#26 Did not Lyra phoenix do something to get kicked out of her own federation for ruining multiple people’s story and always talk bad about every federation? I can see why the community hate her to. Everything she touches dies. And i heard she is only on vw and honor for clout and get people to give her money.
All that personal gain went to her head when she lost lindens. #sellouts
#57 how can anybody be proud of body shaming?? Anyways I think the new Juicy’s for reborn body are cute and different. I also think the Legacy boobs are cute too. I’m not a fan of the tight garters and armbands but I think that if people enjoy them they should wear that. I don’t get why others get so upset about what other people do in Second Life when the whole motto of second life is to do your own thing. I wore the juicy boobs to a very popular club last night and I was bullied by the crowd. I was rather mortified because after being in Second Life since 2009 I really haven’t been bullied. I think I will check the place out next time and see if others are wearing them before I show up. Anyways I think whatever people want to make or whatever people want to buy I think it’s great.
#21 Everyone can look whathever they want, dont be a bully
#23 I agree
#30TOTALLY, and people still buy them for overprized prices
#34 In part you’re right, in part you’re wrong. Creators prefer to create for the most popular brands, and right now is eBody andLegacy (ironically when everybody on the past was throwing shade and a lot of hate to it because of their past) , so its normal that creators prefer to create for it because is more work to create for other bodies ,but yeah, there are still a LOT of people who wears maitreya, but well, you know how SL is and the market… you’re kinda forced to buy the most recent product… on SL we can also apply the planned obsolecense
#37 Partially agree… in part is roleplay as much as many people does in SL, the problem comes when they lie to someone who is sincere and isnt roleplaying
#38 HAHAHA totally xD (nothing bad on looking like that, everyone is beautiful <3) and they think they are on their right to make fun of others peoples appearance, they are such hypocrites, like they were models to be on their right to make fun of others appearance 🙄
#57 LOL do you know that there are real life girls that also has natural boobs that big? its actually body shaming
Regarding 37:
It would have been fine if it was just roleplay and strictly virtual with no talks about who is behind the avatar and no plans of taking the relationship into the 1st life but the problem is spinning a web of lies and leading someone on when emotions are involved. Back in the day Hikaru Enimo got burned for sharing stolen photos of men and dick pics claiming it to be hers when she is really a middle-aged WOMAN in real life. Same with “Mister” Lambert (Mister Mercury of Architect & Essences) who exposed her. There are so many guy avis who are open about being female in RL like Kai Wirsing that do not catfish people into sex or relationships. If you are a girl who wants to live out your fetish for bromance in secondlife do it with someone who shares that fetish, perhaps another girl who has the same sick obsession with Boys Love!
Exactly- be whatever (adult) make believe you want in SL and no one can really call you out for it UNTIL you start messing with anyone’s real emotions, out of character, claiming to love someone and care about their feelings while lying about everything about yourself. At that point you deserve to be exposed, shamed, and held accountable. Stay in character if you can’t be honest.
#37 Oh I know a few …Hikay, Hasu, Noa Rowley, Wyatt Frost, Hap McGinnis aka Sarina Morningstar,
Ouji Resident, more popularly known as Jasmine/Tiffany Kiyori
WOW such an amazing tea spill. don’t fall off your high horses, you might hurt yourself
#18 – It would be nice if creators would do this.
#24 – I use Flickr to document my SL life.
#37 – There’s someone of every gender playing every gender in every SL community. Why does it matter so much to you? Unless you’re using SL as a RL dating site?
#57 – What do you mean by “big asses that black girls like?” The preference for a very voluptuous body exists in ALL ethnic communities these days. Here in the 21st century, big booty is a THING. **Side note: those giant squished breasts look ridiculous. It clearly appeals to some kind of fetish.
#24 I use Flickr for shopping. I like it way better than facecrack or in-world
#57 Big pixel tiddies go brr and I enjoy looking at all the massive bahonkadonkas. Guess what, pixel women don’t get back aches and this whole place is a fantasy world.
Don’t like it? Derender it.
I DO!!!
#1 and what? Is that your business how others sex life goes? No. You are the cheap and childish. #3 bodySHAMING again. What does kids like you say? It’s the it something like: what you say is what you are yourself? #8 yes, it’s true. But when you see those girls posting Flickr picture, playing a abused gf in super sweet candy clothes – I DONT KNOW I REALLY DONT KNOW (waves to the Puddles industry) #13 it’s so easy to win in SL #14 where to join? Forever Betty White and a good Pounding! #16 this makes me laugh in circles!! #20 are you really sure? Because Roman likes the balls on the D shaking on his tongue. #21 it’s the new individual look, ask dope+mercy #24 are you blind? The creators are just there, because 95% of second life think they are artists, photographer, graphic designer – DESIGNER everywhere. #27 best designed secret! You get my award! #38 and even they would look like that? What does this say? They are worthless individuals, that have no rl? You are the sad person, bringing yourself to sl and judge others. Wake up. #40 about Veronica Puddles? #41 I can’t stop laughing!!!! Just a new proof. SL is full of old super old people. #42 shit, I knew it. Deep Inside of me, I did knew it! #52 and what if she has exactly that ass in RL? #53 and what if women irl has those things and want them for SL? #54 you won’t look stupid as long your body fits in all the furnitures of the events, and the houses. That’s what count, and not this picture. Talk to the creators. #55 by accident. Boy. Get balls. You are going to tell everyone who contact you know: YOU… Read more »
34) I talked to a new creator because I really liked his clothes but couldn’t get Maitreya size. He said that he has been trying to contact Maitreya for a Dev Kit and they haven’t talked to him at all. That’s why they are losing sales.
And for those who say Maitreya is ugly. You just need to modify it and it looks great. My sister who wears Legacy and Reborn thought I was wearing Legacy but nope, it was Maitreya. I just made the thighs a bit meatier but not huge like other bodies. I don’t want my avatar to be huge.
#6 I’m disgusted by women who hate other women and get off on the idea that they’re better than a man’s current lover. Perhaps it’s not them being jealous and just them seeing you for what you are.
#34 Maitreya isn’t dead but it should be. It’s ugly. Your avatar is ugly. Suck it up and invest in a new body. Change is natural. Imagine if you were walking around 10 years ago saying “system avatars aren’t dead!!!1! Creator, please stop making clothes for slink!”
#45 Ew. Just ew. Imagine being this jealous of someone.
#46 Sounds like someone’s mad. Go cry about it bitch.
#55 Idk, this notecard is valid as long as she is giving what she is trying to receive. I would only want supportive and present friends too.
#57 Love the slut shaming. Best news is that you don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to. Personally I don’t play a virtual reality game for realism. Obviously I have standards- there is a difference between style and quality- but if it works for the look I’m trying to achieve I’m going to wear it.
So you’re disgusted by all women, got it
i would like to personally bless everyone who realizes 57 is someone whos’ a racist thank you,
please don’t body shame others additionally, not everyone hates their large breasts lol i’m fine with mine
thats why the most of the tits hangs outside? ok then my mother can go like this too? is it only fine for sl, or what is your talking? it is totally out of BRAIN.
So are big butts a bad thing or why is saying it’s mostly black chics racist? If so, why are you body shaming black chics?
Racial stereotypes don’t have to be “negative” to be harmful. For instance, the old “Asians are great at math” stereotype.
Never heard any Asian talk about how this harmed them, unless rolling your eyes because you heard a joke 1000 times already counts as harm. It’s white people getting offended on other races’ behalf without being asked to. Further down a black chic talks about how her big ass is awesome, but good thing the white people are here to educate her on how she’s basically self harming. Clown world.
I don’t think they mean harmful in the way that their feelings are hurt, but rather that they’re harmful to other people’s perceptions and especially expectations of them. There is a running joke about the harmful generational trauma that Asian people endure because their parents expect them to have all A’s in school (hence the joke about how a B is an Asian F… and don’t call me out for being a white apologist on their behalf, many many Asian comedians make this joke themselves). So while it may not be an offensive, derogatory stereotype, it can still be detrimental to the community’s sense of self.
many many Asian comedians make this joke themselves
>> and they are HATED by many many Asians as well
Your parents telling you not to be a loser in life and do well in school is detrimental to one’s sense of self? Lol what?
Have you been hiding under a rock? Kids like that have so much pressure and shame thrown on them that they end their lives at the ripe old age of 17. Not all but it’s a common thing in certain countries.
As I said, black chics further down say big butts are them celebrating their cultural heritage. So who is wrong, the black chics confirming that it’s a black chic thing or someone claiming saying that is racist?
Are we still allowed to say asians have beautiful eyes or is that also verboten? I mean it’s basically the same thing.
I think anytime you have to begin a phrase with “Are we still allowed to say”.. you’re headed toward something it’s probably not cool to say, anymore. It’s kind of a red flag, like saying “I’m not a racist, but…” I mean, sure, if you’re talking to a specific person about their eyes being pretty, nothing wrong with that… so long as you mean their actual eyes, not their Asian slanted eyes, their almond shaped eyes, their squinty eyes. And what’s wrong with black women being happy about their asses? Not sure how anyone interprets that as racism, but they need to look up it up and refresh their memory of its definition. But anyone, literally anyone, is allowed to enjoy their body, its color, tone, shape, size, flaws and scars and everything else. I highly encourage embracing self love, self esteem, and sense of self worth, so long as you don’t do it at the expense of other people by belittling them to feel better about yourself.
You could just say “No, I think saying the almond shaped eyes of Asians are beautiful is racist” but even you were aware of how retarded that sounds so you had to wrap it up in a whole paragraph of empty phrases to make it seem more reasonable.
Think whatever you want, but if you say that to an Asian girl, be prepared to be dismissed as a fetishist or chaser. The only ones who wouldn’t are fetishists themselves, playing fake Asian in SL.
As a woman of Asian descent, yes I do find it cringe and offensive when incels and fetishists say that to me. That is also one reason why I do not portray or disclose my real ethnicity inworld.
#1 and #3
95% of data presented in percentages is utter bullshit. If you can’t fit in, that’s on you, not the people who enjoy their time here.
61 maybe if you learned how to spell strength, punctuate correctly, and not abuse question marks you would not have been unfriended and blocked
You don’t start sentences with a numeral and you end sentences with a fullstop.
You do not spell saltmine as one word unless you are referring to the digital platform for businesses. If that was the case, thank you for outing yourself.
The sim call arbordale use to be good kids community but at one point but it troll places. they will throw fit create drama falsely accuse members because they blame everyone for they’re own problem. You can’t change a person because there bad news from beginning. Do you Want free money easily to manipulate new comers. Any communitys has it bads and Good amount of people. whoever are these people they have a history even most use alts to spy on friends love to talk Behind people back. Once you confront them they pretend or ignore your comments. Exposing a person is the best way to speak your mind.
You act innocent but your guilty just like everyone else.
Hansel’ I’s the biggest hypocrite ever he has cult following group. He is a desperately sad and paying someone to be your partner is sad. You can’t buy your friends. Fake smile fake friend ship using Alt to stalk your old boyfriend and still very stupid talking to Toby again. Ain’t you two had a fall out before why would you even go back to a person who is a horrible person.
Maybe you lonely
You are completely wrong arbordale was a fabulous place me and asa and a few group’members help build what arbordale was. How dare you insult my sim and my friends maybe next time speaking to your friends by spreading false rumors. Please do your research correctly and anyone who insults me and my friends are just jealous and obsessive of us.
Excuse me. No we are not obsessive. We are all simply fed up of your constant intrusions on several members of the community, which seems to grow daily. I know Asa, I knew Asa long before you knew him. In fact, I knew Asa better than you think! I knew him while he was dotting around on alts, escaping your clutches (giving my identity away a little now, that should keep the pitchforks bobbing for a bit longer). Never had I thought Asa would allow his creation, to be synonymous with kicking the community to its knees. Asa was no angel, not by the distance of a thrown rock but you could talk to him and eventually he would see sense. What you did was turn it into some degenerate speakeasy for the worst type of characters. Crossdressing kids Pink Tutus and thongs (as public dress), Half dressed kids dancing about, speedo parties? Really? Its 2022 man, we had bans coming out our ears since 2010. Which part of community responsibility do you not understand ? In the past year alone, we had 26 bans officially, most of which came directly from “your friends”. We had not had bans in this magnitude for years. Toby? Your friend Toby? My what a catch that one is ! But snubbing and berating nice kids who actually had your best interests, wow. What a catch you are yourself. I could wager a guess at what goes on there and the involved parties. Some of which I may add, you sat and allowed a number of well known troublemakers, to sit in your club. watching, picking out targets. Yet decent members of the community are snipped by you, because they do not fit with your connective defection and personal hatreds? This “legacy” of our… Read more »
#37 I’m sure that cross dressing happens in sl on both counts. But to claim that females have a desperate time finding male av’s for sex, so they have to pretend to have pens? Not sure about that. Plus, none of your damm business who plays what avatar and what they do. MYOB.
So u an old granny with a horny pussy for gay boys? It DOES MATTER IF YOU are fucked up lying to gay boys who prefer other boys to fuck and you drag in your desperate pussy! THAT IS JUST SICK!
Those women are not desperate to find sex, but they are desperate to have sex with a male avatar that actually looks fuckable and not wearing a noob or Aesthetic Enzo avatar with greasy flexi hair. Let’s face it, most of the time those exceptionally good-looking male avatars are controlled by gay men or female BTA. I also think for a lot of those women playing gay men in SL, especially within the weeb subculture, they are Fujoshi (腐女子, literally “rotten girl”) or female fans of male homoerotic anime and manga. Nothing wrong if they are playing a fantasy or fetish since that is what SL is all about. What makes it wrong is when they portray gay stereotypes in a negative way or dismiss the fact that there are actual gay men on SL who wish to take the relationship into the 1st life so they end up catfishing and hurting them.
It’s probably the fact that they can have anyone, except gay dudes. Nothing makes women go out of their way further than a guy who has no interest in fucking them.
or maybee they’re over the boring old fux that think their god’s gift, for the simple reason they exist?
or maybe they’re over the flexi hair?
ill never actually understand why there is this CONSTANT need for avatars in SL to meet some sort of realism requirement. SL is designed for you to make whatever appeals to your imagination.
but then again it seems a lot of people are lacking that these days.
The reason I think realism is important is because the more cartoonish and fantasy like you look the easier the disconnect of the person behind the avi having any feelings because if they dont take themselves seriously how can others JUST MY OPINION
You must have a rough time at Halloween.
#61 The siren song of the toxic person. YOU didn’t ruin the relationship, YOU didn’t walk away from it, YOU didn’t cut someone out of your life because YOU would never do that… Yes, because you are too busy abusing and manipulating the people you call friends, taking whatever you can get from them, and you’re always surprised when they finally figure it out and leave you, and cut off communication so you can’t continue to gaslight them and make them feel like shit for trying to have a life that doesn’t revolve around you. But go on with your wonderful life. I’m sure you have plenty of other friends who just adore you, right? What’s one more pathetic loser who didn’t realize how great you are
Hello ciel
Who the ever loving Christ is ciel? I’m assuming the person that post was about, yes?
Truth right there. All though i sadly know someone who uses it to pick up chicks so he can feel like he’s a big man…uses them than tosses them away like yesterdays trash.
Stop talking about Kris Creations, will ya?
I can attest to that being true, that Flickr can definitely act as a thirst trap. I get a lot of IMs telling me they saw me on Flickr and they like my pics, then they try to hook up with me. I wouldn’t think of using it for that purpose, but I guess I have standards and taste and don’t fuck everything that flatters me.
It’s an easy conversation starter if you have it linked in your profile, doesn’t mean Flickr is the reason they IM you. If you don’t have it linked and people still find you is when I’d start worrying.
I don’t have mine linked right up front on my profile, it’s in one of several Picks, but yes it’s linked. I didn’t really mean it’s the only reason they might IM me, that they assume because I have a Flickr where I’m occasionally nude that I’m a prostitute, just that it tends to be a convenient way for them to feel they can approach me.
There is one guy who stands around 511 and Breathe preying on women like this.. to the extent of taking pics without asking.
Taking pics and posting them on Flickr?!! That’s just fucking weird. I mean, just taking the pics… guess there’s nothing really wrong with that. Maybe he faps to them? Weird but not against TOS or anything. But if he posts them to his social media, that’s worthy of banning from those places, I would think.
Agreed. I think some people forget that boundaries exist even in a virtual world
Idk, irl you’re allowed to take pictures at events that has people in them without their consent, not sure what boundary you are talking about.
I think the taking is one thing, posting them is another. If you walked into an art gallery and saw a picture of yourself picking your nose, would you just shrug and think “yeah, that’s ok, even though I didn’t know I was being photographed and now anyone can see it”?
He can take pics but to post nude avs without prior consent is not on in any world imo.
That’s the internet for you. Personally I don’t care, everyone knows what every single body looks like naked anyway, just because you moved some sliders around doesn’t make your av “you”, so I don’t really see any violation of anything.
Same as if someone saw my character in an mmo naked because they use a nude mod, why would I even care?
Balloon tiddies like the clown girl from ace attorney, doubt they’ll pop though
Look, let me start off by saying I don’t plan to ever get these because in my opinion it’s a waste of my linden [not everyone’s linden, just mine because I don’t feel I need that item] however, I think, in those specific photographs that were chosen to talk badly about the item, they look fucking fantastic and super sexy. I’m bi and if I had a girl that had those on I would lose my shit in RL so I’m sure it translates nicely in SL as well, although I’ve never actually seen them in-world.
But anyway, the point is, you cannot get mad at how other avatars chose to express themselves because it comes across as if because these girls are wearing these you are no longer getting the attention you once got. Confidence is about not giving a fuck what someone else is doing because you’re rocking the shit out of your own lane. It’s most definitely not about holding someone else down just to propel yourself upwards. Get it together. They’re just squishy pixels.
Even in a virtual world, you just can’t escape the fat shamers. There’s always going to be people who think it’s not just their right, but their duty to tell everyone around them what’s wrong with them, while of course they couldn’t see their own faults if you held the James Webb telescope up to them. It’s their sad way of feeling superior. I personally love a lot of body sizes and shapes, and while I’m not super into the squishy strangled boobs, I also realize it’s not done for me. No doubt the same person who posted that constantly attacks people for their overly sexualized Flickr or Twitter pics, and probably lurks the sims looking for young looking avatars to shame, never quite comprehending their own weirdly obsessive behavior in their need to shame others for it.
I know which creator posted this 😉
No need for teasers, just name them already!
#49. Daryn broke Jaded and ran to a piece of trash. Nobody won anything Losers all around
#42 – You listened with your ass you prick. I was there. It is not what he said old fart! He referred to music of 2022 – that are usually meant for a younger crowd. But I guess old men like you won’t get it – stay out the clubs and sit in your rocking chair watching butterflies and don’t forget to take your meds.
33 makes me laugh cause Utili openly admitted to yanking his shit to Loli/ Drawn Pedophilia so you supporting him lets him continue to fund his sick fetish
Keep coping though
It really looks like a joke, because he really has favorites.
But we must take into account that the anima has several authors. But this still does not detract from the guilt of the fact that he ignores the other authors of textures, and the funniest thing is that of the ones listed here, one are complete pieces of karen shit, and one is just an impudent thief which supports cyberbullying 😕
I’m in the ANIMA discord and I can confirm but also
Remember how Angel Atheria shared logs of her friend privately venting to her about their abusive relationship, blasted them on twitter/Reddit whatever just because she felt like it and put her friend in a seriously dangerous situation because the abuser was still in the picture and had access to her and THEN proceeded to thank people for the followers right after.
This isn’t the only person she’s done this too. (Btw) 🤣🤣🤣
I’m a texture creator myself and I’ve been thinking about writing a huge post about her and telling my other creator friends not to engage. She needs to apologise as loud as her disrespect was because I no longer want to work with her and I don’t think others will soon.
where can i sub to whatever AU it is that you’ve been reading up on because this is not how that situation went at all
25 – It’s time to move on! These deviants you boys post about week to week have no shame and are never going to come here to address anything. There will never be any apologies. Let law enforcement handle them when things go awry! It’s unfortunate that some followed like sheep. I do give a thumbs up to those who left, learned their lessons for dealing with that group, and split ways permanently.
Good people got hurt. Those who went along with it, no matter their excuses, will be given measure for measure. Hide ye cowards. Hypocrisy be damned!
You and Rory need to shut the fuck up. You did it to yourselves.
So hold on a second.
You just had a major spazz out to others claiming homophobic accusations
(which was incorrect) and now you’re saying that people deserve to be bullied, because of rights to be different?
So are you supporting that, yes ?
Bit of a double standard , No?
Christ, some people are fucking ignorant !
I understand being hurt. It is sad to see a community you’ve probably been apart of for years crumble to dust due to the selfish actions of others. I know how that goes… I am a bit optimistic and think good things could come if people, like-minded ones, would be willing to come together, listen, and start rebuilding instead of competing.
Believe it or not, there’s a lot of loners like myself ,not really deeply affiliated with any of these cliques who would love to just be able to sign on, have fun, and meet others interested in just the most simple adventures, have a laugh, and make memories.
They have already, no name has or will be left who were implicated.
I already stated very sincerely, that it is better for those who had knowledge of hidden operatives, to just come out and state what they know openly and with dignity.
Whatever dignity is left.
A good few have literally destroyed the kid community for their own selfish wants and issues. They may not care or have a conscience, but for other kids who have had years of being on SL, helped build it and took part helping it grow; only for it to be squandered by utter trash, makes me really angry. It is disrespectful !!
Worse it was by others that should have known far better in the first place !
Nobody owns the community, we are merely caretakers in our mortal time.
Don’t care if people own a club, a store or think its a right to be king of the trash pile.
Selfishly it has been ruined for people’s ridiculous squabbles and dramas.
Instead of dealing with it rationally, they invested in gangsters, running ageplay hook-up groups, extortion, racketeering and god knows what !!
I have no idea what excuses folks have to signing that off, sure whatever it is it won’t be good enough !!
Hey you keep my damn mouth shut from saying my name again
Hey You !! You can get fucked and start thinking about the damage you have done. Who gives you the right to fuck with people as you do? Who the fuck asked/ signed you to sit into the community as you do and act, as if you have the right to start issues and damage whole communities. Defaming people, pushing your weight around, deliberately manipulating people to start shit on others !! I never, a lot of other people never. You would be better served making amends with the people you fucked over, if you know what’s good for you. I don’t give a flying fuck who your friends are, you did wrong and you know what you did. Its time to start amending this shitshow and repair, time you started your fair share? This is your mess, you start solving it ! I’m not the one inviting issues, trouble, ageplay and assholes to the community to start shit. I do know someone (who from what is said by many) did though. Invited it not just once but time and time again. Unless you stating all these people are lying ? You think you beyond touchable huh ? I am sure you do, had it going good for far too long I think. You don’t like what’s being said, you make moves to amend. Not your sorry excuses !! This is not your community, its everybody’s. Everyone has a place, everyone has a right. That’s not your call! You are not given the rights to play around and persecute others. You disagree? There is always Youth Nation. Why don’t you go in there? Oh wait… HMMM !! 🤔 P.S it is “Hey you, keep your damn mouth shut from saying my name again.” You gonna Will Smith my… Read more »
I agree, however the purpose of talking about them here is a learning tool for all, where anyone else having issues with these clowns have a place to come back to.
Normally its a very closed off environment. For others being harassed and screwed over by these degenerates, at least know they were not the only ones screwed over. Maybe they will learn from it, its doubtful.
No you cannot repair or even try to reason with deviants (and their diehard supporters). But people who have no idea will get a heads up before venturing in these grids.
VR can be a double edged sword, but here at least people can document the bad things that go on on these grids.
So the next people that fall into these traps and burnt, have a good place to learn from and heal.
I can agree with that. Like NOW, there are some things in the archives I was able to look back on that I had no idea about to get a bit of history about different individuals.
I have also noticed a great divide in the community. It’s good to be aware that some don’t come to this site and aren’t familiar with past drama. For example, people being singled out for having the Urban Tribe tag. I used to come here if someone would point something out to me every blue moon but other then that, I rarely looked at the site for years. Arbordale myself was just a place to listen to music, chat, and go on about my day afterwards. The owner was nice and even the Discord was calm. Completely clueless of any drama surrounding him. The only thing I remember is the obvious shift and dark storm cloud when Toby and Colten appeared out of nowhere then took things over. I left after that of course.
That is what’s good about VR Secrets. Yah, you have a lot of salty trash posts, mostly made by really embittered types. But there are also a lot of documentation on the dramas, hinting who caused what, who is fighting who and so on. I don’t often agree with some posts but I can value and respect Kess for supplying this site, it has some good to it too. It’s good to archive back, a lot of todays drama can be backed up just by posts and comments alone. “Urban Tribe” tag may as well be an advertisement as being deep-rooted in supporting a lot of inhumane behaviour, towards sections of the kid community. I could understand many may not be aware of its behind the scenes motives. Regardless its as tasteful as wearing a KKK hood in a mainly black community estate. You are right, divides there are ! Arbordale could have had a lot of life in it still, that it is said (and I do need clarification on this), that the kids Hansel disliked had offered to help Hansel out both in time building and possible financial too. Unfortunately, the hatred coming out of him was so extreme and leaked behind backs, that the people concerned could sense it a mile off. Imagine that, they had actually offered to help him out but because he carried so much extreme abhorrence, they turned and left. Had they financially helped, perhaps Hansel would possibly still have his place now, maybe would have been a good inclusive space for all and carried on with years of the same. It was Hansel’s hatred of some, be it fed by trolls or whoever they fed into that prevented that. They would also have certainly never sold Hansel down the river, unlike Toby… Read more »
It’s sad to hear that he has this different side to him and didn’t accept the help of the others. I knew something was going on when the DJ N left. So much has happened that I can’t quite recall if he exited before or after the arrival of Toby and Colten. It was one bad thing after the next.
I am not trying to make any excuses but Hansel does come off as very impressionable so I would not be too surprised if it was trolls whispering in his ear or giving him a little positive attention. Partnering Colten was the beginning of the end, I would say.
Since we are on the topic of divides, what is the story for this Cole Riley guy? I saw they were showing up in comment photos for awhile in the same format as the anonymous fat edits. I couldn’t find anything in the archives for them.
On your first question. 1 – I hear many stories about Hansel being “nice”. While I do not doubt that and I do know Hansel, he can be pleasurable when he wants to be. When I heard what had been going on between him and another, from a connected friend who was concerned who asked what the story was. I knew some of it but like most of these stories, they keep the deviancy close to themselves. You can be sure the people they target feel it though. Not that I will name names today, but when you do hear them everything comes into place. And the names are almost always associates with Pissy Fits and a history of being assholes. There had been a link of people associated with communities who had been steeped in drama and snubbery. Known very well in the past within certain friendships. Kid community is no different. He is not here to explain himself, so its free time to insinuate he took on gang led issues. I never understood why boys do this, girls do this too but boys are far bigger bitches it seem. 2 – Yes, partnering Colten was perhaps the biggest issue I have with him over this affair. If he can make such big issues over others making friends, I would be (and most others), be far more pissed at another dating a close friend a week while dating (we talk hypothetically here). Its like the unwritten disrespect. Yet Hansel did not care and in fact opened the doors forgiving them for cheating behind his back. Again he is not here for me to haul his ass over, trust me I would. None of his bullshit is valid or acceptable, no matter who it is!! Perhaps he does not see… Read more »
I hate to say this but the majority of girls behind boy avatars are usually fairly insane and start a lot of drama.
I was being diplomatic when I was writing, its hard to do without upsetting people on the reality on how some project themselves on the grid but yes… there are a few that do give off that vibe. Boy drama is certainly no picnic and there are a few examples of those you refer, that certainly add gas to a burning dung fire !
They do cause a lot of drama and one in particular that leads them all, is possibly the worst of the bunch.
That said I am hoping the person I refer to may change her tune and help some of us, to uncover the chief fuckhead causing the problems with the boys right now. Maybe if she reads this and actually has a conscience, she might defect camps for the greater good.
I myself would be very appreciative !
I am not that optimistic garnered on past conduct but lets see… I have been proven wrong before. 😛
Kenzie wants nothing to do with you and I can see why. Keep kissing Rory’s ass, I could give two fucks if you deleted me. Homophobe!
This is just Coldermort talking shit about Rory !!! He’s a sweet guy !!!
I noticed your post and can see that this Cupcake Sprinkles and Coldermort is possibly the same. I have no idea who the person behind these accounts are talking about, but I could see they were very eager to attack this kid (three times) as well as supporting bullying other kids, yet claiming “homophobic” comments. Trans rights are very important in gay community pride, so I found it very disheartening and confusing. Whereby they would not only support others being bullied but go on a tirade of attacks towards another kid so shamelessly. Worse that’s its a contestant of that pageant, that states it supports itself on gay pride. As a gay man myself who supported that event in the past, I don’t think that’s a very good advertisement if they support behaviour like that. A contestant bullying another contestant in public forums, shouting homophobe to another gay and stating kids being bullied by hostile ageplay mafia is “deserving”. Wow, just Wow !! It took me under an hour back in SL asking around, to work out who this person was from Aesthetics posts and then I understood. I have no idea who claimed this persons right to fire off as they did, but I understood they are well known for causing drama themselves. That’s not even mentioning the possible difficult situation she put Kenzie. As now all four parties must know by now and two of the people she was trying to attack, have long personal histories with Kenzie. That’s going to be very hurtful and deceitful, if what was said was true for them. I have no reason to disbelieve your post this Rory kid (within three separate posts) is being framed. I swear it’s a very sad situation that kid community gets into. I guess another name… Read more »
Who the fuck you on about ?
Homophobe??? I am a Homo in RL you stupid bint!!.
Whoever you are, you sound like under a crawl right up Kenzie’s ass TBH.
Because nobody mentioned him at all but you !!
But I will give you a bit of advice.
Do not start answering for people to place them into difficult situations, without asking them first.
Hence you come out looking like an asshole.
Because knowing Kenzie, if he sees this and you look as if you put him to explain himself to someone, you going to get absolutely fucked.
And if I were Kenzie, I swear you would not answer for my POV again.
I truly hope Kenzie does!
And it sounds like Kenzie needs to talk to someone on his POV, that’s going to be VERY embarrassing from a public forum!
But seeing you already had a go at another, it won’t take others long to track things in SL. Kid community is very small as I am sure you know?
I would guess by the next morning, you going to have some very hard questions to explain to others. I sure hope you are ready for that ??
That is a tragedy in itself! It will be good if they change their tune and help. How many big villains are there??? I hoped they were all in Toby’s camp and gone to live their open grid fantasies far away.
A few kids are trying to get me to join Sea Scouts of Secondlife, Wanna Wanna Lake Camp, and Panda Dance Crew. I admit I am nervous due to all the isolated drama in groups. Are these fairly safe places or will I be surrounded by unpleasantries plus crazy chicks pretending to be boys?
Rory Starbrook is a liar and spreads rumours about people I care about so I wouldn’t join Sea Scouts if I was you.
are you trans or just a clown?

cole go and boil your vagina and keep sucking archer and west’s cocks, you fake bitch
Oh so it IS one of them?
I think Bubblegum just had her “crazy” question answered.
Fuck, that’s pretty damn embarrassing to walk right into that one !
LOL, nice check there!!
Damn, that just made my night. 😄
“I hoped they were all in Toby’s camp and gone to live their open grid fantasies far away.”
Oh if only that were true, I should click my Ruby Red Slippers and wish harder 🙂
Best place to go is the kid portals or ask the portal owners, that’s where I go !
Don’t want to derail the thread too much.
Best of Luck!
How can you be adult who crazy narcissist type pot head smoking crackhead only care about using people for money. These boomers are sure are stupid easily to be manipulated and most boomers manipulates the younger crowd of young adult folks. After all there really pedo. Why Esle they support protecting there moderators. You can be a asshole all you want but it proofs you are to much of croward punk speak your side and show prove. Stop hiding come out or be exposed even more because slowly everyone turning against you. You got banned from others grids Toby because you can’t aggre to people term. How you can say you have a popular grid when it fill with shota/hentai loli lovers. Well no wonder you’re wondering you hide because you can’t face your own demons. Pathetic
Is this English ? Are you even reading what Bubble Gum Mafia wrote ?
I see nothing about supporting the deviants. If you are discussing Toby, you should talk about him in the third tense. Bubble-gum is not Toby lol
Toby would be telling us we are not fit to suck his dick or whatever, not that I would.
Same reason why I don’t chew bubblegum I find stuck under movie theatre seats.
Get what I mean ?
This was painful to read. Try one of the many apps available to help grammar, I beg you.
to everyone complaining about the soft/squishy/whatever mods, i know this won’t have occurred to you because the majority of you are self centered twats but you need to hear this
you don’t find it attractive?! literally nobody cares about your opinion! they aren’t doing it for YOU. i am sure there are plenty of things on YOUR avatars that people find ugly as fuck but WHO CARES
it’s exactly why people wear makeup, FOR THEMSELVES, not for a man, not for you, not for anyone but themselves
maybe if you had an ounce of self confidence you’d realize that
on top of that? i know plenty of people who had these mods purchased for them BY CLIENTS, myself included
literally suck eggs, probably
So, a person who wears them specifically to get more money and free stuff out of “clients” says people wear it for themselves… lol
Oh and: Yes you wear makeup for men, stop lying.
Yeah, I’m not sure what the flex here is by saying it’s not about other people, but other people bought them for you… If you bought them for yourself, and wear them on your own or with friends, when you’re not with a client (and I’m assuming here of course we’re talking about escorting), then and only then is it not about anyone else. But since you know clients buy them for people, you included, you know perfectly well other people find it sexy. I don’t know why both things can’t be true, that it can be both a personal choice for your own tastes, and it can contribute to the happiness of others to see you in them. Sure some people won’t like it. Some people don’t like chocolate, which to anyone who does like chocolate just seems insane. Yes, the people who don’t like it should just sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up, but they’re perfectly within their rights to not like it.
since you can’t wrap your head around more than one thing being true, let me elaborate in the simplest terms
you can wear it for yourself & to get more money, you crusty fucking moron
keep working at that saltmine, it’s the only job you’re qualified for 👍
Fuck yeah. 😂
That still requires more of a qualification than just spreading my legs
at least i’m not fucking fat from all the salt i’m retaining, good look for you though
So in your OP you said people judging other people’s looks are not confident, and now you are calling me fat? Those squishy mods might actually cut into the brain’s oxygen supply or something.
Are you seriously trying to flip this around? You’re the one who was judging people first, fuck off you loser lmao
lol I’d kinda watch throwing around “job qualification” insults when you’re a prostitute 😂 😂
Wants people to ‘be less ignorant’, is most ignorant person here
Checks out
You wanna talk shit about prostitutes but I bet you’ve got a fucking wank claw for a hand, talking shit on here while you’ve got PornHub on your other tabs just fucking cranking it. It’s always you weirdos who wanna shit on sex workers who are also the most compulsive masturbators. It’s almost like you’re compensating for something.. Hmm.. Honestly, pretty pathetic that the most you can do is just.. Try to shame a sex worker? Pretty fucking ignorant, you should change your name.
says the most ignorant of all the commenters here
do you live here or what?
obsessive freak lol
Aww, it’s so cute when they flail. Hey, sex work is real work; do what you have to do, I’m all for full on legalization and protection under law for prostitutes. If you actually had any marketable skills or qualifications, you wouldn’t have to, though; you’re just throwing stones in your glass house.
#34. Maitreya is BROKEN and a nightmare to rig for, and they do not plan to fix it
if it is then why do so many creators still make clothes for them.
Market share; the belief that because technically more people use the body, they will make more money by supporting it. What this fails to take into consideration is how many people in Maitreya body spend little or no money in SL regularly- I’d lay odds, more than any other body, including the actual freebie bodies just because not many people use those at all. It’s probably not too off to guess that half of Maitreya users are freebie hunters. Meanwhile, bodies like Legacy, Reborn, and even though I hate to admit it- Kupra- are more often worn by people who shop consistently and spend more Ls on a person by person basis.
You must have mental issues! Ask any maitreya user how many CLOTHING items are in their inventory… you see we are the normal ones.. we dont chase fads and dont NEED to fuck for clothing. We are a proud group who dont want to look like fuck dolls
Shut up and go take your meds grandma; no one cares what you think. Your assumption that anyone not using Maitreya’s old ass basic body must be fucking for clothes is one of the most pathetic things posted this week, and we have a literal admitted pedophile in these comments. That’s the level you’re on.
#57 lol… you do realize that this is a GAME right, where you can be a literal animal? or a tree? or anything else you wanna be? If you dont like it, dont look at it? Like, keep moving on. Let people do whatever they want it doesnt hurt you any
Your right do whatever you want but its not my job to accept it and make them feel better about themselves. Its their job. This is my second life experience . I just block or derender. Hence why 1/3 of avis are blocked. You do your thing I will do mine. Personally I think second life has turned into a low self esteem sexually motivated playpen. Back in the day we were more interested in making friends instead of spreading our legs
Bitch why did you forsake me?
You do realize the irony of telling someone to let people do whatever they want while also telling them to not do what they are doing right?
You sound like someone who deserves to be unfriended and blocked LOL
#6 I think you don’t know how to use that meme lol
#18 Did you forget to take your valium today?
#36 Such as yourself, of course lol
#38 Projection, much?
#39 Are you aware of the existence of BOM?
#48 You win the Internet hahahahahahaaaaaaahahaha
#52 Where’s dem tits?
#53 Have you tried not buying them?
#54 Make me
#57 My RL 34J tits are gorgeous and I have ZERO intention to get a reduction, fuck you. If yours or your partner’s are tiny it’s not our fault, overgrown tumors MY ASS. And talking about ass… “mostly a thing black girls like” like, FOR REAL??
#59 Hardly the fault of the bloggers who *have* been posting. It seems to be a failure in the event’s organizing team, actually.
I couldn’t care less about the squished boobs, some look good if done right and are great for corsets (except for the mounds with the squish, doesn’t look good but whatever)
What is more concerning is the overwhelming amount of abusive type products. So many bruises, cuts, horribly banged up abused looks that people are selling and buying. Whatever if you want your little bite marks or hickeys but some of these sick choke marks and black eyes and more, dangerous and scary and for anyone that has been in a real abusive relationship, promise it is not something “fun” to play. It is sick, seek counseling.
Fantasies and other role-played (key word is role-played) paraphilia (knife/blood/impact play, rape roleplay, voyeur/exhibition, etc) does not automatically correlate to real life desires. In fact doesnt correlate in most cases.
straight people can have gay fantasies, for example. Or abduction fantasies. They can be practiced safely among consenting adults who know what they’re doing and have respect for limits and boundaries.
I find it pretty considerate of all the damaged fucked up individuals to visually display their red flags so you don’t have to waste time discovering how fucked up they are and instead can go right to igoring them.
#61 If that were truely the case, you wouldn’t waste your time on here. See, the one that doesn’t give a sh*t is the one that just goes on with their life. But you just couldn’t do that could ya?
Some real wine with this cheese were having this week.
#57 Yeah, you’re probably white af. Us black women have big asses cause our genetics are better, plus we don’t age in dog years.
Us Latina women think you black women are racist AF. We are always laughing at you all. Enjoy.
This is literally true and wont get any less truer no matter how many downvotes your comment gets. The ‘black girls like that kind of thing’ comment by op is beyond retarded – black women naturally have big butts because thats the natural body shape of African women they inherited genetically. Black women (esp. in America) decided to emphasize their big butts to celebrate their heritage and in defiance of current beauty standards. Its kind of hilarious seeing all the white avatars with African women body shapes.
The downvotes aren’t about black women’s natural body shapes. See, I fully understand the difference between punching up and punching down when it comes to shitty “jokes” or racial stereotypes, but OP is actually being blatantly racist by saying she thinks one race is superior to another, even in a limited context. That’s the literal definition of racism. Does that compare to centuries of systemic racism suffered by people of color? Of course not. But it’s still an ugly, ignorant look, same as the post she was responding to- the downvotes are from “stooping to their level”. There are plenty of naturally pear shaped white women in the real world, always have been; nothing has changed there. The difference is not “genetics”, like you two are asserting as if you were actually educated on the topic, when it’s obvious you’re not. Seriously, take a look at African women who actually live in Africa, they run the full spectrum of thin to round; there’s no body shapes that are unique to any race “genetically”. Feel free to provide any verifiable source that proves otherwise, but you won’t because you can’t lol The difference is acceptance- up until recently, white women generally didn’t accept their bodies in those shapes. They fought to flatten their asses, regardless of whether it was possible for them to be so, because of media ideals and body shaming. Hell, watch some 80s-90s TV; you’ll hear damn near every white female lead complain about their butt looking too big at some point, it was practically a trope. Meanwhile, black culture embraced a wider definition of beauty, and black women weren’t raised to be ashamed of having a big ass by their own race at least, regardless of what the media might have presented as “ideal”. The only thing… Read more »
It’s the carbs
#40 did she unblocked and run back to Sylvia again after talking crap about her for the 50th time of telling everyone what a horrible person she is?
Sylvia is always one of them but from the looks of it, looks like she ran back to Hadley…someone else she did nothing but complain & talk about to everyone. She has a lot of issues so her running back to any ex surprises no one…leaves game…comes back…wants to date someone…lasts a few days to a week, and then she’s gone again…walking red flag…
who is the guy in the photo ?
#18 and #53 – YES!!!
#13 – IS there a new Belleza body coming out? Male? Their Jake body has been on sale since before Christmas and was wondering if there was going to be something new coming down the pipes. Been holding off getting the Jake for an alt. Tea?
Thanks ladies…and I know it’s 1.5K but since it’s just an alt that I only log on to get my stipend on, it’s maybe not worth lol. I’m just being a cheap-ass.
It’s 1.5k and the sale could end any time without warning, kinda makes no sense to wait.
supposedly a new female one, not a male one, just grab jake
#42 Lol – You certainly pulled this one out of context. You taking the dj-thing very seriously – Its always a fake DJ attacking me. The irony is that they come to listen to my sets. Thank you for making me famous.
Worst club I ever went to. Music was bad and not fun.
Altering here too Sara? Lol 🤣🤣🤣
lol Thank you Hater.
River is not a live mix DJ. We all heard the copyright in his music last year LOL. He’s bullshitting everyone.
YOU are the one trying bullshitting everyone! don’t you see how many comments and likes supporting River? If you had at least one alive braincell you would stop this nonsense. You don’t have the power to ruine a professional DJ reputation get it ? You don’t have people trusting you, You don’t even comment using your own name, you coward little nothing. Cut it and go have your personal jealousy drama elsewhere.
River and you can pull together whatever audience you want to try to show him love. I will continue to expose him as much as I can.
WE will expose you and your club psycothic lier ! You will regret of having started this shit. You already do ahahahabha ..STILL WAITING THE LEGAL PAPERS YOU SAID TO HAVE .. PATHETIC OLD BITCH
obsessed psycho
So let me fill you in you dumbass – RL DJs are registered and licensed with Music Rights Organisations – we have the full right to spin an original track as is. WITH COPYRIGHT AND ALL – We have that permission! You are probably too stupid and uninformed to know that. With each entry here you are making a bigger ass of yourself. I know who you are. This is the last time I will waste my time with you.
River, I reached out to the group whose copyright we heard a little over a year ago now. They DID NOT give you permission to play the song personally or for use in SL or for personal “at home” use either, and asked me to obtain more information, including how you can be contacted in RL. Mind sharing your email address for the class? They are trying to send you a cease and desist notice. Sadly, you are protected by being largely anonymous in SL so there isn’t much they can do without us getting the information we need. Want a screenshot of my correspondence with them? Happy to share it!
Yeah? Ok you can send your legal papers to MY email address that has been shared earlier ..I’ll show everything to my family lawyers and they will tell me if what you send is authentic or an authentic bullshit like everything you said here. Be quick it doesn’t take much to send a file!! I’m waiting. Find my mail in one of my posts . How come something tells me you won’t send a flying fuck???
No thanks. They want River’s email address. You aren’t his attorney, bitch.
I don’t entertain Sociopaths thank you. You can send me the details in world on a notecard. But you probably won’t because you are a miserable coward to give me your real name.
I am his manager YOU CAN SEND TO ME BITCH Ahahah what a bullshitter EXPOSED AGAIN
Yeah? Ok you can send your legal papers here lestan.cseszneky@gmail.com ..I’ll show everything to my family lawyers and they will tell me if what you sent (if you send) is authentic or an authentic bullshits like everything you said here. Be quick it doesn’t take much to send a file!! I’m waiting
Send it to me 😉 then I’ll show it to my lowyers and let’s see if is authentic what you send (IF YOU SEND)or an authentic bullshit, which I’m sure is!
I will just show them my license. Psycho. Did you take your meds today?
You don’t have a license to do shit. There is no license that gives you unlimited power to play anything you want. I’ve been a DJ in RL for over 15 years. Stop insulting the industry with your whack lies. If you are a DJ in RL you know damn well you need to purchase indidivual licensing. There is NO umbrella license that gives you perpetual and/or unlimited power to play any song you want. Exposed again!
Hey selftitled DJ Sarinabanana read and learn something so you won’t write embarassing bullshits again:
It’s clear you don’t know what you talk about when you attempt to speak about DJ licence which is a broadcaster licence!
Do you know what a pro is? PROs: ASCAP, BMI, and SESAC in the US, PRS in the UK, and so forth. First, broadcasters will have to get a blanket license from their local PRO, giving them the right to publicly perform ALMOST ALL MUSIC IN THE WORLD. Then, the users will report the music they’ve broadcasted to PROs, which will then use that data to distribute the blanket license money to the corresponding songwriters. GOT IT ASSHAT?
I AM STILL WAITING for the legal papers you said you have against River, HOW LONG IT TAKES TO SEND A FILE VIA MAIL?? It’s already 1 day I am waiting🙂LIER! STOP THE BULLSHIT !
I know where you can put your umbrella! RIVER IS A REAL LIFE DJ YOU ARE NOT A DJ AND NOT EVEN A LAWYER !
Need River’s email, thank you 🙂 As stated before LOL Dumbass. Read.
Stupid excuses! Again you will not have River email. They DO NOT NEED RIVERS EMAIL
I represent him as his manager so send all the papers to ME douchebag STILL WAITING !!!! you don’t have a damn NOTHING because you are just farting with your mouth as usual!! …
SL has certainly gotten to you. And you need therapy. A lot of it.
You really have NO IDEA how this works. Stop lying psycho!
She clearly has no idea 🤣
Sarabearah or Sarina at grocery store :”Please can I have a hectogram of licenses?”😂😂😂😂😂
sad sad sad psycho – maybe in your country – not in mine – oh now you suddenly a DJ? Who could have guessed – what a motive …. youre fucking insane!
Now i know you are fucking batshit crazy off your mind,
The only bullshit here is yours, River is a real-life DJ and he is mixing live in SL, I can tell it having had a club in RL for years, I’ve been at his Club in SL, and the music and mixing are done at a professional level.
You probably think to be his competitor but you don’t have the same success so you are trying to pull him down… You don’t even sign with your real SL name so this stink of bullshit 1mile far! Lier
Max, I know this person. Psycho as they get. She created this RL fantasyland and she will just go on and on non-stop. That is what sociopaths do. I know the writing and y writing “legal” bullshit she has just exposed herself. She is a mess.
River, I think I know who this person is! She has a bad reputation in the Gay clubs Comunity,
River, this happens to the bests! She is jealous of your skills and success.
All is good and this is just self-promotion for you, all gossip is.
River, this happens to the bests! They try to pull you down where they are. You mix live at your club and on a professional level as I said before. Why you have always a lot of people at your sets, This woman has serious problems with anger and frustration management, must be all alone all day in front of the pc screen and she probably owns one of those empty clubs in SL with bad DJs she is jealous of your skills and success.
All is good and this is just self-promotion for you, all gossip is.
No bullshit here. You just don’t like what I’m saying and that’s okay. The only person who has to care is me. And trust me, I’m speaking up for a LOT of other people who are not willing to say anything out in the open. DJ River is 100% a fraud and liar. He’s a faux DJ. His crowd goes for the sploder, not for his tonka trunk music.
Big bullshits instead! you are 100% jealous of River Scallen fame as a live mix DJ and you are trying to pull him down, but sorry you look only like a demential person who needs sanitarian help soon, River supporters are far a lot more and you also are not talking out and open since you are not using your SLname.
lol – you are pathetic
River Scallen sets are original he mixes his own music no grabbing music off YouTube and retailing it. That is why his sets are so popular there were 49 people at his last set everyone had a great time.
River is as original as Olive Garden
River, she is one of those in #37 – a sad lonely old person obsessed with gay men. We all know that one… Hope you are ok, we love you!
Not sad or lonely, sounds like someone is projecting, maybe even on behalf of River? Save yourself your energy, find a better person to defend.
Yes Sarina you are SAD LONLY AND DESPERATE That’s why you are doing all this .. and all you will obtain is you and your club exposed and destroyed.
Probably IS River. He has a string of alts. He is definitely one with multiple personalities and back stories..
42- DJ River is SL’s shit stain.He’s not a live mix DJ. If he was, we wouldn’t have all heard the copyright in one of the songs he played in March of 2021. I fail to understand why people think he is the god of DJ’ing. He only comes on to DJ. That’s it. I feel sorry for Lestan, his SL partner. He’s being taken for a ride and will end up neglected and used just like every other partner River has had in the past.Lestan, if you’re reading this, River is using you for your following. I’ve been around long enough to see this game played a million times. You deserve better. Run before you waste too much time. River – leave SL. Do us all a gigantic favor and just don’t come the fuck back.
Wait, wasn’t it you that owned that club, Ladies Paradise? You had gay male DJs stripping so the women could look at their dicks. You write EXACTLY LIKE her and, then you abandoned it and then you started SummerSea and then that you abandoned and then you tried to sink Garbo’s but River was too smart for you. You not only trash, you are a piece of shit. We all know your tactics.
now she is with that lame club House of Legends – what trash! She is probably gonna sink that was well like all her other clubs! We should have exposed her more when she abused men at LP! I hear she spoke to them as if they were trash!
I know River for more than three years. Even shared a home in the B.SEA. River wasn’t partnered before Lestan. He had a few flings like all normal people have. I read you write about him as if you know him. YOU CLEARY DON’T. River is a decent, kind and generous and an extremely smart and talented DJ. I feel sorry for you.
Is Luc one of your many alts River? Only you could write such lying trash. I thought you were a struggling 22 year old student. And I know for a fact you have had a string of guys that you used and tossed. It’s what you do.
Lol you are an obsessed little trailer trash princess, aren’t you? You must be a special kind of freak and sociopath to write shit like this on an admired creative artist. Getting off on all the hate here sicko?
No trailer trash here. You know, everyone hates anonymity when it’s against them. Truth hurts doesn’t it? River is a fake DJ who proclaims himself to be a live mix DJ. The only thing he’s doing LIVE is stroking his cock to fulfill his ego, while playing music on his automixer.
Anonymity? Look who is talking. You refuse to use you rl or sl name in your posts, we all know who you are, so just come clean Sara. Or are you afraid your small group of friends in sl, will actually see the kind of shit bag you really are?
Says Sarah fingering her pussy while thinking of River. See how disgusting you are?
The only thing you do is saying bullshits about River Scallen anonimongly!!! Thinking you really have the power to put someone down YOU ARE TRAILER TRASH
Only a lonely piece of trailer trash comes onto SL Secrets to trash a DJ – who is GAY – you are one sick woman so obsessed who River is fucking? All his partners? Obsessed with a gay man? You write like Sarina McCallen aka Sarina Morningstar from that club Ladies Playhouse who hired naked gay men to get off on. You are trash.
Sophia, that is exactly who it is. She made River’s life hell when the club was on her sim, He is finally at peace now that he has moved his club to mine and Lestan’s sim.
You are clearly spending too much time in SL and you are a very disturbed person.
? what is that lol?
Yeah must be the autopilot of the airplain she says she has in RL 😉
No one who owns a private plane has ever read this website, let alone commented on it, and I would bet everything I own on that lol
“Dear” Sara you wrong on every level.
1. I SAW RIVER SCALLEN IN RL SPINNING LIVE so you can keep your silly assumption for yourself and try inform yourself better before writing
embarassing b/s looking like a jealous creep. PLUS He is actually one of the few in SL having LICENCE so he can use any original song for his sets he doesn’t rip stuff from YouTube!.
2. RIVER IS NOT USING ME FOR MY FOLLOWERS, HIS FOLLOWERS ARE NOT MY FOLLOWERS I DONT EVEN PROMOTE HIS SETS IN MY CHANNELS, I HAVE A TOTALLY DIFFERENT TARGET OF PEOPLE, THEY LOVE ROCKMUSIC. I don’t know any of the people coming at his sets, except for my family and never saw these people at my shows. The facts are really simple : HE IS A TALENTED RL DJ and he is so good at what he does that he has SPONSORS, PATRONS and HIS OWN FOLLOWERS which are growing everyday. Might be not easy to accept it for you but that’s it, simple like that! And we both work our ass off for having a successful club and not a dead hole full of campers.
3. RIVER AND I ARE DEEPLY IN LOVE AND HE COMES ONLINE FOR ME EVERYDAY we sail together, we flight together, we meet friends together, we talk a lot and we have a lot of great sex (something that maybe you should do more to feel more relaxed). When we are not in SL ( yeah we do have real life too) we are always in contact on phone. So again your assumptions are wrong, try accept reality it’s easier! Plus If I was you I would mind my own business ..cringe!
If he’s a real life dj then why is the music at his SL sets so shitty?
You didn’t see him doing shit in RL lol
Yes I did I saw him mixing live and not only me saw that lol unfortunatly for you, and I saw your club doing very bad and that’s why all this bullshit trying to shit over River reputation . Sorry for you but you don’t have this power. Must be so frustrating investing so much money for a SIM and then having so poor results .. if you only put this same effort in your club maybe you would not do so bad, take it like afriendly suggestion. 😉
Oh, you didn’t know we are together in RL also?
still obsessed?
Anyone with you must be in total misery LOL
Sarina Sarina you are so jealous poor Sarina, River and I are together RL and we will marry in real aswell. Shhhh just take it. …💩
I’m screenshotting this one. Lord. Need to put this one worldwide when River leaves you.
Who the hell is Sarina?
Congratulations Lest & River ❤
Oh yes? Were u when I didn’t give you my dick?
You could not be more wrong if you tried Lestan is not being used he has a big family and we love River too. Let me ask you something were is your prove your evidence of what you say if you have any if you do why don’t you send it to Lestan in sl if you are the one in the right prove it.
I have to respond to this bullshit. First off, River is not using Lestat. I am co-owner of the sim Garbo’s is on now. I was the one that suggested River move to our sim, since he was so unhappy with where he was. River even tried to make it work at the previous sim after I mentioned him moving. But it was impossible for him. River knew Lestat and I owned a sim together, but not once did he mention moving his club there. I was the one that offered it freely. And as far as his relationship with Lestat, They spend a lot of time together in SL, not just at our parties. Lestat and I have been brother for many years, he is a great guy and a good friend. And I will defend both Lestat and River, they are in love and I’ve never seen Lestat more happy then when he is with River. And I love River for doing that for him. So Sara, whomever you are, move on and get over your obsession with River.
He’s absolutely using him. C’mon!!! Have you seen the # of guys River has “partnered” in SL? Get the fuck out of here with this bullshit. It’s only a matter of time until River doesn’t “have time” for Lestan or needs to “take a break”. I’m just sipping my tea, watching!
So let me get this straight. You have gone out of your way to find out with whom River had relationships with. You also went out of your way – to 5 months later tell everybody about a CopyRight Issue. And you also go out of your way to see when logs on or off. You talk about River with SO MUCH JEALOUSY and hate, just because he is a brilliant DJ? You know what – YOU ARE AN OBSESSED PSYCHOPATH. You have totally lost it. Dunno – doing drugs? boozing? need help? Lost your dog? Angry?
And please don’t concern yourself with Lestan. He’s a big boy and is very smart. Plus he has “real” friends who will always have his back. River, Lestan and myself, aren’t afraid to put our real name sl or rl on our posts here, what are you afraid of Sara? We know that is not you real SL or RL name
And as far as your comment on people just coming for the sploder. Some may, but the majority come for the party and to have fun. Lestan and I sponsor the sploder, we don’t put a lot in, just enough to get people started. Guess you can’t grasp the concept that people actually like us and enjoy our company. And each week our parties grow, and I can guarantee you it’s not because of the sploder. Your nothing but a jealous little shit, that really needs to get a life outside of sl.
Wow, you are a bitter old cow aren’t you? What happened? Did River turn you down? What is it with you straight chicks, that think they can turn a gay man straight? Your obsession with River is out of control. Get some help, and don’t skip your meds.
Milk me daddy LOL
You really need help, your a sick fuck. Thank god Garbo’s moved, sounds to me like every thing you touch goes down in flames.
I’m at Garbo’s for every single one of River’s sets!
You are trash!
Be fair to River Scallen – he is the best DJ I have ever heard. He is also the sweetest dude I know. What happened? You tried to fuck with him and he said no? Seems you are angry at him lol. Can’t wait for his Hump Day set on Wed!
He’s the best DJ you’ve ever heard? Have you gone to anyone elses set? I’ve heard better music in the bathroom at Home Depot.
Jealousy is a disease get well soon Sara as your club sinks like a sinking ship. Poor Sara results too making comments here because you can’t stand that your club is about too kick the bucket. As Rivers club is a success and will grow more successful as the weeks and month go by tell you what I’ll keep filling you in on the success of Rivers club or just look at the map when sets are going on and see the club fill up for yourself.
What goes up…..
My club is doing just fine 😉 But, thank ya!
Sound like you have a exciting rl, spending your time in Home Depot’s bathrooms, listening to music
I was there looking for lumber to help River find the only wood he’d ever get in RL.
says the old fat fag-hag!
You are a gonner – totally insane! Listen to yourself – what did he do to you? he didn’t givre you sex?
Oh thank you for your concerns Sara I don’t even know who the hell you are (or maybe I do) but you are just showing you know nothing:
#1 RIVER IS A REAL LIFE DJ MIXING LIVE IN SL. I CAN STATE IT BECAUSE I SAW HIM OLAYING RL and he buys his music to mix live in SL , so maybe inform yourself better before open your mouth and make your ridiculous accusations supported by no evidences.
#2 RIVER LOGS IN SL FOR ME EVERYDAY We spend hours sailing and flying talking and having sex (thing that maybe you need to do to more ) HE LOVES ME AND WE WILL MERRY RL SOON ..try get over it.
#3 HE IS CONSIDERED A VERY GOOD DJ, ONE OF THE BESTS IN SL because he does amazing mixes and give great quality sound… That’s why he has followers… Sponsors ..patrons.. maybe the shit stain is you that envy all this..
I suggest you to mind your business and your life if you have any at all.
#5 ALL THE PEOPLE GOING TO DJ RIVER SETS ARE HIS FOLLWERS NOT FOLLOWERS OF MY TRIBUTES AND MUSICALS COMPANY except my family I don’t see any of them at my shows , We have another target of people they love rock so again why don’t you inform better before open that mouth?
Now go back in your corner and mind your own shit.Thank you
“He only comes on to DJ. That’s it. I feel sorry for Lestan, his SL partner.” – Are you so obsessed with me that you even track my movements? I am sure you are the stalker Lestan and I have experienced. You are a really very very sick person.
Proved my point!
lol thank you for the post. Something bad must have happened to you to be so angry at me. Just exactly who are the partners you speak of? Its clear that you have zero understanding of Copy-Right when you mix an original song. You are pathetic attacking me. I have NEVER ONCE attacked anyone like you are now.
You know the 4 men I’m talking about. Don’t play stupid. Don’t hurt Lestan, he doesn’t deserve it. Lestan is a great guy and deserves a LOT better than you.
I myself have been with 4 men, everyone has a past unless your a nun.
Only 4, wow, River is still a SL virgin 😂 .
HAHAHA he had only 4? River, i am disappointed in you
Don’t lower yourself by replying to this person River we that know you know better.
I still wear maitreya, I still see a lot of creators rigging for them as well as Legacy and other bodies. I like my Maitreya body and a good portion of my clothes fit Maitreya. That’s my preference as is it with everyone else’s preference. The only body I don’t see many creators rigging for is Slink, which is sad because that was the first mesh body I got but then I switched to Maitreya and fell in love ever since. If you do a poll most people will waver between Maitreya and Legacy. But if Legacy doesn’t support their customers if they have issues then why buy from them? It just makes them look like they only want the lindens and don’t care about their customers much how most retail stores work in RL.
As for the breast thing, I am so not a fan of this juicy boobs and the soft thighs, and now soft arms movement. It’s just disgusting and not attractive at all and looks like you’re losing circulation to those body parts. Why anyone would want to look like that is beyond me, it actually creeps me out.
Also, creators don’t stop creating for bodies they make money for. Clearly they make just as much money without wasting the time rigging for it. 🙂
I’m beyond creeped out by maitreyas lack of collar bones, ankle definition, and her flat ass but if you like it that’s your prerogative.
The whole body lacks definition from top to bottom. The shoulders are an unmitigated disaster. The knees, elbows, and wrists look just like straws in bent positions; flat, with jagged edges. It’s the absolute most basic mesh, like the underwhelming tits are pretty much the only nod to it even being female, and those stretch oval, sideways, if the slider goes beyond handful size. It’s possible that might be because the types who prefer it are scared of using their bouyancy slider, same as they ignore the saddlebags in favor of hip width so they get a big ugly thigh gap as well.
“Why anyone would want…” That’s easy to answer and something all grown adults know by now but I’ll break it down for you anyway: EVERYBODY. LIKES. DIFFERENT. THINGS. Just because you have an opinion it does not invalidate anyone else’s nor does it cause things you don’t like to cease to exist so I don’t know why people like you get so worked up over petty shit like pixels. PIXELS DON’T HAVE CIRCULATION.
This was the single best thing I’ve read on this shitty excuse for a website where people seem way too invested in a VIRTUAL WORLD ‘Pixels don’t have circulation’
#49 Jaded is a bipolar nutcase, Daryn portrays himself as a young man but in real
He’s old and impotent so he has to live his sec dreams online. Nothing to say about Sky except she’s trash. No winners here
#9 I’m in the discord but I think these people all work for ANIMA as in like the whole brand sculpts and scripting.
I personally do not approve of the actions of a lot of these talents and as a creator myself I don’t think I want to work with them.
They preach kindness and cliche like that but also leaked a friends trauma about an abusive relationship(?) onto virtual forums for everyone to see after a falling out which is the most horrendous thing to do someone and what a lot of us did not want to see.
That and as someone who was a victim of an abusive relationship that could have ended in myself being killed.
THEY put their friend in what could of been a seriously dangerous situation by sharing the things that person and expressed or vented about someone and it sickens me. I have lost so much respect for Angel personally
If had someone show my abuser stuff I said about them in my safe space and I got threatened and injured because of it then what?
People make pretty things so we should let them get away with that stuff though right?
And like this isn’t really a post to bash them personally I love some of these peoples work and used to think they were cool but I’ve backed away since all this I don’t want to work with them.
I don’t think I’ll change my mind until they account for that or stop boasting about their status and how they’re above others.
I just had to share some thoughts because they’re currently the monopoly of furry sl creators
very impressed that you have also come to the conclusion that the man that she lives an ocean away from is abusive given the evidence provided publicly that was begged for publicly, perhaps if he didn’t want people to know he abused her he should have grown longer arms or stopped provoking people on twitter and throwing around false accusations to test run his inflated ego he got from getting away with abusing her for over a year
All I’m really saying here is I do feel bad for the person(s) in the middle of this to some extent, you can’t really expect someone to leave an abusive relationship just like that it’s not easy at all if you’ve ever been in one. You have to ask yourself how much of the what she does is her actions and how much is his. Abusive relationships are scary, you can literally lose control of your own life because you believe you’re in love, they make you do and say things so that you do lose connections with the people close to you. An abusers main tactic is to separate the victim from any other support system in their life.
I do feel bad for the friends that were involved but I do feel like it’s terrifying to have stuff like that blasted all over the internet especially when it’s very raw feelings and senses of panic and distraught and I honestly do wish when the hurt blows over or if she ever gets out the parties could try and make amends, I know there’s a lot of hurt. I saw this whole thing go down on twitter when it happened.
It’s a shame that the monopoly of furry sl creators seems to be some pretty unprofessional people.
I think it would be nice if someone else had their own event, something that’s more organized and maybe just cut the toxic creators out
#61 seems you did give a fuck since you made a post about it lmao
#54 doesn’t understand that height values are relative to the environment you’re in. If your next to a tomato that is 2m in diameter, you wouldn’t yourself be 2m tall and realistically reflect proportions within that virtual space, would you?
Most buildings and items are created at a taller-than-RL scale, so if you’re mentally stuck in “I am 4″7′, then don’t be surprised if you look like a damn child next to anyone who is proportional to the environment you’re playing in.
Why not just use the defined max height as a guide as to avatars being RL TALL TALL and then you just to it? Unless people use deformers, that’s the bar you should look at.
You’re not wrong, but at the same time I think you’re discounting the way that mesh land impact incentivizes building smaller. My height’s come down a lot in SL over the years but I rarely feel too small for my environment because newer products are smaller too. I’m still a fair bit taller than I would be if I were approximate my RL height, because when I get too small, I do look absurd. But much, much smaller. In this day and age it doesn’t make any sense to take SL height anywhere near the max, because if you did, you’d now be too big.
You’re pretty much saying exactly what Sub said, from the other direction. The whole point you’re both making is proportion to environment is more important than slider numbers, and all of those childish looking “but this is my rl height” bitches aren’t fooling anyone about their real intentions, especially when they add those ridiculous toddler faces as well. If I made my avi my rl height, I’d be unbelievably tiny too, which is why I choose to make myself look my rl height in proportion to buildings and furniture instead- definitely much smaller than years ago, but still several inches taller than rl. You’re right that builds have come down in size somewhat in the last decade or so, but still not to the point where it provides the same scale as rl, and they probably never will come down that far because of how the SL camera works.
#2- he is not the only person she is screwing around with. She is trying to be with me too when he is not on, or would be writing me privately. Careful dude, she has been around and is not a good thing if she is trying to cheat on you.
I don’t see anything wrong with the squishy things, or veins. We’re human. We have veins. Some of us have squishy bodies. Deal with it.
Anyone who thinks that elderly South Park screenshots are pwning anyone needs to look at themselves, step away from the computers, take some deep breaths, touch some grass, and maybe have a sandwich in case they’re just hangry.
53- the thigh highs that look like they are cutting off circulation look so uncomfortable to me, but the squishy boobs are good for corset tops
57- the add-ons themselves are fine, it’s just that a lot of people are not really good at making shapes that look like actual humans 😕
#37 You mad bro? 😏
It’s Second Life, were you have the freedom to make yourself as you see fit! Almost no one is exactly who or what they pretend to be behind the avatar, gender and sexual orientation included.
Anyone else find this hilarious? Before it was straight dudes crying that they were getting trapped by other men parading as women in the fuck sims. Now it’s all come full circle! 😂
Sad but true, let’s start with the Mr SL Competition – even the “organiser’s” “husband” is a woman in rl and so many others invloved with it. They hit on gay men… And at some gay sims – where the owners NEVER VOICE – lol we know they are women the way they dress also! The way they behave. It is indeed hillarious! At one club the one woman tps in her male “gay” avatar to make up for traffic. It’s funny. What is NOT funny is to lie to the really sweet gay people.
Amen! Name them all and spill the goddamn tea already
Exactly what I was going to say, the cycle of life… it all comes back! I’m a woman and I had a lot of trouble with men not believing that I’m a woman behind the avatar because there were a lot of men pretending to be women. Now the bill has arrived! lol
all because the women can’t get sex from male avatars? What sl are they talking about?
Yeah, as a women in second life you can’t toss a penny without hitting an erection that’ll proposition you for sex. We have an over abundance of straight COCK in this game with no end in sight, what are gay dudes getting paranoid over?
Sex from male avatars? Abundant.
Sex from sexually appetizing and ERP capable male avatars? Hmmm… A lot of those are women and gay men behind the avatar so…