ‘beef’ is on something legit and not who my exes are with.
I was waiting for you to bring me into this, because of course it’s my fault that when I found out you were hanging out with a couple friends and you had DOXXED me in the past, I told them of this. I made the mistake of giving you the benefit of the doubt, telling one that I didn’t care if he hung around you but I didn’t want you on my land because he lives there with me. As for the other, I told him I didn’t care if he had you as a friend but that I didn’t want any talk about me getting to you, because again…your dumb ass tried to get me into shit. As you probably know, I’ve dropped one of those friends, quietly and without a stink after I found out he was doing the one thing I asked him not to. I’m unbothered. Good friends really are hard to come by these days, it’s true. I admit, I’ve enjoyed watching you have your meltdowns but I assure you, I have nothing to do with this shit. I’ve been where Dora was. I’ve dealt with you making alts to stalk me and harass me, the pushing me around sim and getting in-between friends to take photos to send sim owners and claim that we’re BOOLYING you, the voicemails…and finally when you thought it was smart to call the cops on me to say that I was extorting you because (get this…I was going to send the chat logs of the things you were saying to me…to your boyfriend at the time) because you wouldn’t fucking leave me alone. If staying in your lane means harassing people, leaving voicemails, sending pacifiers, and everything else that you have been doing as you pretend to have your… Read more »
“I don’t actually give a shit about your shriveled dick” but here u are talking about it. It is pretty shriveled tho, have no problem making and keeping friends tho. How’s that working for u? U got one friend? Two? They embarrassed to be seen with u or something? Also pretty obsessed with ur ex from the looks of it. If everyone around u is the problem, u the problem. If u can think of a village of people that have a reason to not like u, u the problem. If this thread is how u are, u the problem. “Stop caring” a bit more and get off ur exes nuts or whoever the fuck ur raging about and off this post, or don’t. I got a new hobby watching u make a fool of urself.🤡😂 🤷🏾♂️
Good, gives you something to do besides uselessly living on a second life while neglecting your first <3 Happy to help!
5-14 Okay listen here you fucking retard!!!
You should know there’s a difference between kink and actually fucking things. You don’t go after peoples private matters and start linking them to supported events. How dare you let this out you fucking bitch I don’t give a fuck your ass is not allowed anywhere if you’re caught suck it!
Is that you Aziza?
You’re right. Kink is not a requirement to get off. But fetish is. How ever, kink and fetish still get you horny. So either way, Lain clearly got horny from fucking animals, or fucking kids, whether rp or RL or even just art which ends up still making it….BAD! It’s something us furries who have morals don’t stand for. Pedophilia and the abuse of animals.
It’s also not private if it’s up on someone’s open profile for all to see. And f-list is an open site with the ability to hide your profile from the directory, but you’d have to then know the name of the account/character to find the profile.
But I think we can all agree, this is either dante, lain, or a moderator/upper management member of furzona. That or it’s someone who actually has it out for lain and now just made them look worse than they already are.
I’m sure that this was posted by Lain himself and giving threats to people isn’t going to help your case bro. No one leaked anything that wasn’t public knowledge. It was on your profile. You knew it was there on your second life. It’s not new news to anyone it’s been there. And you can’t get mad at someone leaking something you make public knowledge. Waiting on a public statement that isn’t blaming other for your sick fetish to incest, forced/rape incest, zoo related fetishes, and fetishes kinks relating to minors. You need therapy.
In a case of animal or child rape “fetish”, you’re admitting you get off to the idea of victimizing helpless creatures who can literally never consent. You’re admitting that you’re a sick coward, fantasizing about taking whatever you want from those too small and weak to put up a fight. That’s plenty enough basis for judgement and being shunned.
I refuse to fuck animals those things have diseases and if you think anyone can fuck those things then ebola is not a big deal.
What does Ebola have to do with your sick fetish and kinks bro? I refuse to fuck animals because I know it’s wrong to fuck animals. Thinking about fucking animals isn’t a normal thought and you need professional help if you think it is or if you think it’s okay to fantasize about forcing family or minors into sex with you. There is so much wrong with your list bro. You need some help and I know this is Lain coming on here to attack everyone.
Fuck you I had several pets non of them have ever seen my dick stop assuming shit you wank stain!
sure keep telling your self that lain
Plus ebola is bacteria caused by animals did you know animal piss and other fluids can cause puss and if it gets in your body you can have a huge amount of bacterial diseases that could kill you or make you feel discomfort. meaning something worse than aids. plus if you get fucked by a horse you die to horse dick is deadlier but any other dicks than human is horrible too. so please stop assuming! also not lain.
I refuse to fuck them because there’s no basis for attraction and therefore not the slightest reason to ever even consider the idea. People who claim to be “attracted” to animals are just scared of being rejected by beings who can speak, and the things they’re attracted to are imaginary traits- just anthropomorphism- the same idea that resulted in furries. They project human feelings and motivations where none exist to rationalize the rapes, the same way pedophiles project adult desires onto children.
who hurt you..?
I wasn’t aware it took a trauma to be against animal and child rape; who knew? I thought that was just how decent human beings all felt.
Okay…Lets say this is a big issue, and they are diddling animals and kids…report that shit…Stop wasting ur time on this site and attacking every furry you see and accusing them of fuckin real animals.
Finally some logic in this cesspool
Ah here we go with the zoo and pedo cards instantly because being a furry automatically equates to a creep. You’re just as dense as your name states.
By your logic all blondes are stupid just as all poc are hoodlums. Read your own name and get some help because a small mindset like that is just going to make it worse on yourself with your dumb accusations.
Yes there ARE people like that in any community, but you’d be surprised how little it really is and how many in those communities make sure to keep them out. The only ones who use those dumb excuses are those IGNORANT to the communities they call out because they have no idea what they’re talking about.
You’re awfully defensive about some shit I never said, lol. You might wanna address that; it looks really guilty.
The mention of furries was only in reference to anthropomorphism- and since furries are literally also called “anthros”, I didn’t say anything that wasn’t 100% correct. All that means is that you are attributing human characteristics to animals. Unfortunately, all furries DO have that common ground with all bestiality fetishists, but that doesn’t mean that I said all furries fuck animals. You’re awfully quick to call others “dense” and “dumb” when your reading comprehension is somewhere about 3rd grade level, and I’m being generous.
Exposed is literally like three other people on a different name in this thread. They harass everyone all the time because they’re a zoophile themselves and have a lot of dirty secrets.
Three other people you say? Last I check Kesseret would’ve already said something because they don’t like that. You CAN be someone else in another conversation, but not the same one. They’ve called out shit like that before. I don’t support zoophiles, I don’t support pedos. I call out shit when I see it. Lains issue is literally a dated title on a webpage, there’s no interaction, no leaked rps, no PROOF he’s actually into that shit nor have theu partaken in it. So until THAT surfaces for…lets’s see Lain and Aziza, I rest me case. It’s nothing but a dumb flame war to tear others down without providing evidence. Lemme spell it out another way Pounce – literally sold feral “fuck dolls” complaining it wasn’t zoophilia nor encouraging it and people were just getting out of hand. They openly defended that shit Lain – had a stupid tag on a dated profile and corrected the issue, no logs, no nothing. Considering their past as a troll this shit doesn’t surprise me. They had all the time to run and they didn’t, they didn’t insult anyone, and they only brought up their issue. Geld – called out a creator for nipples and a butthole on a dog skin claiming it was zoophilia and that same creator shot back with literal screenshots of geld doing the nasty. Lain corrected their mistake, made a public post, and moved on. If you’re gonna call bullshit just wait till they get caught because continuing to cause shit is how you lose your reputation because y’all dumb bitches cry wolf to much. Now that the issue has settled we have randos targeting yet another manager with literally zero evidence, ya see how this is actually turning out now? It’s nothing but an asspull. Also who… Read more »
Inb4 admins come by and confirm you’re actually 3 accounts by the same person…
It’s a but uncanny don’t you think, SusButt/KarenCallout? We can all tell you’re the same person, and that you’re grabbing straws trying to accuse anyone and everyone of being a Zoo. This is quite literally destroying any and every bit of credibility you’ve had.
By the way, Lains posted in here if youve been paying attention. Clearing the tags and explaining why they were there in the first place, but you’re too busy trying to get by on a murder spree, did they fire you? Not hire you? How salty do you need to be?
Gonna take a stab at this real quick since most of this is just out of context bullshit.
Lain – if they really do support that it’s gonna stay there. However furries normally make an fist and forget about it because it’s not used often especially if you dont rp. Ffs we have toyhouse so flist is kinda outdated for character documentation. Hopefully that gets cleared up by making a statement or just removing those tags in general because I think silence is the worst possible response.
14. So whoever this is forgot how discord works. See that yellow shading…it’s highlighted meaning this information was leaked by someone who probably has no idea it’s being used for slander. The other warning is the dates are ALL set to today meaning those were capped the moment it was made. Also the posts are out of context because I don’t see hoe discussing about allowing intoxicated staff to preform as a problem, it’s a common nono irl.
The ONLY thing I see is lain and UFW. Whoever is posting all that ufw shit is probably the same one harassing a manager to try and get information and out of context gaslight people.
Edit: Also it looks like they got a rowdy one causing trouble considering they won’t listen to security. Probably the same person who made the post. Rice seemed to handle that situation so they’re probably another target which explains some of the posts since lain only appeared once.
Lains issue is shit, but it’s not tied to FZ
UFWs drama is shit, but it’s not related to anything in FZ
They literally share the sim and nothing else. There’s no collaboration between the two whatsoever and are just grasping on straws.
He knew that it was there, there is proof it was on his second life profile even if someone forgets about the flist they don’t forget their profile on second life and I can drop a image that it was on his profile and public knowledge if you want me to alone with the thread calling him out for having sex with a dog. His own words in a private discord. I am surprise he wasn’t called out sooner here it has been a long time coming so I am sure this isn’t the last on Lain. It’s a bad look on Furzona and they should let him go or distance themselves from him if they know what’s best for them. Between Lain and Dante it’s not a good look for Furzona
And what does Dante have to do with Furzona, Dante is UFW drama. There’s no collaboration between the communities aside from a shared sim. They don’t do anything together, they don’t announce their work, they just exist.
I agree UFW drama (all SL wrestling drama especially of the fur kind) is pretty dumb, disgusting, and just shit. It’s like most RP sims, you never hear the end of it. But to join drama from two very different communities just because they share a sim…that’s kinda dumb. Nobody here is going to deny UFW has drama, but with an educated guess because of how FZ handles drama, they’re not going to get involved unless UFW mentions FZ themselves and forces them to take action.
Another guess is they probably just pay rent and only rent, what’s the different between that and your neighbor on sim? Shitty comparison but it’s the same argument. If all UFW is doing in FZ is just paying rent, than most likely they will never partner, collab, ect because FZ ain’t stupid. Literally the only club they’ve partnered to is GYC and all that appears is just sharing TP points in their venues.
– noms on popcron- I’m just here for the tea
Yea now that I look at it and the way the posts are mentioned this is a self bust. Yo Rice whoever you confronted has it out for ya xD
Probably got fired and demanded a lesser experienced manager give em context and they didn’t know what to do. Some proper training should keep the leaks down because there’s nothing wrong with keeping the loud and obnoxious ones out.
Rice needing more attention again I see. So she throws this out to make it look like she is being attacked YET again. Throws popcorn at you and everyone else. FZ is so pathetic why even bother with the trash talking back stabbers? Your funeral of stress.
Except there’s no trash talking?
Interesting accusations my guy/gal. It’s almost as if you just called yourself out, did you get fired by any chance? 🤣
is Karen the only insult you have? Lol
A karen doesn’t come with facts, proof, and sources behind their claims. They just talk shit to talk shit when they feel “oppressed” or aren’t getting the entitled special girl treatment pretty much like everyone here because the amount of brain rot I’m reading is hilarious.
Tim was proven to be a mental abusing piece of shit groomer
Suda is a pity card wielding character thief with a white knight incest family complex
Skitz is a copybotting egocrazed doxxing piece of shit who can’t keep their story straight
Leo and raven are clout chasing pedo/zoo supporting idiots in denial
oh and Blazey is a wannabe edgelord hell bent on tearing down others
anything else I missed, because I already sourced it. You’re never going to see karen that’s actually right in most arguments honey.
I was thinking the same that rice is trying to bring attention to her self and make it look like she is the one being hurt by this and nothing is on her when she made sure to show it’s her in all of them. Funny. Yet again she is being attacked and it is no one else. Only rice. And the first one to mention her by name is her or jelly xD is a give away. No one has it out for rice get off that high horse of yours already
following for the tea
Sounds like you might be rice yourself or that the staff is trying to covering their asses and allowing a predator to stick on staff and got another predator to share the same. Suspicious and adds up if you ask me. Waiting for your public statement fz and for you to fire lain for his behavior and remove the wrestling sim. You are aware of what Dante is doing why are you letting it happen still and keeping them around unless you are into it yourself. x3
You’re just trying to make this situation worse and trying to seek a goal out of it. This is only FZ and FZ issue only. I’m suspecting you’re behind the previous nonsense going on between UFW,VW,FZ,TGS and so on and you’re projecting it to your own interests. Lain already said her piece but you on the other hand have been trying to stirr shit all because you can’t seem to get what you want.
Feathers isn’t rice. They first surfaced during the Soko/Geld callouts and the name itself should be a big hint for that because it’s literally a joke about their closed species which they called out because it was a “mind machine rip off”. The fact you instantly go after Rice and accuse them of the defense just proves not only how new you are to this site, but how baseless your claims add to this conversation. Oh look more of the same cards. Are you sure you aren’t “No Popcorn needed”? If you actually had a brain and actually read what the post tried to call out and read Wandas post…you’d see the self callout. The ENTIRETY of the post was showing logs of managers debating on accepting intoxicated staff. There’s also something about a less than stellar one who apparently can’t listen to security (might be the same one) So lets break that down, as posted above intoxicated workers shouldn’t be a thing PERIOD. and I think the discussion about that is quite valid. Rice was the first to handle the situation, nomad jumped in during that confrontation. The only reason Rice is even mentioned is because they were DOING THEIR JOB. So yes this is a self callout, it’s targeted bullshit and an actual karen jumped into a managers DMs for answers trying to gaslight them. The same thing can be said for lain, stalking, targeted harassment, ect. Again FZ ain’t dumb, they’ve probably ALREADY started confronting them the moment the posts updated and I’m sure we WILL either get a full announcement from either FZ, or lain himself. However if there’s nothing I’m going to state this again because you really REALLY can’t convince stupid but…if there’s no truth to the claim, there’s no reason to get defensive… Read more »
sure anyone can say they aren’t someon truth be told rice did have a issue with soko and has been caught shit talking her so whateva
You’re really stretching this tale quite far aren’t ya
got some sources for that claim?
Looks like a whole lot of FZ staff already camps out here….Wonders where all the furry drama comes from and gaslighting if not from FZ…hmmmmm most places that lack drama have the best stories….;D and are the ones dropping the drama on forums such as this. I would think before anyone on staff there is trust worthy. They talk a lot of trash. And if you notice most of the furry drama posted here is FZ related some how or staff involvement…makes you think..Eats more popcorn…
pretty sure they do trying to defend themself and I am pretty sure they are the ones posting up in these comments defending the pedo zoo shiz
You’re absolutely right!
Rice is obviously upper managment. That highlighted tag was for DJ managers meaning karen didn’t contact the gms because they would keep quiet. They harassed a poor manager to do their dirty work for them and later take the blame for the shared logs. Down and dirty behavior.
They didn’t only ignore security but when asking gms they were told the same issue. Idfc who it is intoxicated security, djs, and mcs are a big fat no.
funny cause rice also has the dj tag and could have taken the shots to pin the blame on some one else and make her self seem like she is the one being taken advantage of when it could have been her it is funny she is the only one brought up by name no other than rice herself we know no one likes you any ways girl so its time to just admit you were wrong and sent them to shin she got them somehow and you are the only one that sees everything do not let some one take the fall for you
also the flist is still on lain’s page on sl
he has been on since the post and did not take it down
part 1 of the flist
part 2 of the flist
part 3 of the flist
part 4 of the flist
part 5 of the flist
Age Player! fucking gross. For real?!
For the down votes on this post is fucking sick…get your heads checked please.
Bruh mad cuz their gaslighting scheme getting downvoted xD
can we take a step back and think before coming in all hot in the comments? fz and lain are separate matters and lain will be handled accordingly there is nothing bad about fz here the ufw is separate also so think before you type seeing you all are guilty of being hot headed in these comment sections
Any organization that hires someone with that nasty shit publicly displayed in their profile is at the very least negligent, and at worst complicit.
Yet Firestorm has chaser zaks who’s a so called zoophile that’s been doxed to shit, black dragons owner was also “dramatic” being called a creep and pedo, and outside of SL we got Blizzard full of sexist abusing idiots but everyone forgot that because of the next expansion. You clearly have no idea how the world works.
If it has nothing to do with the organization, they don’t give a fuck. Don’t matter how filthy a person is. We call this equal opportunity honey, go look it up because you pull something like this in the real world you’re gonna end up with a lawsuit.
Someone sure is salty
They won’t stop. “it is what it is” literally running around on MULTIPLE posts trying to cancel culture because they had a fight.
Lain already answered and removed the tags (it’s pretty obvious it was a troll) and they’re still trying to fight, randos are now jumping in throwing more of the managment team into the mix (it was always about furzona here)
First Lain, the callouts mentioned dante which is UFW, and now that Lain’s issue is gone they mention Rice and now Aziza
the other manager Zack was already accused of causing all the soko drama and when Exposed proved that wrong the uploader made a post claiming he also started the anima witch hunt.

Just a bunch of numbnuts
11 & 12!
You may be right in what you say,but while you were there it felt good to receive money from people who went there,right?
Also from clients of your colleagues,isn’t that right?
And now that you left you’re coming here to badmouth the club,but I bet you’ll be another one who badmouths the club but in a while you’ll be back pretending that nothing happened,because that’s such a common scenario in that place.
You could have just walked away with your head held high,but no,you chose to come here and advertise the club for free.
I’m sure the owner of the club thanks you for that!
I agree with Lol uh, Yes i posted the secret and like she said many of us bring in our own clients and most of us also advertise other places. What i have posted is 100% true, 6 out of 12 months an AOTM is picked, excuse? Oh theres a tie, Oh we want to prioritse the auction yada yada yada. STFU you don’t give a bonus or a tip to AOTM so why is it so hard for you and your two stupid pretend managers to pick a girl?
Don’t you worry my head is high as it can be because we all know the truth. I just want everyone to know what a greedy bastard he really is. He does not appreciate any of the grils that helped him build his rl business with the money he made from them….
And that is why both girls and clients are dropiing like flies. I bet if you went in there right now it would be dead.
Is it really badmouthing if it’s true. Brent does pay 10L/h to majority of his workers and there was no AOTM in the summer. So where is the badmouthing here?? It is 100% accurate.
Not everyone is like you, some of us actually have clients prior to starting there, right?
So please, don’t try to point out the what the benefits of working there are, the drawbacks outwheigh them. 🙂
P.S. I am not the poster of the secrets.
The fact you care about hourly wage and talk about clients shows you have none. Hookers who have clients dont care about stupid wages. I make more working 30 minutes than any club pays hourly for the week. You one of those hoes who ruins our industry giving everything up for 100L on a good day and freebies on a bad.
Angels is notorious for freebies. Don’t even get me started on the serial daters there that provide extras for free. Yes, you know exactly which AOTMs I am pointing the finger at, and the fact that you do says more than enough. Just in case you think you miss your “hooker mojo” again, think twice. It’s a club full of attention seekers, NOT hookers.You have some self reflecting to do because as of late you are no different, really doesn’t suit you, neither does cussing. 😋
I can’t help but giggle. Do you even know how stripping in the real world works? If you are not attention seeking or trying to engage with the customer AKA make a sale then what the fuck are you there for? You just sound bitter.
Hookers that know how to hustle do it for money, attention seekers give it all for nada, zero, zilch AKA for nothing.
Some of us are there to make money, not to find a SL boyfriend to impress FOR FREE which is what the ladies at Angels do, and they do it right infront of your nose and Brent’s. Is it really a sale, when there is no L$ involved? Enlighten me. LOL
They need to go out in real life, and find someone to give them that attention and approval they so desperately need. 😂
You are whining about them not picking a monthly girl which I dont see why you care what some hoe house does that your not part of then later talk about freebies. Girl you are so delusional and contradict yourself too much.
Please enlighten me how you know who offers freebies. You keep saying this but providing no context. Is it Brent or the girls? Pick one to blame lol because I do not think an owner of a club would encourage losing out on money.
Be glad there is a discount at all. This secret sounds super entitled.
People use secrets just to show how entitled they are. These creators owe us nothing
#19, yes sure, all creators should give their products free, just because you won’t spend anything you make prolly such crap pictures and you think it’s enough ? Take less sponsors and work harder !
You completely missed the point 😂
#19. You couldn’t even put a legible font on a mostly black background, I’m sure David had his reasons for not picking you. Creators are not obligated to choose anyone to promote their brand. Practice, get better, apply elsewhere, and the right one will come along.
I agree. It’s also David’s business, he can choose who he wants and doesn’t have to justify himself for it.