Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 704.
wtf? stop giving teenager mentality stunted BORED bitches platforms. it’s not that serious & a bunch of horny feminazi avatars talking about ukraine what they might or might of not said is NOT slsecrets worthy.. can we get back to the real purpose of this website.. theft & store drama… you know the people who take our $$$
if i see another press release looking facebook post from these regular ass people thinking because they can make a neko or pinup avatar they are some sort of god in secondlife… -.-
I am not sure where any of these girls look… like a Child.
I see Giant Booba’s Tattoos, height, and Very Womanly Faces.
Just because your no longer in your 20’s, stop thinking everyone else isn’t!
Because I know damn well, I – 22yo don’t fucking look wrinkly, and full of grey hairs.
is that what Your into then?
is that why you hate these ladies so much?
Get a life, and fuck off the cuties.
Go get them old hags you clearly want!
#52 Of all the stupid shit the unhinged walking human dumpster fire that is Wendy Starfall does and says, that’s the one you tried to pick up on? Really?
Damn OP, say this point, I’m not sure if you need to be led by the hand to the real issues with her, or you’re some lame troll trying to whip VS comments and her hugbox group into a political frenzy with a purposefully shitty take of your own (though I’m more likely to believe the latter).
#29 I agree maybe it better off if he comes back and startes banning everyone single child avatar or child like avatar on second life. We need someone like that’ to do justice within the whole community of SL. #30 makes no sense
26# maybe your a pedo for looking into these skins made by creators are you mad or something.
11. I’m in no way surprised that Lucy is still the weakest link but outside of how she ruins CC and runs good people off because she’s jealous and an idiot……..there isn’t anything else interesting about her. Boring everyone on VS about a nobody isn’t going to make her go away
I don’t know how I missed #49 before, but if anyone seriously thinks that any creator is going to try a bunch of skirts over their panties to make sure you can use them that way, they’re out of their tiny little entitled minds. You’re lucky if they make sure they fit under their own skirts, unless the skirt is being sold with those panties specifically. How about instead, you take responsibility for how you spend your money? Grab a demo and try it under your intended skirt before you buy; like how hard is that? I swear, these grown ass adults that expect others to hold their hands through the simplest things are a fucking disaster.
48 – Asked no one ever. How triggered are you to think anyone is? Please finish melting from the heat of your paranoia about a world more diverse than what you jack off with.
Half of these “pedo” secrets feature avi’s that don’t look like children. If you’re going to go for an old classic on here, at least get your target right
Anyone who supports Putins unprovoked Invasion of Ukraine on the lies of “Denazifying” has def Drank too much Kool-Aid.
Ukraine has the WS/Neo Nazi Battalion Azov.
Russia has 7 FUCKING DIVISIONS of the Russian Imperial Movement, a White Supremist, Neo Nazi Group.
Additionally, Russia employs known Child Raping Chechen units.
so if anyone says they support Putin
what they really mean is they’re a Pro-child Molesting, Pro-Fascism Neo Nazi and just trying to hide it.
*has drunken
oh god STFU. This has nothing to do with SL
Cope. #8 Mentions it, I figured I’d post about it.
Die Mad
It does considering #8 makes mention of it.
#15 Just wait a few days. 48-72 hours after an event open it starts to empty out. So for a monthly event there are 3 unreachable days (being premium will help with that though), 4 days of setup for the creators. So, out of a 30 day month that leaves you with 23 days to look around the event. I think you should be able to find some free time in your SL 23 out of 30 days for event shopping. I think what you are really complaining about though is that you are having trouble being the first person out of the gate with that new design. To do that, find out what time the event opens. Five minutes before keep opening a map to that region. When you see people start to fill in the region tp immediately in. Don’t hesitate! One half of a second can make the difference of getting in or not.
Funniest joke why do all child avatars turn out to be pedo’s?
The answer sota beach & arbordale and all kiddy land pedo sim out there
#18. And this dumb cunt wonders why no one likes her.
Other than that, looks like maybe 3 people made every entry this week. *yawn*
Just some info on Number 6. She is a compulsive liar and she is suspected to be underage. She is severely mentally ill and trust me, she knows it but refuses to seek help. She stalks the men who run from her, even men who are taken RL. She uses RP to find men and tries to force them to stay with her OOC using babies and whatever mental manipulation she can come up with. She is toxic and crazy. You have a penis and you see her, run the fuck away as fast as you can. She will try to make you feel like you owe her even when you don’t even know her.
I can confirm what is said here on the manipulation. I had to endure it nearly a year. Which if she’s watching this comment section yeah go on and say who i am. I am so happy to see you exposed.
Didn’t YOU just try to mentally manipulate us?
you just described half the women in SL.
Sounds like a lot in sl. BLOCK
can we keep the politics out of sl/virtual secrets? i thought it was suppose to be secrets about people or things that related to the virtual worlds within.
You are WAAAAAAAY too late for this one, hon.
I second this. Go virtue signal on Facebook.
#23 That whole group is toxic af. Potato tomato pomato gnome pickle salad. whatever they are trying to call themselves now. Been around many sims trolling and causing drama for a while. Got themselves banned from lots of sims.
#2/4/6 Get your eyes checked people. These do not look like children. Just because someone wears bunny ears doesn’t make them look like a child. Ever heard of cosplay? Costume parties? Roleplay? If not, you need to log off the computer every now and then and find a life. #14 Here is where we have a great example of ageplay! Face looks like a child. Sucking on a binky and the words cum slut carved into her chest! Burn her at the stake! #15 – No duh. Sales are to benefit the creator. This is not some fucking revelation. #18 – Racist much? #23 – Probably about time this chick is up here. Goes to clubs, gets in every guys IM. Sends out random invites to guys to join her stupidly named fuck family. Tries to get you into her discord. Lining up the fucks. Yep, I had the pleasure of this sort of meeting with her. Nothing but sex gifs from her group when you scroll through her discord. Just another wanna be someone nasty whore. Maybe she will get the hint and stop sending out random tp’s to her dumb ass wanna be club. #25 – Stop shopping at places like this. There are plenty of stores to get goofy socks and what barely passes for shoes and it won’t cost you $4k. #26 – There is nothing wrong with products that are out there to create childlike av’s. What is wrong is when people misuse. Learn the difference. #32/47 – There is nothing wrong with people showing their support for Ukraine in this way. There isn’t much that most of us can do. The symbol of a flag on your person/av/profile/etc is nothing more than a display showing your moral support for those people. Stop being such… Read more »
Ho’s gots to go!
#6 Does not look like a kid to me. Mind ya Business. Bitches mad, because nobody looks at them
It’s not so much she looks like a child avi, though you should see her talk in baby talk and do a fake ass baby girl routine for attention. Goes to straight up 3 year old talk.
Block button is your friend
How is that your business? BLOCK and move on.
She’s straight up cringe.
If we blocked every person we post on here, this website wouldn’t exist.
Nobody asked you to block a post.. Block the person you are here to blab about
that wouldn’t be a bad thing
#10 geez downbeatjedi are you picking on an ex a week to bash? Or is it your partner feeling the need to defend you? This is going to take awhile! Eventually they are going to retaliate, something to look forward too.
Damn Astrium.
First yo owner rip off other Sims, steal from people -Cause we all know your ass ain’t make that full perm meli imako dress. You ain’t even recolor it. (And hey don’t any EOC players who’ve been…. Think Astrium looks a little familiar?)
Yo owner who make people walk on eggshells to not “scare” and “hurt” her. But ain’t no regard to them. Yo owner who has stalked or sent stalkers…. Shame.
BTW, That underdark looks like a tropical getaway or some.
What i don’t get at all is then sim branding being dark when…….well look at it?? or look at the theming for it??? dark is the last thing it is it’s light fluffy cartoon or young adult fantasy novel maybe at best. this really makes me want to go see if it really looks like that because if it does……damn
That underdark looks very sad. But lets face it, sims steal from others all the time, players and builds calling it inspiration. But not to make a uncomfortable point, but we can point fingers at EOC for stealing from oh lets say Novus Ascending. If they are being copied, thats their own fault, could even go as far as calling it Karma. But who am I but a bystander.
Lol it brings me joy to see Astrium on here. The owner’s a narc who steals all of her ideas from EoC to begin with, doesn’t surprise me that she’s using Baby’s First Underdark.
Is it really stealing or Inspired by them. Either way, EOC is not innocent in this matter, so if Astrium is supposedly stealing from them and others, perhaps those in EOC should consider their former actions against other sims that they stole from as well. But what do I know I am just a VS bystander
#14 its one thing to age play, and just appear childlike with a childlike personality or appear as a “babygirl”, But its another to use an item made FOR BABIES and accompany it with a sexual act such as cum or cutting. This is not age play! Its fucking pedophilia taken to a level that people are trying to define as “normal” kinks or fetishes. It it’s not. Its purely fucking disgusting. Know how to seperate the two.
Ageplay is pedo. Why do ppl use the term ageplay so lightly? According to LL “ageplay” is against TOS.
ageplay is not pedophilia,not everything has to be about morality in a videogame. it’s different strokes for different folks. Stop being a tos nazi and let people have fun. why make people feel miserable inside a fake virtual world?
Ain’t my fault you people don’t read LL TOS… All I was doing was correcting the term as far as LL is concerned. I mean we are talking about SL… Not keeping anyone from having fun… 🤣 So STFU!
Because people who think raping children is hot deserve to be miserable, at the very least.
Actually, neither of these things are pedophilia. Pedophilia is sexual desire for children. Adults role-playing as younger while also being sexual may be doing something you find distasteful—whether it involves a cute babygirl look or using a pacifier as a fetish item in a more violent scene. Either way, though, everyone’s an adult, and everyone LOOKS adult.
What is pedophilia is actually having sex with children, with child avatars, using SL to create virtual child porn, etc.
It’s really pretty easy, friend. Is someone getting sexy with a child in any way? Congratulations, you have pedophilia. Everything else is just roleplay that’s not your kink.
Pedophilia is only relevant to actual living children mmmkay, and excludes animated, as it’s done via coding with 0’s and 1’s. I don’t get the hate for fake virtual sexual preferences. just do what you want. who’re they bothering? anyone taking sl as a reality simulator is retarded.
Actually, adults roleplaying as childlike and sexual is also against the TOS and law. Its considered representation of pedophilia. No not everyone in SL is an adult. No 14 and 26 absolutely do not look adult.14 is in fact representing pedophilia 26 is fine until such point someone tries use saying adult and sexual. It is a preteen/early teen skin.
When you read shit like this and see how ignorant people are, you understand why such social atrocities like McCarthyism ever existed. Please do yourself a favour and learn what Ctrl F4 is for and keep using it !!
Read LL TOS!
Fuck TOS.
Lmfao ohhhh you must be a pedo. 😂
#15) So designers want to make money. Events are nice because I see all the new stuff from various designers in one location. And those crowded Events like Uber, Famished, etc – you can wait about a week and the SIM is easy to get into.
#41) Should I start a GoFundMe site to help buy you a better mouse that allows you to scroll? Because I had no problem finding Fifty Linden Friday and it just took a tad bit effort of SCROLLING (ooo a whole 5 seconds to find it ). And all of the events in the order they happened are right there. Stop whining on VS because you are too lazy to scroll down and expect sites like Seraphim to be non-profit
Bro why they even mad? The events are in alphabetical order. You can just Google “50L Friday” and find it!
Not even remotely underage looking, which seems to be the case 90% of the time here, just retards thinking your avatar not looking like you’re biologically a tranny in his 30s makes you an ageplayer.
Take notes, this is what an ageplayer looks like.
Not even remotely? LOL. Keep defending them, pedo.
Must you be a transphobic goon, though?
Yeah I must, problem?
I’d say you have one.
#18 Oh no! Anyway….
#32 Nailed it, as usual attention whoring chicks started that virtue signalling bs and the soy guzzlers jumped on board thirsting for their approval
“look at me look at me I care!”
#47 Please use advanced lighting and local lights when you capture my beautiful face <3
Thank you.
#52 uh, did you forget about Trump inciting a goddamned insurrection on capitol hill? Did you forget about the way he handled a pandemic? How about never addressing the clear racial divide he helped to create by NOT condemning white nationalists? Or are you just mentally fucking retarded?
Imagine thinking that was an actual insurrection.
Imagine thinking semantics make treason any better.
I remember Trump wanting to stop international flights at the beginning of this pandemic and the democrats said no. So there is just 1 example of how the other side handled it. If you are going to point finger, point them to yourself first. Talking about racial divide, all those border states with black communities, opening up that southern border just fucked all of them over. Nothing say “let keep black people under government control” like allowing another massive group of people into our country to take away THEIR opportunities. Its almost like they are trying to eliminate a race right? Almost like modern day slavery. That is because that is exactly what it is. Now I have to ask, are YOU fucking retarded? Don’t bring up the race card, if you voted for the asshole in office right now that is systemically holding down the black community. Biden won’t talk about the racial divide, cause he fucking wants it!! I have watched for decades now, the democrats lying over and over again to the black community and people like you actually think they are doing something to help. Nothing hold down a black person like a lying democrat who didn’t want his own kids being brought up in a “Urban Jungle’. Remember when Biden said that? Straight out of his own mouth. You voted for that dumb bullshit. You voted for allowing this to keep happening.
Both are bad, lessor of 2 evils is what most voted. Nothing do with democrat or republican. In many ways the President holds absolutely no power everything he says or does can be denied by house. Most of everything you feel effected by is your local government and supporters. Citizens.No did Trump want to do anything. It was the opposite, he called just a big joke in the beginning, the house wanted close. As for race issues, um its been whole lot less major episodes since Biden. Are you forgetting the riots and everything else during Trump? Nobody is taking any opportunies away. If lazy ass Americans would take the jobs then new citizens to country couldn’t. See how that works? The jobs are open because many Americans feel are just beneath them and others are perfectly happy do them because its still a paycheck to feed family. Neither side is really doing anything t help the common population if you think they are you are delusional. Its always and only about the bottom line of benefit to self and circle.
You need to wake up to reality.
ah, the idiot who is constantly fighting with google translate to post an inchoerent dogshit take is here lol.
black people don’t like voting democrat either, you know? i don’t know why you lot (and I’m using it THAT way) think black people just vote bc they “like” the person. that’s what people unaffected by policy do (ie straight, cis, rich, white people). you lot want to have a beer with your leaders, post about fucking them on twitter, call them your BFF, make up stupid fan clubs and relate everything to harry potter (bc you have not read any other book) and think these politicians are your parents or something. it’s a popularity contest with you lot because vibes and aesthetics are all that matter instead of actual policy and action.
i beg you to actually interact with a black person (not an avi of one of your white friends and not some black guy that will say what you want to hear bc they want to fuck you). you’d understand that black people do not see it for this government either. i don’t know why you conservatives think anyone that isn’t conservative loves biden. they just hated trump THAT much. you understand that much, right?
every time you post about biden or trump, you keep reiterating this 3rd grade thought process of president = almighty king lmao. america has local government that has far more of an impact on daily life than what the president does.
i beg you. crack open a history book and actually study something. you can have one of the smart people here even read it TO you if you’re willing to pay in USD.
I agree with you except all the history books are full of lies written by the white men that wanted to hide the real true history.
i agree but then that’s why you read multiple sources from both sides and you can piece together a better idea of history.
the problem with a lot of western education (especially in the US) is that teachers only teach to help students pass tests (where there is one right or wrong answer) or it’s completely “gamified” or written like a hollywood script. countries with heavy histories of colonization and imperialism think they’re always the good guy / main character/ or the hero whereas everyone not white are extras, npcs, or supporting cast. there’s no desire on their part to dig deeper or even try to understand the “other”. and it leaves little room for any critical thinking or nuance.
those societies don’t want to teach the past because it would force them to do better moving forward. it’s in their interests to keep children and adults stupid so they can serve the empire lol.
Common Core was the biggest mistake ever, I am glad I graduated from high school before they implemented that bullshit.
for math it’s definitely not a mistake. it actually helps kids to break down complex math problems into other ways they can understand without resorting to rote memorization. it also helps kids learn to be adaptable when trying to solve problems.
if you see how math is taught in east asian countries (or pretty much anything outside of america), aspects of CC are incorporated into education.
the only reason why parents struggle with it (other than they shouldn’t be doing their kids homework) is that they’ve been taught that rote memorization is the only way to approach a problem and that there’s only one way of arriving at a correct answer.
many of us in adulthood know that’s never case. why not teach to embrace that from now? teaching kids to be adaptable, creative, and innovative in their problem solving is the key to raising adults to be the same.
Tell me, does your ass look amazing? You should know with how backwards your head is screwed on. Trump wanted and did stop international flights, but it wasn’t during the pandemic, it was in 2017 specifically targeting Muslims. Everything else you ranted about makes no sense and seem more of a ramble of a crazy person, but if you’d like to post some actual facts from credible sources, I’ll probably not bother because you wouldn’t know a credible source if I beat you with an epidemiologist. I always see your comments on this site and they’re always such bullshit word blocks with absolutely nothing of value.
Get your news from somewhere other than whereever you’re getting it right now.
Hey jackass, the flight comment was specifically contained to Trump and the pandemic. See they stated it, and I responded to that. Why you pulled some 2017 Muslim thing out of your ass is beyond me. Stay on topic and that topic is what trump did/didn’t do in the pandemic. Pandemic. Everything I said makes sense, some are just too stupid to realize it.
girl, he let covid fly in each state hoping america would stay in and not vote. that country hated him THAT MUCH to risk dying from covid and voted for a guy THEY DON’T ACTUALLY LIKE EITHER lmao.
trump is why most of you won’t ever be able to travel out of that country without getting vaccinated lol. genius way to clown his own base. 😂 😂 😂
I didn’t say ANYTHING about flights. So yeah you pulled that out of your ass. You’re sure are being ironic. You say some people are just too stupid to realize anything. That’s uh…that’s you. Trump didn’t do anything during the pandemic not one fucking thing. And that was the point. To all the Trump bootlickers and triggered fuckers: deepthroat my fat democratic socialist cock, you cheap dime-store simps. 😉
Name checks out

Oh yeah ooh ya got me there. 🙄
If I see another secret with girls very visibly with adult figures labeled by some jealous or moralizing lackwit as “ageplay” I think I might die. Nothing in those photos is against TOS. Tend to your own knitting. Jesus Christ.
#45- PLEASE!! It takes almost no time or effort to bake a flat, transparent picture of an object in most 3D programs. Slap it on a prim or a double-sided plane and you’re done, easy. If you Absolutely 100% Have to use mesh for your vendor, at least have the decency to cull some of the topology…
#34: That’s not even the best example of copycat syndrome. Bumblebee is hands down duplicating Addams.
#2 Pink and soft girl aesthetic makes someone an ageplayer?
#4 Dude lol you’re gonna break your back trying to reach like this.
#6 Not a child avi either.
Stop projecting your own issues onto others lmao
#23 smell that? smells like jealousy.
#25 Salem has become increasingly more greedy with their prices. I used to buy every fatpack but when they started to test the water with the “limited edition” shit and the multiple fatpacks I just stopped. Same goes for palette.
#26 You probably have to do some self inventory. Not everyone does sexual stuff on this game and you’re weird for looking at a skin and thinking its pedophilic
#32 The amount of virtue signaling for ukraine is ridiculous. This shit has been going on for decades but people only care now because it’s socially expected. Please give a fuck about people outside your bubble *before* they get fucking murdered. thanks.
#35 – #38 please shut the fuck up. you’re spamming about two conceited people like people give a fuck.
#1: Great, Like all we need in SL is more unzipped pants. Much original.
2 and 4 posters seem like they are extremely jealous or projecting their pedo issues. Those look like full blown adults. I didn’t go through them all, but skimmed down and so much of the word pedo. I can’t imagine it’s all from different people sending in secrets today. Might be more than one, but seems like someone is off their rocker and pointing fingers and toes at others.
25 is so right. These people charge the price of a full release triple-A game for their items. It’s wrong and stupid. Nothing anyone does in SL is of that quality. Like that tiger mech at the cyberfair. That big pack costs way too much and the demo showed its limitations. It was worth 10 dollars but that’s about it.
#.. You morons do realize this is a game right? Its not real incest. ITs FAKE. I personally have never been to this sim but the folks who cry wolf about these sims are just fucking retarded. Quit being a Karen. I guess we now have to go after the furries since they are all probably into Beastiality too eh?
There are members of Second Life motorcycle clubs that don’t consider it roleplay. Some can’t differentiate roleplay vs reality.
Most of em wouldnt know which end of the bike to face if they got on a real one. Their tough guy acts always amuse me
32 & 47 If Vladimir Putin is looking at the people of Second Life to signal what the West’s response will be to his invasion, I shudder to think what kind of state his mind is in. You do realize that showing support for a nation is just that, right? It’s not an indication that we can’t or won’t do anything else. Ask Germany historians if Hitler thought the U.S. would ever enter WWII, and in case you’re not familiar, ask them what happened when we did. What do you seriously expect people in the West to do? Shut off their SL, strap on their AKs and combat gear and fly to Ukraine to defend them? I’m sure that’s your plan, right? Be sure to signal to us somehow when you become the new hero of the free republic of Ukraine, with Putin’s head beneath your boot, that you owe it all to the soy boys and weak little beta cucks of SL for inspiring you to such greatness.
2. How is this age play?
4. Again, how is this age play?
6. Difference between looking young, and being underage, no one in sl wants to look like a 50yo, just saying.
14. Yeah i don’t know about the whole Pacci thing, that’s just weird.
15. Days trying to get in? Try a TP hammer? or i don’t know, wait a few days?
18. Your avatar is white though? whats color got to do with the price of eggs in china? Racist much?
21. There is a Block button for a reason?
23. ” Maffia “, what are they going to do? you can just block/ban them from your sim?
25. This is just a general thing, paying $255L per color or per item is just stupid, or a standard color is only in fatpack, come on, stop being so money hungry.
26. Here we go again with the pedo stuff, got proof? then send it to the local authority’s?
32. Every bit helps i guess?
33. No one ever heard of FurCon or Furry conventions? They are a real thing.
42. Cynder at it again?
44. Yet if a guy asks about a girls private parts, they are the Worst ever and get called creeps or pigs or what not, whats good for the goose is good for the gander i guess.
I’m not the least bit surprised there’s so much Ukraine in here lol it’s the same “crowd” regardless of the cause; BLM, antifa, Biden, Trans, whatever nonsense issue that is popular on the lamestream media they parrot and posture like they give a fuck. I look at anybody with a Ukraine logo in their profile as a sign they’re vapid useless non thinkers that are overly emotional — actually pretty useful signal to avoid at all costs..!
On a side note, I think Putin should get Nobel peace prize for swiftly eliminating the COViD emergency within about 48 hours lol all the dummies that were afraid to gather for the holidays are out jumping around together with flags so, yay, he fixed it lol that’s all it took
Go eat a bucket of dicks, MAGAt.
Eating dicks and sex positivity is an insult? That’s not very progressive of you, dare I say homophobic. Check your privilege, bigot.
How did you manage to talk with Trump and Putin’s cock in your mouth?
They had to taste pretty bad, seeing how both of em just took turns tagteaming your asshole
It’s the posturing that really pisses me off. We know that prior to this, some of them would not have been able to find the Ukraine on a map. Some of them have had to go into the next room and ask their parents what it all means. Maybe those logos can become shields when the war comes to us. You are dead on with how covid went poof.
COVID has not gone poof. Your bigotry-infested brain can’t pay attention to more than one thing to blame on The Other(tm) at a time. Look at how you think you can tell who knows things by looking at their avatars. You’re a dishrag of a human and you know it. This is why you’re such a pathetic shot glass of haterade that thinks it’s a keg of wisdom.
Sure, all the news that comes out of Russia must be totally 100% reliable. Why would they lie about how many people died of Covid? Why would they lie about their reasons for invading Ukraine? Why would a former department head of the KGB lie about his reasons for wanting to annex a sovereign country back under Russian control? It must be all made up by the fake news CNN.
This from the person who uses a convicted child sex trafficker as their username….
You got proof, or you just saying shit?
Proof of what? That the media in Russia is state run? I think the burden of proof should be on the person doing the invading, don’t you? Where’s the incontrovertible proof that there’s this massive ring of Nazis hiding out in Ukraine? And is America next up for invasion, because let me tell you, we have Nazis galore here, parading out in the open with tiki torches in the streets. Should we also prepare for “glorious leader looks great shirtless on horse and is totally not KGB and never was” to come rescue us from their insidious cabal?
No, I mean proof of the person being a convicted sex offender. Fucking jackass.
Cause you know, on the internet anyone can say shit but can never provide proof.
She’s been convinced hasn’t she? Lol
#6 Run from her as fast as you can. you should see her list of alts and how she demands people be exclusive to her while she has 3 other partnered accounts AT LEAST
She is nothing but lies and deception and makes everything about her.
#23 TBH I feel like she needs to involve herself in drama to make herself relevant. It’s probably because she’s a 40+ year old divorced house wife with a life that revolves around secondlife. It’s like she has nothing else to offer other than drama and the same ugly bug eyed avatar that looks like Gentle Rosenburg from Men In Black. At this point she lives for it. The people that cheer her on in support only encourage the shitty behavior.
I liked half that vegetable family before they became friends with her. She turned then it to shit.
She’s a cliché, racist, white Karen with her white woman tears most of the time.
Truth be told, if she vanished off SL then the only reason she’d be remembered was the fact there’d be less drama in those circles and then she’d be forgotten.
Yeah because clearly you don’t care or involve yourself in drama, you just cry about it anonymously…
… why did you basically copy/paste this entire paragraph from the earlier posting?
Who cares! Funking hell! I know this dumb cunt and it fits! Run! Galah! Run! Don’t forget your rooted knickers on the way out!
*Looks at the number of Ukraine posts this week*
Look, I have to say it… if your entire world revolves around Ukraine/Russia and/or Trump/Putin you need professional help immediately. There is more in this world than those two countries and those two people, there is a lot of opportunities out there to get out and explore and make new friends, maybe focus on yourself and your family while all this is going on and turn the news off.
I’ve been keeping very basic tabs on what has been going on in Ukraine, but my whole world doesn’t revolve around what’s going on there because it would be a pointless endeavor to worry over something that has been a long time coming.
But if you sit there and rage about what’s going on in these two countries alone, or you rage about Trump and/or Putin and at the same time turn a blind eye to the Ayatollah in Iraq/Iran, the genocide of the Uyghur Muslim population in China, the madman in North Korea, or the rampant crime perpetuated by drug cartels in Mexico… then you need to shut the fuck up, sit down, and seek immediate professional help.
I have friends in physical danger that I can do nothing to help, but go off about how I’m an idiot for caring I guess. I love how every single one of these stupid posts implies people who are anxious or want desperately to do something don’t know or care about anything else and OBVIOUSLY only care about looking in vogue.
I’m tired and scared for people I know and the escalation happening. Shut the fuck up about how I have to somehow be talking about every humanitarian tragedy every moment all the time to be allowed to talk about one.
The idea you’re pushing that people can’t advocate for one thing without advocating constantly for every single thing from war crimes to ‘stray animals’ is kind of just idiotic.
What a moron. Ha ha ha. Imagine being this retard.
This is classic “What About” arguing. Why should we do anything about this when there’s this problem? Why should be fix climate change when people need jobs? Why should we try to reform police departments when there’s still gang violence? Why should we blah blah blah deflect deflect dodge. Understand that when people focus on one issue, it doesn’t mean they are blind to every other issue out there. But people can only focus on so much at once. You want to ignore it all, fine. That’s your prerogative, but don’t tell other people what to care about. I haven’t been caught up in all of the news, watching all day wondering what the latest body count is, either. But does that mean posting a picture wearing some little symbol of solidarity is just stupid? Sure, it doesn’t really solve anything. It won’t stop the war and nobody thinks it will. Just like all the sanctions and public condemnation of Putin’s actions by other countries won’t stop it, either. But are you going to tell a Green Bay Packers fan that their wearing a cheesehead and painting their faces won’t help the Packers win? We know it won’t, they know it won’t. But you show support for the things and people you care about. It’s that simple. Grow up
You know the saying the squeaky wheel gets the grease? THAT’S why people are focusing on Russia/Ukraine right now… because the Ukrainians are the people who need help RIGHT NOW. Just because you want to be an insensitive douchecanoe doesn’t mean the rest of us have to be.
No one is going to help them. NATO isn’t going to save the day.
What about the thousands of homeless that are addicts? What about the homeless veterans? What about all the stray animals?
They all need just as much help as the Ukrainians.
“What about, what about, what about”.
There’s a limit to how much tragedy the human brain can take in + care about in a given time frame. There’s also a limit to hours in a day that a person can devote to talking about something they care about before they have to get up and go back to work make, dinner, go to bed.
People don’t just not stop caring about whatever other big awful thing is going on (and has been going on), but at a point people usually realize there isn’t much that they, personally, can do, and wind up moving on. — Because they have to.
Hey white nationalist. The world doesn’t revolve around you either. The biggest threat to the world right now is Russia considering that in their quest to one-up the west, they may actually decide to detonate a Nuke bomb. There are homeless, and will always be homeless however much we try to correct it because people like you tend to not like taxes to be raised. Since most of you are all “talk” and no action in your own communities. So talk all the s**t you want, but I sure hope that you are helping your local homeless, and your local community rather than acting like the sanctimonious folks that talk about nationalistic ideologies and then blame their own neighbors for stealing from their taxes. By the way, Russia is the biggest threat right now. China, is a second one but right now in this very moment we are seeing the great plan that Russia had. Which was to resurrect their failed Empire. You seem too closed minded. By the way, would less drug addicts in the US want drugs, the cartels wouldn’t have so much control. So maybe Americans need to stop being such addicts. Demand by the way is what causes the need for supply. Learn some f**king economics why don’t you. I see too many Trump talking points coming from you, so it makes me think you are a loyalist. LOL! Also, let me teach you a bit about China. The reason China got this powerful was due to Neo-liberalistic policies that your Nixon, Reagans, and I’ll also include Clinton’s of the world introduced. Followed by those great corporations that your brethren love so much, which wanted to manufacture items at cents, rather than dollars. So in the 80s, there were American textile companies that were shifting from… Read more »
wHiTe NaTiOnAlIsT dErR hErR
You only proved my point, not everything revolves around Trump/Putin and Ukraine/Russia… there is far more to this world than them and those countries.
Get a life, and seek professional help immediately.
Edit: P.S I am far from a white nationalist.. is that all you have? Pathetic.
In this very moment, everything does. He’s wanting to start World War 3. What planet are you in?
Actually, you are a white nationalist with some of you rhetoric and commentary. Just because one person labels themselves something, it doesn’t mean they are another.
Calm down, millennial. WW3 isn’t going to happen. Neither NATO nor the US will get involved.
The US and NATO will not get involved. But if Putin’s ambitions are to take all Balkan states and eventually touch a NATO country then yes, that is WW3. We do not know what is going on in his brain. Neither do you. There are experts that have studied him and they do not comprehend his current behavior either. He just brought his own country back 50 years economically. Yet he continues on.
Now, I’m going to trust someone that has political and biographical experience over you in Virtual Secrets.
Russia has already given Ukraine their conditions for withdrawal. Ukraine will posture, pitch a fit, and ultimately comply. Russia will then go home.
“We do not know what is going on in his brain, neither do you.”
Then by your own words, we shouldn’t assume he wants WW3 because we all don’t know what’s going on in his brain… and that also includes you.
Maybe you should sit down and shut up, cause your own words expose you.
You mean the “experts” on MSNBC and CNN? Excuse me while I laugh.
Those same “experts” on CNN had to hire someone just to figure out why Joe Rogan is so popular to the point he is more popular than they are in terms of likability and ratings.
So yes, excuse me while I laugh.
The biggest threat right now is the Ayatollah in Iran and the Communist Party of China.
Right now, the Ayatollah is very close to getting enough enriched uranium to make a FUCKING NUKE OR TWO. (Go ahead, look it up they’ve recently been in the news about this)
Then, there’s the Chinese Communist Party that’s been infiltrating the universities and major companies in the US and stealing state secrets for DECADES, not just for 2 or 3 years… I am talking over 40 years at least where the Chinese Communist Party has been doing this.
I don’t give a single shit about Ukraine when all of this is going on, the Ayatollah being so close to getting FUCKING NUKES is what I am more concerned about, and the Chinese Communist Party stealing US State Secrets for decades.
No dear, the biggest threat is Russia. What planet are you living on? Iran wont do much at this point, they already won. Right now we have Putin that has actually stated he’d do the nuclear option. Now Ayatollah may do that with Israel but we all know that Israel can defend themselves, they have the best military and intelligence in the world. They have better capabilities to defend themselves. And they will do so if need be. Second, part of why Iran has this level of control is due to your lovely Russia too. Which you seem to keep claiming is not a threat. And again, China is a threat if companies CONTINUE to make in China. If all of those USA companies which you love to push for considering you didn’t counter me when I nailed that you were a Trumper (and thus anti-tax, anti-American, and anti-Democracy too, and pro-Fascism) because get this…. they are the ones propping up the Chinese economy and thus the government. Learn a bit Putinesque lover. Because you don’t give a f**king shit about Ukraine BECAUSE you LOVE Putin. You actually probably admire him. By the way, state secrets have been also stolen by other countries too. RUSSIA, considering that many of our Republican Congressman were in Russia during Fourth of July you have to wonder, how many useful idiots and turned politicians there are. You seem to love Russia too much. Seem to always go around that narrative and put other countries as the top issues, when clearly the one wrecking war on Europe is Russia. And for that matter, a war in Europe is a war in this country too. You are also probably brainwashed against NATO too, right? I am not surprised. Grow a brain, grow a large one. And… Read more »
“BuT mUh RuSsIa!”
Pathetic, get a life.
So the people who are about to get nukes and not currently at war is more dangerous than the country with nukes and currently at war?
What your short mind and most likely small face fails to realize is that we are worried about everything, all of it, every single bit of everything you just said, however, the imminent danger is the guy with his finger on the nuke button who has already threatened to use it and is about as shaky as a chihuahua during an earthquake. So how about YOU stop virtue signaling, get off your high horse, and join us down here who are just trying to cope with the idea that we are half a second from midnight?
I understand a lot of it does seem like posturing, and I was mad too, “Where was this support back in 2014?” But that’s in the past and we can’t fix that. So instead of showing off how much you know about global politics (not much by the way, just Trumpy talking notes), try to understand why this war matters right now.
By the way, Iran wouldn’t be as close to getting nukes if Trump didn’t pull us out of the nuclear deal. Tiny brain syndrome much? Yeah.
Clearly the biggest danger isn’t the guy with thousands of nukes threatening to use them but the guys who might be able to get their hands on enough to make a single nuke soonTM. Do you actually hear yourself?
The issue is Russia has had nukes for awhile, so has the US… have they used them? No.
It’s one thing to threaten to use them, its another to actually use them.
Putin has threatened, but not actually used them.
The Ayatollah in Iran is a loose cannon and has been for decades, they are an unknown factor and the world has no idea what they will do with those nukes once they have enough enriched uranium to make those nukes.
To everyone bitching to me: Come at me when Putin actually carries out his threat, until then the Ayatollah in Iran and the Chinese Communist Party are the bigger threats.
I think you misread what I wrote… Unless you think Russia doesn’t have nukes?
I think they probably meant to reply to someone else.
shit take also ratio
#5 You must be new here. Ever heard of Morningwood Valley? It’s been around for eight years or so. LL isn’t going to ban anyone over an incest keyword. LOL.
Yep. That place and Taboo Ties were exactly the two I thought of. Taboo Ties even has like dating boards to find other people interested in the same shit. It’s disgusting.
If you don’t like something on SL, don’t do it. Easy Peasy
So many pro Russia sentiments. Odd, since they’re begging for food, sending off-guard children, and running out of fuel.
#26 It’s obvious that the people who post these ageplay/pedo rumors every single week live a Secondlife where all they do is fuck, fuck, and fuck. Some people do sign on to do other shit like, I don’t know, maybe build, script, explore, blog, socialize, roleplay, etc etc etc without getting naked? Seek help if every time you see a kid avatar, the first thing that pops into your head is SEX.
Dead Right !! The ones who shout about it most, are the worst examples of what they bitch about; with an added serving of over-salted seasoning. It sure is nothing about the Age Play, I mean why would they, unless they incriminating themselves ?
They won’t admit that on their “Podcasts” though !
A+ for getting it.
Spot on
#18 She aint ashamed
Raissa Hellfyre Dorito“I said what I said thanks Akito, ya made me famous
Someone sent me the ss, “Hey look ma’ I made it!” xDD”
#52 Oh yeah, Tramp, the Russian cum dump. Trump defenders have shit replacing their brains, laughable.
#7 Oh, how I’ve been wondering when this fuck hole would get up on here. Surprised it’s for that though and not the fact he uses RL information to attack people and not just ANY RL information, PERSONAL RL information. https://gyazo.com/998677a42d6948ee6f8cacd89a5a9388 And oh yes, I know full well that this is a cut snippit because for my personal opinion, the rest of what was said, becomes fucking moot when you bring in something like this. We got into an arguement, which was partially MY FAULT, i’ll take credit for it, and if he hadn’t brought up the above attack, I would have full heartedly apologized for my actions the next day after I had calmed down. HOW EVER, once you bring my CHILD up as an attack and using information I had told someone over a YEAR AGO who didn’t have any updated information since then…. That just makes you pretty much #1 on my shit list. And no…. I didn’t put you up here asher, wish I did though. How ever, what YOU and some others DON’T know, is that my daughter has been in my full custody for quite a few years now and her FATHER is now in prison for well, what you’re being accused of. Do I believe what you’re being accused of is true? Nah, because I haven’t talked to you in over 2 years. Doesn’t change the fact you stooped to the lowest level possible to try and hurt me, to make me feel so far worse, because that’s all you could do…. And at that point I was at a really low point and you fucking knew that…. But yet, you seem to like kicking the already injured dog while it’s already down… So, I will leave these final words as they are…… Read more »
he also fucks planes lol
I’m not really going to fault him on the aeromorph stuff… He could be into a LOT worse things. But, still doesn’t change the fact that he doesn’t care for boundaries or respecting people by not using their RL information as a means to attack them…. I’m kind of wondering if maybe that’s what’s happened in the past to all these people he claims have attacked him….
yeah, i know – he’s a real loser and a s* kicker. they victim-card a lot and blow up on others, real sick lad
#41 – you do realize you can still access FLF (and other event) pages from the Event category, right? It’s a whole website, not just a page.
They are not very smart if they can not scroll down and change a page lol