· kesseret ·
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Before we delve into secrets…
• If you hook up with a crazy in SL, it is not our responsibility to help you deal with that. If it becomes a RL issue contact law enforcement.
• Trust no one. If you tell people your laundry they will air it for you.
• Secret submissions are anonymous. We don’t know if your crazy ex or your abuela submitted them.
• Make your secrets legible.
• Do not contact us just to threaten us, especially with e-lawyers. We’ve been doing this for 12+ years. You are not the first nor will you be the last.
• Lastly, if the material submitted here triggers you, please get help. If the materials submitted here make you suicidal please see the suicide hotline numbers posted. They are there to help.
#9 – what RP sims? Im looking but only can only find Crack Den when doing searches aside from random ERP sims!
#7. Looks like your graphics card is failing to render mesh properly. You mighta known if you had demo’ed it first? No SL store customer service can help you with that. The Customer service you seem to need is either Winblows, your computer company, or your Graphics Card company. Maybe you should do driver updates or get a new computer instead of whining about a product your computer can’t render as if it is the maker’s fault. You might be able to get off your low graphics setting and see the world as intended if you take my advice… *** #9. RP sims are making a comeback? When did they ever go away? *looks around at the sim she’s been RPing at since 2006…* I don’t think they got the memo they were supposed to have died out a long time ago! *** #12.What does 2022 have to do with anything? People are still sick in 2022! If it’s the mask, maybe you are very young or have been sheltered all your life. People have worn masks when out and about if they have a cold for decades before See nine Teen was a thing. Japan, for instance. It’s respectful of others, but not many in the U.S. know about respect for others. (I live in the U.S. so I have seen the disrespect going on here, such as a 20 something running down an elderly man with her cart for the last dozen of eggs as a sad but true example. But, I digress…) RP is always cool! Hospital RP has been in Second Life since the game started! People like to add props to their RP, and your images prove that point. Let’s break this down shall we? The first image with the mask would be cool for Apocalyptic/Cyberpunk/Dystopian… Read more »
I am guessing you don’t have many friends by the way you come across as a pretentious, boring old fool.
Do you compare the size of your clitoris to show you are more endowed also?
I run a custom built gaming machine with my viewer on ultra. the nails were poorly made/rigged. the purpose of my post was a buyer beware, not a request for help. I clearly admitted right on the post that I should have demo’d. but thanks for the tech support?
Oh, you are so welcome. Glad to be of help! Demoing things should be a given, a no-brainer if you will, but since you forgot, take it as a simple reminder. 😁 But let’s talk techie since we both have custom-built gaming computers? Sometimes mesh renders differently from computer to computer, even viewer to viewer. What you see may be different from what someone else sees of the same thing. I have those nails, and I don’t see them as you do on your screen. I see them the same as the advert image, and I, too, run on ultra, using the Firestorm viewer. So yes, buyer beware.. don’t be lazy; try before you buy, or don’t complain.
A friend also got them and see them as I did. More than likely it’s a body difference. They probably look perfectly acceptable on a smaller frame. Again, the post was more buyer-beware and only a slight tsk-tsk on the designer since I’m not familiar enough with the ins and outs of mesh making/rigging to know in detail what went wrong.
#37 Peach body is already a copy of kupra with wider hips so… Not surprised at all
So the problem here is the part where you talk about the Gor books like they have things anyone is interested in beyond the rampant sex and sexism.
#6 You are obsessed rofl Lauren hasn’t talked to Cade since November 15 in public you moron. Someone couldn’t let the obsession go and What business is it of yours if they flirt or don’t flirt rofl you don’t know who anyone wants or not
Why would anyone steal Maitreya’s grotesque looking feet?
Because you automatically have thousands of shoes to fit your fat ass avi
No part of John Norman’s drivel can be considered good. If you actually wanted to play planetary romance, you’d at least go to the originals – Burroughs or Howard.
#23 Please do yourself a favor and avoid all the clubs they mentioned.
#29 This one as well.
Former staff member. Some have terribile management and they treat both staff and patrons poorly.
#29 Godwin’s law violation. “Anything I don’t like it literally Hitler! WAAAAH” Maybe don’t do things to get kicked out?
Made by people that are mad their bullshit was no longer acceptable down there, so they got removed. That they resorted to that kind of shit just says more about the type of people they are, though. It says nothing of the person they wrote about.
Not Really, Seeing that #29 Club is Known for that, who knows, it is SL right? This place is all about people going boohoo anyway.
People that make posts like that on here are more often than not exactly what I said, mad they got removed from somewhere, or didn’t get what they wanted. I’m sure that club and owner like any other has its issues and enemies. I don’t think there is a single club in sl that doesn’t. Plenty of ways someone could complain about a club without going the “hitler” route, though. That kind of childish shock value response does say more about the person that made it. I doubt it will have the desired effect though. Butthurt people will always be butthurt people.
Agrees 100%, wanna bet one of them made the post to begin with? i’ll put my bet on Charlie’s Angels who3es. They will take all for free and bad mouth everyone that kicks them out. Luckly we don’t have to see them any longer @ muddy’s. YES!!
#19 With your low graphics that’s normal lol But with a good setup and lightning enabled, then you see all the magic of the Bump Map, Shine Maps etc etc
But ok, those aren’t for the beginners in second life 🙂
Let me guess… you’re the creator of those atrocious things or you’re friends with the creator. 😂
lol… my graphics are on ultra but thanks for trying. Be Less is correct though, it was about the size of the nails and definitely my own fault for not doing a demo first and, as showing in the post, I freely admit that. i have a bad habit of thinking that things are going to be good even though I never tried that designer before. I honestly just though that you couldnt fuck up some nails but i sure was wrong lol. lesson learned. I was just showing it as a word of caution for others.
The issue isn’t just the textures; look at how small they appear on OP’s hands vs. the vendor image. That isn’t right. Vendor image shows the whole pointy part sticking out past the fingertip and they clearly do not fit that person’s body that way. Still their fault for not demoing, though.
#28 OP you got rejected pretty bad, didnt you? You can just tell him that youre into him and butthurt that he didnt pick you.
Ah yes, women making sex easily available to anyone, then whining because men don’t have to commit to get sex anymore. How’s that empowerment going?
For all we know this could be a guy writing about him too why be so sexist
Bridget Hamill is a narcissist. Even now in her profile in SL it basically reads, “It’s not me, it’s you.” I’ve heard horror stories of what she has done to staff and vip’s even beyond SL. She has her minions in her inner circle to keep telling her she is better than everyone. Then there is that RL fanatical false teacher she calls a pastor telling her what to do. The Bible talks about humility and gentleness and being an example. From what I know, you win people to Christianity by your life not by force. Bridget can’t figure that out because she is a narcissist. Just read her profile, “It’s not me, it’s you.”
“Bridget Hammill: PRAYER REQUEST
– Bridget Hammill have you ever considered that this prayer request has been the same kind of prayer request by those you’ve hurt over the years? That maybe they want God to bring Justice on you? It’s very telling that you never ask for prayers for the people you’ve hurt. What is this prayer request really about? Do you really care about people or is it about something else?
25 – First, the name is horrible. Further, that is a very unrealistic fat woman avatar. Piggu June looks pregnant, inflated, or both. It has no rolls or folds. Does anyone do skin for it? At all? Let alone skin mods to actually resemble fat women’s skin with stretch marks and cellulite? The clothing options are pathetically small as well. Not even the template makers who churn out for Jomo, Star, and Ocacin bother with it. Finally, June is not “Thicc.” Thicc women resemble Megan Tha Stallion or Nicki Minaj. June’s waist is too wide and its butt’s too small to ever be thicc. June is a cartoon fat chick. The fact the maker set out to do fat jokes in mesh is why.
The creator is on record saying it was a joke and a troll of overweight people. That alone should tell people that that body ain’t it. The way it’s rigged/how it responds to shape sliders and the skin should tell you it was ripped from somewhere. Those two reasons alone should be enough to make you steer clear of that body. People pointing to a troll body like it’s the gold standard is hilarious.
Even if those two things weren’t true…the fact that people aren’t really wearing it should tell you that people don’t want to look like that. Let people look how they want to look. Someone with a big ol’ ass n tits and a tiny waist is in no way hurting anybody. The only secret here is people that cry about them every week are assholes.
All the people whining about juicy mods/curvy bodies really care about is that “fat” looks “ugly”- the fact that something they hate is being seen as hot is eating them up. That’s seriously the whole point of this entire dumbfuck crusade. It’s almost like there aren’t as many levels of being “overweight” as there are overweight people; for some people maybe a Piggu body would be realistic. For plenty of others, it wouldn’t. Men are much more likely to gain all their weight in the belly than women are, frankly. Anyone who thinks it’s impossible for a real woman to have a more or less hourglass shape and still have a little side and belly pudge simply has no experience with real women. All that’s required for an inward curve is hips wider than their middle. Do lots of people take it too far and look stupid? Sure. But that’s not really who they’re mad at… they’re mad at the ones who make it look good.
Need Proof
the female bodies are no longer sold. no inworld shop only MP please look for stupidly making a secret
It is too, just in its own MP shop separate from regular Piggu, where you only see the male body.
You call women and specifically ”female celeb rappers” with plastic surgery as ”realistic bodies”? Sure Jan. No chubby/curvy woman in rl would have gigantic boobs and ass, and tiny wasp waist and skinny arms without plastic surgery. I dont know in what sillicon valley planet you live, but those bodies you mentioned are not realistic at all. The june body is more realistic in proportion sense, because yes curvy women DO IN FACT have waists and CAN IN FACT not have a butt. Bigger buts are caused by genetic or weight training not by being default overweight. If someone was to make a body with those proportions but add more detail on the skin, it would be the most realistic body in sl period.
all the ” fat woman” avis are unrealistic. Tacking fat rolls on makes you look like a melted candle. 56″ hips and a 23″ waist are impossible on actual humans.
Thats like saying the muppet babe known as Ms. Piggy needs to change her name.
… she’s literally a pig though? Nothing like the same.
You’re right, shes better than most girls on SL, it would be an insult to her.
there is a HUGE difference between “piggu” and naming an anthropomorphic mammal/amphibian/etc with what it literally is (miss piggy, kermit the frog, fozzie bear, etc). it is very well known that piggu’s intention was not a nice one.
Need proof
#29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ToEvz-7trY
#29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ToEvz-7trY
I got that often with customers, they ask a question, you reply, and they are asking “Who are you please ?”, so I’m like “keep your chat history enabled dumbass !”
#32 I thought this was authorized. I’ve seen this store doing this several times, and I even bought this skin at the in-world store with the 40% discount they had on the products because of Black Friday. The creator will likely withdraw from the sale after this posting. Why is this becoming such a big thing only now? Several creators do the same thing!
Another example would be
D*ux. I wonder if someone witnessed it, but all their products are hidden inside the walls to purchase in-world, even when they are being marketed at events.if you are cvamming inside hidden then it is not intentionally set for sale during event .. you are purchasing without consent creator.
“Oh nooooooo someone gave me money without my consent!”
I purchased this exclusive skin at their main store with a 40% discount 😚
The vendors are usually inside the walls, yes, but they’re not set to buy. I know because I’ve tried, not even during the event but immediately after, when they had not finished setting them up yet.
23: we don’t miss you Caz, you are a total fake bitch so good riddance to you and your stupid fake friends, and we don’t have to look at Dons lack of dress sense anymore, that’s also a plus.
Don is a good DJ though and so is Wendy when she shuts her mouth, hey Wendy we don’t care what you do in Rl, please stop talking about yourself, makes you look so self-absorbed
#23 Liandra and Charlie’s Angels should be banned from EVERY CLUB on the grid. Those 3 who3s don’t do then bad mouth every single sim they step on, and exchanging their presence as traffic for lindend. As one of them states in their profile they are NOT bot, indeed, we call that differently: Who*es!! https://gyazo.com/5eade88c4a331a3bcb620fbbfc4dcfc7
Every club? Try any event as well with a DJ. Must be wearing out their cheap little pixel heels running all over looking for a shred of validation for…*checks notes*… Having a lot of clothes and using a cheap synchro HUD. It’s the basic bitch version of “it’s not a bug, it’s a feature!”
Caz is such a bitch.
Muddy’s DJ’s are old and sound like their dentures are falling out. Those two u mentioned sound like they have Stage 4 throat cancer. And good? What the hell kind of standards do u have?
Muddy’s and Big Daddy’s DJ’s all live in the past. The music choices are terrible.
i try not to listen to them talk lool and btw the secret isn’t true at all cause Don was there yesterday
Hahaha this made me laugh so hard, they do sound like that. Just like the voicing old, rusty bitches at HoV that dress like they are 18 yrs old and call themselves baby girls but sound like they are non stop chain smoking 😂
Lol you see that shit everywhere; 15 year old account but claiming to be in their early/mid 20s, profile bitter and bitchy faaar beyond those years; like who do you think you’re foolin you old bitch, just be honest.
Let people have their shitty old music. There are plenty of places you can go to hear your shitty new music.
There are a lot of good, even great old music…just not the stuff being overplayed at Muddy’s or Big Daddy’s!
2. You know she’s on voice all the time right ? I agree it seems weird she knows so much but I have seen her ask for help on fb many many times since she started on sl. She has a lot of drama a lot of people just don’t like her.
3. We all know this was a mistake on Encores part but Luci comes with a big following. Even if for the wrong reasons.
24. Desperate actions to get clout for Fuze?
….a following is not measured just in social media lol. not everyone has social media for their sl account, and in fact facebook has rules against them (albeit not consistently enforced but I have heard of people losing their accounts for it).
having a following in sl, from a dj or live performer pov, means having people coming to your events/shows no matter where you are. with group notices, event listings, or just teleporting your friends list. a smart dj or live performer DOES add everyone they can to their friends lists.
Hey 🙂 What is the name of the group chat if you’re in it?
#1 Xana and her alts 😂 she could get bored. Let her entertain us! You find her now each day at deadwool mainstore, supporting her alt 😂 kk, it’s not her alt. She wouldn’t f*ck Marina Munter.
28……….. Tisk Tisk ……. karma is a bitch 🙂
You Summoned?
36 . Stupid ass bitch doesn’t know that SL is sfw when you have SFW followers. When you support NSFW followers or go to NSFW sims your dumb ass will be around most of the sexual bimbos in general. If you have a niece stop looking like a whore bag and start taking care of her ass for fuck sake.
aggressive much? yikes. calm down, it’s not that serious. did you actually understand the post tho? It’s calling out that chic for saying she doesn’t want to see others posting what she herself posts. OP is saying she’s a big ol’ hypocrite.
reason why she’s a stupid ass bitch if she showed her tits why hide em or stop making such material unless she’s turning old. No one wants to see saggy tits especially if its an SL avatar. In this case she admitted to being around her niece while being a hot mess and unfollowing the very people who looked at her fine piece of ass. If anyone should calm down it’s her.
lmao ok champ. go off.
I’m pretty sure this is who’s posting under that name

you’re the fat ass.
You would think someone who manages to handle “your” and “you’re” properly could also manage to understand the post he’s going off about, but I guess not.
ooooo sick burn bro. arent you late for your flat-earth confederacy meeting?
Wow I’m shocked nobody posted about Bella’s group conference meltdown lol
We all know that if it wasn’t for the money, no one would show up there anyway. She really went nuts in group chat, I think she needs to take a break because that did not seem healthy.
I saw it, was busy so I only skimmed those walls of whiny text, and I was so annoyed with myself that I didn’t get any screencaps before I forgot and relogged. It was hilarious, her having an absolute tantrum about people who joined the group for free but don’t come to the club 😂 like you could tell the main reason she was really mad is that she didn’t get their money first (including mine, I’m one of those people who has never been; my anonymity is still safe because apparently there are THOUSANDS of us LOL). Maybe people are just bored with her drama? I wasn’t going to post anything here myself, just show the logs to a couple of people who I know would also be entertained.
All that bluster about how successful and unbothered she is when she comes here is just a facade over an extremely insecure woman who bought a club thinking it would bring her massive popularity when in truth, only the same old sycophants show up along with people seeking Ls and freebies. “I worked so hard to make a nice place!” when her idea of classy decor is the same as Trump’s 😂 😂 tacky fake gold everywhere, so fucking outdated and gauche.
It would be sad if she wasn’t such an unpleasant cunt- which I’ve found pretty much consistent with anyone who thinks they deserve “tribute” just for existing. I guess I can’t fault the hustle of trying to turn being unlikable into profit by targeting pathetic men who couldn’t get the time of day from any woman in real life.
Another boring week it seems. Move along folks, no popcorn needed.
5 – Agreed, sucks to get excited about something in a photo then find out that what you’re excited about isn’t even what’s for sale.
15 – No offense to furries (different strokes for different folks), but they’re scary on their own anyhow.
19 – Photoshop is an amazing thing, much to t he demise of purchasers.
23 & 29 – Seems like club owners are a special breed!
35 – Without fail, people with that sort of thing in their profile are self-centered asshats with no clue how shitty they treat other people. They are perfect and everything is always the other person’s fault. They’ll be “in love” again in no time and blaming the poor sap that falls for them.
37 – That’s proof? You’re stretching it there a bit. So many textures look very similar without it being stolen!
35 – This… 100%
25~ a lot of people actually would use this body if they had more clothing options better skin options, hair that could fit better. Also then name change the name too.
It would get more apparel and skin support from creators if user used it and there was a market for it.
But big women in SL are insecure and fatphobic that they use skinny bodies try to make them fat to “preserve” some integrity or some shit like that.
That being the case there is no money to be made from making clothing or skin or other lovely things that the other bodies in SL have.
And I don’t blame them for not wanting to make a body that no one uses.
But it’s still perplexing when they go out of their way to spend a bunch of money on a skinny body and then do all they can to make it look fat af, when a thicc girl body already exists.
2. Well I am on voice legit all the time so the fact you haven’t heard me says you don’t know me, I’m guess it’s Sly as you use me to try to gain favouritism with others like Addi pretty sure 24 is you too. Too bad he is gay and not into women.
Only people who I don’t talk to anymore is Chloe tequila who taught me most of everything I know and Amari who brought me to sl, Thane Azalee also taught me a lot and met me 2 or 3 days in.
It’s not my fault that you’re too dumb to learn on sl and I am not. I ask a lot of questions and learn very fast. But thanks for the shout out babes means a lot that you think so deeply about me.
Also while you being obsessed with stalking me I’m busy being taught even more on sl and growing as a human being.
Your hate fuels my success.
On Luci only reason we aren’t friends is because of the horrible friends she keeps. Which if you read on posts about her they all her “friends” who posting.
24. Pretty sure Addi doesn’t like women who use male avis, sorry Sly but Addi likes real men not women.
I aint got time to stalk the drama like you. I blocked you on discord when you acted crazy, that was the end of it. Keep my name outta yo mouth.I dont make post’s to admit crushes i say it to someones face, and it’s not a crush it’s an interest.congratulations IM BIOLOGICALLY a female, dosn’t mean I feel like one or act like one. Just because I dont wanna pay 20K plus in rl for a penis that will not climax or get hormones for a shortened lifespan. Dosn’t make me any different. Iv’e never hid who I am never will, So get off my imaginary/pixel dick. Kthanks.Just grow up the fact your coming on here to literately target me because you got put on here shows whos truly stalking whom.
Lmfao considering you the only one who has ever accused me of not being me because you never heard me voice. After I blocked you, you went to add me on fb, then you been asking people how they know me, your own friends rat you out for you obsession with me. Lmfao try again.
Lul. I pictured a cartoon villain when I read this. im ded lol
You sound upset, anything you want to talk about? I’ve apparently done something huge to make you hate me so much that you’re constantly on here commenting about me.
Umm well actually Luci has a lot of faults but she never did anything wrong to me.
Her friends however did, almost all of them talked shit behind her back.
Luci just never cared and I didn’t care to be in a group of girls that rather than support and help each other did the opposite.
Luci collects friends, but when I first met her she was wonderful to me than she met new friends invested in them. Most the girls mad at mad at the fact they weren’t her main priority anymore that she moved on from being besties with them.
Believe me everyone knows now that Luci has flaws but guess what? We all do! We all fuck up, we all make mistakes, we all fucking human.
Ok then lol I’d say I dodged a bullet if I blocked you. Lord lmao
And only people I’ve really blocked are cadie/bella/corey/imogen, Amy, Kina and Chloe. So must be one of yall? Unless you’re that forgettable that I blocked you and then completely forgot you existed.
So I’m “nice and sweet” yet you feel the need to come after me? How does that sound sane?
And if you think I’m always the victim, then maybe stop posting about me and making me a victim?
I meant posting in the comments. Which you are obviously doing lol guilty conscience?
lol you were literally talking about my rl stuff earlier. RU ok?
Who did I block that was trying to help me? I have no idea who you’re even talking about lol I told you who I have blocked and NONE of those people would have any interest in doing anything positive for me. 😂
lol 100%
lol what? you aren’t making any sense.
You know… Luci is posting openly as herself, so everyone knows its her. Yet you’re still, this whole time, hiding behind an alias and constantly trying to taunt her with the notion that you’re someone from her inner circle. There’s a lot to unpack with that alone. Firstly, what does that say about you… talking shit here directly to her but hiding your identity so you can continue to be in her orbit? That has to be one of the most toxic and shitty things a person can do to someone else. It also proves you’re a coward and a snake. If you DID name yourself, you would only be letting anyone who knows you and sees this know exactly how much of a 2-faced person you are.
I’m personally finding it amusing and it’s distracting me from thinking about other things. You’ve been incredibly helpful today, actually 🖤
You didn’t answer what my group chats name is or where you post your real name 😉
I didn’t say what is YOUR name. I said what is our fb group chats name that you said you’re in?
Why are you so concerned with how much I drink? Like why is that any of your business? It’s very… odd. And obsessive.
The fact that you’re refusing to say the name tells me you’re bluffing.
It’s two words, but not hot 😛
Hmmmm did I? What did I change it to?
Wish you the best, lady.
28. Yes, call this dumb, sad, pathetic, gaslighting, narcissistic, arrogant, fuckboi mother fucker out.
#4 I find it interesting that all of a sudden my application got rejected; today; hours after this was posted. I guess someone saw this post..
Go start making clothes for it then. 50L for dev kit shouldn’t hurt your pockets. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Rigged-Dummy-for-June-20-Body/18836009
As for the body being created to be hurtful, I haven’t seen anything except the male body came out with funny costumes on release which were more of a joke about being an otaku/weeb/whatever than a stab directly at overweight people. It honestly doesn’t take much to offend people nowadays though. -Shrugs-
sad fact is the only reason its offensive is because it is realistic and much closer what they actually look like when trying to be all cartoony and super plastic surgery looks in SL claiming “thick” don’t body shame me etc. If truly are comfortable and proud own skin then portray realistic self, I’d wear it if actually supported. I’m not offended, I accept that is how I actually look and not trying hide or fake that.
That’s right. A lot of these people who are insulting these bodies are offended because it closely resembles the same body they have and are insecure about in real life. On the other side, there’s women/men that are actually comfortable and very confident with the same. I mean there’s even people who buy the body because it’s just different than everything else you see. Variety is a great thing in SL vs looking like the same. Alot of the insecure types, especially with victim mentality, went on this big attack claiming it was a joke body. From what I’ve heard, the creator is actually a plus size woman RL herself. I’ve seen some nice skins pushed for the Jonathon body and a few outside creations for the female, I just think this whole rumor that the body was made purely for laughs is a big reason for the lack of support.
Imagine telling Jim Hanson that Miss Piggy is offensive.
Henson. Jim Henson. He’s not a hockey player or a boy band from the 90’s.
37 i think you need to get your liver checked out on that sonogram
Just wait till they find out Maitreya is still using the SL feet.
All I know is discussing #10 or #11 is fucking weird as hell and you need to find something else to do with y’all time instead of jerking off to virtual drama that’s not paying your bills in rl. Only sick fucks go around bending their fingers to speak on shit they know nothing about
37: I don’t think you understand what proof is. That’s just two really shitty pictures of a texture that has a similar unwrapping layout. please provide actual proof <3
OP mentions they admitted to it but I am not seeing this anywhere. Maybe someone will actually post that.
#19 – Entirely your own fault, stupid. Demos exist for a reason, learn from it.
#24. Ew. Eye of the beholder indeed.
21. UFW has always had pedo furs in it. How is this news to anyone?
#28 – You hooked up with a guy named SadBoii XOXO who looks like the poster child of fuckboys. This one is on you, have better taste.
That ain’t even the issue, even treats people like shit, even just friends. He’s a pathetic piece of shit person as a general and deserves to be called out for it regardless of what his name is or not. Noone deserves the bullshit he puts people through.
Yep, so true. I don’t understand why it’s s hard for some people to figure out that avs with names like that are absolute trash.
EXACTLY. Like do you read the label on a bag of shit, then buy it anyway, figuring there must be something better inside even though the packaging is clear as day? lol

#21 Who???
Alyx is Oliver Wonderful
He isn’t.
No listen here. It’s the panes as well. I just don’t know which one has a freaking record but I should’ve told you so earlier. Stop sucking on people’s dicks please!
I’m not, I’m told by a couple I know in UFW that it’s Alyx. That is all I am talking about, not the part about who has a record. I was answering the Who question. Calm your tits.
Who’s dick would I be sucking on and for what?
It is supposedly believe that the Panes are doing in all their power to get things under the control by their own methods just like Alyx has done back years ago. I can’t confirm if this is true or not, but what I can confirm is, after knowing how two of the Panes behave? They definitely have a few red flags. One of them thinking 5 minute work is too much hard work anyways. Can’t even bother teaching a class on their own property.
But no, I do think Oliver is only Alyx Knightmare. Never forget what he has done.
That would be Alyx J. Knightmare, his new account is called Oliver Wonderful. He’s in our fed, UFW now on that account.
Oliver Wonderful is just an Alyx J. Knightmare alt.
Apparently the furries who run the group wanted him to use a new account to hide the fact he’s with them.
5- Agreed, stop trying to distract me and give me a good look at your actual product.
9- Seems to me that people who yearn for management positions are exactly the people who shouldn’t have them. A person who really wants to write stories would find the responsibilities a burden, even if they agreed to do them for the good of the sim. If you’re that focused on gaining OOC “power”, you’re more into control than roleplay.
19- Yes, you should have demoed if you’re gonna be this pressed for your 99L or less. The nails are ugly but you’re lazy, and it’s entirely your fault you bought something you don’t like.
22- Nice self post 🙄 too bad you’re so generic no one will know who’s allegedly packing. Maybe you wear that exact same outfit all the time?
24- Dudes are really feeling themselves this week, huh?
37- You probably should’ve posted where they “admitted it” rather than posting a bunch of images that don’t look anything alike. What’s more interesting about Peach body to me is that it looks exactly like Kupra top half and Reborn bottom half.
The overall grammar this week is depressing. Log out and read a book once in awhile, for the love of literacy. I promise that the shit you’re reading on social media is only making you more stupid.
Lol if I could have voted Thumbs Up more than once, I would have….esp to your first point.
Where all the secrets at!!? We know there more than 37!!
#2 Y’all jealous! 🤔
#3 Liars!
#4 Boo Hoo! 😭
#5 Yes
#15 No. Give them everything. 👍
#18 LOL! Nobody wants you. Sorry.
#20 Cringe 😬
#22 LOL 😅
#23 They all suck
#24 Eww, pleasssse! 💀
#25 The original fat shame body. Created exactly for that reason. Absolutely wouldn’t use! 🚫
#28 LOL! Loser! 😂
#29 Sick bitch!
#34 LOL 😂
#35 OMG! No intergaty!! 😂
#37 Guy is a freak coke head or something. Totally gross to listen to. Doesn’t surprise me he’s a thief!
#25 Need proof.
2. People definitely jealous of her I agree. That’s why so many hate her.
3 isn’t a lie lol Luci posted all over her fb talking shit about Encore. Did it at her sets and all her friends made jokes. For fuck sakes she made a whole sign at her own club dissing Encore.
24. Nothing eww about Addi, he’s just not my type too self absorbed.
37. Right? Nasty ass
I know for sure one of the owners knew Luci said it. Why would they care? You know the old saying any publicity is good publicity. Luci has a lot of followers, good bad or ugly she still gets people into places.
Actually the club was a project I had worked on with my ex and we just never opened it. The “fuck ur haybales” stuff was funny because the whole thing was ridiculous. I even wore a shirt that said it at my first set back at Encore lol and you didn’t think they knew about it?
I didn’t have anything on fb about it – but we did talk about it at my sets.
Know who else I talked/joked about it with? Encore’s owner, who is also my friend.
I messaged him this morning and was like – people trying to start shit. He’s like – you already told me you did all that lol I own what I do. I post under my own name. Can you say the same?
Where lol
#23 – Bridget Hammill is a narcissist. Even in her SL profile she basically is saying “It’s not me it’s you.” Her minions will reassure her like Mia and Henry that she is doing a great thing. Which they “jump” anytime she says to. She doesn’t apologize for anything to anyone. I’ve heard horror stories of what she has done to staff members even beyond SL yet she doesn’t care. The Bible I know talks about humility, not being contentious or quarrelsome, but being an example. Yet, Bridget will burn you at the stake. Tons of bots at Muddy’s all the time. But her minions will tell her it’s jealousy of her club. They are narcissists as well.
Just had to separate myself from someone like that. I let her be and didn’t tell anyone what she did. But when she made it her personal vendetta to spread rape victim blaming BS in my name I had to speak up. Some people need help. A lot of help. But they don’t care enough to get it, and don’t care who gets hurt in their path. Just attention seeking validation behavior and constant self victimization. Looking at you, Liba. Found a new friend for you. Sounds like you and Bridget would get along.
#6 is this cedars Cade and Lauren? I thought Lauren is with amari?
Lindsey is with Amari not Lauren
#37 get them feeties
They really out here taking toes.
I lost brain cells reading #26
My thoughts exactly
I agree, and what has it got to do with secrets? Wish someone would edit for appropriate content.
this is a well known joke. half the readers get it and love it. the other half, like you two, don’t.
18- Emiko is the biggest whore on the black side of the grid. I mean who HASN’T had that? 😂 What kills me is, she be posting these quotes with her fake woke ass like she innocent and don’t be fuckin on people n*ggas. Pussy hot air balloon wide, that lil VAW been stretched out more than pizza dough. And to this day she still fucking people man she bet not hope she EVER get one again cuz imma fuck the shit out his dog ass and send him back to her cummy mouth and all. And if you reading this EmikHO, bitch stay out my dude box. I seen the IMs. He show me everything. Yo avi trash, yuckmouth liver poison in your eyeballs looking bitch you too pressed move around scumrag 🤭