Welcome to Virtual-Secrets, week 700.
#16 They are the same person and linked to the psycho women behind Hikaru Enimo and her husband Markus. Wassabii, Eli, Mortisha, all avatars (around 35 counted so far) in their groups partnering each other, buying businesses (Gabriel, Vendetta, beauty contest) pretending they are different gay men.
Markus is the only one who uses voice. All profiles pretend to be different nationalities by copying other people’s profiles. The amount of deception is so widespread it becomes unbelievable. To run a game like that is of course their choice, but the amount of toxic and narcissistic behavior towards others is unacceptable. The female is main predator. While Markus and Hikaru now lead a quiet life as all their business avatars, Wassabii is the one that is out for blood, doing what Hikaru was famous for before he was outed in 2016. There is a lot of crazy going on in SL, but this family surely wears the crown!
1. Lucy might be the weakest link but you could talk to Rei about your complaints. Employing people like your friend is why CC drama is posted here. Complain to the managers,don’t complain on VS
The managers in Cedar Creek are unfriendly so I wont complain to them….but its okay I have a plan to help my friend
What help does your friend need that can be given on here?
She’s new and has questions and wants help sometimes. She’s getting it now so virtual secrets does help
New to what?
Yeah, don’t waste your time at all with Rei or the managers. If Rei had listened to complaints about managers in the beginning, things would have never gotten bad in the first place.
Lucy has been around forever and they are just now complaining about her? Who’s next? These trolls are just jealous of her success. But you are not wrong. Complaining here makes them look pretty just like the troll talking about ageplay. I mean this forum doesn’t fact check so you can’t really believe anything written here.
I didn’t say that I disagree with what’s being said. I’m not new here. Lucy is the most complained about manager. Cody came in as a close second because he ruined his department too but good riddance to him. I agree with everything said about Lucy in the other group of comments on here this week. Lucy is a problem but complaining on VS won’t help.
Lucy shut up. People have complained about you for a long time. I have read the comments myself. You and your incompetence have just made more people angry now but is anyone surprised?
Doubt she is Lucy but bitch is crazy and delusional just like her.
Again not Lucy moron. She probably doesn’t even read VS so you are wasting you time. But go ahead and be a dumbass. Lmfao
How do you know so much about Lucy and every situation brought up here if you are not her?
#35 finally someone said what we all think.
They forgot to put narcissist and liar too…
#27 Don’t tell creators what to do, make your own mesh. No money is “easy money” on SL
14 – Or just use BOM eyebrows. I mean, come on.
20 – *slow clap*
24 – I see I didn’t read last week’s secrets. A pity. I melt snowflake blizzards like that to distill into a “no fucks given” liqueur.
41 – I did the same. It seems to work as an asshole filter. It certainly would trigger the snowflakes. This comment section has been a wonderful demonstration of that. Makes up for what I missed last week.
45 – That is the fault of where you trawl for sex, not SL in general. Up your game. And maybe your vocabulary and grammar.
49 – The people who think that their beliefs are the only way humanity has ever been or should be for all of existence are laughable when they aren’t pathetic.
you missed a comment on #35…sadly…so just one star for you
35 What a douchebag. ” Roman” always has thought way too highly of himself. Herself. Xerself. Whatever
cockroach suits better
#30 I mean I have seen toxic like her before. She destroys family and someone I know had to deal with he toxic ass. She didn’t like when things didn’t go her way so she throws a hiss fit and cries. Forces you to choose between them or someone else. She all cares about me, me and when you try to reason with her. She sees no fault in her actions and won’t admit when she is wrong. I pity whatever family has this toxic bitch.
I love how many people hop on here to run their mouths but really dont know shit. Ill give ya you got a few right. But for the most part most of you just fill in gaps inbetween shit you do know with utter bullshit to fit your agenda.
Its really fucked up to come on every week and see this stupid shit over and over….
if you dont know whats going on dont fill shit in and assume you know anything because the people that all know actual shit and sit back and keep their mouths shut because i dunno thats what a good fucking human being does.. Dont like someone fine but to constantly go at people is just bad karma…
Are you all idiots? Seriously look at the post before commenting lmfao. Can you count? Look at 30 and then open your mouths. Wow just wow
Did you need the dumbass of the week award? Reading Comprehension classes failed you much?
Are you? Really Now was merely pointing out there are other people in SL besides #30 that are just as bad if not worse and I agreed with a comment of my own. Get off your high horse and look at the context of the comment before opening yours. Sorry it interrupted your five seconds of inconsequential fame. Lmfao. Wow just wow 🙄
They’re just showing the issues they themselves have and brings into question their perception of the events that might have transpired.
There is another one in SL everyone should be familiar with. Cчи Ήy Ɓяυтαℓιту Tяσи Bεитσи (cynder.morningstar) That is her name. Everyone should burn this Toxic, whore’s name into their brain’s and every dude who stick’s their epeen in that pixel vag deserves what they have coming along with every family that takes her in. Right now it is Panda Tron’s family. Sorry sucker! As the professional wrestler Goldberg said “You’re NEXT!”
I love how many people hop on here to run their mouths but really dont know shit. Ill give ya you got a few right. But for the most part most of you just fill in gaps inbetween shit you do know with utter bullshit to fit your agenda.
Its really fucked up to come on every week and see this stupid shit over and over….
if you dont know whats going on dont fill shit in and assume you know anything because the people that all know actual shit and sit back and keep their mouths shut because i dunno thats what a good fucking human being does.. Dont like someone fine but to constantly go at people is just bad karma…
Educate us then on what we really don’t know then? Because I know plenty and have been around enough people who have been fucked and fucked over by Cynder literally for the past 2 years and her playing Victim and moving from family to family. Club to Club and it is NEVER her fault. Yet, oh when people share the clips.
She’s not up panda Trons ass anymore once she gets what she wants from people she uses -Power over a club (anarchy), a last name, more shifts on a schedule- she will stop being up these peoples asses and move on to her next victims and these idiots fall for it
Current victims Drop owners Betty and Purge. Will not leave their side for a second always humping their legs like a good dog. Betty love be careful if she’s not fucked purge yet trust she will or planning it. Don’t be fools like people before you.
Brutality to remove the trash aka cynder from there. She’s only tainting the name.
She’s not up pandas ass anymore once she gets what she wants – a last name , power over a club (anarchy) , power to multi shifts- she stops coming around those people because they stopped being useful to her she got what she wanted.
Currently she’s up Drop owners asses (Betty & Purge) will not leave them alone for a second. Betty please be careful as she’s probably going to try to fuck purge behind your back or already has. Just a warning love.
Brutality family needs to drop this whore she’s tainting their name even being a member. Not a good person at all.
Pretty spot on there. She spends her entire life at Clubs. Every month she has a new name, or a man, or a bestie, or a sister, or a brother. List goes on and on. And then in a blink, they’re gone, and she’s moving on to the next. It’s a like a 5 year old desperate for attention, and will do anything to get it. I mean, throwing her vag at Energy for instance, all the while plotting with him to get rid of Dee, feeling sorry for him cos Dee was fucking around on him. That’s the story he told her to get into her pants, so what does that tell you? Lol. You’d have to wrench that man from Dee’s cold, dead fingers before he would ever walk away from her and vice versa. That’s how dumb that woman is. They can all smell her desperation from a mile away.
I’m sure he has or will try for Lupin too. She is a DJ over at 7th house right now too. Not sure if they let her MOD yet or not but I hope Nicole doesn’t let her ever get to that point.
Nicole praises the ground Cyn walks on rofl wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wayyyyyyyy to late for that how do people fall for cyn’s bullshit so easily shall I ask her for pointers I mean shit if it gets me favors at club I’ll start doing what she does 😀
LOOL toooooo late for that she’s already gotten on Nicole’s good side by kissing ass hardcore she became a mod faster than she can spread her legs and taking all the shifts as you can clearly see from the 7th house schedule
Well, if Nicole has a man or get’s one. Cynder’s pussy will be all over that.
I want to know how she managed to fuck all these dudes when she was living with ‘can’t remember his name’ from SL. Now he sounded like a treat! Moved his kid in and all. Wasn’t surprised that crashed and burned either. And every time I sit here and read about all the people I have no clue who they are, there she pops up again. Last weeks meme had me screaming. Keep up the good work, Cyn! You’ve finally got what you always wanted. SL fame and notoriety. So sad it will only ever be about what a back stabbing, manipulative, toxic, oh so tragic douche bag of a human being you really are. But you can’t have everything can you??
The dudes obviously don’t care. They want to hit that skank pussy. She gives it up on voice and all that. I know through a couple friends she will take it rl too. So as long as she keeps that up I am sure she will continue. Until she gets cancelled out, she won’t stop.
39- another crazy ex-girlfriend who can’t move on lol Like honestly you can’t own an Ex. and from the looks of it everyone here see’s the mistake in your Logic. Might be time to move on honey and stop trying to obsess over someone you no longer have. Just saying
Happy 700th posting to all you pieces of shits!
32 if ur reading this do you want to be friends I love your energy
I too have been attempting to get on this site for years and the funny thing is I have tried nearly everything. lol
#42 and suddenly it’s the 80s again where gay men were often labeled as pedophile…?everytime you think humanity can’t get any lower some humans are like “challenge accepted” and start to sprint to the bottom eh?
Where did they call out gay people at all in that post you dumbass?
Where did they mention gay men in the post? Seems like the point flew over your head – jumping to conclusions. The post was about literal pedophiles selling preteen boy images. Nobody said anything about their sexuality.
Homosexual men, who are 1-3% of the population, commit around 1/3 of the sex crimes against children. But yea, nothing to see here, move along.
The real truth is that the vast majority of child molesters are straight men, and you can confirm that with literally any valid source. You’re a bigoted fucktard.
LOL. That is not true. you are clearly homophobic
Not at all,but sorry if the truth hurts
[Citation Needed], bigot.
You have internet. Use it for something besides SL and Hentai.
When you make the claim, it is incumbent upon you to defend it. So, I’m assuming that “statistic” was pulled directly out of your ass.
You won’t believe any source I cite. Best thing for you to do, is do your own legwork, and come to your conclusions on your own. I don’t need to defend fuck all, especially not to you .
So, no evidence to support your raw, naked bigotry then? Thanks. Moving on!
The point that very obviously flew over your head is that people like the op…so probably you…are throwing the pedophile insult at patch linden all the time just because they can’t handle openly happy gay people like him.
Maybe I’m missing some context you have, but what does that post have to do with Patch at all?
You need the slow explanations, got it.
So someone taking a pic of Patch Lindens Avatar and writing “pedos” over his face that’s what it has to do with it and the fact it fueled certain comments about him here in the comments section. And now go and touch some grass.
From the context of the post, it’s not about Patch even if that is his avatar (which I’m not entirely sure it is? It’s one of the kinda generic avatars they regularly use in promo images, it doesn’t have the same features as his usual avatar.) The person just took the header they’re currently using on twitter for valentine’s day and edited it, they would’ve done it to whatever avatar was being featured cause it’s Right There and they’re obviously too lazy to do anything beyond harass whoever the poor social media manager is and post on VS. If some other people went on a weird homophobic rant in the comments, that’s their problem and they should work on that offline.
Nowhere in the picture did it mention patch linden.
Cool story bro
Man… I low-key miss Gachas too. They’re shit and needed to be banned, but I love slot machines and SL provided me with a cheap as shit slot machine dopamine hit.
The new systems just suck. They shouldn’t have been permitted imo. Gachas were banned for good reason.
The reason they were banned is international laws (not anything in the US even) regarding buying things sight unseen. Anything else you’ve heard about machines not giving rares etc being even a factor in it is utter nonsense, and people can downvote me all you like, but that is the reason now why LL actually approves Meipon et al because you clearly see not only what you’re buying but the next several purchases as well. I know there will be those quick to try to shout me down, but if you do a little research beyond what “everyone is saying” you’ll see I’m exactly right and save yourself looking a bit foolish.
I manage these sort of regulations as part of my day to day job. No need to educate me about them. Nowhere did I say anything about rares or anything.
But it’s foolish to think Meipon will stay safe forever. They are under scrutiny right now because the reason for the regulations is, primarily, children gambling in mobile games. A system that shows you the next is a marginal improvement at best because those without self control will play for whatever pops up on the empty slot next.
I figure it’ll take a few years before they remove those too.
There are no children in SL – or shouldn’t be, under TOS.
Technically anyone 16+ is allowed to play SL, they’re just restricted to G-rated regions. However, gacha being restricted in SL isn’t about “protecting children,” it’s about the fact that it’s considered gambling, stemming from laws put in place to protect children from predatory microtransactions. Anything where the user exchanges money and has no control over the outcome they receive is considered gambling and isn’t allowed in SL, that’s why there’s “skill gaming” regions where you’re basically gambling but it’s legally distinct enough that LL won’t get in trouble for running unregulated casinos.
Good. If a creator can’t make enough money simply selling their items as they are and need to do that, we don’t need them.
If people had to actually pay creators what their items are worth, they’d whine like children.
If the demand won’t pay whatever that price is, they’re not actually worth that much then, are they? We’re talking about art here, basically- it’s worth what people will pay for it, no more.
43: Why is this a post? Why would anyone waste their time posting this. Comment that on their status rofl very weak.
#10 you know, ebody is a million times better than that ugly ass kupra mess….or that bbw thing, so, yeah,,,
#14….why oh fucking why with the unrigged hair thing again,,,UN RIGGED HAIR CLIPS INTO YOUR BODY! resizable hair doesn’t fix the glitching,wear some bom brows and the problem is gone, ffs
#17 if you miss gachas, go play those up next things, basically the same thing, yo throw money in it, it tosses you a bunch of garbage.
#18 what is she flexing?
#36 sororities have been around for a long time, i always see people with those laggy over primmed “paddles” with bling and shit…ick
#45 omg so true
#45 women too
#42 It’s obvious why they don’t do anything about it. Just check out patch linden’s flickr account. He is a pedo hiding in plain sight, all the lindens know it, they just ignore it. And the rest can’t say anything because they don’t want to loose their jobs.
I love how all you fools through out accusations without stuff to back it up. lol
This is a trash thing to claim with no proof.
What pics are you referring to because I didn’t see any pics on his flikr account that were pedo?
Why would people down vote this when anyone can literally check for themselves? You all have lost your fucking minds!
#30 Kaysha, could you be more obvious, or any more the pot calling the kettle black? If someone attacks and lies about you (as people have with Melody numerous times) it’s not “putting your nose into things.” Enjoy your new mom whore Misa, but leave Melody alone! She’s already blocked you, let shit be!
Ever thought that maybe, just maybe, the things that people say about Melody might be true? She absolutely meddles in other people’s business and stirs up drama. I’ve seen her do it with my own eyes several times.
Ok, put up or shut up, give one example of this so called meddling, if you’ve seen it yourself, should be easy.
Ever think it’s to your perception alone and that there might be more to the story than you know? Nah, has to be your drama filled explanation, can’t be people being shitty to her including yourself.
I would give examples of what I’ve seen her do. But unlike Melody, I respect that it isn’t my story to tell.
Who told you she was innocent? Melody herself? There’s a reliable source. A guilty person isn’t going to go around telling everyone they did it.
Do you even realize how ridiculous you sound? Unless you were there and 100% got full context of everything said, you think those people are gonna be honest they were being shits? Circular reasoning, ya know, it’s a thing.
You’ve got jack shit then, so shut your mouth and live happily trying to please the toxics which you’ve proven you’re part of. Won’t be wasting any more breath on you. Melody on the other hand keeps back from people such as Kaysha showed herself to be (literally eating out of the hands of others despite seeing nothing herself, sorry excuse for an existence) and yes, you as well. Go stew in drama with others. Bye bye now.
Keep on drinking that koolaid that Melody’s giving you then and have a nice life.
#37 she is a whore sending her nudes for everyone lol
Let’s be honest the people that are sending their nudes “to everyone” in SL are usually using fake ones anyways .
#46 Signed, every White Woman in SL. 😂😂😂
I don’t know a single white girl that has baby hairs like this so you’re not wrong. LOL!
14- Alpha glitching has nothing to do with the size of the hair, it’s SL’s inability to properly mix two alpha blending textures. You can see it happen all over the place, from hair to trees to windows to clothes. This isn’t an issue exclusive to SL, but it’s most noticeable here cause other games have the room to hide them or use engines that don’t have that issue. Either use BOM for your brows or use hair that’s set to alpha masking (but you’d probably hate how it looks lol)
#49 I did
#45 Women still pretending to care about literacy in men? “I’m sapiosexual asf”, then gets knocked up by a guy who puts his finger under every word when reading lmao
VS is becoming more and more incels paradise.
they are not letting 2014 tumblr GO lmao
Whenever I see someone with “sapiosexual” in their profile I roll my eyes so hard they hurt. It’s literally the biggest snowflake “flex” and it’s ridiculous. Nobody really seeks out someone who’s dumber than a box of rocks to be with unless if they wanna control them or to feed their god complex,
The way it’s used, it really means what everyone else used to call being compatible. “I can talk to you so easily and we understand each other!” That is all sapio ever really was supposed to be. I saw someone in SL claim sapio was “more evolved” than pansexual and I laughed so I didn’t vomit.
They’re all special, didn’t you get the memo?

Is this what passes for quality incel memes?
I don’t know, but it made you mad so it’s working.
#11 ~
Okay first things first, BULLY is a shit dj off top. Completely overrated. Stick to promotion and BRM, leave the DJing to the big boys. Energy runs around sticking his “stolen valor” dick in anything with a pixel twat. Even fucking a dumpster like Cynder while on a call with Dee asleep. Speaking of Dee, she is a catfishing basket case and 808 was the armpit of SL. 808 was nothing without Panda Monday. The Moretti’s are self-serving and so are the Trisks. As long as you can benefit them, then they keep you around. The minute you go against them, you are silenced and kicked out. They are all a cancer in Second Life.
It was nothing full stop. Panda Monday is far from all that. Ole DJ Air Raid doesn’t really deserve any hype. He’s a pathetic elitist snob who thinks he’s gods gift to music when, in reality, he’s floating around mediocrity with the rest of the twats who act the way he does.
Don’t forget Fat and submissive! With a serious cam fetish, who when he ends it with one of his girls, he is so victimized like Cynder he blames it all on them as to why he does what he does. He takes no responsibility for his actions. One day someone is going to post all his dirty laundry and the Trisks won’t be able to cover for his fat ass anymore and choose his business over anything else.
This site is a joke also… you know how many times people have tried exposing fuck boy DJS and those posts never get chosen to be posted? lol Another person who should be up here and believe me so many have tried but virtual secrets is protecting certain people is Vibe… people are so scared to speak up against the fact he’s a fuckboy who has fucked over so many girls… who plays with girls and only uses them and their scared to say it publicly because he makes them think he has godly powers and is untouchable that if he was ever exposed publicly they would be the ones bullied instead. So many people have tried exposing that asshole. and he has so many people fooled with his good fake persona, but you think virtual secrets has ever taken the time to pick any of the posts I personally know people have tried uploading about him nope.
Then there’s the Soul family… who at one point was sharing each other’s ex-girlfriends. Incest family. Dark dating his two sisters (lexi & forgot her name) then 8B1T dated his father’s ex (the girls name I forgot not long after) to now dating his own daughter Bubbles … hot mess incest sharing each other’s cum family.
The list just goes on and on. However, you don’t see these types of things being chosen ever to be up here. Why?
Don’t forget Midnite Soul. Oh and Crypto Basz and his seducing and lying to Skye and manipulating/brainwashing someone half his age into he is the only one who is right. Poor girl when that comes crashing down someone better be there to catch her.
He still in his ex’s boxes telling them they the one for him.
Don’t forget about Midnight. She is a piece of something all right herself.
Oh, and Crypto Basz poor young Skye being so young and manipulated by that old tool into thinking the way she does now and that he really loves her and that everyone is out to get him and all that bullshit he feeds her. Still in his ex’s boxes professing his love and they are really the one for him to this day and she is unwilling to accept it. Dude is twice her age.
lol funny how you got to post about this? when this has nothing to do with 808 trying to give them more clout than they even deserve. dropping names like these ppl are relevant when half don’t even know ..smh
if you don’t like it don’t read it? virtual secrets have been protecting these people far too long you know how many times I’ve known people personally tried to expose vibe on here but that post never gets picked? even with all the guidelines followed lol move along Hunny if you can’t handle the convos
hmmm? you do sound a bit stalkerish don’t you think? they talking about one topic but here you adding something that doesn’t even go with the thread .you just trying to give some people clout as I said. so they can notice on 808 posts. you say they don’t post about these people maybe she noticing how you just want to do a free advertisement or your stalkerish ways lol I think it’s both. lol
you must be very stupid, aren’t you? Has any of these posts been praising any of these people? I mean you clearly need to learn to how to read because not one positive thing has been said to bring “clout” to these people or attention. IF people are giving them more attention and dick riding them more then it means they support ALL the bad shit they do and are just as worse if not more horrible. Do you even know the definition of actually bringing someone clout? By saying good things not bad things or exposing what they do. Go back to school dude. Yes, omg I’m such a stalker how you knew?! Maybe I’ll go to their sets and stalk them and shout out all these things in local instead but wait I’d get ejected 😶
wow, you really told me huh ? by the way you really sound obsessed with these people. good luck with the great fight trying to upload something you cant figure out lol…good luck
That’s because this site refuses to post the posts that have been made about these people. I for one know people who have tried exposing vibe a few times and his posts never get selected why? So if they won’t post it then we will comment about it deal with it. Vibe is a bully this is who people support? A woman abuser who only lies to females just like Cryptto does, mentally abuses girls & plays victim. Even a few weeks ago was at anarchy making fun of Angelina on mic with lupin and Adrie. They are the type of people who bring a crowd to sets? Lol SL is pathetic
who cares what the post is about? If secrets is protecting certain people we will use the comments to expose
#10 Any body I buy, I would want to use deformers on, and besides that, Reborn is all in one piece so the whole entire body only takes one attachment slot, Legacy and other bodies require like 4-5 slots just for the whole body.
Reborn is new and the creators of it actually listen to people and want to improve upon it, unlike other body creators.
I personally love it and find it very versatile. If you don’t know how to shape a body properly just say that.
SLink bodies are one attachment point ever since BOM hit the grid. Siddean Munro has improved them since that point also. And if you need deformers to look right to you, you can’t shape a body for shit.
I used Reborn for a while when it first came out but I had to switch back to Legacy. I noticed how it looks like it’s hunched over constantly from the side. It’s a shame too because it’s a beautiful body aside from that. :\
You should try a different AO or source for animations because I haven’t noticed that, and I definitely would. That can make a lot of difference.
legacy is 3 attachments…
Personally think trash, just yet another giant ass big tits Avi that doesn’t shrink down properly. not everyone wants to look like an unbalanced hippo
Literally the entire point of eBody Reborn was for curvy bodies. Skinny hoes have Legacy and Maitreya, cry some more.
Meh, reborn is just trying to be all bodies in one and failed at it. If it’s so perfect, why the need for a 10000 deformers. Tell them to go fix those ET phone home fingers. lawl
There are a total of 2 different options for body deformers included. One of those is just for bent knees and literally all bodies need that because they all look flat in extreme poses, and there 2 are variations on the same thing- moving the ass down from the middle of the back, which I admit was a weird fucking choice. I suppose if you’re really short, and really fat, that’s where you’d want it? It’s nice to have options.
Anyway, they offer 2 ways of doing those things, the standard way and by animation, so 2 sets of the exact same deformers are included. They recently added a tail deformer to help tail creators and it doesn’t have shit to do with the body itself- just a nice bonus for furries, I guess. You’re exaggerating and you have no clue what you’re talking about.
All other deformers being sold third party are for all bodies, that stuff has been around for a long time- bitches everywhere have been wearing the “MT Booty Enhancer” to try and compensate for inferior meshes(or their bad shapes, but that’s a whole other thing) for years. I personally think both Lara and Slink HG are unwearable without shoulder deformers to take care of those fucked up gaps under the arms. There’s nothing wrong with using deformers- it shows you’re able to notice a shortcoming, and try to correct it.
Finally, the finger issues you’re seeing are people using old/shitty animations- SL is full of them. Reborn is easily the second best looking body in the right hands. Obviously those aren’t yours.
Which animation stores would you recommend?
I would read that wall-o-text but I don’t give a shit enough to care what a cow like you has to say. I know you froth at the mouth whenever it nears Sunday because it gives you something to look forward to in your drab, uneventful life; you responding to every single comment on here as if your opinions actually mean something lawl Go touch grass lawl
Aww, it’s got plenty to say until someone points out how fucking stupid it is 😂 how typical
There’s not even that many deformers out for it, but if you look at Legacy and any other thin body, they have pages.
My Maitreya takes one attachment point.
maitreya is ugly af
Belleza bodies are also all one piece, and even Kupra updated to offer all in one a while ago. Really only Legacy is still doing that of major bodies, and while I don’t see any advantage whatsoever in the hands being separate, the fact that Legacy has deformer feet that allow you to wear Slink/Maitreya shoes makes their separate feet fairly worth it.
That being said, #10 is a stupid fucking post regardless. It’s not a better shaped mesh than Legacy and it does have some weird parts- imagine being so wrong about the legs but not mentioning how the ass is in the middle of the back, by default? But the included, no extra charge deformers can fix that at least, and it looks better than most other bodies besides Legacy.
lower complexity if wish to use different hands and feet is only advantage to it
#26 Unsure how someone can Copybot a SHAPE… uh its just sliderrrs?
I can make my avatar Look like any image of any person, with time, and creativity!
Which is why I don’t understand how someone can… Buy a shape…
if You wanna look like something you see, (without the style card…) then look at it, and slide until it looks simular???
Half the time the Shapes on MP, with Style cards, they are slightly different, or something isn’t noted, or the damn crap is EDITED.
Just sayin ~ I don’t think Anyone can “Copy Bot” a Shape.
its all just a mix of Numbers.
actually there is a way to get shapes off a demo…..lol
People really, really do not know how to use those sliders. I make my own shapes, but years and years in SL and I’m still figuring out the quirks of some of those sliders.
There are also, of course, the people who think that arms stop at your waist, that the tiniest hands are the most beautiful, or that shoulders should be mostly eliminated wherever possible.
Not all of us are equally good at all things. I’ve learned to make my own shapes over the years but it was a long road! Some people might find it a more intuitive or more enjoyable process than others. Some people look at all the sliders and are just daunted. We all know that SL has a steep learning curve for new users—and sometimes for existing users stepping out of their comfort zones—and that some people are really good at building, while others are really good at textures, while others are really good at meshing. If some people are good at shapes, why… can’t that just be a thing that they’ve focused on and that we can appreciate?
We don’t all have to be able to do all things. Just like in RL, where we all have our specialties.
It’s true they can’t be “copybotted” because that only applies to objects, but it’s one of those terms people who aren’t tech savvy commonly misuse. Slider values can be exported, so any viewer that can steal things can steal those too. I don’t think those avis look identical though, and that shape is generic as fuck anyway like other people have said, so pretty sure the poster is just salty and overestimating herself.
yes actually they can. anything that can be downloaded and reuploaded is copybot. Shapes can be downloaded, textures, etc not just “objects”
No, it’s not; not all kinds of theft are called “copybotting”. A simple Google search would have confirmed that for you before you made a dumbass out of yourself, throwing in “ACKSHUALLY” when you don’t know shit.
Welp is right. They CAN be. Just find a copybot website and you’ll find them. They are called “wearables”.
ITT: people who think a woman’s whole crotch is called a “vagina” and that leaving yourself logged in for someone else to access your account is being “hacked”. 😂
copybotting shapes was one the first things ever copybotted so yes possible and quite easy in fact. As for why? people buy shapes, not everyone even has that time or patience or just maybe simply doesn’t want to, finds whole look in love with easier to follow NC. Alot reasons. Mind your business. You are probably ugly as fuck anyways thinking a queen
XD “mind your buisness” sweetie, it’s on VS. Its everyone’s buisness. Lol
And for you to assume I’m “ugly” shows how idiotic you are. Lol
Copybotting a shape is stupid as hell, first off why take all that time and energy to download something, figure out how to use that something. When you can take that same amount of time to slide…
As the comment above stated, that shape is hilariously genaric! And both of them dont even look slightly the same. And it’s not even for the reason they wearing different things.
Which is why it’s so dumb to think someone copybotted a shape, when again, sliders..
Lol, hilarious comment.
Interesting reaction
#46, Try Enfer Sombre MESSY
Oh, honey, it’s very easy to tell which VS posts are made by ‘Libs’ and which are by the Cultists. The posts by Libs may well be bitchy, but at least they are spelled and punctuated correctly.
#8 – I’m down with it. Bring on the tacky flames.
#41 – Anyone who actually gets upset at that and feels the need to throw insults might wanna put the keyboard down and chill for a bit. Good way to weed out the crazies though.
#49 – I swear the guy in that lower right panel is Bruno.
But nobody talks about Bruno.
#41 nobody is upset you put your “pronouns” in your profile because nobody cares that you are probably a blue haired obese woman who hates her life and the fact she can’t get a man. And I believe it would be YOU shitting yourself if someone called you the wrong one … cause jokes on you it’s a free country and nobody cares that you are mentally ill wearing peoples genders to make yourself feel validated. What a pathetic sad existence. PS, just because you live some sick liberal fantasy doesn’t mean I have to respect your pronouns your welcome! Much love from your friendly neighborhood Patriot.
Hey here’s a fun fact for you, did you know that YOU have pronouns? It’s true! If you’re a man who is called by “he/him/his” when referring to you in the third person, that’s your pronouns! Same goes for a woman who’s called “she/her/hers!” You can also… Put pronouns in your bio if you’re not trans, just as easy reference for other people or to show support of trans people who are also doing it. I’m sure you’d be real mad if I called you something like xe/xem/xyr, but how am I suppose to know you DON’T use those pronouns if you don’t tell me? 😉
also the made up pronouns are stupid and immature, and just a way for complete brainless idiots to feel speshul
who gives a flying shit? thing is people shouldnt have to explain their “pronouns” because it should be obvious, like it has always been
Anyone who uses the epithet SJW in earnest does not have opinions worth considering. Bless.
Your opinions isn’t worth considering because you have to be a dick. Sit down child.
Lol trump lost
So how is your country working for you? Please, please tell me the amazing things our current sitting president is doing? I would love to hear your vast political knowledge on the current, dire situation.
Come on. man! You dog faced Pony soldier!
Thank God!
What I take from #41 is someone looking for the attention, that their parents did not give them. There are so many other problems in this world at this current moment, who really gives two flying fucks what the fuck you want to be called. I call all people assholes. Cause I refuse to carry around a flow-chart manual of pronouns for every person I meet. I don’t get the people who actually have time to remember all this shit. Trust me, the person who wrote this wants us to respect their pronouns, but more than likely they are ignorant on current events in the world or how it affects them. Now that right there, should make them shit their pants. None of them realize the concept that they might have to forage for water at 80yrs old. Cause that actually might happen. They are too busy with other important things.
If you don’t want to carry a flow-chart to remember everyone’s pronouns wouldn’t their pronouns being in their bio be helpful? Seems like they solved that problem for you
It’s not a problem for me and it’s never going to be a problem for me. My problems in life revolve around being an adult with adult responsibilities. The person who wrote that secret has none of those issues. If YOU want to be a person that has to open up a profile every time you meet someone, do that. I don’t. I go off of personality. How do you think I come to the conclusion that everyone, including myself is an asshole. Can’t hide that bullshit under a pronoun.
A bitter, closed-minded adult who hates when she’s reminded anything exists beyond her cloistered existence, you mean. And you’re proud of that. Sad.
bro ur so badass can i suck your dick xoxo
You cared enough to type this tho lmao
“It’s a free country” says the moron from the party that smears shit in the Capitol and wants to ban books. You people, if only you understood the meaning of irony.
#1 She is a walking train wreck and her racist homophobic husband who keeps unbanning and giving repeat age players second and third chances in the community. If you are black or Hispanic though permaban is what you get ROFL. The gossip I hear about that place keeps getting worst. I hope David starts another community so Cedar will just disappear into the shadows like Woodland.
#39 Who is having sex with this walking dead character and how do you steal an ex?
I moved back to Cedar Creek with my family in the fall and we loved it but now suddenly there is nothing to do there anymore. What is going on?
My s/o really sold CC to me and so we got a decent place. It was fun at first but I have to agree. There’s nothing really going on anymore. Not to mention there’s a lot of people with terrible RP etiquette, skipping over people if they’re “taking too long” to type or they’re just too eager for attention, I’m not sure, but it makes me feel bad for those who are trying. Some people also can’t wrap their minds around the difference between IC and OOC, and they’re quick to get pissy.. I don’t know what’s going on either, but I hope it does get fixed.. And a bit of a facelift would be nice too,
Also… the infamous one and only furry that used to work with kids that has a straight up dick pic in his Twitter that’s linked right on his SL profile. Something just doesn’t sit right with me about that person.
He doesn’t work at the school anymore. He’s with the fire department. He hasn’t “done” anything . It’s just a link to RL which they say doesn’t break the rules is why he’s still there. But yeah definitely inappropriate on a family sim.
That guy who did events quit recently. Lucy probably ran him off like she did with Ari. Lucy likes to do that with people who are good at their jobs
Me and my family love Art. He was wonderful. What a shame. Lucy doesn’t sound like a nice person in the least bit
Ari wasn’t good at her job she just threw a bunch of money out there to make the kids like her. She was secretly manipulating the staff and bribing people for info to be able to control her then. The only thing she was good at was being a con artist.
For someone who is running around calling everyone liars and asking for proof, you sure are spewing a lot of BS. Ari didn’t throw a lot of money at the school. She was a great roleplayer and OOCly, she would ask students for input to improve the school together. She worked hard to bring great teachers to the school which Lucy also sabotaged with her BS voice ban because she didn’t like that two of the favorite teachers were furries. Those two teachers also helped bring fun clubs to the school and events. Lucy RUINS every department she touches.
Hmmm what two teachers were furries?
Below you told someone else you’ve been in Cedar for over two years. I guess that is a lie or you’d know that for yourself.
I only know of one that was a teacher and he didn’t belong around kids. I’m wondering who the other one was.
I submitted the OP and I agree. My sister wouldn’t lie…..Lucy shouldn’t be a flake
She tried to be principal for a few months. It was a complete fail. All the teachers quit except for two. Most of the students moved to Woodland or Fox Hollow. A lot of the teens went to crack den or aged up to 18+. If you could see the previous school schedules before Lucy screwed things up, there was tons of classes. There was a teen center with lots of events for youth rpers and Lucy became so controlling and rude towards the lady that she quit.
Ye, I ended up going to Foxwood Academy.
There are a lot of new people there. You can always contact the events team with suggestions.
Lucy shut up
Funny how everyone is Lucy when they try to defend her. I thought we couldn’t change user names on VS….. dumb ass!
The people running the community and department heads aren’t as creative as the previous so there are continuous dry periods. Did they do any big weather events there for winter yet?
The gossip you hear is just that gossip. They don’t let ageplayers back. Quit lying!
You must be new.
New to ? Been in CC two+years fool. Or you talking about VS? Not new to VS either.
Lucy is a crap person with all her jealous bullying and manipulating and she’s boring and lazy
Sounds like you’re the one who’s jealous.
Phobia/Phobic is a term for people who are “Immensely scared of something” its not a personal word for the fantasy world to take and use for their sick mentally ill mindset. Since you are clearly one of those pathetic people looking for validation let me help explain to you mindless sheep what Phobia is … (Arachnophobia: noun extreme or irrational fear of spiders) YW! Sorry you people are too stupid to figure that out =/
I am going to just pretend you aren’t this dumb.
Hey just so you know there’s more definitions ‘phobic’ in case you haven’t checked a dictionary since the advent of the industrial era. Another definition is ‘irrational aversion’. Another definition is related to chemicals. These can also change based on what dictionary you’re using and there’s a lot of variety, because the dictionary develops from a society, not the other way around. Just wanted to let you know because if you’re going to embarrass yourself online you might as well do it correctly, eh.
22 Please mayor we need you :C
10 I just want the stomach and butt slider to not be attached :< The body really does have potential, I was looking forward to it for awhile when first announced, but can’t get myself to swap over because if I want to make an avi with any sort of tummy their butt shoots out too. Kind of kills customization.
Oh I actually know why that is, it’s a weird artifact with SL’s slider system. The belly slider is tied to the pelvis bone alongside the actual belly bone, for some reason, and the same is true with the butt slider. It sucks, it makes rigging so much harder cause you can’t use weighting from the pelvis on the belly or the butt if you want to avoid that issue.
It also makes the whole pelvis scale, so if you use male avs and the crotch gets bigger when you make the butt bigger, that’s why. But also you can’t entirely get rid of pelvis weighting, because there are some sliders that are entirely dependent on it, like the saddle bags, hip length, and hip width.
Yeah, it has nothing to do with any particular body. They all do it, the degree just depends on the range of customization offered.
There are butt deformers included with the body…
you can just make the butt slider smaller then lol
#12 I do not think LL would take very kindly to people using a currency other than Lindens.
#20 Maybe what they see as ugly you think of as beautiful.
#27 If creators think that the other bodies will be profitable for the time and effort they would have to put in for bodies other than Legacy M they would. They don’t have unlimited time on their hands and do not work for free. So either get with the program or get left out but it looks like you have chosen to get left out.
#31 Somehow I think the metaverse is going to crash and burn.
#32 I’ve always wondered how may people or vendors use this site for self promotion. There is no such thing as bad press.
#34 So don’t use Ruckus beds…. Problem solved.
#42 Well duh… Of course they are going to block/ban you. You are promoting that area with your post which is just as bad as owning it. Follow the steps of writing an abuse report and let governance do their job. You get 10 out 10 points for being stupid.
About 27, them not making it for other bodies only leaves the creator out of making money. I use a hud to see what stuff people wear all over sl, and legacy isn’t the most popular to come up. The part that bothers me is how the legacy creators tmp ripped off so many people years ago and this is okay with others. That reputation should always be considered. The creator again laughed about it back in August 2021.
oh ffs stop with the “but tmp ripped off people” SAVE IT! the new meshbody team is a new team, only one person from the original tmp is in meshbody brand, so it isn’t even the same….things happen, sometimes people have to leave SL, sometimes people die…etc, they also give out a free body that fits most tmp clothes, for those who refuse to update so there is that
I’ve hear that the rigging on Legacy is fairly easy due to the mesh body being pretty similar to the one of the default sl avatar.
If that is the case, It would explain why the pic says that.
The thing is LL doesn’t do their job. There are many places like this that aren’t getting shut down. I wouldn’t say OP is promoting, they are raising awareness – Silence is violence!
Whatever the motives of that person are by giving a direct link to CSAM you are providing a way for people to find that material. That’s not awareness. it’s a map and advertising for people who want that.
You may not agree with what governance does or doesn’t do but they do a very good job at it.
If they were doing a good job they would’ve banned places like Golden Sun already – the notorious beach full of peds and ageplayers.
I think you’re missing the point about awareness – do you NOT want people to expose the obvious ageplay problem in SL? Should we just sweep it under the rug and keep quiet about it? At least more people can report them now – and that is a good thing.
Again, people can’t report things in SL based on VS posts. They have to witness it themselves in SL. When people say shit like this, I know they’ve never actually seen the SL report form and are trying to get other people to do it when they won’t themselves.
Probably because they do not want their own avatar looked into.
Not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is you don’t provide a map to material like that. Doing that is just as illegal as the person who is hosting that. Declaring yourself as a CSAM vigilante does not give you a pass for doing that.
So basically you’re saying keep quiet about the problem and act like ageplay and pedos don’t exist on SL. Just like the lindens do. Keeping this issue silent and refusing to do anything about it – seems like you’re just enabling this behavior and agreeing with it. I’m honestly surprised at the amount of pedo enablers in the comments right now.
They sent a DM, it isn’t like they promoted it on their page for everyone to see. And no, LL is really not doing a good job about it, they actually pretend this issue doesn’t exist.
And you know this how? Are you privy to their legal meetings or what they actually do with abuse reports? The answer to that is no. You don’t know. LL does not make that public and does so for a very good reason. As I said before you may not agree with the choices they make but I am speculating with a high degree of confidence that they are very aware of the controversial areas of Second Life and have discussed those areas with their legal team.
Amazed at how many pedo defenders are in the comments. How can you just silence this issue and not bring awareness about the many pedophiles in SL? Sounds to me like you’re saying “yeah we know about pedophiles in sl, lets just be quiet about it!” you are an enabler.
What you do is report it properly to the correct authorities. Here in Second Life you can report it through an abuse report to LL. You can also report it to the National Center For Missing And Exploited Children. They will take it from there. They are the correct authorities. They are the experts and they will not fill you in on what they are doing. I think a lot of you have a fantasy about being the inside man on a hunt to prove the biggest conspiracy ever on the internet. Bitching about it on the SL equivalent of the Jerry Springer show will do nothing except to show your immaturity and lack of credibility.
They are very aware yet REFUSE to do anything about it. Enabling these ageplayers and pedophiles. The only thing we can do is expose these sickos and mass report them to get them banned.
It’s always “pedo this pedo that”. You’re all like a broken record at this point
#27: Lazy fucks? Creators are going to create for what bodies have the largest fraction of users. That just happens to be Legacy M and Belleza Jake for the men’s. It’s not lazy if creators don’t want to create for older, less popular bodies like Niramyth Aesthetic, Signature Gianni, TMP, etc. or failed bodies that 12 people wear such as Inithium Kario. The time put into their rigs outweighs the sales received from them. Unhappy? How about you become a creator for those bodies (then you might understand why there are limited creations) or change to a body people actually support instead of crying about it.
#46. Or you could just scroll past those hairbases you like and leave it for someone else to buy¬ anyone know the hairbase creator in the image?
Wanting more variety is not a crime. Being accused of “appropriation” is annoying, especially when you’re wearing/using something because you think it’s cute, it appeals to you, or you appreciate it. So… if people want something other than “snatched” baby hairs gelled down to their foreheads, it’s okay to say so. “Don’t wear that because it’s appropriating something, but we’re going to say it’s an issue for asking for something that is more universal and can’t be considered ‘offensive’ in some way.” Make it make sense.
You didn’t read the first message, no one is being accused in that comment theyre just saying scroll if you don’t want that hairbase.
Imagine coming on virtual secrets to make a post about a hairbase 😂 ?
Make it make sense hunny you didn’t even read the comment take your own suggestion.
Pretty sure that’s one that is included with the Lelutka head.
I’ll look at the lelutka folder of hairbases but it looks so noice so didnt expect it xD
#34 I must say my absolute favorite thing to do is , when I am able to use my cock that is the size of a forearm and just make it go through the back of the woman’s head while she is preforming oral on me while using this bed.
Now I will say this honey, you might want to not be like a revolving door amongst all the Fuckbois who own this bed and broaden your horizons.
Don’t take being a little dirty slut out on the bed sweetie pie…It’s YOU!
slut shaming is so 2008. Move on grandpa. The bed and the sofa are ugly af though. However, they’re moddable, if you like the poses and hate the look they can always move the engine over to a bed they do like then adjust the poses to line up. Most don’t people in SL don’t know how to do basic editing though so they never will.
#26 Lol sorry but you scan ppl as well on their clothes to copy them how they look, and who cares if she have the same shape? with an other skin it looks different.
What Sam is this about?
This wrestling drama is boring! Where is the butt naked oil wrestling federation located?
Over in the erotic adult places where other sexual predator like creepers hang out
LOL! The hell are you talking about? Sexual predators love to hang in places where you expect there to be no adult activities based off these secrets every week.
I am beginning to sound like a broken record at this point, but if you have evidence of child predators, child abuse, pedophilia, etc, REPORT IT TO THE AUTHORITIES.
Jesus christ.
Agreed. It’s ridiculous how often it’s always “this person is a pedo” or “that person is a pedo”. Same shit different targets. Eventually no one takes it seriously and after all, who should? If there is genuine pedophilia going on you report it to authorities not to a gossip site.
You act as if people don’t do these things and when they do they are acted on by the authorities every time. It’s very rare that anything comes to light in those situations. But letting people see it first hand for themselves so they know it exists is still a good step. Also showing that big companies seem more happy to brush things under the rug instead of trying to fix the problem is also something to be looked at…
They don’t that’s why they keep posting here.
What makes you think they haven’t already? Obviously they are going to let everyone know.
Because they keep posting here. Duh!
What is wrong with spreading awareness about it? This is the first time I’ve seen a post like this where SL has literally blocked someone for calling out the very obvious ageplay problem in SL.
Awareness? Most of us are aware of the allegations, we’re just sick of hearing about them. Every other fucking week it’s another “this guy is a pedo” post. Just stop already
38. Who wants to be a blogger for this creator anyways?
Breaking ToS every time you make a tattoo is not something anyone should support – or did everyone just forget that time there was still a watermark on one of the pasted pieces?
Hope SL cracks down on stores that think it’s ok to make money from other people’s hard work
Your friend is trash and so is that weird bitch in the fire department that has Flickr photos of herself getting banged by dogs.
Prove it!
Is that what you are into?
Yup I am into knowing the truth. What about you? You’re the one who posted the lie so proooooove it!
Lying doesn’t benefit me. I see you are a die hard Cedar fan though! Such passion.
Sure Lucy
#26. You do realize the that look is EVERYWHERE? Just hit any ddbg sim and you’ll be falling over them.
You don’t even need to hit those sims. You see them just everywhere. It’s the new “I have no style of my own” look.
Another weak ass week of posts about people no one cares about.
Doux looks like keeps making hair smaller and smaller with newer releases. Before i was able to normally wear S size, didn’t changed shape or something.
#11 Come on now…Stop riding Dee’s old catfish dick. She is probably worse than Energy any day of the week. But let’s be honest they are both trash.
Yet the condone good ol fat Panda Dusty and his Secret Babygirl Tara while RL with Starr. Tara who is far more Dom than Dusty could ever dream to be TBH. Dusty’s secret Cam fettish he wants to watch girls get off and wank off to it and if his ex’s want to come forward and confirm it and not do it in private I wish they so would expose his #fakedaddy ass. You know he used to be a real sub before his want to be daddy ass Dom bullshit. Bully and the Trisks’ did Starr wrong when they split. It’s not a real family. It’s just a business. Oh, Where is Toxic Trisk? Yeah, she left your family too! Oh, and Little who never comes around really. There is a reason and it is not because she is in another country.
LOL I’ve no clue what you are on about cause I can’t care who the fuck Tara is and Starr knows exactly who he is and chooses to be in that situation. But I wholeheartedly agree that Ole Air Raid is a twat of epic proportions.
Well, Tara was the secret babygirl Air Raid was cheating on Starr with when they were a RL couple in SL. Tara is his now SL girl, his #1 or whatever. She is just the real Dominant in the relationship though. That’s all.
#41. No one gives a fuck about your pro nouns. Quit trying to start a fight about it. Is that the reason you put it on your profile? Just to try get a reaction from others so you can debate your rights? Get a fucking life.
Well you certainly did answer their question. 😂
You literally took the bait fam lol
For someone who doesn’t give a fuck you seem to be gifting out several 😭
“get a fucking life” we play second life my friend i dont think any of us have one of those
(this reply is but a jest. im sure some of you have wonderful lives. not this person though)
is that a yes then
39. How do you steal someone’s “ex?” If they are someone’s ex, they aren’t with them and can’t be taken from them.
You make them your ex. Duh 😂
#1 Your “friend” is lying to you. You need new friends.
Lucy is lazy and jealous and manipulative. OP’s friend is probably telling the truth
For the record, you replied to yourself. So figure out how that works first….then try to talk to me.