Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 708.
#30, 31, 32, 33, 34
Try turning on your advanced lighting and that should fix the shine.
56.If it says it’s no mod – why tf do you even bother and rezzing it?
16.Where is the rule that says so? None right? none of your business what people do with their names… damn gurl/boy mind ya damn self. 😂
4 : what increase of fees for creators? Last rise is taxes for the buyers… not the creators ..
Not sure where you live, but where I live, the cost of electricity/internet has gone up, pretty significantly. Everything has. Food, gas, rent, services, literally nothing has been untouched by the ever increasing inflation.
Yet you think for some reason, SL won’t be touched by that..?
If you can’t afford it; stop buying it. That’s a good rule for everything in SL or RL, any L.
If our governments had followed that rule, we wouldn’t be experiencing this inflation right now. Don’t spend what you don’t have.
But sure blame creators. They’re just so greedy. Not like you, right?
37 – Biggest imbeciles and attention whores in all of SL and FB. Followed by Ivy, Setsuna, Aradia, Adelia and Veronika. All these bitches think they are far more important than they really are.
42 – Dude thinks he is so far above customers so of course he never responds to anyone and his CS Rep is just the dumbest. Almost as bad as Gac/SD and his worthless support BOT. Guys love them though. Go figure.
46 – Fuck the illiterate bloggers! It wasn’t a tiny disclaimer! She’s not the one that’s wrong here. Hopefully she blocked you fuckers from her products going forward.
49: Just pay for Pro or find something else.
48: That font. F*ck it, I’m not reading it.
42: Do you know how to “CamShop?” cam over and buy. But yeah… it looks annoying though. I love their skins the best.
16, 45: Why do you care? They’re doing nothing to you.
42: So try using the vendors. Maybe they’re an easter egg? Maybe they’re just there because the store owner cba deleting and setting them up again? Why do you care? Going to go full Karen-mode on every bricks & mortar shop because they left last month’s promotional cardboard cutout in the back room?
12: Permaban complaining about a permaban on a permaban’s site while being subbed to a bunch of permabans on Youtube. Every accusation a confession.
26: Finally, something that actually affects the platform. Oh well. If they won’t be told (politely), then just jelly or derender them. And don’t bother broadcasting it. Just do it. Your frame rate will thank you.
30-35: okay so I smirked.
29- she looks completely normal. can we not compare normal sized women to maxed out ginormous men avis?!
41- Belle Delphine is not the person you want to compare to. she has posted some pretty gross pedo type photos. i’d rethink your pitch here.
45- are you not also standing there all day too to notice it? and it’s just a group title, chill. put on a meat eater one if you want. who cares?
54- LMFAO!! at least he isn’t gaping for it anymore
#22 & 56: Whoa. Take your medication. 😳
#41 Exactly. Just because someone likes cute stuff doesn’t make them some sex crazed pervert
#28 That guy is a tool. He is super insecure and I think he might be married and lying to people he isn’t. I don’t know much about her but she’s friendly and nice to look at.
#49 All the people who posted that nonsense took it down the next day and continued posting. Lool idiots
I never took down my black friday flickr photo. Flickr removed a ton of them.
#44 Poor Harvey i feel sorry for that Dude, his partner the red headed Harlot succumbed to Breath spa’s biggest F*ck Boi Kayce. Harlow has no shame.
catch up you Klutz. Kayce/Howard is Harlow’s longtime Ex. Harvey has always been the Side Ho
#52 I do not see anything wrong with this notice, I would actually say that the administration, put effort to help the designers with more sales. Have you noticed that designers, put so much work to create a new item for an event and sell it overpriced, and then after the event is over, they sell the same item at 60L etc.. So to me, this notice makes perfect sense. As a customer myself I admit that I will not buy an overpriced item, but i will buy it at a sale event.
#5 THANK YOU! Haven’t been able to wear Truth for YEARS for exactly this reason, and had to pass on Doux hairs as well because of this.
#37 please PLEASE Shut. This. Bitch UP! She needs to be educated in every form possible. All she is, is hateful, ignorant ass comment after another. 🙄 Go find something to do with yourself! Take your negative bs to Instagram with the rest of them hoes.
Lmaooooooooo I willllll neverrr understand why these fat lonely losers writing diarrhea like 1, 9, 25, and 29 care so much how people spend their time and money on a video game. Yall lives that boring? You know you can ignore them? Not go to their sex party? Spend your own money and build your own castle?
But you won’t. You’ll force your shitty selves on the rest of us time after time ruining friendships, relationships, businesses, roleplays and however the other people here not living out high school spend their time.
Now go your leased Hondas and try skim milk for once 😂 😅
LEASED HONDAS!! #fucking cackling
lmaooooo sorry my ex has a honda and drinks whole milk and that shit got me 😂😂😂
#16 You seriously need some self worry.
# 26. Why would I go out of my way to go buy laggy mesh from a creator that isn’t even good? I have stopped supporting this creator for years! If I want some shitty mesh for cheap, there are tons of other creators out there that do a better job without the added lag. Customers and events should stop supporting creators that make mesh with so many triangles. This is just doing a disservice to the second-life community. It’s not WORTH the lag. buy from somewhere else. Stop supporting them. Make SL lag-free.
6. I’m 99% sure I know who submitted this and let me just say that she isn’t innocent herself. I admit that a lot of crap submitted to Secrets about CC is true. I’ve lived in CC for a lot of years and a lot of it checks out but for #6 I’m going to need some proof. Asuna is annoying and needy for attention and has a crap attitude but she isn’t dumb enough to advertise another sim. I don’t know Nyra but if she was ever Sheriff it wasn’t memorable
Shower is a full perm you can purchase, its in multiple stores being sold. Even I have a full perm copy I purchased a few months ago
https://gyazo.com/cd4c43b3e1c0b4df9a073bc37fb50ba3 and it looks like a mesh prim for a backing. I’ve probably seen this in 4 or 5 stores by now. Faucet isn’t even the same.
Does no one ever investigate before posting that creators are “copybotting” when often its a full perm purchase? I guess not. You can’t seem to tell the differences between the two.
Avatar isn’t exact, looks created or used separate parts. If we are going to complain about this, we have a lot of furries that are going to lose their avatars as they are also often created from situations such as this.
After talking to Raven, it’s just recycled drama from those who obviously seek attention and angry they didn’t get their way. Useless people do that hoping to ride off clout of others or thinking bringing them down will work for themselves. She’s a good soul, she’s worked for us before. I trust her over majority of the furry community, many seem to.
There are always a few handful of furries that create drama everywhere they go, if they can’t get what they want. Even I could possibly guess who this one is.
recycled, Recycled, RECYCLED You’re clearly delusional if you think shit is recycled. How many times has this place been brought up, honey if somebody is still doing wrong people WILL speak up about it. Last person you wanna ask is raven considering they’re co owner of pounce. They dated Leo for literal years, keeps posting about how they were his boo, and now all of a sudden it’s gone like the wind since they’re a fling for a wrestler…yea sure… Pounce ain’t their first club honey, it’s a rabbit hole. She’s been with Leo when he made dumb decisions in pounce, IYC, IFC, and many other clubs. She left with him the same time so she’s just a tag along if not another gaslighting bitch that likes to talk about others behind their back. Deny it all you want but here’s another red flag… Leo has been seen talking about other venues like he’s this big man keeping all the traffic and peeps. They also were keeping traffic by spamming raffles practically every fucking day, who’s paying for that I wonder cuz it sure wasn’t him, Raven or pounceno1 xD Yea it was staff… There was a staff raffle board, and a patron raffle board. Oh right that got removed, raven blamed staff and called them out for being inactive while they never really fixed the security meaning a TON of those traffic numbers were just random linden leaches that park and afk half the time. She also tried to make pounce like an official job and was pretty down right rude to staff (but of course she will deny that :P) *yawn* you cause so much shit only to delete more picks, what happened to your boo honey They got caught rigging a raffle worth over 100USD, crashed the… Read more »
So you’re just going to ignore the fact that he’s purposely selling SEX furniture of CHILDREN and ANIMALS? Just going to ignore the fact that tails, kovu, sora, and sonic are all under aged CANON and he’s purposely SEEKING these types of items to then SELL. I.e Whether he’s buying them or getting them for free, he’s seeking out kids in sexual positions to then sell for profit. =/ You’re just going to ignore that fact? And it’s not just furries. you realize that he’s created clubs that he’s now since been BANNED from, if it’s just dumb drama, then how come barely any of the popular clubs want him around? Why is it that when you ask those furries you don’t hear anything good about him? Why is it the only person who has dated him is the only one you hear anything good of him from? Well, there’s a reason why…. He’s a fucking piece of shit who has not done really anything good for the community. Actually a good instance is when over half his staff quit pounce and they were called sensitive snowflakes because they were being treated like utter shit. And hello?! You trust raven? The one who publicly attacked someone in front of a LINDEN….You trust someone who is manipulative, who gaslights people into thinking that they themselves are the problem and not her or Leo. You trust Raven who has time and time again attacked people. Hell even in the pounce staff had stated that the staff should be spending every bit of their free time there and treating it like a REAL job and putting Pounce first. I’ve been around them a fair bit and I’ve seen nothing but disgusting behavior that the majority of the furry community has seen. It’s why… Read more »
but.. as both raven and leo have retired from clubs and no longer work in any ..this IS recycled drama :3 coming from nothing. Pounce gone closed nothing new is capable of coming form it since last yr other than dreamed up drama this yr. as for being band everywhere … No lol but wouldn’t give a shit anyways. I’m sorry your still sore about whatever issues you have from last year but that’s something your going to have to find help with. as previously states on VIVID its being discontinued as its sales peaks been achieved But I’ve no doubt you will still be crying about that long after its gone to
Discontinuing something isn’t going to get rid of the fact you’ve purposely sought these items out and SOLD THEM for material gain. It’s not past drama it’s not me being butt hurt. It’s the fact you are SUPPORTING Pedophiles and zoophiles and your only fail safes are ” It’s not against TOS” Or ” Vivid is being discontinued” What about the MORAL fail safe? You know the one you should have had before you started putting that disgusting shit up?
And have you guys retired from clubs? Because I already know you’re at paradise lounge and a few others. You may be retired from OWNING clubs, because CLEARLY that isn’t going to work for you guys anymore. Think finally too many people have caught on to your guy’s games and bullshit and have decided to not come around.
your just one of these deluded nobody’s. one person in thousands of members of mine i supply or fund or cater for. no one cares if u don’t like me or if yer pissd of I make a killing selling shit to the community just because YOU dont like them. why would I give toss about you winging on here just for some attention instead of coming to me in SL expressing concern over a product. nuu yer gota exaggerate it all throw in some lies n random story’s about my life and I mean lol.. I don’t go paradise since xmass but u know what so what if I DID.. are you trying to tell me Oh no He hangs out at peoples clubs.. Your pint? your an idiot..A sad desperate attempt to try i duno? upset me? Make me end a trade because you don’t like it? I’m not sure what your trying to achieve but there’s no way in a life time I’m changing anything just so a nobody like you can stop fake crying
FIRST OF ALL, don’t call me an idiot when you can’t even spell proper fucking English. Second of all, a nobody… Honey, sweetie. If I was why are you taking the time to defend yourself if you’re not going to change anything? Clearly you’re guilty of something if you wish to come at me on here and try to say I’m exaggerating. Which clearly I’m not. IF you look at the evidence, you’ve gone and already done the deed of searching for minors in a sexual position to sell for money. And that’s also a lie of not having been at paradise since xmas, since I know one of the managers quite back in January just for your ass showing up. As for coming to you in SL? I doubt it’d change anything, seeing as I’ve already interacted with you on multiple occasions as well as any other person and you have been nothing more than a simple, pompous, egotistical, cock knob that thinks he’s better than thou. As a club owner and as just a person in general. So what makes you think, I’ll believe that you’ll treat an in world complaint about your pedo shit any differently than you would on here? Clearly you’re going to treat it the same because you’ve been on here multiple times for the exact same shit, have commented on all of it and *LE GASP* What hasn’t changed? You removing the items. Now then, you may call it lies, but sweetie. You’ve already proven it all. You’ve kept the items up, I’ve already gotten the screenshots to show the canon ages of the characters you’re selling in SEXUAL positions for money. And I only claimed you’re a pedophile. A pedophile doesn’t inherently mean you’ve TOUCHED children. Pedophile is also given to those… Read more »
Retired my ass. If you were done why use the same brand with the same shit. You’re not done leo. The only reason you’re discontinuing vivid is because of the heat it brings to your less than stellar reputation on your fucking account. Vivid owned by leopard.adored showing off the fact you made feral fuck dolls. Discontinuing it ain’t gonna do shit when you programmed zoophilia. It’s not against tos to make such a thing? But it’s pretty fucked up especially when we know you probably make fun of everyone that purchases the damn thing in private since you can fucking see it in your notifications. And let’s look at raven real quick. Oh poor raven the wannabe attention whore. First failed blogger, multiple failed attempts at club management (count em fellas its not like pounce was the first), failed attempt at wrestling. Seriously titan was a joke and trying to get into ufw by knowing a dramatic fox with a big belt is another. But I guess that doesn’t matter anymore when you try to hide all that and support valiant like all the cool kids do. Oh they’re dating a wrestler from that too…is anyone surprised anymore? Makes you wonder why people don’t like you, oh that’s right when you try to talk shit about people in public and in your fucking staff chats calling em snowflakes for leaving and leave to make yet another club. Geez even when separated you two are just nothing but dramatic. There’s only one person trying to protect leo and glossing over all the shit they come up with from the start. And like any dumb bitch glossing over the zoo and pedo crap is hilarious. What happened to that cocky attitude, what happened to pounce the number 1 furry club of… Read more »
Non of this means anything to me .. (insert Shrug meme here)
so the sexualization of children means nothing to you? The sexualization of feral animals means nothing to you?
Silence is golden, but it’s also confirmation
Hid everything on the Marketplace, fucking coward. talk about beta male

Anyone else notice how fucking fat Draxtors gotten?
Dudes bene spending way too much time on kids games and eating shit
Have you considered not shit talking actively interesting content creators? Maybe if you had some ideas of your own, you wouldn’t be petty bitching it over here.
Have you not realized how much of a Karen you sound like freak? Take your meds freak.
Bless your little cotton socks.
stay mad medicated retard
Holy f*ck!
At least check your spelling before submitting your photo.
It’s especially hilarious considering all of the times that person repeated the same sentence three different ways, then ended it with “don’t repeat” lmao!
#43 If this was for a special event sure, otherwise I hope his woman will give him his balls back and fast. We have too many pussywhipped men in SL as is and women complaining about not being able to find “real men”. Well ladies… if you let your guy walk around like this, guess what happens!
It’s crazy how many women don’t understand that most guys do NOT go to SL to dress up like barbiedolls! Really, they don’t!
Oh we get it that guys don’t dress up in SL, especially since at least 60% of male avatars are wearing 2008 flexi hair with 2008 freebie skins on a system avatar and system layer biker leather vests. They usually tend to not have an AO so they duck walk. I’d rather have my man wearing pink than look like the basic SL dude.
Haha @41… no one would think that is an underage look you idiot. I bet you however have an underage looking av and feel the need to try to justify your own crap by posting this crap!
That post is what is known as a straw man argument; no one here or anywhere else said that avi looked underage. The proportions of the face are that of an adult- just like Belle, no matter how hard she tries to look younger. The avis that get called out here look nothing like that; literally the only thing they have in common is that constant “I’m about to cry” look, which no one cares about when it doesn’t make you look like an abused child.
@20 This made me laugh, I love it too when a guy gets a make over from a woman who most likely pays for it too. Especially if he dumps her afterwards so I can hook up with him!
#15 This is a pretty dumb secret because often you need to join a group and get gifts in the stores which does not involve any notices at all.
Maybe next time check what you join before paying it?
#5 I get more annoyed with the fact that when Doux hair makes bangs he apparently uses models that have no eyelashes at all.
Maybe he just gives us credit for having basic editing skills, but I guess desperate bitches who go around picking the leftovers off other people’s plates don’t have time to learn those.
#2 I have no idea who you are but you would have to pay me a lot to look like that…
I want to thank whoever posted my pic on here, i’m pretty proud of that one! Thanks for the exposure, those around me know who I am and that is ALL that matters, difference between you and me, I posted the things about yall and kids on public forums with my name attached, you have to hide behind a computer and spew lies, who’s the better here?
Haha.. you are so full of bs.. you are calling others out for bs you do yourself and then tell me to go educate myself.
You look like a child, act like a child and worse, mind others people business like a child too. If anyone should do some growing up here, it’s you Heather. By the amount of dislikes it’s pretty clear that no one really likes you or agrees with you anyway, that’s why all your “Daddys” run off because you are an old, ugly woman who tries to act like a brat.
Heather, go away, no one likes you!
lol see, I do not really care if anyone likes me, i’m me, what you see is what you get, and i’m not a person running around acting like a child, dressing like a child and roleplaying in a highly charged sex sim, that’s why your all butthurt because I spoke up and I will continue to speak out when it comes to that. STOP THE ABUSE
Oh please, I have actually SEEN you with a pacifier in your mouth and bows in your hair running around like a 10 year old looking for a daddy. You are THE biggest hypocrite around.
You forget what you do yourself sweetheart? Here I will help you remember:
You are seriously the LAST person to come here to accuse others from acting like a child because you do not only look like one, you act like one too when in reality you are a scary old witch!
All this is about me turning ASHER GHOSTLY into linden labs and into the owner of Pandemonium sim, for continuing to look like a child and act like a child in an adult sim, MANY complaints were made and not just by myself but others as well, the owner did nothing and allowed the behaviors and dress, I left and expressed on my social medias my outrage and what happened, this is retaliation and downright childish, perhaps you should be playing on a playground and not on sl in a sex sim. By the way, I have photos if anyone would like to see the PROOF, I have proof to back up what i’m saying, do you?
Look at yourself and your own photos before you star pointing at others!
Fact is, I find it flattering that my name is even spoken, i’ve not been in pande in months nor have I even been on SL, my real life is amazing and I have no need for the dramas of SL especially when it comes to pedos and those who support them like yourselves, I see nothing wrong with playing a child or being a little, what I DO see a problem with is when it’s done sexualizing children and pedophilia. To each their own, do ya thang but do it in a way that is not distructive to others and doesn’t portray a behavior that should not only be stopped in sl but anywhere. I’ve responded to these posts not out of a need to clear my name or make anyone like me, boredom mostly and the need to get the word out about people like YOU, yall started this, woke the bear, now take the heat that comes from it. I didn’t start this but I sure as hell will finish it.
I have, I’ve searched through my entire flickr and see nothing of which you are referring to in this post, what I DO see is someone trying to put the blame from themselves on another.
No? You don’t think walking around with a pacifier and bows in your hair looking like you just turned 12 makes you the biggest hypocrite for telling others what to do?
Whoever approved my comment removed the links I added to your own Flickr page (we can’t post Flickr links now either???) but there are a lot of pictures where you portray yourself like a young child waiting for Daddy. So how about you just stfu about what others do in this matter because you are seriously one of THE last people to talk!!
Just stop, there’s a difference between being a babygirl and looking like a child, your reaching, seriously don’t you have anything better to do then to try to justify pedophelia?
babygirl is a part of bdsm lifestyle and has nothing to do with pedophelia in the sense that a child is portrayed, it’s a more sensitive form of bdsm, educate yourself so you do not look ignorant please. And btw, the pacifier in the pics are cause I love to suck, has nothing to do with being a child, grow up, use an adult brain for once.
actually pacifer etc is not babygirl its little and is in no way to be used or protrayed in anything remotely adult activity appearrance. It is highy against all BDSM comunities to have, be or show anything of little girl in adult sexual manners. It is an instant kick from comunity and generally they wil infact turn into cops for a warrant search to be damn sure not pedophile activity occuring this includes your computer, games, everything in your life. One single tid of underage mixed sexual is federal crime.
There is more to having a pacifier then just being in little mode. As far as being a babygirl…not all have a little side. It doesn’t mean they are acting like a child when they have it, there are many reasons. No where in the pics that you all posted of Heather.. is there a dick or even a man… she is CLEARLY an adult, now the girl in question that was turned in, was turned in by more than just Heather. She had a child like face and body structure, not even teenager looking but maybe 10 to 12. More than a few of us was disturbed by this and she was acting sexually with her very adult looking Daddy. To attack someone and call names based on what you think is their rl appearance is even more elementary and child like then having a damn paci in your mouth. Having your hair in braids, wearing things that your man like is just the way life goes… but from the way she dresses it is very clear her hair may be in braids…but she clearly has an adult figure and wears adult clothing. I have never seen a child wear a bra and panties out in public…have you? Everyone has an opinion in how someone else should look and act, in this case I am sure the ones being nasty are friends with the girl who got reported. No one was calling her a whore or other names, just she needed to look older in the face and in her shape. Me, personally was made feel very uncomfortable her walking around naked on a leash looking like she could have been my 11 year old daughter. But, here is some other reasons why adults use pacis there is quite… Read more »
not sure what community you are in but i’m sorry, must be a strict one *laughs* a pacifier in an adult mouth does NOT communicate a little nor does it say child nor is it a federal crime, thanks for the laugh though!
Its called the real world. Not the fake shit wannabe old ladies trying be cute claim Ds for a pixel dick and fat fuck loser manchilds to rub one out. 99% of SL obviously you included have zero ideal what BDSM is or Ds means. Much less a babygirl etc.
Hmmm, I am reading your replies… it makes me concerned that someone who claims to be in the lifestyle or know so much about it, is sooooo judgemental. What makes me so concerned is, every community that I have been in or visited have been welcoming, a safe zone for everyone no matter what their kinks are (except for the ones who are into illegal stuff). Everyone, and I do mean everyone has the right to feel, act and believe safely within a community. How one person views a babygirl can be totally different than someone else. How one person views any kink can be totally different, as a community that already suffers from judgement and being treated badly..we all stick together to remain safe. Not to be attacked, not all babygirls have a little side, happen to know quite a few that don’t. I also know quite a few that do have littles, there are rules when in little mode. I also know alot that do have pacis or other oral fixation objects, that are outside of the community as well as in it. There is more to having one than just being in little mode, it is also used for anxiety, panic attacks and other issues.. so who are we to judge that? I have seen both of the people being discussed, I rped with them in the same city. Here is the issues I have, I never once felt uncomfortable with how Heather was dressed or what she portrayed, I did however the other. Her face, her body structure and the lack of it was concerning, Seeing her on leash lead by a adult male who appeared older, appearing naked without any definition of being a woman made my skin crawl. I understand some women do not… Read more »
I think we need to hang out, your funny! I’m older yes but i’m not dumb and i’m not just an SL wannabe, I have a RL Daddy, he’s been my Daddy for over 30 yrs, I DO know a little about the subject thanks. Again being a babygirl is not about age, you’d know that if you were such an expert.
btw, anyone can find my flickr by searching Heather Steinbeck, you will see that in NONE of the pics do I look 12, I have tits and ass and a face like an adult, no where is there one where I look like a child, thanks. The person I am referring to which I’m sure YOU know, has a child looking avie down to the face, no tits, no form, and carrying a teddybear while with a naked woman, so, you tell me the difference hmmmm?
If needed I can post THOSE to my flickr as well 🙂
Look at you wasting so much time trying to defend your own bullshit! Go get a life you old hag, old, saggy people like you should just not even be in SL passing judgment on others. Go play with your grandchildren instead!
Apparently you have an issue since you replied to it. Sit down Heather… nasty hoe.
why yes, i’m a Nasty Hoe, for my husband, but that’s besides the point 🙂
Yeah we know who you are alright Heather. An old, worn out, pig-nosed saggy hag who never gets any dick in real so she has to compensate with her avatar. You still walk around with that pacifier and bows in your hair in your mouth you nasty witch?
Don’t come here acting like you are the shit, you are a bat shit crazy nut job and I am pretty sure those around you and all your exes (do you even remember how many now Heather?) know as well!!
lol you sound bitter, who’s the one not getting any hmmm?
#3 It is really amazing to me, that you post of pic of a person by themselves and make accusations.. how about some proof? Oh, that’s right you don’t have any. You’re just butt hurt because you got called out for looking like a child in an adult sim, BY many people not just one. Do you feel better now? Got your lil fit outta the way? Sorry not sorry, you was told your and yer daddy was sick in the head for appearing as you did. It is one thing to be petty about something that isn’t true and post untrue things, but dang girl it was true. And, well there are pics to prove it.
#46 Revoul Is known for wanting attention so badly all the time, but can’t handle feedback when something is wrong with her product and become too sensitive about many things so people can feel bad about her, why feel bad for? we should not feel bad for someone releasing a incomplete product or not letting customer know that the hair is “only” made for pictures.Next time someone buy her a baby pacifier.
Not sure why everyone is b*tching. If you tried a demo like you’re supposed to it wouldn’t be a problem because you would see it before you purchased it. It shows you’re lazy & and just looking for things to complain about.
there was no warning or disclaimer that the hair was half done. even if anyone tried on a demo, they would have assumed it was a glitch and bought the hair anyways, assuming the actual hair was complete. it was only 60L so no big risk. every single hair maker on SL makes a hair that covers the entire head so, i don t know why anyone would assume this one hair was different?
people started messaging her about the mistake and that’s when she melted down on flickr instead of just…apologizing for the miscommunication on her part and fixing it quietly (like an adult would).
so we’re lazy for not trying a demo / assuming a store would not sell a half done hair after teasing it for weeks, and she’s lazy for not finishing a hair or communicating to anyone that it came like that. it is what it is lmao.
i went over to their flickr and actually read their rant. nowhere in their previous posts did they mention “take a photo only from the front” or that the back was incomplete. she is lying about saying she mentioned it lol
I legit looked for her post to bust people hounding her. All I can find are vague sentences that really don’t “say”, THIS IS FOR PICTURES ONLY!
Meanwhile, this is the next weekend and still no updated hair despite the promise that was made…
This was pretty sad… I will wait for the update and after that I will never buy from this store again as this was so unprofessional, this person should not even have a store in SL at all in my opinion.
10. Truth!!! Ayra is the biggest backstabbing bitch I have ever met in my whole SL years.
Ayra isn’t the only fake ass bitch at Velbet Tunnel. There’s another bitch there who thinks she’s so the baddest bitch since the invention of slice bread. Her fake photos of her from 15 years ago do not reflect the beast she is. She isn’t snatched she looks like Java the hut. She forgets to mention that she is about two hundreds pounds more than what she says she is. In fact she talks about her hot voice, she uses an app. That bitch is as fake as they come. But what makes her even more of a cunt is that in order for her to be at the top anyone she sees as a rival or who doesn’t pay her interest or simp over this fat bitch she has fired or banned. She creates fake chat logs and creates discord accounts and harasses herself. She is literally the worst piece of shit ever. Caprice you are so far up this bitch’s ass you don’t see nothing of the shitty person she is. She’s cost you to lose some amazing dancers. But keep on believing her bullshit. In the end karma always win.
She is not even fit to be a manager as she holds favourites.
That she does. Once she is done with you, she stops talking to you, and moves on to the next.
And so power hungry she barely lets her ‘Leads’ do or say anything without her say so.
Why do you think she goes through so many? New one at least every other month, and, they aren’t ones who worked hard to become one, they are her favs. Never anything posted about applying for it, like they use to. Just shows if you have your lips pressed up against the owners’ asses hard enough what you can actually get away with. They must be wearing blinders, like a bunch of horses.
#39. You’re lazy and/or scared. Not because you’re not suffering from long term COVID effects, but because you don’t want to face and tackle your real issues.
#1 I know some 60somethingyo in SL who is dating his alts, he has like 30 of them and they cheat on each other, he also fights with them and they partner, then after “drama” they unpartner just to later get back together. It’s mental, and the real problem is, that he is doing this since 2007. It’s like a bad telenovela…and he keeps pretending it’s not his alts but everyone knows. And I bet he’s not alone out there, many are partnered to alts to keep creeps away and then there are the ones where you aren’t sure if THEY actually really believe they are in a relationship with their alts.
This sounds more entertaining than 95% of the stuff that happens in SL.
Does this have a blog somewhere?
that is just playing the sims but online lol.
I’d sign up to that telenovela. That sounds interesting af.
#1 is doing the most.
How about you do a fact check before being a tawt?
#52 And another thing, tres chic maybe posted this secret too. The event has no traffic, so they want to manipulate you to lower your prices and to use virtual secrets to promote the event. Leave the event now designers, go to other events, tres chic only cares about money for their pockets
You are totally out of contex. I am a Tres Chic designer and my sales are better than other events. Their prices also are totally the cheapest. One booth fee is at 4k when Fameshed is asking 6k and my sales are much worst there. Also why did you find it weird that they asked us to lower our prices? I is totally logical and made perfect sense. People nowdays can not afford to pay real bills, even much worse virtual goodies. They didn’t demand us to do it. They just said that it would be better for sales. Their managment is kind and not as you mention below rude or whatever. You seem to never have spoken to Eva or Fofina. They are both angels and always there to help us.
Well, people go to Tres Chic for cheap shit, and shop Fameshed for a higher standard. There are also better creators there to compete with, so all you’re really telling us is that your stuff isn’t that great.
I’m willing to bet you just texture full perm meshes and are calling yourself a “designer”. That’s kinda like coloring in a coloring book, and calling yourself an artist. You know how to make money selling full perm mesh items? Fatpack only, at a reasonable price, below L$500- and even that price is only if your textures are actually good, with clear seam stitching and other details, as well as texturing the inside of the mesh along with the outside. As always, I will hold Sn@tch up as the best possible example of success using full perm mesh- the only creator I’ll buy them from.
If you’re selling individual colors of full perm mesh items at the same price as people who offer exclusive mesh(L$150+), you’re delusional, and of course you wouldn’t understand why people who make their own meshes might be offended at being told to lower their prices. That’s a lot of work that you can’t even fathom.
You know that Fameshed and Tres Chic both, do not have full perm designers right?
My stuff are 100% original and my brand have reasonable prices. I sell a fatpack for 500L and guess what? My sellings are amazing because of that. People will buy my creations cause they have both quality and good price. If you sell at a crazy high price, you will end up selling 20 pieces max. Your sales will be shity and not any events fault. Also how come for some desigenrs to sell overpriced like 300L for a top at an event and then after the event is over to put the same top on a sale for 60L? Ofcourse the customers will wait to buy the 60L version instead of the 300L.
That seems to be another big issue afffecting the sales.
I never participated to any sales events. My customers are well aware that my items will always have the same price during or after the event.
#52 If you are participating in tres chic as a designer, you should already know that you will be treated like someone who is not a human. You are a dollar sign paying for a booth to them. They are very unprofessional and always disrespect designers. Do your self a favor as a deisgner and find other events on secondlife that put work in to advertise for their event properly and are experts. tres chic and the management is very bad, and lazy. They ask you to lower your prices so they can use you and your products to bring traffic for them because, they do not want to do the work to advertise their poorly money pit of an event. Designers get out now! I left that event a long time ago. It is the worst one. Old building, poor layout they just collect your money and depend on serpahim to share and nothing else. If you stay with them, you loose your money.
I don’t see that. Tres Chic is one of my favorite events and I love the layout. It’s easy to cam around in contrast to other events like Access or Equal that their layout is huge and chaotic. I don’t know for the management but I totally agree on their point of view that I see in the notice posted. They seem to care for little details like the prices. I don’t like go to an event and see a house is sold for 1000L. It’s stupid. I think prices has a huge impact on sales. So yes keep them realistic.
I don’t see that. Tres Chic is one of my favorite events and I love the layout. It’s easy to cam around in contrast to other events like Access or Equal that their layout is huge and chaotic. I don’t know for the management but I totally agree on their point of view that I see in the notice posted. They seem to care for little details like the prices. I don’t like to go to an event and see a house sold for 1000 L. It’s stupid
I love Tres Chic layout better than other events as well. I can use my camera to go around and escape the lag from walking on a huge sim. The building is really elegant, not the same neon booths we see to all the rest events. Also can’t find anything wrong with the group notice. If you want to take the advice that’s ok. Otherwise ignore it. But if you want to sell your products for high prices, you have to expect that some avatars wouldn’t be able to afford paying for it and they would purchase products with better prices.
Each designer value their work different but at the end of the day, customers are the ones need to be convinced to buy the products and pay the price.
45 Why does their eating preference bother you so much? It’s only a group tag, ma’am. Calm down.
#29 lol – yikesss…. again?
#55 So much yes to this. Using all three bodies with the V-Tech addon, but can mostly only find clothing for the Maitreya.
It would have helped a lot if V-Tech would have called the other addons something different, so it wouldn’t be as frustrating to find clothing for it…
#1-56 Really boring and stupid.
I’m just realizing everyone one this comment section are the same people making these hideous boomer memes about one another… good, they deserve one another lmao
So is your comment on here!
Interesting enough for you to cling off it and comment like a hairy little tag nut.
Anyone that calls themselves “Why yes, I am more intelligent than you.” and comes on here on a funny gossip page about virtual people to complain about boring gossip is a sad loser.
Because you seem to think and act better than anyone else yet here you are, just like the rest of us… even complaining about the last of interesting gossip.
Aww it’s another that just can’t seem to move past something as insignificant as a name. You must be such a happy person, to focus on such tiny things to such a neurotic degree! But hey thanks for proving the name right. 😀
And yet another boring comment from a very boring person complaining about the lack of interesting content on a silly gossip page for SL….
You are absolutely ridiculous 😂
You keep saying how boring my comments are, yet they pull you out of your no doubt meaningless existence you call ‘your life’, to reply. Are you not seeing how what you do and what you say don’t quite make sense? Silly creature.
Yanatrpwo is our all seeing God. Do not make fun of that person. They are onto something! (Sarcasm btw)
Of course it is. The dragon rapists keep getting banned from other sims.
And the ageplayers, don’t forget those! Kicked out of every sim for rightful reasons, but on Permia they’re allowed to RP children and child rape. Which totally doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with the Permia staff’s toddler-proportioned, baby-dressed Kemono avatars. Nooope.
Post pictures of these? Because LL has already said just being a kemono on its own isn’t ageplay, so show evidence, or at least what you consider evidence of these baby-kemonos or shut the fuck up if you’re just one of the people who consider kemono an ageplay avatar no matter how they look, because it’s wrong according to LL themselves.
I genuinely cannot speak to if the Permia admins have child characters (I wasn’t there long) but I can tell you for certain the Dragon faction there #18 is about does and is tolerated on Permia. They do a lot of really creepy shit with child characters by masking it as ‘theyre hatchlings not children ‘ but the end result is them still roleplaying ‘children discovering sex’ as a main kink. Which… Fucking ew.
I have reported it. Don’t know if LL did anything.
#48 Please just shut up. Your fake pixel dog is not an emotional support animal. You are not really a child and your avatar is not special needs. You are a grown adult play-acting at childhood, who then chooses to fetishize being ‘special needs’ and you need to stop. There’s nothing wrong with choosing to recapture your childhood in SL because your real one was messed up and broken but this nonsense is attention whoring at its finest. Maybe stop turning other people’s actual problems in to your ‘play time’.
Yes I am aware that some of these adults may have some of the same issues in real life that they are trying ‘roleplay’ in SL, however, I’m willing to bet that most people wanting to play at this type of special needs does not. This is absurd and really just makes you irritating.
I’m not saying there shouldn’t be representation for people with special needs in SL, as an adult who’s both Autistic and ADHD with physical disabilities, yes, there should be, but it’s not your fetish to take on and off when it suits you.
You want to be a kid, be a kid, but don’t be an intentional pain in the ass to everyone around you for attention.
I just want to give you a medal for actually reading this because after the first 5 words it gave me a bad headache!
I ignored the “Mah pronouns and sexism” part but yeah, that secret is so badly done, from font to color choices.
i only went back to read it after this comment. it’s the one i skipped because it was so stupidly written with that dumb font and color.
it’s a game, it is a pixel dog. it isn’t the same as rl at all. i wonder about this person. do they think sl is rl. maybe they need to speak to a psychiatrist.
#16 you seem really bored in your crappy life lol I will use as display IDGAF to please you
So do show that proof of them having advertised or even said anything about how things are under Heartly.
In sharp contrast I can say they actually speak fondly of how MCSO is being run and have done the opposite of poaching and have brought in more citizens to CC.
Bring your proof.
As someone around them both nearly constantly, including in voice I can tell you “You are very wrong and simply trying to sabotage them.”
Hartley is the worst Sheriff CC had for years. He can only steal ideas from others.
Oh here we go again attacking Jade with user names. You are just butt hurt Jade can accomplish what she does even while dealing with personal BS. Your jealousy is showing. And Hartley is an Awesome sheriff. The MCSO is growing by leaps and bounds and the Command Staff as a whole is awesome. Stealing ideas? oh I’m sorry are ways to run a rp sheriff dept. copyrighted? Like with many things you can only do things so many ways. Everyone is going to bound to come up with similar. And if the same people who suggested the things under one sheriff do so again, the new Sheriff may implement them. With MCSO roster nearly full of actual active people and getting more nearly every day I think you are completely wrong.
This is juicy
OP knows the rules of the internet ffs, post a screenshot of logs or some real proof. Otherwise it’s just a troll wanting to stir the pot.
Thats right, Show the receipts!
I agree, bring the receipts
Shut up Jade you just care about them because of your boring club
Atleast she can run one Josie
So you think this is Jade? tell me how you come to this conclusion cause i’m pretty sure you very much missed why Jade would care about Nyra and Asuna besides Wicked Spirits.
Got that thing…called… Proof? Cuz all I’m hearing is Trump logic here. Accuse, show 0 proof, believe its right. Cuz… I see several people asking for it, and It’s not here
#44 It was no secret when Kayce was watching his girl Faye Hexem started spinning at Burrow last summer that Harlow wanted him, i’m surprised it took till summer for them to get it on.
Does Faye know about this? Faye had been supporting Burrow with all her efforts. So what`s the point having Harvey? Just a cuck?
@betaboi – using a vpn to post about and then make comments about your ex in an effort to get her to break with her current ONLY stays a secret if you dont brag about it to others. imagine what wolf is going to do to you when he learns you are still actively trying to pull off with shell…
I feel sorry for poor Harvey, his RL wife does the dirty on him in SL and makes him look a fool, Harlow hasn’t a care in the World or about the feelings of her Hubby, she plays the red headed Harlot with abandon, Kayce well it’s no surprise to him fall for the Harlow the Harlot, how many times has he been outed on here for cheating on Faye, he doesn’t care if a woman is involved with someone just like Harlow doesn’t, they are potentially the perfect couple, i mean they could just date and go Poly as they love adding notches to their SL bedposts.
Harlow is not Harvey’s RL wife lol, but don’t feel sorry for him either. Harvey has cheated plenty of times when he was in other relationships. So really, they are a perfect match for each other.
Who would want this guy lol.
no one after they see his micropenis and learn how hideous he treats others
they dont after he sends them pics of his micropenis and demands they worship the caterpillar
Is there a story behind this? lol.
#29 What looked to be a crusade against Breathe or a body type is clearly being exposed as a personal attack. Did you not score with her because of your winning personality? Did you get banned because you can’t be a functioning human being and read sim rules? Are you projecting your hate behind a curtain of anonymity because you’re a broken, sad little person who apparently can’t deal with rejection from little people?
Whichever it is I’m sure we won’t find out next week when they whine like a middle schooler on the rag. Can’t wait to see what stinging wit this feckless troll comes up with.
It’s nice to see a somewhat adult looking person in Breathe for a change though 😀
shutup veronica
Eloquently put as always.